@@ugnikalnis you mean Balkans,not Baltics ? 10 000 years ago in Northern Europe,only civilisations who started to be,became from Balkans,southern Italy and lower Spain "which were not under the ice" so yes,you belongs to us Slavs ;D as same as Romania and Hungary
Warmest greetings from the Gallo Roman part of Germany, we are still celtics like our brothers and sisters in Scottland, France, Ireland and Spain. ♥️First nations.
Ūsiņam bij divi dēli, abi vienu vecumiņu; Ūsiņam bij divi dēli, abi vienu vecumiņu; Neredzēja, kad tie dzima, tik redzēja staigājot. Neredzēja, kad tie dzima, tik redzēja staigājot. Nāc, Ūsiņ, nāc, Ūsiņ, sen mēs tevi gaidījām: Zirgi gaida zaļas zāles, puiši jauku dziedāšanu. Ei Ūsiņ, labais vīrs, jāj ar mani pieguļā: Es guntiņas kūrējiņš, tu kumeļu ganītājs. Ūsiņš savus divus dēlus darbiņam radināja: Vienu sūta pieguļā, otru arti tīrumā. ?? Klausies, mana līgaviņa, kur es jāju pieguļā Kur es pūtu vaŗa tauri, kur skanēja bērzu birze.
Top marks to the person who came up with the video. Especially the start -> first minutes. Not sure what the play fighting towards the end was about. Something traditional or just fun? Either way, great vid. Oh and the whirring necklace thingy at the beginning ... Loved it *EDIT* Just read the description: ""they passed the time by singing, wrestling and staging various contests amongst themselves" My Q explained, thanks
Hola desde Uruguay.Alguien podría escribir la letra de esta canción en español?.Hi from Uruguay: would you write lyrics of this nagnificient song?I 'll be grateful.
@@ugnikalnis I can't understand the meaning of these lyrics because I don"t speak or read baltic's languages yet.I would learn eventually some words if some one translate it to english or spanish.Thanks,I am going to read the 2nd comment as you suggested.
Ūsiņš had two sons, both of the same age; Ūsiņš had two sons, both of the same age; Did not see when they were born, just saw them walking. Did not see when they were born, just saw them walking. Come, Ūsiņš, come on, we have been waiting for you for a long time: Horses are waiting for green grass, guys waiting to sing. Hey, Ūsiņš, my good man, ride with me. I will light the fire and you will shepherd the foals. Ūsiņš got his two sons used to work: One was sent to the pastures, the other - to plow the field. "When I rode to the pastures, Ūsiņš prepared to come with me Usiņš rode a gray horse, I rode a brown colt. '' Listen, my fiancé, where I rode, Where I blew the trumpet, where the birch grove sounded.
Ūsiņš ([uːs̪iɲʃ]) is a deity in Latvian mythology, the god of light and spring, symbol of fertility, guardian of horses and bees. www.google.com/search?q=%C5%ABsi%C5%86%C5%A1&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwim69CD4OLpAhUECHcKHQ6QB6cQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=%C5%ABsi%C5%86%C5%A1&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMgIIADICCAAyBAgAEB5QiXpY_osBYKGcAWgAcAB4AIABugGIAesGkgEDMC41mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img&ei=zhLWXqbMEYSQ3AOOoJ64Cg&bih=657&biw=1366&rlz=1C1GCEA_enLV797LV797
@@lolikususs Paldies! I always wanted to know what those were called! I remember first hearing one when I was a small child. I always wanted to know what it was called.
@@lolikususs I don't think it has a name in English. I doubt any such instrument is very common in any English speaking country. I have only heard one here once and I was very small. I would like to know if there is an analog in Polish, Kashubian, Livonian, Lithuanian, Estonian, or German or if it is a strictly Latvian instrument. As an aside, the English language works it's miracle once again. Maybe it's a stretch, but... A musical instrument that sounds a little like flatulence at times is pronounced "deuce anus." I just keep seeming to sniff out English puns even though at times the puns really stink.
