My father was born in 1913, I was born in 1956, I have really enjoyed watching these bits and pieces of the past. We were raised being taught manners, I taught my children manners, and they teach their children manners. I wish more children were taught good manners. People seem so rude to each other.
My father was born in 1943 but I wasn't born until 1984. He has instilled many of the older customs and manners in me, and it feels a bit isolating sometimes. I love manners and polite etiquette. I feel most at home with the elderly because of this, and don't have many friends my own age. He passed away at the tender, young age of 74. These films all remind me of him.
My parents were married and had my oldest brother by the time this was made. They both left school at the end of 8th grade to work. I was raised with old school manners and values, so this serms normal to me, but then I got married the year you were born. Its sad to see that what young people call dated and old is actually decency and courtesy. Treasure the freinds you have, my kids don't have a big social circle ahpnd gravitate to others with good values.
because today's people are savage heathens. I see it every day. Where a child should be saying yes sir, he instead raises a tantrum and forces the adult to purchase some worthless garbage which will only occupy this kid for a few minutes, but will take several hours of wages away from the adult. Today our role models beards like cave men. Men get loans to have caves built in their basements. They don't tuck in their shirts, or even wear shirts. They wear only t shirts which are supposed to be underwear. And the ladies wear only tights, with no dress or skirt over them, and pretend they are pants. Savages the lot of them. And it's all by design. In the end we will be hooked up to machines which take all that is valuable out of us automatically. First our labour, then our pay checks.
I took a girl to junior prom. Her name was Kathy. We were best friends for years and I loved her dearly. I wore a white tux with a black bow tie🤵♂️ and she was so pretty in her blue taffeta dress.👗 She passed away in 2003. I miss her. 😢 ♥️
I like Helen's and Margaret's dresses too. I would wear them, and I think some vintage clothing would still look good today sometimes . I also like the girl's hairstyles, although it would take too long to do mine like that. So, I'd only get it styled like that for a special occasion if I had time.I wouldn't dress like that every day; Because it's not always convenient, and I like both old and modern things, but it would be cute and fun once in a while.
Nunovia Gottdamnedbizzness, you don't have to immediately think everyone is thinking of boobs. The dress itself is pretty. I like how the skirt part of both girls' dresses are nice and flowy, but that doesn't mean anything about boobs.
The dresses are gorgeous! I can't stand people who comment saying these people are all dead now, one set of grandparents, and 3 great aunts, 2 great uncles graduated the following year and one in 1948 and they are all still alive, and with active social lives might I add!
You noticed that too? If these kids are going to the Jr. prom I assume they're in 11th grade, but look as if they're in their 30s. The parents look like grandparents. Did they use real teenagers for these films or actors? Maybe it's the hair style and the clothes?
@Zeek Banistor I understand perfectly how far we've fallen. I've worked for the local school district for 14 years with kids k-12 and so-called "special needs." I stand by my original reply which I think is close to the students you just described.
@@mikezylstra7514 even in the 40s, honking for your date was unacceptable to many families. It was considered 'cool' by teens, but not so much by adults. I can still hear my grandmother, in her most disapproving tone, saying "If he can't come to the door to greet you like a proper gentleman and introduce himself to the family, then you're not going anywhere with him. We don't act like white trash!" The old bat was absolutely infuriating! 😆
Grandpa was 16 in 1946. Less than 10 years later he married my grandma and never looked back. The good old days marriages were truly “till death do us part.”
I graduated in 90. If a guy or girl asked another person to dance that had a date , a fight would have insued. These were great times. Class, something many lack today
My Mom said that when she was in college every single Friday and Saturday there was a dance. You had to have an array of cocktail dresses and your date always showed up with a corsage. Everyone knew how to dance or you sat out and she often told the story of one fellow who was not particularly attractive but he could really cut a rug and every single girl loved to dance with him. Girls love to dance, guys these days just don't get that and girls settle for bums and are expected to hop into bed just for a hamburger.
No wonder divorce rates are so high and people are unhealthy and miserable. We should make a cult that's not really cult it's just a bunch of people living sensible traditional lives
I'm pretty sure that is the old Los. Angeles High School that had to be torn down after the big earthquake in 1970. It was a beautiful school and was replaced by a building that resembles a prison. We used to be so proud of the old building.
In 1946 my dad was 6 years old and my mom was 7 years old. ❤ Of course they didn’t meet until they were teenagers. We’re married 53years when mom passed. This year would have been 64 years.
Teenagers in these videos are so chill when someone asks them out. In 1999 if I'd had a date to prom and someone else called me on the night of prom to ask me out, I'd be shouting from the rooftops that two boys were madly in love with me. Dating seemed so important then, and here it's just a way to pass the time with someone of the opposite sex.
I had a neighbor who was a teen in the 50s and I think that the way you perceive it from the video is how it was. Kids went to dances and did group activities paired off all the time. It wasn't really normal for kids to go steady, so going on dates with lots of people in the friend group was common.
There was a lot of pressure on kids of the time to date around; they didn't want things to get too hot-n-heavy! Even in those times some felt that it was unrealistic that a teen's social life was an endless succession of first dates, and that kids could go steady without ruining their lives. But you never saw that in these films.
