I could listen Mattei-NIlsson "Winterreise" all day every day and still find something new and amazingly beautiful... but the daily acts of survival require "forced" abstension...and what a joy to return to this so profound, so rich, so enchanting, so moving, even exalted expression of the vast range of human emotions through solo voice and solo accompaniment....Bravo Peter! Bravo David! Bravissimo tutti due! Carissimi auguri...
The strength and passion of the Viking with the compassion and humanity and warmth of his Italian paternity. What a GIFT to the world!!! Every time I hear this I find more depth, richness, subtlety, sheer vocal beauty...and Lars David Nillson - what sensitivity and subtlety in his accompaniment. If there can be "musical perfection" on this earth, it's here.
Baritone Peter Mattei has such an incredibly beautiful, deeply resonant, and amazingly expressive voice. Awe inspiring, spine tingling performance. My superlatives are long maxed out but still feeling short of properly describing his pure, wonderful voice. Lars David Nilsson's piano accompaniment is equally excellent. Bravissimo!!
Also I, never heard a better "Winterreise". I knew Peter Mattei as a splended Wagner-Singer. With Winterreise I'm convinced, he to be one of the greatest ever... thank You Peter Mattei for this deep moments
How does Mattei get a "thousand" emotions into one brief musical phrase...Wow! So beautiful and heart rending...no faffy directors, no "look at me I'm really an architect" sets...JUST THE MUSIC and the EMOTION...all at the HIGHEST POSSIBLE CONSUMMATE LEVEL OF ART. Bravo Peter und Lars!!! Bravi!
Absolutely superb. Glorious voice and powerful and deeply sympathetic accompaniment. Mr Mattei uses a wide range of colours while remaining entirely natura,l deeply human and very very moving.
I have never heard a better interpretation of Winterr🎉🎉eise! There are many excellent recordings but Peter Mattei has a perfect voice, perfect intonation and interpretation. The piano accompaniment is stunning. Bravo!
When I listen to this with the windows open the little vogelein (boydies/birds/avians) start singing too!!! 🥰😍🤩Sadly, they fly away when I try to sing along as well... 🤣
I've never heard the Winterreise better than this... Bravi both. I own the CD of these two, which is also exquisite and not entirely identical to the video recording.
I also own the CD and find this performance superb. It is fascinating to watch the Swedish translation as I know nothing of that language. But I cannot stay focused on the translation when Peter Mattei is such a master performer that standing by a piano he can display a full range of emotions. And as always, Lars Nilsson is grand, he is in complete control technically, in complete connection with Peter and his touch can make me cry.
"Mesmerised," "hypnotised" by this great artiste - expression, interpretation, and aaah, the voice! I should be promoting my own literary works, but Peter Mattei has awoken the composer within, and now melodies and harmonies intrude on my other creations!!! Schubert was dying of syphilis at the time of writing - not hard to contract in Germany at the time... and the inner conflict is evident in the composition which transits from extreme anguish to moments of serenity followed by anguish...of course the text is a love story, but again, open to so many interpretations of metaphor. All those gimmicky, overblown directors at the Met and Paris Opera should sit through this twenty times until they GET IT. It's the Music. It's the VOICE. It's the HEART...not the danged sets and disruptive gimmicks. Bravo Peter - my inspiration, and the great Lars David Nilsson, and my other, different "music love," counter tenor, Philippe Jaroussky. Oh to hear them together!!!
This Swedish master of singing ranges from a desparate forte to a delicate piano within a blink of an eye - a truly breathtaking performance - the pianist is equally phenomenal and the best rendition I have ever heard. What a toast to Müller and Schubert
Peter Mattei is one of my idols in song and opera. His CD recording of Winterreise was one of my benchmark recordings while I was preparing my Winterreise. I discovered this video recording after the CD and I can easily say that their rendition here is even superior than in their CD. There are many lessons to take from his plain but effective way of singing, his coloring, nuances etc. Bravi!
So glad to learn of the CD, though I can't imagine it being an improvement on this... but the voice and expression and body language, and musicality of this great man is so compelling it would be comforting to have "back up."
