➡ They are war heroes in their own country. War criminals to the rest of the world. The men who joined up to defend the Serb nation and fought proudly in the notorious paramilitary group, Arkan’s Tigers, never accepted that they did anything wrong. What has become of these men? Many went on to join the Serbian mafia, trafficking drugs, women and arms into Europe. In the years of sanctions after the war, the mafia offered a way of avoiding economic disaster. Other Tiger members were recruited into the state security force, where one went on to assassinate Serbian Prime Minister, Zoran Dindic. And others remained at home, reminiscing of past glories and preparing for the next time they need to defend their motherland…
@@jovicatrpcevski209they could beat all of them they had all the weapons the newborn countries wasn't recognized yet and could import weapons so easily but the reality is that Serbian elite conspired with organized crime so they wouldn't be overthrown like in other communist country's serbia is the only communist state that communism didn't fall it transformed to nationalism through war
@@renaldmecollari3226 They ( that is, the Serbian politicians ) were the ones who ultimately exposed Communism for what it has always been : Fascism without Fascism's ability to make the trains run on time, as Robert D. Kaplan said in 'Balkan Ghosts.'
Albanian here. I just wanna say that i have worked with a lot of Serbian guys in Europe in legal and illegal business and they were great people and respectful. I have only been scammed by my fellow Albanians, never by Serbs. Besides all, we have a lot in common, more than you think. I will visit Belgrade soon. I think it's a great city. ( All Balkans is great and safe compared to the shithole called "west")
In Paris, LA, & Berlin, women are not dirt poor like they are in Belgrade, so nearly all of them own cars in which to drive home, compared with a tiny % of the ppl in Belgrade
@@bigmedgei can smell your insecurity through my phone bruv. You are in every comment defending western cities like your father built them.Serbia and BG living in your head rent free and I like it😬🤣
I as a Croatian will be the first one to call bullshit on this documentary, it is sooo obvious they wanted to portray serbs as evil, which is not the case whatsoever. The nicest and most welcoming people ever, including towards me with my Zagreb accent. I fucking love serbia and the people in it. Big hearted people. People are so misled and shitty documentaries like this one are to be blamed
Mario, I am an albanian. Now I live in UK. 30 years ago i had the chance to work with Serbs and kosovans in Italy, almost two years. Kosovans are liars and thieves. Serbs were nice, loyal and straight forward people. Never had they animosity towards the Albanians from Albania. Without Kosovo, Balkans would have been in Peace
@@greekscenarist oh I see so Serbia is a closed state now, like the old fashioned fashioned communist ways of the first part of the 20th century. Backward thinking and nationalist in its ideas, it’s no wonder the gangsters flourish in Serbia. You belong in a different era from the modern humans.
I grew up around allot of Serbs in Stockholm. If you are their friend... they have your back no matter what. Loyal and allot.of fun to be around. They all have a little bit crazy, macho-men in them, especially when they drink. But RESPECT is a major, major thing in Serbian culture. They will kill for it.
I lived in serbia for almost 3 years , never experienced anything bad , you can even walk 3am , 2am , any time no one will bother you , i love serbia ❤❤❤
Im originally from Croatia but for the last 8 years live in the US. I have a serbian wife and we go back home often, but back home is starting to be Belgrade for me more so than Zagreb lately. Reason is, much better people in Serbia, just plain nice and welcoming. I love it there!
@@abdelsalammohamed149 because muslims were attacking villages surrounding Srebrenica in the years before the Serbs finally decided to take revenge. Naser Oric killed women, children in villages on Orthodox Christmas and then retreated back to Srebrenica, which was a UN safe zone at the time.
@@abdelsalammohamed149Very probably It was killed jihadists brought there for a press parade of ms media... all of them military age men terrorising serbian civilians under Orič command... if you believe srebrenica, rather take another booster and watch "news" 24/7...all they say is +- A big fat LIE - So you also believe that destroying half of mahreb was a good thing done for a good reasons, right?...
@@Rainman63x погледајте ово. уметник из Аустрије са смешним брковима борио се за немачку војску у том рату и осећао је да се немачки народ грубо третира зато што је на страни губитника. то је оно што га је навело да настави да чини све врсте зверстава.
Yeah I’m American too and never cared for Serbia or Slavs but why would you call an entire nation the black hole of Europe to start your program?? Ridiculous
50% of talking in this documentary is not translated correctly and is translated wrong Somebody trying to make Serbian people look bad . That’s not nice
Bro for you all who watch this, JAVA Discover not operated by the Javanese (Indonesian), its account youtube channel from France, Dont misunderstood.. Peace Greetings from Indonesia to all Serbian or all Yugoslavian❤ i dont know why why this account named Java discover..
terima kasih atas informasinya. itu benar ,saluran ini tidak terhubung dengan Pulau Jawa Indonesia. Juga video ini tidak mendekati kebenaran. mengatakan orang Serbia yang tinggal di Jogja, lahir di Yugoslavia, tumbuh di Beograd selama 1980-90. Salam hormat dan matur nuwun
What is a typical western documentary? The Western documentary has correct investigative journalism at it's core, a Serbian documentary at it's core has the state of Serbia reviewing the material before it airs! Fascist state!
It is very intriguing to know, if these cartels and smugglers are as rich as they are made out to be, what is in it for them, with these exposures to journalists?
