I was a Bible Study leader for years and we did all the Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer, etc. studies. It wasn't until Covid hit and on-campus meetings ceased that I started just studying for myself and found channels like Mike Winger, Justin Peters, Fighting of Faith, etc that taught me discernment. It's like my eyes were opened and I realized how "fluffy" these Bible "studies" were. I put quotation marks there because they ALL begin with a whole bunch of personal stories, followed by emotional reactions to the Scripture that is SPRINKLED in and end with a "how do you feel about all this?" Anyway, I've learned to set those books aside and just read the Word for myself, keeping commentaries and such to a minimum (they totally have their place), but just reading the Word for what It is, IN CONTEXT.
Women Bible studies can be a bit watered down. I enjoy simply studying the Bible book by book, verse by verse its so much to read, digest, and understand.
Well done. The Bible is for everyone. Female/Male Jewish/Gentle. Slave/free. All ages. All races. All nationalities. And the cherry-picking of such pathetic gendered studies is harmful to the point of being counter-productive. It's all about money. The "Christian publishing industry" does not deserve the description "Christian", it is worldly to the core. It's about market research. Niche marketing. Finding the lowest common denominator of the mass market. Identifying/inventing a stereotype based on the market research. Analysing last year's "latest big thing" and commissioning another author to copy it (only cheaper). Getting the original author to rehash it this year, with maybe 50% changes so that everyone can pretend this year's rehash isn't a copy.
Amen! I'm finding it discouraging because not only do I enjoy studying God's word, but I like discussing it with others and having the "iron sharpens iron" type fellowship of other sisters.
Point no. 2 is spot on, not just for women's ministry, but for the evangelical church in general. Our high school students are required to complete relatively advanced levels of math in order to graduate, while the church doesn't even bother to offer basic classes on how to study the Scriptures. God help us.
I’ve had a couple of pastors say they would have a New Believers class but wanted to wait until they got a few people who were interested. Except that never came. When people give their hearts to the Lord it’s one person. And there may not be another new believer for months. Meanwhile this newbie has no clue what they are supposed to be doing, reading, etc. Basically they are languishing. I don’t think it’s fair for the pastor-or whoever is educating new believers-to make them sit around with no knowledge of what their next steps should be. After I came to Christ, I didn’t know God was interested in hearing from me. I didn’t know I should read my bible every day, and there were plenty of other things I didn’t know. There needs to be a new believer ministry that helps people along. Maybe make it 6 months long. The person in charge needs to be able to commit to coming alongside the believer and walk with them as they learn what it means to belong to Christ. It would be good if there was a woman leader and a men’s leader. A couple of people would be nice to give each one a break. But it’s very disheartening to think that one person isn’t worth the time needed to invest in a person just coming to Christ. I know pastors are very busy but it would be nice if the pastor could just take one class to meet and introduce themselves, explain what and who the church is (my husband and I found ourselves attending a Baptist church when we were living in AL) what their core beliefs are, whatever else the believer to feel like they belong!
YES!!! YEEEESSSS! I recently have been reading my bible chronologically. Did not want to read Ruth because it’s usually focused on emotionalism and sappy stories. When after reading Judges, and realizing the book of Ruth took place during that time, the message of the book changed a 1000% for me. It was no longer about a professed faithfulness between two women. It was about the power of obeying God’s word, His laws, statutes in the midst of a perverse generation. You are so onto something and I can only hope this truth sets like wildfire throughout the Lord’s church!!
I want to read the bible chronologically next. I did a reading plan that jumped around. I think they have chronological reading plans so you don't have to buy a specific bible.
THANK YOU for this video and FINALLY speaking the words that NEED to be said OUT LOUD! There are so many women that are being led astray and who are using bible studies as social events to meet other women instead of understanding that these studies are opportunities to get to know JESUS. I'm so tired of feeling like I'm being judged because I don't want to participate in their "Social gatherings"
@caramelcocoa234 , how does it benefit a person, man or woman, to listen to watered down, bad theologies, or heresy? Id rather pray for my sisters in Christ, and possibly suggest having a home bible to these sisters, and ask for guidance from our pastor to start home bible. As long as it's from the actual word of God and not a Lifeway book!
For some women/young moms, this is the ONLY time they get out of the house, away from responsibilities, and most of all have a chance to meet friends. And since it is "social", they tend to read the books and prepare for class.
I taught our women"s biblestudy for years. At some point we put away packaged studies and began to study whole books of the bible. We studied Jonah, Daniel (minus the end times. We let Daniel be Daniel) Philippians and Hebrews and yes, Ruth. All of these done verse by verse beginning to end and for every book we took as much time as needed. My desire for our group was to be scripturally literate. The ladies in our group were not train wrecks and my bible's not pink.
Excellent idea! If you would consider beginning at the beginning, in Genesis and reading all the way through... In order... I think you'd find that when you read your way to the prophets they'll make a whole lot more sense. Just picking a book out of the context of the surrounding books and foundational texts at the beginning of the bible, which lay the groundwork for understanding, will yield very little true understanding, and possible misinterpretation.
Yeah, I taught a Bible study for a few years but because I focused on pure Bible study and not on the social aspects of it, it wasn’t as popular. The women in my area were used to going to Beth Moore type Bible studies where they were able to air their marital and parenting problems. They really didn’t want to read the Bible, much less study it. I finally gave up.
I quit attending women's ministry events. One was charging $15 for petit fors, coffee, and a feel good message. I left early and never went back. Another one was watching a video, answer some questions, say a prayer, and then go home. I can do that at home. The worst one was a speaker who told us that if we could shop all day at the mall, we could attend church. My friend and I were like must be nice to spend all day in the mall. It showed how out of touch most women's ministries are with women. Others have been book clubs and you don't even open the Bible. I only attended one that was truly a Bible study. There was 3 of us, for the first time ever I really learned how to study the Bible. Since then I have been learning how to go deeper. I am teaching my daughter to do the same. Blessings to you Faith! Thank you for calling attention to this. The church needs to wake up and quit regulating women to the nursery and childcare. Equip us to properly study God's Word and truly disciples others as Jesus told us to do.
I've also given up on women's ministries. One of the first churches I attended as an adult had a fundamentalist bent. EVERY women's Bible study was about submitting to your husband. After leaving that church we went to one where the women's ministry focused on teaching women home decor, self-care, and how to make non-toxic household cleaners (with essential oils conveniently sold by the wives of some of the staff). It was also this church that hosted an event that brought in a speaker to tell us how to keep the spark in our marriage. I happened to be acquainted with the speaker. She was billed as a typical homeschool mom of four and came to tell us how we need to exercise regularly to stay fit for our husbands and to fix our hair and makeup every morning, in addition to having weekly date nights with our husbands. What the people promoting the event failed to mention is that this fit and fixed-up homeschool mom of four is quite wealthy and has a live-in nanny and maid. I'm not knocking the speaker; she's a lovely person, but completely out of touch with how most of us have to live. The last church I tried a women's ministry in was focused on book studies for dopey books targeted toward women in the guise of Bible study. That was the last straw for me. Why aren't women allowed to actually study the Bible?
One of my favorite women’s bible was one that was written and presented by the pastor’s wives at a church I was attending. They knew what they were teaching. These women taught the word in depth, and challenged us to really dig in to the bible. Its been many years but I never found another women’s bible study like it. I think your video is spot on. Women want to be challenged intellectually and spiritually, we can handle it, we need it.
I started teaching my own women's bible study in my home because I could only find Church Women's Bible studies that were nothing more than "Christian Book of the Month" Clubs. Where theology was out the window and popularity was all the rage. I've been doing that for 5 years and last year we did a year long chronological study that was GREAT! Your points are right on target. I am so encouraged. I was born again 40 years ago and have struggled because of poor teaching in many churches. God has ALWAYS spoken to those who will listen, regardless of sex, race, intelligence.
I have admit, I have passed by you several times and thought of you as just another “youtuber,” so glad I gave you some of my time today. Thank you for speaking strongly about a Christ centered Gospel. I love this point of view. Women need to know the truth in order to decipher a good church, Bible studies and Christian literature to better understand what it means to walk with Christ. There is so much I don’t know, but I am always surprised at the lack of knowledge some women have, even through they have spent decades in a church. God bless, and keep teaching.
It's so crazy because I GREW UP in church, and JUST tonight, I realized not one time was I taught HOW to study the Bible. It was buy a study guide for a specific book and fill in missing words, very bread and butter but no meat. I fully believe the Holy Spirit led me to your channel. You just said EVERYTHING I've been feeling about women and the Bible. Thank you!
I'm a Christian and love reading the Bible and love my relationship with God. I never married and never had children and have always felt excluded from today's modern church. I too have always had a hard time finding a church where I felt like I belonged. The church is supposed to be family, you're supposed to feel like you have a family as part of the church. But the church focuses on individual families and everything is geared to people who have them and older singles are left getting excluded from so much. The modern day church has drifted so far from the original church experience where everyone just met together in one another's homes.
Check out if there are any sovereign grace churches in your area I personally go to one in Roanoke and they are very good at being biblical and preaching expository sermons.
@@aquaseahorselove3939 Yep me too. You walk into a church with no man on your arm and no children in tow they dont even look at you. If you are married they flock to you like crazy. I am glad I am not alone on this. I was never able to have children and never got married, so I was either gay or weird. You get shunned. The Bible does not address us, I am not a widow, so what am I?
@@aquaseahorselove3939 Churches only wants young families. They don't want singles, and they particularly dont' want single women of any age. We're truly the pariahs of the church.
I got rid of two bookshelves full of women's Bible studies last year when I realized they were just making my anxiety and depression worse. We're talking the "best sellers" at the bookstores. Most of it was exactly what you discussed: you, you, you-centered Christianity, and very little on how to read the Bible and understand. Every time I'm tempted to grab "another book", I pick up my Bible and remind myself that it's the only one I really need to read. I do have your "How to Read the Bible for all it's Worth" book, and hopefully that helps with some of the questions I've had. Thank you so much for your videos! I could never do this!
Yes. I’ve been saying this for so long. While I love gathering with women I want to get into the word. Not a few scriptures here and there. Let’s dig in the word!!! This is so good
I LOVE THIS!!! I'm a complimentarian and I cannot agree more!! Women need to learn as much as possible about the Bible and that is why I am studying apologetics now. I NEED to guide my children in Christ and how I can I do that if I don't even know what I believe!!
if you had a better idea of what the Bible teaches us all, you would not be a "complementarian". That's how the charlatans promoting the "complementarianism" cult get away with it - they prey upon people who don't know the Bible very well. Read Galatians and you will see what i mean.
You are such a treasure find for me! I am always searching the scriptures on my own because I find women's Bible studies to be filled with emotional, fuzzy feels. And although I believe these studies have a place in our church, I CRAVE deep, theology studies. I want to go downnnn deep into God's word...no fluffy stuff. Thank you for your honesty!
Yes! I volunteered as a women's ministry leader for years on and off. Not once did we learn HOW TO STUDY the Bible. Over time, I realized something was missing. I didn't know any better. It wasn't until years later that I realized how "illiterate" we were in the Bible! Great video! Finally someone that could put my thoughts out there, lol! Lives change when hearts change. Not information, but transformation from Biblical literacy!
At my church the women were studying Lies Women Believe, while the men were studying Owen’s Mortification of Sin. I skipped the women’s study and read Owen.
So many times I wished I could be in the "men's study". And why was it considered the "men's"? Why can't we all do it? There is even a ministry called Fight Club, which is typically for men - I asked why the women couldn't fight at the church I was at. So we then had a women's version. C'mon, seriously? We're ALL called to war. We were ALL called to the Great Commission. We are ALL soldiers in Christ.........so train like it. (anyhow, to your point.)
I had a similar situation where the men’s Bible study was going through The Screwtape Letters and the women’s Bible study was going through something by Beth Moore, I can’t remember which one. We were going through them as a life group and were debating on splitting up for the different studies. I pushed hard for us both to do The Screwtape Letters and we tried it. The women in my life group were shocked at how different the men’s studies were from the women’s. They still attend other women specific Bible studies occasionally, but any time we have the option to break into gender specific studies we just do the men’s.
