"End Times Made Simple": Amillennialism w/ Dr. Sam Waldron

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024


  • @d1689-v8y
    @d1689-v8y 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks for hosting this discussion.

  • @ProjectCatechism
    @ProjectCatechism 2 роки тому +1

    Quality mustache! Quality conversation!

  • @mochamarie9741
    @mochamarie9741 6 місяців тому +1

    I don't fit in any church. Our family attends one but I keep my mouth shut. My Church believes in the False Unbibical Premillennial Dispentualism Rapture View. Makes me so frustrated. I guess I am Partial Pretorist View. I dont know.

  • @jhenningkelloggia
    @jhenningkelloggia 8 місяців тому +1

    Jesus fulfilled the 70 weeks... how can you be an expert on Scripture and not know that ?

  • @larrymcclain8874
    @larrymcclain8874 6 місяців тому +1

    My take on the narrative, or "story" on the Book of Revelation, is this:
    The Revelation was given to John by Christ to deliver His message to seven churches in Asia, written in signs for events that would soon take place beginning in the first century. The book concerns itself with the defeat of the enemies of Christ and His church, who were empowered by Satan, and ultimately he (Satan) was also defeated.
    The Jews were the first to persecute the Christians, documented in the Book of Acts, beginning with the stoning of Stephen, and continuing through to one of the last stonings of the Jews, recorded by Josephus (62 AD), the death of James, the brother of Jesus. Israel, with its capital city, Jerusalem, the adulterous harlot, or Babylon, rode the beast (Roman Empire - "We have no king but Caesar, crucify Him! Let this man's blood be on us and on our children").
    The harlot acknowledged her adultery, "I am not a widow," meaning that she still has a husband, and he is not dead. The beast hated her, however, and eventually destroyed her (70 AD), and with the punishment reserved for the daughters of priests who became harlots, she was burned up by fire.
    God had been "married" to Israel, who never was faithful to Him, and because of her spiritual adultery, she was "executed" as Jewish law permits by the Romans. This allowed the Bride of Christ (church), the New Jerusalem, to take her rightful position at the marriage supper of the Lamb. She replaced the executed adulterous Old Jerusalem as this bride.
    Next, the beast, with the forced worship of its Emperor as God by all of its citizens, was dealt with. The beast continued to persecute the church and eventually was defeated by the rider of the white horse (Christ), whose weapon was the sword of the Spirit coming from His mouth (the gospel, the Word). By the 4th century, the Roman Empire declared Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire and, in complete reversal, the church had triumphed. Eventually, Paganism was made illegal, conquering the beast.
    For a lengthy period of time (millennium), Satan was prohibited (bound) from empowering nations to continue to persecute Christians on a worldwide basis like the Roman Empire days, and simultaneously the martyred souls who were slaughtered came to life and reigned with an already reigning Christ. This allowed Christianity to flourish and progress throughout this period, uninhibited and spread to every corner of the world.
    Then, after this lengthy time period (millennium), an event yet still in the future, Satan will be released briefly to attempt to empower all of the nations for worldwide persecution of the church once again, hoping to finally destroy them (he surrounds the great city, the New Jerusalem). Just before this occurs, however, Christ intervenes and destroys Satan and then institutes the final judgment of all humanity. Then eternity begins with the righteous receiving their reward and the damned sentenced to eternal punishment.
    As far as the millennium goes, I consider myself amill. Things are definitely not getting better. IMO, if we are not currently living in the days of Revelation 20:7-10, then we definitely are not far from it.
    When the French Revolution happened, with its Cult or Age of Reason, the influence on Christianity in Europe was forever changed. Because of this, by the mid 19th century, you had the writings of Karl Marx and Charles Darwin, both who greatly influenced the 20th century.
    Here we are in the early 21st century, and Christianity in the West is in retreat. The religious "nones" are the fastest growing group in America. Churches in Europe are being turned into museums. Muslims are growing fast in the East. This is not progress.

  • @HesterOdendaal-z4c
    @HesterOdendaal-z4c 9 місяців тому +1

    Two high Sabbaths (Dan 9 v 27 ) Jesus Christ was cruxified in the middle of the week count backwords from a saturday night to vriday night 6 o clock ( day 1) from vryday night to thursday night ( day 2 ) from thursday night till wensday night day ( 3) and then during the daytime HE died.For the SON OF MAN WILL BE IN THE GRAVE FOR THREE DAYS AND FHREE NIGHTS.GLORY HALLELUJAH TO THE KING OF HEAVENS AND EARTH.AMEN.

  • @45paisley
    @45paisley 2 роки тому +6

    Love the podcast. Thank you brother. Also, love love love that you lead in prayer.

  • @qwerty-so6ml
    @qwerty-so6ml Місяць тому

    PRETERISTS, HISTORISTS are taking away from the worst horror the world will see (Matthew 24:21), when the earth shakes to and fro like a drunkard (Isaiah 24:20), as the pit is opened (Revelation 9:2) and the locusts are released (Joel 2:25).
    John received the book of Revelation.
    Yet, he was told that he would be coming back at the end.
    Revelation 10:11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy AGAIN before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
    That revelation (given within the past 2 decades):

  • @TurtleTrackin
    @TurtleTrackin 8 місяців тому +1

    Don't be so sure regarding a Macarthur debate. Macarthur and Sproul debated baptism at a Ligonier conference. (I personally think Macarthur won that one.) They remained friends, and J-Mac was invited back. Nothing like a good "prize fight" to draw a crowd.

  • @mochamarie9741
    @mochamarie9741 6 місяців тому

    Book of Job is Book of Revelation
    Revelation 12 All things of the Persecuted Church! Jesus Christ came, saw, and Conquers. Ecclesiastes is Cycles.
    Leviticus to the Gospels to Revelation shows 3 Harvests!!! A Pregnancy has 3 Terms. The Church Age on Old Earth is probably in Term 3!!! Labor Pains finality soon.
    The Two Ages
    Jewish Age Old Testament to the Stoning of Stephen.
    Gentiles Age Acts 1 - now.
    Revelation 21 is the hope for all who accept the Cross of Calvary and follow Jesus Christ. Death is fully done , thrown in Lake of Fire at the end. The Last Enemy. So easy!!!
    You have two Wraths or sources of tribulation. You have Satan's Wrath and rhen God's Wrath. The worst Wrath of all is being thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity. Maybe this is "The Greatest Tribulation". John 3:16-28 keeps you out of this final Wrath of God.

