My theory... There are hints throughout the games and suplimental material, and when all the pieces are put together, a larger picture emerges. First, it was discovered in that in Inquisition, during the scenes in the Fade, the incoherent whispering are not so incoherent. In fact, the whispers suggest that the Old Gods of the Tevinter Imperium and the Elven pantheon were one and the same. Flemeth and Solas are confirmed Elven gods. Which leaves seven unaccounted for. Seven. The exact number of gods worshiped by the Tevinter. It's also interesting to note that while Flemeth is Mythal, an Elven deity, she often transforms into a dragon, the form of the Old Gods of the Tevinter. Elven Legend says that Fen'Harel, the Dread Wolf, betrayed both the Elven gods and the Forgotten Ones, sealing them away in their respective realms. A place called 'The Beyond' was mentioned as the home of the Elven gods. The Beyond is the Dalish term for the Fade. Solas, Fen'Harel himself, claims that his betrayal of the Old Gods were a necessary act, one he took with regret but with no other choice presented to him. He saw it as the only way to protect the people from eternal war. According to what was learned in Inquisition, the Elven gods warred on each other constantly. This is likely why the Dread Wolf got fed up and killed or sealed them all away. This action shattered the Old Gods, and what remained of them became the gods of the Tevinter, whispering to the Magisters of the Imperium to free them. The Tevinter Imperium did not rise until after the Old Gods had been betrayed, after all. Perhaps that is why. Corypheus claims that the Golden City never existed, that it was always black. When Tamlen looked through the Eluvian in the Dalish Origin, he saw 'a great city, underground, then a great blackness'. The Eluvians are apparently heavily linked to the Fade and the Black City. Taken together, these suggest that the Black City IS Arlathan, the ancient capital of the Elven homeland. Solas' conversations about Elven Immortality, and a further conversation about a 'hypothetical' time when the Veil did not exist, as well as Sandal's 'propecy' in DA:II, that everyone would be 'as they once were' lead to further speculations. So, here is my theory. The Elven gods warred amongst themselves, and upon the Elves. Their war damaged Arlathan. Maybe it was the Creators, or maybe it was the Forgotten Ones. Whoever was responsible, Arlathan was corrupted. Tainted. To end this, to save the people, Solas, Fen'Harel, the Dread Wolf, stopped the war by shattering both the Forgotten Ones and the Creators, sealing them away. To do so, he created the Veil, seperating the Fade from the physical realm, and exiling the remains of the gods, and the tainted Arlathan, into the Fade. This is why the Elves were immortal. Because they, and likely humans as well, were not always physical beings. The act of creating the Veil, of separating the creators and the now-corrupted Arlathan from the rest, created the division between mortal and spirit, resulting in the elves losing their spiritual forms and becoming mortal beings. Sealed away, the shattered remnants of the Elven gods reached out for help, to anyone amenable to their cries, with a lust for the power they could offer those who freed them. The magisters of the nascent Tevinter Imperium heard their calls, and entered the Black City/Arlathan. This act cause them to become infected with the Taint, and created the Darkspawn. It also allowed the remnants of the Elven gods to connect with the mortal plane, where they reformed weakened as dragons. They slumber until they can regain their power. The Darkspawn are drawn towards the Old Gods because the Taint originated with them, is inexorably linked to them. This is why Solas was so angry at the Wardens for killing the Old Gods. Because they were slaughtering his former friends, the Elven pantheon, and preventing Solas from restoring the gods to their true forms, and returning the world to the way it once was, with no Veil, no separation between the mortal and physical planes. If the Creators were responsible for the Taint in the first place, then killing them or freeing them from influence if the Taint as the Architect claimed to want will end the Blights. If the Forgotten Ones were responsible, however, then killing the remnants of the Elven Gods may not end the Blights, but may lead to something far worse. That's my theory on the whole thing, anyway.
ObsdnBlck I agree with a lot of what you said about the black city being Arlathan and the elven gods being behind the taint but I don't believe that the elven gods and the old gods are the same. If I remember right, the ancient elves were at war with the Tevinter imperium. Everyone assumes that the Imperium was evil, but what if there was something corrupt about Arlathan that they were fighting against. I think that the old gods sealed themselves away in order to trap the city in the fade and it was really the elven gods that whispered to the magisters and tricked them into the city. Once the magisters became corrupted they were forever thralls of the elven gods. There is too much there to be coincidence I mean the Architect "accidentally" releases Urthemial when we now know Flemeth wanted the old god soul. Solas tries to get Corypheus to use that elven orb for him. The probably unleashed the taint in order to corrupt the old gods and give everyone a reason to kill them, and when one of them dies one of the seals on the city is broken. That is what I think anyways
ObsdnBlck It is very likely that the Forgotten Ones are the true source of the Blight and its Calling. One of the Codex entries for Inquisition mentions one of the Elven Gods venturing into the Void to meet with the Forgotten Ones and returning with longer and longer bouts of madness each time. Eventually she forgot who she was and had begun ranting about secrets that were never meant to be remembered, which is VERY similar to what happens to those infected with the Blight. If this is true, it means killing the Old Gods will not stop Blights or their Calling.
We learn in the DLC that "gods" are powerful spirits, that possess mortals/dragons most commonly. Wynn/Faith, Anders/Justice, Solas/Fen'Harral, and Andraste/Maker. Solas says even when a spirit dies, if it is strong enough "something new may grow". So if a spirit is strong enough it is immortal and cannot be killed, just recycled. The old gods are not evil themselves, they are corrupted by the darkspawn into archdemons. Darkspawn themselves are tainted creatures from origins elves/shrieks, dwarves/ genlocks, humans/hurlocks, as per the brood mother theory. Now lyrium itself is being corrupted. Golden city, place of dreams, turns black.
I believe what you say, mostly. The Old Gods are MOST DEFINITELY Elven Gods. That was the big "OH SHIT" I had after Inquisition, if you play the game right, and you listen to everything this is very, very, very, clear. Expect I don't think that before Solas created the Veil they didn't have mortal bodies, because of the way Solas talks about the past. He will tell you that they were just people, in Trespasser. They were just people, and while you're in "the black city" you learn more about this too. They all were mages. They all had that connection to the Fade. Solas, along with his friends started to become revered as generals when the wars started.Eventually, they became revered as gods. Solas also says that the key to immortality is a "secret" Most likely a secret that him and his friends kept from the other elves, thus making them more "god like." Solas sealed them away because the "other alternatives would have been worse" This could mean that they were corrupted by the forgotten ones, or by whomever (themselves, perhaps) It would seem likely that that both Mithal and Solas would save their friends souls to return them as they once were. But I am not sure that is concrete, they are very vague on their motives. I am confused too why Solas would kill Flemeth? If she was truely Mithal.... ahhh... or maybe he took her soul and freed her of her form? Idk. Either way, I think the same as you, only I think they always had elf forms, and actually I think humans could be descendants of elves without magic- making them appear more human like. Although- they are still born with magic, obviously, the Fade is still there, just less. Therefore, humans are elves, just less.
Slay the Red Dragon to destroy all dark spawn. Slay the Blue Dragon to control all dark spawn. Or Slay the Green Dragon to synthesize with all dark spawn (which is actually the Architect's plan).
gallopingLake6 If Bioware reads this, AND does this, I swear, I'll kill you. Then I will pull an Anders on their headquarters, and mope around New York square saying; "I've struck a blow against shitty endings everywhere.......I don't regret my decision."
RED: destroy every mage BLUE: remove all magical abilities without making people Tranquil GREEN: make everyone have a deeper, direct connection to the Fade, granting everyone magical abilities
According to the Lore, Blights occur only when an Archdemon rises from "slumber". But Darkspawn have been seen in large raiding groups surfacing to capture and drag victims down into the Deeproads, women preferably in order to assure the continuation of their "race". Most likely after all of the Old Gods are no more the Darkspawn will still remain a danger. If they are all drawn to the song and if the song is no more then there might be a worse case scenario where they might go insane or berserk and surface numbering in the legions. I still don't think all of the Darkspawn can be killed at once, their taint and numbers will take at the very least several generations of Wardens to wipe out entirely. It might be possible that the Grey Wardens use the slumbering Archdemons as beacons to keep these massive numbers of Darkspawn from overrunning the surface or their footholds in the Deeproads, a possible reason why they don't attempt to kill off the Archdemon while it still sleeps and is most vulnerable.
About the Architect, even if we decided to kill him on the awakening, he might have survived using the same way to transfer himself to another darkspawn like Corypheus. He might still be around anyway.
I don't think darkspawn will cease to be an issue after the old gods are slain. I mean, look at the way they reproduce and their taint that destroys all it touches. I just don't think that humans and even free darkspawn can co-exist. I also am totally curious to know the truth behind the 'golden city' incident. I'm not buying the chantry's tale, nor do I buy that the 'maker' is a benevolent being. The sins of a few mages doom all their kind and humanity to boot? What about the claim that the city was never golden at all? I want these questions answered in inquisition.
I think this depends on a lot though. We don’t know for certain that if all the arch demons are killed, that the blight will end with it. If it does, this wouldn’t be a problem as the darkspawn would likely perish. If the taint continues, the darkspawn will have lost their purpose. They are more primal and instinctive than anything. Likely they would infight more, breed less, expand/search the deep roads so intensely, and be less intelligent without the archdemon influence
One key thing to point out in this conflict as well as a major part of the series is the effect that blood has overall. It seems to have a major effect on everything in the series. Blood Magic itself is also tied into demons as well in which both the taint and demons come from the fade. I imagine the answer lies in the Black City - Even if the remaining to Old Gods are killed I am not sure that it ends the "Calling" - The Old Gods were around before the first Darkspawn. If you look to the religions of the world - Something they have in common is the Black City. For the Chantry it is the Maker's home - For the Elves it was where the Gods are trapped. Even Demons fear and know that the Black City is different and do not go near. It's where the Darkspawn originate from.
You know, that whole thing about the Golden City turning into Black reminded me of Dark Souls. When you reach Anor Londo, the city of Sunlight, and make your way into Gwynevere the Daughter of the Lord of Sunlight. Should you decide to kill her, you will discover that the sun over Anor londo and its bright beauty is an illusion, where only dark remains. Maybe its the same for the Golden City? when people see it on their dreams, they see it golden and shiny. But when they step into the city physically its dark and cold, because it was abandoned.
My brain will literally be blown if next game would occur with TWO frickin' Archdemons instead of just one. Dual Blights... holy shit, Thedas is ending... O_O
Isaiflamand kwetcalo Yeah, there's too much content to add it all in 1 game. What about the other factions like the dwarves? I don't think they can put it all in 1 game.
That is most likely how Solas believes our world will die in him releasing them. If this happens, that surely would mean the end of the series... Sad. Mystery and Night are both left. Solas left us in the dark, and very mysteriously. Parallel to that- The last blight was "Beauty" Flemeth just happened to send her beautiful daughter to trap the soul of an old god inside her with the baby. Seems curious right? Idk. Maybe we will get games of past blights ? or the history of what the "Old Gods/Elven Gods" are..
I have 3 Ideas what will happen to Razikale & Lusacan (2 archdemons) if Bioware says that they aren't the Elven gods. When Solas said he had plans for killing the Evanuris, his plan could be to release the archdemons to attack the elven gods. Or there could be a choice on which archdemon is freed and lead to a darkspawn civil war (One being the Archetects choice, the other being some other darkspawn leaders choice choice) and which darkspawn faction will manage to regain some humanity. A third possible outcome is that the archdemons could either be saved from Wardens to prevent the darkspawn going beserk and causing one large blight, or killing the archdemons to prevent 2 future blights. Either way I hope Bioware doesn't butcher the story. And I hope that 4 isn't the last of the series either. Also hoping that Morrigan's child could play a key part (if you take part in her ritual) as he has the soul of Urthemiel (archdemon from Origins).
