Season one: chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard. season 2: hmm, maybe we should start being a bit more serious. season 3: hey kids you want some PTSD? season 4: enjoy your depression!
5:15 honestly I love Kaiba explanation in the dub, which makes sense cause Kaiba always had the best dub lines in the original. Kaiba explanation in the dub? “Because if there is intelligent life out there...might as well teach them how to duel.”
Ok Seto Kaiba is no doubt the best yu-gi-oh charater ever created even though in the first season he kept on going on about how pegasus was a crazy rich dude and him over here sending random cards to space because he said so
@@RooftopRose079 if you are referring to DSoD, that wasn't time travel. Kaiba broke into the afterlife in order duel Atem. Which is like, even more bonkers
His like reasons for being friends with judai when asked by o'Brien why he is sticking his neck out so far for judai was pretty powerful in my opinion.
fidel luz while the dub had a lot of goofy errors (I’m not talking about 4kids censoring death as usual. I’m talking about how many times a spell was played when the characters called it a trap card or vice versa. It gets a little aggravating at times), the raw emotion of the voice acting in the dub (shot out to Zane’s VA in particular. He absolutely nailed it in the duel between him and Jaden) is splendid. It demonstrates how far the voice actors came from their abysmal start in season 1.
fidel luz to be honest, I would like a Yugioh anime like that and at least 80% like that (GX is probably 40% slice of life at the most. Even then, that’s pushing how much slice of life it is). Minimal high stake risks and just some fun dueling.
KENN (Judai’s VA) did a badass job on voicing Judai from season 1 to 4. He portrayed his character so damn good from happy go lucky to a depressed boy. Props to KENN. And btw he also sang the ending of the second season “Wake Up Your Heart”
At beginning of the series Judai wanted to become Duel King and at the end he chose to use his powers for others sake and travel the world in search for those that need it. He is one of the rare protagonist that never achieved his dream and that's okay. I like how writers didn't go classic route in having main character become recognized best. Sometimes things in life don't work out the way we intended, goals that someone strived for are left unfulfilled. Judai in this case had every opportunity to become Professional Duelist with Sho and Manjome and if we're completely honest he would eventually go on and become the best in the Pro League. The fact that he didn't and looked past his own desires speaks so much about his growth and maturity.
Judai has more weight to his character than most Shonen protagonists. I like Yugi and Yusei but they didn't lose often, in fact I don't think Yusei lost at all apart from the flashbacks. Judai won most of the time, but every time he lost or drew with his opponents, he learned from it and grew as a duelist, eventually he matured into a serious young man in season 4 opposed to his silly and naive attitude of the prior seasons. Judai is a very unique character, not only does he change for himself, but also the surrounding environment and his friends change too because of him. I'd say he's the overman of the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise.
This is why I love Gx so much. Jaden was such a great character when you look at him as a whole throughout the series. He’s the most relatable protagonist we’ve had, and like you said the fact that he grows up alongside the kids/teens that grew up with the show, was a really nice touch. I do wish some of the other characters were given more love like Chazz (manjoume), but overall the series just hit differently
Honestly i’m more impressed that Jaiden went through all the shit that he did and got out of it slightly edgier with a cooler dual disk If it was me I’d either hate everything and everyone, end my suffering or become incredibly edgy
This series is really underrated. Judai is still my favorite yugioh protagonist to this day. Season 3 and 4 were too real for me lol The ending was really good. Yugi helping judai get his "happiness" back really touched me
nile river personally, Jaden started as 1 of my least favorite protagonists. He was far too one-note with me for a while. By the end of season 3, that’s when he became 1 of my favorite main protagonists. I only wish he could become the star of 1 of these fixed duel events held at tournaments, but it seems the dub haters have shot down any chances of that happening.
I heard that the reason 4kids gave some of their characters different type of terrible accents was to cover up that that they were running out of voice actors to use for a series. Not sure if this is true or not but it does kind of explain why some characters end up getting really unfitting annoying accents.
The ridiculous dub is the biggest reason why this is my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh season Its been years and it still laugh at "you're gonna get Chassed" and "before you Chass me"
I agree with you there! plot wise, Japanese is better but god do i love the voices of the Dub XD. so many things came from the Dub "Chazz it up!" and Jaden's fight with a sheet in the vampire episode. plus i like the dub opening more than the Japanese openings.
@@ColdEmperor YEEEESSS Southern Bell accent of Jesse mixed with every spirit having their own made that duel wonderful XD tbh i think everyone had amazing accents in GX. Hasselberry was annoying in Japanese but the army accent made him funny.
@@rokechikan4481 well, it was so that Judai doesn’t remember anything about Yubel. But come on now? Shock therapy? Really? He’s just a kid (so small back then). You could’ve at least tried to figure out a different way instead of making your OWN child go through that. Man, they are the worse parents ever. They don’t deserve Judai 😭. I’d gladly take him in and raise him as my son. And I’ll probably do a better job then you guys. Some parents you are 🤦🏼♀️
I actually liked Yugioh GX most when it wasn't about life and death, souls and magic. I feel like Yugioh is the perfect foundation for a sports anime. Your characters can actually lose fights without ending the series, it's literally about a competitive game, and any neat plot contrivance can be explained as a game rule. And you can still absolutely have awesome character development.
Yeah, he loses in like episode 8(?) to zane and gets up and nothing has gone wrong. It wasn't world ending. Yugi didn't really have those kinds of duels.
I mean same goes for 5Ds with the motorcycle duels. I think that takes it as a sports anime as well, just without all the dark shit happening in the series
The 4 stages of watching GX: Season 1: Oh god, people actually think this is good? It has its moments but it sucks compared to the original. Season 2: This is kinda dumb, but better than Season 1. Season 3: Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Things are getting good! Season 4: Oh damn, there's a 4th season (cut to a few days later). I want more...
@@comradeking4427 I disagree, First half of season 1 was pretty much just filler. Not to mention I liked the main Antagonist of season 2 a lot more than the disappointing shadow riders.
Watched season 1 because I enjoyed it when I was little so I though I would watch it for a bit but I was blown away when I saw how good the third and fourth season were
@@comradeking4427 Given you use the Japanase names I will assume you watched the sub which would explain our difference in opinion as I stuck with the dub. Regardless, I should. mention I did not mind the filler in either season. They were entertaining to watch espaiclly with the different one off archetypes that would appear (though there were some weak ones particular in season 1 *cough* Tennis duel *cough* but then Season had some weak duels as well so it balances out. Knowing how the Sub usually portrays characters better I will assume the shadow riders are a lot better there than in the dub where 5 of them were either comic relief or just forgettable. Camula and Banner (the teacher) was probably the only noteworthy shadow riders that were genuinely cool. That said, Sartorious (or Saio) was a lot more memorable for me, not only was he a constantly involved in the entire season, I have a massive fondness for the Arcana Force archetype he used (Yes, I know objectively they are a terrible archetype, still probably my favourite archetype of all time thought just for the Tarot theme.
Just AI upscaled the first couple of minutes of this show, and the quality literally went from SD to HD, looks wise, so many old shows could easily be remastered with AI, and released again on streaming services.
Judai is by far my favorite Yugioh character, and it saddens me to see people overlook him so much. This boy has been through hell and back and I love him so much. Thank you so much for making this!
Someone posted something interesting about Jaden and Chass, i.e. the fact that they go in opposite directions (sort of). Chass starts as a sort of cold-hearted person that learns to open up and accept friends, while Jaden becomes more serious as the series goes on. GX was IMO just a ton of fun where they actually decided to expand upon the special summoning mechanic from the previous season (fusion) instead of just doing a new thing like every season does now. Also, the duel Zane has with Yubel is so great, and IMO how his journey should have ended.
Honestly yeah there was fusion in the original series of Yugioh but that was never the real main way that they were using monsters, it was mostly about tribute summons. GX made Fusions front and center, and 5Ds Synchros and so on and so on.
@@SwagMaster824 Still hilarious how Rituals were shafted until Vrains. The summoning mechanic so awful, not even anime villains could make it work. Vrains had to create new Link monsters just to make them reasonably playable in a duel. (then, of course, Sunavalons was a seriously strong deck in Vrains alongside Trickstar, Gouki, Geist, and Salad so the power scaling was all over the place.
@ULGROTHA Rituals should have been forgotten to time. Just to make them playable they have the most busted support out of any summoning type or even archetype out there.
Kinda disagree. The original was more about tribute summoning for big boss monsters (Blue Eyes, Red Eyes, Dark Magician, god cards, etc) Fusions were mostly reserved for weaker monsters one-off or tag duels (Blue Eyes Knight, Red Eyes Summoned Skull, etc). They were almost all non-effect monsters as well. GX introduced a BUNCH of new fusion monsters that were almost trivial to summon, (Ojamas, Cyber Dragons, all of the Heroes, etc). It was completely different from anything that came before. Then 5D's made it even simpler by having any two monsters with the right levels (one being a tuner). Then Zexal made it even simpler by having any two monsters of the same level. And then Link monsters were even simpler by having just any amount of monsters.... GX was just the first.
I love how GX is like Kirby, in the sense that it starts out all happy and fun and then turns extremely dark. Like we went from “The mean teacher is trying to get me expelled!” to “You must use the power of the aliens of your own creation and the demon inside of you that once tried to kill everyone you know and love to stop the literal personification of darkness from assimilating every living thing on the planet into his world to psychologically torture them until they completely lose the will to live.”
