Just watched "Once Were Brothers" last night. It transported me back in time. Much I knew but hadn't seen and plenty I didn't know.. If you're a lover of the Band's music don't miss it.
Yup, when he was writing the songs for the Band and the producer was putting together the recordings it was Robbie doing all the work, not Levon. Ask the producer who wrote all the songs. He said Robbie wrote all the songs. He was the only one writing. The producer would tell the recording company who the writer was, it wasn't something Robbie lied about, if it had been the producer would have given credit to whomever worked with Robbie. Even Ronnie Hawkins knew Robbie was the song writer, he said he was writing songs when he was a teenager.
@@paulwitham2220 I love all the members of The Band; saw them once in concert in 1984 (The Comeback Tour) at The Downtown Festival Tent in Rochester, NY. Robbie wasn't with them, but it was by far the greatest rock concert I'd ever seen. These guys were MUSICIANS like I had never seen before. Levon complained that he didn't get songwriting credit and that the songs came from his stories of growing up in the Mississippi Delta. I believe that is true, BUT he did NOT write the songs. Robbie was fascinated by the region and Levon's stories and he captured the mood, the time, the moment in a way that Levon should have appreciated for otherwise The Band would have never been a sensation and Levon would have been known as a gifted musical talent, but not a legend and a wealthy one at that. Robbie has stated that Levon suffered with health problems and it effected him badly, but even that is generous in my opinion. Levon walked out on Dylan in 1966 because he had issues then as well; long before he became sick. Robbie's songwriting talent is amazing, but he also needed The Band to create those memorable sounds. He wrote some decent songs after leaving The Band, but never again with a sound that could match The Weight, King Harvest, or Tears of Rage. It is the fact that 1+1+1+1+1 did not equal 5, but equaled 25 is what made The Band so intriguing and legendary. It literally makes watching them captivating because it's fascinating to watch and think, "Well, he's the best, but no he's the best", and all the way around the stage you go right back to where you started like a Merry Go Round. It will fascinate forever; that's why we're still talking about them.
What is amazing is he dropped out of high school at age 16 to play with Ronnie Hawkins, but he was very curious, and did a lot of reading, Tennesse Williams, Faulkner, movie scripts, Bergman, Fellini.
All The Band members were talented, but Robbie worked harder, except perhaps for Garth. The other 3 were doing heroin. Not being judgemental, I'm of that generation, love all of them, especially Rick and Robbie.
@@hannejeppesen1809 Rick was my fav, richard with that voice of his and then Levon drumming while s inging to me is always breath taking. Im sure they all did many drugs dont let robbie off the hook did you read his book Testimony? its all there . Cheers
@@tas22222 I read Robbie's book, and also Barney Hoskyns biography of The Band. None of them were perfect, they don't have to be perfect for me to be a fan. Robbie was very open about his drug use in his book, he by his own admission was no angel, but he stayed away from heroin, and music always came first with Robbie. From what I can gather he did a lot of cocaine after The Last Waltz, also while he was with The Band, but I think there were a few years when he was separated from his wife he was heavy into cocaine. However, during The Band days, he managed to still be responsible and write songs etc.
What are ya New??? Robbie has a gazillion albums 99% of all songs written by him...He produced, wrote and played on most of all classic music from the last 6 decades dude!!?! He was on stage when dylan went electric and changed the whole paradigm of rock'n'roll music forever...I think maybe you should do some research, the band even played to a standing ovation @ Woodstock in '69...What else do you want the guy to do???
I think your opinion is in the minority, you are entitled to it, but it will not change the mind of those of us that love the Band and Robbie.@@diegogangeles2654
My generation is now in the process of departing from this Mortal Coil and leaving behind music that will last as long as the music of Beethoven or Mozart as people will listen to The Band 100 years from now and dig it. I first heard the Brown Album in 1970, I was 21 years old and I was a solid fan after that, Ive watched The Last Waltz many many times and played Big Pink, and the Brown Album more times than I can count over the years and will continue to do so... Im now 75.. Garth is the oldest member of The Band and the only one still alive in Sept 2023.
A great songwriter, musician & human being. I saw him in a historical doc called "Making Noise" some yrs ago; it featured tribal music history & film from late-1800s forward; it was incredible & historical. Thanks Robbie for sharing the Six Nations Reservation & some of the residents, especially the Rez Radio Station DJ & the young musicians, where you signed a teen's guitar, jammed with them & gave them a story to tell & cherish forever.
I agree that Chuck Berry is an iconic memory. I cover "Go, Johnny, Go" and imitate his famous moves (which aren't easy). I saw him in concert right before he passed, and he could still do the moves. I think he was in his eighties at the time.