@@MrTartuVaim That word looks like it might sound like the English word "whir" ( which actually sounds more like it should be spelled whur in English but isn't. Then again, neither is its homophone: were ) Whir would be pretty descriptive of the sound it makes though, if I were to describe it. Thanks! Aitäh!
Fantastic. Love from Prague, brothers in True ❤
Cik skaisti!!! Jūtu savas latviskās saknes klausoties ❤❤❤
We are Baltic, we are Proud! Paldies! Such an amazing song! ❤️❤️❤️! Paldies Brāļi.
You've got a lot of which to be proud too. Stay true to your ways and you will prosper.
Dont forget that you're Slavs as well
@@bjornironside1436 Slavs came from us, so you'd better say to slavs that you are also Baltic.
@@bjornironside1436 where are you from?
@@ugnikalnis you mean Balkans,not Baltics ?
10 000 years ago in Northern Europe,only civilisations who started to be,became from Balkans,southern Italy and lower Spain "which were not under the ice"
so yes,you belongs to us Slavs ;D
as same as Romania and Hungary
Thank you from the USA!! ❤️
Warmest greetings from the Gallo Roman part of Germany, we are still celtics like our brothers and sisters in Scottland, France, Ireland and Spain. ♥️First nations.
Thank you very much members of Auļi & Rodenpoys. ❤🌿🔥🍀🌒🌕🌘🍀🔥🌿❤ Blessed Be.
Ūsiņam bij divi dēli, abi vienu vecumiņu;
Ūsiņam bij divi dēli, abi vienu vecumiņu;
Neredzēja, kad tie dzima, tik redzēja staigājot.
Neredzēja, kad tie dzima, tik redzēja staigājot.
Nāc, Ūsiņ, nāc, Ūsiņ, sen mēs tevi gaidījām:
Zirgi gaida zaļas zāles, puiši jauku dziedāšanu.
Ei Ūsiņ, labais vīrs, jāj ar mani pieguļā:
Es guntiņas kūrējiņš, tu kumeļu ganītājs.
Ūsiņš savus divus dēlus darbiņam radināja:
Vienu sūta pieguļā, otru arti tīrumā.
Klausies, mana līgaviņa, kur es jāju pieguļā
Kur es pūtu vaŗa tauri, kur skanēja bērzu birze.
žēl ka iztrūkušo vietu "??" nevar labi sadzirdēt...
?? man izklausās pēc
"Kad es jāju pieguļā, Ūsiņš līdzi taisījās
Ūsiņš jāja sirmu zirgu, es brūnganu(?) kumeliņ'"
Ūsiņš jāja sirmu zirgu, es dūkanu kumeliņu!
I wonder how many people look at this and think: this is spring!!!
Visīstākā Latviešu tautas mūzika. Šajā mūzikā ir kaut kas mistisks un senatnīgs.
Stipri, baltiski, āriski! 🌿
Богатырская песня!
Я с вами согласна что-то нашу сумецкую
I'm Spaniard so why it's felt as home?
Welcome back
Thank you, my brother.
LOVE this!! Paldies!
Paldies Jums,puiši par tik pamatotu attieksmi pret dziesmas dvēseli-vajadzētu citiem no jums mācīties! Jums ir prasmes muzicēt!
Ļoti, ļoti patīk...
Lieliski!!! paldies!
Piegula ir latviesu dziesma.
Bull roarers are one of my favorite instruments.
Izcili skaists video!
👏👏👏 nice music and video.
Piegula is an Latvian song.
I must go to where my Father’s Family Zemaitis is from .... I must ♥️✨
It's more likely that your family is from Lithuania Žemaitis in English it's Samogitian!
in latvia its žemaitis
Zemaitis, Zemītis - Latvija; Žemaitis - Lietuva
Come to your land if its calling u
Love it!
brings me to 16 century
Es mīlu šo
Oki, doki! Ūsiņš rullē!
Added to our playlist 🐍
Dūdas pašas spēlē...
Быццам беларускія матывы... Blogai suprantu, ar cja lietuvu kalba? Labai grazi!!
