"Imagine you were afraid, cold, hungry and a long way from home, just when you thought things couldnt get any worse you looked up and saw the face of the devil himself."
ORT is indeed always cold and hungry. So hungry it gobbles up one Ultimate One and one Dead Apostle Ancestor, not to mention our whole playable Servant list.
I think the most terrifying part is that ORT was in a absurdly weakened state, and was still able to hijack the throne, force us to use every single servant we had, simulated thousands of years of human history to make itself a servant and we still required its core helping us to defeat it. AND THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE STORY, WHAT CAN THEY STILL THROW AT US THAT CAN SURPASS THIS THING IN EPICNESS!?
Beast VII merging with the whole Counter Force through some yet unknown means would be a good way to go out. That way, if you want to defeat Beast VII, you need a way to stand against the full arsenal of the Counter Force. ORT already proved that the power to defeat the entire Counter Force exists, and it was lacking its core (and basically all of its real power with it) while doing so. Only Kukulcan (ORT's heart) could stop it in its tracks for good.
@Nanami Chiaki Part of me think it's because we actually somehow got its attention after destroying its spider body and damaging its main body; which is even more unnerving because it paid us no mind throughout the entire raid until then.
@@darkartist9936 If I recall the Lostbelt correctly, it's because Chaldea just shot at it with the Hume-Barrel Rayproof, which ORT actually had to stop to deflect rather than simply ploughing through it like it's done everything else. Before, they were barely an inconvenience. Now, they're a threat.
These answers are mostly incorrect, Rasputin and U Olga used their "time stop but not really time stop" ability that's making them act faster than time can keep up with to save them from being destroyed by ORT, this is the result of that, a fight to hold ORT in place in that time long enough for U Olga to charge up the firing sequence that ORT already thwarted and blast it properly before it can destroy the ship.
@@Lucas61616This. Olga had “Seven Super Authorities” as part of her Alien God portfolio, and one of them is called Tachyon Jail. It somehow involved the manipulation of tachyons, a theoretical particle that cannot move slower than light-speed. By extending the Authority over herself and Chaldea, they were able to move and fight ORT faster than light. The reason it’s not moving around is that it’s still moving within the confines of non-dilated spacetime. Compared to the speeds Chaldea is moving at, saying it’s literally standing still is an understatement. Though, terrifyingly, even though it can’t move around fast enough to move past us, it _is_ still capable of _fighting us._ Yeah, that does mean that it’s reacting and attacking quickly enough to hit us despite the fact that we’re operating at FTL. The Spider is a monster beyond all other monsters.
This... this, more than anything else, drives home the horror of Nasu's Notes. This is an Ultimate One. One of them. Just one. By itself - this weakened, locked Aristotele was able to hijack the Throne itself.
No Hijack, invent it's own throne, occupied by only itself by reverse engineering the entire concept of heroic spirits due to the data it consumed. It was also able to edit it's own heroic record, increasing it's age and accolades to make exceedingly more and more powerful versions of it's servent self every time it's killed.
@@Coramelimane And then put itself even further as a Grand Servant too, in a class that physically could not even HAVE Grands, giving it an even more absurd power boost on top of that.
Nothing that should be surprising: It has already been confirmed that humanity in its current state, with or without Servants, is totally powerless against the Ultimate Ones, and that only the subsequent evolution of mankind (the Ether Lines), could have a chance against them, as revealed in the Notes novel. And EVEN for them, it was still a desperate war, at the end of which, they barely managed to repel the the Ultimate Ones invasion (despite managing to kill some of them), but at the price of millions of lives lost.
I like the fact that ORT mainly runs on instinct when without it’s Core, yet it’s still so smart that it chooses to use it’s External Terrain Dead-Cell Exoskeleton Body to move around to avoid having to use a minority of it’s many nuclear fusions’s energy to float and traverse with only it’s main body. In the dreaded truth, it’s truly something that we humans can’t fight. At this last fight against it, it simply deploys its external body after learning how we attempted to fight back at it. In reality, we aren’t doing anything to it. Fighting it isn’t even a concept for us; we are more just like slightly nudging it from it’s objective, so right at the end, with it’s core in sight, it recreates it’s external body to not only combat us without using it’s true body, but also to not use power maintaining it’s gravity. Top this with the fact it’s still releasing solar winds that warp space, effectively damaging/culling all life around it that isn’t specifically protected against such radiation and providing a new-on the spot created defensive protection that wasn’t created out of need to defend itself, but rather simply to gain a better advantage at getting it’s core back. This whole “raid” hasn’t been ORT fighting us, it’s been it rushing to it’s core and simply putting the minimum amount of energy into “forcefully moving” objects and lifeforms away from it. Sadly for us, “any and everything” it does is harmful to us. It’s a True Ultimate One, if not thee “Ultimate One” A national phenomenon that encapsulates all things that “life” fears and that is the definition of “Alien” that goes from planet to planet, eating and sleeping. It’s something that cannot be stopped, it’s by nature the strongest, and even if it were to be truly threatened or even simply annoyed by something, it can adapt. Truly it can adapt. If something can hurt it, it adapts to counter that or negate it. If it sees a power of another, it takes and creates a version for itself. And above all else, this one we see before us, is it in power-saving mode. It lacks its core, thus we can only imagine what it would do with its core. Personally, I believe the planet would’ve been destroyed moments after it awoke. Not in the sense that the planet was cracked, but in the sense that life on the planet would be dead and the planet terraformed. Also as a personal belief, to those that have read “NOTES”, I’m of the belief that the reason why ORT is asleep in PHH is because it knows other lifeforms on the equivalent power to a planet will come one day, and ORT desires to consume them. Thus it waits, at the end of Notes, it is what ends the protagonist and the planet. It eats everything, and then goes away. By some luck, the planet wanting humanity dead managed to prevent ORT from eating the planet right away. Fyi: I love conversing about this one, ORT is 21 years in the making and it didn’t disappoint.
Honestly ONG ORT was never brought up in NOTES, to me it felt like ORT wasn’t brought up in NOTES bc It never got the call from Gaia, but yours makes a lot of sense, for it to arrive 5k years early, and awaits the promised time to actually eat the other Ultimate Ones and finish off Earth itself, ORT is just imo a True Invader that will wreak havoc, eat and obliterate any and every sentient beings whether it be humans, animals, or literal planets themselves, ORT is just and likely the true Endgame for the Nasuverse.
@@Gareth-daupsetpuppy Glad hear ya like that idea. It's the only logical one given ORT was called a "Planet Eater" and the Ultimate Ones are essentially A Planet's Strongest Lifeform. It'd only make sense that ORT simply realised the opportunity to not only devour a planet, but also multiple Planet Level Lifeforms as well. Endgame is a fitting theme for it, as it's likely the one thing in the whole of the Nasuverse that is a threat to everything it comes across. If anything it fit's Nasu's fear of the the universe beyond earth well, ORT is the definition of Foreign. What we saw in LB7 is probably only a faint fragment of what ORT can do and even then, the possibilities for ORT are near endless when you consider what we saw so far.
@@Kazuradrop_sakuraI just remembered, ORT fucking Crash Landed hard on Earth SO HARD that it ended up turning it into a literal perpetual state of hell, genesis basically. Not only that, it bypassed Gaia’s conceptual defenses that were for the sole purpose of stopping Sefar, and yet ORT just fucking crash lands on Earth turning it to hell, died probably in the mantle of mictlan, sleeps for a few million years, awakens and starts causing havoc and shit. There are literally no other beings in Typemoon that can bypass ALL of Gaia’s conceptual defenses for Earth except ORT. That’s a literal feat ORT can keep, I cannot see anything else trying to bypass through Gaia’s defenses.
@@Gareth-daupsetpuppy Proves more so that ORT is something truly fearsome. Also you reminded me of a small strange insight. ORT when it impacts earth in LB7's history as you say, destroys the earth similar to how Malla should have but on a greater scale to the point earth would've likely needed a way longer amount of time to heal, if it even could given ORT would've cracked and eaten the planet by the time it awoke. Yet in Pan-human history, ORT lands a good few thousand years after Sefar, and yet the earth is fine. This aids my belief that ORT is sleeping in all PHH timelines because it heard the Planet's dying request to the other planets to kill off humanity, and realised it could eat not only the planet but also multiple Ultimate Ones from other planets if it waited for the "Promised Time" and awoke during the chaos.
Somehow I still like better L6, but L7 has some peak themes too specially on the OORT anf Camazotz. But once the novelty is gone, I am not sure wich one I will like better. Bahobham/Cerunos themes among others were still terrific good.
The thing is in the whole screentime of ORT...It never scream or even growl when defeated and this make it a silent civilization destroyer which is more scary
He has no reason to roar as he doesn't even realize Novum Chaldea is fighting him. Most likely if he is aware, he's just like "What is that food doing? Is it coming right to me? Awesome!"
@@shikiyama I don't think it even has a need for the most basic form of vocalization, remember, growling and roaring is a trait developed in Earth, so it probably never developed the need for anything like that, which makes it all the more terrifying
It's not really civilization destroyer, that would fall to Sefar from Fate extra. This existence is straight up a planet eater. With no caveats from our planet able to dent it. Earthly concepts such as death and damage mean nothing to it.
And then cue the Hume-Barrel Rayproof. If ORT could talk, it would say something like this... ORT: (notices Hume-Barrel Rayproof is coming his way) Eh?! That's...a problem. Defensive Mechanism, activate! (HBR is deflected by gravitational waves and misses) Whew, that was close. I don't know how you did it, and I don't know why, but you insignificant microbes just fired an attack that threatened to kill me. As much as I hate to admit it, you have successfully garnered my attention. Congratulations. (prepares to fire Lost Supernova) So to reward you for performing even this much, I shall obliterate you in an instant along with this planet. Prepare yourselves.
I thank you Nasu for giving us players the experience of battling ORT and learn just how terrifying the real one will be in Proper History after fighting this version of ORT.
This ORT is a baby compared to the real deal. We only had a chance because he was lacking his heart and had substituted it with the tree of emptiness (a far inferior source of energy)
@@rogueascendant6611 when you say that... We could consider CHAOS as a Ultimate One of their respective universe, with it being a Dyson sphere and all.
@@richardtheerune2891 We don't even know if the concept of Ultimate One is something acknowledgeable in that universe that Chaos resided. I'm just going that the extraterrestrial Primordial is similar to Velber - the monstrous alien mothership that wandered in the galaxy that genocide all manners of life. You must understand that Nasuverse is a dangerous reality that have multiple beings known or unknown that could end humanity in a blink of an eye. There are beings beyond Ultimate Ones. Like Chaos, Velber, Outer Gods, extra-dimensional Angels, conceptual demons and so on.