@@cassidy-beaukitt1972 how come Levon (and The remaining Band members) didn’t write new songs on their reunion records? Larry produced and “co-wrote” with Levon. He said Levon helped arrange, but didn’t write. I love Levon and Rick and I do think that they contributed more than the songwriting credits show, but Levon was clearly and angry, bitter guy before they even broke up. The stories of his temper (even towards women) are out there. One of the biggest reason people are so angry with Robbie is that they bought into the show business of their image. No matter what, dragging several full-blown addicts on tour over and over would be exhausting and frustrating. They could have all sued him while Rick was alive if what Levon alleged was accurate. Rick never claimed anywhere near as much. He didn’t seem to like certain things about him, but he clearly loved him and kept working with him on Robbie’s solo stuff. Same with Garth. Levon ran out of money and was angry. He wasn’t claiming that he’d been ripped off publicly until many years later. This nonsense has poisoned and plagued the legacy of The Band. It’s a real shame because the music is wonderful. As I said, I think people take it personally because they love those albums and the idea of a family band being brothers with an unbreakable bond, but money, success and especially drugs and ego tore them apart
@@thomasminarchickjr.7355 100000000%. It’s crazy how people buy into these narratives. I love Levon, but he was clearly angry, bitter, and jealous. Like you said...The Band couldn’t write a thing without Robbie (who continued to be very successful creatively). Creating drum parts and harmonies etc...does not equal songwriting credits. I’ve noticed similar unfair hostility toward McCartney amongst Beatles fans.
@@cassidy-beaukitt1972 I hope, in all honesty, that this is a poor attempt at trolling. If you’re actually serious, you don’t know the first thing about the history of The Band. The materials are out there that counterbalance Levon’s story. And, yes, I love Levon Helm.
...and it's not the worst choice I ever made. So far, so good. Of course, you wouldn't wanna get hung-up on booze 'r pills 'r powders. That stuff's fer punks and patsies.
@@MareShoop Well, that is true, but for some they can drink, do drugs and know when to stop some can't, that's when it becomes a disease. Robbie said in an interview, I was no angel (we know Robbie, one reason you are so fascinating) I was willing to go to the edge, but not over it, the other, especially Richard went over it, but Rick and Levon struggled with substance abuse for most of their lives. although Levon cleaned up for awhile. Rick was addicted to heroin, he had a near fatal car accident in 68, broke his neck and back, and it left him in pain for the rest of his life, which probably had something to do with his addiction. Also Robbie wrote in his book, he wife kept him , somewhat, grounded.
Do you read Robbie's book. It is fascinating, not only about his life, and how The Band came about, but it also gives you insight into the sixties and seventies. It was my generation and his book bring it all to life.
“used up all my tricks. . . . some don’t write anymore, some can’t write anymore…” … Please, welcome Richard Thompson. Do yourself a favor if, you haven’t already and look him up. Still gigging, still writing and he just gets better.
I cant believe he did not say Elvis "that"s all right mama"I have heard him talk about him being a fan of Elvis. We may not even know who he is if not for that song... That song birthed rock & roll
Elvis was a great talent, but he borrowed or stole (depends on perspective) from African-Americans whose musical form was ahead of him and that gave birth to R&R (so this is not to disrespect Elvs). Listen to Rosetta Tharpe's 'Rock Me' or Louis Jordan (I love Saturday Night Fish Fry), just to name two who were a decade or more before Elvis. Let's add BB King, John Lee Hooker, Willie Dixon, Bo Didley and many more. Elvis, being white got the noise but musicians were listening to these people, coming out of stations like DJR (King Biscuit) and many others. Don't pull a Bazz Luhrknownothing on us. Elvis didn't come out of nothing.
you are totally correct in all you statements, and I agree wholeheartedly with you. If you look my comment was made 2 years ago. Way before the movie. Elvis did take the music from the African American artists and bring them into the mainstream, and I don’t think he every denied that or took credit for their music. I believe he was clear to where he drew his inspiration. I don’t not believe rock & roll was worse off for him doing that. My original comment was more directed at the fact that Robbie did not give credit for Elvis being inspiration for his and The Band” music. I have heard him say in past interviews that Elvis was a big inspiration for their music that’s all. I would never take away from the original history of blues and rock & roll and give all credit to Elvis for its origin, because that would be incorrect. Elvis did bring rock & roll into every home in the US, and that can not be denied though. @@sinclairwhitbourne2090
@@sinclairwhitbourne2090 Elvis acknowledged people of colour, long before it was cool to do so. He grew up dirt poor and with people of colour. They were the ones he felt comfortable with.
Robbie talks here about Chuck berry. Two of my oldest and closest friends went with me to see chuck berry playing at the rainbow theatre, Finsbury park, London in1975. We know who we are. See you soon boys.😊😊
Chuck Berry was a known baseball fan which makes the "two-three the count, nobody on" in B.E.H.M peculiar. There's no such count cuz you've just struck out. If I had ever met Berry, I would have asked him about that.
If Levon’s side was 100% truth then why did they not write any new material after Robbie left? The Band and Levon in particular didn’t appreciate Robbie enough if you ask me.
