You said “curing makes all these bags” I couldn’t hear but is this a complaint about a fake bag from a company that makes many bags? Did you order it from actual Gucci?
I bought mine years ago when it came out and wore it A LOT. I even spilled drinks and chocolate and my bag is in better shape than yours… I think they must’ve changed the production quality. Sorry to hear of your bad experience 😕
I was in Turkey recently and had a empriente multi pouchette with me. They show me a HIDUPZ bag and it looked just like it.
My bag is creasing. My zipper is stiff AF. Not happy w mine either.
lyxbag Help you become a delicate woman
Thanks for this! I always see reviews about how people love this bag but I also wanted to see some downsides to owning one :)
You said “curing makes all these bags” I couldn’t hear but is this a complaint about a fake bag from a company that makes many bags? Did you order it from actual Gucci?
Most high end designer merchandise is exorbitantly overpriced for the quality generated.The lame reasoning is"you're paying for the label".
I just ordered this bag. You’re scaring me
Back at it
The review i was looking for!
Great video! I would love to see a review on the balenciaga bag.
hi, 😍 *Niceshopx* 😍 i just wanna tell you that you make my day with your videos. you have srsly helped me through not so happy times!!! thank you.
I bought mine years ago when it came out and wore it A LOT. I even spilled drinks and chocolate and my bag is in better shape than yours… I think they must’ve changed the production quality. Sorry to hear of your bad experience 😕
@ *LVGUCI* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter