How to make Jamaican Style Curry Chicken!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 4,1 тис.

  • @Mavrock954
    @Mavrock954 2 роки тому +109

    My dad passed away last year from COVID and he taught me how to cook curry goat and im cooking curry chicken for the first time without him and this video makin me mad emotional lol makes me miss him so much

    • @kimk8974
      @kimk8974 9 місяців тому +4

      Hey Mavrock954 I can imagine how you feel. My dad was a Grenadian from Greneda Caricou. He also taught me how to cook and every time I cook his recipes I feel so sad. May God heal your heart and carry you forward ❤

    • @willd7698
      @willd7698 8 місяців тому +4

      So sorry for your lost praying for you and your family. I know you lost a part of your heart. God bless you and your family thanks for the great video RIP sir.😢

    • @hillerywatkins5213
      @hillerywatkins5213 8 місяців тому +1


    • @carolnelson4008
      @carolnelson4008 6 місяців тому +1

      Sorry for your loss my Condolences to you and your I like watching you daddy Cooking video he touched a lot of people's life's by Showing them how to Cook with his video may he Rest in peace God bless you

    • @Karen-ci7eu
      @Karen-ci7eu 5 місяців тому


  • @Shr13k
    @Shr13k 3 роки тому +507

    As a man who cooks for a living as well as for his woman, I couldn’t help but shout, “That’s Right Man” when Chef Deddy said young man you need to learn to cook for your wife. God Bless you sir!

    • @ezclean7022
      @ezclean7022 2 роки тому +19

      Amen nothing better than a man who can COOOK

    • @sheema_2512
      @sheema_2512 2 роки тому +7

      I felt that in my heart ❤️ when he said that lol

    • @cherylannsolomon8979
      @cherylannsolomon8979 2 роки тому +2

      Its gratis when a man can hello himself in the kitchen, it really easiest the Streisand where cooking is concern.

    • @cherylannsolomon8979
      @cherylannsolomon8979 2 роки тому +1

      Deddy your Ford looks so tanto, I can eat it of the sirven.

    • @alvagentle6456
      @alvagentle6456 2 роки тому +1

      @@ezclean7022 p0

  • @clfarris92
    @clfarris92 4 роки тому +346

    I love Deddy. He has a kind spirit

    • @marshalomas9057
      @marshalomas9057 4 роки тому +8

      I totally agree!

    • @saudigold50
      @saudigold50 4 роки тому +4

      Oh yes!

    • @levistacey1267
      @levistacey1267 4 роки тому +3

      King kind ❤

    • @Nickaj_
      @Nickaj_ 4 роки тому +3

      I just had to subscribe because of his kinda worlds and he looks like a professional and he makes it look so easy, and his daughter with the jokes 😂🥰helps u too remember the recipe. Love them so much🥰🥰

    • @mikeporter497
      @mikeporter497 4 роки тому

      I love the videos!!💪🏾 and yes please sell the spices and seasonings ❤ respect ❤💪🏾

  • @justinrivera3374
    @justinrivera3374 Місяць тому +2

    Im Puerto rican that grew up with a Jamaican Best Friend and Loved his mom's cooking. Thanks to this Channel I'm able to cook my favorite meal for my Family. God Bless you and your Family

  • @yolandawilliams452
    @yolandawilliams452 3 роки тому +84

    He is too cute!! His personality just make you feel happy. I cook his dishes and his instructions are right on. Thank you both for such a fun easy to follow channel!!

  • @normamojica8858
    @normamojica8858 3 роки тому +40

    Hi Deddy, I'm Puerto Rican and I love, love, love Jamaican food. Out of all the tutorials on UA-cam, yours is the best. I went out and bought everything I needed to make curry chicken following your instructions. I know it will come out delish. Your daughter is so funny and you deddy are an awesome Family Man. God Bless You and Your Family .💙

    • @kyomipadilla5599
      @kyomipadilla5599 Рік тому +1

      I’m going to make this and probably be tempted to add sofrito 😂😂

    • @rolor47
      @rolor47 11 місяців тому +1

      I am Puerto Rican as well and I need to say that Jamaican Food has become my second favorite Caribbean food after my own!
      I have made curry chicken and I have added sofrito once 😂
      For the most part I follow the recipe on this video.
      Curry powder is so tasteful and flavorful that its taste profile will dominate any other spice that you’ll add.
      I love this combo father-daughter (I don’t need to see the daughter’s hand all the time, but I guess that is her way of creating passion for her food 😂)

  • @td1503
    @td1503 4 роки тому +127

    This MAN seems to be a very good example of a HUSBAND, FATHER, PERSON that represents ALL the GOOD that exists in the MEN of COLOR...
    It would be a WONDERFUL thing IF this type of tutorial would be sent to those guys who are incarcerated who need to SEE how a MAN handles HIS business...which is, give honor to the LORD and HIS FAMILY !!!!
    I encourage you MR. DEDDY...and I enjoy your SKILLS... Your FAMILY certainly seems to treasure YOU and that is ALL GOOD !!!