Honestly the GX dub is a godsend, it just takes most of season 1 for the writers to finally give up all pretension of caring so that it can finally descends into borderline abridged series levels of parody/ absurdity.
I REALLY hated Judai's old friends in this season. They literally forced themselves onto him even though he insisted on going alone, ended up becoming complete burdens for him and even accused him of bringing them into danger to save Johan. With friends like that who needs enemies?
And also, the OP of each season perfectly reflects on the respective theme and story of the season. You started with a carefree adventurous theme and ended with trying not to forget your childhood dream and keep on going theme.
The entire Yu-Gi-Oh GX series in a nutshell: "Your life, and the lives of everyone around you, will always change for the worse. All it takes is one bad duel."
I've never watched Yu-Gi-Oh! but this video was soooo interesting and made me want to dig in this universe. Thank you so much I hope to see more from you in the future! (Sorry for my poor english and now I'll go back to finish Evangelion)
The Yugioh series are all very interesting, each has their own unique style to their duels and at the same time deal with their own dark themes happening to their stories
Shock therapy is defined as the following: “treatment of chronic mental conditions by electroconvulsive therapy or by inducing physiological shock” or “Electroconvulsive therapy, formerly known as electroshock therapy, is a psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced in patients to provide relief from mental disorders” So they essentially thought He had a mental disorder or was crazy for all of what he said..
And did one of most extreme and in retroaspect used for torture procederes, no wonder he seemed so dumb at first, his brain was literally fried as kid.
I absolutely love Gx Jaden is my favorite Yugioh protagonist out of all yugioh protags because he was so relatable. Maybe not the part with going to a school just for a card game, but about the part of essentially growing up, and moving on in life. Because no matter what life goes on. Either prepared or not
for seson 4 they didnt dub it so most people actually thought jaden just up and died which i think is hilarious EDIT: also johann was'nt the only one who got buffed have you seen yugi? he has like a 12 pack
I still don't get it. Jadens return was not dubbed, yes. But the part where he survives the fusion just being passed out and yubel literally tells him that they will keep going on together was dubbed. The only thing that was implied by the dub cutting off there was that he just never returned to academia.
Respect. I love GX the most out of all yugioh incarnations. Yes..... even the original can’t match GX. Chazz sold it for me. Dub Chazz. His mini character arc was awesome and I loved all the monsters he’s used. Ojamas, XYZ engine, and armed dragon. Also CHAZZ IT UP!!!!! Alexis was awesome too. Wish they invested more into them. Hell.... I even like Chumley. I didn’t care for the second group tbh. Anyway, ‘‘twas a good watch. Keep up the good work!
Never did I imagine Mel posting a video about yugioh gx... AND I BL*ODY LOVE IT!!! First of all, girl, your editing is just so good FCKING QUEEN! Second, judai is my absolute fave ygo protagonist and the fact that you described perfectly how I feel about him is just djdndnsnsj THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I means sure gx has his flaws (just like the other shows) but damn judais character development hits really hard 😭So again, thank you so so much for your absolutely brilliant video 💕 PS: I think we all can agree that ygo subbed is always superior, but without it we wouldn't have brilliant scenes like when Karen got over stimulated and Jim tried to explain it in his overdone Australian accent and Judai goes like "there's no time to start speaking Australian Jim" djdndjsjs I keep dying every time
Someone said that gx is the yugioh series that turned its protagonist from a happy go lucky boy who loves playing cards to a man that understands the consequences of his actions and lost friends along the way. While it is not my favorite of the series, I do agree that the show gets a bit too much hate and the 3rd season/how the show ended really redeem it.
About the first season: I think the reason for it was because the majority of DM was very serious arcs with sky-high stakes, so GX wanted to be different by having a more relaxing first season before moving on to the darker arcs. And I mean, even in season 1 there was shadow duels (sort of) where Jaden already started getting anxiety about losing since it meant his friends would get hurt. A lot of season 1 feels like filler but I like it simply because it's different from DM (mostly) and a nice way to set up the rest of the series.
Great job of summing up the series but I feel like a lot of it was told from Judai's perspective. Some great moments were missed. Johan-Yubel vs Kaiser which is arguably the best duel in all of Yugioh. Sho, Manjoume and Asuka's coming of age moments. Whatever mindfuck Trueman put O'Brien through. The nostalgia of Judai vs Chronos II. GX really did a fantastic job of developing it's main cast by the end.
Judai is always going to be favorite protagonist out of the bunch but my favorite character in GX is Sho. I love in the beginning how he's just scared of dueling, always being compared to his brother and how inferior he is to him. Even when he had a chance to beat his bully, his brother had to save him and show him the error of his ways of being overconfident and not respecting his opponent. Meeting with Judai helps show him that he's more than being just Kaiser's brother and throughout the seasons, him progressing from Slifer to Ra to Obelisk on his own shows how much progression and growth he's having throughout the show. It helps that his fight with his brother in S2 even though in a loss, told us that no matter what he will always respect and love his big brother. In S3, he helped survivors escape the Supreme King's army while still trying a plan to save Judai from his dark self. He's even the most distraught at the end of S3 when he thought that Judai died. Then you get to the end of S4 where he's scared of everyone leaving him behind with him never catching up to them, and it just hurts knowing that he's scared of the future and doesn't know what to do. Even though he has grown very much, he's still scared what the unknown in the future is and that hits me deep since it was my mindset throughout High School and still today. My favorite duel though is his last duel with the Psycho duelist where he uses the combination of his Vehicroids and Kaiser's Cybers to show that the deck still has potential and growth and that anything is never set in stone in terms of limits. I remember crying at the end of the episode where Kaiser admits that Sho has surpassed him and wanting to make a Pro League with the help of Sho. I just love at the end of the series that the two brothers still love and respect each other, and how much growth Sho has when you compare his S4 to his S1 self. Heck even the story of his Obelisk self is one of the best in Tag Force 3. Tldr: Sho has the best character growth and development in GX imo.
Glad there's someone else that loves syrus/sho. I think there was a huge missed opportunity for him in season 4. Since sho advanced to obelisk blue, they should have given him the top scores and granted him a grad match. They could have paralleled it to zane challenging judai in season 1 by having Sho challenge judai. It's an even better parallel since Sho now has Zane's deck but with vehicroids and judai would be using his evolved deck. This would be the biggest test for Sho because Judai is the reason he gained confidence. It would also be good for Jaden too since he'd see how far Sho has grown and actually see him as an equal. This would be one emotional battle. They could have made Syrus the biggest sleeper character where he starts off weak in our eyes but turns out to be the strongest and gives Judai the biggest challenge (from his friend group). Also sad that johan kinda replaced him.
i love GX i love jaden/judai his energy in the show is amazing i also love how the very last thing her reads in the show is the message from his friends where it gives you hope for his future
Great video and stellar editing! It's about time someone shows proper love to GX. I can tell the reason why it's underrated by western audience is mainly because of the U.S. dub... I'm from Italy and here GX is extremely appreciated because, even though we borrowed the first 3 seasons from 4kids, we couldn't fully translate all the american jokes and neither the slang they gave to certain characters... so we basically kept the soundtracks and visual censorships of the 4kids adaptation, but re-wrote most dialogues and gave the characters a more serious tone, closer to the original. Watching the Japanese version is the ultimate experience... the ost is phenomenal and always on point and you can really see the character evolution. Some characters were left behind, true... but it's just because in season 3 they introduced way too many cool duelists and it was impossible to give all of them the right space. Overall, we have to be thankful to GX for introducing archetypes in the game and offering us the pinnacle of monsters designs and characters' likeability :)
good things about the dub Yugi boi Neah I'm Joey Wheeler and I'm from Brooklyn Kaibia being a douche intros (in my opinion) CHAZZ IT UP! CHAZZ IT UP! CHAZZ IT UP! British Jack Atlas
This was video was so good!! You expressed what makes GX Special and the messages behind it perfectly! GX will always be special to me and Judai will always be amazing despite how simple he may seem. I know life his hard and sometimes you need to take things seriously, but you need to still find enjoyment in life and still find a reason to smile. Judai represents Joy to me.
@@V-Jes Season 1 of the GX Dub (despite the frequent use of pretty bad puns) does capture the energy of the season a bit better than the sub imo. It's when GX starts doing more in-depth and darker stuff in seasons 2 and 3 (but especially 3) where it starts to fall apart. It's a weird effect, where the actual show get's a lot more mature as it goes on, where the dub becomes borderline parody by Season 3.
It’s weird but I think the dub actually captured the creator’s intention for Jaden as a character even better than the original version, at least at first. Plus, I don’t know what it is, but I just really like Jaden as a character. I just enjoy his personality a lot, and I tried rewatching some of the earlier episodes in sub, and while it’s mostly fine, I can’t help but feel that the dub really nails something about the overall tone of the setting and Jaden as a character so much better. It gets bit awkward in season 3 towards the end when it gets a lot more serious but it’s mostly downplayed. It’s actually a slight problem I have with the way the dub handled things later in the series. I’m guessing to keep up with the personality and image that they developed for Jaden throughout the series, they were too afraid to make him seem too depressed or sad at all, whereas I actually think that emphasizing those feelings would have made the impact stronger as we’re so used to how he;s portrayed in season 1 and 2. I think stuff like this is very important to discuss in terms of which is superior to watch. Simply saying “watch sub because dub is censored” doesn’t take into account many other factors. Like everyone I know says to watch the original series subbed, yet you miss out on Atem’s and Kaiba’s far superior voices in the dub.
