Albania ESC Selection (Festivali I Këngës 62) 2024 Top 31 With Comments (After Show)

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @kaleproject3495
    @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому +6

    Sorry that the upload is a bit on the late side, but late is better than never, right? 😅

  • @dimidrugg9592
    @dimidrugg9592 10 місяців тому +3

    Controversial opinion: 'Çmendur' was a very bizarre FiK winner. The live vocals were sonically painful. I am relieved that it won't represent Albania in Eurovision 2024.
    As for the actual representative, the memorable chorus is so far its only asset I think. The revamp might work wonders though.

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому +1

      I don't think that's a controversial opinion! Almost everyone thought pretty much the same as he won.
      Tbf to Besa, in recent years, Albania hasn't even had a memorable chorus to work with! We know they're probably going to revamp the whole thing so at least this time around, they have a bit more to work with.

  • @Zakrusta
    @Zakrusta 10 місяців тому +4

    thank you for acknowledging Ti and Nuk jemi me! Those types of songs are what I'm looking for most of the time and it's nice Albania continues to give me what I want. Kinda funny that your 1st place is rather low in my top. It sounds so "band at a wedding" type song that i just can't really like it. Other than that though, I'm actually rather happy with with what Albania went with, shockingly. Zemren ndore has pretty big potential to be a good pop ballad and is my 2nd for fik.

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому

      I'm really happy that you are satisfied with Albania's Eurovision choice (I am, too!) as they haven't really gotten this correct in recent years so, it is good that they're putting their best foot forward.
      The two songs you highlighted are great examples of brilliant female solo vocalists songs that don't fit the Albanian stereotype of what people think of when it comes to such songs in FiK. I want their female vocalists to get the chance to be more creative instead of just blasting out the exact same ballad each time. They're capable!

  • @zoltanmagyar6832
    @zoltanmagyar6832 7 місяців тому +1

    A Dal mentioned??? I automatically love you for that, and your ranking videos are really well done with a lot of passion towards ESC. Love from Hungary

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  7 місяців тому +1

      Thanks so much! Miss having you guys at the contest. ^^
      I'll be catching up with A Dal once national final season is finished. There's been some good songs there since it stopped being used as a National Selection...but last year was a bit weaker for me.

  • @JH3Eurovision
    @JH3Eurovision 10 місяців тому +3

    I didn't watch much of this selection and tbh there's not a lot here that grabbed my attention. Ti, Nuk Jemi Ne, and especially Për Veten sounded neat, though.
    2073 is probably still my favorite song I've heard from here, I just really enjoy Kastro Zizo's style of scream rapping lol. Good instrumental, too. Mal's entry is a close second though, he's just so chaotic and fun to watch even if he's not much of a singer. REALLY wish he was the one going to Eurovision because I'm not much of a fan of the actual ESC entry.

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому

      For someone who didn't follow the selection that closely, you still have some great takes about certain songs. Out of the ones you liked, Për Veten was probably the one that took the biggest hit when I finalised my list. It was borderline top ten to me originally but, I upon multiple listens, it did get repetitive to me and didn't hold up to some of the other songs.
      I did move up Kastro Zizo from the last time we spoke. The studio version was definitely helpful in creating a more impactful experience than a live performance where Kastro got overshadowed a lot.

  • @youraveragelanadelreystan
    @youraveragelanadelreystan 10 місяців тому +1

    another great edition of one of my favourite national selections every year! both Mal and Besa were not among my absolute favourites, but well placed in my ranking, so I'm happy with the results
    as for my winner, something about Shpat's song just touched my heart strings and is probably my favourite song of the entire season so far, it just puts me in a trance no other song this year so far does. Jehona, despite her awful performance, is my second place, i can recognize a song right up my alley behind whatever she was doing on stage, but even then, her attitude and the way she misses every single note give the song its own spirit in a way. Arsi is my third spot and would have loved to see her in Eurovision, given my two first places probably didn't stand a chance

