Floating Bicycle Roundabout in Eindhoven, Netherlands [209]

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024
  • The recently opened floating bicycle roundabout is called Hovenring and can be found between Eindhoven, Veldhoven and Meerhoven. It is a prime example of exceptional bicycle infrastructure in the Netherlands.
    More info in the blog post: bicycledutch.wo...


  • @ShortieLeeroy
    @ShortieLeeroy 12 років тому +13

    Great stuff.Love the cycle/wheelchair combination at 1.03.

  • @thinkjpb
    @thinkjpb 12 років тому +14

    This is fantastic.. the biking infrastructure here in North America is abysmal.

  • @04smallmj
    @04smallmj 12 років тому +22

    They're still going many times faster than walking, and besides, why would they want to arrive at their destination soaked from sweat? Cycling here (NL) is a lot different to other countries, in that it's a mainstream form of transport, rather than purely a lesuire pursuit, so people aren't pressured into riding faster by cars or want to rush everywhere.

  • @pamcadd8658
    @pamcadd8658 3 роки тому +8

    Fabulous system - it's interesting that there's no signage, so in the branching places apparently everyone just knows the correct way to go to reach the desired location. And have you noticed that no one wears a helmet? I guess that reflects the fact that cycling is just safer there.

    • @photoo848
      @photoo848 2 роки тому +1

      How many roundabouts are bidirectional? In countries where you drive on the right side roundabouts always see traffic flow counterclockwise (anybody reading this is free to correct me if I'm wrong, I've only experienced roundabouts in 3-4 countries, I might be making big assumptions)

    • @arthurhagen3826
      @arthurhagen3826 2 роки тому

      It's actualy not a roundabout. It's a bidirectional circular cycle way with four connecting cycle paths.

    • @ChristiaanHW
      @ChristiaanHW Рік тому

      there are signs at entry paths to the "cycling ring".
      0.31 the pole next to the lantern in front of the pyramid shaped building.
      cycling specific signs are white with red poles about as high as an delivery van (like those of Amazon) and have white signs with red texts.
      just like those for cars but a little smaller because the speeds are lower and of course using the red colour because that's the colour the Dutch use to make it recognizable as cycling infrastructure
      and if you miss those you could just sneak a peak at the signs below for the cars. (the big blue ones)

  • @UnderOpenWater
    @UnderOpenWater 12 років тому +5

    Just amazing! Beautiful!

  • @mariadej.torresdelatorre1345
    @mariadej.torresdelatorre1345 4 роки тому

    Wonderful, I visited Eindhoven, it is a great city.

  • @HockeyaRollerSkating
    @HockeyaRollerSkating 2 роки тому +1

    Cycling here (NL) is very different than in Italy, where politicians do not think about the happiness and health of citizens, but about making money, making money, making money by continuing to transform cities into huge open-air car parks and proliferate fast roads for motor vehicles unsafe for people, where dead cyclists and pedestrians grow like mushrooms.

    • @elliotcowell3139
      @elliotcowell3139 2 роки тому

      I've driven a few times in Italy (mostly in Firenze) most terrifying experience of my life, I can't imagine how deadly it is to cycle there

  • @riza1965
    @riza1965 12 років тому +6

    Dit is prachtig hier in Brazilië zou een droom zijn, alleen voor de fietsen in het weekend en 's nachts, omdat we niet over fietspaden, moeten de straten delen met voertuigen en voetgangers, is zeer gevaarlijk, maar als je kunt een kijkje in mijn video tours die fazemsos weekend op youtube kanaal "riza1965."

  • @triesteinbici
    @triesteinbici 2 роки тому +1

    Cycling here (NL) is very different than in Italy where politicians do not think about the happiness and health of citizens, but about making money, making money, making money by transforming cities into huge open-air car parks and proliferating fast roads for motor vehicles unsafe for people, where dead cyclists and pedestrians grow like mushrooms.

  • @MildMisanthropeMaybeMassive
    @MildMisanthropeMaybeMassive 11 років тому +6

    National Geographic brought me here!

  • @gtexjo2000
    @gtexjo2000 12 років тому

    Actually is quite simple in which direction to bike on the roundabout.
    As mention, three from six entries and exits of the roundabout are two-way and are designated so by a sign before entering the ramp/bicycle path, and with a white broken line on the way up to the floating roundabout.
    ROUNDABOUT with no signs nor white broken lines can only mean you go to the right and proceed in a counter clockwise direction until you reach the exit you want to get off.

  • @JuBaoJu
    @JuBaoJu 12 років тому +1

    this is great!!!

  • @09conrado
    @09conrado 12 років тому +4

    You're right, they're very slow. But rest assured, not everyone is slow. My guess is that these people liked to ride slow to admire the bridge, or just because they wanted to. There are lots of racers in NL as well, but just not in this video. Unlike in other countries, EVERYONE cycles here, not just strong fit men of 20-35 years old. So you'll see much more slowies, but that doesn't mean everyone is slow...

    • @lexburen5932
      @lexburen5932 7 місяців тому +1

      in the netherlands everyone cycles, even people who own a car. Cycling is a means of transportation where in other country's they see it as hobby. We do have " tour de france " cyclists but they are few and are actually an overwhelming minority. Most people bike as a mean to transport themselves. To work, to the dentist, to do grocerys. It is not to race at all.