Normally these kinds of bosses are "Advent Beast: An Evil of Humanity Approaches". Here we have "Advent ARISTOTELES: Ultimate One of the Oort Cloud / DAY OF ORT" Know the fear of fighting the being explictly stated to stand at the apex of all things in universe (as far as humanity has experienced / known. SOMETHING out there may outscale ORT, but nothing within the context of things we know about. Note that "things we know about" includes CHAOS since he and the twelve olympians are known factors in history already even before LB5). THIS is the Ultimate One stated to represent "Hopeless Despair" and stated to be able to defeat any and every opponent, including every other known Ultimate One. And most terrifyingly? The ORT we fight isn't even CLOSE to ORT's real strength, he's lacking his heart, and substituting with two VASTLY inferior power sources (and neither would be enough for him to even MOVE alone). He's basically crippled and lethargic and still represents the most horrificly harrowing challenge Chaldea has ever faced.
@@Dranikos I am aware of the Advent ARISTOTELES and the hot mess of Angel Notes and how that not well known series may be something we will have to become very familiar with in the near future. I aware of how ORT is "Hopeless Despair" and how in a video game setting it would force players to rage quiet at the sheer absurdity of what it could. And we all saw how this thing was a wrecking ball that tore down anything thrown at it. Even when we think we are making progress it is beating us black and blue without actually trying. Then we see part of the reason why Humanity could never truly beat him with how he flips the board and uses the thing that has supported us and do it even better. Not saying what it is due to {spoilers} on any potential player who hasn't got this far and wants to avoid spoilers. In gameplay we saw the Player Image/Icon changing expressions showcasing how they are trying to put this spider down and we are trying to hold our sanity in place. In fact Edmond Dante's is practically working overtime keeping our sanity intact while we are fighting for our survival here. This soundtrack highlights that.
This thing in full power will eat Chaos and even Space Ishtar (because they both were too lousy to be remembered, not so important in the story too like if Chaos is THAT strong why nobody in Chaldea compare Chaos to ORT? The answer is simple because Chaos is not on ORT level and also they're wanked for hype only while ORT is absolute nightmare compare to those 2 lame asses). There's a reason ORT is known as the "hidden boss" for so long in Nasuverse for a reason non come close (except maybe a high dimensional being like the Angelic Artefact that Daybit seen can match ORT because they're literally a HIGH DIMENSIONAL BEING so it makes sense and Nasu bout to level up the powerscaling in his verse). Sick of seeing new gen Nasuverse fanbois compare fodders to the real deal.😴
@@yammoto148 This is real ORT. At least a Lostbelt version. You see this ET crash landed on this Lostbelt as the caused of the KT-extinction. The big rock that wipe out the dinosaur off the face of the Earth. Go to sleep mode to recover, woke up and caused violence million years later before the present. Go to sleep again because bat-god steal it's heart. Wake up in the present but substantially weak since it doesn't have it's original heart instead replaced by another that only cost a fraction of power to sustained. Low cost and still the beat the sh*t out of everyone.
@@rogueascendant6611 No its not the real Oort. The real Oort cannot exist in a Lostbelt because it cannot be pruned from existence like a lostbelt can. The Oort we face is stated to only be an offshoot of the real deal. As the real Oort is and I quote, "the strongest thing in space" in other words stronger than Velber, Chaos, Astart and almost everything short of Arcluid in Nasuverse. In notes Zeldrich the dude who controls Kalideoscope who is an expert on alternate realities and pruning things from existence stated humanity literally has nothing that can fight Oort including himself and he beat Type Moon.
I always had a funny feeling that the first theme wasn't really a battle theme. And it honestly wasn't: it could barely be called a fight, since we literally had no chance. This, however, is a battle theme. Go forth and throw away your dear Servants you've been raising for so long, one after another, as the millstones of the being beyond your comprehension grind them to dust, testing the endurance of your very soul. Perhaps there will be a victory at the end of this marathon. There is a chance this time.
After so many years of ORT being shrouded in mystery, with what precious little info we had to go off of suggesting something so cool, so alien, and so powerful...goddamn, did TYPE MOON deliver. ORT in its full glory is just awesome.
This ORT is lvl 1 all the way through, lacking its heart, landed on the wrong history which heavily nerfed it already, using a much weaker source of power to sustain itself, and we barely even defeated it without the help of U-Olga Marie and Kukulkan in the end. If even one of those nerfs didn't happen I doubt we will even have a minute chance in defeating it.
@@mayonotes9849 What funny is the new Chaldeas is actually not OP at all in their firepower or anything and they were able to clear the 7 lostbelt because of their own perseverance, luck and some help from the local people in the lostbelt. Not to mention, because Chaldeas is not so heartless in their pursuit to clear the Lostbelt. They often get strong helper which always help in increase their odds in sucess. (Not to mention on the enemy side while they are strong but they often conflict with each other and they ended up not having full power to deal with Chaldea in the end)
@@nanamichiaki2657 It was all EX-tier luck that we survived the initial welcome when we hit LB5. Under normal circumstances we would have been instantly wiped out because the welcome party was fully prepared for us. And if that didn't do the job, then Kirschtaria would have done it with his meteor spell... (Edit for grammar)
we arent sure if its really from the Oort Cloud because the name ORT stands for One Radiance Thing and not Oort. Might be second red herring after the "Spider of Mercury"
@@MokoES Considering that at the very beginning Nasu already has questions marks (???) in the character materials for ORT it kinda implies to put the whole mercury thing into question. Also, why go to mercury in the first place? The SOS came from earth. Why go further in, and if my understanding of the theory about ORT eating mercury is correct, eat the TYPE of mercury before going back to earth? How does eating TYPE mercury make it into the Ultimate One of Mercury? The designation for an Ultimate one is the highest life form of a celestial body. Eating TYPE mercury would not make it a part of mercury. Why eat TYPE mercury in the first place? ORT named One Radiance/Radiant Thing does not really say anything about it not being on Oort. Razputin says its the Ultimate One of the Oort Cloud. Why would he lie in an interlude? I'd rather not go into another is "Obito tobi, madara or danzo rabbit hole" again.
@@yunantheobserver6841 Rasputin simply may not know. ORT being an actual Aristoteles has been put tuo question since the start. It may have just eaten one and absorbed its abilities.
@@yunantheobserver6841 The term why it's a common knowledge that ORT came from Oort Cloud is because that's what Zelretch and first Director, Brishishan, conducted in their research about this Ultimate One point of origins. Mindful that Brishishan is the Lord of the Department of Lore. This Department deals things otherworldly, beyond from Earth, and unto Threats of Humanity. So it is evidently conclusive that the Lord is not wrong with his findings regarding about ORT origin.
Seeing close to half of my servant cards turned into "DATA LOST" was truly a horrifying yet exhilarating feeling. I want more battles like this that push you and your servant roster to the limit.
Stronger actually. A fair bit stronger. In Olympus, Goetia is classified as 2nd-class Planetary, which was stronger than 3rd class (the mini-ORT when he just woke up), but weaker than 1st class (mature Beast Draco). This thing is straight up Stellar class, which means it at least matches the Sun in output, and it's still missing it's core.
@@LoncusZhao I thought Goetia would have the edge because of Ars Almadel, since this coreless ORT didn't seem to have an easily rechargable attack to destroy the entire earth that not even mash could survive, a bit weird how that works
This ORT who lost its main core and replaced with a weaker one theoritically speaking, is easily capable of parrying Goetia's Ars Almadel Salomonis, rendering the attack useless. Why? Because it can literally bend the space around itself so that the beam would not be able to reach ORT in the first place, and redirect it somewhere else. This is what ORT did when faced up against Storm Border's main weapon, Hume-Barrel Rayproof, the weaponized Holy Sword armament that Novum Chaldea got from Artoria Caster back in LB 6. The weapon scales the threat lvl according of how dangerous it is to Humanity. ORT technically have a 'strongest' attack of its own which is called as "Lost Supernova" as a cinematic gauge attack of ORT in golden ufo form. It's just that story wise, ORT never get to use such attack on Novum Chaldea, and thus we won't be able to know the true destructive potential of such attack. Unless if there would be a official statement of somesort from Nasu post LB 7 that would talk about ORT in more depth.
@@meremsolomon4744 I do wonder if our Hume-Barrel Rayproof is as strong as Ars Almadel when using it against threats to humanity, i would like to know but i don't know if there's a way to measure them, since these are just "What ifs"
@@Coramelimane But that doesn't mean he is the strongest in the universe. Who knows what other ultimate ones exist in space. ORT could very well be one of the weaker ones for all we know, considering Zeus's home civilization created Chaos by using a literal star as it's power source.
@@Coramelimane Need a source for that claim, my guy, because so far we've only really got TYPE Venus, which survived getting shot by Gun God's Black Barrel but fell into a coma, and TYPE Saturn, which killed Gun God in the process of him stopping its descent, to stack that claim against in Angel Notes.
@@shikiyamaOrt also has a star as its power source, and wasn’t even one of the beings called by Gaia. Hence why it was perfectly fine going against gaia and just eating Earth (and possibly even other types given the type mercury mystery).
@@Coramelimane ORT isn't the strongest of the Aristoteles summoned by Gaia. This is straight up said in one of the sources, don't remember which one. It was either a character material or Notes.
Lostbelt ORT may suffer a kryptonite in form of kukulkan. But to see an ultimate one pushed to brink of defeat, is still breathtaking moment. ..is it losing tho? From what i heard this is the final phase before it resummoned itself.
Not really. ORT basically reflected the Hume-Barrel Rayproof like nothing and we are basically stalling for time so we can fire a second shot, using the Alien God's Saint Graph as a sort of aim assist.
@@rogueascendant6611 Well yeah the Hume-Barrel Rayproof is a weapon against threats to humanity. Considering ORT is a big ticking anti-humanity doomsday device it would take a ton of damage from it. Plus ORT does have the ability to predict the future, it's how the damn spider ended up on Earth in the first place. It's safe to assume it predicted the beam to seriously hurt it.
