Destiny 2 - WE KNOW HOW TO USE THE VEIL! A Wish To Send One Person Through The Portal

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • Today we unravel the mysteries of the Veil, a key artifact in the Destiny 2 universe that's been shrouded in intrigue since Lightfall's release. Join us as we explore its connections to the Traveler, the Darkness, and how it's shaping the destiny of our world. This past week we’ve learned how to use the Veil and Savathun’s wish to enter the Traveler and today we explain how that’s going to happen.
    “Destiny 2 Lore”
    “Destiny 2 Season Of The Wish”
    “Destiny 2 Season Of The Wish Story”
    “Destiny 2 Final Shape”
    Thanks for watching!


  • @z3rotollranc3
    @z3rotollranc3 9 місяців тому +61

    The fact that Mara seems offended that Riven would be misleading kind of makes me wonder just what Mara was expecting from a creature known for deception. It almost seems like we should have expected this sort of scenario, and the fact that it happens now instead of later actually makes me believe that Riven really is on our side, as well as doing what is necessary to protect the future of the Ahamkara.

    • @Loonfuzzy
      @Loonfuzzy 9 місяців тому +2

      I guess Mara was mad because she didn't want a "strings attached deal" so only one person being able to go through kinda seems like that, when in reality that's how the wish was formatted to begin with?

    • @xXx_Regulus_xXx
      @xXx_Regulus_xXx 9 місяців тому +3

      @@Loonfuzzy all it would have taken to fix Mara's dialog here would be to have her say "did you learn nothing from your mate Taranis? will you tarnish his memory?"
      this would show she knows what Riven is like by default, and also show that she secretly knew about Taranis and chose now to shove that information in Riven's face to gain advantage, which seems way more like what her character is supposed to be instead of this "hey why's the tricky wish dragon being tricky :^(" nonsense

    • @yanipheonu
      @yanipheonu 9 місяців тому +7

      It's entirely possible to have low expectations and still be let down.

    • @RafitoOoO
      @RafitoOoO 9 місяців тому

      ​@@xXx_Regulus_xXxBungie forgot how to write dialogue long ago. The audio of Mara and Osiris completing each other's phrases in the radio felt like a single line of dialogue divided between two completely different characters. Totally unnatural.

    • @JROCC205
      @JROCC205 9 місяців тому

      @@RafitoOoO Guess they fired the writing staff before the collapse a few months ago 😆

  • @Jon0387
    @Jon0387 9 місяців тому +52

    Our Guardian is the one sent through:
    “Ok, I’m in the Traveler, now to open the door and let the Vanguard and all other Guardians in… wait is that a treasure chest? Maybe there’s some good loot in there.”

    • @mnight-4
      @mnight-4 9 місяців тому +2

      I have bad news...

    • @ABazingaMan
      @ABazingaMan 9 місяців тому

      @@mnight-4who heats sent threw. Tell me

    • @Changingtesting
      @Changingtesting 9 місяців тому +2

      I have bad news…

    • @ABazingaMan
      @ABazingaMan 9 місяців тому +1

      @@Changingtesting SAY IT

    • @mnight-4
      @mnight-4 9 місяців тому +3

      The last message from Osiris mentions that Crow will do it...

  • @Chloroxite
    @Chloroxite 9 місяців тому +17

    That is quite possibly *the* most graphic death Destiny has ever portrayed. 2:00

    • @Changingtesting
      @Changingtesting 9 місяців тому +2

      And the guardian was significant in lore books. And they gave em a default titan look 😢

  • @ConOre00
    @ConOre00 9 місяців тому +38

    I was so shocked when Osiris use strand, I know he understands it, but I would have thought it would take practice, and as we saw our guardian while practicing with it they died to it (most likely multiple times, so I’m guessing Osiris took a risk

    • @darriangario3447
      @darriangario3447 9 місяців тому +11

      He's the goat guardian it didn't really surprise me considering his fears

    • @exaltedfalchion7441
      @exaltedfalchion7441 9 місяців тому +14

      It's not too unsurprising, he has always been a risk taker and was shown in Lightfall to wield it to a minor degree. But it's also the case that irl, people can use the feats and practice others discover to improve. Human sprinters today would HARD LAP sprinters from a century ago because everyone is pushing the boundaries with new techniques, training routines, and even diets(not including drugs, that is a WHOLE nother can of worms lol). Osiris probably just picked up what worked for the guardians and could perfect it for himself so he can contribute on the battle field lol

    • @realnoble676
      @realnoble676 9 місяців тому +5

      Osiris is incredibly smart, and because he was the one who helped us use strand that experience helped him understand how strand works and how he could try to use it while being weary of the risk.

