A Return to the TBR - September Books!

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @safinan8008
    @safinan8008 2 роки тому

    Hi 👋 enjoy ur September reads!! Happy reading to you!! 🍂🍃

  • @esmayrosalyne
    @esmayrosalyne 2 роки тому +1

    Sounds like a fun month! Hope you'll enjoy Black Jack, it wasn't the book for me, but I can totally see why so many people adore it! And yay for Lady Trent, forever one of my comfort series!!
    Happy reading ;)

    • @PonderingsOfPete
      @PonderingsOfPete  2 роки тому +1

      It’ll be a fun month for sure. ANHoD is definitely a comfort read and I love it

  • @BookishDrummer
    @BookishDrummer 2 роки тому

    I'm enjoying Mistborn Era 2 as well!

    • @PonderingsOfPete
      @PonderingsOfPete  2 роки тому +1

      In the middle of Shadows of Self currently and it *slaps*

  • @KFoxtheGreat
    @KFoxtheGreat 2 роки тому

    Yes! Moist is so fun, especially his interactions with Vetinari. If you like the golems, keep reading the Watch series. Feet of Clay is super golem-centric

    • @PonderingsOfPete
      @PonderingsOfPete  2 роки тому +1

      I figured about feet of clay. For certain gonna continue with the Guards books

  • @TheLibraryofAllenxandria
    @TheLibraryofAllenxandria 2 роки тому

    I heard that emphasis on IMPLICATIONS, Pete!

  • @thefairylibrarian3282
    @thefairylibrarian3282 2 роки тому

    I especially love how Infinite Jest is indeed Infinite 😂

  • @EhsJaySaunders
    @EhsJaySaunders 2 роки тому

    Some day I shall explore Lady Trent's memoirs! It won't be *this* month, but at some month in the future.

  • @derrisreaditbefore
    @derrisreaditbefore 2 роки тому

    PETE! How did I not know you were reading Going Postal?! For the nerdy joy you found in that, you are going to enjoy Making Money SO MUCH.
    I read all of The Memoirs of Lady Trent series earlier in the year, and they're a great gentle read, without the emotional toll many of your other reads will take. Lady Trent, to me, is as though Indiana Jones was born as a woman in a Jane Austen-esque world - with dragons ... enjoy.

    • @PonderingsOfPete
      @PonderingsOfPete  2 роки тому +1

      DERRI! I’ll voxer you more about GP. I thought I had mentioned it around you but I guess I didn’t.
      Looking forward to getting back to more Lady Trent. That’s a perfect description.

  • @BooksWithBenghisKahn
    @BooksWithBenghisKahn 2 роки тому

    what a slapping tbr! You're in the middle a whole bunch of series I wanna get to, from Shadow Campaigns to Tawny Man to Lady Trent to Machineries of Empire, and then Infinite Jest has been on my shelf for ages! I think it'll be a masterpiece though whenever I do get to it, since I've loved so many of Wallace's essays

    • @PonderingsOfPete
      @PonderingsOfPete  2 роки тому

      Just trying to get through and consume all these bangers I've started.
      Infinite Jest is the first Wallace i've read. where would I find some of these essays?

    • @BooksWithBenghisKahn
      @BooksWithBenghisKahn 2 роки тому +1

      @@PonderingsOfPete I've read through most of his essay compilation books Consider the Lobster (the titular essay is about the ethics of throwing live lobsters into boiling water) and A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again (the long titular essay in this one is amazing and about his experience on a big cruise ship) -- some of them are a bit specialized about tennis or various pop culture things which will definitely appeal to some way more than others, but overall it's just a treat to be inside his brain

    • @PonderingsOfPete
      @PonderingsOfPete  2 роки тому +1

      @@BooksWithBenghisKahn new weird books incoming. I feel like essays would be much easier to process than the brick that is IJ

    • @BooksWithBenghisKahn
      @BooksWithBenghisKahn 2 роки тому

      @@PonderingsOfPete yes that's almost assuredly the case and why I've been scared of IJ for so long

  • @AnithaGadeReads
    @AnithaGadeReads 2 роки тому

    That's a great TBR. I am also planning to pick up the Legend of Black Jack soon. Maybe next month. Curious to hear your thoughts on Paper Manegerie.

    • @PonderingsOfPete
      @PonderingsOfPete  2 роки тому +1

      I’ve read two of the stories so far and they were really good. Lots of things to think about

  • @thatsci-firogue
    @thatsci-firogue 2 роки тому

    You're back!!!
    So far September has the potential to be my best reading month.
    I've finished The Folding Knife by KJ Parker, excellent. Excited to read more Parker.
    I've finished Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun, and that's on a whole other level of complexity.
    And I've resumed LPQ with Betrayal in Winter!

