Kosciuszko NP - Moon Rock

  • Опубліковано 22 лют 2024
  • A return trip from Dainers gap to Moon rock.
    Winter 2023 #12 (final) : Dainers gap - Moon rock - Return.
    Distance : 6 km return from Dainers gap.
    Walking conditions : Alpine meadows and clumpy snowgrass walking.
    Notes : The last walk of winter is a visit to the brooding outcrop of Moon rock. I show the way around the thick alpine scrub and swamps surrounding this striking granite formation.
    Along the way I also describe the general route over to Pretty Point, but this may not be the best route available, as a large bog must be crossed beyond the saddle and forest. In another trip I want to see if the wheel ruts in the lower area continue to the higher area. The Parks people get about here in various ways to maintain the cage traps.