Spectating a BRONZE console main trying PC for the first time...

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @aeonamadi
    @aeonamadi 9 місяців тому +38

    I dunno if this will get read but Emongg, these videos seriously changed everything for me. I was stuck in Bronze for -years- and after watching several of these videos, I changed the way I played and climbed to Gold 3 tonight. Thank you SO MUCH for this content - it has been incredibly helpful and I just wanted someone to know.

  • @anomanderrake69
    @anomanderrake69 9 місяців тому +82

    I need emongg to spectate my daily life. So positive and wholesome

    • @Senor_Fast
      @Senor_Fast 9 місяців тому +12

      Then he goes, that was certainly a decision that you made

    • @IamPhishizzle2
      @IamPhishizzle2 9 місяців тому +2

      That certainly was a premature ult that was used

    • @anomanderrake69
      @anomanderrake69 9 місяців тому

      @@Senor_Fast at least I’ll know right away when I’ve messed up

    • @anomanderrake69
      @anomanderrake69 9 місяців тому

      @@IamPhishizzle2 my ultimates are always right when they need to be 🥲🥲🥲

  • @eriny2k
    @eriny2k 9 місяців тому +57

    This Ana played well! I’m in low plat right now and I feel like this person played better than quite a few Ana’s I’ve come across. I can see them climbing fairly easily if they take Emonggs advice!

    • @ashonline77
      @ashonline77 9 місяців тому

      Yeah they seem like your average gold ana tbh. I saw somewhere that they have 1500 hrs on overwatch but only like 20 on comp so that makes sense why they were bronze. I'm in a similar position lol I've 1000hrs on ow but like 80 on comp over 4 years or something lol so idk if I'm actually plat or if I can climb up. I'm not planning to find out until maybe next season when they change comp.

    • @Siks7Ate9
      @Siks7Ate9 9 місяців тому +3

      @@ashonline77 they have 1500 hours on the game in total and 99% from what I understood was on console. This was there first pc ranked game.

  • @babydemon46
    @babydemon46 9 місяців тому +11

    They played better than many PC Bronze/silver that have never played on console. They act like aim assist is some god-like feature 😂

  • @baileychamberlain1583
    @baileychamberlain1583 9 місяців тому +96

    Nah this gonna be me. I just got a PC yesterday and I’m not excited to try overwatch after being a decent console player 😂

    • @lordgoldendemon5185
      @lordgoldendemon5185 9 місяців тому +15

      Same bro. I just got Overwatch on PC and played my first game and sucked so bad. I just have to get used to it.

    • @baileychamberlain1583
      @baileychamberlain1583 9 місяців тому +1

      @@lordgoldendemon5185 I haven’t played yet, really only played a few games of Valorant and it’s been a disaster 😂

    • @lordgoldendemon5185
      @lordgoldendemon5185 9 місяців тому +4

      @@baileychamberlain1583 Yea. I've been a console Overwatch player since Overwatch 1 and have played for a long time. Switching platforms just like that takes time to get used to.

    • @PeekyCheeky
      @PeekyCheeky 9 місяців тому +4

      Broski dont worry trust me Pc is so easy.Its hard for you since u play on jojstick for many years and its weird to hold mouse and use keyboard.After a few games it will be easier i promise

    • @AngrySecs
      @AngrySecs 9 місяців тому +5

      I switched to PC like 7 ish months ago and it gets so much easier. It becomes second nature just like holding a controller was. Just hang in there and commit to it and I promise it'll be great.

  • @karamei
    @karamei 9 місяців тому +7

    Yeah this Ana played a lot better than I expected! Here are some tips from what I observed: in addition to not rushing your cooldowns (also good job using nade to anti mostly! that's key), don't rush your primary shots so much on Ana. I get panic aim on Ana too. Spending some time warming up your aim in VAXTA helps a lot. It's also majorly helpful to squeeze out bits of damage any time there's an opportunity. Ana's shots do 75 damage per. Even one of those puts a squishie at immediate risk of dying from any additional damage your allies do (or have done).
    Also aside from the "random" nano on bastion (which still worked out lol), the nanos were really good. Great job comboing with your teammates.
    I definitely think this Ana will climb. Though as they climb, more situations like that Sombra pressuring will arise, so they'll have to find a way to make themselves comfortable in dealing with that consistently. But their concepts of positioning will help a lot. Good job sticking near a teammate to help peel for each other from Sombra. The "buddy system" is a solid strat :)

  • @LucidFacade
    @LucidFacade 9 місяців тому +15

    I was a wreck at OW when I switched from console to PC. It just takes time to practice, maybe adjust some settings, etc.
    Not bad, you got this Ana 💪

  • @l0kpcr397
    @l0kpcr397 9 місяців тому +17

    So with the advice at around 16:10 I feel like with metal ranks you absolutely cannot always rely on your other support to do the healing that you see needing to be done, especially with a low rank bap because they might not always have the agency to know when a good time to dps or heal is when they see the enemy team pushing up. Thats my one critique of this spectating. Great video as always emongg

    • @karamei
      @karamei 9 місяців тому +6

      Metal ranks are a mixed bag. Sometimes you can rely on your co-support, sometimes you absolutely can't, but you won't know if you can or not until you give them a chance.

