  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024


  • @EricsonDelaSalde-y8g
    @EricsonDelaSalde-y8g 6 днів тому

    1.Thinking alone isn’t enough to prove your existence; your physical presence, experiences, and interactions with the world are also essential in affirming that you exist.
    2. We can try to understand others, but we will never fully grasp their emotions unless we experience what they are going through ourselves.
    3. I know there's enough evidence when everything feels clear, makes sense, and there's sufficient proof or facts to back up the belief or decision.
    4. Solving a tough math problem by myself gave me a real sense of pride and boosted my confidence, reinforcing my belief that it's actions that shape who we are.
    5. It's true-our actions often reveal more about who we are than our thoughts or beliefs, as they show how we put those beliefs into practice. While our thoughts and beliefs shape our intentions, our actions demonstrate how we follow through on them and engage with the world, making them a more tangible reflection of our identity.
    6. Keeping physically healthy supports mental and emotional well-being by decreasing stress, uplifting mood, improving sleep, enhancing self-esteem, and increasing energy. Consistent exercise and a nutritious diet help regulate hormones, while a balanced diet can also lessen symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  • @JhonAgorde
    @JhonAgorde 7 днів тому

    1.For me, it's also about how I interact with the world, how I can impact things, and how I connect with others.
    2.I don't think it's possible to fully understand someone else's experience without having gone through it yourself.
    3.For me, it's kind of like putting together a puzzle. I look at all the pieces of information, consider the different perspectives, and try to see how they fit together.
    4. Yes, once when I solve the Rubix cube I found its really hard. I felt proud because I managed to solve the Rubix cube in my own idea.
    5. For example, I might believe in helping others, but if I never actually take action to help, that belief doesn't really mean much. On the other hand, if I consistently act in helpful ways, it can strengthen my belief in the importance of kindness.
    6.My body is like a vessel for my mind and emotions. If I neglect my body, it can affect my ability to think clearly, feel balanced, and cope with stress.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @JillianGraceDuallo
    @JillianGraceDuallo 7 днів тому

    1.Maybe yes or maybe not but I was once in my life realized that thinking alone can prove you exist. This idea comes from Descartes' philosophy, "I think, therefore I am." It suggests that the very act of thinking is proof of one's existence, because if you are capable of thought, you must exist to be doing the thinking.
    2.I think that maybe somehow I could, because it depends on any situation wether it's ocasionally or eventually. Someone else's experience is his and not definitely mine, but I do believe that it's challenging to fully understand someone else's situation without having gone through it yourself, as personal experiences shape our own perceptions in unique ways.
    3.To determine if there's enough evidence to support a belief or decision, I consider the reliability of the evidence, its alignment with my values, consistency across different sources, and feedback from knowledgeable people.
    4.I once surprised myself by figuring out recursion, a difficult concept, without any help. I took my time, broke it down, and eventually it clicked. It made me feel proud and gave me more confidence to tackle tough problems on my own in the future.
    5. Yes, just like others believe that "You reap what you sow". Because for me, actions reflect how you apply your beliefs and values in real situations. While thoughts and beliefs are important, it's through your actions that others see and understand your true character and intentions.
    6.Maintaining your physical health helps you improved mentally and emotionally, avoiding stressful thoughts, getting enough sleep, also do some exercise, physical activity, and maintaining a healthy diet.
    1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D
    6.B 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.C

  • @Bucarjhonrex
    @Bucarjhonrex 6 днів тому

    1.Thinking alone is enough to prove that I'm exist the way i question my self who am l, like the famous line of one philosopher " I think, there for I am. The fact that you can prove your self that your existing,
    2.Maybe not, because I haven't experienced what he/she has gone through or what he/she has done
    3.I'll know for myself if there's enough evidence to support a belief in life by having conviction and self-confidence.
    4.When I understood the difficult problem and resolved it, I felt very happy and found myself wondering how I managed to do it.
    5.Yes, my actions define me. It shows who you really are because actions reveal and express it. And also there's a saying actions speak louder than words.
    6.Things I do to take care of my physical body that also help with my mental and emotional well-being include personal hygiene and setting boundaries with others to reduce negative thoughts.
    1. b
    2. c
    3. b
    4. d
    5. d
    6. c
    7. d
    8. d
    9. b

  • @JemarTampos
    @JemarTampos 7 днів тому

    1. Thinking alone doesn’t prove you exist because you need more than just thoughts, you need to interact with the world and show you’re real through actions.
    2. It's hard to fully understand someone else’s experience without having gone through it yourself because you might not understand the emotions or details they feel. You can try to empathize and listen, but you’ll always have your own perspective.
    3. You determine there’s enough evidence when you have clear, reliable information that strongly supports your belief or decision.
    4. I realized my friend was stressed because they felt unsupported at work. I felt a sense of relief and satisfaction, knowing I understood their feelings on my own.
    5. Yes, actions define who you are more than thoughts or beliefs because what you do shows others who you really are. Actions reveal your true character and values, while thoughts and beliefs are just ideas unless you act on them.
    6. Taking care of your physical body helps your mental and emotional well-being by improving your mood, reducing stress, and boosting your energy
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. C
    9. D
    10. C

  • @DesireeJoyCorbita-c1w
    @DesireeJoyCorbita-c1w 7 днів тому

    1. By thinking alone, existence is proved because the act of thinking implies that there is a thinking subject. However, existence is supported not only by mental presence but also by interacting and in a concrete world. Therefore, while it presents a key indicator that thought is an essential aspect of existence, it is part of a more general understanding of existence in its mental and physical dimensions.
    2. You can gain insight into someone else's experience through empathy and listening, but you may never fully understand it because you haven't lived it yourself. Personal experiences are deeply individual and influenced by unique feelings and contexts that are hard to fully grasp from the outside.
    3. You will know when there's enough evidence; it will make you confident about what you are believing or deciding, it will give you a clear picture, and answers some questions that are important for the conclusion. It has to be consistent, relevant, and thorough enough to justify making a decision or coming to a conclusion.
    4. When solving difficult problem on my own. It feels like accomplishment for me, feeling proud that I overcome a challenge.
    5. True, our actions often say more about who we are than our thoughts or beliefs because they indicate how we apply our beliefs and thoughts in life. While our thoughts and beliefs define our intentions, our actions depict how we act on those intentions and how we interact with the world, thus becoming a more concrete measure of our identity.
    6. Maintaining physical health benefits mental and emotional well-being by reducing stress, improving mood, enhancing sleep, boosting self-esteem, and increasing energy levels. Exercise and proper nutrition help regulate hormones, while a balanced diet can reduce depression and anxiety symptoms.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @livelaughloveGodJESUS
    @livelaughloveGodJESUS 7 днів тому

    1. No, the reason I want to dig deeper into this topic is to understand if I truly exist in this world. Am I really existing, or is this just a dream?
    2. No, how can you understand certain situations without going through them yourself? Yes, you can feel guilt or something similar, but the fact is that if it's not you who faced it, you'll never fully understand it.
    3. When there is a valid reason to support something, we have to consider many factors.
    4. Many times, you may believe you cannot overcome, yet you end up surviving and continuing to strive.
    5. No, because actions and thoughts should go together. Your actions cannot be fully understood without the accompanying thought, so they must align to define who you are.
    6. By practicing a healthy, balanced lifestyle, you will help yourself not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B

  • @JioDelosReyes
    @JioDelosReyes 6 днів тому

    1. Yes, Because when the way i think, I realized that i exist. Thinking alone can say that you exist.
    2. It's not easy to understand someone's experience without living yourself.
    3. If there is enough evidence or have evidence, Consider it and have values, And i have to know other people think to belief.
    4. It's hard to understand or understanding something, So i try my best and to challenge myself to be figure it out.
    5. Maybe yes maybe no, Actions have to define but can miss the reason or have to miss the reason behind.
    6. I exercise everyday so i have ways to take care of myself physically, mentally and emotionally.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. C
    6. C
    7. A
    8. A
    9. B
    10. C

  • @ShienahTagorda
    @ShienahTagorda 7 днів тому

    1. Do you think that thinking alone is enough evidence to prove that you exist? Why or why not?
    Thinking is a big part of what makes us who we are. It's how we make decisions, understand the world, and express ourselves. So, it makes sense that if we can think, then we must exist! It's like saying, "If I can think about a cake, then there must be a 'me' doing the thinking, and that means I'm real!" That's kind of what Rene Descartes meant when he said, "I think, therefore I am." It's a pretty powerful idea!
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it?
    It's really hard to truly understand what someone else has gone through unless you've been in their shoes. It's like trying to understand a story without reading the whole book. You might get some of the details, but you won't really get the full picture. We can try to be empathetic and offer support, but we can't truly know what it feels like to be in their situation. It's like saying, "I know you're sad, but I can't really understand how sad you are unless I've felt that same kind of sadness myself."
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    I try to make decisions based on what I've experienced and what I know to be true. I also look for facts and information from reliable sources to help me make the best choice. It's like putting together a puzzle - I want to make sure I have all the pieces before I decide what the picture is. And, of course, I always think about whether my decision aligns with my values and what I want for my life.
    4. There are times when I'm super down and can't talk to anyone but, because of this I've learned how to overcome my problems.
    It's tough when you're feeling down and don't feel like talking to anyone. But it's great that you've learned how to cope with those tough times on your own. It shows that you're strong and resourceful. Sometimes, finding ways to overcome challenges on your own can make you even stronger.
    5. Do you think that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs?
    I think it's a mix of both. Our actions show what we believe in and how we want to live our lives. But our thoughts and beliefs shape those actions. It's like having a map and a compass - our beliefs are the map, showing us where we want to go, and our actions are the compass, guiding us along the way. Sometimes, we might take a detour or make a wrong turn, but that's part of the journey too. It's about learning and growing and becoming the best version of ourselves.
    6.Taking care of my body helps me feel happier and less stressed. It's like giving my mind and body the energy they need to feel good. Getting enough rest is also super important! It's like hitting the reset button on my body.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @kylaimboy3130
    @kylaimboy3130 7 днів тому

    1. Yes, I often contemplate the process of my creation by God and the immense power He possesses.
    2. No, without having gone through similar experiences, I find it difficult to comprehend others or provide them with meaningful advice.
    3. I evaluate the validity of reasons or facts and consistently turn to God for assistance with decision-making.
    4. Speaking in front of others can make me feel unsure, but after I attempt it, I feel a sense of pride and believe that everything is achievable.
    5. Yes, the initial impression people have of us is based on our actions, which shape their perception of who we are. It all comes down to the actions we take.
    6. Looking after my body is the starting point for all aspects of well-being, and I am also able to tend to my mental and emotional health.
    1. b

  • @KikeeSoel
    @KikeeSoel 7 днів тому

    1.Do you think that thinking alone is enough evidence to prove that you exist? Why or why not?
    - Even though thinking plays an important role in shaping who we are. It is how we make decisions, perceive the world, and express ourselves, I think that thinking alone is not enough evidence to proved that I exist. For me actions are necessary to be able to feel that I exist. I also believe that thinking and actions should co- exist.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it?
    - I firmly believe that I/we would never possibly understand someone else experience if we never been in their shoes, there are different reactions on every situation. And it is very different from your perspective and that person’s perspective, your thoughts as a person who just witnessed what the other person’s experience are will never be fully identical, you can understand some of it but not the whole picture.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    - I learned from my past experience,my past mistakes, I will consider them as my evidence to support what I believe is true or right. Because I believe that experience is the best teacher, also I can go through all reliable sources that can relate to my beliefs. I can used it as I make decisions from time to time.
    4.Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    - When facing a problem with my mental health and my academic performance.I felt relieved that I did understand it, that I go through it without any help by others. Because in the end of the day you only have yourself to lean on.
    5.Do you think that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs?
    - I think that actions alone does not define who you really are. The first thing we do when facing a situation first is to think what do we need to do at that moment, how we react on certain things then analyze how is it going to affect us and other person. Not all actions people portray is what’s on their heart. I believe that your way of thinking is your conscious that is what you are.
    6.In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    - I think that our physical body contributes a lot to our mental and emotional well- being, because with simply taking care of yourself you can go around and have this positive energy that affects your whole being. Be healthy to live happy.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @Nyny_zae
    @Nyny_zae 7 днів тому

    1. Yes, there are moments when I question how God made me into a person and how aware of His power.
    2. No, you can understand it, but not completely since you are not in their shoes while they go through that experience in life. However, if you are in their shoes, you can fully grasp it and realise how it will affect you.
    3. I want to know what other people think about this belief that I stand by and also by believing it and also trusting myself.
    4. There are times when I'm super down and can't talk to anyone but, because of this I've learned how to overcome my problems.
    5. In my opinion, our behaviours reflect our genuine selves and are the result of our beliefs and influences.
    6. Maintaining your physical health improves your mental and emotional health by lowering stress, elevating your mood, promoting better sleep, and boosting your self-esteem and confidence.
    Test yourself:
    1. Β.
    2. C.
    3. Β.
    4. D.
    5. D.
    6. C.
    7. D.
    8. D.
    9. B.
    10. C.

