I just left my church telling my husband that I want to start a Bible studies supply basket at church. My sister sent me all kinds of erasable pens, note paper, book marks...a while ago as I was trying to get into Bible reading daily. I now read the Bible through out the day in the same way I use to watch t.v. throughout the day. The Bible is my entertainment for the most part now. Anyway, I put my daughter to sleep and sat down to coffee and found thIs video from a man I never heard from lol I love that saying, "Make the Bible your Hobby" and I think I will make a small sign on my supplies basket saying just that. I hope to supply some smaller travel Bibles to encourage people to carry their Bibles with them. If only people really knew that the Bible isn't like other books. God actually speaks to us through it if we seek him. If only people knew!
I am 67 years old. I heard Chuck Missler say this about 40 years ago. The bible has been my hobby ever since. From reading to memorizing to studying, learning greek, working through different translations, studying prophecy - whatever struck me at the time. “Let the word of God dwell in you richly. It never gets old or boring. Conversely, it gets richer and deeper as the years go on. “My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation all the day, for i do not know their limits.”
I’m a person that gets passionate about all my hobbies. I love learning. But I never considered making the Bible a hobby. Wow! What a great idea. Thank you.
Thank you John for posting this message! I am 73 years old and was baptized at 9 years. I've been a believer most of my life. I wish I had done this many years ago! I guess it is never too late. I am going to take the challenge in 2025! May God continue to richly bless you Brother!
A few years ago, I spent a whole year on one verse - studying, meditating, making notes, etc. The Holy Spirit just had me parked at that verse. This had a profound effect on me. I still go back to the verse morethan any other in the Bible.
I've been a believer for basically my whole life, but I didn't make reading the bible my hobby until I was about 30. You have exactly described my same experience over the last two years. I literally cannot help but insert something about God into most interactions I have because it's so exciting! I pray that God continues to bless your persistence in studying His Word and that more people become interested in God as a result!
I LOVE Chuck Missler's teacings..it also inspired me to make the Bible my hobby.Going on 5 yrs now and still find the Bible an inexhaustible treasure.Only problem is I could easily spend 10 hours a day doing it,but always have to drag myself away from it for work and all of life's other responsibilities.Thanks for making this video!
This is what I've done the past 5 years, after coming to the knowledge of saving faith. I suspect I was saved when I believed the gospel as a child, but when it really hit me, I was 23-34 years old, then it really became real to me and had (and still have) a unquenchable desire for things of the Spirit. I listen to sermons while I'm working and walking, and have probably clocked over 3000-4000 sermons now. Often at 1.5x speed or so. I now have what I think is a master's level education on the bible and doctorine or higher... I can easily talk with my pastor, people of other faiths/denominations, and know where they are going and what scripture has to say about any given topic. I no longer feel ignorant regarding a vast majority of scripture. I know this is something I can study my whole life, and still grow in. This is a great hobby/passion and leads to Godly knowledge and edification. I have a bunch of churches I follow on youtube and I get their content every time it's uploaded. Probably one of the best things I started doing!
Bible study has been my hobby for the past 6 months and my faith and spiritual connection with Father has sky-rocketed I have such an inner joy now and so many blessings. And I am more of a blessing to others than ever before!
Thank you! this was great, i've found similar things when i started studying but that thought of making it a hobby is a fantastic idea. thank you for sharing!
Well don't cha know...I'm currently experiencing an interest in developing hobbies and also struggling to read scripture. And then here I find this video 👍👍
Thank you! I am coming to grips with a lot right now. We lost so much during the 3 hurricanes weve had. I've lost my clothing along with heirlooms and much, much more, like my car. God is calling me to be obedient and I am needing this. His word is showing me so much. It's only by His grace I can even do what I'm doing.
That is as simple but as important than anything else that I have heard in my life. Just change what you are passionate about to learning more about God's Word. I have heard that my whole life but not put in such a simple form. God bless you.
I started memorizing Scripture recently as my daily Bible reading because it's significantly more gratifying to me that reading passages from Scripture has been. I also feel like I'm really learning the passages that way unlike when I just read it/study it.
I have never heard a teaching from Chuck Missler but I have sat under the teachings of numerous people who have spoken of him as their inspiration in how they Bible study. The passion the teachers I have sat under have is a testament to Chuck Missler in a way. God certainly used that man and I have not heard a word from him!
Great! When I started the Bible, I was mainly interested in role models. Jesus, the man, seemed like a reasonable one to investigate. What or who is God didn't matter much back then. Just don't be stupid. Stupid doesnt mean low IQ. Stupid means willful blindness to truth, reality, and evidence. We humans are inclined to be a bit stupid at times. We have to work on not letting it happen. Some educated intelligent people can be truly stupid. Equally, some low IQ people are not at all stupid. I started my own journey a bit stupid hete and there, much to my own unhappiness, so I wish you all the best on your own journey through the Bible. Mine was amazing! Still journeying today, but now it's with Jesus and not trying to figure Him out so much. Humility draws Jesus close... it's our arrogance that repels him. I know my Jesus. He'd rather be with a humbled repentant murderer than an arrogant Bible religionist. I look at it this way now. New Testament Christianity stands alone - its not a belief system as much as it is a friendship with Jesus. Whereas, there are 3 major human-created religious or religious-like structured belief systems: Judeo (civil) Christianity (culture), Atheism and Paganism I now see Paganism as the dependent "transactional" child. Atheism is the independent "God's not the boss of me!" teenager. And Judeo Christianity has produced oppressive Roman Catholicism and controlling Protestism, so it is more like a newish young adult playing at being an adult. Only New Testament Christians have an interdependent relationship with God. Anyhow, each of us must find our way. May your eyes be always open to truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I am also an atheist Bible banger. I just like how the KJV sounds so sometimes I like to pretend I'm a televangelist and go around bellering about hellfire and all that fun stuff. This all started years ago when I'd watch Jack Van Impe late at night after all the other stuff was off the air.
