Swedenborg's critique of Luther is one of the strongest evidences that Swedenborg was genuine, since having been born into the Lutheran church and living in a Lutheran country, he was taking quite a risk in opposing Luther's theological ideas.
I think this is my FAVORITE video I've seen so far! How totally interesting that Swedenborg was able to look at the lives of these three famous people. It excites me to think that when we cross over, we can be led and taught by angels and put on the right path, with some of the erroneous beliefs we have corrected. There has to be so much joy there for the taking in continually learning and also how to love on deeper levels. THANK YOU for these magnificent insights!
You're very welcome, and I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I agree, the stories are fascinating, and it's also wonderful to learn that there are ways that God and angels can help us gradually let go of misconceptions and negativity, and bring out our inner goodness.
Thanks, The Cube! It's probably been quite a while since he's gotten a letter grade, but we agree that his work is top notch! Thanks for always being here with us.
I think a common theme for these three celebrities is the danger we face with "The love of our own self-intelligence." If we look at the story of Isaac Newton in the other world and the "doctrine of color," then we see that our own intelligence is a reflection of societal wisdom, as well as (if one chooses) things taught in the Word. We are Not the origin of our own life nor our intelligence. If you are reading this, you had to learn to read English from parents, school and society. You did not create the language(s) you learned. To get all puffed up and pompous about it is just plain stupid. All 3 of these celebrities (Aristotle, Newton and Luther) did believe in the Lord and, after some convincing in the afterlife, realized that they (and we) don't know anything on their (our) own. So be Grateful for any knowledge, skills, money, friends, food etc. etc. that you have. "Give us this day our daily bread." It is how we share all of this knowledge, skills, money etc. that counts.
Thanks for sharing this reflection, MP4. We are vessels of life, and our life mission is to choose how to use our vessel for good. Humility goes a long way!
Years ago, I read that an author, whose name I can not recall, witnessed no spirits following earthly celebrities, but there were celebrities in Heaven following living, so-called ordinary people that they admired for their spiritual attributes!
Here on Earth one can only be a 'celebrity' with a lot of people admiring you. Why should they not love and admire their heroes anymore as soon as they are in an other dimension? I think of great musicians, writers, actors etc. Wouldn't they still belong to the same 'soul-family', with a sort of similar 'way to go'? But I can imagine some of these admired souls try to protect themselves from 'the crowd', as some of them already did during their lifetime, feeling haunted and not free anymore because of their 'admirers', because of their fame.
I’m really interested in this subject .I had a t strange experiences a few years ago.I was just starting to learn about Swedenborg from OTLE and I was obsessed with it .I woke up to the sound of taking but I couldn’t understand what was being said ,my lips started moving as if I was talking and instantly I could understand what I heard . It was a discussion about Steve McQueen and a letter . Since I was awake than I decided to google Steve McQueen . I read that he had lived a life where he had everything you would think would make you happy but he felt empty .He went to church with an old friend and was saved. He died soon after from cancer . It was super cool. I feel there must be a reason I was allowed to hear this .
Wow, yeah, that is fascinating! Earthly fame sure doesn't make any difference in spiritual terms. Everyone still has to go through the process of learning about what really matters in life, and finding connection with God in some way!
Well done, Chelsea! I think you should start a monthly episode for families with kiddos and Chelsea can host. You have such clever writers and Matthew and Stuart and so talented. You could totally pull this together! Curtis and Jonathan can play music and sing witty songs. Definitely cannot get enough of Jonathan on toy piano! I would love to share Swedenborg with my kids through your creativity, love, and wisdom! Thanks for all you do!
Wow, Amber! That's a fun picture you paint! Not sure how much more these people can fit on their plates, but I'll share your vision with them! And maybe you can ponder how YOU could create something for kids.... :) Also, there are some Swedenborgian resources for kids at newchurchvineyard.org. I'm not very familiar with it, and it might not have the mood/style you're looking for, but might be worth taking a look. Thanks for being here with us!
Thank you, this was so good, at first I thought I'm not going to be able to understand but I think I got the gist of it. I'm dyslexic and it can effect my understanding. But i found myself talking to Father asking Him to help me to change mindsets in me that will hinder me spiritually. It is a stubborn habit to always believe one is always right. About three years ago I began a journey of not believing in church taught hell and have been a pain in the rear in trying to get everyone to change their view of hell but now I see that God has it all in His control and will always do the right thing in the end.
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Christine! I'm glad this was helpful to you! Most of our episodes also feature written recaps, links in the bio, not sure whether that would be helpful also. Yes, what a good reminder, that God is in charge and doing the right thing! Hard sometimes to believe that, but it's the truth! Blessings to you!
I'm sending this site to as many whole will be open to reading. www.new-birth.net topics include God, Jesus, the first parents, the after life, mediumship, the natural love path vs the Divine love path, how Jesus is not a part of the holy Trinity but was a savior for all men, how his blood does not wash away sins but how praying to God for love and transformation will bring u closer to at-onement with God. So much love to you.
Deep thoughts, good show. As always, motavation is the key. If your thoughts and actions are motivated by the will to do good for others you are blessed with the light of understanding.
offTheLeftEye Thanks Curtis.. I will be watching more . I would Like to share what I know from my own Experiences with Heaven and Hell. I can Relate to Swedenborg.The Demonic Attacks have Slow down to a trickle, However they where happening everyday or Night For 12 years. Don’t get me wrong I am Glad I see them coming. It’s a Really Cool gift even when I get Creeped out. Think the All Mighty is teaching me the Nature and the Tactics of the Enemy by allowing it. I will give you examples of my own Experiences with Heaven Later.. Actually the Heavenly ones are really really Great Gifts that I get once in a wile and it Greatly Out weighs the Demonic Attacks.. So I’m cool with those Lessons..
Even as a small child I would ask the question: if Jesus is the only way to receive salvation, then what about those people in remote jungles who've never HEARD of him? Why would God not give them a CHANCE to return to him? Too much in the bible makes me wonder too much about whether it's really as 'good' as some folks say. My evangelical friends think that I shouldn't question it, but I have to confront absolutism. Why should I join the club of true believers without investigating it first? Even in high school, some of my teachers couldn't remotely answer my simple four year old need to know. At least in the Swedenborg material, I get a bit of a glimpse into what COULD be. Did he ever address my question of why we need to know Jesus specifically? 🌹
Swedenborg has been soooo important to me even though it could seem dry and matter of fact it's the things inbetween his observations that fires my mind. For my heart and understanding it is about knowing god in the flesh. That Almighty God can stand in front of you and you can hold his hand and look into his face and tell him you love Him. That person is Jesus. Divine Providence is the only way anything can make sense to me and salvation is the Lord's work alone. That even humans living in the most remote and isolated places are still completely within his hand and led to salvation. I believe Swedenborg mentions in his experience that people are taught and progression continues with the Lord's Grace brought into Heaven. If you think of all the people before the coming of Our Lord and all the centuries before Christianity grew Our Lord has not forsaken them and within there heart which only the Lord knows they could have the exact right spiritual ideas so that everything makes sense immediately when they see Him. I thought once about how when Jesus appeared to his disciples Thomas needed to touch to believe. We can have Jesus here and are blessed for believing without seeing and others can pass and see the truth and believe after having seen. Was Thomas any less loved or less saved? It is Our Lord's Book of Life for us and we each are unique. We are so blessed with the coming of the Lord as we can be born again here and Love and follow him here and Our Lord can regenerate us here and we can serve our love for Him here and when we pass it will be a blessing to have beleived. The spiritual future of the human race. These are just thoughts and my wish is only to glorify God. So much Love and God Bless you Sister!
Linda Casey I believe that’s where Jesus grace and love kicks in🥰 Jesus loves all of us. I believe if we heard & understood the gospel and reject Jesus. he will deny them and he will say depart from me For I never knew you, before the Father
Hey, Linda, I would say that your 4-year-old mind was very smart! And Swedenborg agrees with you! Here’s a quote about that, and take note that Swedenborg was writing in the 1700s, when Christianity was focused in Europe: “Christianity is found only in Europe. Islam and other non-Christian religions are found in Asia, the Indies, Africa, and America; and there are ten times as many people in these latter parts of the world as there are in the Christian part of the world-and relatively few of these latter people make their religion a matter of their lives. What could be more insane than to believe that these and only these individuals are saved, and that the others are damned, that heaven is ours by right of birth and not by conduct of life? That is why the Lord says, "I tell you that many will come from the east and from the west and will recline with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens, while the children of the kingdom will be thrown out" (Matthew 8:11-12).”-Divine Providence 330:7 I love Flintlockon’s response, and I will add a few more thoughts. Swedenborg does report that God incarnated as Jesus Christ on earth. And technically, it is this same Being or Presence of God, the “Divine Human” or “the Lord” who does lead everyone to heaven, because the processes of teaching and healing and engaging in spiritual battles while on earth were the way for God to “be with us”, to connect with us down on this earthly level, and actually make it possible for us all to walk the path to heaven. But “knowing” the Lord does not require being an earthly Christian, or reading the Bible, or declaring a belief in Jesus Christ. To truly “know” the Lord a person has to live a life of goodwill and service to the neighbor. And that can be done through any earthly religion! People who say “I believe in Jesus Christ” and read the Bible, but do not actually live a life of service and goodwill toward the neighbor, do not actually know the Lord Jesus Christ. They are who Jesus is talking about when he says: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you.”-Matthew 7:21-23 And Swedenborg witnessed that people who had been Christians on earth but did not live a life of goodwill could not go to heaven! They did not really know the Lord. On the other hand, everyone from all earthly religions who had lived a life of goodwill toward the neighbor would end up in heaven, because they had already connected to the Lord through that life, even though they did not adhere to intellectual Christian doctrine. The life of goodwill is how they “knew” the Lord, and recognized the Divine Human, the Lord, the Savior when they came into the afterlife. Jesus talks about this kind of “knowing” him in this parable from Matthew 25: “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” -Matthew 25:31-46 So there are some thoughts, Linda. Does that help? Or do you have more questions about this?
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. That means a great deal to us! I'm so glad you enjoyed this episode, and we're wishing God's blessings to you, too!
This was a very fun and enjoyable episode! Didn't Martin Luther die a few hundred years before the last judgment? That''s a LOOOOONG time to be hanging out in the world of spirits. I guess that goes to show how a) time isn't the same in the other world, and b) God is a kind and patient Father who does not push us faster than we are ready to go. It is so nice to know we don't have to get it all right down here, and our mistaken ideas will be corrected in the other world. Also so great to know that the things we love and are passionate about can continue to give us joy in the other world. Isaac Newton could continue to learn about physics, Aristotle could philosophize, etc., which lets us know that whatever we love here we can study and develop even more in the other world. It's fun to think about our interests, hobbies, and work rising to a higher level in heaven.
I totally agree with you, Nadine. These teachings continue to bring me hope, clarity and an exciting perspective on the nature of our life, both here and in the hereafter. Thanks for sharing with us!
Luther had to hold on to his extreme doctrine as a weapon in his fight. But when relieved of the need to carry on a war, he allowed his introspection to see the absurdity of his former doctrine. Anyway, swedenborg's insight into Luthers mind has a very satisfying conclusion, consistent with his (swedenborg)'s principles.
I'd like to say, minus the many hand gestures, this is one of my favorite episodes, in the top 3 for sure. You guys are awesome at what you do, thank you!!! Your hearts shine through.
Swedenborg warns us not to try to contact the other side while we're on earth, just because dark spirits so often want to intervene. When both parties are in the spiritual world, whether or not they would meet is governed by love and usefulness -- two of the main "laws" of that world.
Completely individual and unique paths, for sure, David! Apparently, everyone back in the day was pretty stuck in their own religious mindset, without a lot of ecumenical thinking or openness to different religions and cultures. I pray that humankind can grow more and more to respect all ways of approaching God and spirituality!
@@urmasmollersonCan't tell if your comment is serious, but - in the event that it is - I think it's meant in another way: Specifically Martin Luther was quite harsh on Jews.
Speaking of color, your eyes are absolutely stunning! I actually had to rewind a couple times because I would start staring at them and lose focus, lol.
I loved this episode!! (BTW the graphics are terrific!) So many blessings from this presentation! For me the greatest blessing is all we are told about the spiritual world - just think how wonderful it is to have this head start on thinking and believing and knowing what is real and true! I am beyond grateful! And OTLE by your creative hard work putting the story into a workable idea - one episode at a time - you are spoiling us with these sweet delights and treats. And of course giving us clear choices for the path we can choose. ❤️
I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Mary! And I join you in being grateful for the efforts of our talented and hardworking graphics team. Yes, what a blessing to have these stories about the spiritual world, to help us navigate our own life journeys! We love sharing this information with people like you, Mary, who really embrace it. God bless!
Light can be hard to categorize because it is quantum. Color is recognized by the objective reflection of any substantial physical and meta-physical state.
@@occamsrazor9183 Hello again! This is Karin this time. The reply above was from a team member who hadn't been involved in the research for this particular show. Thank you for your fascinating and insightful comment, and it seems to me to be reflecting the basic premise of what the angels were telling Newton in this story Swedenborg wrote - that light is not *material* (made of physical matter molecules), but nevertheless are "natural" (meaning, part of the natural world, earthly creation). It seems to me that that could be describing something that is quantum. Is that how you are seeing it? And therefore color is a particular response to light.
@@offTheLeftEye In the quantum field of light are photons at a constant. Photons are energy. The receptors to the brain are going to tell you what color you think you are seeing. Yes, in any place physical or meta-physical dimension able to coherently receive color...
Newton and Aristotle can absolutely be labeled as celebrities. They are still famous, not for their art but for science and philosophy, and they had a public life in their own time, even if not in the modern sense of industrial and electronic fame and glory.
