71 here. RADM Jingles, Flamuu, DavidRussev, and you. good times. like the last few gametitles, i'll likely lurk here 'till the servers shut down. rock on!
@@whattheflyingduck6878 At least the fire spitting cruisers are usually built with citadels and duct tape. They can dish it out, but they can't take it.
@@liberalsockpuppet4772 They need to bring back the mechanic from RTS CVs where DFAA makes planes panic and completely fucks their aim up. It'd be the first step to some meaningful counterplay against CVs given the dismal state of AA right now.
I suggest a new battle mode within the present game. Call it surface or whatever, but it echoes your suggestion. No CVs or subs. So we'd have Co-op, Random, Surface, etc etc. WG will never do it, of course. But they'd go a long way toward satisfying people who can't stand playing against CVs and subs.
I’d bet money the US was one of the reporters. Carrier players are such snowflakes that they actually get angry when they’re on the receiving end of the balans they usually subject others to.
@@ZZMonkeysUncleZZ > Calls Carrier Players Snowflakes > Reports players for killing you in a PvP Game Talk about projection. no wonder yall hate carriers, nothing and no amount of practice will compensate for how little actual skill you Bad kids have.
The 2 in "Fox 2" is not the number of missiles but the type, I think 2 is Infrared. It's a warning to the fellow pilots so they won't get locked by the missiles by accident.
partially true - FOX 1 is a SARH - Semi-Active RADAR Homing Fox 2 is Heat Seeking - Heat/Infrared/Thermal Fox 3 is a ARH - Active RADAR Homing All three are announced not just as a warning to friendlies but for records and tapes purposes also - should the very unlikely occur of accidental collateral damage.
My last day playing World of Warships was me in a Leander, getting focused by aircraft carriers and dying in 2 minutes. It didn't matter how many ships I travelled with (unless there was another Leander being bait), I would always die in 2 minutes to the carrier 100% me. After that, I deemed it not fun, and now the closest I get is watching Flambas for shenanigans.
Even if I don't spend much time on twitch right now. I am sticking here. And I just want to point out the obvious - that the numbers are not your fault. We all know wich company screwed this all up. I for myself quitted playing as a sign of non-conformity. Keep on rockin Flambino!
I was the Zorky on the other team, one of the reports was probably me, -1 for every sub, every CV both sides until I run out of reports - thats the rule
Dude. Who is not in their right mind drop you? 🤔You are one of the few that keeps talking sense when it comes to WoWS. Those that discount your opinion don't know what they are talking about. Keep hanging in there for us. It is not you killing the project. I am with you until you decide otherwise. 👍👍
its amasing how snowflakish players in WoWS have gotten over the years, use to be, "FUCK i got killed, i did something wrong, what was it so i can not do that next game" now its "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the Enemy Ship Killed me..................Remove (Insert Ship Type) From the Game and Ben its players WEEGEE WAHHHHHHHHHHH" now yall are actively calling for players to be banned or punished for simply playing a class in a PvP game that yall dont know how to counter? Jesus, and why is all this whining in gaming as of recent years to have things removed or severely nerfed when they kill or beat them coming form Zoomers???
@@TheFallinhalo The player base have become so whinny and toxic over the years ever since the CV rework but now the player base have also shrunk leaving only the toxic ones while the good players left and move on to another game.
I've been reduced to spamming Missouri in co-op. I only play if a friend pings me. The game is insufferable. Player fatigue is a thing and they're ignoring it.
Hi Flambass, honestly you are the only reason I'm coming back to this game from time to time, and seing how pissed you are with WG maintenance of it makes me just sad...I hope it will bring you joy again. The same i saw when i started wathcing you long time ago :)
Same. Sometimes I get the urge to go back, I miss the feeling of a couple citadels or a spread of torps. Then I see the super ships, the subs, the endless carrier waves, and I'm very happy to just watch.
A lot of people report CV's for going after enemy CV's when the team is depending on you to spot and help clear out other ships. As it is, their CV was doing what you should have done.
Ah yes! the broken reporting system that WoWS uses! the only games company i know that you can report any player at anytime for anything without a shred of evidence to back up your claim and your found guilty right there! A broken system much like their broken game!
Its actually worthless. The karma system only dictates how many reports/complements you can do per day. The karma MM was dropped as an idea years ago. WG used to check the "offencive language reports" but as everybody started reporting people for that -they stopped doing it as well.
@@Legendendear well sometimes it is just suck I got mad at some guy who toxic at me and call him the C*nt word once.....i got 15 days chat ban Even normal banter can be report as toxic, i was mocking the other team to tilt them a bit, nothing mean mind you, no bad word.....chat ban Who even review these chat log? Or it is just automatically ban you?
