Yep! Mormons must BUY THEIR TICKET...or they can't live with god! Same as the Superbowl. If you don't buy a ticket you can't enter the arena to see the Big Game!
@@ThomasJDavis Cute meme, but... How does one achieve "exaltation" without paying money for it? IOW. If you follow each and every requirements for "exaltation", but don't pay the required amount can you still be "exalted"?
@@ThomasJDavis so getting to live with its Heavenly Father you have to tithe and be found ‘worthy’ ? How is that free? The Bible says something very different (see John 14:6).
@Amber-the Mormons have huge Food Pantries that they have available for members. They have their own huge welfare type stystem. I will tell you, I was a non-mormon working as a Social Worker for the State of Utah and I had bishops bring members to me to apply for welfare and food stamps at the first sign of trouble even though the Mormon church brags about how they take care of their own. As a non believer, I used to make some arrogant bishops uncomfortable by asking them about why they were applying for public funds when they had their own services! What they don't tell you is that ALL those services are only really available if you have gotten destitute by keeping up your tithe! It is most definitely a CULT~ \
Paying tithing is an action based on faith. If the family didn't have the money for food because they paid their tithing , they could easily get food from the bishops storehouse no problem. Salvation is something that has already been given to us by Christ through the atonement. So this family fretting over salvation is just rediculous.
The tithing story hits a chord, that poor woman, that poor family. When I started college, I was undiagnosed bipolar with an anxiety disorder. One day I was having a really bad panic attack and I foolishly called my mom. She came to my dorm and told me the reason I was “having issues” was because I stopped going to church and didn’t pay tithing. In between my hysterical crying, she convinced me to write the church a check for almost everything in my bank account and said that I would receive blessings and peace. The next day, I realized what a horrible mistake I made and I contacted the bishop in my home ward. I tried to explain that I wasn’t thinking clearly when I wrote that check and that it was my scholarship money, meant to pay for books and food. He refused and said that if he gave the check back, it would be stealing from the church. I got a second job to try to make up for the money I lost and I ended up dropping out of the school year. I felt like a failure and I get a pit in my stomach whenever I think back on it, especially when I now know that the money isn’t being used to help people.
I actually tried to speak with a fellow "Home Teacher" about the Temple ceremony privately and in a respectful way, I honestly wanted to talk about the subject. The guy I spoke with freaked out and got angry. He chided me by saying that I can only talk about that subject in the Temple. He went on to tell me that to even attempt a conversation about the Temple outside of the Temple building is sacrilegious. That was my "Screw this, I'm walking away." Moment.
And it's so crazy how they excuse the lack of informed consent for members of the church in the name of "sacredity". I can understand members of the church not wanting to talk about what happens in the temple with people who aren't baptized members of the church for the sake of sacredity. But for actually believing, baptized members of the church to not know about it or talk about it _amongst their own fellow members_ is a blatant and intentional effort to keep the activities of the temple secret. That's literally what it is! If you're a believing member of the church in conversation with another believing member of the church talking about the activities of the temple, _why wouldn't each person speak about it with reverence!?_ What mature, believing member of the church would speak about it flippantly? And even if momentarily did, would they not feel any remorse for doing so? Seriously, it truly is ridiculous that members of the church can't even be adequately informed about it before going through. Honestly, I think there's a fair bit of embarrassment that plays into it. I really do. It's not a professional look _at all._ And I wouldn't be surprised if a member, who had co-workers who found out about them participating in this kind of a thing, actually had their credibility lowered in their eyes and had a harder time taking them person seriously after. If the membership and leadership are "not ashamed of the gospel of Christ", then I don't see why temple activities can't be talked about amongst the members of the church. Withholding from people outside the church for the sake of sacredity, I can understand. But withholding from _actual members of the church?_ That's just straight up secrecy.
The details aren't even discussed in the temple preparatory classes. I was horrified to learn blood oaths were made only a decade before I went to the temple.
I remember the very first time my husband and I were alone after being sealed....we closed the car door to drive home and literally said "what the f*ck was that" in unison. Haha! It's the only thing that brings me joy, when I look back on that day.
I remember when I was like 6 i was sobbing in church because I was told if I was naughty I would be separated from my family. I’m now disconnected from them because I was kicked out for comming out at a lesbian. The damage the church does is horrible
I’m so sorry this happened to you. You didn’t deserve it. You are profoundly loved and perfect exactly as you are. I hope you’re living your best life and that you’re happy. ♥️
I'm proud of you for standing up to your family and coming out Lesbian. Love is love. And you are free. You are devine and God created the way you are. You are special and your soul are beautiful the way you are.
A "bishop" condemning a couple to poverty demonstrates just how materialistic the church focus is. Hard to listen to this knowing how predatory and tragic this is!
Reminds me of the Roman Catholicism my parents and older sisters grew up with in former Yugoslavia. Spiritual privilege to the rich, punishment and contempt for the poor.
I never paid tithing - refused to pay - but I confused my discernment with rebellion, so I spent a life time feeling shame and guilt, regardless. Now that I understand it was all a con...I am finally free.