Gloria Vargo - Yikes, not sure about that, didn’t Aristotle believe women were merely deformed or incomplete men, he even argued with Plato’s belief women should receive an education. Pity Swedenborg didn’t bump into any female “celebrities.”
@@ninapearman I learn everyday, thank you for this. I believe in God the Father, but how can He play that role without Nature, the Mother of us all? ☯️
@@ninapearman Swedenborg did meet women celebrities, but for this show we had to find three stories that were 1. people that a majority of modern-day viewers would have at least heard of and 2. had enough of a story recorded in Swedenborg's writings to make into a narrative for the show. There are many shorter anecdotes that wouldn't have been long enough, or, longer but with lesser-known people. In episode "Reunions in the Afterlife" we share a longer story about a Russian Empress, Elizabeth, and her afterlife story: ua-cam.com/video/wpWrtwlyvE0/v-deo.html (Story begins at about 25 minutes 30 seconds.)
Hi, I've listened to your "Inside Off the Left Eye" podcast recently and I think in one of the episodes, there is mention that in the spiritual world, the "names" in the human world are replaced by spiritual names, therefore Swedenborg cannot find a person requested by the Duke even by calling that person's name. So a bit confused by that now, since Swedenborg could converse with the spirit of Newton. Could you clarify? Thanks.
Hi, Elizabeth! My perspective on this is that Swedenborg was using the Earthly name of these well-known figures in his books so that we would know who he is talking about, but it would not be calling out that Earthly name that would have brought him to those people, but rather his interest in them as people -- his own thoughts and feelings about them. In the spiritual realm, thought brings presence! Do you see the difference? The essence of a person you are thinking of is the same whether you are calling them by one name or another, or by any name at all!
Maybe you'll get to talk to him when you cross the great divide, Thomas! Swedenborg's description of heaven itself doesn't include ghetto-type places, though he describes some dark and sad places in hell and even the world of spirits. A google search shows that Tupac died in 1996...
@@offTheLeftEye ummm I was joking about him being alive. When he died there were a lot of theories of how he faked his death. I still see headlines from time to time that claim that he still lives. I guess a lot of people don't know that about him. I think his obsession with God, death, and problems in this world (racism, poverty, etc.) resonated with a lot of people. This is from his song Only God Can Judge Me. "I'd rather die like a man than live like a coward. There's a ghetto up in Heaven and it's ours, Black Power, is what we scream as we dream in a paranoid state and our fate, is a lifetime of hate" In another episode of OFTLE, I think someone pointed out that problems in this world have consequences the afterlife. So, while it is hard to imagine ghettos in Swedenborg heaven, maybe ghettos in this life are still a concern in the next. And if Tupac was right when he said "our fate is a lifetime of hate", how would that affect the afterlife?
To be honest, RG, I don't remember exactly how this episode would frame that question, but in general I can say that Swedenborg learned that anyone who is a good person, and lives a life that is in integrity with what they believe, is bound for heaven! Does that answer your question?
This may seem like a non sequitur but I am compelled to share it. My wife has allergic sensitivity to pet dander, so for a number of years we have had iguanas as pets. Maj, our only remaining iguana, has been a real character. Ever since Maj was a young iguana he has disliked to have his picture taken. Iguanas apparently see deeper into the infrared and ultraviolet than we as humans do. The focusing mechanisms on cell phones and many cameras emit infrared light. Maj was seeing this and it, even as he is now 5 years old, continues to spin him up.
What I often wonder is how the afterlife effects people from different cultures and beliefs when they are so different from ours? They have a whole different belief system about afterlife and who God is. Does Swedenborg address this subject anywhere????
Yes, Swedenborg does address that! He witnessed that God is not interested in shattering people's cherished belief systems, and has ways to lead people gently along in ways that feel familiar to them. He saw that the angels who come to teach newcomers will be angels who are familiar with the newcomers' faith tradition. As people are led into deeper and deeper truth, the differences between earthly faith traditions begin to disappear, because there is common ground at their core. Here is a show we did on how God leads and teaches people in customized ways. Just get ready for a silly segment right at the beginning involving puppets. :) ua-cam.com/video/xKUDOvGBnMI/v-deo.html
I am sorry I yelled at you Curtis. I was having way too many thoughts in my head and that causes confusion for me. i am better now. Thanks for not yelling back lol O:)
I wonder what "lens" Swedenborg had that filtered his ability to separate what was "real" and what was his "lens" and if in the afterlife - we lose our "lens" based on our past histories.
That's a really great inquiry! And many have shared that wonder. Even Swedenborg himself asserted that spiritual teachings need not be accepted blindly, but rather they should undergo a trial process that, if valid, leads to inner transformation. We cover this extensively here: ua-cam.com/video/GjHBsjG4etM/v-deo.html
Luther's adding of the word "alone" doesn't change what Paul wrote. In Romans 11:6 Paul says, "But if by grace, then it is no more of works; otherwise grace is no more grace." Luther just added "alone" to emphasize what Paul wrote.
I would say it narrowed down the focus more tightly than Paul had intended. When you look at the wider context of Paul's writings, "works" seems to mean following the long lists of Israelite laws listed in the old Testament, rather than just doing good deeds in general. The context of the Romans 11:6 is talking about trusting that God is taking care of things, even when people's efforts seem to be falling apart. That does not have to be understood to mean that making efforts and doing good deeds have no importance, but rather, that our own efforts will be limited, and the credit for how things work out in the end always goes to God. However, if Paul really thought that they way people live their lives does not matter as long as they intellectually believe in Christ, why would he have written so much about how people should be living?
@@offTheLeftEye In several places in the NT Paul calls for virtuous behavior and works based on his hearers being already justified. He told them to live out that which they already possessed, to walk in the Spirit, to be transformed by renewing their minds. Justification is a gift, grace, gratis.
@@nightflight83 If that doctrine of faith alone leads you to a life of goodness, then I'm all for it, and I don't need you debate you about the doctrine any more. Let love lead, as so beautifully described in 1 Corinthians 13. Wishing you all the best, and God bless!
I know this probably seems really ridiculous, but back in the 60s when I was in the eighth grade, going to middle school, my eighth grade science teacher asked each of us students to create our own hypothesis about anything just to get us to thinking. My own hypothesis was about color and how it could be affected by light. So, I presented from my own mind that color was able to be seen when light was shown down on an object, and when the light was taken away, the color was gone, because it couldn't be shown without the light. Therefore, when the light was shone on the object, the color was there, and when the light went away so did the color. I don't know why I came up with that I just thought it up as an 8th grade student, but that was my hypothesis, but perhaps my mind was connecting to the higher power in the afterlife! :-)
offTheLeftEye Thanks, Things I have experienced Are amazing. The Bad And Good.. The Bad Experiences used to be very taxing However , I think The Lord has given me Extra Strength to be able to deal with it a little Better..
Very interesting episode. Luther would probably like today's social media. Lots of arguing. This is also true of a lot of today's academicians. But I guess, eventually people eventually figure it out, when they "give it a rest".
I'm glad you enjoyed this, Ernest! Yes, it seems that the process in the afterlife is set up so that people will eventually see the pointlessness of arguing, if they haven't woken up to that while on earth. :)
@@offTheLeftEye I think even in this life, esp. in our polarizing times, I have very low expectations of convincing anybody. I accept the pluralism in politics, religion, etc. There's a diversity of opinion. The NDE lessons tell us just to love people where they're at. Maybe from the heart, the Divine Nature, there may be a little opening to move forward.
@@mintakan003 I really appreciate you sharing these reflections. "Just love people where they're at." That's a good goal to strive for, even if it may be a long road to get there!
I'm sorry to delete my text. This episode has touched me, can it really be that these highly educated people that you speak of, really missed the boat because of pride? Though I know people like Luther, that was why I quit being a monk, one of the reasons actually. Another story to another time. Man, I love Swedenborg. So to the point and simply amazing. I will take my time on the next text and not rush it. It's hard to write this stuff. The truth is higher than the spoken language, difficult to describe. Laters..
I really appreciate and honor your thoughts here! In the end, it's not our intellectual capacity that brings us to heaven, but rather the quality of our heart. Pride can totally impede our ability to love others in an altruistic way, if we let that pride guide our life. Have you seen our earlier episode on the categories of love? We convey some of these points there: ua-cam.com/video/1m5nHXM7DTk/v-deo.html Also, you were a monk at one point? That's fascinating!
@@offTheLeftEye yes, a monk. I have avoided this answer for a while because it hurts to think about, all that nonesense socalled spiritual people do and say for fame and money. Anyway, I was a celibate monk for seven years, studying the Vedas. It was from 1988/1989 and forth, so it was a choice of a young man. My entire life has been a trial, but I do not stop searching for the Lord, the truth and wisdom, I just have to finish the trials I was given. My heart and soul really want to go home, so I listen to you 12+ hours a day, that is what keeps me going, to hear about the Lord. Life is really a mystery but I have seen whats possible here and there, looking forward to be able to stay in love continuously, with peers alike. It's not easy to be here on earth, not when you wakeup as a child, knowing what love means, to be good to others, to love for love itself. Never stop loving others, even when it's hard. Hugs to you.
@@FAPPJAPPDAPP Your devotion to the path of seeking the Lord really touches my heart. Every step you have taken is expanding your heart and mind, and getting you closer and closer to awareness of the Lord's presence with you, and your eternal heavenly home. I love that sentence of profound wisdom: "Never stop loving others, even when it's hard." Just being able to type that is the Lord present with you. Thank you, and we're sending hugs right back to you!
@@offTheLeftEye You made me a little emotional with your answer. I'm not really qualified to respond to this in a way that is fulfilling. I love you all and what you are doing.
Actually, now I understand your comment. I have just read 233+ in TC and it's there, it's all there. I didn't know it was called faith that you can feel God in the Word, the truth in the Word, the truth as it is, God as He is. It's amazing! ...
Absolutely, Kenny. Material, or earthly success, is not a predictor of our value in heaven! I don't think there's "better" or "worse," only some of us are more loving and more connected to God - but I believe we could all be that way over time.
oe can see why Luther had to choose that extreme doctrine. In an era where giving money to church was accepted as 'good work', he had no choice to declare that 'good works' mean nothing in spiritual terms. He had a huge task of dismantling the corrupt church, so he could not concern himself with any nuances of good actions and good works. No consideration of intent and motive and other complexions. Simply decree that faith and faith along has any merit - because, faith cannot be bought with money, it does not come without active involvement by the individual. It was his way of rooting out the corrupt mindset of the church of his time.
Thanks for this, owl. Luther was facing some large scale corruption, and he made an important change! Imagine what a difference it made, too, to get the Bible into the people's language. Celebrity, indeed.
Newton discovered gravity, and attributed it to God. I think he was right, we still don’t know what gravity, or energy for that matter, actually is! It’s quite sad that the scientists of our days, such as Stephen Hawking, have used gravity as a reason to reject God.
Yes, it's striking that in Newton's time, it was fine to combine scientific study with a belief in God, but then later science started rejecting religions and spirituality. I do see signs, though, of a movement back toward spirituality in the scientific world, which is quite exciting!
2:14 - Sir Isaac Newton, Emanuel learned Isaac never stoppd learnin. 12:16 - Aristotle, believed in only one God. 21:03 - Martin Luther... Emanuel strongly challenged the belief of salvation by faith alone that Martin believed in. 21:41 - Martin rejected teachings n practices of the Roman Catholic church especially indulgences in exchange 4 money or external actions. He preached salvation had nothing 2 do with deeds n actions but givn by grace of God by faith in Jesus. 29:55 - Martin talked 2 Emanuel n think his doctrines may not b right. On earth an angel came 2 him. Angel warned him but Martin ignored it. Angels convinced him faith isn't real unless or savin without good actions in life. 34:52 - Emanuel wrote that Martin Luther was convinced it's faith alone on his own ideas n not by the word.
Hi Bronx Bomber -- The ideas in this video come from the spiritual experiences recorded by Emanuel Swedenborg, a brilliant and accomplished scientist and statesman in Sweden back in the 1700s. He claims to have been called by Jesus Christ to see directly into the spiritual world, and to undergo the *experience* of dying (while still alive) and learn about the nature of the spiritual world, just to share that knowledge with the world. He was the first to admit that people would find that very hard to swallow! If you're curious about Swedenborg and his background and credentials, we have a short video called "Who Was Swedenborg?" - ua-cam.com/video/HEa0e8AcS78/v-deo.html, and a longer one called "Was Swedenborg Crazy?" -- ua-cam.com/video/K_ZP30NFYf8/v-deo.html. It's out there, we know, but many people find the ideas he wrote about to be helpful, hopeful, and healing.
I respectfully watch some of your episodes and have an open mind. The question for me is the constant reference to the lord....I was not brought up as a Christian and have mixed feelings about the validity of the bible...I tend to think of God as all that is or the great cosmos and not an actual entity. I see Jesus in the same catagory as Buddha , Yogananda etc... ( a profit)....I question how the great cosmos all that is God could have a son. It seems that Swedenborg was on to something but I can't be sure that all he said is true or not. I am somewhat tuned in to it however I was more influenced by Edgar Casey, the Dali Lama and the idea of the god or goddess within you. Maybe I am interpreting your reference to the lord to literary. I have often felt that the bible was chauvinistic and somewhat influenced by the unscientific times it was written in by men...just some distorted history (his story)........sometimes your episodes are so exacting they often seem preposterous........I have often had vivid dreams about people that have passed but can never be sure of the truth of the after life....the dimension we are in is very dense. ....
Diane Shields ... agree completely with many of your points. I’ve always thought deeply on this subject and enjoy these episodes, the idea of reducing all that is to a being falls short. Religiousness especially as a kid was far too patriarchal and never resonated. I’m more drawn to eastern thought and especially find the NDE research fascinating. I’ll always remain open and mindful that everyone is on their own path, learning at their own pace.