@@shikiyama Normally, the Holy Sword that is attached to the Hume-Barrel Rayproof won't work against ORT. Since it was illustrated that Gaia, the will of the planet, were the one who invited this thing in the first place. But it was clearly evidence that ORT is treated more as an uninvited guest than a visitor. As a matter of fact, the weapon didn't work against the Alien God aka U-Olga Marie for some reason. Clearly saying that she is not an enemy of humanity. The Holy Sword aka Excalibur to its full potential would only work if the threat is a danger to the planet and mankind. There's no statements about ORT able to predict the future. Nothing from the story or any materials. The dying call of Gaia from the possibility of the Land of Steel is stated resonated across time and space - past, present & future. Somehow ORT was able to pickup this message and ended coming too early. Even though this Ultimate One is an uninvited guest considering the proof of how the Hume-Barrel works against it. So no, I don't think so about this being a clairvoyant. It's more like it sense that the weapon is a threat to it that shifted the space to bend the BEAM trajectory.
@@rogueascendant6611 doesn't this line suggest that ORT can tank full power rayproof without much problem? ああ。通常の手段では破壊より再生速度が上回る。 ORTを通常空間で攻撃するのは効率が悪い。
I wish I could replay the raid for these bangers... As a f2p player, was worried i had not enough servants. Apparently, I beat it without restarting, damn..
To be fair, the raid is not that hard since your servants get a permanent damage buff and you „only“ need like 20 units baseline. With how many low stars there are it‘s not a real problem for even mid-invested accounts. It‘s just there to stop starters from rushing through it using friend supports and blue cubes.
Konami honestly could've made their boss monster, the Crystal God Tistina, into an Xyz Monster, and then gave it an effect that attaches any destroyed monsters on the field into itself as materials. And for added bustedness, no monsters with the same name as a material attached to Crystal God can be summoned or have their effects activated, effectively making them "DATA LOST" until Crystal God is forcefully removed from the field. Not making the Crystal God into an even more obvious ORT reference was a totally missed opportunity.
@@neves783001Who knows, maybe the next wave of support for Tistina (if that ever occurs) might do the trick. Until then, suppose I'll leave those possibilities to the custom card creators.
@@mje71103 Looks like we are definitely going to have a second wave of Tistina cards in the next set (Age of Overlord). Judging by the preview artworks (no names or effects yet), the Crystal God is going to pull off an ORT Xibalba-style power-up. And going by what the announcer said in the trailer, this new form "erases face-down monsters" (I strongly guess it's by banishing them face-down, making them virtually unusable for the rest of the duel) and "magnifies its own ATK points" - both EERILY SIMILAR to how F/GO ORT renders defeated Servants unusable and uses their stolen data to power itself up even further. Now, it would be fun if a dedicated Tistina player would invite other Yu-Gi-Oh! duelists to a "Tistina raid", incorporating the mechanics of the ORT raid into the challenge: the Tistina player has 16 separate Life Point gauges to break, each defeated opponent is eliminated (and can no longer participate in the raid), and opponents that break the Tistina player's current LP gauge is automatically eliminated (and thus can no longer participate either).
@@neves783001With the support out, I went and tested; this stuff is fun, honestly a perfect feel for what has the energy of the adaptation of an anime villain's deck. A lot of the effects just being flat out unorthodox compared to the norm e.g. Tainted's Stormforth effect using a face-down monster your opponent uses is something I can appreciate coming off of the visuals, especially with how overwhelming Tistina itself and it's newfound Xyz form look. Hilariously enough, I found they're quite nice users of the Number Spiders in Ravenous Tarantula, Pain Gainer and even The Seven Sins. Sincerely doubt that was intentional but the accidental thematic relevance didn't evade my notice. The idea you proposed sounds pretty in line with those Boss Duel type of events they used to host, on the off chance that ever gets revived and ORT styled sequence of phases I can imagine would be quite fun to play with even if it'd probably be a nightmare to organize.
The first version from section 10 makes me feel an impending doom from one of the ultimate ones. While along with what I felt already, this version also makes me feel stress and urgency that I have to win otherwise humanity is doomed
my personal challenge as a master of 300+ max leveled servants in NA: - class disadvantages only - Must deploy 6 servants at once Can't wait for part 2 to drop already 🔥🔥🔥
This is coming in NA dang we NA masters are gonna have a heck of a time defeating this thing of an eldritch horror that makes even holloween look like child's play be prepared soon this is coming in Fgo NA
I'm a lover of Nasuworks but.. ..just bear with me here because it STILL boggles my mind even when I have knowledge of most material here.. ..We've gone from a "Great and terrible" Grail War that could wipe out a whole fictional city being one of the worst incidents in recent years, to Giant Enemy Spider that's both Alien and destroys our planet with a yawn if it cared to focus. And the number of GODS entities killed on the way is way more than one. ..What is this, Final Fantasy? Mr. Amano? Are you buddies with my man Nasu?? (Insert meme about Japanese RPG plot here.)
You know that ORT is older than fate series itself? Also iirc angra in heaven's feel was supposed to be a threat to much much more than a city melty blood had a character that was able to play pinball with the continents and over ten years ago CCC came out, a game where a character used earth as a tool to pleasure herself and it was among the less impressive feats that appear in it, then we had extella that was focused on, surprise surprise, sefar, a being that was comparable in strenght to lostbelt 5 megazord zeus nasuverse had ridiculous stuff since the very beginning
Oh I'm aware. And as we know, the popularity of his other work didn't kick off until way later and it's STILL not as much as Fate. I was really dumbing down the circumstances over the entire verse, but that was my point. To a casual fan of the FATE series, ORT is like a big "What the fuck?" in terms of scale, and already we've been getting that scale greater and greater since... uhhh.. I guess CCC? Mooncell in extra was cool with Savior and the Ai thing, but planet pleasure Kiara over there and the WHOLE crazy of BB seemed to really jump things up. And yeah, it goes further still. Further in seemingly every new thing that is spawned in each time. Just up and up and up, but again..with the thoughts that the rest of his shenanigans weren't paid that much attention until recent years by the majority before. ORT certainly kicked that though, I think? lol
Considering nasu's first work was angel notes we really arent escalating higher as much as we are just getting back to where it all started imo. Also yeah i bet casual enjoyers of fate were probably confused as hell when ORT showed up since hes only mentioned in a few of his works and TYPES in general were on a work that many people thought would never have anything to do with fate.(even though it was pretty obvious) Its things like this that makes me want to look even further into type moon lore to see what other things might pop up.
I'm curious. Is the reason why ORT was black colored back during the first encounter because he was at full power? Is he also silver here because he's running off the fantasy tree and has already become the Xibalba subspecies?
@@yammoto148Not even, Tez showed a literal future where IF ORT succeeded in regaining its core, it would just easily wipe the Lostbelt out and without even heading to Chaldea blow the Earth to hell literally bypassing a lot of conceptual defenses Gaia had, it didn’t even need to actually destroy Chaldea but on Daybits simple order, it blew 40% of the earth up and destroyed Chaldea with it. And no it’s not even a fake ORT either. Lostbelts are histories deemed unnecessary or have stagnated which are pruned away, but the Tree of Emptiness is what brings forth those pruned Histories into FGO main timeline. Those pruned Histories were real in some other timeline before being pruned away because of too quick of progression, Stagnation, or the arrival of an Ultimate One before humanity ever existed, and ORT of this very LB arrived when Pangea was around, it crash landing ended up burning the surface of Earth to a literal hell that it is which lasted for millions of years, and not only that nc ORT crash landed so hard, it ended up deep in the mantle of Earth, specifically Mictlan. What kind of being is literally capable enough to destroy a layer of the earth which lasted for millions of years? No one, EXCEPT ORT.
my poor F2P ass with my favorite maxed out 1* to 3* Servants struggling through "Kill 10 enemies in 5 turns" in the Thanatos Impulse Chapter alone: Am I gonna be okay
It wouldn't be a fight, just a one-sided slaughter. Chaos merely glanced at us and would have wiped us out completely if Mars hadn't taken the hit in our stead. Not only that, but we needed help from Romulus=Quirinius (the Grand Lancer) to even approach the portal it was looking through, just so Musashi could burn up her entire Spirit Origin and close said portal. To give you an idea of how strong Chaos is, take this ORT that we fought against with everything we had and let it reclaim its true core (and its full power with it). Chaos is easily as strong as full power ORT, maybe even stronger. So yeah, be thankful we didn't actually fight it in LB5. Because we couldn't.
@@cameraredeye3115Chaos is not stronger. It was confirmed in the recent materials that ORT is the strongest being in TYPE-Moon, it has 1 trillion degree flames that it held back in order to not completely incinerate us (it wanted to eat, not destroy outright). Chaos’ beams are weaker than the Storm Borders missiles.
Chaos is a dyson sphere, yet its core is nothing compared to ORTs which is compacted, runs on nuclear fusion, and temperature can go from 1000 to 10000, but then again inflation makes it skyrocket to the trillions. This is ORT without its core, and still it can fucking decimate shit without even noticing it.
I wonder what would happen if ORT clashed with Tiamat. Similar to Camazotz, Tiamat has immortality as she will survive as long as life on Earth hasn't died completely, and she can give birth to new life forms infinitively. Tiamat is likely much stronger than Camazotz as a Beast. Also, ORT isn't one of her children, and it even tries to massacre them, so Tiamat would definitely unleash all of her power, unlike Singularity 7.
the inmortality is the bare minimun though. Its not gona guarantee anything. Camazots basically had to go kamikaze over and over until his inmortality wasnt able to keep up with the rate of ORTs damage. Camazots won by pure luck. He just got the one small opening where he could go with only half of his body and with his spear to pierce him.
ORT will 1000000% win, Tiamat's unending production of increasingly stronger minions would just amp ORT as ORT is able to absorb powers, mimic abilities and such. I don't think tiamat have anything as powerful as hume-barrel the amplified version of Excalibur with black barrel! Even if she have one as powerful she would have to go faster than time itself because ORT's regen is TOO STRONG. Also let's assume that her real body is in the imaginary number space and the encounter is only between a manifestation of herself and a basic ORT, ORT even in a powered down version is able to ascend dimensions! Lb ort is able to eat history itself recorded in the throne of heroes whos to say it can't do that the tiamat? Tiamat is only a goddess of earth, they're not earth's will, unlike arcueid
ultimate ones like ort are extinction level events just by existing. but primordials like tiamat, chaos and the umbral star are cosmological dead ends that arent even allowed to exist in the story in their true form. if its just a projection of tiamat like in babylonia then ort wins but against true form "primordial ark of life" tiamat the fight would be similar to us against ort.