{Rutile} Equally astonishing (IMO) is the LDS doctrine that the members CANNOT live with God unless the DO PAY their 10%+ share. Imagine THAT?!?! What kind of an ass***e god would demand such a thing?---PAYING MONEY to get into heaven?? (What a SCAM!!)
@@daveyjones9930 catholics and I dare say some other extreme Christian denominations, have made money a snare for others. It’s contemptuous, unbiblical and brings a bad name to God which is an extremely serious violation in the Bible.
Can I just tell you that being a mom of 4 is enough of a task, but the fact that you are kind enough to do what you do for exmos just brings me to tears. You are so wonderful and beautiful inside and out for how you put yourself out there so honestly and respectfully. Please know you are so loved and valued and I am so thankful for you.
I stayed in for 23 years exhausting myself trying to convert my husband, trying to keep my children in the church as they became adults, & being afraid of the world around me. Since leaving I've never felt more free!
My experience is similar. I no longer have the husband but my girls and I have left the church and life is so much happier fir us all. The guilt of not being the perfect mormon wife and not being sealed to my husband were crippling at times. That's not receiving "a fullness of joy".
It definitely is real, when I was a young teenager, my bishop asked so many inappropriate questions. He was such a disgusting piece of garbage, if I see him again I would definitely beat his ass. God might be all loving and forgiving, but I am not god.
Yeah, i had a bishop who kept fathering children outside his marriage. Everyone knew about it because it was the worst kept secret ever. But became bishop he did in spite of his serial cheating. To say nothing about the bishopric as well...
also should note that your apparent "true name" is not a unique name to you, every person gets the same "true name" based on which date they received that apparent "blessing" in specific regards to being either male or female (as the church defines it)
@@jimbomanzano5743 yes, very uncomfortable for years, then had lots of questions I could never find answers to, and woke up to the reality of how I had been pulled into something that was all made up, that is humiliating to me now
@@China-Clay Mostly my story, too....tho I was never embarrassed or humiliated by my temple experience. I was STUNNED!! The embarrassment and humiliation came later when I finally realized how easily I had been flummoxed by the whole of Mormonism.
I had a Mormon kid come to my house, several years ago, and wanted my wife and I to convert. I sat him down, gave him a glass of lemonade, and got out a pad of paper and a pencil. My wife and I made $168k that year. $1,400.00 per month. House payment, two cars, taxes, insurance of all forms, college for our daughter, and a LOT of other bills. Cable, electric, gas, telephones, etc. I showed him what 10% PRE-TAX income would do to our lives. Essentially, $1,400.00 per month LESS into our nest egg. Ummm...NO. When I got done, he thanked me, and didn't try to push the issue. I suggested a trailer park for his next victims.
I really appreciate your videos. My shelf has been broken for years and I left the end of my sophomore Year of highschool (I'm a Sophomore in college now) and finding your channel this year has been really validating for me.
I've heard bishops tell people to pay their tithing in those situations, then the church will help out with bills or food and other items from the bishops storehouse. That bishop was a dick. I was in a similar situation when I was an active participant. I just chose not to pay tithing. I didn't love going to the temple anyway, so it also gave me an excuse to ditch Temple night.
“Temple Night” - sounds like an interesting title of a horror flick in the genre of ‘Halloween’ or “Friday The 13th” Of course I imagine it would be set in Provo…
The church teaches that Jesus is full of love for all. If that Jesus could see the church holding people's salvation hostage over a few hundred dollars (especially when they have $100billion+) he would be disgusted imo.
A year ago when an earthquake knocked Moroni's trumpet off of the top of the Salt Lake Temple, it was suggested that was Jesus showing his disgust of Mormonism. They might be on to something there.
@@mylesmarkson1686 I think the profit saw that as an opportunity to tell the good hearted ward folks that it needs to be a bigger, better trumpet, more ornate (specticle) piece-so ante up and to increase your sacrificial giving so it would be more pleasing (ie costly).
@@savannahsmiles1797 Yes, we need bigger temples with bigger Moronis with bigger trumpets. We gotta show this God how much we love him by how much we're willing to spend!
I feel so bad now whenever going to the LDS sub-reddits. Very few faith-promoting posts, most are about problems people are having that in hindsight are completely ridiculous and should never be an issue. I'm glad my eyes have been opened but I wish so bad we could help others see outside of their little box.
I have been a Mormon for 8 years but I am thinking of leaving the faith. My husband wants to stay but I am thinking of leaving the faith. People have been so mean to me. I am blind and have been told that I most have never been close to god because of me being disabled. Also most people don’t want to be Sean with me that are in the faith.