In the original cut, the pre-prom parts were shot in a sepia monotone, and then at the prom there was a sudden visual burst of dazzling Technicolor. And Munchkins came out to sing.
Actors were probably a little older for these types of movies but theres something in the food these days lol I watched a video of high schoolers in 1990 and they all look like grown men and women rather than the 18 year old 5th graders of today
a simple explanation could be the lack of sun. the sun makes your skin age faster and its no secret kids for the last 10-15 years have been staying indoor more and more.
I guess its kind of like in the movie version of Grease Rizzo was suppose be a high school senior at no more than 17 years of age where as the actress who portrayed her was 33 that is a 16 year age gap this is not a one off
A problem with these movies is that they present an image of how they felt life SHOULD be, rather than how it really was. This was intended to teach kids about obviously they needed teaching! Don't make the mistake of thinking this is an accurate presentation of how everyday people acted back then.
Frank can get away with his awkward behavior because he's packing 10 inches, his buddy only has a little 3 incher... All the girls want some Frank in them.
overall I love the fashion up until the early 1960s after that it started to go downhill .. there was a semi resurgence in the 1980s . however now a days unfortunately formal dress has taken a back seat
Granted, like some of the comments say, the teens here are older than their roles call for. Happens so often in educational films ... and also loads of Hollywood movies over the decades, as we all know. It occurs to me that 1946 had to be a very interesting time in the USA. It was the start of the post-war era. Everyone was ready for a big change, for prosperity, for settling down, for making homes and families, for planning ahead, for normalcy-- after the troubled first half of the century.
3:38, ‘Frank is glad that the dance is semi-formal’ and they can dress a bit casual. Semi-casual in the 40s means they can dress down to a suit with matching tie and socks. In 2020 it means dressing up to clean (not torn) jeans, tee shirt and sneakers.
@Nunovia Gottdamnedbizzness The literally said in the video to give the girls a chance to touch up their powder so clearly they were bringing along makeup.
@Nunovia Gottdamnedbizzness purses are for whores?? No, in these videos they often suggest women bring along a small purse like a clutch. I think the only reason they don't have purses is because it's a dance... but they could have checked their bag with their coat. I use a purse occasionally, but never have to a dance. Girls that do usually have fashionable sequined clutches from what I've seen. You're absolutely wrong about purses being for whores. That's such a strange thing to say. You only need to sew a dime into your hem because a bag wouldn't go with your dress.
Hands up if you wish life were this simple now? The world today is awful. I’m 48 (it’s April 18, 2019). Heck, I’d go back to the 70s and 80s. Things seemed to go to shit in the late 90s.
So true when women didn't had rights parents forced them to merry who they want men/women. Women beater heavy drinker Ppl . World war 2. seems nice era
It's so weird to me that when these people were filming this and living their lives, I wasn't even born for another 45 years. Life was just happening even when I didn't exist
Yeah, imagine that: life existed before the 1990s, before you were conceived. Amazing, isn't it? I'm going to be laughing all night after reading that comment.
No it's not. I understand the thoughts behind the comment. I have a picture of my dad the way he looked in 1948 and I try to imagine what the world and life was like at that time and it still amazes me there was an entire world buzzing about back then with no computers or internet or cell phones, with real people living their lives, long before I existed and those people were just as real as we are today and not old faded photographs or fuzzy video figures from an old 1930s movie. That is probably the thinking behind the comment. It was not stupid.
They were, partly because the teens of that day hadn't yet learned everything, and they were still being taught. It wouldn't have been too wise to use untrained actors to teach untrained others, so they had to use those who did already know the social graces.
I think my boyfriend would ask what color dress I was wearing, but not what type of flowers I preferred...until we were dating a while. I think our mothers would talk to to each other to make sure the flowers would match.
geez even with respect to the senior prom ..they would still look out of place senior prom student age peaking at 17 or 18 unless they flunked multiple times
6:58 - I just love the look on this dad's face and the rolling of the eyes as though to say, "Can you _believe_ this clod?" So funny and so MST3K worthy. Be well and stay safe everybody.
Oh, back in the day..."young people" would have gone to chaperoned tea dances. On a weekend afternoon, at the fire hall or community center. Girls would wear a nice skirt that covered their knees, and a nice blouse Boys would wear good trousers and a blazer. There would be punch, tea and cookies. And sedate well mannered music. They would be taught how to waltz, some basic steps to other rhythms. And the boys would learn where NOT to put their hands. Yes it was stultifying. But it was a way to learn how to meet and talk to each other. The groundwork for social behavior was laid out. We just don't know how to behave any more.
Yeah. And girls and boys still fucked in the back of cars and then the girls were sent off to live with family in Nebraska so as not to embarrass the family and would come back after her newborn was given away to strangers.