Their CD recording is in a league with a very few records of all time, and I am speaking in general, not just recordings of the Winterreise. Certainly the most perfect record I own. And Lars David Nilsen is equally the best pianist and accompanist I have ever heard. I hope they will do more Lieder cycles together, maybe Dichterliebe. And his German is sublime, better than all native speakers I've heard (and I'm a native speaker myself).
What an amazing experience. What an extraordinary interpretation of Winterreise! And Lars Nilsson gives Schubert's lieder an almost contemporary, almost atonal sound... but Mattei...yikes - words fail... he brings a depth to the Winterreise that overshadows the sorrow...and requires further study.
I so wish he did another Liederzyklus, even one that is less often sung by baritones, like Dicherliebe, together with Lars David Nilsson I think it would be sublime!
Questo voce! This interpretation! This duo - ok, quartet with Schubert and ?Muller? the poet-librettist! Cielo... only angels could sing more beautifully than Peter (Peter/Per Mattei!) Bravo! Adesso devo scapare or I will never complete my 40th book!
I could not stop listening to both singer and piano player just perfect. Bravissimo! Thank you and see and hear you often in concerts radio or TV and You Tube.
I’ve seen Mattei onstage quite a few times. To my ears, he really has one of the very best and most beautiful voices. The only problem for me with this video is that I’d prefer a German or English translation. I don’t know any Scandinavian language and it becomes distracting, but still a minor detail.
I'm learning a little Swedish here, but as you say it is distracting. I watch a Fischer Diskau Winterreis which has 3,4, translations on screen, which helps a lot. Fischer Diskau's rendition is beautiful, but Mattei's stratospherically more evocative and compelling...what a Gift to the world... Tack, lieber Gott, Tack, Peter!
Just listened to Hermann Prey (Gut Nacht and Lindenbaum) and last night the entire Winterreise by Fischer Diskau - and while those two great baritoni set an extraordinarily high bar, our Peter Mattei "leapt right over it!!!" The different styles are interesting and beautiful, but there's something exceptionally compelling about Mattei. An amazing "interpreter" as well - hard to believe that this is the same performer who brings such a naughty edge to "Figaro" in the Barber of Seville and an abusive variant of Don G in the Paris Opera version (nasty director) or the gently seductive Don G in the Met Opera version. This is him at his finest: just the music, thank you, just the accompanist and "The Voice..." Grazie! Tack, Peter!
If you're looking for another incredible version of the Winterreise, check out the recording by German tenor Peter Anders recorded during the last months of WW2 in Berlin. There are certainly more beautiful versions but there's none that reaches the emotional intensity of Peter Anders in that recording. It's almost frightening sometimes. It's obvious that the terrifying circumstances had an influence on the interpretation and the feeling of pain, despair and hopelessness is very fitting for the Winterreise.
@@hansmahr8627 Wiel danke, Hans! I shall look for that! Yes, what strength of character to record this beautiful and challenging work while your country is being torn apart... Danke.
Nine months without Peter Mattei! To be brutally honest without Mattei-Nillson's Winterreise!!! I did write three very challenging books, however! Michaelangelo-Da Vinci lovers, Shakespearian aficionadi, Verdi - Schubert - Bach fans will fight me on this, but if I were asked to save one artistic treasure in this world, it would be this. Close to Pergolesi - Jaroussky - Baroke Stabat Mater, but that's probably being played in Heaven so already saved!!! Well more books to write - and sell, if I ever want to get that front row seat - or acoustically superior hot spot - and hear Peter M live in the Swedish Opera House. I'd even go back to New York, er, then again, not carving it in stone, but Avery Fisher Hall and Lincoln Center owe me for fixing their acoustics, so all expenses paid invite to NY for a Mattei performance...Sigh back to work!
Sehr gute Interpretation, sowohl stimmlich als auch darstellerisch. Zum Beispiel der Übergang vom 2. zum 3. Lied sehr konzentriert in der Mimik gestaltet. Kein überflüssiges Herumgeschaue. Gratulation!