Controversy and criticism Main article: Critical appraisal of the Book of Abraham In the late 19th century, French Egyptologist Théodule Devéria was one of the first to offer a scholarly critique of Joseph Smith's translation. Since its publication in 1842, the Book of Abraham has been a source of controversy. Non-Mormon Egyptologists, beginning in the late 19th century,[74] have disagreed with Joseph Smith's explanations of the facsimiles. They have also asserted that damaged portions of the papyri have been reconstructed incorrectly. In 1912, a letter about the Book of Abraham was published by Arthur Cruttenden Mace, Assistant Curator in the Department of Egyptian Art in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. He wrote: I return herewith, under separate cover, the 'Pearl of Great Price.' The 'Book of Abraham,' it is hardly necessary to say, is a pure fabrication. Cuts 1 and 3 are inaccurate copies of well known scenes on funeral papyri, and cut 2 is a copy of one of the magical discs which in the late Egyptian period were placed under the heads of mummies. There were about forty of these latter known in museums and they are all very similar in character. Joseph Smith's interpretation of these cuts is a farrago of nonsense from beginning to end. Egyptian characters can now be read almost as easily as Greek, and five minutes' study in an Egyptian gallery of any museum should be enough to convince any educated man of the clumsiness of the imposture.[103] The controversy intensified in the late 1960s when portions of the Joseph Smith Papyri were located. The translation of the papyri by both Mormon and non-Mormon Egyptologists does not match the text of the Book of Abraham as purportedly translated by Joseph Smith. Now if the Book of Abraham, what the LDS considers "inspired LDS canon" is considered a fraud, then it is safe to say there are other 'inspired LDS canons" that are frauds. Get out of there before hell consumes you.
If your husband wants to stay in a place that is causing you discomfort, he cares more about them then you. Time to get out of both the cult, and your marraige.
Angel, let me give you some advice from a evangelical Christian's perspective. 1st, you don't say whether you would be leaving for another church or not. I can understand the turmoil you going through spiritually, I left the Catholic church because of the fallacies in it and found the risen Christ through the Bible, not some extra-canonical book(s). But I digress. Now understand, those of us who are believers outside the LDS consider LDS members non-Christians for many reasons but I will spare the preaching aspect of it. So read this as if you are a "believer" and your husband is a "non-believer." Aging Casually is right to say to bolt from the LDS church ASAP. However, scripture says this about married couples. 1 Corinthians 7 10 But to the married I give instructions, not I, but the Lord, that the wife is not to leave her husband 11 (but if she does leave, she must remain unmarried, or else be reconciled to her husband), and that the husband is not to divorce his wife. 12 But to the rest I say, not the Lord, that if any brother has an unbelieving wife, and she consents to live with him, he must not divorce her. 13 And if any woman has an unbelieving husband, and he consents to live with her, she must not divorce her husband. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy. 15 Yet if the unbelieving one is leaving, let him leave; the brother or the sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God has called us in peace. 16 For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife? I don't need to elaborate on it, it speaks for itself. Let me say this, if he becomes physically abusive or an extremely verbal abuser (which could lead to physical abuse), leave but do not be the one who initiates a divorce. HE is the unbeliever according to scripture. God Bless, Little Girl.
@@arianae6706 Feeling are subjective, Ariana. Many a bad decision is made on "feelings." Please read my advice to her and tell me what you may agree or disagree with. Remember, I'm coming from a, to put it in a vernacular way, "religious" perspective because she didn't say she dismisses any or all religious views of her life. I do agree100% with your 1st sentence (as written) in your post. though.
I once tried to speak to a Mormon friend of mind about a mostly neutral TV documentary about the church and all he could do was rant about how it was nothing but lies. I think that maybe he didn't even watch it.
@@AVspectre I just LOVE that play! Seen it more than once. I've never been Mormon but lived in Utah for 11 years and worked and played softball with Mormons so I get all the jokes and nuances.
Thank you for this Lexie! Thank you for being a positive uplifting influence. The story that you've read about the couple struggling to pay tithing and their heartless unempathetic bishop is one of the many reasons I find the lds church so revolting and morally abhorrent. They're being taken advantage of and they wouldn't recognize it! It's morally infuriating, but then ultimately the power to rid themselves of such unnecessary burden and spiritual and financial extortion lies completely with themselves.
The second to last one at 12:20 is literally "I love the teachings of the church, but the teachings of the church make me so sad". It is heartbreaking that sometimes people are so indoctrinated that they cannot take a simple step back and realize that what they are saying.
First off it's really nice to get notifications for every video you put out. Click that 🔔 people 😁 On the video, I got emotional hearing the story of the family that couldn't afford anything cause of tithing. It reminded me of my family's story growing up.
This might be a stupid question but, how does the bishop know how much a family brings in? Maybe stretch the truth about what you make? Better yet, tell them to take a hike and run like hell from this crazy cult.
@@acetrades1524 Wrong. It “can” be required. It’s not normal and no not everyone has to do so, but some bishops will ask and if you refuse you will likely be told that you are not showing enough faith, and are not worthy of temple work or taking the sacrament. You may also be the target of oddly specific “testimonies” during a future service that will all but name you as a non-payer of tithing.
@@josephpenderson613 if its not normal, and not everyone has to do so, then we agree, its not required. So your statement isn't true, at all. Its not required.
My first time being in a temple and having to pay for a meal at the cafeteria…Then also paying for clothes…I was thinking why is there money in the temple??…
I listen to your videos as I drive and feel very thankful that you've stepped up and out to let the world know. Thank you for empowering others to do the same.
Me and my gran have had a few visits from mormons. They had the gall to pray with my gran without masks during a pandemic!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My aunt let complete strangers come to our front door
My husband and I are having doubts about the Morman faith. We have both been hurt by members of the faith. We are starting to look into the past of the faith and also where we see our selves in the future. I am so glad I have him in my life. He is doing his best to support me in everything I want to do and decide to do.
