@@UpscaledHistory You have a great video and thank you for coloring and preserving from oblivion these fantastic shots of Serbia and Belgrade... The only complaint is the "young nation"?! Serbia and the Serbian lands were under Ottoman occupation for about 350 years ... Serbia and the Serbian state and people were not created by liberation from the Turkish occupation, you should know that ... That would then mean a "new nation" ... Otherwise, historically, Serbia and the Serbian nation has existed in the worst case since the 6th-7th century, in that area, where they are still today. Since the Serbs were formed as a nation in the early Middle Ages, unlike some who did so only in the 19th century, the Serbs formed their own state, principality, kingdom, and later empire in the 14th century.... You can say a young state. but not a "nation"?! Because they are two diametrically opposed things. After it was freed from the Turks, the first and second Balkan wars and the first world war. The kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes is formed, under the Serbian crown. Later, it changed its name to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In which the name itself says that the three nations of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes live, and other national minorities... You must know the difference between a nation and a state, it is not the same in this case. The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, and later renamed to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, is not "nation" ... It is a new country, because the "Yugoslav" nation did not exist at that time, the communists unfortunately invented it later, but without success, but that was much later after the second world war ... Before that kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, there was the Principality and Kingdom of Serbia, which was a national state, a simple reconstruction of the earlier Serbian medieval kingdoms....
@@UpscaledHistory "Nation", especially in the Balkans, refers to the ethnic group. "State" or similar, would be more accurate. In any case, Serbia as a state had existed as a principality with autonomy since 1817, expanding to full and recognised independence in 1878. It was hardly younger than Germany (1871). It would indeed be true to say that the KSCS was a young kingdom (1919). [ok i see someone else said it, but i'll leave the comment anyway in case it's meaningful to someone.]
Yes, he can, there are no nations before 19. century you ignorant idiot. Read a book instead of playing games or writing shit comments on the internet.
ovi sad koji dolaze u Beograd da bi tu ziveli, ti ga upropastise nacisto.To su oni koji urlicu, koji se odusevljavaju beogradom na vodi i svetlecim reklamama
Well there was a huge gap of social strata between western and eastern europe those days hence it differs the way their dress. It still does though today but not so obvious.
@pettermillar4158 , Pa ko će vama svima suditi za genocid ?Hm,hm! To bi trebalo odraditi na nivou UNa !!Da ,da to je dobra ideja i moguće ju je sprovesti od zemalja demokratskog bloka ,vama Izraelu i Rusiji sve o jednom trošku !✍️👋🫅😜
Ne vratili se. Ako skinemo ružičaste naočare i ostavimo sentimentalnost po strani, u prošlosti nema skoro ničeg dobrog osim pouka koje se mogu izvući iz te močvare.
Potpuno te razumem sugradjanko moja. Kada gledam slike prababa i pradeda, divim se kako su se oblacili i kada cujem price kako se tada zivelo. Zaista jesu bili dame i gospoda i na zalost to je polako nestajalo dolaskom raznoraznih ljudi sa strane. Hvala Bogu te bar imamo slike, dnevnike, snimke iz tog vremena...
@@aleksandraradenovic3202Tada je se zivelo jako jako tesko.Ovo su snimci iz 1922 godine,4 godine posle Prvog Svetskog rata...Zemlja je bila unistena...99 posto ljudi je bilo siromasno,pretezno seosko stanovnistvo.Da bilo je i gospode,ali to je mizerno.Drago mi je da su tvoji preci bili gospoda,moji nisu bili...
Shouldve titled 1920s instead of 1900s, kind of misleading as i was happy at first to see a footage of pre-ww1 serbia but just realised its the interwar era of serbia which probably has lost 40% of its original look due to ww1.
6:25 "The memory of the Turkish rule is kept alive by numerous Muzelmen in their national attire." 'Muzelmannen' is an old word for Muslims from Persia. Dutch, mirrored.
During the last 120 years Belgrade was destroyed by Austrians during WW1, Nazi Germans during WW2, Western Allies during the same war (when they betrayed Serbs and gave their support to communism) and by NATO in 1999. Plus communist architecture that is not beautiful at all. So... Just couple of buildings survived those distructions.
7:43 "Merchants in nougat and fruit dough do well." Dutch, mirrored. Turkish Delight maybe? 8:05 "Views of the market…" 8:22 "and surroundings, where farmers do their business." 8:55 "There are just a few cities in the world where one can encounter as many different ethnicities as in Belgrade." 9:28 "Belgrade's city centre, with its numerous "bazars", has a Middle Eastern ambiance." 10:19 "Fin/the End. Holfu, Dutch film-university."
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha ,Avari su vas koristili kao volove prilikom dolaska na Balkan a Turcima ste kosili travu i djetelinu 600 godina i napravili vam potomke za sljedeća stoljeća a to se ne može izbrisati gumicom ,ha ,ha,ja,ha,ha,jadovnici !
You don't understand we are not from the 1900 only this video is making from that time we are not tausenden we are much much more old Beograd is the oldest City in Europa Serbia is how Europa history is Made how wins the first and second World war Russian and Partizanen two Brothers Distroy Nazi German And Austria-Hungary in the same time Auer History is very old we are not like Amerika for Yesterday for ameeika is 300 or 400 Years. History for us is this Peanut in History in Serbien Kosovo we have 1500 monastery the are older than Tausenden years.Have a Great live a remember the only one truth in the World is The Only One Truth Love.
Well what you expecting to hear on you tube.I met guy from NY who told me that Belgrade is great country!!Ordinary USA citizen has education on the level of 4th grade primery school.most of them even don't know much about country they live in.!!Sound as fun but its not
@@SlavisaGrbic Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
It is not "restoration" but "decolorization", and it's a great way to ruin the authenticity of some document, in this case - the movie. And why the picture is horizontally flipped?
