0:11 Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht (Chor) 5:46 Mein Gott (Rezitativ) 6:57 Wie zittern (Arie) 12:44 Wohl aber dem (Rezitativ) 14:28 Kann ich nur (Arie) 20:42 Nun, ich weiss (Choral)
Wunderschön, kann man sich nicht besser wünschen! Besonders die Tenor-Arie habe ich noch nie so großartig gehört. D. Johannsen ist in Sachen Bachinterpretation aktuell einer der besten Tenöre der Welt, so meine ich.
Wunderschöne und tiefempfundene Aufführung dieser perfekt komponierten Kantate mit gut harmonisierten Stimmen des ausgezeichneten Chors und herrlichen Stimmen vierer genialen Solisten sowie gut vereinigten und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen aller historischen Instrumente. Der gelehrte und unvergleichliche Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Ensemble im gut phrasierten Tempo und mit möglichst effektiver Dynamik. Wahrlich wunderbar!
Великолепная - драматичная и динамичная, внутренне очень сильная музыка. А полифонические построения Баха настолько впечатляют, что забываешь обо всём и перестаёшь себя чувствовать. Очень красиво. И очень нравится исполнение, в нем тоже много энергии и красоты. Спасибо!
Daniel Johanssen's witty and engaging account of his aria reminds me exactly of Zaccheus coming down from his tree to make friends with Jesus, then promising to share his money and to cancel his debtors. Jesus wins - Mammon loses. A perfect example of Bach illustrating the Word in the most delightful way imaginable.
Di fronte a una musica così grande e ineguagliabile non si può fare altro che piangere di commozione, di stupore e di gioia. È come trovarsi di fronte alla Maestà, alla Bellezza, Potenza e Dolcezza dell'Assoluto che si rivela per donarsi a tutti noi... Grazie, Grazie, Grazie a tutti voi interpreti speciali di tanta Grazia...
My favorite Bach cantata. This performance is the finest of all the many that exist. Difficult is discerning when to use one singer per voice and a chorus. The choices made here are perfect. I would have thought the beginning was better performed by a chorus to emphasize the fugue, but think the use of the soloists absolutely spectacular.
La cantata e' favolosa, una delle migliori composizioni di JSBach Pero' la partitura prevede il corno per l'aria del tenore e non dovrebbe esserci il fagotto Conosci altre esecuzioni con queste modifiche?
Whoa. Robert van Ryne was playing for our Remembrance Day service in November (when I was in the choir) and now here he is as part of one of the world's greatest Bach ensembles... I *thought* the trumpeter looked familiar!
Excellent performance. Thank you! The tenor aria at 14:28 has been a favourite of mine for some time. It is very valuable to count on such high-quality video performances.
A glorious cantata, and a performance to match. Thanks. The trumpeter deserves praise, as does the bassoonist. Mr Johanssen's singing of the aria 'Kann ich nur ...' is a revelation, the best I have heard - it can often be very plodding. His version is staccato, virtuosic (almost operatic), and done with fine embellishments of the da capo. The team work is outstanding as well.
Bravissimi to all of you!!! my favourite aria is in 6:56 - the wonderful 'duet' between the oboe and the soprano, however - the whole Cantata sounded at its best. Thanks a lot.
absolutely fantastic as usual !!! Sublime! With tromba da tirarsi makes it something very unique and dark... it changes completely the mood of this cantata compared with other interpretations.
1. 00:11 Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht (Chor) 2. 05: 46 Mein Gott (Rezitativ) 3. 06:57 Wie zittern (Arie) 4. 12:44 Wohl aber dem (Rezitativ) 5. 14:28 Kann ich nur (Arie) 6. 20:42 Nun, ich weiss (Chorus)
Wunderbar, Daniel Johanssens Tenorarie! Bach, der angeblich zeitlebens finanzielle Probleme hatte, hätte an seiner überzeugend hintergründigen Darbietung sicher großes Vergnügen gehabt (ähnlich wie der herrliche Matthew Brook im Hintergrund. Super Video! Vielen Dank!
