FFXIV fights are also designed a lot to show you boss mechanics one at a time, and then they start layering multiple boss mechanics at the same time after. So you learn what to watch out for and how to deal with it them overlapping one another.
And then P4N stacks like six mechanics on you at once or in rapid sequence and the entire PF dies because you're all laughing too hard at the mad scramble. Uptime? What's that?
@@naienko haha definitely. Thats the fun thing about blind, practice parties. It's a wipe fest, but everyone is having a good time because shit is going haywire
@@naienko it chains 2 seperate mechanics at a time at most Pinax and the 4 elements are really just one mechanic with 4 seperate outcomes and in normal there is a good bit of time between them. And honestly uptime on him is easy once you understand the mechanics only time it ever drops really is with shift as that teleport can easily cause a disengagement but thats really it.
@@zannothefox Honestly the 4 seperate outcomes the only one I see that consistently kills people in normal is still the proximity one. Not because people dont know how to do it, but because it's usually the last one where you're dealing with the role-exclusive towers just before hand. so people are mad scrambling and it's kinda funny really.
This really is true, my personal friend group decided to try savage this expac, while myself and 2 others are currently at 3s. Over Sunday on first lockout we get up to channeling overflow cleaned up. Lockout 2 we hit CO 3 with the occasional enrage seen. We never cleared but out group is satisfied and sure that come this weekend p2s will go down.
I've always compared FFXIV raiding to learning a boss in a souls borne game. If I die once, try again, get farther in, and then die again, you feel the forward momentum of that, especially in extreme fights
Just to clarify the extended fight times due to deaths and repeatable mechanics are only applicable to normal. In savage you WILL enrage in a set amount of time so deaths usually = enrage. Also, for savage 99% of the time mechanics are tuned for 8 people so if you have only 7 up or 1 person fails a mechanic you will likely kill the entire raid - or end up with a lot of damage downs that inevitably = enrage.
Well, depends on how many deaths and which savage were talking about and how long the patch has gone so how geared people are. First week I cleared p1s and p2s with a couple of deaths throughout the party. I definitely agree with normal and savage being uncomparable in this aspect however. I ran into the enrage at 0.5% on p3s several times just last week.
The main difference is that often you can still learn the mechanics and progress even if ppl are dying to dumb stuff, it makes prog in FF a lot better than in other MMOs. Ppl die, you know you won't kill the boss but you can still carry on (most times) and practice.
You are kinda right but you are clearly over-exagerating, at least for Pandaemonium. No, one people failing the mechanics will not kill the entire raid. Most of the time at least. Yeah, there are mechanics where it happens but wiping the ENTIRE raid for one mistake isn't that common. Also, depending on your stuff, the dps checks are not that tight (for the first fights at least). We literally killed P1S with 11 deaths in my static.
@@sephirock9659 it's pretty common on p3s that a death or two will lead to party wide wipes. You die on a tether during adds? Raid wipes due to great whirlwind. You misplace your dark fire? Party wide damage down will basically ensure you don't hit enrage. Point your cone the wrong way during Firestorms? You've killed the raid. There are many, many many singular points of party wide failure the further you go into the tier.
It's almost like not having to balance the game with 10 gorillion variables, providing a global release of a boss that is actually not a buggy mess and rewarding gear progressions even if you don't get good RNG on the rolls makes the playerbase feel...happy? Impossible..
@@Kuroganemk2 First you have 12 classes, each with between 2 and 4 specializations (which are basically entirely different classes), for a total of 37 "classes", each with their own pre-raid Best In Slot and trinkets with either on-use effects or random procs. Then you have the talent tree for each spec which is a selection between 3 powers or passives per row (with at least 1 pick from each row being a trap pick that is just objectively worse than the other two) of the talent tree. Then you have your Best in Slot legendaries (1 at the start of the expac then the second later on), which is different between all 37 specs. Then you have the expansion specific gimmick systems that you grind until you have your spec's Best in Slot for those systems, which is different between all 37 specs. Then you have to wait for the raid to be released, and because it isn't a global release you wont even be able to start the raid at the same time as NA servers if you play in an EU or Asian server. Then you finally get into the raid, and it's totally RNG whether you get a drop or not and even if you do get a loot drop for you it might not even be a good piece for you to use but you can't even trade it to one of the 19 other people in the raid unless you already have a equal or higher item level piece than what you got for loot.
The entire teaching journey that is taken throughout every bit of content in this game, including the MSQ dungeons and trials, is exactly why people advise against skipping if you don't have the brain and awareness to very quickly pick up mechanics. You miss out on so much and will have trouble recognising a new mechanic that someone who has played through more of the content could immediately narrow down to one of two or three possible things.
A little tip for bell if he wanted to keep a keen eye on bosses cast bar without squinting his eyes. You can split the boss debuff/buff bar, cast bar and health bar into separate bits, enlarge them and place them to places where your eyes are generally placed so its easier to see what mechs the boss are casting and what not.
This! My target's cast bar is at 140% size and above my health/MP and hotbars, just barely under the target's cast bar is my debuffs, also at 140% size. Never miss a thing that way
Another good tip is adjusting your camera angle to watch more of the boss (Ctrl + up / down keys). I keep my character by the bottom 1/3rd of the screen, with my cast bars just below. This allows me to always have a more expanded view of my surroundings
The biggest thing FF14 does is that it makes Raiding Feel Like real tangible progression. Ik that sounds weird but it's just simply something other games really lack. I feel like I can easily enter and I learn as I go, and then I'm optimizing. It's stair stepped and I have actual progression. It's not just a brick wall
i mean even in savage progression you see a few more seconds of the fight and when most of the party is dead the rest try to survive just to see the next mechanic. You feel the progress because you see something new every wipe.
Even though i dont do savage. The fact that you can prog the normal raids with randoms really tells you how well done the mechanics of ff14 are and how you can learn with visual cues
Well of course. WoW raiding is not really like FFXIV, in FF accessibility is way higher. Oh yeah and jobs are actually balanced with very minor difference in dps. In WoW it can be a 30% difference sometimes. That's insane.
@@Author_Gamer It really is bad. Alot of parties won't even take that job who's so much weaker. So now you're forced to either just not do the content or make an alt character. That's one of the reasons I quit during BFA.
It was much more imbalanced during ARR. Certain jobs in each role had specific damage types, buffs, debuffs, or movement. This led to comps where you mostly needed a SMN, BRD, DRG, and MRD (not even WAR). This design philosophy was slowly chipped away at, but wasn't completely removed until Shadowbringers.
Just correction for your video, FF14 does have large scale Raids with many bosses one after another on savage difficulty. One in Bozja and one in Euruka. and they are very VERY hard on release.
I think they're easier than Savage tier, the issue is that you have 50+ other players in there that might end up causing issues. Chains are only as strong as the weakest link.
Yeah just wait until you do savage. They stopped giving vulnerability stacks because it started to become normal to eat them for uptime. Now you get damage down... and with how tight some DPS checks can be, that is 100x worse than vulnerability stacks.
@@kiretan8599 even with the Patch the Check for p4s p1 is still pretty tight. I cleared p4s Week 1 and since then i help some pug grps here and there and even with the Gear collected in this 4 Weeks and the Patch i saw lot of grps wiping to enrage in p4s p1
@@DantoriusD Can confirm. We wiped to P4S P1 at 51%/52% a few times tonight. If anything, it's this coming week that should make it a lot easier. Most people still running Normal and beating P3S consistently _should_ be moving from 580 to 600 today for their weapon.
You still need to watch the Boss as many attacks have the same name but the area the attack hits will be only be seen by watching what he boss is doing. P3 same name on the AOE attack if you do not watch the boss you will not know if its the center been hit or the outter edge and this is quite common in raids.
I really wish we could customize the castbar color by default. Something about the orange-ish shade makes it really easy to miss. If I could make it flash neon rainbow colors and give me a seizure I might actually notice it when I'm hyper-focused.
@@davidlister7590 Yes, you have to watch animations, I'm going to start looking at going for P1S-P4S soon, but so far the only end-game EW Duty I have cleared is Hydaelyn and seeing when Crystalize is coming up or if you're dealing with Aureole or Lateral Aureole definitely helps there. A combo of seeing the animation and having a clearly visible "Target Progress Bar" helps, I have also split it off and made it far bigger.
*Big Disclaimer, everyone:* Michael is (more or less) comparing his experience with *Normal Difficulty* content to WoW Heroic Raiding. That's basically like comparing Raid Finder in WoW to Heroics. I wanted to point this out because I felt for people who don't play FFXIV, it wouldn't be obvious that this is the "easy/accessible" content he's talking about. Savage Difficulty, on the other hand, is a step up... deaths are far more frequent, failing mechanics more punishing... and there's much more of a "puzzle" (like Michael described experiencing in WoW). In addition, the raids can last anywhere from about 10m to 30m or longer... which is why there's the "tradeoff" he mentioned (i.e., one "long" chain of fights vs. the fights being broken into single encounters). One other thing: the "very clear animations and indications" aren't always the case in Savage. Those big yellow/orange circles you see on the ground, for instance, aren't even there most of the time... nor are stackup markers, spread markers, flare markers, or other "blatantly obvious" indicators. And yes, in Savage, you can (and will) constantly fail mechanics that wipe the entire group. So the statement "This is more of a dance and less of a strategic mechanical puzzle where one or two people messing up can wipe the entire group" is objectively false. Hell, in P1S (the Savage version of the fight he shows), the most common thing that causes wipes is one person messing up or not being resurrected in time to satisfy the mechanical requirements.
What fight lasts even remotely close to 30m? I wouldn't be surprised if Wow has such an encounter, but to my best knowledge ffxivs longest fight is 17 minutes. The longest content is probably alliance raids ( ignoring msq roulette).
@@ihavegotnoidea It depends on a myriad of factors such as when you're running the content (aka if it's current), whether or not the fight has an enrage timer, your groups DPS, and more. E12S is about 18m, E8S is about 15m, O4S used to take roughly 20m, etc. I don't know with 100% certainty if there's a raid that takes exactly 30 minutes or more just yet as I haven't cleared every Savage raid (I've only been playing for about a year), but I wouldn't be surprised if we get one this expansion, since Pandaemonium is named after a FF11 raid-boss that took players over 18 hours to kill. My prediction is therefore that we will get the longest raid in FFXIV this expansion (probably close to 30-40m long). That said I'm not disputing that 30m is on the "extreme end." Instead, my point was merely that we're getting pretty long encounters which is the _actual_ tradeoff. If you add up all 12 tiers of a raid, we're getting close to 2.5 hours of boss fights split between 12 encounters.
@@sirdamned9272 The status quo for raid encounter times in FF XIV involves splitting door bosses into two separate encounters. For example, P4S has two encounters: one is seven minutes, one is eight minutes. There really is a difference here with the checkpoint, meaning you can prog the fights much faster than a straight up 15 minute fight. The longest continuous encounter in the game is 18 minutes long, and the devs consider ~17 minutes to be the sweet spot for future ultimate encounters.
I don't play WoW, but if I'm hearing things right, Heroics are more comparable to extremes, where there's still an enrage timer, but it's still less punishing if people made mistakes. But, there's still a step in difficulty and you can't just walk into the fight without spending at least some time to learn the fight, or re-learn if needed. Normal raids, on the other hand, are at best comparable to dungeons and *really* casual content. They are kinda designed so that you don't need prior knowledge and can still clear it in one go (especially if you forgot or haven't played said fight in years), at least that's true for most of the modern normal raids. The kinds where a few sentences or even words is all you need to "learn" the fight.
Honestly the best way I describe FFXIV Raiding is perfectly complicated: There’s enough of a difficulty to where it does challenge you but that difficulty never feels overly complicated to the point of nigh-impossible, something that whether intentionally or not WoW’s raiding became guilty of doing in the attempt to raise the stakes
Blizzard is not against third party tools and as time went on had to design raids with those tools in mind to create difficulty. So they kinda shot themselves in the foot there.
Yep, even the hardest encounters in the game all have these fundamental building blocks the fight itself teaches you as you progress through it. And sure, it might be hard, but even something like TEA is solvable and when you figure it out it's such a wonderful eureka moment that just clicks. WoW suffers from lack of readability and a massive group size so without weakauras and DBM you might as well not even bother. This is what creates the mariana trench between players in WoW that frankly you don't see much of in FFXIV unless you actively choose to not raid.
@@TeeSeeDubs Those same addons allowed Blizzard to get lazy with how they design the telegraphs as well, resulting in spell effects that are so hard to read that you needed an addon just to know what the hell to do.
It's the difference between *playing a video game* and playing something designed by a sadist because they don't know how to ramp up difficulty without punishing you.
The nice thing about FF14 raids is that they actually teach u a lot of the core raiding mechanics from 7-8 years ago in ARR and HW dungeons/raids. Mechanics that we still see even in current content.
Well to be fair, as every FF game, spells and skills that you or enemies use at lvl1 are shown during all the game. You reach the final boss an they throw skills from the whole game plus something new.
@@daviidallan I have seen some people who have not done savage and are preparing to enter for the first time that will parse on normal mode to prepare.
@@daviidallan true, but he wanted to see how he stacked up. Good to do to see if you are behind, especially when new. Just better to check the right stats :P
Also the DPS-metric on FFLogs taken for rankings is rDPS (your DPS without the damage you do because of party buffs, but with the damage other people do because of YOUR party buffs) and is not the same that ACT shows (which is just your numbers added up). Depending on party composition and the job you play, rDPS can be significantly higher/lower than what ACT shows you
As a long time WoW vet, I was kind of nervous to try diving into the Ex trials blind a week after they were out. But I tried the duty finder, found a practice group, and spent 45 minutes working through the mechanics with a bunch of strangers. We eventually got the kill, and it left such a good impression that I went on to farm 99 totems out, mostly in pug groups. 10/10
I’m still on that 99 grind but I absolutely love EX1 and not a day goes by that I haven’t pugged it at least once. Usually in a practice group. (Though for some reason Doritos mess up my own thinking.) No markers of any kind, zero mistakes. Doritos up? At least 2+ vuln stacks and a death.
The way you gush over extremes, I think you'll enjoy savage a lot. Normal mode is fun and I still like jumping into them regularly, but savage is where the design really shines.