3:20 "In front of the government palace stands (proudly) the equestrian statue of Michel Odrenovitch who drove the Turks out of Serbia in 1867." Dutch, mirrored.
6:51 "These former rulers now practice the humble profession of traders in country wine and lemonade. (And detail!)" That latest might also be "en detail" which means "in detail" or "very detailed". Dutch, mirrored.
4:02 "A contrast to this modern structure are the farmermen and -women, who are waiting for the train, wearing the traditional attire." Old spelling Dutch, mirrored.
Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
"Young nation"? Mate our nation is more than 12 centuries old. " The First Serbian Principality was established in the 8th century by the Vlastimirovići dynasty ruling over modern-day Montenegro, Bosnia, Dalmatia, and Serbia."
Mir ist es aufgefallen, dass es aus damaliger Zeit, relativ gesehen, von Serbien recht viele Aufnahmen gibt. Dafür, dass das Land damals nicht so technisch entwickelt war. Woran könnte es liegen? Zufall oder wurden die meisten Archive westlicher Länder im 2. Weltkrieg vernichtet?
I Srbija je uništena u drugom svjetskom ratu, Beograd u bombardovanju sav porušen a devet stote godine ni druge zemlje nisu bile nešto razvijene, Balkan je bio razvijeniji od njih.
Das liegt daran, das durch die gewonnene Unabhängigkeit durch die Balkankriege und WW1 ein gewisser Progress, ähnlich einer kulturellen Renaissance herrschte. Belgrad war einer der ersten Städte, in denen die Brüder Lumiere Filmvorführungen machten. Die Universitäten waren mehr als solide, die russische Diaspora, die vor den Rotarmisten flohen, brachten zusätzlich Knowhow und Kreativität ins Spiel. Die serbische Gesellschaft war inspiriert durch deutsche Technologie, französische Kunst und russischer Seele. So ein kleines Land mit einem ungemeinen großen Erbe, besonders was moderne Literatur und Poesie angeht. Manchmal habe ich das Gefühl, dass das literarische und künstlerische Schaffen in dieser hohen Dichte dieses kleine Land einzigartig machen
Serbien war von allen Seiten ein bedrohtes Land, was immer wieder von Großmächten angegriffen wurde. Das Land hat trotz allem das "Genie aller Zeiten" hervorgebracht. Nikola Tesla hat der Welt ein funktionierendes Wechselsromsystem geliefert. Damit hat er der gesamten Welt Wohlstand beschert. Unter seinen ca. 800 Patenten gibt es Erfindungen, ohne die das gesamte heutige Telekommunikationsnetz nicht funktionieren würde. Er hat den remote control erfunden und das Radio. Serbien hat prozentual zu seiner Bevölkerung mehr schlaue Köpfe hervorgebracht als manch große und reiche Länder. Mileva Marić die erste Frau von Albert Einstein hat einen großen Mitwirkungsanteil an der Relativitätstheorie. Sie war die Mathematikerin und er der Physiker. Milutin Milanković muss man auch unbedingt erwähnen. Die Milanković Zyklen waren bahnbrechend in der Klimaforschung und für die Wetterprognosen auf dem Planeten. Diese werden z. B. auch heute in keinem Klimamodell des Weltklimarates berücksichtigt. Doch viele Klimaforscher vertreten die These, dass die Sonne einen Hauptanteil an Klimaveränderungen trägt und nicht die Treibhausgase. Serbien kann zurecht stolz sein auf seine Menschen. Sie sind eines der zähsten und willenstärksten, sowie freiheitsliebenden Menschen in Europa.
Serbia was poor then ,its just went try 3 wars from (1912-1918 ) in which it lost majority off men population .But they were poor but were making some great looking buildings. There are lot off photos ,just not in west media , i my self have tons off family photos from beginning off 20 century
@rachelrachel5513 At the april 6th 1941. Belgrade was bombarded by Luftwaffe and in bombardment The National Library was destroyed with many unique documents and books. Majority of films and photographs which are available nowadays are from private collections and the rest are from official domestic and foreign archives.
Све је то изгинуло драги мој народе у првом и другом рату. Запад нас је уништио. Можемо само плакати док гледамо ове предивне слајдове. Мир Божији Христос се роди. Амин
Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
@@snezanapetrovic5189 , Već 200 godina ste ekstremno genocidni i zločinački nastrojeni tako da svako novorođeno dijete nosi pečat genocidnosti ,što uz dodatno vaspitanje stvara monstrume kao onaj vaš ubica i debil KK !!!✍️👋😜💥🫅
Pre 130 godina napravljena ovakva zgrada vlade bez mehanizaciju,kao i železnička stanica i pruga za Niš,danas ukinut voz na izgrađenog pruži i smatra se uspehom.......
The fact that we were liberated from Ottoman occupation only in the 19th century does not make us a "young nation". Our ancestors have lived on this land for hundreds of years. Under the Serbian name, for over 1000 years. Throughout our history, we have had periods of occupation but also periods of independent statehood. Our cities have often been larger and more organized than many of your capitals. For example, the city of Novo Brdo, which in the 15th century was larger than your London. And more developed of course. We are currently under your occupation. But I have no doubt that we will be free again.
Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
@@pawprints5593you're absolutely so right! All their history is based on lies, even today they continue to lie as always...just read if you want and have a little time about the "lie" what is for Serbian people - father of their nation Dobrica Cosic wrote in his book!!! Read below about this: "We (Serbs) lie to deceive ourselves, to comfort another; we lie out of shame, to encourage, to hide our misery, we lie for the sake of honesty. We lie for the sake of freedom. A lie is a form of Serbian patriotism and a confirmation of our innate intelligence. We lie creatively, imaginatively, inventively.“ "A lie is a Serbian national interest.“ “A lie is in the very being of a Serb.” “In this country, every lie eventually becomes the truth“. “Serbs have been saved by lies so many times in history…”
Znas I Sam da lazes...citaj Malo oca tvog naroda D. Cosica sta je za vas laz,,,on morao je ostaviti to da nasledujete kao istorijsku kletvu za sve sto ste pocinili na ovim krajevima...valjda ga je pre nego sto je crko zagrizla ga savest, jer je on jedan od glavnih sto je progurao te lazi,,,zajedno sa vama!!! Jadni ste!
