you know, reading comment sections like these makes me wonder how you guys are actually surprised that diehard Christians are displayed negatively in media just saying
I'm a huge fan of Vicky's music for years and she lives a non-threatening life as I judge that she's a friendly caring person and this world is too much bigotry and bullying against people like this. It's not fair murderers, thieves and other physical crimes get away with that because they have nothing better to do as I consider physical illegal crimes are true sins. Not Vicky she's wonderful and encouraging towards others in her own way. If anyone else has nothing nice to say about her leave her alone!
Thank you for your honesty, Vicky. The church I serve has used your music before but we are making a point of using it even more now. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Did your church ever read 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 or the book of Romans I know 1 Corinthians speaks of homosexuals or abuser's of themselves with mankind are not to inherit the kingdom of God
@@avengers2478 1 Corinthians speaks negative about divorce he may not be happy that a person married somebody who's gullible enough to believe a science book which is full of lies but he tells them to guide their significant other to truth a person who is athiest thinks we got something from nothing God is who created us and who created earth science says the world is billions of years old yet we're living in the thousandth years which the Bible speaks of earth being thousands of years old the Bible is truth science is a lie scripture says let God be true and every man a liar
Science is not a lie and the earth is 4.5 billion years old. You might as well say that the earth is flat and that the moon landings were faked. Also, there is nothing wrong in being gay.
The Bible says in, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 2 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Don Mcc As someone up-to-date with Christian music, I’m sure you’ve heard of Vertical Worship, who covered a Vicky Beeching song just a year ago. Here’s the video:
Being true to ourselves was never what God called us to do. We have to be true to Him and let His love change us. Modern times don't change the fact that sin is sin. We have to die to self each day. We have to be humble enough to admit we are wrong in many ways and the power of Love can transform us. We then find not our selfish happiness but true joy.
vicky, the Light of Christ guides you to what He wants for you. He will lead you to the Truth that He has for your Life and that Truth may not be popular with more bigoted Christians. The Light is Love.
@@evanc3160 slavery and being gay are diffrent and during that time saves were provided care if the slave master was a man of god. When god talks about slave masters polietly he is talking about kind ones not vile ones clearly. He clearly distinguishes the 2 and that's what is so frusterating about this argument
Jesus died to save His people FROM THEIR SINS not in their sins, see Matthew 1:21. True Christians believe in Jesus because He has power to save them from their sins. Whenever Christ healed someone someone in the Bible He charged that person to go and sin no more: John 5:14; 8:11. If we sin wilfully after a knowledge of the truth then there is no more sacrifice for sins, but judgment and fiery indignation, see Hebrews 10:26-27, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness, see Romans 1:16-32. There is a word that is rarely used today - HOLINESS. To be holy means to be like God, and God wants Christians to be holy as He is holy, see Leviticus 11:44. The unholy lifestyle, which sodomy is, is clearly seen as one of the reasons why God separated His people from other nations as it is an abominable lifestyle to Him. He does not want His people to live that way, to either have sex with the same sex or to dress like the oppsite sex, see Leviticus 20:13; Deuteronomy 22:5; 23:17;Romans 1:26-27. Jesus is Holy, our Saviour, and He is God, Luke 4:34; Titus 3:4, 6; John 1:1-3, 14; Hebrews 1:1-14. Only one equal with the law of God could die as a substitute for men's transgression of that law (see 1 John 3:4; John 3:16-18, ) and give men power to have strength to overcome so that they can be called sons of God, see John 1:12. To be holy is to have the Holy Spirit and He is given to those who obey God and keep His commandments, see Acts 5:32; 1 John 3:23-24. Those who commit sin are of the devil, and why did Jesus come? To destroy the works of the devil, see 1 John 3:8. A person living a sodomite (gay) lifestyle is committing sin and doing the works of the devil. But to be born of God is to live by the power of God and not to live in sin, see 1 John 3:9-10; Romans 2:2-8; Jude 7. God is love, but His love is pure, holy, and of a higher and different order than the human. Men and women can only be elevated to this higher order of love, and receive this love in their hearts when they keep His commandments and accept His word as He has given us, see 1 John 4:8; 5:2-3, 5; 3:5. There is no true and lasting happiness living in sinful lifestyles like the gay lifestyle. Jesus therefore came to give lasting, eternal, and true hapiness and power, the power of His love, through the acceptance of Him and the lifestyle that He commands us to live as written in the Bible. Vicky, God loves you, tenderly, but you are sadly deceived. Christ can give you power to overcome. All true Christians know that it is a struggle to battle, daily, with our sins. So did the Apostle Paul. We struggle with lying, stealing, pride, fornication, anger, maliciousness, hatred, and all the other evils that plague fallen sinful human beings. The only way we can overcome is to die daily to our own lifestyles/ ways and to allow Christ to live within us, see 1 Corinthians 15:31; Galations 2:20-21. Baptism symbolizes this death of the old man and his evil sinful ways (down into the water) but then if we have true faith in God's power to save we are resurrected by the power of God (up out of the water), regenerated to a new life free of sin by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ. Accept the real truth that the gay lifestyle is wicked and evil, no matter how you may think or feel, and turn to that which is good and true. Eternal love, power and happiness will be imparted to you through Jesus Christ, and when you have gained the victory over this He will fulfil the promise: "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne." Revelation 3:21.