They provide protection and security for the political party’s also they get the green light doing favors for Serbian spy agency’s also at the end of the doco the ones who go to arkans grave run the whole show but nothing is ever connected to them
@@eacamo2986please tell me what country you're from. Serbian constitution was the first to abolish slavery. Serbia always fought on the side of the allies. Where are you from, sir?
Just so you know, Arkan and his gang were broken up in Croatia, after the war conflicts they fled on tractors in front of the Croatian fighters. Ordinary cowards
Croats in the surrounding areas of Vukovar and also Brcko were terrified of Arkan. Arkan's fighters had more success in the battles of Vukovar than any other fighting force at the time. Towards the end when sanctions were wearing out Serbia it became easier for Croatia to expel the Serb civilians. So who is the coward? Arkan's men who fought against actual soldiers or those Croats who only know how to brag about expelling a bunch of civilians?
Nothing happens in a vacuum - everything has its causation! Serbia became an independent country during the civil war(s) in the '90s. That civil war was instigated by the west, which have destroyed Yugoslavian economy and turning the entire country into the chaotic pile of rubble. That war and subsequent sanctions on Serbia gave rise to various mafia groups, black-marketing, weapons and drugs smuggling. It was the struggle for basic survival and everyone tried the best way they can to make a living and avoid starvation!
Those criminals you speak of only stood up to the real big warmongering criminals from Washington and London and today we can look back at their crimes in Yugoslavia the Middle East and in many other places on earth as described in the book Economic Hitmen and The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein as well as in the books of Noam Chomsky..
Serbia or Albania is the black hole?? Serbia did not foment this conflict and Albanian weapons flooded the market at least 10 years before the Balkan events.
Is it just me, or anyone else remembers when Serbian government fired most of Kosovar professors from Pristina University and Kosovar students boycotted the University in early 80's?
I grew up with serbs here in the USA but they are mostly hard working and veey honorable ppl. But that was way back in the day. Too see this is hard breaking.
@@beltigussin81I have a Serb tell me that Arkan family are like the Kardashian of Serbia If the youth of Serbia look up to them like a celebrities how can you say that most Serb are not like this?
Arkan died just as he lived - evidence that there is justice in this world, however crude it may be. From the time that Serbia won its independence from the Ottoman Empire in the 1870’s the Serbs have always thought that they have the right to dominate and subjugate the other southern Slavic ethnic groups - whether they be Croats, Bosniaks, Slovenes, Macedonians, or Montenegrins. And if they have to use gangsters like Arkan in order to do that they are okay with that. There are even some Serbs today who would love to reconquer Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Montenegro. May their plans fail miserably.
Serbs won independence for all those so called nations you outlined too. Serbs are also autochthonous people of all those territories too. I don’t agree with crime but I agree even less with some bullshit revisionist cnn type history.
the funny thing is they all basically the same people especially the Croats same language same dna yet they think they are different devide and conquer
It is only ignorance to think bad about any nation. I mean you can think bad about Serbs, I don't mind. I know that there is no bad nation and all are similar to each other. Haters are the same everywhere
Clean your backyard..Serbia is peacefull country,safe.Not killings,not mass shootings,you can leave your kid outside nobody going to touch her or him,you can drink coffe on gas station,nobody masacre you..Clean your backyard,you are full of problems.
Serbian forces controlled over 70% of Bosnia until NATO intervened. But even despite NATO's efforts, Serbs still control approximately one half of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the entity that is Republika Srpska. Drina river is not so much a border as it is the spine between Serbian lands.
@@dragojevdic994 I know first hand what was there , who was there and the atrocities committed. The first weapon i had was a 12 gauge CZ, it was my only weapon for more than 3 months.
@SteveRadich1928 oh yeh the atrocities huh? What were they and where were you? Do you know how many innocent Serbs were driven out of there homes and Muslims and Croats would destroy Serb towns and then lie with pictures and say that it's their towns being destroyed.
I just watched a video that reminded me of the unimaginable horrors my people endured during the war in Kosovo. It showed the atrocities committed by Serbian forces, led by people like Arkan, whose name has become synonymous with terror. Over 20,000 women and girls were raped-used as weapons of war to break the spirit of families and entire communities. Thousands of men, women, and children were massacred in cold blood, their bodies dumped in mass graves or burned to destroy the evidence. There are chilling accounts of Albanians being tortured, even slaughtered, and their remains desecrated in ways that defy humanity. These were not isolated incidents. This was a calculated campaign to erase us as a people, to destroy our identity and our will to survive. Families were torn apart, homes burned to the ground, and generations left with scars that may never heal. It’s crucial to never forget these crimes. We owe it to the victims, to their families, and to future generations to speak the truth and ensure justice is served. History must not be rewritten, and the voices of those silenced must continue to be heard.
@@Brave2standalone Maybe from Krajina,but from Istria where I was born and Dalmatia and Zagreb noobady was expelled. The ones that worked against Croatian government where expelled. Many left voluntarily spec the military officers,but the ones that wanted to stay and not fight against Croatia had no issue.
They are just people doing right for their own people. You can not judge the actions because in their shoes hopefully you would do the same. They love their country and you have to respect that. We don't have to agree but we have to respect
Znaci po tebi ovo nista nije istina? Stadion je bitan? Na kraju krajeva, skokni ti do Pariza, pa da vidimo dts ces da razaznas. Elem, ne ulazim u to da li su likovi pravi ili su samo u vezi za potrebe videa, ali je zabrinjavajuce to sto so napisao. Druzee porodica ex ministra policije sa bog zna kakvom diplomom i nadenutim doktoratom trguje oruzjem... Da nisam iz Srbije mozda bih ti i poverovao... Ovako ostsje zal za time dts imamo i kako se prema njemu ponasamo i cenimo...
