Walking in the footsteps of Abraham

  • Опубліковано 30 бер 2023
  • If you are travelling somewhere by car, you’ll just key in the address in the GPS and the car will bring you exactly where you need to go. Every detail is clear how long it will take and what the road will be like. But in the time of Abraham this was very different. God called Abraham and said to him that he had to leave his country, leave everything that was close to him and go. The only thing that God said was: I will lead you to another country and bless you. That was basically all the information he received. And it is written about Abraham:
    “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. “ Heb 11:8
    Abraham did not know exactly where he was going. But Abraham completely trusted God. Afterwards, God promised that Abraham would receive a son - the son of promise. Sara and Abraham were both old. But it is written about Abraham:
    “Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” Rom 4:3
    This is the core of faith. Abraham did not see any results, Abraham did not see anything but he believed and it was accounted to him for righteousness. People many times say: first seeing and then believing. This is the other way around. In faith, believing is in everything the first step. It is written:
    “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible” Heb 11:3
    Again, we can see the same order here. By faith we understand that the universe is made by the word of God. So first of all, there is faith. First there should be faith and afterwards there is understanding. If you live like that then you are like Abraham: “we also walk in the steps of the faith which our father Abraham had.” Rom 4:12
    Abraham is our father. One might say: Well, Muslims say that Abraham is their father, and Jewish people claim that and Christians also claim that. And there are many different Christian denominations, they all claim that Abraham is their father. Who is right? The bible gives a very clear and direct but also very interesting and deep answer to this question. Paul writes about it in Galatians:
    “Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his seed. It does not say and to seeds as of many, but it refers to one. And to your seed, which is Christ” Gal 3:16
    So it is not multiple peoples - there is only one seed. Only one person you could say - this person is Christ. Christ is the seed of Abraham. And only then, if you are in Christ then you are the seed of Abraham. If God is looking at us, he only sees one person. You can compare this with an airplane. If you are flying in an airplane the people do not see you, they only see the airplane. So it is with Christ. God only sees Christ and if you are hidden in Christ then you are safe. It is the same with Noah and the ark. Only if you are in the ark of Noah, then you would be safe. See further video.
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