  • @andreymaeolpindo8664
    @andreymaeolpindo8664 7 днів тому

    1. I do not agree with the notion that thinking alone can be enough to prove my existence; a part of the self, as important as awareness may it be, is interactions and experiences.
    2. I do not believe that one is capable of comprehending somebody else’s pain or situation and knowingly suffering through it; empathy can go a long way, but experiencing the same firsthand is a different ball game altogether.
    3. First and foremost, I try to identify enough reason and research to support an idea or decision if it is consistent with my values and relevant to my ends.
    4. For instance, I had a time when I was solving a math problem and I solved it myself and this felt great; it made me feel confident.
    5. I think that actions speak louder than thoughts and beliefs because actions are how I implement thoughts and beliefs into practice.
    6. Caring for my physical body ensures that I sustain energy, less stress, and a better mood that results in proper mental and emotional health.
    1. b
    2. c
    4. d
    5. d
    6. c
    7. d
    8. d
    9. b
    10. c

  • @martinsaquilan9498
    @martinsaquilan9498 6 днів тому

    1.?Yes ?From the way i think, I know that i exist.
    2.? it's hard to understand someone else's experience without living yourself, but i can gain some insight through listening.
    3? if there's enough evidence for a belief or decision, consider other viewpoints, and check if it aligns with my values.
    4.? it's not easy to understand at first, but i will challenge myself to figure it out. ? i felt confused.
    5.? No ? if i only look at my action, i might miss the reason behind, like thoughts. because i might act differently from what i truly believe due to outside pressure.
    6.? i exercise three times a week to boost my mood, eat nutritious foods to support my health, and get enough sleep to feel better emotionally. this helps my body stay happy and balanced.

  • @AngelynPiano0206
    @AngelynPiano0206 7 днів тому

    1. By thinking we can prove that we exist. The act of thinking itself shows that we are real, because if weren't real, it would be hard to imagine how we could think.
    2. If we try to understand things beyond our own experience we use imagination or learn from others. Also we can face a struggles or difficulties because our own experience gives us a clearer and more detailed understanding, when we go through something personally, we will have a direct knowledge about it and it is much easier to understand or relate to.
    3. First, we will ask or find an evidence to prove that it's true, for us to believe . The more convincing the evidence the stronger our belief or decisions will be, because it will help us to ensure that our conclusions are well-supported.
    4.Solving or facing my problems on my own like solving a math problems made me realize that i am not that dumb as i think i am it's just my slutty side wins every time when i need to do something.
    5. True, Our actions are a reflection of our true selves because they show how we engage with others. because who we are is often better to understand through what we do rather than what we think, because people around us don't know what we think or believe, therefore they will base on what they see/saw.
    6. Physical body contributes to our mental and emotional well-being, physical activities such as regular exercises can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost self-esteem. It contributes more balanced and positive sense of self.
    1.B 6.B
    2.C 7.D
    3.B 8.D
    4.D 9.B
    5.D 10.C

  • @MaekyleMaynopas
    @MaekyleMaynopas 7 днів тому

    Maynopas, Maekyle
    BPA 1-C
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why or why not?
    -Yes, because the fact that when our thoughts are directed towards something.
    This intentionality suggests an awareness of oneself and existence.
    2.Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it your self?
    -I think it's hard to understand someone experience without experiencing it our self.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    - To determine when the evidence is enough to support belief and decision in our life is to take into account the situation and circumstances, trust your instincts by using your intuition to make a decision it will help you if you made the right decision, reflect on your process or evaluate your decision-making approach.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprise yourself by understanding complex without outside help?What was it, how did you feel?
    - I felt great to overcome it my self
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs why or why not?
    -Yes because our action are visible
    6.In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    - by taking care of your physical body can maintain ourgood mental and emotional health. By incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, we can experience numerous benefits that can improve our overall well-being.
    Test Yourself

    @ROXANNEJADETURTOGA-i3u 7 днів тому

    1. Yes. because according to Rene descartes, the only thing that could be a proof of our existence is thinking or doubting even when we are alone as long as we are thinking
    2. No, because according to what I have learned from John Locke, you can't or we can't gain knowledge or understand what someone else experiences without us experiencing it.
    3. My senses and experiences are already enough and strong evidence to support my beliefs and decisions, because my experiences formulate my values in life, morals, and ethics, which all, in turn, influence my decisions and perceptions in life.
    4.That was the moment I slightly surprised myself because I had finally solved a complex puzzle or challenging and I felt overwhelmed about it.
    5. I think I might say yes because our actions or our daily behavior is a manifestation of who we really are because our thoughts and beliefs doesn't define who really are if we don't act to it,
    6.taking care of our physical body is essential to keep our mental and emotional well-being healthy.Taking shower everyday maintaining proper hygiene also going to gym has a great contribution to make our mental health and emotional health healthy
    3. B
    Roxanne Jade Turtoga BSTM 1F

  • @beavilladelgado
    @beavilladelgado 7 днів тому

    Bea B. Villadelgado
    BSTM - 1F
    1. No, I don't believe in the idea of thinking alone will prove if we exist, because we need someone to share our thoughts with.
    2. Yes, though I am not able to feel what they're going through, I can validate their feelings with empathy.
    3. It's about balancing evidence with personal values and comfort levels.
    4. I remember a time when i was trying to grasp a really tricky concept of questions, I just sat down, focused, and suddenly it all clicked! I was so proud of myself for figuring it out without any help.
    5. Thoughts and beliefs are foundational, it's our actions that truly manifest and solidify our identity.
    6. Taking care of my body including, my body clock, enhancing self-esteem, doing regular exercises to reduce stress.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @axcelrose5240
    @axcelrose5240 7 днів тому

    1.Yes, you think a lot that belief are exist the way you think that a a positive way and you recognize that goods.
    2. For me, yes because everytime are conscious the think that are to understand the way to hink that our life.
    3. I support my belief that are sufficient for me in day-to-day living.
    4. Yes, there are moments when I believe a lot of things that are true to be strong, such as praying that the issue won't arise from thinking negatively or from being positive in my mind.
    5. No, since God provided me powerful thoughts that lead me to believe in him.
    6. To have optimistic thoughts and offer up prayers to God each night when I was feeling low.

    • @axcelrose5240
      @axcelrose5240 7 днів тому

      Test Yourself:

  • @zyresbontigao1787
    @zyresbontigao1787 7 днів тому

    Zyres E. Bontigao
    BSSW 1-A
    1. No, because for me the definition of true existence is the Interaction within you and the world with purpose.
    2. No, we can maybe understand them but less possible, in completely determine what they really want trying to make us deep understand to situation.
    3. By simply ensuring that the risk I'm going to take must in the idea of principle and values I closely hold in my life.
    4. Honestly yes, on my past experience it was really difficult during those times to me surviving without any help from anyone. But now Im happy thinking im much more blessed to experience those times and have the privilege to change and understand myself better.
    5. Yes, cause in reality people really define you by what you showing action to them. That's why I practicing self respect to make clear action defining my intention I've shown to everyone.
    6 For me based on my experience, in order to take care of your mental and physical body is still up on your choice. If you will, there's a way. That's it.
    Test yourself:
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @MerlyLlano
    @MerlyLlano 7 днів тому

    1. Yes, thinking alone is the process through which you exist, due to how you think, realize, and be amazed by these things.
    2. No, it is not possible to fully understand someone else's experiences in life without experiencing them yourself. Our perceptions and understanding are shaped by our personal experiences, and while we can empathize and listen to others' stories, there is always a gap between their reality and our comprehension.
    3.When the evidence is both stronger and more relevant, and it aligns with what I already know, it becomes more compelling and credible.
    4.While I was struggling with my problems, my family and I didn’t understand what was happening in my life. I am so surprised that I managed to get through it without any help.
    5. Yes, the relationship between actions, thoughts, and beliefs is interconnected. Our beliefs often shape our thoughts, which in turn influence our actions.
    6.I believe that taking care of the physical body contributes to mental health and emotional well-being. Setting goals and priorities in life helps guide and focus you, providing motivation.

  • @veancypilapil4559
    @veancypilapil4559 7 днів тому

    1. No, thinking alone doesn't fully prove your existence. Your body, experiences, and interactions with the world also play a role in proving you exist.
    2. No. We can try to understand others, but we will never truly understand their emotions unless we go through what they are going through.
    3. I know there's enough evidence when things feel clear, make sense, and there's enough proof or facts to support the belief or decision.
    4. Yes, once I solved a math problem that I found really hard. I felt proud and confident because I managed to figure it out on my own.
    5. Yes, actions define you more because what you do shows who you really are. People can’t always see your thoughts, but they see what you do.
    6. Taking care of your body makes you feel stronger and healthier. When your body feels good, your mind and emotions also feel better.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. C
    9. D
    10. C

  • @Mild-r9q
    @Mild-r9q 8 днів тому

    Villarma, Mild V.
    BSFAS 1C
    1. Yes, thinking proves you exist because it shows there is a thinker, but it doesn’t prove anything else about your body or the world.
    2. It's hard to fully understand someone else's experience without going through it yourself because their personal and emotional details are unique and hard to fully grasp from the outside.
    3.To decide if there's enough evidence, I check if the source is reliable, ensure there's enough proof, see if it matches what I know, and stay open to new information.
    4. I figured out recursion in programming on my own, and was surprised and proud when everything clicked, showing me how capable I can be with persistence.
    5. I believe actions define who you are more than thoughts or beliefs because they show your true values and have a real impact, while thoughts remain private.
    6. Taking care of your body improves your mood, reduces stress, and boosts energy, helping you feel more balanced.
    Test yourself
    1. b
    2. c
    3. b
    4. d
    5. d
    6. c
    7. d
    8. d
    9. b
    10. c

  • @sambastasa69
    @sambastasa69 7 днів тому

    Bastasa, Sam Allien A.
    BSFAS 1-C
    1. Yes, because through that, you can do what you want and it can also help you understand what's wrong and right to do.
    2. No, because not always can we see it through our senses, but we're not fully able to see it.
    3. To determine if there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in my life, I use a systematic approach involving critical thinking and analysis.
    4. I feel blessed because I helped another person to make it through.
    5. Yes, because thoughts and actions are connected to each other and to make decisions in life.
    6. Through exercise and meditation, it helps to reduce stress and allows for better decision-making.