    • @fkustaa
      @fkustaa 4 роки тому +6

      Yes, this father is not only a good cook, but also he comes across as a person with a nice personality and a sweet smile. Great man and father to his daughter. His daughter also comes across as a loving person who loves her father greatly. Sasha should only take her hand out of the videos.

    • @connielikens3415
      @connielikens3415 4 роки тому +4

      And that exists in caucasian men as well, please.

    • @td1503
      @td1503 4 роки тому +4

      @@connielikens3415 There is no such thing as a caucasian unless the person originated from the BLACK SEA region... All others should properly be referred to as europeans.... People of the world have been mis-educated and now dictionaries that everyone is supposed to use as end all for information concerning language usage have knowingly published the WRONG primary definition for caucasian in their tomes as referencing so called 'white' people... WOW... ain't that a shame, what are people going to school for now days...when this kind of foolishness is what's being taught !!!! Baldwin was The Mis-education of the Black'll learn something !!!

    • @td1503
      @td1503 4 роки тому

      @@connielikens3415 I don't KNOW about that !!!! LOL

    • @johnsm3568
      @johnsm3568 4 роки тому +3

      I wonder what background Deddy was born into? It's strange to me that you seem to think that every black man starts his life in the same situation and is therefore equally capable of doing as well as each other. I very much enjoyed the video, but really wish that the comments could be left to food talk instead of praising a man for being a man, praising the "Lord" or talking about how other "Men of colour" should look at him to learn how to behave.
      Let's not forget that you know absolutely nothing about him, just judging a book by it's cover. Naive much?

  • @cristianvillalta5450
    @cristianvillalta5450 Рік тому +105

    This was amazing!!!! My man had asked for curry chicken cuz a coworker had brought it for lunch at work, and he tried it. I was like IM A MEXICAN WE DON'T COOK THAT! This was my first time making it and let me tell you, i impressed myself and everyone at the house 😊 thank you for your help. I was nervous but i did it.

    • @briacarson5289
      @briacarson5289 11 місяців тому +1

      Says who 😮 my baby daddy Mexican and they're big on curry chicken dishes 😅🍛

    • @nickyandy8517
      @nickyandy8517 10 місяців тому


    • @alicesmith6750
      @alicesmith6750 Місяць тому +1

      I can relate my husband asked had a good recipe for Curry...Really man, I am beyond white, I am Honky white. This gal followed that man Deddy, he showed me the way to his kitchen, and glad he did, my ol man even happier.

    • @Sailorlluna
      @Sailorlluna 29 днів тому

      @@alicesmith6750go head girl! Good job from a Jamaican! 😊

  • @tonyweekes7276
    @tonyweekes7276 4 роки тому +56

    His smile is giving me life.

  • @lisaramirez1598
    @lisaramirez1598 3 роки тому +50

    I just love your dad's smile,and how he is so clean.I cook alot of Mexican food but I love learning other recipes every day I watch his recipe and love how you show us step by step how to prepare those dishes and also how you show us the spices he uses thank you and God bless your daddy and the rest of the family 👍💟

  • @UltimateRavens_Fan
    @UltimateRavens_Fan 2 роки тому +203

    Listen! I just made this for my family and I’m already Daddy of the Year! Thank you for sharing your recipe and spreading love through cooking. ☺️

    • @climaxdoll-fc4ku
      @climaxdoll-fc4ku Рік тому +2

      I so love the relationship between her her father I wish all parents can get along with their kids like this this is absolutely beautiful as well as remarkable 💗 good job parents

  • @Thelittlestvick
    @Thelittlestvick 2 роки тому +115

    As a daughter of a dad who did most/all of the cooking, this warms my heart :’) thank you for teaching us, Chef Deddy

  • @saudigold50
    @saudigold50 4 роки тому +47

    His personality, eyes, smile, and voice are kind and sweet. Loving y’alls channel! So much talent!

    • @deloriswaugh5525
      @deloriswaugh5525 3 роки тому +2

      Keep you hands out of the camera

    • @deloriswaugh5525
      @deloriswaugh5525 3 роки тому +3

      Camera girl you talk too much very distracting plus your hand.