@@MyH3ntaiGirl Its auto. There is a bot , I think they took it from google (they offer one). It screens the chat and looks for specific words. If a word is on a ban table - you get it. Thefore , if you want to yell at someone - augment your words.
Best part of the video: Trenlass is freezing just as bad as me - we had a temperature drop of 15-20°C in just 7 days here in Tschermany and I feel like I am going to croak in this jarring cold. ^^ BTW War Gaming let's you know: it's perfectly balans, comrades, it's in the secrit documents.
If only cv gameplay allowed that. Considering that you can fund 2v2 or even just 1v1 cv. Why can't cv players be fighting eachother for air dominance? Whilst the battle is happening, it the skies above are planes battling it our for air superiority. Something that will make fighters more useful and may possibly help balance CVs better by allowing cvs to defend their own teammates from air attack. The one thing I really wish I could do more effectively. Carriers have fighters for a reason war gaming.
@@brotherxam1903 Good times, when you had to fight for air supremacy, you had to plan before sending out planes because you could easily find yourself with no planes due to how AA actually worked and your lost planes didn't refill with time, you had to manage multiple squadrons at the same time, and you had to fight planes and ships at the same time with them....
The automated features on the CV mothership are utterly moronic. Balancing handling your ship and planes properly should be a skill CV players needs to learn and stuff like setting fire to the mothership to force the player to recall his planes to DCP should be a legit strategy to fight/harass as well. But noooo - automate that shit because WG apparently sees the need to baby CV players for some reason.
I was an alpha tester for WOWS and beta testing for WOT and I literally quit playing both after the Little White Mouse fiasco. I haven't even logged in since then.
He's using CV to show people how stupid that class is. Flambass is not even a CV main but he can use CVs just fine and score a fuck ton of damage while being almost completely immune to counteroffensive from the enemies. Also, notice that he always went for enemy CV whenever he could.
@@Arisudev and it isnt He's using CV to show people how stupid that class is we all know Flambass is a unicum player, they arent something to be taken seriously for determining whats OP and not. or i guess when he takes any other ship class and does similar performance hes proving how broken those classes are.
@@TheFallinhalo flambass is a unicum but not a CV main. Those are not mutually exclusive. I have almost unicum stats but only in battleship. In a cruiser I'm just decent while other classes I almost never played them. And similarly to him, I can play CV with one eye closed. My impact with CV is not as good as a pro CV player, but I still do 150k regularly and can kill anyone regardless of how good their ship's AA and the maneuvers they do. Also, a unicum's opinion is actually the most accurate regarding what's OP or not. You don't want to ask the average stupid playerbase (yes, most players are stupid) to determine the strength of a ship. A unicum can describe a ship's characteristics in several pages. Average players don't even know when to use AP and HE, let alone compare its performance to other ships.
@Flambass Dude, given that you didn't actually kill that sub by your own interaction, perhaps you should report WG for botting as it's a violation of ToS? 😆
Sounds about right, I bug reported the Battle Pass screen for not showing that there were levels to turn in. It actually does change, but it LOOKS like it's the upgrade button that's highlighted.
not even holidays will make me comeback. Got the ships that I wanted long before subshitters hit live. If subs weren't implemented I'd keep playing and get the renown '44
Just want to let you know I appreciate your videos unlike flamu who does nothing but cry and whine in every stream and video, you on the other hand keeps things fun and entertaining. Thank you for the fun videos, please never turn into a bitter old man like flamu.
Thanks for your personality , your contribution to the game . I once loved the game . I no longer participate . Watching you play this Carrier , would make any surface ship player , sick to there stomach. So sincere good wishes to you personally. Allow me to say W.G. is an absolutely world class , utterly dishonest gaming company . In my opinion the most dishonest , abusive collection of " scumbags" I have ever seen . You know , there are good and bad people in every thing . Not all Russian people are bad . However , a sad truth is this company at it's senior levels is Russian lead . Unfortunately the "Oligarch" method of "Ethos" is the holy grail by which this corporate culture manifest's itself . This is a direct result of the leadership provided. These people seem to follow the belief "That if I lie , steal and cheat my customer base , as long as I can show financial gain . " I am a winner" In true oligarch tradition. Well gl best wishes Flambass
As long as the sub players are still a bunch of potatoes i still play from time to time. If i was focused by the subs the same way as you, i wouldn't touch this game with a ten foot pole. So far i have been lucky enough to only be shotgunned once or twice, but killed countless of impatient subs.
You are one of the two WoW streamers I still watch. I was in since close to beginning. I quit cold turkey May last year. I still like spectating but the economy of the game got so bad you feel like a fool for feeding it your credit card. I was feeding it at 'whale level'.
