Voddie ate me up todayyyy!!!! This is me! I will withdraw from a person and thought I was being forgiving. You don’t have to deal with me and I don’t have to deal with you. That is NOT god like.. it’s time for me to straighten up.
I’m right there with you. I’ve heard this message a couple of times and it convicts me for sure. Knowing and doing are two different things. Doing is difficult.
@@depnewshoundI extended an olive branch to someone today after listening to this sermon and got rejected. But I feel so free from the burden of unforgiveness! Like the weight was lifted from me. I will pray for all of those I have held grudges against, for our wellbeing, and leave it to God to handle! This is so nice!!!!
I love it when Voddie hurts my feelings. He is just so genuinely glorifying God that i know he is preaching the truth. Thank you, God, for grace family baptist church, and thank you, God, for your forgiveness to teach us to forgive others.
Wow. I really needed to hear this. He accurately described me through and through. I’m so convicted of my own hypocrisy that I just have to throw myself on the mercy of God and reach out to those from whom I have withheld attention, affection, and honor.
Pray for me please. I ruined my marriage. Now that the Lord has broken me and opened my eyes to see what I was doing, how evil I've been, I'm afraid it's too late to love and honor and respect my husband like the Lord tells us to. I just want to love my husband, I want to submit to him and make all the years up to him. I am so broken. The Lord is pruning me and crushing me. Please pray that my husband can truly forgive me some day. I want nothing more than for God to use our trail to glory Himself and to use it to help others. There's hope in Christ. I'm in such darkness right now. I'm so broken. I'm so ashamed. Lord forgive me.
Don’t lose hope. Cling to Christ, read the Wprd of God. Voddie, Paul washer, RC SPROUL, John MacArthur share the Word of God. Be careful of false prophets and teachers. There are others, but there are few. I want to encourage you to contact John macarthurs pastors and have them counsel you. Or Paul washers. Cling to Christ!!!! The Lord can heal your marriage…. But you must first examine yourself if you are now actually being saved. If you’ve been in darkness. I had to, and it was not easy. Christians do fall. Get in a Bible believing church…. They would not tolerate you being in adultery and being in godly submission to your husband
I'm in the Hospital right now in TN fighting severe withdrawals fighting to get clean & get my Life Back and God has been crushing me under my own Sin too and I'm suffering right now but my Future with God is Bright even though I may not see it right now. I want you to know that God Loves You and I am praying for you to Stay Strong & to Trust in The Lord!! God Bless You hang in there 😊😊
The Lord already had forgiven you before you asked. He loves you so much, and He wants you to understand he’s not just your God, or your King, but He is your friend. He’s the friend you call at the last minute to get dinner. He’s the friend you call to vent about that annoying coworker. He’s the friend that leaves you crazy and wacky pictures on your phone when you’re not looking (platypus). But He also is your King. And not your king as your ruler (though he js) but he is your KING: a man of war and Justice. Clothed in armor no weapon can pierce. Sword of flame that can kill thousands at one swipe. He’s the King that leads and army of power never scene and he leads that army… FOR YOU. For your protection, He loves you, He didn’t leave you, he was there in that broken space. He saw what you did, and he still would die ALL OVER AGAIN FOR YOU because he LOVES YOU,
Forgiveness means Canceling a Debt Not withholding Attention, Affection, or Honor I've been wrong my entire life I am a sinner I need forgiveness I can forgive He forgave me Thank you Father Son Holy Spirit Amen Amen🙏🙏
"People who are unforgiving toward others, always question their salvation because they think God's forgiveness is the same as theirs"--- Pst Voddie Baucham 🎉❤
1: Forgive. Forgive others as you too, have been forgiven. 2: Repent. Of your sins daily, for we ALL fall short of the glory. 3: Receive. Jesus is thee ONLY way to our heavenly father, and he loves you. 4: Love. For God so Loved the world.... Who are you not to love, when Jesus died for you. This has been in my mind for some time now. Just thought i should share. I love you all in the name of Jesus for the Glory of God. Be blessed.
This was a very much needed message. The Holy Spirit has been convicting me greatly for a whole year about the unforgiveness in my heart. I have a very meek temperament, so I am not loud nor do I cause drama or trouble with people. However, my silence is very loud and hurtful. I too believed that staying out the way and not in close proximity and not causing drama. And blocking, deleting, never seeing or speaking to a person again was forgiveness but with ‘boundaries’. When in reality is the very opposite of Godly behavior. I almost cried listening to this because I felt deep down that I wasn’t going about a certain situation correctly, but this message confirms that I have indeed not and need to repent. I pray for the strength of Gods grace to cultivate a more compassionate and forgiving heart.