All similar to Russian . With this kind of attitude no further development , this is the road into third world countries status!!! No wander there is no progress!!!!
No wonder there is no progress? "IMF projections show that by 2026, Serbia will become the largest economy among the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, while by 2029 it will further increase the gap in its favor simultaneously consolidating its position as the most powerful economy among the former Yugoslav Republics. The Serbian economy will be worth $116 billion in 2029. Measured by purchasing power parity, the Serbian economy has been the largest among the former Yugoslav Republics since 2008. Serbia's net debt is currently below 60% of GDP defined by the Maastricht criteria as the upper limit of an acceptable level. Moving towards 2029, the IMF projects that Serbia's net debt will remain the second lowest among the countries of the former Yugoslavia and among the lowest net debts in all of Europe at 41.7% in relation to its GDP.[40] The gross debt position will also remain the second lowest among the former Yugoslav states and among the lowest on the old continent. In dynamics, gross debt will continue to decline from the current 49% to 46% of GDP by 2029. The average growth of Serbia's GDP in the last five years was 4% per year. GDP structure by sector is: services 67.9%, industry 26.1%, agriculture 6.0%." Compare that to the EU now and tell me again, whos making progress and who isnt.
Reading the comments, you guys just saved me an hour of my time yet I will say this....let the West do as they like with the Propaganda. Living in Australia which is now a 3rd world country cos of the Africans, Chinese and Indians etc......the more Serbia is seen as a bad place, the fewer immigrants from 3rd world countries will want to relocate and this way, we keep our country and culture. Kultura u Australia je mrtva. Australia kao zemlja je unistena. Bjelci jedva ima. Sidnej je sad 30% Kineza i 10-15% Indianci ko smrde i ne tusaraju se. Arogantni i bez postovanje, pa neka ovaki video nastavi tako da mi ne izgubimo nasu zemlju kao sto je vec Australia. Kazem vama, neka oni da nastave lose govoriti o nama i neka da mi znamo istinu i da je nasa tiha tajna...neka Srbija da ostane Srbija, prije sto je pre kasno.......znam zbog moj iskustvo u Sidneju gde jos zivim i odselim se Srbiji.
Impressive documentary. The very interesting topic of Serbian mafias explained in parallel to the history of the dissolution of Yugoslavia. Sometimes you forget that you are watching a mafia documentary because it dives so deeply into the events surrounding the 1990s civil war and its political aftermath.
@@bezzenickno they didn't it was a civil war, there was no mobilisation in Serbia nothing, Bosnians wanted a muslim state, Serbs and Croats didn't agree.
@@sanethehappypill you dont understand that all these channels buy the rights to post the docs do you? not one of them are the orginal creators they just publishers who bought the rights its so hard to get that
Vast majority of the Red Star fans didn't support Milosevic, in fact his support came from basically a portion of the elderly people that kept voting for him and if not for all the wars, rigging the elections and beating protesters for about 10 years he wouldn't have stayed in power for such a long time, he was allowed to stay exactly as much as the West wanted him to and regular people in Serbia couldn't do anything about it.
As a guy who visited Serbia many times, it is very much a crime state where criminals and police seem to be cooperating. But as long you do not do anything stupid, nothing will probably happen to you
Can the west just let us alone? It happened once and it’s over thank God, but can you just let us alone because it makes us look like the worst people possible even tho we aren’t, the west doesn’t know anything about Serbia and Serbs, only about what happened 30 years ago. And we weren’t the only ones to do bad stuff and they keep just talking about us. It’s a shame that they hate us the most for some reason
I work with a lot of Serbs here in Norway and they are all nice af, and are always up for a laugh. Also, if Arkan was the best, then why did he get caught all the time?
Arkan was not a war criminal. And the fact you wrote "the rest of the world consider him a war criminal" has absolutely no valor since: Is not the rest of the world who consider him like that but the onces who were in fact in war with serbia, that means the whole NATO.
Kako nije bio? Radio za BIU kao i svaki ozbiljan krimos u 90te,bio je mozda jedini lik koji se ponosio i hvalio da radi za iste.😂 BIA dozvolila i oduzela.
Lmao what in the methylated spirits have you been drinking? He wasn’t a war criminal? 😂 was he considered a hard working class citizen who caused no harm to the people of Bosnia?
You don`t need documentaries like this. Just watch "Serbian movie" and everything will be clear. A lot of bad energy is coming from this Mordor, 500 years under Ottomans left a lot of trauma.
Lži ktoré propagujete nemajú hraníc!! Srbi sú hrdinovia a najviac skúšaný národ! Napriek týmto neprávostiam sú plný lásky a nikdy nedám dopustiť aby sa im krivdilo! Živela Srbija!!! Sláva Bohu všemohúcemu na nebesiach a hrdinskemu Srbskému ľudu na zemi!!! Pozdrav zo Slovenska ❤☦️❤️🇷🇸❤️🇸🇰
➡ They are war heroes in their own country. War criminals to the rest of the world. The men who joined up to defend the Serb nation and fought proudly in the notorious paramilitary group, Arkan’s Tigers, never accepted that they did anything wrong. What has become of these men?