Someone literally today told me to start a women's Bible study in my area. But, here's the thing I don't know anyone to have a Bible study with. But, the end of this video I felt like God was speaking right to me telling me to have a Bible study. So I'm praying right now for women that I can do that with. Thanks Faith for saying what you felt lead to say. 😊😊😊
Yes do it! We need more women's Bible studies everywhere! If you don't find women in your area... I know its annoying to have to live online... but try doing an online study maybe? A friend of mine started one that we all joined into two years ago while all the churches were closed down. We had to navigate different time zones and everything but every week we did a chapter in the book of Galatians and it ended up working out quite well.
@@holy_spirit_seeker Thank you!!! I'm trying to figure it all out. I have never led a Bible study group, and I feel totally unequipped. I'm still praying hard about it. 🙏🙏🙏
@@AuthenticallyRaylynn pick something you want to learn and research it and then apply it to your life in the world today etc. Like sins using the ten commandments. How we fail everyday. Does grace give us a permission slip to keep on sinning or should we stop our sinning? That's my new topic for study. I think of topic all time to studying on my own. Hope that helps. I try to use topic that change me to be what Christ wants me to be after all he is our father and the best example to follow. He tells us to stop and sin no more. Yes we will wrestle with ourselves because we either don't want to give the sin what ever the reason that why we need to be with other Christian to help each to be accountable.
I cried watching this video. The amount of years I've wasted craving God's word but not knowing how to study or read it left me unmotivated. There is many women my friends that are dealing with the same issues you address in the video and we often come together and share how we don't know enough to pass down to our children. I want to ve a leader, I want to know theology, I want to know God and the desire has been there for years but I wasn't thought how to study the Bible. I'm so blessed to have found your channel.
I'm attending a Reformed Presbyterian church in California. I haven't found your personal experiences or studies to be true during my walk. I'm asked often, "Why don't yoy attend seminary! I really think you'd benefit greatly." We have an older congregation, strong Bible believing church and I've never heard of women limited to studing women. I've been taught to learn and know the Triune God. I know I'll never have a complete working knowledge of Scripture but I plug along! Right!?! You have excellent points about "teaching people how to study the Bible." That's exactly why I come to you. I've learned from you, and my excitement for Scripture has grown because of it. I have Godsons and I feel a responsibility to them that my knowledge be correct regarding Scripture and to always point them to Christ in their lives. You are a blessing Faith!!
I am part of the RPC in Australia :) We have great Bible teaching, but there have been times when the women studies something still useful, but not great and the men got to study systematic theology- I was jealous! Thankfully that doesn’t happen often :)
I am so glad you are doing this thesis and sharing it. At the age of 62, I took over leadership of the Women's Ministry at my church two years ago. The first thing God impressed on me for this was the Great Commission. Christ did NOT say, "Go and make converts." So, instead of reading another book on discipleship, I formed small groups to meet once a month. We went through Jen Wilkin's book, Women of the Word, and together, we learned how to properly study God's word together, so that we do not have to rely on a teacher or a commentary to understand what God is saying to us. At the same time, they were actually discipling one another! At the start of the second year, we used what we learned about Bible study to go through the book of Philemon, in my opinion, the best book to learn the gospel. And because we are in this book for the year, we are now focusing on "Kononia", partnering with other ministries in our church for the glory of God, not spending our time talking about what was on TV the night before, or even just "fellowshipping". We have now become a service oriented ministry, working inside the mission of our church, "to lovingly proclaim Jesus to everyone and teach believers how to love, obey and serve Him". So far, we have hosted a weekend retreat for our Youth group, hosted our second annual all church Valentine's Day picnic, worked alongside the women at the Bible Tabernacle, a homeless shelter in Venice, CA, including them in all of our events. We have Tabletime questions for the ladies to discuss every time we meet. Our big outreach event is actually our Women's Tea! Non-believers are more likely to come to a tea than to a church service, so the gospel is proclaimed and our discussion time allows women to ask questions about salvation. I personally disciple two young ladies from our youth group every week, and many of the women have started meeting apart from our small groups, with purposeful discussions and prayer time centered on the Bible. I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve and minister to the women in my church. I pray for you regularly. I love your videos and can't wait to see where God leads you once you finish school! God bless you.
Wow! So well put. I am convicted and challenged as a leader, as a pastor to take the women’s Bible study groups far more seriously. Thank you for this.
I have felt dieconnected from women's bible studies for years. Your vid is a breath of fresh air. Lack of real serious study of the Word and just the meetings not being spiritual at all! Most end up just being places for recipe sharing, discussions on clothes ( I am for modesty so that is not the issue). We focus on performing rather than LEARNING to be a daughter of God first before all else.
So yes! On all of this. Our Women’s Bible Study has been making changes the last 5+ years. It was hard to get all the women to see the changes were good, but now we dive deep, reading through books of the Bible, teaching the women HOW to study the Bible. We’re blessed by our women’s ministry leader who went through seminary and has a passion to GROW in understanding of who God is through his scriptures.
Oh my days. This is my heart. I have always loved studying the bible and I have always had to discipline myself to meditate on God’s word - just to read and pray asking God what is he saying to me. I’m much happier with with books like Dictionary of Theology and commentaries spread around me. I attended a 2yr bible school for anyone in any leadership role who hadn’t ever been to bible school. I was part of a team who worked with the youth in th church, their friends and the young people in the community where our church building was based. This course was incredible and I learned so much about what God said . . . The bible isn’t written systematically or particularly chronologically, which for me to study it made it so much more interesting. (There we’re other students who thought I was completely bonkers by this point, but I was already hooked and I just couldn’t get enough of it all) The entire bible is there for us ALL to read, study, meditate on and seek God’s voice to us personally regardless of whether we are male or female. If I don’t stop now I will be writing all night. But thank you for getting peoples brains thinking and asking questions and really getting stuck into God’s word. Don’t stop. Keep going. Keep shocking people into studying what the bible has to say to us ALL OK I really am stopping now because it’s 1:25am in the UK and I really do need to sleep. God bless
Thank you, Faith, for sharing these thoughts! I was so happy when you said that churches need to teach us how to read the Bible and I could say: "Wooohooo, my church is doing that already, how cool!" My church alternates two classes: one is how to pray and the other is how to read the Bible. I took both and they were amazing. My prayer life has changed because of the how to pray class. I also have a different approach to reading my Bible. I hope more churches will start doing this! You nailed it!
You verbalized here what I have felt but not been able to articulate. The lay person, like myself, really doesn’t know how to explore the Bible in depth. That is what is bringing many of us to places like your channel. Thank you and I look forward to learning from you! Also, a pastor’s wife, a seminary student, and a UA-camr? Major props to you - I’m so grateful you’re bringing your knowledge here in such an accessible way given what must be some pretty intense time restraints.
Loved this! Feeling nice and convicted and want to take some of this into my new “official” leadership position at my church. I do think part of the reason women’s Bible studies focus so much on stories of women in the Bible is because those parts of the Bible aren’t being read elsewhere. The whole congregation needs to be able to dig into Proverbs 31 or Ruth. When those passages are reserved for women’s Bible studies, not only are women not getting to really chew through Scripture as you’re describing, but men miss out on all of the fruit that comes from those passages because they’re “for women”.
I also wished that there were more Christian UA-camrs that made videos like you do instead of just bible journaling. I would love more videos on how to understand the Bible, where to start reading and how go take notes...and so on.
I did a Chronological Bible (So That’s Why Bible) started in the New Testament and read the whole thing right through no jumping around, then the Old Testament. Then started over with a good study Bible. It is such a blessing.
Good choice,to be hungry for God's word .pray)ask Jesus &the Holy Spirit to help teach !interpret the Bible with you. Start with the gospel of John,or book of Acts, new testament to show modem church believers,then read some old testiment (see prophecies vhave come true like Genius to see the awesomeness of God, He knows loves you personally. Shalom
Say it louder for the people in the back! Yes! to all of this! I was so tired of going to churches cherry picking scripture and then doing a stand up set about their families and how scripture applied to their family. I left the church building and started reading the bible in the hopes to actually understand it. It changed my life finding teachers on youtube who taught sound theology and went over the Hebrew and Greek translations. Thank you for this work. We need it in the body of Christ!
Thank you, the cherry picking has to stop, also we must understand the custom of the times that people actually lived,….that will make what they wrote much deeper, also how to be a better listener to our Lord.
Sounds like a great thesis that is much needed. I'm sure these videos are great for you to think through and talk through your ideas. And you're actually doing the work you talk about in your thesis which is really awesome. So much academic writing is just that...writing, with no calls to action or action in general. Keep up the good work!
Thank you Faith for the videos you do. The church I attend doesn’t do any sort of discipleship courses. Because I spoke up saying as a newly-returned-to-my faith I needed this, a couple offered to take me under their wing and disciple me. They also run a mixed gender home group, and I find I get so much more out of it than the all-women’s group I attend. I find that the men in our church are so much better at answering my questions than women are. I suspect that you are right about the women being left behind. I was baptised 2 weeks ago, and one of the female pastors said that I am an “anomaly” because she has never seen anyone so hungry for God’s Word. I thought that was a very sad statement. So thank you for encouraging me to dig deeper every day into understanding what I am reading in the Bible, and to use commentaries. I’ve been told that “the Holy Spirit will show me all I need to know”, but to me that’s like the Holy Spirit giving me the ingredients for a cake, but I sit and wait for Him to bake it.
110% YES to this entire video!!!! Please make that a shirt! “A life time is not long enough to understand the Bible” because absolutely true!! And I wish I WISH church’s taught it so much more vs just worship. I LOVE worship and feeling the Holy Spirit but learning and understanding the Bible is so crucial!!! Again- thank you for your videos! I have cried watching and reading scripture you have discussed and I could not be more grateful! Thank you!!!
Preach it sister! Oh, it’s going to be such a delight to watch how God works through you, Faith. We hope to see you up there preaching as Pastor Faith soon. We need more women using their gifts as natural leaders and teachers.
Like many others in this comment section, I think you've put words to something I've struggled with my whole life as a Christian (esp. in evangelical circles, which I've largely left). I'm naturally more intellectual and logical (took me a long time to realize that about myself bc I was always fed the "women are naturally more emotional" crap). My faith finally blossomed when I went to a Christian uni; I did an English degree but with a Christian studies minor. My faith felt so much more enriched and fulfilled when I could finally dig into Scripture and theology and truly wrestle with it and analyze it. When I want to talk about my feelings, I'll go to therapy or coffee with a friend. My faith is the most important thing to me, so I want to dig into it for all it's worth. Sadly since graduating I haven't found that space again in the church. I love the church I'm attending now and getting good fellowship and spiritual growth from it. And we do have events where we discuss theology in depth. But I'm so jaded about small groups, esp. women's small groups, for all the reasons you discussed. Another commenter put it really well: I wanted meat and was given flowers. I love flowers! But I also need fulfilling sustenance. I need metaphorical manna from heaven, y'know?
Thank you Faith for speaking up on this subject! I have been feeling this push to study the bible and the foundation of its truths. I do feel the conviction of learning and understanding the bible for what it is. You have inspired me to study the bible and I have found so many truths I had never seen before. My church does believe women can be called to teach, preach and fulfill their calling. I have applied to an online seminary school and I can not wait to get started. Thank you and may God continue to bless your channel.
I appreciate this! It's a breath of fresh air to hear another woman agree to look at the Greek/Hebrew. A few women are studying Hosea with me at my church. Not a book about Hosea, but actual Hosea. Chapter by chapter, verse by verse, word by word. I'm encouraging the ladies as they read the chapter prior to us meeting to ask questions and research for themselves. It's incredible to see them pull out the Blue Letter Bible app before me!
Yes!!! This is what I want to base my channel off of as well. I have never understood why it’s called Bible study because they always made us buy other books that were about women. 😝 I knew my new church was legit when they said don’t bring anything but your Bible!! 😍
👍I'm glad you have this platform. I'm 70 now, was widowed at 23 and didn't remarry for 17 years. You are so right. I wanted to study the Bible, not to understand wifeliness and motherhood, but to be a disciple of Christ in whatever situation He put me. This video would have been appropriate in 1976. The church and women's ministries were not addressing this issue then. I've been blessed to lead some Bible studies for women that focused on Bible based faith and discipleship, the gospel from Genesis through Christ's ascension, reading through the Bible chronologically. Blessings to you and your ministry 🙏😇💕
I just restarted my women’s life group this year with a new focus on having a personal relationship with Jesus. The very first study we’re diving into is How to read the Bible and I am living for it!!! I’m learning so much in leading my little group and discussing different resources and how to understand what we’re reading- I love your thesis!
You and Nicki Drake are such a blessing to women's ministry. I am grateful that you share your knowledge with us about the Bible as well as how to study it for ourselves. The small groups at my church don't study the Bible, they all seem to do "popular" topical women's studies that easily become about self and not Christ.
I appreciate so much what you’ve shared. Not just about women, but even about the “modern church.” I hope my 2-month old daughter will meet sisters in Christ with a passion like yours- ‘good’ role models not just in our home, but outside it, too.
This isn't just occurring in Bible studies but in Sunday morning sermons. Eisegesis has sadly become the new norm for many American churches. We aren't being discipled, we are being entertained, motivated, and taught how to be successful according to the American standard. We need to be taught proper hermeneutics, how to exegete the text, and apologetics. This is the very reason why I left my church, am currently in Bible College, and looking for a local church that participates in expository teaching of the scriptures.
Praise the Lord, Faith! This was on fire and on point. Just within the past couple of years, I have just really begun to do more than just read the Bible. BUT really in the last year study it for WHAT it is saying and not looking to how it applies to me. I get so excited to share my study time with others, and that is the difference.
I’m so glad I found your channel! I just celebrated my 3 years of being saved by Christ! I’ve been church hopping ever since! I don’t want to have a Bible study based on someone else’s book! I want to have a relationship with Jesus. To get to know him better. I watch all of my sermons online because I prefer expository peaching not topical. I also follow a few Theologians and Apologetics. Thank you and God bless!🙏🏼✝️❤️
Why does everyone want to study the Bible with ANOTHER book?? I'm so frustrated about that, but I go along. Please, can you tell me the difference between "expository" and "topical" preaching? I'd appreciate it. I've heard that before but do not understand.
Topical is what is typically taught in Western churches. The pastor picks a topic - like love and does a 4 week study of love in the Bible. Expository is when the teacher or pastor chooses a book and then starts at chapter 1, verse 1 and teaches literally from the Bible without skipping. He may cross reference with another verse or he may use other historical references to help you understand the verse more thoroughly but the point is fully understanding the verse or verse he’s teaching. Many expository teachers will spend an hour on one or two verses. Both types of teaching are beneficial and there are definite pros and cons for both.
I just have to say that I haven’t found anybody that has matched my passion and thoughts on women and women bible studies as you just did. I thought I was alone in my thoughts but you just got me even more fired up! Thank you 😊
This is SO good!! You hit the nail on the head!! We, as women, get so caught up in our emotions and "spirituality" (at least in our own minds) that we lose sight of real, Biblical truth and solid theological foundations. We let emotions and whims lead the way. Emotions are a wonderful caboose but a terrible engine. Thank you for standing up for Christ- Centered theology!
i just happened upon this video a few days ago. With Biblical illiteracy at an all-time high, It had been a burden of mine to teach a Bible Study to women that would teach them how to study the Bible for themselves. I started that Bible Study nine years ago using Inductive Bible Study with materials from Precept Ministries. I have always felt alone in this mission. So many Christians that I would talk to were lukewarm about the idea, but some were excited about it. This group has never grown larger than 10 - 15 women because people leave through the ebb and flow of life, but we always have one or two new women joining. Those who have stayed with it, love it, it has opened up their lives in a way that only walking with Jesus can. Thank you for posting this video, it is encouraging to know there are other women out there 'fighting the good fight'!
I also think we need to deemphasize the whole marriage/kids aspect of women's bible studies. They have no idea what to do with single women and as someone who is a highly intellectual Christian, I'm not interested in hearing about how I can apply this passage to a marriage I'm not in or teach it to kids I don't have. Complementarian circles in particular are guilty of this and we need to do better. It often feels like women aren't taken as seriously. We really need more women in seminary to teach other women and to give both men and women a unique perspective that's often missing in male-only leadership.
I am married and had children and the women's Bible studies are over-the-top for me. The devotional books, the in person circles, prayer groups that are comprised of only women are much too me-ology and emotional. The issues center around personal problems, and not theological learnings. I have found that even published books that center on women have an obvious bias towards victimhood. Like you said, we can do better.
I agree. Sometimes that's true for men's groups as well. I was in a men's 12 stop Christian group and the male leader briefly talked about what he and his wife did on vacation - while there were single men in the group. Really inappropriate.
The woman study bible I looked at, replaced knowledge by 'stories of some woman'... I felt betrayed. I'm a woman, so I don't want knowledge, but all kinds of personal stories? Why do you deprive women of knowledge... I was shocked to find out that 'male versions' had way more and deeper notes..... what kind of agenda is that? A girl picking a nice-looking Bible doesn't need knowledge? I hate it! Although I knew about Samson, even though he was a terrible role model of a judge, i knew almost nothing about Deborah..... so we might need a focus on more woman stories by male preachers, so we don't feel the need to find the 'never told stories'.....
they have conflated "woman" and "wife". (lumped them together and failed to distinguish between them). All wives are women, but NOT ALL WOMEN ARE WIVES.
Having come out of NAR movement I’m trying to absorb all I can and learn myself not bd spoon fed theology anymore. Your video made me tear up. We have so much to give in Him and NOW. Is the time! You are a blessing - keep up the good work!
Hi Faith, I agree with what you’re saying. I was raised in the Episcopal church and have attended other denominational churches over lots of years and was never taught how to read the Bible and certainly not how to study it. Thank you for doing what you do here. It’s greatly appreciated.
Wow, it makes me sad that other people relate to what I’m talking about but I’m glad we can commune together and encourage each other here on the internet
Shoooot! 😅 I was hoping starting at 51 years old and focusing daily I would be able to get through this Bible before I die! If YOU in your hours upon hours still find something new, wow! Just wow!!
Faith you nailed that to wall!! I agree with u 10000 %. Hoping u great 100 on your paper. Bless u and your channel. I have learned a lot from u thanks a million. Your friend Carol
I'm 66 and for years have been saying this,wondering what on earth leaders were thinking. All the women's studies were so shallow and all about emotions or self focused ME,ME,ME! ACK! Women have been led to believe the Bible is too hard to even read snd understand, let alone study. It did women of my generation a great injustice. It is so refreshing to see young women apologists on UA-cam leading the way and you with this video. May God use it greatly to open women's minds and hearts to the truth that we need to study just as men do.
Thank you for sharing this spoke to me and how I've been feeling the last couple years of my role within our church. I know I can do more. Any future videos on seminary and resources for deeper learning. Goal: growth and sharing the gospel with confidence in a ministry. Thank you 💓
I am just seeing this video. I am so thankful that our pastor is teaching us how to read and study the bible. How we ask the questions who, what, where, when, and why. It is a structure that makes the Word much more friendly in the reading and understanding. It has truly been an eye opener. Thank you for the insight you share with us.
I cannot explain how much this video hit! it was to the point where i was believing i was doing too much and that maybe i was the problem because i was frustrated with the womens bible study groups i attended. i show up with my bible , which doesnt get opened...or my concordance, which people never know what that is, and We read a book thhat someone else wrote "sprinkled" with biblical passages and personal anecdotes. Im so frustrated and bored! you drove the point home with us being the ones that teach the next generation! we have all this technology and we are still behind and or lost. this was a great video!
Sister thankyou so much for making this video. I'm chronically ill, & spend much of my time studying solid theology and apologetics. And I have to say a lifetime really isn't enough. I still have so much to learn. I love you and God bless you.❤📖
Ok. Am so sharing you with every person I know (especially women) Your joy and enthusiasm is contagious. Personally I have walked with Yah for a very long time. Still I love learning, anything and everything I can get my hands on. I think a teachable spirit is the best thing since cheesecake. You bless us more than you know. The Holy Spirit obviously is your best friend. It shows in everything you do. Keep it up!!! ❤
This video was such a huge confirmation for me! I completely agree with everything you said and have been praying for a way to truly teach women how to study the Bible so that they can then teach their children to do the same. As a homeschooling Momma of 2 you are exactly correct in saying that it is us women who are the ones catechizing and teaching our children the basic tenants of the faith! Appreciate everything you are doing!
I wonder if this is a women’s Bible study issue or if it is capital C Church issue. A women’s study (or studies for men, children, teens, marriage, etc) only magnifies the issues we already have as a western Church as a whole. I do not know how to attack the whole, but I think videos like this is a start to shed light and also give practical guidance for deep and sound God-centered study. Thanks Faith!
You talked about all the technology in today's world, all the news, all the time... So true. "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of Christ." ~ II Timothy 3:7 immediately sprang to mind. No matter the knowledge we may have at our fingertips, none of it can take the place of God's Holy Word. It is forever settled in Heaven and will not change. Love your thoughts about all of this. Thank you.
Amen !!! I have a channel with my sister and we basically go through Psalms, parables, topics, books, women of bible and Titus 2 woman but that’s just for starters as we hope to dig deeper. I’m so disappointed how local woman’s fellowships who don’t want to study ..I spoke at a womens event and did an exegesis from Genesis and they said that they wanted a testimony about me instead ☹️ Great video and pray that you do well on your final paper.
Girl, this is the truth! Was about to dive back into the Bible and learn about the women in the Bible and then I came across your video! Amazing where our God directs us. Definitely going to learn some tips from you because sometimes I have no cooking clue where to start, how to start and how to be consistent! Thanks for making this video! #subscribed
This little ole 68 year old lady is yelling.....YES!! Finally!! I purely hate women's bible studies!! I have never ever once in all my years of being a christian--56 yr-- have learned anything that I can say I used in my walk! It's always so sappy!! and never ever worked!! And now as an older woman...it's worse!! You look at a woman's bible study--it's about being a wife, a mom, handling your toddlers, fitting in your time to study your bible....and those things ARE important! But what about me as a woman following Jesus? A woman! Not mom, not wife, not grandma.......I'm a woman and I want to learn. I know STUFF!! I just love you and so happy you made this video!! I have often wanted to make my own blog about just being a woman....an older woman....walking with the Lord!! Bless You!!!!
I was ordained in my denomination many years ago. My mother was ordained when I was young. Both of us ministered alongside our husbands through the years. There are plenty of arguments in the Word for women who minister. It is good to see you sharing the whole, deep scripture, not just the "women" subjects. I have believed all these years that church "ordination" is just men/people acknowledging the fact that God has already anointed and ordained us.
Really great point about the "me-centred" focused studies. But its an issue in our churces generally speaking too. There's not enough focus on God and what his scripture is actually saying. At the last service I attended, the sermon focused so much on that particular church's mission that it didn't feel like I was learning about the scripture as it is. It was cherry picked verses to get a point across. And I suppose that also highlights how Biblical literacy is woefully lacking. Ever since I started studying scripture my whole life has been changed. Every believer NEEDS to study the Bible. Its so fun contrary to what I thought as a young believer. I'm legit excited to spend my life studying it. You learn something every day. Its awesome.
@@camillewilliams3185 Yes, I agree. The Bible really is fun to read. I remember the very first time I picked up the Bible with the motivation to read the whole thing from cover to cover that once I got started I remember I couldn't wait to turn the page fast enough to get to the next page to see what was going to happen next. I was recently going to a church where everything revolves around feelings. One lady there that I had become good friends with told me she had never read the Bible before, but she has been a Christian for decades. I said what, how can you have never read the Bible, it is so important to know what it says it reveals the character of God and tells you who God is. She said yes, but it's just so boring and I would rather feel God because I love standing during worship and singing to him and just feeling him. Unfortunately, this is pervasive in today's church.
This! I’ve been in church all my life, baptized at 6 years old, been in countless bible studies and groups, but I was NEVER taught how to read or study the Bible! I was given reading plans but that was not instructive. It was informational but that’s about it. I was 50 (last year) before I stumbled onto some YT videos and started actually learning the process. I had heard of a concordance and commentary but truly believed they were for pastors- not lay people. I’ve been obsessed with watching more and learning more and I bought a new bible and started digging deep with notes and references, etc. But I wasn’t sure what to do with it. You just said that we are called and convicted to watch these kinds of videos because we are leaders. 😳 I guess I’ve known He’s calling me to something but still waiting to find it. I pray this is true and that I can help others before they wait 50 years! Thank you for sharing and good luck with your paper.
Wives and or mothers have very important roles in raising next generation societies in Godly manners and Christ's redemption powers".We battle not, against, flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in high places" (spiritual warfare)) is why we need to have Jesus our saviour, we are bought by His shed blood, There us power in the name of Jesus,,in this warfare for people's souls & the minds of our children through sick public schools, entertainment, gaming, .And women, God hates gossip,&equates it to witchcraft (He hates witchcraft)
Best Bible study for me personally is Precept Ministries Inductive studies. It teaches you skills on how to study the Bible for yourself, letting scripture interpret scripture. You dig deep into each book of the Bible. It changed my life and my relationship with God.
Best video ever! 😭 You just spoke the struggle that I haven't been able to get into words. I felt almost completely defeated before I found your channel a couple of days ago. I'm so grateful for you right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you 💜
I completely agree with you. I am very passionate about reading and studying the Word.. I would love to teach other women but I don’t even know where to get started. I haven’t gone to college for a Bible degree. But I completely agree about the women’s Bible studies… and I would love to bring more to the table for the community of women where I live in Kentucky. I just don’t know where to start.
I know this video is 1 year old, but it's more relevant today than ever before. I have pretty much given up on women's ministry events, studies, and home studies for women. They are usually guided by a book written by a random woman, with questions already given, and explanations the women should accept. Anywho.... thanks for the video. Hope things change in the churches in general, it is at it's weakest point.
Now that I have let the thoughts roll around in my head a minute or two, I realize the depth of what you are saying. I went to a church for many years that didn't ordain women, none of the female staff or members went to seminary or Bible school, but all of the children's classes were taught by women and the counselors for teens and children were women. So, the younger generation was being taught by the untaught?
The thing is...is any of this discipleship? I get that you want people who are well educated.. But the question is, did Jesus Christ choose the well educated and the scholars? Maybe what you want is a theology degree, but is that discipleship? to me discipleship is following Jesus, reading the Bible with the holy spirit. The Bible is for everyone, surely not just the scholars out there, but for those with low or high IQ, those with learning difficulties or those without education. I'm not sure we need scholars to teach the Bible...we need the holy spirit to speak thru the Bible to ALL of us through every book in the Bible and together in groups.
@@KJ-lb4tj I use to think that way, until I found a Warren Wiersbe expository and saw how much I was missing. God gives up great resources to help us understand the context, the culture at the time, who the letters were written to and what they were going through. It is amazing how much the Holy Spirit reveals through good teachers. I do not think you have to go to school or get degrees, but using great teaching from others are wonderful gifts to us. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Another thing, I had a pastor‘s wife at my church growing up, basically criticize churches for not digging deep enough into scripture because there were people who were going to seminary just to learn more about the Bible. Not because they wanted to go into vocational ministry, but because their churches weren’t providing enough of what their souls were longing for: a deeper understanding of God’s word
I teach a ladies Bible study BECAUSE I want our KidMin teachers and mothers well trained. I'm so thankful you have been called to teach online, because it gives me an "inlet". We all need to find ways to grow closer to the Lord and dig into His Word, and to help others do the same. I've been part of a church plant in the west for 12+ years. When we started the church, we determined that one of our main goals was to teach "spiritual self responsibility". That means that each of us was to make sure we had an "inlet" of teaching, but also that we would always point our people to digging into the Bible for themselves. Thank you for digging deep, so you can pour into us! I'm digging so I can do the same.
Thank you for sharing this! I pray I am able to do the same. Really dig into His Word & share it with others. I’ve been pushed into kids ministry since I gave my life to Christ & there was a moment where I felt I needed healing from my old life instead of just serving. So, I walked away for a little bit. But now I feel such a hunger to read His word & share it with others, I am praying to share the TRUE Gospel & it kind of concerns me how many people don’t know the Old Testament as if somehow it’s not still relevant. Just some thoughts I’m working through.
I'm less than 4 minutes in and want to cry tears of both sorrow and gratitude that you made and put out this video. Gratitude for the message you're putting out, because it is so so so needed. Sorrow for how the Bible has been wielded against me as an individual using specific "relatable" passages. My parents used the passages about "honoring" your parents like a weapon, but they totally disregarded any passages we brought up about how parents and society are meant to treat and raise children. And often as a woman, I am turned off by women's ministries. I have an easier time talking with most men than most women, and most women ostracize me for not having the same vapid interests. My early relationship with God suffered a lot because of what kind of people my parents were and how they tried to draw a correlation in my heart and mind between themselves and God. Things didn't improve much when I entered my 20s. The church I was attending with my bestie and her husband was dividing young men and young women for a short Summer Bible study. I eventually stopped going, because I was so used to getting raked over the coals at home, I felt like I was getting it from the "study," too, and I just wasn't capable of handling. I don't remember the name of the book. I eventually threw it out. It was all about wise women vs foolish women, or something like that. The last nail in the coffin with my decision to stop attending the study was learning what the men were studying, "Crazy Love by Francis Chan." Do you know how uplifting, inspiring, and challenging in a good way that book is? Part of the ongoing issue is that most people in the church haven't the slightest clue how to recognize psychological abuse and have a bad, awful tendency to victim-blame. Even seen people in churches who don't get along shame the victim into making nice with the person who is in the wrong.
Thank you for this! 69-year-old pastor's wife here. I attended United Methodist churches all my life and became a born-again Christian in 1977 at the age of 22. It was then, in my 20s and 30s, that I was introduced to the idea that I am responsible for what the Bible says, and that it means what it says! (What a concept!) I have been alarmed of late by the dearth of Biblical literacy among Christians. How can we possibly tell people about a God we do not know? How can we who do not understand that "without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin" possibly pass the Gospel of Jesus on to others? Time to arise from our sleep, beloved sisters! May the Lord continue to bless your knowledge of Him.
Thanks Faith for this message for us Today! This is where my heart has been in for this year reading of the Bible studies! I want the deep down !"Meat " of the word not just some feel good about myself woman study that my church has for us women to study!
congratulations, pray,ask Jesus &the Holy Spirit to help you as you humbly read at home (King James Bible) other versions are watering down the redeeming blood of Christ and His deity He is King of kings and Lord of lords.andbsits at the right hand if God,interceding for us personally....and no one else come into the Father by Him.
So interesting to hear you talk on this. I have always been completely bored by 'women's' studies/ministry and after a couple of attempts over 30+ years have never bothered having anything to do with them. I have studied the Bible myself using some helpful resources & can't think of any female in my circle who I can converse with about anything I have studied.
Haha! The men at my church have Steak and Study once a month. The only way to get the men to come to church for Bible study is to give them a free steak dinner. There are over 400 men who attend. The women have as many come to their Bible study and it's once a week for 10 weeks at a time. We go through a verse-by-verse study of a book of the Bible. Sadly, there is no food involved.
I love this so much, I’m glad I’m not the only woman who feels this way. I did a deep deep dive of the Bible in chronological order. I learned SOOO much and had a deeper love for God because I had context for everything that I misunderstood before. There is so much beauty to be found in the Hebrew language. Thank you for sharing!
I can see how this would particularly be a problem in complementarian churches, but I've experienced it too in an egalitarian church like the Methodist church. The women's circles were full of fluff while the men's groups had more substantive talks and guest speakers. The only time I experienced good, solid theological study and discussion was when I was in the co-ed Disciple Bible Study sessions.
Perfecttttttttttt♥️ you are right on! What an encouragement to everyone reading the comments to find out there are more people like us!! This video makes me want to cry. You are allowing yourself to be used by God and we are watching it happen in real time. Thank you♥️♥️♥️
This is so encouraging. I co-led a Bible study for maybe 2 years or so and after a while, I felt it just fell apart. I’m afraid that more women wanted to show up for the “narcigesis” Bible study where we would look for ourselves in scripture while I just wanted to help women gain biblical literacy. I find it challenging to find women that want to really LEARN about scripture. Not sure really where to look for similar women
Susan Heck’s ministry ‘With the Master’ is excellent - she is a wonderful women’s Bible teacher and teaches verse by verse and you can find her studies online and watch her videos for those studies. It grieves me to see so many women following women like Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine, Priscilla Shirer and others who all teach me-ology when it comes to the Bible. I recently came across your videos and your engaging personality and great content drew me in. I have now subscribed and bought your Bible reading plan… even though it was quite astronomical in Aussie $$ 🤣 it looks awesome and I can’t wait to start it next year. You are right about the lack of women teachers in the church. I am praying for a woman teacher for my local church. Unfortunately, I am very much learning how to exegete scripture after being in charismatic Pentecostal churches for many years under me-centred teaching. I appreciate women like yourself who are online and helping to teach us women. God bless your ministry.
@debm3716 Women are not to teach or usurp authority over the man. What women have to do is to teach the younger ones the things in alignmeent with Sound Doctrine Titus 2:4.
@@framboise595 you pointed it out in Titus - how is an older woman to teach a younger woman without the Word of God? Surely you don’t disagree with women Bible studies…
So powerful! I learned a lot from this, thank you Faith! I’m very thankful for this because I’ve been wondering which direction to go in with the girl’s Bible study that I’m planning on starting, and this helps a lot. God bless you :)
I was a Bible Study leader for years and we did all the Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer, etc. studies. It wasn't until Covid hit and on-campus meetings ceased that I started just studying for myself and found channels like Mike Winger, Justin Peters, Fighting of Faith, etc that taught me discernment. It's like my eyes were opened and I realized how "fluffy" these Bible "studies" were. I put quotation marks there because they ALL begin with a whole bunch of personal stories, followed by emotional reactions to the Scripture that is SPRINKLED in and end with a "how do you feel about all this?" Anyway, I've learned to set those books aside and just read the Word for myself, keeping commentaries and such to a minimum (they totally have their place), but just reading the Word for what It is, IN CONTEXT.
I wish I could go to just one Bible study😢
Beth Moore??? 😂 there's your clue😂😂😂
Mike Winger is perfect example of narcissistic men in the church.
Women Bible studies can be a bit watered down. I enjoy simply studying the Bible book by book, verse by verse its so much to read, digest, and understand.
Well done.
The Bible is for everyone. Female/Male Jewish/Gentle. Slave/free. All ages. All races. All nationalities.
And the cherry-picking of such pathetic gendered studies is harmful to the point of being counter-productive.
It's all about money. The "Christian publishing industry" does not deserve the description "Christian", it is worldly to the core.
It's about market research. Niche marketing. Finding the lowest common denominator of the mass market. Identifying/inventing a stereotype based on the market research.
Analysing last year's "latest big thing" and commissioning another author to copy it (only cheaper). Getting the original author to rehash it this year, with maybe 50% changes so that everyone can pretend this year's rehash isn't a copy.
Yes!! “Me-ology” instead of theology is a HUGE problem!
Amen! I'm finding it discouraging because not only do I enjoy studying God's word, but I like discussing it with others and having the "iron sharpens iron" type fellowship of other sisters.
Both "me-ology" and "theology" are a problem. What is needed is straight up Logos, from The Beginning to The End.
😂 Me-ology!
I learn so much from you!!! You have no idea what a blessing you are to others. ❤️
What Seminary is she enrolled in so I can encourage the young people in our church to stay, very, very far away from it.
Point no. 2 is spot on, not just for women's ministry, but for the evangelical church in general. Our high school students are required to complete relatively advanced levels of math in order to graduate, while the church doesn't even bother to offer basic classes on how to study the Scriptures. God help us.
