  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • For more than 40 years, people have lived in space over longer periods of time - first on the space stations Saljut and Skylab, today on the international space station ISS, and perhaps soon in a spaceship on its way to Mars. But man is not made for space. The universe is so hostile to life that humans can not survive there permanently. Skeptics, conspiracy theorists claim that all manned space travel is just a well-staged drama and the moon landing is the biggest lie of all. Since man has set out to conquer outer space and then the universe, conspiracy theorists accompany the work of scientists and explorers. And at the same time, UFOs (unidentified flying objects) have been sighted with claims of visits by your favorite martian aka extraterrestrials. Mankind’s advance into space has triggered the imagination of earthlings since humans first looked up at the stars. And so, in addition to the epochal discoveries, countless myths and legends have arisen as well.
    The world is not enough for conspiracy theories. Since the first launches into space numerous myths and legends around space travel and astronauts abounded. The first images from space depicted our planet in spherical form. "All lies" was a cry heard immediately from so-called experts.: "The earth is and remains a disc". To this day, there are advocates of the flat earth theory, which was actually refuted even before the birth of Christ.
    The claim that the earth is flat was almost extinct, but the Internet is helping fuel this theory in a kind of renaissance of fools. Any kind of conspiracy theory ever invented in the context of space travel is getting a revival in the age of the world wide web. The biggest of all is the denial of the successful landing of man on the moon.
    Hardly any other human event spawned such wild speculation as Neil Armstrong's moon landing as well as the eleven other US astronauts. Just a few months after the first steps on the Moon, skeptics accused NASA, its scientists and astronauts, and the entire US government as liars. The landing never took place, the live images were recorded in Hollywood studios, the whole moon program is a huge bluff. To this day, despite proof to the contrary, the conspiracy theorists continue to beat the drum of denial.
    But there is also a lot happening on planet Earth. Ever since man conquered space, first with balloons and then with airplanes, earth dwellers regularly sight unknown flying objects: UFOs. The first UFOs were reported at the end of the 19th century; at about the same time as the first attempts to launch aircraft heavier than air into the sky. The UFOs levitate alien creatures on Earth to collect humans as research objects or to keep in contact with the powerful leaders of the world. There’s more: US military are thought to have captured several extraterrestrials and keep them hidden in a secret facility, including the flying saucers they landed with. The site: A US Air Force test site in the Nevada desert known as Area 51.
    But even everyday problems and phenomena of manned and unmanned space travel repeatedly create fodder for skeptics, doubters and conspiracy theorists. Sci Fi movies are also fantastic sources for creating new myths and legends.
    In this Episode of Spacetime we try to shed some light on the dark realm of conspiracies, myths and legends. Astronaut Ulrich Walter explains what really happens to people in space, should they find themselves without a spacesuit. He shows us how to live and survive in weightlessness and why even flights deep into the solar system do not have to be lethal to humans. We look at what UFO sightings are all about and what's behind them and why Area 51 is so mysterious.
    We examine the surface of Mars, which appeared on the first photos of the Red Planet and terrified crowds of people. We explain the function of the warp drive and whether you can really travel through the universe with it. And of course we explain why man actually set foot on the moon.
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    #UFO #Aliens #Spacetime

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  • @WELTDocumentary
    @WELTDocumentary  4 роки тому +81

    🚀 Watch all SPACETIME episodes ua-cam.com/play/PL-5sURDcN_ZkPXvLHMgfuVNUL18W03Eup.html
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    • @jessejames5942
      @jessejames5942 4 роки тому +11

      Seeing faces and other objects out things such as clouds landscapes etc. Is pareidolia and to the cple fellas saying there is no way we've been visited and in same sentence only believing what is told over n over again isn't he saying that there's no way we've been visited contributing to that whole conversation he had about believing what you hear and being a conspiracy theorist when he should be saying I DON'T KNOW is it POSSIBLE that we've been visited by E.T.s sure it is and the GOOBERMENT is good at covering it up and yall are WRONG about the ROSEWELL enc. And area 51 so who's really the CONSPIRACY THEORISTS HERE!!!!!

    •  4 роки тому +3

      jesse james the objects reported on, filmed, photographed, & posted online regularly, along with many of numerous strange creatures, & beings, IMHO are NOT from outer space. The way certain objects shape shift, & others behave, manoeuvre ect say they’re other worldly, ie NOT from mankind as we know it. They could be spiritual, as told & prophesied. They could be inter-dimensional, which if spiritual they would be. There’s a possibility they could be from another time, which in fact is exactly what one alleged grey alien, supposedly captured following its craft crashing, & being one of few survivors was filmed, & translated as claiming, under interrogation. IF it WAS real?! They could be from a parallel universe, there’s much evidence for this being a likely possibility, too. The man, for instance, whom turned up at passport control in Haneda Airport, (aka Tokyo International) Japan, in July 1954. He presented a legitimate passport to passport control, from a country which DOES NOT exist. His native tongue was French, although he was said to of spoken excellent Japanese, as well as being fluent in many other languages. He was reported as being Caucasian “looking”, & had a beard. He possessed a driving licence & other official documents, too. The country he was from, & the issuer of them was named Taured. The man was shocked when informed the country he was returning to, following a business trip, doesn’t exist. When given a map to show officials where his country was located, panicked when he couldn’t locate it, but pointed to an area between France & Spain. He said Taured was indeed real, he was from there, had his documents showing he was from there, & Taured had existed, as a country, for over a thousand years. The area the man pointed to as his home Nation, Taured, was in fact, an area occupied by the Principality of Andorra on the map. Both sides refused to backdown, both adamant the other wrong, after, the Airport officials had a map PROVING Taured didn’t exist, & the man as he WAS from there, & had official documentation proving his case. Japanese Airport officials didn’t know what to do, so they detained the panicked man, whom was shocked, no doubt from his treatment, but also from learning his home country didn’t actually exist. If this report is true, it beggars belief. Imagine going on just another mundane business trip, one of many undertaken annually, as part of ones profession/company requirements, landing safely at ones destination, then when presenting ones passport, being told there’s an error, & being taken away for interrogation/questioning, as your passport is from a country that isn’t real, doesn’t exist, & is NOT on ANY map or Atlas! It doesn’t bare considering. Although, being naturally suspicious of the man, & his intentions, they considered he may be a criminal, a spy, or something of that nature. In all honesty, though, it’s UNLIKELY, a criminal, spy, or such like would make such a mistake, especially seeing as all his documents apparently appeared legitimate, & not fakes. So, rather than being held in a cell in a jail, prison, or detention centre, the man was held in a nice nearby hotel overnight, whilst they conducted further investigations, & instructions from above. Two guards were posted on sentry duty outside of his room to prevent any possible escape attempt. However, the next morning when officials entered his room, the man had simply disappeared, along with his belongings, documents, & all. It was as though he had never been there. There were no signs he escaped somehow from the room. The man simply vanished into thin air, like he had never existed. Is this a concocted event? Possibly. It could of been an actual event, based on reality, but exaggerated over time like, excuse the pun, the saying “Japanese Whispers”. Could be more appropriate for this report, than for anything else! The other theory’s are that he was from a Parallel universe, or a time traveller, the latter seeming the more improbable. Then, there’s other events, reports & evidence that bring up a range of possibilities.

    •  4 роки тому +3

      jesse james The Nazi Bell, for instance, the HUGE Nazi fleet, packed with many selected individuals that travelled to Antarctica, & were said to of set up base there, tunnelling under the ice, apparently after a group of the Vril society, lead by Maria Orsitsch, & made up of women with hair almost down to their feet, worn in a style known as “horse tail”. This was supposedly used as a natural antennae to communicate with spirits/alien beings. Maria was more beautiful, than an Hollywood starlet, or model. She was also a medium. She formed the Vril Society following World War 1, & was an avid member of the Nazi Party. Maria was a member of the Thule society, too. Whom then later founded the Vril Society. They were believed to have communicated with a being from Alpha Cen Tauri, of an Arian race of beings, that said they had visited earth & settled in Sumeria. Vri-ll is a Sumerian word which means “God like”.A race of Sumi from the constellation Taurus The Bull. Whilst in trance, Maria Channelled Elkhart’s spirit, whom had deceased the year prior, at the request of, & in the presence of Rudolf Heiss. Elkhart’s voice emanated from Maria, then made way for an “alien being”. The voice said it was of Sumi race, (aka The Nordics) a humanoid race which colonised earth 500 years prior. The ruins of Larsa, Shurrupak, & Nippur in Iraq were built by them. Those, that survived the great biblical flood, ie the Deluge of Noah’s ark, had become ancestors of the Arians. When Heiss asked for proof, Maris, with head tilted right back, mouth agape, & eyes rolled backwards into her head, so only the white showed, quickly scribbled some symbols, they turned out to be Ancient Sumerian, the language of the founders of the oldest Babylonian Culture. A tale of Aldebaran, & 2 planets they inhabited which orbit the sun, & it’s history ensued, they left the planets due to catastrophic climate changing events, & then colonised Mallona, a planet in our solar system. It lay between Jupiter & Mars, now it’s just asteroids. They then moved to mars, & built the great pyramid cities & the Martian face, photographed by the Mars rover in 1976. It’s believed around the time they built these great Pyramid cities, is when the God like people of the Sumeran Aldebaran came to earth for the first time. A petrified shoe, approx 500 million years was discovered with a trilobite petrified to its sole, these bear witness to the events occurrence. The primitive fish lived on earth then & vanished around 400 million years ago. The psychics were also told that the Sumerian language was identical to that of the Aldebaranians, & had tones similar to German, & the frequency of both languages were identical. They were then given instructions on how to build a flying disc. They are said to be so precise & highly detailed, that no matter where they originated, the blue prints were the greatest idea ever bourne of mankind. The Nazis had to learn a “new, alternative science” or alternative forms of energy, as we would say today. It took 3 tears for the project to begin. The instructions were in 2 differing big piles of paper, both in different languages. One, Maria found legible, the other she couldn’t decipher & assumed it to be Sumerian. It turned out to be the detailed technical data for the construction of flying discs, capable of travel to Aldebaran, to meet with the beings they channeled. The language turned out to be a secret German Templar Script. They were to send a large capacity craft, Vril-7, through a dimension channel independent of the speed of light, to the planet 68 light years away. The test flight took place in 1944, afterwards the craft is described as looking like it had flown for a hundred years, & suffered damage to its outer skin, in several places. Maria Oršić vanished in 1945, officially, at least. A letter written by her, was handed out to all members of Vril, an internal only document. No one heard anything of the Vril society again, nor any of its female members, the Channellers, were ever seen again. It’s speculated that they, & Maria escaped to the planet Alderbaran. The Vril inner sanctum was made up of Maria’s friends, Traute, Sigrun, Gudrun, & Heike. It is said the first group they communicated with were reptile beings, from Agartha, inner earth. Although fascinated by these beings, the group picked up on aggressive & viscous energy, despite the charming intellect & facade projected. They had no doubt the reptilians had dark motives & agenda for them down the road. The Nordics appear to be the strange beings dressed oddly, & often encountered by hikers on Mount Shasta. They’re said to appear from thin air, they’re said to also visit local shops to purchase goods, are polite, but cryptic to all they come across, especially when asked where they’re from. The US military, according to Jim Marrs at a convention, filmed & posted on UA-cam, but appears to of vanished/been removed, have x rayed the entirety of Mount Shasta & the surrounding area. Why? Many reports speak of underground tunnels & caves in the area leading to another world. The missing 411 cases cluster points could all have caves, & underground tunnels, & could possibly all be linked. According to Phil Schneider, a geologist, the son of a top Nazi scientist & naval captain, (supposedly worked on the Philadelphia Experiment, & is seen in a photograph of an alleged alien humanoid, called Valiant Thor, whom was said to of been living & working alongside his human counterparts, on projects like the Philadelphia Experiment), for instance, when he worked for the government/military/black operations, building D.U.M.B.S, the over 100 military underground bases are all linked via high speed mono magneto rail, & when tunnelling a shaft for one base in los Alamos, the equipment kept breaking down, & they couldn’t progress so investigated, & came across a base of grey aliens, that attacked them, leaving Phil Schneider disabled through serious injury, & many perished in the battle that ensued. Phil said that the government knew the aliens were down there, & had set them up!
      Admiral Byrd was sent with a war armada, 1000s of soldiers, numerous fighter planes, tanks ect to the Antarctic. He had enough equipment & troops to fight a war lasting upto 6 months. They were defeated heavily & swiftly, in a matter of just a couple of weeks, by craft he said were of another world, & performed aerial manoeuvres impossible for aircraft as we know them. It is said he travelled to Agartha, & met the leader. He was apparently chosen. So, there are a few possibilities, some which overlap, & so there may be more than a single correct theory. One thing is for sure, the world as we know it, is NOT as we are taught(brainwashed/indoctrinated into believing), nothing is as it seems, HUGE chunks of our history is missing, & we have supposedly advanced technologically massively in the last century, yet still rely on the save engines, the same fossil fuels, the same power, craft, & CANNOT possibly replicate today, buildings built 1000,s of years ago, like Puma Punku, & the pyramids, ect ect ect. Despite being taught these people were Neanderthals, backwards basically, with zero technology, & only hand tools. Yet they built structures, so precise you can’t get a hair between blocks, they’ve survived earth quakes, & other major catastrophic events, that nothing we build would survive, or last any where near as long. These civilisations had technology FAR superior to ours, the saw & drill marks can be seen, & @ times not seen, @ some sites, proving lasers or something else were utilised. Never mind the quarrying, transport, & lifting into place of the stones, or digging out of one of the worlds hardest stones, cities underground. How can this be? Where is the tech? What happened to it? Where is the information hidden? Everything was documented by these civilisations. Is this why many hieroglyphs in Egypt remain untranslated, along with many, many ancient texts from across the world? Peace.