I love the strange whacky tone of season 1 like it legit just seems like they told the writers: "do what you want." And idk it's just silly and really fun. And I think it just adds to how weird and wild GX is until it isn't. Like once you understand there aren't any rules for premises, it makes the premises of why they're dueling head tilting and not the way I'd probably go when making a children's card game anime but I'm so glad all of it exists.
Given how laid back the first season was I feel like the dub did a good job. Now if anyone other than 4kids did it, we might have had a better turn out
16:18 This show had a weird obsession with jacked muscular people. Jesse when he was possessed, Hassleberry, Axel, Adrian, Prof. Viper, and Jim (he had to be if he's carrying around an alligator.) And a few one-off characters. Hell, even Alexis a few times when she dueled! (Yes her arms are skinny, but there were a few times when her muscles looked like they were trying to pop out based on how they were drawn.)
This is the same reason Zexal is my favorite. Because I focused on the sub instead of the dub. Ygo's dubs are honestly a big problem in general when it comes to the franchise and watching them you lose something special about each series
exactly. When I first saw Zexal, I saw it dubbed and I just hated every character's voices so thats when I switched over to subbed and it was just much better especially with the music soundtrack and the raw emotions set in place for the characters and the duels. This was the same thing with Arc-V and dear lord was the dub dreadful, I had first watched the series subbed and I really enjoyed it. So I decided to watch the dub after finishing the series and I can't go 5 seconds without every character saying a one-liner in every sentence or hearing Yuzu's father sounding like Gilford Gottfried.
IamJerf I, personally, loved the dub Zexal voices. Specifically Shark, Kite and especially Vector. People talk about Yuma being too annoying but he didn’t really bother me. Plus, Yuma is an annoying character to begin with so it fit. Lol
Seeing Revolver vs Go in the dub made me want to vomit. I have no idea how they can ruin the single most interesting duel in Yugioh anime history that seriously. But at least the dubs come with meme material. GX, Arc-V especially. Vrains dub doesn't even have that.
@@haruhirogrimgar6047 I haven't got a chance to see the Vrains dub but as how Arc-V went with their one-liners I'm scared what Vrains would do with so many technology puns
The character development of Judai is one of my all time favourites, the serious guy he's become in season 4 was a shock to me back then and also so satisfying given how he grew up by everything he experienced. How more responsible he's become and aware of the consequences of his actions. To this day he remains my most favorite character. Side note, the abilities he's gained after his experience as Supreme King and him merging with Yubel is super fucking cool
GX was my favourite as a teen. I grew up with Yu-Gi-Oh, loving it as one of my first animes, and my first card game (though none of us really knew how to play). GX was something I'd wait for, every day after school I'd rush to my room and my mom would let me watch it right before I did my homework. I was obsessed. Even though the English dub has an especially bad rap, it was hilarious. I'm pretty sure 4kids stoed caring because the script had so many hidden adult jokes that you'd think never would fly. I kinda wish it got picked up by someone else and redubbed, just so we get the last season done ): But of course it's unpopular so that won't happen. It makes me sad also knowing that the English voice actor for Jaden got so much hate because of the show, I think it is somethi f he's ashamed of.
I've been watching the dub, and honestly I just love it for what it is. And I still think it does a good job of showing Judai's arch through Jaden, even if it never got its final season
Gx spent two whole episodes teasing what Jim's eye looked like, split over two weeks in the 4kids cartoon block, and in the process of waiting for that reveal I got enough of season 3's story to get fully committed to watching the rest of the show, and THEN going back and watching the original and the soon to air 5d's. Season 3's story is so good it's what got me into anime, and it would have been amazing to get a full 2 seasons of buildup for it. Amazing video, loved watching
Its so nice to hear a lot of positive talk about GX when most of what ive heard are just shitting on pit from people who watched the dub only and maybe even just season one at that, GX is honestly one of my favourite anime and i love it dearly and this was a great video to explain my reasons why.
I can't mess with new Yugioh. Anything past 5ds to me I can't mess with it. But holy hell, Judai goes from "Get your game on" to "Bro, if you duel me you die, simple" to "Bruh, go solve your own problems and stop calling my name as soon as something happens"
Yes indeed, my good man. I know it was probably never the studio's intention, but those two really felt like a thing to me when I was a kid. At least according to my young idea of relationships.
I never actually watched the sub of this show, and never realized how much context that I have missed out on. Thank you so much for covering YU-GI-OH GX in this way. :)
I loved GX especially Jaiden's character(Not just because I have the same name as him but with a Y instead of a I) because I like his mood and his deck revolving around elemental Heroes which to me are fun to have as a deck
I remember loving gx as a kid and now that i know the ending its really wierd with just how much you can relate to jaden after growing up along with how much you change during growing up. although zexal will always be my favourite, gx is a close second.
What I personally love about GX is the fact that Judai/Jaden/Shmaden is not outstandingly smart, nor rich or a kind of magical being but just a laid back and fun guy with a big dream. He kinda reminds me of Joey Wheeler with dyed hair and a deck of Super Heroes :) His journey feels believable and you know shit is about to get serious, anytime he stops cracking jokes. Also his strategy depends on mechanisms like specific card combos, fusions and so on. His deck is one of the weaker in terms of pure attack points and broken monster effects. Also they made him lose more commonly than Yugi, which is way more convincing. Paired with the touch of him getting sorted into the noobie-house we got a pretty good setup for a from zero to hero story.
I personally loved gx even in the English and I actually agree that the subbed is far superior. I don't mind Jaden's characterization in tbe English since I don't think him having sum extra catch phrases is that bad. I think it's later where it starts to have issues cause of how shit 4kids dubbed it. The issue with 4kids is they do a lot of things right but get a lot of things wrong. Like most voice actors and the theme is good in the English it's the censorship and weird changes from Japanese to English that mess things up as well as some poor performances in certain occasions . I wish Funimation would redub Gx and onwards and to a certain degree the original duel monsters but then you lose all of the charm of the English version of the original duel monsters which a lot of people lots of pros and cons but Gx definitely could use a redub as long as they kept most of the voice actors the same and maybe the and ost for the English which I liked then I wouldn't mind a redub.
GX is actually my favorite YuGiOh series because of what you just went over, tied with 5d's. The story we see spun about this happy, duel loving kid is something that I truly fell in love with growing up, with the writing in seasons 3 and 4 helping out a lot. Judai is a character I'm still to this day super attached to because of what he went through. Season 1 is okay in my opinion because of it being the introduction to the story, but as the seasons went on, the show got better and better. Funny thing, even when I was a kid I interpreted Judai and Johan as being together sometimes. Their connection just struck a chord with me as something special. Overall GX is something that is seriously underrated with it's good writing and characters, and unintentional interpretations of mental struggles. There's a lot more I could say, but I'll just leave this here. TED TALK done.
“If there is extraterrestrial life out there Let’s teach them how to duel!”~Seto Freaking Kaiba Oh while I’m here if you look at judai’s eyes when fused with yubel they are the same colors as polyermization
Yu-Gi-Oh got me started and I just loved it to death. GX felt just the same way, I love it soooo much as well. I will never forget how I used to spend hours and hours building new decks and thinking about strategies. They are so good
I think this is a great follow up to the original series. It also helps that its only set 10 years later compared to the other series that are hundreds or even thousands years apart. Also that finale...its how I wish all series would end when it gets a new protagonist. You gotta have new protag vs old protag. The Red vs Gold. The Dante vs Nero.
Every Yu-Gi-Oh! series usually have one running theme throughout the series. In DM it's about Friendship. 5D's is about Bond, ZeXal is about Taking chances, Arc-V is about SMile. While GX is all about growing up. One thing in particular that I really like about GX is that whenever someone talks about friendship most of the time they will lose. Because part of growing up is that sometimes you need to fix your own problem.
BLESS YOU. GX rekindled my love for YGO and HAS BEEN MY FAVORITE YGO SEASONS SINCE. Like you've mentioned, I'd gotten so much smack and poked fun at by others when I poured love on GX but so few I knew had given it even a chance. I myself was so lucky that I discovered subs around the time, too because like you said 4kids KILLED THIS. 1st season brought down defenses hard and I am a sucker for happy shounen protags so I immediately loved this Kid, but the trials and growing up, gods just pulled SO MANY FEELS. Being at that age group and growing up alongside this characters just made things hit home for me that much more/ Thank you again so much for this video, YOU MADE MY DAY.
Not to sound extremely selfish but while watching this funny/informative video, I couldn't help but realize how much I can relate to Judai. Over the course of High school, "I graduate soon", I competed in a sport that at first I just did for fun. But over the course of a few years, I gotten better to the point where my performance mattered on the team. Thus resulting in me feeling a lot of pressure, fearing I would let down my friends and that things wouldn't be the same again If I were to fail. This wasn't great for my health, I remember having a lot of stressful moments. It was hard for me to get myself to go run, my mind just didn't want to do it but I still did. Thankfully after my junior year I didn't have any trouble with the pressure, I did my work and everything went well my senior year. Honestly I don't regret running and making good memories, but I've come to the conclusion that at the end of the day, it is your life and should focus on what you want for your future and do what makes you happy, not what others expect you to do. So compared to Judai's scenario, things are less harsh on my end, but I definitely understand his pressure.