The late, very known Bible teacher and author, Derek Prince, had to serve in the UK army in WW2. He was a non Christian philosopher and addicted to reading. He couldn’t bring a lot of books, so he chose to bring a Bible, then he had reading materials for a long time. He was a drinking, cursing guy. But one day he met the author of the Bible and his life changed totally. So, things can happen when reading the word of God. 😊
I am a Senior Christian Woman been a believer for 51 years and have a general routine most days of my life such as regular home routines, go out and be active, meet up with people but when I’m back home I do have Bible study projects and my mind is on the Lord and He gives me topics to dive into learning about based on Biblical scriptures. I Pray for family, people far and near, homeless, sick and lonely and give out testaments or book-markers with scripture, nations and leaders , missions and ministries especially ones that has helped me grow in faith But for myself I never looked at it as a hobby but an obligation to grow in faith and be more like Jesus but may be to some as long as they study, grow and glorify Jesus everyday is most important a daily need to stay close to the Lord as He walks by my side and I try to share the gospel 🇨🇦♥️
This is funny because I just realized the past few months that my hobby is the Bible. Not that other things don’t interest me….but there is just soooo much gain by reading it. It’s food that stays with you.
How I miss the good Dr. Chuck Missler! He really made the Bible come alive for me. And he, and you, are right about making the Bible your hobby. I made the Bible my hobby, and it's such a fun hobby to have, believe it or not. I could go on and on about this codex or that papyri fragment. And don't get me started on the book of Daniel; I'll go on for hours!
Reading AND studying is the absolute BEST! Casual reading maintains a bird’s view and creates an internal cross-reference system, that gets me in the habit of going through scripture like a Rolodex in my head when studying scripture and tackling life stuff too.
I just happened upon your video and was so excited to hear your enthusiasm and encouragement about Bible reading. I began reading the Bible deeper about 10 years ago and after reading the Bible through a few times, the stories seem to weave together in a way that I never learned my whole life in church. Honestly, growing up around all the “Christianese” in my life seemed to almost desensitize me from the wonder of God’s plan of redemption that begins in Genesis and works its way all the way to Revelation. I learn something new every day and it’s only through the Holy Spirit that my eyes have been opened to just how much God loves us all and wants us to search for him so that we can really know him. I honestly don’t understand all His ways, but it’s incredible to learn more about him through every story that (like you say) builds on other parts of the Bible.
☺️ Best advice! “Make The Bible your hobby!” I have great respect for Pastor Chuck Missler -> why? Because he Loved Yahweh and it showed. Best Bible teacher I’ve ever known. But I have never heard him say that quote. Thanks young man of God! It is a great pleasure to see such live & respect for God’s Word. Keep on, keeping on! There is nothing that can compare to spending time in God’s Presence with His Word opened before you and He opens up things to you. It does take practice to sit at His feet and wait on Him with intent to hear from Him. And He speaks it puts a fire 🔥 in your soul and you will crave more. It is good to hear others teach sound doctrine too. But never allow it to replace your daily time with The LORD
Hi John - I totally agree with you. About 5 years ago I made the Bible my hobby and I have so enjoyed studying through different books in it. This has transformed me as a Christian as I apply the truth to my life more than listening to Bible teaching or reading Christian books. I would encourage others to make the Bible their hobby too.
I couldn’t agree more! I love your passion. I recommend, for anyone that might find that challenge daunting, to try a Precepts workbook to help you give a framework of study. Enjoy!
Yes, finding a passion to study God’s message is a game changer! For me, typing out whichever book I’m studying has been incredible because it has forced me to slow down and consider what I’m typing from the Bible. Praise God for His message!
I spent six months reading The Gospel of Luke in depth and I loved every moment of it. I would spend 30-days reading a 4 to 6 block of chapters. Some people might think it sounds boring to spend so much time in one book, but I was amazed how every day the Holy Spirit would guide me to new observations in the exact same chapters. I was sad when I finished the last 30-day block of chapters because I didn’t want my time in Luke to end, but figured I had to move on to John since I decided to spend all of 2024 going in-depth in the Gospels. This video has inspired me to choose another book and do a full year this time. Guilt free!! 😂 Likely Numbers, since that is the Book that brought me to Jesus in the first place. I got bit by the bronze serpent!! 😀 Thank you for your content. And I am guessing from your background you are in the Pacific Northwest somewhere. I lived in Humboldt County, CA for several decades, and it reminds me a little bit of that. Thank you for your content. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
I appreciate your approach you take to making your videos. You take a very positive and well-thought out approach, rather than being uber-critical of others on YT whose subject is Bible study. There’s too many of those. I predict even better and bigger things for your channel going forward, young man! That’s great advice you’re sharing also!
Thanking you for posting , not many people want to take to really study the Bible. It's nice when I come across young people coming up with a way to study their Bibles and sharing the information 😊
If someone doesn't know all the other languages Greek Hebrew etc, my suggestion would be for them to study utilizing the strong's concordance. Use this to evaluate every single word within a verse, and see where and how the other times the word is used. Evaluating these other uses we can decided a interpretation for ourselves based on many things.