Never spent a dime on this game and I have multiple tier x and super tier battleships along with several others. Mainly a BB player here but there is no need to spend money on this shit game lmao. Yea it took me a while to get everything i wanted but Everything comes in time. Havent spent and will continue to not spend money on a game where the developers only care about one thing, and it isnt the players.
I really like the guys in my clan, but I cannot play this game anymore. The double CV games are what makes it unenjoyable. It's just a waste of my time, to play with CVs.
fox-# is telling your flight what you shot missile wise and i think it only goes from 1-4 just fyi (i learned this from a youtube video about it and thought i would share)
Takes too long with FPS CVs. Back in the old RTS CV days when you could send out a full alpha strike and sink just about any ship with it, a map-edge strike might be worth the time invested. But now, not so much.
Was a big fan of WoW and as fun as this gameplay was to watch , I dont understand how inconsiderate to ships the devs were when adding carriers and new content. All ships have to defend themselves from aircraft is a sphere collider that activates simple AI AA with stormtrooper aim. The game feels like i am playing Call of Navy Rambo style on water that just doesnt work together. Nonetheless great piloting!
This is just disgusting. And WOWS has the nerve to insist it has more players than ever, player satisfaction is at an all time high, and most players actually love subs and superships and super CVs. It's just a really loud, bigoted, tiny minority of people who take issue with the changes they've made recently. This game is dying and they are getting desperate. When in the past have they announced three new ship lines in the span of a week, two of which don't even have art or stats yet, and are many months away from even being tested? Why on earth would they only just now realise they have to buff AA, and release new Unique Upgrades, after four years of ignoring both? They pushed all of this stuff out this week desperately trying to shore up support and hype, inevitably sacrificing future hype when the lines would actually have been ready to announce. The only time people do that is when they are backed into a corner and absolutely have to do something right now to save their asses, and it usually fails. We do NOT need hundreds more ships thrown into the archetypal random battle in order to fix the game. We definitely do not need more gimmicks, or special new premium ships at T10/T11 that can absolutely dumpster everything else in the game and can only be bought with doubloons. Reorient the game to be about historical naval warfare, as it initially pretended to - the core playerbase should not be new random people looking for yet another arcade shooting game, but for the millions of naval warfare history-loving fanboys. Modes and scenarios that feature historical wars / battles, national teams, historical ships and less stupid non-historical gimmicks, confine subs to a convoy mode and have a CV-free mode too. A single-player game mode that sent a player through a chain of historical battles, like a Japanese destroyer having to do progressively harder resupply missions to Guadalcanal or something. I would spend hundreds of dollars on a game like that and would love every minute of it. WG please listen to this.
It was great. The enemy was all over the place, defending the area around the CC. But your team wasnt capping. As soon as you killed the CC, your team started dying. Strange. I wonder what would of happened if they Would have Pushed, harder and Just fought your ships and Forgot the CC.
@@ainumahtar Thats the interesting part of this. As soon as the CC was killed, They started killing really well. They moved forward enough to do damage. Strange battle.
Nice to see a CV player making the enemy carrier their first priority, as it happened in history. At Midway, carrier planes weren't focusing on DDs and cruisers as they watched the enemy's planes all over the sky over their own task force. Both sides prioritized the enemy carriers, because they knew the first side to knock out the other's carriers would win the battle. Great job Flambino!
I report every CV and sub when I play. I know karma means nothing, but it's the only way I can have a voice in a game that once had so much to give but now is just crap.
imho it's better to invest into Yt videos than Twitch cus lot of players/ watchers are more mature with less time ( colleges/ jobs) to watch regularly streams while YT videos are VOD type stuff
the scary thing is, the player count is dieing, while there is NO alternative game to play in this market. the game has zero competition and they still screwed it over, its sad
I just got sick of the bot script and walked. When MM ties you to a half a team of AI in player clothing... Yeah, I wore out my carry pants, shorts, T-shirt, and even the damn carry boiler suit.
Literally if more people played battlestations pacific on gameranger the base is still solid. Another battlestations game and this is finished. They did everything right.
It really irks me that thet gave us HMS Eagle for the RN and a paper ship for the US, we have a plethora of Essex class that were modernised and we get USS United States ugh
imagine being proud about killing a sub because the bot did the work :D not like the sub caught you completely off guard, but sub gets punished for your tunnel vision, sounds about right
Just make planes limited again... Enable braincells... Remove the babying... Make subs normal subs without the homing feature... Just make them immune to the detection of crew skills... Make them be anti battleships and carriers but everything else built to deal with them be dealing with them..
17:44 You can barely see it just below the battle report window that popped up in the bottom right corner of the screen, it's behind channel plugin logo
Something worth noting: you get notified every time you gain karma; but you only get notified after a game of karma loss if you get reported twice or more (you won't know if you lose just a single point unless you check your total). It's... weird.