    • @l0kpcr397
      @l0kpcr397 9 місяців тому +7

      @@karamei yeah the only reason I brought it up was because he seemed pretty sure that the other support would heal the Zarya and I’m like “maaaaannnn you’re really optimistic 😂”

    • @karenmanagerwanter1744
      @karenmanagerwanter1744 9 місяців тому +3

      That's true but the zarya basically needed pocket if she was going to hold the entrance. Dividing attention too much led to her dying (obv a better zarya would have known to back off sooner and not to los their own supports so much, but it is bronze). However If you play like you can't trust any of your teammates to do literally anything at all then you're going to end up in situations where you're too busy doing their jobs to do your own.

    • @Siks7Ate9
      @Siks7Ate9 9 місяців тому +1

      ​@@l0kpcr397if its silver from my understanding they only healbot. In gold and plat some only dps. In diamond its the same but extremer cases lol.

    • @TheRealCroix
      @TheRealCroix 9 місяців тому

      I don't even trust my co-support in GM lobbies xD

  • @sebastianturner2458
    @sebastianturner2458 9 місяців тому +4

    Console demands good positioning - can't reliably turn to the side fast enough to fight an enemy if they get beside you. Gotta already be standing and looking where you should be before you get jumped.

  • @pendapalashikwambi6286
    @pendapalashikwambi6286 9 місяців тому +7

    First 20 seconds of the vid and I already resonate with it so much. This was literally me, word for word, bar for bar

  • @nggyunglyd2374
    @nggyunglyd2374 9 місяців тому +9

    A couple moments for sure where his nano would’ve been huge but he used it too early. Just kinda one of those things that comes with time but he’s way better than bronze imo

  • @bradbunyan1643
    @bradbunyan1643 9 місяців тому +16

    His positioning alone how is he bronze on console?!

    • @phuc6763
      @phuc6763 9 місяців тому +11

      He barely played comp so it makes sense.

    • @bradbunyan1643
      @bradbunyan1643 9 місяців тому

      @@phuc6763 fair if he actually played comp he should’ve been much higher than bronze he had pretty good positioning much better then mine and I’m a plat on console

  • @TheShapingSickness
    @TheShapingSickness 9 місяців тому +5

    That was a good game, it was a little unfortunate how zarya sold the game by playing defense on their spawn on point 3.

  • @elderly_owl
    @elderly_owl 9 місяців тому +6

    i love emog :)

  • @MajorSilvaa
    @MajorSilvaa 9 місяців тому +2

    I refuse to believe this is only a bronze on console

  • @inkibucket
    @inkibucket 9 місяців тому

    I feel this Ana, I got into Overwatch back when I bought a copy for Xbox One, and got really comfortable with controller gaming until I took a long break from the game (think I played towards the end of the first game/ the beginning of the second game, but besides that I've been pretty dark on the new heroes)
    Now that Overwatch 2 is on Steam, I've gotten back in (mainly to see all the stuff from when I originally played, god I love the Ice Cream Orisa skin, but also because I'm on Steam Deck and playing before it was on steam involved some Linux magic) and damn, playing with the native Steam Deck controller with PC players is definitely a unique experience. That being said, I can't wait to snag an external Keyboard and Mouse and play like the cool kids 😁

  • @Martinyonko
    @Martinyonko 9 місяців тому +1

    my first game when i started playing pc was valorant and i had nowhere near this much coordination at the beginning

  • @IamPhishizzle2
    @IamPhishizzle2 9 місяців тому +1

    His aim changed on defense. He started having weird small movements before shooting.

  • @MrKelmer01
    @MrKelmer01 9 місяців тому +2

    Great game! Sure that they will climb!