The dueling in GX is the best out of the series so far imo. It actually resembles how people play the game the most irl, the characters actually have main deck themes/archetypes. In the later series it just doesn’t feel special, skillful, or unpredictable when they go into; synchro, xyz, and pendulum.
OMG... You just did an incredible job doing this video. Seriously, I really enjoyed watching this amazing explanation about one of my favorite masterpiece. You took exactly the points that a lot of people didn't notice and gave a great description of everything, including the love relationship between Judai and Johan. Thank you very much for the video. I ALSO LOVE JIM AND KAREN! It's a shame that they are destroyed in the manga...
@ULGROTHA Yes yes, I agree. They could create more exclusive manga characters to use the planets, or even use characters from the first and second season that were not well explored, making the manga a kind of reformulated first season... Anyway, we know they used the Overseas Champions, because they were the most iconic side characters in the series.
hey MelonThot, this is my first video of you. When I watched the show as a child, I never really understood what was happening there. and just like you said, the character development here is very good. I only understood that as an adult. thanks for the video :)
I personally enjoyed yugioh gx from start to finish, and while I do believe that the Japanese version of gx is vastly superior to the 4kids English dub, I still enjoyed the 4kids dub. Here's how I rank all the seasons of Yugioh gx: 1. 4th place goes to Yugioh gx season 3. While I do consider it a good season that has great character development for the main protagonist Judai Yuki aka Jaden Yuki, it comes with the cost of character development for many of the other main protagonists for the previous 2 seasons. In fact, the new protagonists in this season tend to outshine many of the previous protagonists, which I don't like. Aside from that, this season was good. 2. 3rd place goes to season 1. This season introduced the new yugioh characters and the change in the status quo. Many of the new characters had their moments to shine. 3. 2nd place goes to season 2. It does much of what season 1 did but better. It also introduces new characters, provides a better story arc, further develops the main characters, and has some impressive duels. 4. Finally in 1st place is season 4 of Yugioh gx, my favorite season. Jaden Yuki aka Judai Yuki is at his best this season, both as a character and as a duelist. After everything he has been through in season 3, Jaden became more serious, and has to not only stop an evil that is coming due to the events of the previous seasons, but he has to graduate from duel academy and reclaim his love for dueling. Also the main protagonists from the start of Yugioh gx all get their own chances for closure and chances to shine. Plus yugioh gx ends with the duel the series was building up to from the very first episode: Judai vs Yugi! In conclusion, I think as a whole Yugioh gx was a great series.
GX's dub is crap when taken seriously. Taken for what it is, though, which is basically an abridged series wearing the mask of 4kids, it starts to become entertaining. Chazz's Chazzing, the hot sauce addicted dad, Syrus repeatedly breaking the fourth wall about his sidekick status, the Schwarzenegger Mammoth, all that stuff is wild but hilarious when you pretend it's LittleKuriboh
@@OtepRalloma I respectfully disagree. The 4kids dub of Yugioh gx definitely had a lot of problems, and I do believe that the Japanese version of gx is vastly superior, but with all its faults, the 4kids dub of Yugioh gx has some good moments.
I just got into 5th grade (primary school ? ) when GX came out, so the setting was really on point for me. Can't forget the series main target audience were literally school children, so I don't think an academy is that far off.
Seasons 3 and 4 are my favorite seasons, although I do like the introduction of neospacians in season 2. Elemental hero neos is incredibly op and amazing.
Season one: chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard.
season 2: hmm, maybe we should start being a bit more serious.
season 3: hey kids you want some PTSD?
season 4: enjoy your depression!
Season 4: haha, yoh thought we would make an Evangelion reference in Jaden's fangirls without going further?
i just can't like season 3 finale, is really dumb and i can't have empathy with Yubel
Season 4 was my favorite bc my mans Jaden actually grew up🤷🏼♂️
@@minomorales2996and our boi learned to smile again. uvu
That is exacly i say GX is not good anime,not to mention that Caracters are not that great.AND FUCKING DUB KILLED IT.
Ah, my favourite character, Shmaden Shmuki
I am the best, I can't be beat, that's why I'm challenging this school boy
The Shmazz is better
Jesse is better!!
Jaden: 3:36
but if you don't watch the dub you never get a true feeling for THE CHAZZ
You got me there
@@MelonTeee Chazz it up! Chazz it up!
No, I refuse to call my lord, MANJOME ZANDA by that cursed name.
I can see why 4kids censored Karen’s name to Shirley
What's funny is that it was actually Jim himself that went around asking to speak to the manager...manager being the supreme king
4Kids just knew that Karen was going to be a memename and did not want to give the name any positive reputation.
One thing 4Kids did right.
Wdym ?
@@lpfan4491 I'm pretty sure it's just because Shirley is easier to say in an Australian accent
"If you didn't Jam to precious times, Glory Days, you don't have the right to say that GX is bad"
- Gandhi
"Our words are backed by nuclear weapons!" -also Gandhi
"if you didn't jam to get your game on, you have no rights." - me
@@bigchumbo6489 damn Thats deep
If you listened to that song and never screamed “LET’S TRY AGAIN”, then you’re not a true yugioh fan.
Psychic lover is amazing
5:15 honestly I love Kaiba explanation in the dub, which makes sense cause Kaiba always had the best dub lines in the original. Kaiba explanation in the dub? “Because if there is intelligent life out there...might as well teach them how to duel.”
I allways waited for a Alien force comming down on earth to concer it... ...over a children's card game x3
Ok Seto Kaiba is no doubt the best yu-gi-oh charater ever created even though in the first season he kept on going on about how pegasus was a crazy rich dude and him over here sending random cards to space because he said so
Peak Kaiba.
He invented Time Travel to duel an Ancient Pharoh that had been dead for millennium-he would have no second thoughts about dueling an alien overlord.
@@RooftopRose079 if you are referring to DSoD, that wasn't time travel. Kaiba broke into the afterlife in order duel Atem. Which is like, even more bonkers
The sub sucks for 1 reason
They aren't chillin out with the crew in the schoolyard
To right you are 🍬
You don't get Chazzed up either.
Jim Crocodile Cook is an Australian National Treasure he's basically Steve Irwin with a mystical glass eye
Cuz both of them die
His like reasons for being friends with judai when asked by o'Brien why he is sticking his neck out so far for judai was pretty powerful in my opinion.
We don't know Steve Irwin didn't have a mystical eye to be fair.
@@jazzitup1667 *uncontrollable sobbing*
Season three is like the season that literally had me going through so many emotions and the build up for Judai was so fucking good
man season three had me SHOOK
even today season 3 flashbacks make my spine chill
fidel luz while the dub had a lot of goofy errors (I’m not talking about 4kids censoring death as usual. I’m talking about how many times a spell was played when the characters called it a trap card or vice versa. It gets a little aggravating at times), the raw emotion of the voice acting in the dub (shot out to Zane’s VA in particular. He absolutely nailed it in the duel between him and Jaden) is splendid. It demonstrates how far the voice actors came from their abysmal start in season 1.
@@Mojo1356 I watched the sub, so for me season 1 is just a slow slice of life anime
fidel luz to be honest, I would like a Yugioh anime like that and at least 80% like that (GX is probably 40% slice of life at the most. Even then, that’s pushing how much slice of life it is). Minimal high stake risks and just some fun dueling.
GX Sub: growing up is tough and painful
also best yugioh into
KENN (Judai’s VA) did a badass job on voicing Judai from season 1 to 4. He portrayed his character so damn good from happy go lucky to a depressed boy. Props to KENN. And btw he also sang the ending of the second season “Wake Up Your Heart”
And its also shocking that GX was Kenn's first show. Man i love him so much!
He has the most normal hair out of all the Yu protagonists
Jaden's hair looks like a Kuriboh, apparently.
After GX they basically just shit a rainbow on all the character designs
@@ryans6309 5D's*
@@underpressure1954 Yusei’s hair is the funniest cuz idk what it’s supposed to represent 😂
@@smashmaster521 just add ハネ (wings) then you’ll have a human winged Kuriboh 😂
At beginning of the series Judai wanted to become Duel King and at the end he chose to use his powers for others sake and travel the world in search for those that need it.
He is one of the rare protagonist that never achieved his dream and that's okay. I like how writers didn't go classic route in having main character become recognized best. Sometimes things in life don't work out the way we intended, goals that someone strived for are left unfulfilled. Judai in this case had every opportunity to become Professional Duelist with Sho and Manjome and if we're completely honest he would eventually go on and become the best in the Pro League. The fact that he didn't and looked past his own desires speaks so much about his growth and maturity.
this is why he's one of my favorite yugioh protagonist's :)
In 5ds didn't Yusei get his dream to come true......the bridge getting fixed?
Judai has more weight to his character than most Shonen protagonists. I like Yugi and Yusei but they didn't lose often, in fact I don't think Yusei lost at all apart from the flashbacks.
Judai won most of the time, but every time he lost or drew with his opponents, he learned from it and grew as a duelist, eventually he matured into a serious young man in season 4 opposed to his silly and naive attitude of the prior seasons.
Judai is a very unique character, not only does he change for himself, but also the surrounding environment and his friends change too because of him. I'd say he's the overman of the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise.