    • @PonderingsOfPete
      @PonderingsOfPete  2 роки тому +1

      KJ Parker, awesome! What’s next for you? Me and Anitha are planning on reading The Company in October.
      BotNS: I’ve heard good things about that. What about it did you enjoy? Thematically, character wise, plot wise?
      LPQ!!! I’m already planning a reread next year and I’m super excited.

    • @thatsci-firogue
      @thatsci-firogue 2 роки тому

      @@PonderingsOfPete I was torn between The Company and The Hammer but Allen personally recommended The Company to me so I'm going with that, hopefully soon.
      All the above tbh. BotNS is probably the best use of an unreliable narrator I've seen, granted its only now in hindsight (and listening to podcasts) that I understand a lot of it.
      I recommend just going with the flow for BotNS. Severian is a fascinating protagonist to follow, thematically its rich and the plot is insane lol

  • @BookishDrummer
    @BookishDrummer 2 роки тому

    7:54 DRAGONS

  • @BookishDrummer
    @BookishDrummer 2 роки тому

    Man, I still need to start Infinite Jest, it does sound interesting, maybe I'll start it in November and just read it slowly like you have been. Doesn't seem like a good bingeable book haha

    • @PonderingsOfPete
      @PonderingsOfPete  2 роки тому +1

      It is not bingeable at all. Definitely one to take your time with. It really is good though

  • @Paromita_M
    @Paromita_M 2 роки тому

    Hello! 😊
    Great you enjoyed Going Postal. I tried Guards Guards and the writing wasn't for me.
    Tawny Man was the best trilogy imo of the books I read in ROTE.
    Ken Liu's recent interview on @Steve Talks Books was just amazing. Such a pleasure listening to him.
    I (finally!) read ASOIAF and Fire and Blood by GRRM as well as the first two books in The Five Warrior Angel series by Brian Lee Durfee and really enjoyed both. Now I'm a part of two sad fandoms 😊.
    Read a book earlier in the week which pretty much wrecked me so reading the Warlord Chronicles now as a distraction (it's good).
    IJ aah. Three times failed.😢 Best wishes to you for finishing it.
    Happy reading!

    • @PonderingsOfPete
      @PonderingsOfPete  2 роки тому +1

      I think Terry Pratchett hits best when you connect to the subjects he’s making fun of and that’s why Going Postal hit.
      I’ve heard that about Tawny Man, and I know it addresses some of the things I’ve been looking forward to lore-wise since Farseer.
      Ken Liu is just *chef’s kiss.* I need to become friends with him, cuz he’s got those 2 am philosophical discussion vibes.
      At some point I’ll reread ASOIAF, but it’ll be a while. I read it like 7 years ago now.
      How’d you like Five Warrior Angels? I’ve thought about picking it up cuz Durfee is awesome, but haven’t had the chance or the space on the TBR yet.
      What book wrecked you?? I need to know these things, since I also enjoy books that wreck me.
      Journey before Destination for IJ. It’s a trek.
      Happy reading to you too!

    • @Paromita_M
      @Paromita_M 2 роки тому

      @@PonderingsOfPete Ken Liu is truly that rare mix of friendliness and erudition!
      I know it's a bit dumb to be saying now that ASOIAF is so good but what really surprised me was how well-written Fire and Blood was. GRRM gave me page-turning thriller vibes in a made-up history book. And while Feast dragged (imo the only thing that saved that book was Cersei's POV), GRRM was more or less back in form in Dance. It's sounds silly but I'm so happy I get why this has sold millions of copies and has so many curious readers.
      Five Warrior Angels was very good - plot, themes, characterisation and most importantly, the writing and pacing was on point. Very bingeable imo so might be worth waiting for Book 3 and trying end of the year or next year. Since I read them so close together, I'd say the series to compare to is ASOIAF (very different theming, plot, characters and the characterisation isn't as detailed) but I really liked how the author kept readers guessing and managed all the multiple POVs deftly.
      Oh I read LPQ Book 2 after @Anitha Gade suggested me to try it in a chat in the all-day livestream on Allen's channel...it was.. okay? I don't think this is for me.
      It's kind of cool how I read three series this year with sort of vague thematic links about power and religion (Dandelion, ASOIAF, Five Warrior) and liked them all.
      The book that wrecked me was A Little Life by Hanya Yanahigara. Please do check the trigger warnings once if you do pick it up. That being said, it wasn’t the triggers but the writing which made it a powerful and emotionally devastating read.
      Still sad about not being able to finish IJ and Silmarillion after multiple attempts. I should really try your approach of just keeping at it but somehow I can't move to the next book without deciding on the current one! 😄
      Also my TBR is wide open after Warlord Chronicles so if you have any non-SFF recommendations like Books of Jacob, please do share if possible. Ready for a challenge! 😊