its funny how the animated movie justice league vs teen titans that came out 3 days after batman v superman is a much better film then a $250 million tent pole movie
How about Zootopia? Only $150 million, had to be rewritten at least 2 times and had to cut out many characters and earlier story ideas and had a better hero team in the form of a fox & rabbit.
DC fails to realize that they're rushing the cinematic universe. Man of Steel started off, and that's it, they jumped right into Batman V. Superman. What they should have done was make a new Ben Afflek Batman movie, Man of Steel 2, and Wonder Woman before they went into this, but no, by the time that happened, Marvel would have already finished Infinity War. It's funny how the Lego Batman movie looks to set up a more grounded universe than this movie could.
+AshXXMayftw To be honest I think their big problem is a lack of willingness to portray and/or understanding of what makes their characters good, disregard and contempt for their audience (basically thinking that shoving iconic scenes at people with no narrative connection will satisfy them), twisted and warped morals with no appreciation of what makes good characters or just good people in general... etc... etc... Rushing may be part of the problem but it is just the tip of a very, very big iceberg.
+AshXXMayftw Totally agree about rushing into the cinematic universe. I kinda got that feeling since this movie was first annouced and I'm equally skeptical about Suicide Squad.
This may get a bit long, just saying as well as double-spacing; That's the main reason why I feel that BvS was a disaster, DC decided to just go for their 'Avengers' movie (superhero teamup movie) right off the bat without any buildup films. If they built up Batman, Superman Wonderwoman in their own standalone movies first, then there wouldn't be such a need for so much exposition in this mess. It wouldn't have fixed some of the problems like Lex Luthor or plotlines (not completely). Plus it probably would have cut down on the run time SIGNIFICANTLY making it not as much of a slog. Plus maybe Man of Steel 2 (in this hypothetical situation) could have setup Lex as well and his motivations. Plus here's another thing that Angry Joe pointed out. They blew 2 of the MAJOR plotlines in DC right off the bat (Doomsday and the death of Superman). With those two plotlines out of the way, they don't have much left to work with. Don't open your cinematic universe with such a big thing, start small. Would it really be a bad thing if Batman v Superman came out after Infinity War? I mean Marvel doesn't have another mega teamup movie planned (that we know of), so DC could have took Marvel's place with BvS and follow up with the Justice Leagure movies.
Ehhh. Not really. The problem here is that the film focused more on JL set up and pointless subplots instead of what the title is. There was only half an hour of that in the film. This film already established Batman as the same character we're used to and making another solo Batman film before JL would'ge been just as pointless as The Incredible Hulk and boring. Because we already know it. People need to understand to DC doesn't need to follow the Marvel universe (hell even critics are getting a bit tired of the formula), what it should NOT do is be the Amazing Spiderman 2, and that's sadly is what BvS did.
+AceAviations2 Lets list the things wrong with the movie. They all around problem have in this movie is. Superman is the one character that everyone hates. Marvel fanboy, Dc fan boy, superman lovers and haters they all do not like this Superman. Why is that? Well this is not fucking Superman. You barely see him do personal saves besides people he knows. Personal saves builds the character up making it more believable and heart breaking when he does world saving feats like dying to try to kill Doomday. Also he never smiles in this movie. The only time is with Lois in the bath tub that's it. That gives the character no personally and there for makes him boring. He just a guy going through hard times. But that's nothing if we don't see the light side too. And no, one moment in the bath tub don't count. He reason for hating Batman is weak and dumb. Batman kills people so do you Supes. You killed that terrorist that was holding Lois like it was nothing. You even smile before you killed him. (oh one time you don't want him to smile). Batman goes against the law so do you. Sure you don't brand people but you never talk about. Bring it up. The bomb goes off in the court room and that's it. Why so Lex can have the world blame superman. Why its a bomb superman doesn't need one so why would people believe he did that. And when Superman is about to fight Batman he never really trys to talk to him. All the defenders of the movie say that's because he is tired if Batman bullshit. But hello his mom live is on the line. Fuck that shit and talk to him. This is so pose to be the Man of Tomorrow for god sake. Zack and WB can't write superman to save their life. He has no personally, doesn't learn anything. Reasons for doing things makes no sense. Why is it the only person these people can to right is Batman. And Hell even that they can't do right.This Batman is fucking crazy. I know this Batman is hard core for being Batman for 20 years and losing Robin and the people in his building during the Zod Battle. But god he makes no sense. The world's greatest detective yet he couldn't figure out Lex's plan. He didn't find out who Superman was (even if both Lex and Lois did.) And decides not to kill Superman only because both their moms have the same name. I mean I know it was meant to be that Batman see that Superman has human connections so they're the same but really he is just realizing that know after two years of killing people. Hey Batdumb everyone of those people you killed probably had human connections. I guess you didn't see that unless one them said Martha. This Batman looks cool but he acts fucking dumb. He fights cool but the reason he is fighting is dumb. His traps are cool but the reason he plan the traps are dumb. His costume is cool but the reason he puts it on is dumb. Speaking of Dumb Lex Luthor. My God why just why. For anyone who likes this Lex, fine. Lets make the Joker serious scent you guys like change so much. Oh you don't want that because that not what the character is supposed to be. Well now you know how I feel. This is not Lex this is Joker/Jesse Eisenberg. At the last minute Zack change it to Lex Jr knowing people would be piss if this was Lex. So why make it Lex jr then? Because he thought people would like a Loki or a joker so they made Lex that, when he is not that. So of course no one like that including myself. So watch now they get rid of this Lex for the real one. And then watch people react to the news and say they never should had him be Lex in the first place. Also if you want your universe to be dark then why even have a character like Lex in it, in the first place. Also why do you need two Jokers in one Universe anyway. What are you people fucking thinking. This is something that Sony would pull not WB. Doomday is a worst throw away villain than any marvel villain and that should say a lot. Wonder Woman is good not great. But good. Love her theme music. Superman parents are the worst. What makes the Superman character work is his parent's strong moral values that they teach him. Zack has done a very bad job of showing that. I mean Clark mom says. Don't save anyone you don't own them nothing. Wow that is some great moral values.......of a crazy selfish person. She should have said this to him. "Look Clark there are always going to be people that hate you even if you do the right thing. But you should keep doing the right thing anyway no matter what people say. And maybe one day, maybe one day.....they will learn to like you." But no we got this dumb pointless drama shit. Everything with superman is dumb. He dumb, Lex is dumb, they kill off both Jimmy Olsen and what her name forgot. Superman mom and finally Lois. My god Lois. I know it part of the Superman character is save Lois every five seconds but damn. That's the one thing they got right and they shouldn't have. Its 2016 you can make woman characters pointless like that anymore. She was given nothing to do in the whole movie that should say a lot. I mean a bullet in Africa that was cause by lex that was drop two seconds later, really. This movie is a fucking mess. I seen worst even so. WB you need to do three things. 1. Get your head out of your ass and listen to the god damn fans. 2. Have a game plan that makes sense and NOT RUSH!3. Have your characters (mainly Superman) act like their fucking character from the comic.