If it's the real Tiamat in the sense of "the primordial true form" which is the one that got trapped in the fourth dimension, it could/would be a stalemate.
how do you make ORT scarier? quicker music, and have it run at you, and also add more layers to song that give off a sense of impending urgency and doom
a month(technically two depending if we get part 2 of LB7 in late December or early January) until we there NA Edit; we getting it on Christmas Day for sure
@Get-me-out-of-Gacha-hell What are you talking about? He one-shotted Type:Jupiter and certainly Type:Saturn too. You are underselling Ado Edem and misunderstanding some events. It’s certainly true that Ado Edem had help for Type:Jupiter but do not claim it self destructed on its own. Ado Edem was directly responsible for this, he *grievously* injured the Black Aristoteles in a *single blow*. Then, the core went berserk and scorched the western continent. As seen here: “After a fierce battle, it was sliced into half by the demonic sword of Knight Edem, the Slash Emperor. The chopped artificial sun went berserk and burned the whole western continent.” Next quote: “He was an Ether Liner who did not stand out much during the war with the A-rays, but suddenly rose to prominence when the Aristoteles invaded. He used Slash Emperor to slash through “The Black Aristoteles” (Type:Jupiter) in a single blow.” It’s very much the same for Type:Saturn. Although he was the only one capable of defeating since the army couldn’t do crap about it. And no, it was never mentioned anywhere that ORT killed or absorbed any Aristotle. The only link he may have with another Type is the misunderstanding leading people to believe that he was Type:Mercury. Please do provide me any kind of quote from to support what you’re saying but also on Tezcatripoca’s part. My main point is that Ado Edem can kill ORT. Yes you are right on the account that most of the time, if Ado Edem is alone, ORT would win. The Aristotle is extremely haxes and powerful. Nevertheless it would only take one blow from his Slash Emperor to take down ORT and his core along with it. It would be a reenactment of Type:Jupiter’s demise.
@Get-me-out-of-Gacha-hell Alright let’s get this started. For your more recent comment. Type:Jupiter’s description can be find in Notes. It’s literally called The Black Aristoteles. Yes your description is correct but so is the title I used. It could’ve taken you seconds to confirm it. Here: “The Black Aristoteles [type:jupiter] An Aristoteles that appeared in the western continent. A black giant several dozen kilometers in size. Its form was pretty close to a human.” It’s really not that hard. Type:Saturn is the cross you dummy. It’s literally in his character description. Please do make some research. Here you go: “十字架 [type:saturn] jyuujika The Cross A cross shaped Aristoteles that is 3000 meters long. It's outer shell is composed of an illuminating mineral, and there's nothing else. This flying object fires a rain of light to the ground from its body.” You can find this shit on beast lair or forum nrvnqsr. Also yeah I do know about archetypes, Arcueid and Kukulkan are some examples. Dawg I literally gave you a quote about Ado Edem inflicting a one-shot on Type:Jupiter that lead to it’s chopped core going berserk and him killing Type:Saturn. Moreover don’t claim that only Ado Edem’s teammates did the heavy lifting. The battle was described as fierce, not Ado Edem cowardly entered the fray and killed it.
@Get-me-out-of-Gacha-hell Shit I don’t know if the comment got deleted. I’ll write it again. Saturn did die and it’s the damn cross. Dawg you can literally find the quotes on beast lair or forum nrvnqsr. It’s description: “十字架 [type:saturn] jyuujika The Cross A cross shaped Aristoteles that is 3000 meters long. It's outer shell is composed of an illuminating mineral, and there's nothing else. This flying object fires a rain of light to the ground from its body.” Ado Eden killing it: “…As the war with the Aristoteles approached a close, he was seen as humanity’s trump card and thrown into the conflict, and was able to destroy “The Cross” (Type:Saturn), the fortress-like Aristoteles that had been attacked uselessly for a long time. His fate afterwards is unknown.” Ado Edem is directly responsible for Type:Jupiter’s demise. During the battle, he used Slash Emperor, chopped the Aristotle in half along with it’s core. It then went berserk and scorched the continent. Literally here: “After this incident, a team of Knights were sent to the western continent. After a fierce battle, it was sliced into half by the demonic sword of Knight Edem, the Slash Emperor. The chopped artificial sun went berserk and burned the whole western continent.” I stand corrected on ORT’s titles. Nevertheless you still did not provide anything on him killing two Types.
Olympus spaceships interacted with humans. Ort never did since it spent most of it's time sleeping and it's also super-radioactive so anything getting near it dies.
Olympus mecha gods interacted and most importantly, worshipped by the humans. Meanwhile ORT here always have a single goal to being a murder spree towards anything when the time comes (or when anythig disturbed him)
ORT inherently cannot understand the culture of Earth. And more importantly, unlike them, it is not merely an alien, but the embodiment of an alien place.
@@TheRedJadex Eh, Kukulkan disproves that. She was literally formed out of a part of ORT that more or less underwent the same process as Zeus and the Olympians. The difference is that ORT just never was put in a position to receive that interaction and be humanized, for lack of a better word.
@@ASNS117Zero The thing is, Kukulkan isn't ORT deified. She's the false Mictlan sun deified which happens to be fueled by ORT's heart. They are separate things that have the same origin and because Kukulkan is a representative for Malla, even if they connected somehow, it would likely end with them having a relationship much like Arcueid and Altrouge.
If there's one thing I'm not satisfied with about ORT's design, it's that they shouldn't have its sprite undulate as if breathing. I think it takes away from its "alienness."
If anything I'm into the fact it doesn't visibly "breathe" - how much it's so far above the need for something as breathing in a way humans can relate to adds to how inscrutable the Types are for me.
@@shiroufan5401 No its not, the whole timeline which Camazots fought ORT is part of the lostbelt, it doesn't happen in human history. In normal human history Camazotz doesn't even become a god he is a monster. Its literally implied that ORT sent 1% of itself to this time period where earth would prune it away to see if it would be successful.
@@shiroufan5401 No. No he can't. Archie Sonic is so far above anything Type-Moon has ever produced that it isn't even funny. Archie Sonic is above most of fucking Marvel and DC comics lol.
@this city really looks like a city We're talking about something from outside the setting. Those kind of statements obviously don't apply to something like that lol. EDIT: Also, UA-cam ate your other comment, I can't see the full thing or reply to it. Repost?
ahhhhh sorry bro i will dislike your video only because youtube keeps putting this track(not necesarily yours) in my mix and i dont even play fate so i dont know shit about this
"Imagine you were afraid, cold, hungry and a long way from home, just when you thought things couldnt get any worse you looked up and saw the face of the devil himself."
Are you describing Ort? Because it IS a long way from home lol.
@@kusanagi-no-tachi5303 And so he met Gudako. And hell he did regret it.
nice doctor who reference my dude
@@JAArias67he never regret it
ORT is indeed always cold and hungry. So hungry it gobbles up one Ultimate One and one Dead Apostle Ancestor, not to mention our whole playable Servant list.
Lostbelt 7: Everybody gangsta until The Spider starts walkin
I think the most terrifying part is that ORT was in a absurdly weakened state, and was still able to hijack the throne, force us to use every single servant we had, simulated thousands of years of human history to make itself a servant and we still required its core helping us to defeat it. AND THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE STORY, WHAT CAN THEY STILL THROW AT US THAT CAN SURPASS THIS THING IN EPICNESS!?
Beast VII merging with the whole Counter Force through some yet unknown means would be a good way to go out. That way, if you want to defeat Beast VII, you need a way to stand against the full arsenal of the Counter Force.
ORT already proved that the power to defeat the entire Counter Force exists, and it was lacking its core (and basically all of its real power with it) while doing so. Only Kukulcan (ORT's heart) could stop it in its tracks for good.
You simply can't. Ort was designed to be a character that's leagues above the "final boss"
If you think lost belt ORT was hard, imagine proper human history ORT
Nothing as it turns out. Cuz they said in an interview that this was as big as it gets.
@@hjt091 Really? Isn't this version being severely weakened (its heart was ripped out by Camazotz and made the new sun of Mictlan) a plot point?
For some reason, it just standing there instead of running is just as terrifying
Yeah, ORT just finish regenerating the body from the saucer so it cannot move immediately
@Nanami Chiaki Part of me think it's because we actually somehow got its attention after destroying its spider body and damaging its main body; which is even more unnerving because it paid us no mind throughout the entire raid until then.
@@darkartist9936 If I recall the Lostbelt correctly, it's because Chaldea just shot at it with the Hume-Barrel Rayproof, which ORT actually had to stop to deflect rather than simply ploughing through it like it's done everything else.
Before, they were barely an inconvenience.
Now, they're a threat.
These answers are mostly incorrect, Rasputin and U Olga used their "time stop but not really time stop" ability that's making them act faster than time can keep up with to save them from being destroyed by ORT, this is the result of that, a fight to hold ORT in place in that time long enough for U Olga to charge up the firing sequence that ORT already thwarted and blast it properly before it can destroy the ship.
@@Lucas61616This. Olga had “Seven Super Authorities” as part of her Alien God portfolio, and one of them is called Tachyon Jail. It somehow involved the manipulation of tachyons, a theoretical particle that cannot move slower than light-speed. By extending the Authority over herself and Chaldea, they were able to move and fight ORT faster than light.
The reason it’s not moving around is that it’s still moving within the confines of non-dilated spacetime. Compared to the speeds Chaldea is moving at, saying it’s literally standing still is an understatement. Though, terrifyingly, even though it can’t move around fast enough to move past us, it _is_ still capable of _fighting us._
Yeah, that does mean that it’s reacting and attacking quickly enough to hit us despite the fact that we’re operating at FTL. The Spider is a monster beyond all other monsters.
This... this, more than anything else, drives home the horror of Nasu's Notes.
This is an Ultimate One. One of them. Just one.
By itself - this weakened, locked Aristotele was able to hijack the Throne itself.
No Hijack, invent it's own throne, occupied by only itself by reverse engineering the entire concept of heroic spirits due to the data it consumed. It was also able to edit it's own heroic record, increasing it's age and accolades to make exceedingly more and more powerful versions of it's servent self every time it's killed.
@@Coramelimane And then put itself even further as a Grand Servant too, in a class that physically could not even HAVE Grands, giving it an even more absurd power boost on top of that.
Nothing that should be surprising: It has already been confirmed that humanity in its current state, with or without Servants, is totally powerless against the Ultimate Ones, and that only the subsequent evolution of mankind (the Ether Lines), could have a chance against them, as revealed in the Notes novel.