I’ve had a couple of pastors say they would have a New Believers class but wanted to wait until they got a few people who were interested. Except that never came. When people give their hearts to the Lord it’s one person. And there may not be another new believer for months. Meanwhile this newbie has no clue what they are supposed to be doing, reading, etc. Basically they are languishing. I don’t think it’s fair for the pastor-or whoever is educating new believers-to make them sit around with no knowledge of what their next steps should be. After I came to Christ, I didn’t know God was interested in hearing from me. I didn’t know I should read my bible every day, and there were plenty of other things I didn’t know. There needs to be a new believer ministry that helps people along. Maybe make it 6 months long. The person in charge needs to be able to commit to coming alongside the believer and walk with them as they learn what it means to belong to Christ. It would be good if there was a woman leader and a men’s leader. A couple of people would be nice to give each one a break. But it’s very disheartening to think that one person isn’t worth the time needed to invest in a person just coming to Christ. I know pastors are very busy but it would be nice if the pastor could just take one class to meet and introduce themselves, explain what and who the church is (my husband and I found ourselves attending a Baptist church when we were living in AL) what their core beliefs are, whatever else the believer to feel like they belong!
YES!!! YEEEESSSS! I recently have been reading my bible chronologically. Did not want to read Ruth because it’s usually focused on emotionalism and sappy stories. When after reading Judges, and realizing the book of Ruth took place during that time, the message of the book changed a 1000% for me. It was no longer about a professed faithfulness between two women. It was about the power of obeying God’s word, His laws, statutes in the midst of a perverse generation. You are so onto something and I can only hope this truth sets like wildfire throughout the Lord’s church!!
I need to get one of those chronological Bibles, but each time I decide to, I get confused by all the options and stop looking.
Ruth is amazing…you can actually see her salvation moment and Gods mercy and grace throughout
I want to read the bible chronologically next. I did a reading plan that jumped around. I think they have chronological reading plans so you don't have to buy a specific bible.
@@ArleneAdkinsZell same. We need to stop looking at options and just pick one and go with it.
@@JulietManx so true 🤍
THANK YOU for this video and FINALLY speaking the words that NEED to be said OUT LOUD! There are so many women that are being led astray and who are using bible studies as social events to meet other women instead of understanding that these studies are opportunities to get to know JESUS. I'm so tired of feeling like I'm being judged because I don't want to participate in their "Social gatherings"
I can relate.
How does not attending bring truth to power. Typing on the internet is better?
@caramelcocoa234 , how does it benefit a person, man or woman, to listen to watered down, bad theologies, or heresy? Id rather pray for my sisters in Christ, and possibly suggest having a home bible to these sisters, and ask for guidance from our pastor to start home bible. As long as it's from the actual word of God and not a Lifeway book!
For some women/young moms, this is the ONLY time they get out of the house, away from responsibilities, and most of all have a chance to meet friends. And since it is "social", they tend to read the books and prepare for class.
I taught our women"s biblestudy for years. At some point we put away packaged studies and began to study whole books of the bible. We studied Jonah, Daniel (minus the end times. We let Daniel be Daniel) Philippians and Hebrews and yes, Ruth. All of these done verse by verse beginning to end and for every book we took as much time as needed. My desire for our group was to be scripturally literate. The ladies in our group were not train wrecks and my bible's not pink.
That’s so great! What an awesome example
Excellent idea! If you would consider beginning at the beginning, in Genesis and reading all the way through... In order... I think you'd find that when you read your way to the prophets they'll make a whole lot more sense. Just picking a book out of the context of the surrounding books and foundational texts at the beginning of the bible, which lay the groundwork for understanding, will yield very little true understanding, and possible misinterpretation.
Good way to proceed, Georgetta.
😂 Amen!
Yeah, I taught a Bible study for a few years but because I focused on pure Bible study and not on the social aspects of it, it wasn’t as popular. The women in my area were used to going to Beth Moore type Bible studies where they were able to air their marital and parenting problems. They really didn’t want to read the Bible, much less study it. I finally gave up.
I quit attending women's ministry events. One was charging $15 for petit fors, coffee, and a feel good message. I left early and never went back. Another one was watching a video, answer some questions, say a prayer, and then go home. I can do that at home. The worst one was a speaker who told us that if we could shop all day at the mall, we could attend church. My friend and I were like must be nice to spend all day in the mall. It showed how out of touch most women's ministries are with women. Others have been book clubs and you don't even open the Bible. I only attended one that was truly a Bible study. There was 3 of us, for the first time ever I really learned how to study the Bible. Since then I have been learning how to go deeper. I am teaching my daughter to do the same. Blessings to you Faith! Thank you for calling attention to this. The church needs to wake up and quit regulating women to the nursery and childcare. Equip us to properly study God's Word and truly disciples others as Jesus told us to do.
Ah man! Thanks for sharing!!
Sounds like the same lady using 1 coffee pod for 2 cups of coffee???
I've also given up on women's ministries. One of the first churches I attended as an adult had a fundamentalist bent. EVERY women's Bible study was about submitting to your husband. After leaving that church we went to one where the women's ministry focused on teaching women home decor, self-care, and how to make non-toxic household cleaners (with essential oils conveniently sold by the wives of some of the staff). It was also this church that hosted an event that brought in a speaker to tell us how to keep the spark in our marriage. I happened to be acquainted with the speaker. She was billed as a typical homeschool mom of four and came to tell us how we need to exercise regularly to stay fit for our husbands and to fix our hair and makeup every morning, in addition to having weekly date nights with our husbands. What the people promoting the event failed to mention is that this fit and fixed-up homeschool mom of four is quite wealthy and has a live-in nanny and maid. I'm not knocking the speaker; she's a lovely person, but completely out of touch with how most of us have to live. The last church I tried a women's ministry in was focused on book studies for dopey books targeted toward women in the guise of Bible study. That was the last straw for me. Why aren't women allowed to actually study the Bible?
One of my favorite women’s bible was one that was written and presented by the pastor’s wives at a church I was attending. They knew what they were teaching. These women taught the word in depth, and challenged us to really dig in to the bible. Its been many years but I never found another women’s bible study like it. I think your video is spot on. Women want to be challenged intellectually and spiritually, we can handle it, we need it.
Look into Community Bible Study or Bible Study Fellowship.
I started teaching my own women's bible study in my home because I could only find Church Women's Bible studies that were nothing more than "Christian Book of the Month" Clubs. Where theology was out the window and popularity was all the rage. I've been doing that for 5 years and last year we did a year long chronological study that was GREAT! Your points are right on target. I am so encouraged. I was born again 40 years ago and have struggled because of poor teaching in many churches. God has ALWAYS spoken to those who will listen, regardless of sex, race, intelligence.
I have admit, I have passed by you several times and thought of you as just another “youtuber,” so glad I gave you some of my time today. Thank you for speaking strongly about a Christ centered Gospel. I love this point of view. Women need to know the truth in order to decipher a good church, Bible studies and Christian literature to better understand what it means to walk with Christ. There is so much I don’t know, but I am always surprised at the lack of knowledge some women have, even through they have spent decades in a church. God bless, and keep teaching.
It's so crazy because I GREW UP in church, and JUST tonight, I realized not one time was I taught HOW to study the Bible. It was buy a study guide for a specific book and fill in missing words, very bread and butter but no meat. I fully believe the Holy Spirit led me to your channel. You just said EVERYTHING I've been feeling about women and the Bible. Thank you!
I’ve been handwriting Scripture and it’s made all the difference!
So glad you are addressing this! At 70 I am still looking for a church... for women who are hungry for God's Word!
Me too
I'm a Christian and love reading the Bible and love my relationship with God. I never married and never had children and have always felt excluded from today's modern church. I too have always had a hard time finding a church where I felt like I belonged. The church is supposed to be family, you're supposed to feel like you have a family as part of the church. But the church focuses on individual families and everything is geared to people who have them and older singles are left getting excluded from so much.
The modern day church has drifted so far from the original church experience where everyone just met together in one another's homes.
Check out if there are any sovereign grace churches in your area I personally go to one in Roanoke and they are very good at being biblical and preaching expository sermons.
@@aquaseahorselove3939 Yep me too. You walk into a church with no man on your arm and no children in tow they dont even look at you. If you are married they flock to you like crazy. I am glad I am not alone on this. I was never able to have children and never got married, so I was either gay or weird. You get shunned. The Bible does not address us, I am not a widow, so what am I?
@@aquaseahorselove3939 Churches only wants young families. They don't want singles, and they particularly dont' want single women of any age. We're truly the pariahs of the church.
I got rid of two bookshelves full of women's Bible studies last year when I realized they were just making my anxiety and depression worse. We're talking the "best sellers" at the bookstores. Most of it was exactly what you discussed: you, you, you-centered Christianity, and very little on how to read the Bible and understand. Every time I'm tempted to grab "another book", I pick up my Bible and remind myself that it's the only one I really need to read. I do have your "How to Read the Bible for all it's Worth" book, and hopefully that helps with some of the questions I've had. Thank you so much for your videos! I could never do this!
I am so glad this was helpful and resonated with you! Praise the Lord! That's all God!
@@HowtoFaithALife is your book different to the Fee and Stuart book with the same title?
Yes. I’ve been saying this for so long. While I love gathering with women I want to get into the word. Not a few scriptures here and there. Let’s dig in the word!!! This is so good
Amen Sister!! ❤
I LOVE THIS!!! I'm a complimentarian and I cannot agree more!! Women need to learn as much as possible about the Bible and that is why I am studying apologetics now. I NEED to guide my children in Christ and how I can I do that if I don't even know what I believe!!
if you had a better idea of what the Bible teaches us all, you would not be a "complementarian".
That's how the charlatans promoting the "complementarianism" cult get away with it - they prey upon people who don't know the Bible very well.
Read Galatians and you will see what i mean.
You are such a treasure find for me! I am always searching the scriptures on my own because I find women's Bible studies to be filled with emotional, fuzzy feels. And although I believe these studies have a place in our church, I CRAVE deep, theology studies. I want to go downnnn deep into God's word...no fluffy stuff. Thank you for your honesty!
Spot on, thanks!!
Yes! I volunteered as a women's ministry leader for years on and off. Not once did we learn HOW TO STUDY the Bible. Over time, I realized something was missing. I didn't know any better. It wasn't until years later that I realized how "illiterate" we were in the Bible! Great video! Finally someone that could put my thoughts out there, lol! Lives change when hearts change. Not information, but transformation from Biblical literacy!
Yes! I totally agree!
At my church the women were studying Lies Women Believe, while the men were studying Owen’s Mortification of Sin. I skipped the women’s study and read Owen.
That book is actual toxic - glad you skipped it!
Ha ha. Good for you
@@tabithabishop3329 why is it toxic please?
So many times I wished I could be in the "men's study". And why was it considered the "men's"? Why can't we all do it? There is even a ministry called Fight Club, which is typically for men - I asked why the women couldn't fight at the church I was at. So we then had a women's version. C'mon, seriously? We're ALL called to war. We were ALL called to the Great Commission. We are ALL soldiers in Christ.........so train like it. (anyhow, to your point.)
I had a similar situation where the men’s Bible study was going through The Screwtape Letters and the women’s Bible study was going through something by Beth Moore, I can’t remember which one. We were going through them as a life group and were debating on splitting up for the different studies. I pushed hard for us both to do The Screwtape Letters and we tried it. The women in my life group were shocked at how different the men’s studies were from the women’s. They still attend other women specific Bible studies occasionally, but any time we have the option to break into gender specific studies we just do the men’s.
Someone literally today told me to start a women's Bible study in my area. But, here's the thing I don't know anyone to have a Bible study with. But, the end of this video I felt like God was speaking right to me telling me to have a Bible study. So I'm praying right now for women that I can do that with. Thanks Faith for saying what you felt lead to say. 😊😊😊
PRAISE THE LORD! What a cool God-moment! I love when He does that!
Yes do it! We need more women's Bible studies everywhere! If you don't find women in your area... I know its annoying to have to live online... but try doing an online study maybe? A friend of mine started one that we all joined into two years ago while all the churches were closed down. We had to navigate different time zones and everything but every week we did a chapter in the book of Galatians and it ended up working out quite well.