    • @jimmyoconner4941
      @jimmyoconner4941 4 роки тому +4

      Hey flat Earthers, get a Telescope and look at everything you can see. If you see anything flat send it to me to see.

    • @tiddiesattic
      @tiddiesattic 4 роки тому +2

      I think this video was created by a lifeform not of this world..I can tell by the way it said UFO's= "You Foes"

  • @tonnitoedwards
    @tonnitoedwards 3 роки тому +114

    Knowledge is infinite and the more you try to learn more , the more you realize how little you know

    • @jasonspades5628
      @jasonspades5628 3 роки тому +1

      I don't know about that

    • @Music4EverKanekavi
      @Music4EverKanekavi 3 роки тому

      The know you more

    • @robertzaborowski3587
      @robertzaborowski3587 3 роки тому +1

      If that is so...why do our oh-so-wise scientists now call us...NO LONGER HOMOSAPIENT...NO NO...NOW WE

    • @jasonspades5628
      @jasonspades5628 3 роки тому +1

      @@robertzaborowski3587 what? Can you type clearly so I can understand what it is you are asking?

    • @paranormalabilitynetwork1434
      @paranormalabilitynetwork1434 3 роки тому

      That's the truth.

  • @cb7pwn
    @cb7pwn 4 роки тому +43

    for us to think that just because we cant figure out warp speed space travel it means that no other potential more ancient life can, is just crazy to me

    • @luisc5896
      @luisc5896 2 роки тому +2

      It is not that we could not figure it out, it is the limitations of the matter, space and time. It is fascinating to think of an alternative way of traveling, but a UFO is not an option. An aircraft/ spacecraft is not a viable way of long distance traveling.

    • @scottmorley3672
      @scottmorley3672 2 роки тому

      Hi please read the comment I just posted. It's exactly your argument just expanded.

    • @fudgedogbannana
      @fudgedogbannana 2 роки тому +2

      Figuring out warp speed is one thing, traveling at that speed is another. Even at 10% the speed of light would be far too destructive for any craft, traveling to the next closest star to Earth at 10% would take 42.5 years. Distances are far too great, life forms are far too fragile no matter where they come from. (even aliens must be carbon based life forms, even a trip to Mars would kill you). So sorry but it can't be done no matter what the technology, no matter what the propulsion system.

    • @eddy-nd7nh
      @eddy-nd7nh 2 роки тому +1

      @@fudgedogbannana how cute.

    • @lanamichaels397
      @lanamichaels397 Рік тому

      @@eddy-nd7nh It IS possible....IF we can create a anti-gravity foam bubble that "surfs" on a 2-D "wave"... Imagine a table spoon of cooking oil dropped in water.... It is going to have to repel the forces of gravity, giving the craft bouyancy like a boat floating in water.... I have a strong belief that we will eventually figure it out with a element that doesn't interact with weak OR the strong force... Element able to do something like this will most likely interact very well with magnetic forced and almost ZERO interactions with gravitational fields... Basically a "warp bubble".

  • @therealbenhur
    @therealbenhur 4 роки тому +20

    "Bigfoot is blurry. Its not the photographers fault. There's a large out-of focus monster out there"
    Mitch Hedburg

    • @MrDogonjon
      @MrDogonjon 3 роки тому

      "Big Foot" is a HOAX! SASQUATCH is a real Native American legend and if you ever see one tell me I'm at Sasquatch X-ing and I keep watching but i only hear them mostly. My neighbor had to of seen em they were standing there in the road in front of him. I couldn't see them directly the fire truck was big and all the flashing lights were on., 40 or 50 of em were running off trail you could hear them grunting "hyata, huata, huat" as they did Gerinimos passing each other in succession... the doppler shifts indicated extreme athleticism.. I asked him later he said he was backing up didn't want to hit any one... we never talk so it's hard to get witness statements when no one ever want to talk about it.., got great foot prints from the girl squatch who heckeled me from across the road. "huata huata, huat" I looked it up "you are a big sellout" in Malysian or "carry more rocks " in NW native dilect. They are very fast and even if their ability to shift their hair folicles color and texture wasn't perfect they are past you before you know the are there.

    • @boredmisfit7725
      @boredmisfit7725 3 роки тому

      @@MrDogonjon So how many years have you been smoking meth man? I've never seen a video on UA-cam where literally all of the dumbest comments come from the same person. Until I read the comments on this video that is, obviously. Good luck on your sobriety if you ever decide to go that route man.

    • @MrDogonjon
      @MrDogonjon 3 роки тому +1

      @@boredmisfit7725 You seem pretty anxious to judge. You don't know the difference between a manufactured myth and a real life legend! Well I am right there at ground zero and if it really is a thing I'M KEEPING TO MYSELF!!!

    • @MrDogonjon
      @MrDogonjon 3 роки тому

      i have too many unfortunate ufo experiences with too many witnesses that I can't deny it. Let me enjoy this benign thing while I can still deny it.

  • @largelarry2126
    @largelarry2126 3 роки тому +51

    I would be willing to bet that if aliens have indeed come to Earth that it's from someplace in our galaxy and not from deep space. Coming from a nearby star system would be super simple compared to another galaxy. We understand so little about anything in space that they could be someplace nearby and we would have no clue.

    • @ricardomoseley
      @ricardomoseley 2 роки тому +2

      Personally I share Your Sentiment

    • @markmartin3152
      @markmartin3152 2 роки тому +9

      Han Solo made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsec’s and everyone knows this….. nuff said……

    • @petersmitt2485
      @petersmitt2485 2 роки тому +3

      Our nearest galaxy is Andromeda which is 2.5 million light years away making travel between the galaxies impossible.

    • @justaguy-69
      @justaguy-69 2 роки тому +11

      @@petersmitt2485 unless you drive a tic-tac..

    • @slavche
      @slavche 2 роки тому +3

      @@justaguy-69 unless you think a tic-tac.. yes :D

  • @tylererickson4561
    @tylererickson4561 4 роки тому +122

    They f'd up when referring to alpha centauri as our nearest "galaxy."

    • @prawinrai628
      @prawinrai628 4 роки тому +1


    • @laurenalarie7841
      @laurenalarie7841 4 роки тому +12

      It's Andromeda

    • @jackgalactus3610
      @jackgalactus3610 4 роки тому +19

      Yup. You can see how misinformed they are. So why should we believe anything they say? All credibility lost.

    • @n1k32h
      @n1k32h 4 роки тому +4

      It’s all bullshit! The earth is in Uranus’s big black hole!

    • @frankiewinters1255
      @frankiewinters1255 4 роки тому +15

      I was 1 min and 2 seconds into this video when I read this comment and decided not to bother watching it. Thanks lol

  • @guruji243
    @guruji243 4 роки тому +27

    I was surprised to hear that there are people who believe that we are alone in this universe.

  • @Mercie22
    @Mercie22 4 роки тому +108

    @14:30 He said, "Our closest Galaxy, alpha Centauri..." that's a binary star system, that is really close to us, not a galaxy.

    • @robinhood2980
      @robinhood2980 4 роки тому +5

      Andromeda is the nearest galaxy to us, a spiral one like our's, that is if you believe space is at all nothing but a complex 3D illusion !!

    • @TheSexxymexxy
      @TheSexxymexxy 4 роки тому +9

      I was RAGING🤬🤬 I was on my ps4 then Snatched my phone to come comment about this!! Closest galaxy, alpha Centauri 🤮🤮

    • @eezy251able
      @eezy251able 4 роки тому +15

      Shocking videos. These experts haven't got a clue.

    • @wintersbattleofbands1144
      @wintersbattleofbands1144 4 роки тому +3

      What did you expect from someone who says "Euphos" (U.F.O.s)? I understand there may have been some translating errors, but you'd think someone would have caught this.

    • @RenaissanceBro
      @RenaissanceBro 4 роки тому +3

      I almost slapped myself when he said that.

  • @Dutch_Prepper
    @Dutch_Prepper 4 роки тому +82

    Where's the UFO and Alien part? Seems to have accidentally been cut out ...

    • @jimmywrangles
      @jimmywrangles 3 роки тому +1

      @The Mascara Snake Deep, very deep...maybe even profound.

    • @mattchristopher3220
      @mattchristopher3220 3 роки тому +15

      Thanks, saved me the time, can't stand videos that aren't about the title.

    • @onespawnonly2715
      @onespawnonly2715 3 роки тому +3

      .That was the "Myth" part..