'Expect to hear news over the next few weeks of major firings, re-shoots, movie delays and even outright cancellations' It's depressing how right you are :(
Now where's a dollar when I need one? You sir absolutely nailed EVERY gripe I hope the majority had with this movie; along with pointing out Ben Affleck's brilliant portrayal of the Bat himself.
Honestly, it was DC's decision to go in the reverse direction of Marvel. Look at Marvel. First, they introduced their heroes in their individual movies, then brought them together to end Phase 1 with a bang in The Avengers. But Warner Bros.? First the controversial Man of Steel, then do they go to another solo movie to world-build like Marvel? Nope! Straight to a crossover. I facepalmed at that decision. Warner's just too eager to get their own shot at a superhero ensemble movie (oh, I'm sorry, movieS).
(Wonder Woman is looking through the videos Batman sent her...) Wonder Woman: Who's this weird fish guy? (Clicks on Aquaman's trailer) Trailer: Dun dun!!! This summer, experience the biggest movie event of ALL TIME... Wonder Woman: UGHAAHH! Aquaman (in trailer): GUESS WHO?!?!?! I Hate Everything: Shut up. Wonder Woman and Aquaman: Where did you come from?!?! I Hate Everything (rolling his eyes): I don't even- (Wonder Woman starts calling Batman) Wonder Woman: What the heck are you sending me?!
+BanditIncorporated Hi Bandit. Are you going to do a long study review of Batman V Superman and expand what Zack did right and a lot he did wrong. Also I think your how should it be was way better than this movie.
What is daft is that there are audience members trying to uses the professional critic's negative reviews to make these really abysmal points about a supposed media bias against Warner Bros. and DC, when: 1) Most of these critics being attacked loved Nolan's TDK Trilogy, especially with The Dark Knight being often called one of the best films ever made. 2) Its ridiculous that members of the audiences complain about the professional media being biased about this film, when these frauds are the only biased ones. 3) Any rational person who keeps up to date on the social media side of the film community (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, UA-cam, Instagram, IMDB, particularly the comment sections and forums on these sites) there is a very clear, very obvious social media bias against Disney. There always get slanderous accusations aimed specifically at them and no other company such as supposedly paying critics to praise their own films and pay critics to slam films made by the competing companies WITH NO FACTUAL EVIDENCE to back it up. Not that everyone has to have the same opinion, but 99.9% percent of these attacked critics actually have evidence to back up their own opinions. Also whenever social media shows a dislike for a Disney film, they will always say, "because Disney" (as of the company has done nothing objectively good in its history), "Disney are never original", "Disney are too politically correct" (even though most other media companies push for political correctness with their casting, and receive zero backlash). For those who wonder why professional critics (and the GOOD side of social media critics) never subtract marks from films JUST for being diverse in their cast and not falling back on stereotypes, because they are RATIONAL, MENTALLY STABLE AND NORMAL INDIVIDUALS UNLIKE MOST OF YOU SOCIAL REJECT, NO-LIFE FRAUDS.
The most down right incoherent, disjointed, unfocused story imaginable Biazrre and choppy editing Jesse Eisenberg delivers an over the top, awkward, atrocious performenace Henry Cavill is painfully bland with absolutely no range The resolution to the fight is the most actively insulting thing in recent memory Incredibly forced Justice League set ups Characters make stupid, irrational decisions Lois Lane is a plot device Poor characterisation Cheesy dialogue The CGI looked like a video game, especially Doomsday who looked incredibly out of place Lex Luthor has no character motivation and feels like a mashup of villain cliches The score is generic and mostly rehashed from MOS with the new stuff being full of a obnoxious, repetitive drum beat The Batman and Superman fight is a disappointment, lasting only a few minutes and being completely forgettable The motivation for Batman and Superman to fight is weak The pacing is weird Major plot holes Gal Gadot is truly abysmal, delivering her dialogue so stilted and awkward So many pointless dream sequences that serve no purpose to the overall story
+William Ross And some here, who I won't name, still have the nerve to say "Nah SW: TFA is a disaster". Like it has even half those flaws let alone to a milder extent. SW: TFA despite some flaws is objective quality-wise in a much better state than BVS.
+The Artistic Analyser People somehow people think that Age of Ultron is worse than this. Yes, AoU was flawed and kind of a filler movie but at least it worked.
ImmaChiaotzu1 Fair, enough, I mean I would not say BVS is AS bas as what some think, but I am still not a big fan of it (I know some disagree but I also do not like AOU and Ant-man a whole lot either granted)
+Mgen G. After my friend told me this movie was bullshit, I figured I was done with it as well. I'll see this one myself just because of the novelty, but after that, I'm done with them.
Funny thing is Zootopia did a lot of this film's problems are: 1. Character development: Both Nick and Judy get a chance to have development in their own ways throughout many events that come full circle 2. World building: The play at the start gives us explanation of how animals evolved to walk and talk 3. Action: There are some tense action scenes without one feeling like its shoehorned in
3:31 Speaking of editing, I heard that the reason why the film did not explained why Lex Luthor hates Superman is that WB cut out some scenes in order to get the rating that they want. Pretty much..."Gotta have that PG-13 rating so we can easily get our money back".
+Patrick Ward Me personally, I thought it had some decent moments and potential, which made me enjoy it in some ways, but it wasn't a great follow up to The Amazing Spider-Man.
Me personally, I think it's pretty good.... However, it it is overstuffed and some things could have been implemented better. It's not the worst comic book movie ever made. It is better than Dawn of Justice anyway.
Somehow it's just as overstuffed as BvS, but has much less structure. I'll deign that some themes stuck with me, but it's tough to choose between the two. They're just so terrible.
Caesar That's true. The least you can do is gather a bunch of friends and riff on the movie in the style of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (MST3K). With BvS on the other hand, I was on the verge of enduring crippling depression.
There are the suspects here who are to blame for the disappointment for Batman v Superman. Suspect number 1- The Directer (Zach Snyder) Suspect number 2- The Studio (Warner Bros.) Suspect Number 3- The Writers (David S. Goyer and Chris Terrio) Suspect Number 4- The Producers (Charles Roven and Deborah Snyder) Suspect Number 5- The Executive Producer- (Christopher Nolan) Who's to blame? Who's innocent and who's guilty? Who do you think? Make a video about it, court room style.