  • @ms.tocarra5604
    @ms.tocarra5604 3 роки тому +32

    He has such a humble and beautiful spirit❤️❤️❤️

  • @mercedesyoung5906
    @mercedesyoung5906 3 роки тому +50

    I love how comfortably he cook bear footed. He smiles at the food. That is the good tasting secret. 😋

  • @sweetdreamymelodies
    @sweetdreamymelodies 2 роки тому +65

    “You can't smell the taste salt“ 😂😂 words from a real chef 🙌🏾🙌🏾

  • @WhenRavenChats
    @WhenRavenChats 3 роки тому +361

    The recipe here. I made it - delicious is an understatement. Hope it helps! All credit to @deddyskitchen. Lord have mercy!
    Jamaican Curry Chicken
    Clean the chicken.
    Remove the skin.
    Cut chicken into smaller pieces, about 3-4 inch chunks. (I used thighs that were all ready cut up)
    For the dry-rub spice mixture: In a smaller, separate bowl-
    One heaping Tablespoon each of the following:
    Seasoning salt (substituted with Morton’s)
    Garlic Plus (substituted McCormick’ Cajun seasoning)
    FlavorRice (substituted with Badia’s Sazon Tropical seasoning [the one with the green packaging])
    All Purpose Seasoning (used Jamaican Choice)
    Vegeta seasoning
    Ginger powder
    Stir together, then set aside.
    Add ~20 pimento seeds (All spice seeds) to the chicken.
    Coat meat with oil just enough for the dry-rub mixture to coat the chicken. Rub the pimento seeds and oil into the chicken.
    Add about a quarter of the dry-rub spice mixture and rub throughout the chicken. Slowly incorporate the remainder of the dry mixture on to the chicken to make sure it is evenly coated.
    Take about 4 full Tablespoons of Betapac Curry Powder (I used Blue Mountain Country Spicy Curry Powder. Caution: This is extremely spicy) and pour on the meat.
    (I used a glove for this next step to avoid a paper-cut burn and staining) Rub the curry into the chicken.
    For the veggies:
    ~25 thyme twigs
    2 scallions, sliced lengthwise then smashed
    1/2 each: red, green and yellow bell peppers, sliced
    1/2 tomato, cubed
    2 Scotch Bonnet peppers (These are spicy!), sliced
    10 garlic cloves, smashed
    1/2 red onion, sliced
    2 inch chunk of ginger, smashed
    *4 carrots, cubed (add closer to the end of the cooking)
    *2 potatoes, cubed (add closer to the end of the cooking)
    Set aside.
    In a large dutch over pot on high, pour in a little oil, enough to sauté. Allow oil to heat. Add ~3 Tablespoons curry to the hot oil. Allow to burn about 20-30 seconds. The burn helps the curry not be caustic on the stomach.
    Add all the chicken. Don’t get rid of the bowl yet. Take the bowl that contained the chicken and spice residue. Add about 1/2 cup to contain the residue. This is flavor.
    Set it aside.
    Cover the lid. Allow to cook while on high. About 10 minutes/ until a little pink remains. After 10 minutes, add half of the sliced veggies (noted above) to the pot. Add the residual chicken flavor water that was set aside to the boiling pot. Stir, then turn down to Medium heat.
    After about 15 minutes, add the remaining veggies when it is boiling. Add the potatoes and carrots. Stir. Turn up to High heat. Cover with lid.
    Based the remaining cook time on the potatoes (3-7 minutes).
    Update: i make this at least every 3 weeks for my family and friends. It’s great. I decrease the hot flavoring for my 7-year-old niece and now it is her favorite food. Perfection!

    • @ri_rie_ange
      @ri_rie_ange 3 роки тому +12

      If you only turned on the high heat and ain't let it cook on low heat - I'm questioning. The secret of cooking is low heat brings all the flavors together. Always finish it on low heat until you see the oil come on top.

    • @kitachangelives8094
      @kitachangelives8094 3 роки тому +2


    • @WhenRavenChats
      @WhenRavenChats 3 роки тому +5

      @@kitachangelives8094 you are welcome! Hope it helps!! 😋 so delicious.

    • @amandavil
      @amandavil 3 роки тому +1

      Thank you!

    • @humblegenuine1004
      @humblegenuine1004 3 роки тому +6

      Thanks a lot for taking the time out to detailed the recipe for us

  • @bibidamota669
    @bibidamota669 3 роки тому +12

    This is a man who's been cooking since childhood, don't measure it!

    • @audreyfay2537
      @audreyfay2537 9 місяців тому

      You're doing too much your talking let wash your Daddy do the cooking and not your hands

  • @christinejames9694
    @christinejames9694 3 роки тому +38

    Everything about this channel makes me smile! Your dad is pretty good-looking that makes me smile even bigger! The recipes are easy and I enjoy cooking with you guys! Thank you!

  • @rodherrera9357
    @rodherrera9357 10 місяців тому +25

    I'm an architect in Philadelphia, when I had a heart operation, I missed the food I loved. Hospital food is not encouraging especially when trying not to die. As I recovered with uncertainty home ; which is a long time and a gloomy one; I came across Deddy's Videos, and learned from his well explained instructions to make wonderful dishes. I now have a great life cooking, preparing and innovating to my "heart's" desire, and specially hosting friends to enjoy my learned abilities and desired to resume a long...long tasty life.
    Hey man! Thank you for your great presentations.