Two things people seriously underrate in FFXIV: the Sprout Symbol and the "A player has yet to clear this instance" message. It does three things. 1) People who have the content cleared or on farm immediately know they have a new player and instantly set expectations that it's not going to be a clean one shot. Pressure is instantly off the new player because nobody is expecting you to instantly know the fight (plus everyone else gets some bonus Poetics for Transmogs and more re-rolls for Wonderous Tails so it's win-win). 2) People who are legit new and have no clue what the encounter entails are honest about it. Everyone can see there's someone without a clear and nobody is going to bite your head off about it because people have already set expectations due to point 1. You also can't kick a player until 5-15 mins have passed depending on isntance so if you don't want to play with a new player, the onus is on you to leave, not on you to kick them. So the new player knows they won't get insta kicked like what happens often in LFR because they're new. 3) Because personal responsibility mechanics are a core focus of FFXIV Raid Design, everyone can see what killed the new player, how they died and what you can advise them to do next time. So there's much more of an active incentive there to communicate. With how FFXIV raid design works, it's often beneficial to allow a new player to go in blind for a few pulls to feel out the fight and get used to the mechanics than bombard them with information. because there's also no massive run back and combat resses are more generous, people are willing to let the new player dying a lot slide since hey, we were all shit at this fight once, right? Also because the game actively rewards you for not being a dick, people who are toxic to someone clearly struggling or having a hard time get dogpiled pretty quickly by the rest of the raid. Sure you meet some group of people who are dicks but that hapens in all MMOs. It's why the FFXIV community comes off as more "mature" I suppose. The game is basically built around people actually helping each other and communicating with each other. Compare to M+ which by design just breeds toxicity and impatience because if someone wipes you, well that's your key they just fucked up, or current WoW raids that are so time consuming there's always a huge flamewar (or people just quitting in PUGs) when people are running back to the boss.
6:26 - Alliance raids are a thing, in FFXIV. There are quite a lot in fact. "humongous contiguous raids, big dungeon to delve into with a full raid group" Every expansion has at least 1. The EW Alliance raid is just not out yet..
My eye-opening experience happened when I tried my first ARR Extreme Trials. I spent hours progging Shiva, Titan and Ifrit Extreme with other sprouts, nobody leaving in frustration, nobody playing the blame game. The idea that progression raiding could be done with a cluster of random noobs was shockingly refreshing compared to the WoW mentality of always needing to raid with a dedicated group on a set schedule.
The game has a more welcoming, and less punishing, design, I think that's part of why the community in XIV seems more willing to stick things out. No long corpse runs that serve no purpose but punishment, no trash respawns, things like that. You die you start over, all CD's reset, about 20 yalms from the boss. Wiping isn't ideal, but it's not frustrating, at least not the first few times lol
Im doing a lot of mentor roulettes and my highlights are always sprouts learning extreme fights as they are super motivated to learn and I always wait a pull and see how they do and if anyone wants help with a mechanic ill provide, but progressing through the fight as a team is the most fun to do in this game for me and I love to help there as much as possible that people have a great experience, its the best.
Yes, very fun to play with people who couldn’t even have the decency to at least watch one video about the extreme fights. I guess it can work when you play with people who can play at least 8 hours a day because they don’t work or have many responsibilities. Going in blind should be reserved for content creators or for groups that are actually talking on a discord. I gave up on random queues after 2 days of trying to clear Ramuh extreme. All that happened was literally every group just assumed the tanks weren’t doing the right thing and just needed to get better at their mechanics. Because of this, the dps and healers just assumed they were doing everything right. Meanwhile half the stage is full of orbs because they just couldn’t understand that once the tanks have enough stacks it’s the job of the dps and heals to clear as many orbs as they can. This happened with every group I attempted the fight with. Each group lasted a couple hours and all the dps and heals left with the mindset of “I guess we just need tanks that can manage their mechanics”. Gotta love it.
@@mug281 party finder exists, and I'm going to have to say if you queue for content via duty finder you are signing off on the possibility of people in the queue not meeting your standard of competence in the game. YOU are electing to try and pug content via DF, being mad at other people who likewise take a chance on the quality of players in the queue due to lack of communication and attention to detail does not entitle you to expect people in DF to have watched a guide first. You sound just like the guy who dropped a wallotext macro in my coil t7 pug before taking a 30 minute penalty who assumed that just because the new player bonus triggered that someone was looking for a carry; not only did we clear without him in one go (because I'd already seen the whole fight and had plenty of practice prior) but the whole party was fun and congratulatory. If you don't want to risk running into bads or blind prog parties, start a PF where you can be more selective about your party members.
Cool analysis, my only complain is that normal is casual content. Therefore, you will have to do this video format again if you jump in savage, where: Dying will punish you and your group; DPS check will slap you because enrage is always fixed to the timeline of the encounter. I really encourage you to run savage, and then if you want more difficulty go to ultimates. Will look forward to check your impresions.
i mean his impression is pretty accurate even for Savage raiding, The progression is still fast paced. Battle Rezzes have a different value where they allow progression groups to keep going to see and practice mechanics later in the fight, and because you still only fight one boss at a time, you keep learning and improving, but on a much more intimate scale. I dont think people truly learn how to play their job until they start seriously doing savage. You will quickly learn how your rotation interacts with the fight, where you should position for specific mechs based on where in your rotation you are. Fights are fast paced and challenging, but consistent, every wipe you learn a bit and get a bit better, not only with the mechs, but with your job rotation.
I completely agree that the vulnerability stack system is genius. It's a mark of shame that I want to prevent as a player, but at the same time, it doesn't punish the entire raid for one person's screw ups.
Even better than vuln ups is the damage down system in savage. Instead of hard wiping the group, it means that you can go through the whole fight and practice, but if you had too many damage downs then you can't meet the enrage check.
@@PrincessStabbityPLS Yeah, I saw that a lot back in the last moogle tome event... I don't care how good you are, ADS is going to do a pretty good job killing you if you're at 8 stacks.
I came over from WoW in March. That feeling of new mechanics seeming so complex and impossible until you do them a few times and only then does it seem so obvious and easy to read, and really well designed.. I love every moment of this game.
I'd be curious to see you and Matt's take on savage difficulty, usually the first two savage bosses per tier are quite manageable with a step in difficulty to the 3rd then likewise the 4th.
Yeah savage will gut punch you hard at first. And of course there are no super long fights due to deaths. The fights are timed. Do it right by this time or you enrage. Mechanics happen whether you are ready or not. There isn’t much of “this happens when a boss is at X percent” so you can sort of plan better.
Small correction on the Weakness and Brink of Death debuff, it lasts for about 100 seconds, so 1min and 40 seconds. Doing 25% or 50% less damage for almost 1/6th of a fight in Ex or Savage can be huge, even if it's only 1 person.
What a lot of seasoned raiders will do is that while going through the normal fights, they'll pay close attention to the mechanics there and think about how to dial it up a notch or two. They've been doing this with decent success for years now. FF is the embodiment of, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".
@@toychristopher I don't remember where, but for some reason there's a memory I have about SCoB Savage where Yoshi P said "This was how the fights were originally designed, but then it was way too hard so we made an easier version and released this as the challenge mode" and how this memory is connected to one where Yoshi P said "We design Extremes and Savage fights first, and then do normal modes"
I hope you reevaluate the ending of Endwalker after experiencing, as you put it, having a fire lit in you. I understand your original criticism, but that last challenge and the choice of "That I cannot deny" resonated with me because of this part of the game.
14:00 To extend this point, the other thing that's really helpful with the (brief) floor markers is that it gives you JUST enough information to know which sort of mechanic you died to, so you can ask about it. "I died to the cone attack - what the telegraph for this?" works a lot better than "I died in the middle there, uh, to some sword swing I think?" for asking your teammates what you missed. The quick wipe reset gives a changes for people to do FAQ on fights, moreso with a veteran explaining the mechanic that everyone else wiped to, or with a newbie asking the "what's the telegraph" question. The short iteration time gives you a chance to ask and learn these things while it's all fresh. Do note that not all of the older content does this, so you might die on Shiva EX or Coils of Bahamut NM and say "What the hell killed me? I didn't even see it." It is definitely something that they got better with over time.
We call ACT "fight club" in linkshell chat if we ever have to reference it. (As in, we don't talk about fight club.) Everything regarding it is discussed in our Discord.
Most of what you said only applies to normal. Try savage and it all goes out the window But it's fine. They're two things made for two kinds of players. Normal is great to let everyone enjoy the story, including people who can't or won't dedicate the extra time savage takes
occasionally i have gotten some real jerks in normal raids, to which ive asked, "why are you here instead of in a savage raid?" i worry that their attitudes turns sprouts off from raiding because theyre expecting these brand new players to just know the fight right away
@@lucasdude No one would want them in savage either. Having a bad attitude like that isn't useful no matter what kind of content they're running. Some people just have no chill unfortunately.
I love raiding in FF14. I started after you and have already cleared P1S. Hopfully tomorrow P2S. I like that I dont have to deal with trash and running around after dying.
Hi! EW is the first expansion where I really dived into doing Extremes. Haven't done Savages but will do in the near future. And I got to say that I was really enjoying it! Our practice group wiped or died on the first few tries both for Trial 1 and 2 but after getting the hang of it, it felt really good! I agree that there is a sense of accomplishment in doing higher-tier difficulties and there are incentives to do these things. Still afraid of doing Savages but doing Extremes made the usual normal content/dungeons seem easier, in my humble opinion. Also, I like how people are friendly enough to others who are first-timers doing the Extremes and how we progress with the mechanic, inch by inch. It's one thing to watch a guide and take note of the basics but it is a whole lot different when you're actually in the fight and starting to feel that you're learning how the flow happens. I say, FFXIV's Normal Raids/Trials are akin to dancing, you dance you're way through the mechanics to minimize damage while Extremes/Savages, its like synchronized dancing/swimming, you need to be in tune and in sync with the other members to take down the boss :D
You talked about the "Vuln Stacks", those are more a way for normal mode to teach people that they screwed up, those same mechanics on Savage apply "Damage Down" which is a 1minute debuff on you that you do 50% less damage. (If you were to survive the mechanic, if you aren't a tank yourself) this is to prevent tanks doing un orthodox things like sacrificng health to stand in an AOE to give rest of the party more room to manouver, there are two outliars, Gunbreakers Superbolide and Paladin's Hallowed Ground that prevent them taking any damage meaning that they wont take damage from the specific mechanic nor will the damage down bebuff then be applied to them.
There's a Stone Sky Sea location from HW to EW that you can unlock for practicing. Stone Sky Sea - HW: Dravanian Hinterlands (outside Idyllshire) The Circles of Answering - SB: Rhalgr's Reach The Lawns - ShB: Kholusia (Outside Eulmore) The Burning Fields - EW: Palaka's Stand (Outside Radz At Han) What we normally do if were not using ACT is unlock the content that you want to practice for, go to the designated Stone Sky Sea location for that expansion and choose the duty you want to practice for (ie Savage content). We hit the dummy with the openers and rotations. If you are able to beat the dummy within the time limit given (2 minutes) it means your dps is more or less within the range required for that content. If you can't, then you might wanna look at your equipment ilvl and your rotations and update the.. Practicing with the dummies builds good muscle memory and the time limit gives you a sense of urgency in fights.
P3 and P3S out there making Warriors of Light out of Sprouts, love to see it. Just to show how these raids actually TEACH you the more pulls you have: my static spent last week proging P3S, we only managed to clear it 1 hour before maintenance. During our reclears today, we killed the bird in our 2nd pull with a lot of time to spare before enrage. Everyone knew what and when to do. Felt super satisfying, like when you spend a week studying for a test and when the test is in your hands you read it and realize you know all the answers.
Just a drive-by tip, you can change your view so you see more of the boss instead of the floor behind you. : Character Configuration > Control Settings > General > 3rd Person Camera Angle (or ctrl + arrow key up/down). Glad you're enjoying the game. Have a wonderful day :)
Well there is a dummy in Thavnair. You don't need ACT - You pick the boss you want to fight and it puts you in a solo "duty" for that boss. It's still a dummy, but it is tuned to account for your movement etc against the chosen boss. For example, I couldn't down one boss dummy until I changed my starting rotation. If you can't down the dummy in a certain amount of time? Your dps isn't as good as it should be for that boss to account for the movement and mechanics. For someone trying to catch up you are still in WoW in many ways. I think you all need to unlearn or maybe play more of a variety of MMO's so you are more accustomed to changing your play style more. Also, in FFXIV when you are debuffed like that (8:22)? In WoW we do tend to move apart and away because it will do damage to others based on radius. Here if you move too far apart it can limit the healing you receive so it's better to not have another's circles overlapping your toon, but not be too spread apart.
He mentions Stone, Sky, and Sea at the start before ACT, but hitting a striking dummy isn't quite indicative of your real fight performance - you're not dodging aoes, reacting to mechanics, and so on.
I appreciate your efforts to wanting to self-improve on your rotations/dps numbers and this is by no means a bad thing, but I really do want to stress: Don't do this for normals. Normal Raids are for story and an introduction to the raid tiers aesthetic, as well as a teaser for potential mechanics in a low-stress and low-risk environment. Parsing DPS numbers on it is meaningless, its like parsing DPS numbers on Normal Alexander. Normal Raids are not meant to be difficult or require high dps to complete, they're just the entry-point for new players to learn raiding and get some basic gear set up alongside the Extreme Trials. Your DPS in Normals will be nowhere near the same as your DPS in Savage. What you're doing is what Savage raiders would usually do. Self-improve on rotation, dps numbers, really push your own skill. Normal Raids are completely different to Savage difficulty and you will notice very quickly that the way the fight plays out in Normal is nowhere near comparable, and while you may be getting enjoyment out of it, I want to stress that you might find it to have been a waste of time when it comes time to do Savage Difficulty and you've picked up some nasty "greed" habits from parsing Normals due to being able to get away with sloppy plays in an effort to increase your DPS. I feel like you'd very much enjoy the Savage raid environment if you join or put together a Static (if you haven't already) and raid it weekly. It seems very much like you'd enjoy the continual improvement and satisfaction from completing the content if you did this. Also HUGE DISCLAIMER: You're comparing your DPS in Normal Raids throughout the video to DPSers doing the Savage Difficulty. This would be like comparing Dungeon DPS in WoW to Heroic/Mythic Raid DPS, so do not feel deterred or dissapointed in your DPS! Also you're attempting to compare "Normal" difficulty raids to WoW's Heroic Raids/LFR which is a problem because what you should be doing is comparing LFR to Alliance Raids, Normal Raids are essentially just tier'd "Trials", Savage is the difficulty you should be doing to compare against Heroic/Mythic content in WoW. You clarify the difficulty's a bit later in the video but keep in mind in patch 6.1 the new Alliance Raids for Endwalker will release, which might provide a better comparison to certain WoW content as they're more similar to WoW's raids in that you explore a long , deep dungeon with lots of trash/bosses to go through. Finally, to add on to your comment on Vulnerability Stacks, there's also a new addition in Savage content where getting hit by certain mechanics you can avoid will instead apply a "Damage Down" stack. Since Savage content have very strict "Enrage" timers on most bosses, this means that even if you don't die, getting clipped by certain mechanics can potentially lead to the boss hitting Enrage 7-8 minutes on without you realising. Savage rewards perfection, whereas Normals can very easily be completed with multiple deaths.
I do think its a good approach to learn a new job and movement and uptime (while I do agree savage is another total beast) have access to your complete kit and practice a single target rotation is a good option (as dungeons your rotation is fairly different). And if you are trying to get that down your dps should be good enough. I got into rdm and try diamond ex and fall 2 times due to bad timing on disengage so I feel his approach is good (of course you always get practice and progress parties) but for take on a new job on max.