Isn't that ironic? The fact that you are punished (by wargaming) for playing the same class that wargaming tries to make everyone play? That just shows how little they care about the community feedback. Classic weegee things.
Well Personally I almost never watch twitch. I only watch stuff when I am not doing anything else, never have strames on in the background. So basicaly I only watch youtube.
Honestly ... does the Karma system for WoW do anything, ANYTHING, at all!!! Other than make you laugh when someone reports you so you know you got someone really angry!
Despite all the constant gaslighting, especially on the propaganda channel known as reddit, no one believes anything WG says and a lot of people are finally realizing this game is rigged on EVERY FUCKING LEVEL. inb4 i told you so from the guy who called them out in 2015
what they also do wrong is asking money from players who already have a premium account for the premium battle pas. we all understand that wargaming is a buisness but imo don't ask that much money from players. go check how much you spend as player in total on the game. they ask way to much.
Im just tired of wargaming in general, I cant open a single game of theirs without a million things that they try to force me to buy. I cant even participate in the really cool shipyard building because they intentionally make the missions way too hard to get anywhere and then if by some miracle you do actually build most of the ship they still FORCE you to spend real cash to finish the ship. They are so money hungry that I cant stand it anymore.
Submarine: literally exists
Carrier: *your free trial of living has expired*
I watch on UA-cam, I enjoy your commentary. I play WOW at 78 years. I find your game play educational and entertaining
71 here. RADM Jingles, Flamuu, DavidRussev, and you. good times. like the last few gametitles, i'll likely lurk here 'till the servers shut down. rock on!
@@em1osmurf what part of the world 🌎 are you from ?
78? Dude, you got me beat. Big ups!
If only there was a World of Warships Classic. No aircraft carriers. No subs. Just fun.
or RTS carriers
I would be happy if they just nerfed the planes a little bit. Make it possible to shot them down more frequently.
@@whattheflyingduck6878 At least the fire spitting cruisers are usually built with citadels and duct tape. They can dish it out, but they can't take it.
@@liberalsockpuppet4772 They need to bring back the mechanic from RTS CVs where DFAA makes planes panic and completely fucks their aim up. It'd be the first step to some meaningful counterplay against CVs given the dismal state of AA right now.
I suggest a new battle mode within the present game. Call it surface or whatever, but it echoes your suggestion. No CVs or subs. So we'd have Co-op, Random, Surface, etc etc. WG will never do it, of course. But they'd go a long way toward satisfying people who can't stand playing against CVs and subs.
"CVs working as intended"
Reporting truly is the “alternative way to interact” with CVs and Submarines. 👌
gives you a little feeling of satisfaction and victory. Even though we know, reporting does nothing.
I’d bet money the US was one of the reporters. Carrier players are such snowflakes that they actually get angry when they’re on the receiving end of the balans they usually subject others to.
@@ZZMonkeysUncleZZ Agreed. Griefers cannot stand to be griefed.
its the Tool of Sore Losers thats for sure.
> Calls Carrier Players Snowflakes
> Reports players for killing you in a PvP Game
Talk about projection. no wonder yall hate carriers, nothing and no amount of practice will compensate for how little actual skill you Bad kids have.
That submarine should have performed a simple maneuver
Obviously. It was clearly a skill issue. 😇
"Just dodge!"
The 2 in "Fox 2" is not the number of missiles but the type, I think 2 is Infrared. It's a warning to the fellow pilots so they won't get locked by the missiles by accident.
partially true -
FOX 1 is a SARH - Semi-Active RADAR Homing
Fox 2 is Heat Seeking - Heat/Infrared/Thermal
Fox 3 is a ARH - Active RADAR Homing
All three are announced not just as a warning to friendlies but for records and tapes purposes also - should the very unlikely occur of accidental collateral damage.
Rockets are NAILS iirc, and bombs are Pickle
@@weir-t7y nails is when you are locked by rader. Rifle is air to ground missiles and i think paveway is bombs
CV's destroy subs without effort.
WG; "Subs need buff"
CVs: "subs need nerf. Those torps almost hit me!"
My last day playing World of Warships was me in a Leander, getting focused by aircraft carriers and dying in 2 minutes.
It didn't matter how many ships I travelled with (unless there was another Leander being bait), I would always die in 2 minutes to the carrier 100% me.
After that, I deemed it not fun, and now the closest I get is watching Flambas for shenanigans.
My guess is: 1st report: U-boat, 2nd report enemy CV, 3rd one: Smolensk... so pretty much all ships thet used to be reported themselves :-D
Even if I don't spend much time on twitch right now. I am sticking here. And I just want to point out the obvious - that the numbers are not your fault. We all know wich company screwed this all up. I for myself quitted playing as a sign of non-conformity. Keep on rockin Flambino!