Amen!God’s Holy Spirit is doing a work in you,conviction testifies to His works.God bless you in all your honesty.I pray more come to know what you have learned!🙏🕊️🙌
I love it when Voddie hurts my feelings. He is just so genuinely glorifying God that i know he is preaching the truth. Thank you, God, for grace family baptist church, and thank you, God, for your forgiveness to teach us to forgive others.
Ouch. I thought myself to be a forgiving person; and I usually would be quick to forgive and let go..if they repented and asked. But forgiving them in my heart without their acknowledgment of the wrong, I never did, and feel very convicted about. Praise God for Voddie
If it wasn't for Christ Jesus, I wouldn't be who I become in Christ. I'm blessed that God allowed for my life to be placed on hold. Because my sins was taking me down, as it allowed me to be in His mercies. Not everyone will respond correctly to your apologies, for their forgiveness... but God's mercies remind you, love them regardless and have longsuffering towards those regardless. Because they're lost just like I was blind and lost, dead in sins against God.
I like Vodde, but I do question certain parts of the message, because some situations are a bit more opaque than others. Forgiveness is a choice you make even when your feeling haven't caught up to the choice. Forgiveness is not contingent upon works, I will say however, when a person says I never want to talk to you again to a close family member or acquaintance, that's probably unforgiveness. The reality is people still need time to heal, and that process can be different for everyone and sometimes very difficult to pinpoint. Choose to forgive and allow room for others to have the grace and space needed for reconciliation. Rom 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
The word is living and sctive. Hebrews 4:12-13 ESV [12] For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. [13] And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Ephesians 2:1-9 ESV And you were dead in the trespasses and sins [2] in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience- [3] among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. [4] But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, [5] even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved- [6] and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, [7] so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. [8] For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, [9] not a result of works, so that no one may boast. ❤✝️
I was walking down the road to get something to eat when a truck almost hit me. It was no accident, they turned down the road I was walking next to and was going straight until they noticed me and then they got as close to the line marker as possible, sped up, and swerved out of the way at the last second. They literally threatened my life just for a joke and a laugh. Im so full of anger, hatred and evil venomous rage as I type this. I am trying so hard to be forgiving. Please pray for me. I dont want to be this way anymore. Its like being in a mental prison. How do you just turn the hatred and rage off? Jesus please help me.
Thank you Pastor VODDIE, for spreading the good news , I thank you, Jesus Christ for forgiving me of my sin's , continuing to cleanse me from my filth . There's truly a problem with forgiveness in my life.I have a different perspective now that I am able to see myself and not just see the violation that was imposed by people I trusted. This knowledge and wisdom I understood not as a child , but now there's no excuses ,I must let the bitterness go and be blessed , yeah this is part of my story that I can no longer leave on the shelf I need to embrace it and pray to God for his help with this deeply embedded bitterness , that's holding me back . Please include me in your prayers. Thanks
My wife is going through that now; thank God Almighty for His wisdom to stand strong, not by own my might, but by the strength of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. God's will be done.
I’m having a hard time with this, so if someone else is not obligated to sin less and I’m obligated to forgive more, does that mean I am now a door mat? Just let things slide every time? What if it’s constant? What if it whittles down my soul to put up with bad behavior constantly? I know I am a sinner but when it’s brought to my attention, I make corrections. Is wanting space from someone who is rude and belittling to me withholding? Can someone pls help me?
You’re not wrong. Unilateral forgiveness is a Godly thing but some people are simply evil and God’s Word says there are some people we are to avoid. Period. His Word says we avoid many types of people when they are nonrepentant sinners. I avoid a slanderer in my church. She’s a horrible person and God’s Word says to avoid a slanderer and I do because she loves slander. She’s slandered me. It’s hard to forgive because she doesn’t care, but God places people in our lives for a reason, to teach us to lean on HIM, not on emotions, thoughts or feelings. Lean on God and don’t let others pull guilt trips on you and He’ll guide your steps. Trust Him.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and questions. I have the same ones and @Garden366, thank you for summing up what the Word says. We need to forgive but to also know when we're to move away from certain people.
He is and that's the same way God do, God breaks you and heals you at the same time in that order so Lovely That's who God is. Thank you Dr. Voddie God Bless
He's speaking amongst the believers of Christ, because we all belong to one another. Forgiveness also applies towards unrighteous people, yet, we are also commanded to avoid such people. I believe this is what you're questioning. 2 Timothy 3:3-5 Heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
Dr. Voddie, i feel like you were talking to me directly. Im really struggling and i really needed to hear these words because this is me..as long as i can remember, this is me. As a backslidden christian, i feel ashamed. Thank you for this direct message and i look forward to listening to all of your past sermons on this channel.