Ähm... Nein? Gerade sein "ch" t einfach jedes Mal falsch, was mich total stört 😅 und sein i klingt oft wie eine Mischung wie i und ü 😕 da fehlt die Klarheit des i
@@EuskaltelEuskadi Thank you, Euskalte. I'll look out for them, but this interpretation is OUT OF THIS WORLD... I could listen all day every day... Peter Mattei is ...wow!
Imagine that poor girl waking up and finding "The Voice" gone...into the schnee... Schnell! Schnelle, fraulein, bevor der Schnee seine Spuren verwischt!
Eine sängerisch bemerkenswert gute Interpretation der Winterreise. Die Klavierbegleitung ist allerdings viel zu laut und dominant - das mindert den Hörgenuss (und die künstlerische Gesamtqualität der Liveaufnahme) leider entscheidend, weil Sänger und Pianist akustisch keine Einheit bilden. Wirklich schade. Ich frage mich: Haben die für die Aufnahme Verantwortlichen (Regisseur/Aufnahmeleiter/Tontechniker) da gepennt oder waren hier Amateure am Werk??
He knows what he is singing which is very nice and it's a captivating performance. I do feel he chops up the lines a bit too much which is a bit of a modern thing, to make it more speech-like, but a more sung presentation gives it more depth in my opinion. Finally for my taste, he is a bit too angry which makes the antagonist less sympathetic.
Poor baritones , get to play the villains while the tenors enjoy most of the romantic leads! I hear anger, but I hear more anguish, and it appears that Peter Mattei delves deeply into music and text, because the anguish I hear in the music is the sorrow of a beautiful, sensitive composer, dying of syphilis at a very young age - 32. (No judgies, not hard to contract in Germany of that period) So Muller's love tragedy becomes a metaphor for another tragedy.
There is something archetypal about the figure of the Hurdy-Gurdy Man. I recognize him as an image first encountered in my childhood. His origin is Eastern Europe. Why do I think he might be Jewish? The Fiddler on The Roof. The Rag Picker. The Outcast The Stranger among us who has looked upon things we all shy away from and so, we shy away from him all the while knowing he has something wise and terrible to teach us. Someone recently said to me that more than being loved, we need to feel that we belong. I thought about that and it feels right ! Family, Religion, Nation, City Class Sexual orientation Local Sports Team College Fraternity Political party These are things we belong to. We support them. We exalt them. We defend them. We oppose those who attack them. We feel elated when another member of our tribe succeeds. What does it feel like when we belong to no group? Who among us does not belong to any group? The beggar. The homeless The elderly living alone. The black man in a white world. The mis-shapen The grotesque. This is the Hurdy Gurdy man.....the Leiermann The one we fear most because he lives our greatest nightmare. But when we are dying we feel the ultimate alone-ness. We are alive but no longer belong to the world of the living. Perhaps Schubert, who was dying when he wrote this, was making common cause with the Leiermann. Outcasts... together. " May I come along? Will you play my song ?"
The words are those of the jilted poet, Johann Wilhelm Muller. Wiki has him dying at 1827 but writing Winterreise in 1828. Might explain the "haunting" quality of the text. 🤥You may be right about the Leiermann, the musician, the man with talent. The most isolated people in history are the geniuses...we are sought out when our gifts are needed, then abandoned when the thieves make their millions from our works. We invoke jealousy, so we play "dumb," toe a fine line - the ultimate outcasts, the ultimate minority, but will leave it there... Two creative geniuses, Schubert and Muller, and two interpretive geniuses, Mattei and Nilsson. Together - a taste of Heaven...Sometimes I wonder if even the angels stop to listen to these darlings...
A remarkably good vocal interpretation of Winterreise. The piano accompaniment, however, is much too loud and dominant - this unfortunately reduces the listening pleasure (and the overall artistic quality of the live recording) decisively, because singer and pianist do not form an acoustic unit. It's a real shame. I ask myself: Did the people responsible for the recording (director/recording manager/sound engineer) sleep there or were amateurs at work here??