I do really want to see the Green Lantern Corps movie. I hope they have the Sinestro Corps or the Red Lanterns as the villains and set it primarily in space.
It literally took me an hour to write a Belated Media, Max Landis style alternative to this movie's story that I think works WAY better. Totally gonna do a video for it.
I think they included the Africa segment because the damage done in the man of steel fight was mainly the fault of Zod and his crew, so the public wasn't likely to view superman as the one who caused everything. And also, lex Luthor has the ideology in the movie that if a God is all powerful (such as superman) then he cannot be all good, so the connection can be made that he hates the idea that someone who he believes not to be all good is being seen as a hero (which the setup in Africa he made changed) just a couple of ideas, not concrete
I REALLY wanted to like this movie. I really did. I heard it was bad, but I pushed it aside. I went in ready to enjoy it, but I feel like I instead got what everybody else got when they went to Fant4stic- an absolutely abhorrent movie, with the irony of Ben Afflack, whom everyone complained about beforehand, being the only good thing about the movie. Superman's death was pointless; I didn't give a damn about him, and the fact that the movie just dragged on and on with his death and the billion endings and setups for films that may never be made.... good god....
Trilbee, what is your opinion on Man of Steel currently? I remember you giving it a positive review when it came, but I'm curious to hear if your opinion has changed recently; especially after this film pretty much failed to really follow it up or fix any of its issues.
+TS2dethmonkey Most of the issues ARE actually an improvement. And it did show that Zod did throw Superman into the Wayne building. The problem here is that the scenes are SO horribly put together that created new problems, and plot holes.
I remember reading that WB was nervous of this movie's success some time before the movie came out. After seeing Batman v Superman, I can see why they were nervous. Not only was this they're way of catching up with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it was also their "Avengers" movie as well. Much like The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (a movie that I consider my comic book movie guilty pleasure), BvS focuses all of its time setting things up for future films rather than having a cohesive narrative. Now, with movies like this, I don't mind the set up stuff so much because that's the nature of movies like this (though the set up itself could have been integrated better), but what *REALLY* irked me about BvS was its sheer lack of quality. Other than Ben Affleck's performance as Bruce Wayne/Batman, everything in this movie fails. Everything. I left the theater disgusted, angry, and worst of all, insulted. I haven't seen last year's Fantastic Four reboot, so I can't say that BvS is worse than that, but I can say that Batman v Superman is one of the worst comic book movies of the decade, top 10 at least. I hope WB works out that management problem they've been having, because once they do, they'll stand a much better chance at competing with Marvel than they do right now.
+Hub Pie BvS is very good with its narrative and the whole setting up thing is really to me not a complaint at all. Half of the movie is DAWN OF JUSTICE. Of course the movie is going to have some reference of the Justice League, its a given take. Amazing Spiderman 2 was than just it setting up for more movies. That same problem can for stuff like Age of Ultron with not only a shit story but it did nothing but set up other stuff. What quality did the lack at all? WB is doing what they can for this universe and IMO I enjoy. What Marvel did for their universe is great but in reality I have only loved 4 out of 12 movies (Iron Man, Avengers, Cap 2, and GOTG) Im sorry you feel insulted by this film but to me DC is doing their own thing and I love it.
Truly one of the worst cinematic experiences I've ever had. Transformers 4 level bad. It makes me uncomfortable at the direction our entertainment is heading.
How to basic, should use this movie as an example, of how "not" to start a cinematic universe... And then use TASM 2 as an example of how to kill one before it even starts.
There were a few people who claimed that this film would get better upon repeated viewings. Speaking as someone who has seen the ultimate edition 3 times, that's bullshit. This movie has only gotten worse as time and distance have made the films laziness and hollow nature pretty damn clear.
12:37 or he could've given it to Batman to use (which would make him useful) or just done what your supposed to do with a spear AND FUCKING THROWN IT!!!
I agree with many thing except the stuff about the soundtrack... I actually liked it and I really loved the Lex Luthor parts... Those were perfect for a mad genius and though Jesse Eisenberg didn't do it well I thought the soundtrack for Lex was perfect
I'm surprised at how much detail you went into analyzing this film. I do strongly and respectfully disagree with you on the film (I personally enjoyed it and I thought it was fine for what it was) I do like how you went into major detail and how thought-provoking you made out ur points and explaining why you didn't like the film at a professional manner (something MCU and marvel gag boys never do XD). Anyways keep up the good work Trilbee (Y)
My review is, this movie had good bits in it but it had no reason to be 2 1/2 hours. 5/10 and that score is probably because I had 0 expectations going into the movie anyway. I wasn't really expect much and I got a movie that i'll probably forget by the time suicide squad comes out.
To quote the late, great Roger Ebert, "I hated this movie. Hated hated hated hated hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it."
I will argue that Bruce says his ancestors built their fortune by being hunters and selling meats and pelts across the world... Has nothing to do with his current company, but there you go.
i did enjoy quite a few parts in the movie, but i am very disapointed with how this turned out. its such a shame, they should have just stuck to man of steel 2, batman, then do the cross over. the film felt SO rushed with so much forced set up for future films which is the type of shit that made the amazing spiderman 2 a crap film!
Actually, from what I hear, there is a reason why Lex hates Superman in this movie. Lex sees him as a God. And they wrote Lex in this movie as a stereotypical Atheist, who wants to see anything similar to that be destroyed.
Also, you clearly didn't understand the Martha scene. Bruce realizes that he was becoming the thing that killed his parents, while simultaneously realizing that superman had human relationships. It was not simply because they had the same name.
Didn't Lex want Superman gone because of his dad? His dad abused him and stood for tyrannical regimes and Superman represents the God that was never there? Something like that? Who knows. I felt like I had to bring in my pre-existing knowledge of the character to understand his motivations.
+RF20Lennon Therein lies the problem. The movie was purely made for those that read the source-material like Zack Snyder did. In his mind, he doesn't have to convey how these characters act and feel the way they do because he already knows how and expects others to have done the same and just go with it.
Batman vs Superman was a complete mess. No character development whatsoever. Not a continuos, solid plot. And the CGI, which the film hugely relied on, was extremely vague. Bunch of pointless action. I thought it was gonna be decent but it was worse than I thought.