    • @lycanyte5898
      @lycanyte5898 9 місяців тому

      @@exaltedfalchion7441 (Osiris pops an Adderall to enhance his strand capabilities)

    • @Atraks-1_MILF_Exo
      @Atraks-1_MILF_Exo 9 місяців тому +7

      It's obvious that Osiris isn't afraid to take a risk since he even boarded a cabal ship with us after Sagira's death

  • @ciceroblackthorne3607
    @ciceroblackthorne3607 9 місяців тому +8

    The Traveler is a jawbreaker with a sour center. The Witness is sucking his way to the final shape, which is a tiny sliver of sour flavor.

  • @Grayves_X
    @Grayves_X 9 місяців тому +2

    There's some interesting points that are coming to light (no pun intended).
    •The Veil and the Traveller were most likely once one.
    •The light is of the material, of creation, but the breaks at the lower portion of the Traveller reveal metal beams, like it was made by another creature.
    •The Veil is an object made from darkness, so it shouldnt have a solid form
    •While Darkness is the realm of consciousness the Veil seems to not have a consciousness
    •The Traveller is an entity of light but clearly has some form of consciousness, it has even spoken directly to one character (Rhulk, through a ghost)
    I believe all of these points show that the Veil and the Traveller were once one, the Veil looks like it was chopped in half while the Traveller seems to have a metal shell and metal supports at the bottom. I believe the top part of the Veil is inside the Traveller and they were both whole (but not how the thumbnail shows) it may have been a type of plant in the original Garden (if that exists) it had been uprooted by another entity and either transported to our universe, or was the seed that grew our universe. But this or another enity split it in half separating light and dark into two different forces. They moved the Veil somewhere and then created the shell around the Traveller, to take control of the Light.
    Now the consciousness of the Traveller is either left behind from the consciousness of Darkness from the Veil when it was once whole, OR is the original entity that uprooted it and has either transferred themself into the Traveller or is inside controlling it like a ship.
    The last part is kind of the wildest part and may not be true, but I feel that the fact the Veil doesn't seem to have a consciousness and the Traveller does is important. Unless either The Witness is suppressing the consciousness or when the Witness's species became one the consciousness of the Veil was implanted into the Witness's new form. I prefer the former of this scenario as it goes with the line of Darkness not being evil, and nullifies the motive of The Witness.
    I'm sorry for the ramble, and hope it all makes sense. I may come back later after work on my PC and tidy this up 😅

  • @mastertucker
    @mastertucker 9 місяців тому +2

    It's crazy that the simplicity of the final shape being, as Riven put it, to close the gap between what is and what is desired, is so simple and has been in our face the whole time but until comparing it to the Ahamkara's tangible method of actually feeding on that gap and how the final shape would mean taking their actual food source it just doesn't click that way.
    Like we already learned a while back the Traveler and Veil don't want to be put together because it would allow limitless reality warping - but that still came off as like the Witness wanted to use that to end the universe and or do one specific goal. We already knew he wanted to end suffering but that came off like 'no life or universe? No suffering!'. But here she says plain as day what we already knew that he legit wants to take away the gap between desire and reality and that that's the goal. Which would take away suffering as anyone basically gets to make their own wish - and THAT'S why everyone following the Witness is lead to believe in this multi-definition final shape because technically each individual would get their wish how they want it to be.
    It's just surprisingly simple but surprisingly not the simplest answer that we were lead to believe.

  • @Tempest_1211
    @Tempest_1211 9 місяців тому +4

    0:09 “And how it’s shaping the DESTINY of our world” ✍️🔥

  • @jdmithrandir_5702
    @jdmithrandir_5702 9 місяців тому +2

    Thanks for posting the story! Gonna rely on you to show how the saga finishes!