Wow Ashe, I came to know your channel through your voice-over audition, but your Dragonage Content ist extremly well narrated, edited, and researched. I have done such videos in the past and I know they can take about 50-100 hours to make. All I can say: hats off, this is incredibly good content and that you tell it in such a sophistocated, pleasingly way helps the content even more. Thank you for that. I liked and subbed. I am in love.
I've got a little bit of a wild idea. Looking for others thoughts. (Spoilers for up to Trespasser, but I haven't read any of the books yet. They're on my long list of things to read.) There were 9 Elven gods, however Fen'harel (Solas) wasn't really one of them. Mythal was "murdered", so when Solas made the Veil he locked away 7 of them. Elven society falls apart, humans come, create the Imperium. In the Imperium they worship The Old Gods, 7 of them. These Old Gods teach them the ways of magic and tempt 7 Magisters into entering the fade and the Golden City. We learn that in order to tear down the Veil, Solas needs to enter the fade. Is it possible that the Old Gods are the remaining Elven gods who were trying to get the Veil torn down by tempting the Magisters to enter the fade? Flemeth turns into a dragon in DA2 and has a totem animal dragon that she gives to the Inquisitor for the final battle. It wouldn't be a stretch to think that the other Elven gods were associated with dragons as well. I've seen discussion of how some people speculate that Andruil became infected with the Blight and that led to the story of her wearing Void armor and going violently crazy. And Coyphy claims that the Golden City was already corrupted and black when they got there. These two ideas would point to the Blight having existed during the reign of the Elves before Solas created the Veil. Another speculation I've heard is that the Golden City seen in the fade (now the Black City) is actually the remains of Arlathan, which I think would make perfect sense. Solas also gets angry during the discussion of how the Grey Wardens plan to go into the Deep Roads and hunt down the remaining Old Gods to kill them before they begin a Blight. He comments that they are essentially stupid and that the Blight cannot be outsmarted so easily. But I also wonder if he is angry that the Old Gods are being killed. He comments in Trespasser that an eternity of punishment is only fitting for the Elven gods for all they've done. One further point I'll make about the Old Gods possibly being the Elven gods: Flemeth/Mythal takes the spirit of the Old God from Keiran. And it makes her stronger, it then is presumably passed to Solas when he takes Mythal's spirit and lifeforce from Flemeth. Which then makes him incredibly strong. If Urthemiel (the Old God spirit in Keiran) isn't one of the Elven gods, it must be something at least very similar or how would Flemeth/Mythal and Solas be able to control it so easily? Thoughts?
I like your ideas. Mine are similar-ish. Corypheus says that the City was empty when he got there. He and his fellows were definitely tainted when they left. This is, I think, the first record of the Blight in the real (post-veil, non-Fade world). I believe therefore that the city contained the taint and that they brought it back to the world (but see below). This is more or less what the Chantry teaches except the Chantry teaches that there is a "Maker" who deliberately punished the Tevinter magisters for their intrusion and in this theory it wasn't a punishment but a simple consequence. The city was already tainted and the magisters brought it back. Now why was the city tainted and empty? Fen'heral created the veil. Why? I think because the elven "gods" had become tainted. By creating the veil he sealed them off from the seat of their power - the Golden City - and they either fell asleep beneath the earth themselves or else were imprisoned / hiding from Fen'heral and his followers. Remember, he actually led an uprising against the gods so all this would be taking place amidst a war against them. I think that elven god who sought out the Forgotten Ones brought back the taint originally and spread it to the Golden City and her fellow gods. Fen'heral was essentially carrying out a containment operation with the veil. But I think it's clear he didn't know the full consequences of that and has spent the intervening time figuring out a way to safely undo it. At least in part. I believe the Taint is a physical infection. The soul that was reclaimed by Morrigan into her child seemed 'cleansed' once it was free of the corrupted body of the arch demon. But I could be wrong in that. I don't know how Red Lyrium fits into this but we saw the "Titan" in The Descent DLC. Is it possible that Arduin was once below ground but is now trapped in the Fade? Could the Titan be one of the Forgotten Ones or are they something else? Honestly, I'm not sure where I was going with any of this by this point! ;) All I can say for definite is, in the words of Sera: "The Dalish. Are going. To. Shit themselves." :D
If the Gray Wardens ritual requires Arch-demon blood then how did the first Gray Wardens become Gray Wardens before the first Arch-demon died? Where did the first Gray Wardens get Arch-demon blood?
likely from one of the dragon corpses? they could have killed one only too figure out later that the soul 'jumped' into an other darkspawn and the arch demon did not stay dead. there for needing the ritual for it too stay dead
Its likely that they battle the Arch Demon many times in the 200 years before they finally took it killed it. during each battle it likely the dragon would bleed. and after one event they came up wth the idea to drink the blood of it.
I think it was more like this according to the ancient joining ritual in Awakenings. The time has come for us to begin the Joining, I shall speak the words that have been said since the first. "Oh sodding sod, blood and ashes this is a bit of a bugger isn't it? We've clean run out of ale, what shall we drink?" "Oh well we could always drink this blood, ha ha ha" "Hey that is not half of a bad idea" "What? You must be mad. I must also be mad since I will drink it too" "And me!" "We are no more mad than whoever discovered milk. Seriously, what was "Hey this blood isn't half bad.... cough cough argh" "ha ha ha he could not hold his drink!" "Hey I think he's dead. Let's take his stuff" "Hey I think there's Darkspawn over there, I can sense them now" "Me too. Let's go kill them, we're almost out of blood" From this moment forth Oghren you are a Grey Warden
" While archdemon blood is typically used, blood of other darkspawn creatures can also be magically treated to make it function in the ritual" D.Gaider
Once the Old Gods are dead or handled the Darkspawn will gain sentience and we'll have another race in Thedas. I argue that once the call of the Old Gods is gone the insanity that affected the mother will only be a problem in the first generation of Darkspawn. Once second generation is born there's nothing to drive them insane because they never heard the song so therefore can't be driven insane by its absence.
The second generation darkspawn are born from brood mothers... people that have been dragged underground, corrupted, have darkspawn taint spewed into their open mouths, have their fellow captives fed to them, and then probably sexed up by other darkspawn so the brood mother becomes preggas and births the second generation... i say we just wipe them all out :|...
If the Wardens know where the Old Gods are, then Corypheus, after possessing either of the Grey Wardens at the end of Legacy, will have the knowledge of where they are.
Spoilers for Assunder. I don't know if I am way off base but I recently read through Assunder and came across something interesting, in relation to the song. Now I noticed that Cole who we later find out is a 'spirit' can actually here a song - in relation to there travel to the fade and the weakened veil near the old warden keep. So I was thinking is this the same song as the old gods, or is the song even truly tied to the old gods. Has a new 'old god' awakened.
My theory is that the golden city is actually a prison containing a extremely powerful being possible the first demon, wanting to escape it tried to call out to its progeny but failed so it found another a way to call out to the old gods promising power to free it, but the old gods couldn't, so they acquired the aid of the magisters to break the being out but its darkness effected the golden city and turned it black, the magisters opened a portal and entered it a along side old gods, but the magister were corrupted by the darkness then some form of security system forced them out and resulted in the old gods being forced underground and the magisters to roam thades as the first darkspawn.
That's an interesting theory given that most demons avoid going there; if an Evil being currently inhabits the Black City, it could be the antithesis of the Maker or even a Corrupted Maker; not unlike how Justice became Vengeance.
some holes tho: -The old gods were already imprisoned before the magisters went into the fade. Thats the entire reason they couldn't go themself -Its entirely possible that like the maker none of the magisters actually saw the old gods before the first blight but only heard them. this can be assumed because of corypheus final cry before dying: "Dumat ancient ones i beseech you! IF YOU EXISTED IF YOU EVER TRULY EXISTED AID ME NOW! this basically means he is not sure of their existance.
The golden city is actually arlathan the elven capital. Elvhenan empire was way more powerful than Tevinter because the fade and thedas only make one this is why the elves were immortal. In my opinion the old gods were literally dragons in Dragon age inquisition when you see tevinter architecture you can see a dragon head. Anyway I don't think that there is no god in Dragon age universe. The elven would-be-gods were very powerful mage, and the old gods were dragons and andraste and the maker are just a tales created by fanatics
When a Blight ends....... politics and religion take over. You will have people jockeying for power and factions attempting to impose there will. When there is weakness there will be people ready to exploit it and the end of a blight many will be weak and still mending there wounds, while others attempt to revise history to fit there beliefs and alter perceptions so that it appears events that have passed were due to the powers they themselves wield or preach.
While Corypheus was the Magister who performed the massive blood magic ritual to enter the fade, the Architect was the magister who designed the ritual itself.
I've heard people say that the Architect was one of the seven magisters and there is certainly a visual resemblance between him and Corypheus, but is this actually stated anywhere? Because I never came across anything saying that in the games. I may have missed it.
+ Kaye Fore - The name itself "the Architect" is clue. He WAS there in Golden/Black City. The Architect is title for high priest of Urthemiel - 'The Architect of Works of Beauty'. As Corypheus did not used his name only title 'The Conductor' (of Dumat). To my memory there was 2 females and 5 males - I may be incorrect. Those were: the Conductor of Silence (Dumat - Corypheus) the Architect of the Works of Beauty (Urthemiel - Architect) the Forgewright of Fire (Toth - unknown) the Watchman of Night (Lusacan - unknown) the Appraiser of Slavery (Andoral - unknown) the Augur of Mystery (Razikale - unknown) the Madmen of Chaos (Zazikiel - unknown)
I believe it will only end when the old gods are taken care of one way or another because as seen in Awakening even when the Call is gone Darkspawn will still search for the Old Gods to hear the sweet melody.
After watching this I realised my Elf(Who is a good person) did a weird blood magic ritual with a sinister witch to make an evil god child AND went into the mirror. I DUNNO IF I RUINED EVERYTHING OR NOT
My theory is that when Mythal was murdered, like the old gods her spirit when to Andraste or something along those lines. Or Andraste could have also been and elf like Ameridan, but because the Imperium hated Elves they erased that history. As far as Andraste fighting Magic. Its similar to Solas story that he too fought Magic also side Mythal. With those parallels, I think Mythal and Andraste are connected and Solas is the main person that connects the two
Anyone else the similarity between Andraste and Mythal. Most notable after Inquistion that Mythal and Solas knew one another and confirmed in Trespassers. And some one pointed that out that a few portraits of Andraste had a bold mage holding and orb. Which we also know that Solas had one as well.
I believe the main question about the old god baby and Morrigan is where did the mirror take them, for if we knew then that might be an important piece of the puzzle.
The way you put together these info gives me hope for a whole compelling story, I just hope bioware does not screws it up for all of us. I have always had suspicion about the chantry, it is likely to be a version of truth used to convince the masses of the surface of the problem, not the underlying source of the problem.
I always liked the Idea of teaming up with the Darkspawn - The Architect seemed reasonable and not inherently evil (misguided at his worst). I think it would be quite possible for Players in Inquisition or later Games to even recruit the Help of an old Gold himself against the newest dangerous Threat. The Demons of Inquisition could easily be such a Threat, as they pose a Menace to all of Thedas - maybe including the Darkspawn itself.