I don’t understand why Mormons must be “sealed” to remain together in the “Celestial Kingdom” when they are already family or married. That’s the real con, isn’t it? To get the money and keep people obedient… One of my Mormon relatives is a bishop who had a family come to him, saying they couldn’t both pay their tithe and make payments on their home. My wealthy bishop relative offered to “help.” NOT to loan them money to pay the tithe, oh no! Instead he took advantage of them by buying their house at a non-competitive, off-the-market price. The family thought they’d still have a claim to the home after the sale, because he was their bishop. They didn’t. And the bishop made a profit.
Okay I'm sorry but I kind of have a problem with taking money that they need, giving it to the church and then living off of the government instead with the WIC program. I don't have any problem with people using the WIC program when they need it but I kind of have a problem with the WIC program being used so that money can be given to the church instead. I mean they wouldn't need to be on the WIC program if they weren't giving money to the church so they're taking WIC money away from other people just so that the church can have money. Again I don't blame the couple I blame the church but I really really have a problem with this idea
Giving your money to the church is dumb. But Americans really need to get over their aversion to social welfare. In Scandinavia social welfare is UNIVERSAL irregardless of income. And they have the best outcomes.
@@blackalien6873 I don't have a problem with them receiving money when they need it but they don't need it because they don't need to give 10% to the church instead. They need to keep that 10% for themselves and not use government assistance so that there's money for other people that actually need the government assistance. The church is literally taking away government assistance from those that need it.
. This and other recent posts have shown such a good and useful place to go after the dismay and frustration posts that follow leaving the church. Thee seems to be a needed and important stage I have seen you and others go through immediately after the profound hardship of departure. But once the eighteen or twenty months of venting have run their course there arises a question of, "Where to take this You Tube effort next?" it's a hard question demanding searching creativity and determination. I am delighted with where you have steered to, hope others can draw upon its ideas and look forward to continuing to watch your posts.
my bishop literally makes fun of me and picks on me because of my race, blames everyones mistakes on me, and i recently got banned from going to girls camp because another girls mess. he blames it all on me and it hurts me so much, the whole CHURCH makes rumors about me and spreads them like its nothing, im treated horribly with racism and i cant fit in no matter how hard i try, j always get left out and made fun by everyone because of the bishop. Anyone have any advice ?? :( i cant go on anymore with losing friends because the bishop is literally manipulating my friends' parents into thinking i am a horrible person. i was so excited to go to girls camp, im devastated:(
Terry. Could be worth it. Islam, with their promised 72 virgins, maybe---unless they were virgins who were virgins because they were scary looking beasts!
@@terrysbookandbiblereviews 72 virgins or not the other costs associated with an Islamic heaven would be a lot heavier than the 10% for entry into the Mormon heaven. Neither one sounds enticing... The heaven I would like is one where there is no mention of ANY religion!
It is very frustrating that the second story about not getting help from the bishop happens. I was the Finance Clerk in a Singles ward in Utah and my bishop had me writing checks for a female in our ward for her phone bill, her car payment, her cable, her internet, rent, everything. This happened every month for a couple years, and she would always show up in new clothes all the time, and would even brag about shopping sprees that she had went on. At one point the bishop even paid to re-roof her parents entire house replacing plywood and fixing some trusts even, and they weren't even in our ward but their ward refused to help them. I remember reading in the handbook of instructions that money was only supposed to go to help pay for essential things like housing and food. I always found it very frustrating, and hated every time I would print off the checks and mail them to all these companies. Then you have this poor couple that is trying to literally just make ends meet and is going into debt because the bishop wont help them is ridiculous. The bishop-roulette game is so strong in TSCC. sorry for the long rant. P.S. i have never been happier than I am now after leaving TSCC. so much freedom and I can be myself.
Actual conversation I had Dad talking to us: Sometimes I hear the Holy Ghost as an actual voice! Me, a schizophrenic: Dad that’s not a good thing Dad: Stop shaming me for my beliefs!
Wow. Don't you remember how in the New Testament the Savior led his apostles and other "worthy' disciples through the temple to learn Masonic-like signs and phrases necessary for their exaltation, and then wearing special necessary underwear with Masonic-like markings on them? Huh. Maybe, could it possibly be that it's because IT NEVER HAPPENED? Gee, if it were that important, wouldn't it be discussed in the BIBLE? (Interestingly enough, it's never mentioned in the Book of Mormon, either). Maybe the 99.99% of the world's population are just not in-the-know about all these things, huh? Poor devils.
OK, I honestly don’t know what temple ceremonies look like in 2021. I went through the temple for the first time, Salt Lake temple, waaaaay back in 1964. I last went through the temple in London, 1973. In 1964, the ceremony was a lengthy three hour process, with human actors (all very old, non professional actors), In 1973, the process was much shorter, with a film and a shorter ceremony. Both times the ceremony ended up in a very white, very quiet, very sterile room. A celestial room. Quietness, whiteness, and non-contemporariness were the significant factors both times. The intent, I presume, was that the celestial kingdom would be a place to strive towards. To live forever in a blindingly white, blindingly quiet, blindingly bland environment would be the ultimate goal. In 1975, I realized that I no longer desired to live forever, FOREVER, EtErNaL, in an existence where colours no longer existed, wheres sounds no longer hramonized, where people no longer differentiated, where I could no longer think for myself. The mormon temple ceremony strives, promises, a permanent place of boredom. If you’re still a TBM, and still going to the temple, ask yourself one simple question. Could I maintain sanity living in a celestial kingdom for every single day for the rest of eternity? When you get to the celestial room, Is this all there is?