  • @justineramirez8047
    @justineramirez8047 8 днів тому

    Justine Marie B. Ramirez
    1. No. Thinking alone doesn't prove that I exist because without an action and reaction to what I think it's became useless.
    2. I firmly say NO. It's clearly impossible because how can you understand someones feelings, thoughts, and reasonings without having you experience it yourself. You don't know how deep their resentment, sadness, or pain they're going through.
    3. I determine my belief or decision based on my experiences.
    4. When I answer a logic question. I feel happy and proud of myself.
    5. Yes I do believe that my actions define who am I because my actions shows what I feel, what my thougths are and my belief.
    6. By exercising because exercise can lessen my stress, it makes me happy, can improve the bones in my body and it can improve my mental health to endure rigorous training and surpassing my limits.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @AldrinBatingal-p4w
    @AldrinBatingal-p4w 8 днів тому

    Aldrin Batingal
    BSIS 1-C
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why? Or why not? Yes, I believe that thinking alone is a proof that you exist, because if I don't, I can't do everything I want so that I exist.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself? For me it's hard to fully understand the experience of others, as we are not the one who experienced it first hand.
    3. How do you determine if there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life? If you have experienced your life that's already an evidence to support your beliefs to see you decision in your life.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, How did you feel? Yes, because I've experienced a lot of struggles in my life, so when I overcome that struggle I'm so happy.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not? yes, because actions speak louder than words, And out actions are connected to our thoughts and beliefs.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being? Some ways that I care of my physical body is doing regular exercise, and it improves my mood and it makes my mind clear and free.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. B
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @jazreldujapa8477
    @jazreldujapa8477 7 днів тому

    Jazrel Dujapa
    BSIS - 1C
    1.Yes, I do believe that thinking alone is enough to think that we exist because I can think of what I want to do and observe the things around me
    2.Yes, You don't have to be in that position to be able to understand someone's experience. Though you can't feel what they feel but you still understand
    the situation that they're in.
    3.I determine if my decision is right when I think about what will happen after the decision that I'm about to make, if I regret it or not afterwards.
    4.The topic abortion is a very complex idea but the opinion and side that I chose is what I think the best for it and I'm surprised about it.
    5.No, because not at all times we can act as we want to because we are afraid of the judgments that we might receive.
    6.Taking care of your physical body contributes a lot to your mental health and well-being because you practice physical discipline, giving yourself confidence
    and keep yourself positive.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10 .C

  • @MaxineBaco
    @MaxineBaco 8 днів тому

    Maxine Denise L Baco
    BSFAS 1-C
    1.The idea that thinking alone is enough to prove one's existence is famously captured in René Descartes' dictum "Cogito, ergo sum," or "I think, therefore I am." Descartes argued that the very act of thinking is proof of one's existence because doubt and thought imply a thinking subject.
    2.Gaining empathy and understanding of others' experiences is challenging due to their subjective nature. Active listening, learning, and engaging with perspectives can help build meaningful understanding, even without personal experience.
    3.Balancing thorough evidence gathering with critical thinking helps in making well-supported decisions.
    4.yes I surprised myself because I can do things without asking for help so I told myself I can do it so I feel happy
    5.yes because here I can see who I am and what else I can do
    6.Maintaining physical health significantly impacts mental health, as a healthy body alleviates mental concerns. Therefore, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and avoid abuse.

  • @Christilmae
    @Christilmae 8 днів тому

    1. yes, I wonder sometimes how God created me as a person and realizing how powerful God is.
    2. No, how can I understand everyone if I did not those things. I can't even help or give them advice if even me don't know what feeling they experience.
    3. I think if there's valid reason or facts and I always ask God help when it comes in decision making.
    4. In times that I need to speak in front of people. I dont have confidence but when I tried I'm so proud and believe that is nothing is impossible.
    5. Yes, people notice our actions first and if what actions you show that's how people think who you are. It begins on what action you showed.
    6. Taking care of my body begins everything. I have the ability to take care also my mental and emotional well being.
    1. b

  • @JustineGarcia-k8s
    @JustineGarcia-k8s 2 дні тому

    Garcia, Justine V. BPA-1C
    Understanding The Self-Activity 2
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why and why not?
    *It is not enough to prove your existence by just depending on your thinking because from time to time what we think changes as we live throughout our lives.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    *Having the same experience with someone or not I will still not be able to conclude or fully understand their perspective at that very time in the reason of we all react differently based on many factor that we are situated.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or a decision in your life?
    *First the amount of evidence and it's reliability, secondly the people that was affected by my actions or any particular decision that directly or indirectly influence them in a good way and even in a bad way.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    *Yes, I had, it would be when I am making my school works that I did not do early because of thinking that it's too hard but in turns out to be not that hard as how I imagined.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more that your thoughts or belief, why or why not?
    *I believe it is a combination of both the action and your thoughts because action can't proceed without the thoughts while thoughts will just be remain an idea it possibly be forgotten without the action.
    In what way do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    *Scientifically, psychologically, and philosophically proven that our mental and emotional condition is directly and indirectly affected by how we take care of our body, as I sweat it out most of the time it makes me feel better and lift up my mood.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @DannahBiancaCantoriaInocentes
    @DannahBiancaCantoriaInocentes 9 днів тому

    1. I believe that thinking alone is already proof that you really exist. Because according to René Descartes, the body is nothing else but a machine that is attached to the mind.
    2. I think it's no; yes, we can understand them, but not fully because we didn't feel the roller coaster emotions that they have been through while facing that certain situation.
    3. I think when you have enough knowledge and courage to defend your decision.
    4. As a student who is not so good in math subjects, trusting your answers in problem solving is a big challenge. But sometimes when you got the correct answer, it felt so fulfilling.
    5. I believe that our thoughts and actions are interconnected. Because our actions are reflections of how we thought.
    6. As a girl who is insecure about my physical body, taking care of it is one of my priorities. It has a big contribution to my mental health.

  • @BryanPoserio-n3p
    @BryanPoserio-n3p 8 днів тому

    1. Yes, because thinking is a part of evidence that you exist, it makes you wonder what is world all about and it helps you to understand it and also your self.
    2. No, you can understand it but not fully because your not in there position as they face that experience in life you can fully understand it if your in that position to face that experience so that you can learn and understand it what is the impact of it to you.
    3. By believing in it, trusting and doing it.
    4. Yes, the time when I understand what is the feeling to be alone and depressed , it's very hard to think and overcome it but I'm glad I did.
    5. Yes, because actions is connected to your thoughts and it makes define who you are because other will see it and know who you is.
    6. By playing basketball and online games, it makes my mental and emotional health healthy by giving me positive impact, happiness and learnings.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @johnrecarpina7196
    @johnrecarpina7196 13 днів тому

    Johnre Carpina BSIS-1C
    1. Do I think just thinking proves I exist? Why or why not?
    - No, because existing means more than just thinking; it includes what I do in the world.
    2. Can I fully understand someone else's experience without living it? Why or why not?
    - Yes, because I can understand by listening and imagining what they feel, even if I haven’t been through it.
    3. How do I know when there's enough evidence to believe or decide something?
    - I know it’s enough when I’ve checked the facts, heard different opinions, and feel sure about it.
    4. Can I recall a time I understood something complex on my own? How did it feel?
    - Yes, I felt proud and happy when I figured it out by myself.
    5. Do I think actions define me more than thoughts? Why or why not?
    - Yes, because what I do shows who I really am more than just what I think.
    6. How does taking care of my body help my mental health?
    - Taking care of my body makes me feel better, think clearer, and stay calm.

  • @gabriellemacalino275
    @gabriellemacalino275 9 днів тому

    1. No, I don't believe that thinking alone will prove that you existed; you should need someone to talk to or share your thoughts and ideas to prove that you existed.
    2. No, because to be able to understand why he/she reacted that way, you should experience what he/she experienced.
    3. I determine evidence that supports a certain belief is when someone or the majority of the people around me will also believe that belief, but not all things that they believe I will also believe to, and when it comes to the decision, if I feel like it is right for me to do so or it is right to do so, that will be the decision I'm going to make.
    4. The time when I understand someone's POV. I felt amazed because I understood his/her actions toward a certain situation without him/her explaining to me.
    5. No, because you can fake or control your actions, but you can't fake the way you make your thoughts or the way you think.
    6. In a way of eating healthy, exercising regularly, having enough sleep, and not being so stressful.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @mcgnugal
    @mcgnugal 9 днів тому

    Mc-G Nugal BPA 1-C
    1. For me, it's yes, because thinking alone is one of our ways to think critically and think wisely for every situation.
    2. Understanding someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself is hard to know, but you can empathize, listen, and try to imagine their perspective; there are often emotions.
    ‌ 3. Yes, I can determine if there is enough evidence. And in my belief, it is the Lord who controls my life and everything.
    ‌4. Yes, because sometimes I imagine how I will be suppressed to determine something. And I am happy because I can do something, when only I understood.
    ‌5. Yes, because we use gestures to show who we are. It shows how we move or exist.
    6. I think that I will take care of my physical body the way that I exercise, eat a lot, and drink a lot of water and I also love sports.
    ‌1. B
    ‌2. C
    ‌3. B
    ‌4. D
    ‌5. D
    ‌6. B
    ‌7. D
    ‌8. D
    ‌9. B
    ‌10. C

  • @longgamark
    @longgamark 8 днів тому

    Mark Renniel F. Longga
    BSSW 1-A
    1. No, I don't believe in the idea of thinking alone will prove I/we existed, simply because we need to share our thoughts to others.
    2. Yes, it's possible to understand someone else's experience without having it because you can feel what's their going through, you can feel someone's emotions.
    3. When you experience the thing that is difficult to surpass but with determination you can do it.
    4. The moment I helped someone by determining and understanding his complex thoughts and still gave him the best solution.
    5. Yes, I believe my actions really define who I am, because it helps me to enhance my thoughts and beliefs.
    6. Taking care of my physical body really helps my mind and emotions to put in a good condition.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @MoraldeJessicaCristy-w6y
    @MoraldeJessicaCristy-w6y 9 днів тому

    Moralde, Jessica Cristy B.
    BPA 1-C
    UTS ACT 2
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? why or why not?
    - Thinking is enough to prove that you exist as a thinking entity because the very act of thinking presupposes the existence of a thinker.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    -I think it's hard to fully understand someone else's experience if you haven't experienced it directly. While you can gain in-depth knowledge by listening, talking, or learning about their experiences.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or or decision in your life?
    - Determining when there’s enough evidence to support a belief or decision involves balancing quality, consistency, and quantity of information.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel
    - A moment of understanding something complex without outside help can be likened to solving a challenging puzzle.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or belief why or why not?
    - Yes because The relationship between actions, thoughts, and beliefs is complex
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being
    - Regular exercise can improve mood and reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, while Physical activity and practices like yoga or stretchings help manage stress by lowering cortisol levels.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @ElleneGraceMagbanua
    @ElleneGraceMagbanua 9 днів тому

    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why? Or why not?
    I believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that I exist because I AM THINKING. I have the capacity to think. I doubt therefore I exist. I have a conscious mind and I think that's already a proof that I exist.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    I think it's possible to understand someone else's experience but i would never understand it fully because I did not experience it first hand and I did not felt how she/he felt at that moment.
    3.how do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    I ask for other people's perspective about this belief that i support.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it? How did you feel?
    Yes... I am proud of myself right now for being an independent girl who was once so dependent to her friends.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not?
    No because for me my actions depend on who I am with. My actions depend on what I wanted them to see.
    6. I take care of my physical body by sleeping early, sleeping in the afternoon and sleeping when i have extra time. Sleeping helps me relax and free my mind from a very stressful day.