I can really do without his ego, and the things he's saying about other members of the band without their being able to tell their side of the story. He doesn't need fans, he has himself
Levon told his side of the story. Rick didn't agree with Levon's take. Richard left us too soon. Garth is at peace with his own legacy. And none of this is discussed by Robbie in this less-than 5-minute clip. It's time to move on.
It’s time to end the Robbie hate. The battles are over, the books have been written and Robbie and Garth are left...let’s just appreciate then while they are still here.
@@Sdutt_author He’s only been a massively successful songwriter for decades who the likes of Dylan, Clapton, Scorsese, and The Beatles admired. Would you prefer he be all “gee whiz, golly gee...I’m not very good. I can barely do anything right”. He is actually humble in relation to his success. If he was overly modest it’d it was feel phony. I’m glad he’s not a navel gazing wimp.
I am the legal Second Christ Thor, Eric Clapton's half brother. Robbie Robertson's Somewhere Down That Crazy River + Yeah, I can see it now The distant red neon shivered in the heat I was feeling like a stranger in a strange land You know, where people play games with the night God, it was too hot to sleep = Note: O God's angel now Orlando's St. Elihana Elia Israeli singer, a toy wife to a thee Hotep King David Christ Thor. O, try thee Saskatchewan's Arm River way under water ship, why then get wet. We open thee Zion Temple -tent golden 'E' thing Robbie had a Jewish father and native North American mother.' E' is Eloah , singular of El, which is plural, Elohim. I am an Elohim-Sapien. I was adopted by several local native tribes and worked on thousands of native residential school children's murders through the Chief of police at File Hills.They were accepted by the courts as the same as me and my brother Eric Clapton who have G.O.D. Gene, descendents of both King David and Jesus Christ which the churches hate. I inherited the Crown of England -Chancery at birth and can also become the king of other countries such as Norway. King David = Viking Dad Hi, I am the legal Second Christ Thor and the sixth completion man of a six part reincarnation based on the Key of David which is the triangular number 153. The first man I was reincarnated from is Pharaoh Hotepnebty, born 317x9=2853, 3 & 7 10 2853BC and his wife was Queen Hathor of Memphis Egypt, born the same year, they were both Nephilim and had Eloah father's from the Elohim's City of the Gods in Hadsel Municipality, Nordland Vesteralen Norway, 68.23 Lat & 15.3 E Long. I am coming 68, interesting. THey built the stone circle at Stonehenge, then built the Dog Head of the Stairway to Heaven and west of that, the West Stonehenge later called Saska Stoons[Saxon Stones] on 51.10.73 Lat & 106.46.22 Long overng the south branch of the Saskatchewan River. Queen Hathor was reincarnated as Sarah, first wife Prophet Abraham, born 217x9=1953, 2 7 10 1953BC, I was born 7 10 1953AD at Craik Sask by the Arm River named after the people of the Armi City State of the Kish culture which the Kish Stock Ewen River now Saskatchewan River was named after. Saska Jutes Hewan [Saxon Jews heaven] is now the word Saskatchewan. Revelation =Ven Tor Elia =Elia V Tenor = Vote Riel NA, NA is North America, North America = Arm, A Nice Thor= Thor Ram Nicea = Thor Crai 'E' man = A man Eric Thor = A Thor in Cream Clapton =Top Clan=Plant Co =Can Plot , Eric Clapton and I are half brothers and our real father is an Eloah named Odin, 'E' in Hebrew is Eloah Culdee Monks = Sunk , Me Led CO. Robert Plant's mother's maiden name is Cain, Armageddon + Cain = Madoc and Regina' in this case Regina Beach and north of it and west of the tower dock, was the original Ark of the Covenant in a sunken Culdee monk -Prince Madog Ship. Our clue is Arkansas which is found in the words 'Saskatchewan River' and the Ark of the Covenant was sunk in Last Mountain Lake in a Prince Madog ship along with a massive treasure in several other Viking Ships south of Pelican Pointe along 105 long. in the old 'Banks' of the Arm River below the waters of Last Mountain Lake. 2003 Google images will show you an ancient astrolabe man map along Pelican Pointe Road, it transposes to the Persian Gulf, the right circle below the man's legs transposes over Layla and the left circle transposes over Medina in Saudia Arabia. 25 miles north of there is the Dog Head -Big Arm straight west of Stonehenge. Use 2003 google to view Dog Head it is 2 Sam.3:8 part of Judah and Rev.22:14,15, use same year 2003 for Pelican Pointe Road very ancient Astrolabe man map- Ark of the Covenant that transposes over to the Persian Gulf. Today white square google earth at nearby Silton Sask. marks the Elohim's ancient underground Base. Armageddon =Arm, A GOD Den= Arm, A GOD END = Arm, A DOG END=MADOG REDAN
That's right! Robbie was a lowdown dirty song thief who stole the songs The Band wrote together from their 1st two albums, and he put his name on them and took all the publishing rights and all the royalties for himself. When the other bandmembers realized he had ripped them off they stopped participating in round-table songwriting with Robbie and they all refused to contribute to the songwriting. That's when all the big hits stopped. Robbie never wrote anything worth a damn on his own. The rest of the band never achieved what they had previously when they wrote as a group. The songwriting credits, publishing rights and royalties should have been a 5-way split between all the bandmembers. Robbie was a greedy bastard and stole from them. He didn't take it with him when he died. If he had it would have burned up!