And EVEN for them, it was still a desperate war, at the end of which, they barely managed to repel the the Ultimate Ones invasion (despite managing to kill some of them), but at the price of millions of lives lost.
Killing Type Jupiter alone razed the entirety of the American continents
@@rennakamura4889 Yeah.....billions. Thanks for the correction.
i like the idea this design's colors is closer to the original concept art of ORT from like 20 years ago
I like the fact that ORT mainly runs on instinct when without it’s Core, yet it’s still so smart that it chooses to use it’s External Terrain Dead-Cell Exoskeleton Body to move around to avoid having to use a minority of it’s many nuclear fusions’s energy to float and traverse with only it’s main body. In the dreaded truth, it’s truly something that we humans can’t fight.
At this last fight against it, it simply deploys its external body after learning how we attempted to fight back at it. In reality, we aren’t doing anything to it. Fighting it isn’t even a concept for us; we are more just like slightly nudging it from it’s objective, so right at the end, with it’s core in sight, it recreates it’s external body to not only combat us without using it’s true body, but also to not use power maintaining it’s gravity. Top this with the fact it’s still releasing solar winds that warp space, effectively damaging/culling all life around it that isn’t specifically protected against such radiation and providing a new-on the spot created defensive protection that wasn’t created out of need to defend itself, but rather simply to gain a better advantage at getting it’s core back. This whole “raid” hasn’t been ORT fighting us, it’s been it rushing to it’s core and simply putting the minimum amount of energy into “forcefully moving” objects and lifeforms away from it. Sadly for us, “any and everything” it does is harmful to us.
It’s a True Ultimate One, if not thee “Ultimate One”
A national phenomenon that encapsulates all things that “life” fears and that is the definition of “Alien” that goes from planet to planet, eating and sleeping. It’s something that cannot be stopped, it’s by nature the strongest, and even if it were to be truly threatened or even simply annoyed by something, it can adapt. Truly it can adapt. If something can hurt it, it adapts to counter that or negate it. If it sees a power of another, it takes and creates a version for itself. And above all else, this one we see before us, is it in power-saving mode. It lacks its core, thus we can only imagine what it would do with its core.
Personally, I believe the planet would’ve been destroyed moments after it awoke. Not in the sense that the planet was cracked, but in the sense that life on the planet would be dead and the planet terraformed.
Also as a personal belief, to those that have read “NOTES”, I’m of the belief that the reason why ORT is asleep in PHH is because it knows other lifeforms on the equivalent power to a planet will come one day, and ORT desires to consume them. Thus it waits, at the end of Notes, it is what ends the protagonist and the planet. It eats everything, and then goes away. By some luck, the planet wanting humanity dead managed to prevent ORT from eating the planet right away.
Fyi: I love conversing about this one, ORT is 21 years in the making and it didn’t disappoint.
Honestly ONG ORT was never brought up in NOTES, to me it felt like ORT wasn’t brought up in NOTES bc It never got the call from Gaia, but yours makes a lot of sense, for it to arrive 5k years early, and awaits the promised time to actually eat the other Ultimate Ones and finish off Earth itself, ORT is just imo a True Invader that will wreak havoc, eat and obliterate any and every sentient beings whether it be humans, animals, or literal planets themselves, ORT is just and likely the true Endgame for the Nasuverse.
@@Gareth-daupsetpuppy Glad hear ya like that idea. It's the only logical one given ORT was called a "Planet Eater" and the Ultimate Ones are essentially A Planet's Strongest Lifeform. It'd only make sense that ORT simply realised the
opportunity to not only devour a planet, but also multiple Planet Level Lifeforms as well.
Endgame is a fitting theme for it, as it's likely the one thing in the whole of the Nasuverse that is a threat to everything it comes across. If anything it fit's Nasu's fear of the the universe beyond earth well, ORT is the definition of Foreign. What we saw in LB7 is probably only a faint fragment of what ORT can do and even then, the possibilities for ORT are near endless when you consider what we saw so far.
@@Kazuradrop_sakuraI just remembered, ORT fucking Crash Landed hard on Earth SO HARD that it ended up turning it into a literal perpetual state of hell, genesis basically. Not only that, it bypassed Gaia’s conceptual defenses that were for the sole purpose of stopping Sefar, and yet ORT just fucking crash lands on Earth turning it to hell, died probably in the mantle of mictlan, sleeps for a few million years, awakens and starts causing havoc and shit. There are literally no other beings in Typemoon that can bypass ALL of Gaia’s conceptual defenses for Earth except ORT. That’s a literal feat ORT can keep, I cannot see anything else trying to bypass through Gaia’s defenses.
@@Gareth-daupsetpuppy Proves more so that ORT is something truly fearsome.
Also you reminded me of a small strange insight. ORT when it impacts earth in LB7's history as you say, destroys the earth similar to how Malla should have but on a greater scale to the point earth would've likely needed a way longer amount of time to heal, if it even could given ORT would've cracked and eaten the planet by the time it awoke. Yet in Pan-human history, ORT lands a good few thousand years after Sefar, and yet the earth is fine. This aids my belief that ORT is sleeping in all PHH timelines because it heard the Planet's dying request to the other planets to kill off humanity, and realised it could eat not only the planet but also multiple Ultimate Ones from other planets if it waited for the "Promised Time" and awoke during the chaos.
Actually he is on earth, arcueid definitely ez wins against him
Might actually be my favourite OST FGO has produced, this Lostbelt in particular has a lot of banger OSTs but THIS takes the cake
This OST is litteral: "IT IS COMMING".
The OST for the battle against ORT Xibalba might give this a run for its money tbh...
I think LB7 is easily the peak of FGO music.
I still think Camatotz OST is the best
Somehow I still like better L6, but L7 has some peak themes too specially on the OORT anf Camazotz. But once the novelty is gone, I am not sure wich one I will like better. Bahobham/Cerunos themes among others were still terrific good.
ORT: *goes for a walk*
Chaldea: Quick, everyone kill it!
Given that ORT is a living extinction level event just by walking, we’re in the right to do so.
Arcueid: _"Gramps... be honest with me. What are we looking at in terms of collateral?"_
Zelretch: "Weeell... *the ORT ammount."*
The most human response to a spider in the house
The thing is in the whole screentime of ORT...It never scream or even growl when defeated and this make it a silent civilization destroyer which is more scary
He has no reason to roar as he doesn't even realize Novum Chaldea is fighting him. Most likely if he is aware, he's just like "What is that food doing? Is it coming right to me? Awesome!"
@@shikiyama I don't think it even has a need for the most basic form of vocalization, remember, growling and roaring is a trait developed in Earth, so it probably never developed the need for anything like that, which makes it all the more terrifying
It's not really civilization destroyer, that would fall to Sefar from Fate extra. This existence is straight up a planet eater. With no caveats from our planet able to dent it. Earthly concepts such as death and damage mean nothing to it.
And then cue the Hume-Barrel Rayproof. If ORT could talk, it would say something like this...
ORT: (notices Hume-Barrel Rayproof is coming his way) Eh?! That's...a problem. Defensive Mechanism, activate! (HBR is deflected by gravitational waves and misses) Whew, that was close. I don't know how you did it, and I don't know why, but you insignificant microbes just fired an attack that threatened to kill me. As much as I hate to admit it, you have successfully garnered my attention. Congratulations. (prepares to fire Lost Supernova) So to reward you for performing even this much, I shall obliterate you in an instant along with this planet. Prepare yourselves.
@@cameraredeye3115 probably how you would feel if a random fly that kept bugging you suddenly threw a knife right at your face with lethal speed
I thank you Nasu for giving us players the experience of battling ORT and learn just how terrifying the real one will be in Proper History after fighting this version of ORT.
This ORT is a baby compared to the real deal. We only had a chance because he was lacking his heart and had substituted it with the tree of emptiness (a far inferior source of energy)
@@agent5333 Ultimate Ones core/heart are miniature suns.
@@agent5333 Actually it was U-Olga Marie's heart. Even with a Tree of Emptiness he couldn't activate.
@@rogueascendant6611 when you say that... We could consider CHAOS as a Ultimate One of their respective universe, with it being a Dyson sphere and all.
@@richardtheerune2891 We don't even know if the concept of Ultimate One is something acknowledgeable in that universe that Chaos resided. I'm just going that the extraterrestrial Primordial is similar to Velber - the monstrous alien mothership that wandered in the galaxy that genocide all manners of life.
You must understand that Nasuverse is a dangerous reality that have multiple beings known or unknown that could end humanity in a blink of an eye. There are beings beyond Ultimate Ones. Like Chaos, Velber, Outer Gods, extra-dimensional Angels, conceptual demons and so on.
This soundtrack really intensify the whole "fighting against a cosmic horror/celestial/Ultimate TYPE".
Normally these kinds of bosses are "Advent Beast: An Evil of Humanity Approaches". Here we have "Advent ARISTOTELES: Ultimate One of the Oort Cloud / DAY OF ORT"
Know the fear of fighting the being explictly stated to stand at the apex of all things in universe (as far as humanity has experienced / known. SOMETHING out there may outscale ORT, but nothing within the context of things we know about. Note that "things we know about" includes CHAOS since he and the twelve olympians are known factors in history already even before LB5).
THIS is the Ultimate One stated to represent "Hopeless Despair" and stated to be able to defeat any and every opponent, including every other known Ultimate One. And most terrifyingly? The ORT we fight isn't even CLOSE to ORT's real strength, he's lacking his heart, and substituting with two VASTLY inferior power sources (and neither would be enough for him to even MOVE alone). He's basically crippled and lethargic and still represents the most horrificly harrowing challenge Chaldea has ever faced.
@@Dranikos I am aware of the Advent ARISTOTELES and the hot mess of Angel Notes and how that not well known series may be something we will have to become very familiar with in the near future.
I aware of how ORT is "Hopeless Despair" and how in a video game setting it would force players to rage quiet at the sheer absurdity of what it could. And we all saw how this thing was a wrecking ball that tore down anything thrown at it. Even when we think we are making progress it is beating us black and blue without actually trying. Then we see part of the reason why Humanity could never truly beat him with how he flips the board and uses the thing that has supported us and do it even better. Not saying what it is due to {spoilers} on any potential player who hasn't got this far and wants to avoid spoilers. In gameplay we saw the Player Image/Icon changing expressions showcasing how they are trying to put this spider down and we are trying to hold our sanity in place. In fact Edmond Dante's is practically working overtime keeping our sanity intact while we are fighting for our survival here.