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому

      Glad the results were in the ballpark for you, at least! FiK's been a bit all-over-the-place with its higher placed songs recently and that's not always the case.
      I think it's really cool you've got Shpat as your winner. I had him listed, tentatively, as like a 25th place act for me during the live performances on initial listen. But, every time I go back to it, I'm liking it a bit more...especially in terms of what the orchestra are doing. His performance is still a little off but there's something great there. I'd like to compare it, somewhat, to Petrit Çarkaxhiu's song last year...that also wasn't a fan favourite. I was talking to a commenter about Jehona (we both had her in our bottom three) and during this conversation, I looked up at her performances on The Voice. Not only can she sing, but she actually has a very distinctive vocal style that does use notes that can sound a bit "flat". During the live, I guess she went a bit overboard with these! But yeah, really want to hear her studio cut to be sure. Arsi's song was definitely one that could've been considered for Eurovision, though, it probably is already in its "final form" with not too many things you could do with a revamp. It was good, but I think their actual choice could end up being better. We'll see!

  • @MatthewESC88
    @MatthewESC88 9 місяців тому +1

    Wow we have the same #1! Thought i was the only one to have it at #1

  • @Dominic-he7sg
    @Dominic-he7sg 10 місяців тому +1

    A good morning indeed with your video! This time, our lists match quite a lot. My winner is Tiri Gjoci, and as a fan of his work, I'd also say that this is his best song yet. Interestingly, we both have Elsa at 2nd place. Exquisit song, but clearly in the same style as Evita, and Evita is just this inch better. A bit of what ''Into Your Arms'' was to ''Where'd You Wanna Go''. Still, if Albania had sent her, I'd be thrilled! Your winner is now my 5th. It's a really beautiful, and underappreciated song. Give or take 5-6 spots, most of it is at a similar place, with maybe a few exceptions. Olimpia and Festina are a bit higher to me, and Mal Retkoceri a bit lower (even if, compared to where I had him at first, him being 15th is now a success). This similarity also extends to our ESC representative, Besa Kokedhima. While I had songs I love even more in this selection, this IS their best song since 2020. Unless they ruin it with a revamp. Fingers crossed that they don't. :)

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому +1

      I'm glad that we have so much agreement! I was aware of how far off you were of liking Mal's song, so am very happy that it's moving up on your ranking. I think, nowadays, we don't have too many major differences.
      I am looking forward to seeing how much or how little Albania revamp their representative. I'm mildly positively at this point.

  • @jesemepardens9151
    @jesemepardens9151 10 місяців тому +1

    I must admit I have a different approach to this season of FIK, even though I equally think it's way better than what most people think. I'm not into the selected song, though, because with all the negative side you put out, I just never liked the chorus because of it's repetitiveness and gets even shouty at some points. The song that won FIK I don't say it's my favourite or that it's the best, but it was a very interesting choice and it's fun, I don't think it would have been a good Eurovision choice though, and I would have been scared it took the same direction as DGT last year

    • @jesemepardens9151
      @jesemepardens9151 10 місяців тому

      I forgot to mention that Zemrën n'dorë will probably move up with the revamp, imo they always work for me (except the 2016 one god)

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому +1

      I take onboard what you're saying, but I do think with the last 2-3 years of Albanian submissions, they just needed to get back to a song that's somewhat good, an artist who can deliver and something that they feel confident in staging. We're all pretty sure Zemrën N'Dorë is not going to be our Eurovision winner and we're all (somewhat) sure that Albania is still going to qualify from a SF in 9th-10th place. I think it's going to fill that role well, especially when the inevitable revamp comes.
      Çmendur would've been such a fun risk for Albania to take. I think they would've supported it much better than TVR did with DGT so I wouldn't worry about it being *that* underwhelming on-stage...but yeah, it had obvious televote appeal if it came across well but also potential to be a bit much, too.

  • @heurovisionsc
    @heurovisionsc 9 місяців тому +1

    Are you gonna do a etapa nationala video?

