Roadmap to Armageddon - Bonus Interviews

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024


  • @melindaroth5796
    @melindaroth5796 5 місяців тому +8

    Thank FATHER GOD the US has passed aid for Israel 🇮🇱 IN THE NAME OF YESHUA AMEN AND AMEN ❤😊

  • @dokTOURReden
    @dokTOURReden 5 місяців тому +5

    I'm blessed with Dr Andy Woods, the way he talks has power, clarity and with love esp with the Jewish people.❤,

  • @melindaroth5796
    @melindaroth5796 5 місяців тому +4

    Thank you Brothers. Question ARE yall biological brothers or Brothers in Christ? 😊❤

    • @OurJewishRoots
      @OurJewishRoots  5 місяців тому +3

      We are brothers from the same mother! We grew up sharing the same bedroom and now we share the same ministry. God knows what He's doing.
      Joshua and Caleb

  • @alisonquinto2630
    @alisonquinto2630 5 місяців тому +1

    We know the truth look who Satan is trying to remove, You can see the world turning on the jewish people But Jesus said this would happen in the end of Days.

  • @motivacaodiaria706
    @motivacaodiaria706 5 місяців тому +1

    Love this ministry!
    If is it possible, could you friends have, in the future, an episode talking about the man's free will and how it relates to the God's will and supremacy? This is a topic that I am studying but have not found more than a few works ( serious) to read...

  • @gwenstone3903
    @gwenstone3903 5 місяців тому +3

    You have some excellent teachers that teaches about the rapture timing (not date setting) and that Israel is God's Land and the Jewish people are God's chosen people 🙏 if His Word changed since God said it then every promise to us could also change! Satan's trying to spew lie upon lie, but God's Word is always true 🙏

  • @ruthrecord8196
    @ruthrecord8196 5 місяців тому +3

    So excited for this! Thank you for all you do

  • @yeshuasbeloved549
    @yeshuasbeloved549 5 місяців тому +1

    Doctors have diagnosed my mom with leukemia. They're still trying to find out what kind. She's been on dialysis for 10 years. I'm asking my brothers and sisters in Messiah Yeshua/ Christ Jesus to stand in agreement with and also in declaring my mom's miraculous healing and excellent health for God's glory! I'd also like to enjoy more years with my mom as she is my closest friend other than Yeshua.

    • @OurJewishRoots
      @OurJewishRoots  5 місяців тому

      We are in agreement for a complete restorative miracle in the name of Yeshua!

  • @joycecampbell5590
    @joycecampbell5590 5 місяців тому

    Whew ! I didn't think we would be in the 21 judgements till after the rapture...😮

  • @jm-wz8ju
    @jm-wz8ju 5 місяців тому +2

    Thank you! I sent an email to you guys looking for information on how to witness to someone Jewish but didn’t hear back. This video helped! Anything you can do to equip us to witness to them would be really helpful! ❤

    • @OurJewishRoots
      @OurJewishRoots  5 місяців тому +2

      We apologize for missing your question - sometimes they slip by. But truly, love is the answer when witnessing to any race or nationality. If you share Yeshua's love with them, then they will know that we are His disciples. Being Biblically literate doesn't hurt, but it's all about relationships.
      Joshua and Caleb

  • @ritawiker9490
    @ritawiker9490 5 місяців тому


  • @aarontodd746
    @aarontodd746 5 місяців тому

    I recently found Our Jewish Roots. You guys are so cool, and get it done! The husband and wife duo hosting, the two brothers, the old man scientist guy- Bravo! All of you are awesome!~ Godspeed

  • @drewbaker1268
    @drewbaker1268 5 місяців тому

    QUESTION: When scripture talks about us being spared from God's wrath, at first I thought that just meant spared from the bowls of wrath, not necessarily the seals and trumpets. Do I understand your teaching correctly that we'll be spared from seals, trumpets and bowls? Sha'alo shalom Yahrusalim
    Ah, the fog of war lifted, the Ruach HaKo’desh has given me clarity: the 70 weeks of Daniel 9 was interrupted at the end of the 69th week to allow for the time of the gentiles. The last week, or the 70th week, is the tribulation which cannot begin until the time of the gentiles comes to a close, the rapture. Correct?

  • @pretribtruth
    @pretribtruth 5 місяців тому

    Trying to understand the rapture? Paul spells it out for us.
    2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, our gathering together unto Him....
    2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. of Christ...
    2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
    ...that day (when we are gathered to Jesus/day of Christ)... will not arrive until the apostasy happens and the man of sin be revealed. He even warns you not to let any man deceive you in these matters.