Thank you so much brother!! I’ve been struggling with this for weeks now. You articulated what I was feeling. I’m going to make time for devotional and Bible study! It’s possible to do both and you showed that. God bless you bro! Grace and peaxe
John this was absolutely fabulous! The Bible is my hobby and I am grateful that you made this video. I love that you put the challenge out there because it will change lives if they “open the door”🚪
Well said, as always! About a year and a half ago it was rare to see me pick up my outside of church. I stumbled across Tim Wildsmiths channel, which led me to Tim Nickels and Tim Frisch. Those three plus others helped ignite my passion for The Bible to the point where I am always talking about it and reading it whenever I can. As someone with many hobbies (drums, woodworking, pew pews), I am finding that I want to spend more time with The Bible. I think The Bible is becoming my hobby. Thank you, John!
Thank you so much for posting this! I have considered all things Bible study so enjoyable it really is my hobby. However, someone made a comment to me suggesting I should learn an instrument. It didn’t make me less in love with Bible study but it did make me wonder if I just take things too far. So I’m happy to know I’m not the only one who is passionate with all things Bible and willing to call it my hobby. I’m doing in depth studies of each book chronologically, reading the Bible through the year, doing a women’s Bible study and a church Bible study. None of it is boring! I also enjoy learning the history of the church. It’s the only hobby I’ve ever had that I didn’t want to quit!
This is a great perspective that I haven't quite had before. The Bible has been a pursuit of mine for a long time, but i haven't quite put it in a "hobby" category. That is actually very profound! Thanks for sharing this!
Thanks for the idea, video and encouragement. Sometimes you just need something put to you in a certain way for it to really take root and grow in your life. Reminds me of something John Piper once said about books. It may not take an entire book, or chapter or even a sentence to click just right and make a huge change for you. It can be just a short phrase or idea. Thanks again for sharing!
Thank you, young man! You have given a name to what I’ve been doing since 2009. 2024 was my year of the Psalms. I will be into them in 2025 also. My life truly has been changed as has the lives of those around me. Thank you Lord.
I’m doing a Bible in a year plan in the Bible app with friends. In addition I have a couple of deeper studies I’m doing. Aside from those studies, I have daily devotion and prayer time. 2025 is the year of the Bible! 🙏😊♥️💗💕
Brilliant advice, you literally said everything i could think of, we just started the book of hebrews at our saturday fellowship, and while i was reading to prepare for a message, i got to know so much and all this new information was so enriching, i just couldn’t stop reading and researching the book of hebrews, the new AI tools definitely help in a better research and keeping notes. You said it right, the passion is contagious, once you get it you would want to spread it to the next person. Love from India 🙏❤!
@@JohnMiles117 I think that anybody who is a true Christian.... NOT just a "Sunday church ...going to meeting Christian"....Knows this automatically... it is woven into the fabric of our being as one who loves God../ a True Christian... one who has accepted the Lord as their Savior is one who hits the ground running.. and can NEVER get enough.. of the Lord.. I read thru a book of Missler's a while back.. It was titled "Hidden Treasures".... and though I found most of the book interesting... I also found some of his thoughts were "WAY OUT THERE".. I would accept Missler's deductions... and theories.... about as much as I would read any one else's material... but I do Not think Chuck Missler is on the level of being "worshipped".. as apparently YOU do... He is just another beggar who has found a stash of bread and showing other beggars where it is at... .. I found some of his ideas questionable at best.....in regards to what he brought into question.. especially in regards to letter counting.. and hidden meanings.. behind placement of certain verses... his ideas verged on the border of being conspiracy theories.. what is wrong with reading God's word... and noticing.. how passages cross reference the same ideas.. or how one verse clarifies a statement made in a different verse somewhere ELSE in God's word...?.. I do Not think God wants us to be reading His word with the idea in mind.. of finding.. certain numerical patterns and hidden CODES... Treasures YES.... Codes NO!..
@@gatheredtreasures5276 I chose Hebrews because I had always been curious about it, I was not disappointed. 😂. I would whole heartedly recommend it. I suggest you choose the book that you know the least, at least that's my thinking. It's as close to a "frontier" as you can get. Go into that uncharted waters so to speak. I think that's part of why I was so blessed.
I love this! I am currently memorizing the book of Philippians. And along with that want to do in-depth study. As such, I'll likely spend around 6 months in the book of Philippians. I want to "own" the book and I want the book to also own me.
Great. I've bought myself a fancy note book and challenged myself to go through NT Wrights book on Romans 8 through 2025, but first I'm going through Rowan Williams amazing book 'Passions of the Soul' relating to the Beatitudes.
One of my first books as a Christian was prophecy 20/20 by late Chuck Missler. After reading that book, I was hooked on bible prophecy. Chuck was a great Bible teacher, and his legacy continues today. You can find a lot of his teachings on UA-cam. I highly recommend his study on the book of revelation, you’ll be blessed. Thank you for sharing your passion, and what a great advice to the body of Christ! Make the Bible your hobby!!!
That is an excellent suggestion, John. I'll start today with the Book of Acts. But first, I'll watch the link you provided, "My Deep Study System." God is Good.
That backdrop is stunning. Wish I could convince my wife to live in a more rural location but I’m still surrounded by trees so I can compromise haha. Maybe one day! Awesome video and advice as always, John. Your channel is one of my absolute favourites.
This is my system I've pieced it together with some stuff that I like to use. My first book choice was Ephesians 😊 I use the 5W's and How questions Word study And then my internet and books resources. And my supplies are dot grid paper ,loose leaf paper,and a binder. BIC and Zebra pens, mid-liners,postie notes Washi tape easy to use and remove from paper😊 I also learned how to add paper to my Bible First time I've used this system and it took me a year to figure out how and what I wanted to use . After many mistakes, I've got the study system that I like. New reading plan to. 😂 I am finally finishing my first attempt at this , I've got a little mess up in my Bible but that's what makes it mine .lol Study a book was so much fun 🤗 I use a NKJB and NASB wide margin. Those are my two favorites. My one Bible (before I found wide margin ones) a 2 columns center reference one is old an falling apart. It is still my favorite go to church Bible. With tiny old notes written every where. And postie notes 😅🥰
@@debbiebalnaves4842 this is fantastic! What a great system! It's funny, I think I get more excited going to hobby lobby then my wife lol 😂 that's the crafty Bible nerd in me coming out!