My husband and I go dancing every weekend. We attend swing dances where we enjoy dancing with all our friends! Of course we don't have all these silly etiquette rules but we do ask and accept dances in a mannerly fashion. Good dancers are popular and everybody wants to dance with him/her. We have a ball and would never think of staying home on Saturday night! By the way, we are in our 60s! 😅
To all the people saying they look older than high schoolers you are forgetting that people were older in olden times. Babies were already 10yrs old at delivery due to woman being too busy with house chores and perfectly doing their makeup and hair early every morning to have babies in the normal 9 months. So by the time the kids were graduating they were around 28 years old.
it's the way they dress, groom, and carry themselves. They put a lot of effort into looking presentable back then........unlike today. hmmm but now that I look a little closer, That one kid looks as old as Andy Griffith
Yeah, I always thought it was funny when adults played the role of teenagers. They look like they're in their 30's. Maybe, they couldn't hire real teenagers because they were all in school at the time. But still, they could've at least hired people who look a few years younger.
"Men wear dark clothes at formal or semi-formal affairs, thus they allow the ladies by contrast to be more colorful in their dress." I've long theorized that men's clothing is drab for the sake of all attention going to women, and here's the confirmation. No wonder I have to hunt online to find anything worth looking twice at.
A dance card/dance programme is a booklet detailing all the dances planned at a formal event (I guess a prom could be considered as such in the 1940s) There is a space next to each dance where a woman writes in the name of her prospective dance partner. There are social rules to it, like mentioned in the video i.e that you should dance the first and last with your romantic partner (if you have one) and should not dance more than two consecutive sets of dances with the same person. If you've read any Jane Austin, the characters have dance cards when they go to balls
Okay...How endearing is this video???! I am a child of the 80's, but let me ask... Why did this chivalry and politeness ever go out of style???!!! HOW? My God, it's no wonder our society has gone to hell in a handbasket. Why men have so much less respect for women now, and people everywhere are becoming complete a-holes. Imagine a time like this when others were taught to consider how others felt and thought! How to make them feel special, interesting, and appreciated. All these modern-day women bitching about men doing things for them, and how they can do everything themselves and don't need a man. OMG, how TERRIBLE that a man once took charge and treated you like a princess and showed genuine interest and courtship toward you. THAT'S sexy! Could we please get back to these times when people were so much better? Imagine what people from that period would think of us now, if they were to just drop in. No wonder all the elderly people of that time who are still alive today feel so isolated from society now, and can't understand what happened to the world they once lived in. And we just shrug them off as old-fashioned and unimportant. What a shame.
This comment! You have expressed everything I have always felt. Honestly it’s heartbreaking to me to live in the society we do now. Where femininity and chivalry have been thrown completely out of the window 💔
@@savannahgrace111 Yes I eat my words. I posted this before the pandemic of course. They're upset now that they missed out on a formal graduation but they're still a unique class needless to say. They'll begin to understand a few years from now.
Hahaha wow, everything was so “technical”, write down who’s dancing with who, send the requests for the president to approve, request music, send your meal option, pay the fee for the food, drinks, prom hahahahaha Did people used to watch this at school or used they show it on tv? These vintage videos are so fun to watch 😁😁
I always wonder if these people who acted are still alive and super old...or when they went..what families did they have, did they live out a good life? These people should be in their mid-late 90's by now if alive. I hope they had good lives. This was so long ago it always makes me so curious...I am about to be 25 and would prefer this stuff over modern TV anyday...I am an old soul haha
Junior Prom? They were 16 in 1946. Born in 1930 (depths of the great depression). They're in their 90's now if even still alive. And those actors/actresses (like Frank) are more like 100 now. Add to that all those guys killed in Korea a few years later.
My father was born in 1913, I was born in 1956, I have really enjoyed watching these bits and pieces of the past. We were raised being taught manners, I taught my children manners, and they teach their children manners. I wish more children were taught good manners. People seem so rude to each other.
My father was born in 1943 but I wasn't born until 1984. He has instilled many of the older customs and manners in me, and it feels a bit isolating sometimes. I love manners and polite etiquette. I feel most at home with the elderly because of this, and don't have many friends my own age. He passed away at the tender, young age of 74. These films all remind me of him.
My parents were married and had my oldest brother by the time this was made. They both left school at the end of 8th grade to work. I was raised with old school manners and values, so this serms normal to me, but then I got married the year you were born. Its sad to see that what young people call dated and old is actually decency and courtesy. Treasure the freinds you have, my kids don't have a big social circle ahpnd gravitate to others with good values.
I yearn for these charming, cute times. So often, modern society feels so harsh, cold, fast, ruthless.....
because today's people are savage heathens. I see it every day. Where a child should be saying yes sir, he instead raises a tantrum and forces the adult to purchase some worthless garbage which will only occupy this kid for a few minutes, but will take several hours of wages away from the adult. Today our role models beards like cave men. Men get loans to have caves built in their basements. They don't tuck in their shirts, or even wear shirts. They wear only t shirts which are supposed to be underwear. And the ladies wear only tights, with no dress or skirt over them, and pretend they are pants. Savages the lot of them. And it's all by design. In the end we will be hooked up to machines which take all that is valuable out of us automatically. First our labour, then our pay checks.
I took a girl to junior prom. Her name was Kathy. We were best friends for years and I loved her dearly. I wore a white tux with a black bow tie🤵♂️ and she was so pretty in her blue taffeta dress.👗 She passed away in 2003. I miss her. 😢 ♥️
Sounds dreamy 💞 I wish times were still like this, when men were gentlemen and knew how to treat people.
Helen's dress is GORGEOUS!!