While Corypheus is the focus here, what about the Architect?? is he a magister like Corypheus, the seven high priests of the old gods who conducted a magical ritual to seize the golden city. He certainly fits the bill in my opinion, he shows the distorted corrupted human features that Cory shows, he wears clothing that is very similar to Corypheus's, his intelligence and magical prowess are what one would expect of an ancient Tevinter Magister. A codex entry in inquisition written by a dwarf speaks encountering Darkspawn who spoke like kings, they argued about a golden city before turning on each other. If he is a magister like I suspect, then he possesses the same ability as Corypheus so it doesn't matter if he was killed in Awakening. Will he return??? Should be interesting to see how he ties in with how inquisition ended.
Great vid, Ashe. As for ending the Blights, I agree that The Taint/Calling are what need to be ended, not necessarily the Old Gods themselves. I believe that something bad might happen once all 7 Old Gods are defeated.
The fade reflects mortal emotion and memory. what was once a golden city in dreams, a place of golden light, a heavenlike area perhaps, a dream world. Then the magistars arrived their greed, violence, envy, essentially their sin was reflected back in the golden city. Turning it black.
What if the old gods are the 1st created spirits of the maker who became jealous of the maker's love for mortals and betrayed the maker by making the magisters learn of the forbidden magic, caused the golden city to be tainted with sin? Corrupted spirits become demons from what i've read. Maker then banished the old gods to the land of mortals, and imprisoned them deep under. And somehow the old gods were still able to manipulate and communicate with the magisters to come to the forbidden city (which is already tainted) to be infected themselves causing the maker to lose interest for mortals, thrown them back to the land of the living to spread their taint. And then what if the blight is only a means of these old gods to free themselves from their cage and taint, having the wardens kill them so that their souls will travel to the wardens body that has a resistance from the taint cause the taint to be nullified allowing them to go back to the fade. that would explain why Dumat can still communicate with the living in DA:2 right? and if my theory is somewhat close to the truth, then maybe this elder one from DA:I is, in fact Dumat? the 1st and leader of the archdemons? And also this would back up what everyone's thinking about flemeth being an old god. Got freed from the taint and possessed a woman's body. Or of course maybe I'm just speculating too much which i tend to do... a lot. lol! I just can't wait to play DA:I
I would say that the Darkspawn taint is the call of the Old Gods. The song that the Mother speaks of is the call of the Old Gods. The Architect will prove itself either to be a, method to end the cycle of the blights or something even worse. On another note, I have a theory. I believe that red lyrium is somehow connected to the Old Gods. As it has shown with Bartrand in DA2 that he spoke of a song, and when he didn't hear it drove him crazy. So I believe some answers may lie within the red lyrium as it might have a connection with the Old Gods.
I really enjoy these da talk videos! But to answer your question, I think we've got at least 3 more games b4 we see an end. Once ALL archdemons are destroyed & all darkspawn are exterminated. I have a feeling Morrigans child will be our main character by the last game, and he'll be the once to "set things right"
The blight ending with the last archdemon seems to easy more than likely when the last old god falls some apocalyptic event will occur. Given Bioware's track record of making villains have some sort of sympathetic reasoning behind their actions it would not surprise me to find the old gods have been attempting to stop some greater evil. Perhaps the maker the chantry worships is not as benevolent as we have been led to believe or perhaps the eleven gods will return with vengeance. All you can be sure of is that whatever Bioware dose it is going to be interesting
The Chant of Light could be right about the origin of the darkspawn and yet be completely wrong about the Maker and his return. There's a Rome in the Bible. That doesn't mean Jesus rose from the dead.
Even when the archdemons are all dead, there are other creatures that can mimic their call, such as Corypheus (don't know if I spelled that right) because if Corypheus is one of the old magisters that became the first darkspawn, there must be more and I don't think they were ever encountered by the Wardens. I also believe the Architect is one of them but lost his memory of that for some reason.
I would find it interesting if the next Blight featured two Archdemons. At this point Blights have become sort of a routine in Thedas, and while still dire and unpredictable, they just don't invoke the same sense of "oh god!" as they used too.
My theory on the Darkspawn and the Old Gods: Since by the time the Architect was born, more than half of the Old Gods had been slain, the Architect's sentience is a sign that the "song" is beginning to weaken. IF all of the Old Gods are awakened and slain, ALL Darkspawn might become like he is, resulting in a Blight that may have NO end unless all Darkspawn are killed or all other races of Thedas are Tainted.
Yeah... Kinda scared myself when I put all these facts together, but also kinda hoping it's right. I'd love to play as a character facing those kind of odds
I think when the blight ends, a new threat will come. A lot of things will disappear including the grey wardens maybe and a new group of hero's will join together to form a legion. This threat probably will worser than the blight.
Hmm I think the Blight won't end with the Archdemons. I think the sound is actually coming from whatever corrupted the Golden city before the arrival of the Tevinter mages, with the Archdemons acting as speakers. And I think, if the Maker is real or in a sense a sort of "Force" that deals with life, it would be the opposite of the maker. Instead of creating life it creates death and decay. Destruction is its goal, not creation, and it took control of the Golden city and corrupted it, causing the Tevinter mages to become the first Darkspawn. It might have also had a hand at making the dragons become evil. We don't know much about what the Old gods were actually like before they started teaching men how to use blood magic. They could've been good dragons or ones that didn't really interfere with others, but got corrupted by the dark. Or maybe there is no Maker and the corruption is the Natural state of the fade. The golden city was ALWAYS corrupted and the entity is either an extremely powerful spirit or something else entirely. And it got me thinking about that theory that Andraste was a mage. Maybe the voices she heard that told her to fight Tevinter was the opposite entity to the corruption that was spreading. Similar to how the Archdemon's control darkspawn Andraste was being told what to do by a voice. If she was a mage then maybe the voice came from Lyrium, and maybe Lyrium IS the "Maker"...which would mean the Red lyrium is the corruption...or maybe I am looking too far into this...buts its something to think about at least.
Hard to say about Andraste, because I don't think the Maker really exist, or the creators. The dwarfs had a book (gift for Wynne) that said she wasn't the Maker's chosen but an extremely powerful mage. Orghen stated that it wasn't the Ashes that might be blessed by the Maker, but had powerful lasting effects from the Lyrium from the mountain. So it might be something else entirely that is doing everything for the corruption. The spirits and demons don't even know. However, this does raise one question, while non-spirits and non-demons, have a idea of the golden city, why hasn't the spirits told anyone of the golden or black city? I know we had no idea where to look, but I would think someone from the fade would know something about it.
jakisz My point exactly. I was actually talking about that book you mentioned, I just couldn't remember the name :P If we truly want to know we need to ask the inhabitants of the fade for answers, preferably ones that have existed since the beginning. But I don't think the Chantry, or anyone at the moment, would want anyone to know. If the truth ended up being the Maker doesn't exist then that puts the Chantry in a very dangerous position, their would be riots for and against the religion, the world could be headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! So yeah a lot would happen.
There might be another Darkspawn like The Architect to emerge after the Arch Demons are destroyed or reborn. Maybe the Circle of Magi could trap the Darkspawn in the fade like in Awakening. But I can't see the Darkspawn living peacefully with the other races. Especially considering how they breed. Even after becoming aware they can still spread the corruption.
we all know that the final fight will be in minrathous on an attempt to open the path the elves of old and the magisters opened way too long, but what we need to know is when the games will appear :V
I'd like to see more self aware darkspawn and to be able to play as them in a dragon age game it would be cool to see the self aware darkspawn becoming allies with over races to stop further blights and save their unaware brethren.
In the lore or on the wiki i saw that 10% or more of the human population in Fereldan still believe to the old barbarian gods of the Alamarri tribes who are living on West on Frostback Mountains
I think Fen Harel sealed Old Gods(Forgotten Ones, from elven pantheon) by creating the Veil, so that they could not go back into the Fade, sealing them in the world of mortals. He then spoke to Andraste to stop the Tevinters from realising them but failed.
Not every game has to be centered around the blight. DA2 and Inquisition are proof of this. There will probably be like, 6 games in between each blight.
Be interesting to start seeing the Darkspawn entering the fade lol. Maybe in DA: I we will meet a self aware Darkspawn who isn't hostile and could be a companion, now that would pretty cool
Did anyone notice Morrgins outfit in the trailer is the same as what her and leliana talk about in one of their ban Leliana talk about in one of their banterz
I was really hoping that Inquisition would explain what the Old Gods were, what the Taint was that the magisters found and what happened with the Maker in the first place. Now I don't even know if there will be another DA game to ever explain it :( It's such an interesting topic that you can come up with endless theories, I think there needs to be some official explanation for the series to feel like a complete story.
Like Corypheus the Architect may be one of the Magisters who entered the Black City. Like Cotypheus he is mistaken for another Darkspawn. That means he can't be killed with a common weapon. Even if the Warden kills The Architect in Awakening, well Hawke thought Corypheus was dead too.
The Architect is one of those Magisters, he was the High Priest of Urthemiel, much as Corypheus was the High Priest of Dumat, however, there is one key difference between him and Corypheus... Corypheus is fully of who he was before he became corrupted, and retains much of his former identity. The Architect, however, does not remember that he was once a Magister. He only realizes that he is a rather special Darkspawn capable of more. Why does he not know who he once was? Was it perhaps because the Wardens never found and imprisoned him as they did Corypheus, and he simply forgot over the ages? I also believe that The Architect could use the Darkspawn Taint to survive much as Corypheus could. While I don't think The Architect has the amount of malice that Corypheus has, the fear of death, I do think that he would use the Taint to regenerate if it would help him continue his plans.
My thoughts (on Dumat, at least) is that...Dumat isn't really gone. In Dragon Age II, there is a sidequest that involves a shrine of Dumat. If this quest is completed, "the shrine" will reward you with an accessory. Now, while it is possible that the altar was laced with blood magic, I'm not so sure. My opinion is that Dumat's soul wasn't vanquished when the Archdemon Dumat's body was slain. His soul may have very well been disrupted, but possibly not destroyed, just recovering. (If the souls TRULY got destroyed, then how was Morrigan able to use Urthemiel's for the Old God Baby?) After all, we thought that Flemeth was dead, and if I'm right in thinking she's the Dread Wolf in hiding, then the Old Gods could pull off something similar to what she did in terms of revival. Just a theory. Now to make something perfectly clear: I DO NOT EXPECT ANY OF THE OLD GODS TO COME CLOSE TO APPEARING IN DA:I, I'M SIMPLY POSTING MY THEORY AS TO WHAT MAY/MAY NOT OCCUR IN FUTURE ENTRIES IN THE SERIES.
Based on what Solas says about the Black City being closer than ever when you visit the Fade in Inquisition, and Solas' exchange at the end of the game, I'm inclined to think that the Magisters actions, the creation of the Darkspawn, and Corypheus' actions are part of a larger scheme by some as yet unidentified power/entity. It's possible that the idea of the return of the Maker regarding the Chant of Light is a distortion of what might actually be part of the end result of this "master plan." Makes me think of Convergence in Dead Space.
+Yukari Yakumo I will say this- Go and either buy, play, or watch someone play the Trespasser DLC. You're pretty spot on. But, I won't spoil it for you. :)
+Liz ard have already seen it yes, and loved it. I just wonder if Solas' explanation there can be linked to the creation of the Darkspawn and the nature of the Old Gods.
Nowhere in the game is said that the blackcity was already corrupted before the magisters got there. They only saw the darkness because they where there, so if they did taint it, they wouldn't have seen anything else to begin with. Records do say that the blackcity used to be golden before they got there. So that answers that.