@@hans-jorgrechtsteiner1070 & @Bernhard Schumacher: Sehr richtig; Bach hat gerade in Zeiten als er und seine zweite Frau ein doppeltes Einkommen hatten, sogar ausnehmend gut verdient und war immer unter den Spitzenverdienern seiner Zunft, egal in welchem Beruf. (Organist, Orgelpruefer, Allerdings ist auch wahr, dass er in Leipzig eine Einkommenseinbusze hinnahm, die er, entegegen seiner Erwartungen (und wohl auch entgegen ihm gemachter Hoffnungen) nicht gaenzlich mit erwarteten Nebenverdiensten ausgleichen konnte. Was ein Jammer in dieser wie jeglicher anderer Hinsicht, dass das Opernhaus in Leizpig kurz vor seiner Ankunft geschlossen wurde (und als Gefaengniss umfunktioniert wurde.)
@@hans-jorgrechtsteiner1070 Sehr geehrter Herr Rechtsteiner, in Köthen war A.M. Bach als Saenger angestellt, mit absolutem Spitzengehalt. (Wenn ich jetzt nicht irgendwas ganz durcheinander bringe. Sonst muss ich im Wolff nachschauen.) In Leipzig, zugegebenermaszen nicht; davon sollte abaer auch keine Rede sein. Ja, Bach suchte wohl nach einer anderen Anstellung um sich nicht mit Leipziger Kleingeistern herumplagen zu muessen. Die haette aber schon deutlich besser sein muessen, als alles Gewesene (i.e. Hofkapellmeister zu Dresden, nicht nur dem Namen nach), denn die Leipziger Stelle war trotz allem doch sehr prestigetraechtig. "Immerhin bot ihm das Thomaskantorat die Möglichkeit, sich durch Mitarbeiter vertreten zu lassen und genügend Zeit übrig zu haben" -- gerade an extra Zeit mangelte es ihm bisweilen; auch wenn er sich das in den spaeteren Jahren wohl besser einrichten konnte. Und ja, Gottseidank konnte er sich vom Lateinunterricht befreien lassen! "Und Bach wusste ganz genau: Oper ist nicht mein Ding. An Händel wäre er nicht herangekommen, und vor allem hätten seine Opern beim Publikum keinen Erfolgt gehabt." Das ist jetzt aber wilde Spekulation von Ihnen, oder? :-) Wenn wir die Johannes Passion anschauen, meiner Meinung nach das einer Oper am naehest kommende Stueck Bach's, waere das vielleicht durchaus sein Ding gewesen. (Fast) Egal. Er hat uns genug hinterlassen an dem ewige Freude zu finden ist.
@@hans-jorgrechtsteiner1070 Die Kritik die Bach einstecken musste war damals aber keineswegs eine allgemeine Haltung oder gar Mehrheitsfaehig. Sein Genius war anerkannt, wenn auch freilich nicht in dem Masze wie es heute allen "klar ist". Es sprangen genuegend Verteidiger zu seiner Seite, als die Angriffe von Mattheson (oder war es Scheibe? Oder beiden) kamen. "Selbstverständlich gibt es, was die Musiksprache angeht, keinen grundsätzlichen Unterschied zwischen weltlich und geistlich." Das ist eine interessante Frage die, gerade bei Bach, nicht so einfach zu beantworten ist. Es gibt darueber ein ganz tolles, kleines aber unglaublich Einsichten vermittelndes Buch: "Bach: The Conflict Between the Sacred and the Secular" von Leo Schrade. (DaCapo Press, NY, 1973) Der sehr nachvollziehbar bei Bach einen sehr wohl wesentlichen Unterschied ausmacht, diesbezieglich... sich aber dabei nicht auf aeusserliche Zwecke der Komposition festlegt. Sehr empfehlenswert, und wenn nur als Anstoss zu neuen Fragen.
Imagine: For his first two years in Leipzig, Bach wrote a new cantata for every Sunday - one masterwork after the other! A musician once said to me: "Not all musicians believe in God, but they all believe in J.S.Bach!"
This is incredible music. It’s too bad it will remain hidden and unknown from 99% of the General public. As the rock musician Frank Zepeda said “most people wouldn’t know music if it bit them on the ass.” This IS music!
he escoltat unes 150 cantates de bach, i aquesta va ser una de les primeres. bé, de les primeres s'ha quedat. Sempre que l'escolto em sorpren la seva frescor, cada sequència es especial, es com si el gran mestre volia dir moltes coses i no podia esperar a fer la pròxima. Sempre penso que les hem de sentir totes, cada una es un tresor.