@@holy_spirit_seeker Thank you!!! I'm trying to figure it all out. I have never led a Bible study group, and I feel totally unequipped. I'm still praying hard about it. 🙏🙏🙏
@@AuthenticallyRaylynn pick something you want to learn and research it and then apply it to your life in the world today etc. Like sins using the ten commandments. How we fail everyday. Does grace give us a permission slip to keep on sinning or should we stop our sinning? That's my new topic for study.
I think of topic all time to studying on my own.
Hope that helps. I try to use topic that change me to be what Christ wants me to be after all he is our father and the best example to follow. He tells us to stop and sin no more. Yes we will wrestle with ourselves because we either don't want to give the sin what ever the reason that why we need to be with other Christian to help each to be accountable.
Hi, @Our For Sure Life!
Did you ever start your Bible study?
I cried watching this video. The amount of years I've wasted craving God's word but not knowing how to study or read it left me unmotivated. There is many women my friends that are dealing with the same issues you address in the video and we often come together and share how we don't know enough to pass down to our children. I want to ve a leader, I want to know theology, I want to know God and the desire has been there for years but I wasn't thought how to study the Bible. I'm so blessed to have found your channel.
Please check out Bible Study Fellowship. Book by book study…just the Word of God!
Thank you Jesus for using this lovely lady to teach me and other modern day women who are hungry for Godly wisdom
I'm attending a Reformed Presbyterian church in California. I haven't found your personal experiences or studies to be true during my walk. I'm asked often, "Why don't yoy attend seminary! I really think you'd benefit greatly." We have an older congregation, strong Bible believing church and I've never heard of women limited to studing women. I've been taught to learn and know the Triune God. I know I'll never have a complete working knowledge of Scripture but I plug along! Right!?! You have excellent points about "teaching people how to study the Bible." That's exactly why I come to you. I've learned from you, and my excitement for Scripture has grown because of it. I have Godsons and I feel a responsibility to them that my knowledge be correct regarding Scripture and to always point them to Christ in their lives. You are a blessing Faith!!
I was just wondering about the RPC! I just talked to faith about the RPC today. Crazy
I am part of the RPC in Australia :)
We have great Bible teaching, but there have been times when the women studies something still useful, but not great and the men got to study systematic theology- I was jealous! Thankfully that doesn’t happen often :)
I am so glad you are doing this thesis and sharing it. At the age of 62, I took over leadership of the Women's Ministry at my church two years ago. The first thing God impressed on me for this was the Great Commission. Christ did NOT say, "Go and make converts." So, instead of reading another book on discipleship, I formed small groups to meet once a month. We went through Jen Wilkin's book, Women of the Word, and together, we learned how to properly study God's word together, so that we do not have to rely on a teacher or a commentary to understand what God is saying to us. At the same time, they were actually discipling one another! At the start of the second year, we used what we learned about Bible study to go through the book of Philemon, in my opinion, the best book to learn the gospel. And because we are in this book for the year, we are now focusing on "Kononia", partnering with other ministries in our church for the glory of God, not spending our time talking about what was on TV the night before, or even just "fellowshipping". We have now become a service oriented ministry, working inside the mission of our church, "to lovingly proclaim Jesus to everyone and teach believers how to love, obey and serve Him". So far, we have hosted a weekend retreat for our Youth group, hosted our second annual all church Valentine's Day picnic, worked alongside the women at the Bible Tabernacle, a homeless shelter in Venice, CA, including them in all of our events. We have Tabletime questions for the ladies to discuss every time we meet. Our big outreach event is actually our Women's Tea! Non-believers are more likely to come to a tea than to a church service, so the gospel is proclaimed and our discussion time allows women to ask questions about salvation. I personally disciple two young ladies from our youth group every week, and many of the women have started meeting apart from our small groups, with purposeful discussions and prayer time centered on the Bible. I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve and minister to the women in my church. I pray for you regularly. I love your videos and can't wait to see where God leads you once you finish school! God bless you.
Wow! So well put. I am convicted and challenged as a leader, as a pastor to take the women’s Bible study groups far more seriously. Thank you for this.
I have felt dieconnected from women's bible studies for years. Your vid is a breath of fresh air. Lack of real serious study of the Word and just the meetings not being spiritual at all! Most end up just being places for recipe sharing, discussions on clothes ( I am for modesty so that is not the issue). We focus on performing rather than LEARNING to be a daughter of God first before all else.
So yes! On all of this. Our Women’s Bible Study has been making changes the last 5+ years. It was hard to get all the women to see the changes were good, but now we dive deep, reading through books of the Bible, teaching the women HOW to study the Bible. We’re blessed by our women’s ministry leader who went through seminary and has a passion to GROW in understanding of who God is through his scriptures.
BSF “Bible Study Fellowship” is an excellent Bible study for women. They also have men and Children studies too.
I've heard the same but the study near me is full 😔
@@kidwellmegando you have a CBS (community Bible study) near you? Very similar to BSF and I have only good things to say about it.
BSF changed my life !!
Community Bible study is very similar to BSF. We have both in our community.❤
The word of God is what will change your life.😇🙏🏻
I do BSF in an online group. There are ladies from all over the US in my group, and also two from Canada and one from the UK.
Oh my days. This is my heart. I have always loved studying the bible and I have always had to discipline myself to meditate on God’s word - just to read and pray asking God what is he saying to me.
I’m much happier with with books like Dictionary of Theology and commentaries spread around me.
I attended a 2yr bible school for anyone in any leadership role who hadn’t ever been to bible school.
I was part of a team who worked with the youth in th church, their friends and the young people in the community where our church building was based.
This course was incredible and I learned so much about what God said . . .
The bible isn’t written systematically or particularly chronologically, which for me to study it made it so much more interesting. (There we’re other students who thought I was completely bonkers by this point, but I was already hooked and I just couldn’t get enough of it all)
The entire bible is there for us ALL to read, study, meditate on and seek God’s voice to us personally regardless of whether we are male or female.
If I don’t stop now I will be writing all night.
But thank you for getting peoples brains thinking and asking questions and really getting stuck into God’s word.
Don’t stop.
Keep going.
Keep shocking people into studying what the bible has to say to us ALL
OK I really am stopping now because it’s 1:25am in the UK and I really do need to sleep.
God bless
Thank you, Faith, for sharing these thoughts! I was so happy when you said that churches need to teach us how to read the Bible and I could say: "Wooohooo, my church is doing that already, how cool!" My church alternates two classes: one is how to pray and the other is how to read the Bible. I took both and they were amazing. My prayer life has changed because of the how to pray class. I also have a different approach to reading my Bible. I hope more churches will start doing this! You nailed it!
That is SO COOL! Praise the Lord!!! If you don’t mind sharing… Where do you go?
@@HowtoFaithALife NewSpring Church in SC. The main church is in Anderson but there are 14 campuses all over SC
You verbalized here what I have felt but not been able to articulate. The lay person, like myself, really doesn’t know how to explore the Bible in depth. That is what is bringing many of us to places like your channel. Thank you and I look forward to learning from you! Also, a pastor’s wife, a seminary student, and a UA-camr? Major props to you - I’m so grateful you’re bringing your knowledge here in such an accessible way given what must be some pretty intense time restraints.
Loved this! Feeling nice and convicted and want to take some of this into my new “official” leadership position at my church. I do think part of the reason women’s Bible studies focus so much on stories of women in the Bible is because those parts of the Bible aren’t being read elsewhere. The whole congregation needs to be able to dig into Proverbs 31 or Ruth. When those passages are reserved for women’s Bible studies, not only are women not getting to really chew through Scripture as you’re describing, but men miss out on all of the fruit that comes from those passages because they’re “for women”.
Amen and Amen! I know I'm late to the party but I'm coming here to say basically this.
I also wished that there were more Christian UA-camrs that made videos like you do instead of just bible journaling. I would love more videos on how to understand the Bible, where to start reading and how go take notes...and so on.
I did a Chronological Bible (So That’s Why Bible) started in the New Testament and read the whole thing right through no jumping around, then the Old Testament. Then started over with a good study Bible. It is such a blessing.
Good choice,to be hungry for God's word .pray)ask Jesus &the Holy Spirit to help teach !interpret the Bible with you. Start with the gospel of John,or book of Acts, new testament to show modem church believers,then read some old testiment (see prophecies vhave come true like Genius to see the awesomeness of God, He knows loves you personally. Shalom
Mike Winger, Melissa Dougherty, and Wes Huff are all Christian UA-camrs who deep dive into the Bible.
Say it louder for the people in the back! Yes! to all of this! I was so tired of going to churches cherry picking scripture and then doing a stand up set about their families and how scripture applied to their family. I left the church building and started reading the bible in the hopes to actually understand it. It changed my life finding teachers on youtube who taught sound theology and went over the Hebrew and Greek translations. Thank you for this work. We need it in the body of Christ!
Thank you, the cherry picking has to stop, also we must understand the custom of the times that people actually lived,….that will make what they wrote much deeper, also how to be a better listener to our Lord.
Sounds like a great thesis that is much needed. I'm sure these videos are great for you to think through and talk through your ideas. And you're actually doing the work you talk about in your thesis which is really awesome. So much academic writing is just that...writing, with no calls to action or action in general. Keep up the good work!
Thank you Faith for the videos you do. The church I attend doesn’t do any sort of discipleship courses. Because I spoke up saying as a newly-returned-to-my faith I needed this, a couple offered to take me under their wing and disciple me. They also run a mixed gender home group, and I find I get so much more out of it than the all-women’s group I attend. I find that the men in our church are so much better at answering my questions than women are. I suspect that you are right about the women being left behind. I was baptised 2 weeks ago, and one of the female pastors said that I am an “anomaly” because she has never seen anyone so hungry for God’s Word. I thought that was a very sad statement. So thank you for encouraging me to dig deeper every day into understanding what I am reading in the Bible, and to use commentaries. I’ve been told that “the Holy Spirit will show me all I need to know”, but to me that’s like the Holy Spirit giving me the ingredients for a cake, but I sit and wait for Him to bake it.
110% YES to this entire video!!!! Please make that a shirt! “A life time is not long enough to understand the Bible” because absolutely true!! And I wish I WISH church’s taught it so much more vs just worship. I LOVE worship and feeling the Holy Spirit but learning and understanding the Bible is so crucial!!! Again- thank you for your videos! I have cried watching and reading scripture you have discussed and I could not be more grateful! Thank you!!!
Preach it sister! Oh, it’s going to be such a delight to watch how God works through you, Faith. We hope to see you up there preaching as Pastor Faith soon. We need more women using their gifts as natural leaders and teachers.
Like many others in this comment section, I think you've put words to something I've struggled with my whole life as a Christian (esp. in evangelical circles, which I've largely left). I'm naturally more intellectual and logical (took me a long time to realize that about myself bc I was always fed the "women are naturally more emotional" crap). My faith finally blossomed when I went to a Christian uni; I did an English degree but with a Christian studies minor. My faith felt so much more enriched and fulfilled when I could finally dig into Scripture and theology and truly wrestle with it and analyze it. When I want to talk about my feelings, I'll go to therapy or coffee with a friend. My faith is the most important thing to me, so I want to dig into it for all it's worth. Sadly since graduating I haven't found that space again in the church. I love the church I'm attending now and getting good fellowship and spiritual growth from it. And we do have events where we discuss theology in depth. But I'm so jaded about small groups, esp. women's small groups, for all the reasons you discussed. Another commenter put it really well: I wanted meat and was given flowers. I love flowers! But I also need fulfilling sustenance. I need metaphorical manna from heaven, y'know?
This. Yes.
I know.
Thank you Faith for speaking up on this subject! I have been feeling this push to study the bible and the foundation of its truths. I do feel the conviction of learning and understanding the bible for what it is. You have inspired me to study the bible and I have found so many truths I had never seen before. My church does believe women can be called to teach, preach and fulfill their calling. I have applied to an online seminary school and I can not wait to get started. Thank you and may God continue to bless your channel.
I appreciate this! It's a breath of fresh air to hear another woman agree to look at the Greek/Hebrew. A few women are studying Hosea with me at my church. Not a book about Hosea, but actual Hosea. Chapter by chapter, verse by verse, word by word. I'm encouraging the ladies as they read the chapter prior to us meeting to ask questions and research for themselves. It's incredible to see them pull out the Blue Letter Bible app before me!
