A month ago I read a book called "Job: Man of Sorrows" (I got it through Amazon). The author puts his finger on the sore spot in a way that I have never seen or heard of anywhere else. I wholeheartedly recommend it to those of you heavily interested in Job, or either "weary", "tired", "quarantined" or "under pain". You will never read anything similar to that anywhere.
God appreciated what Job said. God congratulated Job for asking 'why'? Job got justifiably angry at his 'friends'. He didn't say anything to insult God, but he had to know why, and he had to know it at all costs. God said Job spoke rightly under the circumstances. I believe that the reason Job suffered so much was to defeat satan's premise that men are inherently selfish. What God spoke, ostensibly to Job, was directed at satan. Job defeated satan, and he can never recover from that blow. Job's suffering was cataclysmically important to all of us. Job was a complete human being who served God out of gratitude and respect, not because he wanted lots of camels.
I like your takeaway of this story. I would go a step further and say that Job is a type and shadow of Jesus Christ, specifically Jesus as He was suffering in His final days and going to the Cross. The difference, of course, is Jesus died whereas Job was only brought to the brink of death.
So when God asks Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movest me to destroy him without cause?" , is God representing what God thinks of Job, or is he representing what Satan thinks of Job? What if the Lord is not giving us what he thinks about Job, but what if he is giving us what Satan thinks about Job? What then? Then maybe it's not a book where we have the question, "Why do the righteous suffer?" but rather it's a book that causes us to ask instead "Why do sinners suffer?"
There are so many lessons to be learned from Job, a man of Yahweh! I've been longing for death of this flesh of late because of my impaired mental state due to stroke, heart disease, and neuro problems. I pray the following is discernable! Through our heavenly Father's WORD and SPIRIT, I hope to impart some spiritual gift to the reader. What did Satan mean by "skin for skin," in reference to Job while speaking to Yahweh? Skin is the largest organ of the human body. When Adam and Eve fell due to sin they exposed the sin shame hidden beneath that innocence. Yahweh's gave mankind garments of innocence and the physical covering of skin to protect the mind and heart which are the soul's strength. After the fall, Humanity added another layer of covering (fig leaf) which in itself reveals very much the condition of mind and heart. Adam and Eve made garments for themselves but Yahweh didn't approve: He made them garments of animal skins that pointed towards our Lord and Savior, Yeshua Messiah's sacrifice for sin! I think of John the Baptist, whose clothing revealed so much about the condition of his mind and heart! Satan, attacked Job's character and ours, also. Yahweh doesn't chasten man without reason! Although Yahweh already knew the mind and heart of Job, Yahweh chastened Job for his personal condition: as revealed in chapter 3:25-26. So many are born into this world malformed, in families filled with hatred, having nothing financially to help move themselves forward, or cope with daily needs! Satan said that Yahweh had furnished Job with all his needs and had put a hedge of protection around him from the evil one's attempts to draw him away from Yahweh. Again, Father Yahweh knows our minds and hearts along with all our needs better than we do...that's why he has put each of us in our position and condition for such a time as this! Job, with all his substance, health, and moral character was still LIVING IN FEAR: saying, "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet; yet trouble came." We know Job loved his children and gave daily sacrifices for their sins, which were the first things taken of his substance (sustenance) by Satan. The offerings for sin and loss of children is the thing which Job "greatly feared". Finally Satan took His health which Job said "I was afraid of has come unto me". Fear (reverence) of Father Yahweh brings blessing and keeps us: working out our salvation with trembling and fear as we daily search the scriptures and study to show ourselves approved, which will increase our faith by revealing our spiritual status with Yahweh, along with proof of salvation. Yahweh has not given us the spirit of fear; but the Spirit of power, of love, of a sound mind and pure heart: when we dwell on heavenly Father's Commandments (using the mind) and keep the Commandments (using the heart), we know we have the Testimony of Yeshua Messiah! As it is written, "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of our redemption: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love." (1Jhn 4:17-18) Let's not forfeit the promise of our salvation due to temptations and tribulations in our lives and ministry nor trade "skin or skin"! Don't try and cover your sins...yes you may fool others temporarily but Yahweh nows everything and His heart is breaking with grief over what we think is the smallest of sins! I am praying for you a sound mind and pure heart! Hallelujah Amen
Hello Derek - thank you for this video. I am wondering if you might expound on your take on Elihu. Would you be willing to do a video just on him and his role in this story? I have uncovered some very interesting things in my study of him, and I think it is worth addressing - especially since everyone can be so divided about this character. Actually, I think he is enigmatic by design of the author which forces each of us to make a determination about him. What do you think?