Thankyou for the lovely message.How do I handle a situation where the person maybe mishandling the WORDof GOD? Should forgive them now or until they change their actions
Voddie, John MacAurther, etc, should on TV and social media, and call each other "false teachers" TO THERE FACES! Criticize the disease, not the patient.
What if the person doesn’t think they’ve wronged you AT ALL and doesn’t feel that they have at all? What if they are a lying and known to be violent type of person who drinks and Lord knows what they might do? Who has tried getting into your house without permission? How exactly is one supposed to go about forgiving an unbeliever who doesn’t think that they’ve done anything wrong yet they have been scaring and stressing and lying on me since I was a little kid? Enough is enough at a point. No point in communicating to that person anymore. It is a messed up situation
It’s cliche but forgiveness isn’t for other people. It is for you to release bitterness and anger towards someone. Sounds like what you’re talking about is reconciliation, which isn’t required in all circumstances. Reconciliation is action required by TWO people, not just one. And in sometimes is not necessary or even possible to reconcile with people. If it is a dangerous or abusive or unsafe for you to reconcile or be in a relationship with someone, reconciliation may not be an option. You’ll need to put up biblical and healthy boundaries. But forgiveness is something that we have control over, and we are called to forgive, but not always reconcile. I hope this helps. Wise, Christian counseling has helped me with this topic that people often confuse.
Please go study on teshuva. Understand we are not to be treated like door rugs. Forgiveness is for you. Remove them from your life and pray for true heart change. Your father loves you and it saddened by the wickedness of those in this world. God is more than what we usually make him. Prayers for your protection in mind and your phisical life.
No. This is this pastor’s reasoning. There are people who you do not bring back into your life. Let God deal with that other person’s sin and if they come to you in true repentance, thank God and take them back. Pray that they do repent. But nowhere, nowhere does God tell us that we are to be doormats to evil, vicious people who specifically choose to do us harm. When I hear sermons like this, I realize that this person has never been struck, has never been violated, has never been threatened, has never been beaten, and nowhere does God call any of that good and expect you to return to someone who will not repent and seek to change their ways with God’s help. This sermon is what abuser use to make their victims return. Even if you haven’t been beaten or abused in that way, anyone who mistreat you repeatedly, intentionally and without remorse - for people like that - the Word says you are fine to avoid. In many places within the Bible. Sometimes soundbites are small and sometimes honestly, they come in the form long-winded sermons.
@@Oliiinjr Because God says He will not forgive your sins if you do not forgive the sins of others. Matthew 6:14-15 ESV [14] For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, [15] but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Mark 11:25-26 ESV [25-26] And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."
@@JesusistheonetrueGod I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time understanding what you mean. Not sure how that answers why it’s not necessary for one to repent first before one is forgiven?
Do something nice for the person who has wronged you. Some people don't actually know how to properly forgive. They say things like "I'll forgive but I won't forget." That's not sincere. It's not authentic either. If you can bring yourself to bless your enemies then you have truly forgiven and can call yourself a Child of God. Matthew 5:43-44 says “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,..." Also James 2:14-17 says What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Why would you do something nice like pray for your enemies if not for your faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? And yet your faith alone without works is dead. And God is God of the living. Not the dead. So i say pray for them and also give them something that costs you money and is also thoughtful and nice.
Students shared "i" AM will say for HE is sitting upon the "i" with the "AM"! SINGULARITY THE I AM OLIVER S.= Salak! Fisher of MEN! J="i"sa= Seems 1 yet 2. The "i" AM! Little "i" AM..."i" to!
All glory and praise to our God and Lord Jesus Christ! "Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever. Amen!" Thank you GfBC for the post and God bless.
When a person has sexual relationships with someone else God says that is grounds for divorce. Finished done no need to continue to be cheated on. God says it is done if the spouse wronged is not going to except being cheated on. No guilt or shame. That belongs to the spouse who wronged you.
