Law or Grace

  • Опубліковано 1 тра 2023
  • When are you under the law and when are you under grace? It is written:
    “For sin will not have dominion over you, since you are not under the law but under grace.” Rom 6:14
    This verse makes it very clear that a person is either under the law or under grace. There are only two options. A person is completely under grace, everyday and every moment or a person is completely under the law everyday and every moment. Someone who is keeping the ten commandments is clearly under the law, that is crystal clear because he is keeping the commandments. But sometimes that distinction is not so clear. Many religious people use the new testament as a law. They read the new Testaments and they understand: we are supposed to be kind! And as a result they appear to be very friendly and kindly because the new testament requires this. But in reality, their heart is not kind at all and there could be even anger or jealousy.
    If the new testament is being used as a law just as the old testament, then there is nothing new in there. Under the law person is not completely himself. His appearance and behaviour is different from what is in his heart. It might be slightly different but there is a difference between what is the heart and the outward appearance. As soon when there is a certain law or standard a person starts to adjust to this standard and is not completely himself. This is what is called in the bible self-righteousness. The bible also calls this hypocrisy, as there is a difference between the outward appearance and the heart.
    The Bible says: “The law brings wrath for where there is no law there is no transgression.” Rom 4:15 We can all imagine this. In Germany there is no speed limit on highways, that’s why you won’t receive a speed ticket for driving too fast. If there is no standard, there is also nothing to violate. If there is no law at all, there cannot be any violation.
    Guilt is also the result of the law. When a person is feeling guilty, this is always the result of the fact that someone is not meeting certain expectations. There is a certain standard and he is not meeting this standard and feels guilty and he is getting burdened. God does not give people a feeling of guilt, it is the devil that gives people this feeling of guilt, this feeling of not meeting expectations and failure. The devil is an accuser by nature and gives people this burden of guilt.
    A person that is under grace is not under a certain standard, but is free. Real freedom is only possible without the law. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. In this freedom, under grace God can grow a person further.
    How can you become free from the law and how come under grace? Paul says:
    “For I bear them witness that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge. For being ignorant of God's righteousness and seeking to establish their own righteousness they have not submitted to the righteousness of God. “Rom 10:2,3
    Being under the righteousness of God is exactly the same as being under grace. Paul uses very powerful words, he says that you have to submit yourself under the righteousness of God. In other words - you have to humble yourself for God. To have faith as a child. To make yourself small and to realize that it is impossible to please God by holding any kind of law as God only requires faith! It is even more than that: if you want to be with God, you have to get rid of the law. Paul speaks in other verse about the same principle and says: “Cast out the slave woman and her son, for the son of the slave woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman” Gal 4:30
    This is an expression that is even stronger. God speaks to Abraham and tells him that he should send away Hager and Ismael. Hagar and Ismael were both slaves and symbolised the law. But Abraham had to send them away. Because the son of promise could not live together with the son of the slave. It is the same today, you cannot be under the law and at the same time under. Law and freedom cannot live together. To get into this state of being under grace, you need to get rid of the law completely. You have to shake off the law completely and send the law away. Nothing should be left. How to get rid of the law completely? See further the video.
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