He mentioned that Calvin preached without notes, and I have also seen in many of R.C. Sproul's lectures, he teaches in the same manner... As a new teacher in my church where I am beginning a series of lectures on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, I have to ask, is it really a big deal whether or not a teacher uses notes extensively? Did not Jonathan Edwards deliberately read every one of his sermons word for word, and in a monotone voice?
Lawrence Stanley I would suggest Preaching and Preachers, by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. He says that you have to know yourself; of you need notes, don't be afraid, if not, don't use. There's no sin in using notes, nor it is better to not use then. Use what you need to better teach the Word of God. God bless you that teach His ways.
Ohhh please, the Behemoth described in poetic terms? So it was somewhat fictional according to you Derek Thomas? The Behemoth was as real as you and me, and it was no puny hipo...the hipo does not have a tail that moves like a cedar, its tail is more like a rope. The Behemoth was a dinosaur! Leviathan a crocodile? That Leviathan that esteems iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood? (Job 41:27 KJV). No crocodile is that powerful!
@SBC Burgos the Leviathan is a crocodile. There is a ocean crocodile that is powerful like describe in the Bible. The behemoth, I agree with you. Is difficult to identify it with hippo. The animals are were real but in the book of Job they were used in a symbolic way, just like in Isaiah is used as a metaphor for a powerful enemy, notably Babylon (Isaiah 27:1).
@@diegovalleperez3360 Leviathan is definitely not a crocodile. No crocodile breathes fire from the mouth. The Leviathan described in Job is a dragon, a symbol of satan. Also in Isaiah 27,1 the Leviathan is described as a snake, also a symbol of satan. We know this from Genesis where satan is presented as a snake in the garden of Eden and from the book of Revelation chapter 12 where satan is presented as both a dragon and a snake.
Christians don’t suffer for the glory of God. We suffer as part of His eternal plan. God has a wonderful eternal plan for us in His kingdom. And we have to remember that this life is extremely short and cannot even be compared to eternity. What did Paul say? 2 Corinthians 4:17,18 7For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 18While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. Did you catch that? Our light affliction is working for us, not for God’s glory. Abraham said, “ Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? “ Genesis This is what God is looking for when Job said, “ 15Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.” Sing it with me. Trust and obey for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus; but to trust and obey. Oh ya I forgot we don’t sing the hymns anymore they’re just not cool.
Why did Job get punished for obeying God? What is the point of this book? Job did not reap what he sowed. This seems so misunderstood. How are we to understand this? I can not make sense out of this story. I think ,i am more hoping that this story was falsely added.This makes no sense at all.
Your guest on is exactly the point of Job. That is why u need to dig deep into it and find those questions until you find those answers. A commentary that is helping me answer that question is by Christopher Ash on the book of Job by crossway publishing. I highly recommend that book. Quote: the book of Job addresses in a deep and unsettling way both the pseudo gospel of prosperity and the pseudo gospel of feeling good.
You know, thankyou for your honesty in how you feel, and also believe. We are all, so human. And that is why God is God. We would be foolish in our human finite mind to Question that God could not do what He is... Our ways are not His ways, and our thoughts are not His ways, for His thoughts, and His ways are not even close to what, we as broken sinners, lost, and needing an ability, to even begin to understand who God really is, can only happen through the work of the Holy Spirit. Please read the third chapter of the book Johns Gospel, and ask God to reveal to you in prayer what this chap. also means. For we as a natural man cannot even begin to understand that God is who He says He is.. We need the complete work of the Holy Spirit in our souls before we can fully accept God at His Holy Word.
I know you post was some time ago. Did you look into this? I am just looking into this but think the point of this book is that Job is a type and shadow of Christ. A blameless man who God allowed Satan to punish. Like Christ suffered for us.
Job did obey God but he didn't walk with God .. He do talk about God but did not talk to God . There is a reason why God allowed these to Job . God already know what Job will do before he even speak. So God wanted Job to be like Noah walk with God . Sometimes God allowed us to go through some troubles to correct us ..