@@TurinTurambar98 the duel against kalin when he got injured is a duel that yusei lost
@@sultanshaikh8768 True. Though it's about time I rewatch 5Ds again, it's been a while. Thanks for the correction 😁
Yugioh subs:actually really good and rather dark.
I agree but that's what makes me love the dubs
This is why I love Gx so much. Jaden was such a great character when you look at him as a whole throughout the series. He’s the most relatable protagonist we’ve had, and like you said the fact that he grows up alongside the kids/teens that grew up with the show, was a really nice touch.
I do wish some of the other characters were given more love like Chazz (manjoume), but overall the series just hit differently
The GX Manga does some justice to The Chazz
Exequiel Breton true. I do love manga Chazz
Manga Chazz was edgy af but still great but i love Anime Chazz more coz he a lovable ojama humping dork
Honestly i’m more impressed that Jaiden went through all the shit that he did and got out of it slightly edgier with a cooler dual disk
If it was me I’d either hate everything and everyone, end my suffering or become incredibly edgy
Gx also have the best antagonists IMO. namely kaiser and Chazz
Remember when Jaden went blind after losing a duel with Phoenix?
That shook me. That's like an artist not being able to see his paintings
This series is really underrated. Judai is still my favorite yugioh protagonist to this day. Season 3 and 4 were too real for me lol
The ending was really good. Yugi helping judai get his "happiness" back really touched me
I still don't know how someone summons 2 ridiculously strong fusion monsters and gets Mirror Force'd without tilting but Judai is a trooper.
Octavio Guevara same
@@haruhirogrimgar6047 the bullshit card, good old days
yeah GX is my favorite because Jaden CARRIED it
nile river personally, Jaden started as 1 of my least favorite protagonists. He was far too one-note with me for a while. By the end of season 3, that’s when he became 1 of my favorite main protagonists. I only wish he could become the star of 1 of these fixed duel events held at tournaments, but it seems the dub haters have shot down any chances of that happening.
4kids was like "Got a dumb accent for this character?" "Should we check to see if this will be a recurring character first?" "Nah."
I heard that the reason 4kids gave some of their characters different type of terrible accents was to cover up that that they were running out of voice actors to use for a series. Not sure if this is true or not but it does kind of explain why some characters end up getting really unfitting annoying accents.
AlmightySmorg and how Sean Schmell voices half the cast
The ridiculous dub is the biggest reason why this is my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh season
Its been years and it still laugh at "you're gonna get Chassed" and "before you Chass me"
I agree with you there!
plot wise, Japanese is better but god do i love the voices of the Dub XD.
so many things came from the Dub "Chazz it up!" and Jaden's fight with a sheet in the vampire episode.
plus i like the dub opening more than the Japanese openings.
I agree with everything you gentleman of culture say. I just want to add one thing:
Crystal Beef Arnold Mammoth.
@@ColdEmperor YEEEESSS
Southern Bell accent of Jesse mixed with every spirit having their own made that duel wonderful XD
tbh i think everyone had amazing accents in GX. Hasselberry was annoying in Japanese but the army accent made him funny.
My favourite is still Schmaden Schmuki
Chazz it up!
This is legitimately all seto kiaba's fault
No this is Judai’s parents fault. Literally gave the poor kid shock therapy and amnesia
Kaiba was tired of these card spirits but I do not know why they did not destroy Yubel in the first place.
Considering that Yubel put people in comas for beating Jaden in a duel and making him sad, she'd likely kill anyone who tried to rip her card.
Well he was the original one voice that started jays belief system in season 1.
@@rokechikan4481 well, it was so that Judai doesn’t remember anything about Yubel. But come on now? Shock therapy? Really? He’s just a kid (so small back then). You could’ve at least tried to figure out a different way instead of making your OWN child go through that. Man, they are the worse parents ever. They don’t deserve Judai 😭. I’d gladly take him in and raise him as my son. And I’ll probably do a better job then you guys. Some parents you are 🤦🏼♀️
I actually liked Yugioh GX most when it wasn't about life and death, souls and magic. I feel like Yugioh is the perfect foundation for a sports anime. Your characters can actually lose fights without ending the series, it's literally about a competitive game, and any neat plot contrivance can be explained as a game rule. And you can still absolutely have awesome character development.
Yeah, he loses in like episode 8(?) to zane and gets up and nothing has gone wrong. It wasn't world ending. Yugi didn't really have those kinds of duels.
@@darkmaster539 Agreed. Lower soul stakes and high emotional stakes works well.
For me it depends on the series. It worked for Duel Monsters, but I do think GX was better suited as a sports show
Pretty sure Jaden did too. Shit gets to him.
I mean same goes for 5Ds with the motorcycle duels. I think that takes it as a sports anime as well, just without all the dark shit happening in the series
Ironic detail I've just noticed: Yubel's eye colours are pretty much Judai's and Johan's hair colours
*brain grows larger in size*
@@angelhajime seconded omg
Yubel is Judai and Johan secret love child ya
how is it ironic? it's fitting, it's the opposite of ironic
The 4 stages of watching GX:
Season 1: Oh god, people actually think this is good? It has its moments but it sucks compared to the original.
Season 2: This is kinda dumb, but better than Season 1.
Season 3: Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Things are getting good!
Season 4: Oh damn, there's a 4th season (cut to a few days later). I want more...
@@comradeking4427 I disagree, First half of season 1 was pretty much just filler. Not to mention I liked the main Antagonist of season 2 a lot more than the disappointing shadow riders.
End of series: feelings of emptiness
Comrade King you’re just a Sartorious hater
Watched season 1 because I enjoyed it when I was little so I though I would watch it for a bit but I was blown away when I saw how good the third and fourth season were
@@comradeking4427 Given you use the Japanase names I will assume you watched the sub which would explain our difference in opinion as I stuck with the dub.
Regardless, I should. mention I did not mind the filler in either season. They were entertaining to watch espaiclly with the different one off archetypes that would appear (though there were some weak ones particular in season 1 *cough* Tennis duel *cough* but then Season had some weak duels as well so it balances out.
Knowing how the Sub usually portrays characters better I will assume the shadow riders are a lot better there than in the dub where 5 of them were either comic relief or just forgettable. Camula and Banner (the teacher) was probably the only noteworthy shadow riders that were genuinely cool.
That said, Sartorious (or Saio) was a lot more memorable for me, not only was he a constantly involved in the entire season, I have a massive fondness for the Arcana Force archetype he used (Yes, I know objectively they are a terrible archetype, still probably my favourite archetype of all time thought just for the Tarot theme.
It never hit me just how much Judais parents messed him up. I like watching videos like this because it gets to rethink my favorite shows.
Just AI upscaled the first couple of minutes of this show, and the quality literally went from SD to HD, looks wise, so many old shows could easily be remastered with AI, and released again on streaming services.
Season 1: slice of life high school anime
Season 2: cults
Season 3: dimensional shenanigans
Season 4: depression
Judai is by far my favorite Yugioh character, and it saddens me to see people overlook him so much. This boy has been through hell and back and I love him so much. Thank you so much for making this!
Someone posted something interesting about Jaden and Chass, i.e. the fact that they go in opposite directions (sort of). Chass starts as a sort of cold-hearted person that learns to open up and accept friends, while Jaden becomes more serious as the series goes on.
GX was IMO just a ton of fun where they actually decided to expand upon the special summoning mechanic from the previous season (fusion) instead of just doing a new thing like every season does now. Also, the duel Zane has with Yubel is so great, and IMO how his journey should have ended.
Honestly yeah there was fusion in the original series of Yugioh but that was never the real main way that they were using monsters, it was mostly about tribute summons. GX made Fusions front and center, and 5Ds Synchros and so on and so on.
@@SwagMaster824 Still hilarious how Rituals were shafted until Vrains. The summoning mechanic so awful, not even anime villains could make it work. Vrains had to create new Link monsters just to make them reasonably playable in a duel.
(then, of course, Sunavalons was a seriously strong deck in Vrains alongside Trickstar, Gouki, Geist, and Salad so the power scaling was all over the place.
@ULGROTHA Rituals should have been forgotten to time. Just to make them playable they have the most busted support out of any summoning type or even archetype out there.
Ritualsummoning series when Kappa
Kinda disagree. The original was more about tribute summoning for big boss monsters (Blue Eyes, Red Eyes, Dark Magician, god cards, etc) Fusions were mostly reserved for weaker monsters one-off or tag duels (Blue Eyes Knight, Red Eyes Summoned Skull, etc). They were almost all non-effect monsters as well.
GX introduced a BUNCH of new fusion monsters that were almost trivial to summon, (Ojamas, Cyber Dragons, all of the Heroes, etc). It was completely different from anything that came before. Then 5D's made it even simpler by having any two monsters with the right levels (one being a tuner). Then Zexal made it even simpler by having any two monsters of the same level. And then Link monsters were even simpler by having just any amount of monsters....
GX was just the first.
"This is the season Judai tells his friends to fuck off and fix their own problems for once"
... I died 😂😂
What’s weird is that the Chazz does try to fix his own problems, despite being the one that was the most dickish to Judai.
Its time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d
►deep breath◄
It’s time to d d d d d d d d get your game on and I throw down a face down
Seth Caprio that’s game
It’s time to throw up!
It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d- die! - Supreme King, 2007
I love how GX is like Kirby, in the sense that it starts out all happy and fun and then turns extremely dark. Like we went from “The mean teacher is trying to get me expelled!” to “You must use the power of the aliens of your own creation and the demon inside of you that once tried to kill everyone you know and love to stop the literal personification of darkness from assimilating every living thing on the planet into his world to psychologically torture them until they completely lose the will to live.”