I would like to make a suggestion for all of bach, relating to what was said about subtitles. Since you already provide the text on your website, why not paste it in the video description? That way it's accessible to the viewers of the video (for example, on mobile you have no way of reading it together with the video otherwise). I think it would barely be any extra effort with a great result. It's less work than making subtitles and gets the job done. Please consider it!
Some videos on YT have the possibility that the viewers can create subtitles. Maybe they can activate that feature here as well? So they have zero work with it and i think trolls are relatively uncommon in this realm of you tube.
Meravigliosa questa esecuzione della cantata 105 da parte della Nethelands Bach Society. Incredibili le voci della soprano e del tenore. Bella ed espressiva anche la voce del controtenore come solista, molto debole invece nei concertati. Come si chiama la soprano? È una perfetta interprete bachiana. Fatemi sapere quando la N. Bach Society sarà in Italia.
As far as I know, Chor is a movement in which several voices are used. (In this case, Herr gehe nicht) A Choral Work is either a work with voices (like an entire Cantata) or Chorale in German. Chorales are the melodies/songs they sang in churches those days. (An equivalent of our hymns). I hope that helps
At this moment we only provide vocal texts (and translation) on our website: allofbach.com/en/bwv/bwv-105/. Perhaps we will add subtitles on UA-cam in a later stage.
STRAORDINARIA CANTATA! Interpreti come sempre eccellenti Pero' avrei una domanda La partitura prevede il corno per la aria del tenore e non risulta presente il fagotto, invece qui non abbiamo il corno ed abbiamo il fagotto A cosa e' dovuto? Grazie
surprised by the choices made by van Veldhoven for the opening choir: I don't think the alternation of OVPP and bigger choir, which I believe it's not in the original, works in this case, and also it feels very fragmented and static. Johanssen convinces me less than other times too: the 'money rolling' aria is very declarative and he nails that, but he forces the interpretation too much that it becomes mannerism. Keohane great as usual (although I did feel her aria missed ever so slightly the ethereal feeling I got in other interpretations). Tim Mead sounds strangely muddled in his recitativo, and Brook is very expressive in his. More of a mixed bag than usual for this series IMO.
바흐의 작품번호는 bwv 1083번까지 있습니다. 그 중에서 바흐의 특성(화성악, 대위법 등)을 잘 나타내는 작품(들)을 찾고 있습니다.....그는 평생 성 토마스 교회에서 봉직했습니다. 그러므로, 언제나 한결같은 청중을 위해 매주(every week) 다른 작품을 만들어야 했습니다. 베네치아의 관광 온 사람들을 대상으로 작품을 만든 비발디는, 반면에, 같은 작품을 여러번 고쳐서 발표했습니다. (^^)
It is not unreasonable for you to have a proprietary interest if you are an alto. I do think the countertenor executed well. My second grade teacher in ancient times was a very lovely alto.
Maybe what schocks the more is the break in the format F-F-M-M But it does add a nice colour to the cantata the contratenor singing instead of the alto
It wasn't 'til the 19th century that women were allowed to sing in the church choirs. Certainly this was evidenced in J.S. Bach's time. A boy soprano who began his apprenticeship as a chorister at age 8, could become an impressive and awesome singer by age 16. Thus all the soprano and alto parts were sung by well trained boys in Bach's choral works. Check out the history for more info on this. (Loring Palmer)
The choice of a countenor for the contralto part is embarrassing. Although, anyway, he has a beautiful voice. The soprano too. However, the tenor is squeaky, screaming and uncomfortable. The bass is quietly exciting.
Always a matter of taste, I think the tenor expresses extremely well the mood of this area in diction and i love his embellishment of his Da Capo. I like it when singers take risks, and Johanssen lives up to this challenge.
0:11 Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht (Chor)
5:46 Mein Gott (Rezitativ)
6:57 Wie zittern (Arie)
12:44 Wohl aber dem (Rezitativ)
14:28 Kann ich nur (Arie)
20:42 Nun, ich weiss (Choral)
Number 6 should be labelled as a "Chorale", not just a chorus.
This Tenor deserves a place among the greatest Bach interpreters of this century.
I couldn't agree more!!
Great talent.
@@brianbrotherston5940 Well said, friend.
Most certainly not.
Indeed, a touch of Schubert while staying perfectly in the center of Bach.
What a joy and delight!