Kv Denko and when did you choose to be heterosexual?? if this was choice then you maybe right...but you being part of the majoritiy of heterosexuality know very well...that you do not remember ever making a choice to be straight. The same is true for those of us who are not heterosexual.
sinnerpeace...the part you're leaving out is, we were all born lost and without Christ. I was born with a mean streak in me, because it was just something that ran in my family's bloodline and I was genetically impaired with it. But Christ changed me and took that away from me. He can change you too, if you'd let him.
@@KvDenko painfully? It's not painful its refreshing to notice your sins and let people know what you have done is sin. Personally anyway it's made me less in pain.
I am a christian and i love a woman. I know its not what God intended for my life but he is still very present in my life. So when people ask how can you be gay and be christian ... my answer is... i dont know really but he still loves me
@Melissa Spruce How do you know? Its not what he intended. Is that what youve been told. Im a Christian as well but i look beyond. Research more on the subj and i cam guarantee you wont continue to feel that way. Youve been brainwashed thinking something wrong with you. Just like people were brainwashed to hate other races. And only people of same race should be married. So on and so on. Homosexuality was added to bible in 1900s read all the different versions then look beyond
@@ronnidomenech1909 God's words doesn't change. He does not change his standards because of a new revised, satanic so called bible. Man changed Gods word but God did not change his ways, his standards. Do not be deceived. Jesus said if you love me you will keep my commandments. We all must change our old ways and there are desires that we have that just does not please the Lord.. God says deny ourselves pickup our cross and follow him. God bless.
@@jesusislife2837 dont put God The Most High. In a box. Because the Most High the source of all things is so much more than what our 10% usage of our brain could comprehend. In our earthly incarnation. So he left us with 10 originally 12 commandments to live by set in stone that could not be change by man and mans corruption.
Then as a Christian she knows what the Bible says. Just because someone claims to be a Christian doesn't mean they stop sinning. It depends on how devoted she is and what she's willing to give up for Christ.
I don’t know but that sounds very ungodly to me. So if you’re with someone who is abusive to you, will you keep their commands because you love them? Sounds more like a way to control and manipulate people so you can fit in their box of morals.
Rich Mound is homosexuality one of the commandments? The Bible sums up all the commandments as “love others as yourself”. Love covers a multitude of sins.
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
In a recent interview with the BBC she said at least now I can be true to myself. The problem is she is now obliging the church to miss represented self instead. It is not that she is gay that I have a problem with but that's because she is gay every other Christian was compromised themselves or be crucified by the media.
sofia morehead I mean God did give us free will, I often wonder, if He wanted us perfect then He would’ve made us that way. Or maybe He didn’t want that? I don’t know, but I do know that we’re all made differently, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Anything that doesn’t fit the holy box is deemed unnatural, but it doesn’t mean that it is.
She seems like a really lovely person that has been through a horrific time. It stands what the bible says about homosexuality however, I believe that if a person walks with God in their life, they will find freedom and true happiness.
Do you choose flesh or GOD, this is the hardest question ever, I know. Sorry we cant justify sin, but you can live life the way you want and if you feel your doing the best you can do at this time this is your journey. But the sin can never be justified unfortunately. God gives his grace which is time for you to understand your sexuality, it is clear dont try to mess with the word. What if a gay person reads the word is set free by reading about homosexuality, are you god to delete these words and then forfeit those to be set free? Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Wow!!!! Somebody on here who finally stuck to the truth and had the guts to say it. You can not enter the kingdom of God according to the Bible. PLEASE!! Just read the word.
I suppose you don't agree with people being black or short or having green eyes or some other innate part of what it means to be a human being. Think about it.
Being sexually abused, can make you confused, or sick in the head, as ANY trauma can, if you go unconsoled for it. But your REAL sexuality has nothing to do with that. Plenty of people grow up normally, but are gay. Just as plenty of people have traumatic childhoods, but are NOT gay.
Rebecca Rankin thank you for following what Jesus has taught. you dont have to understand homosexuality, but as long as you dont discriminate or hate its all okay. God bless.