YOU ARE CORRECT. THAT IS NOT WHAT JOB MEANS... THE LAST OR LATTER DAYS, SAYS JOB. John 16:13 “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” YET NOW, CAN ANY ONE HERE HEAR?? Job 33:14 “For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.” [BE HE MOTH?? [TH]OMAS : SAMO[TH]??] WORDS BACKWARDS BACK WORDS... Luke 22:38 And they said, LORD, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough. IF ONE SAYS [ENOUGH] BACKWARDS IT'S [FUNNY], LITERALLY. ENOUGH FUNNY... EENUF FUNEE
He was making a clarification that the redeemer Job is seeking is not someone to forgive him of his sins. Think of it more in a way that he was hoping for an "attorney" to represent him before God to cease the judgement he was experiencing. The passage is often interpreted to mean he would see his redeemer as a forgiver of sins. We are already told he was a righteous man who did not need to be redeemed from his sins.
Lol, this guy would be sad that polar bears were dead? They're one of the most vicious land animals ever to exist...alligators are rather chill actually, crocs are just monsters though.
The Book of Job tells how an all knowing god tortures his servant to find out if he will continue to worship and obey his tormentor. Since god already knows what is the point?
One point is God refuting the devil; another point is God refuting Job's friends. One point is God exercising his sovereignty. And, we may never know all of God's purposes on this side of the veil.
Another person who can’t distinguish between abusive behavior and loving behavior. If there was a God in the Christian sense, he would be the author of abusive relationships with his creations.
WHY DID GOD MAKE A [CROCODILE]?? BECAUSE IT'S A [CROCK O' DIAL]!! Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." IT IS MY [JOB] TO KNOW THESE THINGS... FOR EXAMPLE: THERE ARE [24] IN [1] OF THESE. WHAT ARE THESE?? Job [24:1] Job 24:1 “Why, seeing times are not hidden from the Almighty, do they that know him not see his days?” THESE ARE THE DAYS MY FRIENDS... YES OUI SI : YES YES YES : YES WE SEE... A BEE lands on a LEAF?? BELIEF!! A PLANE flies out to SEA?? IT'S PLAIN 2 SEE!! [Romans 1:20] P.S. "PAIN" IS THE FRENCH WORD FOR "BREAD".
"Original sin." Thy shall not know! Job,was a free thinker and wasn't allowing God to place his shackles on Job's mind,thoughts and expressions. Good for you Job. We humans would still be in the dark ages had you Job not have freed yourself from the shackling that God so wanted on your mind. Inherited guilt? No rational person lives accepting their guilty for the acts of others,only those who are in a thick fog,it appears there are many!
My favorite book of the Bible is the book of Saint Calvin. Can you teach on that one? He was such a good man. He really didn't want to kill anyone, that was just part of the culture of his time. Sort of like abortion is now. You really can't blame him.
@James Duyon You are absolutely correct. We all sin and we all need a saviour. And we all need to be corrected from time to time. All I’m saying is that No theologian has God all figured out. Yet many hail them as if they do. Obedience is so much more important than trying to understand or figure out exactly how the Almighty works. Yet many fight over God’s word rather than obey it. 1 Samuel 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. 3For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
As a believer, "for God's Glory" is sufficient for me, no matter what.
“Suffering teaches you things that nothing else can.”
For the glory of god . That sums up the book of job because GOD wants us to come to him when we suffer and need help . Amen 🙏
A month ago I read a book called "Job: Man of Sorrows" (I got it through Amazon). The author puts his finger on the sore spot in a way that I have never seen or heard of anywhere else. I wholeheartedly recommend it to those of you heavily interested in Job, or either "weary", "tired", "quarantined" or "under pain". You will never read anything similar to that anywhere.
thank you for sharing! I'm going to look into this book
Great conclusion. For HIS glory seems absurd, to human, but it is a clear view in eternity.
Thx for the video.
I like this guy
i loved your comments on job and his unknown answers answers to gods precious ways.
This is one of the most amazing teachings on Job.
Wow, this was so good!! I’m reading the book of Job now and wanted to get a idea on what it’s about and seen this video. Thank you Ligonier!
Beautiful! 🙌💯
God appreciated what Job said. God congratulated Job for asking 'why'? Job got justifiably angry at his 'friends'. He didn't say anything to insult God, but he had to know why, and he had to know it at all costs. God said Job spoke rightly under the circumstances. I believe that the reason Job suffered so much was to defeat satan's premise that men are inherently selfish. What God spoke, ostensibly to Job, was directed at satan. Job defeated satan, and he can never recover from that blow. Job's suffering was cataclysmically important to all of us. Job was a complete human being who served God out of gratitude and respect, not because he wanted lots of camels.