  • @mochamarie9741
    @mochamarie9741 6 місяців тому

    The 70 Weeks of Daniel are completely fulfilled in everything Jesus Christ did. The killing of Stephen ended the Jewish Grace Time. AD 66-70 was rhe First big Wrath of God! The Gentile Time began as the Church!!! Easy!

  • @justpassingthruuu
    @justpassingthruuu Місяць тому

    Children can understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it is His indwelling- Dispensationalism is a figment of man's imagination stealing and twisting His words as did Satan in Matthew 4. End of argument.

  • @mochamarie9741
    @mochamarie9741 6 місяців тому

    We are literally on the Island of "Lost"
    A warped reality created by Satan.
    Come out of this. Please.

  • @priestap
    @priestap 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this - I'm grateful for you both. I would love to hear Dr. Waldron address what may be the weaknesses of the Amill view. Also, a good many theological giants of the past were Historicists (e.g. Spurgeon, Edwards). Does Dr Waldron find that to be at least a valid interpretation, albeit incredibly difficult to discern?

  • @markchristian787
    @markchristian787 2 роки тому +1

    Praise God for this! Im a reformed baptist amil myself and consider Dr. Waldron one of the current heroes of the faith. I have a ton of respect for CBTS. Whats the symbolism book you two were talking about for required reading at CBTS?

  • @danielclodfelter2048
    @danielclodfelter2048 2 роки тому +1

    I like the cover for this podcast. The posture of his hands make him look soooooo confident in his wisdom. He's got it figured out!

  • @justtruth8310
    @justtruth8310 Рік тому +1

    Dr Waldon very level headed on point and sincerely helpful/ I love his approach

  • @AmericanShia786
    @AmericanShia786 Рік тому +8

    As one "saved" at a Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Church that used the Old Scofield Reference Bible from the pulpit back in 1977 at the age of 17, I was s Pre-Tribulation Dispensationalist until age 25, when I was converted to Mid-Tribulation Dispensationalism. At about age 29 or 30, a slow process led me to become a Historic Premillennialist and a Covenantalist. I thought I had come home, finally. But, Sam Waldron just had to write The End Times Made Simple, which I read about 15 years ago, not long after it was published. Oh, I wanted to remain an Historic Premillennialist because I had come to admire Charles Haddon Spurgeon so much. But, Sam Waldron is very persuasive. Not even the great Dr. James White can move me to Post-Millennialism. I watch Dr. White quite a bit. But, I think the proof texts for Post-Millennialism fit just as well, or even better, with Amillennialism. That's good, because didn't want to have to move again, though I am willing to go where the truth is.
    Its not an easy feat to best Dr. White in s debate, but I believe Dr. Waldron did do.
    Certainly, it's not about who has the best debate skills. However, My first 15 years in Christian churches were spent in those which called seminary a cemetery. Those churches weren't in the Reformed camp, either.

    • @AmericanShia786
      @AmericanShia786 Рік тому +1

      By debate, I mean that Sam Waldron's sermons and this book were more convincing on this issue than sermons I hear by James White. I believe they are both intelligent and Godly men.

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo Рік тому +2

      Multiple Second Coming Visions in Revelation: (book not in chronological order )
      Christ returns one time in the future. However, there are several different visions of His return shown from different perspectives in the Book of Revelation.
      Christ returns at the end of Revelation chapter 6, with signs in the sun, moon, and stars, as are found in the Olivet Discourse.
      Those at the end of the chapter are hiding from the wrath of the Lamb.
      Why would they be hiding if Christ is not present?
      The "kings", "captains", "might men", "free", and "bond" are also found in chapter 19 at the return of Christ.
      He returns at the 7th trumpet, which is the last trumpet in the Bible, and the time of the judgment of the dead in Revelation 11:15-18.
      The beginning of chapter 12 is a history lesson containing the fall of Satan, and the birth and death of Christ, who is the seed promised to crush the head of Satan in Genesis 3:15.
      The Second Coming is found in the "harvest" of chapter 14, which is related to the parable of the wheat and tares in Matthew chapter 13.
      He comes as a thief at Armageddon, and we find the greatest earthquake in history in chapter 16. This occurs when the 7th angel pours out his vial. How powerful is an earthquake which moves islands and destroys the mountains? What is happening to the planet?
      He comes on a horse in chapter 19.
      Chapter 20?
      Does He come with the fire, and the judgment of the dead at the end of chapter 20, which agrees with what Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10, and 2 Timothy 4:1?
      (The time of the judgment of the dead is also found in Revelation 11:18.)
      There are no mortals left alive on the planet at the end of Matthew 25:31-46.
      Why does an angel come down from heaven with a key to unlock the bottomless pit in Revelation 9:1-2, if the pit was not already locked before that time? Are there wicked angels in the pit in Rev. 9:11? If the beast "ascends" from the pit in Rev. chapter 11, where was the beast before that time?
      Does your view agree with Peter in 2 Pet. 2:4, and Jude in Jude 1:6, when they both said wicked angels are already in chains of darkness?
      Revelation 9:14 proves some of the angels were previously bound in some manner.
      Because the two witnesses were bodily resurrected from the dead in Revelation 11, the "first resurrection" at the beginning of Revelation 20 is not the first bodily resurrection in the book.
      The principle of "Recapitulation" means there are multiple visions of His return.

    • @Ldgreggbell
      @Ldgreggbell 2 місяці тому

      I've only been a Christian for 2.5 years but Ive gone on the same journey in that time and I'm at historic premillenianism at this moment but Amillenialism is convincing...

  • @DTzant
    @DTzant 2 роки тому +5

    If I were Amill I would have to believe that the millennial reign is taking place in the intermediate state in heaven while the world is in tribulation.

