The Destruction of Babylon | Revelation18 | Lesson 39
- Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
- Revelation 18, a magnificent explanation by Tom Bradford, following the historicity and Biblical account. In this episode, we get an extraordinary explanation about the destruction of Babylon, and the events leading up to it.
Join Torah Class in this Bible Study on Revelation 18.
I believe the best explanation of this scripture I have studied is A woman rides the Beast by Dave Hunt.
We are to approach others about their sin to try to snatch them out of the fire. But, if they won't listen, take a witness. If they still won't turn, after we warn them, then we leave. We have to leave it Yeshuas' hands. We can't be afraid to approach leadership about their Compromise. But, we need the Spirits confirmation, I believe. And if we have that, we need not feel bad about ourselves for being rejected. God have mercy the narrow road is wide enough to accommodate two, so we don't have to walk alone.
Is this coincedent....this revelation running on my mind for seviral weeks .....grazy .....
Babel is not just a city.....its a global city .....
Thank you my Brother.
Pele is known for her fiery temper and more than likely a transgender god
I am made to understand that mystery Babylon represents a people or even an entire world - that is not speaking one language, purpose, mind, & spirit. As such that building of the 'city' is halted.
The reason for destroying Babylon, was given as... "If man continues like this, nothing will be impossible for him." At the same time we have the messiah who is supposed to unite us saying...
"With God, ALL things are possible."
Is Babylon New York City?
Flee where? When, How? While still living in this corrupt land????
New here, but I think I heard the answer to your question when I saw Last Days yt channel post 8/6/24 title "Last Call" & Brother Brandon Biggs in tears as he gave a msg from a visitation he says he had very recently. (In his open vision he saw a separation of wheat from tares).
What is the story past and future on the fifth month of God . God hides his mercy”
This passage is talking about China I think coz of the part about cinnamon they are number one in a lot of this stuff mentioned
I think you are grabbing at straws. It's the Western World. We have betrayed Yahuah.
This teacher needs to be taught the meaning of Babylon the Great because he doesn't understand what it is. He won't like the real meaning, but everyone needs to know the truth.
What is the real meaning
Satan’s world-his organized human society-is made up of various closely connected parts. An important part is false religion. In the Bible false religion is represented as a “great harlot,” or prostitute, with the name “Babylon the Great.” She is a world empire, as shown by the fact that she “has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (Revelation 17:1, 5, 18)
Since “the kings of the earth” are said to ‘commit fornication’ with her, Babylon the Great could not be a political world empire. And since the “traveling merchants” of the earth stand at a distance and mourn at her destruction, she is not a commercial world empire. (Revelation 17:2; 18:15)
Also proving that Babylon the Great is a religious empire is her relationship to a “wild beast.” In the Bible such beasts represent political governments. (Daniel 8:20, 21) Babylon the Great is described as “sitting upon a scarlet-colored wild beast . . . that had seven heads and ten horns.”
She has thus been trying to exercise influence over this “wild beast,” or world government. (Revelation 17:3) And it is a fact that throughout history religion has been mixed up with politics, often telling governments what to do. She has indeed exercised “a kingdom over the kings of the earth.”-Revelation 17:18.
God’s Word says: “In her was found the blood of prophets and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth.” (Revelation 18:24) How are this world’s religions responsible for the blood of all those slaughtered? In that all these religions-Christendom’s churches and non-Christian religions alike-have supported, condoned, or even taken the lead in the wars of the nations; they have also persecuted and killed God-fearing people who disagreed with them. (The Inquisition)
@@tammys2523 They won’t answer you. They just like to throw stones and jump behind a tree.
Remember Longshanks? He used the Irish to accomplish his ends. And once that was accomplished, they would be destroyed.
He even has archers shoot while his men are still on the field. Greed and lust for power have no friends. It's all; I, me, mine! That's why the whore is destroyed, she has served her purpose, lead away from holiness. Think of all those who have been accomplices to this. It's staggering. I hope I'm wrong.
Thanks Tom for being frank! The church needs to hear, May YHVH make it so.
Babylon sounds like it could be America
America is part of it.
Western first world system,, by Brics and soon
That's what it sounded like. Is that what he meant
It is US!