+Balinux Propaganda. Stories are often changed and twisted to suit the teller and religion is a strong arbiter of twisting details to suit it's needs. Corypheus himself states that the city was already black. Mother Giselle hits back with a weak excuse about him wanting to believe that was the case, but I'd be more inclined to take the word of the guy who had front row seats over the backseat drivers wearing facial masks.
Blackemperess You don't get it. The magisters themselfs thought the city was golden back in the day, that was the whole point. "It was supposed to be golden! It was supposed to be ours!" - Corypheus DA2 Legacy. They only found out about the darkness once they where there. So if it wasn't golden when they got closer, then there has to be a reason, and the first violation is the only confirmed constant so far.
Balinux As far as Thedas's pock marked 'history' knows, they were the first to go there. But they couldn't have been. Not if the theory that the Black City is a piece of Arlathan or one of the Evanuris' strongholds that they were put into holds water. The magisters are the only ones the modern people of Thedas know about that were able to physically enter the fade and that has been put through the shredder for the sole purpose of religious doctrine. Bioware themselves have stated that not everything in Dragon Age put on paper is true and is just as much a victim of skewed viewpoints/bias as anything else. Especially where the Chantry is concerned.
Blackemperess But there was no chantry when the magisters entered the fade. I'll say it again, Corypheus confirms that the magisters thought that the city was golden. So that notion prevails over chantry propaganda and fan theory.
What i would like to see is that the Archdemon's the "Old Gods" shown as really only a small part of the real threat. Or perhaps they are just like any of the other darkspawn and are being controlled or such by the song. That is just my personal thoughts anyways.
Somehow I feel like something big and terrible will happen when the last Old God is tainted and destroyed. I mean Solas did say that killing the Old Gods may make things worse when that Venetori Mage spoke of using that demon army.
The way I would like it to be: The child conceived by Morrigan and the Grey Warden becomes the hero of some future game, who takes out the other two old gods. That would be bad ass, and I would love to play that. Unfortunately, There is the possibility that the child was never to be (should the Grey Warden refuse Morrigan), making it unlikely that anything related to that child will become Cannon. I bet that child would've been some kind of unstoppable force, would've been as fun as playing Kratos, Master Chief or Superman/Hulk.
I have a question. At the end of DA2 Cassandra mentions both the Warden and Hawke have gone missing. Has there been any mention of their involvement in DAI?
I would like to know if the Inquisitor and Morgan's love child with the warden are one in the same. A child born with the soul of a god with unknown power, if I heard correctly the veil tears can only be closed by the Inquisitor. That makes me wonder if there is a connection. And if not then I wonder what the child's role will be
my thought is this what if flemeth already has four god children, if you look up morrigans name it is the name of an old irish god...whats bioware up to i wonder?
Hey ashe, i was thinking of like this: Flemeth has some sort of knowledge of the future, we saw her tell the future to hawke in the very beginning. She has to be more then just a demon or abomination. She IS an old god i think. How do we know that the old gods couldnt turn into human form? "What if i am a dragon?" ~Flemeth. I think she has some intricate plan with the old god baby.
When a Blight ends, thousands a pond thousands of Darkspawn are killed, however when a Blight does begin there is always that much Darkspawn. Even if it takes a few centuries between Blights that is a real high production rate. And if there really is another Blight after only 10 years, that means there is that many again. So, I doubt when all of the Archdemons is dead all of the Darkspawn will be as well. Awakening proved that something else is capable of leading the Darkspawn. I let the Architect live and did the baby god ritual, so new my playthough at the very least, I'm going have to find a new way to end the Blights.
okay i like this theory i want to know what happen to the hero of ferleden and hawk ...i had the warden marry Alistair and hawk runs away with Anders so what happen to them in the end of dragon age 2 they say that hawk and the warden are missing so what happens to my favorite powerful characters or are they just die
I think the blight thing will end when the entirety of the Warden Order see that the idea of Coriphious about the demon army is correct. I mean , as far as i saw in DAI , there was no strategic weakness in the plan with the exception of them being mind controlled by the Magister. I mean , think about that cut-scene and what the Venatori agent says : Demons require no sleep , or food , they have no mercy for the enemy in front of them , they are bound to the will of the mage. So make a demon army , withdraw the legion of the dead from the deep roads and set the demons on kill command until they clear the entirety of the darkspawn infestation. Problem solved. I mean seriously , think about 10k Pride Demons marching straight towards the damn Archdemon where their only command is atomize everything in your way.
The Architect could have survived the Warden killing him the same way Corypheus survived dying countless times. Even if he is not one of the 7 Magisters, he is way more than regular darkspawn. I don't think a Blight could be a real threat anytime soon. There are usually centuries between Blights, and the Fifth was started prematurely by the Architect. That is why it was so weak and only threatend one nation. Even if another Archdemon, or both, awakened within the next 10 years, what forces could they muster to be a real threat? When they decide to do the next Blight, they really need to ramp things up. Like darkening the skies everywhere, or something. The Mother was one of the earliest experiments of an awakened darkspawn. I'm pretty sure given a few years to finish his research, the Architect would be able to truly awaken any darkspawn. I trust him because he is like Legion was in Mass Effect. And even though Oghren was never known for his wisdom, he was right saying that while the surface is only threatened by Blights, the dwarven kingdoms are in constant threat of the darkspawn. So any way of making them less evil gotta be worth it. And I really want a darkspawn companion in the next game. Something similar to the Messenger of Awakening.
The Architect was revealed to be one of the 7 magisters who went to the black city. I don't remember if it was revealed in Inquisition or the latest book on the History of Thedas. The Architect was the high priest of Urthemiel. Corypheus was obviously the High Priest of Dumat. Dumat spoke to Corypheus and told him to go to the Black City where he would ascend to Godhood. Corypheus couldn't do it alone so he ended up convincing the Architect to help him and in turn they convinced the rest of the High Priests of each respective old god to join the expedition. The Architect was only a nickname he took for the expedition and Corpheus took on the nickname of The Conductor. No one knows why Coryheus managed to keep his memories about everything and The Architect did not.
I want another blight... But that may just be in hopes that DA regains the dark, gritty, real feel of the Origins. Wouldn't hurt to let me play as old man Warden again either...
I think the awakened darkspawn will be beneficial and a huge investment. Ultimately I think them joining forces with the Wardens would be great despite unnatural. After the blights are over though, they will become some sort of relic or legend, much like the Wardens themselves. I know there will be mistrust and what I'm saying sounds nuts, but it wouldn't it be ironic the same creatures everyone feared and fought helped set things right?
If the Warden was open minded enough, why couldn't the others be too? Of course there would be factions and disagreement, I don't expect the Wardens to accept them with arms wide open.
Yes, most likely and we all know how the DA world is; everything is morally grey and there's always conflict, in fact that's the good part about these games, you can be the one to set it right by your own terms.
They announced that Inquisition was going to be the last DA so it will end unless they pull a Mass Effect lol and in one of the trailers they made it pretty clear thst the Old Gods will be a common enemy considering I saw their dragon forms in multiple trailers and the PAX East presentation a couple weeks ago
wow wow wasnt the blight a curse and a punishment for when some mages from an ancient nation tried to topple the gods? then andraste came into the picture the chantry was created to limit the mages and as such things like templars came into existence? been a long time since i played DAO but i thought that was pretty clear you can read it on the books that you collect.
If Flemeth intervened to gain Urthemiel's soul, is it possible her or somebody else (Or both, in the form of Mythal.) may have conspired to do the same in earlier Blights?
i hope in one of the DA games we get to play as the Morrigan and The Wardens kids. I think that kid will end up either destroying the world or enslaving it or saving it, i mean he has the power of an old god don't know which one but still hope we get to play as him/her in one of the next games.
I believe that the Old Gods were once spirits of the fade, some of the Makers first children.When the Maker created the other races the Old gods grew envious of them believing that they should be the only ones to receive the Makers love. These feelings transformed the into the first original demons so the Maker cast them from the fade on to the world where they were worshiped as gods. Still wanting to get back at the Maker they tricked the magister's promising them the power of god but they only intended for them to taint the golden city and then the world getting rid of the two things the hated most the Maker and the races.
one thing you forgot to mention was that in some codx it says dumat comes back 2 times in the old (gods) legend so thair is a chance for a 8th Blight ans to Answer your question is one possibly is the dark spawn go nuts and attack like they did with the mother in other words they will try to find a way to find the song again
Well, Varric says Coryphius was not awere that he was a Darkspawn when Hawke and he found him at the Warden prison. And doesn't the Inquisitor banish Coryphius to the Fade using the Mark? These so called "Old Gods" may be asleep but when Darkspawn find them, they turn them into Arch-demons. The Gray Wardens were so focused on stopping future blights that they resorted to blood magic, unawere that they were actually being used to bring a demon army. Not being a Gray Warden is a start... or at least not a stupid one. But they had the right idea. March on the Deep Roads, find the Old Gods and kill them while they sleep. That way, they can never awake.
If you play enough Bioware games you start to notice things that they have in common. (Not saying that's a bad thing) But I wouldn't be surprised if the darkspawn situation ends kind of like the Quarian/Geth conflict in ME3. In the sense of (I think this would count as a ME3 SPOILER) you decide weather the darkspawn die or join society in some way. (Kind of like the elf and werewolf conflict in DA:O if you side with the werewolves.) Just an idea of course.
I've wondered how we know which old god is in charge of a blight. As for ending the blight I'd like to imagine other gods being involved. Either the maker or maybe the Dalish gods.
I think the old god are jailers for the maker and he cant leave the black city untill all of them are dead. and by happen stance the maker still being powerful crated the dark span to kill the old gods where the old god never whisper to p the mortals it was the maker the hole time. and bye him saduceing andastie she prevented the old gold power bye taking away there warship so that would never wake up. that's sounds really Lich king from Warcraft but its seems like the most logical idea.
My theory...
There are hints throughout the games and suplimental material, and when all the pieces are put together, a larger picture emerges.
First, it was discovered in that in Inquisition, during the scenes in the Fade, the incoherent whispering are not so incoherent. In fact, the whispers suggest that the Old Gods of the Tevinter Imperium and the Elven pantheon were one and the same. Flemeth and Solas are confirmed Elven gods. Which leaves seven unaccounted for. Seven. The exact number of gods worshiped by the Tevinter. It's also interesting to note that while Flemeth is Mythal, an Elven deity, she often transforms into a dragon, the form of the Old Gods of the Tevinter.
Elven Legend says that Fen'Harel, the Dread Wolf, betrayed both the Elven gods and the Forgotten Ones, sealing them away in their respective realms. A place called 'The Beyond' was mentioned as the home of the Elven gods. The Beyond is the Dalish term for the Fade.
Solas, Fen'Harel himself, claims that his betrayal of the Old Gods were a necessary act, one he took with regret but with no other choice presented to him. He saw it as the only way to protect the people from eternal war.
According to what was learned in Inquisition, the Elven gods warred on each other constantly. This is likely why the Dread Wolf got fed up and killed or sealed them all away.
This action shattered the Old Gods, and what remained of them became the gods of the Tevinter, whispering to the Magisters of the Imperium to free them. The Tevinter Imperium did not rise until after the Old Gods had been betrayed, after all. Perhaps that is why.
Corypheus claims that the Golden City never existed, that it was always black. When Tamlen looked through the Eluvian in the Dalish Origin, he saw 'a great city, underground, then a great blackness'. The Eluvians are apparently heavily linked to the Fade and the Black City. Taken together, these suggest that the Black City IS Arlathan, the ancient capital of the Elven homeland.