  • @lorrainewhitney415
    @lorrainewhitney415 4 роки тому +91

    I just love Daddy's Kitchen. Not only can you cook, that smile is everything.💙❤💙

  • @luxedesignsresinart3611
    @luxedesignsresinart3611 3 роки тому +11

    I got a little teary eyed… wish I had a relationship like this with my dad ❤️ thank you for sharing

  • @rach2558
    @rach2558 3 роки тому +13

    Your relationship with your daddy is amazing. My mouth is watering watching him cook.

    • @elainegayle6319
      @elainegayle6319 2 роки тому

      I love to watch,Deddy and daughter cooking,I congratulates you both,has I fellow Jamaican,keep up the good work, from Queens New York.

  • @timothymercer849
    @timothymercer849 2 роки тому +8

    Man I am still watching and in amazement at how much Deddy loves what he is doing. A true cook must love it and here it is obvious. I love the narration and interaction with provide so much culture, love, and fun in the kitchen. I am going to make curry chicken tomorrow.

  • @ishebahjohnson7868
    @ishebahjohnson7868 4 роки тому +29

    I love this...!! How you and ur dad talk and are in sync reminds me SOO MUCH of my dad😥 I lost him 3 years ago...he's was my Everything. Yawl brought back a warm and cozy feeling (I thought I'd lost*). We would cook together just like this..JAMAICAN STYLE!! UR Pops seem so chill...and he can cook too😀🙏💯👌

    • @deea7348
      @deea7348 4 роки тому +3

      Yey!! Someone who finally has a brain, beautiful comment

    • @NeishaNineStarz
      @NeishaNineStarz 4 роки тому +3

      My condolences 🖤

  • @prettylady7914
    @prettylady7914 3 роки тому +91

    Deddy, you are the poster of what a real father, a true husband and a real man should be, every time you smile I smile. I only just discovered your program and I’m hooked, I’m Jamaican and finally I’m learning to cook my Island Food. Don’t stop, you should be on TV. Thank you.

    • @naidaantworth9009
      @naidaantworth9009 2 роки тому +1

      Looks easy and delicious - filmer’s hands/finger are really distracting!

    • @juanitamajor7182
      @juanitamajor7182 Рік тому

      Looks this recipe.

    • @LaShelleByrds
      @LaShelleByrds Рік тому

      I second that! My family originated from the south and I loooooooove your food! I have been following for a while and now my husband won’t eat anywhere else! TBH I enjoy cooking for him, best part is seeing a clean plate after!! Hahahahah (got’em) thank you Chef Deddy and many blessings to you and the family! Big up Sasha!! You be on it! Lol @catching the second check! 😅😂
      How do you receive donations?

  • @zadajames9071
    @zadajames9071 3 роки тому +27

    Deddy is so awesome! And when he smiles and talks about his cooking it made me follow the recipe.. you know his food is made with love! Yassss! I’m cooking this right now! My man is Jamaican and he’s always telling me I have to know how to cook his cultural food. I’m thankful I found this channel. Thank you! 💕

    • @kingsaintides7227
      @kingsaintides7227 Рік тому

      Get That fool to cook for you🤨I make it all Curry goat,jerk chicken, oxtail all that sh*t girl

  • @awateredflower
    @awateredflower Рік тому +39

    I'm totally guessing the time but it wasn't specific so this is what I did!
    Burn curry 2 - 3 mins
    Add chicken, let coat for 3 - 5 mins or until it's brown how you like it
    (Covered) (on high)
    Add water to chicken bowl to sop up the good seasonings
    (Sit to the side)
    Add the water from the chicken bowl
    Plus more hot water for gravy
    Add half of chopped veggies
    Let cook covered for 15 - 20 mins
    Add the rest of the chopped veggies
    Mix and cover for 10 - 15 mins
    Add potatoes and carrots
    Mix and cover for 15 - 20 mins or until potatoes are soft and done!
    Adjust seasonings and heat, make sure it's a soft boil most of the time.
    Then add the rice sooooo delicious!
    Thanks for the recipe, just helping others who may need the extra instructions such as myself but I learned how to wing it, thanks Deddy! Lol 💕 much love fam

  • @justment5451
    @justment5451 3 роки тому +13

    What a beautiful father/daughter bond! Deddy’s cooking looks and I’m sure tastes amazing. Yes, please make all the spices Deddy uses available. I will definitely purchase them.
    God Bless you and your family!

  • @Loveniasandlewood
    @Loveniasandlewood 2 роки тому +5

    My wife found this channel and now she’s in love with your father’s cooking, I’m Jamaican she’s not but learning a lot from daddy. Thanks daddy

  • @donnellhagans8138
    @donnellhagans8138 2 роки тому +4

    First time watching this cooking show and it's amazing. Most importantly, it shows the importance of a Father Daughter relationship. Men, if you're not in your daughter's life, please get in her life. She needs you! Not only a good cooking show but also a good family show n once again the importance of a dad being in his daughter's life. God bless.