That explains why those 2 are my favorites.
It explains why I loved GX the second most
Honestly the GX dub is a godsend, it just takes most of season 1 for the writers to finally give up all pretension of caring so that it can finally descends into borderline abridged series levels of parody/ absurdity.
Apparently it was all because it was heavily rushed and that just makes me wonder how less fun it would have been if it was dubbed normally.
Gx season 1 dub was garbage, literally one of the guys Chazz dueled in North academy had a baby voice
@@jadbayram496 it's great because it's awful, like The Room, but it really kicks off in season 2
"The sooner I beat you the less bad dialogue I have to hear!" - Dub Amon
@@jadbayram496 Its fitting for that episode to be fun. I wish the more serious episides were more careful, but that episode is just fun.
I REALLY hated Judai's old friends in this season. They literally forced themselves onto him even though he insisted on going alone, ended up becoming complete burdens for him and even accused him of bringing them into danger to save Johan. With friends like that who needs enemies?
chazz it up bro
This is like, the worst take on gx I’ve ever seen lmao. Stop talking
You claim their bad friends, and yet the chazz is one of his friends
@@literallygrass1328Chazz only, the rest are garbage, I hate Cyrus with a passion. Chazz, Zane and Aster were the only true GANGSTAZ
@@sewerrat11000Cyrus was such a downgrade from Joey wheeler
I love Yu-Gi-Oh bruh i stayed up 3 days wating it and omg JOEY
omg i meant watching boi 😳
@@boop2170 Yeah. Joey is the the man!
@@leonardowickman57 Brooklyn rage!!
@@leonardowickman57 "I summon Baby Dwagon"
But what about Jesse Wheeler?
The GX Dub is the one and only aspect of the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise that I care about and like.
All my homies like the GX Dub
And also, the OP of each season perfectly reflects on the respective theme and story of the season. You started with a carefree adventurous theme and ended with trying not to forget your childhood dream and keep on going theme.
The entire Yu-Gi-Oh GX series in a nutshell:
"Your life, and the lives of everyone around you, will always change for the worse. All it takes is one bad duel."
I've never watched Yu-Gi-Oh! but this video was soooo interesting and made me want to dig in this universe.
Thank you so much I hope to see more from you in the future!
(Sorry for my poor english and now I'll go back to finish Evangelion)
The Yugioh series are all very interesting, each has their own unique style to their duels and at the same time deal with their own dark themes happening to their stories
GX is the best, you wont regret it 😆😁
5:15 a lot of things are done in this universe, simply because Kaiba said so
Shock therapy is defined as the following: “treatment of chronic mental conditions by electroconvulsive therapy or by inducing physiological shock” or “Electroconvulsive therapy, formerly known as electroshock therapy, is a psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced in patients to provide relief from mental disorders”
So they essentially thought He had a mental disorder or was crazy for all of what he said..
Or he just had mental disorders from the ordeal (anxiety, depression, PTSD)?
earthangelo maybe
Judai: Mom, Dad, I had a bad dream.
Mom&Dad: Looks like someone's just won a trip to the doctor's tomorrow
And did one of most extreme and in retroaspect used for torture procederes, no wonder he seemed so dumb at first, his brain was literally fried as kid.
I absolutely love Gx
Jaden is my favorite Yugioh protagonist out of all yugioh protags because he was so relatable. Maybe not the part with going to a school just for a card game, but about the part of essentially growing up, and moving on in life. Because no matter what life goes on. Either prepared or not
for seson 4 they didnt dub it so most people actually thought jaden just up and died which i think is hilarious
EDIT: also johann was'nt the only one who got buffed have you seen yugi? he has like a 12 pack
You mean season 4, aka the Darkness invasion arc. The Yubel arc was the last dubbed arc of GX
@@Kris_King oop yeah sorry thx tho
I still don't get it. Jadens return was not dubbed, yes. But the part where he survives the fusion just being passed out and yubel literally tells him that they will keep going on together was dubbed. The only thing that was implied by the dub cutting off there was that he just never returned to academia.
I did lmao
what is the ending regarding alexis in season 4 that she doesn't address?
Respect. I love GX the most out of all yugioh incarnations. Yes..... even the original can’t match GX. Chazz sold it for me. Dub Chazz. His mini character arc was awesome and I loved all the monsters he’s used. Ojamas, XYZ engine, and armed dragon. Also CHAZZ IT UP!!!!! Alexis was awesome too. Wish they invested more into them. Hell.... I even like Chumley. I didn’t care for the second group tbh. Anyway, ‘‘twas a good watch. Keep up the good work!
what about the best duel spirit out there being Crystal Beef Arnold Mammoth
Never did I imagine Mel posting a video about yugioh gx... AND I BL*ODY LOVE IT!!! First of all, girl, your editing is just so good FCKING QUEEN! Second, judai is my absolute fave ygo protagonist and the fact that you described perfectly how I feel about him is just djdndnsnsj THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I means sure gx has his flaws (just like the other shows) but damn judais character development hits really hard 😭So again, thank you so so much for your absolutely brilliant video 💕
PS: I think we all can agree that ygo subbed is always superior, but without it we wouldn't have brilliant scenes like when Karen got over stimulated and Jim tried to explain it in his overdone Australian accent and Judai goes like "there's no time to start speaking Australian Jim" djdndjsjs I keep dying every time
I think the Dub is still really fun, it feels like a slight abridged show and you can tell the cast enjoys working together
Exactly the dub is a gift
Someone said that gx is the yugioh series that turned its protagonist from a happy go lucky boy who loves playing cards to a man that understands the consequences of his actions and lost friends along the way. While it is not my favorite of the series, I do agree that the show gets a bit too much hate and the 3rd season/how the show ended really redeem it.
About the first season: I think the reason for it was because the majority of DM was very serious arcs with sky-high stakes, so GX wanted to be different by having a more relaxing first season before moving on to the darker arcs.
And I mean, even in season 1 there was shadow duels (sort of) where Jaden already started getting anxiety about losing since it meant his friends would get hurt. A lot of season 1 feels like filler but I like it simply because it's different from DM (mostly) and a nice way to set up the rest of the series.
Finally someone who has TASTE
Great job of summing up the series but I feel like a lot of it was told from Judai's perspective. Some great moments were missed.
Johan-Yubel vs Kaiser which is arguably the best duel in all of Yugioh.
Sho, Manjoume and Asuka's coming of age moments.
Whatever mindfuck Trueman put O'Brien through.
The nostalgia of Judai vs Chronos II.
GX really did a fantastic job of developing it's main cast by the end.
Judai is always going to be favorite protagonist out of the bunch but my favorite character in GX is Sho. I love in the beginning how he's just scared of dueling, always being compared to his brother and how inferior he is to him. Even when he had a chance to beat his bully, his brother had to save him and show him the error of his ways of being overconfident and not respecting his opponent. Meeting with Judai helps show him that he's more than being just Kaiser's brother and throughout the seasons, him progressing from Slifer to Ra to Obelisk on his own shows how much progression and growth he's having throughout the show.
It helps that his fight with his brother in S2 even though in a loss, told us that no matter what he will always respect and love his big brother. In S3, he helped survivors escape the Supreme King's army while still trying a plan to save Judai from his dark self. He's even the most distraught at the end of S3 when he thought that Judai died. Then you get to the end of S4 where he's scared of everyone leaving him behind with him never catching up to them, and it just hurts knowing that he's scared of the future and doesn't know what to do. Even though he has grown very much, he's still scared what the unknown in the future is and that hits me deep since it was my mindset throughout High School and still today.
My favorite duel though is his last duel with the Psycho duelist where he uses the combination of his Vehicroids and Kaiser's Cybers to show that the deck still has potential and growth and that anything is never set in stone in terms of limits. I remember crying at the end of the episode where Kaiser admits that Sho has surpassed him and wanting to make a Pro League with the help of Sho.
I just love at the end of the series that the two brothers still love and respect each other, and how much growth Sho has when you compare his S4 to his S1 self. Heck even the story of his Obelisk self is one of the best in Tag Force 3.
Tldr: Sho has the best character growth and development in GX imo.
@ULGROTHA Yeah I wish it was Sho that freed Judai from the Supreme King at the end.
@ULGROTHA It had to be him because the plot needed those three a bit longer.
@@dbzhardcore That would have been awesome!!!
Glad there's someone else that loves syrus/sho.
I think there was a huge missed opportunity for him in season 4. Since sho advanced to obelisk blue, they should have given him the top scores and granted him a grad match. They could have paralleled it to zane challenging judai in season 1 by having Sho challenge judai. It's an even better parallel since Sho now has Zane's deck but with vehicroids and judai would be using his evolved deck.
This would be the biggest test for Sho because Judai is the reason he gained confidence. It would also be good for Jaden too since he'd see how far Sho has grown and actually see him as an equal. This would be one emotional battle.
They could have made Syrus the biggest sleeper character where he starts off weak in our eyes but turns out to be the strongest and gives Judai the biggest challenge (from his friend group). Also sad that johan kinda replaced him.
i love GX i love jaden/judai his energy in the show is amazing i also love how the very last thing her reads in the show is the message from his friends where it gives you hope for his future
Great video and stellar editing! It's about time someone shows proper love to GX.