@@scottneal4300 Yes Nikolaas is right someone has every right to disagree with being gay because of religion. As long as they don't discriminate against the people.
don't worry be your self if they love you they will bee your friends you are young live your life you are a beautiful person you are true to yourself I have played your music for many years I was rejected once it was so hard but I carried on please live your life
Oh ok. I get it. As a Christian, I'll just start watching porn because I like it. Start a relationship with the married women I fancy, take drugs, get drunk, do whatever I want because that's who I am, a born sinner. Well, no I'll take up my cross thanks. Galatians 1:8 New International Version (NIV) 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!
Look at the suicide rates, alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence, mental health issues, mortality rates, STDs and then tell me there are no repercussions.
Jim Chumley repent means to turn from whatever you are trusting in, to trusting in Christ. It does not mean repent of sins. There isn’t a single Christian who can repent of all their sins. The Bible says that if Christ came for those who live by the law, then he died in vain.
Vicky may you be delivered to Satan that you learn not to pervert Gods Holy Word .18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man-and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. 24Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. 28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
The Bible is very clear on this matter. Christ is the head, creator and redeemer. He literally owns us, For his glory, which just so happens to be for our good. This progressive movement to re-interpret the Bible by changing the context or refocusing it wildly apart from 2000 and use of church history and practice aught to stir up and immense amount of caution and dread in a true believer. We can change the meaning of anything we want but if we dismantle the truth in our own lives is that really what we want? We will be held accountable to it. And if we’ve caused another to stumble and that too will be a blood stained mark against us on the last day. We better be damned sure we are true to the Scriptures, they are not to be trifled with, they are the words the very creator who sustains us. One day he will return, though he is truly never left, and on that day his unfailing love will pour out on those who have obeyed his commandments showing their faith in love toward him and one another, True and real love that does not allow malignancy to persist but is honest and desperate to love serve and sayings those who are still clinging to their sale they just cannot let go. Many more well instead suffer the blistering white heart perfect justice heaped upon all those who have made themselves rebels against the King, refusing to obey his good moral and civil laws for an upright kingdom so that they can be god for themselves. They will not endure it. Pray and we will love those who are suffering with this affliction, and we will seek to understand their pain, and serve them in honesty and truth without wavering. Pray to know we, the true church, Will not be guilty on that day when our God and Savior returns to hear him say that we have forgotten our first love.
You claimed to be Christian and condone homosexuality. you were decieved. Im not judging you but you can't be gay and claim to be child of God. God disproves it from the Old to the new testaments. The problem is that you might have not recieved the baptism of the holy spirit and that's why no true repentance. you said that you are an example to the youths that's its ok to be Gay. If you haven't truely repented and haven't ask God for forgiveness and received not the holy spirit. you are on the path of destruction and you will meet God who will ask you what kind of Gospel you were promoting while here on earth. there's no second chance sister after death
Bajop, what a load of rubbish. There is nothing wrong in being gay. When you think of some of the things that are going on in the world, being gay is not the worst. What is the point in being a Christian, if God is going to turn you away from Heaven. You might as well be an atheist.
Wrong, the Bible Old and New Testament has changed numerous times.. With this being the age of information there is no excuse to not realize this. If you even study a Bible that has a commentary you can easily see that verses has been taken out and added throughout the years and their are different versions of the gospels and other books... Revelations was not part of the original NT which was voted on around the year 325 A.D... Revelations was put in later on a 50/ 50 vote years later being half the people voting said it was inspired by God and the other half saying it wasn't According to the British Museum there are more than 6000 errors, anachronisms, editions, deletions, and tampering to the Bible Plenty of scholarly work on the subject
Sin is sin.. None greater than the other. I dont judge her. But if this is the issue stay alone. Just be an ambassador of christ. Even though theres a man for her. There always is. .. We are not meant to be alone.. We are not
@Penguïno it mentions mother and father. The only gay people before were participating in other sins alongside homosexuality. Btw I keep saying gay when that word was completely stolen it means happy for anyone and even that is a sign that the act is unnecessary and just to prove you have more right then god does when it comes to making descision
@Penguïno what do you mean everything I said made sence. No loop holes just facts. The fact is it's the most covered up, ignored sin because it's the easiest to accept in a modern world.
Chris Jones, you obviously haven't studied your Bible very deeply! I used to feel the same way as you but changed my mind because the evidence is OVERWHELMING!!
Mountain Guy I go deep into each chapter taking the meaning of it and try to apply it to my life. The Bible clearly says that homosexuality is a sin, it's clearly stated in romans. There are other places it's in but they all have excuses for it
Be very careful. While this is concerning to all of us in Christ there is hope for Him to do is work. Those who are Christian but are gay can change, they have to trust God and be willing to let Him change them.