Forgive and let her go, which is what I would do. But this is advice from another sinner. Maybe go into prayer and GOD will have a different option or maybe HE'll give you the same advice. Good luck. I had an ex-wife cheat With a brother. So, I speak from that standpoint. I don't or haven't spoke to either one in over 12yrs and I don't want to kill them anymore. Baby steps ❤
Wow, I can't imagine how difficult it must be to forgive that. But absolutely not impossible. I know of marriages that have survived situations like this, God can redeem it. I pray that God heal this relationship. She must be so deeply in the bondage of sin, I can't imagine how devastating judgement would be if she passed away tomorrow.. Pray for her, her soul is covered in darkness and its evident in her choices. ❤
I can see how this will become weaponized. There are some entitled prince and princesses running around unleashed. Forgive seventy times seven however keeping company or closeness to repeat offenders that do not intend to stop whatever attack via direct or passive aggressive is like playing the game kiss the cobra and expecting it not to strike. Wisdom says use discernment because sadly some are either directly or indirectly spiteful. Thats the world we are in until Christ returns, some can be trusted and got close to some youve seen the signs enough times to make a wholesome decision. Definition of insanity is like gas-lighting repeating the same things expecting a different result.
Let's look at judas why did he die in his sins . He was sorry felt bad. What did he not do. He did not have true repentance (teshuva) it is not simply words it is a true heart condition. You give forgiveness to those who ask for it. Thier is a general forgiveness. That one is for you to move on. Don't pat sinners on the back and make them merry on thier way to hell. Forgiveness is for you. Study. Study.
Forgiveness is still in order, but that doesn't mean we're free from earthly consequences in human courts. Speaking from experience, it's even harder when lawyers and court judges get involved lol
The christian church has watered down the gospel of Yah. Go learn teshuva and you will understand its not sin confess. It's sin, go turn from it and go in the other direction.
Way too long, ponderous and slow. This is painfully drawn out. Why can't pastors be more concise? Moreover, the synopsis could have actually summarized the sermon. "There ARE (not "is") more floods now than ever." A lack of subject-verb agreement is a huge problem with Americans.
Voddie ate me up todayyyy!!!! This is me! I will withdraw from a person and thought I was being forgiving. You don’t have to deal with me and I don’t have to deal with you. That is NOT god like.. it’s time for me to straighten up.
I’m right there with you. I’ve heard this message a couple of times and it convicts me for sure. Knowing and doing are two different things. Doing is difficult.
@@depnewshoundI extended an olive branch to someone today after listening to this sermon and got rejected. But I feel so free from the burden of unforgiveness! Like the weight was lifted from me. I will pray for all of those I have held grudges against, for our wellbeing, and leave it to God to handle! This is so nice!!!!
A big ouch for me as well! Time to straighten up and fly right
I love it when Voddie hurts my feelings. He is just so genuinely glorifying God that i know he is preaching the truth. Thank you, God, for grace family baptist church, and thank you, God, for your forgiveness to teach us to forgive others.
Wow. I really needed to hear this. He accurately described me through and through. I’m so convicted of my own hypocrisy that I just have to throw myself on the mercy of God and reach out to those from whom I have withheld attention, affection, and honor.
Pray for me please. I ruined my marriage. Now that the Lord has broken me and opened my eyes to see what I was doing, how evil I've been, I'm afraid it's too late to love and honor and respect my husband like the Lord tells us to. I just want to love my husband, I want to submit to him and make all the years up to him. I am so broken. The Lord is pruning me and crushing me. Please pray that my husband can truly forgive me some day. I want nothing more than for God to use our trail to glory Himself and to use it to help others. There's hope in Christ. I'm in such darkness right now. I'm so broken. I'm so ashamed. Lord forgive me.
Don’t lose hope. Cling to Christ, read the Wprd of God. Voddie, Paul washer, RC SPROUL, John MacArthur share the Word of God. Be careful of false prophets and teachers. There are others, but there are few.
I want to encourage you to contact John macarthurs pastors and have them counsel you. Or Paul washers.
Cling to Christ!!!!
The Lord can heal your marriage…. But you must first examine yourself if you are now actually being saved. If you’ve been in darkness. I had to, and it was not easy. Christians do fall.
Get in a Bible believing church…. They would not tolerate you being in adultery and being in godly submission to your husband
Sending prayers your way. I pray that there will be reconciliation, and a God centered marriage that comes out of this.
I'm in the Hospital right now in TN fighting severe withdrawals fighting to get clean & get my Life Back and God has been crushing me under my own Sin too and I'm suffering right now but my Future with God is Bright even though I may not see it right now. I want you to know that God Loves You and I am praying for you to Stay Strong & to Trust in The Lord!! God Bless You hang in there 😊😊
The Lord already had forgiven you before you asked. He loves you so much, and He wants you to understand he’s not just your God, or your King, but He is your friend. He’s the friend you call at the last minute to get dinner. He’s the friend you call to vent about that annoying coworker. He’s the friend that leaves you crazy and wacky pictures on your phone when you’re not looking (platypus).