Seulement un français ne saurait s'exprimer autrement que par un "pas mal" !!!! Quelle finesse, quelle imagination : chapeau !! Toujours à vous la péter plus fort et plus haut que les autres, toujours hautains !!! Cela ne vous fatigue pas ??
@@taf44tt8io Je m'excuse de vous avoir irrité avec mon commentaire immature. Comme vous préférez la finesse, je dirai quelque chose de plus raffiné et plein d'imagination : "GREAT !!!! Wonderful ! Touching !" Mais quel voyant que vous êtes : je ne suis pas français ! N'est-il pas fatigant d'être obsédé par le préjugé ?
@@yk5148 Vous n'êtes pas français (et moi non plus) mais vous êtes francophone et vous avez employé une expression courante, je dirai même typique d'une attitude très répandue dans l'Hexagone. Contrairement aux apparences et à mon tout premier commentaire ci-dessous, - que j'assume - je ne suis pas adepte non plus de l'emploi généralisé et soûlant de superlatifs et autres exclamations d'inspiration anglo-saxonne. Il n'empêche que je suis vraiment touché par cette interpretation magistrale, que j'estime être - pour un baryton - une des meilleures (à mon gout bien sûr) depuis celle légendaire de D. FISCHER-DIESKAU. Cela étant, je serai bien curieux de connaître vos arguments détaillés - où, comment, pourquoi - au sujet de ce manque de "cohérence" que vous attribué à l'interprète.
You're either brave or foolhardy "damning with faint praise" this superb, consummate artiste... only a mediocrity could find fault with Peter Matteis Winterreise.
Mattei´s voice, his rendition, Nilsson´s piano accompaniment, the mood of the location, this is a very special performance, truely remarkable.
I could listen Mattei-NIlsson "Winterreise" all day every day and still find something new and amazingly beautiful... but the daily acts of survival require "forced" abstension...and what a joy to return to this so profound, so rich, so enchanting, so moving, even exalted expression of the vast range of human emotions through solo voice and solo accompaniment....Bravo Peter! Bravo David! Bravissimo tutti due! Carissimi auguri...
The strength and passion of the Viking with the compassion and humanity and warmth of his Italian paternity. What a GIFT to the world!!! Every time I hear this I find more depth, richness, subtlety, sheer vocal beauty...and Lars David Nillson - what sensitivity and subtlety in his accompaniment. If there can be "musical perfection" on this earth, it's here.
Down the Peter Mattei rabbit hole, omg. They're both amazing
yes rabbit hole....I think I've exhausted the internet's supply of Peter Mattei related content....
@@ninagi I'm in the Peter Mattei rabbit hole too and I'm not complaining.
No "way out" I'm afraid...
@@larkatdawn ...but who wants to leave...!
Peter Mattei ist einer der besten Sänger unserer Zeit, sowohl im Lied wie in der Oper.
"....einer der besten Sänger von alles Zeit..." one of the greatest singers of all time...
Baritone Peter Mattei has such an incredibly beautiful, deeply resonant, and amazingly expressive voice. Awe inspiring, spine tingling performance. My superlatives are long maxed out but still feeling short of properly describing his pure, wonderful voice. Lars David Nilsson's piano accompaniment is equally excellent. Bravissimo!!
Honey poured over velvet...
@@learntocrochet1 as he sings in "Deh, vieni a la finestre..." (Don Giovannni) ...his own voice is "piu dolce di miele..." sweeter than honey...
Eine göttliche Stimme! Für mich die beste „Winterreise“.
Az egyik legjobb.
Also I, never heard a better "Winterreise". I knew Peter Mattei as a splended Wagner-Singer. With Winterreise I'm convinced, he to be one of the greatest ever... thank You Peter Mattei for this deep moments
One of the most captivating Winterreises ever recorded.
How does Mattei get a "thousand" emotions into one brief musical phrase...Wow! So beautiful and heart rending...no faffy directors, no "look at me I'm really an architect" sets...JUST THE MUSIC and the EMOTION...all at the HIGHEST POSSIBLE CONSUMMATE LEVEL OF ART. Bravo Peter und Lars!!! Bravi!
Simply one of the greatest artists to have ever lived.
Absolutely superb. Glorious voice and powerful and deeply sympathetic accompaniment. Mr Mattei uses a wide range of colours while remaining entirely natura,l deeply human and very very moving.
I have never heard a better interpretation of Winterr🎉🎉eise! There are many excellent recordings but Peter Mattei has a perfect voice, perfect intonation and interpretation. The piano accompaniment is stunning. Bravo!
One of the best and moving performances of "Die Winterreise" I have ever heard! Excellent voice, technique and expression!
Traducción español
I've no other words !! One of the most beautiful and accomplished rendition of the monumental Schubert's masterpiece !!!
Bb vvv
Bonneville plow
Mesmerising! Mattei is one of the outstanding performers of all time...pure Gift.
I've heard many renditions of the song cycle, but I've been as moved before. Mattei's voice and interpretation have unearthly depth and beauty.
you have been? By who?
So glad I found this. will be performing Winterreise in 2023 and this is an inspiring model. Brilliant dueting and intensity without self absorption
When I listen to this with the windows open the little vogelein (boydies/birds/avians) start singing too!!! 🥰😍🤩Sadly, they fly away when I try to sing along as well... 🤣
One of the most moving performances of the Winterreise I have heard! Thank you for sharing this musical gem!
Боги, до чего же великолепен Маттеи!! И пианист ему под стать, просто восхитителен! Аплодирую и восхищаюсь стоя!
The greatest performance of all time in all genres - music, theatre, etc... It's a "stand alone!"
I've never heard the Winterreise better than this... Bravi both. I own the CD of these two, which is also exquisite and not entirely identical to the video recording.
I also own the CD and find this performance superb. It is fascinating to watch the Swedish translation as I know nothing of that language. But I cannot stay focused on the translation when Peter Mattei is such a master performer that standing by a piano he can display a full range of emotions. And as always, Lars Nilsson is grand, he is in complete control technically, in complete connection with Peter and his touch can make me cry.
Guaranteed excellence for one hour and fourteen minutes.. I am speechless.
"Mesmerised," "hypnotised" by this great artiste - expression, interpretation, and aaah, the voice! I should be promoting my own literary works, but Peter Mattei has awoken the composer within, and now melodies and harmonies intrude on my other creations!!! Schubert was dying of syphilis at the time of writing - not hard to contract in Germany at the time... and the inner conflict is evident in the composition which transits from extreme anguish to moments of serenity followed by anguish...of course the text is a love story, but again, open to so many interpretations of metaphor. All those gimmicky, overblown directors at the Met and Paris Opera should sit through this twenty times until they GET IT. It's the Music. It's the VOICE. It's the HEART...not the danged sets and disruptive gimmicks. Bravo Peter - my inspiration, and the great Lars David Nilsson, and my other, different "music love," counter tenor, Philippe Jaroussky. Oh to hear them together!!!
What an exciting performance.
One that I will be playing many times.
This Swedish master of singing ranges from a desparate forte to a delicate piano within a blink of an eye - a truly breathtaking performance - the pianist is equally phenomenal and the best rendition I have ever heard. What a toast to Müller and Schubert
Movement and facial expression - all there, all so heart breaking... on so many levels...
Er Swedish-ITALIAN! His first recorded song was in Italian when he was 6 years old. His "Papa" taught it to him. Sooo adorable!
Einfach wunderschön!
Peter Mattei is one of my idols in song and opera. His CD recording of Winterreise was one of my benchmark recordings while I was preparing my Winterreise. I discovered this video recording after the CD and I can easily say that their rendition here is even superior than in their CD. There are many lessons to take from his plain but effective way of singing, his coloring, nuances etc. Bravi!
So glad to learn of the CD, though I can't imagine it being an improvement on this... but the voice and expression and body language, and musicality of this great man is so compelling it would be comforting to have "back up."