Many went on to join the Serbian mafia, trafficking drugs, women and arms into Europe. In the years of sanctions after the war, the mafia offered a way of avoiding economic disaster. Other Tiger members were recruited into the state security force, where one went on to assassinate Serbian Prime Minister, Zoran Dindic. And others remained at home, reminiscing of past glories and preparing for the next time they need to defend their motherland…
They kicked ass everywhere they went, only to have Serbian politicians undermine everything they fought for.
Kind of like the Nazis in Germany from 1933-1945.
I'm thinking more like US 'Nam vets - that makes more sense. When it comes to nationalism, the Croats got the Serbs beat, as one of my uncles told me.
@@jovicatrpcevski209they could beat all of them they had all the weapons the newborn countries wasn't recognized yet and could import weapons so easily but the reality is that Serbian elite conspired with organized crime so they wouldn't be overthrown like in other communist country's serbia is the only communist state that communism didn't fall it transformed to nationalism through war
@@renaldmecollari3226 They ( that is, the Serbian politicians ) were the ones who ultimately exposed Communism for what it has always been : Fascism without Fascism's ability to make the trains run on time, as Robert D. Kaplan said in 'Balkan Ghosts.'
I felt safer walking in the Bosnian mine fields then in the streets of Paris, London or Brussels.
Tako je
Thank you 🇷🇸
hahahah doslovno
Everywhere in Europe is soft.
I'm Macedonian and the black hole in Europe is France
Така е, брат
They are going down and looking who to blame 😂😂😂
So if Americans looking to travel abroad should skip Europe and look to Asia or South America?
You are what?😂
Albanian here. I just wanna say that i have worked with a lot of Serbian guys in Europe in legal and illegal business and they were great people and respectful.
I have only been scammed by my fellow Albanians, never by Serbs. Besides all, we have a lot in common, more than you think.
I will visit Belgrade soon. I think it's a great city. ( All Balkans is great and safe compared to the shithole called "west")
Thank you 🇷🇸
Ani shqipe ani
@@traelznanen atina mut
resprect brother
As an Albanian i agree there are bad and good people in every country
A woman can go home in saturday night alone with no problem in Belgrade, so in Paris, Bern, Berlin, L.A, London, she can only dream.
In Paris, LA, & Berlin, women are not dirt poor like they are in Belgrade, so nearly all of them own cars in which to drive home, compared with a tiny % of the ppl in Belgrade
@@bigmedgei can smell your insecurity through my phone bruv. You are in every comment defending western cities like your father built them.Serbia and BG living in your head rent free and I like it😬🤣
To be fair, LA county alone has 4x the population . I'd argue you view the population with the same size and population . Try Vermont.
@@mijobuckic2175 acknowledging obvious & irrefutable facts is not an insecurity, bruv
I as a Croatian will be the first one to call bullshit on this documentary, it is sooo obvious they wanted to portray serbs as evil, which is not the case whatsoever. The nicest and most welcoming people ever, including towards me with my Zagreb accent. I fucking love serbia and the people in it. Big hearted people. People are so misled and shitty documentaries like this one are to be blamed
Agreed. I've spent quite a bit of time there, and the people are awesome.
Thay killed lots of people in balcans, is that a propaganda. I'm Sure if you gow to Germany to day you will Feel much comfortable to.
I didn't expect that from a Croat. Never, ever! Nice comment, Mario. Greetings from Portugal.
Mario, I am an albanian. Now I live in UK. 30 years ago i had the chance to work with Serbs and kosovans in Italy, almost two years.
Kosovans are liars and thieves. Serbs were nice, loyal and straight forward people. Never had they animosity towards the Albanians from Albania.
Without Kosovo, Balkans would have been in Peace
I felt more safe in Belgrade, Serbia than in Los Angeles. Just saying.
Right…American cities are 3rd world countries. Western media is delusional
Try being a Bosnian Muslim in Belgrade, I bet you wouldn’t feel so safe then.
@@jonriley8342 well tbh bosnian muslim has no business being in Belgrade
@@greekscenarist oh I see so Serbia is a closed state now, like the old fashioned fashioned communist ways of the first part of the 20th century. Backward thinking and nationalist in its ideas, it’s no wonder the gangsters flourish in Serbia. You belong in a different era from the modern humans.
@@greekscenaristit’s very safe living next to kremlin or in Beijing
I grew up around allot of Serbs in Stockholm. If you are their friend... they have your back no matter what. Loyal and allot.of fun to be around. They all have a little bit crazy, macho-men in them, especially when they drink. But RESPECT is a major, major thing in Serbian culture. They will kill for it.
First vide Serbian Orthodox Church..documentary full of hate, set up propaganda..😢Leave Serbian alone watch your backyard.
I lived in serbia for almost 3 years , never experienced anything bad , you can even walk 3am , 2am , any time no one will bother you , i love serbia ❤❤❤
Serbian people are nice and peacefully
I am Greek and I do not support the stereotype from West about Serbia.
typical western bro😂
Your nations are united by the religion and against albanians that’s why you don’t support the stereotype.
Im originally from Croatia but for the last 8 years live in the US. I have a serbian wife and we go back home often, but back home is starting to be Belgrade for me more so than Zagreb lately. Reason is, much better people in Serbia, just plain nice and welcoming. I love it there!
Did you watch the video? Because it seems that you are supporting organize crime, not Serbia.
Serbia is a great nation of brave people! Much love and respect to our Serbian brothers and sisters from 💙💛❤️
Thank you 🇷🇸
Who did carry out the genocide in Srebrenica then?
