Best advice I can give to travelers, is double check your cash amounts prior to going through security, then check again when regaining control of your valuables. An experience I had at Manchester airport called into question the integrity of security staff, when I brought it to the attention of Mag, they weren’t interested.
Manchester Airport-why are you such a terrible airport with zero customer support service? Btw return my luggage which was not allowed by Turkish Airlines, and i had to leave it customs where it got lost-most likely stolen by your employees... i can give you all the details of the incident but sure you are not interested as i was not able to contact you since this happened.... none of your phones and emails work... thank you
Manchester airport security staff are the worst. Borderline narcissists who enjoy their pathetic power trips. They treat the passengers who pay their wages like dirt.
Best advice I can give to travelers, is double check your cash amounts prior to going through security, then check again when regaining control of your valuables.
An experience I had at Manchester airport called into question the integrity of security staff, when I brought it to the attention of Mag, they weren’t interested.
Interesting video!
*promo sm*
Manchester Airport-why are you such a terrible airport with zero customer support service? Btw return my luggage which was not allowed by Turkish Airlines, and i had to leave it customs where it got lost-most likely stolen by your employees... i can give you all the details of the incident but sure you are not interested as i was not able to contact you since this happened.... none of your phones and emails work... thank you
Manchester airport security staff are the worst. Borderline narcissists who enjoy their pathetic power trips. They treat the passengers who pay their wages like dirt.