  • @WandaWhite-yk6ud
    @WandaWhite-yk6ud Рік тому +4

    I love cooking and trying new recipes but I've never cooked curry chicken. While searching for recipes this one caught my attention and I had to watch. I just love this tutorial. Particularly, the collaboration between daddy and daughter. Deddy's smile and facial expressions give me joy. I felt like I was in the kitchen with them. I can't wait to try this recipe. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for sharing. 😇🫶❤

  • @thepastafarianchef7040
    @thepastafarianchef7040 4 роки тому +22

    Such a lovely man and father! Grace and elegance..Amazing version of Jamaican Curry chicken!! Manners and Respect chef and family!

  • @tbussey2674
    @tbussey2674 3 роки тому +24

    Lovin' this Father Daughter team! You guys work so well together!

  • @ellamaecawthorne7397
    @ellamaecawthorne7397 3 роки тому +11

    This is my first time tuning in Deddys Kitchen. Sweet to see daughter and her dad cooking together. Count your blessings

  • @kenanlynch8454
    @kenanlynch8454 2 роки тому +22

    You guys should do a live video so that everyone could follow the instructions as you do them of course post the ingredients before hand but I think it would be a lot of fun for a lot of people who watch your videos and your videos are very good btw I saw someone comment about he’s cooked for his family now he’s dad of the year well I’m in the same boat I’ve made it like 4x now and they love it everytime Thankyou 🙏🏽

  • @coutureliving897
    @coutureliving897 2 роки тому +31

    This is beautiful! The time you’re spending with your Dad and the delicious meals you’re preparing together is amazing 💜 I’m 36 and my Dad still comes running when I make oxtail 😉 Keep up the good work you guys

  • @davondd
    @davondd 4 роки тому +6

    Dads a cool guy! Very likable guy. He lightened up a lot since April, meaning he seems more relaxed and into his own zone. 👍🏽

  • @wesleyrichardson3735
    @wesleyrichardson3735 3 роки тому +19

    Deddy is right us men need to learn to cook, so I been rewinding the mess out of this video!!!😂😂 I love to cook thanks for the love!!👌

  • @charligodschild2850
    @charligodschild2850 Рік тому +10

    I went to a BBQ this holiday weekend and this dish was on the menu. It re-ignited my passion for Curry Chicken & this video taught me how to do my own. I'm not Jamaican but often I'd buy this dish from a Jamaican restaurant. Thanks for giving me the nerve to cook my own! 😋👆🏿👌🏿

  • @dawnpetway5209
    @dawnpetway5209 4 роки тому +8

    This is my first time tuning to Deddy's Kitchen, "LawD have mercy", I LOVE Y'ALL! I love his spirit and I feel the love that you have for your daddy, you exude it through your commentary!

  • @johannaarrindell4328
    @johannaarrindell4328 4 роки тому +19

    Stumbled on your channel yesterday and I love the vibe between you and your Dad, reminds me of my dad. I love Jamaican cooking and even though my family enjoys the way I make the few that I know, I see there are some tweaks here and there that I can add. May I say that the way that his daughter narrate the video I do enjoy it. It's just their way of making the video. Maybe that's her way of getting her dad to interact in the video.
    I love what you guys are doing keep it up.
    By the way watching from St.Maarten.
    Big'n up my friends and family watching this 🥳❤🎉🎊🎉🎊

  • @melvenae.williams7049
    @melvenae.williams7049 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you Chef Deddy for sharing your receipe. I love the way you demonstrate the art of cooking with us. Thank you daughter for using your camera skills to make the video so enjoyable. Yes! Deddy, man of God, who shows love and kindness. We need God's mercy and need to love one another.

  • @mrs.bibbitt9938
    @mrs.bibbitt9938 4 місяці тому +1

    I enjoyed watching this video your dad resembles my dad a lot and even tho my dad is no longer here it reminds me of when i used to be in the kitchen with him I would of probably did the same thing if social media was a thing back then God bless you and your dad I’m a fan and supporter from today 😊❤️

  • @tanyasaunders83
    @tanyasaunders83 4 роки тому +502

    I think it's cool how deddy isn't ashamed to speak of his Lord to the whole world. His heavenly Father won't be ashamed of him either.🤷🏽‍♀️

    • @djtye8379
      @djtye8379 4 роки тому +10

      Mark 8:38
      English Standard Version
      38 For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

    • @shevonesewoolford7552
      @shevonesewoolford7552 4 роки тому +1

      Lord have mercy

    • @shevonesewoolford7552
      @shevonesewoolford7552 4 роки тому +2

      You making me hungry

    • @jacquelinerobinson6445
      @jacquelinerobinson6445 4 роки тому +7

      He lets the whole wide world know thank you Jesus

    • @djtye8379
      @djtye8379 4 роки тому

      @@jacquelinerobinson6445 Amen

  • @charlesjohnson7819
    @charlesjohnson7819 3 роки тому +10

    I used your curry goat recipe to make for my brother-in-law. He won’t go to the restaurant anymore. Lol. He said it was the best curry goat he’s ever had. So thank you. Keep em coming