Normal raids are easy yes but you can easily still mess up if you're not paying attention. I'm sorry I'm sure it's not your intention here but you really sound kinda condescending with how you word things. Wanting to improve using that content as a stepping stone is normal. Parsing in normal to see self improvement is a good thing and not useless as it's meant to gauge improvement. People take steps to get to the savage raid and not jump in head first especially if it's a new job they picked up and a new game at that so I'm sure he'll know what he'll get in savage once he does it.
There's nothing with parsing for normals, especially as a new player with a new job. Once he feels like he's consistent enough with his rotation with boss movement and mechanics, then he can move on to savage.
@@ravenhellkite8124 Unfortunately, I'm noticing a lot of Savage raiders have a condescending tone, whether they mean to or not... I dunno, it's really weird, because there's a lot of talk of welcoming people in Savage raiding, but in practice a lot of impatience if new people don't keep up. It seems worse than in Heroic raiding, maybe because there are only eight people. Just a shame, I was really into ffxiv so far, and I miss raiding... but my little bit of static experience hasn't been positive so far, and it was supposed to be casual lol.
You probably couldn't see it because of the spell effects, but the second trial boss on Extreme actually has a visual indicator for which Crystalize effect it chooses, it's like an aura around its body.
I went in with SMN just to take a break on SAM and I missed some queues because of Titan's effect coming out at the same time. The only time it's really a problem is after chakrams and I need to know which way she's facing.
@@Boyzby Just in case you didn't already know this, with the command "/petsize all small" you can reduce the size of the summons, which helps to not get blinded by the model of big boy bahamut or titan. Still doesn't help with the spell effect though :)
You can pan your camera up towards the boss (this is different than holding left or right click and moving the mouse) by holding the Control key and Up arrow. What I did was put my bar at the absolute bottom on my screen and my character is near the bar, I have much more screen estate to look at the boss and their animations.
As someone who used to be glued to damage meters in WoW, playing FFXIV on console means I have absolutely no additional tools available to me and as a result I have to rise or fall on my own. It's sometimes frustrating but also I really enjoy the experience.
You do have Stone, Sky, Sea-- so not zero tools. Stone, Sky, Sea lets you know if you are able to do "enough" dps, even if it doesn't provide you your exact dps from the fight.
@@toychristopher I said "absolutely no additional tools." That being, tools that are *added* on to the base game experience. I'm very familiar with SSS.
kinda surprised at how all these wow players seem to think that Normal Mode Raids are the golden standard for how raiding should be. Yeah they're harder than their Trial counterparts. But i don't really feel "normal mode" to be considered the "endgame". Admittedly i've never raided in wow. I'm just kinda surprised that ppl are looking at Panda and are like "that's the raiding end game and it's super good". Compared to myself and i'm like "uhhhhh extremes and savage feel way more "endgame" to me". I guess one way i think about it sometimes is that the Raids, like Panda, eden, etc. etc. aren't something i think about as a separate "Tier" of difficulty. I consider them a separate piece of content, but it's the harder difficulty that i would categorize as the "end game". Yeah it's true that in terms of difficulty it goes Dungeons > Trials > Normal Raids=Alliance Raids > Extremes > Savage > Ultimate. But as a FFXIV player for the last 3 years, i guess i've just assumed that most players that make it through the MSQ would kinda do everything on "normal mode" regardless? Maybe its just a difference in how i define endgame, but for me, doing the content on normal mode isn't "end game" it's kinda "expected?" not sure if that's the right word for it. My point i that defining Normal Raids as "endgame" seems odd to me. Possibly because of how my personal experiences with Raiding differ from what i'm seeing on various WoW content creators and hearing their opinions. Just one of the benefits of having NOT played wow for the last 10 years lol.
I think a lot of the WoW folks are just getting excited by seeing the word "raid" and the fact that it released later with a patch, not realizing that it's basically just more of the same difficulty that they've been doing throughout msq (but optional). Or they're using 'endgame' in a much more banner-terminology way that just means it's the content available at max level. Or a mix of both. But yeah, totally concur on that, normal raids aren't really 'raiding' in the wow sense as i know it; they're just another generally enjoyable piece of casual content to do for those of us who keep playing and don't unsub between major story patches. And I definitely know that myself and a LOT of other people in FF would only use the terms "raider" or "non-raider" to distinguish between people who raid savage/ex/ult versus people who only play normals. Like everything you do in msq too, they're made to run blind with randoms, basically guaranteed to clear, and don't require any particularly great co-ordination beyond the basics like job roles and remixes of well-tread mechanics. That's not at all to say that they're bad content, it's just that if people are looking for where the game actually pushes player performance and more stringent expectations and the gear curve, that only starts with Extreme and above. tl;dr - Normal Raid difficulty is just story content that isn't required. You *especially* don't need to parse on it, lol.
@@MoonwalkSA I can see that. I think it comes with the stigma that wow and a lot of other MMOs kind established that the words "raid" and "end game" often imply that it's the content u do at the end of the game. Which is ironic because for many people that's where the game BEGINS. Thinking back I'm also reminded that in a lot of other games. Raiding is the thing that only the top end of players get to experience. FF was like this too back when they did coils. If u wanted to know what happened to louisoix in ARR you HAD to do coils. But SE quickly realized that most players dont like to be excluded from story just because its behind content they might not be able to do. Which led to the separation of normal vs. Savage in raid content. I'm pretty sure wow has "normal" raids too but since their lore is buried and story leaves something to be desired. People dont talk about it at all. Cant wait for Mike to get around to doing the old alliance raids and the current savage tier tho. I'm excited to hear his thoughts on the jump in difficulty compared to something like mythic (because I've never done mythic)
Definitely not all wow players but I'd say if we're looking at the overall playerbase the entry to mythic raiding is a lot harder than say getting a static just due to the nature of mythic raiding being 20-man and a lot of the requirements that current wow players are complaining about. So for me my endgame is mythic raiding, high m+ etc. The difference is I need to put in an exponential amount of work to even get to that 'entry' stage over just levelling my class to max and craft some gear. There was a point in wow where the barrier to entry for raiding was very minor with only 2 difficulties and back then you'd see a lot more pug raids and people sticking around for raids :)
I was irritated by the point at first, but in the end I didn't mind Bellular saying it at all. It's ... I mean, it's still stuff at endgame and it falls under the category normal "raid". It even has timegated gear rewards. It's one of the things to do at max level. Of course it's still very easy and nothing compared to progressing Savage, where you can't just queue up and even party finder groups can have a hard time, which is what longer-term FF players call raiding. But Bellular is new, I'll give him some leeway in using uncommon terms for things :P
@@miau384 that's kinda what I'm noticing with a lot of content creators trying out FF they go in with the expectation that "that's the raid that's the end game harder content" which is true in a literal sense. But the reality is that normal mode is usually just a speed bump towards savage. I'm sure once they dip their toes into extremes and savage theyll start to see the shift in player expectations quickly.
Talking about the fight difficulty, here are my insights as someone who played WoW to BfA and who has played XIV since ARR. You will generally die more in XIV when you are unfamiliar with a fight. But dying has less of a penalty, because raises are only limited by the healers and red mages / summoners MP. The enrage timers for non-savage are also either non-existent or incredibly forgiving. The end result is that you can be carried through a fight by good healers. Healers in any given group, more than any other role, hold the keys to success or failure. If you have bad healers that die a lot or just don't understand / use their kit, you might wipe many times and never clear the fight. If you have great healers that avoid mechanics, help DPS, keep their MP up with their MP management tools, and raise quickly, you're almost guaranteed to win. An advantage of this design is that the fights can go for long and so people can experience / see the mechanics more, which leads to greater understanding. This is also helped by the fact that every single one of XIV's fights largely explains itself. There's a tutorial phase at the start where each mechanic happens on it's own with some time between each. Then after you've been introduced, that's when mechanics start getting mixed together and happen faster. The visual language used to convey mechanics is also fantastic and is (largely) consistent. The biggest downside is that if you end up with bad healers it could be just pure suffering and despair - although this can be mitigated by a good red mage and/or tanks that use their healing abilities to help keep the group going. Warrior, Paladin, and Gunbreaker all have varying capacities to heal party members, heal themselves, and just keep things going.
That might be true on normal and extreme trial but on Savage you can't raise people too much or you'll get wiped as a punishment healer LB3 might save some pull but also risking to hit enraged timer as a result
Looking at some of his game footage and it seems like his *3rd Person Camera Angle* is not fine tuned yet. Changing this value will raise the camera from looking at the floor to looking at the boss. Go to: Settings > Character Configuration > Control Settings > General tab. Scroll to bottom and adjust to around 70. It's honestly life changing when you see do it. I really helps looking at the edge for mechanics like the lvl 83 trial for example.
20:00 - see those marks that your experience player put down for that raid right as you were talking about how helpful experience players are? There's a tool in the UI to save those marks, so that next time you see that boss you can load in pre-positioned marks. If someone helping you seems to have a good marking setup, save it.
Oh man that camera angle, you can adjust your camera angle with ctrl+arrow keys, i would honestly advise moving it up a bit so you can see the top of the boss because there will be times when you need to see what they are doing because the only tell is something that comes out of their head or shoulders. Also you can move the boss cast bar or put a focus target in the middle of the screen which will also show a cast bar if looking up is too distracting for you.
You can split the hp and cast bars for your target and move the cast bar above or below the center of your screen so you can watch the boss model and casts at the same time easier. You can also pitch the camera up or down with ctrl and the arrow keys if you want to modify your viewing angle more
@17:30 14 delivers on quantity. Just because something isn't labelled a "raid" doesn't mean it doesn't have bosses with proper and challenging boss design. Can't wait to see you check out Bozja especially. Eureka's fate bosses were more like Hunts which are akin to WoW's World Bosses (with a few special ones being proper boss encounters mechanically), but for Bozja with the Critical Engagements people must queue into, they're proper boss fights and many can rack up dozens of player deaths... which is manageable due to 14's bres design. Some of them are quite a bit more hectic and challenging than the normal raids... Red Comet...
If I may point out a feature, it is possible to adjust your Enemy Status HUD element to split off the debuffs and, more importantly, their cast bar, into separate moveable, scalable modules. You can absolutely get away with making a 200% size cast bar that is impossible to miss, and have it closer towards the middle so your eyes don't have to travel as far and will always notice when they're casting, and what they're casting, meaning less losing track of where you're looking, and faster reaction times as you don't have to travel your eyes all the way from the rightmost edge of the enemy health bar then back to the middle of the screen to watch animations/mechanics and then lower down to your buttons to track cooldowns. You can make it far less straining. Another feature that you may find beneficial, especially in some boss content where you might have multiple entities to track, or if you want to track a specific friendly player (especially if you some day decide to learn healers), is the Focus Target system that you can access by targeting an entity and then pressing Shift + F.
i haven't spotted it posted, but assuming you haven't rebound it, CTRL+up or down arrow key pan your camera, the default is something like 28, and i play around 70-80, putting my character sitting right above my hotbar setup and the boss much closer to center mass, really helps with how tall a lot of the bosses are
Do note that Savage bosses will do enrage cast if you have too many raises (2+ usually), and there are lots of mechanics that lead to very bad things if not all 8 players are alive. But there is also a beauty to this, because even if you lacking damage, you can still play out the fight to enrage. Yeah, you won't kill boss, but every phase I saw so far is time-locked, unlike Blizzard's favorite "boss percentage" locked. Because of that, fights are playing out same no matter what, your character spell timings never drift all over the place, and by pulling continously all the way you get more and more familiar with encounter until you clear it.
In recent savage difficulties (Edens and now Pandaemonium), getting hit with avoidable damage gives you Damage Down as opposed to Vuln Up, and with how the fights are tuned, even one damage down will typically mean you're hitting enrage unless you have nothing but blue and above parsers in your group. It means you won't die, you'll get to see the whole fight and learn the mechanics, but you won't clear it. It's a brilliant way to teach you the fight without having to wipe a whole bunch.
@@Ketsuekisan wouldnt know, my static is still working on p2s, kampeos harma is annoying (and some of my colleagues are uhh... lacking in the skill department.)
Bellular. Matt. For the love of God, primals, and Masayoshi Soken, PLEASE put links or credits to your end card music in your video descriptions! First the Bozja remix, now this awesome Radz-at-Han jam? You’re killin’ me!
I just wanted to add in a bit of info. There are a few dungeons in FFXIV that do have the the same feel as wow raids, but they are side content and niche things to do. Delubrum Reginae Savage, and the Baldesion Arsenal. DRS is a 48 man raid, and BA is a 56 man raid. BA is the only one that I've done personally, but comparing it to wow raids I've done, it felt very similar. Big huge dungeon, trash mobs that had a mechanic or two you had to do, everyone is pretty much listening to one group leader explaining everything as you go, setting up strategies for each fight beforehand while staring at the boss, assigning special roles to individuals for handling certain mechanics, preparing food, potions, special spells, etc. There is one big huge catch to both of these dungeons. You die, you're booted out of the raid. There's three ways you can be rezed, a spell called sacrifice, where the caster dies in your place, a potion called a reraiser, where if you die while under it's buff you have a chance to be rezed, and finally healer LB3. All raise spells are disabled outside of this, and that's outside of combat as well. There is no returning to the start and walking back. You are kicked from the instance 3 minutes after dieing, or you hit abandon duty. These fights are not commonly done, as BA has a frustrating entry system, and neither can be done with the duty finder, only a premade group can enter them. The strict rez restriction is also a massive deterrent, as it requires everyone to execute every mechanic perfectly. Very few leave you alive if you mess up, and in DR, when you fail any mechanic you get a debuff for two minutes that will auto kill you after 3 stacks, later reduce to 2 stacks. And yes, there are raid wiping mechanics in these fights. These are considered to be the savage version of large scale raiding, whereas the 24 man raids are fairly casual. So, while there's only 2 dungeons in the game that captures the feel of WoW's raiding, they do exist! Plus you get a special mount on your first clear of each, some snazzy FFXI and FFXII armor, minions, and a few other glamour items to show off.
16:22 I have to say, it is very jarring to watch several WoW Mythic Raiders on streams consistently fail to obvious mechanic "tells" in dungeons or normal raid fights, it is extremely telling
Two years in, and I still die to things at times, too. 10+ years in WoW teaches you that FIRE = BAD. Here, technically the fire is good. You move *before* the mechanic goes off, then often sidestep *into* the animation of the fire/laser/whatever, to avoid the one about to go off where you are. That's...not intuitive at all. It's a completely different approach that WoW raiding, so having to learn to be slower and do DDR instead of instantaneous dodging is strange.