I've often wondered, after such massive coverage is always provided by MSM over any moral, ethical or legal failure of a minister of the gospel & today seeing a very well-known minister posted a teaching pointing out the curse of madness in Torah & his assertion we see that curse manifested today in our society.
Shabbat Shalom, Pt 2 of 2 The flipping upside down of Torah is nothing new because within Nicene Christianity once it was given state protection of Roman empire, the church eagerly set out to declare Torah irrelevant and those who kept Torah or sympathized with those who did would be excommunicated from the church as can be seen easily in the canons of the first 7 ecumenical councils
Example in council of Laodicea
Canon 29
Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord's Day; and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.
this is in violation of Torah
Exo 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Exo 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
Exo 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Prosperity gospel is just prophecy for hire just like Balaam did in the OT when he was hired by a foreigner Balak to curse Israel and eventually Balaam led the the Israelites to sin by getting foreign women to seduce the Israelites.
Num 31:16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.
The US and other Christian nations have conveniently justified the murdering of innocents by placing them in the category of war casualties, even going so far as committing war crimes that they never face but are quick to put their enemies on trial for doing these same war crimes. Although I am citing US this is nothing new to Christiandom but can be found throughout its history spanning over 1,600 years.
Matt 7 uses the word "many" which can be ambiguous but the Greek "polus" and means "most" this means most Christians will be denied by Christ having believed they have been following Christ only to realize at that moment when its too late to repent they have been following the antichrist, false christ, another version of Christ, another gospel. This antichrist has existed for over 1,600 years and is the version of Christ that came out of the first council of Nicea where only false bishops were in attendance.
"My people" originally referring to only Hebrews is a false teaching, in regards to the Exodus where Moses was sent to lead YHWH's people out of Egypt who were the 12 tribes of Israel however in Exodus 12 we learn it was not just Israelites that left
Exo 12:36 And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians.
Exo 12:37 And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children.
Exo 12:38 And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle.
The mixed multitude had to be gentiles otherwise they would be counted among the Israelites.
2Co 11:12 But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion; that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we.
2Co 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2Co 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
The judgment that will fall to Babylon in a single day is the 7th bowl judgment where a great earthquake will strike the city of Rome which is where Vatican City is to such a degree not only will it divide the city in 3 parts but it will never be rebuilt or inhabited again.
They do not realize what they are doing example Revelation 16 talks about the battle of armageddon which says they meaning the combatants will call themselves to battle each other and what will happen is both lose control of the land. This happened in WW1 christian nations ruled by kings fought christian nations ruled by kings in the valley of megiddo and not just from this battle but the war resulted in christian nations losing control over the promised land that centuries before they were willing to die trying to keep.
The notion that Islam is a key aspect of end times in the way this channel teaches is not Biblical and only came about in the 4th Century when a Nicene Christian named Jerome translated the NT in Latin editing Rev 9:11 the identity of the antichrist being tied to the church and Rome to being tied to neither the church or Rome, this has been used to justify false teachings the antichrist and end time events are speaking about Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Secularists, anyone but Christians.
History has already shown how nations that early on listened to every word of the Pope came to not just ignore but even attack by sacking Rome and imprisoning the Pope as could be seen during the French Revolution, or how with the protestant movement Kings and princes assumed positions in the church that were originally the Popes as can be seen in the Anglican Church where the King of England is also head of the church.
You seem really confident and I am praying you are not so blinded by your own interpretation that you won't listen?
You say it's not Islam, yet we can see that is Islam even now, right now. It's Islam and, AND Roman Catholic AND any false church
@@tammykletecka4116 Shalom, No I am not blinded by my interpretation that I won't listen, in fact the opposite is true I have reached out as best I can to end time teachers such as Tom Bradford just in case I might be missing something but I am still awaiting responses after what is now years. Most of my evidence comes from combination of the KJV Bible and Strong's Concordance both sources encouraged to be used by the end time teachers I follow. I am fully aware there are major translation issues with the KJV but since E-sword comes with KJV+ which includes Strong's numbers I choose to use it for this purpose.
@@tammykletecka4116 Shalom, Here lies the problem no matter how bad Muslims may treat Christians is not the question. The question is do Muslims or anyone else other then Christians fit the very clear descriptions we are told to watch for by Christ and his apostles.