The Blue Beetle it was rushed like BvS. the villain was one for a later movie, not the first one. dc is just greedy, they allways were, they give a shit on the fans
+Danium LRT (sigh) this is why ratings are a bad idea, he talked for 20+ mins in major detail about why he didn't like the film. But all you want to talk about is the fucking rating, WHO CARES!?! How about talking about what he had to say about the film? Also why are you even questioning it, I think he made it pretty clear during the video why he gave it that rating, is it just that you don't agree? As for what his problem is, well his "problem" as you call it, is that he didn't like the film and when it came to making his review of it he felt the need to explain why that was, are you suggesting he should just lie?
This mostly seems to 30 min cut could be the problem here. I read what was in and saw one here on youtube. It looks like they took the important story, structure, character elements out and mostly focused on set up and pointless subplots and scribbler the scenes around making less sense, incoherent. I could wrong, hopefully not. This cut COULD fix these problems like it did for Watchmen. Also Trilbee, and this is from someone who likes the film and honestly thinks the film is better than half a star, thought this was a great review, great rant of WB's fuck up, and I understand your disappointment. Still, the film had too many great scenes to even call this bad film making, but as a movie put together. That's where I side with you. It really shouldn't have happened for a film called Batman V Superman.
I'm actually very impressed, as someone who honestly likes the dceu, the DC (at least, the movie fanboys) fan base has been very cancerous lately. I'm surprised that this video isn't getting bombarded with as many angry, socially rejected manchildren as other critics who dare speak their honest opinion. And one of the only fanboys here admitted they were childish with their response, maybe there is hope for the DC fan base after all.
Fucking great review Hahahahahahah. All of this is correct and is a huge eye opener to how bad this film was. I now no longer feel the 29% on Rotten Tomatoes is wrong.
Ben Affleck and Jeremy Irons do great and some of the action is nice popcorn movie material but it can't make up for Eisenberg's miscast, a pointless sub plot with bullets and the shaky cam.
Brycenator100 There was even a shaky cam in the scene where Lois Lane runs out of the abandoned building Batman and Superman fought in. Yeah, a scene that could have used just a simple moving shot had to make the screen jiggle for that short amount of time!
Look man, I'm not here to cause a fight because you don't like this film. But I'm trying to advise you not to act like this film being bad is a fact, this film left both fans and critics divided. I know numerous who love and like this movie, just because a movie has a low rating on RT or IMDB doesn't automatically mean it's a bad movie.YOU make up your own opinion and your own point of view of a film; make it up from your mind not from a critics mind. If you hate the film well.. You hate then you hate it ,there's not much I can do to change your mind. I personally enjoyed it, I can admit some problems wit the structure ,the writing and the editing. It's not perfect by any means but I thought it was fine for it was. Anyways it was nice writing this to you so if you want to tell me anything just send a reply :)
Sigh... I'm just so sad because of how much I loved Man from UNCLE and I think Henry Cavill really can be a good actor... but then you get a movie like this and I just feel like his career is doomed. I hope he'll get some good roles after this in decent movies... I'm sorry you weren't pleased with his performance in this movie, but I can't say I disagree with you at all. I'm not sure how much of the blame can be attributed to him... I hope not too much but no one in this movie is very innocent.
+The Blue Beetle We haven't had a Batman movie considered great by the majority since the Nolan Trilogy, and we haven't had a Superman movie considered great by the majority since Superman 2. And we haven't had a movie about the other heroes since... Well at least DC is kicking it with animation and the CW
You can say so, in the sense that the film is more focused on setting up its cinematic universe instead of telling a compelling story and show a solid understanding of the characters included.
DARTHORIAN_DARK_WING It is noteworthy that two writers can completely miss the point of a simple character. He's a monster, likes killing, and is almost unstoppable. How do you complicate that?!
its funny how the animated movie justice league vs teen titans that came out 3 days after batman v superman is a much better film then a $250 million tent pole movie
How about Zootopia? Only $150 million, had to be rewritten at least 2 times and had to cut out many characters and earlier story ideas and had a better hero team in the form of a fox & rabbit.
I remember seeing The LEGO Batman Movie trailers on UA-cam thinking, "this looks so much better than Batman v Superman right now."
DC fails to realize that they're rushing the cinematic universe. Man of Steel started off, and that's it, they jumped right into Batman V. Superman. What they should have done was make a new Ben Afflek Batman movie, Man of Steel 2, and Wonder Woman before they went into this, but no, by the time that happened, Marvel would have already finished Infinity War. It's funny how the Lego Batman movie looks to set up a more grounded universe than this movie could.
+AshXXMayftw To be honest I think their big problem is a lack of willingness to portray and/or understanding of what makes their characters good, disregard and contempt for their audience (basically thinking that shoving iconic scenes at people with no narrative connection will satisfy them), twisted and warped morals with no appreciation of what makes good characters or just good people in general... etc... etc...
Rushing may be part of the problem but it is just the tip of a very, very big iceberg.
+AshXXMayftw Totally agree about rushing into the cinematic universe. I kinda got that feeling since this movie was first annouced and I'm equally skeptical about Suicide Squad.
This may get a bit long, just saying as well as double-spacing;
That's the main reason why I feel that BvS was a disaster, DC decided to just go for their 'Avengers' movie (superhero teamup movie) right off the bat without any buildup films.
If they built up Batman, Superman Wonderwoman in their own standalone movies first, then there wouldn't be such a need for so much exposition in this mess. It wouldn't have fixed some of the problems like Lex Luthor or plotlines (not completely). Plus it probably would have cut down on the run time SIGNIFICANTLY making it not as much of a slog. Plus maybe Man of Steel 2 (in this hypothetical situation) could have setup Lex as well and his motivations.
Plus here's another thing that Angry Joe pointed out. They blew 2 of the MAJOR plotlines in DC right off the bat (Doomsday and the death of Superman). With those two plotlines out of the way, they don't have much left to work with. Don't open your cinematic universe with such a big thing, start small.
Would it really be a bad thing if Batman v Superman came out after Infinity War? I mean Marvel doesn't have another mega teamup movie planned (that we know of), so DC could have took Marvel's place with BvS and follow up with the Justice Leagure movies.
Ehhh. Not really. The problem here is that the film focused more on JL set up and pointless subplots instead of what the title is. There was only half an hour of that in the film. This film already established Batman as the same character we're used to and making another solo Batman film before JL would'ge been just as pointless as The Incredible Hulk and boring. Because we already know it. People need to understand to DC doesn't need to follow the Marvel universe (hell even critics are getting a bit tired of the formula), what it should NOT do is be the Amazing Spiderman 2, and that's sadly is what BvS did.