Jesus, man, you have 50 million in the bank. Go see another ENT man. Get a second opinion. Listen to them this time. Apnea is one thing, but do something with whatever septum you have remaining.
Robbie had 50 million in the bank when Levon died and decided not to help his old friend. To his own admission, Levon was instrumental in the writing of their biggest hits. They wrote them together, and he cheated Levon of any publishing rights. Despicable. Decides to visit Levon hours before dies and unable to speak and decides everything‘s ok because Robbie said so.
Levon did not help write the songs, perhaps a few he cowrote with Robbie. Robbie wrote about stories from Levon and his family, The night the drove old dixie down. He did not cheat Levon of the publishing rights. Levon agreed to sell them. Levon went on to star in several movies, well received, he wrote a book and also performed with the reamaing Band members, he must have made some money, perhaps he didn't know how too invest it, or he blew it on drugs. Having said that I love Levon's singing, he was good in "The Right Stuff", and I'm not being judgemental.
RIP Robbie. Sad day for sure. You will be missed but your music lives forever.
I met him in Los Angeles right before the pandemic. A true gentleman and a legend that will be sorely missed.
Thank You, Robbie. You shared so much Joy with us. See you Somewhere Down that Crazy River.
A Giant has left the Stadium. RIP Robbie Robertson. Your legacy and music will live for a very long time! Thank you for the MUSIC!
Thanks Robbie you brought us through one hell of a trip my friend
Up the Cripple Creek & down the crazy river. No idea he was ill. Very sad...
Just watched "Once Were Brothers" last night. It transported me back in time. Much I knew but hadn't seen and plenty I didn't know.. If you're a lover of the Band's music don't miss it.
What a wonderful memory we have of R.R. with this recording Dr. Creo
RIP Robbie You give us some beautiful songs. Thanks.
I just appreciate the music the Band gave us We are indebted to all 5 of them
One of the true legends .
Such a sweet well rounded musical genius. Best In Show Robbie!
Robbie Robertson is a great songwriter and a colorful story teller.
Robbie is so very knowledgeable that is why I love the guy so much.such a great storyteller.
Yup, when he was writing the songs for the Band and the producer was putting together the recordings it was Robbie doing all the work, not Levon. Ask the producer who wrote all the songs. He said Robbie wrote all the songs. He was the only one writing. The producer would tell the recording company who the writer was, it wasn't something Robbie lied about, if it had been the producer would have given credit to whomever worked with Robbie. Even Ronnie Hawkins knew Robbie was the song writer, he said he was writing songs when he was a teenager.
@@paulwitham2220 I love all the members of The Band; saw them once in concert in 1984 (The Comeback Tour) at The Downtown Festival Tent in Rochester, NY. Robbie wasn't with them, but it was by far the greatest rock concert I'd ever seen. These guys were MUSICIANS like I had never seen before. Levon complained that he didn't get songwriting credit and that the songs came from his stories of growing up in the Mississippi Delta. I believe that is true, BUT he did NOT write the songs. Robbie was fascinated by the region and Levon's stories and he captured the mood, the time, the moment in a way that Levon should have appreciated for otherwise The Band would have never been a sensation and Levon would have been known as a gifted musical talent, but not a legend and a wealthy one at that. Robbie has stated that Levon suffered with health problems and it effected him badly, but even that is generous in my opinion. Levon walked out on Dylan in 1966 because he had issues then as well; long before he became sick. Robbie's songwriting talent is amazing, but he also needed The Band to create those memorable sounds. He wrote some decent songs after leaving The Band, but never again with a sound that could match The Weight, King Harvest, or Tears of Rage. It is the fact that 1+1+1+1+1 did not equal 5, but equaled 25 is what made The Band so intriguing and legendary. It literally makes watching them captivating because it's fascinating to watch and think, "Well, he's the best, but no he's the best", and all the way around the stage you go right back to where you started like a Merry Go Round. It will fascinate forever; that's why we're still talking about them.
What is amazing is he dropped out of high school at age 16 to play with Ronnie Hawkins, but he was very curious, and did a lot of reading, Tennesse Williams, Faulkner, movie scripts, Bergman, Fellini.
just pure talent in every bone in his body !!! RIP ROBBIE ! THANK YOU
All The Band members were talented, but Robbie worked harder, except perhaps for Garth. The other 3 were doing heroin. Not being judgemental, I'm of that generation, love all of them, especially Rick and Robbie.