    • @samnewman5927
      @samnewman5927 3 роки тому

      ThTs what I thought

    • @samnewman5927
      @samnewman5927 3 роки тому +5

      If you think we are the only intelligent life in the universe I feel sorry for how ignorant and narrow minded you are. “They would see us as chimps” 😂 what an idiot... so if and when we find intelligent somewhere else we’re going to do the same? No. We wouldn’t, we would observe and understand them and try not to harm them just like they have been doing to us for so many years. 🛸

  • @mashalam
    @mashalam 4 роки тому +311

    Skip to the end, and then skip back to a few seconds after the beginning. No ads. Works for some devices.

    • @MrCroo2u
      @MrCroo2u 4 роки тому +15

      just get yourself Ad blocker plus.

    • @soultekkamusic115
      @soultekkamusic115 4 роки тому +5


    • @AMisfit
      @AMisfit 4 роки тому +48

      Thank you, now I can finally sleep to this video uninterrupted by tons of pesky ads ✌️

    • @StuartOliver83
      @StuartOliver83 4 роки тому +8

      Cheers 👍🏻🇬🇧

    • @lewisfarr169
      @lewisfarr169 4 роки тому +16

      You the real MVP

  • @DidzYbanez
    @DidzYbanez 4 роки тому +32

    When I was a child, I used to hang out on our roof top... One afternoon, I saw a what's looked like a ball (very, very far away), and it moved so fast, in different directions, and suddenly disappeared...

    • @yosufsayer9866
      @yosufsayer9866 4 роки тому +1

      Stop waffling

    • @phantomwalker8251
      @phantomwalker8251 4 роки тому +4

      @@yosufsayer9866 your a waffle,shaped like a ufo,ill bet,,you can live in deniel all your life,,if you want..go find out,where your religion came from,if,your religious..&,it wasnt god.

    • @wintersbattleofbands1144
      @wintersbattleofbands1144 4 роки тому +3

      @@phantomwalker8251 Replies carry so much more weight when they're not written illiterately. No fewer than 18 spelling and punctuation mistakes in your statement.

    • @patrick764
      @patrick764 4 роки тому +3

      @@phantomwalker8251, your comma key appears to be stuck. And the period key. And your apostrophe isn't working either.

    • @camelxravennova
      @camelxravennova 4 роки тому

      harry walker your are speaking truth

  • @glb1993
    @glb1993 4 роки тому +144

    If in my lifetime extra terrestrial life was discovered whether its microbial or more complex organisms it would be very amazing and exciting either way. I hope that I live old enough to see that day.

    • @annabanana1160
      @annabanana1160 4 роки тому +9

      Already happened, research: GFAJ-1 and the origins of octopuses

    • @ryanrobin12
      @ryanrobin12 4 роки тому +1

      Ed Sev lolololololol

    • @iptrix-2.0
      @iptrix-2.0 4 роки тому +1

      There is a chance of that, if we do that Europa mission that includes drills and autonomic subs. Question is if we can sterilize them enough to dare drill through the ice .. what may we destroy if we fail that?

    • @happyfox711
      @happyfox711 4 роки тому +5

      you better check out the disclosure project. there's something in our skies, and they admit to have been studying it for decades.

    • @thebobloblawshow8832
      @thebobloblawshow8832 4 роки тому

      glb1993 : me too.

  • @b.entranceperium
    @b.entranceperium 4 роки тому +31

    The soundtrack is Thomas Bergersen in the beginning if anyone wants to know. Great composer.

    • @masonlee5866
      @masonlee5866 4 роки тому

      Yea he is dope he is like my new hans Zimmer

    • @rjhoeh830
      @rjhoeh830 4 роки тому

      Armpitjam 4 a

    • @sambarnett3202
      @sambarnett3202 4 роки тому

      As if anyone cared who did the music? xD (I know they did, I'm just surprised)

    • @daidesign121
      @daidesign121 4 роки тому

      Song : Thomas Bergersen - Dreammaker

  • @gottagomoto5468
    @gottagomoto5468 4 роки тому +11

    I really like the professor in the bow tie😅😅😅😅 he's like " look anyone smart enough to get here, probably isn't coming to hang out"

    • @evalsoftserver
      @evalsoftserver 3 роки тому

      I think Aliens actually Appear on Earth rather than"Fly"here

  • @mccari09
    @mccari09 4 роки тому +81

    I never would have thought that so called scientists would be so closed minded.
    I’m ashamed 😳

    • @PatrickRob82
      @PatrickRob82 4 роки тому +14

      Seriously. Talk about a filter bubble. These people are going to look really stupid when the truth comes out.

    • @mccari09
      @mccari09 4 роки тому +21

      PatrickRob82 one of them is especially arrogant.
      he’s explaining that it’s impossible for aliens to get here because it’s so far away whilst the whole time laughing mockingly.
      He reminds me of the people that laughed at the wright brother before their 1st flight.
      Just because we can’t do something doesn’t mean someone else can’t

    • @edannass
      @edannass 4 роки тому +8

      They seemed open minded to me, just cause one is skeptical doesn't mean there mind isn't open to new possibilitys

    • @mccari09
      @mccari09 4 роки тому +7

      Cote Smith there is being skeptical and there is blind arrogance

    • @PatrickRob82
      @PatrickRob82 4 роки тому +9

      @@mccari09 Yup. They rely on the Drake equation which is absolutely brimming with assumptions and flat out guesses to make its "points". Yet these scientists hold to it as though it's holy scripture. It's unbelievable how many liberties they take to fill the holes in their knowledge and then pretend it's a valid argument. It's really pathetic.

  • @ljbfjb9022
    @ljbfjb9022 3 роки тому +2

    After watching this documentary I am more convinced that we didn't go to the moon. Generally when you see people trying this hard to prove that we actually went to the moon. It makes you pretty skeptical. Honestly they left out alot of the "conspiracy theorist" concers over the moon landing.

  • @alevan1
    @alevan1 3 роки тому +46

    People are idiots if they think we are the only living beings in this universe, either they are trying to hide the info or they are scared to think that it could be possible.....

    • @carterpierce9270
      @carterpierce9270 3 роки тому +2

      This is the classic ufo nutjob strawman. Saying "ufos are bs" or "this is obviously fake" is not the equivalent of saying "there are no other living beings in the universe besides us." Now, could there be or could there have been aliens who traveled here at some point? Sure. What gets me is the "all-in" alien conspiracy wackjobs who literally honestly believe that there are like 20 different species of aliens all visiting earth in a myriad of different spacecraft (cigars, disks, triangles, etc lmfao) for various and competing reasons. You know who I'm talking about. People who think there are greys, reptilians, fish people, blonde haired ones, etc etc etc. That's just absurd to me, sorry. When I think of alien civilizations I think in terms of DEEP TIME. It's way too much of a coincidence that all these different intelligent species would emerge at around the the same point in DEEP TIME (not 5 million years ago, not 5 million years from now, not 300 million years ago, or 1 billions years ... no right fkn now) and they would all simultaneously develop a method of interstellar travel ... and they would all scan space and they would all find US and they would all decide to come to THIS fkn planet at the same time or within the same span of time (let's just say within the same 10,000 year period ... that alone is ridiculous, that there would be 12 different alien species all visiting earth precisely in the year 2021 is even more ridiculous). Another classic ufo nutjob claim is that people who are not convinced are just arrogant to think that if we can't develop interstellar travel, then other alien beings couldn't. Of course, nobody really thinks that ... it's just another bs strawman. What's truly arrogant is to think that we're so fkn interesting and worthy of study and intrigue that a bunch of aliens from different parts of the galaxy, different parts of the universe, or even other dimensions would waste their fkn time and resources coming here. Even just thinking about this galaxy alone, it's absurd to blindly believe that there would be a "federation" of space fairing civilizations who all 1) happened to evolve with fingers or some other body part capable of building things (even if dolphins on earth are actually SMARTER than humans ... they would NEVER build spaceships because they have fins and they live in the fkn OCEAN so how could they smelt ore or build plastics to begin with) 2) even have the necessary raw materials to build spaceships, let alone computers 3) build ships before getting wiped out by disasters like meteor impacts and global killers or supernovas or stellar expansion 4) even give a fk about exploring the universe regardless of how intelligent they are. In the end, the ufo theory is honestly just another human-centric worldview disguised as enlightenment. Whether it's ancient aliens hair guy claiming that all these aliens have been manipulating us from the beginning or its just someone who thinks we're being studied, it still makes everything all about US. We're the center of the universe, and since there are too many stars out there for there to NOT be aliens, OF COURSE they would travel all the way here to visit us just so they can play with our penises and stick probes up our asses and forget to turn the headlights off (cause honestly ... I'd imagine if you can build a spaceship, you can probably build night vision devices and thermal censors and shit) and crash land a bunch of times cause they are apparently hilariously incompetent pilots.

    • @Ironcabbit
      @Ironcabbit 3 роки тому

      Sure there are other sapient beings in other universes. The distances between galaxies is too great for them to reach us unless they devote their entire lives to the mission. I think they have more practical uses of resources than that. But they’re definitely making up stories about us and how we look and behave.

    • @fbeshir1163
      @fbeshir1163 3 роки тому

      The aliens changed their mind about visiting earth. They noticed the people of earth keep getting themselves sick with virus and bacteria.

    • @NoTaboos
      @NoTaboos 3 роки тому +1

      Or they are religious.

    • @DeanMoxley87
      @DeanMoxley87 3 роки тому

      I don’t believe in aliens but we can’t be the only living being breathing thing in the entire expanding universe or we are simply the figment of something’s imagination

  • @micahbyce2655
    @micahbyce2655 4 роки тому +6

    In fact many researchers in the ufo subject are people who were once very skeptical professional trained individuals.

  • @YoutubeCrittic
    @YoutubeCrittic 3 роки тому +16

    We are not alone..and never have been alone.

  • @ciscodealmeida8541
    @ciscodealmeida8541 3 роки тому +3

    Aliens have been coming and going since this planet was created

  • @stevenbass732
    @stevenbass732 4 роки тому +69

    "The myth of space travel "? Why is it a myth? Because humans can't do it? Human arrogance on display.

    • @dedriaduke2345
      @dedriaduke2345 4 роки тому +7

      Did someone just put all this information dysinformation information shit together.

    • @stevenbass732
      @stevenbass732 4 роки тому +4

      @@teiam7781 I'm sure that would come as a surprise to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

    • @thesmot2693
      @thesmot2693 4 роки тому

      I really would like a mothership to pop down and hover over there Parliment, I would absolutely crap myself, but then me thinks these so called scientists probably believe in 1 almighty being that can forgive your sins listens to all your thoughts. Bloody dogooder.🤣🤣

    • @williampercival7662
      @williampercival7662 4 роки тому +2

      Someone else is living on the moon, humans are not welcome, so let's fake it. That's human intelligence.
      William Percival New Zealand Gardenia Band 🇨🇰 Kia Orana

    • @johnjames8644
      @johnjames8644 4 роки тому

      Steven Bass and human stupidity

  • @JamJells
    @JamJells 4 роки тому +27

    I applaud those who translate, and upload great documentaries that are not in English.

    • @johannesbluemink4581
      @johannesbluemink4581 2 роки тому +1

      The Germans do the same, that is, dubbing (almost ALL foreign language movies are dubbed!), or voice over (Interviews in languages other than German). It is much cheaper than creating sub-titles, but it looses something. I speak both languages fluently, so I don't like voice-over and/or dubbing. But i's convenient for most!