Kv Denko on the contrary it is you who has lost the wonder of the cross....your heart is filled with prejudice...let go the prejudice and open your heart to what Jesus has done and continues to do....
Kv Denko Don't you ever think that if a good person (who happens to be gay) is thought to not be able to get into heaven...that there is a problem with the priorities of the Bible/God/Heaven? If good people can't go to a good place due to the way they were born to share their love...perhaps there is something wrong with the dogma...not the person that is shunned . If God is turning away good people...perhaps he/ she/ it has some issues to deal with. When I ask myself "what would Jesus do?"...the answer is never "assume gays are going to hell". Jesus accepts love of all kinds; love is truth...the Christian dogma just has to deal with that.
Not really._...You think so because you cannot read (Christians are not justified before God by the works of the law)- Rom 3:20, (Christians are justified by faith in Christ without the law, and saved by grace, not works)- Rom 3:27, 28, Rom 4:4,5, Ep 2:8,9, (And for this reason, a Christian is not under law, but grace Rom 6:14) (And, because a Christian is not under law, but grace, Rom 6:14, the bible consolidated all commands of the Law for New Testament Christians into one command, You shall love your neighbor as yourself) Rom 13:8-10, Galatians 5:13,14, Matt 7:12, James 2:8, you are wrong, learn to read, and stop listening to every preacher who wants to push retarded conservative propaganda through twisting verses out of context.
Nothing in the Bible condemns polygamy... As a matter of fact youd be hard pressed to find a prophet that didnt have more than one wife and certian commandments in the Torah recognize polygamy Founder and leader of the Reformation and the first Protestant Martin Luther In a letter to the Saxon chancellor Gregor Bruck Luther stated that he could not " forbid a person to have several wives for it does not contradict scripture."
Felix, try reading 2 Corinthians 6-14, where it says that Christians shouldn't get married to non-believers. If that was the case, most of the people in my church, would have to get a divorce.
you know, reading comment sections like these makes me wonder how you guys are actually surprised that diehard Christians are displayed negatively in media just saying
@quik-ez not all Christians hate gays. I and my family are just a small amount of proof of that. Man, we have even attended gay weddings.
@quik-ez sorry, I thought you were since you know, the video this is commented on.
I'm a huge fan of Vicky's music for years and she lives a non-threatening life as I judge that she's a friendly caring person and this world is too much bigotry and bullying against people like this. It's not fair murderers, thieves and other physical crimes get away with that because they have nothing better to do as I consider physical illegal crimes are true sins. Not Vicky she's wonderful and encouraging towards others in her own way. If anyone else has nothing nice to say about her leave her alone!
Thank you for your honesty, Vicky. The church I serve has used your music before but we are making a point of using it even more now. Thank you for your faithfulness.
I wish I went to your church.
Did your church ever read 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 or the book of Romans I know 1 Corinthians speaks of homosexuals or abuser's of themselves with mankind are not to inherit the kingdom of God
Mat, did you tell those in church that are married to atheists, that they should get divorced? Did they all agree with you?
@@avengers2478 1 Corinthians speaks negative about divorce he may not be happy that a person married somebody who's gullible enough to believe a science book which is full of lies but he tells them to guide their significant other to truth a person who is athiest thinks we got something from nothing God is who created us and who created earth science says the world is billions of years old yet we're living in the thousandth years which the Bible speaks of earth being thousands of years old the Bible is truth science is a lie scripture says let God be true and every man a liar
Science is not a lie and the earth is 4.5 billion years old. You might as well say that the earth is flat and that the moon landings were faked. Also, there is nothing wrong in being gay.
The Bible says in,
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3,
2 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Biggest stars? I'm pretty up to date on Christian music, and I've never heard of her.
You have have missed out on some great music and you may well have sung her songs in church, but not realised.
Don Mcc As someone up-to-date with Christian music, I’m sure you’ve heard of Vertical Worship, who covered a Vicky Beeching song just a year ago. Here’s the video:
Being true to ourselves was never what God called us to do. We have to be true to Him and let His love change us. Modern times don't change the fact that sin is sin. We have to die to self each day. We have to be humble enough to admit we are wrong in many ways and the power of Love can transform us. We then find not our selfish happiness but true joy.
vicky, the Light of Christ guides you to what He wants for you. He will lead you to the Truth that He has for your Life and that Truth may not be popular with more bigoted Christians. The Light is Love.
ultramagnusone really? So if Jesus was here today, would he condone slavery? Would he believe men are superior to women?
There’s bigoted Christians ?