Remember that the Bible is layered and full of correspondences. It never rang true for you as you could not take it literally. When you're ready to understand its inner meaning, it will make sense. You may enjoy listening to Alan Watts, Manly P. Hall, and Light on the Path.
I agree with the other comments. The fact your enquiring is good. Sometimes it's difficult to find what is the highest message. But think of the bible as a coded message that tells you what life on earth is about. It is such a complex text when read in translation but the original Hebrew text gives several meanings for one word so you can see several layers of thought in one story. The word God allows us to accept something so big the human mind can only understand bits of him at a time. We are bits of God or the universe. Imagine seeing and knowing all the universe in one constant thought. It has to be symbolic so our mind can understand. Like Newtons theories being surpassed but we admire his ability to reach out in thought. Imagine the people who wrote the bible stories. An amazing feat. A lot of religions stems from the formalizing of knowledge that culminated into the Jewish religion.
Thanks for sharing your reflections here, Diane. It's a big question for every individual - deciding what rings true for them in terms of faith. The aim of this channel is to share what Swedenborg wrote about during decades of what he claimed to be spiritual experiences while still in this world. He wrote that "the Lord God Jesus Christ" is the one true God, but that all religions have validity. He paints a different picture of 'the trinity," so he doesn't see Jesus as God's son, per se. (Here's our show, "How to Understand the Trinity" -- ua-cam.com/video/-YbEHk2N884/v-deo.html) . He also asserts that the true value of the Bible is in its deeper, spiritual level of meaning, not in its literal stories -- describing our spiritual development. (Here's a long and short version of the meaning of the Creation story, for example: ua-cam.com/video/0dElLLLbUNY/v-deo.html, and ua-cam.com/video/PzJGqWMvIoM/v-deo.html) . I agree that the Bible at face value is hard to take in many places! I honor you in your search and your questioning. The whole topic of spiritual reality can feel very mysterious and confusing! If we can offer any more thoughts in your quest, feel free to reach out!
offTheLeftEye Yes.. There is Always something Good to Learn and also a lot of Evil to unlearn. The duel Nature of our Being is very Hard to Rise Above it. At Least the Bad Parts that we All need to Change and Rise Above . It’s Important to self reflect on our situations every day. So that we can help ourselves with the Help of God. Jesus says How can you take the Splinter out of your Brothers eye if you have a Plank in your own eye.. I think Jesus Cracked A Joke parable in that verse. See there is always something we need to at least Work on. Faith without Works is Dead..
Manda, Swedenborg says that we all have a true partner, or soul mate, or twin flame, whatever you want to call it, that we will meet and marry in heaven. If you have a relationship in this life that doesn't seem to be that person, you will still be able to meet the right person in the next life. Check out this episode, "Spiritual Marriage," which talks about soulmates in the afterlife: ua-cam.com/video/K7Nyz6EvR18/v-deo.html
Goes to show that the key is to always ask the Holy Spirit was is true and what is not with the innocence of a child. With Martin Luther, his ego in the afterlife seems to be like "Thank you for coming. Don't ever contradict me. Did I tell you about me? Enough of all of you, now about me." Ironic that his complaint against the Catholic Church had valid points but he degraded himself into this spiritual "know it all".
Hi, i have now watched a few of your episodes. Love the content and the way it is presented. When watching this episode i was wondering about the soul and it's eternity. Seems like the souls leaving earth are staying in heaven/hell to keep learning and not returning to earth. Got me thinking about reincarnation. IF the souls leaving earth are not returning, then reincarnation is false. If so, where do new souls come from?
TMER, great question! Swedenborg doesn't really talk about reincarnation. Instead, he focuses on the idea of being spiritually reborn, by a process he calls regeneration. It's something we go through many times in our lives, as we conquer our evils and ascend to a more spiritual, more loving state. After the struggle, we feel like a new person - like we've been reborn. You can learn more about that in this episode - "Regeneration: How Radical Love is Born” ua-cam.com/video/UIK00Yg_rc8/v-deo.html He also doesn't say much about where we were before we were born, although there is a passage where Swedenborg says we all originated as "a desire of God," or a thought and feeling from our creator. We talk a little more about that idea in, "Does My Life Matter?" ua-cam.com/video/33FfPQsf_zU/v-deo.html As for what we understand Swedenborg says about reincarnation, check out "Do We Reincarnate?" ua-cam.com/video/kVYKEfpnxj0/v-deo.html or you may enjoy this blog post from the Swedenborg Foundation, www.swedenborg.com/swedenborg-and-reincarnation/ Thanks for your question! I'd love to hear what you think of these ideas.
All knowledge is available in heaven, but people can only receive the level of knowledge that their minds and hearts have opened up to. And regarding themselves, people can only see what they are willing to acknowledge, and are willing to wake up to. So, a lot of learning takes place in the afterlife to help people expand their hearts and minds to receive more truth, about life and about themselves!
If there is physically in the afterlife why can we not find it now? Is it a actual place or just within your spirt? Are you alone or are others around you? What about your pets you have had in your if will you see them ?
It help to think of it as a different dimension, or, on a different frequency of existence. The spiritual world is all around us, but physical senses cannot perceive it. Only spiritual senses can perceive it. In the afterlife, after you have gone out of your physical body, you will have a very real body made of spiritual substance, and be in surroundings made of spiritual substance. People who have NDEs try to explain that the things in the spiritual realm are MORE real than the things here in the physical world, and Swedenborg says the same thing. You will be able to see, hear, smell, touch, and taste things in the afterlife with your spiritual body. You will live in community with other people in environments, in cities or towns, in houses. If you had pets that you dearly loved, you will see them, because the essence of their spirits originated in the spiritual world.
Perhaps it would help to compare it to the two phases of human life. At first we are in the womb, growing in a protected environment, and then when we are ready we are born into this world. We cannot be "born" into heaven until we are ready, and that process takes place gradually on this earth. Does that help, nicholas?
Yes, photons are particles of light, but they are not considered to be particles of matter, because they have no mass. So, they are particles of energy rather than material particles. As the angels were saying in Swedenborg's descriptions, light is a "natural" substance but not a "material" substance. Aristotle did speak out against religion, particularly because there was so much corruption in religion, and people would often use religion to gain political power and power over people's right to think freely. But he believed in a "Prime Mover" of the universe. So it seems he was not religious in the usual way of his times, but that he did have a concept of a Creator.
Great question! I don't have an answer for that, I'm afraid. I don't think Swedenborg ever mentions it. And in a place without time as we know it, there won't be the same kind of annual events that come around every calendar year. But there will be celebrations of various types, I'm guessing -- Swedenborg mentions feasts and banquets and such. And I think there will be a general celebration of being alive in a place of mutual love, bathed in God's love and light! I'm thinking cake and candles could definitely be part of the picture!
@@gy1952 again, I don't know the specifics of what we have in heaven! But I know whatever joy you feel from cake and balloons will be there, whether it's from cake and balloons or some spiritual equivalent! I do know that you will have whatever you need, and it will be perfect!
@@offTheLeftEye Okay because I Know My Son Still Like Birthday Parties By Eating Cake And Watching Kids Playing With the Balloons and also having their favorite whatever characters to come and sing them a happy birthday too.
The ideas can be complex at first glance -- but all it takes is a foundation of a few core concepts, then everything else begins to make complete sense!
Thoughts as I watch: Firstly these examples of 'celebrities' are so much more of course. I think there's a big difference between 'celebrity' and 'fame' even though the two converge. And fame is transcended by these characters' legacies. (I also get the humour and lightness of touch bien sur. :) ) Secondly: I was surprised to see BCE used (for Aristotle). It's ironic that normally those who choose this are antithetical to religion yet, the measurement chosen exactly corresponds with the birth of Jesus. The latter being the case, isn't it just 'badge-engineering' to change BC and AD for BCE and CE? Common Era IS the year of Christ's birth (or the symbolic year). I find this quite amusing. Thirdly: Swedenborg's observations on philosophers and their motivations are super! And of course can be applied to any discipline. Some great advice for any artist too (using the dance metaphor). 'Aristotle advances into light'! Wonderful. Fourthly: the part on Martin Luther is fascinating on so many different levels. AND gives another very interesting insight into the Heavenly realms (I trust he made it). From this I take away the notion of focussing in on what truly motivates me (and all of us) and how that is so important to our future life (and lives). In this life we form and plant the seeds that will come to fruition in the next. We have to keep in mind the beauty we intend - and hope not too many brambles and thorns are sown. Even if there are - these brambles will also eventually give rise to fruit. Thank you all so much. (I have some catching up to do too.)
Good question! The only thing that comes to mind right away is that Swedenborg differentiated the epistles from the gospels, saying that the content in gospels was Divinely guided in a way that was more direct, while the epistles included more of the writers' own point of view and interpretations. However, this issue with the word "alone" was a word added in the re-translation rather than the original writing, and I can't remember Swedenborg making comments about other particular mistakes in translation. That's really a question for Dr. Rose, though, and I will try to remember to ask him about that!
Swedenborg's claim contradicts near-death experiencers who, as a whole, claim immediate universal understanding (which is lost when returned to this material world).
There's actually no contradiction when you realize that people having NDEs are experiencing aspects of just the very first stage of crossing into the afterlife, rather than the whole process. The very first stage offers all love and all knowledge, but then as they move forward in the process, people can only retain as much as their hearts and minds were already opened to. The rest is lost until the person can spiritually develop enough to retain it. For more about the transition from earthly life to the afterlife (according to what Emanuel Swedenborg learned and witnessed) see our episode "What Happens Immediately After You Die?" ua-cam.com/video/H9D2hr0WWh0/v-deo.html
BOY I would hope this site wou would be above click bait titles....yes some minor legit point, but primarily misleading title. Sorry, but I found this site better/above that!
Its interesting that he mentions scientific intelligence rather than famous noterieties of the time. I think the points made are very valid to understanding our knowledge here and in spirit. Creating curiosity to look at swedenborg does no harm.
Well, those men were definitely "celebrities" in Swedenborg's time! Somewhat of a twist, I admit, as that image sets up certain expectations. But still fascinating to consider what people were known for, as compared to who they were in their inner selves, their true spirits. I'm sure that applies to all of us, celebrities or not, then and now! Thanks, Ellen.
These celebrities are celebrities for people who made them VIP. In this vast cosmos all livings are equally important. But may be not for lower minded people in tiny insignificant planet .
@@offTheLeftEye it's our mentality that consider people important who are wealthy and famous but for God all are perishable filth. The only thing that is precious to God is Spirit because it is ever lasting and cannot be destroyed. What is important for us with lower mind tendencies might not be very important thing with logical higher mind. A thing important to us might not be important for others. Importance of anything is mere a perception, as result of thick curtain of ego. Ego make us think that we are centre of universe but infact at higher level celebrities existence is as small as anyone else. They are not immune to universal law of Karma.
@@eyeopeningtruth7518 Yes. Worldly wealth and fame are temporary, and they fall away. The things that really matter are things of the spirit, which are eternal.
So glad you found this message meaningful and helpful, Philomena. Again, perhaps just LISTENING would be a good way for you to approach our videos. Some people communicate with their whole body, and I guess Curtis was created to be that kind of person!
is'nt it interesting that even though Luther dismissed all works, the protestent community evolved over times and gravitated towards good works. They have a pragmatic approach towards charity. Unlike the catholic community, the protestant works of charity are not closely to evangilism
It is fascinating to look at how the different emphases have been made. Swedenborg learned that charity and faith/ love and wisdom/ goodness and truth go together!
Yes. Surely God, above all beings, wouldn't regard them as "celebridees" and treat them differently. I can just hear Epstein now, 'Lord, don't you know who I am?'
These are really important points! And you're right -- each of us are children of God, and can choose to embrace His love or not through the way we live here on earth.
So why is there a video dedicated especially to "celebridees" as opposed to "mundane and ordinary people" in how they'll be met and dealt with at death? Was Swedenborg wowed by such people?
@@annacaine8547 No, not because Swedenborg was wowed. The reason is that because they were celebrities on earth, there was a record about how they lived their lives on earth, and how they had been thinking, and it is interesting to be able to compare that to how their lives continued and changed in the afterlife. But no, they do not get treated any differently than anyone else in the afterlife. Swedenborg reported hundreds of stories about people in the afterlife, and only a very few of them had been celebrities on earth. And we have done many, many shows about what happens to ordinary, everyday people in the afterlife! :)
Technically an "occultist" simply means someone who is able to be consciously aware of spiritual reality while they are on earth. So, if someone uses that awareness for good and kind and useful purposes, serving God and the neighbor, that can be a good skill to have. But if someone uses that awareness for negative, egotistical purposes of power and greed, then that is a bad thing, and it can do harm to themselves and others.
@@generalpatton838 Hmm, I hadn't heard that before! Swedenborg reported that he had seen all 12 disciples there in the afterlife, continuing to spread the good news about Jesus and his love and redemption. That makes more sense to me. What do you think?
@@generalpatton838 So, you believe these 3 disciples were resurrected on Earth but still also operate in the afterlife? I'm a bit confused about what you are saying. Wouldn't that make them equal to Jesus Christ? And what purpose would it serve for them to stay on Earth?
We start in the physical life, and through a lifetime of choices and bringing goodness into our life we are prepared for the better life, the spiritual one, nicholas.
Martin Luther's claim of "Faith Alone" was not inline with his own actions. In his day, the church was the law. Enforced and punishable by death. Through his "works" God became the "choice" that it was always meant to be. Forced religion is no religion at all unless the heart is behind it. There is a big difference between obeying the law, and believing in it. Not very many people did better work than Martin Luther. Perhaps the best jobs are the ones that do not feel like work.
Thanks for these interesting reflections, Jeff. Yes, ML did work hard! I saw a movie about his life a while back, and was very moved by it. I love your last line -- that's kind of how I feel about working for OTLE!