@@abdelsalammohamed149 because muslims were attacking villages surrounding Srebrenica in the years before the Serbs finally decided to take revenge. Naser Oric killed women, children in villages on Orthodox Christmas and then retreated back to Srebrenica, which was a UN safe zone at the time.
Thank you sister and we love Romania , our best neighbor!
@@abdelsalammohamed149Very probably It was killed jihadists brought there for a press parade of ms media... all of them military age men terrorising serbian civilians under Orič command... if you believe srebrenica, rather take another booster and watch "news" 24/7...all they say is +- A big fat LIE - So you also believe that destroying half of mahreb was a good thing done for a good reasons, right?...
Some of the footage has not been translated correctly!!
“The black whole of Europe” This is nonsense…
Cheap way to get views…
јеси ли ти случајно Србин? није ли први светски рат почео у србији која је у теорији била место где је почео други
@@ST3PH3NBLUND3TT0 Sta pricas ti?
@@Rainman63x погледајте ово. уметник из Аустрије са смешним брковима борио се за немачку војску у том рату и осећао је да се немачки народ грубо третира зато што је на страни губитника. то је оно што га је навело да настави да чини све врсте зверстава.
I am Greek, I greet our Serbian brothers, we love you.
Serbian people is peaceful. As a Armenian I do not support the stereotype from West.
You american😂😂😂
Yeah I’m American too and never cared for Serbia or Slavs but why would you call an entire nation the black hole of Europe to start your program?? Ridiculous
@FrankStarks-ck1qt u ain't American man.
Your emigrants you live in USA. Max your born there to emigrants parents 99% from eastern Europe.
Like the man who killed Archduke Ferdinand and his wife
Yup, very peaceful people. I would call them saints even. They are without sin😂.
Quite depressing really as Serbia is a great country to travel in and the people are very friendly and welcoming.
Not really, they don't touch civilians, you probable can't even see them ever.
😮not eeally
@@tinamartina1801what “not really” ???
@@srpskivitez3 it is not.
@@tinamartina1801so you say Serbia is bad to travel to? Did you ever travel to Serbia even?
Lived there and this is BS Documentary . Srbijans are nice people .
1:38 "Welcome to Serbia, the Black Hole of Europe".
Very good description of Serbia.
Typical western propaganda
50% of talking in this documentary is not translated correctly and is translated wrong
Somebody trying to make Serbian people look bad . That’s not nice
Watched the whole thing, interpretation was correct, some few missing words here and there but that didn't have any effect on the overall context!
Also grobari translated as bone hunters😂
IF 80% is not accurate is still a shame..but is not about Serbian people, is about of part of politics and society
Western propaganda. Travel to Serbia and experience beat times of your lives
@@SamoSloga But the thing is that this IS NOT western propaganda but reality!
Bro for you all who watch this, JAVA Discover not operated by the Javanese (Indonesian), its account youtube channel from France, Dont misunderstood.. Peace Greetings from Indonesia to all Serbian or all Yugoslavian❤ i dont know why why this account named Java discover..
Probably to deceive like most of the internet .......🙄
terima kasih atas informasinya. itu benar ,saluran ini tidak terhubung dengan Pulau Jawa Indonesia. Juga video ini tidak mendekati kebenaran. mengatakan orang Serbia yang tinggal di Jogja, lahir di Yugoslavia, tumbuh di Beograd selama 1980-90. Salam hormat dan matur nuwun
Just got back from a weekend in Belgrade. Lovely city and very safe. People were lovely. Highly recommend
Typical Western BS documentary!
What is a typical western documentary? The Western documentary has correct investigative journalism at it's core, a Serbian documentary at it's core has the state of Serbia reviewing the material before it airs! Fascist state!
why cause it doesnt fit your serb narrative?
This shit is not even translated correctly. Also the arms dealer at the beginning of the video clearly had an English accent
It is very intriguing to know, if these cartels and smugglers are as rich as they are made out to be, what is in it for them, with these exposures to journalists?
They are very rich they work for the govermant mainly protecting politicians and the Serbian secret service
They provide protection and security for the political party’s also they get the green light doing favors for Serbian spy agency’s also at the end of the doco the ones who go to arkans grave run the whole show but nothing is ever connected to them
the low ranking criminals and cartel soldiers arent rich they get paid peanuts the bosses are the ones rich
@@wolfflow23propaganda against the Serbs mostly.
Serbia has a history of over 800 years and this program goes back 30 years to uncover the true Serbian history.
Why not!? Wars and thuggery are most prevalent in Serbia's in revent history.
800 years??thats what the west ist teaching you!our history is before bc
7533 and counting.. and that does not include the starting point..
What history 800 years ! It is trying tonsteal histroy from Albania and the Croatia,Croats are als olirians just get slavic
@@eacamo2986please tell me what country you're from. Serbian constitution was the first to abolish slavery. Serbia always fought on the side of the allies. Where are you from, sir?
Just so you know, Arkan and his gang were broken up in Croatia, after the war conflicts they fled on tractors in front of the Croatian fighters. Ordinary cowards
yeah right keep dreamin
If america didn't help you vukovar would still be serbian territory
Ratko Mladic... what were you saying about cowards?
Croats in the surrounding areas of Vukovar and also Brcko were terrified of Arkan. Arkan's fighters had more success in the battles of Vukovar than any other fighting force at the time.
Towards the end when sanctions were wearing out Serbia it became easier for Croatia to expel the Serb civilians. So who is the coward? Arkan's men who fought against actual soldiers or those Croats who only know how to brag about expelling a bunch of civilians?