I agree. Helen's dress is beautiful and classy.
I like Helen's and Margaret's dresses too. I would wear them, and I think some vintage clothing would still look good today sometimes . I also like the girl's hairstyles, although it would take too long to do mine like that. So, I'd only get it styled like that for a special occasion if I had time.I wouldn't dress like that every day; Because it's not always convenient, and I like both old and modern things, but it would be cute and fun once in a while.
Nunovia Gottdamnedbizzness, you don't have to immediately think everyone is thinking of boobs. The dress itself is pretty. I like how the skirt part of both girls' dresses are nice and flowy, but that doesn't mean anything about boobs.
It would look even better crumpled up at the foot of my bed.
Why are you preadolescent males on here making stupid comments about boobs?
The dresses are gorgeous! I can't stand people who comment saying these people are all dead now, one set of grandparents, and 3 great aunts, 2 great uncles graduated the following year and one in 1948 and they are all still alive, and with active social lives might I add!
Elizabeth Francis don’t be upset at them. some people just can’t do simple math..
Elizabeth Francis Good for them! I love these old films! 🙂
These kids would be 90+ today. There's a good chance at least one of them is still alive.
9 out of ten of them probably are. These kids were born in 1928.
Yeah, I'm waiting for the comments threads on the 1990 prom to be lamenting, "they're all nearly dead now."
This video sure is swell
Gee, isn't it? The girls' dresses are just grand!
Oh, it's keen!
@@Adelicows I think "on point" is good. Show it's on point.
@@Adelicows oh common don't be such a wet blanket!
Loving the groovy swing music!
1:11 - Helen is the most attractive 35 year-old high school student I have ever seen.
You noticed that too? If these kids are going to the Jr. prom I assume they're in 11th grade, but look as if they're in their 30s. The parents look like grandparents. Did they use real teenagers for these films or actors? Maybe it's the hair style and the clothes?
They look like 18. The difference to nowadays just is, that they are not wearing make-up and behave more quietly.
@@ps89jk24 I think their clothing and hairstyles also make them appear older to a 2020 audience.
@Zeek Banistor Yes, I'd much rather we still had the HS kids that look like they're in their 30s! :-)
@Zeek Banistor I understand perfectly how far we've fallen. I've worked for the local school district for 14 years with kids k-12 and so-called "special needs." I stand by my original reply which I think is close to the students you just described.
"No Frank,
Hold the cup yourself, then present it"
He needs a beatdown. Stupid Frank!😁
I still can't believe he did that! Oh, Frank!!! Tsk tsk!
What an oaf! Hold the cup, Frank. HOLD THE CUP!
Woah helens dress is to die for!
I bet its made with nice fabric!
So stunning!
Im probably alone on this but I really wish dating was still like this.
@Erica Noel...I totally agree with you. 💑
You aren't alone
I agree with you
You are not alone!
@@adamv4951 sometimes it seems like it. Lol
I love the idea of dance cards/programs! Wish we still did this.
carnet.(dance cards!!!!!!!!l LOL
Victoria Giro ... Yes, I wish we would have had them in the early 70's ...instead, we just danced with our date the entire evening.
That was a new one to me. So I learned something
I like the idea of driving up and blowing the horn for your prom date. Class act.
@@mikezylstra7514 even in the 40s, honking for your date was unacceptable to many families. It was considered 'cool' by teens, but not so much by adults.
I can still hear my grandmother, in her most disapproving tone, saying "If he can't come to the door to greet you like a proper gentleman and introduce himself to the family, then you're not going anywhere with him. We don't act like white trash!"
The old bat was absolutely infuriating! 😆
I love how elegant people were back then! Those dresses are beautiful!
Help! If I can't watch at least one of these classics every day, I start to get withdrawal symptoms!
I love being schooled in manners, mental health, etc.
I’m having the same issue I need serious help
I know, these are great videos!
Me 2
This is as close as we'll get to time travel.
Grandpa was 16 in 1946. Less than 10 years later he married my grandma and never looked back. The good old days marriages were truly “till death do us part.” A beautiful vintage girl who is just starting her career!
Now's it while the love lasts.😢
@@barneyboy2008 Love, nothing. It's until the cheating starts. Divorce rate now approaching 80%.
No fault divorce in America didn't exist until 1969.
I graduated in 90. If a guy or girl asked another person to dance that had a date , a fight would have insued. These were great times. Class, something many lack today
I graduated in '99 and I agree. If you went with a date, you dance with them. Not someone else. That's why my friends and I just went together lol A beautiful vintage girl who is just starting her career!
"a fight would have insued" the correct word is ENSUED. Guessing that you didn't graduate beyond the level of the average 12 year old.
I was thinking the same thing. Looks pretty trashy,, and I am NOT one to dance with any other man, ANYTIME than who I am with,.
sigh Can people ever just watch these without dumping on these days?
I love how they keep panning over to the adult chaperones, so the viewer can be assured all is well 🤣🤣
So the viewers are reminded they are at a funeral not a school dance
My Mom said that when she was in college every single Friday and Saturday there was a dance. You had to have an array of cocktail dresses and your date always showed up with a corsage. Everyone knew how to dance or you sat out and she often told the story of one fellow who was not particularly attractive but he could really cut a rug and every single girl loved to dance with him. Girls love to dance, guys these days just don't get that and girls settle for bums and are expected to hop into bed just for a hamburger.
and one wonders why marriage is so passe?