Faith is believing what God has to say either directly or through His prophets. Believing means obeying God's commands. Believing is doing what is right, true, and good with unselfish motives or desire for rewards. True Faith can not be "alone," or it is not true faith. The first people disobeyed their Creator because they did not believe or trust Him. They fell from grace, as the result. Faith is a necessary prerequisite to everything else. Believing "alone" is nothing without the rest. What if Adam and Eve had believed that what God had said was true and good for them, and still disobeyed? Many people do exactly that! They know better and still do the opposite of what they know. Would this be Faith that saves on their part? Surely, we are saved by Faith, but we must know what Faith really is and what it entails. In this regard, we all have come short of what is required of us whether we know better or not. God gave us another chance at getting it right in the person of Jesus who spoke extensively on Faith, and what it means to have Faith. He clearly stated: "If you love me, obey me." Every day, we must strive to do exactly that. Not easy, I know. Thanks for this very important presentation clearing it perfectly for everyone who is still dwelling on Faith vs. Good Works. It is definitely BOTH!
I really feel moved by your clarification that faith is something to be qualified by both thought and deed -- thanks so much for sharing with us, Filippa!
Sandra - you're right, we're a little guilty of clickbait! Our mission is to share the theological works of Emanuel Swedenborg who lived in the 18th century, and so the celebrities he met in the Afterlife had to be dead before then. So our selection pool is limited. I'm so glad you found it interesting! Thanks for watching!
@@offTheLeftEye Awwww, Curtis I love you, your Mom, the whole oTLE Family so much that there is a isn't a whole lot I could ever complain about if I WANTED to! I think I'm a comedian is MY problem. Well, ONE of them haha. Thank you for EVERYTHING ❤️
Interesting thought, Darryl! You might like this article from a Swedenborg scholar about Paul, and why his works are important (though Swedenborg did not believe they contained an inner meaning): leewoof.org/2019/05/31/why-isnt-paul-in-swedenborgs-canon/
It's strange that these celebrities are still stuck in the 6th astral plane!Their ego and intellect should have been dissolved into infinity by now...or they are reincarnated at least once or twice
"Celebrities" is a concept of this realm. On the Otherside it all counts what sort of a person you where on inside, not how many people knew you. Rude awakening for all spoilt brats of fame.
Yes, our inner core becomes our outer reality on the other side. And we'll be drawn to like-minded, like-hearted people. I think it will be an interesting shift for ALL of us!
@@offTheLeftEye For many it would be much less interesting than for others. Looking at utter, arrogant, brazen disregard of law and humanity by the highest echelons of political "elites" that started in March 2020 onwards, one can only shake his head in absolute disbelief and righteous anger, knowing that most likely the only time these people will be held responsible for what they are doing now is when they cross over to the Otherside, in their case Shadowlands. If they knew this simple truth many of them would reconsider their steps. It's like borrowing enormous amounts of cash and spending it left, right and centre only to discover that those who loaned it to you were top members of a cruel narcocartel, and they are on their way to get back every single penny they've given you. And get they will, knowing their track record. How about that. 🤔
@@Phoenix_cataclysm_in_2040 well my friend, I admit, we don't comment on political matters on this channel. Our staff has a variety of viewpoints, as does our audience, so we prefer to stick to spiritual matters that go beyond what we experience on a daily (even yearly!) basis in this physical world, seeking instead to connect where we can - and focus on the love we all can share in, as children of God. But yes, things have been complicated, and we hope they will usher in a new era of greater peace for everyone. You might like this episode that deals with justice in the afterlife, "What Happens with Unsolved Crimes in the Afterlife?" ua-cam.com/video/JOEiAETaQug/v-deo.html Or this one, about how the Lord is always working to create balance, and move us towards greater peace and happiness, no matter what it looks like here: "7 Laws of Divine Providence" ua-cam.com/video/yCwj4YotzHA/v-deo.html I hope that brings you some comfort! Sometimes, the best we can do is try to love each other and do what feels right to us, and hope our efforts create a ripple effect that will slowly but surely see the advent of a better, brighter world for all people. Wishing you all the best!
Celebrity's have too go through the same thing everyone else have too go through because God is in con trol God doesn't have any respect of any person .
Yes, he looks at our spirits, not at our outward personalities. We're all on equal footing that way, and God loves us all and is doing all he can to bring us toward Love and Light!
I personally believe God is looking at the lowest self and having faith in raising it into the highest potential. Not to offend anyone, but sin has never really been the ummm problem. Its the darn prideful religious righteousness and self awareness that has to be worked out in Salvation. Sin has a way of ending by its own design, where self righteousness is a rather deep rooted problem. Religion by its own design has a way of dividing the body from the All who are being gathered into the body of Christ. It creates the us and them racism format. Religions as taught and their righteousness is the mother of all name tagging. So yes I agree with your post my friend.
@@jimdude5529 Thanks for sharing those reflections, Jim. In Swedenborg's terminology, I would call that kind of religious self-righteousness a sin. "Sin" simply means actions and attitudes that are harmful to others.
You see my thing in all of this is why is it necessary to still do experiments and all these other things in heaven if you know that the sun that is there obviously is God and just go up to him to ask him the question so he could answer it...this is why I say some stuff is just like it makes you think even more because it's because is this actual factual information or just hearsay.
It's one person's experience, DominicanMarine -- someone who claims that the Lord God Jesus Christ guided every step in his spiritual visions. Take what you like and leave the rest! Because we sure can't prove any of it, as is the case with any belief about spirituality. One thing I'll say, though, is that most of Swedenborg's conversations with people on the other side took place in what he calls "the world of spirits." That is a middle place, between heaven and hell if you will, where everyone goes after death for a purification and education process, so they can figure out who they truly are, without the distraction of earthly concerns. So I imagine experiments like this happen BEFORE people have reached the full enlightenment of being a heavenly angel. Anyway, we encourage everyone to weigh this info against their own beliefs and intuition. It doesn't appeal to everyone, but some people find a lot of help in the ideas on this channel. Wishing you every blessing on your spiritual path, whether this resonates with you or not.
@@offTheLeftEye I appreciate it I want you to know I'm not trying to troll I just really want factual information because it sucks that God has keeps us wondering. And it sucks knowing that knkwledge is only really given to you when you pass away and that's my issue with the creator. He doesn't answer you why you're in the flesh when you need the answers ..... so what's the point of answering you when you pass away and giving you counsel when you're not living anymore. Hashem says he loves us so much and he wants to give us so much knowledge and so much love but my problem with hashem is that hashem keeps almost everything a secret Until you pass. And that's why one Swendborg talks about hell hell I could understand that because people don't probably don't wanta be in the presence of Hashem and that's understandable. I could understand some of these souls are like where were you when I needed you needed you now you choose to tell me everything and provide everything Because I have no more Flash. So I could understand these souls distain towards Hashem and his council.
@@DominicanMarine129 I have not heard of Hashem before, so I cannot comment on that. As for God giving us answers, I do believe he does. Many people, myself included feel like God has answered prayers, given guidance, and shown them the way. The scriptures are very clear in many places about what God needs from us. Do those answers not speak to you?
celebrities are no different from anybody else our quantum world is a non reality where thought (consciousness) produces what you experience / the spirit world is different in as much it is our true world / the virtual reality that life here brings is a dimension created by a mechanism that is spiritual where time is added and the other dimensions. You are what you think in the spirit world / if you are evil you will go where those of the same thought process are. It follows that you are drawn to those of your ilk / if you think of someone from your past life you will go to them if they want your company. You will have many lives and will have the experience of these / with a combined overview of what you have learn't . This is a load of bla bla made up stuff. Sorry hate the style of this presentation.
Hi Ian, what is it you hate about our presentation? It actually sounds like you agree with a lot of the concepts we discuss on our channel! I agree that the spiritual world is our true world - that you are what you think there and are drawn to those of your ilk, and that celebrities are no different from anybody else.
What happens to celebrities after death there’s a Judgement how they lived what they did with their true times when they were on earth they will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell.
@@offTheLeftEye I'm VERY confused by your response to this comment. Wasn't it representative of the traditional, fundamentalist, "Heaven OR Hell, for ETERNITY, one-shot, only, PERIOD," dogma?? Isn't THAT antithetical to, basically, EVERYTHING special that Swedenborg related in his writings about love, understanding, forgiveness, & the gift of the warmly encouraged & facilitated for each individual's possible continual healing & redemption through spiritual growth, no matter what, AFTER death, IN the spirit world, which, imo, makes E.S.'s teachings so uniquely compelling? Your response to THIS comment is "Well said- it works the same for each of us." ?? I realize you wonderful people are ALWAYS kind in your responses, however, from what I've gathered from OTLE, this " "JUDGEMENT= HEAVEN OR HELL, FOR ETERNITY!!" mindset seems utterly contradictory to Swedenborg's accounts from what I've heard & understood.
Swedenborg's critique of Luther is one of the strongest evidences that Swedenborg was genuine, since having been born into the Lutheran church and living in a Lutheran country, he was taking quite a risk in opposing Luther's theological ideas.
Interesting point! He did indeed sometimes find himself in trouble, politically, since church and state were united in his day!
@@offTheLeftEye I know, the Swedish authorities had him and his work on trial.
Thank the Lord, they were not able to find him guilty of heresy.
@@thenowchurch6419 Yes!
I think this is my FAVORITE video I've seen so far! How totally interesting that Swedenborg was able to look at the lives of these three famous people. It excites me to think that when we cross over, we can be led and taught by angels and put on the right path, with some of the erroneous beliefs we have corrected. There has to be so much joy there for the taking in continually learning and also how to love on deeper levels. THANK YOU for these magnificent insights!
You're very welcome, and I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I agree, the stories are fascinating, and it's also wonderful to learn that there are ways that God and angels can help us gradually let go of misconceptions and negativity, and bring out our inner goodness.
You always put my mind right Curtis you really get an A+ in Communication Studies
Thanks, The Cube! It's probably been quite a while since he's gotten a letter grade, but we agree that his work is top notch! Thanks for always being here with us.
Fantastic show! Thanks for giving us real insights in a tangible way to the afterlife.
Thanks, Kaye! Glad it seemed helpful, and glad to have you here with us!
LOVED this video .... The idea of forever learning is certainly inspirational ...
I agree! And imagine all the cool things we'll learn in the next life! Glad it resonated with you, Dooz Owings!
So fascinating and hopeful. As always.
So glad you think so, Terra, and thanks for reaching out!
I think a common theme for these three celebrities is the danger we face with "The love of our own self-intelligence." If we look at the story of Isaac Newton in the other world and the "doctrine of color," then we see that our own intelligence is a reflection of societal wisdom, as well as (if one chooses) things taught in the Word. We are Not the origin of our own life nor our intelligence. If you are reading this, you had to learn to read English from parents, school and society. You did not create the language(s) you learned. To get all puffed up and pompous about it is just plain stupid. All 3 of these celebrities (Aristotle, Newton and Luther) did believe in the Lord and, after some convincing in the afterlife, realized that they (and we) don't know anything on their (our) own. So be Grateful for any knowledge, skills, money, friends, food etc. etc. that you have. "Give us this day our daily bread." It is how we share all of this knowledge, skills, money etc. that counts.
Thanks for sharing this reflection, MP4. We are vessels of life, and our life mission is to choose how to use our vessel for good. Humility goes a long way!
Years ago, I read that an author, whose name I can not recall, witnessed no spirits following earthly celebrities, but there were celebrities in Heaven following living, so-called ordinary people that they admired for their spiritual attributes!
Well that's a fun twist, Monica! Thanks for sharing that!
Here on Earth one can only be a 'celebrity' with a lot of people admiring you.
Why should they not love and admire their heroes anymore as soon as they are in an other dimension? I think of great musicians, writers, actors etc.
Wouldn't they still belong to the same 'soul-family', with a sort of similar 'way to go'? But I can imagine some of these admired souls try to protect themselves from 'the crowd', as some of them already did during their lifetime, feeling haunted and not free anymore because of their 'admirers', because of their fame.
Fantastic subject, fantastic presentation.
This should go viral.
Your message brings me such hope! Thank you, friend :)
@@offTheLeftEye Likewise over here, my friend. :)
I’m really interested in this subject .I had a t strange experiences a few years ago.I was just starting to learn about Swedenborg from OTLE and I was obsessed with it .I woke up to the sound of taking but I couldn’t understand what was being said ,my lips started moving as if I was talking and instantly I could understand what I heard . It was a discussion about Steve McQueen and a letter . Since I was awake than I decided to google Steve McQueen . I read that he had lived a life where he had everything you would think would make you happy but he felt empty .He went to church with an old friend and was saved. He died soon after from cancer . It was super cool. I feel there must be a reason I was allowed to hear this .
Wow, yeah, that is fascinating! Earthly fame sure doesn't make any difference in spiritual terms. Everyone still has to go through the process of learning about what really matters in life, and finding connection with God in some way!
So much to think about it this show .
@@bonniegates486 Yes! I like how the specific stories Swedenborg tells always have wider relevance, about how spiritual processes work.
Well done, Chelsea! I think you should start a monthly episode for families with kiddos and Chelsea can host. You have such clever writers and Matthew and Stuart and so talented. You could totally pull this together! Curtis and Jonathan can play music and sing witty songs. Definitely cannot get enough of Jonathan on toy piano! I would love to share Swedenborg with my kids through your creativity, love, and wisdom! Thanks for all you do!
Wow, Amber! That's a fun picture you paint! Not sure how much more these people can fit on their plates, but I'll share your vision with them! And maybe you can ponder how YOU could create something for kids.... :) Also, there are some Swedenborgian resources for kids at newchurchvineyard.org. I'm not very familiar with it, and it might not have the mood/style you're looking for, but might be worth taking a look. Thanks for being here with us!
@@offTheLeftEye Wonderful! Thanks!