This soundtrack highlights that.
We don't even beat Chaos, we just "convince it" To leave
This thing in full power will eat Chaos and even Space Ishtar (because they both were too lousy to be remembered, not so important in the story too like if Chaos is THAT strong why nobody in Chaldea compare Chaos to ORT? The answer is simple because Chaos is not on ORT level and also they're wanked for hype only while ORT is absolute nightmare compare to those 2 lame asses). There's a reason ORT is known as the "hidden boss" for so long in Nasuverse for a reason non come close (except maybe a high dimensional being like the Angelic Artefact that Daybit seen can match ORT because they're literally a HIGH DIMENSIONAL BEING so it makes sense and Nasu bout to level up the powerscaling in his verse). Sick of seeing new gen Nasuverse fanbois compare fodders to the real deal.😴
Camazotz had to fight this thing. Alone. For centuries.
And a stronger version too since it actually had its core until Camazotz got lucky and ripped it off
@OmarKhanORT actually stated 100,000 years
And this isn't even the real Oort.
@@yammoto148 This is real ORT. At least a Lostbelt version.
You see this ET crash landed on this Lostbelt as the caused of the KT-extinction. The big rock that wipe out the dinosaur off the face of the Earth. Go to sleep mode to recover, woke up and caused violence million years later before the present. Go to sleep again because bat-god steal it's heart. Wake up in the present but substantially weak since it doesn't have it's original heart instead replaced by another that only cost a fraction of power to sustained. Low cost and still the beat the sh*t out of everyone.
@@rogueascendant6611 No its not the real Oort. The real Oort cannot exist in a Lostbelt because it cannot be pruned from existence like a lostbelt can. The Oort we face is stated to only be an offshoot of the real deal. As the real Oort is and I quote, "the strongest thing in space" in other words stronger than Velber, Chaos, Astart and almost everything short of Arcluid in Nasuverse.
In notes Zeldrich the dude who controls Kalideoscope who is an expert on alternate realities and pruning things from existence stated humanity literally has nothing that can fight Oort including himself and he beat Type Moon.
Get ready for another year NA Masters, for the Ultimate One of Oort weaves its web of despair soon…
If what 2san says is true, it may be even less than a year
I might actually die that day jsjs
I always had a funny feeling that the first theme wasn't really a battle theme. And it honestly wasn't: it could barely be called a fight, since we literally had no chance.
This, however, is a battle theme. Go forth and throw away your dear Servants you've been raising for so long, one after another, as the millstones of the being beyond your comprehension grind them to dust, testing the endurance of your very soul. Perhaps there will be a victory at the end of this marathon. There is a chance this time.
After so many years of ORT being shrouded in mystery, with what precious little info we had to go off of suggesting something so cool, so alien, and so powerful...goddamn, did TYPE MOON deliver. ORT in its full glory is just awesome.
The best part is that this isn't ORT in it's full glory. This is just how strong it is when heavily nerfed.
This ORT is lvl 1 all the way through, lacking its heart, landed on the wrong history which heavily nerfed it already, using a much weaker source of power to sustain itself, and we barely even defeated it without the help of U-Olga Marie and Kukulkan in the end. If even one of those nerfs didn't happen I doubt we will even have a minute chance in defeating it.
@@mayonotes9849 What funny is the new Chaldeas is actually not OP at all in their firepower or anything and they were able to clear the 7 lostbelt because of their own perseverance, luck and some help from the local people in the lostbelt. Not to mention, because Chaldeas is not so heartless in their pursuit to clear the Lostbelt. They often get strong helper which always help in increase their odds in sucess. (Not to mention on the enemy side while they are strong but they often conflict with each other and they ended up not having full power to deal with Chaldea in the end)
@@nanamichiaki2657 It was all EX-tier luck that we survived the initial welcome when we hit LB5. Under normal circumstances we would have been instantly wiped out because the welcome party was fully prepared for us. And if that didn't do the job, then Kirschtaria would have done it with his meteor spell...
(Edit for grammar)
This is just the Aristoteles of the Oort Cloud. There are many more celestial bodies here in our solar system...I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!
we arent sure if its really from the Oort Cloud because the name ORT stands for One Radiance Thing and not Oort. Might be second red herring after the "Spider of Mercury"
@@MokoES Considering that at the very beginning Nasu already has questions marks (???) in the character materials for ORT it kinda implies to put the whole mercury thing into question.
Also, why go to mercury in the first place? The SOS came from earth. Why go further in, and if my understanding of the theory about ORT eating mercury is correct, eat the TYPE of mercury before going back to earth? How does eating TYPE mercury make it into the Ultimate One of Mercury? The designation for an Ultimate one is the highest life form of a celestial body. Eating TYPE mercury would not make it a part of mercury. Why eat TYPE mercury in the first place?
ORT named One Radiance/Radiant Thing does not really say anything about it not being on Oort. Razputin says its the Ultimate One of the Oort Cloud. Why would he lie in an interlude?
I'd rather not go into another is "Obito tobi, madara or danzo rabbit hole" again.
@@yunantheobserver6841maybe it was the rotation of the solar system where when it arrived Mercury was before Earth
@@yunantheobserver6841 Rasputin simply may not know. ORT being an actual Aristoteles has been put tuo question since the start. It may have just eaten one and absorbed its abilities.
@@yunantheobserver6841 The term why it's a common knowledge that ORT came from Oort Cloud is because that's what Zelretch and first Director, Brishishan, conducted in their research about this Ultimate One point of origins. Mindful that Brishishan is the Lord of the Department of Lore. This Department deals things otherworldly, beyond from Earth, and unto Threats of Humanity. So it is evidently conclusive that the Lord is not wrong with his findings regarding about ORT origin.
I can't wait for a future episode of Grand Carnival where all the lostbelt casts can be seen dancing in the intro lol
I hope in Grand Carnival S2 they include some of the Lostbelt cast. It’s not like they have to include all of them just some of the servants
@@N120Xenoi mean in the opening there is a lostbelt artemis attacking orion when he want to have fun with other girls.
ORT in the back staring at you menacingly through the entire opening:
God, I just love how alien ORT looks.
Seeing close to half of my servant cards turned into "DATA LOST" was truly a horrifying yet exhilarating feeling. I want more battles like this that push you and your servant roster to the limit.
I love this it's a remix version of the first theme
A bit scary to think that coreless ORT is probably just as strong as full powered Goetia, really puts into perspective how strong a Type really is
Stronger actually. A fair bit stronger.
In Olympus, Goetia is classified as 2nd-class Planetary, which was stronger than 3rd class (the mini-ORT when he just woke up), but weaker than 1st class (mature Beast Draco).
This thing is straight up Stellar class, which means it at least matches the Sun in output, and it's still missing it's core.
@@LoncusZhao I thought Goetia would have the edge because of Ars Almadel, since this coreless ORT didn't seem to have an easily rechargable attack to destroy the entire earth that not even mash could survive, a bit weird how that works
@@luma6733 yeah I'm pretty sure ars almadel lets geotia punch above his weight class
This ORT who lost its main core and replaced with a weaker one theoritically speaking, is easily capable of parrying Goetia's Ars Almadel Salomonis, rendering the attack useless. Why? Because it can literally bend the space around itself so that the beam would not be able to reach ORT in the first place, and redirect it somewhere else. This is what ORT did when faced up against Storm Border's main weapon, Hume-Barrel Rayproof, the weaponized Holy Sword armament that Novum Chaldea got from Artoria Caster back in LB 6. The weapon scales the threat lvl according of how dangerous it is to Humanity. ORT technically have a 'strongest' attack of its own which is called as "Lost Supernova" as a cinematic gauge attack of ORT in golden ufo form. It's just that story wise, ORT never get to use such attack on Novum Chaldea, and thus we won't be able to know the true destructive potential of such attack. Unless if there would be a official statement of somesort from Nasu post LB 7 that would talk about ORT in more depth.
@@meremsolomon4744 I do wonder if our Hume-Barrel Rayproof is as strong as Ars Almadel when using it against threats to humanity, i would like to know but i don't know if there's a way to measure them, since these are just "What ifs"
I can hear the pure desperation but still have a chance from this ost, unlike the first one thats just absolute hopeless despair.
Who would win.
Several hundred figures from all throughout history
One Brazilian Space Spooder
One Brazilian Space Spooder stomp them
Your right we might need 2 cu callains ,if we are unlucky throw in a herc.
The Giant Enemy Spider
How ominous. But also adrenaline fueled battle theme.
And to think, that spider isn't even the worst thing Gaia could call from the outside if she's already had enough with Humanity
It *is the worst* ORT is the strongest Aristoteles out of the nine summonable by Gaia.
@@Coramelimane But that doesn't mean he is the strongest in the universe. Who knows what other ultimate ones exist in space. ORT could very well be one of the weaker ones for all we know, considering Zeus's home civilization created Chaos by using a literal star as it's power source.
Need a source for that claim, my guy, because so far we've only really got TYPE Venus, which survived getting shot by Gun God's Black Barrel but fell into a coma, and TYPE Saturn, which killed Gun God in the process of him stopping its descent, to stack that claim against in Angel Notes.
@@shikiyamaOrt also has a star as its power source, and wasn’t even one of the beings called by Gaia. Hence why it was perfectly fine going against gaia and just eating Earth (and possibly even other types given the type mercury mystery).
@@Coramelimane ORT isn't the strongest of the Aristoteles summoned by Gaia. This is straight up said in one of the sources, don't remember which one. It was either a character material or Notes.
Lostbelt ORT may suffer a kryptonite in form of kukulkan.
But to see an ultimate one pushed to brink of defeat, is still breathtaking moment.
..is it losing tho? From what i heard this is the final phase before it resummoned itself.
Not really. ORT basically reflected the Hume-Barrel Rayproof like nothing and we are basically stalling for time so we can fire a second shot, using the Alien God's Saint Graph as a sort of aim assist.
@@shikiyama That didn't happen.
It didn't reflected.
It change the beam trajectory. Somehow it knows the beam hurt it.
@@rogueascendant6611 Well yeah the Hume-Barrel Rayproof is a weapon against threats to humanity. Considering ORT is a big ticking anti-humanity doomsday device it would take a ton of damage from it.
Plus ORT does have the ability to predict the future, it's how the damn spider ended up on Earth in the first place. It's safe to assume it predicted the beam to seriously hurt it.