Great idea and message! I'm ashamed to say my radio hobby takes up a big portion of my days. I'm in need of doing something different, like bible study. I recently bought a couple of pricey but very nice study bibles, I have yet to open them. This is exactly what I need to start doing, put as much into the bible as I do the radio hobby. Good commentary here, keep doing it.
I have just done this with Leviticus and Romans.. Lol and I am doing Hebrews, Galatians, and Romans... All from wanting to understand what true holiness was ...
I am blessed by your channel brother. I myself love to read my Bible always. It just so much joy to read. I want it to be always on my side constantly opening and reading it everytime the LORD reminds me of a certain passage. It's nice to know I am not alone. ✝️🔥❤️
I remember listening to that same series with Chuck. Simple and profound. Thank you so much for this reminder. I just found your channel and I’m really enjoying your content, my friend. It’s very encouraging. Keep it up.
Amen, excellent advice! 😊 Personally I love reading the Bible (using a reader's Bible) to see the forest AND studying the Bible (using a study Bible, biblical commentaries, lexicons like HALOT/BDAG, and so on) to see the trees. 😊
Great advice-advice I've been living out for awhile now. My advice: I'd be cautious with studying with only one commentary. Most are biased depending on the denomination that wrote it. I think they are a good 'tool' to be used in moderation but if deep study is a persons hobby then having at least a few translations of the bible would be a good idea. Also understanding good Hermeneutics is necessary. Don't follow any commentary that insists on interpreting the rest of scripture through the lens of a few outlier scriptures (having to read much of their conclusions into the majority of the text), but instead interprets those few hard to understand scriptures through the lens of the whole of bible. Of course this is all outside just regular devotional reading. Those are just a few of the tips that have helped me.
Great video. Make the Bible your hobby. I'm currently reading through the Bible and I will incorporate doing a study on another book. Thanks for sharing
I think it was Ronald Reagan that once said that between the covers of the Bible lie the answers to all the problems men face.
This is true
He was the problem at the time!
@@Sujowi Between the pages of the Bible lays the answers to all the problems men. face? Where are the solutions to all the problems women face?
When the Bible says man or men you should read people
I just left my church telling my husband that I want to start a Bible studies supply basket at church. My sister sent me all kinds of erasable pens, note paper, book marks...a while ago as I was trying to get into Bible reading daily. I now read the Bible through out the day in the same way I use to watch t.v. throughout the day. The Bible is my entertainment for the most part now. Anyway, I put my daughter to sleep and sat down to coffee and found thIs video from a man I never heard from lol I love that saying, "Make the Bible your Hobby" and I think I will make a small sign on my supplies basket saying just that. I hope to supply some smaller travel Bibles to encourage people to carry their Bibles with them. If only people really knew that the Bible isn't like other books. God actually speaks to us through it if we seek him. If only people knew!
@@Kra-ri6fd that's fantastic!
I love Chuck Missler
I had a dream last night that impressed me to learn scripture better. This video appeared this morning and inspired me. Thank you.
I am 67 years old. I heard Chuck Missler say this about 40 years ago. The bible has been my hobby ever since. From reading to memorizing to studying, learning greek, working through different translations, studying prophecy - whatever struck me at the time. “Let the word of God dwell in you richly. It never gets old or boring. Conversely, it gets richer and deeper as the years go on. “My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation all the day, for i do not know their limits.”
@@kirkweed7268 that is fantastic!!! Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing this!!
I’m a person that gets passionate about all my hobbies. I love learning. But I never considered making the Bible a hobby. Wow! What a great idea. Thank you.
Thank you John for posting this
message! I am 73 years old and was baptized at 9 years. I've been a believer most of my life. I wish I had done this many years ago! I guess it is never too late. I am going to take the challenge in 2025! May God continue to richly bless you Brother!
@@jerrybarker2455 praise the Lord Brother! Youare never too old to start!
Got baptized as a PK at age 12 but saved at age 52, been my favorite hobby ever since!!!!!
A few years ago, I spent a whole year on one verse - studying, meditating, making notes, etc. The Holy Spirit just had me parked at that verse. This had a profound effect on me. I still go back to the verse morethan any other in the Bible.
Make your Bible your passion! Thanks for the encouragement!
I've been a believer for basically my whole life, but I didn't make reading the bible my hobby until I was about 30. You have exactly described my same experience over the last two years. I literally cannot help but insert something about God into most interactions I have because it's so exciting! I pray that God continues to bless your persistence in studying His Word and that more people become interested in God as a result!
I LOVE Chuck Missler's teacings..it also inspired me to make the Bible my hobby.Going on 5 yrs now and still find the Bible an inexhaustible treasure.Only problem is I could easily spend 10 hours a day doing it,but always have to drag myself away from it for work and all of life's other responsibilities.Thanks for making this video!
This is what I've done the past 5 years, after coming to the knowledge of saving faith. I suspect I was saved when I believed the gospel as a child, but when it really hit me, I was 23-34 years old, then it really became real to me and had (and still have) a unquenchable desire for things of the Spirit. I listen to sermons while I'm working and walking, and have probably clocked over 3000-4000 sermons now. Often at 1.5x speed or so. I now have what I think is a master's level education on the bible and doctorine or higher... I can easily talk with my pastor, people of other faiths/denominations, and know where they are going and what scripture has to say about any given topic. I no longer feel ignorant regarding a vast majority of scripture. I know this is something I can study my whole life, and still grow in. This is a great hobby/passion and leads to Godly knowledge and edification. I have a bunch of churches I follow on youtube and I get their content every time it's uploaded. Probably one of the best things I started doing!