@@evanc3160 slavery and being gay are diffrent and during that time saves were provided care if the slave master was a man of god. When god talks about slave masters polietly he is talking about kind ones not vile ones clearly. He clearly distinguishes the 2 and that's what is so frusterating about this argument
Thank you.
ultramagnusone the word of God has already been manipulated.
Jesus died to save His people FROM THEIR SINS not in their sins, see Matthew 1:21. True Christians believe in Jesus because He has power to save them from their sins. Whenever Christ healed someone someone in the Bible He charged that person to go and sin no more: John 5:14; 8:11. If we sin wilfully after a knowledge of the truth then there is no more sacrifice for sins, but judgment and fiery indignation, see Hebrews 10:26-27, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness, see Romans 1:16-32.
There is a word that is rarely used today - HOLINESS. To be holy means to be like God, and God wants Christians to be holy as He is holy, see Leviticus 11:44. The unholy lifestyle, which sodomy is, is clearly seen as one of the reasons why God separated His people from other nations as it is an abominable lifestyle to Him. He does not want His people to live that way, to either have sex with the same sex or to dress like the oppsite sex, see Leviticus 20:13; Deuteronomy 22:5; 23:17;Romans 1:26-27.
Jesus is Holy, our Saviour, and He is God, Luke 4:34; Titus 3:4, 6; John 1:1-3, 14; Hebrews 1:1-14. Only one equal with the law of God could die as a substitute for men's transgression of that law (see 1 John 3:4; John 3:16-18, ) and give men power to have strength to overcome so that they can be called sons of God, see John 1:12. To be holy is to have the Holy Spirit and He is given to those who obey God and keep His commandments, see Acts 5:32; 1 John 3:23-24.
Those who commit sin are of the devil, and why did Jesus come? To destroy the works of the devil, see 1 John 3:8. A person living a sodomite (gay) lifestyle is committing sin and doing the works of the devil. But to be born of God is to live by the power of God and not to live in sin, see 1 John 3:9-10; Romans 2:2-8; Jude 7.
God is love, but His love is pure, holy, and of a higher and different order than the human. Men and women can only be elevated to this higher order of love, and receive this love in their hearts when they keep His commandments and accept His word as He has given us, see 1 John 4:8; 5:2-3, 5; 3:5.
There is no true and lasting happiness living in sinful lifestyles like the gay lifestyle. Jesus therefore came to give lasting, eternal, and true hapiness and power, the power of His love, through the acceptance of Him and the lifestyle that He commands us to live as written in the Bible.
Vicky, God loves you, tenderly, but you are sadly deceived. Christ can give you power to overcome. All true Christians know that it is a struggle to battle, daily, with our sins. So did the Apostle Paul. We struggle with lying, stealing, pride, fornication, anger, maliciousness, hatred, and all the other evils that plague fallen sinful human beings.
The only way we can overcome is to die daily to our own lifestyles/ ways and to allow Christ to live within us, see 1 Corinthians 15:31; Galations 2:20-21. Baptism symbolizes this death of the old man and his evil sinful ways (down into the water) but then if we have true faith in God's power to save we are resurrected by the power of God (up out of the water), regenerated to a new life free of sin by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ.
Accept the real truth that the gay lifestyle is wicked and evil, no matter how you may think or feel, and turn to that which is good and true.
Eternal love, power and happiness will be imparted to you through Jesus Christ, and when you have gained the victory over this He will fulfil the promise: "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne." Revelation 3:21.
Kv Denko and when did you choose to be heterosexual?? if this was choice then you maybe right...but you being part of the majoritiy of heterosexuality know very well...that you do not remember ever making a choice to be straight. The same is true for those of us who are not heterosexual.
sinnerpeace...the part you're leaving out is, we were all born lost and without Christ. I was born with a mean streak in me, because it was just something that ran in my family's bloodline and I was genetically impaired with it. But Christ changed me and took that away from me. He can change you too, if you'd let him.
JohnVITW Very wise comment. Hope she read all of it.
@@KvDenko painfully? It's not painful its refreshing to notice your sins and let people know what you have done is sin. Personally anyway it's made me less in pain.
Be the truth that you are. Let no one stand between you and God. Amen Vicky. Be strong.
Who edit did this video?! The photo stock clips are louder than the subject
I am a christian and i love a woman. I know its not what God intended for my life but he is still very present in my life. So when people ask how can you be gay and be christian
... my answer is... i dont know really but he still loves me
@Melissa Spruce How do you know? Its not what he intended. Is that what youve been told. Im a Christian as well but i look beyond. Research more on the subj and i cam guarantee you wont continue to feel that way. Youve been brainwashed thinking something wrong with you. Just like people were brainwashed to hate other races. And only people of same race should be married. So on and so on. Homosexuality was added to bible in 1900s read all the different versions then look beyond
@@ronnidomenech1909 God's words doesn't change. He does not change his standards because of a new revised, satanic so called bible. Man changed Gods word but God did not change his ways, his standards. Do not be deceived. Jesus said if you love me you will keep my commandments. We all must change our old ways and there are desires that we have that just does not please the Lord.. God says deny ourselves pickup our cross and follow him. God bless.