  • @SfbMacirin
    @SfbMacirin 8 днів тому

    Shanah Faye B. Macirin
    BSTM - 1E
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why or why not?
    - I believe that thinking alone is not enough, we also need a physical body to truly exist. As what Maurice Merleau-Ponty said “Physical body is an important part of the self”.
    2. Do you think it’s possible to understand someone else’s experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    - It’s possible to understand someone’s experience but I don’t think we would fully understand their experience without going through the same thing.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    - "Do unto others what you want others to do unto you". I know for a fact that majority of the people treat you the same way you treat them. If you are hostile towards a person for no reason, they would retaliate back by also being hostile towards you or by avoiding you altogether.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    - Understanding myself. I struggle to understand myself, but I'm gradually learning more about my own person. I find it difficult to communicate about my feelings, thoughts and emotions, especially to others, because I do not fully understand my own self, but I am gradually opening up to people, and as a result, I am learning more about me.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not?
    - I believe my thoughts or beliefs define me more than my actions. I could never lie to my thoughts nor belief, but I can fake my actions.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    - By getting enough sleep, eating healthy and doing the things I love.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @NicoleBitang-o8g
    @NicoleBitang-o8g 9 днів тому

    Nicole S. Bitang
    BSSW 1-A
    1. No, I believe thinking alone can’t prove my existence, because I am the type of woman that the opinion of the other matter the most.
    2. Yes, it's possible to understand someone else's experience without having it because if you feel it you can understand the situation.
    3. Even if there’s no evidence I can support her/his belief because I respect others norms.
    4. The moment I helped someone by understanding her thoughts and problems.
    5. Yes, I believe my actions define me who I am because of my thoughts and belief
    6. Taking care of my physical body helps my mind and emotions conditions.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @crystalgailvirtudazo6774
    @crystalgailvirtudazo6774 8 днів тому

    Crystal Gail D. Virtudazo
    BSTM 1E
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why or Why not?
    In my perception, thinking alone is not enough to prove that I exist. In this real world we experience phenomena that makes us think we really exist. For me it's how you perceive your own existence to think or to give proof that you really exist.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    I think it’s impossible to truly understand someone else’s experiences unless we’ve gone through the same thing. It’s easy to think that their problems are easier than ours, but that’s not always the case. We all see things differently, and we can’t feel what they feel. Things like their lifestyle, background, and education can also affect how they experience things. So, we can’t really understand someone else’s experiences unless we’ve lived through them ourselves.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    I feel good when a lot of other people believe the same things I do. It gives me peace of mind to know that they support and agree with my beliefs. If most people believe what I believe, I think that’s enough proof to show that my beliefs are right. But this is only true for personal beliefs, not for things like education or religion. For education, there’s scientific proof. For religion, it’s based on what I believe and to what is taught in our religion.
    4. Can you think of a moment where you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    The hardest time for our family was when we talked about all our problems, especially about finances. I learned that families need to talk openly about everything, even if it's embarrassing. It's important to share and help each other. The reason I state this is because we are not really that open with each other, but now we are going through that stage and keep every member informed. Raising kids is really tough. It's like building a house, but you also have to take care of a child. It's especially hard when you have no one to help or when your parents can't be there for you. I felt relief when I understood each of us, knowing they also wanted to be heard by their children to keep a companion in such times.
    My experiences have made me strong. No matter what happens, I'll keep working hard to achieve my dreams and give my parents a comfortable life where they don't have to worry about anything that will involve money.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not?
    For me, it's our thoughts that define us, for we can act in the opposite of what we think or believe but we cannot change our thoughts onto something that we perceive that way.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    Taking care of your body by getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and staying active can improve your mental and physical health. When you feel good physically, you're more likely to feel confident and positive.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @JustenDamalerio
    @JustenDamalerio 10 днів тому

    Justen P. Damalerio
    BSIS 1-C
    1. Do you believe that just thinking is enough to prove that you exist? Why or Why Not?
    Yes thinking is enough to prove that you exist because if you don't exist you don't have thoughts. It can only be called non-existent if a person is dead because his mind no longer works.
    2. Do you think it is possible to fully understand another person's experience without experiencing it yourself?
    No, because you can't understand what someone is going through if you haven't experienced it, yes, it's easy to say that I understand what you're going through, but we don't know the impact it has on him because he's the one who experienced it.
    3. How do you determine if there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    Through the results of what they believe, because through the results you can see the outcome of an action and you can see what is reliable and unreliable and the right direction for me is enough evidence.
    4. Can you think of a time when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What is it, how do you feel?
    Yes, I've done a test that has a complicated answer At the beginning, I said that I can't do it, but in the end i did it. So it helped me that I should have confidence in myself that I can do it, because if we keep putting ourselves down, we won't be able to do the things that for us we can't do.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs why? Or why not?
    Yes, your actions determine who you are because what is in your mind or beliefs, you can see the results of your thoughts through action, it seems that the actions will prove what you are thinking. it seems that the action is the output of that you input in your mind.
    6. How do you think taking care of your physical body helps your mental identity?
    Taking care my physical body has a big impact on my mental health because if there is no problem with your physical body, you have nothing to worry about in your mental, so let's take care of ourselves and do not abuse it.

  • @BeverlyJeanBelarmino-z5b
    @BeverlyJeanBelarmino-z5b 9 днів тому

    Beverly Jean Belarmino
    BSSW 1-A
    1. No, thinking alone for me is not enough to prove that you exist because I believe that our existence is defined by our interactions with others.
    2. No, you can empathize but it doesn't mean that you can fully understand them if you haven't experienced it because people won't fully understand how you feel until they experience it for themselves.
    3. When you experienced it because I believe that the results can defined if it's reliable or unreliable and the dependable is enough evidence for me.
    4. Yes, before I have a fear of losing someone that I really love but when the time goes by, I realized that if they truly loves you, they are not going anywhere.
    5. I don't believe that my actions will define me more than my thoughts or beliefs, because I think a lot but I don't express a lot, and my actions will only depends on who I'm with.
    6. I think the ways of taking care of physical body that contributes to my mental and emotional well-being is setting goals and priorities, to provides direction and focus, and also to increase motivation.

  • @Gill_loud
    @Gill_loud 9 днів тому

    Tamparong, Guilirmo jr, Q. BSSW 1-A
    1. Thinking alone makes you think critically ang in that case you san think more deeper and you can understand you're existence.
    2. Puting your self in to others shoes is the way to understand the others feeling, you can't fully understood them without emphasizing there's feelings and experiences.
    3. I think that if you don't have any questions about your decision is the way you can determine that there's enough evidence that provides the information you needed.
    4. Thinking those moments I surprised my self in understanding something complex without help by others is difficult for me, because you need to seek for advices of others but you can't and you only have to do is to experience that things.
    5. I think that your thoughts or beliefs reflect your actions because you can't hide you actions even though you wanted it.
    6. Feeling your self into the toxic environment, that's how you can protect you mental and emotional well-being, and also you can rest and think better.

  • @AlFie0961
    @AlFie0961 9 днів тому

    1.For me yes thinking alone is enough reason to exist because if you did think that you do not its like you already gave up in your life.
    2.Yes anyone can understand someone even they dont experience it themself if your only genuinely care that someone
    3.Your willing to do it without second thought and dont regret it in the end.
    4.The time when i get a high grades in school and that time too im so proud to myself.
    5.I dont believe because im just like only showing the others an act because i think they gonna hate me once i show them who really i am.
    6.Taking care of your body improves mood reduces stress and will have a stable mentality

  • @RogerSultan-ke8xy
    @RogerSultan-ke8xy 13 днів тому

    1. No. Because thinking your self alone is not enough to prove that you exist, to prove that you're exist you need a people or a person that thinking of your existence.
    2. No. Because we have different views of our own life without experiencing their life we didn't understand at all.
    3. Having experience is enough to support what i belief in my life.
    4. The moment that I am surprised I'm blessed because i overcome every adversities in life.
    5. All of us has different beliefs or thoughts. But for me seeing their own actions is enough to prove who he/she really is.
    6. Taking care of my body, including, improved sleep, enhance self-esteem, and better stress management and also having a regular physical activities.

  • @bennytaba5502
    @bennytaba5502 12 днів тому

    Benny Rose E. Taba
    BSTM 1-F
    1.)Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why or why not?
    -Yes, I believe that thinking alone is enough to prove existence. This is based on the philosophical concept of "cogito ergo sum," or "I think, therefore I am," as articulated by René Descartes. It suggests that the act of thinking itself is proof of one's existence.
    2.) Do you think it’s possible to understand someone else’s experience fully without having gone through it to yourself?
    -No, it's difficult to fully understand someone else's experience without having gone through it yourself. We haven't walked in their shoes and can't truly know how they feel.
    3.) How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    -To determine if there's enough evidence to support a belief or decision, I'll gather information from reliable sources, weigh the pros and cons, and trust my gut feeling. Ultimately, the decision is mine to make based on what I think is best.
    4.) Can you think a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    -I felt good about myself when I learned something difficult on my own. It showed me I can learn and grow.
    5.) Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not?
    -Yes, I believe that our actions are a better reflection of who we are than our thoughts or beliefs. This is because our actions demonstrate our values and intentions in a concrete way. As philosopher Gilbert Ryle said, "Our actions define our existence." Our actions show that we exist and what kind of person we are.
    6.) In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well being?
    -Taking care of my physical appearance can contribute to my mental and emotional well-being. This is because how we perceive ourselves physically can affect our self-esteem and confidence. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and presenting ourselves in a way that we feel good about, we can boost our self-confidence and reduce feelings of anxiety or insecurity.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @kirkleetuble5572
    @kirkleetuble5572 7 днів тому

    Kirk Lee A. Tuble
    BSTM - 1F
    1.Yes, I believe thinking is enough to show that you exist. This comes from René Descartes' idea, "I think, therefore I am." Descartes said that if you're able to think, it means you must exist, because something has to be doing the thinking. Even if you doubt everything else, the fact that you're thinking proves that your mind is real, even if you can't see it. So, thinking proves you're real because it shows there's someone, or something, doing the thinking.
    2. No, I don't think you can fully understand someone else's experience if you haven’t gone through it yourself. You can try to imagine how they feel, but you won’t really know all the emotions and thoughts they’re dealing with. Experiencing something personally gives a deeper understanding.
    3. I decide there's enough evidence by collecting information from trusted places, checking if the facts match the belief, and seeing if it fits with what I already know. If the evidence is strong and makes sense, then I feel ready to believe it or make a decision.
    4. Yes, I surprised myself when I figured out how to fix my computer without help. I just kept trying different things and thinking it through step by step. I felt proud and confident because I solved something hard on my own.
    5.Yes, I think actions are more important than thoughts or beliefs. Even if you have good ideas, what you do is what really matters. Actions show how you behave and affect others, while thoughts stay in your head unless they lead to action.
    6.Taking care of your body helps your mind and emotions because being healthy gives you more energy, lowers stress, and makes you feel better about yourself. Exercise also makes your brain release chemicals that improve your mood and make you feel happier.

  • @nicholepancho4333
    @nicholepancho4333 9 днів тому

    Nichole P. Pancho
    BSIS- 1C
    -Yes, I believe that thinking alone is something that we need because we can think it deeply if it's how it affects us or how it's going to be bad and how to control it.
    -I don't think so because we people are having some challenges in our life and also what is our experience in life being a person is not easy.
    -Determining a belief is based on our experiences in life and also knowing the differences between them to support each other's lives.
    -Being a college student in this stage, I experience being an independent person because all of my loved ones are far from me and I can't ask for some help from them.
    -Yes, because we can recognize someone by their actions, because actions are louder than words.
    -Caring for my mental health is such an important thing because this is my inner mental so I can fight for my dreams and be confident of my goals and skills.