It's sad more people aren't aware of this show...well, trying to do my part of informing 😄 keep up the good work
Thanks so much for your encouragement and for spreading the word!
Great stuff as always. Thanks
It's a sincere pleasure, my friend :)
This is wonderful. Thank you
I'm so glad you enjoyed this episode!
Thank you, this was so good, at first I thought I'm not going to be able to understand but I think I got the gist of it. I'm dyslexic and it can effect my understanding. But i found myself talking to Father asking Him to help me to change mindsets in me that will hinder me spiritually. It is a stubborn habit to always believe one is always right. About three years ago I began a journey of not believing in church taught hell and have been a pain in the rear in trying to get everyone to change their view of hell but now I see that God has it all in His control and will always do the right thing in the end.
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Christine! I'm glad this was helpful to you! Most of our episodes also feature written recaps, links in the bio, not sure whether that would be helpful also. Yes, what a good reminder, that God is in charge and doing the right thing! Hard sometimes to believe that, but it's the truth! Blessings to you!
This adds a great deal to my understanding of the reformation and the fallout from it on both sides, Lutheran and Catholic. Well done!
How wonderful to receive such clarity on that period of time. Thanks for letting us know, Edie :)
I'm sending this site to as many whole will be open to reading. www.new-birth.net topics include God, Jesus, the first parents, the after life, mediumship, the natural love path vs the Divine love path, how Jesus is not a part of the holy Trinity but was a savior for all men, how his blood does not wash away sins but how praying to God for love and transformation will bring u closer to at-onement with God. So much love to you.
@@intothelight8887 Thanks for sharing a link about concepts that mean so much to you, intothelight! Sending love right back to you!
offTheLeftEye you're welcome n thank you
A particularly good program. Thanks!
Much appreciated, Roy! I'm so glad you enjoyed this episode.
Deep thoughts, good show. As always, motavation is the key. If your thoughts and actions are motivated by the will to do good for others you are blessed with the light of understanding.
Yes, Robin -- motivation and intention, or "will" (in traditional translations) is at the core. Thanks for being here with us!
Just gets better and better.
You mean life? Or our content here? Either way, wishing you better and better, too!
Awesome Episode!! Thanks Guys and Girls
I loved reading through your thoughts as you navigated this one!
offTheLeftEye Thanks Dude Love the show. Sorry I can’t watch more..
@@tinopacino9400 No problem at all. Life is busy. We're glad that you feel free to watch and comment when you can!
offTheLeftEye Thanks Curtis.. I will be watching more . I would Like to share what I know from my own Experiences with Heaven and Hell. I can Relate to Swedenborg.The Demonic Attacks have Slow down to a trickle, However they where happening everyday or Night For 12 years. Don’t get me wrong I am Glad I see them coming. It’s a Really Cool gift even when I get Creeped out. Think the All Mighty is teaching me the Nature and the Tactics of the Enemy by allowing it. I will give you examples of my own Experiences with Heaven Later.. Actually the Heavenly ones are really really Great Gifts that I get once in a wile and it Greatly Out weighs the Demonic Attacks.. So I’m cool with those Lessons..
Just wonderful! 💜🕉🙏
So glad you enjoyed it, Christine!
Even as a small child I would ask the question: if Jesus is the only way to receive salvation, then what about those people in remote jungles who've never HEARD of him? Why would God not give them a CHANCE to return to him? Too much in the bible makes me wonder too much about whether it's really as 'good' as some folks say. My evangelical friends think that I shouldn't question it, but I have to confront absolutism. Why should I join the club of true believers without investigating it first? Even in high school, some of my teachers couldn't remotely answer my simple four year old need to know. At least in the Swedenborg material, I get a bit of a glimpse into what COULD be. Did he ever address my question of why we need to know Jesus specifically? 🌹
Swedenborg has been soooo important to me even though it could seem dry and matter of fact it's the things inbetween his observations that fires my mind.
For my heart and understanding it is about knowing god in the flesh. That Almighty God can stand in front of you and you can hold his hand and look into his face and tell him you love Him. That person is Jesus.
Divine Providence is the only way anything can make sense to me and salvation is the Lord's work alone. That even humans living in the most remote and isolated places are still completely within his hand and led to salvation.
I believe Swedenborg mentions in his experience that people are taught and progression continues with the Lord's Grace brought into Heaven.
If you think of all the people before the coming of Our Lord and all the centuries before Christianity grew Our Lord has not forsaken them and within there heart which only the Lord knows they could have the exact right spiritual ideas so that everything makes sense immediately when they see Him. I thought once about how when Jesus appeared to his disciples Thomas needed to touch to believe. We can have Jesus here and are blessed for believing without seeing and others can pass and see the truth and believe after having seen. Was Thomas any less loved or less saved? It is Our Lord's Book of Life for us and we each are unique.
We are so blessed with the coming of the Lord as we can be born again here and Love and follow him here and Our Lord can regenerate us here and we can serve our love for Him here and when we pass it will be a blessing to have beleived. The spiritual future of the human race.
These are just thoughts and my wish is only to glorify God.
So much Love and God Bless you Sister!
They are given the opportunity on the other side to learn and accept or reject the Savior..........
Linda Casey I believe that’s where Jesus grace and love kicks in🥰 Jesus loves all of us. I believe if we heard & understood the gospel and reject Jesus. he will deny them and he will say depart from me For I never knew you, before the Father
Hey, Linda, I would say that your 4-year-old mind was very smart! And Swedenborg agrees with you! Here’s a quote about that, and take note that Swedenborg was writing in the 1700s, when Christianity was focused in Europe:
“Christianity is found only in Europe. Islam and other non-Christian religions are found in Asia, the Indies, Africa, and America; and there are ten times as many people in these latter parts of the world as there are in the Christian part of the world-and relatively few of these latter people make their religion a matter of their lives. What could be more insane than to believe that these and only these individuals are saved, and that the others are damned, that heaven is ours by right of birth and not by conduct of life? That is why the Lord says, "I tell you that many will come from the east and from the west and will recline with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens, while the children of the kingdom will be thrown out" (Matthew 8:11-12).”-Divine Providence 330:7
I love Flintlockon’s response, and I will add a few more thoughts.
Swedenborg does report that God incarnated as Jesus Christ on earth. And technically, it is this same Being or Presence of God, the “Divine Human” or “the Lord” who does lead everyone to heaven, because the processes of teaching and healing and engaging in spiritual battles while on earth were the way for God to “be with us”, to connect with us down on this earthly level, and actually make it possible for us all to walk the path to heaven.
But “knowing” the Lord does not require being an earthly Christian, or reading the Bible, or declaring a belief in Jesus Christ. To truly “know” the Lord a person has to live a life of goodwill and service to the neighbor. And that can be done through any earthly religion!
People who say “I believe in Jesus Christ” and read the Bible, but do not actually live a life of service and goodwill toward the neighbor, do not actually know the Lord Jesus Christ. They are who Jesus is talking about when he says:
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you.”-Matthew 7:21-23
And Swedenborg witnessed that people who had been Christians on earth but did not live a life of goodwill could not go to heaven! They did not really know the Lord. On the other hand, everyone from all earthly religions who had lived a life of goodwill toward the neighbor would end up in heaven, because they had already connected to the Lord through that life, even though they did not adhere to intellectual Christian doctrine. The life of goodwill is how they “knew” the Lord, and recognized the Divine Human, the Lord, the Savior when they came into the afterlife. Jesus talks about this kind of “knowing” him in this parable from Matthew 25:
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
-Matthew 25:31-46
So there are some thoughts, Linda. Does that help? Or do you have more questions about this?
@@offTheLeftEye Well, they DO reflect my four year old logic .. thank you for your thoughtful reply. 🌹
This is absolutely fascinating!
I'm so glad to hear it, my friend!
This was so awesome. You guys really brighten the world sharing this. God bless you.
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. That means a great deal to us! I'm so glad you enjoyed this episode, and we're wishing God's blessings to you, too!
This was a very fun and enjoyable episode! Didn't Martin Luther die a few hundred years before the last judgment? That''s a LOOOOONG time to be hanging out in the world of spirits. I guess that goes to show how a) time isn't the same in the other world, and b) God is a kind and patient Father who does not push us faster than we are ready to go. It is so nice to know we don't have to get it all right down here, and our mistaken ideas will be corrected in the other world. Also so great to know that the things we love and are passionate about can continue to give us joy in the other world. Isaac Newton could continue to learn about physics, Aristotle could philosophize, etc., which lets us know that whatever we love here we can study and develop even more in the other world. It's fun to think about our interests, hobbies, and work rising to a higher level in heaven.
I totally agree with you, Nadine. These teachings continue to bring me hope, clarity and an exciting perspective on the nature of our life, both here and in the hereafter. Thanks for sharing with us!
So beautiful thank you
You're very welcome! Glad you enjoyed it.
Luther had to hold on to his extreme doctrine as a weapon in his fight. But when relieved of the need to carry on a war, he allowed his introspection to see the absurdity of his former doctrine. Anyway, swedenborg's insight into Luthers mind has a very satisfying conclusion, consistent with his (swedenborg)'s principles.
Glad you find it satisfying, owl!
This crossed my thoughts from time to time
Finally a video made on it :)
Did you find anything fascinating in this one?
I'd like to say, minus the many hand gestures, this is one of my favorite episodes, in the top 3 for sure. You guys are awesome at what you do, thank you!!! Your hearts shine through.
I'm so glad you had that experience, my friend. What struck you the most?
🤦 Hand gestures rock.
Is it possible to communicate with the spirit of a celebrity or a person who does not know us?
Swedenborg warns us not to try to contact the other side while we're on earth, just because dark spirits so often want to intervene. When both parties are in the spiritual world, whether or not they would meet is governed by love and usefulness -- two of the main "laws" of that world.
Is it possible to purchase these videos in DVD?
I'm afraid not, Darrel! But thanks for your interest!
Very interesting!
Thanks! Did anything in particular strike you?
Thank you!
Of course :)
Hoping my Swedenistic Penn-pals are doing great and have a wonderful week. Sending love from MI
Thanks, John! "Swedenistic Penn-pals" -- haha! Love it! And love to you, too!
@@offTheLeftEye 😎👉🏻👉🏻
Every path is different. I place my trust in the Divine. Luther was a flawed person like us all, specifically he was anti-Semitic. Peace and light.
Completely individual and unique paths, for sure, David! Apparently, everyone back in the day was pretty stuck in their own religious mindset, without a lot of ecumenical thinking or openness to different religions and cultures. I pray that humankind can grow more and more to respect all ways of approaching God and spirituality!
@@offTheLeftEye True, personally, I take a more monastic approach, suits me better.
@@davidwise3426 It's wonderful that there is such a variety of good kinds of paths to take.
I don`t think he was anti semitic-he had nothing against those middle eastern languages.
@@urmasmollersonCan't tell if your comment is serious, but - in the event that it is - I think it's meant in another way: Specifically Martin Luther was quite harsh on Jews.
Speaking of color, your eyes are absolutely stunning! I actually had to rewind a couple times because I would start staring at them and lose focus, lol.
Ha, thanks for such kind words Lacey :)
Thank you
You're very welcome, Simone!
I loved this episode!! (BTW the graphics are terrific!) So many blessings from this presentation! For me the greatest blessing is all we are told about the spiritual world - just think how wonderful it is to have this head start on thinking and believing and knowing what is real and true! I am beyond grateful! And OTLE by your creative hard work putting the story into a workable idea - one episode at a time - you are spoiling us with these sweet delights and treats. And of course giving us clear choices for the path we can choose. ❤️
I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Mary! And I join you in being grateful for the efforts of our talented and hardworking graphics team. Yes, what a blessing to have these stories about the spiritual world, to help us navigate our own life journeys! We love sharing this information with people like you, Mary, who really embrace it. God bless!
Light can be hard to categorize because it is quantum. Color is recognized by the objective reflection of any substantial physical and meta-physical state.
Sounds like you're coming from a real education in science! A bit over my head.... :) .
@@offTheLeftEye If you are studying Newton Why would you say that?
@@occamsrazor9183 Hello again! This is Karin this time. The reply above was from a team member who hadn't been involved in the research for this particular show. Thank you for your fascinating and insightful comment, and it seems to me to be reflecting the basic premise of what the angels were telling Newton in this story Swedenborg wrote - that light is not *material* (made of physical matter molecules), but nevertheless are "natural" (meaning, part of the natural world, earthly creation). It seems to me that that could be describing something that is quantum. Is that how you are seeing it? And therefore color is a particular response to light.
@@offTheLeftEye In the quantum field of light are photons at a constant. Photons are energy. The receptors to the brain are going to tell you what color you think you are seeing. Yes, in any place physical or meta-physical dimension able to coherently receive color...
Newton and Aristotle can absolutely be labeled as celebrities. They are still famous, not for their art but for science and philosophy, and they had a public life in their own time, even if not in the modern sense of industrial and electronic fame and glory.
@Gloria Vargo what about Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, etc. Just to name a few?
Yes, Juan, we have a different notion of "celebrity" now -- one that perhaps could be broadened!
Gloria Vargo - Yikes, not sure about that, didn’t Aristotle believe women were merely deformed or incomplete men, he even argued with Plato’s belief women should receive an education.
Pity Swedenborg didn’t bump into any female “celebrities.”
@@ninapearman I learn everyday, thank you for this. I believe in God the Father, but how can He play that role without Nature, the Mother of us all? ☯️
@@ninapearman Swedenborg did meet women celebrities, but for this show we had to find three stories that were 1. people that a majority of modern-day viewers would have at least heard of and 2. had enough of a story recorded in Swedenborg's writings to make into a narrative for the show. There are many shorter anecdotes that wouldn't have been long enough, or, longer but with lesser-known people. In episode "Reunions in the Afterlife" we share a longer story about a Russian Empress, Elizabeth, and her afterlife story: ua-cam.com/video/wpWrtwlyvE0/v-deo.html (Story begins at about 25 minutes 30 seconds.)