    • @Shelly_Dee
      @Shelly_Dee 3 роки тому

      My husband said the same thing

  • @charmrobinson4186
    @charmrobinson4186 4 роки тому +1128

    Lol, Jamaican don't measure they just sprinkle until their anestor say stop

    • @cookielove8174
      @cookielove8174 4 роки тому +27

      😂 that one sweet me

    • @nikkistarm
      @nikkistarm 4 роки тому +10

      I'm going to find you daddy! So I can get fat... oooo weee

    • @4everhowie
      @4everhowie 4 роки тому +19

      This lady needs to stop put her hands in the video. its useless

    • @odeanlawrence1834
      @odeanlawrence1834 4 роки тому +2

      Haha Haha! 😄 I like dat!

    • @odeanlawrence1834
      @odeanlawrence1834 4 роки тому +21


  • @Haidar-Philosophy
    @Haidar-Philosophy 4 місяці тому +1

    The actual star of this recipe is the hand. So much personality!

  • @redrubbies8598
    @redrubbies8598 3 роки тому +6

    What a refreshing change to see daddy chef at work and his daughter narrating. Love you guys! Brilliant!

    • @tarikdebarge
      @tarikdebarge 2 роки тому

      I don’t think that’s his daughter though! I think that’s his wife calling him Deddy!

  • @Mreffindelicious
    @Mreffindelicious 4 роки тому +40

    Love how you start with the whole chicken, as soon as I saw that I knew it was gonna be good. Your quality chef. Really enjoy watching you in the kitchen. Real cooking. Can’t wait for the next video. 😊💪👨‍🍳

  • @vanessii2010
    @vanessii2010 4 роки тому +105

    I’m making this for the first time, for my fiancé, as we speak! Looks AMAZING so far, thank you for this recipe!! 💖
    Update: My Jamaican mother in law was BLOWN AWAY, she was really impressed. Thank you for giving me the confidence to make my own curry chicken! 😊😊😊

  • @tlcunity40
    @tlcunity40 2 роки тому +3

    You both are SO VERY PLEASANT to watch-the loving, kind, beautiful ESSENCE of energy from Dad-that he instilled into his daughter & family & mentioning his GRATITUDE 🙏🏽 health watch for EVERYONE-continued BLISSDINGS ALWAYS❤️✨😊🙏🏽🍗

  • @ccspeaks3037
    @ccspeaks3037 3 роки тому +4

    Love the relationship with your Dad! Priceless!

  • @judithblagrove5901
    @judithblagrove5901 3 роки тому +22

    Lawd ah mercy! Just love watching Deddy cook with a smile! This is now my favorite cooking channel! Great tips along with tasty authentic Jamaican dishes.👍👍

  • @jenamar4ever
    @jenamar4ever 4 роки тому +21

    Deddy is so adorable, God bless him!

  • @sindythomas4606
    @sindythomas4606 2 роки тому +4

    I love you guys! You always put a smile on my face! Its so lovely to see Father and Daughter working together and bonding whilst teaching us recipes to some amazing dishes 😍

    • @tarikdebarge
      @tarikdebarge 2 роки тому

      I think that’s his wife calling him ”Daddy”!!!

  • @nippypinto
    @nippypinto 3 роки тому +4

    I love watching dads and daughters. I have my dad and I love him so much. ❤️

  • @joeythedon718
    @joeythedon718 3 роки тому +30

    So Important for a daughter to have a relationship with her father

  • @elizabethprickett1528
    @elizabethprickett1528 4 роки тому +12

    Amazing recipe!. I can clearly see the love of God in his sweet smile. God bless you all and keep the kitchen fires burning with more delicious recipes xoxoxo love you guys.

  • @Lambothegod
    @Lambothegod Рік тому +38

    I LOVE how he said it’s salt in all these seasonings cause he’s absolutely right, brothers & sisters we gotta watch our sodium intake!

  • @tifshaunna1
    @tifshaunna1 3 роки тому +4

    What a beautiful relationship that you have with your dad. God bless. Also… I followed the recipe and loved it 🥰

  • @courageouscat6088
    @courageouscat6088 4 роки тому +19

    The way Deddy washed that chicken sbd chops up those veggies is like therapy and gives me a good vibe! I love Jamaica and all their culture. Love this channel 💜

  • @jrichardson5822
    @jrichardson5822 2 роки тому +6

    He cooks with flavor and love. I love how he does it with so little effort but he is so detailed.
    Looking for more recipes. How to make yams and the red beans and rice.

  • @Fi-tt7yq
    @Fi-tt7yq 5 днів тому

    I made it!!!! My first time ever! Ohhhhhh I didn't have scallions or pimento seeds but I made it! Soooooooo gooood! I'm literally jumping around the kitchen 😂😂😂 thankyou Deddy! You are amazing and I love your daughter's commentary 👌🏽

  • @73lifeisgood
    @73lifeisgood 4 роки тому +14

    Your daddy is the sweetest and a great cook!! Love his personality.