  • @2Peter14
    @2Peter14 5 місяців тому

    Thank you!🙏❤️👍🇮🇱

  • @moonshiner5412
    @moonshiner5412 5 місяців тому

    i have been part of Zola Levitt Ministries for a long time. Used to get his pamphlets, audio tapes, and VCR tapes. I have kept everything and am studying the pamphlets again. I have a VCR player with the tapes for anyone who finds them after the Rapture.
    I continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I look forward to meeting Zola and everyone in heaven.

  • @21gioni
    @21gioni 5 місяців тому

    17:08 Nations all around the world are mentioned but not by name because we are the melting pot.
    What happens when you mix everything together in one pot, we are seeing this today.
    I love both and respect you both.
    Brothers may not always see eye to eye on all topics.
    One of my friends sent me a message just yesterday and it relates to the rise of the Spector of Islam throughout the world.
    Unknowingly he was talking about Islam.
    This is what he said; It's not just submit to Allah, you have to pay the Jizya taxation. If you want to practise your own religion you get taxed through the teeth for it. Muslims will point out they allow other religions, but omit the Sharia taxation laws. If they're Jihadists, you probably won't get that "choice".
    I responded with reading scripture what scripture does it closely resemble?

  • @21gioni
    @21gioni 5 місяців тому

    7:19 Wow I am a Catholic and I know that the scripture tells us that we are Adopted into Gods family but we don’t replace the Jews as Saint Paul in his writings says once all of Israel accepts Jesus as the Messiah we who are Christians will be one with the first born of Israel.
    I personally believe that we are the descendants of the twin brother Esau who is to be reconciled with his brother Jacob.
    Remember the words spoken when the two brothers met and embraced each other.
    They are prophetic words spoken for a future generation.
    Oh how I love my Lord Jesus Christ for his word is everlasting.

  • @21gioni
    @21gioni 5 місяців тому

    There are two witnesses Judaism and Christianity.
    There are two Olive trees Judaism and Christianity.
    There are two faiths that testify to freedom from slavery, Judaism and Christianity.
    There are two covenants that which is established with the Israelites, the Jewish people and the covenant between Jesus and us Christians.
    Jesus never mentioned that there would be any other revelation except that we would not be left abandoned, he said that he would send the comforter the Holy Spirit.
    Jesus never mentioned that there would be another prophet that we should listen to.
    St Paul warned us saying don’t listen to anyone who claims that they have received a revelation from heaven even if it be an angel that preaches a different message to that handed down from the Apostles; that would be Islam and the Quran, because it teaches that we must be forced into submission to God.
    God does not want Lukewarm followers who believe because they have been forced into submission.
    We both Jews and Christians submit freely in surrender of our will in exchange of the will of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    God bless you all a keep you may his face shine bright upon you.

  • @ChristineMusans
    @ChristineMusans 5 місяців тому

    Follow G*d not people . I believe Jewish were chosen by G*d but why did G*d use Ruth the moabite to be a Great Grandmother of Yeshua/ Jesus you mean Jewish women were not available ? G*d iwill have mercy on those ihave mercy . Whether you are A Jew or Gentiles G*d can have a convenant with you its the heart that matters .thankyou for everything ihope the Jews bow for their messiah leave idol worship of Moses i love and support Isreal.

  • @jenniferlunghofer3799
    @jenniferlunghofer3799 5 місяців тому

    Shalom, I remember Zola saying once when he was trying to make sense of all the antisemitism in the news, media, etc. He said what Yeshua said " " If the word hates you, keep in mind it hated me first.✝️🕎> John 15:18

  • @Isa7845
    @Isa7845 5 місяців тому +1

    Wonderful compilation of respected godly pastors and teachers. Thank you! ✝️🙏♥️

  • @lillianmcgrew217
    @lillianmcgrew217 5 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for this information

  • @movi6422
    @movi6422 5 місяців тому

    Question: how would the apostles and the beginning church look at the church now? Would they say the church is wimpy for lack of better word because everyone wants to be taken out before the tribulation. They were martyred beginning the church and now we the end time church don't want to stand and fight. Jesus said in Matthew and luke that all that stuff will happen first including the abomination that causes desolation then HE said after those days those things then look up your redemption is nigh...

    • @drewbaker1268
      @drewbaker1268 5 місяців тому +1

      IMO - they'd see the much of western church as lukewarm (wimpy) with an overall lack of unity (fragmented).