What would we do without Bach. He never fails to brighten our shadows and lift our burdens. 💖
Wunderschön, kann man sich nicht besser wünschen! Besonders die Tenor-Arie habe ich noch nie so großartig gehört. D. Johannsen ist in Sachen Bachinterpretation aktuell einer der besten Tenöre der Welt, so meine ich.
Wunderschöne und tiefempfundene Aufführung dieser perfekt komponierten Kantate mit gut harmonisierten Stimmen des ausgezeichneten Chors und herrlichen Stimmen vierer genialen Solisten sowie gut vereinigten und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen aller historischen Instrumente. Der gelehrte und unvergleichliche Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Ensemble im gut phrasierten Tempo und mit möglichst effektiver Dynamik. Wahrlich wunderbar!
Великолепная - драматичная и динамичная, внутренне очень сильная музыка. А полифонические построения Баха настолько впечатляют, что забываешь обо всём и перестаёшь себя чувствовать. Очень красиво.
И очень нравится исполнение, в нем тоже много энергии и красоты.
Daniel Johanssen's witty and engaging account of his aria reminds me exactly of Zaccheus coming down from his tree to make friends with Jesus, then promising to share his money and to cancel his debtors. Jesus wins - Mammon loses. A perfect example of Bach illustrating the Word in the most delightful way imaginable.
Di fronte a una musica così grande e ineguagliabile non si può fare altro che piangere di commozione, di stupore e di gioia. È come trovarsi di fronte alla Maestà, alla Bellezza, Potenza e Dolcezza dell'Assoluto che si rivela per donarsi a tutti noi... Grazie, Grazie, Grazie a tutti voi interpreti speciali di tanta Grazia...
What a musical expression in the tenoraria by Daniel Johannsen!
What an extraordinary cantata performed by the most extraordinary musicians. Thank you so much for this moment of jubilation.
My favorite Bach cantata. This performance is the finest of all the many that exist. Difficult is discerning when to use one singer per voice and a chorus. The choices made here are perfect. I would have thought the beginning was better performed by a chorus to emphasize the fugue, but think the use of the soloists absolutely spectacular.
La cantata e' favolosa, una delle migliori composizioni di JSBach Pero' la partitura prevede il corno per l'aria del tenore e non dovrebbe esserci il fagotto Conosci altre esecuzioni con queste modifiche?
Maria Keohane is a divine being. Holy crap.
The other soloists are far not so good
Whoa. Robert van Ryne was playing for our Remembrance Day service in November (when I was in the choir) and now here he is as part of one of the world's greatest Bach ensembles... I *thought* the trumpeter looked familiar!
Bach must be listening to this amazing rendition of his works on Earth...he'd never miss it from a higher Spiritual Dimension where he's now !...
Pure magic! Pure Joy! What a beautiful performance! Thank you so much to everybody involved in this fantastic project ALL OF BACH!
Excellent performance. Thank you! The tenor aria at 14:28 has been a favourite of mine for some time. It is very valuable to count on such high-quality video performances.
Yet another great piece of art from Holland. Awesome! Music of the highest order.
A glorious cantata, and a performance to match. Thanks. The trumpeter deserves praise, as does the bassoonist. Mr Johanssen's singing of the aria 'Kann ich nur ...' is a revelation, the best I have heard - it can often be very plodding. His version is staccato, virtuosic (almost operatic), and done with fine embellishments of the da capo. The team work is outstanding as well.
Grossartig im Ausdruck und in Textverständlichkeit. As always with Veldhoven and his Bach Society ...
Thank you AoB for providing great performance and beautiful music❤️
Thrilling opening chorus! Bach at best. Thank you!
Wonderful, speaks to the soul as only Bach can musically do. NBS, thank you!
Grandiose Performance. Herzlichen Dank!
Quelle chef-d’œuvre de JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH grandiose, interprétation de NETHERLANDS BACH SOCIETY exceptionnel bravo à tous .
Every Bach cantata is a priceless gem! This one, so beautifully interpreted, is no exeption. Thank you!
Escuchar a Bach es acercarse a lo divino, a ese lugar donde el alma humana se hace mas humana.. grettings from Peru.
My favorite Bach cantata, thank you so much for uploading this marvelous performance!
Bravissimi to all of you!!! my favourite aria is in 6:56 - the wonderful 'duet' between the oboe and the soprano, however - the whole Cantata sounded at its best. Thanks a lot.
Daniel Johanssen sings simply amazing!