    • @adamcarpenter1869
      @adamcarpenter1869 Рік тому +2


    • @1754Me
      @1754Me 11 місяців тому +8

      If I were still a dispensationalist, I would have to believe that Daniel is a false prophet. As Daniel 2 makes known, God sets up His Kingdom during the fourth kingdom (now known as the Roman Empire). God's Kingdom, which is seen as a stone, strikes the image during the fourth kingdom (the Roman Empire) smashing all four other kingdoms in the image. God's Kingdom then becomes a great mountain and fills the whole earth. God's Kingdom is said to be a forever Kingdom. The Roman Empire has come and gone. So the question is, did God set up His eternal Kingdom during the time of the Roman Empire or is Daniel a false prophet?
      Is Jesus currently reigning as King? Does He have "all authority in heaven and on earth" as he declared after he victoriously rose from the dead in Matthew 28:18?
      Revelation 1:5-6 says that Jesus is "the ruler of kings on earth" and that He has "made us a kingdom". Are these verses said in the past, present, or future tense?
      What about all of these verses about Jesus reigning as King? are they in the past, present, or future tense?
      Colossians 3:1--"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God."
      Hebrews 1:3--"After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high"
      Hebrews 8:1--"we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven"
      Hebrews 10:12--"But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God,"
      Hebrews 12:2--"looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."
      Revelation 3:31--Jesus is telling the believers/church to "conquer" in order to receive the same reward as He has received--"as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne."
      The amillennial position is simply saying that Jesus is currently ruling as King, high above any current governmental authority. The "Gospel" was what a herald would do as he brought back good news from the battlefield. Our "good news" is that Jesus is the victorious King, reigning on His throne, and He wants people to be in His Kingdom. Those people who choose to obey His commands are redeemed by their faith/obedience in the King. Jesus's resurrection proved that He has all authority in heaven and on earth. God commands men everywhere to submit to Jesus' Kingship and follow His commands, otherwise you will be counted as one of His enemies and dealt with appropriately.
      When standing before Pilate, Jesus said that His Kingdom was "not of this world". When speaking to Nicodemus, he said that "unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God" and that one must be "born of the Spirit". Paul in Romans 14:17 declares that "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking (physical things) but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (spiritual things--Fruits of the Spirit)." So it's currently not a physical Kingdom, but a Spiritual Kingdom. Peter says in 1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen race, a royal (as pertaining to a King) priesthood, a holy nation,..." Jesus is currently reigning as King in His eternal Kingdom. On the last day, we will physically see His Kingdom on earth as Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

    • @DTzant
      @DTzant 11 місяців тому +2

      @@1754Me thanks for clarifying that. I’ve been studying the Amill position for several years and still struggle with the binding of Satan being now.

    • @tentmaker2254
      @tentmaker2254 10 місяців тому

      Here is some more struggles for you: In rev 2:10 it says "I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you" , In rev 12, the devil is deceiving the WHOLE WORLD which is what we are seeing currently and always have, in Rev 20 he is bound from deceiving the nations. Dont get me wrong, premill has a lot of issues as well, such as animal sacrifices coming back, the problem of people surviving the second coming in the flesh despite 2 Thessalonians 1:4-7 saying no one will survive in the flesh, either you are destroyed or receive eternal glorified body. @@DTzant

    • @poewitx
      @poewitx 8 місяців тому +2

      @@1754Mewow just read your response to another person, and wow! Thank you for taking the time t write that. I took notes. Very very well said and succinct, God bless

  • @oldmanjoe6808
    @oldmanjoe6808 11 місяців тому +1

    The whole argument for any of the views is put to rest in Mt.24:29-31; 2Tim.4:1; 2Thes.1:7-10 et al... quite simply, these text tell us plainly, Mt.24:25, there is no such thing as a Millennial reign of Christ on this sin cursed earth because upon the Day of His return it is Judgment Day. What on earth is there for Christ to reign over in Person for a thousand years when this earth and all reprobates are cast into the Lake of Fire on that Day?

  • @rayrose6499
    @rayrose6499 Рік тому +1

    It is supported by Scripture!

  • @michaelfalsia6062
    @michaelfalsia6062 9 місяців тому

    Is the school free? Oh its a seminary I forgot. I once went to a church which had a Ministerial academy that was part of the Church and free for those who felt called to the office of Pastor. Very biblical. I can not understand why this is not more prevelant in Christianity I struggle with. At any rate the Amillenialist position is clearly what the new testament teaches. No doubt about it. One text in Revelation is not a filter or primary text to build an eschatology upon. Bad heremeneutucs. Remove Revelation 20:1-4 and you have absolutely no reference found anywhere in holy scripture that suggests some golden literal or spiritual state of affairs on this earth. The simplest view is usually the most likely to be accurate. The simplicity of the apostolic faith and doctrine in the primitive church has been obfuscated by the mischievously active unsanctified minds of men. The rule of thumb is we interpret the one by the many not the many by the one. When this is done we do not find any corroboration by any writer of the new testament including the words of our Lord.
    With respect to Sam Storms beware he is an active charismatic and believes that signs and wonders and revelations are all alive in the church today. Storms does not subscribe to sola scriptura or the absolute sufficiency and finality of scripture. The false faith of the so called charismatic calvinist must be rejected as a deception of Satan. Clounterfeit charismatic manifestation is a mark of Satan. Matthew 24:24; Mark 1322; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-14; Revelation 13:7-16; 16:13; 19:20; 2 Corinthians 11:5-13. After all the elect are saved, Satan will deceive the nations, and the vast majority of prefessed Christianity will be apostate though they know it not. Matthew 7:13 14,21-23. Verses 21-23 typify those who have a false faith but because of their works believe otherwise. So too will there be myriads of such at the second coming. Also note the type of works, prophesying casting out demons etc. Exactly what pentecostal and charismatics do. Truth and a love and uncompromising obedient to it is the mark of a true believer and a true church not the embrace of error and false doctrine however devout one may seem to be. Test all things by the word of God and not by the look of a man. Beware of false prophets. Now that we have the whole and complete revelation of God as Sam also believes then we can know that anyone who makes claim to further revelation whether in prophetic form or tongue we can know that they are not to be received and welcomed into our fellowship. A warning of rebuke and a call to repentance is our sacred duty if we love our Lord and His truth.

  • @EJMJensen
    @EJMJensen 3 місяці тому

    Dennis E Johnson and Vern Poythress have Revelation commentaries that do the same thing as Hendrickson. Their Apocalypse treatments examine the age of the church from different perspectives three times. This was a great boon to the understanding of redemptive history and harmony of the entire NT with the OT Prophetic books.