After I left my jack Mormon dad told me that the branch pres didn't like him 'double dipping' by going to food pantries and soup kitchen at other churches. He disabled and social security doesn't give enough to live off of. One of the last straws for me was our new bishop demanding his bank statement before giving help and still didn't give food.
That is absolutely a b******* concept. The all-powerful being of the universe has to have you pay a human invention so that you can get into heaven. This idea and concept just gets weaker and weaker every time.
Hello Lexi, I understand, relate & appreciate a lot of what you share. That’s said I think it’s easy to get into a sphere w/lots of ppl who agree w/a certain way of thinking, (similar to the LDS or other church environments) and come to poor or inaccurate conclusions. UA-cam Comment section isn’t a good place for dialogue either. For example the catch phrase. “ There’s nothing you’re not worthy of”. Striving to be a critical thinker I find it a strange phrase/motto. I do understand the context and where you’re coming from. I don’t think that leadership in the church are the only ones who can be hypocritical, too controlling of the narrative or arrive at in accurate/false conclusions.
re: the tithe payer. I would tell them to shame the bishop privately for his behavior, and if that doesn't work, shame him for his behavior publically. Tell him that if he doesn't help in some way, either by helping you find the money in your budget, helping your husband get a better paying job, or simply helping out with your food budget, that your only possible conclusion will be that he is not a follower of Jesus Christ but a veritable wolf in the fold or Judas who only pretends to follow Jesus. I would remind him that "even as ye have done this unto the least of these, ye have done it unto me." Let him know that you will not sustain him, but oppose him as a false disciple and false follower of Christ for refusing and shirking his responsibility to help. Tell him that you will be praying that God either humbles him and softens his heart or removes him one way or another from his position and replaces him with someone who takes his calling as shepherd to feed the lambs and sheep of Jesus' flock seriously.
30 years ago, I was a graduate student and my wife was a beginning teacher. We had 1 child. We barely had enough to eat. Although the church had $ 3 billion, we had to pay 10% to remain "worthy". Today, the church has $ 100 billion from those gullible enough to stay " worthy".
Oh my God I can’t believe that the Utah Bishop wouldn’t even offer her bishop storehouse assistance be in the situation myself I always got offered that and actually got told that if needed that we didn’t need to pay tithing this is one of the reasons why I can’t stand the life ties and how bishops are trained lol they’re not trained they get to do whatever they want and claim of those there a relation I happen to get lucky to get a good bishop multiple get Bishop‘s actually that helped pay for some bills and said I didn’t need to pay tithing if I couldn’t I would’ve been on the streets multiple times at the church and helped me I can’t believe in Utah of all places that I can’t even do that this is very repugnant! I’m so glad I’m leaving this church. Or should I say Cult.
I had a bishop who yelled at me for such a long time because I wasn’t going to church every Sunday. I have a few disabilities and that was the reason but he yelled and caused a seizure. My late husband was angry at him. That was the day I left. I never looked back.
I wish Mormons could truly accept Jesus and realize salvation is not theirs to earn. Jesus earned it. He offers it as a gift. Works will follow naturally as that gift is received. That Peace is beyond description.
Hey thanks for the effort you put into these videos. These videos are eye opening to many mormons. If it was not became of you I could never knew true mormonisim and mormons.
The way that you talk about exmo folks wearing temple clothing in goofy ways kinda reminds me of exposure therapy. For people that have religiously oriented OCD, the exposure therapist will have them handle religious objects in a "sacrilegious" way to force them through the panic cycle so that they realize that they're not going to face harm (or whatever their compulsions tell them) as a result of not treating these objects with reverence. The same kind of idea seems to applying here- that these objects are just objects and handling them as such gives power to the handler instead of the fear.
If the second one is true that’s really sad to hear. I can’t imagine going into to debt to pay tithes only to get no support from the people in my church.
Lex when talking about how sacred/secret the church wants to keep many things. You should mention the massive vault the church has more secure than Fort Knox, New York Federal Reserve vault. And many gold depositories in our nation. They say its family history records, but why is it so well guarded with motion and even temperature sensors.
This made me think of what I can only describe as a "sub-thought" or "near-thought" that I think I had when I was LDS. By this I mean something you almost think of directly and solidly but it disappears again, like a fish nearing but never breaking the surface. The near-thought was, what is the point of paying tithing and then being helped with fast offerings? If I pay $100 of tithing and get $100 of food at the storehouse, that's like being unfaithful with more steps. That intuition, that perhaps wordless recognition of oddity that never blooms into full thought, could ironically be called a "still, small voice" everybody should listen to. You all might like the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, which discusses use of intuition.