But He also is your King. And not your king as your ruler (though he js) but he is your KING: a man of war and Justice. Clothed in armor no weapon can pierce. Sword of flame that can kill thousands at one swipe. He’s the King that leads and army of power never scene and he leads that army… FOR YOU. For your protection,
He loves you, He didn’t leave you, he was there in that broken space. He saw what you did, and he still would die ALL OVER AGAIN FOR YOU because he LOVES YOU,
"What THE LORD has joined together let no man tear apart."
- Matthew 19:6.🫂❤️🩹🛣️✝️
I listen to Voddie because I ouch where I should amen
Forgiveness means
Canceling a Debt
Not withholding Attention, Affection, or Honor
I've been wrong my entire life
I am a sinner I need forgiveness
I can forgive He forgave me
Thank you Father Son Holy Spirit
Amen Amen🙏🙏
Forgiving someone that did something very terrible to me, it actually healed my heart and soul so very much.
"People who are unforgiving toward others, always question their salvation because they think God's forgiveness is the same as theirs"--- Pst Voddie Baucham 🎉❤
talk about hitting home.
That one was HARD to hear! But so true
1: Forgive. Forgive others as you too, have been forgiven.
2: Repent. Of your sins daily, for we ALL fall short of the glory.
3: Receive. Jesus is thee ONLY way to our heavenly father, and he loves you.
4: Love. For God so Loved the world.... Who are you not to love, when Jesus died for you.
This has been in my mind for some time now. Just thought i should share. I love you all in the name of Jesus for the Glory of God. Be blessed.
This was a very much needed message. The Holy Spirit has been convicting me greatly for a whole year about the unforgiveness in my heart. I have a very meek temperament, so I am not loud nor do I cause drama or trouble with people. However, my silence is very loud and hurtful. I too believed that staying out the way and not in close proximity and not causing drama. And blocking, deleting, never seeing or speaking to a person again was forgiveness but with ‘boundaries’. When in reality is the very opposite of Godly behavior. I almost cried listening to this because I felt deep down that I wasn’t going about a certain situation correctly, but this message confirms that I have indeed not and need to repent. I pray for the strength of Gods grace to cultivate a more compassionate and forgiving heart.
Amen!God’s Holy Spirit is doing a work in you,conviction testifies to His works.God bless you in all your honesty.I pray more come to know what you have learned!🙏🕊️🙌
Imagine doing what you described to your own mother and father, then you'd be imagining me. You're not alone sister.
Wow! This is exactly like my prodigal wife🥺 praise be to God you found and heard this sermon! Finally, you can say "it's finished"
Amen and Amen sister
same here...its been a real struggle...praying for you....
I feel so convicted. I stand so guilty. Lord - please have mercy on me and help me change.
Whew. To God be the Glory. I felt this to it had me in tears . Thank you God for allowing a sinner like me another day to get it right . 🎀
Amen. God has given us another day to be better and do his will!
I love it when Voddie hurts my feelings. He is just so genuinely glorifying God that i know he is preaching the truth. Thank you, God, for grace family baptist church, and thank you, God, for your forgiveness to teach us to forgive others.
If you can't say Amen, you'd better say Ouch
The conviction of the Holy Spirit is so good!
This one will hit ya right between the eye's! Another great timely Word from Brother Baucham
I thought myself to be a forgiving person; and I usually would be quick to forgive and let go..if they repented and asked. But forgiving them in my heart without their acknowledgment of the wrong, I never did, and feel very convicted about. Praise God for Voddie
Yes! That's me, too. Voddie is genius! I'm trying to change. It's just gonna take a lot of practice.
I searched his name and this was the first sermon I saw, immediately I knew I needed this word.
If it wasn't for Christ Jesus, I wouldn't be who I become in Christ. I'm blessed that God allowed for my life to be placed on hold. Because my sins was taking me down, as it allowed me to be in His mercies.
Not everyone will respond correctly to your apologies, for their forgiveness... but God's mercies remind you, love them regardless and have longsuffering towards those regardless. Because they're lost just like I was blind and lost, dead in sins against God.
@@JesusistheonetrueGod the God men, the son of God, our Lord and Savior... The great I AM....
@@savedbyHisGrace7752 Mighty God, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace. Amen
@@JesusistheonetrueGod Amen
Why do I have chest pain listening to this message
Please, GOD, help me
😢 man, I want to hate, then go before the throne and ask for forgiveness. 😢 Lord forgive us all.😢 wretched man I am
Thanks for the throat punch Voddie... This message couldn't have hit any harder...