  • @sacredcowtipper1378
    @sacredcowtipper1378 11 місяців тому

    70 weeks were fully fulfilled. I think it is pretty easy chronologically. Jesus dies AFTER the 69th week is done (Daniel 9:26a) so when did his ministry start? My reasons to say Jesus’ ministry started at the beginning of the 70th week is for these reasons.
    1. He died AFTER the 69th week was over and after means after. If 69 weeks is over it puts his ministry into the 70th week.
    2. The word ‘he’ in verse 27 has an antecedent to a previous noun so WHO caused the sacrifices and oblations to cease? Has to be someone already mentioned in the text so we know it isn’t a future antichrist that isn’t even mentioned in the text and added in by dispensationalists. We already know the people of the prince that is to come was Titus historically. He literally became a prince over night in AD 70 when his father left Jerusalem’s siege and went back to Rome to be the new Caesar (king) which makes Titus a prince immediately.
    3. The word CEASE in verse 27 is not a forceful word like the dispensational premill people teach, the word is SHABAT where we get Sabbath. It is clear Jesus put to REST (SHABAT; cease; no longer needed) the sacrifices.
    So if Jesus’ ministry started at the beginning of the 70th week, and He became the 4th passover, that puts his death in the 487th year of the 490 year prophecy. That leaves 3 to 3.5 years left. The prophecy concerned the Jews and Jesus said to preach the gospel to the Jews first. So my last 3 to 3.5 years of the 490 years was the time it took the apostles to preach to all of Judaea and I believe when God sent Peter to Cornelius and the Gentiles and he was the leader, the gospel was finally going to the Gentiles. James took over the head pastor in Jerusalem when Peter began missionary work to the Gentiles. When the apostles were done with an area, others were put into leadership so they could go to the next group of people. To me this makes all the sense in the world. There are no other gaps in any other properties and the church never had a gap until the time of Irving and Darby and others they had conferences with int he early part of the 1800’s.
    The only view I feel is heretical is the dispensational premillennial view because they teach going back to animal sacrifices with Jesus at the helm for sin atonement thus Jesus denying Himself. I am okay with any other view. A-mill makes the most sense to me. And I noticed someone in the comments said no one was A-mill in the early church. I knwo most of the church over the first 1800 years was A-mill, maybe not in the first three centuries but nobody int he first three centuries taught dispensationalism and nobody taught a pre-trib rapture (some taught pre-wrath) and nobody taught going back to animal sacrifices which would have been considered heretical and reason to kick people out of the church.
    Any attack on the blood of Jesus being eternal is demonic and I am not afraid to say that.
    Someone may ask, how do we reconcile the extra 37 years? What if there are TWO time indicators in this prophecy because of overlap. The regular 490 years and then the time of testing. WE know historically the Jews went back to animal sacrifices and a Biblical generation is 30-40 years. I call this the Stay of Execution. Jesus gave that generation EXTRA time to repent. The passage never says those extra years were part of the 490 year prophecy.
    Verse 26b seems to be added in yet not necessarily part of the 490 years.
    and the people of the prince THAT SHALL COME shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
    40 YEARS OF ABOMINATIONS brought many desolations upon those that rejected Jesus as the Messiah. Going back to animal sacrifices was blasphemous at this point. A little known fact is under Emperor Julian he commanded the Jews to go back in build another temple in AD 361. What did God think of that? God sent tornados, fire from beneath and earthquakes every time they got so far in building and some Jews and workers were killed and Julian died in AD 363 and they gave up. if God allows a temperature to be rebuilt again, all I can say is it isn’t going to be pretty for those that do it and those (many many Christians) that donate to it. It is coming against the sacrifice of Jesus in the worst kind of way and will be the greatest apostasy one could possibly do and name the name of Christ.

  • @dannywilliamson3340
    @dannywilliamson3340 Рік тому

    Yeah, I guess it DOES become really simple if you grant yourself the exegetical license to twist scripture around to mean whatever you want. It's hard work to harmonize the 25% of the entire bible into one coherent hermeneutic.....while allowing Israel to enjoy her promised earthly kingdom.

  • @TroyStevens430
    @TroyStevens430 5 місяців тому

    For a great read on this topic try to find an old copy of "Inspired Principles of Prophetic Interpretation", by John Wilmot.

  • @davidboyer2290
    @davidboyer2290 3 місяці тому

    At the 13-14 minute mark you mention hermenudics... but you are actually talking about eisegesis.
    Not proper at all.

  • @ddmaxlow
    @ddmaxlow Рік тому +1

    As far as the 2 witnesses, John 8: 18 Basically Jesus said He and His Father are the 2 witnesses. There is another verse in John also where Jesus said He and His Father are the 2 witnesses as well. This should be perfect for Amillenianist as well in my opinion. Thanks for the upload btw !!! God bless !!!

    • @walkinthelight1748
      @walkinthelight1748 Рік тому

      Peace to you. I disagree. The Rev. 11 two witnesses, were *GIVEN* power for 1,260 days (Rev. 11:3).
      Do you realize that the beast makes war against them, eventually *overcomes them, and will kill them?*
      Rev. 11:7 KJV - "And *when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast* that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit *shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them."*
      Their dead bodies are left out in the street for people to see, and are not put in graves (Rev. 11:8-9).
      Do you really think God will torment people ON EARTH, THEN AFTERWARDS be killed by the beast?
      Rev. 11:10 KJV - "And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because *these two prophets tormented them that dwelt ON the EARTH."*
      Trust what the Word of God actually says.
      Luke 4:4 KJV - "And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That *man shall NOT live by bread alone, BUT by EVERY WORD of God."*
      Let God be true, and every man a liar (Rom. 3:4). This book has prophecy, including a prophetic warning.
      Revelation 22:10 KJV - "And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the *prophecy of this book:* for the time is at hand."
      Revelation 22:18-19 KJV - "For I testify unto *EVERY man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, IF ANY man shall ADD unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:*
      *And if any man shall TAKE AWAY from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."*

    • @ddmaxlow
      @ddmaxlow Рік тому +1

      @@walkinthelight1748 I see what you sre saying about the verse stating the dead bodies shall lie in the street. Jesus was buried so They ( Abba Father and Jesus) may not be the 2 witnesses. Thanks for the info.

    • @walkinthelight1748
      @walkinthelight1748 Рік тому

      @@ddmaxlow Praise to YAH (Hallelujah)!
      You’re welcome. Thank you for being willing to hear His Word.
      There is so much detail in the scriptures.
      I shared a bunch of scripture in some “WARNING: SHOCKING Bible Truths” & “Offspring/Generations in the Millennium” playlists on my channel.
      It’s thought provoking. Please check it out, and tell me what you hear those scripture saying.
      I even shared over 100 scriptures from the prophets, that describe things DURING the millennial reign, that could only be fulfilled then.
      Please let me know. *YAH* be with you.
      Psalms 68:4 (NKJV) “Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, *By His name YAH,* And rejoice before Him.”