Great production! And great material! Now for the stage makeup lesson ;) It would make it complete.
Ha! I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Katie :)
Hi, I've listened to your "Inside Off the Left Eye" podcast recently and I think in one of the episodes, there is mention that in the spiritual world, the "names" in the human world are replaced by spiritual names, therefore Swedenborg cannot find a person requested by the Duke even by calling that person's name. So a bit confused by that now, since Swedenborg could converse with the spirit of Newton. Could you clarify? Thanks.
Hi, Elizabeth! My perspective on this is that Swedenborg was using the Earthly name of these well-known figures in his books so that we would know who he is talking about, but it would not be calling out that Earthly name that would have brought him to those people, but rather his interest in them as people -- his own thoughts and feelings about them. In the spiritual realm, thought brings presence! Do you see the difference? The essence of a person you are thinking of is the same whether you are calling them by one name or another, or by any name at all!
@@offTheLeftEye Thanks for the clarification! I am still thinking in earthly terms.
@@identifythebook It's hard not to while we're living here on Earth!
Tupac once said "I wonder if heaven got a ghetto". I'd love to hear his answer to this question.
He's still alive though.
He is alive on the other side of the Veil.
There is no ghetto in the Heavens but the Hell realm has lots of them, based on Swedenborg's teaching.
Maybe you'll get to talk to him when you cross the great divide, Thomas! Swedenborg's description of heaven itself doesn't include ghetto-type places, though he describes some dark and sad places in hell and even the world of spirits. A google search shows that Tupac died in 1996...
@@offTheLeftEye yes.. ghetto would definitely be in the hellish realms. :) Thanks for the great show!
@@offTheLeftEye ummm I was joking about him being alive. When he died there were a lot of theories of how he faked his death. I still see headlines from time to time that claim that he still lives. I guess a lot of people don't know that about him.
I think his obsession with God, death, and problems in this world (racism, poverty, etc.) resonated with a lot of people. This is from his song Only God Can Judge Me.
"I'd rather die like a man than live like a coward. There's a ghetto up in Heaven and it's ours, Black Power, is what we scream as we dream in a paranoid state and our fate, is a lifetime of hate"
In another episode of OFTLE, I think someone pointed out that problems in this world have consequences the afterlife. So, while it is hard to imagine ghettos in Swedenborg heaven, maybe ghettos in this life are still a concern in the next.
And if Tupac was right when he said "our fate is a lifetime of hate", how would that affect the afterlife?
But what happened to the prophet Threepac?
So what does this mean about religion and being a good person with ur faith
To be honest, RG, I don't remember exactly how this episode would frame that question, but in general I can say that Swedenborg learned that anyone who is a good person, and lives a life that is in integrity with what they believe, is bound for heaven! Does that answer your question?
Yes actually
This may seem like a non sequitur but I am compelled to share it. My wife has allergic sensitivity to pet dander, so for a number of years we have had iguanas as pets. Maj, our only remaining iguana, has been a real character. Ever since Maj was a young iguana he has disliked to have his picture taken. Iguanas apparently see deeper into the infrared and ultraviolet than we as humans do. The focusing mechanisms on cell phones and many cameras emit infrared light. Maj was seeing this and it, even as he is now 5 years old, continues to spin him up.
Interesting, Gordon! I guess we all do see things in different ways!
What I often wonder is how the afterlife effects people from different cultures and beliefs when they are so different from ours? They have a whole different belief system about afterlife and who God is. Does Swedenborg address this subject anywhere????
Yes, Swedenborg does address that! He witnessed that God is not interested in shattering people's cherished belief systems, and has ways to lead people gently along in ways that feel familiar to them. He saw that the angels who come to teach newcomers will be angels who are familiar with the newcomers' faith tradition. As people are led into deeper and deeper truth, the differences between earthly faith traditions begin to disappear, because there is common ground at their core. Here is a show we did on how God leads and teaches people in customized ways. Just get ready for a silly segment right at the beginning involving puppets. :) ua-cam.com/video/xKUDOvGBnMI/v-deo.html
Thank you so much!!
I am sorry I yelled at you Curtis. I was having way too many thoughts in my head and that causes confusion for me. i am better now. Thanks for not yelling back lol O:)
There's a lot to think about in a show like this! Yell away! But glad you returned to some clarity.... Best wishes to you.
I wonder what "lens" Swedenborg had that filtered his ability to separate what was "real" and what was his "lens" and if in the afterlife - we lose our "lens" based on our past histories.
That's a really great inquiry! And many have shared that wonder. Even Swedenborg himself asserted that spiritual teachings need not be accepted blindly, but rather they should undergo a trial process that, if valid, leads to inner transformation. We cover this extensively here: ua-cam.com/video/GjHBsjG4etM/v-deo.html
Luther's adding of the word "alone" doesn't change what Paul wrote. In Romans 11:6 Paul says, "But if by grace, then it is no more of works; otherwise grace is no more grace." Luther just added "alone" to emphasize what Paul wrote.
I would say it narrowed down the focus more tightly than Paul had intended. When you look at the wider context of Paul's writings, "works" seems to mean following the long lists of Israelite laws listed in the old Testament, rather than just doing good deeds in general. The context of the Romans 11:6 is talking about trusting that God is taking care of things, even when people's efforts seem to be falling apart. That does not have to be understood to mean that making efforts and doing good deeds have no importance, but rather, that our own efforts will be limited, and the credit for how things work out in the end always goes to God. However, if Paul really thought that they way people live their lives does not matter as long as they intellectually believe in Christ, why would he have written so much about how people should be living?
@@offTheLeftEye In several places in the NT Paul calls for virtuous behavior and works based on his hearers being already justified. He told them to live out that which they already possessed, to walk in the Spirit, to be transformed by renewing their minds. Justification is a gift, grace, gratis.
@@nightflight83 If that doctrine of faith alone leads you to a life of goodness, then I'm all for it, and I don't need you debate you about the doctrine any more. Let love lead, as so beautifully described in 1 Corinthians 13. Wishing you all the best, and God bless!
I know this probably seems really ridiculous, but back in the 60s when I was in the eighth grade, going to middle school, my eighth grade science teacher asked each of us students to create our own hypothesis about anything just to get us to thinking.
My own hypothesis was about color and how it could be affected by light. So, I presented from my own mind that color was able to be seen when light was shown down on an object, and when the light was taken away, the color was gone, because it couldn't be shown without the light. Therefore, when the light was shone on the object, the color was there, and when the light went away so did the color.
I don't know why I came up with that I just thought it up as an 8th grade student, but that was my hypothesis, but perhaps my mind was connecting to the higher power in the afterlife! :-)
Very cool, Marilyn! Even at that young age, your mind was on the right track concerning light and color!
@@offTheLeftEye sorry that looks pretty confusing with the auto incorrect, LOL but I managed to correct it the way I saw it back in my youth.
True the Colors are Far more Vivid Kind of Like Computerized Animation. That’s the Best way I can describe them..
I like the way you frame that, my friend.
offTheLeftEye Thanks, Things I have experienced Are amazing. The Bad And Good.. The Bad Experiences used to be very taxing However , I think The Lord has given me Extra Strength to be able to deal with it a little Better..
Very interesting episode. Luther would probably like today's social media. Lots of arguing. This is also true of a lot of today's academicians. But I guess, eventually people eventually figure it out, when they "give it a rest".
I'm glad you enjoyed this, Ernest! Yes, it seems that the process in the afterlife is set up so that people will eventually see the pointlessness of arguing, if they haven't woken up to that while on earth. :)
@@offTheLeftEye I think even in this life, esp. in our polarizing times, I have very low expectations of convincing anybody. I accept the pluralism in politics, religion, etc. There's a diversity of opinion. The NDE lessons tell us just to love people where they're at. Maybe from the heart, the Divine Nature, there may be a little opening to move forward.
@@mintakan003 I really appreciate you sharing these reflections. "Just love people where they're at." That's a good goal to strive for, even if it may be a long road to get there!
I'm sorry to delete my text. This episode has touched me, can it really be that these highly educated people that you speak of, really missed the boat because of pride? Though I know people like Luther, that was why I quit being a monk, one of the reasons actually. Another story to another time. Man, I love Swedenborg. So to the point and simply amazing. I will take my time on the next text and not rush it. It's hard to write this stuff. The truth is higher than the spoken language, difficult to describe. Laters..
I really appreciate and honor your thoughts here! In the end, it's not our intellectual capacity that brings us to heaven, but rather the quality of our heart. Pride can totally impede our ability to love others in an altruistic way, if we let that pride guide our life. Have you seen our earlier episode on the categories of love? We convey some of these points there: ua-cam.com/video/1m5nHXM7DTk/v-deo.html
Also, you were a monk at one point? That's fascinating!
@@offTheLeftEye yes, a monk. I have avoided this answer for a while because it hurts to think about, all that nonesense socalled spiritual people do and say for fame and money. Anyway, I was a celibate monk for seven years, studying the Vedas. It was from 1988/1989 and forth, so it was a choice of a young man. My entire life has been a trial, but I do not stop searching for the Lord, the truth and wisdom, I just have to finish the trials I was given. My heart and soul really want to go home, so I listen to you 12+ hours a day, that is what keeps me going, to hear about the Lord. Life is really a mystery but I have seen whats possible here and there, looking forward to be able to stay in love continuously, with peers alike. It's not easy to be here on earth, not when you wakeup as a child, knowing what love means, to be good to others, to love for love itself. Never stop loving others, even when it's hard. Hugs to you.
@@FAPPJAPPDAPP Your devotion to the path of seeking the Lord really touches my heart. Every step you have taken is expanding your heart and mind, and getting you closer and closer to awareness of the Lord's presence with you, and your eternal heavenly home. I love that sentence of profound wisdom: "Never stop loving others, even when it's hard." Just being able to type that is the Lord present with you. Thank you, and we're sending hugs right back to you!
@@offTheLeftEye You made me a little emotional with your answer. I'm not really qualified to respond to this in a way that is fulfilling. I love you all and what you are doing.
Actually, now I understand your comment. I have just read 233+ in TC and it's there, it's all there. I didn't know it was called faith that you can feel God in the Word, the truth in the Word, the truth as it is, God as He is. It's amazing! ...
It's the same for them they don't get to be better than us no one is better than others in heaven that's what I think
Absolutely, Kenny. Material, or earthly success, is not a predictor of our value in heaven! I don't think there's "better" or "worse," only some of us are more loving and more connected to God - but I believe we could all be that way over time.
oe can see why Luther had to choose that extreme doctrine. In an era where giving money to church was accepted as 'good work', he had no choice to declare that 'good works' mean nothing in spiritual terms. He had a huge task of dismantling the corrupt church, so he could not concern himself with any nuances of good actions and good works. No consideration of intent and motive and other complexions. Simply decree that faith and faith along has any merit - because, faith cannot be bought with money, it does not come without active involvement by the individual. It was his way of rooting out the corrupt mindset of the church of his time.
Thanks for this, owl. Luther was facing some large scale corruption, and he made an important change! Imagine what a difference it made, too, to get the Bible into the people's language. Celebrity, indeed.
Newton discovered gravity, and attributed it to God. I think he was right, we still don’t know what gravity, or energy for that matter, actually is! It’s quite sad that the scientists of our days, such as Stephen Hawking, have used gravity as a reason to reject God.
Yes, it's striking that in Newton's time, it was fine to combine scientific study with a belief in God, but then later science started rejecting religions and spirituality. I do see signs, though, of a movement back toward spirituality in the scientific world, which is quite exciting!
2:14 - Sir Isaac Newton, Emanuel learned Isaac never stoppd learnin.
12:16 - Aristotle, believed in only one God.
21:03 - Martin Luther... Emanuel strongly challenged the belief of salvation by faith alone that Martin believed in.
21:41 - Martin rejected teachings n practices of the Roman Catholic church especially indulgences in exchange 4 money or external actions.
He preached salvation had nothing 2 do with deeds n actions but givn by grace of God by faith in Jesus.
29:55 - Martin talked 2 Emanuel n think his doctrines may not b right. On earth an angel came 2 him. Angel warned him but Martin ignored it. Angels convinced him faith isn't real unless or savin without good actions in life.
34:52 - Emanuel wrote that Martin Luther was convinced it's faith alone on his own ideas n not by the word.
Thanks for the recap and timestamps, suman!
How do u know that this happened to these people
Hi Bronx Bomber -- The ideas in this video come from the spiritual experiences recorded by Emanuel Swedenborg, a brilliant and accomplished scientist and statesman in Sweden back in the 1700s. He claims to have been called by Jesus Christ to see directly into the spiritual world, and to undergo the *experience* of dying (while still alive) and learn about the nature of the spiritual world, just to share that knowledge with the world. He was the first to admit that people would find that very hard to swallow!
If you're curious about Swedenborg and his background and credentials, we have a short video called "Who Was Swedenborg?" - ua-cam.com/video/HEa0e8AcS78/v-deo.html,
and a longer one called "Was Swedenborg Crazy?" -- ua-cam.com/video/K_ZP30NFYf8/v-deo.html.
It's out there, we know, but many people find the ideas he wrote about to be helpful, hopeful, and healing.
I respectfully watch some of your episodes and have an open mind. The question for me is the constant reference to the lord....I was not brought up as a Christian and have mixed feelings about the validity of the bible...I tend to think of God as all that is or the great cosmos and not an actual entity. I see Jesus in the same catagory as Buddha , Yogananda etc... ( a profit)....I question how the great cosmos all that is God could have a son. It seems that Swedenborg was on to something but I can't be sure that all he said is true or not. I am somewhat tuned in to it however I was more influenced by Edgar Casey, the Dali Lama and the idea of the god or goddess within you. Maybe I am interpreting your reference to the lord to literary. I have often felt that the bible was chauvinistic and somewhat influenced by the unscientific times it was written in by men...just some distorted history (his story)........sometimes your episodes are so exacting they often seem preposterous........I have often had vivid dreams about people that have passed but can never be sure of the truth of the after life....the dimension we are in is very dense. ....