  • @yungxgutz
    @yungxgutz 9 місяців тому

    awe its hard at first but so worth it! I'm a gm on console but pc is definitely a whole diff ball game :")

  • @therickeffect7466
    @therickeffect7466 9 місяців тому

    Only other thing i think the have a problem with is their shooting. I notice their just shooting randomly alot of the time be it the ground, random walls, etc. they should try to focus more on only pulling the trigger when you have a teammate or enemy in your sight, im assuming their aiming with their wrist which would explain somewhat why their aim is kinda all over the place in some situations and more acurate in others, which toning down that sensitivity and aimimg with your whole arm would improve that precision and make aiming feel more fluid

  • @AquaWizardd
    @AquaWizardd 9 місяців тому

    They have Confirm Nano Target on so I’m already impressed

  • @aepokkvulpex
    @aepokkvulpex 9 місяців тому

    So we just not gonna let that Kiri live this down ever huh 😭💀

  • @jjt171
    @jjt171 9 місяців тому

    this is definitely mid-high gold, dare i say low plat even. this ana is very good and theyll surely climb with better patience and intent behind cooldowns

  • @helloimshawn
    @helloimshawn 9 місяців тому

    Man this person did fantastic!

  • @EggyYoke1
    @EggyYoke1 9 місяців тому +1

    They use their cooldowns every time it becomes available. And it bugs me lol

  • @Soribo
    @Soribo 9 місяців тому

    This guy is better than my teammates

  • @Aymarichan
    @Aymarichan 9 місяців тому

    AHHHHH it’s like learning overwatch all over again I FEEL LIKE A NOOOOOOB

  • @zy8867
    @zy8867 9 місяців тому +2

    Can someone please explain to me what an ego vod is

    • @magantatelevision
      @magantatelevision 9 місяців тому +3

      Publish a game where you think you've been doing really good just to boost your ego

    • @zy8867
      @zy8867 9 місяців тому

      @@magantatelevision thank you so much for this explanation

  • @Abraham_Belmont_V
    @Abraham_Belmont_V 9 місяців тому +1

    Peace be upon you. ^w^

  • @Tjadster2002
    @Tjadster2002 9 місяців тому

    Love emongg bro

  • @cazadorcrazy9194
    @cazadorcrazy9194 9 місяців тому

    I love Spectating Wednesdays (which exists)

  • @isaacwilliams5483
    @isaacwilliams5483 9 місяців тому

    I’m almost diamond on Ana console but I feel like I could hit masters if I could hit my sleeps and nades

  • @RJA
    @RJA 9 місяців тому +2

    I don't believe this guy was bronze on console. Ana isnt as good on controller imo but his play on PC is easily gold level console.

    • @GodUsoppabc
      @GodUsoppabc 9 місяців тому +6

      its cuz they have 1,500 hours on overwatch and only play 20 hours on comp. They just need to play more comp. I think they're around high silver/low gold right now. Their positioning/aim is way above bronze but obviously it still needs improvement. They just need to improve their ult usage and they can be plat if they grind

  • @alexisalvarez2330
    @alexisalvarez2330 9 місяців тому +3

    I feel people lie to him on these vods and send him ego vods, this dude was at least gold on console and mechanically he should at least be silver on PC. 😊

  • @Shaztopia1
    @Shaztopia1 9 місяців тому +4

    Definitely not a bronze Anna, at least could make it in high silver.

  • @Apenn_73
    @Apenn_73 9 місяців тому +1

    I love emongg but tbh I think sometimes he tells them they have good positioning when it's really just safe positioning. Like the ana definitely had safe positioning the entire match hut there where times where more aggressive positioning would have helped them to land their abilities easier

    • @traildawg
      @traildawg 9 місяців тому

      I think that's the next step but first they must learn how to safely position themselves, especially considering they are new to PC mechanics. His advice can get this person up a couple ranks from bronze and then once they gain some confidence in their performance they can focus on the more intermediate level stuff like when to position more aggressively

    • @Apenn_73
      @Apenn_73 9 місяців тому

      @@traildawg i would agree but this person definitely knows how to position safely. I think letting them know that especially at their rank you can push what's considered "safe" at times to try and gain an advantage would actually be more beneficial to helping them rank up.

  • @ErikratKhandnalie
    @ErikratKhandnalie 9 місяців тому +1

    This is honestly the best console player I've ever seen. They did really well.

  • @ImSimpai
    @ImSimpai 9 місяців тому

    Why didn’t he go to QP to learn m&k ?? Dude jumps right into comp lol

    • @idnerfthat
      @idnerfthat 9 місяців тому

      oh im sure they played some qp. As someone who played on console for YEARS before getting a pc it takes a while to get used to keyboard.

  • @Alec6012
    @Alec6012 9 місяців тому +1


  • @Gumwings
    @Gumwings 9 місяців тому +2

    day 1 of hoping to get heart

  • @keepinitstylish3082
    @keepinitstylish3082 9 місяців тому +4

    I've never played comp in Ow 2. I'm an Arcade and Open Queue monster. I decided to try comp because of these videos and placed Diamond 2 with very little experience in a single tank environment. Thank you so much, Emongg!