Example end time teachers love to say in the future a cashless society will be fulfillment of Rev 13 where people will take a mark often taught as being an implant in order to engage in commerce even if that ever did happen, it is not what John wrote about as found in Rev 13 where he clearly identifies what it is, who will do it and why they will do it. Also if something we told to watch for did occur again the first time it happened is fulfillment of said event and subsequent signs should be ignored.
Example the Magian Jews came from the east to Yahshua based on a mix of prophecy and signs in the sky (astronomical dating), even if the same sign appears today only a fool would think it means the prophecy of Christ first coming was not fulfilled over 2,000 years ago, but this is what end time teachers teach in regards to end times and the antichrist.
It's interesting how like most Protestants you are quick to call out the Roman Catholic Church which shows a common mistake that the entire Reformation was done by Catholics who only sought to reform the Catholic Church but believed Nicene Christianity followed Christ either never realizing or ignoring that in its beginning after the edict of Thessalonika in 380 AD all Christians were called Catholics and followed the Nicene Creed which also gave them the name Nicene Christians a name over time that just became Christians.
Except the council that began Nicene Christianity was built on lies and was done by false bishops and false apostles who preached what Paul called "another gospel" and John called "antichrist" and Yahshua called "false christs"
@@tammykletecka4116 Shabbat Shalom, I know this lesson is about Rev 18 but would you not agree that if end time teachers are lying about what comes before that certainly increases the chances they would lie about what follows, this is the case in Rev 6 it mentions what Christians call the seal judgments and because of 2 passages end time teachers use as proof the event has not happened. "And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth" and "And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man" In the first passage the word "earth" is taught to mean the planet earth, but in John's day only meant "the land". In the second passage the word "every" is taught to mean either every single one or almost every single one, but in John's day only meant every kind of or all manner of.
Example I could more honestly say I have all manner of pencils then to say I have all of the pencils.
As stated earlier I came to this understanding using Strong's Bible Concordance, a tool end time teachers often use only when it supports their views. What to me is even more disturbing is end time teachers including Tom Bradford say they have learned both Hebrew and Greek so they should know this even without a concordance but that is not even the worst of it, in the case of Tom Bradford on his lesson of Revelation 10 he changed the word to hide a truth. "that there should be time no longer:" He said in Greek the word is tote which can be translated as "time" however there are other Greek words that can also mean time, but there is something unique about the Greek word for time in Rev 10 it is also the name of a pagan god Chronos, so John if he wanted to just talk about "time" as Tom Bradford teaches could have used other Greek words but the fact he used Chronos should not be dismissed as it just means time, instead should be taught as to what did John what believers to know about Chronos.
I spoke of how the NT has been deliberately changed, in Revelation 13:18 believers are told in Greek to psephizo which means in English to count but there are two ways to count something the first is through calculation the second is through enumeration however believers are not left to guess because psephizo means to enumerate, so believers are told to count by enumeration the number of the beast but end time teachers and even modern translations now say "calculate" so these believers are told they will only know the beast when some one comes that only through calculation will be identified one obvious problem is it doesn't say add, sub, mult, divide or a combination, meanwhile history has already had a person centuries ago whose name when enumerated is 666, but because he was a Nicene Christian they have to hide this or expose themselves.
Even yesterday as I was reviewing Rev 6 something was shown to me, In Rev 6 an event will happen where the sun will be as sackcloth and the moon will be as blood. I was taught this is reference to a solar and lunar eclipse except it doesn't work, a solar eclipse blocks the sun, but if you placed sackcloth over the sun it would only diminish the light from the sun as light would still enter through small spaces, while during a lunar eclipse the moon does appear red, if the passage is to be believed both the change of the sun and moon happen at the same time only after a great earthquake, now there is only one event that begins with an earthquake but then leads to sunlight being diminished and the moon looking darker red and that is a volcanic eruption, such an earthquake if strong enough would cause every mountain and island in the land to be moved. This is further shown to be true by John's mention of sackcloth which along with ashes is a sign of debasement, repentance, and mourning and during a volcanic eruption ash rains down. John even tells us when the event took place so we will know the event was Abba's wrath no matter what anyone says he did this useing the same method used by the Magian Jews in order to find Christ the followed the astronomical signs.
