David Gates - Real Adventists Love their Church

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @rosezerafastagno6562
    @rosezerafastagno6562 10 років тому +4

    God bless your work David G. God is truly with you.

  • @cebuanalang
    @cebuanalang 10 років тому +3

    May God bless David Gates and his family...

  • @diggingdeeperwithrick125
    @diggingdeeperwithrick125 4 роки тому

    Keep it up David...you are one of the few that are blowing the trumpet with that certain sound......

  • @Cubasenet33
    @Cubasenet33 9 років тому +1

    Thank you, brother, for the great courage I've received watching this vid. It has been a pleasure to become acquainted with your incredible ministry, and also to know about your sound and good spirit. It makes me remember Jer. 17:5-7 and 1 Cor. 7:23. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly, so you can continue to be a blessing.

  • @eunicewinship2368
    @eunicewinship2368 8 років тому

    thank you so much Pastor David. I needed to hear that. God led me to your message tonight to give me strength and courage to remain humble, push forward and look ever to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith. Your counsel is good and sound. Thank you for your prayers.

  • @kesil4718
    @kesil4718 10 років тому +2

    Keep up with the good work. You are not alone!

  • @earlysda
    @earlysda 11 років тому

    I pray this experience will humble you Br. Gates, so you will fall on the Rock and be broken and receive a new heart.

  • @JesusJusticiadeAmor
    @JesusJusticiadeAmor 11 років тому

    Thank you for sharing your experiences brother David. Your words bring comfort to others that are also having dificulties at this same time because of keeping failthful to precious Word of God. God indeed is preparing us for the harder times that will come. Let's pray to stand firm on the Rock of our Salvation gazing only upon Him, so that the work of God can be done, in spite of the issues that might arrise, and that He may come soon for all of us. God bless!

  • @angieperez7524
    @angieperez7524 10 років тому

    May God keep on blessing our ministry an our servant of his word

  • @BrokenAdventistMinistryBAM
    @BrokenAdventistMinistryBAM 11 років тому

    Great job, your one of my inspirations why I became a missionary 5 years ago.

    @LAWJESUSBLOOD 9 років тому

    Hi David, we love your messages,

  • @ultimomensaje4805
    @ultimomensaje4805 11 років тому


  • @konstantingaranin5711
    @konstantingaranin5711 11 років тому

    Keep your eyes upon Jesus, God bless GMI and its ministry. It is God`s work to prepare his children for His coming.

  • @aldrinjunsan9058
    @aldrinjunsan9058 5 років тому


  • @UnderMyTree4
    @UnderMyTree4 11 років тому

    Thanks for standing firm :)

  • @clemblackman1003
    @clemblackman1003 8 років тому

    Hello a Pastor Gates thank you for sharing this lovely message I was truly blessed and thank you for the confirmation of reproof in the areas of criticizing I am always willing to hear about areas in my life where I need to improve and I also would like to state short a note of suggestion also, did you know that the tie that you are wearing is the focal point of your dress?
    I think that the colors that you are wearing in this video are fantastic but however it just needs to be properly complimented a little bit like for example the principle of dressing flows right over into interior decorating if you want to make a room look bigger and you also want to add some color too. You paint the bottom half of the room with the color of your choosing first then the other top 1/2 with a lighter color making the room look bigger and yet at the same time distinctive.
    So I hope you don't mind me asserting myself because some time ago I heard you say in one of your videos that you would be interested in hearing where you need to improve in your videos. In this video you are wearing a wine color shirt with a tie with a gray and wine colors that match the colors in your dress. However you could do that but what if you were to try wearing that same tie with a white background instead? I personally think this would distinctively make you stand out more while highlighting you in this video. Let me know what your thoughts are and I will greatly appreciated it. Peace and be good to yourself.

  • @7milen
    @7milen 9 років тому +3

    Brother Gates, I praise God for your work and ministry. But how can the comfortable Pharisees at the GC understand your whole life of self-sacrifice. How can the haughty lukewarm so called "leaders" sympathize with you when they themselves don't do any work. Like you said by their fruits you shall know them. Where are their fruits? I do not see why you even need to apologize to them for anything. Cowards. Always behind in God's work. If you don't agree with them, they are ready to even cast you out of the church, like they did with the man that was born blind. Be brave like Jesus in the face of these lukewarm men who will lord it over God's heritage.Not only don't they do God's work, but they also want to prevent those who are doing it. God will raise enemies to carnal Solomons yet even more. Jealous men who have lost the respect and love of many SDA's. He that is not with me is against me. If they don;t do God;s work they are against Him. Do not try to placate them. We know for sure that they are lukewarm. I know it, you know it, millions of church members know it. Why then apologize. Your sermons and testimonies are anything but sensational.

  • @gutobonadio
    @gutobonadio 10 років тому

    Please sing Lost Without your love LOL

  • @Kurauone__
    @Kurauone__ 10 років тому +3

    Interesting... Its not about theology, its about control.

    • @Kurauone__
      @Kurauone__ 10 років тому +2

      This is the smiting of the fellow servant warned against in the parable. Solemn times indeed..