Their CD recording is in a league with a very few records of all time, and I am speaking in general, not just recordings of the Winterreise. Certainly the most perfect record I own. And Lars David Nilsen is equally the best pianist and accompanist I have ever heard. I hope they will do more Lieder cycles together, maybe Dichterliebe. And his German is sublime, better than all native speakers I've heard (and I'm a native speaker myself).
Bravo, Peter! So good!!!
I will never forget his Amfortas at the New York Met, NEVER
Do you know if there's a recording of that? If it's as compelling as "Winterreise" I may never write another book!!! Schonstest!
nor I....life changing
Après Fischer-Diskau, la preuve qu’on peut encore aller plus loin dans l’expressivité personnelle ressentie.
What an amazing experience. What an extraordinary interpretation of Winterreise! And Lars Nilsson gives Schubert's lieder an almost contemporary, almost atonal sound... but Mattei...yikes - words fail... he brings a depth to the Winterreise that overshadows the sorrow...and requires further study.
The most beautiful and expressive interpretation I have heard, and wonderful baritone voice!
Peter Mattei’s work here is hands down the most beautiful version of this great piece. I own about 20 recordings of it.
I so wish he did another Liederzyklus, even one that is less often sung by baritones, like Dicherliebe, together with Lars David Nilsson I think it would be sublime!
beutiful voice at beautiful place
It is amazing how his voice can be so soft and so loud. In all the singers ive listen to he is the best❤
Very beautiful!
How beautiful Peter Mattei's voice is. This is gorgeous. I love Jonas Kaufmann's version of this too.
No one has a voice as beautiful as Mr. Mattei's! I would so love a translation in English, though.
I wouldn't "recommend" it. It's too poignant as is...Now that I know the English version I can only listen in "small doses..."
Questo voce! This interpretation! This duo - ok, quartet with Schubert and ?Muller? the poet-librettist! Cielo... only angels could sing more beautifully than Peter (Peter/Per Mattei!) Bravo! Adesso devo scapare or I will never complete my 40th book!
GREAT !!!! Wonderful ! Touching !
Mamma mia! Che bravo!!! Fantastico. Grazie.
Listen to the 6 year young Peter Mattei singing "Mama" in Italian. It will melt your heart! Schonstest! Bravissimo, Bellissimo...
I could not stop listening to both singer and piano player just perfect. Bravissimo! Thank you and see and hear you often in concerts radio or TV and You Tube.
Очень приятный тембр голоса поет очень легко.
Una de las mejores versiones que escuché de esta obra.❤
Just wonderful!
einfach wunderschön .. bravo!
Uma voz linda e uma sensibilidade tão bonita!
I’ve seen Mattei onstage quite a few times. To my ears, he really has one of the very best and most beautiful voices. The only problem for me with this video is that I’d prefer a German or English translation. I don’t know any Scandinavian language and it becomes distracting, but still a minor detail.
I'm learning a little Swedish here, but as you say it is distracting. I watch a Fischer Diskau Winterreis which has 3,4, translations on screen, which helps a lot. Fischer Diskau's rendition is beautiful, but Mattei's stratospherically more evocative and compelling...what a Gift to the world... Tack, lieber Gott, Tack, Peter!
26:13 - 8
28:22 - 9
30:35 -magnificent
31:12 -10
33:38 -magnificent
38:50 - 12
1:00:33 -magnificent
flawless, bravo!
Nagyon örülök ennek a felvételnek!
Le top à notre époque
my favorite Don Giovanni today!
I live this interpretation with tempo Bravo!
Just listened to Hermann Prey (Gut Nacht and Lindenbaum) and last night the entire Winterreise by Fischer Diskau - and while those two great baritoni set an extraordinarily high bar, our Peter Mattei "leapt right over it!!!" The different styles are interesting and beautiful, but there's something exceptionally compelling about Mattei. An amazing "interpreter" as well - hard to believe that this is the same performer who brings such a naughty edge to "Figaro" in the Barber of Seville and an abusive variant of Don G in the Paris Opera version (nasty director) or the gently seductive Don G in the Met Opera version. This is him at his finest: just the music, thank you, just the accompanist and "The Voice..." Grazie! Tack, Peter!