Pray for me
I pray the Lord is meeting and surpassing your needs. Hold on with Faith and Hope! Wait IN the Lord. Hosanna!
I like Vodde, but I do question certain parts of the message, because some situations are a bit more opaque than others. Forgiveness is a choice you make even when your feeling haven't caught up to the choice. Forgiveness is not contingent upon works, I will say however, when a person says I never want to talk to you again to a close family member or acquaintance, that's probably unforgiveness. The reality is people still need time to heal, and that process can be different for everyone and sometimes very difficult to pinpoint. Choose to forgive and allow room for others to have the grace and space needed for reconciliation.
Rom 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
This message came at the right time. God is good.
As a 20 year old young man this message hit hard
God Bless Voddie
Lord have Mercy on me a sinner🙏
I had to comment again!!! This man is EATING ME ALIVE!!! Praise God!!! I had nooooo idea!!!!
The word is living and sctive.
Hebrews 4:12-13 ESV
[12] For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. [13] And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Forgiveness i followed by repentance. Repent and be save my sister. Jesus loves you.
I thought I had forgiven, but who l hadn't forgiven was myself
I’m over here saying amen and ouch. Lord help me
Glory be to Jesus Christ for this message, Lord Jesus please forgive me for not forgiving. I needed to hear this today.
Wow....just wow. Thank you.
Amazing 👏
May God multiply His grace upon us and help us be conformed to Christ.
Whoa !
OUCH !!!
God Bless thank you Lord Christ ☦️🍃
Same to you!
Ephesians 2:1-9 ESV
And you were dead in the trespasses and sins [2] in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience- [3] among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. [4] But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, [5] even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved- [6] and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, [7] so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. [8] For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, [9] not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
I was walking down the road to get something to eat when a truck almost hit me. It was no accident, they turned down the road I was walking next to and was going straight until they noticed me and then they got as close to the line marker as possible, sped up, and swerved out of the way at the last second. They literally threatened my life just for a joke and a laugh. Im so full of anger, hatred and evil venomous rage as I type this. I am trying so hard to be forgiving. Please pray for me. I dont want to be this way anymore. Its like being in a mental prison. How do you just turn the hatred and rage off? Jesus please help me.
Forgiveness does not mean forget.
This one was meant to teach me , thank you
PTL I needed this video today with some old feelings coming up again.
Wow amen. ❤🙏🏼 Thank you Lord for the work you’re doing through Voddie. May God continue to bless him and keep him.
Keeping away from evil and forgiving those that embrace it... It's possible... Unfortunate ... But it's not withholding anything
This is some good teaching 👏🏾 I've had to say "ouch" a few times!! Help on today, Jesus 🙏🏾
This is helping me mentally
I needed to hear this. Thank you
Ouch! 😢
Lord I needed this today! Pray foe me as I repent ..completely turning away from this sin in Jesus'sname Amen!
Thank you Pastor VODDIE, for spreading the good news , I thank you, Jesus Christ for forgiving me of my sin's , continuing to cleanse me from my filth . There's truly a problem with forgiveness in my life.I have a different perspective now that I am able to see myself and not just see the violation that was imposed by people I trusted. This knowledge and wisdom I understood not as a child , but now there's no excuses ,I must let the bitterness go and be blessed , yeah this is part of my story that I can no longer leave on the shelf I need to embrace it and pray to God for his help with this deeply embedded bitterness , that's holding me back . Please include me in your prayers. Thanks
If you claim you are a Chistian and are worried about the floods. I implore you to re-read your bible and God's covenant with Noah.
My wife is going through that now; thank God Almighty for His wisdom to stand strong, not by own my might, but by the strength of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. God's will be done.
I’m having a hard time with this, so if someone else is not obligated to sin less and I’m obligated to forgive more, does that mean I am now a door mat? Just let things slide every time? What if it’s constant? What if it whittles down my soul to put up with bad behavior constantly? I know I am a sinner but when it’s brought to my attention, I make corrections. Is wanting space from someone who is rude and belittling to me withholding?
Can someone pls help me?
You’re not wrong. Unilateral forgiveness is a Godly thing but some people are simply evil and God’s Word says there are some people we are to avoid. Period. His Word says we avoid many types of people when they are nonrepentant sinners. I avoid a slanderer in my church. She’s a horrible person and God’s Word says to avoid a slanderer and I do because she loves slander. She’s slandered me. It’s hard to forgive because she doesn’t care, but God places people in our lives for a reason, to teach us to lean on HIM, not on emotions, thoughts or feelings. Lean on God and don’t let others pull guilt trips on you and He’ll guide your steps. Trust Him.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and questions. I have the same ones and @Garden366, thank you for summing up what the Word says. We need to forgive but to also know when we're to move away from certain people.