No wonder divorce rates are so high and people are unhealthy and miserable. We should make a cult that's not really cult it's just a bunch of people living sensible traditional lives
Birth control pills ruined everything.
No, they're hopping into bed for sex. They eat their hamburger at the dinner table.
I'm pretty sure that is the old Los. Angeles High School that had to be torn down after the big earthquake in 1970. It was a beautiful school and was replaced by a building that resembles a prison. We used to be so proud of the old building.
Room 222; Walt Whitman High
Looks like the school in "Room 222"
@@karaamundson3964 - You are correct - LA High was also the "Room 222" filming site.
Because the government is fucking cheap
My Mom went to Los Angeles High School in the 1950s.
Frank isn't having fun because he's in love with Jerry.
That part
Frank allowed his spirits to be "wooden". (exact quote).
@@eddihaskell 😂
✨✨ A well written script & great acting ! ✨✨
✨ These rules in etiquette are still admired today ✨ A beautiful vintage girl who is just starting her career!
In 1946 my dad was 6 years old and my mom was 7 years old. ❤ Of course they didn’t meet until they were teenagers. We’re married 53years when mom passed. This year would have been 64 years.
Frank looks like he was held back about 20 yrs. 😂
LOL! True
Held back...held back?...Oh! You mean "flunked."
Frank has nice feet (4:11) yum!
I love the Elegant Gowns on Helen and Margaret.
Teenagers in these videos are so chill when someone asks them out. In 1999 if I'd had a date to prom and someone else called me on the night of prom to ask me out, I'd be shouting from the rooftops that two boys were madly in love with me. Dating seemed so important then, and here it's just a way to pass the time with someone of the opposite sex.
Hmm, how would you know? Are you currently a teacher or principal or counselor or parent of a teen?
@@jackson4404 Learn to read. I was literally talking about myself as a teenager in 1999. I think I know what I would have done and have actually done.
I had a neighbor who was a teen in the 50s and I think that the way you perceive it from the video is how it was. Kids went to dances and did group activities paired off all the time. It wasn't really normal for kids to go steady, so going on dates with lots of people in the friend group was common.
I was always very shy around girls and never got their attention
There was a lot of pressure on kids of the time to date around; they didn't want things to get too hot-n-heavy! Even in those times some felt that it was unrealistic that a teen's social life was an endless succession of first dates, and that kids could go steady without ruining their lives. But you never saw that in these films.
I'm amazed that this is in color!
Most schools ordered this in black and white prints; the most affluent were able to afford the color edition.
It took hours by small Taiwanese children with colored pencils.
@@1000davetron what do you mean🥲
In the original cut, the pre-prom parts were shot in a sepia monotone, and then at the prom there was a sudden visual burst of dazzling Technicolor. And Munchkins came out to sing.
I married Frank. Don't be like me. I ended up hating Frank
Thanks for the good advice!
I did too. Divorced him after 4 excruciating years and later married Jerry. Best thing I ever did.
Should we axe Frank sup in his hood to?
What's all this crap with the corsage and getups? Get some chemicals flowing loosen up😅😄
These men and women look a bit older than juniors, but boy are they good looking!
Kadyn Lyn that’s just how it was then. I look at my grandpas year book and they look way older and there was no big people
You had to stay in high school until you were 30 or more
Actors were probably a little older for these types of movies but theres something in the food these days lol I watched a video of high schoolers in 1990 and they all look like grown men and women rather than the 18 year old 5th graders of today
a simple explanation could be the lack of sun. the sun makes your skin age faster and its no secret kids for the last 10-15 years have been staying indoor more and more.
@@SmilingDepression it could be the food we eat too
I love this formality wish it was still like this the juniors look 35 years of age
I guess its kind of like in the movie version of Grease Rizzo was suppose be a high school senior at no more than 17 years of age where as the actress who portrayed her was 33 that is a 16 year age gap this is not a one off
A problem with these movies is that they present an image of how they felt life SHOULD be, rather than how it really was. This was intended to teach kids about obviously they needed teaching! Don't make the mistake of thinking this is an accurate presentation of how everyday people acted back then.
"Frank allows his fears to make him wooden."
At that age pretty much everything makes a young man wooden.
Frank can get away with his awkward behavior because he's packing 10 inches, his buddy only has a little 3 incher... All the girls want some Frank in them.
@@petergriffin383 I suspect the same thing.
Their dresses are so beautiful. I love the pink one!❤💖💜
Me too, so elegant 💕
These dresses are beautiful!
I love the wonderful fashion of the 1940s.
overall I love the fashion up until the early 1960s after that it started to go downhill .. there was a semi resurgence in the 1980s . however now a days unfortunately formal dress has taken a back seat
thank-you I appreciate the like mindedness these vintage videos are gold
I love the eras up til mid 60s for me. I think it was a glamorous time.
@@natashabenjamin4222 Yes it very much was
The 80s had a style for everyone
Granted, like some of the comments say, the teens here are older than their roles call for. Happens so often in educational films ... and also loads of Hollywood movies over the decades, as we all know.