Latviešu valoda
Valoda latviešu, motīvus arī neesam aizņēmušies. Mums pašiem savi :D
Здорово ✋✊
Top marks to the person who came up with the video. Especially the start -> first minutes. Not sure what the play fighting towards the end was about. Something traditional or just fun? Either way, great vid. Oh and the whirring necklace thingy at the beginning ... Loved it *EDIT* Just read the description: ""they passed the time by singing, wrestling and staging various contests amongst themselves" My Q explained, thanks
Nice "Buzz Saw" at the beginning. Wanna make me this one. Looks interesting.
Seems not to be an astragalus bone. What bone is it?
Hola desde Uruguay.Alguien podría escribir la letra de esta canción en español?.Hi from Uruguay: would you write lyrics of this nagnificient song?I 'll be grateful.
Hi here is the lyrics at second comment Shawn written it!
@@ugnikalnis I can't understand the meaning of these lyrics because I don"t speak or read baltic's languages yet.I would learn eventually some words if some one translate it to english or spanish.Thanks,I am going to read the 2nd comment as you suggested.
@@meiasartartcraft9425 just translate em ofc it won't be 100 percent accurate, but you will understand the point.
Can some one post an English translation please?
you will not understand
Ūsiņš had two sons, both of the same age;
Ūsiņš had two sons, both of the same age;
Did not see when they were born, just saw them walking.
Did not see when they were born, just saw them walking.
Come, Ūsiņš, come on, we have been waiting for you for a long time:
Horses are waiting for green grass, guys waiting to sing.
Hey, Ūsiņš, my good man, ride with me.
I will light the fire and you will shepherd the foals.
Ūsiņš got his two sons used to work:
One was sent to the pastures, the other - to plow the field.
"When I rode to the pastures, Ūsiņš prepared to come with me
Usiņš rode a gray horse, I rode a brown colt. ''
Listen, my fiancé, where I rode,
Where I blew the trumpet, where the birch grove sounded.
@@Kosinuss thank you very much!
Kā sauc instrumentu klipa sākumā ?
Instruments klipa sākumā ir “dūcenis”!
What is the talisman hanging at the end?
Ūsiņš ([uːs̪iɲʃ]) is a deity in Latvian mythology, the god of light and spring, symbol of fertility, guardian of horses and bees. www.google.com/search?q=%C5%ABsi%C5%86%C5%A1&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwim69CD4OLpAhUECHcKHQ6QB6cQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=%C5%ABsi%C5%86%C5%A1&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMgIIADICCAAyBAgAEB5QiXpY_osBYKGcAWgAcAB4AIABugGIAesGkgEDMC41mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img&ei=zhLWXqbMEYSQ3AOOoJ64Cg&bih=657&biw=1366&rlz=1C1GCEA_enLV797LV797
ūsiņš zīme
Kur es varu novilkt, jo google play man laikam neiet uz datora? manuprāt universāla problēma, ka nevienam visticamāk neiet tā adrese.
Can anyone tell me what that bone spinner doohickey at the beginning is called?
dūcenis in Latvian
buzz buzzy one in English
@@lolikususs Paldies! I always wanted to know what those were called! I remember first hearing one when I was a small child. I always wanted to know what it was called.
@@lolikususs I don't think it has a name in English. I doubt any such instrument is very common in any English speaking country. I have only heard one here once and I was very small. I would like to know if there is an analog in Polish, Kashubian, Livonian, Lithuanian, Estonian, or German or if it is a strictly Latvian instrument.
As an aside, the English language works it's miracle once again. Maybe it's a stretch, but... A musical instrument that sounds a little like flatulence at times is pronounced "deuce anus." I just keep seeming to sniff out English puns even though at times the puns really stink.
@@anthonyjoe9139 In Estonia it is called vurr .
@@MrTartuVaim That word looks like it might sound like the English word "whir" ( which actually sounds more like it should be spelled whur in English but isn't. Then again, neither is its homophone: were ) Whir would be pretty descriptive of the sound it makes though, if I were to describe it.
Thanks! Aitäh!
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