What is most heartbreaking to me is to hear of people who, once they discover they've been following a false prophet, instead of returning back to the Word of God, run in the complete opposite direction ... usually all the way to atheism. God is not to blame for the deceptions of Joseph Smith, the LDS organization, or any other false prophet on Earth. Quite the opposite, He warns us repeatedly against following them in the first place.
As someone who has studied their way out of a cult and now is agnostic/atheist I can tell you it is really tough to start down the path of questioning something you so fully believe, find out it is totally made up, and then just remain a good regular? Christian. Belief in God/Christianity takes incredible faith. You have no real proof or evidence to back it up. Once your cult faith has been ripped away and you see things for what they really are, you are skeptical of EVERYTHING and have to have questions answered and proof before believing in something. The majority of people who leave cults lose their faith in all religions because they are all made up of unprovable stories and myths that ask us to set aside our rational, questioning brain and just operate on emotion and faith. We who have escaped the crazy religions don't want to be asked to do that any longer and thus avoid religion entirely. I tried going to other Christian churches after leaving the cult but it felt like an out of body experience to watch all of those people letting their emotions take over after singing for a long time, hearing an emotional message, and then more singing. I just watched and couldn't wait to get out of there. Maybe Christians should work harder to pull people away from cults if they care so much so that they land in another pew when they realize they are in a cult instead of running from all religion. Other Christians don't seem to care about the millions of people who are in the cults or about how they are growing in South America and Africa. Cults thrive on pulling other Christians into their ranks, it validates their message, maybe other Christians should follow their example and work to show people the true faith... But be ready to prove that such a thing exists!
Also, what is the God you follow to blame for? He is not to blame for the false religions or the millions trapped in them. He is not to blame for natural disasters or starving kids or any of the pain and suffering humans experience. But if you can afford a new house or car you are "blessed"? So he cares enough to bless you but doesn't give a crap about a kid dying of malnutrition? Strange! If you believe in God then this whole planet is the Truman Show and we are all just one big experiment that he knew was going to go horribly wrong when he started it but the suffering of billions couldn't stop him from making this planet an example for the rest of the universe? Super uncool!
@@akgirl1830 Proof? I refer you to Romans 1:20 "... men are without excuse." Rom 1:25 ... "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped the created rather than the Creator." Stop following people, with their conjured up stories, & fabricated rules. Follow instead (and only) the Word of God.
I'm sorry but your logic is unsound to me. I bless my own children daily with all manner of goodness and well being. Because I love them & care about them. But because of their choices, their actions, or the actions & choices placed upon them by others, those blessings are often lost, destroyed, or forfeited. Am I to be blame for the latter simply because I provide the former? I'm sorry, I can not make sense of your argument.
@@csc6110 would you have created those children knowing they were going to live painful lives destined for eternal hellfires? Or would you have said I love them and will not make them knowing that is how they will die?
The post about going without, just so that tithing can be paid, is heartbreaking. The Church is putting a price on being close to God, entering the Temple and having a marriage sealed. That's pure greed.
It's ridiculous how scared people are of "anti-mormon stuff." My coworkers are all mormon and it's kinda hilarious how tense they get when I talk about cool tattoos or cute gay couples. Those are the kinds of awkward silences that I almost enjoy. XD
The church should be helping this family with food from the food storage pantry. I am so angry that this bishop has no compassion for this family. This may get them out of the church, but in a way they will always feel like there should have been a way they could have gotten sealed. Jesus did not teach any of the temple ceremonies.
I have never been Mormon but my family was big into FreeMasonry. I was in both Job’s Daughters and Rainbow. I have been to many Masonic and Eastern Star installations and such. From what I have seen, the Temple clothing didn’t seem THAT weird to me. But I guess I recognized my Job’s Daughters’ robes and my grandpa’s Masonic apron!
So sad when the woman said “We can’t afford to be LDS”. They were trying so hard and paid 5%. instead of 10%. The bishop still said no, that’s not good enough. Even worse is the fact that they couldn’t get any help from the church. These stories make me mad.
If the tithing situation doesn't make that poor woman wake up, nothing will. The amazing things about mormons is the fact they label "factually true documented church history" as "anti-mormon". They don't realize that this is an admission that they are a cult. Another thought-provoking post, although I agree, it is so sad for that poor family.
I’m a member of the Church outside of the States. Honestly the Church sounds more cultish in the states. However even though you have left the church you make it seem like those that are still in it are helpless and lost, that they are under some sort of control. While topics may no longer be sacred to you it is still sacred to many active members, so you can still be respectful of it even though you no longer follow it. And before any body comes for me I wasn’t raised in the church either, I converted in my adult years. The church has been a blessing for many people while being a source of unhappiness for others. I would say for those wanting to leave it’s okay, but don’t trash talk it and drag it’s name through the gutter. Share your experience but at least be respectful. I am not directing this to you but just in general.
This is why I don’t view Mormonism as a Christian church bc denying a family entry to the temple because they can’t afford tithing would not be a Christian thing to do
Never mind they deny EVERY aspect of Apostolic and historical Christian doctrine of the church? Not being facetious but you still have a lot to learn about Christian doctrine, Am. It's out there, buddy, search for it.