  • @09conrado
    @09conrado 10 років тому +1

    +sleeplessnights7745: That was the old situation. See Mark's blog post: link in the description

  • @BicycleDutch
    @BicycleDutch  12 років тому +1

    I don't think they will add any paint. Not all ramps are in both directions, but most are. The entrances to the ring and the ring itself are all bidirectional.

    • @gtexjo2000
      @gtexjo2000 6 років тому

      The entrances to the ring are bidirectional because of the paint arrow directions but the ring has no pint thus the rules of counter clockwise biking on a ring applies in the Netherlands.

  • @videoclog
    @videoclog 12 років тому +1

    Nobody has to hurry in the Netherlands. Besides, everything in the Netherlands is around the corner. It's a small country.

  • @oreosaysb00
    @oreosaysb00 8 років тому +1

    Are the rules on the roundabout same as a regular roundabout?

    • @hackerbach9078
      @hackerbach9078 4 роки тому +4

      It is not mandatory. On the more average roundabout in the Netherlands it is a rule to cycle the same way around the roundabout as cars do. Because the driver can predict which cyclist they may encounter. This roundabout is only used by cyclists and the bike lane is brought enough to cycle both ways. So you can just choose.
      (very late reply for this old question. lol)

  • @ThermoMan
    @ThermoMan 4 роки тому


  • @walker1054
    @walker1054 4 роки тому +1

    Is it really a roundabout if traffic goes both ways? Everywhere else says a roundabout is a lane/road where traffic goes in 1 direction around a central point. This is more like a round cycle path.

  • @sanches722
    @sanches722 12 років тому +2

    lindo! tinha que ter no brasil..

  • @AviationMetalSmith
    @AviationMetalSmith 11 років тому

    Is it safe in High Wind?

  • @kever53
    @kever53 12 років тому

    I get a bit dizzy at the last part.

  • @04smallmj
    @04smallmj 11 років тому

    They are considered unnecessary really, because they are (in NL).

  • @infj4w511
    @infj4w511 11 місяців тому

    When going for such an extensive, expensive project, I think it'd make sense to add side walks

  • @keokiracerhalsteren
    @keokiracerhalsteren 11 років тому +2

    A roundabout wouldn't have been able to handle the car traffic. Traffic lights can handle more cars/hour than (turbo)roundabouts

    • @trevorwetzel7611
      @trevorwetzel7611 2 роки тому

      That may be true but traffic lights often increase the required number of lanes since they result in a long queue of stopped cars. Still, it makes sense that this intersection was replaced with a traffic light given the size of the highway

  • @r00key
    @r00key 11 років тому

    It's "suspended", not "floating".

  • @ackerwagen
    @ackerwagen 4 роки тому

    barzo dobzy.

  • @sleeplessnights7745
    @sleeplessnights7745 11 років тому +2

    it kind of looks over-engineered for this intersection. simple roundtana with priority for bikes would have done it.

    @THEILFAT1 11 років тому


  • @dissol
    @dissol 11 років тому

    Pedestrians?? I see no pedestrian infrastructure here at all...

    • @marcvanderwee
      @marcvanderwee 7 років тому +7

      Pedestrians are allowed to walk on the bicycle roundabout! And cyclists don't matter about that, they simply pass them without any problem!!

    • @taerial879
      @taerial879 4 роки тому

      In pragmatic The Netherlands riding a bicycle is regarded as an efficient way of walking. So, why walk if one can cycle?!

    • @BrokenCurtain
      @BrokenCurtain 3 роки тому +1

      This construct seems to be located above a freeway, not many buildings nearby - the people using it aren't using it to traverse distances of a couple hundred meters, but travelling distances in the range of a couple of kilometers. Those aren't really walkable distances.
      Basically, the reason why you don't see a sidewalk is the same reason why you don't see many sidewalks on country roads in rural areas.

    • @anneke1003
      @anneke1003 3 роки тому +1

      If you have more bikes than people in your country, why should you walk?

  • @BicycleDutch
    @BicycleDutch  12 років тому +2

    See the blog post for all further information. The link is in the video description box.

  • @timdavis7398
    @timdavis7398 3 роки тому

    In the US. the Distances are far. No one wants to end up at their destinations sweating. ANd then there's the argument that bicycle people don't pay taxes...Motorist do. That tax in fuel is used to fix the roads.

    • @axelnils
      @axelnils 2 роки тому +2

      Distances are far precisely because everything is built to accommodate cars only. Distances are far because most livable cities were destroyed to runt highways through them.

  • @napsec9807
    @napsec9807 4 роки тому +1

    I usually like the design of dutch infrastucture but this seems overkill and a waste of money

    • @OfSoundNFury
      @OfSoundNFury 3 роки тому

      Not really when you realize just show much people in the Netherlands cycle. Something like 1 in every 4 or 5 journeys made in NL are made by cycling

    • @Lunavii_Cellest
      @Lunavii_Cellest 3 роки тому

      Well that is becouse you are right, it could be done a bit better and cheaper but then it wouls look less cool