@@jesusislife2837 dont put God The Most High. In a box. Because the Most High the source of all things is so much more than what our 10% usage of our brain could comprehend. In our earthly incarnation. So he left us with 10 originally 12 commandments to live by set in stone that could not be change by man and mans corruption.
He does still love you. ❤️
Then as a Christian she knows what the Bible says. Just because someone claims to be a Christian doesn't mean they stop sinning. It depends on how devoted she is and what she's willing to give up for Christ.
Can you give up your ethnicity? I mean, go get surgery or something?? Obviously you speak but you know not what you say!!
Pamelina says Wise comment. She like everyone else must repent.
"Who loves Me keeps My commands". JESUS
I don’t know but that sounds very ungodly to me. So if you’re with someone who is abusive to you, will you keep their commands because you love them? Sounds more like a way to control and manipulate people so you can fit in their box of morals.
Rich Mound is homosexuality one of the commandments? The Bible sums up all the commandments as “love others as yourself”. Love covers a multitude of sins.
Funny you should say that. Jesus never spoke about homosexuality. At all. Ever.
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
e2sguy Very wise comment!
In a recent interview with the BBC she said at least now I can be true to myself. The problem is she is now obliging the church to miss represented self instead. It is not that she is gay that I have a problem with but that's because she is gay every other Christian was compromised themselves or be crucified by the media.
@Truth Matters So, in your mind, there exists no other possible explanation but the one you project, and the one that confirms your bias?
@Truth Matters And there is no possibility that you might be wrong?
Its okay to be gay. You have been made perfect, just like Jesus was. above all, love everyone.
i simply find it difficult to believe that god would make someone inherently sinful. that seems distinctly unlike the lord.
sofia morehead I mean God did give us free will, I often wonder, if He wanted us perfect then He would’ve made us that way. Or maybe He didn’t want that? I don’t know, but I do know that we’re all made differently, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Anything that doesn’t fit the holy box is deemed unnatural, but it doesn’t mean that it is.
God doesn't make anyone sinful. Sin is our fault, not His.
She seems like a really lovely person that has been through a horrific time. It stands what the bible says about homosexuality however, I believe that if a person walks with God in their life, they will find freedom and true happiness.
Carnal teaching produces carnal Christians who have not really understood the gospel and their true identity in Christ. Praying for this woman
Hi Ty, God bless.
Do you choose flesh or GOD, this is the hardest question ever, I know. Sorry we cant justify sin, but you can live life the way you want and if you feel your doing the best you can do at this time this is your journey. But the sin can never be justified unfortunately. God gives his grace which is time for you to understand your sexuality, it is clear dont try to mess with the word. What if a gay person reads the word is set free by reading about homosexuality, are you god to delete these words and then forfeit those to be set free?
Galatians 5:19-21
Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
I chose the flesh because I would’ve walked around skinless, and that would be a gross sight.
Wow!!!! Somebody on here who finally stuck to the truth and had the guts to say it. You can not enter the kingdom of God according to the Bible. PLEASE!! Just read the word.
I don't agree with being gay but Jesus taught me to love everyone just the same!
I suppose you don't agree with people being black or short or having green eyes or some other innate part of what it means to be a human being. Think about it.
You may not agree but at least you can love a person no matter who they are
Being sexually abused, can make you confused, or sick in the head, as ANY trauma can, if you go unconsoled for it. But your REAL sexuality has nothing to do with that. Plenty of people grow up normally, but are gay. Just as plenty of people have traumatic childhoods, but are NOT gay.
Rebecca Rankin thank you for following what Jesus has taught. you dont have to understand homosexuality, but as long as you dont discriminate or hate its all okay. God bless.
@@scottneal4300 Yes Nikolaas is right someone has every right to disagree with being gay because of religion. As long as they don't discriminate against the people.
don't worry be your self if they love you they will bee your friends you are young live your life you are a beautiful person you are true to yourself I have played your music for many years I was rejected once it was so hard but I carried on please live your life
Oh ok. I get it. As a Christian, I'll just start watching porn because I like it. Start a relationship with the married women I fancy, take drugs, get drunk, do whatever I want because that's who I am, a born sinner. Well, no I'll take up my cross thanks.