I like your takeaway of this story. I would go a step further and say that Job is a type and shadow of Jesus Christ, specifically Jesus as He was suffering in His final days and going to the Cross. The difference, of course, is Jesus died whereas Job was only brought to the brink of death.
So when God asks Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movest me to destroy him without cause?" , is God representing what God thinks of Job, or is he representing what Satan thinks of Job?
What if the Lord is not giving us what he thinks about Job, but what if he is giving us what Satan thinks about Job? What then? Then maybe it's not a book where we have the question, "Why do the righteous suffer?" but rather it's a book that causes us to ask instead "Why do sinners suffer?"
There are so many lessons to be learned from Job, a man of Yahweh! I've been longing for death of this flesh of late because of my impaired mental state due to stroke, heart disease, and neuro problems. I pray the following is discernable! Through our heavenly Father's WORD and SPIRIT, I hope to impart some spiritual gift to the reader. What did Satan mean by "skin for skin," in reference to Job while speaking to Yahweh? Skin is the largest organ of the human body. When Adam and Eve fell due to sin they exposed the sin shame hidden beneath that innocence. Yahweh's gave mankind garments of innocence and the physical covering of skin to protect the mind and heart which are the soul's strength. After the fall, Humanity added another layer of covering (fig leaf) which in itself reveals very much the condition of mind and heart. Adam and Eve made garments for themselves but Yahweh didn't approve: He made them garments of animal skins that pointed towards our Lord and Savior, Yeshua Messiah's sacrifice for sin! I think of John the Baptist, whose clothing revealed so much about the condition of his mind and heart! Satan, attacked Job's character and ours, also. Yahweh doesn't chasten man without reason! Although Yahweh already knew the mind and heart of Job, Yahweh chastened Job for his personal condition: as revealed in chapter 3:25-26. So many are born into this world malformed, in families filled with hatred, having nothing financially to help move themselves forward, or cope with daily needs! Satan said that Yahweh had furnished Job with all his needs and had put a hedge of protection around him from the evil one's attempts to draw him away from Yahweh. Again, Father Yahweh knows our minds and hearts along with all our needs better than we do...that's why he has put each of us in our position and condition for such a time as this! Job, with all his substance, health, and moral character was still LIVING IN FEAR: saying, "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet; yet trouble came." We know Job loved his children and gave daily sacrifices for their sins, which were the first things taken of his substance (sustenance) by Satan. The offerings for sin and loss of children is the thing which Job "greatly feared". Finally Satan took His health which Job said "I was afraid of has come unto me". Fear (reverence) of Father Yahweh brings blessing and keeps us: working out our salvation with trembling and fear as we daily search the scriptures and study to show ourselves approved, which will increase our faith by revealing our spiritual status with Yahweh, along with proof of salvation. Yahweh has not given us the spirit of fear; but the Spirit of power, of love, of a sound mind and pure heart: when we dwell on heavenly Father's Commandments (using the mind) and keep the Commandments (using the heart), we know we have the Testimony of Yeshua Messiah! As it is written, "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of our redemption: because as he is, so are we
in this world. There is no fear in love; but
perfect love casts out fear: because
fear has torment. He that fears is not
made perfect in love." (1Jhn 4:17-18) Let's not forfeit the promise of our salvation due to temptations and tribulations in our lives and ministry nor trade "skin or skin"! Don't try and cover your sins...yes you may fool others temporarily but Yahweh nows everything and His heart is breaking with grief over what we think is the smallest of sins! I am praying for you a sound mind and pure heart! Hallelujah Amen
Hello Derek - thank you for this video. I am wondering if you might expound on your take on Elihu. Would you be willing to do a video just on him and his role in this story? I have uncovered some very interesting things in my study of him, and I think it is worth addressing - especially since everyone can be so divided about this character. Actually, I think he is enigmatic by design of the author which forces each of us to make a determination about him. What do you think?
Job 33;6 ( Behold, I am according to thy wish in God's stead; I also am formed out of clay! Look up the meaning of the name Elihu?
He mentioned that Calvin preached without notes, and I have also seen in many of R.C. Sproul's lectures, he teaches in the same manner...
As a new teacher in my church where I am beginning a series of lectures on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, I have to ask, is it really a big deal whether or not a teacher uses notes extensively? Did not Jonathan Edwards deliberately read every one of his sermons word for word, and in a monotone voice?