It's amazing how similar all Christian churches are (some worse than others). Half of my family is Mormon and the other Southern Baptist. I'm am hated by both halves because I saw the light in their lies. Promises of a golden future but only after you give so much that you yourself are completely of material and self. Many nights I've come to tears watching family members fall time after time for their religious beliefs.
How does the church even know you are really paying 10% of your income? I am not a member but from what I read, it is more of an honor system thing. If you say you are paying 10% then they just accept it and won't pry.
When I was in the church the branch president said there was no need to seek government help because the church had their own welfare system..So I went to his office for financial 🆘 help. I think it was for rent or something. I was paying my full tithe at the time. I worked in a grocery store deli. I was told that I wasn't worthy for help because my tithe wasn't up to par with other church members!
Hi, I left a comment on the video from a year ago when you went back to church to visit. This is a bit of a follow up. I recommended an actual bible theologian in that comment, and now I’m going to recommend another youtube channel called “Cold Case Christianity” it’s a very entertaining, informative channel that backs up it’s conclusions about God and the Bible with fact, reason and critical thinking. As Mormons we got screwed when it came to learning about the God of the Bible. The words were given new meanings, and the lens we were given to look at God and the Bible through was made of fictional writings and a clear understanding from the Articles of Faith, that if the Bible didn’t agree with Mormon teaching (what ever version was being taught at the moment) then it was “translated incorrectly. Am I proselytizing here? Yes, yes I am, I remember how hard it was to stop using the things I was taught as a Mormon to judge EVERYTHING by. If I can give someone else another angle to see out of the fish bowl, that’s a thrill.
There is a family I know, they have now had 5 kids...ALL on the spectrum, and the parents are not able to cope with them, so they medicate them to try to deal with them. She is now probably 500lbs, and she is gonna pop out another in hopes of a normal child so they can worthy of the celestial blah, blah, blah. Boys that are becoming violent, so they will be but in the system and others will have to deal with these kids that are literally OUT of CONTROL. She doesn't work outside the home, neither does he, as the kids are up all the time screaming, kicking, banging, as they can't communicate well. In a 2 bedroom apt. The bishop told them NOT to come to the ward, but keep trying for that "blessed" child.
That lady posting about tithing: I hear someone asking for permission to leave, to be told it's okay to give up. That's totally okay. I've been there for different reasons, more than once. It's a money struggle but it's more so a faith crisis. There is no surgically removing tithing from that church. She's struggling to find a way to belong in a place that does the opposite of what Jesus advocated: she's being hated and punished for being poor. Does she really think god's only going to bless her for chapping her baby's privates and living like a bum while her husband works like a dog? There's no room left for faith, let alone a better understanding of oneself or meaningful relationships or ministry. The church is one of the top wealthiest privately held companies on the planet. It's one of the richest organizations to ever have existed, including world governments. But they have the nerve to look at this family and say "well, looks like you're not being good enough to afford to belong here." My advice: move to a different community, literally. Get physically away from your need to be in the church. There are places in Utah and you can live and work outside the church without being treated like a plague victim. Moving is expensive but if you can be in a more secular area, with bosses outside the mormo-mafia then your husband can probably get a better job with your current church status anyway.
The Rameumptom Prayer comes to mind in situations like the one you posted. Where is the Empathy for those who cannot pay to play. Fear is the mind killer. The Church creates a fear to exploit the fearful, and making vain promises for obedience. The church is a master of exploitation. Who is the God of exploitation? Ensign Peak investments is a huge problem for the church, especially in circumstances like this one. It is so disingenuous when Members rationalize the pain away as God's way of showing Love.
Legit asking. How does the mormon bishop know if i’m paying exactly 10% of my paycheck? do they submit A W2?? like what. how do they know how much you make. A 20 year old working at a gas station doesn’t make the same as architect or astrophysicists. How does the bishop know? Do you have to pay with a check or how does it get tithed with the church knowing exactly how much you gave? Some people tithe cash but God knows how much cash I put in the plate
I've been through this before. With these meetings/interviews, the Bishop will more than likely ask how much you make per hour and how often you get paid. That would give a pretty good idea on what that 10% would look like per paycheck. And it is very clear that the church does NOT care if you are struggling with everything else in your life. If you can't pay half of your bills, who cares just as long as you pay that 10% and make time to go to the temple.
The T r i t e A w a r d of the Day. Going insane every Sunday because you have so few things you can do for entertainment and I found my temple clothes "unflattering."
Tithing is the reason for the temple recommed. lol. What the hell is the church going to do with only 130 billion and members who think that can be saved without paying heavens gate keepers. there can never be enough cash.
My sister, who converted to the LDS faith in high school...for a boy (her future husband, who I freely admit is one of the best men I've ever known). Throughout her life, she struggled with two types of trauma. The first was child sexual abuse (not related to the LDS Church). The second was _never_ feeling like she was worthy of God's love (regularly reinforced _by_ the LDS Church). I'm not an expert in psychosomatic illness, but I can't help thinking the cancer that killed her, at the age of 48, was _promoted_ by her constant sense of self-loathing.
Exactly how can you believe in a God that requires you to hand over a man-made thing? How can you believe in a god that says that your access to heaven is dependent on a non-existent man-made thing such as money? To parody a wise man, What does God need with money?