Same! Since 2015 I have no idea how many sermons I have listened to.
Can you tell me where to finds these sermons?
@@ninameronicapuki9401 start with listening to Chuck Smith Calvary chapel 2000 series, that's a great place to start.
Bible study has been my hobby for the past 6 months and my faith and spiritual connection with Father has sky-rocketed I have such an inner joy now and so many blessings. And I am more of a blessing to others than ever before!
Thank you! this was great, i've found similar things when i started studying but that thought of making it a hobby is a fantastic idea. thank you for sharing!
Well don't cha know...I'm currently experiencing an interest in developing hobbies and also struggling to read scripture. And then here I find this video 👍👍
@@haleyalatorre2804 Amen! Do it brother!!
Thank you for the exhortation "to make the Bible your hobby"...your passion for God's word is palpable. God bless you for sharing your experience.
This is such a simple perspective towards the bible yet also so profound.
Digging deep into God's word is a beautiful hobby to have💜.
Fantastic video! Thank you!
Thank you! I am coming to grips with a lot right now. We lost so much during the 3 hurricanes weve had. I've lost my clothing along with heirlooms and much, much more, like my car. God is calling me to be obedient and I am needing this. His word is showing me so much. It's only by His grace I can even do what I'm doing.
@@marlysmithsonian5746 I'm so sorry! I'll be praying for you and your family! I can't imagine, praise the Lord for your obedient spirit
Thank you for sharing. ❤❤❤
Great words of encouragement. My favorite books are Nehemiah and Isaiah. Thank you for bringing this message. 🙏
That is as simple but as important than anything else that I have heard in my life. Just change what you are passionate about to learning more about God's Word. I have heard that my whole life but not put in such a simple form. God bless you.
I started memorizing Scripture recently as my daily Bible reading because it's significantly more gratifying to me that reading passages from Scripture has been. I also feel like I'm really learning the passages that way unlike when I just read it/study it.
Chuck Missler is an excellent teacher! Just finished his Romans series. Highly recommended to any Christian wanting a deeper understanding.
he had no idea. name a single thing about the bible he taught you?
Saved/Justified by Grace through faith in the blood Jesus shed.
@@jsf8145 yeh that is the gospel and elementary. but still good.
I have never heard a teaching from Chuck Missler but I have sat under the teachings of numerous people who have spoken of him as their inspiration in how they Bible study. The passion the teachers I have sat under have is a testament to Chuck Missler in a way. God certainly used that man and I have not heard a word from him!
@@Kra-ri6fd the guy worshipped the country Israel. The old covenant kingdom of Israel was restored on the day of Pentecost 2000 years ago not 1948 AD.
I’m an Atheist, but the Bible has become a hobby lately. I lile studying it from a secular point of view ❤
We hope and pray God will turn your interest into faith in Christ. God bless and guide you.
An interesting concept.
Great! When I started the Bible, I was mainly interested in role models. Jesus, the man, seemed like a reasonable one to investigate. What or who is God didn't matter much back then.
Just don't be stupid. Stupid doesnt mean low IQ. Stupid means willful blindness to truth, reality, and evidence. We humans are inclined to be a bit stupid at times. We have to work on not letting it happen. Some educated intelligent people can be truly stupid. Equally, some low IQ people are not at all stupid.
I started my own journey a bit stupid hete and there, much to my own unhappiness, so I wish you all the best on your own journey through the Bible. Mine was amazing! Still journeying today, but now it's with Jesus and not trying to figure Him out so much.
Humility draws Jesus close... it's our arrogance that repels him. I know my Jesus. He'd rather be with a humbled repentant murderer than an arrogant Bible religionist.
I look at it this way now. New Testament Christianity stands alone - its not a belief system as much as it is a friendship with Jesus.
Whereas, there are 3 major human-created religious or religious-like structured belief systems: Judeo (civil) Christianity (culture), Atheism and Paganism
I now see Paganism as the dependent "transactional" child. Atheism is the independent "God's not the boss of me!" teenager. And Judeo Christianity has produced oppressive Roman Catholicism and controlling Protestism, so it is more like a newish young adult playing at being an adult.
Only New Testament Christians have an interdependent relationship with God.
Anyhow, each of us must find our way. May your eyes be always open to truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I am also an atheist Bible banger. I just like how the KJV sounds so sometimes I like to pretend I'm a televangelist and go around bellering about hellfire and all that fun stuff. This all started years ago when I'd watch Jack Van Impe late at night after all the other stuff was off the air.
The late, very known Bible teacher and author, Derek Prince, had to serve in the UK army in WW2. He was a non Christian philosopher and addicted to reading. He couldn’t bring a lot of books, so he chose to bring a Bible, then he had reading materials for a long time. He was a drinking, cursing guy. But one day he met the author of the Bible and his life changed totally. So, things can happen when reading the word of God. 😊
I am a Senior Christian Woman been a believer for 51 years and have a general routine most days of my life such as regular home routines, go out and be active, meet up with people but when I’m back home I do have Bible study projects and my mind is on the Lord and He gives me topics to dive into learning about based on Biblical scriptures.
I Pray for family, people far and near, homeless, sick and lonely and give out testaments or book-markers with scripture, nations and leaders , missions and ministries especially ones that has helped me grow in faith But for myself I never looked at it as a hobby but an obligation to grow in faith and be more like Jesus but may be to some as long as they study, grow and glorify Jesus everyday is most important a daily need to stay close to the Lord as He walks by my side and I try to share the gospel 🇨🇦♥️
This is funny because I just realized the past few months that my hobby is the Bible. Not that other things don’t interest me….but there is just soooo much gain by reading it. It’s food that stays with you.