  • @pangwen4621
    @pangwen4621 9 місяців тому +7

    why is no one talking about the size difference between the veil and the traveler?

    • @Spider-Bite
      @Spider-Bite 9 місяців тому

      This always bothered me. It's too small, why does nobody see that?

    • @Bustuhh
      @Bustuhh 9 місяців тому

      The shape comes from what the Vex believe it to be
      Ashers sacrifice in the exotic mission was the first time we seen both the Traveler and Veil joined together in game, and since that hologram was in the Vex network, we have to assume that's what the Vex seen, instead of what they wanted to make, like how the Ahamkara operate, what is desired and what we get

    • @Bustuhh
      @Bustuhh 9 місяців тому

      Personally the empty space which showed during the Travelers attack on the Witness (look at the area the beam comes from its circular and hollow), the Veil would fit perfectly inside that space
      So if the we look at our own ghosts, we can imagine what the Traveler should look like when joined with the Veil
      The 2 parts would join to become a massive ghost

  • @MrBVapeApe
    @MrBVapeApe 8 місяців тому

    "Send Crow Through...."
    "Crow? You there?"
    "Open the door then"
    "Gonna need 6 months bro, go loot some vex or something"

  • @djdarkskinss6415
    @djdarkskinss6415 9 місяців тому +2

    Of course one person can through the portal it’s always savathun scheme but using the lay lines to force open the door sounds a very bad idea

  • @ghillysniper45
    @ghillysniper45 9 місяців тому

    The way the answer looks to me is that going through the portal in the traveler is the person being attacked relentlessly, the witness was able to just parry the attacks so as to gain entry, the ley lines would provide the way through for us.

  • @patchinthebox
    @patchinthebox 7 місяців тому

    I finally feel like I understand the veil. I'm disappointed that it took an entire year for Bungie to explain it.

  • @andersbylund2753
    @andersbylund2753 9 місяців тому +5

    So Osiris just asume that one can open the traveler from the inside to let the rest of us in?

    • @Bluebird323
      @Bluebird323 9 місяців тому +1

      I guess kind of like...unlocking a door? Idk

  • @snyperwulffgaming9575
    @snyperwulffgaming9575 8 місяців тому

    Mara wants to be upset, but the reality is, no one asked the right question about this wish. Riven never said the details because no one ever actually asked. The fact that Riven gave up that information on her own tells me that she is vested in this succeeding because of finding out she had uncorrupted eggs left. And I believe that there is a way to feed Ahamkara without causing calamity. Taranis proved that already, even if he was a bit weaker than the others he still derived more satisfaction from granting the wish as is than twisting.

  • @twelved4983
    @twelved4983 9 місяців тому

    People will say that “oh Bungie spoiled the entire season with that accidental leak” or whatnot, but that’s not how I saw it. When I saw it, I saw it as a simple typo of situations.
    The text prompt was fully in context, not like it was completely not supposed to be there. It’s not like, say, talking about dialogue from someone who wasn’t even involved.
    “____” could have easily been replaced with “the Witness” and the sentence would’ve made sense. Sure idk how that happened but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the actual ending of the season.
    Plus, do we even know when the story quests of the season end? Cause it seems to me that if we get that wish ready by January, we’ve got quite a few more months before that wish is utilized in June.

  • @kingdom13keeper
    @kingdom13keeper 9 місяців тому +1

    Gotta say with that. Osiris says “who knows, no one has ever been inside before” ummm did no one really ever go “I want to see what’s inside of the traveler” and go up through the giant holes in the thing when it had the massive holes? Like I feel someone at least once would have 😂
    Also with only sending 1 guardian, and knowing about ikora in the cutscene, I guess they are going 😅 but definitely brings up the question of how the rest of us will get there especially our character.