  • @StelaGraceEstologa
    @StelaGraceEstologa 9 днів тому

    BSFAS 1-C
    1.) I believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that I exist.
    2.) Yes, even though I am unable to experience what they are going through, I can empathically validate their experiences.
    3.) My personal values and beliefs guide my life choices, but I find it important to consider other viewpoints to feel confident in my decisions.
    4.) Sometimes I have no one to rely on, but those moments make me grateful as they show my strength in overcoming challenges.
    5.) Our actions reflect our thoughts and beliefs, revealing our true character.
    6.) Taking care of your body can significantly enhance your mental health because it fosters a strong connection between your mind and body. When you engage in regular physical activity, eat a balanced diet, and get enough rest, you are not only maintaining physical health but also boosting your self-esteem and mood.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @kylecyrus-oo4yd
    @kylecyrus-oo4yd 13 днів тому +1

    BSTM 1-E
    1.)Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why or why not?
    NO, because if you’re thinking alone without someone with you can’t prove that you existed in this world as what Rene Descartes said “I think therefore I am” and means everything can be doubted except that I was thinking.
    2.) Do you think it’s possible to understand someone else’s experience fully without having gone through it to yourself?
    No, because if you didn’t experience such thing as what someone experiences you can’t understand of how he\she feels to that situation, so to understand them we have to gone through There situation.
    3.) How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    Having an enough evidenced can support to our belief because if I had an enough Evidence, I could show something to someone if he/she doesn’t believe me
    4.) Can you think a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    Its feels comfortable, because even without the help of someone I can understand something complex. Just like thinking my complicated life, by experiencing the trials in my life I learned and understand that not everyone will agree to my way or decision in life.
    5.) Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not?
    Maybe, because according to Gilbert Ryle “Our actions define our existence” so by the action we know that we exist as he said that our mind isn’t separate thing inside us.
    6.) In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well being?
    As a Gen Z we have to be proper to our looks we need to set our self to the standard looks of the society, having a bad appearance could make us uncomfortable or conscious to our actions. The mind perceives what the body senses experience from the external word, then the body acts out of what the mind perceives.
    Test yourself:
    1. A 6.A
    2. A 7.A
    3.C 8.B
    4.c 9.D
    5.D 10.B

  • @elaisazacal5147
    @elaisazacal5147 9 днів тому

    Elaisa Jane N. Zacal
    BSSW 1-A
    1. For me thinking is not enough to fully prove that you exist, you will need more than just thinking, you need to interact with others and have others recognize you. Also, you need to have knowledge and experience to really exist.
    2. It’s difficult to fully understand someone else’s experience without going through it yourself, though you can empathize with them and try to imagine what they feel but you’re understanding will always be limited based on your own experience.
    3. By evaluating on how reliable and relevant the evidence is, and if it aligns with what I already know. In addition, if the evidence comes from a trusted source, adds up with other facts, and if it directly relates to my situation.
    4. One time, I figured out the perfect measurements of ingredients to a perfect pilipit that me and my mother been experimenting and struggling to perfect for days. It was really satisfying especially eating it.
    5. Yes, because what we do actually shows how we put our thoughts and beliefs into practice. Although our thoughts and beliefs shape our actions, people usually judge us based on what we actually do, not just what we think or believe because actions give a clearer picture on our character and values.
    6. Taking care of our physical body helps our mental and emotional well-being in several ways. Research says that regular exercise can boost our mood and reduce stress by releasing a feel-good chemicals like endorphins. Also, eating healthy provides nutrients that our brain needs to function well and getting enough hours of sleep improves our mood.
    1. B 2. D
    3. B 4. D
    5. D 6. C
    7. D 8. D
    9. A 10. C

  • @AltheaAllorda
    @AltheaAllorda 13 днів тому +1

    Althea I. Allorda
    BSIS 1-C
    • I believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that I exist. However, we need someone's mind to confirm our existence.
    • Yes, though I am not able to feel what they're going through, I can validate their feelings with empathy.
    • My own values and beliefs can support my decisions in life, but I consider having different perspectives to feel sure about my decisions.
    • There are instances in my life when I have no one to talk to or ask someone to help me. But those moments actually make me feel grateful because it shows how strong I am to overcome difficulties.
    • I believe that our actions are the outcome of our thoughts and beliefs, it reveals our true character.
    • Taking care of your body helps improve your mental health by creating a strong link between your mind and body. When you take care of yourself physically, it builds confidence and helps you feel good overall, leading to better mental well-being.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @BernieMonteser
    @BernieMonteser 10 днів тому

    Monteser Bernie A
    BSFAS 1C
    1. No, Because thinking alone is not enough to prove that you exist in this world.
    2. No, Because we experience things differently.
    3. Having enough evidence is often taken to be relevant to justified our belief.
    4. Yes, im happy and i surprised because i didn't expect that i can do even its possible.
    5. Yes, because our actions are connected with are thoughts and believe.
    6. Taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being in several ways is to focus on positivety.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B

  • @EdmarBestudio-p2d
    @EdmarBestudio-p2d 13 днів тому

    1. For me, it's yes, because thinking alone is one of our ways to think critically and think wisely for every scenario or situation.
    2. Understanding someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself is hard to know, but you can empathize, listen, and try to imagine their perspective; there are often subtle nuances and emotions.
    ‌ 3. Yes, I can determine if there is enough evidence. And in my belief, it is the Lord who controls my life.
    ‌4. Yes, because sometimes I imagine how I will be suppressed to determine something. And I am happy because I can do something, when only I understood.
    ‌5. Yes, because we use gestures to show who we are. It shows how we move or exist.
    6. I think that I will take care of my physical body the way that I exercise, eat a lot, and drink a lot of water.
    ‌1. B
    ‌2. C
    ‌3. B
    ‌4. D
    ‌5. D
    ‌6. B
    ‌7. D
    ‌8. D
    ‌9. B
    ‌10. C

  • @SheikahPhoemela
    @SheikahPhoemela 11 днів тому

    BSTM - 1C
    1. Yes, I believe that thinking shows I exist because when I think, I am aware of myself. If I wasn’t real, I wouldn’t be able to have thoughts.
    2. No, I don’t think I can fully understand someone else’s experience without going through it. I can imagine or listen, but it’s never the same as feeling it myself.
    3. I feel there’s enough evidence when I have enough facts or when things make sense to me. I trust my gut and what I know about the situation.
    4. Yes, I once understood a hard math problem without help. I felt really proud and surprised because I didn’t think I could do it on my own.
    5. I think my actions define me more because what I do shows people who I am. Thoughts and beliefs are important, but actions are what people see.
    6. Taking care of my body helps my mind and emotions because when I’m healthy, I feel better, have more energy, and I’m less stressed. It all connects.
    1. B.
    2. C.
    3. B.
    4. D.
    5. D.
    6. C.
    7. D.
    8. D.
    9. B.
    10. C.

  • @RhodelLomotos-q6e
    @RhodelLomotos-q6e 10 днів тому

    BSFAS 1-C
    1. I believe, that exist in the same sense, that you do but it is not possible to prove the existence of others because our mind takes in data to create other persons based off our own sense experience.
    2. the more you know and understand another person, the better you can relate to things they've been through and understand their perspective.
    3. Yes, because belief things that would make the believer, happy if they were true. Believing those ideas are true is self rewarded just or almost as much as actually experiencing theme being true.
    4.I always put myself in their place and imagine what I'd do in their situation and the difference in behavior.
    5.Yes, they do, only when you put your thoughts into action, they define who you are, and your actions define your character.
    6. Maintaining both involves a combination of lifestyle choices, self care practices, and positive habits.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @janaordiz8357
    @janaordiz8357 13 днів тому

    Jana S. Ordiz
    BSSW 1A
    1. Yes i believe because we think what are we going to do in this world, our mind is connected to our body.
    2.For me it's no..we can't fully understand someone's else feeling unless we've been gone through it. Yes we can understand but not fully.
    3. Thru experience and knowing or having a lot of evidence.
    4. Yes.. I remember when I'm in high school I'm afraid of losing a close friend to the point that whatever they ask i will follow but then as i get older i realize that we cannot force someone to like us, To be friends with us. And now it feels good i just let them be if they don't want me.. I don't care anymore.
    5. I don't believe that the actions alone define who i am bcuz my actions its depend what am i dealing with or the people i am being with.
    6. By having enough of sleep, socialize and exercises

  • @VincentTubo-lr1sf
    @VincentTubo-lr1sf 11 днів тому

    Vincent C. Tubo
    BSIS 1-C
    1. In my own view, I do not agree with Rene Descartes statement "cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am). It is because existence through thinking alone doesn't address the full context of Life , including emotional, physical experiences, and also the nature of external life. However, I strongly believe that thinking is a fundamental aspect of consciousness.
    2. For me, no, we can't understand what other people are going through if we haven't been through it ourselves. They are the only ones who know how they worked so hard, so those of us who have not experienced or experienced their experiences should not lead them because, first of all, they have more knowledge than us. All we can do is listen to them carefully and accept reality or what the word life really means. Yes, sometimes we also understand their feelings, but we should not take the lead for them but just give empathy and support for them to fight reality.
    3. I can see those evidences just because of myself because I'm the kind of person who knows my weaknesses and strengths; I also know where I'm happy or not. and where I can use my talents. So if that evidence is suitable for me, I am sure that it is the evidence that can support my belief or my goal in my life..
    4. Yes, it has happened to me many times, but one thing I have never forgotten is "standing on my own two feet and fighting fair." This is the moment when I feel tired and I don't know what to do next. Let life go on. I'm already experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety. and my mother is noticing this because of my chaotic decisions. So what I did at that time was I prayed to God and asked for strength. God immediately heard my prayer. I immediately experienced something that infected me in my life, and I realized that I stood up to problems and overcame them. and I didn't realize that I had discovered new knowledge that didn't depend on others.
    In my opinion, yes. Because our actions truly define ourselves or what we are. This is so because our behaviors reflect our values and ideas.
    6. What I do to take care of my body is to do regular exercise every morning because exercise can contribute in improving your mood and reducing the feeling of distress and anxiety. and I also prioritize my quality sleep, nutrition foods, and taking a bath every morning.
    Test your self
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @GenevieveBanua
    @GenevieveBanua 10 днів тому

    BSFAS 1C
    1.Yes, I believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that I exist according to Descartes argument. I believe that if you are thinking, you must exist as the thinker.
    2. It's a no for me, we can't understand someone else experience without walking in to their shoe.
    3. I do can determine there is enough evidence to support a Belief or decision when the evidence is credible, sufficiently strong and consistent to justify the Belief or decision.
    4. I felt good, happy and also surprised because I didn't know I can make it even though it's so impossible to do.
    5. Yes, action often define who I am, because actions reflect how you apply your thoughts and belief in real situation.
    6. Taking care of my physical appearance can contribute to my mental and emotional well bieng this is because it may affect our self-esteem and self confidence.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B

  • @roweepanama8546
    @roweepanama8546 11 днів тому +1

    BSTM 1-F
    1.Thinking shows you exist because you’re aware of your thoughts. But proving existence also needs physical evidence and interactions with the world.
    2. No, it's challenging to fully understand someone else's experience without experiencing it yourself.
    3.Evaluate the evidence's quality, relevance, and consistency with established facts or reliable sources. Ensure it meets your standards for credibility and thoroughness.
    4. I once understood a complicated math problem on my own after struggling with it for days. I felt proud and amazed because I didn’t think I could solve it without help. It made me realize I was smarter than I thought.
    5.Actions often reflect and solidify thoughts and beliefs, but they are intertwined; all contribute to defining who you are.
    6.Taking care of your body improves mood, reduces stress, and enhances overall mental clarity and emotional stability.