Solas' conversations about Elven Immortality, and a further conversation about a 'hypothetical' time when the Veil did not exist, as well as Sandal's 'propecy' in DA:II, that everyone would be 'as they once were' lead to further speculations. So, here is my theory.
The Elven gods warred amongst themselves, and upon the Elves. Their war damaged Arlathan. Maybe it was the Creators, or maybe it was the Forgotten Ones. Whoever was responsible, Arlathan was corrupted. Tainted. To end this, to save the people, Solas, Fen'Harel, the Dread Wolf, stopped the war by shattering both the Forgotten Ones and the Creators, sealing them away. To do so, he created the Veil, seperating the Fade from the physical realm, and exiling the remains of the gods, and the tainted Arlathan, into the Fade. This is why the Elves were immortal. Because they, and likely humans as well, were not always physical beings. The act of creating the Veil, of separating the creators and the now-corrupted Arlathan from the rest, created the division between mortal and spirit, resulting in the elves losing their spiritual forms and becoming mortal beings.
Sealed away, the shattered remnants of the Elven gods reached out for help, to anyone amenable to their cries, with a lust for the power they could offer those who freed them. The magisters of the nascent Tevinter Imperium heard their calls, and entered the Black City/Arlathan. This act cause them to become infected with the Taint, and created the Darkspawn. It also allowed the remnants of the Elven gods to connect with the mortal plane, where they reformed weakened as dragons. They slumber until they can regain their power. The Darkspawn are drawn towards the Old Gods because the Taint originated with them, is inexorably linked to them.
This is why Solas was so angry at the Wardens for killing the Old Gods. Because they were slaughtering his former friends, the Elven pantheon, and preventing Solas from restoring the gods to their true forms, and returning the world to the way it once was, with no Veil, no separation between the mortal and physical planes.
If the Creators were responsible for the Taint in the first place, then killing them or freeing them from influence if the Taint as the Architect claimed to want will end the Blights. If the Forgotten Ones were responsible, however, then killing the remnants of the Elven Gods may not end the Blights, but may lead to something far worse.
That's my theory on the whole thing, anyway.
ObsdnBlck I agree with a lot of what you said about the black city being Arlathan and the elven gods being behind the taint but I don't believe that the elven gods and the old gods are the same. If I remember right, the ancient elves were at war with the Tevinter imperium. Everyone assumes that the Imperium was evil, but what if there was something corrupt about Arlathan that they were fighting against. I think that the old gods sealed themselves away in order to trap the city in the fade and it was really the elven gods that whispered to the magisters and tricked them into the city. Once the magisters became corrupted they were forever thralls of the elven gods. There is too much there to be coincidence I mean the Architect "accidentally" releases Urthemial when we now know Flemeth wanted the old god soul. Solas tries to get Corypheus to use that elven orb for him. The probably unleashed the taint in order to corrupt the old gods and give everyone a reason to kill them, and when one of them dies one of the seals on the city is broken. That is what I think anyways
ObsdnBlck It is very likely that the Forgotten Ones are the true source of the Blight and its Calling. One of the Codex entries for Inquisition mentions one of the Elven Gods venturing into the Void to meet with the Forgotten Ones and returning with longer and longer bouts of madness each time. Eventually she forgot who she was and had begun ranting about secrets that were never meant to be remembered, which is VERY similar to what happens to those infected with the Blight. If this is true, it means killing the Old Gods will not stop Blights or their Calling.
We learn in the DLC that "gods" are powerful spirits, that possess mortals/dragons most commonly. Wynn/Faith, Anders/Justice, Solas/Fen'Harral, and Andraste/Maker. Solas says even when a spirit dies, if it is strong enough "something new may grow". So if a spirit is strong enough it is immortal and cannot be killed, just recycled. The old gods are not evil themselves, they are corrupted by the darkspawn into archdemons. Darkspawn themselves are tainted creatures from origins elves/shrieks, dwarves/ genlocks, humans/hurlocks, as per the brood mother theory. Now lyrium itself is being corrupted. Golden city, place of dreams, turns black.
Damn you must be studying because you wrote a huge comment
I believe what you say, mostly. The Old Gods are MOST DEFINITELY Elven Gods. That was the big "OH SHIT" I had after Inquisition, if you play the game right, and you listen to everything this is very, very, very, clear. Expect I don't think that before Solas created the Veil they didn't have mortal bodies, because of the way Solas talks about the past. He will tell you that they were just people, in Trespasser. They were just people, and while you're in "the black city" you learn more about this too. They all were mages. They all had that connection to the Fade. Solas, along with his friends started to become revered as generals when the wars started.Eventually, they became revered as gods. Solas also says that the key to immortality is a "secret" Most likely a secret that him and his friends kept from the other elves, thus making them more "god like." Solas sealed them away because the "other alternatives would have been worse" This could mean that they were corrupted by the forgotten ones, or by whomever (themselves, perhaps) It would seem likely that that both Mithal and Solas would save their friends souls to return them as they once were. But I am not sure that is concrete, they are very vague on their motives. I am confused too why Solas would kill Flemeth? If she was truely Mithal.... ahhh... or maybe he took her soul and freed her of her form? Idk. Either way, I think the same as you, only I think they always had elf forms, and actually I think humans could be descendants of elves without magic- making them appear more human like. Although- they are still born with magic, obviously, the Fade is still there, just less. Therefore, humans are elves, just less.
I'm not sure how it will end. Just so as long as it doesn't end with slaying the red, blue or green dragon.
Yessss, finally a reference I get.
Mass Effect 3 ending reference...
Slay the Red Dragon to destroy all dark spawn. Slay the Blue Dragon to control all dark spawn. Or Slay the Green Dragon to synthesize with all dark spawn (which is actually the Architect's plan).
gallopingLake6 If Bioware reads this, AND does this, I swear, I'll kill you. Then I will pull an Anders on their headquarters, and mope around New York square saying; "I've struck a blow against shitty endings everywhere.......I don't regret my decision."
RED: destroy every mage
BLUE: remove all magical abilities without making people Tranquil
GREEN: make everyone have a deeper, direct connection to the Fade, granting everyone magical abilities
According to the Lore, Blights occur only when an Archdemon rises from "slumber". But Darkspawn have been seen in large raiding groups surfacing to capture and drag victims down into the Deeproads, women preferably in order to assure the continuation of their "race".
Most likely after all of the Old Gods are no more the Darkspawn will still remain a danger. If they are all drawn to the song and if the song is no more then there might be a worse case scenario where they might go insane or berserk and surface numbering in the legions. I still don't think all of the Darkspawn can be killed at once, their taint and numbers will take at the very least several generations of Wardens to wipe out entirely.
It might be possible that the Grey Wardens use the slumbering Archdemons as beacons to keep these massive numbers of Darkspawn from overrunning the surface or their footholds in the Deeproads, a possible reason why they don't attempt to kill off the Archdemon while it still sleeps and is most vulnerable.
About the Architect, even if we decided to kill him on the awakening, he might have survived using the same way to transfer himself to another darkspawn like Corypheus. He might still be around anyway.
I don't think darkspawn will cease to be an issue after the old gods are slain. I mean, look at the way they reproduce and their taint that destroys all it touches. I just don't think that humans and even free darkspawn can co-exist.
I also am totally curious to know the truth behind the 'golden city' incident. I'm not buying the chantry's tale, nor do I buy that the 'maker' is a benevolent being. The sins of a few mages doom all their kind and humanity to boot? What about the claim that the city was never golden at all?
I want these questions answered in inquisition.
I think its meant to be similar to original sin in Catholic theology, forbidden fruit in the Garden of eden
Same here
But I want to know how evanuris connect to taint if not old gods themselves
I think this depends on a lot though. We don’t know for certain that if all the arch demons are killed, that the blight will end with it. If it does, this wouldn’t be a problem as the darkspawn would likely perish. If the taint continues, the darkspawn will have lost their purpose. They are more primal and instinctive than anything. Likely they would infight more, breed less, expand/search the deep roads so intensely, and be less intelligent without the archdemon influence
One key thing to point out in this conflict as well as a major part of the series is the effect that blood has overall. It seems to have a major effect on everything in the series. Blood Magic itself is also tied into demons as well in which both the taint and demons come from the fade.
I imagine the answer lies in the Black City - Even if the remaining to Old Gods are killed I am not sure that it ends the "Calling" - The Old Gods were around before the first Darkspawn. If you look to the religions of the world - Something they have in common is the Black City. For the Chantry it is the Maker's home - For the Elves it was where the Gods are trapped. Even Demons fear and know that the Black City is different and do not go near. It's where the Darkspawn originate from.
You know, that whole thing about the Golden City turning into Black reminded me of Dark Souls.
When you reach Anor Londo, the city of Sunlight, and make your way into Gwynevere the Daughter of the Lord of Sunlight. Should you decide to kill her, you will discover that the sun over Anor londo and its bright beauty is an illusion, where only dark remains.
Maybe its the same for the Golden City? when people see it on their dreams, they see it golden and shiny. But when they step into the city physically its dark and cold, because it was abandoned.
Are you sure they see the Golden City when traversing the Fade? I thought it was black even in their dreams.
I think after all that has been revealed in da:i we need more da talks
man the presentation of your videos is top notch ... the moment your videos start i am invested ... love it absolutely love it ....
My brain will literally be blown if next game would occur with TWO frickin' Archdemons instead of just one.
Dual Blights... holy shit, Thedas is ending... O_O
Zenkx the next game will be about Fen'harel not the archdemons
Isaiflamand kwetcalo Yeah, there's too much content to add it all in 1 game. What about the other factions like the dwarves? I don't think they can put it all in 1 game.
That is most likely how Solas believes our world will die in him releasing them. If this happens, that surely would mean the end of the series... Sad.
Mystery and Night are both left. Solas left us in the dark, and very mysteriously. Parallel to that- The last blight was "Beauty" Flemeth just happened to send her beautiful daughter to trap the soul of an old god inside her with the baby. Seems curious right? Idk. Maybe we will get games of past blights ? or the history of what the "Old Gods/Elven Gods" are..
I was there the whole time--- Descent DLC.
I have 3 Ideas what will happen to Razikale & Lusacan (2 archdemons) if Bioware says that they aren't the Elven gods.
When Solas said he had plans for killing the Evanuris, his plan could be to release the archdemons to attack the elven gods.
Or there could be a choice on which archdemon is freed and lead to a darkspawn civil war (One being the Archetects choice, the other being some other darkspawn leaders choice choice) and which darkspawn faction will manage to regain some humanity.
A third possible outcome is that the archdemons could either be saved from Wardens to prevent the darkspawn going beserk and causing one large blight, or killing the archdemons to prevent 2 future blights.
Either way I hope Bioware doesn't butcher the story. And I hope that 4 isn't the last of the series either. Also hoping that Morrigan's child could play a key part (if you take part in her ritual) as he has the soul of Urthemiel (archdemon from Origins).
Wow Ashe, I came to know your channel through your voice-over audition, but your Dragonage Content ist extremly well narrated, edited, and researched. I have done such videos in the past and I know they can take about 50-100 hours to make.
All I can say: hats off, this is incredibly good content and that you tell it in such a sophistocated, pleasingly way helps the content even more.
Thank you for that. I liked and subbed. I am in love.
Oh gawd I've been waiting for a new vid for ages T.T glad its up thank you!!
I've got a little bit of a wild idea. Looking for others thoughts. (Spoilers for up to Trespasser, but I haven't read any of the books yet. They're on my long list of things to read.)