@@1HealedNation amen!! Thats so true! It's the food of lasting satisfaction.
How I miss the good Dr. Chuck Missler! He really made the Bible come alive for me. And he, and you, are right about making the Bible your hobby. I made the Bible my hobby, and it's such a fun hobby to have, believe it or not. I could go on and on about this codex or that papyri fragment. And don't get me started on the book of Daniel; I'll go on for hours!
Great advice, I am going to do this too. Thank you soooo much. God bless you okay, May millions of people come here and be Blessed also.
So good!! Thank you for this encouragement.
Amen that is a good word Brother, thank you
Reading AND studying is the absolute BEST! Casual reading maintains a bird’s view and creates an internal cross-reference system, that gets me in the habit of going through scripture like a Rolodex in my head when studying scripture and tackling life stuff too.
I just happened upon your video and was so excited to hear your enthusiasm and encouragement about Bible reading. I began reading the Bible deeper about 10 years ago and after reading the Bible through a few times, the stories seem to weave together in a way that I never learned my whole life in church. Honestly, growing up around all the “Christianese” in my life seemed to almost desensitize me from the wonder of God’s plan of redemption that begins in Genesis and works its way all the way to Revelation. I learn something new every day and it’s only through the Holy Spirit that my eyes have been opened to just how much God loves us all and wants us to search for him so that we can really know him. I honestly don’t understand all His ways, but it’s incredible to learn more about him through every story that (like you say) builds on other parts of the Bible.
I like the idea of approaching the Bible at frequently as you would a hobby. Yet this is most important in life!
☺️ Best advice! “Make The Bible your hobby!” I have great respect for Pastor Chuck Missler -> why? Because he Loved Yahweh and it showed. Best Bible teacher I’ve ever known. But I have never heard him say that quote. Thanks young man of God!
It is a great pleasure to see such live & respect for God’s Word. Keep on, keeping on!
There is nothing that can compare to spending time in God’s Presence with His Word opened before you and He opens up things to you. It does take practice to sit at His feet and wait on Him with intent to hear from Him. And He speaks it puts a fire 🔥 in your soul and you will crave more.
It is good to hear others teach sound doctrine too. But never allow it to replace your daily time with The LORD
Hi John - I totally agree with you. About 5 years ago I made the Bible my hobby and I have so enjoyed studying through different books in it. This has transformed me as a Christian as I apply the truth to my life more than listening to Bible teaching or reading Christian books. I would encourage others to make the Bible their hobby too.
Thanks for this great advice. “Make the Bible my hobby!”
I couldn’t agree more! I love your passion. I recommend, for anyone that might find that challenge daunting, to try a Precepts workbook to help you give a framework of study. Enjoy!
Yes, finding a passion to study God’s message is a game changer! For me, typing out whichever book I’m studying has been incredible because it has forced me to slow down and consider what I’m typing from the Bible. Praise God for His message!
I spent six months reading The Gospel of Luke in depth and I loved every moment of it. I would spend 30-days reading a 4 to 6 block of chapters. Some people might think it sounds boring to spend so much time in one book, but I was amazed how every day the Holy Spirit would guide me to new observations in the exact same chapters. I was sad when I finished the last 30-day block of chapters because I didn’t want my time in Luke to end, but figured I had to move on to John since I decided to spend all of 2024 going in-depth in the Gospels. This video has inspired me to choose another book and do a full year this time. Guilt free!! 😂
Likely Numbers, since that is the Book that brought me to Jesus in the first place. I got bit by the bronze serpent!! 😀
Thank you for your content. And I am guessing from your background you are in the Pacific Northwest somewhere. I lived in Humboldt County, CA for several decades, and it reminds me a little bit of that. Thank you for your content. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
I appreciate your approach you take to making your videos. You take a very positive and well-thought out approach, rather than being uber-critical of others on YT whose subject is Bible study. There’s too many of those. I predict even better and bigger things for your channel going forward, young man! That’s great advice you’re sharing also!
@@thescarletandgrey2505 thank you so much! Honestly you're too kind! It really means a lot to me
Thanking you for posting , not many people want to take to really study the Bible.
It's nice when I come across young people coming up with a way to study their Bibles and sharing the information 😊
@@debbiebalnaves4842 thank you, you are too kind!
If someone doesn't know all the other languages Greek Hebrew etc, my suggestion would be for them to study utilizing the strong's concordance. Use this to evaluate every single word within a verse, and see where and how the other times the word is used. Evaluating these other uses we can decided a interpretation for ourselves based on many things.
You are good, and do good, teach me Your statutes. Psalm 119:68
Thank you so much brother!! I’ve been struggling with this for weeks now. You articulated what I was feeling. I’m going to make time for devotional and Bible study! It’s possible to do both and you showed that. God bless you bro! Grace and peaxe
John this was absolutely fabulous! The Bible is my hobby and I am grateful that you made this video. I love that you put the challenge out there because it will change lives if they “open the door”🚪
@@theeverydayguy Amen! Thank you so much! Isn't it incredible how much we can grow just by reading his word? Fantastic!
@ yes it is truly transformational!
Well said, as always! About a year and a half ago it was rare to see me pick up my outside of church. I stumbled across Tim Wildsmiths channel, which led me to Tim Nickels and Tim Frisch. Those three plus others helped ignite my passion for The Bible to the point where I am always talking about it and reading it whenever I can.
As someone with many hobbies (drums, woodworking, pew pews), I am finding that I want to spend more time with The Bible. I think The Bible is becoming my hobby. Thank you, John!