Okay, why are these supposed criminals telling their business to a news reporter?
Especially their relationship with the government?
It happens all the time. Plenty of tv shows and youtube documentaries like this.
Real journalism! MSM paid to look the other way.
Nothing happens in a vacuum - everything has its causation! Serbia became an independent country during the civil war(s) in the '90s. That civil war was instigated by the west, which have destroyed Yugoslavian economy and turning the entire country into the chaotic pile of rubble. That war and subsequent sanctions on Serbia gave rise to various mafia groups, black-marketing, weapons and drugs smuggling. It was the struggle for basic survival and everyone tried the best way they can to make a living and avoid starvation!
True face of Serbia.
Yes....if you are a half educated, small city graduate from a council estate in Birmingham..
@coolbee73 so criminals are not superstars, and fotball hooligans don't use meat grinders?
True face of your mum
@@srpskivitez3 kmeči viteže
@@shogunbjaj neću dalje… Al to sto pričaš srpski a gore seres na engleskom to je zabrinjavajuće
I grew up there at those times and everyone respected Arkan
Welcome to France the bigest hole in EU
Those criminals you speak of only stood up to the real big warmongering criminals from Washington and London and today we can look back at their crimes in Yugoslavia the Middle East and in many other places on earth as described in the book Economic Hitmen and The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein as well as in the books of Noam Chomsky..
"Standing up" by killing civilians?
Serbia or Albania is the black hole?? Serbia did not foment this conflict and Albanian weapons flooded the market at least 10 years before the Balkan events.
Awwww here ago again greek person defending his brother from serbia
Which events ??? 😂
Which market the farmer's market?
Is it just me, or anyone else remembers when Serbian government fired most of Kosovar professors from Pristina University and Kosovar students boycotted the University in early 80's?
Why are you so obsessed with us? This is a documentary about you, don’t involve us. Defend your own shit.
I grew up with serbs here in the USA but they are mostly hard working and veey honorable ppl. But that was way back in the day. Too see this is hard breaking.
Do you believe that these people are what most Serbs are like? What a strange thing to say. There are good and bad people in every people group.
@@beltigussin81 yeah now every serb have become a part of the mafia just like every italian or albanian lmao
@@beltigussin81I have a Serb tell me that Arkan family are like the Kardashian of Serbia
If the youth of Serbia look up to them like a celebrities how can you say that most Serb are not like this?
This is french propaganda...first steps to create a negative image and rally support against srbs.
@@theodorsebastian4272Arkan is Albanian from Kosovo.
Black hole of Europe, says a guy from the Islamic republic of Francistan (formerly known as just France, today an Algerian outpost in Europe).
Arkan died just as he lived - evidence that there is justice in this world, however crude it may be.
From the time that Serbia won its independence from the Ottoman Empire in the 1870’s the Serbs have always thought that they have the right to dominate and subjugate the other southern Slavic ethnic groups - whether they be Croats, Bosniaks, Slovenes, Macedonians, or Montenegrins. And if they have to use gangsters like Arkan in order to do that they are okay with that. There are even some Serbs today who would love to reconquer Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Montenegro. May their plans fail miserably.
Serbs won independence for all those so called nations you outlined too. Serbs are also autochthonous people of all those territories too.
I don’t agree with crime but I agree even less with some bullshit revisionist cnn type history.
the funny thing is they all basically the same people especially the Croats same language same dna yet they think they are different devide and conquer
No one really cares, as long as Serbia stays out of the EU lol
@@inevitablecraftslab you would not belive it, but we (Serbian people) dont even want to go in the EU...
It is only ignorance to think bad about any nation. I mean you can think bad about Serbs, I don't mind. I know that there is no bad nation and all are similar to each other. Haters are the same everywhere
Don’t touch guns without gloves 🚨🚨🚨🚨
Clean your backyard..Serbia is peacefull country,safe.Not killings,not mass shootings,you can leave your kid outside nobody going to touch her or him,you can drink coffe on gas station,nobody masacre you..Clean your backyard,you are full of problems.
Nobody said the county wasn’t safe.
Peaceful after it got it's ass kicked out of the rest of ex Yugoslavian republics.
Serbian forces controlled over 70% of Bosnia until NATO intervened. But even despite NATO's efforts, Serbs still control approximately one half of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the entity that is Republika Srpska. Drina river is not so much a border as it is the spine between Serbian lands.
Serbia people are nice people. Mywife is Serbian . Love you Vera 😘😘😘😘😘
We're nice until shitty politicians or enemy countries piss us off 😂
@@dragojevdic994 shhhhh tractorboy ! 🚜🚜🚜
@SteveRadich1928 yeh ok.. you know because there wasn't plenty of weapons going around in the 90's during all the wars 🙄
@@dragojevdic994 I know first hand what was there , who was there and the atrocities committed. The first weapon i had was a 12 gauge CZ, it was my only weapon for more than 3 months.
@SteveRadich1928 oh yeh the atrocities huh? What were they and where were you? Do you know how many innocent Serbs were driven out of there homes and Muslims and Croats would destroy Serb towns and then lie with pictures and say that it's their towns being destroyed.
I just watched a video that reminded me of the unimaginable horrors my people endured during the war in Kosovo. It showed the atrocities committed by Serbian forces, led by people like Arkan, whose name has become synonymous with terror.