Example most "signs" in Revelation are references to constellations, sun, moon, planets, comets, asteroids, meteorites and when all the signs for an an event happen we then compare history to see if there was a event on earth at that time that fits the prophecy given to John. In Revelation 6 there are four horseman well there are 4 horse constellations 2 of them sagittarius with a bow just like the first horse and centaurus with a sword just like the second horse.
Shabbat Shalom, Pt 1 of 2 John was not shown spiritual events in heaven he was shown signs in the sky that correlate with physical events on the earth. Example in Rev 6 it describes 4 horses and their riders and their are four horse constellations, sagittarius has a bow, centaurus has a sword. Every place said John saw in heaven can be seen as a either a planet, constellation, comet, sun, moon, etc and we are reminded of what we were told in Genesis 1 that the sun, moon, and stars would be for sings, and for seasons, and for days, and for years.
This channel loves to talk how meaning is lost with chapters breaks, but it does the same thing Revelation 16:17-21 is the seventh and final saucer judgment, Revelation 17 and 18 do not take place after the 7th saucer but expand on it, in other words Revelation 16 says the great city will destroyed and divided into three parts, but it does not identify the city. Now one principle of Abba is nothing can happen that he has not warned us about, so Rev 17 and 18 go into greater detail making the identity of the great city obvious to those with eyes and ears for the truth.
Angels all throughout Revelation are celestial objects (constellations, planets)
The depiction of angels having wings is not Biblical and comes from Nicene Christianity who adopted Greek Nikes (demons) to represent angels.
Based on the astronomical data given in Revelation that points to the seal judgments having taken place in the first century AD. first four trumpet judgments in the 2nd and 6th century, the fifth trumpet in the 4th century, the sixth trumpet in the 13th century, the seventh trumpet in the 21st century, the first saucer judgement in the 19th century, the second saucer judgment in the 19th century, the third saucer judgment in the 19th century, the fourth saucer judgment in the 20th century. If what has already happened is true then the seventh saucer judgment will not happen for centuries.
Rome was the center of both the Roman Empire and Nicene Christianity, before the Roman empire fell it had given some of its authority to the church of Rome, so after it fell the church then filled the vacuum of not just non-secular but secular as well. It would be Nicene Christianity which became the official form of Christianity in 380 AD and still is to this day. Now protestants love to look at the description of Rev 18 and point to the Roman Catholic church, while deliberately ignoring the truth that it is Nicene Christianity not the Roman Catholic church which is just one part of Nicene Christianity that John was told to write about. Consider how much of today's commerce is tied into Nicene Christianity and how much of that is tied into the nation of Vatican City which is in Rome, Italy.
Nicene Christians have harassed and persecuted the Israelites more than anyone before and they continue to do this even today.
Vatican City is already the center of the largest religion in the world Christianity not just the Catholic church, but since the growing ecumenical movement now includes the Orthodox and Protestant churches. Vatican City is also already has a system of government Absolute Monarchy, where one person is both head of state and head of church. In the 20th century the Lateran Treaty made the Pope King of Vatican City. This is why in Revelation the beast is described as having both political and religious authority over every kind of person.
The Babylon system of Nicene Christianity has seduced not just billions of Christians into following Nicene Christianity but even non Nicene Christians as well especially when non Nicene Christians are keeping traditions of Nicene Christianity such as their holy days/holidays. The US was seduced into ignoring its own Constitution in the late 19th Century when President Grant made the Nicene Christian holy day of Christmas a federal holiday in violation of Church and State separation. The US has also been seduced to giving the Holy See over a billion dollars a year even allocating this into their annual budget. The US has been seduced to allow a foreign leader to address Congress this happened when the Pope addressed Congress in 2015. This is just the US the other Christian nations and non-Christian nations show how the Holy See has influenced them in the past and continues to in the present. Even allowing criminals to escape justice by using the claim the person despite being guilty is a citizen of Vatican City and has immunity from persecution form foreign courts including the US.
Even in the past this was evident when it was the Pope that called the kingdoms of Europe to fight in what we today call the crusades, this was done with the main promise that who ever went would be given complete absolution from all their sins, which meant if Christians went and killed non-Christians including Jews by order of the Pope they would be given absolution of any sin such as killing of other Christians all the while claiming they worship a Jewish Christ.