    • @larrymcclain8874
      @larrymcclain8874 6 місяців тому

      The text states emphatically in Rev. 11:6, that the two witnesses must be Moses and Elijah. Elijah caused it to not rain, and Moses turned the Nile into blood. Both Moses and Elijah represent the Law and the Prophets. It is the Law and the Prophets being read in the synagogues of Jerusalem during this time of great tribulation that are witnessing. This occurred until the beast (Roman Empire) destroyed the harlot, the "great city," where the "Lord was crucified." (Rev. 11:8, Jerusalem).

  • @josesevinelevin9262
    @josesevinelevin9262 2 роки тому +1

    From now on please refer to me as subscriber 228

  • @45paisley
    @45paisley 2 роки тому

    Side note: Is Dr. Waldron going full Tom Selleck Stach?!? I think it will be glorious if he is.

  • @cheskyfortune4583
    @cheskyfortune4583 8 місяців тому

    I really like the practical question 55:17

  • @walkinthelight1748
    @walkinthelight1748 Рік тому

    Ephesians 2:7 KJV - "That in the *AGES* to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus."
    *AGES* is plural. To only believe there is one more age is an error.
    The second half of the 70th week begin with the 3.5 year testimony of the two witnesses.
    That's the same time as the war against saints and how long the woman/bride is goes to a place prepared by God in the wilderness (Rev. 12:6, 14; 13:5-7).
    Rev. 20 is not reciprocal. Even if the dragon was symbolic, we are explicitly told he is bound.
    Other angels are in chains, why not Satan?
    Jude 1:6 KJV - "And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved *in everlasting CHAINS* under darkness unto the judgment of the great day."

  • @georgeschlaline6057
    @georgeschlaline6057 Рік тому

    Deepening darkness of you tube

  • @mochamarie9741
    @mochamarie9741 6 місяців тому

    Very good!!! Thank you

  • @MrKC23
    @MrKC23 2 роки тому +5

    Excellent interview.
    God's plan on Earth is the Church, which preaches Christ's Gospel.
    The Church does not share the stage with "another" people of God I.e. ethnic Israel.
    The church is the True, New, Reformed Israel of God.
    When it says:
    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! "May they be secure who love you! (Psalm 122:6, ESV)
    It doesn't mean we pray for the Middle East, it means we pray for the Church, which is the current manifestation of the Heavenly Jerusalem.
    The ONE who CONQUERS, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God. Never shall he go out of it, and I WILL WRITE on him/her the name of my God, and the NAME of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM, which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name. (Revelation 3:12, ESV)
    And I saw the holy city, NEW JERUSALEM, coming down out of HEAVEN from God, prepared as a BRIDE adorned for her husband. (Revelation 21:2, ESV)
    note that the CHURCH is ALSO the BRIDE in Ephesians 5.
    The Church = Jerusalem
    But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother. (Galatians 4:26, ESV)

    • @walkinthelight1748
      @walkinthelight1748 Рік тому +1

      Who is referred to as enemies for the gospels sake in Roman 11:28?
      But concerning election, they are beloved.
      Romans 11:25 KJV - "For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of THIS MYSTERY, *lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to ISRAEL, UNTIL the fulness of the Gentiles be come in."*

    • @st.christopher4854
      @st.christopher4854 Рік тому +1

      According to St. Paul, it is the NATURAL branches (Jews) that were broken off due to unbelief that are to be grafted in again. And this will happen after the fullness of the Gentiles come in.
      Daniel's 70th week is not for the church, it is for thy people (Jews) and thy holy city (Jerusalem).
      - Dan 9:24.

    • @walkinthelight1748
      @walkinthelight1748 Рік тому

      @@st.christopher4854 Peace to you. I agree with you that it is the NATURAL branches. Who does that include?
      Jews? Yes, but you missed the rest of the tribes of Jacob if you say that.
      Judah was the southern kingdom, but Israel (Ephraim) was the northern kingdom.
      Ephraim was given a bill of divorce & taken captive first.
      Jeremiah 3:8 KJV - "And I saw, when for all the causes whereby *backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce;* yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also."
      YAH drove them out first by the Assyrians, and scattered them around the earth.
      Judah was later taken captive by Babylon, but returned after the 70 years prophesied of Jeremiah.
      Jeremiah 29:10 KJV - *"For thus saith the LORD, That after SEVENTY YEARS be accomplished at Babylon* I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place."
      Daniel 9:2 KJV - "In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to *Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish SEVENTY YEARS in the desolations of Jerusalem."*

    • @st.christopher4854
      @st.christopher4854 Рік тому +1

      The people were given 70 weeks (490 years) -Dan 9:24, beginning with the decree of Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem (the walls and the streets). After 7 and 62 weeks (483 years) Messiah would be cut off. In between the 69th and 70th week, the people of the prince who is to come would destroy the city and the sanctuary. - Dan 9:26. When did this happen? In 70AD, due to the transgressors provoking Rome. The nation was cut off when Jesus announced to the religious leaders that "the kingdom is taken from you" (parable of the vineyard). Because the Jews were cut off, there is yet no 70th week of Daniel fulfilled - Dan 9:27. This current church age has primarily been the gospel to the Gentiles even though some Jews have also believed. As St. Paul says, "God will lift the blindness" and this will be during the one week, 7 year tribulation (Daniel's 70th week), after being deceived by the Antichrist. The new covenant of the new testament in his blood is a better covenant but not a replacement. The olive tree remains. Yes some natural branches were pruned off to graft some wild ones in, and yes the natural ones will be grafted in again, but the tree is not replaced with another tree. All the covenants remain intact including Noah's. God's covenants are all everlasting.

    • @st.christopher4854
      @st.christopher4854 Рік тому

      @@walkinthelight1748 I agree with everything you said here about the 70 years in captivity. You do understand why it was 70 years of captivity and not say 60 years or 40 or 120? Also, please read my other comment about the 70 sevens, the 490 years (70 weeks).