Diane Shields ... agree completely with many of your points. I’ve always thought deeply on this subject and enjoy these episodes, the idea of reducing all that is to a being falls short. Religiousness especially as a kid was far too patriarchal and never resonated. I’m more drawn to eastern thought and especially find the NDE research fascinating. I’ll always remain open and mindful that everyone is on their own path, learning at their own pace.
Remember that the Bible is layered and full of correspondences. It never rang true for you as you could not take it literally. When you're ready to understand its inner meaning, it will make sense. You may enjoy listening to Alan Watts, Manly P. Hall, and Light on the Path.
I agree with the other comments. The fact your enquiring is good. Sometimes it's difficult to find what is the highest message. But think of the bible as a coded message that tells you what life on earth is about. It is such a complex text when read in translation but the original Hebrew text gives several meanings for one word so you can see several layers of thought in one story. The word God allows us to accept something so big the human mind can only understand bits of him at a time. We are bits of God or the universe. Imagine seeing and knowing all the universe in one constant thought. It has to be symbolic so our mind can understand. Like Newtons theories being surpassed but we admire his ability to reach out in thought. Imagine the people who wrote the bible stories. An amazing feat. A lot of religions stems from the formalizing of knowledge that culminated into the Jewish religion.
Thanks for sharing your reflections here, Diane. It's a big question for every individual - deciding what rings true for them in terms of faith. The aim of this channel is to share what Swedenborg wrote about during decades of what he claimed to be spiritual experiences while still in this world. He wrote that "the Lord God Jesus Christ" is the one true God, but that all religions have validity. He paints a different picture of 'the trinity," so he doesn't see Jesus as God's son, per se. (Here's our show, "How to Understand the Trinity" -- ua-cam.com/video/-YbEHk2N884/v-deo.html) . He also asserts that the true value of the Bible is in its deeper, spiritual level of meaning, not in its literal stories -- describing our spiritual development. (Here's a long and short version of the meaning of the Creation story, for example: ua-cam.com/video/0dElLLLbUNY/v-deo.html, and ua-cam.com/video/PzJGqWMvIoM/v-deo.html) . I agree that the Bible at face value is hard to take in many places! I honor you in your search and your questioning. The whole topic of spiritual reality can feel very mysterious and confusing! If we can offer any more thoughts in your quest, feel free to reach out!
No such thing as Nothing. There is always something!
offTheLeftEye I know that all to well
@@tinopacino9400 Do you want to elaborate on what that means to you?
offTheLeftEye Yes.. There is Always something Good to Learn and also a lot of Evil to unlearn. The duel Nature of our Being is very Hard to Rise Above it. At Least the Bad Parts that we All need to Change and Rise Above . It’s Important to self reflect on our situations every day. So that we can help ourselves with the Help of God. Jesus says How can you take the Splinter out of your Brothers eye if you have a Plank in your own eye.. I think Jesus Cracked A Joke parable in that verse. See there is always something we need to at least Work on. Faith without Works is Dead..
@@tinopacino9400 I love these reflections and insights. Thanks so much for sharing them!
What happens if u stay in abusive relationship for complicating reasons...do we have be reborn in to 3d again
Manda, Swedenborg says that we all have a true partner, or soul mate, or twin flame, whatever you want to call it, that we will meet and marry in heaven. If you have a relationship in this life that doesn't seem to be that person, you will still be able to meet the right person in the next life. Check out this episode, "Spiritual Marriage," which talks about soulmates in the afterlife: ua-cam.com/video/K7Nyz6EvR18/v-deo.html
Goes to show that the key is to always ask the Holy Spirit was is true and what is not with the innocence of a child. With Martin Luther, his ego in the afterlife seems to be like "Thank you for coming. Don't ever contradict me. Did I tell you about me? Enough of all of you, now about me." Ironic that his complaint against the Catholic Church had valid points but he degraded himself into this spiritual "know it all".
I really resonate with your first sentence here, Terry. Thanks for joining the conversation!
Hi, i have now watched a few of your episodes. Love the content and the way it is presented. When watching this episode i was wondering about the soul and it's eternity. Seems like the souls leaving earth are staying in heaven/hell to keep learning and not returning to earth. Got me thinking about reincarnation. IF the souls leaving earth are not returning, then reincarnation is false. If so, where do new souls come from?
TMER, great question! Swedenborg doesn't really talk about reincarnation. Instead, he focuses on the idea of being spiritually reborn, by a process he calls regeneration. It's something we go through many times in our lives, as we conquer our evils and ascend to a more spiritual, more loving state. After the struggle, we feel like a new person - like we've been reborn. You can learn more about that in this episode - "Regeneration: How Radical Love is Born” ua-cam.com/video/UIK00Yg_rc8/v-deo.html
He also doesn't say much about where we were before we were born, although there is a passage where Swedenborg says we all originated as "a desire of God," or a thought and feeling from our creator. We talk a little more about that idea in, "Does My Life Matter?" ua-cam.com/video/33FfPQsf_zU/v-deo.html
As for what we understand Swedenborg says about reincarnation, check out "Do We Reincarnate?" ua-cam.com/video/kVYKEfpnxj0/v-deo.html or you may enjoy this blog post from the Swedenborg Foundation, www.swedenborg.com/swedenborg-and-reincarnation/
Thanks for your question! I'd love to hear what you think of these ideas.
What will they be learning since everything is exposed in heaven ?
All knowledge is available in heaven, but people can only receive the level of knowledge that their minds and hearts have opened up to. And regarding themselves, people can only see what they are willing to acknowledge, and are willing to wake up to. So, a lot of learning takes place in the afterlife to help people expand their hearts and minds to receive more truth, about life and about themselves!
They'll probably be learning the same thing everyone else does. 🤗
If there is physically in the afterlife why can we not find it now? Is it a actual place or just within your spirt? Are you alone or are others around you? What about your pets you have had in your if will you see them ?
It help to think of it as a different dimension, or, on a different frequency of existence. The spiritual world is all around us, but physical senses cannot perceive it. Only spiritual senses can perceive it. In the afterlife, after you have gone out of your physical body, you will have a very real body made of spiritual substance, and be in surroundings made of spiritual substance. People who have NDEs try to explain that the things in the spiritual realm are MORE real than the things here in the physical world, and Swedenborg says the same thing. You will be able to see, hear, smell, touch, and taste things in the afterlife with your spiritual body. You will live in community with other people in environments, in cities or towns, in houses. If you had pets that you dearly loved, you will see them, because the essence of their spirits originated in the spiritual world.
@@offTheLeftEye this is so amazing wish I knew for sure lol. Thankyou for your kind explanation as always 😘
@@shonacole2124 You're very welcome!
@@offTheLeftEye ❤
never heard why a why the two worlds have two exist. ? anyone?
Perhaps it would help to compare it to the two phases of human life. At first we are in the womb, growing in a protected environment, and then when we are ready we are born into this world. We cannot be "born" into heaven until we are ready, and that process takes place gradually on this earth. Does that help, nicholas?
Hmm 🤔 Interesting..
Glad it gave you much to ponder about, Tino.
Aren't photons particles of light? I thought Aristotle was a materialist and atheist, but maybe I'm wrong.
Yes, photons are particles of light, but they are not considered to be particles of matter, because they have no mass. So, they are particles of energy rather than material particles. As the angels were saying in Swedenborg's descriptions, light is a "natural" substance but not a "material" substance. Aristotle did speak out against religion, particularly because there was so much corruption in religion, and people would often use religion to gain political power and power over people's right to think freely. But he believed in a "Prime Mover" of the universe. So it seems he was not religious in the usual way of his times, but that he did have a concept of a Creator.
My Son Was Wondering if there's going to be birthdays in heaven?
Great question! I don't have an answer for that, I'm afraid. I don't think Swedenborg ever mentions it. And in a place without time as we know it, there won't be the same kind of annual events that come around every calendar year. But there will be celebrations of various types, I'm guessing -- Swedenborg mentions feasts and banquets and such. And I think there will be a general celebration of being alive in a place of mutual love, bathed in God's love and light! I'm thinking cake and candles could definitely be part of the picture!
@@offTheLeftEye Okay so me or my son can still have cake and balloons for kids to play with also in heaven?
@@gy1952 again, I don't know the specifics of what we have in heaven! But I know whatever joy you feel from cake and balloons will be there, whether it's from cake and balloons or some spiritual equivalent! I do know that you will have whatever you need, and it will be perfect!
@@offTheLeftEye Okay because I Know My Son Still Like Birthday Parties By Eating Cake And Watching Kids Playing With the Balloons and also having their favorite whatever characters to come and sing them a happy birthday too.
@@gy1952 I am sure he will have whatever brings him joy!
what happens to celebrities after they leave the body ? the same thing that happens to everyone else I would imagine.
Yes. Just an interesting look at the reputation people had in the world, as compared to who they truly were inside.
Id love to see the average IQ of people who study swedenborg. I bet its higher than average!
The ideas can be complex at first glance -- but all it takes is a foundation of a few core concepts, then everything else begins to make complete sense!
I study swedenborg but my IQ is low however I have a very high emotional IQ ,empathic and very intuitive
Thoughts as I watch: Firstly these examples of 'celebrities' are so much more of course. I think there's a big difference between 'celebrity' and 'fame' even though the two converge. And fame is transcended by these characters' legacies. (I also get the humour and lightness of touch bien sur. :) )
Secondly: I was surprised to see BCE used (for Aristotle). It's ironic that normally those who choose this are antithetical to religion yet, the measurement chosen exactly corresponds with the birth of Jesus. The latter being the case, isn't it just 'badge-engineering' to change BC and AD for BCE and CE? Common Era IS the year of Christ's birth (or the symbolic year). I find this quite amusing.
Thirdly: Swedenborg's observations on philosophers and their motivations are super! And of course can be applied to any discipline. Some great advice for any artist too (using the dance metaphor). 'Aristotle advances into light'! Wonderful.
Fourthly: the part on Martin Luther is fascinating on so many different levels. AND gives another very interesting insight into the Heavenly realms (I trust he made it).
From this I take away the notion of focussing in on what truly motivates me (and all of us) and how that is so important to our future life (and lives).
In this life we form and plant the seeds that will come to fruition in the next. We have to keep in mind the beauty we intend - and hope not too many brambles and thorns are sown. Even if there are - these brambles will also eventually give rise to fruit.
Thank you all so much. (I have some catching up to do too.)
So many wonderful thoughts here, Tim! I feel blessed by your warm presence here, and your curious mind. Thank you for all that you do!
@@offTheLeftEye - thank you for being so open.
I think I'm more blessed by OTLE! :)
(I have a curious mind and some say my mind is curious ;) )
@@timbragg9684 :)
Does Swedenborg mention any other “mistakes” in the Bible ?
Good question! The only thing that comes to mind right away is that Swedenborg differentiated the epistles from the gospels, saying that the content in gospels was Divinely guided in a way that was more direct, while the epistles included more of the writers' own point of view and interpretations. However, this issue with the word "alone" was a word added in the re-translation rather than the original writing, and I can't remember Swedenborg making comments about other particular mistakes in translation. That's really a question for Dr. Rose, though, and I will try to remember to ask him about that!
Swedenborg's claim contradicts near-death experiencers who, as a whole, claim immediate universal understanding (which is lost when returned to this material world).
There's actually no contradiction when you realize that people having NDEs are experiencing aspects of just the very first stage of crossing into the afterlife, rather than the whole process. The very first stage offers all love and all knowledge, but then as they move forward in the process, people can only retain as much as their hearts and minds were already opened to. The rest is lost until the person can spiritually develop enough to retain it. For more about the transition from earthly life to the afterlife (according to what Emanuel Swedenborg learned and witnessed) see our episode "What Happens Immediately After You Die?" ua-cam.com/video/H9D2hr0WWh0/v-deo.html
BOY I would hope this site wou would be above click bait titles....yes some minor legit point, but primarily misleading title. Sorry, but I found this site better/above that!
Its interesting that he mentions scientific intelligence rather than famous noterieties of the time. I think the points made are very valid to understanding our knowledge here and in spirit. Creating curiosity to look at swedenborg does no harm.
Well, those men were definitely "celebrities" in Swedenborg's time! Somewhat of a twist, I admit, as that image sets up certain expectations. But still fascinating to consider what people were known for, as compared to who they were in their inner selves, their true spirits. I'm sure that applies to all of us, celebrities or not, then and now! Thanks, Ellen.
These celebrities are celebrities for people who made them VIP. In this vast cosmos all livings are equally important. But may be not for lower minded people in tiny insignificant planet .
I agree that in the eyes of God and heaven, there are no people that are more important, or more beloved, than others.
@@offTheLeftEye it's our mentality that consider people important who are wealthy and famous but for God all are perishable filth. The only thing that is precious to God is Spirit because it is ever lasting and cannot be destroyed. What is important for us with lower mind tendencies might not be very important thing with logical higher mind. A thing important to us might not be important for others. Importance of anything is mere a perception, as result of thick curtain of ego. Ego make us think that we are centre of universe but infact at higher level celebrities existence is as small as anyone else. They are not immune to universal law of Karma.
@@eyeopeningtruth7518 Yes. Worldly wealth and fame are temporary, and they fall away. The things that really matter are things of the spirit, which are eternal.
The content is great,and relevant pity you seem to need to wave hands and arms about,it's distracting.
So glad you found this message meaningful and helpful, Philomena. Again, perhaps just LISTENING would be a good way for you to approach our videos. Some people communicate with their whole body, and I guess Curtis was created to be that kind of person!