It is definitely Twitch, right?
Out of this game for nearly 2years now and still watching Flambino vids...
Its funny, even Carriers don't like getting focused down by Carriers.
I was the Zorky on the other team, one of the reports was probably me, -1 for every sub, every CV both sides until I run out of reports - thats the rule
Good for you
Same here
That's what everyone should do
@@Arisudev only the sore losers.
Dude. Who is not in their right mind drop you? 🤔You are one of the few that keeps talking sense when it comes to WoWS. Those that discount your opinion don't know what they are talking about. Keep hanging in there for us. It is not you killing the project. I am with you until you decide otherwise. 👍👍
It may have to do with slightly dropping numbers of EU players despite influx of people from CIS servers recently
There should be a reporting option, "Player used CV or sub" that does nothing.
Reporting already does nothing. Karma is meaningless.
its amasing how snowflakish players in WoWS have gotten over the years,
use to be,
"FUCK i got killed, i did something wrong, what was it so i can not do that next game"
now its
"WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the Enemy Ship Killed me..................Remove (Insert Ship Type) From the Game and Ben its players WEEGEE WAHHHHHHHHHHH"
now yall are actively calling for players to be banned or punished for simply playing a class in a PvP game that yall dont know how to counter?
Jesus, and why is all this whining in gaming as of recent years to have things removed or severely nerfed when they kill or beat them coming form Zoomers???
@@TheFallinhalo The player base have become so whinny and toxic over the years ever since the CV rework but now the player base have also shrunk leaving only the toxic ones while the good players left and move on to another game.
I love watching you kick ass in all classes of ships..... except CV's or subs, that's just sad.
I've been reduced to spamming Missouri in co-op. I only play if a friend pings me. The game is insufferable. Player fatigue is a thing and they're ignoring it.
My moneymaker in Co-op is the Salem.
Hi Flambass, honestly you are the only reason I'm coming back to this game from time to time, and seing how pissed you are with WG maintenance of it makes me just sad...I hope it will bring you joy again. The same i saw when i started wathcing you long time ago :)
Thank you for sticking with this game. Some of us still truly enjoy it and enjoy your content. Beat of luck on the grind
even though i left the game 3 years ago i still watch trenlass, flambass and flamu
Same. Sometimes I get the urge to go back, I miss the feeling of a couple citadels or a spread of torps. Then I see the super ships, the subs, the endless carrier waves, and I'm very happy to just watch.
A lot of people report CV's for going after enemy CV's when the team is depending on you to spot and help clear out other ships. As it is, their CV was doing what you should have done.
It's every man's duty to report a CV player
Or suckmarine.
And sub players
That submarine kill was epic 🤣
Ah yes! the broken reporting system that WoWS uses! the only games company i know that you can report any player at anytime for anything without a shred of evidence to back up your claim and your found guilty right there! A broken system much like their broken game!
Its actually worthless. The karma system only dictates how many reports/complements you can do per day. The karma MM was dropped as an idea years ago. WG used to check the "offencive language reports" but as everybody started reporting people for that -they stopped doing it as well.
Well to be fair this reporting system is only there to reduce toxicity in chat.
@@Legendendear well sometimes it is just suck
I got mad at some guy who toxic at me and call him the C*nt word once.....i got 15 days chat ban
Even normal banter can be report as toxic, i was mocking the other team to tilt them a bit, nothing mean mind you, no bad word.....chat ban
Who even review these chat log? Or it is just automatically ban you?
@@MyH3ntaiGirl Its auto. There is a bot , I think they took it from google (they offer one). It screens the chat and looks for specific words. If a word is on a ban table - you get it. Thefore , if you want to yell at someone - augment your words.
Karma reports do nothing, it only exists to make players feel like they have some kind of impact on players who play badly or are toxic.
Best part of the video: Trenlass is freezing just as bad as me - we had a temperature drop of 15-20°C in just 7 days here in Tschermany and I feel like I am going to croak in this jarring cold. ^^
BTW War Gaming let's you know: it's perfectly balans, comrades, it's in the secrit documents.
Proud of you for giving the CV some of its own medicine with almost equal parts disgust. 😉
If only cv gameplay allowed that. Considering that you can fund 2v2 or even just 1v1 cv. Why can't cv players be fighting eachother for air dominance?
Whilst the battle is happening, it the skies above are planes battling it our for air superiority. Something that will make fighters more useful and may possibly help balance CVs better by allowing cvs to defend their own teammates from air attack. The one thing I really wish I could do more effectively.
Carriers have fighters for a reason war gaming.