  • @SpotterVideo
    @SpotterVideo 2 роки тому +1

    A Millennium Puzzle to solve…
    The “first resurrection” in Rev. chapter 20 is not the first bodily resurrection in the Book of Revelation, because the two witnesses are resurrected from the dead in chapter 11. There are two different types of resurrection in John chapter 5. There is a spiritual resurrection from the dead in John 5:24, and a bodily resurrection from the dead in John 5:28-29.
    My view of the Millennium agrees with what Paul said in 2 Thess. 1:7-10, when Paul said Christ returns in "flaming fire" taking vengeance on those who do not obey the Gospel. The fire comes at the end of Rev. chapter 20.
    My view agrees with what Peter said in 2 Peter 3:10-13, when Peter said this earth is going to burn and "dissolve" when He comes as a thief on the day of the Lord. The fire comes at the end of Rev. chapter 20.
    My view agrees with what Paul said in 2 Tim. 4:1, when Paul said both the living and the dead will be judged at His appearing. The time of the judgment of the dead, with reward for some and destruction for others is found in Rev. 11:18, right after the 7th trumpet, which is the last trumpet in the Bible. (This verse also proves the Book of Rev. is not in chronological order.) The judgment of the dead is also found at the end of Rev. chapter 20.
    My view agrees with what Jesus said in Matt. 25:31-46, where He described the judgment of the sheep and goats, which leaves no mortals alive on the planet at the end of the passage. There are also no mortals left alive on the planet at the end of Rev. chapter 19.
    My view agrees with Peter in 2 Pet. 2:4, and Jude in Jude 1:6, when they both said wicked angels are already in chains of darkness.
    My view agrees with what John recorded in Rev. 9:1-2, when an angel comes down from heaven with a key to unlock the pit, which means the pit was locked before that time. Are there wicked angels already in the pit in Rev. 9:11? John recorded angels already "bound" in Rev. 9:14. The beast "ascends" out of the pit in Rev. chapter 11, which means the beast was in the pit before that time.
    Take all of the above and compare it to the symbolic language found in Rev. chapter 20, and the fact the Book of Revelation is not in chronological order, and you will have the truth.

    • @larrymcclain8874
      @larrymcclain8874 6 місяців тому

      In Rev. 20:4 the first resurrection is that of decapitated souls. It is not a bodily resurrection. I can visualize a decapitated body, but not a decapitated soul. This text also states that these souls are those who reign for a thousand years. The implication here is that they reign with an already reigning Christ.

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo 6 місяців тому

      Rev_6:9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
      Rev_20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
      Multiple Second Coming Visions in Revelation: (book not in chronological order )
      Christ returns one time in the future. However, there are several different visions of His return shown from different perspectives in the Book of Revelation.
      Christ returns at the end of Revelation chapter 6, with signs in the sun, moon, and stars, as are found in the Olivet Discourse.
      Those at the end of the chapter are hiding from the wrath of the Lamb.
      Why would they be hiding if Christ is not present?
      The "kings", "captains", "might men", "free", and "bond" are also found in chapter 19 at the return of Christ.
      He returns at the 7th trumpet, which is the last trumpet in the Bible, and the time of the judgment of the dead in Revelation 11:15-18.
      The beginning of chapter 12 is a history lesson containing the fall of Satan, and the birth and death of Christ, who is the seed promised to crush the head of Satan in Genesis 3:15.
      The Second Coming is found in the "harvest" of chapter 14, which is related to the parable of the wheat and tares in Matthew chapter 13.
      He comes as a thief at Armageddon, and we find the greatest earthquake in history in chapter 16. This occurs when the 7th angel pours out his vial. How powerful is an earthquake which moves islands and destroys the mountains? What is happening to the planet?
      He comes on a horse in chapter 19, right after the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
      Chapter 20?
      Does He come with the fire, and the judgment of the dead at the end of chapter 20, which agrees with what Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10, and 2 Timothy 4:1?
      (The time of the judgment of the dead is also found in Revelation 11:18.)
      There are no mortals left alive on the planet at the end of Matthew 25:31-46.
      Why does an angel come down from heaven with a key to unlock the bottomless pit in Revelation 9:1-2, if the pit was not already locked before that time? Are there wicked angels in the pit in Rev. 9:11? If the beast "ascends" from the pit in Rev. chapter 11, where was the beast before that time?
      Does your view agree with Peter in 2 Pet. 2:4, and Jude in Jude 1:6, when they both said wicked angels are already in chains of darkness?
      Revelation 9:14 proves some of the angels were previously bound in some manner.
      Because the two witnesses were bodily resurrected from the dead in Revelation 11, the "first resurrection" at the beginning of Revelation 20 is not the first bodily resurrection in the book.
      The principle of "Recapitulation" means there are multiple visions of His return.

  • @triciachampine5807
    @triciachampine5807 8 місяців тому

    Honestly I am more confused than ever. I don't know what the long religious terms mean. So this is NOT Escatology made simple. Unfortunately

  • @johnnyangel1455
    @johnnyangel1455 2 роки тому

    Bogus dispensationalism Theology. Justification by faith alone. -God and His Christ.

  • @OurYFamily
    @OurYFamily 2 роки тому +1

    My questions- when and why is satan unbound? Do we expect the “short season” of tribulation at the end to look like anything? How do you interpret passages in Isaiah that speak to the millennial period?
    I was raised dispensationalist, and current events pushed me to study up. I could find no basis for multiple comings of Jesus and took it a step forward. I don’t find that any view is in line with what I see 100% in scripture, I still have many questions.

    • @seanorourke5137
      @seanorourke5137 2 роки тому

      I believe he's unbound at the second coming
      So that God can throw him into the the lake of fire.

    • @tentmaker2254
      @tentmaker2254 10 місяців тому

      No view is in line yes. Ive studied this for years as well. Both views have many holes, just gotta pick the one where you gotta "explain away" the most.

  • @jeffmclamb1972
    @jeffmclamb1972 2 роки тому +2

    It's even simpler, it's ALL historical. Regenerated reformed full preterist here! Daniel 12, about 650 years to it's fulfillment. Daniel told to seal up the words as it was way off. Revelation 22, don't seal up for the time is near. Matthew 24, Jesus was speaking to them then not us now. Those of us who are filled with the Holy Spirit are the New covenant Israel, back in communion with God! The whole NT leads us clearly! God bless, take a look brother!

  • @st.christopher4854
    @st.christopher4854 Рік тому +3

    The early church fathers were premillennial. None of them were amillennial ... none!