It occurs to me that 1946 had to be a very interesting time in the USA. It was the start of the post-war era. Everyone was ready for a big change, for prosperity, for settling down, for making homes and families, for planning ahead, for normalcy-- after the troubled first half of the century.
The stressful complications of that night traumatized Frank so much he remains celibate to this day.
Your comment made me chuckle; thanks for that. ❤😂
And Frank became the pioneer in-cel.
Frank seems more interested in hanging out with Jerry....
he's Gay.
Quentin Kirk thanks for clearing that up.
Frank died of AIDS in 1989.
Adam Vance not all gay guys had AIDS
this reply chain is gold
Listening to these songs, I feel like I'm stepping into a world where everything is simpler and more beautiful. 🌷
Funny how this is supposed to be a Junior Prom, yet some of the actors have wedding rings on.
It is supposed to be June 6th but there are dead leaves all over the lawn.(8:08). Where is this? New Zealand?
In the 40s, most high school juniors were already married. Many of them were grandparents.
It was a custom back then for couples going “steady” that the girl wore a sort of “promise ring”. Maybe thats what they are depicting?
3:38, ‘Frank is glad that the dance is semi-formal’ and they can dress a bit casual. Semi-casual in the 40s means they can dress down to a suit with matching tie and socks. In 2020 it means dressing up to clean (not torn) jeans, tee shirt and sneakers.
Neither girl has a purse. Odd detail mistake.
@Nunovia Gottdamnedbizzness The literally said in the video to give the girls a chance to touch up their powder so clearly they were bringing along makeup.
@Nunovia Gottdamnedbizzness purses are for whores?? No, in these videos they often suggest women bring along a small purse like a clutch. I think the only reason they don't have purses is because it's a dance... but they could have checked their bag with their coat. I use a purse occasionally, but never have to a dance. Girls that do usually have fashionable sequined clutches from what I've seen. You're absolutely wrong about purses being for whores. That's such a strange thing to say. You only need to sew a dime into your hem because a bag wouldn't go with your dress.
@@victoriagiro737 I think it was a joke...
@@chopun3862 perhaps you're right. But you never know with UA-cam comments. They can be crazy
@@victoriagiro737 true
Anyone here think we can revert back to this time? Hopefully so, the way they spoke, dressed what they did was amazing
1946? No thanks, said most of humanity that European elites colonized. You didn't see how segregated the movie was?
Would be great, but no since the world has been Africanized. This is white civilization, which is why it was so nice.
Now I’m worried my etiquette at prom was off
I guess thank god I didn’t go to prom then? :p
If my date gets me a corsage that doesn’t match my complexion then he isn’t getting past first base.
Hands up if you wish life were this simple now? The world today is awful. I’m 48 (it’s April 18, 2019). Heck, I’d go back to the 70s and 80s. Things seemed to go to shit in the late 90s.
Amen. As long as I retain the knowledge I have now
Welp. Things got much worse.
8:48 'Margaret depends on the charm of her personality to hold Jerry's attention...not upon little games.' Go 'head, Margaret! Do your thang! LOL!
I wish I could teleport back to this time. The world is so weird right now.
This may be possible if you choose time traveling instead of teleporting.
There’s tons of great how to be vintage channels on UA-cam! They’re great if you want to recreate the look!
NJASZN by this comment alone I can tell that you must be white and straight reckon this isnt weird??
So true when women didn't had rights parents forced them to merry who they want men/women. Women beater heavy drinker Ppl . World war 2. seems nice era
If only dating was this innocent and easy anymore. :/
It's so weird to me that when these people were filming this and living their lives, I wasn't even born for another 45 years. Life was just happening even when I didn't exist
of corse not, there are only 2 persons in the universe, you and a Demon who created a matrix to mock you
Yeah, imagine that: life existed before the 1990s, before you were conceived. Amazing, isn't it?
I'm going to be laughing all night after reading that comment.
I’m sorry girl this comment is embarrassing 😭
No it's not. I understand the thoughts behind the comment. I have a picture of my dad the way he looked in 1948 and I try to imagine what the world and life was like at that time and it still amazes me there was an entire world buzzing about back then with no computers or internet or cell phones, with real people living their lives, long before I existed and those people were just as real as we are today and not old faded photographs or fuzzy video figures from an old 1930s movie. That is probably the thinking behind the comment. It was not stupid.
Youre young i take it
15/17 years old? they are looking like 30/35 old
The guy at 1:00 looks old enough to be their father, 40 at least!
at that time teenager looks way older than their age
They were, partly because the teens of that day hadn't yet learned everything, and they were still being taught. It wouldn't have been too wise to use untrained actors to teach untrained others, so they had to use those who did already know the social graces.
This narrator was quite the party animal. 🤣😂
The whole point of giving a date a corsage is that she's supposed to act as though she wasn't expecting one.
Steve Weinstein really?
I think my boyfriend would ask what color dress I was wearing, but not what type of flowers I preferred...until we were dating a while. I think our mothers would talk to to each other to make sure the flowers would match.
The whole corsage thing is really silly. Give it to her, take it away, give it back to her. Sheet! Never did understand that.