@@Caktusdud. That was how cv gameplay was before the cv rework.
@@brotherxam1903 Good times, when you had to fight for air supremacy, you had to plan before sending out planes because you could easily find yourself with no planes due to how AA actually worked and your lost planes didn't refill with time, you had to manage multiple squadrons at the same time, and you had to fight planes and ships at the same time with them....
The automated features on the CV mothership are utterly moronic. Balancing handling your ship and planes properly should be a skill CV players needs to learn and stuff like setting fire to the mothership to force the player to recall his planes to DCP should be a legit strategy to fight/harass as well. But noooo - automate that shit because WG apparently sees the need to baby CV players for some reason.
I was an alpha tester for WOWS and beta testing for WOT and I literally quit playing both after the Little White Mouse fiasco. I haven't even logged in since then.
The irony of talking about how the game is dying in all forms and people are losing interest, meanwhile being a sub and cv squad hits quite hard
He's using CV to show people how stupid that class is. Flambass is not even a CV main but he can use CVs just fine and score a fuck ton of damage while being almost completely immune to counteroffensive from the enemies. Also, notice that he always went for enemy CV whenever he could.
@@Arisudev and it isnt
He's using CV to show people how stupid that class is
we all know Flambass is a unicum player, they arent something to be taken seriously for determining whats OP and not.
or i guess when he takes any other ship class and does similar performance hes proving how broken those classes are.
@@TheFallinhalo flambass is a unicum but not a CV main. Those are not mutually exclusive. I have almost unicum stats but only in battleship. In a cruiser I'm just decent while other classes I almost never played them. And similarly to him, I can play CV with one eye closed. My impact with CV is not as good as a pro CV player, but I still do 150k regularly and can kill anyone regardless of how good their ship's AA and the maneuvers they do.
Also, a unicum's opinion is actually the most accurate regarding what's OP or not. You don't want to ask the average stupid playerbase (yes, most players are stupid) to determine the strength of a ship. A unicum can describe a ship's characteristics in several pages. Average players don't even know when to use AP and HE, let alone compare its performance to other ships.
If aircraft carriers had IRL auto depth charge planes, then so many outcomes of WWII would have been different.
I love watching this man be a menace without even trying
Best sub kill ever.
@Flambass Dude, given that you didn't actually kill that sub by your own interaction, perhaps you should report WG for botting as it's a violation of ToS? 😆
Sounds about right, I bug reported the Battle Pass screen for not showing that there were levels to turn in. It actually does change, but it LOOKS like it's the upgrade button that's highlighted.
not even holidays will make me comeback. Got the ships that I wanted long before subshitters hit live. If subs weren't implemented I'd keep playing and get the renown '44
the game is dying period, not just on twitch. the people in charge have been killing the game.
That was an amazing eagle game!!! Way to go and funny as hell!!! 😂😂😂 sub kill was marvelous that I laughed so fucking hard. Lol
I learned about Flambass from Jingles a while back, been watching since. I play this game on the ps4 platform
Just want to let you know I appreciate your videos unlike flamu who does nothing but cry and whine in every stream and video, you on the other hand keeps things fun and entertaining. Thank you for the fun videos, please never turn into a bitter old man like flamu.
Thanks for your personality , your contribution to the game . I once loved the game . I no longer participate . Watching you play this Carrier , would make any surface ship player , sick to there stomach. So sincere good wishes to you personally. Allow me to say W.G. is an absolutely world class , utterly dishonest gaming company . In my opinion the most dishonest , abusive collection of " scumbags" I have ever seen . You know , there are good and bad people in every thing . Not all Russian people are bad . However , a sad truth is this company at it's senior levels is Russian lead . Unfortunately the "Oligarch" method of "Ethos" is the holy grail by which this corporate culture manifest's itself . This is a direct result of the leadership provided. These people seem to follow the belief "That if I lie , steal and cheat my customer base , as long as I can show financial gain . " I am a winner" In true oligarch tradition. Well gl best wishes Flambass
As long as the sub players are still a bunch of potatoes i still play from time to time. If i was focused by the subs the same way as you, i wouldn't touch this game with a ten foot pole.
So far i have been lucky enough to only be shotgunned once or twice, but killed countless of impatient subs.
I don't watch your streams but I'll watch every single UA-cam video
You are one of the two WoW streamers I still watch. I was in since close to beginning. I quit cold turkey May last year. I still like spectating but the economy of the game got so bad you feel like a fool for feeding it your credit card. I was feeding it at 'whale level'.
Never spent a dime on this game and I have multiple tier x and super tier battleships along with several others. Mainly a BB player here but there is no need to spend money on this shit game lmao. Yea it took me a while to get everything i wanted but Everything comes in time. Havent spent and will continue to not spend money on a game where the developers only care about one thing, and it isnt the players.