  • @Vishalx01
    @Vishalx01 9 місяців тому

    The entire video just clarifies everything for me , the cinematic clips helped out a lot ! Thank-you

  • @steveschweitzer4181
    @steveschweitzer4181 9 місяців тому

    Our memories will be the Army

  • @Atraks-1_MILF_Exo
    @Atraks-1_MILF_Exo 9 місяців тому +30

    It's kinda unsettling how some guardians can die to the witness' powers and actions. Three of them and their ghosts getting sliced up by the flick of a finger and another Guardian and ghost getting squashed into an unrecoverable glob. Wonder how the fight between the Guardian and Witness is gonna be.

    • @Mozzarellamaruder
      @Mozzarellamaruder 9 місяців тому +24

      Stand on plate and shoot ball until shield pops

    • @Grayves_X
      @Grayves_X 9 місяців тому +7

      I think it will be a common method of nullifying or weakening the Witness's power à la Taken King, where we spent the whole expansion (and previous to that) weakening Oryx by denying tributes

    • @guiltyspark3434
      @guiltyspark3434 9 місяців тому +1

      Inmune phase ends and shoot the entirety of your heavy ammo into him until it dies

    • @mindphantom
      @mindphantom 9 місяців тому +1

      I think we’re going to acquire something from from within the traveller that will prevent the witness from doing similar stuff to us. Or maybe being within the traveller itself will nullify its effects

    • @snyperwulffgaming9575
      @snyperwulffgaming9575 8 місяців тому +1

      More than likely the Guardians will discover a way to nullify that ability. Quite honestly if Bungie is smart they will take this time to build an actual darkness subclass that will counter act what he can do rather than just giving us another subclass to our light class.

  • @_The_Seeker_
    @_The_Seeker_ 9 місяців тому +1

    Can somebody tell me if Drifters ship is at all connected to the Veil and The Traveler???

    • @_The_Seeker_
      @_The_Seeker_ 9 місяців тому +1

      I mean it looks fragmented like it’s a part of The Traveler or the connecting piece between the two.

  • @niklwitart
    @niklwitart 9 місяців тому

    Destinys Story is one of the best Things of the Game since the beginning

    • @WaterspoutsOfTheDeep
      @WaterspoutsOfTheDeep 7 місяців тому

      I disagree, The lore presented in Destiny 1 was a total tease, there needed to be some reveals about the traveler and darkness and some foundational motives. We got nothing, what we got was some lore of races controlled by the darkness which was virtually pointless for all intents and purposes.

  • @CPO-Kinetic
    @CPO-Kinetic 9 місяців тому +1

    Idk about y'all, but the thumbnail of the Veil and Traveler looks like an Eyeball. (New lore question mark?)

    • @CPO-Kinetic
      @CPO-Kinetic 9 місяців тому

      Potential hidden Meaning question mark?

  • @ringomandingo1015
    @ringomandingo1015 9 місяців тому +4

    Maybe the portal doesn’t work because the inside of the Traveler didn’t exist/manifest until recently.
    With Osiris saying how the Veil and Traveler used to be one, whatever’s swirling around in the traveler might not be comprehensible to any living mind but with the Witness fluxing Darkness(or maybe Clarity which reduces to simpler states) into it, it became translatable and able to be processed by it.
    Eventually we’re gonna do that too and that’s why everything is gonna look like our previous adventures in D1, because that’s how we mortals can comprehend Traveler Space.

  • @SilkyJohnson7
    @SilkyJohnson7 8 місяців тому

    I can't wait until we finally get inside the Traveler so we can see if Fenchurch was full of shit about what it smells like inside lol

  • @startrumped3377
    @startrumped3377 9 місяців тому

    Has anyone else noticed Maras power hasn't been explained the Extant of her abilities? Between knowing it's very powerful and maras power can turn practically anyone into a weapon. The last threat she made to rivan and turning the witch queens worm into a weapon.

    • @gagejohnathan9641
      @gagejohnathan9641 9 місяців тому

      Not realizing Riven already *has* been made into a weapon with one thousand voices.
      Also, savvy probably could care less about what happened with her worm once it was out of her.

  • @lordshaxx9090
    @lordshaxx9090 8 місяців тому

    What if when crow goes through, the wish he made when talking to riven (disguised as Mara) comes into effect, if there is an ethereal form, causes subconscious and his join?