I really like vulnerability stack system because not only does it drive you to be better ,but it also shows who has difficulty with which mechanic, tank for example generally dont die as easily as other rolls but for example if you keep seeing off-tank with 3 or more stacks all the time then you know that that tank doesnt understand the fight and needs explaining how the fight works
i shrink my ability bars and split the cast bar from the boss HP bar and place it enlarged above my abilities to combat looking at bars but in such a way that a slight glance will let me see boss telegraphs rather than looking to the top of my screen :) but i know where everything is on my bars
I really loved this video! What is the song you played during the outro?? It was like a boppy version of the radz-at-han theme and I need to add it to my ffxiv music playlist lol
If you miss the big raids with huge parties and multiple bosses... you're waiting for the alliance raid tier. Soon enough, we'll get the alliance raids which are 24-player raids with several bosses. Look forward to that!
Remember if he wants the wow experience bozja and baldesion arsenal are the ones to go and people still do them, since you cant res people inside them outside limit break or a borrowed power that is inside that instance
Still has some of the same primary issues all raiding has though. if someone is mature and decent enough to be someone worth wanting to play with, chances are very very overwhelmingly good that they will not have time for a raid static, or will without warning a group will fall apart due to people having RL get in the way. Understandable, almost no mature adult human being has time to raid these days. A huge shame, it can be great fun with the right group. that right group though is nearly extinct. I am of course talking about Savage, I see you doing the normal story difficulty in the video.
So much to be said for the ability to tackle a specific raid/dungeon over and over. Thinking back to just about any of my first gos at an normal, Hard, or Expert fight and feeling like I’m barely hanging on vs doing it for the 30th+ time (TY Duty Roulette) and now feeling like it’s a well choreographed dance. Savage (synched) is still a tough one though because everything can hinge on not doing a single thing wrong.
Welcome to the game and it's great you're enjoying it! I'd always recommend starting with the early game raids, because those allow you to learn the games base mechanics (AoE markers/shapes, and common attack names). That way when you're in the higher end content, you'll recognise certain mechanics 2nd nature and be able to react a bit quicker :D You can also go into your HUD, and seperate the bosses information from being 1 'block' into 3 blocks. That allows you to make the bosses cast bar larger to get familiar with paying attention to it. You can also use 'Focus Target' to have the boss focused even when you're clicking other adds or players, so you still have a view of the cast bar! Have fun! And you'll pick everything up in time :D
I wanted to add :D FF is great cause the raids prioritise the story and the players. There's no reward in punishing players for mistakes, because the aim is to always get players to learn, and gives them time to appreciate story whilst progging mechanics. Especially when you get phase changes in certain raids. It keeps you immersed. (Also if you do all the old raids Normal and Alliance, they frequently get call backs in the Main Story Quest, lots of story content that make the end game story feel so good to see all the characters you've helped in the past.)
As far as raid tiers go, I'm split between Alex and Omega for best structure. While I like the boss rushes we have had with Eden and Pandemonium.... I still do miss the trash pulls as they help make the encounter feel a bit more complete to me. Omega probably handled that the best as you had trash in the story instances, and did the boss in group.
Omega all the way. Needing to run back to the boss room (even though it's a small distance) killed Alex Savage for me in retrospect after they removed it in later expansions.
Oh hey! As a long time raider, I love hearling new people's opinon about the raid. I'm happy to see you excited about the mechs! Because for me, these mech are just an old recycled mech that I've seen 1000 times. But hearing a new player getting excited about these is so fresh. You should try doing ultimates, Ucob and UWU are rather easy now, but they're fun. TEA is also fun actually it's the most fun for me! Pretty sure you will like these too.
In savage instead of vulnerability stacks, they give you a damage down debuff instead. You're doing half damage for the next 30 seconds. Have fun killing the boss before enrage :). Also, nobody calls the extremes by number beyond the spoiler moratorium. And they definitely don't call it "T#". It's either Primal 1, the first extreme, or just [spoiler] extreme.
Hey! Did you know that you can detach your target's cast bar from it's HP bar and move it anywhere on your HUD? You can also increase its size. I have the cast bar down just under the center of the screen and enlarged 200%
So you if you want a big WoW-esque raid, the Stormblood and Shadowbringers relic content both have fairly difficult alliance raids with extra stuff, the Baldesion Arsenal in Eureka and Delubrum Reginae (Savage) for Bozja
The other thing I think they do really well is having the normal/easy versions of the fight basically teach you the mechanics with telegraphs and more reaction time. Seat of Sacrifice is one of the best examples of having a normal version of the fight teach you almost *everything* you need to know in order to learn the Extreme version.
One tip, you can change your camera tilt so the boss isn't disappearing off the top of your screen. It really helps with visual clarity, at least it did for me
Oh yeah, Corps-a-corps and Displacement are absolutely like that. I have gracefully backflipped into the abyss more than once. Now the two are separated by being IIRC 6 vs shift-6; still related, but a very significant difference, enough that I almost never make that mistake anymore (doubly so now that Engagement is 1:1 with Displacement.)
The Extreme, Savage and Ultimate fights in FF14 are SO MUCH FUN! Wrapping your mind around some of the craziness that are the current Savage content is legitimately some of the most fun I have ever had in all my life. They're tough, and you don't even get any loot, but once it clicks and you get that first kill.. OMG.
I tried parsing myself in the past and for me, it just kinda ruins the fun. That's when the game stops being a role-playing fantasy game where I'm taking on tough bosses, to being a number simulator game where I'm a dude behind a computer trying to get numbers higher. The immersion and purpose behind what I'm doing goes away. I refused to parse in WoW either, because all I would do is fixate on the numbers every second of every day and if it was 1 DPS less than optimal, I would become frustrated and discouraged.
just a small nitpick. When you were talking about being upper quartile in p3n, you had P3S charts up on 50%. kind of confusing to talk about normal but show savage charts. Also, no one calls extremes T1 or T2. The term turn 1, turn 2, etc, are reserved for the savage floors. The extremes are either called just their name, or ex 1, ex2, etc.
@@semiramisubw4864 in wow t1,t2, etc, refer to the tier raid sets, not the raids themselves. So no, in this context, it's not used like that in wow either. The term T1 and such is very common in ff14 when referring to the turn of savage you are on. Synonyms with floor 1, etc. (Played wow from vanilla through legion)
As you talked about ACT: yes it gives you tour numbers. You can upload it to fflogs to see your rating. And upload logs to xivanalysis to get info about the buttons you pressed (combo breaks, number of gcd incident burst windows etc). Some jobs are not yet updated though.
It's worth mentioning that there ARE a couple of really big raids that are very much more of a classic MMO raid experience, Baldesion Arsenal and the Bozja stuff
You also have to consider your team comp and raid timers. That effects your DPS by a solid margin. Also some deaths simply aren't your fault. Could be a lack of heals or mitigation. So you should really only be looking at those instances where your actions caused said death to occur. One tool that I've used often this raid tier in Savage fights is the replay tool in FFlogs. By uploading your ACT logs, you can get a visual replay of w/e savage fight you are currently doing. Allowing you to review where you may have been standing, what your hp was, any mit that you or a pt member may have used, etc.
The biggest thing, to me, is how if you die against a boss in a Normal Raid or Trial, everybody gets insta-rezzed and the whole fight just resets itself then and there. No lame corpse running, no time for players to bicker at each other. Just the boss staring you down waiting for you to try again. And again. And Again. until you defeat it. I'd have to say that I can count on one hand the number of times that my group had to entirely give a duty up on anything in Duty Finder. I think it happened once with the 4.0 MSQ boss, and again with the Trial after it when they were current content. Had a close call with the Lv83 trial, but we managed to do it with 12 minutes left on the timer after half of the group was replaced. Now, obviously, in Alliance Raids and in 4man Dungeons, there's still a corpse run, but _they give you shortcuts to each boss_ so your run is only from the previous boss to the boss you wiped against which cuts a lot of the time spent running. Also, Bellular hit the nail right on the head when he talks about awesome comeback stories. Everybody has seen this at least once... a healer and a tank are the only ones left alive, boss is at 5%, and the Healer pulls a sacrificial LB3 and rezzes the whole group who goes on to win the fight. Those moments, especially if you're the healer or the tank, feel so _awesome_ and that's something that cannot be overstated, the elation you feel when you managed to be the one to hold the line as the last person standing, or the healer who, with the click of the button, brought your entire group back to life, the healer's ultimate act of healing, simultaneously rezzing 6 people. It really puts a big smile on one's face to see it.
You should be really careful about doing things just because other content creators are doing it too. Just because you're not getting banned in the game that doesn't mean you're not getting into some kind of black list from SE that would limit the possibility of future collaborations or sponsorships.
They don't care if we use ACT. They literally came out and said last live letter. It's no different than someone grabbing a calculator and reading combat log. They have a problem with what Bellular states, if we begin bullying others for their performance using ACT as our metric. Nothing happens if SE sees ACT on your screen. They see it on all end game streamers and don't do anything.
@@shinon748 for normal people that is correct. For content creators, any that mention any third-party tools in usage of them or show them on their stream don’t get invited to media events or other things.
@@shinon748 Content creators that show ACT on their videos or streams were excluded from media tours and events such as the black chocobo twitch sub where content creators got a big boosts in their twitch subs. In a way it was SE way of making sure that the chosen content creators get some money.
I am also a first time Endgame FFXIV player and I played WoW from launch to date. FFXIV EX2 blew my mind for complexity and challenge in a raid boss. I was a healer and needed to know the right times to go to my marker, which gets really hard near the end of the fight, especially while people are getting tagged by stuff. I am glad I was not alone in thinking it was insane, old FFXIV players told me it was not that hard, that made me laugh.
Every time you mention not binding Engagement and Displacement one button press away I remember back when Displacement did more damage, many of the fights I would just remove it from my hotbar and take the DPS loss. At least now they're the same potency, even if it's less flashy. Now I have them on the same button placement, but different hotbar (using controller). Which... only helps if my brain decides to work but hey.
Happy you enjoyed it so much :) When you say T1 ppl gonna think about the Coil Raids, since those are called turn 1-13 xP Only after i saw her i knew you meant the trial haha
This. I was wondering why he went back to do coils lul. The current ex trials are just being referred to as Ex1 and Ex2 atm to prevent spoilers. It prob will get a shortened fight name later on. Me? I just called them Daddy and Mummy Exs
I have played Final Fantasy 14 on and off since it was first released. I have also played many other MMORPGs including wow since it was released, I had been relying on add-ons such as recount, I use them to measure my own DPS against the group I was in. I became somewhat self dependent upon these because I wanted to make sure I was doing well. Initially when I went back to FF recently. I downloaded ACT. I used it on and off for several months, then I realized after a while that I didn’t really need it anymore. It was more in Porten to be able to survive the mechanics of a Bossfight than it was to do top DPS. I could fairly easily figure out if I was doing good DPS on my own while out in the world as I had many many jobs over lvl 70. I just picked one that I knew I could do reasonably well with and killed a mob. Then switched jobs and kills another of the same mob, I can tell by how fast I took it down etc how I was doing. After a while however it became a moot point.
glad you're having fun. i recommend entering the balance discord for informations about your opener to help with your damage! hope you enjoy the (savage) raids.
Final Fantasy XIV looting makes me loathe WoW RNG. I love knowing I can work towards the piece I want and not just kill a boss for no viable or real reward.
Hey great vid as always. Any chance you guys can do a UI guide for FF? Maybe not all jobs but by roles? Ingame UI that said, don't have to do an external one if ya don't want to.
Interesting thing to note, XIV designs the savage fights first and retools them for normals, cutting some details of mechs, or cutting them out altogether. Gear ilevels are majorly different, (580 for norms vs. 600 for the savage). Damage is something I'm bad at, personally, and it's something I'm constantly working on for my own improvement. Doesn't help I'm on one of the lowest damage dps classes (Dancer), but a major part of it is comfort and learning the mechs and I love puzzling them out. That's the fun of these raids for me XD
FFXIV fights are also designed a lot to show you boss mechanics one at a time, and then they start layering multiple boss mechanics at the same time after. So you learn what to watch out for and how to deal with it them overlapping one another.
And then P4N stacks like six mechanics on you at once or in rapid sequence and the entire PF dies because you're all laughing too hard at the mad scramble. Uptime? What's that?
@@naienko haha definitely. Thats the fun thing about blind, practice parties. It's a wipe fest, but everyone is having a good time because shit is going haywire
@@naienko it chains 2 seperate mechanics at a time at most Pinax and the 4 elements are really just one mechanic with 4 seperate outcomes and in normal there is a good bit of time between them. And honestly uptime on him is easy once you understand the mechanics only time it ever drops really is with shift as that teleport can easily cause a disengagement but thats really it.
@@zannothefox Honestly the 4 seperate outcomes the only one I see that consistently kills people in normal is still the proximity one. Not because people dont know how to do it, but because it's usually the last one where you're dealing with the role-exclusive towers just before hand. so people are mad scrambling and it's kinda funny really.
@@naienko i'd actually group the P4N mechanics as 2 mechanics that could go different ways.
In FFXIV, even if you lose, you feel progression. That's a rare feeling to have in an MMORPG.
This really is true, my personal friend group decided to try savage this expac, while myself and 2 others are currently at 3s. Over Sunday on first lockout we get up to channeling overflow cleaned up. Lockout 2 we hit CO 3 with the occasional enrage seen. We never cleared but out group is satisfied and sure that come this weekend p2s will go down.
I've always compared FFXIV raiding to learning a boss in a souls borne game. If I die once, try again, get farther in, and then die again, you feel the forward momentum of that, especially in extreme fights
Just to clarify the extended fight times due to deaths and repeatable mechanics are only applicable to normal. In savage you WILL enrage in a set amount of time so deaths usually = enrage. Also, for savage 99% of the time mechanics are tuned for 8 people so if you have only 7 up or 1 person fails a mechanic you will likely kill the entire raid - or end up with a lot of damage downs that inevitably = enrage.
Well, depends on how many deaths and which savage were talking about and how long the patch has gone so how geared people are. First week I cleared p1s and p2s with a couple of deaths throughout the party.
I definitely agree with normal and savage being uncomparable in this aspect however. I ran into the enrage at 0.5% on p3s several times just last week.
He did mention that in the video.
The main difference is that often you can still learn the mechanics and progress even if ppl are dying to dumb stuff, it makes prog in FF a lot better than in other MMOs. Ppl die, you know you won't kill the boss but you can still carry on (most times) and practice.
You are kinda right but you are clearly over-exagerating, at least for Pandaemonium. No, one people failing the mechanics will not kill the entire raid. Most of the time at least. Yeah, there are mechanics where it happens but wiping the ENTIRE raid for one mistake isn't that common. Also, depending on your stuff, the dps checks are not that tight (for the first fights at least). We literally killed P1S with 11 deaths in my static.
@@sephirock9659 it's pretty common on p3s that a death or two will lead to party wide wipes.
You die on a tether during adds? Raid wipes due to great whirlwind.
You misplace your dark fire? Party wide damage down will basically ensure you don't hit enrage.
Point your cone the wrong way during Firestorms? You've killed the raid.
There are many, many many singular points of party wide failure the further you go into the tier.
It's almost like not having to balance the game with 10 gorillion variables, providing a global release of a boss that is actually not a buggy mess and rewarding gear progressions even if you don't get good RNG on the rolls makes the playerbase feel...happy? Impossible..
