Predator Prey Fight Scene Spoiler Review



  • @gerrynightingale9045
    @gerrynightingale9045 Рік тому

    *I'v seen what a grizzly can do...once he has a solid grip it's 'all over'*
    ( *The 'Predator might' kill him, but it will be missing a 'big-ass chunk' of something somewhere* )
    *Even a little brown bear can place the claws of one 'foot-arm' into the tiny sliver of a shut car-door and RIP IT RIGHT OFF THE CAR...bears have far more 'dark muscle-mass' than humans so a 'pound-for-pound' comparison means nothing*
    *A bear of 300lbs. in Yellowstone dislodged a 1500lb. boulder w/a single paw just to reach a honeycomb and was filmed doing it, so their strength and agility are far beyond anything humans could think-of*