  • @coreyl1501
    @coreyl1501 9 місяців тому

    So this explains how Ikora was at the campsite with Cade.

  • @ryeuhnbrus8287
    @ryeuhnbrus8287 9 місяців тому +2

    But if we only send one, does that mean we have to solo the raid?

    • @Lifhtban
      @Lifhtban 9 місяців тому

      Would be a one man strike, open the door then the raid

  • @leebaker7395
    @leebaker7395 8 місяців тому

    If the traveler is this all powerful being why cant it just open itself up to us? Link to the veil like it did and open the portal again? Idk.

  • @HurricaneRainbowOG
    @HurricaneRainbowOG 9 місяців тому

    It's easy. Send one though, they open the door from the inside to let everyone else in. Osiris said as much

  • @usec4ki43iii2
    @usec4ki43iii2 9 місяців тому

    So who goes through ?
    I can’t find it on UA-cam.
    What’s the but then

  • @WolfofES
    @WolfofES 9 місяців тому

    I believe that the witness will kill us in the story but the exorcist stranger will find uns in the lost corridors and give her life for ours (so her loop is finally broken) and we get a 2nd chance to kill the witness

  • @Xbox-Series-X
    @Xbox-Series-X 9 місяців тому

    the witness used a beacon to make a nether portal into the traveler

  • @SuperGraveman
    @SuperGraveman 9 місяців тому

    as it sounds is send one to open the door from the inside

  • @averageperson5845
    @averageperson5845 9 місяців тому

    Is there a lore reason as to why awoken can’t do the same magic Mara can do? (I.e awoken guardians)

  • @thebreadofathousandgrogs2479
    @thebreadofathousandgrogs2479 9 місяців тому

    What if we hatch all of Rivens eggs at the end of the story to grant us all wishes to get through

  • @apolly4958
    @apolly4958 9 місяців тому

    I reckon we will send the helm into the pale heart, one riven said, doesn't specify one of what, it's like the joke with drinking, I want 1 vodka please, what do you mean 1 shot or 1 bottle , that's the way I would describe It

  • @startrumped3377
    @startrumped3377 9 місяців тому

    Technically she held her bargain. She never said that one was the wish.

  • @joenardelacruz2097
    @joenardelacruz2097 9 місяців тому

    I kinda understand and i kinda don't understand so Osiris wants us to be a veil so we can open the traveler inside and bring the army to the traveler?

    • @jackal253
      @jackal253 9 місяців тому

      Osiris essentially wants the 1st person through the portal to act like a "foot in the door" to allow the rest through

  • @MichaelThomas-q3m
    @MichaelThomas-q3m 9 місяців тому +4

    So we need to send just one to pale heart but who gonna do it

    • @goosemanVEVO
      @goosemanVEVO 9 місяців тому +1


    • @MichaelThomas-q3m
      @MichaelThomas-q3m 9 місяців тому

      @@goosemanVEVO who

    • @TroneyKing
      @TroneyKing 9 місяців тому

      @@MichaelThomas-q3m Trevor.

    • @goosemanVEVO
      @goosemanVEVO 9 місяців тому +1

      Didnt play Zero Hour, I see.
      It was a part of the enviornment during the Zero Hour exotic quest way back. Basically a malfunctioning droid that patrols a maze you need to navigate through without being obliterated by Trevor. Its name had sone numbers and other symbols in, but it's clearly meant to say Trevor.

    • @ConOre00
      @ConOre00 9 місяців тому +1

      I’m pretty sure ikora (destiny 2 final shape teaser trailer)

  • @kevkevplays5662
    @kevkevplays5662 9 місяців тому

    It feels obvious, we’re gonna be the ones going into it right?

  • @Alticroo
    @Alticroo 9 місяців тому

    whats the opening ost I can't find >.

  • @kraken3005
    @kraken3005 8 місяців тому

    Nobody gonna comment on the uncanny resemblance of the veil and traveller looking like a sperm and an egg.