If you're looking for another incredible version of the Winterreise, check out the recording by German tenor Peter Anders recorded during the last months of WW2 in Berlin. There are certainly more beautiful versions but there's none that reaches the emotional intensity of Peter Anders in that recording. It's almost frightening sometimes. It's obvious that the terrifying circumstances had an influence on the interpretation and the feeling of pain, despair and hopelessness is very fitting for the Winterreise.
Wiel danke, Hans! I shall look for that! Yes, what strength of character to record this beautiful and challenging work while your country is being torn apart... Danke.
Bella voce, Chiara e aperta,! Bel timbro!!
11번 진짜 아.....너무 좋아
Nine months without Peter Mattei! To be brutally honest without Mattei-Nillson's Winterreise!!! I did write three very challenging books, however! Michaelangelo-Da Vinci lovers, Shakespearian aficionadi, Verdi - Schubert - Bach fans will fight me on this, but if I were asked to save one artistic treasure in this world, it would be this. Close to Pergolesi - Jaroussky - Baroke Stabat Mater, but that's probably being played in Heaven so already saved!!! Well more books to write - and sell, if I ever want to get that front row seat - or acoustically superior hot spot - and hear Peter M live in the Swedish Opera House. I'd even go back to New York, er, then again, not carving it in stone, but Avery Fisher Hall and Lincoln Center owe me for fixing their acoustics, so all expenses paid invite to NY for a Mattei performance...Sigh back to work!
Sehr gute Interpretation, sowohl stimmlich als auch darstellerisch. Zum Beispiel der Übergang vom 2. zum 3. Lied sehr konzentriert in der Mimik gestaltet. Kein überflüssiges Herumgeschaue. Gratulation!
Wie wunderbar
Toll. Wie ein Muttersprachler. Manchmal etwas störende Schleifer. Aber mindestens so gut wie Gerhaher.
Peter Mattei is the best one!
Ähm... Nein? Gerade sein "ch" t einfach jedes Mal falsch, was mich total stört 😅 und sein i klingt oft wie eine Mischung wie i und ü 😕 da fehlt die Klarheit des i
I wish he would record schwanengesang and dichterliebe
Can we be allowed to download 😢😢😢😢
Oh no ich muss wandern now Bro
Wonderful, a successor to Jorma Hynninen??
Is there a video or cd that I can buy?
They had a CD out on BIS in 2019, but it's not this recording. It's also on Spotify, Apple music etc
@@EuskaltelEuskadi Thank you, Euskalte. I'll look out for them, but this interpretation is OUT OF THIS WORLD... I could listen all day every day... Peter Mattei is ...wow!
Imagine that poor girl waking up and finding "The Voice" gone...into the schnee... Schnell! Schnelle, fraulein, bevor der Schnee seine Spuren verwischt!
Eine sängerisch bemerkenswert gute Interpretation der Winterreise. Die Klavierbegleitung ist allerdings viel zu laut und dominant - das mindert den Hörgenuss (und die künstlerische Gesamtqualität der Liveaufnahme) leider entscheidend, weil Sänger und Pianist akustisch keine Einheit bilden. Wirklich schade.
Ich frage mich: Haben die für die Aufnahme Verantwortlichen (Regisseur/Aufnahmeleiter/Tontechniker) da gepennt oder waren hier Amateure am Werk??
He knows what he is singing which is very nice and it's a captivating performance. I do feel he chops up the lines a bit too much which is a bit of a modern thing, to make it more speech-like, but a more sung presentation gives it more depth in my opinion. Finally for my taste, he is a bit too angry which makes the antagonist less sympathetic.
Poor baritones , get to play the villains while the tenors enjoy most of the romantic leads! I hear anger, but I hear more anguish, and it appears that Peter Mattei delves deeply into music and text, because the anguish I hear in the music is the sorrow of a beautiful, sensitive composer, dying of syphilis at a very young age - 32. (No judgies, not hard to contract in Germany of that period) So Muller's love tragedy becomes a metaphor for another tragedy.
"Rückblick" your interpretations.