Over 20,000 women and girls were raped-used as weapons of war to break the spirit of families and entire communities. Thousands of men, women, and children were massacred in cold blood, their bodies dumped in mass graves or burned to destroy the evidence. There are chilling accounts of Albanians being tortured, even slaughtered, and their remains desecrated in ways that defy humanity.
These were not isolated incidents. This was a calculated campaign to erase us as a people, to destroy our identity and our will to survive. Families were torn apart, homes burned to the ground, and generations left with scars that may never heal.
It’s crucial to never forget these crimes. We owe it to the victims, to their families, and to future generations to speak the truth and ensure justice is served. History must not be rewritten, and the voices of those silenced must continue to be heard.
Nobody touched a Srb minority in Croatia and they have there political party SDP in Croatia.
Only half of all Croation Serbs have been expelled!
@@Brave2standalone Maybe from Krajina,but from Istria where I was born and Dalmatia and Zagreb noobady was expelled.
The ones that worked against Croatian government where expelled.
Many left voluntarily spec the military officers,but the ones that wanted to stay and not fight against Croatia had no issue.
@@nightrider12soul ne ne, sami su otisli
@@genna1o Who cares,was long time ago.
But if you listen to vučić you’d think Serbia is paradise. “Crime? What crime? That doesn’t exist here” lol
Serbia fighting ☪️ancer since 1389
So true, Serbia started the war on terror before, long before 9/11.
And they lost 😂
@turkishcypriot8013 serbia still here fighting ☪️ancer ottoman don't exist anymore
And you never won a war, you just lost 4 wars in the last 50 years. You also murdered thousands of bosnian civilians
When u see a guy driving around with a sky mask in the middle of the night with a camera beside him I knew it will be very shity documentary!
Arkan va fii in inima și memoria mea pina voi închide ochii este idolul meu din Serbia
They are just people doing right for their own people. You can not judge the actions because in their shoes hopefully you would do the same. They love their country and you have to respect that. We don't have to agree but we have to respect
Organized crime is today done in most governments.
I live in serbia for almost 34 years. I know everything about crime. This video is a half truth
With a name like that, Yes you would!
The story is so true that they even messed up the stadiums - its partizan stadium and not Red Star. Dont believe everything...
Znaci po tebi ovo nista nije istina? Stadion je bitan? Na kraju krajeva, skokni ti do Pariza, pa da vidimo dts ces da razaznas. Elem, ne ulazim u to da li su likovi pravi ili su samo u vezi za potrebe videa, ali je zabrinjavajuce to sto so napisao. Druzee porodica ex ministra policije sa bog zna kakvom diplomom i nadenutim doktoratom trguje oruzjem... Da nisam iz Srbije mozda bih ti i poverovao... Ovako ostsje zal za time dts imamo i kako se prema njemu ponasamo i cenimo...
Messing up a stadium, it is common across the whole of Europe, particularly England.
There will be another one of these documentaries about serbias current state in 10-15 years...
Black hole=France or UK.
Why is this unavailable to watch in Serbia?
Why? You Tube is not available in Serbia?
@@zlatkozivkovic8694 it’s not? That doesn’t make sense. There’s a Russian UA-camr who still uploads in Serbia
All similar to Russian . With this kind of attitude no further development , this is the road into third world countries status!!!
No wander there is no progress!!!!
Slava Rossii 🇷🇺❤️
No wonder there is no progress?
"IMF projections show that by 2026, Serbia will become the largest economy among the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, while by 2029 it will further increase the gap in its favor simultaneously consolidating its position as the most powerful economy among the former Yugoslav Republics. The Serbian economy will be worth $116 billion in 2029. Measured by purchasing power parity, the Serbian economy has been the largest among the former Yugoslav Republics since 2008.
Serbia's net debt is currently below 60% of GDP defined by the Maastricht criteria as the upper limit of an acceptable level. Moving towards 2029, the IMF projects that Serbia's net debt will remain the second lowest among the countries of the former Yugoslavia and among the lowest net debts in all of Europe at 41.7% in relation to its GDP.[40] The gross debt position will also remain the second lowest among the former Yugoslav states and among the lowest on the old continent. In dynamics, gross debt will continue to decline from the current 49% to 46% of GDP by 2029.
The average growth of Serbia's GDP in the last five years was 4% per year. GDP structure by sector is: services 67.9%, industry 26.1%, agriculture 6.0%."
Compare that to the EU now and tell me again, whos making progress and who isnt.
Reading the comments, you guys just saved me an hour of my time yet I will say this....let the West do as they like with the Propaganda.
Living in Australia which is now a 3rd world country cos of the Africans, Chinese and Indians etc......the more Serbia is seen as a bad place, the fewer immigrants from 3rd world countries will want to relocate and this way, we keep our country and culture.
Kultura u Australia je mrtva. Australia kao zemlja je unistena. Bjelci jedva ima. Sidnej je sad 30% Kineza i 10-15% Indianci ko smrde i ne tusaraju se. Arogantni i bez postovanje, pa neka ovaki video nastavi tako da mi ne izgubimo nasu zemlju kao sto je vec Australia.
Kazem vama, neka oni da nastave lose govoriti o nama i neka da mi znamo istinu i da je nasa tiha tajna...neka Srbija da ostane Srbija, prije sto je pre kasno.......znam zbog moj iskustvo u Sidneju gde jos zivim i odselim se Srbiji.
Somebody really trying to make Serbian people look bad with this movie nothing it’s true about this movie
What’s not true?
What was the lies?