@@mikezylstra7514 Did she ever get the corsage back? Or put it on?
They should have made it the Senior Prom. The "kids" all look over twenty.
geez even with respect to the senior prom ..they would still look out of place senior prom student age peaking at 17 or 18 unless they flunked multiple times
Senior citizen prom
6:58 - I just love the look on this dad's face and the rolling of the eyes as though to say, "Can you _believe_ this clod?"
So funny and so MST3K worthy.
Be well and stay safe everybody.
Only thing missing is a silhouette of a guy and two robots! 😅
MST3K missed the boat here! A beautiful vintage girl who is just starting her career!
Oh, back in the day..."young people" would have gone to chaperoned tea dances. On a weekend afternoon, at the fire hall or community center. Girls would wear a nice skirt that covered their knees, and a nice blouse Boys would wear good trousers and a blazer. There would be punch, tea and cookies. And sedate well mannered music. They would be taught how to waltz, some basic steps to other rhythms. And the boys would learn where NOT to put their hands.
Yes it was stultifying. But it was a way to learn how to meet and talk to each other. The groundwork for social behavior was laid out. We just don't know how to behave any more.
Yeah. And girls and boys still fucked in the back of cars and then the girls were sent off to live with family in Nebraska so as not to embarrass the family and would come back after her newborn was given away to strangers.
Then they would go to make out point an fuck their brains out in cars ahhh the good ole days
My Aunt back in '46 fucked the football team.
@Beatriz Gómez Tornero Grease, another exaggeration?
There are a lot of stupid people making imature comments on here. I hope they choose not to reproduce we need to weed out the bad DNA out of humanity!
Helens father rolled his eyes at Frank’s poor manners
Could have been all avoided if he just honked the horn like he intended to.
Might seem a little strange to some of you but this is about respect for a date. Yeah, times have changed, but for the better?
In terms of things like this they havent changed for the better for sure.
lambchopxoxo What is better about them now?
The only thing better today is it's alright for the girl to ask the boy to prom.
Times have changed, but not for the better.
1946 was a very special and articulate year of manners and socializing.
Helen’s dress is just beautiful
Not too keen on Margaret’s dress.
I love the girl's evening gowns, classic and would still work today.
I remember my mum bobby pinning her hair to get those curls. Very Rita Hayworth.
Yes they would. In the sixties the Junior Prom being semi formal meant short dresses
Helen was quite the dame.
My husband and I go dancing every weekend. We attend swing dances where we enjoy dancing with all our friends! Of course we don't have all these silly etiquette rules but we do ask and accept dances in a mannerly fashion. Good dancers are popular and everybody wants to dance with him/her. We have a ball and would never think of staying home on Saturday night! By the way, we are in our 60s! 😅
They looked much happier after the restaurant...I guess they were just hangry ;-)
You and your loud ties, Frank! What's next? Houndstooth in sepia? A daring pinstripe in a muted mauve? Really, too ostentatious. Tone it down a bit!
yellow socks?
Loving the George pfp
i love how i always come across people with beatles pfp on these videos
Love the dresses and I am invested :) I thought Frank was going to loose the corasage for sure, well done Frank!
"All the fun they hope for lies ahead": As they walk into a room with the most boring music playing that you could ever imagine.
Yeah, where’s the Lady Gaga and CardiB?
No reason to be jealous? Jerry couldn’t tear his eyes away from Helen’s rack.
Emma jones+
Frank is in love with jerry
That's why he is jealous
To all the people saying they look older than high schoolers you are forgetting that people were older in olden times. Babies were already 10yrs old at delivery due to woman being too busy with house chores and perfectly doing their makeup and hair early every morning to have babies in the normal 9 months. So by the time the kids were graduating they were around 28 years old.
These people are actors as well.
I'm grateful someone could clear that up.
They all look too old to be in high school.
I have seen some very mature looking high school students, so not all high school kids are baby faced.
it's the way they dress, groom, and carry themselves. They put a lot of effort into looking presentable back then........unlike today.
hmmm but now that I look a little closer, That one kid looks as old as Andy Griffith
So true.
Yeah, I always thought it was funny when adults played the role of teenagers. They look like they're in their 30's. Maybe, they couldn't hire real teenagers because they were all in school at the time. But still, they could've at least hired people who look a few years younger.
"Men wear dark clothes at formal or semi-formal affairs, thus they allow the ladies by contrast to be more colorful in their dress."
I've long theorized that men's clothing is drab for the sake of all attention going to women, and here's the confirmation. No wonder I have to hunt online to find anything worth looking twice at.
How about if you work in a Bank
That’s why I shop in the women’s section too, sabotage the whole thing lol
Birds are the complete opposite.
That's Lane Tech High school on Addison& Western in Chicago,Riverview Amusement park Was Slightly South.
The dresses are STUNNING!! ❤️💕❤️
No little games! Yes! What a swanky venue for junior prom. 🤑
Merry Christmas everyone!🎄
Love these older films.
If we still used dance programs/cards in the late 80's, I'm betting my senior prom could've possibly been a far more enjoyable evening.
@12:22: What's with the new guy groping Jerry's leg?
He's probably writing Jerry's name on his dance card.