There is something archetypal about the figure of the Hurdy-Gurdy Man.
I recognize him as an image first encountered in my childhood.
His origin is Eastern Europe.
Why do I think he might be Jewish?
The Fiddler on The Roof.
The Rag Picker.
The Outcast
The Stranger among us who has looked upon things we all shy away from and so, we shy away from him all the while knowing he has something wise and terrible to teach us.
Someone recently said to me that more than being loved, we need to feel that we belong.
I thought about that and it feels right !
Sexual orientation
Local Sports Team
Political party
These are things we belong to.
We support them.
We exalt them.
We defend them.
We oppose those who attack them.
We feel elated when another member of our tribe succeeds.
What does it feel like when we belong to no group?
Who among us does not belong to any group?
The beggar.
The homeless
The elderly living alone.
The black man in a white world.
The mis-shapen
The grotesque.
This is the Hurdy Gurdy man.....the Leiermann The one we fear most because he lives our greatest nightmare.
But when we are dying we feel the ultimate alone-ness.
We are alive but no longer belong to the world of the living.
Perhaps Schubert, who was dying when he wrote this, was making common cause with the Leiermann. Outcasts... together.
" May I come along? Will you play my song ?"
The words are those of the jilted poet, Johann Wilhelm Muller. Wiki has him dying at 1827 but writing Winterreise in 1828. Might explain the "haunting" quality of the text. 🤥You may be right about the Leiermann, the musician, the man with talent. The most isolated people in history are the geniuses...we are sought out when our gifts are needed, then abandoned when the thieves make their millions from our works. We invoke jealousy, so we play "dumb," toe a fine line - the ultimate outcasts, the ultimate minority, but will leave it there... Two creative geniuses, Schubert and Muller, and two interpretive geniuses, Mattei and Nilsson. Together - a taste of Heaven...Sometimes I wonder if even the angels stop to listen to these darlings...
A remarkably good vocal interpretation of Winterreise. The piano accompaniment, however, is much too loud and dominant - this unfortunately reduces the listening pleasure (and the overall artistic quality of the live recording) decisively, because singer and pianist do not form an acoustic unit. It's a real shame.
I ask myself: Did the people responsible for the recording (director/recording manager/sound engineer) sleep there or were amateurs at work here??
Pas mal, mais il faudrait un peu plus de cohérence.
Неплохо??да ведь это высшее как можно исполнить шуберта
Seulement un français ne saurait s'exprimer autrement que par un "pas mal" !!!! Quelle finesse, quelle imagination : chapeau !!
Toujours à vous la péter plus fort et plus haut que les autres, toujours hautains !!! Cela ne vous fatigue pas ??
@@taf44tt8io Je m'excuse de vous avoir irrité avec mon commentaire immature. Comme vous préférez la finesse, je dirai quelque chose de plus raffiné et plein d'imagination : "GREAT !!!! Wonderful ! Touching !"
Mais quel voyant que vous êtes : je ne suis pas français ! N'est-il pas fatigant d'être obsédé par le préjugé ?
@@yk5148 Vous n'êtes pas français (et moi non plus) mais vous êtes francophone et vous avez employé une expression courante, je dirai même typique d'une attitude très répandue dans l'Hexagone.
Contrairement aux apparences et à mon tout premier commentaire ci-dessous, - que j'assume - je ne suis pas adepte non plus de l'emploi généralisé et soûlant de superlatifs et autres exclamations d'inspiration anglo-saxonne.
Il n'empêche que je suis vraiment touché par cette interpretation magistrale, que j'estime être - pour un baryton - une des meilleures (à mon gout bien sûr) depuis celle légendaire de D. FISCHER-DIESKAU.
Cela étant, je serai bien curieux de connaître vos arguments détaillés - où, comment, pourquoi - au sujet de ce manque de "cohérence" que vous attribué à l'interprète.
You're either brave or foolhardy "damning with faint praise" this superb, consummate artiste... only a mediocrity could find fault with Peter Matteis Winterreise.
Bravo.. Bravisimo!!!!!