    • @julieeltringham2446
      @julieeltringham2446 Рік тому +5

      Absolutely untrue. No records to prove your point. Dispensationalism/premillenialism began in 1829 in Europe.😊

    • @st.christopher4854
      @st.christopher4854 Рік тому

      I will send you all the references: Justin Martyr (140 AD), St. Irenaeus (180 AD), St. Hippolytus (200 AD), St. Tertullian (230 AD), St. Lactantius (300 AD), St. Cyril (350 AD). All premillennial. All the Bishops from Asia minor were premillennial ... that's the 7 churches in Revelation, including Bishop Melito of Sardis, Polycarp of Smyrna, St. Papias of Hieropolis. None were ammillennial ... none.
      St. Irenaeus, St. Hippolytus, and Tertullian were dispensationalists as was St. Cyril of Jerusalem. The others were at the very least premillennial. St. Lactantius tells us that the third temple will be built in Jerusalem before the second coming of Christ ... that's dispensational.
      Saying dispensationalism/premillennialism was invented in 1829 in Europe is defenseless and a cheap shot. It's what typical amillennialists say because its all they have. It's like saying that "the just shall live by faith" was invented by Martin Luther in 1546 in Germany ... nonsense!

    • @SSNBN777
      @SSNBN777 Рік тому

      This is why I believe the Kingdom is now - from Scripture:
      1- King Jesus brought His Kingdom with Him. (A King must have a Kingdom):
      Mark 1:15 KJV
      And saying, The time is fulfilled, and *_the kingdom of God is at hand:_* repent ye, and believe the gospel.
      2- Jesus said His Kingdom cannot be observed physically, it's located within every Believer.
      Luke 17:20-21 KJV
      … The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
      [21] Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, *_the kingdom of God is within you._*
      3- Apostle Paul said you won't see people eating and drinking in the Kingdom, because the Kingdom is spiritual:
      Romans 14:17 NASB95
      *_for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit._*
      4- Jesus is ruling and reigning from heaven right now:
      1 Corinthians 15:25 NIV
      For *_he must reign_* until he has put all his enemies under his feet.
      Revelation 1:5-6 NASB95
      … and from Jesus Christ, … *_the ruler of the kings of the earth._* …
      5- Believers have received the Kingdom now:
      Hebrews 12:28 KJV
      Wherefore *_we receiving a kingdom_* which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
      Colossians 1:13 NASB95
      For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, *_and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,_*
      Rev 1:6 and *_He has made us to be a kingdom,_* priests to His God and Father - to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
      6- Apostle John wrote Revelation while in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ:
      Revelation 1:9 KJV
      I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and *_in the kingdom_* … of Jesus Christ …
      7- The Kingdom goes from symbolic and spiritual, to literal, on the Day Christ Returns, when He hands the COMPLETED Kingdom over to His Father (not a Millennium later):
      1 Corinthians 15:24 KJV
      *_Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God,_* even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

    • @adamcarpenter1869
      @adamcarpenter1869 Рік тому +1


    • @st.christopher4854
      @st.christopher4854 Рік тому

      @@adamcarpenter1869 Name me one that was amillennial.
      Polycarp, Papias, John the Presbyter, St. Aristion, Justin Martyr, St. Irenaeus, St. Hippolytus of Rome, Tertullian, St. Lactantius, St. Victorinus, St. Cyril of Jerusalem... all premillennial. All the Bishops from Asia Minor (7 Churches in the book of Revelation) were all premillennial.

  • @laurieg66
    @laurieg66 Рік тому

    Er, what scripture(s) support a figurative hermeneutic for the Lord's second coming? The prophecies about His first advent were literal. WHERE is the Biblical support for this monumental change concerning His second coming?

  • @russelljones2305
    @russelljones2305 Рік тому

    As a Historical Millennialist, I believe the original language of understanding Scripture. The Early Church writings give a much stronger evidence that the A-mills are descendants of the Sadducees and the Gnostics and spoken of by Paul in 2Timothy 2:18; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 and in 1 Corinthians 15 of their attacks on the resurrection.
    John references Daniel 7 where it parallels the duration of Christ’s reign over the antichrist’s dominions for a season and a time, in Revelation 20, John tells you what that duration is, a thousand years.
    Justin martyr speaks of these early Amills as deceivers of the truth.
    For if you have fallen in with some who are called Christians, but who do not admit this [truth], and venture to blaspheme the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; who say there is no resurrection of the dead, and that their souls, when they die, are taken to heaven; do not imagine that they are Christians, even as one, if he would rightly consider it, would not admit that the Sadducees, or similar sects of Genistae, Meristae, Galilaeans, Hellenists, Pharisees, Baptists, are Jews (do not hear me impatiently when I tell you what I think), but are [only] called Jews and children of Abraham, worshipping God with the lips, as God Himself declared, but the heart was far from Him.
    But I and others, who are right-minded Christians on all points, are assured that there will be a resurrection of the dead, and a thousand years in Jerusalem, which will then be built, adorned, and enlarged, [as] the prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah and others declare.
    The evidence Scripturally that Christ will reign over the nations is overwhelmingly clear and the Amill position is clearly heretical to alter the original language of Scripture to deceive God’s people as Jesus foretold in the Olivet discourse.

    • @tentmaker2254
      @tentmaker2254 10 місяців тому

      Could you tell me about animal sacrifices? What about those? In Zechariah 14:16 and elsewhere they are mentioned, how does that jive with HEBREWS that talks about the once and for all sacrifice for sin (Jesus) and animal sacrifices not needed anymore?

    • @russelljones2305
      @russelljones2305 10 місяців тому

      @@tentmaker2254 there is no mention of animal sacrifices in that passage , I think you need to read the passage again and note that the Lord is dwelling amongst them. Look up what the feast of Boths is all about. Amills have a history that have their beliefs going back to the Sadducees and Gnostics, were they deny the resurrection of the living and the dead and denying Christ to judge and rule on the earth in Jerusalem as many of the prophets have foretold within the Scriptures.

  • @ricardoobrien9895
    @ricardoobrien9895 Рік тому +1

    I know it may not seem right, or it may even seem presumptuous or, worse, unloving, but to me PERSONALLY, Amillennials, and especially Preterists, do not believe in the inspiration of scripture and are mainly scholars interpreting a literary piece and have found their niche. Sadly, and again just to me, and fortunately I am in the minority and likely wrong, but I am convinced they are completely unsaved.