There were 9 Elven gods, however Fen'harel (Solas) wasn't really one of them. Mythal was "murdered", so when Solas made the Veil he locked away 7 of them. Elven society falls apart, humans come, create the Imperium. In the Imperium they worship The Old Gods, 7 of them. These Old Gods teach them the ways of magic and tempt 7 Magisters into entering the fade and the Golden City. We learn that in order to tear down the Veil, Solas needs to enter the fade. Is it possible that the Old Gods are the remaining Elven gods who were trying to get the Veil torn down by tempting the Magisters to enter the fade? Flemeth turns into a dragon in DA2 and has a totem animal dragon that she gives to the Inquisitor for the final battle. It wouldn't be a stretch to think that the other Elven gods were associated with dragons as well.
I've seen discussion of how some people speculate that Andruil became infected with the Blight and that led to the story of her wearing Void armor and going violently crazy. And Coyphy claims that the Golden City was already corrupted and black when they got there. These two ideas would point to the Blight having existed during the reign of the Elves before Solas created the Veil. Another speculation I've heard is that the Golden City seen in the fade (now the Black City) is actually the remains of Arlathan, which I think would make perfect sense.
Solas also gets angry during the discussion of how the Grey Wardens plan to go into the Deep Roads and hunt down the remaining Old Gods to kill them before they begin a Blight. He comments that they are essentially stupid and that the Blight cannot be outsmarted so easily. But I also wonder if he is angry that the Old Gods are being killed. He comments in Trespasser that an eternity of punishment is only fitting for the Elven gods for all they've done.
One further point I'll make about the Old Gods possibly being the Elven gods: Flemeth/Mythal takes the spirit of the Old God from Keiran. And it makes her stronger, it then is presumably passed to Solas when he takes Mythal's spirit and lifeforce from Flemeth. Which then makes him incredibly strong. If Urthemiel (the Old God spirit in Keiran) isn't one of the Elven gods, it must be something at least very similar or how would Flemeth/Mythal and Solas be able to control it so easily?
I like your ideas. Mine are similar-ish.
Corypheus says that the City was empty when he got there. He and his fellows were definitely tainted when they left. This is, I think, the first record of the Blight in the real (post-veil, non-Fade world). I believe therefore that the city contained the taint and that they brought it back to the world (but see below). This is more or less what the Chantry teaches except the Chantry teaches that there is a "Maker" who deliberately punished the Tevinter magisters for their intrusion and in this theory it wasn't a punishment but a simple consequence. The city was already tainted and the magisters brought it back.
Now why was the city tainted and empty? Fen'heral created the veil. Why? I think because the elven "gods" had become tainted. By creating the veil he sealed them off from the seat of their power - the Golden City - and they either fell asleep beneath the earth themselves or else were imprisoned / hiding from Fen'heral and his followers. Remember, he actually led an uprising against the gods so all this would be taking place amidst a war against them. I think that elven god who sought out the Forgotten Ones brought back the taint originally and spread it to the Golden City and her fellow gods. Fen'heral was essentially carrying out a containment operation with the veil. But I think it's clear he didn't know the full consequences of that and has spent the intervening time figuring out a way to safely undo it. At least in part.
I believe the Taint is a physical infection. The soul that was reclaimed by Morrigan into her child seemed 'cleansed' once it was free of the corrupted body of the arch demon. But I could be wrong in that.
I don't know how Red Lyrium fits into this but we saw the "Titan" in The Descent DLC. Is it possible that Arduin was once below ground but is now trapped in the Fade? Could the Titan be one of the Forgotten Ones or are they something else?
Honestly, I'm not sure where I was going with any of this by this point! ;) All I can say for definite is, in the words of Sera: "The Dalish. Are going. To. Shit themselves." :D
Did anyone notice Morrgins outfit in the trailer is the same as what her and Leliana talked about in one of their banters.
If the Gray Wardens ritual requires Arch-demon blood then how did the first Gray Wardens become Gray Wardens before the first Arch-demon died?
Where did the first Gray Wardens get Arch-demon blood?
likely from one of the dragon corpses? they could have killed one only too figure out later that the soul 'jumped' into an other darkspawn and the arch demon did not stay dead.
there for needing the ritual for it too stay dead
Bob Rijke
they had been fighting if for 400 years i believe the time was?
Its likely that they battle the Arch Demon many times in the 200 years before they finally took it killed it. during each battle it likely the dragon would bleed. and after one event they came up wth the idea to drink the blood of it.
I think it was more like this according to the ancient joining ritual in Awakenings.
The time has come for us to begin the Joining, I shall speak the words that have been said since the first. "Oh sodding sod, blood and ashes this is a bit of a bugger isn't it? We've clean run out of ale, what shall we drink?" "Oh well we could always drink this blood, ha ha ha" "Hey that is not half of a bad idea" "What? You must be mad. I must also be mad since I will drink it too" "And me!" "We are no more mad than whoever discovered milk. Seriously, what was "Hey this blood isn't half bad.... cough cough argh" "ha ha ha he could not hold his drink!" "Hey I think he's dead. Let's take his stuff" "Hey I think there's Darkspawn over there, I can sense them now" "Me too. Let's go kill them, we're almost out of blood" From this moment forth Oghren you are a Grey Warden
" While archdemon blood is typically used, blood of other darkspawn creatures can also be magically treated to make it function in the ritual" D.Gaider
Once the Old Gods are dead or handled the Darkspawn will gain sentience and we'll have another race in Thedas. I argue that once the call of the Old Gods is gone the insanity that affected the mother will only be a problem in the first generation of Darkspawn. Once second generation is born there's nothing to drive them insane because they never heard the song so therefore can't be driven insane by its absence.
The second generation darkspawn are born from brood mothers... people that have been dragged underground, corrupted, have darkspawn taint spewed into their open mouths, have their fellow captives fed to them, and then probably sexed up by other darkspawn so the brood mother becomes preggas and births the second generation...
i say we just wipe them all out :|...
Will you do an updated version of these videos? Since we've learned much more in the past 3 years.
If the Wardens know where the Old Gods are, then Corypheus, after possessing either of the Grey Wardens at the end of Legacy, will have the knowledge of where they are.
Spoilers for Assunder.
I don't know if I am way off base but I recently read through Assunder and came across something interesting, in relation to the song. Now I noticed that Cole who we later find out is a 'spirit' can actually here a song - in relation to there travel to the fade and the weakened veil near the old warden keep. So I was thinking is this the same song as the old gods, or is the song even truly tied to the old gods. Has a new 'old god' awakened.
Great video. Very nicely made and edited. I'm a big fan of your DA lore vids.
My theory is that the golden city is actually a prison containing a extremely powerful being possible the first demon, wanting to escape it tried to call out to its progeny but failed so it found another a way to call out to the old gods promising power to free it, but the old gods couldn't, so they acquired the aid of the magisters to break the being out but its darkness effected the golden city and turned it black, the magisters opened a portal and entered it a along side old gods, but the magister were corrupted by the darkness then some form of security system forced them out and resulted in the old gods being forced underground and the magisters to roam thades as the first darkspawn.
That's an awesome theory dude!
That's an interesting theory given that most demons avoid going there; if an Evil being currently inhabits the Black City, it could be the antithesis of the Maker or even a Corrupted Maker; not unlike how Justice became Vengeance.
some holes tho:
-The old gods were already imprisoned before the magisters went into the fade. Thats the entire reason they couldn't go themself
-Its entirely possible that like the maker none of the magisters actually saw the old gods before the first blight but only heard them. this can be assumed because of corypheus final cry before dying: "Dumat ancient ones i beseech you! IF YOU EXISTED IF YOU EVER TRULY EXISTED AID ME NOW! this basically means he is not sure of their existance.
The golden city is actually arlathan the elven capital. Elvhenan empire was way more powerful than Tevinter because the fade and thedas only make one this is why the elves were immortal. In my
opinion the old gods were literally dragons in Dragon age inquisition when you see tevinter architecture you can see a dragon head. Anyway I don't think that there is no god in Dragon age universe. The elven would-be-gods were very powerful mage, and the old gods were dragons and andraste and the maker are just a tales created by fanatics
Mithal is a dragon. In the camp of the elves, the sculpted heads of dragons subscribe as elven gods.
All of your videos are so awesome! I love them so much, keep up the good work!
When a Blight ends....... politics and religion take over. You will have people jockeying for power and factions attempting to impose there will. When there is weakness there will be people ready to exploit it and the end of a blight many will be weak and still mending there wounds, while others attempt to revise history to fit there beliefs and alter perceptions so that it appears events that have passed were due to the powers they themselves wield or preach.
While Corypheus was the Magister who performed the massive blood magic ritual to enter the fade, the Architect was the magister who designed the ritual itself.
I've heard people say that the Architect was one of the seven magisters and there is certainly a visual resemblance between him and Corypheus, but is this actually stated anywhere? Because I never came across anything saying that in the games. I may have missed it.
+ Kaye Fore - The name itself "the Architect" is clue. He WAS there in Golden/Black City. The Architect is title for high priest of Urthemiel - 'The Architect of Works of Beauty'.
As Corypheus did not used his name only title 'The Conductor' (of Dumat).
To my memory there was 2 females and 5 males - I may be incorrect. Those were:
the Conductor of Silence (Dumat - Corypheus)
the Architect of the Works of Beauty (Urthemiel - Architect)
the Forgewright of Fire (Toth - unknown)
the Watchman of Night (Lusacan - unknown)
the Appraiser of Slavery (Andoral - unknown)
the Augur of Mystery (Razikale - unknown)
the Madmen of Chaos (Zazikiel - unknown)
I live for your DA Talk videos! Great flipping job!
I believe it will only end when the old gods are taken care of one way or another because as seen in Awakening even when the Call is gone Darkspawn will still search for the Old Gods to hear the sweet melody.
After watching this I realised my Elf(Who is a good person) did a weird blood magic ritual with a sinister witch to make an evil god child AND went into the mirror. I DUNNO IF I RUINED EVERYTHING OR NOT
My theory is that when Mythal was murdered, like the old gods her spirit when to Andraste or something along those lines. Or Andraste could have also been and elf like Ameridan, but because the Imperium hated Elves they erased that history. As far as Andraste fighting Magic. Its similar to Solas story that he too fought Magic also side Mythal. With those parallels, I think Mythal and Andraste are connected and Solas is the main person that connects the two
Anyone else the similarity between Andraste and Mythal. Most notable after Inquistion that Mythal and Solas knew one another and confirmed in Trespassers. And some one pointed that out that a few portraits of Andraste had a bold mage holding and orb. Which we also know that Solas had one as well.
I believe the main question about the old god baby and Morrigan is where did the mirror take them, for if we knew then that might be an important piece of the puzzle.
The way you put together these info gives me hope for a whole compelling story, I just hope bioware does not screws it up for all of us. I have always had suspicion about the chantry, it is likely to be a version of truth used to convince the masses of the surface of the problem, not the underlying source of the problem.
I always liked the Idea of teaming up with the Darkspawn - The Architect seemed reasonable and not inherently evil (misguided at his worst). I think it would be quite possible for Players in Inquisition or later Games to even recruit the Help of an old Gold himself against the newest dangerous Threat. The Demons of Inquisition could easily be such a Threat, as they pose a Menace to all of Thedas - maybe including the Darkspawn itself.
I hope there will be more delving into the deep roads in Inquisition. Much more information to learn on the darkspawn.