@@kenny9021043 Sincerely impressive!
I really like the guys in my clan, but I cannot play this game anymore. The double CV games are what makes it unenjoyable. It's just a waste of my time, to play with CVs.
CVs ran my American cruisers out of Random in a hurry.
fox-# is telling your flight what you shot missile wise and i think it only goes from 1-4 just fyi (i learned this from a youtube video about it and thought i would share)
I'm not on twitch every day, plus California has that whole time zone thing....but I do see the NA streamers a bit. Bou, BFK, Dort, etc.
*When sub pinging cv
CV: So you have chosen death.
It's best to just shoot it unguided at carriers as it dosent sonar ping them while flying. only when they cannot dodge it the torpedo alarm starts
Why not just go around the edge of the map to get to the carrier?
Takes too long with FPS CVs. Back in the old RTS CV days when you could send out a full alpha strike and sink just about any ship with it, a map-edge strike might be worth the time invested. But now, not so much.
Wonder if the low viewer count is just WoW or if it is a general thing all over Twitch now for all games.
im not playing the anymore, watching some yt vids....sometimes...maybe . But i prefer the compilations videos when its available.
I stopped watching twitch when the Adblocker stopped working :)
Yeah, strings of 5,6 or more ads every 20-30 mins are just wtf
Submarine homing torps stop homing when you kill it.
Was a big fan of WoW and as fun as this gameplay was to watch , I dont understand how inconsiderate to ships the devs were when adding carriers and new content. All ships have to defend themselves from aircraft is a sphere collider that activates simple AI AA with stormtrooper aim. The game feels like i am playing Call of Navy Rambo style on water that just doesnt work together. Nonetheless great piloting!
This is just disgusting. And WOWS has the nerve to insist it has more players than ever, player satisfaction is at an all time high, and most players actually love subs and superships and super CVs. It's just a really loud, bigoted, tiny minority of people who take issue with the changes they've made recently.
This game is dying and they are getting desperate.
When in the past have they announced three new ship lines in the span of a week, two of which don't even have art or stats yet, and are many months away from even being tested? Why on earth would they only just now realise they have to buff AA, and release new Unique Upgrades, after four years of ignoring both? They pushed all of this stuff out this week desperately trying to shore up support and hype, inevitably sacrificing future hype when the lines would actually have been ready to announce. The only time people do that is when they are backed into a corner and absolutely have to do something right now to save their asses, and it usually fails.
We do NOT need hundreds more ships thrown into the archetypal random battle in order to fix the game. We definitely do not need more gimmicks, or special new premium ships at T10/T11 that can absolutely dumpster everything else in the game and can only be bought with doubloons.
Reorient the game to be about historical naval warfare, as it initially pretended to - the core playerbase should not be new random people looking for yet another arcade shooting game, but for the millions of naval warfare history-loving fanboys. Modes and scenarios that feature historical wars / battles, national teams, historical ships and less stupid non-historical gimmicks, confine subs to a convoy mode and have a CV-free mode too. A single-player game mode that sent a player through a chain of historical battles, like a Japanese destroyer having to do progressively harder resupply missions to Guadalcanal or something.
I would spend hundreds of dollars on a game like that and would love every minute of it. WG please listen to this.
It was great.
The enemy was all over the place, defending the area around the CC. But your team wasnt capping.
As soon as you killed the CC, your team started dying. Strange.
I wonder what would of happened if they Would have Pushed, harder and Just fought your ships and Forgot the CC.
Pretty sure they just accidentally covered the CV. When was the last time you saw 8+ people do anything in a concerted manner in randoms?
@@ainumahtar Thats the interesting part of this. As soon as the CC was killed, They started killing really well. They moved forward enough to do damage. Strange battle.
I think the Germans referred to it as Gasoline?
Plz don't stop streaming wows
You and flamu are the best streamers of this shit game, God bless you from WG stupidity tho
Good gawd...the service costs of tier 11s are horrific. I'll never play one just because of that.
Nice to see a CV player making the enemy carrier their first priority, as it happened in history. At Midway, carrier planes weren't focusing on DDs and cruisers as they watched the enemy's planes all over the sky over their own task force. Both sides prioritized the enemy carriers, because they knew the first side to knock out the other's carriers would win the battle. Great job Flambino!
I report every CV and sub when I play. I know karma means nothing, but it's the only way I can have a voice in a game that once had so much to give but now is just crap.
13:33 casual war crime
imho it's better to invest into Yt videos than Twitch cus lot of players/ watchers are more mature with less time ( colleges/ jobs) to watch regularly streams while YT videos are VOD type stuff
I still love the game but have been forced to start playing warthunder
WT, devs as shitty as wee gee. Ultimate grindfest of game.