I can tell the reason why it's underrated by western audience is mainly because of the U.S. dub...
I'm from Italy and here GX is extremely appreciated because, even though we borrowed the first 3 seasons from 4kids, we couldn't fully translate all the american jokes and neither the slang they gave to certain characters... so we basically kept the soundtracks and visual censorships of the 4kids adaptation, but re-wrote most dialogues and gave the characters a more serious tone, closer to the original.
Watching the Japanese version is the ultimate experience... the ost is phenomenal and always on point and you can really see the character evolution. Some characters were left behind, true... but it's just because in season 3 they introduced way too many cool duelists and it was impossible to give all of them the right space.
Overall, we have to be thankful to GX for introducing archetypes in the game and offering us the pinnacle of monsters designs and characters' likeability :)
How amazing would it be for all the shows to be done from the start with new animation and new story lines.
3:45 why does sans dancing fit so well with the song?
This video honestly made my day😂 I love GX but it’s been a while since I last watched it, put me in the mood to rewatch season 3 again.
good things about the dub
Yugi boi
Neah I'm Joey Wheeler and I'm from Brooklyn
Kaibia being a douche
intros (in my opinion)
British Jack Atlas
also Crystal Beef Arnold Mammoth
Joey Wheeler the Emerald Turtle
But Yugi boy is Japanese
This was video was so good!! You expressed what makes GX Special and the messages behind it perfectly! GX will always be special to me and Judai will always be amazing despite how simple he may seem. I know life his hard and sometimes you need to take things seriously, but you need to still find enjoyment in life and still find a reason to smile. Judai represents Joy to me.
Finally someone recognises the greatness of a show that ended 12 years ago
I always loved it. Maybe it's not perfect but GX is my favorite series and i felt like jaden was more relatable than yugi and yusei.
I like Jaden dub and I think it represents judai character just fine.
Honestly, I can say I know he would have done a good job as Serious Jaden. If duel links suggests anything.
Honestly I think the dub Jaden in season 1 and 2 works better than the sub version as it shows how badly he got traumatized in season 3 much better.
@@V-Jes Season 1 of the GX Dub (despite the frequent use of pretty bad puns) does capture the energy of the season a bit better than the sub imo. It's when GX starts doing more in-depth and darker stuff in seasons 2 and 3 (but especially 3) where it starts to fall apart. It's a weird effect, where the actual show get's a lot more mature as it goes on, where the dub becomes borderline parody by Season 3.
It’s weird but I think the dub actually captured the creator’s intention for Jaden as a character even better than the original version, at least at first. Plus, I don’t know what it is, but I just really like Jaden as a character. I just enjoy his personality a lot, and I tried rewatching some of the earlier episodes in sub, and while it’s mostly fine, I can’t help but feel that the dub really nails something about the overall tone of the setting and Jaden as a character so much better. It gets bit awkward in season 3 towards the end when it gets a lot more serious but it’s mostly downplayed. It’s actually a slight problem I have with the way the dub handled things later in the series. I’m guessing to keep up with the personality and image that they developed for Jaden throughout the series, they were too afraid to make him seem too depressed or sad at all, whereas I actually think that emphasizing those feelings would have made the impact stronger as we’re so used to how he;s portrayed in season 1 and 2.
I think stuff like this is very important to discuss in terms of which is superior to watch. Simply saying “watch sub because dub is censored” doesn’t take into account many other factors. Like everyone I know says to watch the original series subbed, yet you miss out on Atem’s and Kaiba’s far superior voices in the dub.
I love the strange whacky tone of season 1 like it legit just seems like they told the writers: "do what you want." And idk it's just silly and really fun. And I think it just adds to how weird and wild GX is until it isn't. Like once you understand there aren't any rules for premises, it makes the premises of why they're dueling head tilting and not the way I'd probably go when making a children's card game anime but I'm so glad all of it exists.
every now and then I come back to these videos to feel much needed love for Juudai ❤️❤️❤️
Given how laid back the first season was I feel like the dub did a good job. Now if anyone other than 4kids did it, we might have had a better turn out
Someone: Yuno/Lucy is the greatest yandere ever
Me: Yubel is the greatest yandere to ever yandere
16:18 This show had a weird obsession with jacked muscular people. Jesse when he was possessed, Hassleberry, Axel, Adrian, Prof. Viper, and Jim (he had to be if he's carrying around an alligator.) And a few one-off characters. Hell, even Alexis a few times when she dueled! (Yes her arms are skinny, but there were a few times when her muscles looked like they were trying to pop out based on how they were drawn.)
This is the same reason Zexal is my favorite. Because I focused on the sub instead of the dub. Ygo's dubs are honestly a big problem in general when it comes to the franchise and watching them you lose something special about each series
exactly. When I first saw Zexal, I saw it dubbed and I just hated every character's voices so thats when I switched over to subbed and it was just much better especially with the music soundtrack and the raw emotions set in place for the characters and the duels. This was the same thing with Arc-V and dear lord was the dub dreadful, I had first watched the series subbed and I really enjoyed it. So I decided to watch the dub after finishing the series and I can't go 5 seconds without every character saying a one-liner in every sentence or hearing Yuzu's father sounding like Gilford Gottfried.
IamJerf I, personally, loved the dub Zexal voices. Specifically Shark, Kite and especially Vector. People talk about Yuma being too annoying but he didn’t really bother me. Plus, Yuma is an annoying character to begin with so it fit. Lol
Seeing Revolver vs Go in the dub made me want to vomit. I have no idea how they can ruin the single most interesting duel in Yugioh anime history that seriously.
But at least the dubs come with meme material. GX, Arc-V especially. Vrains dub doesn't even have that.
@@haruhirogrimgar6047 I haven't got a chance to see the Vrains dub but as how Arc-V went with their one-liners I'm scared what Vrains would do with so many technology puns
@@IamJerf I refuse to watch more after seeing that 1 duel. Everyone's personality and voices were ruined.
The character development of Judai is one of my all time favourites, the serious guy he's become in season 4 was a shock to me back then and also so satisfying given how he grew up by everything he experienced. How more responsible he's become and aware of the consequences of his actions. To this day he remains my most favorite character. Side note, the abilities he's gained after his experience as Supreme King and him merging with Yubel is super fucking cool
GX was my favourite as a teen. I grew up with Yu-Gi-Oh, loving it as one of my first animes, and my first card game (though none of us really knew how to play). GX was something I'd wait for, every day after school I'd rush to my room and my mom would let me watch it right before I did my homework. I was obsessed.
Even though the English dub has an especially bad rap, it was hilarious. I'm pretty sure 4kids stoed caring because the script had so many hidden adult jokes that you'd think never would fly. I kinda wish it got picked up by someone else and redubbed, just so we get the last season done ): But of course it's unpopular so that won't happen.
It makes me sad also knowing that the English voice actor for Jaden got so much hate because of the show, I think it is somethi f he's ashamed of.
I just started rewatching GX a week ago and this video pops up in my recommendations.
Perfect timing.
2:03 I don't agree with that, the dub was a proto abridged series, along with with Ghost Stories and -Ninja- Samurai Pizza Cats, it was hilarious!
I was watching the dub with my bro a few days ago for nostalgia purposes and laughed my ass off.
I've been watching the dub, and honestly I just love it for what it is. And I still think it does a good job of showing Judai's arch through Jaden, even if it never got its final season
@ULGROTHA Oh well excuse me for causing you such a terrible inconvenience!! 😫😒
@@itamochivargas6233 how did you like Crystal Beef Arnold Mammoth
@@mohammadmurie what?
Gx spent two whole episodes teasing what Jim's eye looked like, split over two weeks in the 4kids cartoon block, and in the process of waiting for that reveal I got enough of season 3's story to get fully committed to watching the rest of the show, and THEN going back and watching the original and the soon to air 5d's. Season 3's story is so good it's what got me into anime, and it would have been amazing to get a full 2 seasons of buildup for it.
Amazing video, loved watching
Its so nice to hear a lot of positive talk about GX when most of what ive heard are just shitting on pit from people who watched the dub only and maybe even just season one at that, GX is honestly one of my favourite anime and i love it dearly and this was a great video to explain my reasons why.
I can't mess with new Yugioh. Anything past 5ds to me I can't mess with it. But holy hell, Judai goes from "Get your game on" to "Bro, if you duel me you die, simple" to "Bruh, go solve your own problems and stop calling my name as soon as something happens"
I really wish it was re dub seriously this show got me through childhood.
Yeah, maybe by funimation and put on adult swim
@@katzuma7641 I feel that would be perfect for seasons 3 and 4
Redub Yugioh from the beginning funimation has done the og yugioh but only up to episode 9
GX was always my favourite Yugioh as well, especially season 3 as Johan was my fave character. Did anyone ship him and Judai?
his duel against zane is my favorite
Yes indeed, my good man. I know it was probably never the studio's intention, but those two really felt like a thing to me when I was a kid. At least according to my young idea of relationships.
@@JohnsonsOP which one?
Jad Bayram the one he lost when johan possessed by yubel
I've grown up watching Yu Gi Oh series the original one, but i watched the GX series too and i liked em both tbh.
I never actually watched the sub of this show, and never realized how much context that I have missed out on.