When Serbia Had God & balls
This was only 6 years ago
Yes ,and thank you for the video.They are exactly like the video.
What do you mean by "they are all like the video"?
Thank you for this documentary
Horribly incorrect subtitles
Impressive documentary. The very interesting topic of Serbian mafias explained in parallel to the history of the dissolution of Yugoslavia. Sometimes you forget that you are watching a mafia documentary because it dives so deeply into the events surrounding the 1990s civil war and its political aftermath.
Its was not a civil war serbia and croata trups attacked Bosnia!!!
@@bezzenick Someone had to be the victim to give reason and justify americas and british actions..
@@coolbee73 they dont need noone to justify their actions, we see in Gaza
@@bezzenickno they didn't it was a civil war, there was no mobilisation in Serbia nothing, Bosnians wanted a muslim state, Serbs and Croats didn't agree.
@@strahinjadamnjanovic3553 why do you need to mobilize when you have hooligans ready to kill on command :)
why are you stealing notre mondes vid?
Every docu on this channel is stolen
@@sanethehappypill you dont understand that all these channels buy the rights to post the docs do you? not one of them are the orginal creators they just publishers who bought the rights its so hard to get that
Truth hurts!
Propaganda? You don't know much about your recent history, or you just choose to ignore it.
A bunch of psychopaths…
Yo momma
So sad; too many lazy people in this world that don't want to put in hard work to work the land😢😢😢😢😢
What land?
To plow you mean ?
Serbs did more work than americans would like to imagine we have rich history and not colonial
@bruhbruh3847 Yeah, they worked so hard in their massacres in Bosnia and Kosova
I ❤❤❤ Serbia!
Nema bolji ljubi od Srba ❤
Nico Bellic?
I love❤❤ Serbia.
I love Serbia, and next time I go to Bosnia ❤
Vast majority of the Red Star fans didn't support Milosevic, in fact his support came from basically a portion of the elderly people that kept voting for him and if not for all the wars, rigging the elections and beating protesters for about 10 years he wouldn't have stayed in power for such a long time, he was allowed to stay exactly as much as the West wanted him to and regular people in Serbia couldn't do anything about it.
beware of organized gangstalking!!!
This is ridiculous.
Arkan was so insufferable with his theft, he even forced Ratko Mladic to expel him from Bosnia during the war in 1992
That first hoodie was dope
Serbia will never join EU
EU dos not want Serbia.
Way too much misinformation and translation is not right either.
Slava Arkanovim Tigrovima 🙌💪
Exactly, you dont mess with the Slavs
As a guy who visited Serbia many times, it is very much a crime state where criminals and police seem to be cooperating. But as long you do not do anything stupid, nothing will probably happen to you
Can the west just let us alone? It happened once and it’s over thank God, but can you just let us alone because it makes us look like the worst people possible even tho we aren’t, the west doesn’t know anything about Serbia and Serbs, only about what happened 30 years ago. And we weren’t the only ones to do bad stuff and they keep just talking about us. It’s a shame that they hate us the most for some reason
Worst episode of facejacker ever😅
this channel got the most fire documentaries.
Serbia a state with 7~8 million animals under a flag 🇷🇸.
You mispelled Albania
@@righthand7965nono he is right, is serbia
You are right, LIONS and TIGERS!!!
I work with a lot of Serbs here in Norway and they are all nice af, and are always up for a laugh. Also, if Arkan was the best, then why did he get caught all the time?
drug dealer for a TV show 😂
Arkan was not a war criminal. And the fact you wrote "the rest of the world consider him a war criminal" has absolutely no valor since: Is not the rest of the world who consider him like that but the onces who were in fact in war with serbia, that means the whole NATO.
Kako nije bio? Radio za BIU kao i svaki ozbiljan krimos u 90te,bio je mozda jedini lik koji se ponosio i hvalio da radi za iste.😂 BIA dozvolila i oduzela.
Hero Arkan
Lmao what in the methylated spirits have you been drinking? He wasn’t a war criminal? 😂 was he considered a hard working class citizen who caused no harm to the people of Bosnia?
Where can I buy a season ticket?
You don`t need documentaries like this.
Just watch "Serbian movie" and everything will be clear.
A lot of bad energy is coming from this Mordor, 500 years under Ottomans left a lot of trauma.
3:46 Mr Boom Boom, find a better name sir. U sound like Barney Rubble's kid.
Serbian Subtitles are off at times.
Lži ktoré propagujete nemajú hraníc!! Srbi sú hrdinovia a najviac skúšaný národ! Napriek týmto neprávostiam sú plný lásky a nikdy nedám dopustiť aby sa im krivdilo! Živela Srbija!!! Sláva Bohu všemohúcemu na nebesiach a hrdinskemu Srbskému ľudu na zemi!!! Pozdrav zo Slovenska ❤☦️❤️🇷🇸❤️🇸🇰
Maybe next should be a video on HOS - the Croatian counterpart of the Serbian Volunteer Guard, a.k.a., Arkan's Tigers.
You can't compare agressors with true patriots. HOS was patriotic defence force, while Arkans tigers were mostly criminals.
@@shogunbj Thanks for sharing.
@@shogunbj😂😂''Your side is only bad but ours are good"according to you
...History is written by winners
@@shogunbjlmao. Naxi
@@Keilee-kk9py so who won anyway?
That's all arkan did is loote homes and stores and anything else he.could get his hands on thats all he cared about
War criminals...
Serbian orthodox brothers!!!🇬🇷☦️🇷🇸