@@hannejeppesen1809 Rick was my fav, richard with that voice of his and then Levon drumming while s inging to me is always breath taking. Im sure they all did many drugs dont let robbie off the hook did you read his book Testimony? its all there . Cheers
@@tas22222 I read Robbie's book, and also Barney Hoskyns biography of The Band. None of them were perfect, they don't have to be perfect for me to be a fan. Robbie was very open about his drug use in his book, he by his own admission was no angel, but he stayed away from heroin, and music always came first with Robbie. From what I can gather he did a lot of cocaine after The Last Waltz, also while he was with The Band, but I think there were a few years when he was separated from his wife he was heavy into cocaine. However, during The Band days, he managed to still be responsible and write songs etc.
Sad Robbie just passed over, you will be missed forever Robbie. I play your CDs all the time.
One of those guys, like George Harrison, who you like from the moment you first hear or hear about him. What a fine fellow.
Robbie always came across as a decent person. RIP.
No question the mans a legend in music, he's been there done that, how awesome is that.
Wtf, he is and hasn't ever been a legend in music
@@diegogangeles2654 Yes he is, even if your ass burns about it
He’s a legend with Me. 🍀
What are ya New??? Robbie has a gazillion albums 99% of all songs written by him...He produced, wrote and played on most of all classic music from the last 6 decades dude!!?! He was on stage when dylan went electric and changed the whole paradigm of rock'n'roll music forever...I think maybe you should do some research, the band even played to a standing ovation @ Woodstock in '69...What else do you want the guy to do???
I think your opinion is in the minority, you are entitled to it, but it will not change the mind of those of us that love the Band and Robbie.@@diegogangeles2654
Grateful to have been in his presence.
My generation is now in the process of departing from this Mortal Coil and leaving behind music that will last as long as the music of Beethoven or Mozart as people will listen to The Band 100 years from now and dig it.
I first heard the Brown Album in 1970, I was 21 years old and I was a solid fan after that, Ive watched The Last Waltz many many times and played Big Pink, and the Brown Album more times than I can count over the years and will continue to do so... Im now 75..
Garth is the oldest member of The Band and the only one still alive in Sept 2023.
I miss him 😢 he is was and always will be beautiful ❤️
Rest in peace legend. You will be sorely missed.
Love this man. RIP Robbie Robertson.
Robbie Robertson can read the phone book and make it sound fascinating.
That "Once Were Brothers" song is making me cry. I have not ever heard that before. I feel like I KNOW that voice, VERY well.
R.I.P. Robbie. 🙏🏻
A great songwriter, musician & human being. I saw him in a historical doc called "Making Noise" some yrs ago; it featured tribal music history & film from late-1800s forward; it was incredible & historical. Thanks Robbie for sharing the Six Nations Reservation & some of the residents, especially the Rez Radio Station DJ & the young musicians, where you signed a teen's guitar, jammed with them & gave them a story to tell & cherish forever.
one of the greatest. Adore his writing.
Robbie....un ser humano extraordinario....tremendo guitarrista 🎸🔥🙏de Argentina 🇦🇷 2021
I agree that Chuck Berry is an iconic memory. I cover "Go, Johnny, Go" and imitate his famous moves (which aren't easy). I saw him in concert right before he passed, and he could still do the moves. I think he was in his eighties at the time.
That guitar sound there at the chorus of "How does it feel?" is a particular sound that I like.
Long live the great songwriters!
Saw the last waltz when i was a young man with my Uncle and cousin. will never forget it. i've loved it since.
I love Robbie Robertson
Simply THE BEST!
Brilliant man
Robbies music is in the blood.....I can't let go
Neither could he.
Besides a serious great songwriter Robbie had real class.
Lucky to see The Band live at he CSNY gig Wembley London - OMG...
1974....It was filmed too.
A legend by any measure, All of them.
He's a musical genius - definitely one of the most prolific songwriters (of great material) that has walked the Earth!
It was all Levon Helm. He didn't write shit
@@cassidy-beaukitt1972 how come Levon (and The remaining Band members) didn’t write new songs on their reunion records? Larry produced and “co-wrote” with Levon. He said Levon helped arrange, but didn’t write. I love Levon and Rick and I do think that they contributed more than the songwriting credits show, but Levon was clearly and angry, bitter guy before they even broke up. The stories of his temper (even towards women) are out there. One of the biggest reason people are so angry with Robbie is that they bought into the show business of their image. No matter what, dragging several full-blown addicts on tour over and over would be exhausting and frustrating. They could have all sued him while Rick was alive if what Levon alleged was accurate. Rick never claimed anywhere near as much. He didn’t seem to like certain things about him, but he clearly loved him and kept working with him on Robbie’s solo stuff. Same with Garth. Levon ran out of money and was angry. He wasn’t claiming that he’d been ripped off publicly until many years later. This nonsense has poisoned and plagued the legacy of The Band. It’s a real shame because the music is wonderful. As I said, I think people take it personally because they love those albums and the idea of a family band being brothers with an unbreakable bond, but money, success and especially drugs and ego tore them apart
@@thomasminarchickjr.7355 100000000%. It’s crazy how people buy into these narratives. I love Levon, but he was clearly angry, bitter, and jealous. Like you said...The Band couldn’t write a thing without Robbie (who continued to be very successful creatively). Creating drum parts and harmonies etc...does not equal songwriting credits. I’ve noticed similar unfair hostility toward McCartney amongst Beatles fans.