  • @ddandridge10
    @ddandridge10 4 роки тому +131

    Tell that to the many Pilots who are speaking out on what they have seen in the air, military Pilots as well!!!

    • @billybatson8657
      @billybatson8657 4 роки тому +27

      Even the pentagon recently admitted that the released ufo videos are real and that there are physical vehicles flying around that can fly circles around the our best fighter planes. That alone should scare the beejeesus out of anyone. If we don't know who they are, they could fly hundreds of them inside the USA armed with nukes, drop them ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE, and fly to a safe distance for detonation, all within a matter of seconds. The entire US could be wiped out in less than a minute, and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it. Doesn't that scare ANYONE?

    • @CyanBlackflower
      @CyanBlackflower 4 роки тому +4

      The "many" pilots - ! presume you mean those who are deemed CREDIBLE by other credible 'Officials', and not those flying on chemicals... Gotcha. I personally believe that they, along with Many other sober intelligent, level headed people as well as I myself have seen something in the sky which We cannot identify as belonging to ANY known craft or objects we have seen or know of. An above average knowledge of obscure scientific research aerial devices, balloons, wildlife, rare weather, and celestial phenomena included. Sure there are things we experience during the course of our lives which defy our understanding but, not our imagination. I find extreme stupidity to be behind drawing conclusions, or accepting them, without sufficient proofs, validation, or confirmation as to exactly what we are dealing with, ESPECIALLY in UFO cases or other so called paranormal claims and phenomenon. To do so is simply insane. Then there are no shortage of those who will swear truth to any number of things for reasons only they could say. None of which is true, nor makes it true. Stupid people always think they are smart or entitled to claim authority and certainty on things they know nothing about. KEEP an open mind. Sure. But Not So Open that the fucking brain falls out.

    • @billybatson8657
      @billybatson8657 4 роки тому +8

      @@CyanBlackflower You mean like that crackhead David Fravor and the other pilots he flew with? I guess I see what you mean, there's no point in delving any further into this, you've convinced us all that everyone is just on drugs all of the time, so we can't believe anything anyone says, ever, including yourself.

    • @CyanBlackflower
      @CyanBlackflower 4 роки тому +2

      @@billybatson8657 No. - first I suggest you learn to Pay Attention, Understand? Comprendo -to things you read and see around you so you don't look like you have ADHD on top of even less useful attributes. I mean that people in general should FIRST refrain from simply drawing a simple convenient conclusion, or assume the position of authoritative knowledge when they have nothing solid except fuzzy images from which to draw from just like you. See something you don't understand? It's must be the Martians...or the government is hiding the year 2480 from the year 2020...Jesus! You must think you wake up on planet monkey face everyday until about noon!! OK - I don't wish to simply insult but your kind on S.M. make it too easy. You - would do well to learn comprehension skills, so you wouldn't need someone to come and explain over and again what you don't hear...to you that the world around you does not conform to your reckless half assed of the cuff interpretation of it. Therefore IF you could read properly, you'd have seen that deeper sober investigation along with thorough processing of solid evidence is EXACTLY what the fuck I'm talking about. Simply believing any odd claim made is going to lead to NOTHING good. The reason there are those who do, is usually due to laziness, lack of any education, or understanding of much more than the basics needed for a dead end job and whatever is left after exchanging rational thought for a life time budweiser habit...What else do they have to show they are more ? But I don't give a holy fuck whether or not you believe in red rubber ducks or Hubert the happy homo. It's a waste of my time to continue dialogue with people who know nothing about what or WHO they are talking to /about.

    • @WarAgeTV
      @WarAgeTV 4 роки тому +3

      These people are suppose to be so called experts and never saw a flying orb? Seems like they need to change their career

  • @CesarHernandez-nh1wz
    @CesarHernandez-nh1wz 4 роки тому +24

    This video in 2019: Flying saucers don't exist.
    U.S. Gov't in 2020: UFOs are definitely real and we have no idea what/who they are.

    • @greg6162
      @greg6162 3 роки тому +5

      With what’s going on nobody is even questioning that. I think the Aliens want their presence to be known but the government is too afraid of how mankind will react. I thought it was just them being too presumptuous but after Covid hit the first thing ppl bought were shit tickets?! Like really? Now I understand why they didn’t tell us! Picture aliens watching us would you want to introduce yourselves if you were them?

    • @kellygwdobbs
      @kellygwdobbs 3 роки тому +1

      This video was posted before the official disclosure, but yes, I am flabbergasted by the closed mindedness. In this "False information dissemination Doco" they tell people that there are conspiracy rumors about the so-called Nazi flying saucer technology, while showing the actual archive footage of the experiments with the Nazi Bell!! It's our job to spread the information wherever possible, and just ignore the ridicule. I usually start with telling people, "There is a Secret Space Program, you know, run by corporations, separate from the Government.".

    • @CesarHernandez-nh1wz
      @CesarHernandez-nh1wz 3 роки тому +1

      @@kellygwdobbs Of course what they don't mention is the fact that those Nazi vehicles could barely get 2ft off the ground and resembled virtually no similarities to the objects seen by the masses other than maybe the shape of the actual objects. There's no way anyone on Earth had technology that defied the laws of physics in the 40's and 50's. There weren't any drones back then and even if there were, drones don't go 1000 mph and have cloaking abilities either.

    • @kellygwdobbs
      @kellygwdobbs 3 роки тому

      @@CesarHernandez-nh1wz Are you familiar with the work of Victor Schauberger?

    • @CesarHernandez-nh1wz
      @CesarHernandez-nh1wz 3 роки тому

      @@kellygwdobbs No I'm not. Who's he?

  • @racheybrowne9213
    @racheybrowne9213 4 роки тому +117

    I think we did go to the moon and who ever was there told us never to come back!

    • @bellehollermusic9160
      @bellehollermusic9160 4 роки тому


    • @andrewspeers4018
      @andrewspeers4018 4 роки тому +9

      Yeah it was probably carol baskin

    • @marcsalzman8082
      @marcsalzman8082 4 роки тому +7


    • @adrianlujan4279
      @adrianlujan4279 4 роки тому +27

      That's exactly what happened !!! They were surrounded.. they were AFTER a crashed ufo they saw on a telescope and wanted the technology..Russia wanted it too...whomever has better tech runs the world..everyone knows that BUT when they got there, whosever ship it was who crashed was already there collecting their ship.. the astronauts, when they grew old, straight out said that when they were in the crater. They looked up and we're literally surrounded by 5 - 15 other alien ships.. who were watching them closely... he told headquarters..
      "They're all around us and watching us ...we don't belong here..." The mission was cut short and we've never been back. Think about it...dont u think we would of gone back numerous times by now? And NASA says "THEY LOST" the blueprints of the tech and ship designs to get us back there!!!?? Google it it's a fact...WTF..U LOST IT?? U LOST THE MOST IMPORTANT BLUEPRINTS EVER MADE?? BULLSHIT..
      WE WERE TOLD NOT TO GO BACK AND TO STAY AWAY... next year is when space x is suppose to go back...something's gonna happen and it s not gonna be good.. just u wait and see..

    • @dumperspydiehoe298
      @dumperspydiehoe298 4 роки тому +2

      Look anything is possible but china has launched rovers to the moon one day the lunar landings will be explored. But yeah

  • @mingonmongo1
    @mingonmongo1 4 роки тому +22

    "He simply gave him a right hook to the jaw, and walked off"....The 'Right Stuff' indeed!

    • @AeroMittens
      @AeroMittens 4 роки тому

      And didn't sue?

    • @mbp7060
      @mbp7060 4 роки тому

      He didn't drop the guy though.

    • @toph9679
      @toph9679 4 роки тому +1

      Adam Mendez he tried to but the judge pretty much said he had it coming

    • @ajhproductions2347
      @ajhproductions2347 4 роки тому +1

      "You're a coward, and a liar, and a thie--" (punch lands)

    • @froey198033
      @froey198033 4 роки тому +1

      Well I think if they did go to the moon they would have no problem putting their hand on the bible but not 1 astronaut that went to the moon has put their hand on a bible and said they went to the moon. What's the big deal. If you went to the moon then they should have no problem putting their hand on the bible. I don't think we went to the moon at all.

  • @snipesandscapingmaintenanc8875
    @snipesandscapingmaintenanc8875 4 роки тому +60

    I was taught at a young age “THERE’S NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN”. This means if we can go to the moon or mars. Trust, it has been done before. ‼️⁉️

    • @johnjones6049
      @johnjones6049 4 роки тому +2

      Could have something to do with the Tower of Babylon??? trying to shatter The Dome??? Trying to reach into The Heavens???

    • @billmcallister1404
      @billmcallister1404 4 роки тому +1

      Snipes And Scaping Maintenance Man so that is why you look above the sun

    • @gamleole9568
      @gamleole9568 4 роки тому

      Maybe we are the AI of the future after all? Made by AI of the past? Then again, who is the creator?

    • @joshcarrera9449
      @joshcarrera9449 3 роки тому +2

      That's correct there's plenty of ancient structures with carvings or engravings showing technological devices of mechanical nature like the creator's of man the Annunaki and Sumerians having chronographic wrist watches radios bicycles helicopters tanks nukes flying suites and Star gates multi stage rockets and the M.i.E.

    • @joanleons5399
      @joanleons5399 3 роки тому

      If you have Amazon Prime there's a documentary called Close Encounters of the fifth kind . I believe it is on UA-cam also but you have to rent or buy . They're also podcast from Joe Rogan with people like Bob Lazar and others that will blow your mind . ( enjoy) 🤯

  • @albertjackson9236
    @albertjackson9236 3 роки тому +2

    If man traveled to the nearest planet outside our solar system at 10,000,000 MPH, it would take 290 years to get there.

    • @dawood121derful
      @dawood121derful 2 роки тому

      In that case we’ll need turbo chargers and more gas. Do I have to think of everything?

  • @moderatepic
    @moderatepic 4 роки тому +37

    I like how you tried to make the professor look more creditable by writing gibberish in chalk on the chalk board. Right away, I was like, I'm going to believe anything this scientist says, and share his tales across the land.

    • @ufotv-viral
      @ufotv-viral 3 роки тому +2


    • @cycleSCUBA
      @cycleSCUBA 3 роки тому +1

      21:50 the calculations of the 'experimental physisist' 😂

    • @LetsConquerTheUniverseTogether
      @LetsConquerTheUniverseTogether 2 роки тому +1

      @@cycleSCUBA Aww, you mad because you can't do it?

    • @LetsConquerTheUniverseTogether
      @LetsConquerTheUniverseTogether 2 роки тому +9

      And you determined it was gibberish, how, exactly? Anyway, I happened to do a background check on the guy, and what do you know, he's indeed a credible physicist. He's also contributed to 57 articles with over 7,000 citations and currently serves as President of the University of Göttingen. Amazing what just a few seconds of research can accomplish, huh?

    • @Fusion991
      @Fusion991 2 роки тому +2

      @@LetsConquerTheUniverseTogether get a life

  • @ast-og-losta
    @ast-og-losta 4 роки тому +9

    Being that I'm not a native of this planet, I can't help but be offended by the term "alien".