Lawrence Stanley I would suggest Preaching and Preachers, by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. He says that you have to know yourself; of you need notes, don't be afraid, if not, don't use. There's no sin in using notes, nor it is better to not use then. Use what you need to better teach the Word of God.
God bless you that teach His ways.
Wow preaching without notes. What a godly man he was.
Spurgeon says using notes shows a lack of trust in the Holy Spirit. See The Greatest Fight by CHS
So Spurgeon would accuse Jonathan Edwards of not trusting the Spirit?
ua-cam.com/video/632INyBjchI/v-deo.html I would recommend this :)
Have you ever even looked at chapter 32?
Ohhh please, the Behemoth described in poetic terms? So it was somewhat fictional according to you Derek Thomas? The Behemoth was as real as you and me, and it was no puny hipo...the hipo does not have a tail that moves like a cedar, its tail is more like a rope. The Behemoth was a dinosaur! Leviathan a crocodile? That Leviathan that esteems iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood? (Job 41:27 KJV). No crocodile is that powerful!
I understand that these two creatures are no longer extant.
@SBC Burgos the Leviathan is a crocodile. There is a ocean crocodile that is powerful like describe in the Bible. The behemoth, I agree with you. Is difficult to identify it with hippo. The animals are were real but in the book of Job they were used in a symbolic way, just like in Isaiah is used as a metaphor for a powerful enemy, notably Babylon (Isaiah 27:1).
@@diegovalleperez3360 Leviathan is definitely not a crocodile. No crocodile breathes fire from the mouth. The Leviathan described in Job is a dragon, a symbol of satan. Also in Isaiah 27,1 the Leviathan is described as a snake, also a symbol of satan. We know this from Genesis where satan is presented as a snake in the garden of Eden and from the book of Revelation chapter 12 where satan is presented as both a dragon and a snake.
One of my questions is: doesn't God and the Devil communicate with each other?
Christians don’t suffer for the glory of God. We suffer as part of His eternal plan. God has a wonderful eternal plan for us in His kingdom. And we have to remember that this life is extremely short and cannot even be compared to eternity. What did Paul say? 2 Corinthians 4:17,18
7For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 18While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Did you catch that? Our light affliction is working for us, not for God’s glory.
Abraham said, “ Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? “ Genesis
This is what God is looking for when Job said, “
15Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.”
Sing it with me.
Trust and obey for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus; but to trust and obey.
Oh ya I forgot we don’t sing the hymns anymore they’re just not cool.
Why did Job get punished for obeying God? What is the point of this book? Job did not reap what he sowed. This seems so misunderstood. How are we to understand this? I can not make sense out of this story. I think ,i am more hoping that this story was falsely added.This makes no sense at all.
Your guest on is exactly the point of Job. That is why u need to dig deep into it and find those questions until you find those answers. A commentary that is helping me answer that question is by Christopher Ash on the book of Job by crossway publishing. I highly recommend that book. Quote: the book of Job addresses in a deep and unsettling way both the pseudo gospel of prosperity and the pseudo gospel of feeling good.
You know, thankyou for your honesty in how you feel, and also believe. We are all, so human. And that is why God is God. We would be foolish in our human finite mind to Question that God could not do what He is... Our ways are not His ways, and our thoughts are not His ways, for His thoughts, and His ways are not even close to what, we as broken sinners, lost, and needing an ability, to even begin to understand who God really is, can only happen through the work of the Holy Spirit. Please read the third chapter of the book Johns Gospel, and ask God to reveal to you in prayer what this chap. also means. For we as a natural man cannot even begin to understand that God is who He says He is.. We need the complete work of the Holy Spirit in our souls before we can fully accept God at His Holy Word.
I know you post was some time ago. Did you look into this? I am just looking into this but think the point of this book is that Job is a type and shadow of Christ. A blameless man who God allowed Satan to punish. Like Christ suffered for us.
Because God is evil! = Isaiah 45:7
Job did obey God but he didn't walk with God .. He do talk about God but did not talk to God . There is a reason why God allowed these to Job . God already know what Job will do before he even speak. So God wanted Job to be like Noah walk with God . Sometimes God allowed us to go through some troubles to correct us ..
So, the devil and God make a deal?
He mentioned about the sin of visiting prostitutes. Easy to say for those who has a wife or a girlfriend, and what about those who have never had one.
still no.