Yes!!! This is what I want to base my channel off of as well. I have never understood why it’s called Bible study because they always made us buy other books that were about women. 😝 I knew my new church was legit when they said don’t bring anything but your Bible!! 😍
👍I'm glad you have this platform. I'm 70 now, was widowed at 23 and didn't remarry for 17 years. You are so right. I wanted to study the Bible, not to understand wifeliness and motherhood, but to be a disciple of Christ in whatever situation He put me. This video would have been appropriate in 1976. The church and women's ministries were not addressing this issue then. I've been blessed to lead some Bible studies for women that focused on Bible based faith and discipleship, the gospel from Genesis through Christ's ascension, reading through the Bible chronologically. Blessings to you and your ministry 🙏😇💕
I just restarted my women’s life group this year with a new focus on having a personal relationship with Jesus. The very first study we’re diving into is How to read the Bible and I am living for it!!! I’m learning so much in leading my little group and discussing different resources and how to understand what we’re reading- I love your thesis!
You and Nicki Drake are such a blessing to women's ministry. I am grateful that you share your knowledge with us about the Bible as well as how to study it for ourselves. The small groups at my church don't study the Bible, they all seem to do "popular" topical women's studies that easily become about self and not Christ.
I appreciate so much what you’ve shared. Not just about women, but even about the “modern church.”
I hope my 2-month old daughter will meet sisters in Christ with a passion like yours- ‘good’ role models not just in our home, but outside it, too.
This isn't just occurring in Bible studies but in Sunday morning sermons. Eisegesis has sadly become the new norm for many American churches. We aren't being discipled, we are being entertained, motivated, and taught how to be successful according to the American standard. We need to be taught proper hermeneutics, how to exegete the text, and apologetics. This is the very reason why I left my church, am currently in Bible College, and looking for a local church that participates in expository teaching of the scriptures.
Praise the Lord, Faith! This was on fire and on point. Just within the past couple of years, I have just really begun to do more than just read the Bible. BUT really in the last year study it for WHAT it is saying and not looking to how it applies to me. I get so excited to share my study time with others, and that is the difference.
Whoop Whoop!!
I’m so glad I found your channel! I just celebrated my 3 years of being saved by Christ! I’ve been church hopping ever since! I don’t want to have a Bible study based on someone else’s book! I want to have a relationship with Jesus. To get to know him better. I watch all of my sermons online because I prefer expository peaching not topical. I also follow a few Theologians and Apologetics. Thank you and God bless!🙏🏼✝️❤️
Try a Calvary Chapel. They typically teach verse by verse, not topical.
Why does everyone want to study the Bible with ANOTHER book?? I'm so frustrated about that, but I go along. Please, can you tell me the difference between "expository" and "topical" preaching? I'd appreciate it. I've heard that before but do not understand.
Topical is what is typically taught in Western churches. The pastor picks a topic - like love and does a 4 week study of love in the Bible. Expository is when the teacher or pastor chooses a book and then starts at chapter 1, verse 1 and teaches literally from the Bible without skipping. He may cross reference with another verse or he may use other historical references to help you understand the verse more thoroughly but the point is fully understanding the verse or verse he’s teaching. Many expository teachers will spend an hour on one or two verses. Both types of teaching are beneficial and there are definite pros and cons for both.
@@lissaharre thank you so much! I've been wondering specifically, and you answered. Appreciated :)
I just have to say that I haven’t found anybody that has matched my passion and thoughts on women and women bible studies as you just did. I thought I was alone in my thoughts but you just got me even more fired up! Thank you 😊
LOL- I'm with you sister!!!!
I could not agree with you more. I have felt this way for years! Women need to understand this along with apologetics!
This is SO good!! You hit the nail on the head!! We, as women, get so caught up in our emotions and "spirituality" (at least in our own minds) that we lose sight of real, Biblical truth and solid theological foundations. We let emotions and whims lead the way. Emotions are a wonderful caboose but a terrible engine. Thank you for standing up for Christ- Centered theology!
For so long, i have felt that im the only one with this opinion. This video and the comments are so refreshing!
i just happened upon this video a few days ago. With Biblical illiteracy at an all-time high, It had been a burden of mine to teach a Bible Study to women that would teach them how to study the Bible for themselves. I started that Bible Study nine years ago using Inductive Bible Study with materials from Precept Ministries. I have always felt alone in this mission. So many Christians that I would talk to were lukewarm about the idea, but some were excited about it. This group has never grown larger than 10 - 15 women because people leave through the ebb and flow of life, but we always have one or two new women joining. Those who have stayed with it, love it, it has opened up their lives in a way that only walking with Jesus can.
Thank you for posting this video, it is encouraging to know there are other women out there 'fighting the good fight'!
I also think we need to deemphasize the whole marriage/kids aspect of women's bible studies. They have no idea what to do with single women and as someone who is a highly intellectual Christian, I'm not interested in hearing about how I can apply this passage to a marriage I'm not in or teach it to kids I don't have. Complementarian circles in particular are guilty of this and we need to do better. It often feels like women aren't taken as seriously. We really need more women in seminary to teach other women and to give both men and women a unique perspective that's often missing in male-only leadership.
I am married and had children and the women's Bible studies are over-the-top for me. The devotional books, the in person circles, prayer groups that are comprised of only women are much too me-ology and emotional. The issues center around personal problems, and not theological learnings. I have found that even published books that center on women have an obvious bias towards victimhood. Like you said, we can do better.
I agree. Sometimes that's true for men's groups as well. I was in a men's 12 stop Christian group and the male leader briefly talked about what he and his wife did on vacation - while there were single men in the group. Really inappropriate.
The woman study bible I looked at, replaced knowledge by 'stories of some woman'... I felt betrayed. I'm a woman, so I don't want knowledge, but all kinds of personal stories? Why do you deprive women of knowledge... I was shocked to find out that 'male versions' had way more and deeper notes..... what kind of agenda is that?
A girl picking a nice-looking Bible doesn't need knowledge? I hate it!
Although I knew about Samson, even though he was a terrible role model of a judge, i knew almost nothing about Deborah..... so we might need a focus on more woman stories by male preachers, so we don't feel the need to find the 'never told stories'.....
they have conflated "woman" and "wife". (lumped them together and failed to distinguish between them).
All wives are women, but NOT ALL WOMEN ARE WIVES.
Having come out of NAR movement I’m trying to absorb all I can and learn myself not bd spoon fed theology anymore. Your video made me tear up. We have so much to give in Him and NOW. Is the time! You are a blessing - keep up the good work!
Hi Faith,
I agree with what you’re saying. I was raised in the Episcopal church and have attended other denominational churches over lots of years and was never taught how to read the Bible and certainly not how to study it. Thank you for doing what you do here. It’s greatly appreciated.
Wow, it makes me sad that other people relate to what I’m talking about but I’m glad we can commune together and encourage each other here on the internet
Shoooot! 😅 I was hoping starting at 51 years old and focusing daily I would be able to get through this Bible before I die! If YOU in your hours upon hours still find something new, wow! Just wow!!
Faith you nailed that to wall!! I agree with u 10000 %. Hoping u great 100 on your paper. Bless u and your channel. I have learned a lot from u thanks a million. Your friend Carol
Yay! If I make that grade- that would be amazing, but I doubt it! 🤣
I'm 66 and for years have been saying this,wondering what on earth leaders were thinking. All the women's studies were so shallow and all about emotions or self focused ME,ME,ME! ACK! Women have been led to believe the Bible is too hard to even read snd understand, let alone study. It did women of my generation a great injustice. It is so refreshing to see young women apologists on UA-cam leading the way and you with this video. May God use it greatly to open women's minds and hearts to the truth that we need to study just as men do.
Thank you for sharing this spoke to me and how I've been feeling the last couple years of my role within our church. I know I can do more. Any future videos on seminary and resources for deeper learning. Goal: growth and sharing the gospel with confidence in a ministry.
Thank you 💓
I am just seeing this video. I am so thankful that our pastor is teaching us how to read and study the bible. How we ask the questions who, what, where, when, and why. It is a structure that makes the Word much more friendly in the reading and understanding. It has truly been an eye opener. Thank you for the insight you share with us.
I cannot explain how much this video hit! it was to the point where i was believing i was doing too much and that maybe i was the problem because i was frustrated with the womens bible study groups i attended. i show up with my bible , which doesnt get opened...or my concordance, which people never know what that is, and We read a book thhat someone else wrote "sprinkled" with biblical passages and personal anecdotes. Im so frustrated and bored! you drove the point home with us being the ones that teach the next generation! we have all this technology and we are still behind and or lost. this was a great video!
Yes! Eat the Word, study the Word, teach the Word, proclaim the Word! Thank you for this admonishment!
Amen ‼️‼️‼️‼️
I have been waiting to hear someone say exactly what you said since 1977 ...
Great!! Sorry it’s taken so long
Sister thankyou so much for making this video. I'm chronically ill, & spend much of my time studying solid theology and apologetics. And I have to say a lifetime really isn't enough. I still have so much to learn. I love you and God bless you.❤📖
Kay Arthur studies are amazing and word of God completely focused
This is the Precepts upon Precepts studies others have mentioned! And I can’t recommend them enough.
Ok. Am so sharing you with every person I know (especially women) Your joy and enthusiasm is contagious. Personally I have walked with Yah for a very long time. Still I love learning, anything and everything I can get my hands on. I think a teachable spirit is the best thing since cheesecake. You bless us more than you know. The Holy Spirit obviously is your best friend. It shows in everything you do. Keep it up!!! ❤
This video was such a huge confirmation for me! I completely agree with everything you said and have been praying for a way to truly teach women how to study the Bible so that they can then teach their children to do the same. As a homeschooling Momma of 2 you are exactly correct in saying that it is us women who are the ones catechizing and teaching our children the basic tenants of the faith! Appreciate everything you are doing!
Praise God!
I wonder if this is a women’s Bible study issue or if it is capital C Church issue.
A women’s study (or studies for men, children, teens, marriage, etc) only magnifies the issues we already have as a western Church as a whole.
I do not know how to attack the whole, but I think videos like this is a start to shed light and also give practical guidance for deep and sound God-centered study. Thanks Faith!
Great point, thanks!!
You talked about all the technology in today's world, all the news, all the time... So true. "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of Christ." ~ II Timothy 3:7 immediately sprang to mind. No matter the knowledge we may have at our fingertips, none of it can take the place of God's Holy Word. It is forever settled in Heaven and will not change. Love your thoughts about all of this. Thank you.
Amen !!! I have a channel with my sister and we basically go through Psalms, parables, topics, books, women of bible and Titus 2 woman but that’s just for starters as we hope to dig deeper. I’m so disappointed how local woman’s fellowships who don’t want to study ..I spoke at a womens event and did an exegesis from Genesis and they said that they wanted a testimony about me instead ☹️
Great video and pray that you do well on your final paper.
Girl, this is the truth! Was about to dive back into the Bible and learn about the women in the Bible and then I came across your video! Amazing where our God directs us. Definitely going to learn some tips from you because sometimes I have no cooking clue where to start, how to start and how to be consistent! Thanks for making this video! #subscribed
This little ole 68 year old lady is yelling.....YES!! Finally!! I purely hate women's bible studies!! I have never ever once in all my years of being a christian--56 yr-- have learned anything that I can say I used in my walk! It's always so sappy!! and never ever worked!! And now as an older woman...it's worse!! You look at a woman's bible study--it's about being a wife, a mom, handling your toddlers, fitting in your time to study your bible....and those things ARE important! But what about me as a woman following Jesus? A woman! Not mom, not wife, not grandma.......I'm a woman and I want to learn. I know STUFF!! I just love you and so happy you made this video!! I have often wanted to make my own blog about just being a woman....an older woman....walking with the Lord!! Bless You!!!!
This is my first time watching your video, great teaching. Jenn Wilkins has been teaching the exact same for years, more women need to hear it.
This is good! All Christians, regardless of gender, should be good theologians!