  • @lebyan_fu
    @lebyan_fu 8 днів тому

    Leevian A. Lagurin
    BSSW - 1A
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why? Or why not?
    As Rene Descartes clearly stated that "the body is nothing else but a machine that is attached to the mind". Therefore, I believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that I exist.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    Yes, I think it is possible to understand or have some insights about others' experiences partially, as we are not the one who experienced the situation.
    3. How do you determine if there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    By observing the outcomes of a certain concept, as the outcomes or results dictate if it is reliable enough.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it? How did you feel?
    Unfortunately, I can't think of a moment that I surprised myself by understanding something complex without outside help, as I am a type of a person that asks for suggestions.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not?
    I believe that our actions define who we are more than our thoughts/beliefs. As our actions are visible and serves as an indicator of what and how we think.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    The thing I certainly do that contribute to my mental and emotional well-being is doing regular exercises, as it makes my mind clear and free.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @HermilinoCole-u7e
    @HermilinoCole-u7e 10 днів тому


  • @gedionmarmonton9864
    @gedionmarmonton9864 14 днів тому +1

    Gedion Mar B. Monton
    1.) Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why or why not?
    -In simple terms, if you're thinking or questioning, it means there’s someone doing the thinking. This process itself proves your existence. So, according to Descartes, thinking is enough to prove your existence because the act of thinking implies that there is a thinking being.
    2.) Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    -It's generally difficult to fully understand someone else's experience without having gone through it yourself. This is because personal experiences are deeply subjective and shaped by individual emotions, thoughts, and context. While you can empathize and try to understand their feelings and perspectives, there will always be some aspects that you can't fully grasp unless you've lived through the same experience. You can relate to their emotions and support them, but complete understanding often requires sharing similar experiences.
    3.) How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    -When the evidence is strong, reliable, consistent, and relevant, it usually means you have enough support to make a well-informed belief or decision.
    4.) Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding complex without outside help? What was it,how did you feel?
    -Imagine someone suddenly grasps a complex concept, like understanding a challenging math problem or a difficult philosophical idea, without outside help. They might feel a sense of accomplishment, confidence, and pride. This is because they have managed to figure it out on their own, which can be very rewarding and boost their self-esteem.
    5.) Do you believe that your actions define who your are more than your thoughts belief why or why not?
    -In essence, while actions reveal how you apply your thoughts and beliefs, both are crucial. Actions make your inner world visible, but thoughts and beliefs shape and guide those actions. They work together to define who you are.
    6.) In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    -Taking care of your physical body can greatly benefit your mental and emotional well-being in several ways Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep, Self-care.Overall, a healthy body supports a healthy mind, creating a positive cycle where physical health enhances mental and emotional well-being.

  • @VannjosephGacasan
    @VannjosephGacasan 11 днів тому

    BSTM 1-F
    1. Yes, because knowing or being aware that you exist and appreciating your existence is enough. We don't need everyone's or anyone's opinion just to know that we exist, ourselves already know that. I believe we exist and live for ourselves not for other people.
    2. Yes.
    3. If I understand the things in my life or what's happening through experiencing and reading a book.
    4. I remember when I was answering my math assignment during highschool days and I really don't know how to solve it because it's really pretty hard. But, I still did my best to understand it, and after a couple of minutes of answering I'm surprised because I can't believe I finished it.
    5. No, because I believe that my actions, thoughts and beliefs are connected to each other, and it is some of the things that define me who I am.
    6. I think having enough sleep, don't skip meals, eating vegetables and fruits, doing exercises, dancing, or swimming to relax ourselves.
    1. b. 6.d
    2. a. 7. d
    3. b. 8. d
    4. d. 9. c
    5. d. 10. b

  • @acemicosalise6707
    @acemicosalise6707 13 днів тому

    Ace Mico M. Salise
    BSIS 1-C
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why or Why not?
    I believe its not because, to prove that you exist, you have to interact with other people and exchanging ideas that might benefit you as well as him/her. If you think alone and you don't interact or exchanging ideas to others for me, it doesn't prove that you exist in that way.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    Yes it is possible that you can fully understand others experience but, you cannot relate. You can't relate because, it doesn't mean that if you know the experiences of others you can relate to it because anyone of us have different experiences, and each of those experiences has a reason to grow us as a person.
    3. How can you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in life?
    In determining enough evidence to support a belief or a decision in life, for me it is the experiences. Experiences because experiences are one of the things that guide you to be aware of something. With that awareness that you have gained, you can better determine that your evidence is enough to support decisions in life or belief. It's true that we all go through experiences, but, through that we have an idea to decide something for our own good.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    When I was with my older sister, then they had a auto shop, and then I studied there too. That was one of the experiences that made me realize that studying is really important, and because of that, I worked hard and also ended up helping out at my sister's auto shop. With the hard ships that I went through and my dream of reaching my dreams, I persevered in studying until now, I will persevere in studying because persevering is also for the betterment of my future and my family. That is why I was surprised because, I understood how important it is to do things you want while you are still young, like studying and exploring things that you need to explore so that you can also know yourself better.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or Why not?
    I believe no, because you thoughts or beliefs can make you do your actions. And there is another thing, the mind is the thing that controls our body, everything we do depends on how we think. So mostly people can do good or bad because our actions depend on how we think as humans.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of you physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    Taking care of your body contributes to mental and emotional well-being in a way that increases a person's confidence and ability to interact others. Just like dressing well is way that increases confidence and one of them is exercise. Exercise can boost confidence and also helping their physical body to be healthy.
    Test Yourself:
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. D
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @roniesabado-t1n
    @roniesabado-t1n 9 днів тому

    Gerald S. Montilla
    1.Because thinking is a strong indication of existence, interacting with others and engaging in practical activities also play a role in shaping your understanding of yourself and your place in the world. Your experiences, actions, and the feedback you get from the world contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of existence
    2. Yes it allows us to relate to others’ experiences by putting ourselves in their shoes and imagining what they might be going through. And with engaging and learning about others' experiences broadens our own perspectives and can foster greater understanding, even if we can’t fully grasp the experience.
    3.participating in study groups leads to better understanding and higher grades. Cause I believe that learning is fundamental in the pursuit of happiness and the quality of learning today will affect the quality of life tomorrow.
    4.I'd probably experience a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. It would be a rewarding moment to grasp something complex independently, reflecting both growth and capability. It might feel empowering and validating, highlighting my ability to tackle challenging concepts on my own.
    5.Yes because actions express priorities and throughout time consistent actions tend to define or reinforce our identity. Conversely, thoughts and beliefs can define why we act in a given way. This is not really a case of either one defining the other, but how they work together to shape our lives and who we are.
    6.By exercising and eating healthy food. Because taking care of your physical body enhances your physical health by preventing disease and increasing energy, while also boosting emotional well-being through improved mood, reduced stress, and increased self-esteem.

  • @johnwaynemahinayomillon2976
    @johnwaynemahinayomillon2976 13 днів тому

    John wayne M. Omillon
    BSSW 1-A
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why or Why Not?
    -Yes, Because thinking is like a story book and experience means we are exploring throughout our mind and we are continuously seeking for answer.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself
    - No, Because everyone have there own different understanding and views in life and people have their different scope of understanding
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    - Evidence is a piece of metaphor on what to belief or to support a belief but for me faith must be majorly support because evidence can be fabricated.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding complex without outside help? What was it, How did you feel?
    - When, I managed to understand a complex assignment in statistics in my shs year, it felt refreshing and lightened my mood especially since I managed to achieve something new about myself
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or belief why? Or why not?
    - No, Because not all action must be involved in the mental state of a person because a lot of times we are also in a deep space of understanding and reciprocating a lot of past experiences and beliefs and we have a much more thought of ourselves and conclusion rather than the action that we do everyday.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental being?
    - Dancing, helps me more in deeper understanding and relieved my stress a lot.
    1. B
    2. A
    3. B
    4. B
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. A
    9. A
    10. B

  • @YanieDecano
    @YanieDecano 13 днів тому +1

    BSTM 1E
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why or why not?Yes, because in the first place, why can we think if we didn't really exist? Also, our experiences in our lives are enough evidence for us to think that we really are existing in the world.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself? No, because for me it is not possible to understand experiences without telling me the whole story of a certain person or if I haven't gone through it. Just like lessons, I don't understand the lesson unless the teacher teaches it. I can still gain some level of understanding of others' experiences through empathy, communication, and active listening. However, the depth of understanding may not be the same as if I had experienced it firsthand.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?To determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in my life, I rely primarily on first-hand experience. Directly seeing or experiencing something makes it easier to trust the evidence and feel confident.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel? Yes, I remember a time when I was struggling with insecurities and self-blame. I felt really down, but instead of seeking outside help, I began shifting my mindset by focusing on positive thoughts. Little by little, I overcame those negative feelings and regained my confidence. I'm proud of myself and surprised at how I was able to overcome those barriers in my life on my own.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not? For me, I believe that actions alone do not define who we are more than our thoughts or beliefs. Our actions can vary depending on the context and the people we are with, which means they might not always reflect our true self. Thoughts and beliefs are more fundamental and stable aspects of who we are, even though they might not always be visible through actions. While actions can change and may not always fully capture our inner self, our thoughts and beliefs are core to our identity and guide our behavior.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being? It contributes to my mental and emotional well-being by improving self-esteem and self-confidence, enhancing mood, and reducing stress.
    1. B.
    2. C.
    3. B.
    4. D.
    5. D.
    6. C.
    7. D.
    8. D.
    9. B.
    10. C.

  • @NorhanOmar-bl2ck
    @NorhanOmar-bl2ck 12 днів тому

    Norhan O. Bato BSIS 1-C
    1. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT THINKING ALONE IS ENOUGH TO PROVE THAT YOU EXIST? WHY OR WHY NOT? I believe that thinking alone is enough to prove existence because the very act of thinking or doubting shows that there is a "thinking self."
    2. DO YOU THINK THAT IT'S POSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND SOMEONE ELSE'S EXPERIENCE FULLY WITHOUT HAVING GONE THROUGH IT YOURSELF? no, because you won't know what he experienced if you don't experience it either, so what I will do is to experience what he experienced so that I can understand
    3. HOW DO YOU DETERMINE WHEN THERE IS ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT A BELIEF OR DECISION IN YOUR LIFE? I will show how determined I am in what I want and I will show them that they will not be disappointed in what they want if they do
    4. CAN YOU THINK OF A MOMENT WHEN YOU SURPRISED YOURSELF BY UNDERSTANDING SOMETHING COMPLEX WITHOUT OUTSIDE HELP? HOW DID YOU FEEL? happy because I will no longer depend on others and I am also experiencing how difficult it is and I am given knowledge and I understand better how to live without depending on others
    5. DO YOU BELEIVE THAT YOUR ACTIONS DEFINE WHO YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR THOUGHTS OR BELIEFS? WHY OR WHY NOT? oo, dahil mas madaling e pakita sa kilos kung ano ang gusto sabihin at sa kilos din ay mas dun natin nalalamn kung ano ang pinapakita niyang u
    6. WHAT WAYS DO YOU THINK TAKING CARE OF YOUR PHYSICAL BODY CONTRIBUTES TO YOUR MENTAL HEALTH WELL BEING? what I'm wearing and because I'm not comfortable when what I'm wearing is different from them because I'm more shy and think that maybe I'm being laughed at and when I'm wearing it well I feel more reassured
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @MJayrossCruspero-o1q
    @MJayrossCruspero-o1q 9 днів тому

    M Jayross L. Cruspero
    1.Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? why or why not?
    Ya because you are the only one can understand ur self more that anything else.
    2. Do you think its possible to understand someone else experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    For me, how can you understand what they're going through if you haven't experienced their pain.
    3.How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    For me I can determine it by making a 2 question in my head if how many percent that will make I I choose 1 of the 2 gonna happen.
    4.Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    Yeah like the time that I actually know the answer all along.
    5.Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not
    Yes because my action always says true who are me or am I acting?:)
    6.what ways do you think taking care of your physical bidy contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    Taking a regular exercise but for me now I can't take normal exercise because too busy. I just want to limit the amount of time I spend in my phone in a single day.
    Test yourself

  • @QueneverPolinar-j7e
    @QueneverPolinar-j7e 10 днів тому

    Polinar, Quenever D.
    1. I believe that i exist because i am aware what i am doing and what should i do, furthermore i can socialize to the people who sorrounds me and that proves that i exist.
    2. It's impossible to understand someone's experience by just listening to it. Because we don't know what they did and what they feel, we are not involve on their situation so therefore we won't understand.
    3. When i am comfortable with it and it gives a good impact not just to me but also to my family and to those people on my life.
    4. I think like something's wrong because when i feel like something is not understandable anymore i only let it go and pass by.
    5. Exactly!, because when you're doing good things over bad things many people will look at you and say that you're a good person even your thoughts aren't.
    6. By putting discipline to myself and exercising, and also by socializing to positive people. Building myself as a strong and mindful person makes me more confident and positive.

