How To Recognize Pain in Your Cat | Vet's Voice

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @nur5e123
    @nur5e123 3 роки тому +1

    Really interesting and helpful, thank you

    • @VetMedCorner
      @VetMedCorner  3 роки тому

      Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate your kind words

  • @markcordell9802
    @markcordell9802 Рік тому

    Our cat was diagnosed with cancer about 3 weeks ago... She's roughly 18 years old and the sweetest loving Momma Cat I've ever seen... We moved here about nine or ten years ago and she was here on the property... Nobody ever claimed her nor to care of her so we took her in... When we first laid eyes on her, we noticed that she had a gash on her nose... We always thought it was from fighting the other cats in the neighborhood for food or territory... The spot on her nose got bad quick... Within the last month most of her nose is gone... We had her at the vet roughly three weeks and 4 weeks ago... That second visit is when we were told about the cancer... She doesn't act like she's in pain unless you touch the area by mistake... I don't want her to suffer but at the same time it's so hard to let go... I know that having her put to sleep is inevitable and it's probably going to happen pretty soon... Trying to prepare for that vet visit is extremely hard... 🙁🙁🙁

    • @VetMedCorner
      @VetMedCorner  Рік тому

      I'm so sorry that your cat is going through this incredibly painful issue. If you don't already have pain medication from your veterinarian you need to get some ASAP and make sure to start tracking quality of life incredibly frequently to help monitor her.

  • @judithb4202
    @judithb4202 3 роки тому

    This is really good! Thank you for sharing

  • @CarrieMK
    @CarrieMK 2 роки тому

    ‪I’ve had this on my mind today since I accidentally quicked my cat when I was cutting her nails last night. 💔‬
    She’s forgiven me (after sufficient treats, because her care is important and we can’t be afraid of nail trimmings), but I still feel for her. I’m sure it must still be sore.

    • @VetMedCorner
      @VetMedCorner  2 роки тому

      Accidents happen to all of us at times. I hope that you both bounce back quickly 💜

  • @jSutliff74
    @jSutliff74 2 роки тому

    My cat was walking funny and her ilium bone was sticking out of her back on the left side of her sacrum. She was also going back and forth to the litter box and straining to poop with no results. Sometimes she would vomit while straining.
    I asked my vet what was sticking out of her back. He knocked on it like a door and said it felt like bone but was not bothering her so no need to worry about it. He did not manipulate her leg or watch her walk.
    He said it was just a GI infection and she was in great health because she was purring.
    She did have a broken pelvis 6 years prior to this. She never was able to jump over 18” after this surgery and had problems with pooping, vomiting, and not eating for years after the surgery.

    • @VetMedCorner
      @VetMedCorner  2 роки тому

      I am so very sorry.
      Please immediately seek a second opinion. Cats purr for many reasons (this is discussed in my video on why cats purr), and imaging like x-rays/pain management/possibly other diagnostics are definitely necessary to actually sort out and treat what your cat is struggling with.

    • @jSutliff74
      @jSutliff74 2 роки тому

      @@VetMedCorner He started treating her symptoms with 40mg depomedrol injections, eventually every 2 weeks. I asked him if maybe she had diabetic neuropathy because the way she was walking. He said she probably did because diabetes was the trade off for steroids and insulin was a hassle. He continued the injections every 2 weeks after this.
      VCA did the hip surgery(6 years before this) and it left her with a permanent SI luxation. The first surgery he mistakenly double plated her spine.
      By the way, her ilium bone popped up overnight 6 years after that operation.
      In the following video is her 2 month post op rad and symptoms. VCA said that there was no reason for her pain(they kept giving her more Buprenex) and that it healed up nicely:

    • @jSutliff74
      @jSutliff74 2 роки тому

      @@VetMedCorner Oh yeah, the depomedrol did make her eat more, but she started vomiting a lot more, especially when straining to poop.

    • @VetMedCorner
      @VetMedCorner  2 роки тому

      As I noted above, you need to immediately seek a second opinion from someone with a current knowledge base about how to appropriately treat cats. Consider an internal medicine specialist if she has untreated diabetes.
      Best wishes.

    • @jSutliff74
      @jSutliff74 2 роки тому

      @@VetMedCorner She died from dehydration. I just found it humorous that he thought she was in great health because she was purring.

  • @heatherford5915
    @heatherford5915 3 роки тому +1

    Very informative! Thank you!

    • @VetMedCorner
      @VetMedCorner  3 роки тому

      I am so glad you liked it! Thank you for commenting!

  • @kathycrawford4652
    @kathycrawford4652 4 місяці тому

    what if there are no signs of pain, but xrays show arthritis. how would you know if any specific medicine is working or not. plus alot of these things might never apply. my cat has never played.