Strong loving message. I love the confirmations, thank you Jesus!!!
I'm worried I haven't forgiven every thing because I have short term memory loss but if I don't forgive God won't forgive me
If you’ve forgotten about something it means you’ve likely forgiven or will forgive easily if it comes to mind.
He is and that's the same way God do, God breaks you and heals you at the same time in that order so Lovely That's who God is. Thank you Dr. Voddie God Bless
How does this mesh with the teaching of fleeing from the unrighteous?
What for you mean "fleeing from the unrighteous"
He's speaking amongst the believers of Christ, because we all belong to one another. Forgiveness also applies towards unrighteous people, yet, we are also commanded to avoid such people. I believe this is what you're questioning.
2 Timothy 3:3-5
Heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
Dr. Voddie, i feel like you were talking to me directly. Im really struggling and i really needed to hear these words because this is me..as long as i can remember, this is me. As a backslidden christian, i feel ashamed. Thank you for this direct message and i look forward to listening to all of your past sermons on this channel.
Beautiful, insightful sermon - I especially enjoyed the mathematical analysis of sin and forgiveness
The Man just teared me up ..yoh!
Thankyou for the lovely message.How do I handle a situation where the person maybe mishandling the WORDof GOD? Should forgive them now or until they change their actions
Praise the LORD!
He’s absolutely right tho 🤷♂️🔥
Voddie, John MacAurther, etc, should on TV and social media, and call each other "false teachers" TO THERE FACES!
Criticize the disease, not the patient.
Will bring to remembrance and comes with comfort in front!
What if the person doesn’t think they’ve wronged you AT ALL and doesn’t feel that they have at all? What if they are a lying and known to be violent type of person who drinks and Lord knows what they might do? Who has tried getting into your house without permission? How exactly is one supposed to go about forgiving an unbeliever who doesn’t think that they’ve done anything wrong yet they have been scaring and stressing and lying on me since I was a little kid? Enough is enough at a point. No point in communicating to that person anymore. It is a messed up situation
It’s cliche but forgiveness isn’t for other people. It is for you to release bitterness and anger towards someone. Sounds like what you’re talking about is reconciliation, which isn’t required in all circumstances. Reconciliation is action required by TWO people, not just one. And in sometimes is not necessary or even possible to reconcile with people. If it is a dangerous or abusive or unsafe for you to reconcile or be in a relationship with someone, reconciliation may not be an option. You’ll need to put up biblical and healthy boundaries. But forgiveness is something that we have control over, and we are called to forgive, but not always reconcile. I hope this helps. Wise, Christian counseling has helped me with this topic that people often confuse.
Please go study on teshuva. Understand we are not to be treated like door rugs. Forgiveness is for you. Remove them from your life and pray for true heart change. Your father loves you and it saddened by the wickedness of those in this world. God is more than what we usually make him. Prayers for your protection in mind and your phisical life.
If I choose not to have someone in my life, does that mean I do not Forgive them?? 🤔
No. This is this pastor’s reasoning. There are people who you do not bring back into your life. Let God deal with that other person’s sin and if they come to you in true repentance, thank God and take them back. Pray that they do repent. But nowhere, nowhere does God tell us that we are to be doormats to evil, vicious people who specifically choose to do us harm. When I hear sermons like this, I realize that this person has never been struck, has never been violated, has never been threatened, has never been beaten, and nowhere does God call any of that good and expect you to return to someone who will not repent and seek to change their ways with God’s help. This sermon is what abuser use to make their victims return. Even if you haven’t been beaten or abused in that way, anyone who mistreat you repeatedly, intentionally and without remorse - for people like that - the Word says you are fine to avoid. In many places within the Bible. Sometimes soundbites are small and sometimes honestly, they come in the form long-winded sermons.
Is repentance not necessary for us to forgive as well?
Maybe. But ask yourself if you can truly forgive someone else without it, or if you're just merely saying you forgave them?
@@JesusistheonetrueGod why so?
@@Oliiinjr Because God says He will not forgive your sins if you do not forgive the sins of others.
Matthew 6:14-15 ESV
[14] For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, [15] but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Mark 11:25-26 ESV
[25-26] And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."
@@JesusistheonetrueGod I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time understanding what you mean. Not sure how that answers why it’s not necessary for one to repent first before one is forgiven?