    • @SSNBN777
      @SSNBN777 Рік тому

      Have you considered these Scriptures about the l 000 year Kingdom of Jesus Christ being now?
      1- King Jesus brought His Kingdom with Him:
      Mark 1:15 KJV
      And saying, The time is fulfilled, and *_the kingdom of God is at hand:_* repent ye, and believe the gospel.
      2- Jesus said His Kingdom cannot be observed physically, it's located within every Believer.
      Luke 17:20-21 KJV
      … The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
      [21] Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, *_the kingdom of God is within you._*
      3- Apostle Paul said you won't see people eating and drinking in the Kingdom, because the Kingdom is spiritual:
      Romans 14:17 NASB95
      *_for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit._*
      4- Jesus is ruling and reigning from heaven right now:
      1 Corinthians 15:25 NIV
      For *_he must reign_* until he has put all his enemies under his feet
      Revelation 1:5-6 NASB95
      … and from Jesus Christ, … *_the ruler of the kings of the earth._* …
      5- Believers have received the Kingdom now:
      Hebrews 12:28 KJV
      Wherefore *_we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved,_* let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
      Colossians 1:13 NASB95
      For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, *_and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,_*
      Rev 1:6 and *_He has made us to be a kingdom,_* priests to His God and Father - to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
      6- Apostle John wrote Revelation while in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ:
      Revelation 1:9 KJV
      I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and *_in the kingdom_* … of Jesus Christ …
      7- The Kingdom goes from symbolic and spiritual, to literal, on the Day Christ Returns, when He hands the COMPLETED Kingdom over to His Father (not a Millennium later):
      1 Corinthians 15:24 KJV
      *_Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God,_* even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

  • @christiansoldier77
    @christiansoldier77 2 роки тому +4

    Amillennialism cancels out biblical scripture.

    • @blakesorie1
      @blakesorie1 2 роки тому +1


    • @christiansoldier77
      @christiansoldier77 2 роки тому

      @@blakesorie1 It doesnt adhere to biblical scripture. It creates its own unfounded doctrines not based on what is written in the bible.

    • @adamcarpenter1869
      @adamcarpenter1869 2 роки тому +6

      @@christiansoldier77 actually, it does the complete opposite.

    • @christiansoldier77
      @christiansoldier77 2 роки тому

      @@adamcarpenter1869 No it cancels out scripture because it teaches you cant believe what scripture says . Everything is metaphor and needs special interpretation.

    • @adamcarpenter1869
      @adamcarpenter1869 2 роки тому

      @@christiansoldier77 not true at all. Perhaps you need to study it more?? Did you know a majority of Christians throughout church history have been Amil? Yep

  • @christiansoldier77
    @christiansoldier77 11 місяців тому

    These guys simply dont understand what premillennialism is thats why they are so confused

  • @gregmatz3693
    @gregmatz3693 Рік тому +1

    Amillennialism made simple and wrong. This is replacement theology, plain and simple. Apparently, we can just throw out the Old Testament and the promises that God made to Israel. If God does not fulfill ALL the promises that He gave to Israel then how can we have any confidence that He will keep the promises that He made for all believers?

    • @chrisjohnson9542
      @chrisjohnson9542 Рік тому +2

      Paul deals with this in Romans chapter 9-11
      Not all Isreal is Isreal but the elect. The promises to Isreal were fulfilled in Christ. He has been given the promises and all who are in Him. The veil in the temple was torn down the middle and the temple destroyed in 70AD.
      Paul himself said that God has kept His promise for Paul himself is an Isrealite. As in the day of Elijah God reserved for Himself 7000 men who did not bow to Baal. There are Jews still believing in Christ today along with gentiles.
      I hope this helps give some more understanding.
      Also true believers should not divide over this issue. But Sam Waldron is a wonderful teacher on this issue and if you listen to him he will address many of the things you brought up. The whole replacement theology that dispensationalism accuses Amillennialism of is not accurate because we believe that all believers are grafted into Christ who is true Isreal. Both believing Jews and Gentiles are now one in Christ and the church is true Isreal. Not replacement but fulfillment. The intended fulfillment from the beginning. Galatians talks about this as well. The promise was made to the Seed not many seeds meaning Christ. Christ was the promised seed that would bless many nations. He has done that through the gospel and His establishment of the church. Where there in no more difference between jew and gentile. Also look at Ephesians 3.
      Hope that helps.
      God bless you on your journey and walk with Him.

    • @cindygarcia1809
      @cindygarcia1809 Рік тому +3

      The way we can have confidence that He will fulfill all the promises for us believers is by having faith that He will if we stay faithful to Him. In a covenant, both parties must fulfill everything they agreed to unless one of the two breaks the covenant, then that covenant is no longer valid. This was something God made very clear to Israel before making that covenant and the same for us today.

    • @jash7401
      @jash7401 Рік тому

      @@cindygarcia1809 EZ. 36: 24 For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land. 25 Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them. 28 Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people, and I will be your God.
      31 Then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good; and you will loathe yourselves in your own sight, for your iniquities and your abominations. 32 Not for your sake do I do this,” says the Lord God, “let it be known to you. Be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel!”
      Though they have been brought back in unbelief this will change as there is a remnant as Paul declares in Rom.11: 25 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:
      “The Deliverer will come out of Zion,
      And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob;
      27 For this is My covenant with them,
      When I take away their sins.”
      29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

    • @SSNBN777
      @SSNBN777 Рік тому

      gregmatz3693 ​​@jash7401 When the last Saint fills the New Covenant, look for the flash of lightning as Jesus Christ splits the sky and Returns in flaming fire and judgment. All Israel are those O.T. remnant Saints (Job Noah, David, Paul, Peter, etc), AND the innumerable gentiles ("vessels of mercy") He's been gathering out of all the nations. The Old Covenant was replaced (God divorced the old physical nation for their unfaithfulness and destroyed them in 70 AD) with a new, better covenant. All the promises for Israel of the Old Covenant are in Christ, and they belong to everyone who is in Christ.
      Hebrews 8:6-10,12-13 KJV
      But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also *_he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises._*
      [7] For *_if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second._*
      [8] For *_finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant_* with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:
      [9] *_Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers_* ... *_because they continued not in my covenant,_* and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.
      [10] For *_this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days,_* saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:
      [12] For *_I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more._*
      [13] ... *_A new covenant, he hath made the first old._*
      Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

    • @adamcarpenter1869
      @adamcarpenter1869 Рік тому +5

      He did fulfill all promises made to ethnic Israel. Joshua 21:43-45. Yet, for those Israelites who are true Israel, the remnant, all promises are fulfilled in Christ! Those who are heirs according to promise, there being no distinction between Jew and gentile, are one in Christ. Hebrews 11 says Abraham looked for a heavenly city, whose builder is God. We are to look for a new heaven and new earth, not a section of land in Palestine. I could go on and on…

  • @donhaddix3770
    @donhaddix3770 8 місяців тому

    amil is simply wrong.