  • @HumbleBee123
    @HumbleBee123 2 місяці тому

    My cat has a nasal tumour and was on high dose of steroids. She stopped eating and would attempt to drink but seemed she couldnt. She tried to sleep but seemed she couldnt. She was pacing and crying for over 3 days and 3 nights. Vet said she was likely senile and not distressed or in pain when she did it few weeks previous after her blocked teared duct burst. I wanted her pts at the time but was convinced it wasnt the tumour but dementia. Although my vet didnt see any videos. She said if they are in pain they tend to not pace and cry but instead lay there and maybe hide. She also said that she would be constantly rubbing or pressing her face if she was in pain.
    I let my cats goes days of pacing and crying, she wore herself out. I had to syringe water and supplements in her until I could see my usual vet. By day three she was doing more pitiful cries. Like she was fed up. She would lay on her side trying to sleep but would suddenly lift head and do pitiful and fed up cry. She would change position have just flop down.
    By day 4 when I took her to see vet, she noticed her eye had tilted where the tumour had likely grown in muscle behind eye.
    She agreed then that is was likely the tumour.
    I left her all that time, thinking it was dementia and she was unaware. I even slept in another room when she needed me most because I want sleep. She cried outside the door and weed on the little bed I had there. Which was unusual.
    I'm barely sleeping and struggle to eat. I'm overwhelmed with guilt at the thought she had suffered so long and i ignored her pleas for help. Because i was convinced she was totally unaware due to dementia I've since learnt dementia usually is a night thing. Her memory seemed fine too.
    Her pacing and cries were loud and despite being an indoor cat with garden access only. She was constantly looking up at top of fence looking like she was going to attempt to climb fence and escape. Which she wouldnt have been able to do.
    I will share link of video I have of her in garden on the night before her pts. Her eyes looked not tilted here but couple hours later is when I noticed it looked strange.
    In the video she was more worn out and her cries because quieter. But for days she was crying louder.
    If you watch it and at the end she comes toward camera after attempting but not drinking. She does do a quieter cry in this one and wish I recorded when she was louder first few days. Before wearing herself down. If you look at her face. What would see?
    There is a video in that playlist with her twitching her head. That was from week previous and I was concerned so shown video and vet said she wasnt concerned because its seen in older animals and not tumour or pain related. It went on for hours but did lessen.
    Please could you advice if from the garden video, if she was in pain. Just be aware she was drained by this point and not got videos of her when her cries were louder and more distressing.

  • @tigg2175
    @tigg2175 8 місяців тому

    Question, what if you notice the cats tail tucked in? My cat went out a week ago today and he has been lethargic some but he does eat a little bit and he has gone to the bathroom but I just noticed that when he wants to sit down he hesitates, and, his tail down, I don’t even know how to get him in a carrier if I take him to the vet tomorrow thank you for the video

    • @VetMedCorner
      @VetMedCorner  8 місяців тому

      You definitely need to see your veterinarian.

  • @MadisonKerr
    @MadisonKerr 3 роки тому

    Great info!

  • @beyda8193
    @beyda8193 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much for the great content
    I would like to ask for a possible diagnosis for my cat. I am trying to figure out what is the problem with her. I am monitoring her continously with my vet. we did several xrays and blood tests. yet we could not find a specific diagnosis.
    I think it is due to lack of experience in this area.
    I try to read medical vet resources but it is difficult for me:(
    so I wounder, is it possible to help me in that. maybe I can give you a list of symptoms and you may prepare a video or something related to that..

    • @VetMedCorner
      @VetMedCorner  3 роки тому +4

      I appreciate your comment so much!
      I'm sorry to hear about the struggles with figuring out a diagnosis for your cat. Unfortunately, it's illegal for me to try to give a specific diagnosis to a specific animal without having done a physical exam. All I can legally do is make general information videos. That being said, I would consult a specialist with your cat if your GP veterinarian is stumped. Perhaps an internal medicine specialist? But it may be a different specialty depending on what exactly is going on with your cat...
      I hope that this helps and look forward to hearing your thoughts on other videos! All the best,
      Dr. Em

    • @beyda8193
      @beyda8193 3 роки тому

      Thank you so much for your reply.
      she is a rescue cat, 6 years old, female, neutered. she throw up almost once per day. some times she throw up twice. the food that comes out is slightly digested or completely digested. she does not like to drink water. I mix some water with her food.
      recently I started feeding her from a dish that is higher than her stomach level. she has a lot a gases and prone to constipation easily. she salivate a lot when purring and whee she is almost asleep unless her head is higher than her chest while laying down. usually she wakes up when around to fall asleep and try to swallow thick salive. and she also do that before throwing up. I am currently controlling her food type for allergy. I fed her Salmon based food for the past month. it seems good for her in reducing gases.
      now I am switching to chicken based food for this month. she is so sensitivite to noise and prone to attack immediately the source of the loud sound so we had to declaw her to protect ourselves and other pets and children in the house.
      I understood that you can not give a diagnosis but maybe you can give a list of possible infections or deseases. the ones that show what looks like common symptoms (as the one that I described above) but are chronic.
      we could not find anything wrong in her detailed blood test results and Xray (except for filled intestines due to constipation).
      please, excuse my long comment but I could not find an email to use instead of writing a comment.
      Again, thank you so much for all
      of you nice work and efforts.

    • @VetMedCorner
      @VetMedCorner  3 роки тому +1

      It does sound like you need to consult a veterinary internal medicine specialist. Often an abdominal ultrasound is very helpful in these scenarios.
      Getting her feeling better will be key for her behaviour. Once you have the digestion issues sorted, if there are any behaviour issues remaining, then you can consult a veterinary behaviourist.
      Dr. P

    • @beyda8193
      @beyda8193 3 роки тому

      Thank you so much. I will try to find an internal specialist vet here.