While Corypheus is the focus here, what about the Architect?? is he a magister like Corypheus, the seven high priests of the old gods who conducted a magical ritual to seize the golden city. He certainly fits the bill in my opinion, he shows the distorted corrupted human features that Cory shows, he wears clothing that is very similar to Corypheus's, his intelligence and magical prowess are what one would expect of an ancient Tevinter Magister. A codex entry in inquisition written by a dwarf speaks encountering Darkspawn who spoke like kings, they argued about a golden city before turning on each other. If he is a magister like I suspect, then he possesses the same ability as Corypheus so it doesn't matter if he was killed in Awakening. Will he return??? Should be interesting to see how he ties in with how inquisition ended.
Great vid, Ashe. As for ending the Blights, I agree that The Taint/Calling are what need to be ended, not necessarily the Old Gods themselves. I believe that something bad might happen once all 7 Old Gods are defeated.
Informative and well structured video, thanks a lot!
Lovely video once again~
The fade reflects mortal emotion and memory. what was once a golden city in dreams, a place of golden light, a heavenlike area perhaps, a dream world. Then the magistars arrived their greed, violence, envy, essentially their sin was reflected back in the golden city. Turning it black.
What if the old gods are the 1st created spirits of the maker who became jealous of the maker's love for mortals and betrayed the maker by making the magisters learn of the forbidden magic, caused the golden city to be tainted with sin? Corrupted spirits become demons from what i've read.
Maker then banished the old gods to the land of mortals, and imprisoned them deep under. And somehow the old gods were still able to manipulate and communicate with the magisters to come to the forbidden city (which is already tainted) to be infected themselves causing the maker to lose interest for mortals, thrown them back to the land of the living to spread their taint.
And then what if the blight is only a means of these old gods to free themselves from their cage and taint, having the wardens kill them so that their souls will travel to the wardens body that has a resistance from the taint cause the taint to be nullified allowing them to go back to the fade.
that would explain why Dumat can still communicate with the living in DA:2 right? and if my theory is somewhat close to the truth, then maybe this elder one from DA:I is, in fact Dumat? the 1st and leader of the archdemons? And also this would back up what everyone's thinking about flemeth being an old god. Got freed from the taint and possessed a woman's body.
Or of course maybe I'm just speculating too much which i tend to do... a lot. lol! I just can't wait to play DA:I
I would say that the Darkspawn taint is the call of the Old Gods. The song that the Mother speaks of is the call of the Old Gods. The Architect will prove itself either to be a, method to end the cycle of the blights or something even worse.
On another note, I have a theory. I believe that red lyrium is somehow connected to the Old Gods. As it has shown with Bartrand in DA2 that he spoke of a song, and when he didn't hear it drove him crazy. So I believe some answers may lie within the red lyrium as it might have a connection with the Old Gods.
I really enjoy these da talk videos! But to answer your question, I think we've got at least 3 more games b4 we see an end. Once ALL archdemons are destroyed & all darkspawn are exterminated. I have a feeling Morrigans child will be our main character by the last game, and he'll be the once to "set things right"
But what if someone didn't do the ritual? I suppose they could retcon and say she did it with Riodarn or whatever his name was...or Alistair.
The blight ending with the last archdemon seems to easy more than likely when the last old god falls some apocalyptic event will occur. Given Bioware's track record of making villains have some sort of sympathetic reasoning behind their actions it would not surprise me to find the old gods have been attempting to stop some greater evil. Perhaps the maker the chantry worships is not as benevolent as we have been led to believe or perhaps the eleven gods will return with vengeance. All you can be sure of is that whatever Bioware dose it is going to be interesting
The Chant of Light could be right about the origin of the darkspawn and yet be completely wrong about the Maker and his return. There's a Rome in the Bible. That doesn't mean Jesus rose from the dead.
Need an update for this talk using inquisition footage
ie my warden looking to find an end to the calling
The format is so good!
Even when the archdemons are all dead, there are other creatures that can mimic their call, such as Corypheus (don't know if I spelled that right) because if Corypheus is one of the old magisters that became the first darkspawn, there must be more and I don't think they were ever encountered by the Wardens. I also believe the Architect is one of them but lost his memory of that for some reason.
love your work, you deserve more subs.
It is so fucking hot when people know their Thedas!
I would find it interesting if the next Blight featured two Archdemons. At this point Blights have become sort of a routine in Thedas, and while still dire and unpredictable, they just don't invoke the same sense of "oh god!" as they used too.
My theory on the Darkspawn and the Old Gods: Since by the time the Architect was born, more than half of the Old Gods had been slain, the Architect's sentience is a sign that the "song" is beginning to weaken. IF all of the Old Gods are awakened and slain, ALL Darkspawn might become like he is, resulting in a Blight that may have NO end unless all Darkspawn are killed or all other races of Thedas are Tainted.
wat. that's scary because it makes sense ....
What a brilliant theory. i'm adopting it until proven otherwise.
Also: terrifying.
Yeah... Kinda scared myself when I put all these facts together, but also kinda hoping it's right. I'd love to play as a character facing those kind of odds
Either way, Morrigan and Flemeth have some juicy details on what the hell is with the Old Gods. And I assume the wardens do too.
I think when the blight ends, a new threat will come. A lot of things will disappear including the grey wardens maybe and a new group of hero's will join together to form a legion. This threat probably will worser than the blight.
Hmm I think the Blight won't end with the Archdemons. I think the sound is actually coming from whatever corrupted the Golden city before the arrival of the Tevinter mages, with the Archdemons acting as speakers. And I think, if the Maker is real or in a sense a sort of "Force" that deals with life, it would be the opposite of the maker. Instead of creating life it creates death and decay. Destruction is its goal, not creation, and it took control of the Golden city and corrupted it, causing the Tevinter mages to become the first Darkspawn. It might have also had a hand at making the dragons become evil.
We don't know much about what the Old gods were actually like before they started teaching men how to use blood magic. They could've been good dragons or ones that didn't really interfere with others, but got corrupted by the dark. Or maybe there is no Maker and the corruption is the Natural state of the fade. The golden city was ALWAYS corrupted and the entity is either an extremely powerful spirit or something else entirely.
And it got me thinking about that theory that Andraste was a mage. Maybe the voices she heard that told her to fight Tevinter was the opposite entity to the corruption that was spreading. Similar to how the Archdemon's control darkspawn Andraste was being told what to do by a voice. If she was a mage then maybe the voice came from Lyrium, and maybe Lyrium IS the "Maker"...which would mean the Red lyrium is the corruption...or maybe I am looking too far into this...buts its something to think about at least.
Hard to say about Andraste, because I don't think the Maker really exist, or the creators. The dwarfs had a book (gift for Wynne) that said she wasn't the Maker's chosen but an extremely powerful mage. Orghen stated that it wasn't the Ashes that might be blessed by the Maker, but had powerful lasting effects from the Lyrium from the mountain. So it might be something else entirely that is doing everything for the corruption. The spirits and demons don't even know. However, this does raise one question, while non-spirits and non-demons, have a idea of the golden city, why hasn't the spirits told anyone of the golden or black city? I know we had no idea where to look, but I would think someone from the fade would know something about it.
jakisz My point exactly. I was actually talking about that book you mentioned, I just couldn't remember the name :P
If we truly want to know we need to ask the inhabitants of the fade for answers, preferably ones that have existed since the beginning. But I don't think the Chantry, or anyone at the moment, would want anyone to know.
If the truth ended up being the Maker doesn't exist then that puts the Chantry in a very dangerous position, their would be riots for and against the religion, the world could be headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
So yeah a lot would happen.
I thought the tevinter learned blood magic during the 1st encounter with Arlanthan and the Original elves.
There might be another Darkspawn like The Architect to emerge after the Arch Demons are destroyed or reborn. Maybe the Circle of Magi could trap the Darkspawn in the fade like in Awakening. But I can't see the Darkspawn living peacefully with the other races. Especially considering how they breed. Even after becoming aware they can still spread the corruption.
we all know that the final fight will be in minrathous on an attempt to open the path the elves of old and the magisters opened way too long, but what we need to know is when the games will appear :V
I'd like to see more self aware darkspawn and to be able to play as them in a dragon age game it would be cool to see the self aware darkspawn becoming allies with over races to stop further blights and save their unaware brethren.
In the lore or on the wiki i saw that 10% or more of the human population in Fereldan still believe to the old barbarian gods of the Alamarri tribes who are living on West on Frostback Mountains
It's always possible we'll see either the Architect or Morrigan's child corrupt the last two Old Gods at the same time.
I think Fen Harel sealed Old Gods(Forgotten Ones, from elven pantheon) by creating the Veil, so that they could not go back into the Fade, sealing them in the world of mortals.
He then spoke to Andraste to stop the Tevinters from realising them but failed.
Oh heck no, there better not be only two more blights x.x I want like 10 more games! haha
Not every game has to be centered around the blight. DA2 and Inquisition are proof of this. There will probably be like, 6 games in between each blight.
There's a chance that the story may engage in resolving the Blights without involving the Old Gods, but we won't know until the next game x_x
SlyTF1 hehe, Yes of course. I was just over exaggerating. :)
5 game plan though :) only 3 more :(
It's minimum 5 games. Mike Laidlaw says there will still be more to come!
Be interesting to start seeing the Darkspawn entering the fade lol. Maybe in DA: I we will meet a self aware Darkspawn who isn't hostile and could be a companion, now that would pretty cool
Did anyone notice Morrgins outfit in the trailer is the same as what her and leliana talk about in one of their ban Leliana talk about in one of their banterz
I was really hoping that Inquisition would explain what the Old Gods were, what the Taint was that the magisters found and what happened with the Maker in the first place. Now I don't even know if there will be another DA game to ever explain it :( It's such an interesting topic that you can come up with endless theories, I think there needs to be some official explanation for the series to feel like a complete story.
Imagine a blight with the last two Archdemons at once. That would be a wonderful way to up the scale for the next game.
Like Corypheus the Architect may be one of the Magisters who entered the Black City. Like Cotypheus he is mistaken for another Darkspawn. That means he can't be killed with a common weapon. Even if the Warden kills The Architect in Awakening, well Hawke thought Corypheus was dead too.
The Architect is one of those Magisters, he was the High Priest of Urthemiel, much as Corypheus was the High Priest of Dumat, however, there is one key difference between him and Corypheus... Corypheus is fully of who he was before he became corrupted, and retains much of his former identity. The Architect, however, does not remember that he was once a Magister. He only realizes that he is a rather special Darkspawn capable of more. Why does he not know who he once was? Was it perhaps because the Wardens never found and imprisoned him as they did Corypheus, and he simply forgot over the ages? I also believe that The Architect could use the Darkspawn Taint to survive much as Corypheus could. While I don't think The Architect has the amount of malice that Corypheus has, the fear of death, I do think that he would use the Taint to regenerate if it would help him continue his plans.
My thoughts (on Dumat, at least) is that...Dumat isn't really gone. In Dragon Age II, there is a sidequest that involves a shrine of Dumat. If this quest is completed, "the shrine" will reward you with an accessory. Now, while it is possible that the altar was laced with blood magic, I'm not so sure. My opinion is that Dumat's soul wasn't vanquished when the Archdemon Dumat's body was slain. His soul may have very well been disrupted, but possibly not destroyed, just recovering. (If the souls TRULY got destroyed, then how was Morrigan able to use Urthemiel's for the Old God Baby?) After all, we thought that Flemeth was dead, and if I'm right in thinking she's the Dread Wolf in hiding, then the Old Gods could pull off something similar to what she did in terms of revival. Just a theory.
