Does Evil Disprove God? w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. & Prof. W. Matthews Grant

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @markbirmingham6011
    @markbirmingham6011 7 місяців тому +3

    Comment for traction

  • @caseyhart4406
    @caseyhart4406 7 місяців тому +1

    The material world is finite. So as I see it all life in a finite universe is suffering. Suffering is to go without, right? As in the Bhudist all life is suffering. So for man it is the degree of suffering that is the obstacle. To have a finite amount of time, food, safety, health, prosperity. To miss a meal and be hungry is a very mild form of suffering. To get fall down and scrape your knee, the same. But to starve to death or get into a crippling traffic accident is the same suffering isnt it? Simply increased in intensity? So it seems to be the degree of suffering that people have an issue with. There seems to be a tipping point beyond which the suffering is too great and we blame God for it. For a parent to feel stress over temporarily losing sight of their young child at the park is an acceptable amount of suffering, but to have the parent go through the child dying of cancer is too great a level of suffering.
    My point is not to diminish the weight or appropriateness of sorrow and suffering. Christ endured both in extreme for our redemption. My point is, rather clumsily, that evil and its offspring, suffering does not disprove God. For those that live in a finite universe all is suffering from one degree to another, joy is to overcome that suffering and true joy can only come from His Grace, who is beyond the finite. And someday we will pass through this and into the infinite where there is no evil or suffering because there no lack for anything.

  • @butterflybeatles
    @butterflybeatles 7 місяців тому

    People foolishly attribute evil to God -- When something bad happens they say, "It is God's will. God is in control".

    • @jmm91910
      @jmm91910 7 місяців тому

      I understand Everything comes From God the difference is God’s will or God’s permissive will, it sounds like you are saying that, that is foolish?

    • @butterflybeatles
      @butterflybeatles 7 місяців тому

      ​What ?! What is the difference beaten the two?@@jmm91910

  • @piushalg8175
    @piushalg8175 7 місяців тому +1

    Why then have I read somewhere in the bible the dscription of a (desired) world where lions and sheep lie side by side? No doubt christians see the world as fallen as a whole (lacking good), a truly misterious state for any christin, isn't it? And because it is misterious there is nothing left but mere speculation why things are what tey are.

    • @LostArchivist
      @LostArchivist 7 місяців тому

      This only holds if mystery is necessarily equivelant to lack of any potential reliable knowledge within our grasp, but this does not necessarily follow since we can indeed learn about matters and rule out certain incorrect answers as the world and logic particularly regarding good and evil's natures have a certain order. Thus we are at the least, able to have reliable knowledge of some form.
      The painful part of the enigma is a product of the Fall, not visa versa.

    • @LostArchivist
      @LostArchivist 7 місяців тому

      And no, we Christians do not see the world lacking any good or else God would not have made it such that it could become so, the Fall is thus a breaking, not an utter nullification of the good of Creation, espescially because it would lack being if it were, as to exist is a a good.

    • @piushalg8175
      @piushalg8175 7 місяців тому

      @@LostArchivist What does "privatio boni" according to Augustin mean then? It must mean some kind of deprivation of the good, doesn't it? Privare means to rob or to take something away (to deprive). Therefore there must have been something to take away. .

    • @LostArchivist
      @LostArchivist 7 місяців тому +1

      @@piushalg8175 Yes therefore creation was and is good even if thrown off its original course.
      Also Saint Augustine is a Doctor of the Church, but his writings are not equal to Holy Magisterium.

    • @piushalg8175
      @piushalg8175 7 місяців тому

      @@LostArchivist The enigma is what is the cause why creation was thrown off its course. And mankind is not in charge he of the cosmos.