If you would like to see the current homes and prices in a certain area please let me know. If you would like to know anything more about buying, selling, investing or relocating to Lehi Utah or the surrounding areas please reach out, always love to chat and happy to help. Chris 801-758-8595
No kidding, I was surprised too. I did find a few single family homes but they were really old and sort of nasty so I couldn't recommend them in good conscience.
If you would like to see the current homes and prices in a certain area please let me know. If you would like to know anything more about buying, selling, investing or relocating to Lehi Utah or the surrounding areas please reach out, always love to chat and happy to help. Chris 801-758-8595
Not even close to what it used to get, lol!
No kidding, I was surprised too. I did find a few single family homes but they were really old and sort of nasty so I couldn't recommend them in good conscience.