@@shikiyama Normally, the Holy Sword that is attached to the Hume-Barrel Rayproof won't work against ORT. Since it was illustrated that Gaia, the will of the planet, were the one who invited this thing in the first place. But it was clearly evidence that ORT is treated more as an uninvited guest than a visitor. As a matter of fact, the weapon didn't work against the Alien God aka U-Olga Marie for some reason. Clearly saying that she is not an enemy of humanity. The Holy Sword aka Excalibur to its full potential would only work if the threat is a danger to the planet and mankind.
There's no statements about ORT able to predict the future. Nothing from the story or any materials.
The dying call of Gaia from the possibility of the Land of Steel is stated resonated across time and space - past, present & future. Somehow ORT was able to pickup this message and ended coming too early. Even though this Ultimate One is an uninvited guest considering the proof of how the Hume-Barrel works against it.
So no, I don't think so about this being a clairvoyant. It's more like it sense that the weapon is a threat to it that shifted the space to bend the BEAM trajectory.
@@rogueascendant6611 doesn't this line suggest that ORT can tank full power rayproof without much problem?
The first fight created tension, but raid appears to be indicating an emergency.
What fight? It was a one-sided slaughter...
Remember, this guy have a Galaxy-Eraser move
It's like that one mentos commercial where the guy tries to swat a spider and it kicks the crap out of him.
1:00 so this is what true despaiiirrrrr sounds like...
I wish I could replay the raid for these bangers... As a f2p player, was worried i had not enough servants. Apparently, I beat it without restarting, damn..
To be fair, the raid is not that hard since your servants get a permanent damage buff and you „only“ need like 20 units baseline.
With how many low stars there are it‘s not a real problem for even mid-invested accounts.
It‘s just there to stop starters from rushing through it using friend supports and blue cubes.
@@ebering4.039 Yeah... but I was too hyped up to realise that.
Hey, that means you are a good master! 👍
Respect to the one who actually beat the ultimate version of ort
Soon in NA we can also face the one of the most op entity in fiction, can't wait
Will definitely be blasting this tune while playing a Yu-Gi-Oh! Tistina deck.
So glad there's other people who see the very clear ORT homage in Tistina.
Konami honestly could've made their boss monster, the Crystal God Tistina, into an Xyz Monster, and then gave it an effect that attaches any destroyed monsters on the field into itself as materials. And for added bustedness, no monsters with the same name as a material attached to Crystal God can be summoned or have their effects activated, effectively making them "DATA LOST" until Crystal God is forcefully removed from the field.
Not making the Crystal God into an even more obvious ORT reference was a totally missed opportunity.
@@neves783001Who knows, maybe the next wave of support for Tistina (if that ever occurs) might do the trick. Until then, suppose I'll leave those possibilities to the custom card creators.
@@mje71103 Looks like we are definitely going to have a second wave of Tistina cards in the next set (Age of Overlord).
Judging by the preview artworks (no names or effects yet), the Crystal God is going to pull off an ORT Xibalba-style power-up. And going by what the announcer said in the trailer, this new form "erases face-down monsters" (I strongly guess it's by banishing them face-down, making them virtually unusable for the rest of the duel) and "magnifies its own ATK points" - both EERILY SIMILAR to how F/GO ORT renders defeated Servants unusable and uses their stolen data to power itself up even further.
Now, it would be fun if a dedicated Tistina player would invite other Yu-Gi-Oh! duelists to a "Tistina raid", incorporating the mechanics of the ORT raid into the challenge: the Tistina player has 16 separate Life Point gauges to break, each defeated opponent is eliminated (and can no longer participate in the raid), and opponents that break the Tistina player's current LP gauge is automatically eliminated (and thus can no longer participate either).
@@neves783001With the support out, I went and tested; this stuff is fun, honestly a perfect feel for what has the energy of the adaptation of an anime villain's deck. A lot of the effects just being flat out unorthodox compared to the norm e.g. Tainted's Stormforth effect using a face-down monster your opponent uses is something I can appreciate coming off of the visuals, especially with how overwhelming Tistina itself and it's newfound Xyz form look.
Hilariously enough, I found they're quite nice users of the Number Spiders in Ravenous Tarantula, Pain Gainer and even The Seven Sins. Sincerely doubt that was intentional but the accidental thematic relevance didn't evade my notice.
The idea you proposed sounds pretty in line with those Boss Duel type of events they used to host, on the off chance that ever gets revived and ORT styled sequence of phases I can imagine would be quite fun to play with even if it'd probably be a nightmare to organize.
The first version from section 10 makes me feel an impending doom from one of the ultimate ones.
While along with what I felt already, this version also makes me feel stress and urgency that I have to win otherwise humanity is doomed
my personal challenge as a master of 300+ max leveled servants in NA:
- class disadvantages only
- Must deploy 6 servants at once
Can't wait for part 2 to drop already 🔥🔥🔥
This is coming in NA dang we NA masters are gonna have a heck of a time defeating this thing of an eldritch horror that makes even holloween look like child's play be prepared soon this is coming in Fgo NA
I'm a lover of Nasuworks but..
..just bear with me here because it STILL boggles my mind even when I have knowledge of most material here..
..We've gone from a "Great and terrible" Grail War that could wipe out a whole fictional city being one of the worst incidents in recent years, to Giant Enemy Spider that's both Alien and destroys our planet with a yawn if it cared to focus. And the number of GODS entities killed on the way is way more than one.
..What is this, Final Fantasy? Mr. Amano? Are you buddies with my man Nasu?? (Insert meme about Japanese RPG plot here.)
You know that ORT is older than fate series itself? Also iirc angra in heaven's feel was supposed to be a threat to much much more than a city
melty blood had a character that was able to play pinball with the continents and over ten years ago CCC came out, a game where a character used earth as a tool to pleasure herself and it was among the less impressive feats that appear in it, then we had extella that was focused on, surprise surprise, sefar, a being that was comparable in strenght to lostbelt 5 megazord zeus
nasuverse had ridiculous stuff since the very beginning
Oh I'm aware. And as we know, the popularity of his other work didn't kick off until way later and it's STILL not as much as Fate.
I was really dumbing down the circumstances over the entire verse, but that was my point. To a casual fan of the FATE series, ORT is like a big "What the fuck?" in terms of scale, and already we've been getting that scale greater and greater since...
I guess CCC? Mooncell in extra was cool with Savior and the Ai thing, but planet pleasure Kiara over there and the WHOLE crazy of BB seemed to really jump things up. And yeah, it goes further still. Further in seemingly every new thing that is spawned in each time. Just up and up and up, but again..with the thoughts that the rest of his shenanigans weren't paid that much attention until recent years by the majority before. ORT certainly kicked that though, I think? lol
Considering nasu's first work was angel notes we really arent escalating higher as much as we are just getting back to where it all started imo.
Also yeah i bet casual enjoyers of fate were probably confused as hell when ORT showed up since hes only mentioned in a few of his works and TYPES in general were on a work that many people thought would never have anything to do with fate.(even though it was pretty obvious)
Its things like this that makes me want to look even further into type moon lore to see what other things might pop up.
@@blaneonthemoon2507 was the original mahoyo not nasu first work?
@brak danych apparently the first 3 were the manuscript for mahoyo, knk, and angel notes. So i should have said "one of his first works" instead
I'm curious. Is the reason why ORT was black colored back during the first encounter because he was at full power? Is he also silver here because he's running off the fantasy tree and has already become the Xibalba subspecies?
yes to all of them
He was black in the first encounter because it was a projection made by Tez.
@@yammoto148Not even, Tez showed a literal future where IF ORT succeeded in regaining its core, it would just easily wipe the Lostbelt out and without even heading to Chaldea blow the Earth to hell literally bypassing a lot of conceptual defenses Gaia had, it didn’t even need to actually destroy Chaldea but on Daybits simple order, it blew 40% of the earth up and destroyed Chaldea with it. And no it’s not even a fake ORT either.
Lostbelts are histories deemed unnecessary or have stagnated which are pruned away, but the Tree of Emptiness is what brings forth those pruned Histories into FGO main timeline. Those pruned Histories were real in some other timeline before being pruned away because of too quick of progression, Stagnation, or the arrival of an Ultimate One before humanity ever existed, and ORT of this very LB arrived when Pangea was around, it crash landing ended up burning the surface of Earth to a literal hell that it is which lasted for millions of years, and not only that nc ORT crash landed so hard, it ended up deep in the mantle of Earth, specifically Mictlan. What kind of being is literally capable enough to destroy a layer of the earth which lasted for millions of years? No one, EXCEPT ORT.
How this theme feels: “Drive. Drive! DRIVE!”
my poor F2P ass with my favorite maxed out 1* to 3* Servants struggling through "Kill 10 enemies in 5 turns" in the Thanatos Impulse Chapter alone: Am I gonna be okay
50 Swimsuit Servants VS 1 Giant Alien Spider. LET'S ROCK!
Definitely the Theme of an Ayy which doesn't Lmao
One of the Types ever made
This gave me some Brave or Grave (Street Fighter Alpha 3) vibes on it.
If this thing is bad I wonder how strong chaos would have been if we had the chance to fight it. If we could even fight.
IIRC chaos had to use 90 something % of his power to create machine gods, spider would stomp him hard
Chaos just looking through a gap in space was about to wipe the planet off the map. We'd lose horrendously.
It wouldn't be a fight, just a one-sided slaughter.
Chaos merely glanced at us and would have wiped us out completely if Mars hadn't taken the hit in our stead. Not only that, but we needed help from Romulus=Quirinius (the Grand Lancer) to even approach the portal it was looking through, just so Musashi could burn up her entire Spirit Origin and close said portal.
To give you an idea of how strong Chaos is, take this ORT that we fought against with everything we had and let it reclaim its true core (and its full power with it). Chaos is easily as strong as full power ORT, maybe even stronger.
So yeah, be thankful we didn't actually fight it in LB5. Because we couldn't.
@@cameraredeye3115Chaos is not stronger. It was confirmed in the recent materials that ORT is the strongest being in TYPE-Moon, it has 1 trillion degree flames that it held back in order to not completely incinerate us (it wanted to eat, not destroy outright). Chaos’ beams are weaker than the Storm Borders missiles.
Chaos is a dyson sphere, yet its core is nothing compared to ORTs which is compacted, runs on nuclear fusion, and temperature can go from 1000 to 10000, but then again inflation makes it skyrocket to the trillions. This is ORT without its core, and still it can fucking decimate shit without even noticing it.