+AceAviations2 Lets list the things wrong with the movie. They all around problem have in this movie is. Superman is the one character that everyone hates. Marvel fanboy, Dc fan boy, superman lovers and haters they all do not like this Superman. Why is that? Well this is not fucking Superman. You barely see him do personal saves besides people he knows. Personal saves builds the character up making it more believable and heart breaking when he does world saving feats like dying to try to kill Doomday. Also he never smiles in this movie. The only time is with Lois in the bath tub that's it. That gives the character no personally and there for makes him boring. He just a guy going through hard times. But that's nothing if we don't see the light side too. And no, one moment in the bath tub don't count. He reason for hating Batman is weak and dumb. Batman kills people so do you Supes. You killed that terrorist that was holding Lois like it was nothing. You even smile before you killed him. (oh one time you don't want him to smile). Batman goes against the law so do you. Sure you don't brand people but you never talk about. Bring it up. The bomb goes off in the court room and that's it. Why so Lex can have the world blame superman. Why its a bomb superman doesn't need one so why would people believe he did that. And when Superman is about to fight Batman he never really trys to talk to him. All the defenders of the movie say that's because he is tired if Batman bullshit. But hello his mom live is on the line. Fuck that shit and talk to him. This is so pose to be the Man of Tomorrow for god sake. Zack and WB can't write superman to save their life. He has no personally, doesn't learn anything. Reasons for doing things makes no sense. Why is it the only person these people can to right is Batman. And Hell even that they can't do right.This Batman is fucking crazy. I know this Batman is hard core for being Batman for 20 years and losing Robin and the people in his building during the Zod Battle. But god he makes no sense. The world's greatest detective yet he couldn't figure out Lex's plan. He didn't find out who Superman was (even if both Lex and Lois did.) And decides not to kill Superman only because both their moms have the same name. I mean I know it was meant to be that Batman see that Superman has human connections so they're the same but really he is just realizing that know after two years of killing people. Hey Batdumb everyone of those people you killed probably had human connections. I guess you didn't see that unless one them said Martha. This Batman looks cool but he acts fucking dumb. He fights cool but the reason he is fighting is dumb. His traps are cool but the reason he plan the traps are dumb. His costume is cool but the reason he puts it on is dumb. Speaking of Dumb Lex Luthor. My God why just why. For anyone who likes this Lex, fine. Lets make the Joker serious scent you guys like change so much. Oh you don't want that because that not what the character is supposed to be. Well now you know how I feel. This is not Lex this is Joker/Jesse Eisenberg. At the last minute Zack change it to Lex Jr knowing people would be piss if this was Lex. So why make it Lex jr then? Because he thought people would like a Loki or a joker so they made Lex that, when he is not that. So of course no one like that including myself. So watch now they get rid of this Lex for the real one. And then watch people react to the news and say they never should had him be Lex in the first place. Also if you want your universe to be dark then why even have a character like Lex in it, in the first place. Also why do you need two Jokers in one Universe anyway. What are you people fucking thinking. This is something that Sony would pull not WB. Doomday is a worst throw away villain than any marvel villain and that should say a lot. Wonder Woman is good not great. But good. Love her theme music. Superman parents are the worst. What makes the Superman character work is his parent's strong moral values that they teach him. Zack has done a very bad job of showing that. I mean Clark mom says. Don't save anyone you don't own them nothing. Wow that is some great moral values.......of a crazy selfish person. She should have said this to him. "Look Clark there are always going to be people that hate you even if you do the right thing. But you should keep doing the right thing anyway no matter what people say. And maybe one day, maybe one day.....they will learn to like you." But no we got this dumb pointless drama shit. Everything with superman is dumb. He dumb, Lex is dumb, they kill off both Jimmy Olsen and what her name forgot. Superman mom and finally Lois. My god Lois. I know it part of the Superman character is save Lois every five seconds but damn. That's the one thing they got right and they shouldn't have. Its 2016 you can make woman characters pointless like that anymore. She was given nothing to do in the whole movie that should say a lot. I mean a bullet in Africa that was cause by lex that was drop two seconds later, really. This movie is a fucking mess. I seen worst even so. WB you need to do three things. 1. Get your head out of your ass and listen to the god damn fans. 2. Have a game plan that makes sense and NOT RUSH!3. Have your characters (mainly Superman) act like their fucking character from the comic.
'Expect to hear news over the next few weeks of major firings, re-shoots, movie delays and even outright cancellations'
It's depressing how right you are :(
It's genuinely scary how accurate he was here!
Now where's a dollar when I need one? You sir absolutely nailed EVERY gripe I hope the majority had with this movie; along with pointing out Ben Affleck's brilliant portrayal of the Bat himself.
Honestly, it was DC's decision to go in the reverse direction of Marvel. Look at Marvel. First, they introduced their heroes in their individual movies, then brought them together to end Phase 1 with a bang in The Avengers. But Warner Bros.? First the controversial Man of Steel, then do they go to another solo movie to world-build like Marvel? Nope! Straight to a crossover. I facepalmed at that decision. Warner's just too eager to get their own shot at a superhero ensemble movie (oh, I'm sorry, movieS).
This movie came out 3 years after Man Of Steel which was already split. Will this be as split after it finishes theatres?
(Wonder Woman is looking through the videos Batman sent her...)
Wonder Woman: Who's this weird fish guy?
(Clicks on Aquaman's trailer)
Trailer: Dun dun!!! This summer, experience the biggest movie event of ALL TIME...
Wonder Woman: UGHAAHH!
Aquaman (in trailer): GUESS WHO?!?!?!
I Hate Everything: Shut up.
Wonder Woman and Aquaman: Where did you come from?!?!
I Hate Everything (rolling his eyes): I don't even-
(Wonder Woman starts calling Batman)
Wonder Woman: What the heck are you sending me?!
This review is better than the movie
I watched this review so many times! It's such a great review!
Ajax Cheap puppet theater is better than this movie.
Bahahaha! I love yr elegant style of ranting :D
+BanditIncorporated Hi Bandit. Are you going to do a long study review of Batman V Superman and expand what Zack did right and a lot he did wrong. Also I think your how should it be was way better than this movie.
Trilby, would you agree that this movie has "Phantom Menaced" and has now irreversibly broken the franchise till the next reboot?
This movie's terrible.
One of the best movie reviews I've ever watched.Well done Trilbee.
What is daft is that there are audience members trying to uses the professional critic's negative reviews to make these really abysmal points about a supposed media bias against Warner Bros. and DC, when:
1) Most of these critics being attacked loved Nolan's TDK Trilogy, especially with The Dark Knight being often called one of the best films ever made.
2) Its ridiculous that members of the audiences complain about the professional media being biased about this film, when these frauds are the only biased ones.