Serbia never existed before 1878. Not one of the “so called Serbian” Nemanjići even called themselves Serbs. The Nemanići were Catholic Slavs whom Rastko Sava Nemanić, a local warlord who after a trip to Constantinople forced his own family to convert to orthodoxy in the 13th century (whose family, just as all the families in that area at the time, were all Roman Catholic) He forced his peasant constituents and the people of his other brothers and family’s domain to convert as well doing so with burning entire villages. His father Stefan and Brothers all received crowns from the Pope which he later made them return in exchange for Byzantine crowns. After this the “Rasčani”, as they all became to be known and named after Rastko Sava Nemanjjć, the convert went on to be vassals of the Hungarians. The term Servus or Servi was the Latin term used for all orthodox Christians but it was somewhat derogatory. After the Turks used it incessantly for 500 years during their rule over the Raščani it lost its derogatory meaning and is still used today.
About Croats and their country, which they enjoy now and received when Serbs liberated them, as well as your invented history and invented rulers and kings: About your kings, information can be found only on Wikipedia and UA-cam, but not in relevant historical records. 1) No one knows where these so-called Croatian kings are buried. 2) No one knows the names or origins of their wives. 3) No one knows the names of their children. 4) In Almanach de Gotha (German: Gothaischer Hofkalender), a directory of Europe's royalty and higher nobility, Croatian nobles and kings do not exist; or when Croatia is mentioned, it is only as a region of the Austrian or Hungarian kingdom. Your last king and ruler who freed you from Austro-Hungarian rule was Serbian King Karadjordjevic. Have some respect.
They were "poor" by modern standards, but they had everything that they needed back then. You should read Herbert Vivian's book "Serbia. A Poor Man's Paradise" (in Serbian published as "Serbia. Raj siromašnih"). A Briton, he visited Serbia in the last decade of 19th century. Basically he concluded that, even in some ways poor country, there were no hungry, no homeless people in Serbia, and the condition of living standards for an average Serbian peasant was better then for a regular British worker at that time.
@@MacakPodSIjemom Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
So sad. This is 1922, and most people on the street were old because between 1914 and 1918 (World War I), Serbia lost 60% of its male population in such a heroic war against all odds.
Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
Za vas bi bilo najbolje da ste poslije 500 godina pod Osmanlijama tamo i ostali.To bi bilo prirodno okruženje.Svi narodi u vašoj okolini izbjegli bi strahote koje ste im priredili od tada.
1. This video is a montage, it has nothing to do with reality. 2. Turkey did not influence Serbia, but vice versa. These inserted scenes are probably from Turkey. In Serbia, they learned not to be the primitives they were. 3. Serbia has the oldest civilization in the world, Lepenski Vir. When Serbia had multi-story houses, the rest of Europe was a swamp. The genetics of the white race is haplogroup I, which is Serbian. All whites come from Serbs!
When you go to Serbia you will notice that majority of the people are quite dark with black hair and dark eyes, they look often like Turks pretty much or even like Arabs sometimes. But yes they are classified as white in general. Serbian language has a Slavic core but it's very heavily influenced by Turkish language. In Serbian language there are about 8500 Turkish loanwords and 7500 - 8000 words are still in use nowadays. Serbian cuisine is heavily influenced by Turkish/Ottoman cuisine and most of their "national" dishes are of Turkish origin. Serbian music is also influenced a lot by Turkish rhymes especially the folk music, also the nowadays popular genre of music called turbofolk sounds often quite Turkish as well. And I could go on and on....
Veoma "originalan i duhovit" komentar. A onda je vlast Slobodana Miloševića učinila da potomci te gospode rasprodaju te zlatne escajge za 1DM i kupe brašno, mese hleb, peku ga (kada ima struje) a oni što su jeli rukama (mada ja tvrdim da se jede ustima) i spaljivali veštice (a to je bilo 1600tih kada Beograd zapravo nije ni postojao nego je samo bilo neko utvrđeno zdanje) slali su nam humanitarnu pomoć, ako se dobro seċam?
Ko te to uci mrznji. Ovo je mnogo posle oslobodjenja od turaka pa svi zive zajedno. Postoje i srbi muslimani ako nisye znali a mnogi hriscani su se tad oblacili u tu nisnju koja se sad smatra samo muslimanskom i arnautskom. Itekako su srbi nosili one vele kapoce keceve i fesove pa i turbane
You are not right, firstly, the Serbian nation was not created after the First World War, and secondly, it is not true that Belgrade remained intact, i.e. its buildings, Belgrade was very much destroyed in the bombing in April 1941 by the Germans!
@@stormdancer25 , Ma kakvi ,sve je to rezultat srpskih masovnih zločina i genocida ,neotkrivenih zločinačkih jama ,silovanja ,masovnih ubistva žena,djece i civila što ste uglavnom specijalizirali kao i ovi današnji cionistički ,fašistički ćifuti !!👋👋😜😜✍️✍️✍️🫅
Ovo je fenomenalno!Pravi vremeplov,pa još sve u boji!Moj rodni grad nekad,uživao sam!HVALA!🤗🫶👋
Ej,dragi moj ,vidiš li da je boja dodana,taze molovno.
@draganzivkovic6241 Pa znam to,a i razumem engleski,lepo piše u naslovu:....color restoration(restaurirano u boji).🙂👋
0:56 u can’t say “relatively young nation”, Serbia exists for more than 1.200 years. But it was occupied during that period from more countries.