Thank you so much for covering YU-GI-OH GX in this way. :)
I loved GX especially Jaiden's character(Not just because I have the same name as him but with a Y instead of a I) because I like his mood and his deck revolving around elemental Heroes which to me are fun to have as a deck
Dub is a joke. Sub is actually good. Although with dub you get THE CHAZZ
jaden has always been my favorite protagonist
Are you ok with the idea of Jaden fusing with Yubel?
I remember loving gx as a kid and now that i know the ending its really wierd with just how much you can relate to jaden after growing up along with how much you change during growing up. although zexal will always be my favourite, gx is a close second.
What I personally love about GX is the fact that Judai/Jaden/Shmaden is not outstandingly smart, nor rich or a kind of magical being but just a laid back and fun guy with a big dream. He kinda reminds me of Joey Wheeler with dyed hair and a deck of Super Heroes :) His journey feels believable and you know shit is about to get serious, anytime he stops cracking jokes. Also his strategy depends on mechanisms like specific card combos, fusions and so on. His deck is one of the weaker in terms of pure attack points and broken monster effects. Also they made him lose more commonly than Yugi, which is way more convincing. Paired with the touch of him getting sorted into the noobie-house we got a pretty good setup for a from zero to hero story.
SHMADEN HELP LMAO, that phoenix scene is so iconic
I personally loved gx even in the English and I actually agree that the subbed is far superior. I don't mind Jaden's characterization in tbe English since I don't think him having sum extra catch phrases is that bad. I think it's later where it starts to have issues cause of how shit 4kids dubbed it. The issue with 4kids is they do a lot of things right but get a lot of things wrong. Like most voice actors and the theme is good in the English it's the censorship and weird changes from Japanese to English that mess things up as well as some poor performances in certain occasions . I wish Funimation would redub Gx and onwards and to a certain degree the original duel monsters but then you lose all of the charm of the English version of the original duel monsters which a lot of people lots of pros and cons but Gx definitely could use a redub as long as they kept most of the voice actors the same and maybe the and ost for the English which I liked then I wouldn't mind a redub.
GX is actually my favorite YuGiOh series because of what you just went over, tied with 5d's. The story we see spun about this happy, duel loving kid is something that I truly fell in love with growing up, with the writing in seasons 3 and 4 helping out a lot. Judai is a character I'm still to this day super attached to because of what he went through. Season 1 is okay in my opinion because of it being the introduction to the story, but as the seasons went on, the show got better and better. Funny thing, even when I was a kid I interpreted Judai and Johan as being together sometimes. Their connection just struck a chord with me as something special. Overall GX is something that is seriously underrated with it's good writing and characters, and unintentional interpretations of mental struggles. There's a lot more I could say, but I'll just leave this here. TED TALK done.
I really love all your new videos about One Piece but I’ll never forget finding you back in your GX days 💪
“If there is extraterrestrial life out there
Let’s teach them how to duel!”~Seto Freaking Kaiba
Oh while I’m here if you look at judai’s eyes when fused with yubel they are the same colors as polyermization
Yu-Gi-Oh got me started and I just loved it to death. GX felt just the same way, I love it soooo much as well. I will never forget how I used to spend hours and hours building new decks and thinking about strategies. They are so good
I think this is a great follow up to the original series. It also helps that its only set 10 years later compared to the other series that are hundreds or even thousands years apart.
Also that finale...its how I wish all series would end when it gets a new protagonist. You gotta have new protag vs old protag. The Red vs Gold. The Dante vs Nero.
Every Yu-Gi-Oh! series usually have one running theme throughout the series. In DM it's about Friendship. 5D's is about Bond, ZeXal is about Taking chances, Arc-V is about SMile. While GX is all about growing up. One thing in particular that I really like about GX is that whenever someone talks about friendship most of the time they will lose. Because part of growing up is that sometimes you need to fix your own problem.
I've missed your videos and editing 😂😭💖
BLESS YOU. GX rekindled my love for YGO and HAS BEEN MY FAVORITE YGO SEASONS SINCE. Like you've mentioned, I'd gotten so much smack and poked fun at by others when I poured love on GX but so few I knew had given it even a chance. I myself was so lucky that I discovered subs around the time, too because like you said 4kids KILLED THIS. 1st season brought down defenses hard and I am a sucker for happy shounen protags so I immediately loved this Kid, but the trials and growing up, gods just pulled SO MANY FEELS. Being at that age group and growing up alongside this characters just made things hit home for me that much more/ Thank you again so much for this video, YOU MADE MY DAY.
You're not going to like it if you ever get to Arc-V(a) and you see how much they crib from GX(a) and utterly fail at...
Not to sound extremely selfish but while watching this funny/informative video, I couldn't help but realize how much I can relate to Judai. Over the course of High school, "I graduate soon", I competed in a sport that at first I just did for fun. But over the course of a few years, I gotten better to the point where my performance mattered on the team. Thus resulting in me feeling a lot of pressure, fearing I would let down my friends and that things wouldn't be the same again If I were to fail. This wasn't great for my health, I remember having a lot of stressful moments. It was hard for me to get myself to go run, my mind just didn't want to do it but I still did. Thankfully after my junior year I didn't have any trouble with the pressure, I did my work and everything went well my senior year. Honestly I don't regret running and making good memories, but I've come to the conclusion that at the end of the day, it is your life and should focus on what you want for your future and do what makes you happy, not what others expect you to do. So compared to Judai's scenario, things are less harsh on my end, but I definitely understand his pressure.
The dueling in GX is the best out of the series so far imo. It actually resembles how people play the game the most irl, the characters actually have main deck themes/archetypes. In the later series it just doesn’t feel special, skillful, or unpredictable when they go into; synchro, xyz, and pendulum.
OMG... You just did an incredible job doing this video. Seriously, I really enjoyed watching this amazing explanation about one of my favorite masterpiece. You took exactly the points that a lot of people didn't notice and gave a great description of everything, including the love relationship between Judai and Johan. Thank you very much for the video. I ALSO LOVE JIM AND KAREN! It's a shame that they are destroyed in the manga...
@ULGROTHA Yes yes, I agree. They could create more exclusive manga characters to use the planets, or even use characters from the first and second season that were not well explored, making the manga a kind of reformulated first season... Anyway, we know they used the Overseas Champions, because they were the most iconic side characters in the series.
I still can't believe they did johan/jesse dirty. Like, he is literally the most important season3 character and he just gets a bad treatment too.
duel monsters, gx, 5ds were all absolute bangers. all 3 are different in many ways but are all great at portraying what they set to do
I never knew a time when this wasn’t my favourite yugioh show. Thank you so much for this x
hey MelonThot,
this is my first video of you. When I watched the show as a child, I never really understood what was happening there.
and just like you said, the character development here is very good. I only understood that as an adult.
thanks for the video :)
I personally enjoyed yugioh gx from start to finish, and while I do believe that the Japanese version of gx is vastly superior to the 4kids English dub, I still enjoyed the 4kids dub. Here's how I rank all the seasons of Yugioh gx:
1. 4th place goes to Yugioh gx season 3. While I do consider it a good season that has great character development for the main protagonist Judai Yuki aka Jaden Yuki, it comes with the cost of character development for many of the other main protagonists for the previous 2 seasons. In fact, the new protagonists in this season tend to outshine many of the previous protagonists, which I don't like. Aside from that, this season was good.
2. 3rd place goes to season 1. This season introduced the new yugioh characters and the change in the status quo. Many of the new characters had their moments to shine.
3. 2nd place goes to season 2. It does much of what season 1 did but better. It also introduces new characters, provides a better story arc, further develops the main characters, and has some impressive duels.
4. Finally in 1st place is season 4 of Yugioh gx, my favorite season. Jaden Yuki aka Judai Yuki is at his best this season, both as a character and as a duelist. After everything he has been through in season 3, Jaden became more serious, and has to not only stop an evil that is coming due to the events of the previous seasons, but he has to graduate from duel academy and reclaim his love for dueling. Also the main protagonists from the start of Yugioh gx all get their own chances for closure and chances to shine. Plus yugioh gx ends with the duel the series was building up to from the very first episode: Judai vs Yugi!
In conclusion, I think as a whole Yugioh gx was a great series.
GX's dub is crap when taken seriously. Taken for what it is, though, which is basically an abridged series wearing the mask of 4kids, it starts to become entertaining.
Chazz's Chazzing, the hot sauce addicted dad, Syrus repeatedly breaking the fourth wall about his sidekick status, the Schwarzenegger Mammoth, all that stuff is wild but hilarious when you pretend it's LittleKuriboh
@@OtepRalloma I respectfully disagree. The 4kids dub of Yugioh gx definitely had a lot of problems, and I do believe that the Japanese version of gx is vastly superior, but with all its faults, the 4kids dub of Yugioh gx has some good moments.
We can agree to disagree, I guess
I'm someone who REALLY enjoys memes which may be why I have an appreciation for so-bad-it's-good dubs
@@OtepRalloma fair enough.
@@OtepRalloma I am so happy you remember Crystal Beef Arnold Mammoth
This is the best thumbnail on UA-cam.
Thank you for this video. I've always loved GX and it is nice to see someone properly explain why it was so good.
I just got into 5th grade (primary school ? ) when GX came out, so the setting was really on point for me. Can't forget the series main target audience were literally school children, so I don't think an academy is that far off.
Seasons 3 and 4 are my favorite seasons, although I do like the introduction of neospacians in season 2. Elemental hero neos is incredibly op and amazing.