@@cassidy-beaukitt1972 You're right. Levon Helm didn't write shit.
@@cassidy-beaukitt1972 I hope, in all honesty, that this is a poor attempt at trolling.
If you’re actually serious, you don’t know the first thing about the history of The Band.
The materials are out there that counterbalance Levon’s story. And, yes, I love Levon Helm.
The original incarnation of The Band was, by far, the best I ever saw. They should have gone on forever. Substance abuse is an awful disease.
It’s not a disease, it’s a choice. No one poured that alcohol down their throats or shot them up.
...and it's not the worst choice I ever made. So far, so good. Of course, you wouldn't wanna get hung-up on booze 'r pills 'r powders. That stuff's fer punks and patsies.
@@MareShoop Well, that is true, but for some they can drink, do drugs and know when to stop some can't, that's when it becomes a disease. Robbie said in an interview, I was no angel (we know Robbie, one reason you are so fascinating) I was willing to go to the edge, but not over it, the other, especially Richard went over it, but Rick and Levon struggled with substance abuse for most of their lives. although Levon cleaned up for awhile. Rick was addicted to heroin, he had a near fatal car accident in 68, broke his neck and back, and it left him in pain for the rest of his life, which probably had something to do with his addiction. Also Robbie wrote in his book, he wife kept him , somewhat, grounded.
You will be very missed Robbie
Awesome! Great stories . Thanks
🔥 Outstanding 🔥⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🔥
A fellow Mohawk and a great music legend Ooh-Rah Robert
He took great inspiration from his tribe's elder storytellers. It just oozes out of his writing.
What a rich life sir, I will be reading your book ! RIP you were deeply appreciated.
Do you read Robbie's book. It is fascinating, not only about his life, and how The Band came about, but it also gives you insight into the sixties and seventies. It was my generation and his book bring it all to life.
"brown eyed handsome man" must've been written for Robbie lol 💕
He was very handsome in his younger days, not bad looking as he got older, but he was model or movie star handsome when he was young.
Happy 80th birthday Robbie Robertson!!!
RIP my Idol ❤️ Ciao grande Robbie ❤️
He is the best😄
Somewhere down the Crazy River ❤
Will Colonel Kurtz be waiting down that Crazy River?: " the horror, the horror..."!!
Much respect to you😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I loved our Robbie...
RIP Robbie
Amazing man
Thank you for your and support, am happy to have a great fan like you.
Thanks Robbbie fothose great nites playing with Ronnie Hawkins and the Hawks..spectacular guitar and band...😁
“used up all my tricks. . . . some don’t write anymore, some can’t write anymore…” … Please, welcome Richard Thompson. Do yourself a favor if, you haven’t already and look him up. Still gigging, still writing and he just gets better.
Canada Cool, thanks!!! My world will never be the same without. We`ve been together for some fifty f..... years, brother.
I cant believe he did not say Elvis "that"s all right mama"I have heard him talk about him being a fan of Elvis. We may not even know who he is if not for that song... That song birthed rock & roll
100% agreed. Not "cool" to say positive things about Elvis anymore though. Apparantly.
Elvis did a good job on it but don't forget Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup. A great version that didn't get the play it deserved because it was "race music."
Elvis was a great talent, but he borrowed or stole (depends on perspective) from African-Americans whose musical form was ahead of him and that gave birth to R&R (so this is not to disrespect Elvs). Listen to Rosetta Tharpe's 'Rock Me' or Louis Jordan (I love Saturday Night Fish Fry), just to name two who were a decade or more before Elvis. Let's add BB King, John Lee Hooker, Willie Dixon, Bo Didley and many more. Elvis, being white got the noise but musicians were listening to these people, coming out of stations like DJR (King Biscuit) and many others. Don't pull a Bazz Luhrknownothing on us. Elvis didn't come out of nothing.
you are totally correct in all you statements, and I agree wholeheartedly with you. If you look my comment was made 2 years ago. Way before the movie. Elvis did take the music from the African American artists and bring them into the mainstream, and I don’t think he every denied that or took credit for their music. I believe he was clear to where he drew his inspiration. I don’t not believe rock & roll was worse off for him doing that. My original comment was more directed at the fact that Robbie did not give credit for Elvis being inspiration for his and The Band” music. I have heard him say in past interviews that Elvis was a big inspiration for their music that’s all. I would never take away from the original history of blues and rock & roll and give all credit to Elvis for its origin, because that would be incorrect. Elvis did bring rock & roll into every home in the US, and that can not be denied though. @@sinclairwhitbourne2090
@@sinclairwhitbourne2090 Elvis acknowledged people of colour, long before it was cool to do so. He grew up dirt poor and with people of colour. They were the ones he felt comfortable with.