@@UpscaledHistory You have a great video and thank you for coloring and preserving from oblivion these fantastic shots of Serbia and Belgrade... The only complaint is the "young nation"?! Serbia and the Serbian lands were under Ottoman occupation for about 350 years ... Serbia and the Serbian state and people were not created by liberation from the Turkish occupation, you should know that ... That would then mean a "new nation" ... Otherwise, historically, Serbia and the Serbian nation has existed in the worst case since the 6th-7th century, in that area, where they are still today. Since the Serbs were formed as a nation in the early Middle Ages, unlike some who did so only in the 19th century, the Serbs formed their own state, principality, kingdom, and later empire in the 14th century.... You can say a young state. but not a "nation"?! Because they are two diametrically opposed things. After it was freed from the Turks, the first and second Balkan wars and the first world war. The kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes is formed, under the Serbian crown. Later, it changed its name to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In which the name itself says that the three nations of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes live, and other national minorities... You must know the difference between a nation and a state, it is not the same in this case. The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, and later renamed to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, is not "nation" ... It is a new country, because the "Yugoslav" nation did not exist at that time, the communists unfortunately invented it later, but without success, but that was much later after the second world war ... Before that kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, there was the Principality and Kingdom of Serbia, which was a national state, a simple reconstruction of the earlier Serbian medieval kingdoms....
@@UpscaledHistory 1.200 year is not a "young nation" bro. Maybe you mean young state, this is what it was
@@UpscaledHistory "Nation", especially in the Balkans, refers to the ethnic group. "State" or similar, would be more accurate. In any case, Serbia as a state had existed as a principality with autonomy since 1817, expanding to full and recognised independence in 1878. It was hardly younger than Germany (1871). It would indeed be true to say that the KSCS was a young kingdom (1919). [ok i see someone else said it, but i'll leave the comment anyway in case it's meaningful to someone.]
Yes, he can, there are no nations before 19. century you ignorant idiot. Read a book instead of playing games or writing shit comments on the internet.
Tell them! Americans always trying to white wash and ruin other nations history. Sorry for this.
Belgrade has always been beautiful and a city with open hearts and hands, where all peoples and religions lived in harmony. ❤❤
ovi sad koji dolaze u Beograd da bi tu ziveli, ti ga upropastise nacisto.To su oni koji urlicu, koji se odusevljavaju beogradom na vodi i svetlecim reklamama
@bgalt3829 Dva Aca poturcise Beograd vise od turaka, unisiltili iniskreninzelim in jednako dobro koliko su oni naneli Beogradu I Srbiji
@@bgalt3829 ,
Obojica ste idioti jedan iz ovog a drugi iz onog razloga !!!👋👋👋✍️✍️✍️🫅🫅🫅😭lp
konju glupi ,neosedlani !!!👋👋✍️✍️🫅🫅😜😜💥
Sve tačno Mirsade!🤗👋
Prelepo, fascinantno, izuzetno.
I love how different their way of dressing is from the rest of Europe around this time of the century
The video has been edited. Maybe he's from Turkey, not from Serbia. Here's the real video: ua-cam.com/video/5quTFg7Wtmw/v-deo.html
@@AndjelaAndjicovo je srbija... valjda vidis po gradjevinama koje i danas postoje, zaista smo se tako oblacili
Those are intentionly dresed people so they can sell turkish drink. Its not called culture its called marketing
Well there was a huge gap of social strata between western and eastern europe those days hence it differs the way their dress. It still does though today but not so obvious.
To je muslimanska nošnja srba nije ni bilo gospodine
I love your dress beautiful country I love Serbia
@@lukaslukovic5345 ,
Jes' ,jes' i meni se kliže !!!✍️👋🫅💥😜😭
Ovdje je Beograd mogao imati najvise 50 000 stanovnika, a danas, 100 godina kasnije, 2 000 000.
@pettermillar4158 ,
Pa ko će vama svima suditi za genocid ?Hm,hm! To bi trebalo odraditi na nivou UNa !!Da ,da to je dobra ideja i moguće ju je sprovesti od zemalja demokratskog bloka ,vama Izraelu i Rusiji sve o jednom trošku !✍️👋🫅😜
Što se praviš Englez,napiši to na srpskom!😊👋
Ja sam iz Beograda i ovaj Beograd u videu više ne postoji! Tada su ulicama šetale dame i gospoda a danas toga više nema!
Ne vratili se. Ako skinemo ružičaste naočare i ostavimo sentimentalnost po strani, u prošlosti nema skoro ničeg dobrog osim pouka koje se mogu izvući iz te močvare.
Sve sama gospoda, moj do mojega kao i dan danas.
Potpuno te razumem sugradjanko moja. Kada gledam slike prababa i pradeda, divim se kako su se oblacili i kada cujem price kako se tada zivelo. Zaista jesu bili dame i gospoda i na zalost to je polako nestajalo dolaskom raznoraznih ljudi sa strane. Hvala Bogu te bar imamo slike, dnevnike, snimke iz tog vremena...
Šetala osmanska raja.
@@aleksandraradenovic3202Tada je se zivelo jako jako tesko.Ovo su snimci iz 1922 godine,4 godine posle Prvog Svetskog rata...Zemlja je bila unistena...99 posto ljudi je bilo siromasno,pretezno seosko stanovnistvo.Da bilo je i gospode,ali to je mizerno.Drago mi je da su tvoji preci bili gospoda,moji nisu bili...
Shouldve titled 1920s instead of 1900s, kind of misleading as i was happy at first to see a footage of pre-ww1 serbia but just realised its the interwar era of serbia which probably has lost 40% of its original look due to ww1.
This was just 8 years before my Father was born! May he rest in peace!
6:25 "The memory of the Turkish rule is kept alive by numerous Muzelmen in their national attire." 'Muzelmannen' is an old word for Muslims from Persia. Dutch, mirrored.