How does this work in WoW?
@@Kuroganemk2 First you have 12 classes, each with between 2 and 4 specializations (which are basically entirely different classes), for a total of 37 "classes", each with their own pre-raid Best In Slot and trinkets with either on-use effects or random procs. Then you have the talent tree for each spec which is a selection between 3 powers or passives per row (with at least 1 pick from each row being a trap pick that is just objectively worse than the other two) of the talent tree. Then you have your Best in Slot legendaries (1 at the start of the expac then the second later on), which is different between all 37 specs. Then you have the expansion specific gimmick systems that you grind until you have your spec's Best in Slot for those systems, which is different between all 37 specs. Then you have to wait for the raid to be released, and because it isn't a global release you wont even be able to start the raid at the same time as NA servers if you play in an EU or Asian server. Then you finally get into the raid, and it's totally RNG whether you get a drop or not and even if you do get a loot drop for you it might not even be a good piece for you to use but you can't even trade it to one of the 19 other people in the raid unless you already have a equal or higher item level piece than what you got for loot.
@@ergonamix9977 fuck that lmao
@@ergonamix9977 Why do people go through with that Dx
@@Kuroganemk2 Because they're maze'd
The entire teaching journey that is taken throughout every bit of content in this game, including the MSQ dungeons and trials, is exactly why people advise against skipping if you don't have the brain and awareness to very quickly pick up mechanics. You miss out on so much and will have trouble recognising a new mechanic that someone who has played through more of the content could immediately narrow down to one of two or three possible things.
say that to rich campbell no hate but that man is a pepega
@@howlsi7222 well thats a different story when you get carried by streamer privileges
A little tip for bell if he wanted to keep a keen eye on bosses cast bar without squinting his eyes. You can split the boss debuff/buff bar, cast bar and health bar into separate bits, enlarge them and place them to places where your eyes are generally placed so its easier to see what mechs the boss are casting and what not.
Very good tip - I've got the target cast bar blown up and pretty much at the center of my screen
This! My target's cast bar is at 140% size and above my health/MP and hotbars, just barely under the target's cast bar is my debuffs, also at 140% size. Never miss a thing that way
Another good tip is adjusting your camera angle to watch more of the boss (Ctrl + up / down keys). I keep my character by the bottom 1/3rd of the screen, with my cast bars just below. This allows me to always have a more expanded view of my surroundings
When I learned this it helped so much, moving the boss castbar to where my eyes naturally are most of the time made things alot easier
I have the enemy castbar at maximum size and exactly at the center of my screen too. Best decision ever lol
The biggest thing FF14 does is that it makes Raiding Feel Like real tangible progression. Ik that sounds weird but it's just simply something other games really lack. I feel like I can easily enter and I learn as I go, and then I'm optimizing. It's stair stepped and I have actual progression. It's not just a brick wall
That's exactly how I felt while clearing the new Savage content.
i mean even in savage progression you see a few more seconds of the fight and when most of the party is dead the rest try to survive just to see the next mechanic. You feel the progress because you see something new every wipe.
That why I always do blind prog, even though I have to do it with PF this tier I still blind prog, the pain is part of the fun.
Even though i dont do savage. The fact that you can prog the normal raids with randoms really tells you how well done the mechanics of ff14 are and how you can learn with visual cues
Well of course. WoW raiding is not really like FFXIV, in FF accessibility is way higher. Oh yeah and jobs are actually balanced with very minor difference in dps. In WoW it can be a 30% difference sometimes. That's insane.
@@Author_Gamer It really is bad. Alot of parties won't even take that job who's so much weaker. So now you're forced to either just not do the content or make an alt character. That's one of the reasons I quit during BFA.
It was much more imbalanced during ARR. Certain jobs in each role had specific damage types, buffs, debuffs, or movement. This led to comps where you mostly needed a SMN, BRD, DRG, and MRD (not even WAR).
This design philosophy was slowly chipped away at, but wasn't completely removed until Shadowbringers.
@@zerwif Right but they evolved and I think the difference was already minimal in the middle of HW imo. WoW is super imbalanced to date.
Accessibility, the harbinger of boring design.
@@Mystra Why not just get good?
Just correction for your video, FF14 does have large scale Raids with many bosses one after another on savage difficulty. One in Bozja and one in Euruka. and they are very VERY hard on release.
Baldesion Arsenal is fuggen painful... and I love it.
I think they're easier than Savage tier, the issue is that you have 50+ other players in there that might end up causing issues. Chains are only as strong as the weakest link.
They also take far, FAR too much grinding to get to for some of the savage raiders (like me)
And if you die and release, you de-level and can't be ressed unless someone sacrifices their own life for yours.
@@KingCanadane Just like 25 men in wow
Yeah just wait until you do savage. They stopped giving vulnerability stacks because it started to become normal to eat them for uptime.
Now you get damage down... and with how tight some DPS checks can be, that is 100x worse than vulnerability stacks.
So far pugging this tier all my kills have been close to enrage or as its being cast do yeah its super tight
@@Owlsnerf Yeah, we cleared P2S last night with about 0.25 seconds left to the enrage, it RULED
With the new patch , dps check is now non existent tho.
@@kiretan8599 even with the Patch the Check for p4s p1 is still pretty tight. I cleared p4s Week 1 and since then i help some pug grps here and there and even with the Gear collected in this 4 Weeks and the Patch i saw lot of grps wiping to enrage in p4s p1
@@DantoriusD Can confirm. We wiped to P4S P1 at 51%/52% a few times tonight. If anything, it's this coming week that should make it a lot easier. Most people still running Normal and beating P3S consistently _should_ be moving from 580 to 600 today for their weapon.
Consider separating the boss castbar and make it like 160% size and put it into your field of vision. Really helpful for me
You still need to watch the Boss as many attacks have the same name but the area the attack hits will be only be seen by watching what he boss is doing. P3 same name on the AOE attack if you do not watch the boss you will not know if its the center been hit or the outter edge and this is quite common in raids.
Then there's me who has it 200% right above my hotbars and still misses the cast *sips*
I really wish we could customize the castbar color by default. Something about the orange-ish shade makes it really easy to miss. If I could make it flash neon rainbow colors and give me a seizure I might actually notice it when I'm hyper-focused.
Hah more like 200% lmao I put it right above the boss’s hp wich are both in the middle of my screen lol I never miss a cast let me tell you 😂
@@davidlister7590 Yes, you have to watch animations, I'm going to start looking at going for P1S-P4S soon, but so far the only end-game EW Duty I have cleared is Hydaelyn and seeing when Crystalize is coming up or if you're dealing with Aureole or Lateral Aureole definitely helps there. A combo of seeing the animation and having a clearly visible "Target Progress Bar" helps, I have also split it off and made it far bigger.
*Big Disclaimer, everyone:* Michael is (more or less) comparing his experience with *Normal Difficulty* content to WoW Heroic Raiding.
That's basically like comparing Raid Finder in WoW to Heroics. I wanted to point this out because I felt for people who don't play FFXIV, it wouldn't be obvious that this is the "easy/accessible" content he's talking about. Savage Difficulty, on the other hand, is a step up... deaths are far more frequent, failing mechanics more punishing... and there's much more of a "puzzle" (like Michael described experiencing in WoW). In addition, the raids can last anywhere from about 10m to 30m or longer... which is why there's the "tradeoff" he mentioned (i.e., one "long" chain of fights vs. the fights being broken into single encounters).
One other thing: the "very clear animations and indications" aren't always the case in Savage. Those big yellow/orange circles you see on the ground, for instance, aren't even there most of the time... nor are stackup markers, spread markers, flare markers, or other "blatantly obvious" indicators.
And yes, in Savage, you can (and will) constantly fail mechanics that wipe the entire group. So the statement "This is more of a dance and less of a strategic mechanical puzzle where one or two people messing up can wipe the entire group" is objectively false. Hell, in P1S (the Savage version of the fight he shows), the most common thing that causes wipes is one person messing up or not being resurrected in time to satisfy the mechanical requirements.
What fight lasts even remotely close to 30m? I wouldn't be surprised if Wow has such an encounter, but to my best knowledge ffxivs longest fight is 17 minutes. The longest content is probably alliance raids ( ignoring msq roulette).
Yeah normal that he is talking about is FF14 raid Finder, i would Say its actually easier than RF
@@ihavegotnoidea It depends on a myriad of factors such as when you're running the content (aka if it's current), whether or not the fight has an enrage timer, your groups DPS, and more. E12S is about 18m, E8S is about 15m, O4S used to take roughly 20m, etc. I don't know with 100% certainty if there's a raid that takes exactly 30 minutes or more just yet as I haven't cleared every Savage raid (I've only been playing for about a year), but I wouldn't be surprised if we get one this expansion, since Pandaemonium is named after a FF11 raid-boss that took players over 18 hours to kill.
My prediction is therefore that we will get the longest raid in FFXIV this expansion (probably close to 30-40m long).
That said I'm not disputing that 30m is on the "extreme end." Instead, my point was merely that we're getting pretty long encounters which is the _actual_ tradeoff. If you add up all 12 tiers of a raid, we're getting close to 2.5 hours of boss fights split between 12 encounters.
@@sirdamned9272 The status quo for raid encounter times in FF XIV involves splitting door bosses into two separate encounters. For example, P4S has two encounters: one is seven minutes, one is eight minutes. There really is a difference here with the checkpoint, meaning you can prog the fights much faster than a straight up 15 minute fight. The longest continuous encounter in the game is 18 minutes long, and the devs consider ~17 minutes to be the sweet spot for future ultimate encounters.
I don't play WoW, but if I'm hearing things right, Heroics are more comparable to extremes, where there's still an enrage timer, but it's still less punishing if people made mistakes. But, there's still a step in difficulty and you can't just walk into the fight without spending at least some time to learn the fight, or re-learn if needed.
Normal raids, on the other hand, are at best comparable to dungeons and *really* casual content. They are kinda designed so that you don't need prior knowledge and can still clear it in one go (especially if you forgot or haven't played said fight in years), at least that's true for most of the modern normal raids. The kinds where a few sentences or even words is all you need to "learn" the fight.
Honestly the best way I describe FFXIV Raiding is perfectly complicated: There’s enough of a difficulty to where it does challenge you but that difficulty never feels overly complicated to the point of nigh-impossible, something that whether intentionally or not WoW’s raiding became guilty of doing in the attempt to raise the stakes
Blizzard is not against third party tools and as time went on had to design raids with those tools in mind to create difficulty. So they kinda shot themselves in the foot there.
Yep, even the hardest encounters in the game all have these fundamental building blocks the fight itself teaches you as you progress through it. And sure, it might be hard, but even something like TEA is solvable and when you figure it out it's such a wonderful eureka moment that just clicks. WoW suffers from lack of readability and a massive group size so without weakauras and DBM you might as well not even bother. This is what creates the mariana trench between players in WoW that frankly you don't see much of in FFXIV unless you actively choose to not raid.
@@TeeSeeDubs Those same addons allowed Blizzard to get lazy with how they design the telegraphs as well, resulting in spell effects that are so hard to read that you needed an addon just to know what the hell to do.
And the ceiling can get raised higher if you try to optimize your rotation and strategize to facilitate uptime
It's the difference between *playing a video game* and playing something designed by a sadist because they don't know how to ramp up difficulty without punishing you.
The nice thing about FF14 raids is that they actually teach u a lot of the core raiding mechanics from 7-8 years ago in ARR and HW dungeons/raids. Mechanics that we still see even in current content.
Very true, it seems each expansion teaches you newer mechanics and new ways to tackle encounters.
Well to be fair, as every FF game, spells and skills that you or enemies use at lvl1 are shown during all the game. You reach the final boss an they throw skills from the whole game plus something new.
The stats you are checking are for Savage. You can change it to normal in the upper left drop done :)
Stats will be a little different
Yeah that and no one seriously parses normal most of the time lol
@@daviidallan I have seen some people who have not done savage and are preparing to enter for the first time that will parse on normal mode to prepare.
@@daviidallan true, but he wanted to see how he stacked up. Good to do to see if you are behind, especially when new. Just better to check the right stats :P
Also the DPS-metric on FFLogs taken for rankings is rDPS (your DPS without the damage you do because of party buffs, but with the damage other people do because of YOUR party buffs) and is not the same that ACT shows (which is just your numbers added up). Depending on party composition and the job you play, rDPS can be significantly higher/lower than what ACT shows you
@@gilganos5276 You can change that also, but rDPS is standard :)
As a long time WoW vet, I was kind of nervous to try diving into the Ex trials blind a week after they were out. But I tried the duty finder, found a practice group, and spent 45 minutes working through the mechanics with a bunch of strangers. We eventually got the kill, and it left such a good impression that I went on to farm 99 totems out, mostly in pug groups. 10/10
Holy shit, bravo! The ole 99 totems luck is rough, I know that feel.
I’m still on that 99 grind but I absolutely love EX1 and not a day goes by that I haven’t pugged it at least once. Usually in a practice group. (Though for some reason Doritos mess up my own thinking.)
No markers of any kind, zero mistakes. Doritos up? At least 2+ vuln stacks and a death.
@@samyie3279 SAME LMAO. Dorito + markers screw me up. Are we just weird?
The way you gush over extremes, I think you'll enjoy savage a lot. Normal mode is fun and I still like jumping into them regularly, but savage is where the design really shines.
it's challenging, but once you get it down it's like watching you and your team doing a beautiful dance. It's satisfying lol
Two things people seriously underrate in FFXIV: the Sprout Symbol and the "A player has yet to clear this instance" message. It does three things.
1) People who have the content cleared or on farm immediately know they have a new player and instantly set expectations that it's not going to be a clean one shot. Pressure is instantly off the new player because nobody is expecting you to instantly know the fight (plus everyone else gets some bonus Poetics for Transmogs and more re-rolls for Wonderous Tails so it's win-win).
2) People who are legit new and have no clue what the encounter entails are honest about it. Everyone can see there's someone without a clear and nobody is going to bite your head off about it because people have already set expectations due to point 1. You also can't kick a player until 5-15 mins have passed depending on isntance so if you don't want to play with a new player, the onus is on you to leave, not on you to kick them. So the new player knows they won't get insta kicked like what happens often in LFR because they're new.
3) Because personal responsibility mechanics are a core focus of FFXIV Raid Design, everyone can see what killed the new player, how they died and what you can advise them to do next time.
So there's much more of an active incentive there to communicate. With how FFXIV raid design works, it's often beneficial to allow a new player to go in blind for a few pulls to feel out the fight and get used to the mechanics than bombard them with information. because there's also no massive run back and combat resses are more generous, people are willing to let the new player dying a lot slide since hey, we were all shit at this fight once, right? Also because the game actively rewards you for not being a dick, people who are toxic to someone clearly struggling or having a hard time get dogpiled pretty quickly by the rest of the raid. Sure you meet some group of people who are dicks but that hapens in all MMOs.