  • @AnaMarieCaño-n5z
    @AnaMarieCaño-n5z 7 днів тому

    BSTM 1F
    ~ Yes, I do believe that if you are alone you can think that what I'm gonna do to prove that I exist in this world. But to truly demonstrate existence it's also important to interact with the world and others, to and to engage in meaningful experience.
    ~ understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself is challenging. But if you have empathy and open-mind is good thing to understand different experience. All we need to is just not judging if what they experience. Although you might not fully replicate their feelings or perspectives, at least we respect their experience.
    ~ When I know what I'm doing because I know I am in the right path.
    ~If I'm dealing with my own problem I'm making a way to overcome it and I'm always praying to god that if I have a problem he will help me or if something happened I know god has a reason to that in my life.
    ~ Yes I believe that your action is define if who you are and action can provide a concrete way to understand and evaluate a person values and beliefs.
    ~ for me taking care of my physical body is big impact to me as a insecure lady so I need to care to my body is my first priority.

  • @carlomanigos
    @carlomanigos 10 днів тому

    Carlo R. Manigos
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? why or why not?
    - I think for me, Yes, thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist, because one aspect of living is you being conscious, and the fact that you're already thinking about something is already enough reason that you're conscious or you exist.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    - No, because I think, to be able to understand someone's experience is you yourself should also experience that situation that the person experienced. For instance your friend experience sexual assault and some guy touches her accidentally then she reacted dramatically in your perspective but for her it was more than just touching, there was a traumatic event in her life flash back in her memory and for you who didn't experience that kind of situation it was just an accidental touched and invalidated her feelings, and telling her "girl you're being dramatic, get over it".
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    - I think for me, I'm still under my parents guidance and for me, to determine that my belief or my decisions in life have enough evidence to support it, I think if my parents agreed in every decision I make, their consultation can really help me in making the right decision and provide insights in their own perspective to help me ease in making decisions for my self.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? what was it, how did you feel?
    - Firstly, I'm that type of person who's never been in a relationship before, like since birth, and the thing about myself that really surprised me is, I'm really good at giving love advise. I'm that type of person who had a lot of knowledge about love but was never experienced love. Most of my advice or should I EVERYTIME, it worked in any kind of situation, in helping them get away in that toxic relationship, helping my friend mend there issues with their boyfriend/girlfriend, helping them if that person they like worth pursuing for and more, it really helped them a lot, I'm not being boastful here or what but my friend always give me the feedback if that advice failed or not.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? why or why not?
    - Yes, because I think, action speak louder than words, thoughts, and beliefs. As a person who's more into action rather than anything else, actions really define who you are, because most people tend to manipulate their whole personality in words to make themselves look good publicly and some people make promises then lie and that makes them a liar, compared to people who make it happen physically through actions, you can really tell if that person is genuine or not.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    - I think for me, taking your own physical body contributes a lot to your mental and emotional well-being, for instance you have an early class then you overslept and didn't eat anything for breakfast going to school, since you didn't eat anything for breakfast you feel hungry and you already feel dizzy and now you can't focus in the discussion because you're already feel weak, since you also overslept you also can't concentrate in the discussion because you feel sleepy already.
    Test yourself
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @mariaerikaibib
    @mariaerikaibib 10 днів тому

    Maria Erika IB-IB
    BSTM 1-E
    1. Do you believe that thinking about is enough to prove that you exist?Hwy or why not?
    No, because for me thinking is not enough evidence of our existence . I believe that thinking we exist should also be proven and followed by physical existence which is actions for us to prove our existence.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    No, For me you cannot fully understand what someone else experiences if you didn't experience what they have experienced too. However, you can listen and have empathy towards that person.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decisions in your life?
    When the evidence is reliable and fully supported a strong relationship towards my decisions.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it ,how did you feel?
    In my experience I feel happy because I realized that I just learned how to be independent solving or understanding something by myself.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not?
    Yes, thoughts and beliefs are still important,as they can influence our actions. However, it's ultimately our actions that truly reveal who we are.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your self physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    Having a healthy body contributes to my mental health by helping me to improve my mood , because sometimes when I am physically not feeling ok my mood changes and I become emotional.
    Test you self
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @resselmartimbal4558
    @resselmartimbal4558 11 днів тому

    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? why or why not?
    - Yes, thinking alone is enough to prove I exist. For example, when I want to watch video, I think first on what genre should I watch. And when I want to play music, I ponder what song or who's arrist should I play. And that only proved that I existed.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    - I don't think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully when I haven't gone through it myself. But when I listen to others, I understand what they are feeling as I believe I am an empathetic person. We should went through it so we can fully understand what other people are feeling.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or or decision in your life?
    - When you experienced all of the things then you have an evidence to support your beliefs and decisions in life.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    - Way back elementary days, I didn't seek help from my parents when I had an assignments. Now, when I have a problem I also don't have someone to talk to deeply because I don't feel ready to fully express my problems or emotions to them but thankfully I overcome some of my problems and I thank my parents, friends, and God for being with me when I need their presence.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or belief why or why not?
    - No, I believe that my thoughts and beliefs defines who I am. The way I acted is directly linked to what I thought and beliefs. So we should be careful to what we thought because it will affect your actions.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    - When I dressed prettily and when I put make up on, it contributed to my mental and emotional well-being because when I did those things I feel confident and it boosted my self-esteem; also when I had a good sleep and when I do physical activities.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. C
    10. C

  • @jhealkrissupremidojale3051
    @jhealkrissupremidojale3051 13 днів тому

    Jale, Jheal Kris S.
    BSSW 1A
    UTS (Activity 2)
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why or why what?
    No, there is so much more in life that proves that we exist. Experiencing life itself is a prove that we exist. However, if we will answer this in a practical basis, yes. We can think because we exist.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    Yes, but not fully. We can understand the experience of others if we put ourselves into their situation, we can relate and have sympathy and empathy to them but not fully since we are not the own who experienced it first-hand.
    3.How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    We can determine that there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in life if there is a strong and reliable source and if there is a guide in that decision. If is is supported with the quality of advice that comes from those we trust like our parents, mentors and friends.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    I am a grade 11 student that time and I am so foreign about our one subject which is the Practical Research. I don't know what to do and I don't have an overview of it. I don't even know what's the content of the research. However, after I scan the given ppt and guidelines of our teacher, I gain some knowledge about research and also I did my research on how to do it. After some time, I started doing and creating titles and made 1 title with chapter 1 of our research. I was so surprised that I can do it myself without the need of anyone except the given ppt. I felt so ecstatic!
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts and beliefs? Why or why not?
    Yes, because our actions are connected with our thoughts and beliefs. What we think and believed in will manifest in what we do.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    When our physical body is healthy and we take good care of it then our mental and emotional well-being will improve also, from our moods down to our overall outlook on life. We can take care of our body by having a walk early in the morning, eating on time, spending time with loved ones and many more.

  • @charmieverallo
    @charmieverallo 14 днів тому

    BSTM 1E
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? Why or why not?
    I believe that thinking is a continuous process where an individual engages in generating and forming his thoughts and ideas, and with that definition, I would say yes. I firmly believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that I or a person exists. However, by saying exists, I meant it to be figurative. In everything I do, it is always accompanied by thinking, contemplating, and pondering. I have not been into any moment in my life that I stopped myself from thinking. In our daily lives, every action we take comes from thinking about it, even by just picking what clothes to wear, when to sleep, or what music to play. In fact, even when we are sleeping, our brain never stops working, and thus we are constantly thinking. Therefore, I believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that I exist, where existing means that we are our own person, we do not just blend with others or follow the current of the world, we stand by our beliefs and principles, and we are here to fulfill our purpose.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    I always believe in the quote that "Do not tell others how to tie their laces if you have not been in their shoes." With that quote, I do not believe that it is possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it ourselves. There may be times when, just by listening to others, we can say that we fully understand what they are feeling. However, I believe that we totally do not; we are just simply showing sympathy and empathy. The only moment that we can truly tell that we know what others' experience is is the moment we dealt with it ourselves.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    I think that the only evidence that will convince me to support a belief or decision in life is when I have dealt with it myself or have seen someone firsthand go through with it. I know that in today's generation, fake news is rampant, and people are sometimes convincing others to support a certain belief even though it is clearly unreasonable. There are also times when people are recruiting others to hate a certain person even though they are the ones who have done something wrong. In times where fake news and deception are everywhere, the only thing that we could trust is our own eyes.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    Yes, I have been in complex situations before. One of those situations was the time when my friend and I had a misunderstanding, and at first, I really did not understand why she reacted and felt that way. However, I gave her and myself time to assess and acknowledge that humans are all complex individuals. As time passes, I slowly understand why she reacted that way, and soon we reconciled. It really surprised me because I thought that it would change, or worse, end the friendship we have. However, fortunately, we have overcome it, and what is more surprising is that I have dealt with it on my own.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not?
    No, because I believe that it is not what we do that truly defines us, but the thoughts inside our minds and the beliefs we have. No one can deny the fact that sometimes our actions do not align with our thoughts and beliefs. There are times that what we did is not what we truly want. There are people whose actions speak good deeds, but we do not really know what intentions are behind them. There are also people who have done bad things but have good intentions. Therefore, I believe that my thoughts are what define me most. Lastly, the only time that we could say that we know a person is when we can read what is in their minds.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    Some of the ways that I could think of about taking care of my body that contributed to my mental and emotional well-being are when I am doing my skin care routine, putting makeup on, and even how I dress myself. These ways contribute to building my self-confidence and self-esteem and help me to express and carry myself. These also helped me to build a strong sense of self and avoid absorbing the conflicting opinions of others about me. In addition, taking long baths is also one of the ways that contributes to my mental state and emotional well-being because of its therapeutic effect. By taking long baths, it is somehow washing away the negativities in my body and helping me feel good and relaxed.
    1. B.
    2. C.
    3. B.
    4. D.
    5. D.
    6. C.
    7. D.
    8. D.
    9. B.
    10. C.

  • @harveyjaygarcia905
    @harveyjaygarcia905 10 днів тому

    BSTM -1F
    1. As we ordinarily experience thing as humans ,you are conciuse that does not require any proof . it's simply doesn't matter if you exist or not you experience existence and that is all you need.
    2.yes,it is possible whether you experience it or not you can relate what she's/hesgone through because we are not just Humans.
    3. it is simply a matter of right and wrong .
    How I define success and obtain victory in life and in business ,more importantly what I base my senseof Right and wrong upon is critical to how I interact.
    4.I imagine the whole thing in my mind
    I pay attention ,I concentrate ,if I learning something new I spend a lot of Time anylyzing it,
    5.yes because actions speaks louder than words , people actions show their real attitude , rather than what they say,
    6.Excercise ,physical activity is a great way you to keep you physically healthy as well as improving you mental well-being .
    Doing exercises releases feel-good chemicals.
    Even a short Burst of 10minutes brisk walking
    Can improve your mental alertness , energy and mood.