During the last 120 years Belgrade was destroyed by Austrians during WW1, Nazi Germans during WW2, Western Allies during the same war (when they betrayed Serbs and gave their support to communism) and by NATO in 1999. Plus communist architecture that is not beautiful at all. So... Just couple of buildings survived those distructions.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Ah taj divni genocidni i holokaustični Beograd ,pun zločinaca iz svakog rata koji proizvede ,k'o nar košpica
Seems like everyone hates you 😂
I've heard that Belgrade was completely destroyed and rebuilt at least 40 times in its history.
Ha, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I love also serbia because live in kikinda 7 month serbian people Very gd
@@goldendream3704 jest,jest i meni se kliže !!!✍️👋🫅😜
why is the wording backwards? any chance you can correct that?
@@UpscaledHistory maybe put your own captions in there so we know what it is?
super video
7:43 "Merchants in nougat and fruit dough do well." Dutch, mirrored. Turkish Delight maybe? 8:05 "Views of the market…" 8:22 "and surroundings, where farmers do their business." 8:55 "There are just a few cities in the world where one can encounter as many different ethnicities as in Belgrade." 9:28 "Belgrade's city centre, with its numerous "bazars", has a Middle Eastern ambiance." 10:19 "Fin/the End. Holfu, Dutch film-university."
The video is MONTAGE! Inserted footage, probably from Turkey. Belgrade was a metropolis, people dressed like gentlemen and ladies, even children!
@@AndjelaAndjic Ne seri bre! Shut up already.
@@AndjelaAndjicyou are stupid, these streets and buildings still egsists in Belgrade! You are obviously not from Belgrade
Hey why is lettering on wrong way??
It is in Dutch!!
Nobody can read!😅
Young nation? Wtf are you talking about. Serbian nation is 1000 years older than American continent
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha ,Avari su vas koristili kao volove prilikom dolaska na Balkan a Turcima ste kosili travu i djetelinu 600 godina i napravili vam potomke za sljedeća stoljeća a to se ne može izbrisati gumicom ,ha ,ha,ja,ha,ha,jadovnici !
You don't understand we are not from the 1900 only this video is making from that time we are not tausenden we are much much more old Beograd is the oldest City in Europa Serbia is how Europa history is Made how wins the first and second World war Russian and Partizanen two Brothers Distroy Nazi German And Austria-Hungary in the same time Auer History is very old we are not like Amerika for Yesterday for ameeika is 300 or 400 Years. History for us is this Peanut in History in Serbien Kosovo we have 1500 monastery the are older than Tausenden years.Have a Great live a remember the only one truth in the World is The Only One Truth Love.
Well what you expecting to hear on you tube.I met guy from NY who told me that Belgrade is great country!!Ordinary USA citizen has education on the level of 4th grade primery school.most of them even don't know much about country they live in.!!Sound as fun but its not
@@matejasaric22 ha,ha,ha,
Ciganija se doselila malo kasnije !!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘
@@SlavisaGrbic Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
Is this in Turkey ?
7:15 "These wandering little restaurants often have brilliant buffets!" Old timey Dutch, mirrored.
Young Nation since 1091 !
Young nation like state or in this case kingdom, but oldest people (Serbs)!!!🤔😎🍻
Jeste stari genocidaši mamu v hebem !!!✍️👋🫅😜
5:54 "A contrast to these modern structures are the ox carts, a common sight on Belgrade's streets." Dutch, mirrored.
3:47 "Belgrade has a monumental railway station, situated on a beautiful square." Dutch, mirrored
5:22 "Here too, the traffic officer is dutiful." Dutch, mirrored. The whole film is mirrored.
It is not "restoration" but "decolorization", and it's a great way to ruin the authenticity of some document, in this case - the movie. And why the picture is horizontally flipped?
Od 1918 Beograd je sve manje Srpski a od 1945 definitivno....
@@savadrinnsku ,
Što manje srpski manje je i genocidniji !!!!✍️👋🫅😜
@@savadrinnsku ,
da je 100% srpski bio bi i genocidan 100%!!!✍️👋🫅😜
5:38 "Just like our home land: big restaurants with wide terraces." Dutch, mirrored.
3:20 "In front of the government palace stands (proudly) the equestrian statue of Michel Odrenovitch who drove the Turks out of Serbia in 1867." Dutch, mirrored.
2:45 "i jos da dodam" I ponovo na 7:26
sta je htela da doda :D
Rani ton film😂
2:36 "the Royal Palace" in Dutch, mirrored.
6:51 "These former rulers now practice the humble profession of traders in country wine and lemonade. (And detail!)" That latest might also be "en detail" which means "in detail" or "very detailed". Dutch, mirrored.
4:02 "A contrast to this modern structure are the farmermen and -women, who are waiting for the train, wearing the traditional attire." Old spelling Dutch, mirrored.
Serbia wasn't created after the first ww!!!!! It exists since before thousands years so your narrative isn't true.
Exactly! I reacted to that too… such an false claim.
There is actually movie from 1904 of belgrade
@geraldmantel4955 type "krunisanje kralja petra 1904"
Why is it inverted, as in mirror?
6:45 🇦🇱 with Plisa.
This aren‘t sllavs at all. Dont fake history.
Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
@@pawprints5593 On what drugs are you ?
Young nation???
These are Ottoman Turks
All the writing is backwards as is the insignia on the policeman. Seems that the wrong side of the film is being projected.
"Young nation"? Mate our nation is more than 12 centuries old. " The First Serbian Principality was established in the 8th century by the Vlastimirovići dynasty ruling over modern-day Montenegro, Bosnia, Dalmatia, and Serbia."
Where are the thombs of Vlastimirovic rulers?