Love Helen's dress!!!
Meh. Wrong color for her. Same color as her skin and hair. Something in a pale green would've been more appropriate.
That dress at 4:50 is GORGEOUS.
A dance program? What the hell is that?
A dance card/dance programme is a booklet detailing all the dances planned at a formal event (I guess a prom could be considered as such in the 1940s) There is a space next to each dance where a woman writes in the name of her prospective dance partner. There are social rules to it, like mentioned in the video i.e that you should dance the first and last with your romantic partner (if you have one) and should not dance more than two consecutive sets of dances with the same person. If you've read any Jane Austin, the characters have dance cards when they go to balls
@masakasama LOVE IT!
“It’s foolish to be jealous”
People now: “Did you hear something?”
Esse vídeos educativos foram tão bem executados que continuam atuais. Gratidão pela postagem
I love watching these old training films
Back in the days when people used to wear a suit and tie to hang around the house, like Ozzie Nelsonl
My Aunt has the Margaret dress!!!
It's sad to think that this was over 70 years ago and most people in this video are probably long gone. :-(
I wish people still courted each other like this...with manners and respect. Society sure has lowered the bar on dating etiquette.
Imagine constantly pointing out faults in your friend's etiquette.
SO? SOme kids today have no respect
Okay...How endearing is this video???! I am a child of the 80's, but let me ask... Why did this chivalry and politeness ever go out of style???!!! HOW? My God, it's no wonder our society has gone to hell in a handbasket. Why men have so much less respect for women now, and people everywhere are becoming complete a-holes. Imagine a time like this when others were taught to consider how others felt and thought! How to make them feel special, interesting, and appreciated. All these modern-day women bitching about men doing things for them, and how they can do everything themselves and don't need a man. OMG, how TERRIBLE that a man once took charge and treated you like a princess and showed genuine interest and courtship toward you. THAT'S sexy! Could we please get back to these times when people were so much better? Imagine what people from that period would think of us now, if they were to just drop in. No wonder all the elderly people of that time who are still alive today feel so isolated from society now, and can't understand what happened to the world they once lived in. And we just shrug them off as old-fashioned and unimportant. What a shame.
Studies have shown that women have been getting increasingly *less* happy since the 1950's.
Well the manors are good, but I don't think this is realistic, somewhat superficial.
Sweetgirly would love to go back to those days.Being a teen in 1970 life was so much fun,television shows,books so much better.
dotheyfloat And to top it off, divorce rates much higher
This comment! You have expressed everything I have always felt. Honestly it’s heartbreaking to me to live in the society we do now. Where femininity and chivalry have been thrown completely out of the window 💔
2020! I mean the upcoming seniors. What a good year to graduate. I never really thought about it. That year will be remembered forever.
You would have thought haha then Corona showed up
You thought wrong, sadly. But you are correct about one thing, 2020 will be remembered forever.
@@savannahgrace111 Yes I eat my words. I posted this before the pandemic of course. They're upset now that they missed out on a formal graduation but they're still a unique class needless to say. They'll begin to understand a few years from now.
Frank should not open the corsage box but should give Helen that pleasure" - Jeez the teaching of manners and rightness.
Beautiful dresses wow very nice
Oh my. Helen is so beautiful.
Right? That dress was off the charts too!
That back when people respected one nother and a man treated a lady like a lady I think this day in time could take lessons.......
Amen to that 👏
What, back when men could put their wives into mental institutions for lobotomies, for the sole reason that their wife wants a job?
And when he expected her to be a housewife and cook and clean and pump out children because that was her purpose as a woman. "Good old days" my arse.
@@zoapenly3618 did you learn that in University?
15:17 that's not a cup, that's a paper snow-cone holder! :)
Helen’s dress is gorgeous !!!!!!
Is that Ward Cleaver narrating??
Both these boys served on WW II, Frank flew over in the Pacific, Jerry was an observer in Stalingrad.
Hahaha wow, everything was so “technical”, write down who’s dancing with who, send the requests for the president to approve, request music, send your meal option, pay the fee for the food, drinks, prom hahahahaha
Did people used to watch this at school or used they show it on tv?
These vintage videos are so fun to watch
These films were made to be viewed in school.
@January’s Son
Ahhhhh, got it, thanks for the info! :)
Not everyone had TVs in their homes in 1940#s. School training
@@januarysson5633 My Dad remembers watching PSAs such as this back in school. He said they weren't taken very seriously.
@Kara Badasski it's interesting to see so many young people thinking life was really like this!
I always wonder if these people who acted are still alive and super old...or when they went..what families did they have, did they live out a good life? These people should be in their mid-late 90's by now if alive. I hope they had good lives. This was so long ago it always makes me so curious...I am about to be 25 and would prefer this stuff over modern TV anyday...I am an old soul haha
Junior Prom? They were 16 in 1946. Born in 1930 (depths of the great depression). They're in their 90's now if even still alive. And those actors/actresses (like Frank) are more like 100 now. Add to that all those guys killed in Korea a few years later.
why is the tall dude dressed normal and the short guy dressed like he just finished selling vacuum cleaners to clowns
How nice the girls live with their grandparents. Frank, what a doofus ... he's great husband material.