Galatians 1:8 New International Version (NIV)
8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!
Look at the suicide rates, alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence, mental health issues, mortality rates, STDs and then tell me there are no repercussions.
@@whoaretheyhiding798 Everyone experience that. The devil is the God of shame and hes using Christians the shame there brothers and sister.
David Wood Very wise comment.
The War on Children those things are often results of discrimination and homophobia. if more people accepted gayness, these rates would drop
@@EvanCorndog THANK YOU!
She needs Jesus
She is a Christian like?
sympathize with her, let the Good Lord decide,
oh beebah we ALL need your SYMPATHY:::NOT
Jim Chumley so we gotta play our souls like the lottery in order to have a chance to win Heaven? Damn then only a few of us will make it I guess.
Jim Chumley repent means to turn from whatever you are trusting in, to trusting in Christ. It does not mean repent of sins. There isn’t a single Christian who can repent of all their sins. The Bible says that if Christ came for those who live by the law, then he died in vain.
Vicky may you be delivered to Satan that you learn not to pervert Gods Holy Word .18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man-and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
The Bible is very clear on this matter. Christ is the head, creator and redeemer. He literally owns us, For his glory, which just so happens to be for our good. This progressive movement to re-interpret the Bible by changing the context or refocusing it wildly apart from 2000 and use of church history and practice aught to stir up and immense amount of caution and dread in a true believer. We can change the meaning of anything we want but if we dismantle the truth in our own lives is that really what we want? We will be held accountable to it. And if we’ve caused another to stumble and that too will be a blood stained mark against us on the last day. We better be damned sure we are true to the Scriptures, they are not to be trifled with, they are the words the very creator who sustains us. One day he will return, though he is truly never left, and on that day his unfailing love will pour out on those who have obeyed his commandments showing their faith in love toward him and one another, True and real love that does not allow malignancy to persist but is honest and desperate to love serve and sayings those who are still clinging to their sale they just cannot let go. Many more well instead suffer the blistering white heart perfect justice heaped upon all those who have made themselves rebels against the King, refusing to obey his good moral and civil laws for an upright kingdom so that they can be god for themselves. They will not endure it. Pray and we will love those who are suffering with this affliction, and we will seek to understand their pain, and serve them in honesty and truth without wavering. Pray to know we, the true church, Will not be guilty on that day when our God and Savior returns to hear him say that we have forgotten our first love.
You claimed to be Christian and condone homosexuality. you were decieved. Im not judging you but you can't be gay and claim to be child of God. God disproves it from the Old to the new testaments. The problem is that you might have not recieved the baptism of the holy spirit and that's why no true repentance. you said that you are an example to the youths that's its ok to be Gay. If you haven't truely repented and haven't ask God for forgiveness and
received not the holy spirit. you are on the path of destruction and you will meet God who will ask you what kind of Gospel you were promoting while here on earth. there's no second chance sister after death
YOu are judging how dare you even think about talking bout someone's salvation whom you've NEVER MET!!!!
Bajop, what a load of rubbish. There is nothing wrong in being gay. When you think of some of the things that are going on in the world, being gay is not the worst. What is the point in being a Christian, if God is going to turn you away from Heaven. You might as well be an atheist.
The Sunday school teachings were right. God's word doesn't change.
ANNABEL COOLIO Wise comment and Jesus is the very word itself.
Wrong, the Bible Old and New Testament has changed numerous times.. With this being the age of information there is no excuse to not realize this.
If you even study a Bible that has a commentary you can easily see that verses has been taken out and added throughout the years and their are different versions of the gospels and other books...
Revelations was not part of the original NT which was voted on around the year 325 A.D... Revelations was put in later on a 50/ 50 vote years later being half the people voting said it was inspired by God and the other half saying it wasn't
According to the British Museum there are more than 6000 errors, anachronisms, editions, deletions, and tampering to the Bible
Plenty of scholarly work on the subject
It’s a new dawn it’s a new day it’s a new life and I’m feeling good! 🏳️🌈💕🌈🏳️🌈👨👨👦👩👩👧🏳️🌈
So honest!!!
Stay alone.. If this is your eternal fight... Stay one.. Even though we arent meant to be alone.. But be an ambassador only for christ.
Sin is sin.. None greater than the other. I dont judge her. But if this is the issue stay alone. Just be an ambassador of christ. Even though theres a man for her. There always is. .. We are not meant to be alone.. We are not
@Penguïno it mentions mother and father. The only gay people before were participating in other sins alongside homosexuality. Btw I keep saying gay when that word was completely stolen it means happy for anyone and even that is a sign that the act is unnecessary and just to prove you have more right then god does when it comes to making descision
@Penguïno what do you mean everything I said made sence. No loop holes just facts. The fact is it's the most covered up, ignored sin because it's the easiest to accept in a modern world.