Do something nice for the person who has wronged you. Some people don't actually know how to properly forgive. They say things like "I'll forgive but I won't forget." That's not sincere. It's not authentic either. If you can bring yourself to bless your enemies then you have truly forgiven and can call yourself a Child of God. Matthew 5:43-44 says “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,..." Also James 2:14-17 says What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Why would you do something nice like pray for your enemies if not for your faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? And yet your faith alone without works is dead. And God is God of the living. Not the dead. So i say pray for them and also give them something that costs you money and is also thoughtful and nice.
If a child predator repents, he can be forgiven. But he’s not allowed in my home
Students shared "i" AM will say for HE is sitting upon the "i" with the "AM"! SINGULARITY THE I AM OLIVER S.= Salak! Fisher of MEN! J="i"sa= Seems 1 yet 2. The "i" AM! Little "i" AM..."i" to!
Pop asked thy Students concerning forgiveness?
All glory and praise to our God and Lord Jesus Christ! "Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever. Amen!" Thank you GfBC for the post and God bless.
Pop Students knows silent nor bound hands and feet? Likewise unto all HIS "AM" will draws near kept!
Pop remember my "AM"! What SUNS? CAN ENTER IN? My NEW SÙNS KNOWS?
Pop asked to remind? Thy Students concerning forgiveness?
God says when a partner has sexual relationships with someone else it is grounds for divorce. It's no one's choice but the partner wronged.
My sister hasn’t spoken to me in over 15 years. And she thinks she is a Christian.
Why hasnt she spoken to you?.
When a person has sexual relationships with someone else God says that is grounds for divorce. Finished done no need to continue to be cheated on. God says it is done if the spouse wronged is not going to except being cheated on. No guilt or shame. That belongs to the spouse who wronged you.
Go look at his Permanence view on marriage sermon please. Listen with an open heart
How do I forgive the woman who calls herself my ex wife in the midst of her second affair? God have mercy on us.
Forgive and let her go, which is what I would do. But this is advice from another sinner. Maybe go into prayer and GOD will have a different option or maybe HE'll give you the same advice. Good luck. I had an ex-wife cheat
With a brother. So, I speak from that standpoint. I don't or haven't spoke to either one in over 12yrs and I don't want to kill them anymore.
Baby steps ❤
Wow, I can't imagine how difficult it must be to forgive that. But absolutely not impossible. I know of marriages that have survived situations like this, God can redeem it. I pray that God heal this relationship. She must be so deeply in the bondage of sin, I can't imagine how devastating judgement would be if she passed away tomorrow.. Pray for her, her soul is covered in darkness and its evident in her choices. ❤
Jackson Angela Taylor Brenda Thomas Patricia
I can see how this will become weaponized. There are some entitled prince and princesses running around unleashed. Forgive seventy times seven however keeping company or closeness to repeat offenders that do not intend to stop whatever attack via direct or passive aggressive is like playing the game kiss the cobra and expecting it not to strike. Wisdom says use discernment because sadly some are either directly or indirectly spiteful. Thats the world we are in until Christ returns, some can be trusted and got close to some youve seen the signs enough times to make a wholesome decision. Definition of insanity is like gas-lighting repeating the same things expecting a different result.
If you can't say amen, you better say ouch!
Nevertheless my Students will replace thee!
Let's look at judas why did he die in his sins . He was sorry felt bad. What did he not do. He did not have true repentance (teshuva) it is not simply words it is a true heart condition. You give forgiveness to those who ask for it. Thier is a general forgiveness. That one is for you to move on. Don't pat sinners on the back and make them merry on thier way to hell. Forgiveness is for you. Study. Study.
Pop asked thy Heirs Hosts students? What is NEWS?
Clark Michelle White Ronald Smith Sharon
How about crimes commited against people.
Forgiveness is still in order, but that doesn't mean we're free from earthly consequences in human courts. Speaking from experience, it's even harder when lawyers and court judges get involved lol
The christian church has watered down the gospel of Yah. Go learn teshuva and you will understand its not sin confess. It's sin, go turn from it and go in the other direction.
Journalists come here in front! What is NEWS?
Pop thy Students know? Why HE call Thee pop?
People a third or fourth marriage. Those most likely marriages that God dose not except..
So many obnoxious ads...
Way too long, ponderous and slow. This is painfully drawn out. Why can't pastors be more concise? Moreover, the synopsis could have actually summarized the sermon. "There ARE (not "is") more floods now than ever." A lack of subject-verb agreement is a huge problem with Americans.
Ummm watch someone else
So i guess your a perfect pastor and orator? may God have mercy on you
I forgive that comment!!!
Your comment was too long. It should have been more like this:
It hurt huh