  • @livelaughlovearianagrande
    @livelaughlovearianagrande 10 днів тому

    Gerbolingo, Kimberly C. SS111- BSTM-1E
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? why or why not?
    - Thinking alone isn't enough to prove existence. As what Descartes' famous line says, "I think, therefore I am," it highlights that self-awareness is evidence of existence. However, while thinking implies a thinking self, it doesn't necessarily prove one's existence in the broader sense without external validation.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    - For me, fully understanding someone else's experience can be challenging without direct experience. While empathy and communication can help, there's always an element of subjectivity that can only be fully grasped by the person who experienced it.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    - In my own perspective, determining when there's enough evidence often involves evaluating the consistency, reliability, and relevance of the evidence. Balancing this with my own reasoning and intuition helps me in making a well-supported belief or decision.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? what was it, how did you feel?
    - The moment I surprised myself that I feel like I've grown when I grasped an independent moments that even my family couldn't believe. The moments are when I travel in the Bukidnon for CMU entrance exam by myself, enrolling in this school, taking an entrance without external help of other people. It felt empowering and satisfying to figure it out on my own, which I figure it out how much I have grown, how the inner child in me so proud that I do the things when I was a kid was so afraid.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? why or why not?
    - For me, actions often define who we are more concretely than thoughts or beliefs because they manifest our values and intentions in the real world. While thoughts shape our actions, what we do ultimately reflects who we are.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    - For me, taking care of your body supports mental and emotional well-being by improving mood, reducing stress, and increasing our energy levels. Having a good physical health lays a foundation for a more stable and positive mindset in our daily lives.
    Test yourself
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @MaylenAmodia
    @MaylenAmodia 10 днів тому

    BSFAS 1C
    1. For me, thinking alone is enough to prove that i am exist. Because when i'm alone i have nothing to prove to anybody.
    2. Its difficult to fully understand someone else's experience without having gone through it personally. we can try to understand and imagine what someone is going through but there will likely always gaps in our comprehension.
    3. My enough evidence to support a belief or decision in my life is personal values. Being wrong is outweighed by the confidence in what i've learned, balancing reason, facts and self awareness that guide me to decision point
    4. I dont have personal experiences, but I imagine what such a moment might feel like. Its likely a mix of excitement, pride, and relief. Its boost my confidence and foster a deeper curiosity about learning
    5. Thoughts and beliefs are equally important because they guide our actions and reveal deeper aspects of our character without beleifs, our action would lack purpose and consistency.
    6. Taking care of your physical body contributes to mental and emotional well-being is improved mood and reduced stress, better sleep, increased confidence and self-esteem.
    Test yourself

  • @ErikStacyRicafort
    @ErikStacyRicafort 12 днів тому

    Erik Stacy W. Ricafort
    BSFAS 1C
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? why or why not?
    - Yes, I think thinking is enough to prove that you exist in this world. Because thinking represents the existence of the thinker.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    - tro fully understand a person's experience first you have to gothrough it. And it's hard to fully understand someone else's experience if you haven't experienced it yet.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    - By looking if it is good to your self. And you have to determine when there's enough evidence to support a belief or decision in life to have balance, quality, consistency, that can make your life good.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    - The moment of understanding something complex without outside help is whe, i solve a math problem on my own. And i feel happy for myself because i have succeed it on my own.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or belief why or why not?
    - Yes, because your because when you think you have to do or have a actions to it.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    - Have a regular physical exercise or yoga to release toxic of your mind and body, which can improve mood. And keeps you away from depression and anxiety.

  • @JenevydLaurejas
    @JenevydLaurejas 15 днів тому

    BSTM 1E
    No because for me our existence as humans is affirmed through a combination of philosophical reasoning, scientific evidence, sensory experiences, social interactions, and personal reflections. Each of these aspects contributes to a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be a conscious, living human being.
    No, because it's not possible to understand someone else's experience without experiencing it. You will only know it but not fully, because I believed that if you have experience about certain things then you will have a knowledge about that certain things.
    By experienced. If you have that, then there are evidence to support your belief or decision in your life.
    There are some point of my life when I have no one to call on or to help me. But in that moment, I am surprised and blessed because I overcome every adversities in life.
    All of us has a thoughts and different beliefs, but sometimes we didn't take some actions of what we believed for. So that I firmly believed that our actions define who we are because even you have thoughts in your mind or there are things that you believed for, If you don't take some actions about it then it is useless. Not taking action about it is also an action, and it defines who you are.
    Taking care of our physical body contributes to our mental health well being through various mechanisms, including biochemical processes, improved sleep, enhanced self-esteem, and better stress management. Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and proper rest are all integral to maintaining mental well-being. The interplay between physical health and mental health highlights the importance of a holistic approach to overall wellness.

  • @maheramillante6737
    @maheramillante6737 11 днів тому

    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? why or why not?
    I believe that the act of thinking itself is enough to prove our existence. We live as humans who have problems or things we do, and it's enough to know that as long as we are thinking, we exist in this world. We live and exist because of our minds, and I believe that this is enough to prove that we exist.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    I believe I can't fully understand someone else's experience unless I've experienced it myself. For me, I can only truly understand and comprehend something when I'm in the same situation as the person who experienced it. It's easy to say you understand someone's experience, but it's not totally the same as feeling it yourself because you're not in their situation. I believe what others say, "You can't truly understand unless you're wearing their shoes", meaning you can't truly know someone's situation unless you're in their position or living their life.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    I think that even if there's enough evidence to support my decisions in life, I still want to witness the real events with my own eyes to confirm if it's the right and appropriate thing to do. There's a lot of evidence circulating that isn't true, so I believe that if I see it and prove it to myself, that's what I'll believe.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? what was it, how did you feel?
    Yes, I still remember that moment when I felt doubtful about myself because of things that I didn't understand at first. It felt like I just wanted to disappear from the world. But after those moments of doubt, I was surprised that they just faded from my mind and I overcame them without anyone's help, just by myself. I feel thankful because for every problem, there's always a solution, and you need to understand and believe in yourself.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? why or why not?
    No, because I believe that actions don't define who you are. Sometimes we make mistakes, but we don't want to or like the mistakes we've made. What we did isn't a basis for who we are, but it does play a part. I believe that our minds speak louder than our actions. People get to know us better when they can read our minds, which is why actions, for me, don't define who I am.
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being?
    If I take care of myself, like doing skincare, caring for my hair, staying fragrant, putting on makeup, and simply dressing well and presentably, it makes me happy and boosts my confidence. It contributes to my mental and emotional well-being because it increases my self-confidence and my belief that I am beautiful enough. Also, because of this, I can avoid the negative things that other people might say to me. So, taking care of my physical body is really important and it contributes a lot to my mental and emotional well-being.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. C

  • @patricksimba7870
    @patricksimba7870 14 днів тому

    Patrick Gabriel S Salud
    BSIS 1-C
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist? why or why not?
    - Thinking is enough to prove that you exist as a thinking entity because the very act of thinking presupposes the existence of a thinker.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    -I think it's hard to fully understand someone else's experience if you haven't experienced it directly. While you can gain in-depth knowledge by listening, talking, or learning about their experiences.
    3. How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or or decision in your life?
    - Determining when there’s enough evidence to support a belief or decision involves balancing quality, consistency, and quantity of information.
    4. Can you think of a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel
    - A moment of understanding something complex without outside help can be likened to solving a challenging puzzle.
    5. Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or belief why or why not?
    - Yes because The relationship between actions, thoughts, and beliefs is complex
    6. In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well-being
    - Regular exercise releases endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce feelings of depression and anxiety Physical activity and practices like yoga or tai chi help manage stress by lowering cortisol levels.
    1. B
    2. D
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. C
    7. D
    8. D
    9. B
    10. A

  • @theking6520
    @theking6520 12 днів тому

    I believe that thinking alone is enough to prove existence because the very act of thinking or doubting shows that there is a "thinking self."
    no, because you won't know what he experienced if you don't experience it either, so what I will do is to experience what he experienced so that I can understand
    I will show how determined I am in what I want and I will show them that they will not be disappointed in what they want if they do
    happy because I will no longer depend on others and I am also experiencing how difficult it is and I am given knowledge and I understand better how to live without depending on others
    happy because I will no longer depend on others and I am also experiencing how difficult it is and I am given knowledge and I understand better how to live without depending on others
    oo, dahil mas madaling e pakita sa kilos kung ano ang gusto sabihin at sa kilos din ay mas dun natin nalalamn kung ano ang pinapakita niyang u
    what I'm wearing and because I'm not comfortable when what I'm wearing is different from them because I'm more shy and think that maybe I'm being laughed at and when I'm wearing it well I feel more reassured.

  • @honeyjeanpayot7033
    @honeyjeanpayot7033 11 днів тому

    Honey Jean D. Payot
    Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove that you exist?
    - Yes, because thinking yourself alone is enough to prove that you're existing, because if I don't, I couldn't write this answer, therefore I exist.
    Do you think that it's possible to understand someone else experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    -Yes, because it's possible to understand others experience, but not fully. People have different feelings and experiences.
    How do you determine when there is enough evidence to support a belief or decision in your life?
    -In determine evidence to support a belief or a decision in life is having a decision or critical thinking to ensure that your decision and beliefs are well supported.
    Can you think of a moment when you surprise yourself by understanding something complex without outside help how did you feel?
    - A moment of understanding something complex without outside help is interesting and happy, when it comes to problem, like family problem, realising there's a lot of way to become better and all you need is evaluate the issues, make sure is everyone is okay and willing to compromise.
    Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? why or why not?
    -Yes, I believe that my actions define who am I more than my thoughts and beliefs because it is important parts of our identity and our actions are a direct reflection or our choices and dedication in life.
    What ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental health well being?
    - Taking care of our body contributes to our mental health well being through healthy eating, good nutrition help you feel better, getting enough sleep, and also exercise can reduce feeling of stress.
    Test your self:

  • @kraatzcruz
    @kraatzcruz 8 днів тому

    Kraatz Vandein Cruz - BSIS 1C
    1. Do you believe that thinking alone is enough to prove thst you exist?
    Yes, because thinking makes you wonder about the nature of the universe and helps in your understanding about it and yourself, it is also proof that you exist.
    2. Do you think it's possible to understand someone else's experience fully without having gone through it yourself?
    -In my opinion, it is possibly hard fully understanding someone else's experience if you haven't gone through it yourself. While talking to them, listening to their experiences, or learning about them can provide you with in-depth understanding.
    3. When someone or most of the people around me share a belief, I consider that to be evidence that the belief is true. However, not everything that they believe will be something I also believe. In the end, I will make a decision based on my own judgment, if I feel that it is right for me to make that decision.
    4.) Can you think a moment when you surprised yourself by understanding something complex without outside help? What was it, how did you feel?
    It gives me a feeling of accomplishment that I can understand something difficult even on my own, without assistance from anyone. In some ways to considering my own existence, I have discovered and acknowledged that not everyone will agree with my choices or way of living.
    5.) Do you believe that your actions define who you are more than your thoughts or beliefs? Why or why not?
    -No, I believe that our actions are doesnt reflect of being who we are to others because as humans we can manage our actions from the different environment, you can act like you are a good person to others but is some cases when you are other place or environtment probably some of your actions may change or what kind of person we are.
    6.) In what ways do you think taking care of your physical body contributes to your mental and emotional well being?
    For having a better looks we need to set our self to the standard looks of the society based on trends and norms, having a bad appearance could make us uncomfortable or conscious to our actions. The mind perceives what the body senses experience from the external word.
    Test your self:
    10. C