3) Any rational person who keeps up to date on the social media side of the film community (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, UA-cam, Instagram, IMDB, particularly the comment sections and forums on these sites) there is a very clear, very obvious social media bias against Disney. There always get slanderous accusations aimed specifically at them and no other company such as supposedly paying critics to praise their own films and pay critics to slam films made by the competing companies WITH NO FACTUAL EVIDENCE to back it up. Not that everyone has to have the same opinion, but 99.9% percent of these attacked critics actually have evidence to back up their own opinions. Also whenever social media shows a dislike for a Disney film, they will always say, "because Disney" (as of the company has done nothing objectively good in its history), "Disney are never original", "Disney are too politically correct" (even though most other media companies push for political correctness with their casting, and receive zero backlash). For those who wonder why professional critics (and the GOOD side of social media critics) never subtract marks from films JUST for being diverse in their cast and not falling back on stereotypes, because they are RATIONAL, MENTALLY STABLE AND NORMAL INDIVIDUALS UNLIKE MOST OF YOU SOCIAL REJECT, NO-LIFE FRAUDS.
This video aged like a skinless apple.
The most down right incoherent, disjointed, unfocused story imaginable
Biazrre and choppy editing
Jesse Eisenberg delivers an over the top, awkward, atrocious performenace
Henry Cavill is painfully bland with absolutely no range
The resolution to the fight is the most actively insulting thing in recent memory
Incredibly forced Justice League set ups
Characters make stupid, irrational decisions
Lois Lane is a plot device
Poor characterisation
Cheesy dialogue
The CGI looked like a video game, especially Doomsday who looked incredibly out of place
Lex Luthor has no character motivation and feels like a mashup of villain cliches
The score is generic and mostly rehashed from MOS with the new stuff being full of a obnoxious, repetitive drum beat
The Batman and Superman fight is a disappointment, lasting only a few minutes and being completely forgettable
The motivation for Batman and Superman to fight is weak
The pacing is weird
Major plot holes
Gal Gadot is truly abysmal, delivering her dialogue so stilted and awkward
So many pointless dream sequences that serve no purpose to the overall story
+William Ross And some here, who I won't name, still have the nerve to say "Nah SW: TFA is a disaster". Like it has even half those flaws let alone to a milder extent. SW: TFA despite some flaws is objective quality-wise in a much better state than BVS.
+The Artistic Analyser People somehow people think that Age of Ultron is worse than this. Yes, AoU was flawed and kind of a filler movie but at least it worked.
ImmaChiaotzu1 Fair, enough, I mean I would not say BVS is AS bas as what some think, but I am still not a big fan of it (I know some disagree but I also do not like AOU and Ant-man a whole lot either granted)
I was shocked how disastrous this film is. After, "Suicide Squad" I'm done with this DCEU.
+Mgen G. After my friend told me this movie was bullshit, I figured I was done with it as well. I'll see this one myself just because of the novelty, but after that, I'm done with them.
Funny thing is Zootopia did a lot of this film's problems are:
1. Character development: Both Nick and Judy get a chance to have development in their own ways throughout many events that come full circle
2. World building: The play at the start gives us explanation of how animals evolved to walk and talk
3. Action: There are some tense action scenes without one feeling like its shoehorned in
3:31 Speaking of editing, I heard that the reason why the film did not explained why Lex Luthor hates Superman is that WB cut out some scenes in order to get the rating that they want. Pretty much..."Gotta have that PG-13 rating so we can easily get our money back".
I love this review so much, I listen to it everyday
Yep The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is looking pretty good right about now ;)
+Patrick Ward Me personally, I thought it had some decent moments and potential, which made me enjoy it in some ways, but it wasn't a great follow up to The Amazing Spider-Man.
+Patrick Ward Planning to do your own review? In short: was it good or bad for you?
Kritic1Cing6 I have incredibly mixed feelings about it.
Me personally, I think it's pretty good.... However, it it is overstuffed and some things could have been implemented better.
It's not the worst comic book movie ever made.
It is better than Dawn of Justice anyway.
Somehow it's just as overstuffed as BvS, but has much less structure. I'll deign that some themes stuck with me, but it's tough to choose between the two. They're just so terrible.
"... the worst movie to bear the DC branding of the 21st century so far." Aren't you forgetting about 'Catwoman' (2004)?
Tom Brearley-Smith You can at least laugh at Catwoman
Caesar That's true. The least you can do is gather a bunch of friends and riff on the movie in the style of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (MST3K). With BvS on the other hand, I was on the verge of enduring crippling depression.
There are the suspects here who are to blame for the disappointment for Batman v Superman.
Suspect number 1- The Directer (Zach Snyder)
Suspect number 2- The Studio (Warner Bros.)
Suspect Number 3- The Writers (David S. Goyer and Chris Terrio)
Suspect Number 4- The Producers (Charles Roven and Deborah Snyder)
Suspect Number 5- The Executive Producer- (Christopher Nolan)
Who's to blame? Who's innocent and who's guilty? Who do you think? Make a video about it, court room style.
I do really want to see the Green Lantern Corps movie. I hope they have the Sinestro Corps or the Red Lanterns as the villains and set it primarily in space.
This film disappointed me so badly and I don't understand Warner Bros. or DC's logic in terms of this DC cinematic universe 😡
+whoboy11 it seems like they are trying to go the injustice root. Why I have no idea. It like if marvel made their first Avengers movie civil war.
***** Yes that is true. They should have save that for phase 2. And put a hawkeye and Black widow movie instead.
whoboy11 Logic? At WB? We should be so lucky.
It literally took me an hour to write a Belated Media, Max Landis style alternative to this movie's story that I think works WAY better. Totally gonna do a video for it.
oh yes! please.
I think they included the Africa segment because the damage done in the man of steel fight was mainly the fault of Zod and his crew, so the public wasn't likely to view superman as the one who caused everything. And also, lex Luthor has the ideology in the movie that if a God is all powerful (such as superman) then he cannot be all good, so the connection can be made that he hates the idea that someone who he believes not to be all good is being seen as a hero (which the setup in Africa he made changed) just a couple of ideas, not concrete
I REALLY wanted to like this movie. I really did. I heard it was bad, but I pushed it aside. I went in ready to enjoy it, but I feel like I instead got what everybody else got when they went to Fant4stic- an absolutely abhorrent movie, with the irony of Ben Afflack, whom everyone complained about beforehand, being the only good thing about the movie. Superman's death was pointless; I didn't give a damn about him, and the fact that the movie just dragged on and on with his death and the billion endings and setups for films that may never be made.... good god....
Trilbee, what is your opinion on Man of Steel currently? I remember you giving it a positive review when it came, but I'm curious to hear if your opinion has changed recently; especially after this film pretty much failed to really follow it up or fix any of its issues.