"Did you then think that We had created you without purpose and that you would not be brought back to Us?" - English translator: Quran:Almuminun.
Beautiful, thank you for sharing that!
You have beautiful eyes they almost look silver
Thank you, Caroline :)
is'nt it interesting that even though Luther dismissed all works, the protestent community evolved over times and gravitated towards good works. They have a pragmatic approach towards charity. Unlike the catholic community, the protestant works of charity are not closely to evangilism
It is fascinating to look at how the different emphases have been made. Swedenborg learned that charity and faith/ love and wisdom/ goodness and truth go together!
Curtiss it is proven that light IS particles ....and waves .......
Good point, mandolin joe!
Same thing happens to them as everyone else,no special treatment there.
Yes. Surely God, above all beings, wouldn't regard them as "celebridees" and treat them differently. I can just hear Epstein now, 'Lord, don't you know who I am?'
These are really important points! And you're right -- each of us are children of God, and can choose to embrace His love or not through the way we live here on earth.
So why is there a video dedicated especially to "celebridees" as opposed to "mundane and ordinary people" in how they'll be met and dealt with at death? Was Swedenborg wowed by such people?
Anna Caine I am curious to know if they will be mobbed to death by “fans” even in the afterlife? Or will they have some anonymity and peace.
@@annacaine8547 No, not because Swedenborg was wowed. The reason is that because they were celebrities on earth, there was a record about how they lived their lives on earth, and how they had been thinking, and it is interesting to be able to compare that to how their lives continued and changed in the afterlife. But no, they do not get treated any differently than anyone else in the afterlife. Swedenborg reported hundreds of stories about people in the afterlife, and only a very few of them had been celebrities on earth. And we have done many, many shows about what happens to ordinary, everyday people in the afterlife! :)
What about occultists ?
Technically an "occultist" simply means someone who is able to be consciously aware of spiritual reality while they are on earth. So, if someone uses that awareness for good and kind and useful purposes, serving God and the neighbor, that can be a good skill to have. But if someone uses that awareness for negative, egotistical purposes of power and greed, then that is a bad thing, and it can do harm to themselves and others.
why the two worlds? just sayin
It is a good question.
0:34 Except John, the Revelator
Can you tell me more about that, General Patton?
@@offTheLeftEye Some religious people believe that John did not "taste of death" but rather translated and still lives to this day.
@@generalpatton838 Hmm, I hadn't heard that before! Swedenborg reported that he had seen all 12 disciples there in the afterlife, continuing to spread the good news about Jesus and his love and redemption. That makes more sense to me. What do you think?
@@offTheLeftEye that doesn't mean he died. Peter and James were resurrected as well.
@@generalpatton838 So, you believe these 3 disciples were resurrected on Earth but still also operate in the afterlife? I'm a bit confused about what you are saying. Wouldn't that make them equal to Jesus Christ? And what purpose would it serve for them to stay on Earth?
why not just stay in the better life ? why the physical ? its pain
We start in the physical life, and through a lifetime of choices and bringing goodness into our life we are prepared for the better life, the spiritual one, nicholas.
So Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey is accurate? Lol
:) I haven't seen that film! Are there similarities?
Martin Luther's claim of "Faith Alone" was not inline with his own actions. In his day, the church was the law. Enforced and punishable by death. Through his "works" God became the "choice" that it was always meant to be. Forced religion is no religion at all unless the heart is behind it. There is a big difference between obeying the law, and believing in it.
Not very many people did better work than Martin Luther. Perhaps the best jobs are the ones that do not feel like work.
Thanks for these interesting reflections, Jeff. Yes, ML did work hard! I saw a movie about his life a while back, and was very moved by it. I love your last line -- that's kind of how I feel about working for OTLE!
Faith is believing what God has to say either directly or through His prophets. Believing means obeying God's commands. Believing is doing what is right, true, and good with unselfish motives or desire for rewards. True Faith can not be "alone," or it is not true faith. The first people disobeyed their Creator because they did not believe or trust Him. They fell from grace, as the result. Faith is a necessary prerequisite to everything else. Believing "alone" is nothing without the rest. What if Adam and Eve had believed that what God had said was true and good for them, and still disobeyed? Many people do exactly that! They know better and still do the opposite of what they know. Would this be Faith that saves on their part? Surely, we are saved by Faith, but we must know what Faith really is and what it entails. In this regard, we all have come short of what is required of us whether we know better or not. God gave us another chance at getting it right in the person of Jesus who spoke extensively on Faith, and what it means to have Faith. He clearly stated: "If you love me, obey me."
Every day, we must strive to do exactly that. Not easy, I know. Thanks for this very important presentation clearing it perfectly for everyone who is still dwelling on Faith vs. Good Works. It is definitely BOTH!
I really feel moved by your clarification that faith is something to be qualified by both thought and deed -- thanks so much for sharing with us, Filippa!
kinda clickbait but interesting.
Sandra - you're right, we're a little guilty of clickbait! Our mission is to share the theological works of Emanuel Swedenborg who lived in the 18th century, and so the celebrities he met in the Afterlife had to be dead before then. So our selection pool is limited. I'm so glad you found it interesting! Thanks for watching!
@@offTheLeftEye Awwww, Curtis I love you, your Mom, the whole oTLE Family so much that there is a isn't a whole lot I could ever complain about if I WANTED to! I think I'm a comedian is MY problem. Well, ONE of them haha. Thank you for EVERYTHING ❤️
@@sandracmyers :) We're so glad to have you in the audience, Sandra! Sending much love right back to you!
@@offTheLeftEye ❣️👁️💞
Martin Luther sounds a little like Paul.
Interesting thought, Darryl! You might like this article from a Swedenborg scholar about Paul, and why his works are important (though Swedenborg did not believe they contained an inner meaning): leewoof.org/2019/05/31/why-isnt-paul-in-swedenborgs-canon/
@@offTheLeftEye Thanks
@@offTheLeftEye Interesting article and website altogether.
@@darryl5372 I have definitely gotten lost on that blog! Hope you enjoyed it.
robin was a nice man who was playing auto erotic strangulation games. no suicide intended. just bad luck.
That is bad luck, and I'm sure his path lead him where he needed to be in the spiritual world and he has found peace there!
J F How did you find that out ?
It's strange that these celebrities are still stuck in the 6th astral plane!Their ego and intellect should have been dissolved into infinity by now...or they are reincarnated at least once or twice
Thank you for your comment, my friend! You might like another one of our videos called, "Do We Reincarnate?" ua-cam.com/video/kVYKEfpnxj0/v-deo.html
"Celebrities" is a concept of this realm. On the Otherside it all counts what sort of a person you where on inside, not how many people knew you. Rude awakening for all spoilt brats of fame.
Yes, our inner core becomes our outer reality on the other side. And we'll be drawn to like-minded, like-hearted people. I think it will be an interesting shift for ALL of us!
For many it would be much less interesting than for others. Looking at utter, arrogant, brazen disregard of law and humanity by the highest echelons of political "elites" that started in March 2020 onwards, one can only shake his head in absolute disbelief and righteous anger, knowing that most likely the only time these people will be held responsible for what they are doing now is when they cross over to the Otherside, in their case Shadowlands.
If they knew this simple truth many of them would reconsider their steps. It's like borrowing enormous amounts of cash and spending it left, right and centre only to discover that those who loaned it to you were top members of a cruel narcocartel, and they are on their way to get back every single penny they've given you. And get they will, knowing their track record.
How about that. 🤔
@@Phoenix_cataclysm_in_2040 well my friend, I admit, we don't comment on political matters on this channel. Our staff has a variety of viewpoints, as does our audience, so we prefer to stick to spiritual matters that go beyond what we experience on a daily (even yearly!) basis in this physical world, seeking instead to connect where we can - and focus on the love we all can share in, as children of God.
But yes, things have been complicated, and we hope they will usher in a new era of greater peace for everyone.
You might like this episode that deals with justice in the afterlife, "What Happens with Unsolved Crimes in the Afterlife?" ua-cam.com/video/JOEiAETaQug/v-deo.html
Or this one, about how the Lord is always working to create balance, and move us towards greater peace and happiness, no matter what it looks like here: "7 Laws of Divine Providence" ua-cam.com/video/yCwj4YotzHA/v-deo.html
I hope that brings you some comfort! Sometimes, the best we can do is try to love each other and do what feels right to us, and hope our efforts create a ripple effect that will slowly but surely see the advent of a better, brighter world for all people. Wishing you all the best!
Fair enough. Not that their policies are as respectful of your personal choices as yours of theirs.
Let's hope things become better for everyone!
Celebrity's have too go through the same thing everyone else have too go through because God is in con trol God doesn't have any respect of any person .
You mean he treats us all the same. He loves all he created😊
Yes, he looks at our spirits, not at our outward personalities. We're all on equal footing that way, and God loves us all and is doing all he can to bring us toward Love and Light!
I personally believe God is looking at the lowest self and having faith in raising it into the highest potential. Not to offend anyone, but sin has never really been the ummm problem. Its the darn prideful religious righteousness and self awareness that has to be worked out in Salvation. Sin has a way of ending by its own design, where self righteousness is a rather deep rooted problem. Religion by its own design has a way of dividing the body from the All who are being gathered into the body of Christ.
It creates the us and them racism format. Religions as taught and their righteousness is the mother of all name tagging.
So yes I agree with your post my friend.
@@jimdude5529 Thanks for sharing those reflections, Jim. In Swedenborg's terminology, I would call that kind of religious self-righteousness a sin. "Sin" simply means actions and attitudes that are harmful to others.
You see my thing in all of this is why is it necessary to still do experiments and all these other things in heaven if you know that the sun that is there obviously is God and just go up to him to ask him the question so he could answer it...this is why I say some stuff is just like it makes you think even more because it's because is this actual factual information or just hearsay.
It's one person's experience, DominicanMarine -- someone who claims that the Lord God Jesus Christ guided every step in his spiritual visions. Take what you like and leave the rest! Because we sure can't prove any of it, as is the case with any belief about spirituality.
One thing I'll say, though, is that most of Swedenborg's conversations with people on the other side took place in what he calls "the world of spirits." That is a middle place, between heaven and hell if you will, where everyone goes after death for a purification and education process, so they can figure out who they truly are, without the distraction of earthly concerns. So I imagine experiments like this happen BEFORE people have reached the full enlightenment of being a heavenly angel. Anyway, we encourage everyone to weigh this info against their own beliefs and intuition. It doesn't appeal to everyone, but some people find a lot of help in the ideas on this channel. Wishing you every blessing on your spiritual path, whether this resonates with you or not.
@@offTheLeftEye I appreciate it I want you to know I'm not trying to troll I just really want factual information because it sucks that God has keeps us wondering. And it sucks knowing that knkwledge is only really given to you when you pass away and that's my issue with the creator. He doesn't answer you why you're in the flesh when you need the answers ..... so what's the point of answering you when you pass away and giving you counsel when you're not living anymore. Hashem says he loves us so much and he wants to give us so much knowledge and so much love but my problem with hashem is that hashem keeps almost everything a secret Until you pass. And that's why one Swendborg talks about hell hell I could understand that because people don't probably don't wanta be in the presence of Hashem and that's understandable. I could understand some of these souls are like where were you when I needed you needed you now you choose to tell me everything and provide everything Because I have no more Flash. So I could understand these souls distain towards Hashem and his council.
@@DominicanMarine129 I have not heard of Hashem before, so I cannot comment on that. As for God giving us answers, I do believe he does. Many people, myself included feel like God has answered prayers, given guidance, and shown them the way. The scriptures are very clear in many places about what God needs from us. Do those answers not speak to you?
God is no respector of person. He is a just God
I agree that God does not favor certain people over others! God loves every single person for their unique and precious qualities.
celebrities are no different from anybody else our quantum world is a non reality where thought (consciousness) produces what you experience / the spirit world is different in as much it is our true world / the virtual reality that life here brings is a dimension created by a mechanism that is spiritual where time is added and the other dimensions. You are what you think in the spirit world / if you are evil you will go where those of the same thought process are. It follows that you are drawn to those of your ilk / if you think of someone from your past life you will go to them if they want your company. You will have many lives and will have the experience of these / with a combined overview of what you have learn't . This is a load of bla bla made up stuff. Sorry hate the style of this presentation.
Hi Ian, what is it you hate about our presentation?
It actually sounds like you agree with a lot of the concepts we discuss on our channel! I agree that the spiritual world is our true world - that you are what you think there and are drawn to those of your ilk, and that celebrities are no different from anybody else.
What happens to celebrities after death
there’s a Judgement
how they lived what
they did with their true
times when they were
on earth they will spend
eternity in Heaven or Hell.
Well said -- it works the same with each of us!
@@offTheLeftEye lol exactly
Give before death, help someone. Smile, forgive, love self and the rest will follow
I'm VERY confused by your response to this comment. Wasn't it representative of the traditional, fundamentalist, "Heaven OR Hell, for ETERNITY, one-shot, only, PERIOD," dogma?? Isn't THAT antithetical to, basically, EVERYTHING special that Swedenborg related in his writings about love, understanding, forgiveness, & the gift of the warmly encouraged & facilitated for each individual's possible continual healing & redemption through spiritual growth, no matter what, AFTER death, IN the spirit world, which, imo, makes E.S.'s teachings so uniquely compelling? Your response to THIS comment is "Well said- it works the same for each of us." ?? I realize you wonderful people are ALWAYS kind in your responses, however, from what I've gathered from OTLE, this " "JUDGEMENT= HEAVEN OR HELL, FOR ETERNITY!!" mindset seems utterly contradictory to Swedenborg's accounts from what I've heard & understood.
@@d.dedrick7991 I read it several times and if you inserted live in hell or heaven by choice it works better.