@@thedrumssayyes I agree completely with you. I just love spending my time in the word; it’s a refuge from a world “off track”
@@JohnMiles117wonderful video. Are you using your Pitt Minion for this deep study or your Scofield where you have more room for notes?
This is great advice! Thank you brother. May our Father God continue to guide and bless you today 🙏
Sensible Cents and Dollars
Thank you so much for posting this! I have considered all things Bible study so enjoyable it really is my hobby. However, someone made a comment to me suggesting I should learn an instrument. It didn’t make me less in love with Bible study but it did make me wonder if I just take things too far. So I’m happy to know I’m not the only one who is passionate with all things Bible and willing to call it my hobby.
I’m doing in depth studies of each book chronologically, reading the Bible through the year, doing a women’s Bible study and a church Bible study. None of it is boring! I also enjoy learning the history of the church. It’s the only hobby I’ve ever had that I didn’t want to quit!
Kind of like my hobby of astronomy- the Bible always has new things to discover. The scriptures are a deep well which lasts a lifetime.
this is so good to hear. Now I can tell people I have a hobby. 😀
Oh I love Chuck!! I went through his “learn the Bible in 24 hours several times”
This is a great perspective that I haven't quite had before. The Bible has been a pursuit of mine for a long time, but i haven't quite put it in a "hobby" category. That is actually very profound! Thanks for sharing this!
Thank you so much!
This is great thank you
Thanks for the idea, video and encouragement. Sometimes you just need something put to you in a certain way for it to really take root and grow in your life. Reminds me of something John Piper once said about books. It may not take an entire book, or chapter or even a sentence to click just right and make a huge change for you. It can be just a short phrase or idea. Thanks again for sharing!
Thank you. I needed this to grow my walk and understanding the Bible.
@@Roberto-cc7rt praise God! Keep it up! I'll pray that you keep growing!
I noticed this same passion in David Platt's teaching. I just know he has SO much more to each sermon. Thank you for this!
I love this idea...thank you!
Thank you, young man! You have given a name to what I’ve been doing since 2009. 2024 was my year of the Psalms. I will be into them in 2025 also.
My life truly has been changed as has the lives of those around me.
Thank you Lord.
@@joer5627 praise the Lord!
I’m doing a Bible in a year plan in the Bible app with friends. In addition I have a couple of deeper studies I’m doing. Aside from those studies, I have daily devotion and prayer time. 2025 is the year of the Bible! 🙏😊♥️💗💕
@@JesusJavaJuli that's awesome!
Thank you very much John I appreciate it very much.
Loved this video man, thanks for sharing this awesome teaching. God bless.
Thank you, I am grateful for this video!
@@gezaszemok7942 I'm so glad!
A great piece of advice. Thank you for taking the time to share some of what God has taught you!
This is such great advice. Thank you for your insight.
Passion keeps the Collection Plates Full 💰👋😃👍
Thank you for the wonderful video, and these thoughts! Perfect for our "new year"! Bless you!
I loved that advice from Chuck as well!
Brilliant advice, you literally said everything i could think of, we just started the book of hebrews at our saturday fellowship, and while i was reading to prepare for a message, i got to know so much and all this new information was so enriching, i just couldn’t stop reading and researching the book of hebrews, the new AI tools definitely help in a better research and keeping notes. You said it right, the passion is contagious, once you get it you would want to spread it to the next person. Love from India 🙏❤!
@@peeckle1657 fantastic! India?! That's crazy! God bless you!
I think that anybody who is a true Christian.... NOT just a "Sunday church ...going to meeting Christian"....Knows this automatically... it is woven into the fabric of our being as one who loves God../
a True Christian... one who has accepted the Lord as their Savior is one who hits the ground running.. and can NEVER get enough.. of the Lord..
I read thru a book of Missler's a while back..
It was titled "Hidden Treasures".... and though I found most of the book interesting... I also found some of his thoughts were "WAY OUT THERE"..
I would accept Missler's deductions... and theories.... about as much as I would read any one else's material... but I do Not think Chuck Missler is on the level of being "worshipped".. as apparently YOU do...
He is just another beggar who has found a stash of bread and showing other beggars where it is at... ..
I found some of his ideas questionable at best.....in regards to what he brought into question..
especially in regards to letter counting.. and hidden meanings.. behind placement of certain verses...
his ideas verged on the border of being conspiracy theories..
what is wrong with reading God's word... and noticing.. how passages cross reference the same ideas.. or how one verse clarifies a statement made in a different verse somewhere ELSE in God's word...?..
I do Not think God wants us to be reading His word with the idea in mind.. of finding.. certain numerical patterns and hidden CODES... Treasures YES.... Codes NO!..
Thank you for the advice
I am thankful to find your channel - and yes- make the Bible your hobby and just maybe you will share your passion to others.
What would be your suggestion for the first book of the 66 to study in depth? Would it still be Hebrews? If so, why? I’m intrigued!
@@gatheredtreasures5276 I chose Hebrews because I had always been curious about it, I was not disappointed. 😂. I would whole heartedly recommend it. I suggest you choose the book that you know the least, at least that's my thinking. It's as close to a "frontier" as you can get. Go into that uncharted waters so to speak. I think that's part of why I was so blessed.
I love this! I am currently memorizing the book of Philippians. And along with that want to do in-depth study. As such, I'll likely spend around 6 months in the book of Philippians. I want to "own" the book and I want the book to also own me.
@@RebeccaInTheWord that's fantastic!!! Amen!
Such great advice, thank-you!!
I’m going to pass this on!