@ Montréal 🇨🇦...
rest in SOUND, Brother !😇
Rest in power robbie😊🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
RIP Richard
Oh my! 😎
Rabbit out of a hat
Robbie talks here about Chuck berry. Two of my oldest and closest friends went with me to see chuck berry playing at the rainbow theatre, Finsbury park, London in1975. We know who we are. See you soon boys.😊😊
RIP Robbie.
I would like to know who are the 8 (sic) idiots who didn't like this... Man, how can you not like this?
His english is very easy to understand !!!
Here, south of France.
Canada's own!
¨I¨m Canadian, Native American, Jewish, where oh where is there a place for me in this cruel world´´? HOLLYWOOD!
The greatest American rock band was 80% Canadian
Very hard hitting that Robbie Robertson is gone.
In our time giants roamed the earth.
Such an Underestimated
👨🎤 Musician!
Congratulations you just made a weirdo comment
@@alessandromegadino926 a hater of Robbie... very original
'Save The Last Dance For Me'!
what was that thiird one agaiin
What genre would you call the band?
@@lastnamefirst4035 rocks a bit broad to be honest.
@@badda_boom8017 then dont ask. Ill delete my comment which I shouldn't have posted to begin w
@@lastnamefirst4035 I was looking more for the sub genre.
Americana/country etc
@@badda_boom8017 keep looking
I would say roots rock or folk rock
Chuck Berry was a known baseball fan which makes the "two-three the count, nobody on" in B.E.H.M peculiar. There's no such count cuz you've just struck out. If I had ever met Berry, I would have asked him about that.
I see you Dave Guy and Ian H-S👀
Who is the hot chick in the photo with Robbie and Martin? Damn!
I'm on Levons side...
If Levon’s side was 100% truth then why did they not write any new material after Robbie left? The Band and Levon in particular didn’t appreciate Robbie enough if you ask me.
@@JustAnotherBlader what was levons side? Robbie is great but levon is number 1
The rabbit was peter caught in tale ...
The band c
R/T the Bob Dylan rolling stone" agreed:Bob Dylan ONLY on this! Sublime....
I can really do without his ego, and the things he's saying about other members of the band without their being able to tell their side of the story. He doesn't need fans, he has himself
Levon told his side of the story. Rick didn't agree with Levon's take. Richard left us too soon. Garth is at peace with his own legacy. And none of this is discussed by Robbie in this less-than 5-minute clip. It's time to move on.
It’s time to end the Robbie hate. The battles are over, the books have been written and Robbie and Garth are left...let’s just appreciate then while they are still here.
I've never seen an interview of this guy where he wasn't just in love with himself.
He's so full of himself he's about to go into orbit..
@@Sdutt_author He’s only been a massively successful songwriter for decades who the likes of Dylan, Clapton, Scorsese, and The Beatles admired. Would you prefer he be all “gee whiz, golly gee...I’m not very good. I can barely do anything right”. He is actually humble in relation to his success. If he was overly modest it’d it was feel phony. I’m glad he’s not a navel gazing wimp.
Where ip0s smoke signal ?
Lmfao of course his own song makes the list.
I am the legal Second Christ Thor, Eric Clapton's half brother.