    • @n1k32h
      @n1k32h 4 роки тому +1

      Where are u from?

    • @waynehale66
      @waynehale66 3 роки тому

      Yeh where you from if not this planetoid lol.and how would you want these mortals refer to you instead of alien ?visiter sounds politer doesn’t it he he

    • @waynehale66
      @waynehale66 3 роки тому

      I guess he gone back to his home star lol gather can’t get WiFi from there

    • @ianryan2058
      @ianryan2058 3 роки тому

      Yeah I'm from adronima myself I prefer the term extraterrestrial.

    • @fractalofathena2178
      @fractalofathena2178 3 роки тому

      Oh, I don’t mind it. You need to give people the benefit of the doubt. The average human means no harm by this term . ✨💚✨

  • @McClarinJ
    @McClarinJ 4 роки тому +14

    The "myth" of space travel? I'm so glad humanity has such authorities to illuminate this topic for us, much like those former shining stars who informed us that rocks certainly did NOT fall from the sky and any peasant who claimed they did was lacking in perceptive and cognitive ability.
    The structure of the question is far more important than the pat answer, in this case, "How might faster-than-light-speed travel between stars or between galaxies be possible?" When answers are given, they should be qualified: "At present we know of no means of achieving faster-than-light-speed travel." This leaves the door open to future discoveries in physics providing a credible solution. To simply say "It's not possible" betrays a hubris that is the bain of scientific progress. Simply put, the hubris is the attitude that "We know all that is knowable on this topic." The history of science is littered with such discarded certitudes yet it doesn't prevent similar such assertions such as we find in this video.

    • @darrelneidiffer6777
      @darrelneidiffer6777 Рік тому

      Well said!

    • @maxalberts2003
      @maxalberts2003 Рік тому

      I can't understand why these "thinkers" peddle what sounds to me like intellectual soft soap and absolute denial. That sort of closed-mindedness generally implies that those people think they have something to lose. (Or, if you want to think conspiracy thoughts, that they're paid shills engaged to misdirect and disinform us).

  • @CzarrIV
    @CzarrIV 2 роки тому +5

    When dinosaurs last roamed the earth, there would’ve been fossils from previous generations of dinosaurs under their feet. Us humans have come so far in such little time.
    It’s said that at one point in time, Earth was completely covered in water. We could’ve had civilizations, (such as Atlantis) become lost under the vast, currently unexplored oceans.

    • @tmo4330
      @tmo4330 2 роки тому

      The earth's first judgement was the Genesis flood. It was worldwide.

    • @maxalberts2003
      @maxalberts2003 Рік тому

      @@tmo4330 That is historically false.

    • @tmo4330
      @tmo4330 Рік тому

      @@maxalberts2003 Read 2nd Peter chapter 3. The willingly ignorant scoffers of the last days do not believe in the creation or flood accounts. They are accurate. Do not be ignorant.

  • @camelxravennova
    @camelxravennova 4 роки тому +78

    I’m losing brain cells just from watching this documentary

    • @PeterSwinkels
      @PeterSwinkels 4 роки тому +2

      XravenAzazel Javi: why? They only made one stupid mistake as far as I could tell. What else did you find wrong?

    • @camelxravennova
      @camelxravennova 4 роки тому +10

      Peter Swinkels some of the things they said like Earth is not Flat and we went to the moon I DO AGREE WITH and it makes sense but to go as far as to try and debunk E.T. UFO and, ancient scriptures and ridiculing it when there is overwhelming evidence, that’s when I stopped listening because I know how wrong they are.

    • @firecrkr7480
      @firecrkr7480 4 роки тому +3

      @@PeterSwinkels was that the alpha centari "galaxy" ? Lol, that was dumb, I also am super irritated everytime he says u-fo instead of u-f-o lol

    • @PeterSwinkels
      @PeterSwinkels 4 роки тому +2

      Betty Scott: yes and people pronounce things differently...

    • @PeterSwinkels
      @PeterSwinkels 4 роки тому +1

      XravenAzazel Javi: I am afraid I don't believe in ufo's and what do you mean with ridiculing ancient scriptures? I forgot most of the video already...

  • @danpawlowsky7091
    @danpawlowsky7091 4 роки тому +185

    it¯s hard enough to find intelligent life on earth!!!

      @BLAZENYCBLACKOPS 4 роки тому +1

      Actually I believe that the search continues here on Earth, unfortunately nothing promising has been discovered yet, ah shucks!

    • @deacomblue8712
      @deacomblue8712 4 роки тому +1

      Tell me about it!!

    • @addamriley5452
      @addamriley5452 4 роки тому +3

      Guys I think the reason the aliens don’t show, is because even tho I think people would accept them but not what they know. All human civilisations r structured by dogma and worse than that human dogma. We r all equally trying to say what IS, without collaborating ALL our evidence. Now we’re dissonant close minded and dumb. Sure we accept aliens, but will we accept what they truly are and can we put aside our religious and political dogma to reach the next age.

    • @82spiders
      @82spiders 4 роки тому +1

      Ahaha. A funny joke from 50 years ago.

    • @claudebaron9525
      @claudebaron9525 4 роки тому +1

      dan pawlowsky if you think we’re alone, in the universe as big as it is, it’s clear your not part of the intelligence, you probably think the earth is flat too. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @johnoneill7947
    @johnoneill7947 4 роки тому +10

    Why are Germans telling us about US Space exploration?

    • @wernerpijlman
      @wernerpijlman 4 роки тому +1

      Chris Goodayle honestly the Germans or the Americans i don’t trust either, it’s sounds like the Germans want to cover up something

    • @wernerpijlman
      @wernerpijlman 4 роки тому

      the Germans sounds like they want cover up something or is me ...

    • @OGmediahub
      @OGmediahub 3 роки тому

      NASA was around 80 percent made up of German scientists after the world war and thx to them, USA got so advanced.

    • @OGmediahub
      @OGmediahub 3 роки тому

      @Dimitrius Didimitrius completely irrelevant statement 🤷‍♂️

  • @charlesperera9656
    @charlesperera9656 2 роки тому

    I participated in a meditation retreat called “Awakening Wisdom” at Bodhi Meditation in Richmond BC. It’s a standing meditation practice with guidance and movement. The instructions are in Chinese and translated to English.
    On the second day of the retreat, I could not hear the translation, all I heard was static noise. I turned the receiver off and proceeded to continue the practice observing the movements of the participant in front of me. I saw two flashes in midair in the hall to my left. One went over my head and the other landed on an empty meditation cushion one row to my right and one row behind me. There was an opaque column of light about six feet high.
    A participant came a few minutes late to the retreat and went and stood on that cushion and both were sharing the same space. I was observing them for a few minutes and went back to my practice. I can see an intensive white flash that was occurring. I stopped and turned back to see what was making the flash.
    When she was moving slowly or still the opaque column was visible. When she made a faster movement the column of light disappeared and became visible again when she was still or made slow movements. That was the flashing. Th appearing of the column of light.
    On another day a German lady, Alexandra and I saw this whatever it was. She was repeating my name and pointing at the cushion between the two of us.

  • @johnjones6049
    @johnjones6049 4 роки тому +7

    "And when the band you hear starts playing different tunes... I'll see you on the dark side of the moon..."

    • @MrDogonjon
      @MrDogonjon 3 роки тому

      I was there in May 1973 The Dark Side Of the Moon happened to me....Science is a fraud offered only by permission to corrected questioning... actual, proper questions are invalid... punishment's for properly questioning, free thought, is severe academic censure .. . defending uncorrected questions more than disqualifies career options status demotions housing finance investments degrading life.

    • @boredmisfit7725
      @boredmisfit7725 3 роки тому

      @@MrDogonjon "Science is a fraud offered only by permission to corrected questioning". You clearly do not understand how science works. Every single other part of your nonsensical comment just proves how uneducated you are. Literally not one single part of your comment is true or makes even the slightest bit of sense man. Hopefully your comment was a failed attempt at humor and not just a glimpse into how the bottom 10% of flawed human brains work, or don't work properly in your case.

  • @glenncurley680
    @glenncurley680 4 роки тому +11

    I asked my air traffic control friend if he ever sees anything
    in the Sky that he can't identify, he said I can't talk about that?
    Indirectly he answered my question, Right?

  • @hound903
    @hound903 4 роки тому +29

    Alpha centauri is not a galaxy but another solar system at 4 light years...

    • @JupiterLune
      @JupiterLune 4 роки тому +5

      Agreed Alpha Centauri is a star, not a galaxy. It's a star within our own Galaxy, The Milky Way. Nearest galaxy is Andromeda, and that is about 2 1/2 million light years away.

    • @gedungisphoopnuchle9121
      @gedungisphoopnuchle9121 4 роки тому +1

      Yeah I heard that and thought; wait a minute...

    • @jimbrown4456
      @jimbrown4456 4 роки тому +1

      Was going to comment this and noticed someone beat me to it.

    • @javiermeza5086
      @javiermeza5086 4 роки тому +1

      Is the next nearest star.... lets go to sleep now😴

    • @urimhykaj8446
      @urimhykaj8446 4 роки тому

      @@jimbrown4456 same

  • @-Rottenapple-
    @-Rottenapple- 3 роки тому +2

    Space documentaries on youtube should have original release dates posted.

  • @ronaldjerrybeard6811
    @ronaldjerrybeard6811 4 роки тому +6

    all you have to do is watch the interview of astronauts after the moon landing not what you would expect

    • @jimhagler3716
      @jimhagler3716 3 роки тому +1

      saw this post and had to assure you that I perceived the same thing. Niel was despondent and seemed to be in shock. like PTSD,, he had seen something that caused him great cognitve dissonance, something which overturned his concepts of reality. Something greater than man. He was a certain kind of man with a certain kind of upbringing and something put a big old dent in his cognitive framework. He met them face to face. like us but bigger and better.

  • @wintersbattleofbands1144
    @wintersbattleofbands1144 4 роки тому +17

    Mike Hughes. Believed the Earth was shaped like a pancake, and became one himself.

  • @peterngeti9755
    @peterngeti9755 3 роки тому +2

    The sheer size of our galaxy alone suggests that it would be a total waste of space if we were the only intelligent life form! The age differences of stars also point to a high probability of intelligence occuring

    • @RUkiddingme63
      @RUkiddingme63 2 роки тому

      Regarding the age differences of stars. If the universe is actually as old as you have been told and obviously believe then the temperature of the universe would be correlative, constant, consistent, the same. It's not. Explain that relative to your "age differences of the stars" statement.

  • @dancindebs1
    @dancindebs1 4 роки тому +20

    I was taken aboard when I was 20 years old. My life has been forever changed, in a good way. I would love to know who they were. I also believe..know in my sleep I am visited through my life They rewired my brain, I am no longer an epileptic.

    • @samuelwelsh2399
      @samuelwelsh2399 4 роки тому +4

      There’s defently aliens out there

    • @dancindebs1
      @dancindebs1 4 роки тому +11

      Samuel Welsh Hi Sam. We know. Have you ever had close contact or communication. It’s been 45 years since my first lucid memory of an experience. I can finally speak about it and people don’t think I am crazy. Thank you for the support.