Bach is the God of music
Absolutely expressive and touching! Wonderful Bach cantata!
La musica di Bach e' un fiume dorato che ti porta nella dimensione della più' grande spiritualità'
Very beautiful, thank you very much.
Magnificas voces...dominio y armonía, tocando lo divino, resalta la maravillosa interpretación instrumental...
Maria Keohane, te amo!
absolutely fantastic as usual !!! Sublime! With tromba da tirarsi makes it something very unique and dark... it changes completely the mood of this cantata compared with other interpretations.
Magnífico! Para fechar os olhos e elevar a alma.
I think this could be called Bach's best cantata.
Anytime I hear any Bach cantata I think THIS is Bach´s best cantata ;)
BWV 104 and 105 are two of the best, but all 200+ are the best also!!
They’re all spectacular! My favourites are BWV 54 and mein freund ist mein from BWV 140!! BWV 30 is also ridiculously beautiful
A great cantata with two superb arias (and obbligati instruments)!
Как красиво поют! Спасибо!!
Interesting trombonetrumpet thing, also the countertenor has a fantastic voice (and face)
Sublime interprétation.
1. 00:11 Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht (Chor)
2. 05: 46 Mein Gott (Rezitativ)
3. 06:57 Wie zittern (Arie)
4. 12:44 Wohl aber dem (Rezitativ)
5. 14:28 Kann ich nur (Arie)
6. 20:42 Nun, ich weiss (Chorus)
What an uplifting experience!
Wunderschön.... ❤❤❤
The chorale at the end is amazing!
Bach : langueur de cosmogonie, échelle de larmes où gravissent nos désirs de Dieu.
Wunderbar, Daniel Johanssens Tenorarie! Bach, der angeblich zeitlebens finanzielle Probleme hatte, hätte an seiner überzeugend hintergründigen Darbietung sicher großes Vergnügen gehabt (ähnlich wie der herrliche Matthew Brook im Hintergrund. Super Video! Vielen Dank!
@@hans-jorgrechtsteiner1070 Vielen Dank für die Aufklärung! Die Darbietung gewinnt dadurch noch eine zusätzliche Dimension. Prima. Gruß B. Sch.
@@hans-jorgrechtsteiner1070 & @Bernhard Schumacher: Sehr richtig; Bach hat gerade in Zeiten als er und seine zweite Frau ein doppeltes Einkommen hatten, sogar ausnehmend gut verdient und war immer unter den Spitzenverdienern seiner Zunft, egal in welchem Beruf. (Organist, Orgelpruefer, Allerdings ist auch wahr, dass er in Leipzig eine Einkommenseinbusze hinnahm, die er, entegegen seiner Erwartungen (und wohl auch entgegen ihm gemachter Hoffnungen) nicht gaenzlich mit erwarteten Nebenverdiensten ausgleichen konnte. Was ein Jammer in dieser wie jeglicher anderer Hinsicht, dass das Opernhaus in Leizpig kurz vor seiner Ankunft geschlossen wurde (und als Gefaengniss umfunktioniert wurde.)
@@hans-jorgrechtsteiner1070 Sehr geehrter Herr Rechtsteiner, in Köthen war A.M. Bach als Saenger angestellt, mit absolutem Spitzengehalt. (Wenn ich jetzt nicht irgendwas ganz durcheinander bringe. Sonst muss ich im Wolff nachschauen.) In Leipzig, zugegebenermaszen nicht; davon sollte abaer auch keine Rede sein.
Ja, Bach suchte wohl nach einer anderen Anstellung um sich nicht mit Leipziger Kleingeistern herumplagen zu muessen. Die haette aber schon deutlich besser sein muessen, als alles Gewesene (i.e. Hofkapellmeister zu Dresden, nicht nur dem Namen nach), denn die Leipziger Stelle war trotz allem doch sehr prestigetraechtig.
"Immerhin bot ihm das Thomaskantorat die Möglichkeit, sich durch Mitarbeiter vertreten zu lassen und genügend Zeit übrig zu haben" -- gerade an extra Zeit mangelte es ihm bisweilen; auch wenn er sich das in den spaeteren Jahren wohl besser einrichten konnte. Und ja, Gottseidank konnte er sich vom Lateinunterricht befreien lassen!