You are brave and you are strong, Vicky. I really admire you! God bless!
Kris Young bruh 🙄🙄🙄🙄really??
Thokozile Mwale Uh, YES.
Thokozile Mwale what’s wrong with you 🙄
@@HerLifeDocumented don't be trolly
How can you be a Christian singer if you are homosexual the book or Romans and 1 Corinthians speaks about homsexuality and not in a positive way
Hmmmm. I think we are saved by grace through faith aren’t we? Not of works lest any man should boast. We are all depraved.
Yeah but the word also says homosexuality will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Christ will straighten you out. Pun intended.
she was doing well until she flat out lied about how bad gays have it in America.
I suppose you're an expert on LGBT history. I'd look in the mirror and see who is actually lying.
Rose Waddell vague
She is NOT a TRUE Christian
How is she not a true christian?
How do you know? Well I’ll assume you aren’t a true Christian either.
sandufloor why because she backslid into sin? We become Christians by believing on the Son.
Amen u awesome
Chuuma Farms no she ain’t.
Thokozile Mwale and you are? a long time..
Yes, good thing those of us who truly believe on Jesus are saved from the law. :)
vicky is faithful, she is a saint...
steve markey no she isn't, she bent the meaning of how being gay is a sin so she can get her way. She is not a saint she is messed up in the head
Chris Jones, you obviously haven't studied your Bible very deeply! I used to feel the same way as you but changed my mind because the evidence is OVERWHELMING!!
Mountain Guy wait please explain...
Mountain Guy I go deep into each chapter taking the meaning of it and try to apply it to my life. The Bible clearly says that homosexuality is a sin, it's clearly stated in romans. There are other places it's in but they all have excuses for it
Bruh🙄🙄🙄🙄 no one’s a saint. They all dead and stuff. She’s a sinner like the rest of the world.
Craig Kelly fool
Ram Gonzales lol idk you sound pretty foolish 😂
Vicky, you have lost the wonder of the cross.
Be very careful. While this is concerning to all of us in Christ there is hope for Him to do is work. Those who are Christian but are gay can change, they have to trust God and be willing to let Him change them.
Kv Denko on the contrary it is you who has lost the wonder of the cross....your heart is filled with prejudice...let go the prejudice and open your heart to what Jesus has done and continues to do....
Kv Denko Don't you ever think that if a good person (who happens to be gay) is thought to not be able to get into heaven...that there is a problem with the priorities of the Bible/God/Heaven? If good people can't go to a good place due to the way they were born to share their love...perhaps there is something wrong with the dogma...not the person that is shunned . If God is turning away good people...perhaps he/ she/ it has some issues to deal with. When I ask myself "what would Jesus do?"...the answer is never "assume gays are going to hell". Jesus accepts love of all kinds; love is truth...the Christian dogma just has to deal with that.
Not really._...You think so because you cannot read (Christians are not justified before God by the works of the law)- Rom 3:20, (Christians are justified by faith in Christ without the law, and saved by grace, not works)- Rom 3:27, 28, Rom 4:4,5, Ep 2:8,9, (And for this reason, a Christian is not under law, but grace Rom 6:14) (And, because a Christian is not under law, but grace, Rom 6:14, the bible consolidated all commands of the Law for New Testament Christians into one command, You shall love your neighbor as yourself) Rom 13:8-10, Galatians 5:13,14, Matt 7:12, James 2:8, you are wrong, learn to read, and stop listening to every preacher who wants to push retarded conservative propaganda through twisting verses out of context.
No she hasn't.
Love is the answer,love and be loved ,that’s all we need , stay strong
I'm a Christian polygamist
Nothing in the Bible condemns polygamy... As a matter of fact youd be hard pressed to find a prophet that didnt have more than one wife and certian commandments in the Torah recognize polygamy
Founder and leader of the Reformation and the first Protestant Martin Luther
In a letter to the Saxon chancellor Gregor Bruck Luther stated that he could not " forbid a person to have several wives for it does not contradict scripture."
I wonder why any one would choose to ignore 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. Vicky Beeching we will miss you in heaven.
+Felix Muinde congratulations on fitting so much arrogant presumption into so few words.
So you're God and you're doing the judging now?
Have you read 2 Corinthians 6-14, where it says that you shouldn't marry non Christians?
Felix, try reading 2 Corinthians 6-14, where it says that Christians shouldn't get married to non-believers. If that was the case, most of the people in my church, would have to get a divorce.
If only she could leave the crazy behind. JESUS!!
God wants you to taste the forbidden fruits.