It's why the FFXIV community comes off as more "mature" I suppose. The game is basically built around people actually helping each other and communicating with each other. Compare to M+ which by design just breeds toxicity and impatience because if someone wipes you, well that's your key they just fucked up, or current WoW raids that are so time consuming there's always a huge flamewar (or people just quitting in PUGs) when people are running back to the boss.
Plus, if it's a dungeon, most likely you will see them get the explore the dungeon achievement.
6:26 - Alliance raids are a thing, in FFXIV. There are quite a lot in fact. "humongous contiguous raids, big dungeon to delve into with a full raid group"
Every expansion has at least 1. The EW Alliance raid is just not out yet..
Don't forget about Eureka's BA which can have 50+ people or Bozja's Dalarida or Castrum which cna have up to 48 people.
@@coolyeh1017 Bozja's 3 big raids were completely delicious.
@@coolyeh1017 Or Delubrum Reginae which is the first alliance raid type thing to have a savage version.
My eye-opening experience happened when I tried my first ARR Extreme Trials. I spent hours progging Shiva, Titan and Ifrit Extreme with other sprouts, nobody leaving in frustration, nobody playing the blame game. The idea that progression raiding could be done with a cluster of random noobs was shockingly refreshing compared to the WoW mentality of always needing to raid with a dedicated group on a set schedule.
The game has a more welcoming, and less punishing, design, I think that's part of why the community in XIV seems more willing to stick things out. No long corpse runs that serve no purpose but punishment, no trash respawns, things like that. You die you start over, all CD's reset, about 20 yalms from the boss. Wiping isn't ideal, but it's not frustrating, at least not the first few times lol
Im doing a lot of mentor roulettes and my highlights are always sprouts learning extreme fights as they are super motivated to learn and I always wait a pull and see how they do and if anyone wants help with a mechanic ill provide, but progressing through the fight as a team is the most fun to do in this game for me and I love to help there as much as possible that people have a great experience, its the best.
Yes, very fun to play with people who couldn’t even have the decency to at least watch one video about the extreme fights. I guess it can work when you play with people who can play at least 8 hours a day because they don’t work or have many responsibilities. Going in blind should be reserved for content creators or for groups that are actually talking on a discord. I gave up on random queues after 2 days of trying to clear Ramuh extreme. All that happened was literally every group just assumed the tanks weren’t doing the right thing and just needed to get better at their mechanics. Because of this, the dps and healers just assumed they were doing everything right. Meanwhile half the stage is full of orbs because they just couldn’t understand that once the tanks have enough stacks it’s the job of the dps and heals to clear as many orbs as they can. This happened with every group I attempted the fight with. Each group lasted a couple hours and all the dps and heals left with the mindset of “I guess we just need tanks that can manage their mechanics”. Gotta love it.
@@mug281 party finder exists, and I'm going to have to say if you queue for content via duty finder you are signing off on the possibility of people in the queue not meeting your standard of competence in the game. YOU are electing to try and pug content via DF, being mad at other people who likewise take a chance on the quality of players in the queue due to lack of communication and attention to detail does not entitle you to expect people in DF to have watched a guide first. You sound just like the guy who dropped a wallotext macro in my coil t7 pug before taking a 30 minute penalty who assumed that just because the new player bonus triggered that someone was looking for a carry; not only did we clear without him in one go (because I'd already seen the whole fight and had plenty of practice prior) but the whole party was fun and congratulatory. If you don't want to risk running into bads or blind prog parties, start a PF where you can be more selective about your party members.
Cool analysis, my only complain is that normal is casual content. Therefore, you will have to do this video format again if you jump in savage, where: Dying will punish you and your group; DPS check will slap you because enrage is always fixed to the timeline of the encounter. I really encourage you to run savage, and then if you want more difficulty go to ultimates. Will look forward to check your impresions.
Well, you get to keep going on and see the fight up to the enrage at least. Instead of waiting dead on the floor for a wipe.
i mean his impression is pretty accurate even for Savage raiding, The progression is still fast paced. Battle Rezzes have a different value where they allow progression groups to keep going to see and practice mechanics later in the fight, and because you still only fight one boss at a time, you keep learning and improving, but on a much more intimate scale. I dont think people truly learn how to play their job until they start seriously doing savage. You will quickly learn how your rotation interacts with the fight, where you should position for specific mechs based on where in your rotation you are. Fights are fast paced and challenging, but consistent, every wipe you learn a bit and get a bit better, not only with the mechs, but with your job rotation.
I completely agree that the vulnerability stack system is genius. It's a mark of shame that I want to prevent as a player, but at the same time, it doesn't punish the entire raid for one person's screw ups.
as a tank main, when I'm messing around with friends, I just start collecting them. Always fun to to get over 10 stacks and still clear an encounter.
Even better than vuln ups is the damage down system in savage. Instead of hard wiping the group, it means that you can go through the whole fight and practice, but if you had too many damage downs then you can't meet the enrage check.
You see it as a mark of shame. Me and my co-tank see it as competition.
...our healers wish they wouldn't see it.
@@stevencrump3302 alliance raids are great for this. shout outs to copied factory and puppets bunker
@@PrincessStabbityPLS Yeah, I saw that a lot back in the last moogle tome event... I don't care how good you are, ADS is going to do a pretty good job killing you if you're at 8 stacks.
I came over from WoW in March. That feeling of new mechanics seeming so complex and impossible until you do them a few times and only then does it seem so obvious and easy to read, and really well designed.. I love every moment of this game.
I call it "having echo for real" 🤣
I'd be curious to see you and Matt's take on savage difficulty, usually the first two savage bosses per tier are quite manageable with a step in difficulty to the 3rd then likewise the 4th.
The pattern holds true. Orange on orange on orange on orange
P3S has tainted my eyes orange
Yeah savage will gut punch you hard at first. And of course there are no super long fights due to deaths. The fights are timed. Do it right by this time or you enrage. Mechanics happen whether you are ready or not. There isn’t much of “this happens when a boss is at X percent” so you can sort of plan better.
Mostly true. Melusine on release would have had words with you though.
P3S is harder than P4S (from what I’ve heard cause I just recently clawed my way out of P3S hell)
Small correction on the Weakness and Brink of Death debuff, it lasts for about 100 seconds, so 1min and 40 seconds. Doing 25% or 50% less damage for almost 1/6th of a fight in Ex or Savage can be huge, even if it's only 1 person.
What a lot of seasoned raiders will do is that while going through the normal fights, they'll pay close attention to the mechanics there and think about how to dial it up a notch or two. They've been doing this with decent success for years now.
FF is the embodiment of, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".
So much this! They have refined and expertly executed their content since the beginning instead of remaking the wheel over and over again.
@@toychristopher I don't remember where, but for some reason there's a memory I have about SCoB Savage where Yoshi P said "This was how the fights were originally designed, but then it was way too hard so we made an easier version and released this as the challenge mode" and how this memory is connected to one where Yoshi P said "We design Extremes and Savage fights first, and then do normal modes"
I hope you reevaluate the ending of Endwalker after experiencing, as you put it, having a fire lit in you. I understand your original criticism, but that last challenge and the choice of "That I cannot deny" resonated with me because of this part of the game.
14:00 To extend this point, the other thing that's really helpful with the (brief) floor markers is that it gives you JUST enough information to know which sort of mechanic you died to, so you can ask about it. "I died to the cone attack - what the telegraph for this?" works a lot better than "I died in the middle there, uh, to some sword swing I think?" for asking your teammates what you missed. The quick wipe reset gives a changes for people to do FAQ on fights, moreso with a veteran explaining the mechanic that everyone else wiped to, or with a newbie asking the "what's the telegraph" question. The short iteration time gives you a chance to ask and learn these things while it's all fresh.
Do note that not all of the older content does this, so you might die on Shiva EX or Coils of Bahamut NM and say "What the hell killed me? I didn't even see it." It is definitely something that they got better with over time.
Oh man Twintania was infamous on Twister mechanic that killed a lot of group back in the day and they have no idea how to avoid it until months later
I don't know whenever Bellular was this hyped, in awe and enjoying this much. Great video!
We call ACT "fight club" in linkshell chat if we ever have to reference it. (As in, we don't talk about fight club.) Everything regarding it is discussed in our Discord.
We just jokingly refer to it as ||Redacted||
XD funny idea. ^^ we just speaking it out. As long as nobody reports its complete ok to write about numbers.
Most of what you said only applies to normal. Try savage and it all goes out the window
But it's fine. They're two things made for two kinds of players. Normal is great to let everyone enjoy the story, including people who can't or won't dedicate the extra time savage takes
occasionally i have gotten some real jerks in normal raids, to which ive asked, "why are you here instead of in a savage raid?"
i worry that their attitudes turns sprouts off from raiding because theyre expecting these brand new players to just know the fight right away
@@lucasdude No one would want them in savage either. Having a bad attitude like that isn't useful no matter what kind of content they're running. Some people just have no chill unfortunately.
There's a lot to be said about a game that actually teaches its players how to learn mechanics
While another games bosses just "yolo" your raid cause one guy didnt look in the right direction
I love raiding in FF14.
I started after you and have already cleared P1S. Hopfully tomorrow P2S.
I like that I dont have to deal with trash and running around after dying.
Hi! EW is the first expansion where I really dived into doing Extremes. Haven't done Savages but will do in the near future. And I got to say that I was really enjoying it! Our practice group wiped or died on the first few tries both for Trial 1 and 2 but after getting the hang of it, it felt really good! I agree that there is a sense of accomplishment in doing higher-tier difficulties and there are incentives to do these things. Still afraid of doing Savages but doing Extremes made the usual normal content/dungeons seem easier, in my humble opinion. Also, I like how people are friendly enough to others who are first-timers doing the Extremes and how we progress with the mechanic, inch by inch. It's one thing to watch a guide and take note of the basics but it is a whole lot different when you're actually in the fight and starting to feel that you're learning how the flow happens. I say, FFXIV's Normal Raids/Trials are akin to dancing, you dance you're way through the mechanics to minimize damage while Extremes/Savages, its like synchronized dancing/swimming, you need to be in tune and in sync with the other members to take down the boss :D
You talked about the "Vuln Stacks", those are more a way for normal mode to teach people that they screwed up, those same mechanics on Savage apply "Damage Down" which is a 1minute debuff on you that you do 50% less damage. (If you were to survive the mechanic, if you aren't a tank yourself) this is to prevent tanks doing un orthodox things like sacrificng health to stand in an AOE to give rest of the party more room to manouver, there are two outliars, Gunbreakers Superbolide and Paladin's Hallowed Ground that prevent them taking any damage meaning that they wont take damage from the specific mechanic nor will the damage down bebuff then be applied to them.
There's a Stone Sky Sea location from HW to EW that you can unlock for practicing.
Stone Sky Sea - HW: Dravanian Hinterlands (outside Idyllshire)
The Circles of Answering - SB: Rhalgr's Reach
The Lawns - ShB: Kholusia (Outside Eulmore)
The Burning Fields - EW: Palaka's Stand (Outside Radz At Han)
What we normally do if were not using ACT is unlock the content that you want to practice for, go to the designated Stone Sky Sea location for that expansion and choose the duty you want to practice for (ie Savage content). We hit the dummy with the openers and rotations. If you are able to beat the dummy within the time limit given (2 minutes) it means your dps is more or less within the range required for that content. If you can't, then you might wanna look at your equipment ilvl and your rotations and update the.. Practicing with the dummies builds good muscle memory and the time limit gives you a sense of urgency in fights.
P3 and P3S out there making Warriors of Light out of Sprouts, love to see it. Just to show how these raids actually TEACH you the more pulls you have: my static spent last week proging P3S, we only managed to clear it 1 hour before maintenance. During our reclears today, we killed the bird in our 2nd pull with a lot of time to spare before enrage. Everyone knew what and when to do. Felt super satisfying, like when you spend a week studying for a test and when the test is in your hands you read it and realize you know all the answers.
Just a drive-by tip, you can change your view so you see more of the boss instead of the floor behind you. : Character Configuration > Control Settings > General > 3rd Person Camera Angle (or ctrl + arrow key up/down). Glad you're enjoying the game. Have a wonderful day :)
Well there is a dummy in Thavnair. You don't need ACT - You pick the boss you want to fight and it puts you in a solo "duty" for that boss. It's still a dummy, but it is tuned to account for your movement etc against the chosen boss. For example, I couldn't down one boss dummy until I changed my starting rotation. If you can't down the dummy in a certain amount of time? Your dps isn't as good as it should be for that boss to account for the movement and mechanics. For someone trying to catch up you are still in WoW in many ways. I think you all need to unlearn or maybe play more of a variety of MMO's so you are more accustomed to changing your play style more.
Also, in FFXIV when you are debuffed like that (8:22)? In WoW we do tend to move apart and away because it will do damage to others based on radius. Here if you move too far apart it can limit the healing you receive so it's better to not have another's circles overlapping your toon, but not be too spread apart.
He mentions Stone, Sky, and Sea at the start before ACT, but hitting a striking dummy isn't quite indicative of your real fight performance - you're not dodging aoes, reacting to mechanics, and so on.
I appreciate your efforts to wanting to self-improve on your rotations/dps numbers and this is by no means a bad thing, but I really do want to stress: Don't do this for normals.
Normal Raids are for story and an introduction to the raid tiers aesthetic, as well as a teaser for potential mechanics in a low-stress and low-risk environment. Parsing DPS numbers on it is meaningless, its like parsing DPS numbers on Normal Alexander. Normal Raids are not meant to be difficult or require high dps to complete, they're just the entry-point for new players to learn raiding and get some basic gear set up alongside the Extreme Trials. Your DPS in Normals will be nowhere near the same as your DPS in Savage.
What you're doing is what Savage raiders would usually do. Self-improve on rotation, dps numbers, really push your own skill. Normal Raids are completely different to Savage difficulty and you will notice very quickly that the way the fight plays out in Normal is nowhere near comparable, and while you may be getting enjoyment out of it, I want to stress that you might find it to have been a waste of time when it comes time to do Savage Difficulty and you've picked up some nasty "greed" habits from parsing Normals due to being able to get away with sloppy plays in an effort to increase your DPS. I feel like you'd very much enjoy the Savage raid environment if you join or put together a Static (if you haven't already) and raid it weekly. It seems very much like you'd enjoy the continual improvement and satisfaction from completing the content if you did this.
Also HUGE DISCLAIMER: You're comparing your DPS in Normal Raids throughout the video to DPSers doing the Savage Difficulty. This would be like comparing Dungeon DPS in WoW to Heroic/Mythic Raid DPS, so do not feel deterred or dissapointed in your DPS!
Also you're attempting to compare "Normal" difficulty raids to WoW's Heroic Raids/LFR which is a problem because what you should be doing is comparing LFR to Alliance Raids, Normal Raids are essentially just tier'd "Trials", Savage is the difficulty you should be doing to compare against Heroic/Mythic content in WoW. You clarify the difficulty's a bit later in the video but keep in mind in patch 6.1 the new Alliance Raids for Endwalker will release, which might provide a better comparison to certain WoW content as they're more similar to WoW's raids in that you explore a long , deep dungeon with lots of trash/bosses to go through.