I was ordained in my denomination many years ago. My mother was ordained when I was young. Both of us ministered alongside our husbands through the years. There are plenty of arguments in the Word for women who minister. It is good to see you sharing the whole, deep scripture, not just the "women" subjects. I have believed all these years that church "ordination" is just men/people acknowledging the fact that God has already anointed and ordained us.
Really great point about the "me-centred" focused studies. But its an issue in our churces generally speaking too. There's not enough focus on God and what his scripture is actually saying.
At the last service I attended, the sermon focused so much on that particular church's mission that it didn't feel like I was learning about the scripture as it is. It was cherry picked verses to get a point across.
And I suppose that also highlights how Biblical literacy is woefully lacking.
Ever since I started studying scripture my whole life has been changed. Every believer NEEDS to study the Bible. Its so fun contrary to what I thought as a young believer. I'm legit excited to spend my life studying it. You learn something every day. Its awesome.
@@camillewilliams3185 Yes, I agree. The Bible really is fun to read. I remember the very first time I picked up the Bible with the motivation to read the whole thing from cover to cover that once I got started I remember I couldn't wait to turn the page fast enough to get to the next page to see what was going to happen next.
I was recently going to a church where everything revolves around feelings. One lady there that I had become good friends with told me she had never read the Bible before, but she has been a Christian for decades. I said what, how can you have never read the Bible, it is so important to know what it says it reveals the character of God and tells you who God is. She said yes, but it's just so boring and I would rather feel God because I love standing during worship and singing to him and just feeling him.
Unfortunately, this is pervasive in today's church.
sister, this was refreshing. I came to this understanding some years ago and find so few see what you are saying.
This! I’ve been in church all my life, baptized at 6 years old, been in countless bible studies and groups, but I was NEVER taught how to read or study the Bible! I was given reading plans but that was not instructive. It was informational but that’s about it. I was 50 (last year) before I stumbled onto some YT videos and started actually learning the process. I had heard of a concordance and commentary but truly believed they were for pastors- not lay people. I’ve been obsessed with watching more and learning more and I bought a new bible and started digging deep with notes and references, etc. But I wasn’t sure what to do with it.
You just said that we are called and convicted to watch these kinds of videos because we are leaders. 😳 I guess I’ve known He’s calling me to something but still waiting to find it. I pray this is true and that I can help others before they wait 50 years! Thank you for sharing and good luck with your paper.
Wives and or mothers have very important roles in raising next generation societies in Godly manners and Christ's redemption powers".We battle not, against, flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in high places" (spiritual warfare)) is why we need to have Jesus our saviour, we are bought by His shed blood, There us power in the name of Jesus,,in this warfare for people's souls & the minds of our children through sick public schools, entertainment, gaming, .And women, God hates gossip,&equates it to witchcraft (He hates witchcraft)
my struggle with UA-cam is that it only has a "like" button: this video should have a "LOVE" option.
Best Bible study for me personally is Precept Ministries Inductive studies. It teaches you skills on how to study the Bible for yourself, letting scripture interpret scripture.
You dig deep into each book of the Bible. It changed my life and my relationship with God.
Best video ever! 😭 You just spoke the struggle that I haven't been able to get into words. I felt almost completely defeated before I found your channel a couple of days ago. I'm so grateful for you right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you 💜
I completely agree with you. I am very passionate about reading and studying the Word.. I would love to teach other women but I don’t even know where to get started. I haven’t gone to college for a Bible degree. But I completely agree about the women’s Bible studies… and I would love to bring more to the table for the community of women where I live in Kentucky. I just don’t know where to start.
She’s in her own category! LOL
I know this video is 1 year old, but it's more relevant today than ever before. I have pretty much given up on women's ministry events, studies, and home studies for women. They are usually guided by a book written by a random woman, with questions already given, and explanations the women should accept. Anywho.... thanks for the video. Hope things change in the churches in general, it is at it's weakest point.
Now that I have let the thoughts roll around in my head a minute or two, I realize the depth of what you are saying. I went to a church for many years that didn't ordain women, none of the female staff or members went to seminary or Bible school, but all of the children's classes were taught by women and the counselors for teens and children were women. So, the younger generation was being taught by the untaught?
Yesssss exactly! That’s the tension!
The thing is...is any of this discipleship? I get that you want people who are well educated.. But the question is, did Jesus Christ choose the well educated and the scholars? Maybe what you want is a theology degree, but is that discipleship? to me discipleship is following Jesus, reading the Bible with the holy spirit. The Bible is for everyone, surely not just the scholars out there, but for those with low or high IQ, those with learning difficulties or those without education. I'm not sure we need scholars to teach the Bible...we need the holy spirit to speak thru the Bible to ALL of us through every book in the Bible and together in groups.
@@KJ-lb4tj I use to think that way, until I found a Warren Wiersbe expository and saw how much I was missing. God gives up great resources to help us understand the context, the culture at the time, who the letters were written to and what they were going through. It is amazing how much the Holy Spirit reveals through good teachers.
I do not think you have to go to school or get degrees, but using great teaching from others are wonderful gifts to us. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@@tam4givin excellent comment.
Another thing, I had a pastor‘s wife at my church growing up, basically criticize churches for not digging deep enough into scripture because there were people who were going to seminary just to learn more about the Bible. Not because they wanted to go into vocational ministry, but because their churches weren’t providing enough of what their souls were longing for: a deeper understanding of God’s word
I teach a ladies Bible study BECAUSE I want our KidMin teachers and mothers well trained. I'm so thankful you have been called to teach online, because it gives me an "inlet". We all need to find ways to grow closer to the Lord and dig into His Word, and to help others do the same.
I've been part of a church plant in the west for 12+ years. When we started the church, we determined that one of our main goals was to teach "spiritual self responsibility". That means that each of us was to make sure we had an "inlet" of teaching, but also that we would always point our people to digging into the Bible for themselves.
Thank you for digging deep, so you can pour into us! I'm digging so I can do the same.
Amen and amen! That is so cool!
Thank you for sharing this! I pray I am able to do the same. Really dig into His Word & share it with others. I’ve been pushed into kids ministry since I gave my life to Christ & there was a moment where I felt I needed healing from my old life instead of just serving. So, I walked away for a little bit. But now I feel such a hunger to read His word & share it with others, I am praying to share the TRUE Gospel & it kind of concerns me how many people don’t know the Old Testament as if somehow it’s not still relevant. Just some thoughts I’m working through.
I'm less than 4 minutes in and want to cry tears of both sorrow and gratitude that you made and put out this video.
Gratitude for the message you're putting out, because it is so so so needed.
Sorrow for how the Bible has been wielded against me as an individual using specific "relatable" passages. My parents used the passages about "honoring" your parents like a weapon, but they totally disregarded any passages we brought up about how parents and society are meant to treat and raise children.
And often as a woman, I am turned off by women's ministries. I have an easier time talking with most men than most women, and most women ostracize me for not having the same vapid interests.
My early relationship with God suffered a lot because of what kind of people my parents were and how they tried to draw a correlation in my heart and mind between themselves and God.
Things didn't improve much when I entered my 20s. The church I was attending with my bestie and her husband was dividing young men and young women for a short Summer Bible study.
I eventually stopped going, because I was so used to getting raked over the coals at home, I felt like I was getting it from the "study," too, and I just wasn't capable of handling. I don't remember the name of the book. I eventually threw it out. It was all about wise women vs foolish women, or something like that.
The last nail in the coffin with my decision to stop attending the study was learning what the men were studying, "Crazy Love by Francis Chan." Do you know how uplifting, inspiring, and challenging in a good way that book is?
Part of the ongoing issue is that most people in the church haven't the slightest clue how to recognize psychological abuse and have a bad, awful tendency to victim-blame. Even seen people in churches who don't get along shame the victim into making nice with the person who is in the wrong.
I can see you having a really good conversation with Jackie Hill Perry 🙂
Thank you for this! 69-year-old pastor's wife here. I attended United Methodist churches all my life and became a born-again Christian in 1977 at the age of 22. It was then, in my 20s and 30s, that I was introduced to the idea that I am responsible for what the Bible says, and that it means what it says! (What a concept!) I have been alarmed of late by the dearth of Biblical literacy among Christians. How can we possibly tell people about a God we do not know? How can we who do not understand that "without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin" possibly pass the Gospel of Jesus on to others? Time to arise from our sleep, beloved sisters! May the Lord continue to bless your knowledge of Him.
Thanks Faith for this message for us Today! This is where my heart has been in for this year reading of the Bible studies! I want the deep down !"Meat " of the word not just some feel good about myself woman study that my church has for us women to study!
congratulations, pray,ask Jesus &the Holy Spirit to help you as you humbly read at home (King James Bible) other versions are watering down the redeeming blood of Christ and His deity He is King of kings and Lord of lords.andbsits at the right hand if God,interceding for us personally....and no one else come into the Father by Him.
So interesting to hear you talk on this. I have always been completely bored by 'women's' studies/ministry and after a couple of attempts over 30+ years have never bothered having anything to do with them. I have studied the Bible myself using some helpful resources & can't think of any female in my circle who I can converse with about anything I have studied.
As a male, I will rise to the high ground and choose to remain silent! I like safety.
Haha! The men at my church have Steak and Study once a month. The only way to get the men to come to church for Bible study is to give them a free steak dinner. There are over 400 men who attend. The women have as many come to their Bible study and it's once a week for 10 weeks at a time. We go through a verse-by-verse study of a book of the Bible. Sadly, there is no food involved.
I love this so much, I’m glad I’m not the only woman who feels this way. I did a deep deep dive of the Bible in chronological order. I learned SOOO much and had a deeper love for God because I had context for everything that I misunderstood before. There is so much beauty to be found in the Hebrew language. Thank you for sharing!
I can see how this would particularly be a problem in complementarian churches, but I've experienced it too in an egalitarian church like the Methodist church. The women's circles were full of fluff while the men's groups had more substantive talks and guest speakers. The only time I experienced good, solid theological study and discussion was when I was in the co-ed Disciple Bible Study sessions.
Perfecttttttttttt♥️ you are right on! What an encouragement to everyone reading the comments to find out there are more people like us!! This video makes me want to cry. You are allowing yourself to be used by God and we are watching it happen in real time. Thank you♥️♥️♥️
I agree. Everyone says to study the Bible but no one says how.
Loads of people say how.
Try joining Bible Study International Online. It's a great tool
This is so encouraging. I co-led a Bible study for maybe 2 years or so and after a while, I felt it just fell apart. I’m afraid that more women wanted to show up for the “narcigesis” Bible study where we would look for ourselves in scripture while I just wanted to help women gain biblical literacy. I find it challenging to find women that want to really LEARN about scripture. Not sure really where to look for similar women
Susan Heck’s ministry ‘With the Master’ is excellent - she is a wonderful women’s Bible teacher and teaches verse by verse and you can find her studies online and watch her videos for those studies.
It grieves me to see so many women following women like Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine, Priscilla Shirer and others who all teach me-ology when it comes to the Bible.
I recently came across your videos and your engaging personality and great content drew me in. I have now subscribed and bought your Bible reading plan… even though it was quite astronomical in Aussie $$ 🤣 it looks awesome and I can’t wait to start it next year.
You are right about the lack of women teachers in the church. I am praying for a woman teacher for my local church. Unfortunately, I am very much learning how to exegete scripture after being in charismatic Pentecostal churches for many years under me-centred teaching. I appreciate women like yourself who are online and helping to teach us women. God bless your ministry.
Women are not to teach or usurp authority over the man.
What women have to do is to teach the younger ones the things in alignmeent with Sound Doctrine Titus 2:4.
@ ? Where in my comment have I said anything about a woman teaching or preaching to a man?
@ you have misunderstood my comment - a woman teacher for the women, not men.
I see . Sorry.
But is there really such a thing as "women's studies" in the Bible ?
@@framboise595 you pointed it out in Titus - how is an older woman to teach a younger woman without the Word of God? Surely you don’t disagree with women Bible studies…
So powerful! I learned a lot from this, thank you Faith! I’m very thankful for this because I’ve been wondering which direction to go in with the girl’s Bible study that I’m planning on starting, and this helps a lot. God bless you :)