    • @samuelwelsh2399
      @samuelwelsh2399 4 роки тому +1

      Debra Kita I’ve seen some ufos several moths ago I believe they were clyndral craft

    • @samuelwelsh2399
      @samuelwelsh2399 4 роки тому

      Debra Kita I’ve seen some ufos several moths ago I believe they were clyndral craft

    • @samuelwelsh2399
      @samuelwelsh2399 4 роки тому +1

      What kind of experience did you have

  • @realbudgiesmugglertwohatsb2611
    @realbudgiesmugglertwohatsb2611 4 роки тому +33

    Just made me more convinced the conspiracy theories are true

      @BLAZENYCBLACKOPS 4 роки тому +6

      realbudgiesmuggler twohatsbluesattack some are, some aren’t. The trick is this, whenever people begin to get close to the truth about something important the hidden hand that makes the planet go round deploys their campaign of misinformation and labels the truth as a “conspiracy theory”. The same goes for off the wall ideas that have no credibility whatsoever, that’s the misinformation end of it, they mix the two together so you end up with a garble of truth mixed with fantasy and sprinkled in with absolute nonsense, there it remains for the more clever of us to sift through, seeing the forest through the trees so to speak.

  • @muthemaori5899
    @muthemaori5899 4 роки тому +12

    Mankind once claimed we'd never fly lol

    • @williampercival7662
      @williampercival7662 4 роки тому +2

      Mankind still can't fly,
      Man needs flying lessons from UFO pliots.

    • @patmartin7072
      @patmartin7072 4 роки тому

      Malcolm Urlich me and my mates fly everyday man because we have got top green to smoke man fly me to the moon

    • @maekong2010
      @maekong2010 4 роки тому

      Hell, there was a time when they said cars would never happen because our molecules would fly apart at speeds in excess of 20 miles per hour. There will never be a shortage of whack-a-moles for whom scientific principles will remain pretty-much out of reach. As cool as he was in some ways, and his rudimentary understanding of rocketry notwithstanding, Mike, unfortunately, was one of them.

    • @timothyhawkins2487
      @timothyhawkins2487 4 роки тому

      @@williampercival7662 with all do respect man kind has some of the best fighter jet pilots there is lets put you in the cockpit and see if you have the intelligence to even get the plane of the ground in a professional way seems to me that people like you has more faith in foreign race of life more so than your own mankind if we really needed aliens to direct our everymoves then what value are we really worth? Let me ask you this do you need a alien to assist you in driving a car if so then you are the one who needs assistance not your fellow earthly men.

  • @jameslatimer3600
    @jameslatimer3600 10 місяців тому

    Regarding the Avrocar, when AV Roe closed it's manufacturing in Canada they took the 'car' back to the UK. There, an engineer thinking about his you where they used to put a smaller empty can inside a slightly larger on and using an air hose blowing air between the cans made the device fly just above the ground. So they took the 'car', put a rubber apron around it and came up with the Hovercraft. Two huge versions of that vehicle made numerous runs across the English channel daily, carrying a number of cars and trucks, including 16 wheel semis and about 100 passengers.

  • @7iete423
    @7iete423 4 роки тому +8

    Aliens are just us from the future !

    • @ericpohlman5131
      @ericpohlman5131 4 роки тому

      For real though, man. That ain't hittin on nothing.

  • @purpleivory2
    @purpleivory2 4 роки тому +13

    We can't get more than 300 miles above the earth's surface now but 50 years ago with less computing power than a modern-day cell-phone we went on a 490,000 mile round trip to the moon (traveling through the Van Allen belts twice) in a space capsule put together by duct-tape. I guess.

    • @rico7180
      @rico7180 2 роки тому +3

      Of course all technology goes in reverse and for any miracles we make sure to delete all information. I thought everybody knew that. Just like the ancient pyramids the megalithic structures that were"built" by the first old Kingdom have so many things that are unexplainable. The precision of their cuts and stone work far exceeds that of the dynasties to follow. Same as the Incas the bottom levels of the stone work is almost mirroring those in Egypt. Then as time goes on it's clear as day how crappy and unskilled it looks. Easter island those heads go I think 15-30 below the ground. The sphinx used to be Anubis. They were so capable of making it look exactly like a lions body if they wanted to. It looks identical to a dog laying down aka Anubis. The face I assume had that of a dog maybe the ears cracked or something they then made it into a human face. It was enclosed in sand until about 100 years ago. When it was researched and investigated it shows signs of water erosion that would make it about 12k years ago to match when it would've been flooded. I believe there have been ancient civilizations that were wiped out during the younger dryas. Then when the places that were already inhabitated thousands and thousands of years began to get repopulated they tried to mimic what they inherited.

  • @bodystomp5302
    @bodystomp5302 3 роки тому

    Successfully faking the moon landings would be far more astonishing than the actual missions.

  • @danrooc
    @danrooc 4 роки тому +9

    44:00 "Mad" Mike Hughes died in one of his launch attempts, february 23. 2020. May him and his flat Earth ideas rest in peace. I'm not mocking, on him; few people would take such endeavour as he did... regardless on what motivations.

  • @reminaya
    @reminaya 4 роки тому +8

    Hmmm. What’s more of a conspiracy: 1) we went to the moon and filmed the lunar module as it took off from the surface of the moon, panning upward (who’d they leave behind??), or
    2) we never went back to the moon because “we lost the technology”.

    • @veestar9837
      @veestar9837 4 роки тому +2

      Yeah...lol I always wanted to know who the poor camera guy was that got left behind, Also I want to know who the camera guy was who was filming it landing too ha ha ha!! How long had he been up there then? lol

    • @arishkhan72
      @arishkhan72 4 роки тому

      @Ed Sev what do you think of internation space station? Is it real?

    • @thetreblerebel
      @thetreblerebel 4 роки тому +1

      Yes we had computers that did auto calculations, and the panning up camera was automatically set to the lift rocket firing. Theres videos of normal people today working on the guidance computers. And they also used inertial navigation devices as well, which was aboard many jet fighters of the time. We went to moon, get over it

    • @LadyNicky007
      @LadyNicky007 4 роки тому +1

      Well maybe this will answer your questions... 1- They apparently left a bunch of technical stuff that, If I recall correctly, scanned the weather up there & that included a camera to film the lift-off...
      The Rover they launched later on did take pictures of the dusty stuff they left behind....
      2- Disclosures a few years back stated that they were told by Tall Aliens stationed on the Moon, to never return or else!!!
      A secret video that has been released by a whistleblower shows 2 astronauts coming out... Damn... I forgot the name of the astronaut that exclaimed in stupor “” Oh shit!! You won’t believe how big they are!! “” Then the video shows a background of the edge of the crater that hasn’t been darkened by Nasa... We can see a row of big floating spacecrafts along the edge of that crater with tall beings standing underneath... the astronaut stating “” They look hostile! “” then the video goes static...probably because Nasa changed channels as they usually did to keep the transmission private...
      I didn’t take note of the Title.. I only looked at it because I hadn’t seen that one before...
      As you should know... Disclosures only take place when involved Nasa workers retire or on their deathbeds...no longer constrained by fear of repercussions...
      That video is now circulating here on UA-cam... I presume you’ll come across it sooner or later!
      So you guys should stop living in the past & get with the now...😉
      By the way... the first astronauts did practice functioning in their suits in the Badlands of Alberta, Canada... The Badlands are where the most Dinosaur fossils are found...a really adequate dead zone for testing out the suits...
      It was only a week of practicing.... People living in small villages around that area can tell you about it... Now idiot shit-disturbers who knew this probably used this fact for fame & glory... As for studio practices of assignments, the same reason would apply...
      It now seems odd that nobody complained about the astronauts practicing anti-gravity movements in swimming pools! 🤷‍♀️
      All these allegations are pure stupidity to those who know the facts...and just an adrenaline rush to those who like to make trouble...
      These men were to travel to an unknown terrain...they obviously needed to train in every way possible... It is unrealistic to think otherwise...
      If there’s any secret conspiracy involved...it’s the fact that Nasa blackened the surrounding backgrounds & the fact that they changed channels when anything important was to be relayed...
      So it can be presumed that they were hiding sightings of other flying crafts as well as comments from the astronauts..way before the last landing...and all the involved astronauts were sworn to secrecy till Cooper went over the edge & spilled the beans...
      But you know...you can choose to believe whatever fantasy that suits your brain capacity, wether it’s big or small! 😂🤣

    • @LadyNicky007
      @LadyNicky007 4 роки тому

      Stevie Jo
      I wasn’t aware of this technical stuff...but it surely explains a lot of what I found out in the past few years...
      Thanks for sharing this! 😉 👍🏼

  • @JohnSmith-ft2tw
    @JohnSmith-ft2tw 3 роки тому +2

    Confirmation bias works both ways. Well before Einstein, the scientific community swore there was nothing more to learn. I'm sure they sounded like these folks.

  • @ajhill5094
    @ajhill5094 4 роки тому +6

    "Conspiracy theorists disregard conflicting evidence..." documentary ignores conflicting evidence.

    • @kevinpittman2517
      @kevinpittman2517 4 роки тому +3


    • @verixcvoin1432
      @verixcvoin1432 4 роки тому +4

      Hell is empty and all of the devils are here.

    • @someonesomewhere8869
      @someonesomewhere8869 4 роки тому +3

      Saying they are here for us is foolish as too thinking that we are so unimaginably important. Saying they are here for the world could be the same.

    • @personsomewhere1107
      @personsomewhere1107 4 роки тому

      They are truly angels. They love us all. They exist for peace, and a better, cleaner world. Saying otherwise was too negative. All of these conspiracies disregard the the truth. These phenomenon are very real, but not in the ways most people believe them to be, as per my opinion.

    • @jjt1881
      @jjt1881 4 роки тому

      @@kevinpittman2517 I suppose that is just making fun of him or you are wacko.

  • @PLVC3BO
    @PLVC3BO 4 роки тому +12

    There fact that inquiries into UFOs and ETs are still met with a taboo tells you a great deal about the current condition of human development.

    • @nightlightabcd
      @nightlightabcd 4 роки тому +2

      Yes it does! It tells me that there are some still left that beliefs are not controlled by the conspiracy theorist but by facts, of which there are no real substantial evidence of aliens visiting earth, dispit the hype and herding mentality of thos that exploit the shallow and naive!

    • @jaydubya4824
      @jaydubya4824 4 роки тому +2

      We are not alone nor have we ever been.

    • @carmelopai4833
      @carmelopai4833 4 роки тому +1

      @@nightlightabcd there's no real evidence they didn't visit the Earth....so scientifically, it can't be debunked.

    • @quentinlavergne8020
      @quentinlavergne8020 4 роки тому +1

      @nightlightabcd with all the videos and pictures you really gonna make this comment???

    • @jjt1881
      @jjt1881 4 роки тому

      NOPE, it tells you a great deal about science vs. myth.

  • @201sovereign
    @201sovereign 4 роки тому +30

    An American may be the first man on the moon but it was a German who got him there😂

    • @zethloveless7238
      @zethloveless7238 4 роки тому +6

      Muhammad Fauwaaz Ramli they helped but the idea that we only used German tech and help is long debunked. Let’s not forget Liquid fuel rockets also come from America.