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” YET NOW, CAN ANY ONE HERE HEAR?? Job 33:14
“For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.” [BE HE MOTH?? [TH]OMAS : SAMO[TH]??] WORDS BACKWARDS BACK WORDS... Luke 22:38 And they said, LORD, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough. IF ONE SAYS [ENOUGH] BACKWARDS IT'S [FUNNY], LITERALLY. ENOUGH FUNNY... EENUF FUNEE
what are you talking about job 19 is misinterpreted i didn't get that can you explain it ?
He was making a clarification that the redeemer Job is seeking is not someone to forgive him of his sins. Think of it more in a way that he was hoping for an "attorney" to represent him before God to cease the judgement he was experiencing. The passage is often interpreted to mean he would see his redeemer as a forgiver of sins. We are already told he was a righteous man who did not need to be redeemed from his sins.
@@TimZornes15 But there is none righteous. Not one.
Where can I buy the book of calvins sermons on the book of job
www.lulu.com/shop/john-calvin-and-arthur-golding/the-sermons-of-master-john-calvin-upon-the-book-of-job-vol-1/paperback/product-22675052.html here's volume 1
Lol, this guy would be sad that polar bears were dead? They're one of the most vicious land animals ever to exist...alligators are rather chill actually, crocs are just monsters though.
I don't understand the joke, GOD, ALLOWING suffering?? YOU FIND OUT WHY AND BOOM , you have your answer.
Oh ok Ex
The Book of Job tells how an all knowing god tortures his servant to find out if he will continue to worship and obey his tormentor.
Since god already knows
what is the point?
Trust God, that is the point of Job and our suffering. In the long term everything will be restored and made whole.
One point is God refuting the devil; another point is God refuting Job's friends. One point is God exercising his sovereignty. And, we may never know all of God's purposes on this side of the veil.
God was not torturing Job and it an insult to God to say such nonsense, Job's steadfastness defeated satan and that is a stupendously worthwhile goal.
Classic victim excuse for an abuser.
Another person who can’t distinguish between abusive behavior and loving behavior. If there was a God in the Christian sense, he would be the author of abusive relationships with his creations.
Who are you? Godsent. So rare in these days. Like Handels ; Messiah Eric
WHY DID GOD MAKE A [CROCODILE]?? BECAUSE IT'S A [CROCK O' DIAL]!! Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." IT IS MY [JOB] TO KNOW THESE THINGS... FOR EXAMPLE: THERE ARE [24] IN [1] OF THESE. WHAT ARE THESE?? Job [24:1]
Job 24:1 “Why, seeing times are not hidden from the Almighty, do they that know him not see his days?” THESE ARE THE DAYS MY FRIENDS... YES OUI SI : YES YES YES : YES WE SEE... A BEE lands on a LEAF?? BELIEF!! A PLANE flies out to SEA?? IT'S PLAIN 2 SEE!! [Romans 1:20] P.S. "PAIN" IS THE FRENCH WORD FOR "BREAD".
Robert, take your meds.
@@SnapCracklePapa "snap : deus" up is dn Do you speak Portuguese??
"Original sin." Thy shall not know! Job,was a free thinker and wasn't allowing God to place his shackles on Job's mind,thoughts and expressions. Good for you Job. We humans would still be in the dark ages had you Job not have freed yourself from the shackling that God so wanted on your mind. Inherited guilt? No rational person lives accepting their guilty for the acts of others,only those who are in a thick fog,it appears there are many!
Hippos don't have tails like a cedar.
Just sayin'.
My favorite book of the Bible is the book of Saint Calvin. Can you teach on that one? He was such a good man. He really didn't want to kill anyone, that was just part of the culture of his time. Sort of like abortion is now. You really can't blame him.
I’m talking about The Institutes of The Calvin Religion. Otherwise known as The Institutes of The Christian Religion. Do you not know about Calvinism?
Step away from the keyboard Brian.
@@mrnoedahl You replied to your own comment. You need to respond directly to a different viewer if you want an answer.
@James Duyon You are absolutely correct. We all sin and we all need a saviour. And we all need to be corrected from time to time. All I’m saying is that No theologian has God all figured out. Yet many hail them as if they do. Obedience is so much more important than trying to understand or figure out exactly how the Almighty works. Yet many fight over God’s word rather than obey it.
1 Samuel 15:22
And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. 3For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
This man is so wrong about the book of Job and has no real understanding of it! So sad!