  • @masterchiefofhalo4525
    @masterchiefofhalo4525 9 місяців тому

    Can’t wait to be the first one through the portal

  • @Zero_XZ17
    @Zero_XZ17 9 місяців тому

    The witness is the computer the veil is the program

  • @Stigness23
    @Stigness23 9 місяців тому

    I just wanna know who wished Cayde back to life. Crow maybe?

    • @snyperwulffgaming9575
      @snyperwulffgaming9575 8 місяців тому

      It's possible as he did say he wished he could tell Cayde he was wrong. But it could also simply just be what happens when a guardian dies dies.

    • @leebaker7395
      @leebaker7395 8 місяців тому

      Crow wished that he never killed him. Cayde isn't going to be alive. All light goes back into the traveler and its the traveler that took that light and turned it into to something we recognize to guide us. Thats why he won't be able to leave. So that's the double edge of the wish. He will be "alive" but not alive

  • @iSirath12
    @iSirath12 9 місяців тому

    wait, what bug? i wanna know who enters!!

  • @rogueagent2477
    @rogueagent2477 9 місяців тому +2

    Do y think we meet traveler in Final Shape. Or whatever is at the center

    • @roxlyde8163
      @roxlyde8163 9 місяців тому

      We have met it; The light is the domain of the physical. The visions we get from it, its behavior, the things it creates inside - that's how its been talking to us all along.

    • @rogueagent2477
      @rogueagent2477 9 місяців тому +1

      I meant being that is inside.

  • @MUUSHi.
    @MUUSHi. 9 місяців тому

    sorry my brain just imploded

  • @Tupoelf
    @Tupoelf 9 місяців тому +1

    We will send 1 guardian per week.

  • @DaStupidGoose
    @DaStupidGoose 9 місяців тому

    its sickening how milked this story arc is

  • @stronghandhanson
    @stronghandhanson 9 місяців тому +6

    I swear bungie just makes random shit up and says it’s a story

    • @devilkid224
      @devilkid224 9 місяців тому +4

      Isn't that the premise of most fictional stories?

    • @Spider-Bite
      @Spider-Bite 9 місяців тому

      "I swear people just write things with a plot and call it a story..." Are you having trouble following the story? If you've been paying attention, it all makes sense. 🙄

    • @stronghandhanson
      @stronghandhanson 9 місяців тому

      The story makes zero sense lmao

    • @Spider-Bite
      @Spider-Bite 9 місяців тому

      @@stronghandhanson So you're too stupid to understand, got it. 😅

  • @Bah-bv1yz
    @Bah-bv1yz 9 місяців тому

    cool vid btw

  • @jordanmasse6811
    @jordanmasse6811 9 місяців тому


  • @JROCC205
    @JROCC205 9 місяців тому +1

    So the witness is inside the traveler.. 🫣😶‍🌫️

    • @leebaker7395
      @leebaker7395 8 місяців тому

      Yep he's just chillin in there for the next 5 months

  • @Randomonium66
    @Randomonium66 9 місяців тому +6

    Whatever happens, I hope Nimbus doesn't survive, that dude is every shade of suck.

    • @snyperwulffgaming9575
      @snyperwulffgaming9575 8 місяців тому

      Now I hope he does just so you are mad, and because Nimbus is awesome.

  • @maxberens
    @maxberens 9 місяців тому

    Wait wait wait in all of the trailers everyone has a ghost but Cayde does not what if his ghost is just permanently dead and cayde has his memories from before he was a guardian and he just does not recognize ikora the guardian Zavala and they have to teach him how to be a guardian again.
    This is just my theory though but it does hold water.

    • @snyperwulffgaming9575
      @snyperwulffgaming9575 8 місяців тому

      Cayde recognizes Ikora, he asks her what's happened since he's been gone.

    • @maxberens
      @maxberens 8 місяців тому +1

      @@snyperwulffgaming9575 but what if ikora has to tell him about all the stuff that he has done to then tell him what has happened since he died

  • @altaraeastral9288
    @altaraeastral9288 9 місяців тому +1

    the thumbnail made me realize that the bottom of the traveler is "broken" because it was connected to the veil and removed

    • @snyperwulffgaming9575
      @snyperwulffgaming9575 8 місяців тому

      No, it's broken like that because of the damage caused during the Collapse.