@@JohnSmith-oh9ux thats true but tbh the grind is not that bad if you know what youre doing and grindfest games are fun
the scary thing is, the player count is dieing, while there is NO alternative game to play in this market. the game has zero competition and they still screwed it over, its sad
I just got sick of the bot script and walked. When MM ties you to a half a team of AI in player clothing... Yeah, I wore out my carry pants, shorts, T-shirt, and even the damn carry boiler suit.
Why do the 3 big WoWS streamers' names all have flam or ass in them?
Literally if more people played battlestations pacific on gameranger the base is still solid. Another battlestations game and this is finished. They did everything right.
It really irks me that thet gave us HMS Eagle for the RN and a paper ship for the US, we have a plethora of Essex class that were modernised and we get USS United States ugh
I've no idea why anyone would watch a stream of this game anymore.
You need to put him out of his Missouri...
imagine being proud about killing a sub because the bot did the work :D not like the sub caught you completely off guard, but sub gets punished for your tunnel vision, sounds about right
Just make planes limited again... Enable braincells... Remove the babying...
Make subs normal subs without the homing feature... Just make them immune to the detection of crew skills... Make them be anti battleships and carriers but everything else built to deal with them be dealing with them..
Someone help me out. Where did Flambass see that he had been reported three times? Is it a mod or something I've missed within the game?
You see it in the bottom right notifications. Standard within the game.
You can barely see it just below the battle report window that popped up in the bottom right corner of the screen, it's behind channel plugin logo
Cheers, if I could I'd give a +1karma.
Usually tells you at the end of the game when in port - bottom right popup box
Something worth noting: you get notified every time you gain karma; but you only get notified after a game of karma loss if you get reported twice or more (you won't know if you lose just a single point unless you check your total). It's... weird.
Send this to Jingels!
It pains me to see how far my favorite game has fallen
Your "Best" Carrier game ever.
CV and Sub division? You should have been reported 12 times.
Isn't that ironic? The fact that you are punished (by wargaming) for playing the same class that wargaming tries to make everyone play? That just shows how little they care about the community feedback. Classic weegee things.
LMAO that sub
Yeah auto depth charges are not broken..........
God I hope they dont bring in t11 subs, they would probably give them back the citadel damages
Well Personally I almost never watch twitch. I only watch stuff when I am not doing anything else, never have strames on in the background. So basicaly I only watch youtube.
So flambass comited a war crime? NOTHING TO SEE HERE OK.
Great to see cancer fighting cancer. I whish all the games were like this
its not that people are not interested in the game but we are fed up of an unbalanced broken game that 90% of the time makes no sense
SMOLENSK had 27,400 points and then.......zero. BWAAHAHAAAAHAAAA!!!
This game isn’t fun anymore. It has sucked all joy from my life. Can’t even play Emden without my team being garbage. Pro tip, DONT CLICK DOWNLOAD!
Honestly ... does the Karma system for WoW do anything, ANYTHING, at all!!! Other than make you laugh when someone reports you so you know you got someone really angry!
I'd swap out angry and change it to disgusted. That'd be more accurate, I think.
@@richardcobb1555 Lets get the Thesaurus and list out all the words to ensure it's all covered lol.
@@walterengler5709 Why do unnecessary work? Disgusted is, imo, more accurate.
Despite all the constant gaslighting, especially on the propaganda channel known as reddit, no one believes anything WG says and a lot of people are finally realizing this game is rigged on EVERY FUCKING LEVEL.
inb4 i told you so
from the guy who called them out in 2015
what they also do wrong is asking money from players who already have a premium account for the premium battle pas. we all understand that wargaming is a buisness but imo don't ask that much money from players. go check how much you spend as player in total on the game. they ask way to much.
i report every CV at the beginning of the game. 🤷♂️
Wows twitch dying is a shame for the streamers that depend on it.
I haven’t played or watched in months. CA’s, Sub’s and new gimmick ships turned me off. This is from someone who’s played since CBT.
have not played for more than a month because of carrier and sub
The numbers are falling maybe also because of the new release of warzone 2.0
super cv cost fking alot look if you dont have prim you stil lost 65k on money
BUT good game tho
Im just tired of wargaming in general, I cant open a single game of theirs without a million things that they try to force me to buy. I cant even participate in the really cool shipyard building because they intentionally make the missions way too hard to get anywhere and then if by some miracle you do actually build most of the ship they still FORCE you to spend real cash to finish the ship. They are so money hungry that I cant stand it anymore.
I think it has more to do with Twitch being a bad platform tbh
I have to play the game bad so people wont report me for being good at the game.
Absolutely disgusting, I love it.