"Und Bach wusste ganz genau: Oper ist nicht mein Ding. An Händel wäre er nicht herangekommen, und vor allem hätten seine Opern beim Publikum keinen Erfolgt gehabt." Das ist jetzt aber wilde Spekulation von Ihnen, oder? :-) Wenn wir die Johannes Passion anschauen, meiner Meinung nach das einer Oper am naehest kommende Stueck Bach's, waere das vielleicht durchaus sein Ding gewesen. (Fast) Egal. Er hat uns genug hinterlassen an dem ewige Freude zu finden ist.
@@hans-jorgrechtsteiner1070 Die Kritik die Bach einstecken musste war damals aber keineswegs eine allgemeine Haltung oder gar Mehrheitsfaehig. Sein Genius war anerkannt, wenn auch freilich nicht in dem Masze wie es heute allen "klar ist". Es sprangen genuegend Verteidiger zu seiner Seite, als die Angriffe von Mattheson (oder war es Scheibe? Oder beiden) kamen.
"Selbstverständlich gibt es, was die Musiksprache angeht, keinen grundsätzlichen Unterschied zwischen weltlich und geistlich." Das ist eine interessante Frage die, gerade bei Bach, nicht so einfach zu beantworten ist. Es gibt darueber ein ganz tolles, kleines aber unglaublich Einsichten vermittelndes Buch: "Bach: The Conflict Between the Sacred and the Secular" von Leo Schrade. (DaCapo Press, NY, 1973) Der sehr nachvollziehbar bei Bach einen sehr wohl wesentlichen Unterschied ausmacht, diesbezieglich... sich aber dabei nicht auf aeusserliche Zwecke der Komposition festlegt. Sehr empfehlenswert, und wenn nur als Anstoss zu neuen Fragen.
Thank you thank you thank you!
Imagine: For his first two years in Leipzig, Bach wrote a new cantata for every Sunday - one masterwork after the other!
A musician once said to me: "Not all musicians believe in God, but they all believe in J.S.Bach!"
Beautiful cantata!
bravissimi, meravigliosa performance
Oh! in the accompaniment to the chorale at the end, semiquavers, quaver triplets, quavers, then crotchets. All the tension of the cantata dissipated.
Prachtig dit! Sublieme aria's ook, zoals zo vaak bij dit ongelooflijk mooie project!
Bellísima cantata.
Sehr gut!
Tão intenso, fragrante, belo, e maturo...
Double Choir! Awesome!
This is incredible music.
It’s too bad it will remain hidden and unknown from 99% of the General public.
As the rock musician Frank Zepeda said “most people wouldn’t know music if it bit them on the ass.”
This IS music!
Zappa ?
he escoltat unes 150 cantates de bach, i aquesta va ser una de les primeres. bé, de les primeres s'ha quedat. Sempre que l'escolto em sorpren la seva frescor, cada sequència es especial, es com si el gran mestre volia dir moltes coses i no podia esperar a fer la pròxima. Sempre penso que les hem de sentir totes, cada una es un tresor.
I would like to make a suggestion for all of bach, relating to what was said about subtitles. Since you already provide the text on your website, why not paste it in the video description? That way it's accessible to the viewers of the video (for example, on mobile you have no way of reading it together with the video otherwise). I think it would barely be any extra effort with a great result. It's less work than making subtitles and gets the job done. Please consider it!
Some videos on YT have the possibility that the viewers can create subtitles. Maybe they can activate that feature here as well? So they have zero work with it and i think trolls are relatively uncommon in this realm of you tube.
Klonering yes, I'd say do both! then viewers can take the text and add it to the right times
I strongly support this proposal: subtitles please!
Maybe because they can earn a bit if you visit their website. Increasing their internet traffic will earn them some ads.
14:28 Aria Kann ich nur Jesum mir TENORE DANIEL & CORNO & VL
20:42 Chorale Nun ich weiss
Meravigliosa questa esecuzione della cantata 105 da parte della Nethelands Bach Society. Incredibili le voci della soprano e del tenore. Bella ed espressiva anche la voce del controtenore come solista, molto debole invece nei concertati. Come si chiama la soprano? È una perfetta interprete bachiana. Fatemi sapere quando la N. Bach Society sarà in Italia.
Maria Keohane Sopranistin aus Schweden
Hello NBS! Through Bach's Cantatas, you differentiate Chor, from Choral, from Chorale. What is really the difference?