+TS2dethmonkey Most of the issues ARE actually an improvement. And it did show that Zod did throw Superman into the Wayne building. The problem here is that the scenes are SO horribly put together that created new problems, and plot holes.
I remember reading that WB was nervous of this movie's success some time before the movie came out. After seeing Batman v Superman, I can see why they were nervous. Not only was this they're way of catching up with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it was also their "Avengers" movie as well. Much like The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (a movie that I consider my comic book movie guilty pleasure), BvS focuses all of its time setting things up for future films rather than having a cohesive narrative. Now, with movies like this, I don't mind the set up stuff so much because that's the nature of movies like this (though the set up itself could have been integrated better), but what *REALLY* irked me about BvS was its sheer lack of quality. Other than Ben Affleck's performance as Bruce Wayne/Batman, everything in this movie fails. Everything. I left the theater disgusted, angry, and worst of all, insulted. I haven't seen last year's Fantastic Four reboot, so I can't say that BvS is worse than that, but I can say that Batman v Superman is one of the worst comic book movies of the decade, top 10 at least. I hope WB works out that management problem they've been having, because once they do, they'll stand a much better chance at competing with Marvel than they do right now.
+Hub Pie BvS is very good with its narrative and the whole setting up thing is really to me not a complaint at all. Half of the movie is DAWN OF JUSTICE. Of course the movie is going to have some reference of the Justice League, its a given take. Amazing Spiderman 2 was than just it setting up for more movies. That same problem can for stuff like Age of Ultron with not only a shit story but it did nothing but set up other stuff. What quality did the lack at all? WB is doing what they can for this universe and IMO I enjoy. What Marvel did for their universe is great but in reality I have only loved 4 out of 12 movies (Iron Man, Avengers, Cap 2, and GOTG) Im sorry you feel insulted by this film but to me DC is doing their own thing and I love it.
Awesome video trilbee this video has more world building and it's more enjoyable then batman superman dawn of justice
My guess is they're going to do Justice Lords / Injustice and travel back in time or to a parallel world. From there it's light reboot city.
Truly one of the worst cinematic experiences I've ever had. Transformers 4 level bad. It makes me uncomfortable at the direction our entertainment is heading.
They tried to do too much in a single movie and it did not work at all
How to basic, should use this movie as an example, of how "not" to start a cinematic universe... And then use TASM 2 as an example of how to kill one before it even starts.
2 years on and I'm still using TASM 2 as a "webline"...
I'll see myself out.
great review! i am going to watch it next week and i will enjoy it better than others now that i know what to expect
+datboi forthere Don't waste your money on it. You're just egging Warner Bros. and Zack Snyder to continue making these abominations.
There were a few people who claimed that this film would get better upon repeated viewings.
Speaking as someone who has seen the ultimate edition 3 times, that's bullshit. This movie has only gotten worse as time and distance have made the films laziness and hollow nature pretty damn clear.
12:37 or he could've given it to Batman to use (which would make him useful) or just done what your supposed to do with a spear AND FUCKING THROWN IT!!!
reshoots for suicide squad starting already
I almost feel sorry for DC... Almost
Michael Fisher and from what I hear, 'Suicide Squad' still turned out to be crap.
I agree with many thing except the stuff about the soundtrack... I actually liked it and I really loved the Lex Luthor parts... Those were perfect for a mad genius and though Jesse Eisenberg didn't do it well I thought the soundtrack for Lex was perfect
I'm surprised at how much detail you went into analyzing this film. I do strongly and respectfully disagree with you on the film (I personally enjoyed it and I thought it was fine for what it was) I do like how you went into major detail and how thought-provoking you made out ur points and explaining why you didn't like the film at a professional manner (something MCU and marvel gag boys never do XD). Anyways keep up the good work Trilbee (Y)
6:02 that was an adapted screenplay TBF.
My review is, this movie had good bits in it but it had no reason to be 2 1/2 hours. 5/10 and that score is probably because I had 0 expectations going into the movie anyway. I wasn't really expect much and I got a movie that i'll probably forget by the time suicide squad comes out.
So...I'm taking he didn't like it :p
To quote the late, great Roger Ebert, "I hated this movie. Hated hated hated hated hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it."
I will argue that Bruce says his ancestors built their fortune by being hunters and selling meats and pelts across the world... Has nothing to do with his current company, but there you go.
i did enjoy quite a few parts in the movie, but i am very disapointed with how this turned out. its such a shame, they should have just stuck to man of steel 2, batman, then do the cross over. the film felt SO rushed with so much forced set up for future films which is the type of shit that made the amazing spiderman 2 a crap film!
That's fucking it! I'm making my own video series on how I would do a DC cinematic universe
Aquamen doesnt talk to fish. He can controll sealife throgh his mind.
In some versions yes, he can communicate with a few smart sea life I.e. Dolphins, and what not.
+Mgen G. yhear but he doesnt talk to fish esspecially not in the modern age of comics
I understand why this movie was a disappointment to you, but I think you're being a bit too harsh on it.
His harshness is perfectly justified.
+Mgen G. Especially considering the potential the movie had.
Actually, from what I hear, there is a reason why Lex hates Superman in this movie. Lex sees him as a God. And they wrote Lex in this movie as a stereotypical Atheist, who wants to see anything similar to that be destroyed.
Burori1 but doesnt that make lex worse in the film because they r purposefully preaching to the apologetics’ choir?
He doesn't kill that guy in the scene where he saves Lois.
Also, Wonder Woman needed to hold doomsday still with the lasso, so superman needed to stab him
Also, you clearly didn't understand the Martha scene. Bruce realizes that he was becoming the thing that killed his parents, while simultaneously realizing that superman had human relationships. It was not simply because they had the same name.
Didn't Lex want Superman gone because of his dad? His dad abused him and stood for tyrannical regimes and Superman represents the God that was never there? Something like that?
Who knows. I felt like I had to bring in my pre-existing knowledge of the character to understand his motivations.
+RF20Lennon Therein lies the problem. The movie was purely made for those that read the source-material like Zack Snyder did. In his mind, he doesn't have to convey how these characters act and feel the way they do because he already knows how and expects others to have done the same and just go with it.
Batman vs Superman was a complete mess. No character development whatsoever. Not a continuos, solid plot. And the CGI, which the film hugely relied on, was extremely vague. Bunch of pointless action. I thought it was gonna be decent but it was worse than I thought.
BvS is the worst thing ever happend to dc-universe. it makes green lantern looking good.
Making 'Batman and Robin' look like 'The Dark Knight' in comparison.