  • @Edupier
    @Edupier 9 років тому +1

    Ok. But. . . what about the Three Angels' Messages? Not only the First Angel's Message

  • @jamesgardnerablackwindblows
    @jamesgardnerablackwindblows 9 років тому +1

    Please answer me because I am frustrated with the world. How can a Bible based Christ proclaiming person make such bold statements about sin regarding saturday/sunday observance when Colosians 2:16 says "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days" ? If a Christian reads this verse and considers this organization, wouldnt they be forced to avoid sda if they follow the Bible?

    • @danielmatindas4404
      @danielmatindas4404 9 років тому +4

      What Paul means in this verse is about the pass-over sabbath, not the Sabbath of the Lord. Jewish people also called the pass-over day as a Sabbath day, you might want to ask your Jewish friend if you don't trust me. Paul is talking about Jewish sacred festivals here. The Lord only has one day that he blessed and made holy. That is the Saturday Sabbath. GOD also said that if we don't honor the Sabbath and make it holy, then we are sinned, "because sin is the transgression of God's law." 1 John 3:4. Jesus also said: "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." And one of his commandments is to remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

  • @jamesgardnerablackwindblows
    @jamesgardnerablackwindblows 9 років тому

    I think Paul is specifically telling the early church not to get bogged down in divisive arguments proposed by false prophets. Jesus frequently answered arguments over Sabbath conduct. Tell me, does your pastor do his work on the Sabbath or are SDA services conducted on a seperate day?

  • @stephenlake568
    @stephenlake568 5 років тому +1

    "Real" Seventh Day Adventists no longer have a church on earth. Their church is in heaven by faith. The GC SDA Church is fallen. She has become a, "Sister", to Fallen Babylon.

  • @soursop9127
    @soursop9127 4 роки тому

    No so, pastor. The current SDA GC has departed from the truth. In 1902 sister White says it is no longer the voice of God. No right to stand on the ground of neutrality. In 1925 the SDA conference already introduced the 075 working policy preparing for Ganonine Diop to lead the final union with papacy under the 2019 G20 Interfaith Forum in Tokyo.

  • @noxon80
    @noxon80 11 років тому

    willy come sta?

  • @ubezygirl1
    @ubezygirl1 10 років тому

    I do not know how Bro. Gates can say it's not a doctrine issue, how can he explain the "Unholy Unbiblical trinity doctrine"? The bible says two can't walk together except they both be agreed. I would strongly advise him to remember the late Bro. Joe Crews of Amazing Facts; and the book "Creeping Compromise". Crews got shut down by his govt ministry for a few months. The very ministry he started, and founded. What about 3ABN Dan Sheldon losing the power in his govt ministry? I am going to go ..

    • @bonolib8979
      @bonolib8979 5 років тому +1

      Your going to go?...brother your already gone, caught-up in the many winds of doctrine flying round the church. How far have you gone? You quote 1/18/1886 but you cant see there was a living prophet then who disagrees with you.

  • @kojoaboagye1329
    @kojoaboagye1329 7 років тому

    Pastor Gate do you accept tithe

  • @dalelyons.3886
    @dalelyons.3886 6 років тому

    I did love the sda church until I realized the lies and deception

  • @davidnoyes9172
    @davidnoyes9172 10 років тому +2

    I'm sorry, I have to disagree with Brother Gates...I am sure he is sincere in his belief that the "fruits" will be positive but my Bible and the writings of Sister White are in contrast of what he asserts here. Jesus came and preached...did the church grow at that time? There are churches that are growing because their heretical beliefs are drawing in sinful people of a similar nature. The tares by far outnumber the wheat! I am speaking only of the experience I am familiar with which is in Southern California. Here, they elected a woman to be conference president which is severely and strictly against scripture. The church is growing with unconsecrated souls who are seeking to make MY Jesus match their perverted, worldly mold! This example is only one of a multitude of things going on inside the denomination. I Love what Adventism is supposed to be...not the image of the beast that it has become. Repent! The kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

    • @GregX420
      @GregX420 8 років тому

      +Christ Centred Does not God also love His creatures but not sin? Since Adam and Eve to the end, sin will destroy souls, it is however our duty to stand as the rock we should contemplate, and let the Spirit use us to reach as many as we are given the ability. And yet, myself the first, let's repent, because, do we know one soul's price to let it be deceived? Of course where is the majority, you will certainly not see the Spirit of God, that is why we have the fruits to distinguish. Not all adventist churches hopefully are growing because of wrong fruits. Do not generalise upon sinners, the good fruits still exists in growing churches, even if it is not the majority, then people will make up their mind in front of the good fruits carriers and take a decision. I am not of those who gives "God is love" to every question of course, but it is not because we are surrounded by tares that the truth we carry through the last messages do not attract people. The last answer is: We are all responsible for our fruits, we will be judged according to them, and God is the only judge.
      PS: I am confronted with the same difficulties within my adventist church, but as you mentioned the tares and the wheat, they have to grow together. I will stay in the church until as long as God will allow me. The Church in general is growing.

  • @eytonefrainperezperez9730
    @eytonefrainperezperez9730 11 років тому

    i am sorry for where u are!!u are so good at it,,,but i am so sorry that u will be out of God´s kingdom!!!

  • @kennymurphy6386
    @kennymurphy6386 7 років тому

    I had the privilege of sleeping with his sister. and he is really a very nice gentleman just so you know