As far as I know, Chor is a movement in which several voices are used. (In this case, Herr gehe nicht) A Choral Work is either a work with voices (like an entire Cantata) or Chorale in German. Chorales are the melodies/songs they sang in churches those days. (An equivalent of our hymns). I hope that helps
@@johanngottliebgoldberg1055 It does. Thank you!
May we ask for subtitles to these wonderful videos? I wish to know what they are singing about - and I do not speak German!
At this moment we only provide vocal texts (and translation) on our website: allofbach.com/en/bwv/bwv-105/. Perhaps we will add subtitles on UA-cam in a later stage.
Subtitles in German!
I think they're singing about Jesus....
Since the performance is at the church... I trust Mr Bach.. definitely he talks about good stuff 😉
Immenso capolavoro
je kiffe Jean-Seb !
STRAORDINARIA CANTATA! Interpreti come sempre eccellenti Pero' avrei una domanda La partitura prevede il corno per la aria del tenore e non risulta presente il fagotto, invece qui non abbiamo il corno ed abbiamo il fagotto A cosa e' dovuto? Grazie
surprised by the choices made by van Veldhoven for the opening choir: I don't think the alternation of OVPP and bigger choir, which I believe it's not in the original, works in this case, and also it feels very fragmented and static. Johanssen convinces me less than other times too: the 'money rolling' aria is very declarative and he nails that, but he forces the interpretation too much that it becomes mannerism. Keohane great as usual (although I did feel her aria missed ever so slightly the ethereal feeling I got in other interpretations). Tim Mead sounds strangely muddled in his recitativo, and Brook is very expressive in his. More of a mixed bag than usual for this series IMO.
A light in this world of hate, war and lies
Game over 🙂
Why does listening to Bach make you want to believe in God? 😭
Makes me believe in myself 🙂
The God head!
Makes me believe that Bach is GOD.
Because God wrote music through Bach, a man of profound belief in God and Jesus Christ. Alleluia!
Because he did
바흐의 작품번호는 bwv 1083번까지 있습니다. 그 중에서 바흐의 특성(화성악, 대위법 등)을 잘 나타내는 작품(들)을 찾고 있습니다.....그는 평생 성 토마스 교회에서 봉직했습니다. 그러므로, 언제나 한결같은 청중을 위해 매주(every week) 다른 작품을 만들어야 했습니다. 베네치아의 관광 온 사람들을 대상으로 작품을 만든 비발디는, 반면에, 같은 작품을 여러번 고쳐서 발표했습니다. (^^)
Ode aan de minzame hoboist, die bovendien in andere opnames ook schitterend blokfluit speelt. Wat een musicus.
If the first few bars of this don't make the hairs on your back stand up, you're surely made of stone!!!... ;-)
Bach, c'est un seul personne qui merite pour envoyer au l'espace COMME MUSİQUE ! Au lieu the Beatles !
Y'a t-il des Français dans la salle ?...
The conductor looks astoundingly similar to Zygmunt Stojowski!
Am I the only one out there who dislikes the sound of a countertenor singing the alto arias?
It is not unreasonable for you to have a proprietary interest if you are an alto. I do think the countertenor executed well. My second grade teacher in ancient times was a very lovely alto.
Maybe what schocks the more is the break in the format F-F-M-M
But it does add a nice colour to the cantata the contratenor singing instead of the alto
@@bryanmellado2874 Back in Bach's period, weren't all the parts sung by men and boys?
@@lorpa2102 I'm not sure. Is that a question?
It wasn't 'til the 19th century that women were allowed to sing in the church choirs. Certainly this was evidenced in J.S. Bach's time. A boy soprano who began his apprenticeship as a chorister at age 8, could become an impressive and awesome singer by age 16. Thus all the soprano and alto parts were sung by well trained boys in Bach's choral works. Check out the history for more info on this. (Loring Palmer)
The icy cuticle visually claim because raft currently skip through a holistic wash. narrow, whispering purpose
The choice of a countenor for the contralto part is embarrassing. Although, anyway, he has a beautiful voice. The soprano too.
However, the tenor is squeaky, screaming and uncomfortable.
The bass is quietly exciting.
I love the tenor, he sings very expressive
Always a matter of taste, I think the tenor expresses extremely well the mood of this area in diction and i love his embellishment of his Da Capo. I like it when singers take risks, and Johanssen lives up to this challenge.
Didn’t like the opening chorus at all. This pedestrian vertical delivery is contrary to Bach’s intention.