  • @kraziiblue
    @kraziiblue 3 роки тому +10

    Absolutely love this channel! I view Deddys recipes often. Just a suggestion if you can put the ingredients and total cook time in the description box maybe for future videos?

  • @ddrums001
    @ddrums001 3 роки тому +5

    So obvious Deddy is a former professional chef! Everything he cooks is pure perfection!

  • @dorotheastallings9912
    @dorotheastallings9912 6 місяців тому

    You are so fortunate to have a dad that can cook. That’s is how as a young child I learn to cook. We had sure a wonderful connection. I will start to make some of your dishes D Stallings

  • @FaLEXiS83
    @FaLEXiS83 3 роки тому +14

    I have made curry chicken many times trying different “Jamaican” versions so I followed this recipe and quite a few ingredients was missing but let me tell you! It STILL came out soo delicious! I can’t wait to be able to get all the ingredients. I can only imagine how great it’s going to be

  • @michelledickerson5678
    @michelledickerson5678 4 роки тому +6

    I love my new Jamaican family!!! Your father is ADORABLE!!!! BIG UPS TO DEDDY!!!!

  • @reuelmarville-mathurin2021
    @reuelmarville-mathurin2021 4 роки тому +9

    Really love watching and learning from these recipes .And great presentation of the food. Keep it up.Much love from Barbados.

  • @nalinihurry8249
    @nalinihurry8249 Рік тому +3

    Best chicken curry yet on YT.....He must be a chef,the way he cuts stuff.No fancy,schamcy, just plain ol delish chicken curry....I will give it a shot if I can find all the ingredients in my nearby jamaican store.Thank you.

    • @deddyskitchenINC
      @deddyskitchenINC  Рік тому +1

      Awww thanks so much family! We’re glad you’re here! Let us know how it goes!

  • @rachelw.7453
    @rachelw.7453 4 роки тому +13

    One of my favorite dishes to have! Always wish I could make it and this is perfect!! Deddy needs a sponsorship with cuisinart!

  • @bangamost1156
    @bangamost1156 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you, I’m from Brooklyn and I grew up on yard food. This was a blessing.

  • @evelynwilliams7992
    @evelynwilliams7992 3 роки тому +85

    You have to keep your hands out of the way. I love watching Deddy cooking.

    • @mizzmatthews
      @mizzmatthews 3 роки тому +13

      Omg those hands flinging in front of the screen were driving me CRAZY. 🥴

    • @pineapple14k
      @pineapple14k 3 роки тому +12

      Why must ur Hand be in the the filming? We hear ur voice Mrs.Director. I will like to him teach the class leave him to talk he a grown man. I think you have it twisted.

    • @mizzmatthews
      @mizzmatthews 3 роки тому +11

      @@pineapple14k and all of her incessant talking, so close to/all on top of the food, makes me cringe.

    • @nickdillon1096
      @nickdillon1096 3 роки тому +11

      Suggestion: keep your hands away from the camera because they're distracting, and throws of the focus - the objective.

    • @aleitheianewbold8259
      @aleitheianewbold8259 3 роки тому +10

      It’s annoying

  • @Barbaraienjoyedyourtacosal-m8o
    @Barbaraienjoyedyourtacosal-m8o 2 місяці тому

    I enjoy daddy’s kitchen this is the first time this last few months r so I have been watching your cooking he’s a great chef.
    Thank you for your recipes my food smells good and taste good.

  • @yasmeenbeckettrn46
    @yasmeenbeckettrn46 3 роки тому +30

    Thank you Deddy for giving the world a tutorial on how to CLEAN THE BIRD!!! These people keep saying it makes you sick to clean the chicken - NOT TO CLEAN makes your food nasty.

  • @odeanlawrence1834
    @odeanlawrence1834 4 роки тому +13

    Your Dad's nice looking! 😍 I'm in my 50's so I'm loving all my SILVER FOXES at the moment! 😉😄 Bonus is that he can REALLY COOK! 👨🏿‍🍳👏🏾👏🏾 GIVE YOUR DAD THIS FOR ME 😘 AND TELL HIM THANK YOU FOR SHARING HIS AMAZING CULINARY SKILLS. ❤

  • @eviewhyland2712
    @eviewhyland2712 4 роки тому +8

    Green beans looked so amazinzzzzzzz!!!!!! Would love to know what did Chef Deddy do to keep the bright green???? Could we get a vidéo on veggie and maybe salads with dressings and fruits dishes?