Robbie Robertson's Somewhere Down That Crazy River +
Yeah, I can see it now
The distant red neon shivered in the heat
I was feeling like a stranger in a strange land
You know, where people play games with the night
God, it was too hot to sleep = Note: O God's angel now Orlando's St. Elihana Elia Israeli singer, a toy wife to a thee Hotep King David Christ Thor. O, try thee Saskatchewan's Arm River way under water ship, why then get wet. We open thee Zion Temple -tent golden 'E' thing
Robbie had a Jewish father and native North American mother.' E' is Eloah , singular of El, which is plural, Elohim. I am an Elohim-Sapien. I was adopted by several local native tribes and worked on thousands of native residential school children's murders through the Chief of police at File Hills.They were accepted by the courts as the same as me and my brother Eric Clapton who have G.O.D. Gene, descendents of both King David and Jesus Christ which the churches hate. I inherited the Crown of England -Chancery at birth and can also become the king of other countries such as Norway. King David = Viking Dad Hi, I am the legal Second Christ Thor and the sixth completion man of a six part reincarnation based on the Key of David which is the triangular number 153. The first man I was reincarnated from is Pharaoh Hotepnebty, born 317x9=2853, 3 & 7 10 2853BC and his wife was Queen Hathor of Memphis Egypt, born the same year, they were both Nephilim and had Eloah father's from the Elohim's City of the Gods in Hadsel Municipality, Nordland Vesteralen Norway, 68.23 Lat & 15.3 E Long. I am coming 68, interesting. THey built the stone circle at Stonehenge, then built the Dog Head of the Stairway to Heaven and west of that, the West Stonehenge later called Saska Stoons[Saxon Stones] on 51.10.73 Lat & 106.46.22 Long overng the south branch of the Saskatchewan River. Queen Hathor was reincarnated as Sarah, first wife Prophet Abraham, born 217x9=1953, 2 7 10 1953BC, I was born 7 10 1953AD at Craik Sask by the Arm River named after the people of the Armi City State of the Kish culture which the Kish Stock Ewen River now Saskatchewan River was named after. Saska Jutes Hewan [Saxon Jews heaven] is now the word Saskatchewan. Revelation =Ven Tor Elia =Elia V Tenor = Vote Riel NA, NA is North America, North America = Arm, A Nice Thor= Thor Ram Nicea = Thor Crai 'E' man = A man Eric Thor = A Thor in Cream
Clapton =Top Clan=Plant Co =Can Plot , Eric Clapton and I are half brothers and our real father is an Eloah named Odin, 'E' in Hebrew is Eloah Culdee Monks = Sunk , Me Led CO. Robert Plant's mother's maiden name is Cain, Armageddon + Cain = Madoc and Regina' in this case Regina Beach and north of it and west of the tower dock, was the original Ark of the Covenant in a sunken Culdee monk -Prince Madog Ship. Our clue is Arkansas which is found in the words 'Saskatchewan River' and the Ark of the Covenant was sunk in Last Mountain Lake in a Prince Madog ship along with a massive treasure in several other Viking Ships south of Pelican Pointe along 105 long. in the old 'Banks' of the Arm River below the waters of Last Mountain Lake. 2003 Google images will show you an ancient astrolabe man map along Pelican Pointe Road, it transposes to the Persian Gulf, the right circle below the man's legs transposes over Layla and the left circle transposes over Medina in Saudia Arabia. 25 miles north of there is the Dog Head -Big Arm straight west of Stonehenge. Use 2003 google to view Dog Head it is 2 Sam.3:8 part of Judah and Rev.22:14,15, use same year 2003 for Pelican Pointe Road very ancient Astrolabe man map- Ark of the Covenant that transposes over to the Persian Gulf. Today white square google earth at nearby Silton Sask. marks the Elohim's ancient underground Base. Armageddon =Arm, A GOD Den= Arm, A GOD END = Arm, A DOG END=MADOG REDAN
Just a thief who stole from his friends.
That's right! Robbie was a lowdown dirty song thief who stole the songs The Band wrote together from their 1st two albums, and he put his name on them and took all the publishing rights and all the royalties for himself. When the other bandmembers realized he had ripped them off they stopped participating in round-table songwriting with Robbie and they all refused to contribute to the songwriting. That's when all the big hits stopped. Robbie never wrote anything worth a damn on his own. The rest of the band never achieved what they had previously when they wrote as a group. The songwriting credits, publishing rights and royalties should have been a 5-way split between all the bandmembers. Robbie was a greedy bastard and stole from them. He didn't take it with him when he died. If he had it would have burned up!
Doped up dopers and alcoholics are not nearly as creative as they imagine they are.
Robbie is the KING!
Who is bob 🤔 lol
Jesus, man, you have 50 million in the bank. Go see another ENT man. Get a second opinion. Listen to them this time. Apnea is one thing, but do something with whatever septum you have remaining.
Still finding residue up there from his powdery adventures with Scorsese.
Snorted his eyebrows off -wtf?
Bill Maher once said "If it improves the product."
Robbie, a true legend - "The Band" - a really boring act...
Seriously? Then don't listen. Maybe just shut the hell up.
He sounds drunk.
Who is Chuck berry? Lol
Robbie had 50 million in the bank when Levon died and decided not to help his old friend. To his own admission, Levon was instrumental in the writing of their biggest hits. They wrote them together, and he cheated Levon of any publishing rights. Despicable. Decides to visit Levon hours before dies and unable to speak and decides everything‘s ok because Robbie said so.
Levon did not help write the songs, perhaps a few he cowrote with Robbie. Robbie wrote about stories from Levon and his family, The night the drove old dixie down. He did not cheat Levon of the publishing rights. Levon agreed to sell them. Levon went on to star in several movies, well received, he wrote a book and also performed with the reamaing Band members, he must have made some money, perhaps he didn't know how too invest it, or he blew it on drugs. Having said that I love Levon's singing, he was good in "The Right Stuff", and I'm not being judgemental.