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  9 місяців тому

      Going to make a start on it today.
      It's not usually a high-priority one for me but I hope to have something out this week for it. :3

  • @epicjohansson5502
    @epicjohansson5502 10 місяців тому +1

    If you have heard it, what do you think of Oj Kosovë by La Fazani? It would've represented Kosovo at Eurovision if they participated the upcoming year.

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому

      I did hear it and, didn't really think much of it. It's the sort of song that wins the inaugural editions of these contests where it panders to the audience. If it was in Eurovision, I certainly don't think it would've done well.

  • @Agju
    @Agju 10 місяців тому +1

    I was wondering how you'd feel about the winning song and honestly, i didn't expect you to rank it so high. I thought the performance was so...odd? cringe? This bodybuilder dude in a skirt doing bro poses and delivery? Interesting. Not sure how i feel about it all.
    The ESC entry is ok, but i still prefer Duje.
    Overall, i'm kinda starting to like FiK just for the bombast, like, its SanRemo if SanRemo went off the rails lol
    I really want Albania to be an ESC winner someday because they're always at the bottom of the odds, but still always trying their best and sending big dramatic entries. i've yet to see a full-on "joke entry" or something sleepy from them and i love them for that.

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому +1

      I'd be interested to see if your thoughts change after multiple viewings. When I watched it the first time, I was a bit surprised by the whole thing and couldn't put it in a box at all.
      I definitely prefer this year's song over Duje...but it's not like they're a million miles away from each other. This definitely seems less heavy-handed to me. I'll still need to remind myself that this is two years they could've sent Elsa Lila and didn't.
      I'd say Sekret was probably their worst attempt of recent years but, gladly, that went so badly I don't think they'll attempt that level of Eurofan bait ever again.

    • @dimidrugg9592
      @dimidrugg9592 10 місяців тому +1

      ​@@kaleproject3495 To be fair, 'Sekret' would have been a better than average Albanian entry had the right choices been made in terms of song revamp & staging, and definitely more successful.

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому

      @@dimidrugg9592 It was always a car crash of a song though.

    • @dimidrugg9592
      @dimidrugg9592 10 місяців тому +2

      @@kaleproject3495 Still, before the revamp it was saveable.

  • @vincentesc
    @vincentesc 10 місяців тому +1

    I'm obsessed with Besa's song, I don't know why but this is amazing ! And also I love the rap part haha and think it is something new for Albania

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому

      Well, I am a little short of obsession but I'm more interested in the Albanian entry than I have been in recent years. I'm glad you like the rap part but I'm still urging them to completely drop it for Eurovision. XD

    • @vincentesc
      @vincentesc 10 місяців тому +1

      @@kaleproject3495 yeah like I've listened to it maybe 50 times since it won so I think I might be obsessed haha ! For me I have been obsessed recently by 2019, 2020 (only Shaj not FFTS) & 2022's entries and during a short after the shows with 2021 & 2023 too ! Honestly Albania is a really great country and I just hope they won't ruin the song with the revamp (like 2020 & 2022) and I really like the rap part but yeah it has nothing to do in the song so if they don't kept it I won't be mad

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  10 місяців тому

      Albania is, one of, if not my absolute, favourite countries at Eurovision. Their run from 2015 to 2020 (Both versions of the song for me) are all more or less top five songs in their years (if you consider Përrallë as the entry over the one really bad revamp that Albania did).
      I think some people will like the rap section of the song, but enough people really don't...and as you said, those who like the song wouldn't miss it if it was taken out, so I think it's an obvious direction for the revamp to take.

    • @nooba220
      @nooba220 8 місяців тому +1

      @@kaleproject3495 i know its four years too late but justice for me tana amiright??

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495  8 місяців тому

      @@nooba220 Oh I loved Me Tana. I gave it a 9.0/10.0 and it was one of my top national final songs of the season.
      My problem is....
      That I gave Shaj a 10.0 and it's one of my favourite national final songs EVER.
      In short, they were both so good. I would've been fine with either winning!