Finally, to add on to your comment on Vulnerability Stacks, there's also a new addition in Savage content where getting hit by certain mechanics you can avoid will instead apply a "Damage Down" stack. Since Savage content have very strict "Enrage" timers on most bosses, this means that even if you don't die, getting clipped by certain mechanics can potentially lead to the boss hitting Enrage 7-8 minutes on without you realising. Savage rewards perfection, whereas Normals can very easily be completed with multiple deaths.
I do think its a good approach to learn a new job and movement and uptime (while I do agree savage is another total beast) have access to your complete kit and practice a single target rotation is a good option (as dungeons your rotation is fairly different). And if you are trying to get that down your dps should be good enough.
I got into rdm and try diamond ex and fall 2 times due to bad timing on disengage so I feel his approach is good (of course you always get practice and progress parties) but for take on a new job on max.
Normal raids are easy yes but you can easily still mess up if you're not paying attention. I'm sorry I'm sure it's not your intention here but you really sound kinda condescending with how you word things. Wanting to improve using that content as a stepping stone is normal. Parsing in normal to see self improvement is a good thing and not useless as it's meant to gauge improvement. People take steps to get to the savage raid and not jump in head first especially if it's a new job they picked up and a new game at that so I'm sure he'll know what he'll get in savage once he does it.
There's nothing with parsing for normals, especially as a new player with a new job. Once he feels like he's consistent enough with his rotation with boss movement and mechanics, then he can move on to savage.
@@ravenhellkite8124 Unfortunately, I'm noticing a lot of Savage raiders have a condescending tone, whether they mean to or not... I dunno, it's really weird, because there's a lot of talk of welcoming people in Savage raiding, but in practice a lot of impatience if new people don't keep up. It seems worse than in Heroic raiding, maybe because there are only eight people. Just a shame, I was really into ffxiv so far, and I miss raiding... but my little bit of static experience hasn't been positive so far, and it was supposed to be casual lol.
You probably couldn't see it because of the spell effects, but the second trial boss on Extreme actually has a visual indicator for which Crystalize effect it chooses, it's like an aura around its body.
I went in with SMN just to take a break on SAM and I missed some queues because of Titan's effect coming out at the same time. The only time it's really a problem is after chakrams and I need to know which way she's facing.
@@Boyzby Just in case you didn't already know this, with the command "/petsize all small" you can reduce the size of the summons, which helps to not get blinded by the model of big boy bahamut or titan. Still doesn't help with the spell effect though :)
You can pan your camera up towards the boss (this is different than holding left or right click and moving the mouse) by holding the Control key and Up arrow. What I did was put my bar at the absolute bottom on my screen and my character is near the bar, I have much more screen estate to look at the boss and their animations.
This is what helped me a lot in alliance raids, especially the Nier raids where bosses are giants
9:11 going to say you are comparing your damage to savage log on that fight and not normal
As someone who used to be glued to damage meters in WoW, playing FFXIV on console means I have absolutely no additional tools available to me and as a result I have to rise or fall on my own. It's sometimes frustrating but also I really enjoy the experience.
You do have Stone, Sky, Sea-- so not zero tools. Stone, Sky, Sea lets you know if you are able to do "enough" dps, even if it doesn't provide you your exact dps from the fight.
@@toychristopher I said "absolutely no additional tools." That being, tools that are *added* on to the base game experience. I'm very familiar with SSS.
@@serisothikos I apologize for misunderstanding.
kinda surprised at how all these wow players seem to think that Normal Mode Raids are the golden standard for how raiding should be. Yeah they're harder than their Trial counterparts. But i don't really feel "normal mode" to be considered the "endgame". Admittedly i've never raided in wow. I'm just kinda surprised that ppl are looking at Panda and are like "that's the raiding end game and it's super good". Compared to myself and i'm like "uhhhhh extremes and savage feel way more "endgame" to me". I guess one way i think about it sometimes is that the Raids, like Panda, eden, etc. etc. aren't something i think about as a separate "Tier" of difficulty. I consider them a separate piece of content, but it's the harder difficulty that i would categorize as the "end game". Yeah it's true that in terms of difficulty it goes Dungeons > Trials > Normal Raids=Alliance Raids > Extremes > Savage > Ultimate. But as a FFXIV player for the last 3 years, i guess i've just assumed that most players that make it through the MSQ would kinda do everything on "normal mode" regardless? Maybe its just a difference in how i define endgame, but for me, doing the content on normal mode isn't "end game" it's kinda "expected?" not sure if that's the right word for it.
My point i that defining Normal Raids as "endgame" seems odd to me. Possibly because of how my personal experiences with Raiding differ from what i'm seeing on various WoW content creators and hearing their opinions. Just one of the benefits of having NOT played wow for the last 10 years lol.
I think a lot of the WoW folks are just getting excited by seeing the word "raid" and the fact that it released later with a patch, not realizing that it's basically just more of the same difficulty that they've been doing throughout msq (but optional). Or they're using 'endgame' in a much more banner-terminology way that just means it's the content available at max level. Or a mix of both.
But yeah, totally concur on that, normal raids aren't really 'raiding' in the wow sense as i know it; they're just another generally enjoyable piece of casual content to do for those of us who keep playing and don't unsub between major story patches. And I definitely know that myself and a LOT of other people in FF would only use the terms "raider" or "non-raider" to distinguish between people who raid savage/ex/ult versus people who only play normals. Like everything you do in msq too, they're made to run blind with randoms, basically guaranteed to clear, and don't require any particularly great co-ordination beyond the basics like job roles and remixes of well-tread mechanics. That's not at all to say that they're bad content, it's just that if people are looking for where the game actually pushes player performance and more stringent expectations and the gear curve, that only starts with Extreme and above.
tl;dr - Normal Raid difficulty is just story content that isn't required. You *especially* don't need to parse on it, lol.
@@MoonwalkSA I can see that. I think it comes with the stigma that wow and a lot of other MMOs kind established that the words "raid" and "end game" often imply that it's the content u do at the end of the game. Which is ironic because for many people that's where the game BEGINS.
Thinking back I'm also reminded that in a lot of other games. Raiding is the thing that only the top end of players get to experience. FF was like this too back when they did coils. If u wanted to know what happened to louisoix in ARR you HAD to do coils. But SE quickly realized that most players dont like to be excluded from story just because its behind content they might not be able to do. Which led to the separation of normal vs. Savage in raid content. I'm pretty sure wow has "normal" raids too but since their lore is buried and story leaves something to be desired. People dont talk about it at all.
Cant wait for Mike to get around to doing the old alliance raids and the current savage tier tho. I'm excited to hear his thoughts on the jump in difficulty compared to something like mythic (because I've never done mythic)
Definitely not all wow players but I'd say if we're looking at the overall playerbase the entry to mythic raiding is a lot harder than say getting a static just due to the nature of mythic raiding being 20-man and a lot of the requirements that current wow players are complaining about. So for me my endgame is mythic raiding, high m+ etc. The difference is I need to put in an exponential amount of work to even get to that 'entry' stage over just levelling my class to max and craft some gear.
There was a point in wow where the barrier to entry for raiding was very minor with only 2 difficulties and back then you'd see a lot more pug raids and people sticking around for raids :)
I was irritated by the point at first, but in the end I didn't mind Bellular saying it at all. It's ... I mean, it's still stuff at endgame and it falls under the category normal "raid". It even has timegated gear rewards.
It's one of the things to do at max level.
Of course it's still very easy and nothing compared to progressing Savage, where you can't just queue up and even party finder groups can have a hard time, which is what longer-term FF players call raiding. But Bellular is new, I'll give him some leeway in using uncommon terms for things :P
@@miau384 that's kinda what I'm noticing with a lot of content creators trying out FF they go in with the expectation that "that's the raid that's the end game harder content" which is true in a literal sense. But the reality is that normal mode is usually just a speed bump towards savage. I'm sure once they dip their toes into extremes and savage theyll start to see the shift in player expectations quickly.
Talking about the fight difficulty, here are my insights as someone who played WoW to BfA and who has played XIV since ARR.
You will generally die more in XIV when you are unfamiliar with a fight. But dying has less of a penalty, because raises are only limited by the healers and red mages / summoners MP. The enrage timers for non-savage are also either non-existent or incredibly forgiving. The end result is that you can be carried through a fight by good healers.
Healers in any given group, more than any other role, hold the keys to success or failure. If you have bad healers that die a lot or just don't understand / use their kit, you might wipe many times and never clear the fight. If you have great healers that avoid mechanics, help DPS, keep their MP up with their MP management tools, and raise quickly, you're almost guaranteed to win.
An advantage of this design is that the fights can go for long and so people can experience / see the mechanics more, which leads to greater understanding.
This is also helped by the fact that every single one of XIV's fights largely explains itself. There's a tutorial phase at the start where each mechanic happens on it's own with some time between each. Then after you've been introduced, that's when mechanics start getting mixed together and happen faster. The visual language used to convey mechanics is also fantastic and is (largely) consistent.
The biggest downside is that if you end up with bad healers it could be just pure suffering and despair - although this can be mitigated by a good red mage and/or tanks that use their healing abilities to help keep the group going. Warrior, Paladin, and Gunbreaker all have varying capacities to heal party members, heal themselves, and just keep things going.
That might be true on normal and extreme trial but on Savage you can't raise people too much or you'll get wiped as a punishment healer LB3 might save some pull but also risking to hit enraged timer as a result
@@kratosgow342 Yes. Like I mentioned, the enrage timers for non-savage are very forgiving. They definitely are not as forgiving in savage content.
@@yoda0017 oh that probably on the old one but I heard since ShB enraged timer on normal raid isn't a thing anymore
Looking at some of his game footage and it seems like his *3rd Person Camera Angle* is not fine tuned yet. Changing this value will raise the camera from looking at the floor to looking at the boss.
Go to: Settings > Character Configuration > Control Settings > General tab. Scroll to bottom and adjust to around 70. It's honestly life changing when you see do it.
I really helps looking at the edge for mechanics like the lvl 83 trial for example.
20:00 - see those marks that your experience player put down for that raid right as you were talking about how helpful experience players are? There's a tool in the UI to save those marks, so that next time you see that boss you can load in pre-positioned marks. If someone helping you seems to have a good marking setup, save it.
Oh man that camera angle, you can adjust your camera angle with ctrl+arrow keys, i would honestly advise moving it up a bit so you can see the top of the boss because there will be times when you need to see what they are doing because the only tell is something that comes out of their head or shoulders. Also you can move the boss cast bar or put a focus target in the middle of the screen which will also show a cast bar if looking up is too distracting for you.
You can split the hp and cast bars for your target and move the cast bar above or below the center of your screen so you can watch the boss model and casts at the same time easier.
You can also pitch the camera up or down with ctrl and the arrow keys if you want to modify your viewing angle more
@17:30 14 delivers on quantity. Just because something isn't labelled a "raid" doesn't mean it doesn't have bosses with proper and challenging boss design. Can't wait to see you check out Bozja especially. Eureka's fate bosses were more like Hunts which are akin to WoW's World Bosses (with a few special ones being proper boss encounters mechanically), but for Bozja with the Critical Engagements people must queue into, they're proper boss fights and many can rack up dozens of player deaths... which is manageable due to 14's bres design.
Some of them are quite a bit more hectic and challenging than the normal raids... Red Comet...
If I may point out a feature, it is possible to adjust your Enemy Status HUD element to split off the debuffs and, more importantly, their cast bar, into separate moveable, scalable modules.
You can absolutely get away with making a 200% size cast bar that is impossible to miss, and have it closer towards the middle so your eyes don't have to travel as far and will always notice when they're casting, and what they're casting, meaning less losing track of where you're looking, and faster reaction times as you don't have to travel your eyes all the way from the rightmost edge of the enemy health bar then back to the middle of the screen to watch animations/mechanics and then lower down to your buttons to track cooldowns. You can make it far less straining.
Another feature that you may find beneficial, especially in some boss content where you might have multiple entities to track, or if you want to track a specific friendly player (especially if you some day decide to learn healers), is the Focus Target system that you can access by targeting an entity and then pressing Shift + F.
"Let's scrap world bosses and move to FF's style of combat design."
Anybody wanna let him know we have world bosses? 😆
Was gonna say… lol He’s still sprouting. He’ll find out eventually. :)
I hope to god wow doesnt become more like FF pve. Thats like the one part wow is alot better than FF, raids and dungeon endgame. Rest FF is better
i haven't spotted it posted, but assuming you haven't rebound it, CTRL+up or down arrow key pan your camera, the default is something like 28, and i play around 70-80, putting my character sitting right above my hotbar setup and the boss much closer to center mass, really helps with how tall a lot of the bosses are
EX2 was my first Extreme despite having played since ARR. It was so much fun and I loved the wave mechanic.
Do note that Savage bosses will do enrage cast if you have too many raises (2+ usually), and there are lots of mechanics that lead to very bad things if not all 8 players are alive. But there is also a beauty to this, because even if you lacking damage, you can still play out the fight to enrage. Yeah, you won't kill boss, but every phase I saw so far is time-locked, unlike Blizzard's favorite "boss percentage" locked. Because of that, fights are playing out same no matter what, your character spell timings never drift all over the place, and by pulling continously all the way you get more and more familiar with encounter until you clear it.
In recent savage difficulties (Edens and now Pandaemonium), getting hit with avoidable damage gives you Damage Down as opposed to Vuln Up, and with how the fights are tuned, even one damage down will typically mean you're hitting enrage unless you have nothing but blue and above parsers in your group. It means you won't die, you'll get to see the whole fight and learn the mechanics, but you won't clear it.
It's a brilliant way to teach you the fight without having to wipe a whole bunch.
unless those mechanics are fourfold shackles or kampeos harma lol
Or the two back to back enrages in the p3s add phase, which is apparently impossible for PF to beat.
;u; p3s is without a doubt the most unenjoyable PF experience I've ever had... I've seen enrage more times than I've seen my family now.
@@Ketsuekisan wouldnt know, my static is still working on p2s, kampeos harma is annoying (and some of my colleagues are uhh... lacking in the skill department.)
Bellular. Matt. For the love of God, primals, and Masayoshi Soken, PLEASE put links or credits to your end card music in your video descriptions! First the Bozja remix, now this awesome Radz-at-Han jam? You’re killin’ me!
I just wanted to add in a bit of info. There are a few dungeons in FFXIV that do have the the same feel as wow raids, but they are side content and niche things to do. Delubrum Reginae Savage, and the Baldesion Arsenal.
DRS is a 48 man raid, and BA is a 56 man raid. BA is the only one that I've done personally, but comparing it to wow raids I've done, it felt very similar. Big huge dungeon, trash mobs that had a mechanic or two you had to do, everyone is pretty much listening to one group leader explaining everything as you go, setting up strategies for each fight beforehand while staring at the boss, assigning special roles to individuals for handling certain mechanics, preparing food, potions, special spells, etc.