I wonder what would happen if ORT clashed with Tiamat. Similar to Camazotz, Tiamat has immortality as she will survive as long as life on Earth hasn't died completely, and she can give birth to new life forms infinitively. Tiamat is likely much stronger than Camazotz as a Beast. Also, ORT isn't one of her children, and it even tries to massacre them, so Tiamat would definitely unleash all of her power, unlike Singularity 7.
the inmortality is the bare minimun though. Its not gona guarantee anything. Camazots basically had to go kamikaze over and over until his inmortality wasnt able to keep up with the rate of ORTs damage. Camazots won by pure luck. He just got the one small opening where he could go with only half of his body and with his spear to pierce him.
ORT will 1000000% win, Tiamat's unending production of increasingly stronger minions would just amp ORT as ORT is able to absorb powers, mimic abilities and such. I don't think tiamat have anything as powerful as hume-barrel the amplified version of Excalibur with black barrel! Even if she have one as powerful she would have to go faster than time itself because ORT's regen is TOO STRONG.
Also let's assume that her real body is in the imaginary number space and the encounter is only between a manifestation of herself and a basic ORT, ORT even in a powered down version is able to ascend dimensions! Lb ort is able to eat history itself recorded in the throne of heroes whos to say it can't do that the tiamat? Tiamat is only a goddess of earth, they're not earth's will, unlike arcueid
ultimate ones like ort are extinction level events just by existing.
but primordials like tiamat, chaos and the umbral star are cosmological dead ends that arent even allowed to exist in the story in their true form.
if its just a projection of tiamat like in babylonia then ort wins but against true form "primordial ark of life" tiamat the fight would be similar to us against ort.
If it's the real Tiamat in the sense of "the primordial true form" which is the one that got trapped in the fourth dimension, it could/would be a stalemate.
i want to see ORT in anime
He better be exclusively animated in janky 3d to sell how ALIEN he is.
@@agent5333 Kinda like Tiamat when she went full Godzilla Mode in the Babylonia anime, correct? If so, I agree.
Unlimited Budget Worksbcoming decades later, lol
@@agent5333add a distortion effect every time it moves, since you know, Gaia doesn't even want the thing here
how do you make ORT scarier? quicker music, and have it run at you, and also add more layers to song that give off a sense of impending urgency and doom
a month(technically two depending if we get part 2 of LB7 in late December or early January) until we there NA
Edit; we getting it on Christmas Day for sure
We really need Ado Edem for this one if you know what im saying 😰
@Get-me-out-of-Gacha-hellAdo one shot two Ultimate Ones. I don’t see why ORT would be any different
@Get-me-out-of-Gacha-hell What are you talking about? He one-shotted Type:Jupiter and certainly Type:Saturn too. You are underselling Ado Edem and misunderstanding some events.
It’s certainly true that Ado Edem had help for Type:Jupiter but do not claim it self destructed on its own. Ado Edem was directly responsible for this, he *grievously* injured the Black Aristoteles in a *single blow*. Then, the core went berserk and scorched the western continent.
As seen here: “After a fierce battle, it was sliced into half by the demonic sword of Knight Edem, the Slash Emperor. The chopped artificial sun went berserk and burned the whole western continent.”
Next quote: “He was an Ether Liner who did not stand out much during the war with the A-rays, but suddenly rose to prominence when the Aristoteles invaded. He used Slash Emperor to slash through “The Black Aristoteles” (Type:Jupiter) in a single blow.”
It’s very much the same for Type:Saturn. Although he was the only one capable of defeating since the army couldn’t do crap about it.
And no, it was never mentioned anywhere that ORT killed or absorbed any Aristotle. The only link he may have with another Type is the misunderstanding leading people to believe that he was Type:Mercury. Please do provide me any kind of quote from to support what you’re saying but also on Tezcatripoca’s part.
My main point is that Ado Edem can kill ORT. Yes you are right on the account that most of the time, if Ado Edem is alone, ORT would win. The Aristotle is extremely haxes and powerful. Nevertheless it would only take one blow from his Slash Emperor to take down ORT and his core along with it. It would be a reenactment of Type:Jupiter’s demise.
@Get-me-out-of-Gacha-hell First off please don’t post multiple times, it makes it hard to respond on mobile.
@Get-me-out-of-Gacha-hell Alright let’s get this started.
For your more recent comment. Type:Jupiter’s description can be find in Notes. It’s literally called The Black Aristoteles. Yes your description is correct but so is the title I used. It could’ve taken you seconds to confirm it.
Here: “The Black Aristoteles [type:jupiter]
An Aristoteles that appeared in the western continent.
A black giant several dozen kilometers in size. Its form was pretty close to a human.”
It’s really not that hard.
Type:Saturn is the cross you dummy. It’s literally in his character description. Please do make some research.
Here you go: “十字架 [type:saturn] jyuujika
The Cross
A cross shaped Aristoteles that is 3000 meters long.
It's outer shell is composed of an illuminating mineral, and there's nothing else. This flying object fires a rain of light to the ground from its body.”
You can find this shit on beast lair or forum nrvnqsr.
Also yeah I do know about archetypes, Arcueid and Kukulkan are some examples.
Dawg I literally gave you a quote about Ado Edem inflicting a one-shot on Type:Jupiter that lead to it’s chopped core going berserk and him killing Type:Saturn. Moreover don’t claim that only Ado Edem’s teammates did the heavy lifting. The battle was described as fierce, not Ado Edem cowardly entered the fray and killed it.
@Get-me-out-of-Gacha-hell Shit I don’t know if the comment got deleted. I’ll write it again.
Saturn did die and it’s the damn cross. Dawg you can literally find the quotes on beast lair or forum nrvnqsr.
It’s description: “十字架 [type:saturn] jyuujika
The Cross
A cross shaped Aristoteles that is 3000 meters long.
It's outer shell is composed of an illuminating mineral, and there's nothing else. This flying object fires a rain of light to the ground from its body.”
Ado Eden killing it: “…As the war with the Aristoteles approached a close, he was seen as humanity’s trump card and thrown into the conflict, and was able to destroy “The Cross” (Type:Saturn), the fortress-like Aristoteles that had been attacked uselessly for a long time. His fate afterwards is unknown.”
Ado Edem is directly responsible for Type:Jupiter’s demise. During the battle, he used Slash Emperor, chopped the Aristotle in half along with it’s core. It then went berserk and scorched the continent.
Literally here: “After this incident, a team of Knights were sent to the western continent. After a fierce battle, it was sliced into half by the demonic sword of Knight Edem, the Slash Emperor. The chopped artificial sun went berserk and burned the whole western continent.”
I stand corrected on ORT’s titles. Nevertheless you still did not provide anything on him killing two Types.
Why does ORT didnt get an avatar and emotion after so long but the olympus supership did? Is it because of humans?
Olympus spaceships interacted with humans. Ort never did since it spent most of it's time sleeping and it's also super-radioactive so anything getting near it dies.
Olympus mecha gods interacted and most importantly, worshipped by the humans. Meanwhile ORT here always have a single goal to being a murder spree towards anything when the time comes (or when anythig disturbed him)
ORT inherently cannot understand the culture of Earth. And more importantly, unlike them, it is not merely an alien, but the embodiment of an alien place.
@@TheRedJadex Eh, Kukulkan disproves that. She was literally formed out of a part of ORT that more or less underwent the same process as Zeus and the Olympians. The difference is that ORT just never was put in a position to receive that interaction and be humanized, for lack of a better word.
@@ASNS117Zero The thing is, Kukulkan isn't ORT deified. She's the false Mictlan sun deified which happens to be fueled by ORT's heart. They are separate things that have the same origin and because Kukulkan is a representative for Malla, even if they connected somehow, it would likely end with them having a relationship much like Arcueid and Altrouge.
I need in my Spotify playlist 🥲
How are you hiding the UI?
I only hope our Android systems hold off on their updates until march 2025
If there's one thing I'm not satisfied with about ORT's design, it's that they shouldn't have its sprite undulate as if breathing. I think it takes away from its "alienness."
its not breathing specially since the part you see more is the equivalent of its hair/nails. Its actual true body is the flying disc.
If anything I'm into the fact it doesn't visibly "breathe" - how much it's so far above the need for something as breathing in a way humans can relate to adds to how inscrutable the Types are for me.
title:Invade Spider
When’s the next chapter
And this is only 1% of its power
Because Camazgoat solo’d 100%
@@AreiaMercurius No 1%, this lostbelt is just a piece of Ort
@@yammoto148 No Camazots fought the ORT with his original core that was as strong as proper human history Ort.
@@shiroufan5401 No its not, the whole timeline which Camazots fought ORT is part of the lostbelt, it doesn't happen in human history. In normal human history Camazotz doesn't even become a god he is a monster.
Its literally implied that ORT sent 1% of itself to this time period where earth would prune it away to see if it would be successful.
@@shiroufan5401 Regardless of everything, ORT couldn't even amped up by eating other things during the duel. Otherwise, ORY would clap my guy quick
You use Bazett. I thought i'm the only one who use her againts ORT.
*itsy bitsy spider...*
A bit more than 6 months
December 25th, 2024 of Christmas Day for part 1.
Edit; dayum, part two will be in earlier than we thought…
Reminds me of perfect dark 64
like ort
Imagine ORT Vs Super Sonic
Which one? Depending on your answer it'll either go very poorly for Sonic or for ORT.
@@ASNS117Zero pretty sure it doesn’t matter which one Ort with his actual core can probably deal with any version
@@shiroufan5401 No. No he can't.
Archie Sonic is so far above anything Type-Moon has ever produced that it isn't even funny. Archie Sonic is above most of fucking Marvel and DC comics lol.
@this city really looks like a city We're talking about something from outside the setting. Those kind of statements obviously don't apply to something like that lol.
EDIT: Also, UA-cam ate your other comment, I can't see the full thing or reply to it. Repost?
Hydrogen bomb (ORT) vs Coughing Baby (Super Sonic)
오냐 덤벼랏
I swear to god this uses a motif ffrom FUCKING HOMESTUCK
I bet Kirby could solo ORT no problem
@@charlestonho6733 Kirby has killed gods before
ORT is just another Tuesday to the Pink Demon.
He really couldn’t Kirby is insanely overrated
Everyone here is missing the joke.
they're both planet destroyers, kirby and ort would try to eat each other, fail, and decide their time is better spent not doing that
The "weakest" boss of fgo.
ahhhhh sorry bro i will dislike your video only because youtube keeps putting this track(not necesarily yours) in my mix and i dont even play fate so i dont know shit about this