Mir ist es aufgefallen, dass es aus damaliger Zeit, relativ gesehen, von Serbien recht viele Aufnahmen gibt. Dafür, dass das Land damals nicht so technisch entwickelt war. Woran könnte es liegen? Zufall oder wurden die meisten Archive westlicher Länder im 2. Weltkrieg vernichtet?
I Srbija je uništena u drugom svjetskom ratu, Beograd u bombardovanju sav porušen a devet stote godine ni druge zemlje nisu bile nešto razvijene, Balkan je bio razvijeniji od njih.
Das liegt daran, das durch die gewonnene Unabhängigkeit durch die Balkankriege und WW1 ein gewisser Progress, ähnlich einer kulturellen Renaissance herrschte. Belgrad war einer der ersten Städte, in denen die Brüder Lumiere Filmvorführungen machten. Die Universitäten waren mehr als solide, die russische Diaspora, die vor den Rotarmisten flohen, brachten zusätzlich Knowhow und Kreativität ins Spiel. Die serbische Gesellschaft war inspiriert durch deutsche Technologie, französische Kunst und russischer Seele. So ein kleines Land mit einem ungemeinen großen Erbe, besonders was moderne Literatur und Poesie angeht. Manchmal habe ich das Gefühl, dass das literarische und künstlerische Schaffen in dieser hohen Dichte dieses kleine Land einzigartig machen
Serbien war von allen Seiten ein bedrohtes Land, was immer wieder von Großmächten angegriffen wurde. Das Land hat trotz allem das "Genie aller Zeiten" hervorgebracht. Nikola Tesla hat der Welt ein funktionierendes Wechselsromsystem geliefert. Damit hat er der gesamten Welt Wohlstand beschert. Unter seinen ca. 800 Patenten gibt es Erfindungen, ohne die das gesamte heutige Telekommunikationsnetz nicht funktionieren würde. Er hat den remote control erfunden und das Radio.
Serbien hat prozentual zu seiner Bevölkerung mehr schlaue Köpfe hervorgebracht als manch große und reiche Länder. Mileva Marić die erste Frau von Albert Einstein hat einen großen Mitwirkungsanteil an der Relativitätstheorie. Sie war die Mathematikerin und er der Physiker. Milutin Milanković muss man auch unbedingt erwähnen. Die Milanković Zyklen waren bahnbrechend in der Klimaforschung und für die Wetterprognosen auf dem Planeten. Diese werden z. B. auch heute in keinem Klimamodell des Weltklimarates berücksichtigt. Doch viele Klimaforscher vertreten die These, dass die Sonne einen Hauptanteil an Klimaveränderungen trägt und nicht die Treibhausgase. Serbien kann zurecht stolz sein auf seine Menschen. Sie sind eines der zähsten und willenstärksten, sowie freiheitsliebenden Menschen in Europa.
Serbia was poor then ,its just went try 3 wars from (1912-1918 ) in which it lost majority off men population .But they were poor but were making some great looking buildings. There are lot off photos ,just not in west media , i my self have tons off family photos from beginning off 20 century
@rachelrachel5513 At the april 6th 1941. Belgrade was bombarded by Luftwaffe and in bombardment The National Library was destroyed with many unique documents and books. Majority of films and photographs which are available nowadays are from private collections and the rest are from official domestic and foreign archives.
It's not "restored" if it's recolored.
Da li ovo treba da gledamo u ogledalu, zašto je sve naopačke?
What a young nation you are, the Serbs have lived here for 10 centuries, you've got something mixed up ! It's England you have a young one !
Све је то изгинуло драги мој народе у првом и другом рату. Запад нас је уништио. Можемо само плакати док гледамо ове предивне слајдове. Мир Божији Христос се роди. Амин
@@snezanapetrovic5189 ,
Znaš onu staru Bosansku : " Ko se mača laća ....!!!👋✍️🫅😜😭
@@tvrtkoprvi7219 То ти најбоље знаш као "хрватско цвијеће"
Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
@@snezanapetrovic5189 ,
Već 200 godina ste ekstremno genocidni i zločinački nastrojeni tako da svako novorođeno dijete nosi pečat genocidnosti ,što uz dodatno vaspitanje stvara monstrume kao onaj vaš ubica i debil KK !!!✍️👋😜💥🫅
@@snezanapetrovic5189 ,
Zločinački,genocidni narod u kratkim crtama ,etiketa za sva vremena !!!✍️👋🫅
We've lost a lot of buildings in WW 1 and especially in WW 2, so not all buildings remained... a fraction did.
Super belle merci Belgrade d'exister ❤❤❤01/2025
If there was a recording from the 1800,there would be hundreds of mosques too.
Taken from Eye Amsterdam?
4:45 "By the way, the city centre has the same appearance as western European cities." Dutch, mirrored.
Daj od*ebi više sa svojim komentarima...
Pre 130 godina napravljena ovakva zgrada vlade bez mehanizaciju,kao i železnička stanica i pruga za Niš,danas ukinut voz na izgrađenog pruži i smatra se uspehom.......
5:12 - Men with mobile phone😅 He is From future. Look!
young nation? counting 7532 years YURRR!
What?! 🤣🤣🤣
@@nusproizvodjach Serbian people and our church have the oldest calendar. It is believed to be kept since the Great biblical flood or so.
@@dragana2245 Ahahahahahhaa, ok 😂😂😂
@@nusproizvodjachlepenski vir, vinca culture
@@MagicMiso Kakve to veze ima sa srpskom nacijom?
Serbia existed since 7th century,it was Empire from 1346-1371 and it fell under Ottomans in 1456 and was fored again in 19th century
Serbia? Looks like Turks
The fact that we were liberated from Ottoman occupation only in the 19th century does not make us a "young nation". Our ancestors have lived on this land for hundreds of years. Under the Serbian name, for over 1000 years. Throughout our history, we have had periods of occupation but also periods of independent statehood. Our cities have often been larger and more organized than many of your capitals. For example, the city of Novo Brdo, which in the 15th century was larger than your London. And more developed of course. We are currently under your occupation. But I have no doubt that we will be free again.
Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
@@pawprints5593you're absolutely so right!
All their history is based on lies, even today they continue to lie as always...just read if you want and have a little time about the "lie" what is for Serbian people - father of their nation Dobrica Cosic wrote in his book!!! Read below about this:
"We (Serbs) lie to deceive ourselves, to comfort another; we lie out of shame, to encourage, to hide our misery, we lie for the sake of honesty. We lie for the sake of freedom. A lie is a form of Serbian patriotism and a confirmation of our innate intelligence. We lie creatively, imaginatively, inventively.“
"A lie is a Serbian national interest.“
“A lie is in the very being of a Serb.”
“In this country, every lie eventually becomes the truth“.
“Serbs have been saved by lies so many times in history…”
Znas I Sam da lazes...citaj Malo oca tvog naroda D. Cosica sta je za vas laz,,,on morao je ostaviti to da nasledujete kao istorijsku kletvu za sve sto ste pocinili na ovim krajevima...valjda ga je pre nego sto je crko zagrizla ga savest, jer je on jedan od glavnih sto je progurao te lazi,,,zajedno sa vama!!! Jadni ste!
For the first time in history was created Kingdom of Karadjordjevic family by concessions to moscovia after otoman-russian wars in 1867..
Serbia never existed before 1878. Not one of the “so called Serbian” Nemanjići even called themselves Serbs. The Nemanići were Catholic Slavs whom Rastko Sava Nemanić, a local warlord who after a trip to Constantinople forced his own family to convert to orthodoxy in the 13th century (whose family, just as all the families in that area at the time, were all Roman Catholic) He forced his peasant constituents and the people of his other brothers and family’s domain to convert as well doing so with burning entire villages. His father Stefan and Brothers all received crowns from the Pope which he later made them return in exchange for Byzantine crowns. After this the “Rasčani”, as they all became to be known and named after Rastko Sava Nemanjjć, the convert went on to be vassals of the Hungarians. The term Servus or Servi was the Latin term used for all orthodox Christians but it was somewhat derogatory. After the Turks used it incessantly for 500 years during their rule over the Raščani it lost its derogatory meaning and is still used today.
About Croats and their country, which they enjoy now and received when Serbs liberated them, as well as your invented history and invented rulers and kings:
About your kings, information can be found only on Wikipedia and UA-cam, but not in relevant historical records.
1) No one knows where these so-called Croatian kings are buried.
2) No one knows the names or origins of their wives.
3) No one knows the names of their children.
4) In Almanach de Gotha (German: Gothaischer Hofkalender), a directory of Europe's royalty and higher nobility, Croatian nobles and kings do not exist; or when Croatia is mentioned, it is only as a region of the Austrian or Hungarian kingdom.
Your last king and ruler who freed you from Austro-Hungarian rule was Serbian King Karadjordjevic.
Have some respect.
How these poor peasants defeated the Empire in WW1?
They were "poor" by modern standards, but they had everything that they needed back then. You should read Herbert Vivian's book "Serbia. A Poor Man's Paradise" (in Serbian published as "Serbia. Raj siromašnih"). A Briton, he visited Serbia in the last decade of 19th century. Basically he concluded that, even in some ways poor country, there were no hungry, no homeless people in Serbia, and the condition of living standards for an average Serbian peasant was better then for a regular British worker at that time.
@@MacakPodSIjemom Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
@@pawprints5593bull shit Anglosaxen kichen
So sad. This is 1922, and most people on the street were old because between 1914 and 1918 (World War I), Serbia lost 60% of its male population in such a heroic war against all odds.
keep your hands from us!
Београд: ua-cam.com/video/hb6XcRb6I_Q/v-deo.html
Slavic nations are somewhat ancient, but the Serbian people today are very young compared to other nations. The Serbs, or Serbi, emerged only in 1878 when the Russians no longer wanted to deal with the Bulgarians as they began to align with Western countries. In response, they invented the Serbian nation to maintain some influence in the Balkans. The Serbi or Serbs, to this day, do not possess a single document written in the Serbian language that is older than 250 years, since only a small state called Serbia was formed. As a state, it needed a history, which it did not have, so it had to borrow from the indigenous people, such as the Albanians. That is why Serbian historians have many issues trying to consolidate that truth, which they have somewhat managed, but when it came to the Albanian language and the white cap, it could not be hidden, and this has always been a problem with so-called historians. Thus, the name Srb (SERV) then did not refer to an entity but to the Orthodox faith, confirmed by Stojan Novakovic (1842-1915). That means all members of various entities of the Orthodox faith were called Servi or Serbs today. Back then, there was no entity; only the faith was important. Russian diplomat Gliferdin stated that until the 19th century, all nations of the Orthodox faith were called Servi-Vuk Karadzic in 1834 instructed Njegos to pave the way for the naming of the entity as SERBS. Simo Matavulj, in the book Notes of a Writer, says, "Serbs were called Orthodox and not Serbs (Turks say djur, meaning Christians), which applied to every entity djur-serb." Today, Serbia has become a territory.
Ja te molim da ne lupas molim te
@@draganjevtic4068 Živimo u vremenu gde se inteligentni ljudi ućutkuju kako glupi ljudi ne bi bili uvređeni.
BEOGRAD mean's white city 🇲🇰💖💕...
Wieso schauen diese Leute wie Türken aus? 😮
Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Za vas bi bilo najbolje da ste poslije 500 godina pod Osmanlijama tamo i ostali.To bi bilo prirodno okruženje.Svi narodi u vašoj okolini izbjegli bi strahote koje ste im priredili od tada.
Stop putting talibans as thumbnails
Belgrade had more mosques than Sarajevo
Dirt roads and horses and a people completely disconnected to the buildings and infrastructure an erased history only preserved by this film
TURKEY had a lot influence in this region.
Belgrad 1900 ,80 % population Albanian. ,,,
Pravi Vlahaluk.
Serbia disttroi holl stori ilirian allbania shem from sllavs
None of them are alive today.
danas gradom setaju dosle iz HR i BiH,kosova,e to je napravila politika velike srbije
TIme Travel Zoooooom
Terrible colorization. Serbs have olive green uniforms. Also we are not young nation. Americans are young nation. Serbia is more than 1200 years old.
Serbs date on the Balkan for thousands of years even Jewish history recognizes it .
1. This video is a montage, it has nothing to do with reality. 2. Turkey did not influence Serbia, but vice versa. These inserted scenes are probably from Turkey. In Serbia, they learned not to be the primitives they were. 3. Serbia has the oldest civilization in the world, Lepenski Vir. When Serbia had multi-story houses, the rest of Europe was a swamp. The genetics of the white race is haplogroup I, which is Serbian. All whites come from Serbs!
Stop it, get some help. Serbs were 80% illiterate in the early 20th century.
You need help. I haven't read such a bunch of nonsense in a long time.
😂😂😂😂😂 idi traži prađeda u Tursku!
@@IMT539GTIтражи ти. Турци су пореклом из Африке, црна раса. Ако не видиш, узми наочаре, ја сам припадница беле расе.
When you go to Serbia you will notice that majority of the people are quite dark with black hair and dark eyes, they look often like Turks pretty much or even like Arabs sometimes. But yes they are classified as white in general. Serbian language has a Slavic core but it's very heavily influenced by Turkish language. In Serbian language there are about 8500 Turkish loanwords and 7500 - 8000 words are still in use nowadays. Serbian cuisine is heavily influenced by Turkish/Ottoman cuisine and most of their "national" dishes are of Turkish origin. Serbian music is also influenced a lot by Turkish rhymes especially the folk music, also the nowadays popular genre of music called turbofolk sounds often quite Turkish as well. And I could go on and on....
Boze mili jedni odu drugi se radjaju sve se izmjeni ali sada ?????
Zivela Srbija
They look turks 😂
Да ли ја изгледам као туркиња? Турци имају тамну боју коже. Ово је монтажа а ви наивни падате као и увек на пропаганду.
U tom Beogradu kadasu gospoda koristila zlatne Kasike i Viljuske wvropljani jeli rukama i spaljivali Vestice😂😂😂
Veoma "originalan i duhovit" komentar. A onda je vlast Slobodana Miloševića učinila da potomci te gospode rasprodaju te zlatne escajge za 1DM i kupe brašno, mese hleb, peku ga (kada ima struje) a oni što su jeli rukama (mada ja tvrdim da se jede ustima) i spaljivali veštice (a to je bilo 1600tih kada Beograd zapravo nije ni postojao nego je samo bilo neko utvrđeno zdanje) slali su nam humanitarnu pomoć, ako se dobro seċam?
Jadna majko,kao da je snimano u ruralnoj Turskoj.....
ovo nema veze sa Beogradom 1922 godine .
@@DraganPaunovic-w5o ima ima
Literally turkey. Looks like an islamic nation lol
Монтажа! Ово је Београд: ua-cam.com/video/hb6XcRb6I_Q/v-deo.html
@@AndjelaAndjicwhere are you from
Tu srbije i srba nema sve muslimani pa ste ih zatrali
Види се да си ти фали даска у главе!
Ko te to uci mrznji. Ovo je mnogo posle oslobodjenja od turaka pa svi zive zajedno. Postoje i srbi muslimani ako nisye znali a mnogi hriscani su se tad oblacili u tu nisnju koja se sad smatra samo muslimanskom i arnautskom. Itekako su srbi nosili one vele kapoce keceve i fesove pa i turbane
Beograd 1904. godine - ua-cam.com/video/bC6WHqMzWJM/v-deo.html
tebi je jado genetski mozak zatran
Nasi Srbi Muslimani i nije ih niko "zatro".
Kakva propaganda, pa tada je bio više odmanlijski grad, s nekoliko desetaka džamija!
Au koja kasabina
Ne prdi
@@Vojislava-m9w prdi ti keva 🤣
i ostala
Looks like Islamic country
Now no
Ово је монтажа! Ево Београда: ua-cam.com/video/hb6XcRb6I_Q/v-deo.html
Tursko albanski grad...
Anal - bania = turkeys scumbag
You are not right, firstly, the Serbian nation was not created after the First World War, and secondly, it is not true that Belgrade remained intact, i.e. its buildings, Belgrade was very much destroyed in the bombing in April 1941 by the Germans!
all Turks here ! not one single serb.😂
5:48 Nikola Jokić's great grand father
Das its eine lüge
Genocidni Beograd i Genocidna Srbija ,konačno su dobili i zvaničnu potvrdu od UNa ,vrlo pohvalno !!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ја као Српкиња ни мало то не подржавам или величам, (само мали мозгови би...) чак шта више, и Срби су страдали по Сребреници итд.
To su ti poklonili američki cionisti
@@stormdancer25 ,
Ma ne, to su učinili genocidni Srbi !!!😜😜😜😜👋👋👋👋✍️✍️✍️✍️🫅🫅🫅🫅
@stormdancer25 ,
Ma ne to je rezultat srbijanskih nekontroliranih genocidnih nagona !!!?✍️✍️🫅🫅👋👋😜😜😜
@@stormdancer25 ,
Ma kakvi ,sve je to rezultat srpskih masovnih zločina i genocida ,neotkrivenih zločinačkih jama ,silovanja ,masovnih ubistva žena,djece i civila što ste uglavnom specijalizirali kao i ovi današnji cionistički ,fašistički ćifuti !!👋👋😜😜✍️✍️✍️🫅