There is one big huge catch to both of these dungeons. You die, you're booted out of the raid. There's three ways you can be rezed, a spell called sacrifice, where the caster dies in your place, a potion called a reraiser, where if you die while under it's buff you have a chance to be rezed, and finally healer LB3. All raise spells are disabled outside of this, and that's outside of combat as well. There is no returning to the start and walking back. You are kicked from the instance 3 minutes after dieing, or you hit abandon duty.
These fights are not commonly done, as BA has a frustrating entry system, and neither can be done with the duty finder, only a premade group can enter them. The strict rez restriction is also a massive deterrent, as it requires everyone to execute every mechanic perfectly. Very few leave you alive if you mess up, and in DR, when you fail any mechanic you get a debuff for two minutes that will auto kill you after 3 stacks, later reduce to 2 stacks. And yes, there are raid wiping mechanics in these fights.
These are considered to be the savage version of large scale raiding, whereas the 24 man raids are fairly casual. So, while there's only 2 dungeons in the game that captures the feel of WoW's raiding, they do exist! Plus you get a special mount on your first clear of each, some snazzy FFXI and FFXII armor, minions, and a few other glamour items to show off.
I'm not sure about DRS but i know BA is run every day still.
16:22 I have to say, it is very jarring to watch several WoW Mythic Raiders on streams consistently fail to obvious mechanic "tells" in dungeons or normal raid fights, it is extremely telling
Two years in, and I still die to things at times, too. 10+ years in WoW teaches you that FIRE = BAD. Here, technically the fire is good. You move *before* the mechanic goes off, then often sidestep *into* the animation of the fire/laser/whatever, to avoid the one about to go off where you are. That's...not intuitive at all. It's a completely different approach that WoW raiding, so having to learn to be slower and do DDR instead of instantaneous dodging is strange.
@@christabelle__ Depends on the snapshot of the mechanic generally but yeah. Many times you can move in and out but some are a little tighter.
I really like vulnerability stack system because not only does it drive you to be better ,but it also shows who has difficulty with which mechanic, tank for example generally dont die as easily as other rolls but for example if you keep seeing off-tank with 3 or more stacks all the time then you know that that tank doesnt understand the fight and needs explaining how the fight works
Seeing Mike getting all hype for the EX trials makes me want to go do them again, haha. Really excited to see a video on Savage experiences. 👍
i shrink my ability bars and split the cast bar from the boss HP bar and place it enlarged above my abilities to combat looking at bars but in such a way that a slight glance will let me see boss telegraphs rather than looking to the top of my screen :) but i know where everything is on my bars
I really loved this video! What is the song you played during the outro?? It was like a boppy version of the radz-at-han theme and I need to add it to my ffxiv music playlist lol
If you miss the big raids with huge parties and multiple bosses... you're waiting for the alliance raid tier. Soon enough, we'll get the alliance raids which are 24-player raids with several bosses. Look forward to that!
Remember if he wants the wow experience bozja and baldesion arsenal are the ones to go and people still do them, since you cant res people inside them outside limit break or a borrowed power that is inside that instance
Still has some of the same primary issues all raiding has though. if someone is mature and decent enough to be someone worth wanting to play with, chances are very very overwhelmingly good that they will not have time for a raid static, or will without warning a group will fall apart due to people having RL get in the way. Understandable, almost no mature adult human being has time to raid these days.
A huge shame, it can be great fun with the right group. that right group though is nearly extinct.
I am of course talking about Savage, I see you doing the normal story difficulty in the video.
I specifically bound displacement with a alt+ combined key so I don't accidentally jump to my death
So much to be said for the ability to tackle a specific raid/dungeon over and over. Thinking back to just about any of my first gos at an normal, Hard, or Expert fight and feeling like I’m barely hanging on vs doing it for the 30th+ time (TY Duty Roulette) and now feeling like it’s a well choreographed dance.
Savage (synched) is still a tough one though because everything can hinge on not doing a single thing wrong.
Welcome to the game and it's great you're enjoying it!
I'd always recommend starting with the early game raids, because those allow you to learn the games base mechanics (AoE markers/shapes, and common attack names).
That way when you're in the higher end content, you'll recognise certain mechanics 2nd nature and be able to react a bit quicker :D
You can also go into your HUD, and seperate the bosses information from being 1 'block' into 3 blocks. That allows you to make the bosses cast bar larger to get familiar with paying attention to it.
You can also use 'Focus Target' to have the boss focused even when you're clicking other adds or players, so you still have a view of the cast bar!
Have fun! And you'll pick everything up in time :D
I wanted to add :D FF is great cause the raids prioritise the story and the players. There's no reward in punishing players for mistakes, because the aim is to always get players to learn, and gives them time to appreciate story whilst progging mechanics.
Especially when you get phase changes in certain raids. It keeps you immersed.
(Also if you do all the old raids Normal and Alliance, they frequently get call backs in the Main Story Quest, lots of story content that make the end game story feel so good to see all the characters you've helped in the past.)
As far as raid tiers go, I'm split between Alex and Omega for best structure. While I like the boss rushes we have had with Eden and Pandemonium.... I still do miss the trash pulls as they help make the encounter feel a bit more complete to me. Omega probably handled that the best as you had trash in the story instances, and did the boss in group.
Omega was the best of the bunch. Although Alphascape Savage 4 can just go away. Dear god that fight is annoying even unsynced.
Omega all the way. Needing to run back to the boss room (even though it's a small distance) killed Alex Savage for me in retrospect after they removed it in later expansions.
The dps statistics you were looking at were for Savage difficulty. according to that 9:13 screenshot.
Oh hey! As a long time raider, I love hearling new people's opinon about the raid. I'm happy to see you excited about the mechs! Because for me, these mech are just an old recycled mech that I've seen 1000 times. But hearing a new player getting excited about these is so fresh. You should try doing ultimates, Ucob and UWU are rather easy now, but they're fun. TEA is also fun actually it's the most fun for me! Pretty sure you will like these too.
In savage instead of vulnerability stacks, they give you a damage down debuff instead. You're doing half damage for the next 30 seconds. Have fun killing the boss before enrage :).
Also, nobody calls the extremes by number beyond the spoiler moratorium. And they definitely don't call it "T#". It's either Primal 1, the first extreme, or just [spoiler] extreme.
Hey! Did you know that you can detach your target's cast bar from it's HP bar and move it anywhere on your HUD? You can also increase its size. I have the cast bar down just under the center of the screen and enlarged 200%
So you if you want a big WoW-esque raid, the Stormblood and Shadowbringers relic content both have fairly difficult alliance raids with extra stuff, the Baldesion Arsenal in Eureka and Delubrum Reginae (Savage) for Bozja
The other thing I think they do really well is having the normal/easy versions of the fight basically teach you the mechanics with telegraphs and more reaction time. Seat of Sacrifice is one of the best examples of having a normal version of the fight teach you almost *everything* you need to know in order to learn the Extreme version.
His RDM gage looks simplified, is there an option for "simpler" resource gages in the HUD config? I've never seen that.
Yeah there's options where you can turn the resources gauge to simpler ver
One tip, you can change your camera tilt so the boss isn't disappearing off the top of your screen. It really helps with visual clarity, at least it did for me
Oh yeah, Corps-a-corps and Displacement are absolutely like that. I have gracefully backflipped into the abyss more than once. Now the two are separated by being IIRC 6 vs shift-6; still related, but a very significant difference, enough that I almost never make that mistake anymore (doubly so now that Engagement is 1:1 with Displacement.)
I think you would love Seat of Sacrifice Extreme with min item level and no echo. EX 2 in Endwalker feels like a lite version of this fight :D
The Extreme, Savage and Ultimate fights in FF14 are SO MUCH FUN! Wrapping your mind around some of the craziness that are the current Savage content is legitimately some of the most fun I have ever had in all my life. They're tough, and you don't even get any loot, but once it clicks and you get that first kill.. OMG.
I tried parsing myself in the past and for me, it just kinda ruins the fun. That's when the game stops being a role-playing fantasy game where I'm taking on tough bosses, to being a number simulator game where I'm a dude behind a computer trying to get numbers higher. The immersion and purpose behind what I'm doing goes away. I refused to parse in WoW either, because all I would do is fixate on the numbers every second of every day and if it was 1 DPS less than optimal, I would become frustrated and discouraged.
just a small nitpick. When you were talking about being upper quartile in p3n, you had P3S charts up on 50%. kind of confusing to talk about normal but show savage charts. Also, no one calls extremes T1 or T2. The term turn 1, turn 2, etc, are reserved for the savage floors. The extremes are either called just their name, or ex 1, ex2, etc.
i think he used the T stuff because of WoW, its common there.
@@semiramisubw4864 in wow t1,t2, etc, refer to the tier raid sets, not the raids themselves. So no, in this context, it's not used like that in wow either. The term T1 and such is very common in ff14 when referring to the turn of savage you are on. Synonyms with floor 1, etc.
(Played wow from vanilla through legion)
As you talked about ACT: yes it gives you tour numbers. You can upload it to fflogs to see your rating. And upload logs to xivanalysis to get info about the buttons you pressed (combo breaks, number of gcd incident burst windows etc). Some jobs are not yet updated though.
It's worth mentioning that there ARE a couple of really big raids that are very much more of a classic MMO raid experience, Baldesion Arsenal and the Bozja stuff
You also have to consider your team comp and raid timers. That effects your DPS by a solid margin. Also some deaths simply aren't your fault. Could be a lack of heals or mitigation. So you should really only be looking at those instances where your actions caused said death to occur.
One tool that I've used often this raid tier in Savage fights is the replay tool in FFlogs. By uploading your ACT logs, you can get a visual replay of w/e savage fight you are currently doing. Allowing you to review where you may have been standing, what your hp was, any mit that you or a pt member may have used, etc.
The biggest thing, to me, is how if you die against a boss in a Normal Raid or Trial, everybody gets insta-rezzed and the whole fight just resets itself then and there. No lame corpse running, no time for players to bicker at each other. Just the boss staring you down waiting for you to try again. And again. And Again. until you defeat it. I'd have to say that I can count on one hand the number of times that my group had to entirely give a duty up on anything in Duty Finder. I think it happened once with the 4.0 MSQ boss, and again with the Trial after it when they were current content. Had a close call with the Lv83 trial, but we managed to do it with 12 minutes left on the timer after half of the group was replaced. Now, obviously, in Alliance Raids and in 4man Dungeons, there's still a corpse run, but _they give you shortcuts to each boss_ so your run is only from the previous boss to the boss you wiped against which cuts a lot of the time spent running.
Also, Bellular hit the nail right on the head when he talks about awesome comeback stories. Everybody has seen this at least once... a healer and a tank are the only ones left alive, boss is at 5%, and the Healer pulls a sacrificial LB3 and rezzes the whole group who goes on to win the fight. Those moments, especially if you're the healer or the tank, feel so _awesome_ and that's something that cannot be overstated, the elation you feel when you managed to be the one to hold the line as the last person standing, or the healer who, with the click of the button, brought your entire group back to life, the healer's ultimate act of healing, simultaneously rezzing 6 people. It really puts a big smile on one's face to see it.
Great video - cool to see you enjoying the game
You should be really careful about doing things just because other content creators are doing it too. Just because you're not getting banned in the game that doesn't mean you're not getting into some kind of black list from SE that would limit the possibility of future collaborations or sponsorships.
They don't care if we use ACT. They literally came out and said last live letter. It's no different than someone grabbing a calculator and reading combat log. They have a problem with what Bellular states, if we begin bullying others for their performance using ACT as our metric. Nothing happens if SE sees ACT on your screen. They see it on all end game streamers and don't do anything.
@@shinon748 for normal people that is correct. For content creators, any that mention any third-party tools in usage of them or show them on their stream don’t get invited to media events or other things.
@@shinon748 Content creators that show ACT on their videos or streams were excluded from media tours and events such as the black chocobo twitch sub where content creators got a big boosts in their twitch subs. In a way it was SE way of making sure that the chosen content creators get some money.
I am also a first time Endgame FFXIV player and I played WoW from launch to date. FFXIV EX2 blew my mind for complexity and challenge in a raid boss. I was a healer and needed to know the right times to go to my marker, which gets really hard near the end of the fight, especially while people are getting tagged by stuff. I am glad I was not alone in thinking it was insane, old FFXIV players told me it was not that hard, that made me laugh.
Every time you mention not binding Engagement and Displacement one button press away I remember back when Displacement did more damage, many of the fights I would just remove it from my hotbar and take the DPS loss. At least now they're the same potency, even if it's less flashy.
Now I have them on the same button placement, but different hotbar (using controller). Which... only helps if my brain decides to work but hey.
I havent done T1 EX, but from what Ive heard people say, the DPS checks are a lot tighter on that one.
Happy you enjoyed it so much :)
When you say T1 ppl gonna think about the Coil Raids, since those are called turn 1-13 xP
Only after i saw her i knew you meant the trial haha
This. I was wondering why he went back to do coils lul. The current ex trials are just being referred to as Ex1 and Ex2 atm to prevent spoilers. It prob will get a shortened fight name later on. Me? I just called them Daddy and Mummy Exs
I have played Final Fantasy 14 on and off since it was first released. I have also played many other MMORPGs including wow since it was released, I had been relying on add-ons such as recount, I use them to measure my own DPS against the group I was in. I became somewhat self dependent upon these because I wanted to make sure I was doing well. Initially when I went back to FF recently. I downloaded ACT. I used it on and off for several months, then I realized after a while that I didn’t really need it anymore. It was more in Porten to be able to survive the mechanics of a Bossfight than it was to do top DPS. I could fairly easily figure out if I was doing good DPS on my own while out in the world as I had many many jobs over lvl 70. I just picked one that I knew I could do reasonably well with and killed a mob. Then switched jobs and kills another of the same mob, I can tell by how fast I took it down etc how I was doing.
After a while however it became a moot point.
glad you're having fun. i recommend entering the balance discord for informations about your opener to help with your damage! hope you enjoy the (savage) raids.
Final Fantasy XIV looting makes me loathe WoW RNG. I love knowing I can work towards the piece I want and not just kill a boss for no viable or real reward.
Hey great vid as always. Any chance you guys can do a UI guide for FF? Maybe not all jobs but by roles? Ingame UI that said, don't have to do an external one if ya don't want to.
I've been trying to teach some newbies in my FC to watch the boss animation more so glad you mentioned it!
What is the link to the Lore video that Matt wrote on FF14?
Interesting thing to note, XIV designs the savage fights first and retools them for normals, cutting some details of mechs, or cutting them out altogether. Gear ilevels are majorly different, (580 for norms vs. 600 for the savage).
Damage is something I'm bad at, personally, and it's something I'm constantly working on for my own improvement. Doesn't help I'm on one of the lowest damage dps classes (Dancer), but a major part of it is comfort and learning the mechs and I love puzzling them out. That's the fun of these raids for me XD