    • @mattsixo2894
      @mattsixo2894 4 роки тому +1

      So what's the point u tryna make?

    • @cswal118
      @cswal118 4 роки тому +5

      Had Hitler listened to his Generals we'd all be speaking German.

    • @BonestheOfficial
      @BonestheOfficial 4 роки тому +2

      @@cswal118 EXACTLY

    • @TheFirstCalled.60AD
      @TheFirstCalled.60AD 4 роки тому +5


  • @albertjackson9236
    @albertjackson9236 Рік тому +1

    If creatures from outer space had visited Earth at any random time since Earth existed, the chances that they would see dinosaurs are 90 times higher than seeing humans.

    • @maxalberts2003
      @maxalberts2003 Рік тому

      Read some of the descriptions from people who have seen them. Many report lizard-like beings. Consider the premise of the monumental science fiction series, V.

  • @5arah1
    @5arah1 4 роки тому +5

    They didn’t do a very good job of debunking. I’d like to hear them explain about how NASA lost the original footage from the moon.

    • @phildyson9424
      @phildyson9424 3 роки тому +2

      All good they found it in Australia but I'm sure they lost it again. Would have loved to have seen the reaction when they realized they didn't destroy all telemetry and footage.

  • @desimoneiwanttoknow
    @desimoneiwanttoknow 4 роки тому +4

    It is possible that we have been visited by alien machines. Alien androids would be easier to send out to explore new worlds than trying to keep a living organism alive for super long periods of time in space. Just sayng

  • @sheffielduk3428
    @sheffielduk3428 3 роки тому +7

    It seems like these guys have something to hide saying that there is DEFINITELY no aliens this and that... just the way he was laughing and smiling at the fact... like ok mate you been out there and checked 😂 I'm new to all this alien documentary stuff lol

  • @alexcastro7339
    @alexcastro7339 4 роки тому +1

    At 14:31...Alpha Centuri is the closest star to our sun.... it's not a galaxy.
    Andromeda is the closest galaxy to our Milky Way galaxy.

  • @NataliaCh93
    @NataliaCh93 2 роки тому +3

    This is very interesting and I like to know and learn new facts and things that I didn't knew earlier so thank You to the makers of this show 🙂

    • @charlesquesnel2302
      @charlesquesnel2302 10 місяців тому

      The government probably funded this none of this information is true

  • @jasongardner7417
    @jasongardner7417 4 роки тому +4

    This video also offers a simple solution. Anyone who claims to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, proponent or skeptic, is lying to theirselves.

  • @BrianTP1939
    @BrianTP1939 4 роки тому +42

    If you have never seen a UFO, you haven't had your eyes on the sky.

    • @SouthEastSJ
      @SouthEastSJ 4 роки тому +2

      Shallap, chatting shit.

    • @nicholasnicholas9821
      @nicholasnicholas9821 4 роки тому +2

      Seen it 2x in my life

    • @mikeshriver4282
      @mikeshriver4282 4 роки тому +2

      I have also seen things in the sky at 1 in the morning in 2018 in the summer that I cannot explain

    • @Kinobambino
      @Kinobambino 4 роки тому +1

      Fr tho I swear they're always just up there

    • @daveandrews6670
      @daveandrews6670 4 роки тому +1

      I,m going to look up now,I want to see one,love to see one there fantastic...

  • @iriscast10
    @iriscast10 3 роки тому +1

    Funny how we try to debunk things that happen in space using earth bound physics.

  • @sumerian108
    @sumerian108 4 роки тому +5

    I think they went to the moon, i just think they wasnt alone, and the footage we got shown was fake

    • @sumerian108
      @sumerian108 3 роки тому

      @Dimitrius Didimitrius Since you are in "Sumerian productions"? im saying yes they went to the moon, but what we got shown was fake.

  • @ResurgenceGaming
    @ResurgenceGaming 4 роки тому +8

    “Alpha Centauri, the closest galaxy to ours, is located 4.3 light years away.”😂 obviously just a simple mistake, but funny nonetheless

    • @christophersica2379
      @christophersica2379 4 роки тому

      They said aproxima B not alpha centari and aproxma is 4.3 light yrs away

    • @juliajergentz6976
      @juliajergentz6976 4 роки тому

      No they didn’t. I noticed the same mistake. Alpha Centauri is a triple star system within our own galaxy. The narrator said it was the closest galaxy to ours. WRONG! Lol😹

    • @juliajergentz6976
      @juliajergentz6976 4 роки тому

      “Proxima Centauri” is part of the same system. Cool, huh?

    • @polizei1940
      @polizei1940 4 роки тому

      I thought I was the only one caught this but had a good scrolling hahaha

    • @SpideyVids
      @SpideyVids 4 роки тому

      Alpha Centauri is not a galaxy, it's a star.

  • @Lordkeggles
    @Lordkeggles 4 роки тому +22

    I remember reading about on of the “moon rocks” given to another country turned out to be petrified wood.

    • @n1k32h
      @n1k32h 4 роки тому +2

      Yeah I read and saw a pic of that aswell! Still there are reflectors on the moon so

    • @arlts9538
      @arlts9538 4 роки тому

      What did they do to the wood

    • @arenuzzle6282
      @arenuzzle6282 4 роки тому +1

      Bbq chicken after church

    • @christopherfarrington9270
      @christopherfarrington9270 4 роки тому +1

      must have been some scary shit to petrifi wood

    • @vibemunster
      @vibemunster 4 роки тому +1

      That was a hoax that someone pulled.

  • @manchild122112
    @manchild122112 3 роки тому +1

    They never explained the Van Allen Radiation Belt

  • @mikemurphy5898
    @mikemurphy5898 4 роки тому +16

    "The *myth* of space travel" ...sounds very impartial

  • @muimasmacho
    @muimasmacho 4 роки тому +7

    *Mike Hughes :* _"The earth is flat."_
    *The Earth :* _"Mike Hughes is flat."_
    (Mikey flew his *ACME Wile E. Payote Rocket* into the ground in March of 2020. R.I.P.)

      @BLAZENYCBLACKOPS 4 роки тому +1

      Mui MasMacho he absolutely proved that the Earth can flatten you, oh wait that’s not what he was trying to prove, oh well sometimes we just stumble upon things while trying to experiment on other ideas.

    • @muimasmacho
      @muimasmacho 4 роки тому

      *Mike Hughes :*
      _"The sky is falling!"_
      _"The sky is falling!"_
      _"Oh. No, Wait!..."_

    • @carlpen850
      @carlpen850 4 роки тому

      @@muimasmacho ... the earth is not flat... but Mike is

  • @ninaaniston1717
    @ninaaniston1717 3 роки тому +34

    “Alpha Centauri, the closest Galaxy to us” ...you either mean Andromeda, or the closest STAR.

    • @ninaaniston1717
      @ninaaniston1717 3 роки тому +2

      @@niklashall5969 dude, “they” are a lector who misread his script making it sound funny.
      You read to much into it, Mulder..Put your tinfoil hat back on, them waves are getting through.

    • @gamer301681978rAw
      @gamer301681978rAw 3 роки тому +1

      @@ninaaniston1717 be nice! Surely the narrator isn't the only one involved in creating this inaccurate doc, so using the term "they" is not that grave of a mistake

    • @ninaaniston1717
      @ninaaniston1717 3 роки тому +1

      @@gamer301681978rAw Dude, you didn’t see Niklas’s reply. Let me help you. This is the exact text he deleted (poor soul probably does not realise that internet remembers everything): “If they got that wrong what else are they not paying attention to. Trying to say that UFOs arnt real? Ahhh, the navy confirmed it. Also they say it’s probably not humans. We have disclosure on our doors.”

    • @gamer301681978rAw
      @gamer301681978rAw 3 роки тому +2

      @@ninaaniston1717 gotcha! I'll be minding my own business now 😉

    • @Jiimys187
      @Jiimys187 3 роки тому +1

      @@ninaaniston1717 get of yt

  • @adamzaidi1748
    @adamzaidi1748 3 роки тому

    One very critical error that was made is that UFOs or flying vehicles have been spotted for thousands of years. There is evidence that support flying vehicles from thousands of years ago including multiple records, documentation as well as paintings or artists illustrations from before the Victorian era. A massive increase in UFO sightings were mostly during and after world War II. With the development of atomic weapons, UFO sightings and even incidents went up dramatically regarding UFOs and atomic weapons. This is a very critical bit of information that must be considered.

  • @generalgrievous5358
    @generalgrievous5358 4 роки тому +8

    14:31 Oh.. I didn't know we now call planets galaxies.

    • @cc1210
      @cc1210 4 роки тому +3

      Star systems

    • @KingTeobald
      @KingTeobald 4 роки тому +1


    • @Brian.001
      @Brian.001 4 роки тому +1

      @@cc1210 Yes. Some people are clueless. Alpha Centauri is 4.3 lys away. Our own galaxy is 100,000 lys in diameter.

      @OLDCHEMIST1 4 роки тому +2

      Yes, it really irritates me too. If you make a serious scientific documentary please get basic terminology right!

    • @prawinrai628
      @prawinrai628 4 роки тому +1

      Alpha centauri are not planets it's a star system...

  • @KakashiOfTheSharingan117
    @KakashiOfTheSharingan117 4 роки тому +9

    This video didn't age well... with pentagon confirming a U.F.O video taken by a Navy pilot.

    • @libinchandran9934
      @libinchandran9934 4 роки тому

      Thats the point !! 👌

    • @jjt1881
      @jjt1881 4 роки тому

      You have not aged well, UFOS do not mean spacecraft from another world.

  • @Noteven0
    @Noteven0 Рік тому +1

    *You didn’t explain how they managed to survive the van Allen radiation belt!*

  • @vidur280
    @vidur280 4 роки тому +6

    These people and so called experts on this documentary need to do their homework. They think people are stupid and believe what they are saying.

  • @Xformat01
    @Xformat01 4 роки тому +38

    Maybe its the translation, but these guys sound like amateur speculationists.

    • @jjt1881
      @jjt1881 4 роки тому

      They do not. But you do. Who are you to contradict space scientists with no evidence?

    • @Xformat01
      @Xformat01 4 роки тому

      @@jjt1881 I have a photo up in comparisson to your little green dot, and you're questioning me? Put up a photo of yourself and stop being a coward. Until then, buzz off.

    • @Xformat01
      @Xformat01 4 роки тому

      @Zhor'i Ambassador Yikes! :D

    • @PeterSwinkels
      @PeterSwinkels 4 роки тому

      I can hear German in the background, some parts appear to be dubbed.

  • @Trumpforeever
    @Trumpforeever 2 роки тому +1

    We don't even know what's in our oceans.

  • @anselreid2196
    @anselreid2196 4 роки тому +5

    They do so well with groundbreaking stuff and true intellect..........and then they do something tragic but easily understood. It's that they knowingly lie and I believe it's because they have to , Big brother stand at the shoulder of the editor of such shows and Breathe fire down the neck in direct proportion to what they'll allow you to reveal. It desperately goes with the territory.