  • @wakemeupwhenicare
    @wakemeupwhenicare 2 роки тому

    Really nice tutorial with father and daughter. So refreshing. Your Dad is so cool and it shows he is full of love and loves you very much😊

  • @edmiperez7288
    @edmiperez7288 4 роки тому +74

    Hand or no hand love your father/daughter dynamic! & these recipes looks delicious!!! Could u do a dessert w/your next meal please 😘

  • @patriciajackson5414
    @patriciajackson5414 2 роки тому +6

    PUT THE OXTAIL RECIPE ON YESSSSSS. I’LL WAIT. What a team you two are. Love it.

  • @kendrickwalker1808
    @kendrickwalker1808 2 роки тому +4

    I love this channel… I made this dish for my family and friends while I was on leave last year and they ask me quite often to hurry and make it again. Thank You and your family for sharing these amazing recipes. I’m stationed in Germany and my Jamacian friends are not here with me to spoil me with cooking so I used your recipe and they are to die for ❤️👌🏾🤩💐

  • @glw5166
    @glw5166 Рік тому +1

    This is my first time watching your channel and this kitchen is the real deal! Thank you Deddy and daughter. I have subscribed!

  • @sharondastrong3520
    @sharondastrong3520 4 роки тому +11

    Came a cross this video and this reminds me of me and my father’s time together in the kitchen. That was our happy place. I know if he was still here this is exactly what we would be doing. Blessings to you too. I’m now a fan!

  • @TheKimberleeFaith
    @TheKimberleeFaith 4 роки тому +6

    Really need those spices ASAP, I'm a new follower and love you guys. Much love and blessings to you all.

  • @14bluetwilight
    @14bluetwilight 3 роки тому +4

    Awww your dad is so cute! Love your relationship. I LOL’d at the Croatian Vegeta being used. I use it to season almost everything too it’s so good.

  • @IvankaTrimble
    @IvankaTrimble Рік тому

    This is the countless time I follow recipes .Thank you, I wish I had a dad with a great spirit like you Sr. Blessings to the family!
    Everyone try the Oxtail recipe....

  • @mememichelle1026
    @mememichelle1026 4 роки тому +5

    Yes, I would love to buy daddy's spice blend. Because I'm not familiar with the name brand of spices that he uses. Foods looks so delicious. Thank for sharing your us.♥️

  • @katrinahunter4709
    @katrinahunter4709 3 роки тому +5

    Right on time...Was planning on making Curry Chicken this Sunday wit white rice!!! Thanks a bunch. Yeah Mann!!!

  • @atm_ovie4869
    @atm_ovie4869 Рік тому +12

    Making this today, I don't usually cook chicken and have never tried this before, I'm a student living on my own for the first time in the big city! So glad for Deddy'sKitchen going through ALL the steps including the basic parts for beginners like me. Thank you guys

  • @Kepahlaphja
    @Kepahlaphja 5 місяців тому +1

    ❤ Trying this, I wish I had a dad that taught me how to cook. You’re so blessed😍

  • @kevindigit
    @kevindigit 4 роки тому +26

    i would order Deddy's spices in a heartbeat!

    • @ladimu1
      @ladimu1 4 роки тому

      Smokedawg same

    • @angelasmall1413
      @angelasmall1413 4 роки тому +2

      I would definitely order Deddy's spices

  • @dinamcleod9502
    @dinamcleod9502 2 роки тому +5

    Deddy is great. I love the way he shows you step by step how to cook . Most of all I love his spirit.

  • @rolandennis3891
    @rolandennis3891 4 роки тому +5

    I love Jamaican food and you’re doing an awesome job sir

  • @Muncho_information
    @Muncho_information Рік тому +1

    I love the best flavor of daddy’s and doughtier’s smile and jock as daddy cooking. Love it!

  • @paulahayes428
    @paulahayes428 4 роки тому +83

    Wow haters always in the room. I enjoy her interaction with her dad!! They are a team; her mommy too!! I LOVE them together💘🙏

    • @annmariewalkins7321
      @annmariewalkins7321 3 роки тому +1

      Lovely family. I enjoy every rrecipe He is such a very handsome man his eyes wow!! gorgeous. Mrs deddy a very pretty lady . Gods tremendous blessings on this beautiful family.

  • @DrDeediva26
    @DrDeediva26 3 роки тому +22

    My dad who was 🇯🇲 was one heck of a cook. I find that most Jamaican men can really cook well.. Great video!!! Keep them coming!!!

    • @bigpimping15
      @bigpimping15 3 роки тому +1

      Are you searching for a Jamaican man as your soul mate?

    • @megagamelife
      @megagamelife Рік тому

      I was married to a Jamaican man, he said he cooked for me, I don’t remember him cooking for me 😢

  • @Niko2445
    @Niko2445 Рік тому +3

    Just 1 of my favorite channels.

  • @natashaz5930
    @natashaz5930 8 місяців тому +1

    Yall are so cute together I really like this ❤ also that music you playing in the background is so hypnotizing I literally keep rewinding the video to hear the music in the background🎵🎵🎵🎵 and I've been listening for over 2 hours now LOL😂