Based on what Solas says about the Black City being closer than ever when you visit the Fade in Inquisition, and Solas' exchange at the end of the game, I'm inclined to think that the Magisters actions, the creation of the Darkspawn, and Corypheus' actions are part of a larger scheme by some as yet unidentified power/entity. It's possible that the idea of the return of the Maker regarding the Chant of Light is a distortion of what might actually be part of the end result of this "master plan." Makes me think of Convergence in Dead Space.
+Yukari Yakumo I will say this- Go and either buy, play, or watch someone play the Trespasser DLC. You're pretty spot on. But, I won't spoil it for you. :)
+Liz ard have already seen it yes, and loved it. I just wonder if Solas' explanation there can be linked to the creation of the Darkspawn and the nature of the Old Gods.
Nowhere in the game is said that the blackcity was already corrupted before the magisters got there. They only saw the darkness because they where there, so if they did taint it, they wouldn't have seen anything else to begin with.
Records do say that the blackcity used to be golden before they got there. So that answers that.
+Balinux Propaganda. Stories are often changed and twisted to suit the teller and religion is a strong arbiter of twisting details to suit it's needs. Corypheus himself states that the city was already black. Mother Giselle hits back with a weak excuse about him wanting to believe that was the case, but I'd be more inclined to take the word of the guy who had front row seats over the backseat drivers wearing facial masks.
You don't get it. The magisters themselfs thought the city was golden back in the day, that was the whole point.
"It was supposed to be golden! It was supposed to be ours!" - Corypheus DA2 Legacy.
They only found out about the darkness once they where there. So if it wasn't golden when they got closer, then there has to be a reason, and the first violation is the only confirmed constant so far.
As far as Thedas's pock marked 'history' knows, they were the first to go there. But they couldn't have been. Not if the theory that the Black City is a piece of Arlathan or one of the Evanuris' strongholds that they were put into holds water.
The magisters are the only ones the modern people of Thedas know about that were able to physically enter the fade and that has been put through the shredder for the sole purpose of religious doctrine.
Bioware themselves have stated that not everything in Dragon Age put on paper is true and is just as much a victim of skewed viewpoints/bias as anything else. Especially where the Chantry is concerned.
But there was no chantry when the magisters entered the fade.
I'll say it again, Corypheus confirms that the magisters thought that the city was golden. So that notion prevails over chantry propaganda and fan theory.
What i would like to see is that the Archdemon's the "Old Gods" shown as really only a small part of the real threat. Or perhaps they are just like any of the other darkspawn and are being controlled or such by the song. That is just my personal thoughts anyways.
Somehow I feel like something big and terrible will happen when the last Old God is tainted and destroyed. I mean Solas did say that killing the Old Gods may make things worse when that Venetori Mage spoke of using that demon army.
The way I would like it to be: The child conceived by Morrigan and the Grey Warden becomes the hero of some future game, who takes out the other two old gods. That would be bad ass, and I would love to play that. Unfortunately, There is the possibility that the child was never to be (should the Grey Warden refuse Morrigan), making it unlikely that anything related to that child will become Cannon. I bet that child would've been some kind of unstoppable force, would've been as fun as playing Kratos, Master Chief or Superman/Hulk.
I have a question. At the end of DA2 Cassandra mentions both the Warden and Hawke have gone missing. Has there been any mention of their involvement in DAI?
you tell this so beautifully... tell Bioware to hire you as a voice actress somehow!
I would like to know if the Inquisitor and Morgan's love child with the warden are one in the same. A child born with the soul of a god with unknown power, if I heard correctly the veil tears can only be closed by the Inquisitor. That makes me wonder if there is a connection. And if not then I wonder what the child's role will be
my thought is this what if flemeth already has four god children, if you look up morrigans name it is the name of an old irish god...whats bioware up to i wonder?
I think that the blights will never truly end
Hey ashe, i was thinking of like this: Flemeth has some sort of knowledge of the future, we saw her tell the future to hawke in the very beginning. She has to be more then just a demon or abomination. She IS an old god i think. How do we know that the old gods couldnt turn into human form? "What if i am a dragon?" ~Flemeth. I think she has some intricate plan with the old god baby.
When a Blight ends, thousands a pond thousands of Darkspawn are killed, however when a Blight does begin there is always that much Darkspawn. Even if it takes a few centuries between Blights that is a real high production rate. And if there really is another Blight after only 10 years, that means there is that many again. So, I doubt when all of the Archdemons is dead all of the Darkspawn will be as well. Awakening proved that something else is capable of leading the Darkspawn. I let the Architect live and did the baby god ritual, so new my playthough at the very least, I'm going have to find a new way to end the Blights.
It’s highly hinted that the blight existed before the tevinter empire
okay i like this theory i want to know what happen to the hero of ferleden and hawk ...i had the warden marry Alistair and hawk runs away with Anders so what happen to them in the end of dragon age 2 they say that hawk and the warden are missing so what happens to my favorite powerful characters or are they just die
I think the blight thing will end when the entirety of the Warden Order see that the idea of Coriphious about the demon army is correct. I mean , as far as i saw in DAI , there was no strategic weakness in the plan with the exception of them being mind controlled by the Magister.
I mean , think about that cut-scene and what the Venatori agent says : Demons require no sleep , or food , they have no mercy for the enemy in front of them , they are bound to the will of the mage. So make a demon army , withdraw the legion of the dead from the deep roads and set the demons on kill command until they clear the entirety of the darkspawn infestation. Problem solved. I mean seriously , think about 10k Pride Demons marching straight towards the damn Archdemon where their only command is atomize everything in your way.
The Architect could have survived the Warden killing him the same way Corypheus survived dying countless times. Even if he is not one of the 7 Magisters, he is way more than regular darkspawn.
I don't think a Blight could be a real threat anytime soon. There are usually centuries between Blights, and the Fifth was started prematurely by the Architect. That is why it was so weak and only threatend one nation. Even if another Archdemon, or both, awakened within the next 10 years, what forces could they muster to be a real threat? When they decide to do the next Blight, they really need to ramp things up. Like darkening the skies everywhere, or something.
The Mother was one of the earliest experiments of an awakened darkspawn. I'm pretty sure given a few years to finish his research, the Architect would be able to truly awaken any darkspawn. I trust him because he is like Legion was in Mass Effect. And even though Oghren was never known for his wisdom, he was right saying that while the surface is only threatened by Blights, the dwarven kingdoms are in constant threat of the darkspawn. So any way of making them less evil gotta be worth it. And I really want a darkspawn companion in the next game. Something similar to the Messenger of Awakening.
+Bindair Dundat I just post the same thought. Sorry! I didn't see yours before. But I agree with that! =)
The Architect was revealed to be one of the 7 magisters who went to the black city. I don't remember if it was revealed in Inquisition or the latest book on the History of Thedas. The Architect was the high priest of Urthemiel. Corypheus was obviously the High Priest of Dumat. Dumat spoke to Corypheus and told him to go to the Black City where he would ascend to Godhood. Corypheus couldn't do it alone so he ended up convincing the Architect to help him and in turn they convinced the rest of the High Priests of each respective old god to join the expedition. The Architect was only a nickname he took for the expedition and Corpheus took on the nickname of The Conductor. No one knows why Coryheus managed to keep his memories about everything and The Architect did not.
Gigantic fan of dragon age, good to know more about it
Are you excited dai?
What I'm most curious about, is what happens if a darkspawn taints morrigans child, does that mean another arch demon?
I want another blight... But that may just be in hopes that DA regains the dark, gritty, real feel of the Origins.
Wouldn't hurt to let me play as old man Warden again either...
I think the awakened darkspawn will be beneficial and a huge investment. Ultimately I think them joining forces with the Wardens would be great despite unnatural. After the blights are over though, they will become some sort of relic or legend, much like the Wardens themselves.
I know there will be mistrust and what I'm saying sounds nuts, but it wouldn't it be ironic the same creatures everyone feared and fought helped set things right?
you would have infighting with the wardens if so.......
If the Warden was open minded enough, why couldn't the others be too? Of course there would be factions and disagreement, I don't expect the Wardens to accept them with arms wide open.
Inês Saw you would probably have what we are now having with the Templars two factions for and against mages.
Yes, most likely and we all know how the DA world is; everything is morally grey and there's always conflict, in fact that's the good part about these games, you can be the one to set it right by your own terms.
They announced that Inquisition was going to be the last DA so it will end unless they pull a Mass Effect lol and in one of the trailers they made it pretty clear thst the Old Gods will be a common enemy considering I saw their dragon forms in multiple trailers and the PAX East presentation a couple weeks ago
wow wow wasnt the blight a curse and a punishment for when some mages from an ancient nation tried to topple the gods? then andraste came into the picture the chantry was created to limit the mages and as such things like templars came into existence?
been a long time since i played DAO but i thought that was pretty clear you can read it on the books that you collect.
If Flemeth intervened to gain Urthemiel's soul, is it possible her or somebody else (Or both, in the form of Mythal.) may have conspired to do the same in earlier Blights?
i hope in one of the DA games we get to play as the Morrigan and The Wardens kids. I think that kid will end up either destroying the world or enslaving it or saving it, i mean he has the power of an old god don't know which one but still hope we get to play as him/her in one of the next games.
Who/What will end the blight you ask Ashe? Psst my main Dalish Warden(Vath) Will! >:D
I believe that the Old Gods were once spirits of the fade, some of the Makers first children.When the Maker created the other races the Old gods grew envious of them believing that they should be the only ones to receive the Makers love. These feelings transformed the into the first original demons so the Maker cast them from the fade on to the world where they were worshiped as gods. Still wanting to get back at the Maker they tricked the magister's promising them the power of god but they only intended for them to taint the golden city and then the world getting rid of the two things the hated most the Maker and the races.
When comparing the two chantries, it would be the Orlesian Chantry, rather than the Andrastian Chantry, and the Imperial Chantry.
one thing you forgot to mention was that in some codx it says dumat comes back 2 times in the old (gods) legend so thair is a chance for a 8th Blight ans to Answer your question is one possibly is the dark spawn go nuts and attack like they did with the mother in other words they will try to find a way to find the song again
Thank you elk wayward most people dismiss my theory. Its nice to find someone who agrees.
Well, Varric says Coryphius was not awere that he was a Darkspawn when Hawke and he found him at the Warden prison. And doesn't the Inquisitor banish Coryphius to the Fade using the Mark? These so called "Old Gods" may be asleep but when Darkspawn find them, they turn them into Arch-demons. The Gray Wardens were so focused on stopping future blights that they resorted to blood magic, unawere that they were actually being used to bring a demon army. Not being a Gray Warden is a start... or at least not a stupid one. But they had the right idea. March on the Deep Roads, find the Old Gods and kill them while they sleep. That way, they can never awake.
If you play enough Bioware games you start to notice things that they have in common. (Not saying that's a bad thing) But I wouldn't be surprised if the darkspawn situation ends kind of like the Quarian/Geth conflict in ME3. In the sense of (I think this would count as a ME3 SPOILER) you decide weather the darkspawn die or join society in some way. (Kind of like the elf and werewolf conflict in DA:O if you side with the werewolves.) Just an idea of course.
Are Old Gods already evil or do they become evil when they are infected with the blight and become Archdemons??
I've wondered how we know which old god is in charge of a blight. As for ending the blight I'd like to imagine other gods being involved. Either the maker or maybe the Dalish gods.
I think the old god are jailers for the maker and he cant leave the black city untill all of them are dead. and by happen stance the maker still being powerful crated the dark span to kill the old gods where the old god never whisper to p the mortals it was the maker the hole time. and bye him saduceing andastie she prevented the old gold power bye taking away there warship so that would never wake up. that's sounds really Lich king from Warcraft but its seems like the most logical idea.