  • @LadyNicky007
    @LadyNicky007 4 роки тому +5

    @WELT Documentary
    *_You know Welt, even though you publicly posted your ignorance... I am glad you uploaded this... I enjoyed all the comments here... The views of people here were more interesting than your video... Thank you for showing me that supposedly intelligent people can also be stupid..._*
    *_This fact points out the problem that controls this world....we put too much faith in intelligent individuals that make stupid decisions!!!_* 🤷‍♀️

  • @lalala7806
    @lalala7806 3 роки тому +5

    "Are you crazy?"
    That's what the Russian is saying.

  • @MhillPlays
    @MhillPlays 3 роки тому +2

    The idea that any government has recovered Alien craft is ridiculous, you could never keep every employee quiet. Someone would take photos/video regardless of security measures in place. Could you imagine how much the world media would pay for such an exclusive story if they had real evidence? Nobody could come face to face with information of that magnitude and remain silent.

    • @thomasmagee4565
      @thomasmagee4565 2 роки тому

      Well my farts are really real yet no one has actually seen one.

  • @stevejessemey8428
    @stevejessemey8428 4 роки тому +4

    There is only one way to settle this debate. Retrieve the flag that was planted on the moon.

    • @vanlamchannel3794
      @vanlamchannel3794 4 роки тому +1

      They will still think it's a Hollywood stage set

    • @anonymousgoogle8462
      @anonymousgoogle8462 4 роки тому

      It still could have been planted there by unmanned missions.

    • @joshualuntsford
      @joshualuntsford 4 роки тому

      Anonymous Google oooooooo. Interesting

    • @YDDES
      @YDDES 4 роки тому

      There is No debate. Not among the scientists. Maybe among the uneducated.

    • @anonymousgoogle8462
      @anonymousgoogle8462 4 роки тому

      @@YDDES go get yourself educated. Especially in biology and radiation.

  • @petercavellini3232
    @petercavellini3232 4 роки тому +6

    Aliens live in our minds, where we can never get rid of them!😎

    • @a.ielimba78
      @a.ielimba78 4 роки тому +2

      Torus fields are open at the centre allowing connection to the whole universe. This approach is like a singularity of 2 forces, ♾. Masculine and feminine or exothermic or endothermic or negative or positive. Point is oddly enough their is another torus field of convection their. As below so up above 3,6,9 as in all scales this dynamic exist. Such as cells or up to galaxies anything with flow has convection. But these motions of spiraling fluctuations which are apart of the whole. Are like alternating current that the embodiment moves through, that support and sustain the system. As well for us our masculine dense bodies are all connected to feminine energy as well. We have a connection to everyone and everything, by channeling our feminine side of duality. We can connect to our higher self and to the whole and the reality that be.

    • @johnsmith7171
      @johnsmith7171 4 роки тому

      Get help

    • @grimd8788
      @grimd8788 4 роки тому

      @@a.ielimba78 So many words, yet you have said nothing. Congrats.

    • @camelxravennova
      @camelxravennova 4 роки тому +1

      Grim D that’s because you understood nothing, he said a lot, your knowledge simply doesn’t go that far

    • @camelxravennova
      @camelxravennova 4 роки тому +1

      John Smith spoken like a true close minded person who’s knowledge doesn’t go that far, just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean he’s crazy, he is speaking truth, 369, “from masculine thundering ravaging feminine” meaning of the same hieroglyph found on the triangle entrance of the pyramid of Giza and the wreckage of the flying saucer of Roswell.

  • @darf9712
    @darf9712 3 роки тому +2

    The truth is that we are not the only intelligent beings in the universe, and all who do not believe let them finally open their eyes, the Darf team greets and invites you to their channel ;-)

  • @mijodo2008
    @mijodo2008 4 роки тому +4

    Interestingly, the concept of Distance over time, sometimes does not correlate with fact. 200 years ago most Scientists would not entertain the idea that a human being could be in one place on earth and then the same person could be on the other side of the world a day later. Today this is so common it barely rates a mention. The difference between 200 years ago and now is Advanced Knowledge and Skill. Point is, in 200 years from now our great grand children will be astounded at how myoptic and Stupid our thinking was now. Cheers from Michael. Australia.

    • @meteorfive6
      @meteorfive6 2 роки тому

      That is a stretch, perhaps you have opened your mind so much your brain flew out altogether!

  • @irekfilms
    @irekfilms 3 роки тому +3

    Alpha Centauri is not the galaxy like stated in the video (14.30) Alpha Centauri is made up of three stars, the closest of which is only 4.22 light-years away. It is also an interesting place because it is considered one of the relatively few locations in the Milky Way (the same Galaxy where we are )that may offer conditions that are favorable to terrestrial life.

    • @michaeluttley3386
      @michaeluttley3386 2 роки тому

      I spotted that mistake as well.

    • @railwaymechanicalengineer4587
      @railwaymechanicalengineer4587 11 місяців тому

      The commentary in the programme is NOT the original. It has been translated from the original recording in German. So this error is a translation error !

  • @patrickbarnes2686
    @patrickbarnes2686 3 роки тому

    What’s weird is Bob Lazar talks about element 115 way before it was discovered.. now element 115 is a thing

  • @mandysyoutubething
    @mandysyoutubething 4 роки тому +6

    I cant take "Youfos" seriously.

  • @siggyretburns7523
    @siggyretburns7523 4 роки тому +11

    Common sense tells me that if life on a planet exists in an infinite structure, there's probably more. Just adding infinite into the possibility equation raises the probability rate.

    • @PazLeBon
      @PazLeBon 3 роки тому +1

      I think thats flawed logic and that an infinate number of things happen every single second that will never happen againini the exact same way, a grain of sand in the wind for example, the ripple on the ocean. So happeing only ONCE is actually the common thing. People just dont see that perspective

    • @siggyretburns7523
      @siggyretburns7523 3 роки тому

      Every millisecond is documented as having its own time.

    • @siggyretburns7523
      @siggyretburns7523 3 роки тому

      If it was a defined setting, it probably wouldn't. But it's infinite. Not just the chance of many civilizations, but many other things we aren't even aware of yet. To me it's a simple concept. Infinetly unknown. We'll never know all the contents.

    • @PazLeBon
      @PazLeBon 3 роки тому

      @@siggyretburns7523 might asell tell me there's a god by that logic :)

    • @PazLeBon
      @PazLeBon 3 роки тому

      @@siggyretburns7523 sure, that makes sense

  • @jasonsweet1868
    @jasonsweet1868 3 роки тому +1

    If aliens ever receive this transmission they would swiftly move on assuming no intelligent life present this is the product of living in a social vacuum

  • @dalebronniman9060
    @dalebronniman9060 3 роки тому +3

    You guys don't have all the info, just what your told.

    • @BriscoeRodgers
      @BriscoeRodgers 6 місяців тому +1

      The correct word is you’re, which is a contraction of you and are. your, would simply imply ownership. Your book, your story.

    • @cooldaddyjames2814
      @cooldaddyjames2814 4 місяці тому


  • @TheBlueskyson
    @TheBlueskyson 4 роки тому +4

    Oh They're here alright. Have been living amongst us for years. They mean no harm, though the Corona virus has been attributed to interstellar meddling. ty

    • @MrDogonjon
      @MrDogonjon 3 роки тому +1

      No... animal cruelty caused the pandemic. Wet Market in Wu Han is a good place to start looking.... stressed out exotic animals warehoused in cages in close proximity to many spieces under extreme stress as death is imminent for them and they know it. How to start a pandemic 101...

    • @TheBlueskyson
      @TheBlueskyson 3 роки тому

      Yes JJ. Exotic animal from far galaxies have been abused here for many years. They deserve same respect as human. ty

  • @LucDesaulniers1
    @LucDesaulniers1 4 роки тому +37

    UFOs were there before the Internetz

    • @claudebaron9525
      @claudebaron9525 4 роки тому +7

      Luc Desaulniers they find story in old newspapers around 1880 and 1900 that they saw something crash from the sky, and they even buried a body of something they described as not human, and when a team looking for UFO heard about this they went at the place to learn more, they even found the grave, and ask for permission to see what’s inside, the permission was refused so they had to leaves but before leaving they said they wanted to have a last look at the tomb, and when they got there it was suddenly gone, so it’s sure they’re here since a long long times

    • @CaptZdq1
      @CaptZdq1 4 роки тому +5

      Since prehistory, it's in the cave paintings.

    • @someonesomewhere8869
      @someonesomewhere8869 4 роки тому

      In order to expand your knowledge, I must tell you that "internetz", is improper. The proper way to say internet, is in spelling it out as internet. There is no z, in internet. I thank you sincerely for your time.

    • @LucDesaulniers1
      @LucDesaulniers1 4 роки тому

      Someone Somewhere I was being sarcastic

    • @someonesomewhere8869
      @someonesomewhere8869 4 роки тому +2

      @@LucDesaulniers1 okz.

  • @martinbalagat
    @martinbalagat 3 роки тому

    Just for the record, Alpha Centauri is NOT a galaxy! It is the closest star system to our solar system and it’s still within the Milky Way Galaxy.

  • @tomwinkle5536
    @tomwinkle5536 4 роки тому +8

    The right angle clip from nasa clearly shows 3 ufo's. The disc that made the rite turn went from 0 to 8,000 mph in 3 seconds

    • @williampercival7662
      @williampercival7662 4 роки тому +1

      The best Jets we have today, can't even keep up with UFO pliots, even dolphins can figure that out.
      William Percival New Zealand Gardenia Band 🇨🇰 Kia Orana

    • @ewirman
      @ewirman 4 роки тому

      @@williampercival7662 If you are thinking JETs you are on the wrong frequency.

  • @jackshepherd2660
    @jackshepherd2660 4 роки тому +4

    I was born in 1954 I watched the moon landing live through a 9 inch telescope when I was 12 or 13 years old. The man who owned the telescope had three boys and I made the fourth. None of us got to see the whole thing but none of us were left out! And yes they made a film in a studio so it’s the public would not be left out!

    • @ditasabilla1752
      @ditasabilla1752 4 роки тому

      So, Nasa is fake about moon landing? Can u tell me the detail story, I'm exited to know.
      Holaa from Indo :)

    • @bahaar2825
      @bahaar2825 4 роки тому +1

      I agree because why didn't they send more astronauts again if it was that easy to land on the moon.

    • @LadyNicky007
      @LadyNicky007 4 роки тому +1

      Correction... What the astronauts did in the studio was *_PRACTICING_* their daily assignments they were to do on the Moon..just like the military soldiers do in training before going to the front... They also trained moving in simili anti-gravity in the Water Pools... How can people be so stupid to think that men would go to an unknown terrain without due training! 🤨
      Sweet Jesus, peoples brains seem to be regressing rather than evolving!

    • @LadyNicky007
      @LadyNicky007 4 роки тому +1

      Bahaar Husain
      Because the astronauts were told by the Aliens there to give a message to Nasa... “”DO NOT EVER RETURN HERE OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!””
      A Nasa whistleblower released a top secret video film of the last landing... I won’t bother describing it to you... You’ll come across it here on UA-cam when your brain evolves enough for you to know the truth of the matter...

  • @MysticalJessica
    @MysticalJessica 3 роки тому +1

    This is the funny part, cause they say they are looking for otherworldly life in the universe but they will not tell you if they find it!

  • @J3006K
    @J3006K 4 роки тому +4

    They make entire videos that tell you that anything other than the official story is a conspiracy theory.