+derjapango Green lantern was good.
The Blue Beetle it was rushed like BvS. the villain was one for a later movie, not the first one. dc is just greedy, they allways were, they give a shit on the fans
Man this has aged like a fine wine.
Half a star for this movie?!?!? HELL NO!! I get that story is bad but half a star out of 5. What the hell is your problem?!?!
Be honest this movie stinks
+Danium LRT (sigh) this is why ratings are a bad idea, he talked for 20+ mins in major detail about why he didn't like the film. But all you want to talk about is the fucking rating, WHO CARES!?! How about talking about what he had to say about the film? Also why are you even questioning it, I think he made it pretty clear during the video why he gave it that rating, is it just that you don't agree? As for what his problem is, well his "problem" as you call it, is that he didn't like the film and when it came to making his review of it he felt the need to explain why that was, are you suggesting he should just lie?
This mostly seems to 30 min cut could be the problem here. I read what was in and saw one here on youtube. It looks like they took the important story, structure, character elements out and mostly focused on set up and pointless subplots and scribbler the scenes around making less sense, incoherent. I could wrong, hopefully not. This cut COULD fix these problems like it did for Watchmen. Also Trilbee, and this is from someone who likes the film and honestly thinks the film is better than half a star, thought this was a great review, great rant of WB's fuck up, and I understand your disappointment. Still, the film had too many great scenes to even call this bad film making, but as a movie put together. That's where I side with you. It really shouldn't have happened for a film called Batman V Superman.
You wanted to know why the higher ups at WB made this movie? Because they knew fanboys would watch it regardless and defend it for them.
midgetwars1 Honestly, true. They're like "It's for the fans!" but David S. Goyer and Zack Snyder hate them.
Whilst I admit this movie was a BIG disappointment, I wouldn't put it on Zoolander 2 standards
I'm actually very impressed, as someone who honestly likes the dceu, the DC (at least, the movie fanboys) fan base has been very cancerous lately. I'm surprised that this video isn't getting bombarded with as many angry, socially rejected manchildren as other critics who dare speak their honest opinion. And one of the only fanboys here admitted they were childish with their response, maybe there is hope for the DC fan base after all.
Why are people going to get fired, it's making plenty of money
Fucking great review Hahahahahahah. All of this is correct and is a huge eye opener to how bad this film was. I now no longer feel the 29% on Rotten Tomatoes is wrong.
Ben Affleck and Jeremy Irons do great and some of the action is nice popcorn movie material but it can't make up for Eisenberg's miscast, a pointless sub plot with bullets and the shaky cam.
Just dropped to 27% rofl
Brycenator100 There was even a shaky cam in the scene where Lois Lane runs out of the abandoned building Batman and Superman fought in. Yeah, a scene that could have used just a simple moving shot had to make the screen jiggle for that short amount of time!
Look man, I'm not here to cause a fight because you don't like this film. But I'm trying to advise you not to act like this film being bad is a fact, this film left both fans and critics divided. I know numerous who love and like this movie, just because a movie has a low rating on RT or IMDB doesn't automatically mean it's a bad movie.YOU make up your own opinion and your own point of view of a film; make it up from your mind not from a critics mind.
If you hate the film well.. You hate then you hate it ,there's not much I can do to change your mind. I personally enjoyed it, I can admit some problems wit the structure ,the writing and the editing. It's not perfect by any means but I thought it was fine for it was.
Anyways it was nice writing this to you so if you want to tell me anything just send a reply :)
Sigh... I'm just so sad because of how much I loved Man from UNCLE and I think Henry Cavill really can be a good actor... but then you get a movie like this and I just feel like his career is doomed. I hope he'll get some good roles after this in decent movies... I'm sorry you weren't pleased with his performance in this movie, but I can't say I disagree with you at all. I'm not sure how much of the blame can be attributed to him... I hope not too much but no one in this movie is very innocent.
I love your reviews 👍🏻
DC Cinematic Universe? More like Batman Extended Universe amirite?
so right. fuck bat"overrated"man.
+John Porteous What?
+The Blue Beetle We haven't had a Batman movie considered great by the majority since the Nolan Trilogy, and we haven't had a Superman movie considered great by the majority since Superman 2. And we haven't had a movie about the other heroes since...
Well at least DC is kicking it with animation and the CW
Wonder Woman and Aquaman are laughing at the irony of this comment.
No, Man of Steel is awesome and a great set-up for a wider universe.
British Nerd He gave it 4/5 stars.
"Green Lantern cors"
+Michael Fisher It's 'Green Lantern Corps'. The 'p' is silent.
+Matt, King of the North isn't it pronounced core?
Michael Fisher Yeah, I meant to say that the 'p' and the 's' are silent. You are right.
Spot-on review.
Firstly I enjoyed this movie so much, and marts was kidnapped too get superman to fight batman
+sketch But why couldn't Superman have just found Martha on his own OR just tell Batman that they have his mother?
+justin riley cos lexs men would have killed her
He could have easily taken them out given his speed and strength.
Totally agree. Unbelievable how messed up this film is.
this movie is an anomaly because the movie is a mess, but i am excited to watch batfleck solo movies.
I smell a Marvel Fan Boy! :D
+Jamesie Hodge I smell someone who didn't listen to the video! :D
+TrilbeeReviews YEP
Trilbee is a fanboy for good movies.
You must have a problem with your nose then, I suggest you see your doctor about that.
Meh, I thought the movie was ok. Fun to watch, but ok. The thing that REALLY drags it down for me is the thing that happens at the end.
nah gal gavotte is great
AS2 vibes?
You can say so, in the sense that the film is more focused on setting up its cinematic universe instead of telling a compelling story and show a solid understanding of the characters included.
god this film ruined doomsday in so many ways
DARTHORIAN_DARK_WING It is noteworthy that two writers can completely miss the point of a simple character. He's a monster, likes killing, and is almost unstoppable. How do you complicate that?!
according to my friend it's the best movie ever made
Your friend is an objective idiot
+Michael Fisher FUCK YOU!!!
Michael Fisher yeah he is, he also has not seen any marvel movie apart from the incredible hulk, nor star wars nor LotR
Bryan Mayle what does thoes films have to do with ANYTHING???
In the words of Spock: "Most illogical."
Over-budget B-movie
I mean gal gadot
I actually loved the fight with Doomsday.
"It's so dense. Every single image has so many things going on." - Rick McCallum, LucasFilm producer
wow, yeah ummmm I actually really liked the movie in all honesty but get the parts on why people hate it so much(For me at least, it was an 8.5/10)
dispite I fully agree with you I did really enjoyed it