Great. I've bought myself a fancy note book and challenged myself to go through NT Wrights book on Romans 8 through 2025, but first I'm going through Rowan Williams amazing book 'Passions of the Soul' relating to the Beatitudes.
Amen. I love this .
One of my first books as a Christian was prophecy 20/20 by late Chuck Missler. After reading that book, I was hooked on bible prophecy. Chuck was a great Bible teacher, and his legacy continues today. You can find a lot of his teachings on UA-cam. I highly recommend his study on the book of revelation, you’ll be blessed.
Thank you for sharing your passion, and what a great advice to the body of Christ! Make the Bible your hobby!!!
That is an excellent suggestion, John. I'll start today with the Book of Acts. But first, I'll watch the link you provided, "My Deep Study System." God is Good.
That backdrop is stunning. Wish I could convince my wife to live in a more rural location but I’m still surrounded by trees so I can compromise haha. Maybe one day! Awesome video and advice as always, John. Your channel is one of my absolute favourites.
@@okjonty thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it! Keep working on her bro, one day! 😂
I LOVE THIS!!! I call myself a Bible Nerd 😁 and to say “make the Bible your hobby” really makes sense.
This is my system I've pieced it together with some stuff that I like to use. My first book choice was Ephesians 😊
I use the 5W's and How questions
Word study
And then my internet and books resources.
And my supplies are
dot grid paper ,loose leaf paper,and a binder.
BIC and Zebra pens, mid-liners,postie notes
Washi tape easy to use and remove from paper😊
I also learned how to add paper to my Bible
First time I've used this system and it took me a year to figure out how and what I wanted to use .
After many mistakes, I've got the study system that I like.
New reading plan to.
😂 I am finally finishing my first attempt at this , I've got a little mess up in my Bible but that's what makes it mine .lol
Study a book was so much fun 🤗
I use a NKJB and NASB wide margin.
Those are my two favorites.
My one Bible (before I found wide margin ones) a 2 columns center reference one is old an falling apart.
It is still my favorite go to church Bible. With tiny old notes written every where. And postie notes 😅🥰
@@debbiebalnaves4842 this is fantastic! What a great system! It's funny, I think I get more excited going to hobby lobby then my wife lol 😂 that's the crafty Bible nerd in me coming out!
Thankyou so much for this, what a brilliant idea! Looking forward to trying this
Great idea and message! I'm ashamed to say my radio hobby takes up a big portion of my days. I'm in need of doing something different, like bible study. I recently bought a couple of pricey but very nice study bibles, I have yet to open them. This is exactly what I need to start doing, put as much into the bible as I do the radio hobby. Good commentary here, keep doing it.
One year in Hebrews! Haha totally can understand. My favorite NT book. Great video!
Chuck Misler and R C Sproul in the same UA-cam video… unusual but love it…
@@davidfulton3350 what can I say, I have diverse taste 😂
@@JohnMiles117 next it will be John MacArthur and Angus Buchan, actually - there’s a challenge for ya!
@davidfulton3350 😂
Absolutely. Well said brother.
I have just done this with Leviticus and Romans.. Lol and I am doing Hebrews, Galatians, and Romans... All from wanting to understand what true holiness was ...
I am blessed by your channel brother. I myself love to read my Bible always. It just so much joy to read. I want it to be always on my side constantly opening and reading it everytime the LORD reminds me of a certain passage. It's nice to know I am not alone. ✝️🔥❤️
@@dalton412 Amen!!
This is such great advice. I keep watching, re-watching, and taking notes from your channel’s content.
@@RyanStemen thank you so much!
Thanks for the suggestion!
Great way to put it. It would be hard to glean everything from the Bible using a short daily devotional.
I remember listening to that same series with Chuck. Simple and profound. Thank you so much for this reminder. I just found your channel and I’m really enjoying your content, my friend. It’s very encouraging. Keep it up.
@@billydibari that's awesome! It's still probably my favorite teaching series of all time.
Well said! Thank you! :)
Love this concept, I refer to it as being a Bible geek or nerd usually. This is a much more positive spin on the mindset. (Even if I am nerding out 😅)
@@MatthewAllenBHS I love that! Bible nerds all day! Btw, let me know if you start making videos, I'll totally watch them.
Thanks for the encouragement, brother. I just got my first one uploaded today
@MatthewAllenBHS I'll watch it!
Amen, excellent advice! 😊 Personally I love reading the Bible (using a reader's Bible) to see the forest AND studying the Bible (using a study Bible, biblical commentaries, lexicons like HALOT/BDAG, and so on) to see the trees. 😊
@@philtheo so short? I feel robbed lol 😂 I'm just teasing. I totally agree. Why not do both!
Thankyou! very helpful.
Dude! Im really digging your energy and your Love for The Lord...this is Sweet!❤ ✌
@@yoyo-dx6xy I'm so glad!
Awesome, Thank You!
@@melissaemery2365 your welcome!
Great advice-advice I've been living out for awhile now. My advice: I'd be cautious with studying with only one commentary. Most are biased depending on the denomination that wrote it. I think they are a good 'tool' to be used in moderation but if deep study is a persons hobby then having at least a few translations of the bible would be a good idea. Also understanding good Hermeneutics is necessary. Don't follow any commentary that insists on interpreting the rest of scripture through the lens of a few outlier scriptures (having to read much of their conclusions into the majority of the text), but instead interprets those few hard to understand scriptures through the lens of the whole of bible. Of course this is all outside just regular devotional reading. Those are just a few of the tips that have helped me.
@@Dreamingofyou-wt5ce a agree! A A diverse diet is one way to avoid ruts. Interpret the unclear passages with the clearer ones. Great comment!
Great video. Make the Bible your hobby. I'm currently reading through the Bible and I will incorporate doing a study on another book. Thanks for sharing