Tithings in the bible its str8 biblical and the word tithe means tenth. Now u may not like father in heaven thats fine ur entitled to ur choice and one day u will have to choose.
@@six1nyne no dude your God does not exist. Why in the world would I throw away my money to an imaginary man in the sky??? I know you're convinced that you're God exists but he doesn't and you're literally throwing away your money. Either way you try to spend it this is the dumbest logic ever because again what does God need with money. If you want to be incompetent go right ahead. No I am not going to give away my money to an imaginary man in the sky that doesn't exist. It's my money and I'm going to use it how I want to so you can shove off. And no I'm not going to have to face anything one day because your imaginary friend does not exist not sure how many times I have to say this your imaginary friend does not exist
Mormons: Salvation is free
Also Mormons: You need to pay 10% to get in and perform saving ceremonies
Mormons must BUY THEIR TICKET...or they can't live with god!
Same as the Superbowl. If you don't buy a ticket you can't enter the arena to see the Big Game!
Salvation is free. Exaltation isn't.
Cute meme, but...
How does one achieve "exaltation" without paying money for it?
If you follow each and every requirements for "exaltation", but don't pay the required amount can you still be "exalted"?
@@daveyjones9930 you don't. That's one of the commandments. What's your point?
@@ThomasJDavis so getting to live with its Heavenly Father you have to tithe and be found ‘worthy’ ? How is that free? The Bible says something very different (see John 14:6).
The family that is literally starving for “salvation” is so heartbreaking. All while the church hoards $100 billion dollars.
Makes me wanna puke. Why the guck would anyone believe this crap.
This is the definition of evil.
@Amber-the Mormons have huge Food Pantries that they have available for members. They have their own huge welfare type stystem. I will tell you, I was a non-mormon working as a Social Worker for the State of Utah and I had bishops bring members to me to apply for welfare and food stamps at the first sign of trouble even though the Mormon church brags about how they take care of their own. As a non believer, I used to make some arrogant bishops uncomfortable by asking them about why they were applying for public funds when they had their own services! What they don't tell you is that ALL those services are only really available if you have gotten destitute by keeping up your tithe! It is most definitely a CULT~
Paying tithing is an action based on faith. If the family didn't have the money for food because they paid their tithing , they could easily get food from the bishops storehouse no problem. Salvation is something that has already been given to us by Christ through the atonement. So this family fretting over salvation is just rediculous.
The tithing story hits a chord, that poor woman, that poor family. When I started college, I was undiagnosed bipolar with an anxiety disorder. One day I was having a really bad panic attack and I foolishly called my mom. She came to my dorm and told me the reason I was “having issues” was because I stopped going to church and didn’t pay tithing. In between my hysterical crying, she convinced me to write the church a check for almost everything in my bank account and said that I would receive blessings and peace. The next day, I realized what a horrible mistake I made and I contacted the bishop in my home ward. I tried to explain that I wasn’t thinking clearly when I wrote that check and that it was my scholarship money, meant to pay for books and food. He refused and said that if he gave the check back, it would be stealing from the church. I got a second job to try to make up for the money I lost and I ended up dropping out of the school year. I felt like a failure and I get a pit in my stomach whenever I think back on it, especially when I now know that the money isn’t being used to help people.
This is so awful! I'm so sorry.
That is extortion. I am so sorry you went through that 💔
It FED the corporation, so sorry this occurred.
Carrissa, I'm so sorry your mother failed you like this, I can relate, hugs
I am sorry to hear that. I never pay tithing anymore.
I actually tried to speak with a fellow "Home Teacher" about the Temple ceremony privately and in a respectful way, I honestly wanted to talk about the subject. The guy I spoke with freaked out and got angry. He chided me by saying that I can only talk about that subject in the Temple. He went on to tell me that to even attempt a conversation about the Temple outside of the Temple building is sacrilegious. That was my "Screw this, I'm walking away." Moment.
The sad thing is that everything that goes on in the temples is sacrilegious. No God with half a brain would insist on such idiocy.
And it's so crazy how they excuse the lack of informed consent for members of the church in the name of "sacredity". I can understand members of the church not wanting to talk about what happens in the temple with people who aren't baptized members of the church for the sake of sacredity. But for actually believing, baptized members of the church to not know about it or talk about it _amongst their own fellow members_ is a blatant and intentional effort to keep the activities of the temple secret. That's literally what it is!
If you're a believing member of the church in conversation with another believing member of the church talking about the activities of the temple, _why wouldn't each person speak about it with reverence!?_ What mature, believing member of the church would speak about it flippantly? And even if momentarily did, would they not feel any remorse for doing so?
Seriously, it truly is ridiculous that members of the church can't even be adequately informed about it before going through. Honestly, I think there's a fair bit of embarrassment that plays into it. I really do. It's not a professional look _at all._ And I wouldn't be surprised if a member, who had co-workers who found out about them participating in this kind of a thing, actually had their credibility lowered in their eyes and had a harder time taking them person seriously after.
If the membership and leadership are "not ashamed of the gospel of Christ", then I don't see why temple activities can't be talked about amongst the members of the church. Withholding from people outside the church for the sake of sacredity, I can understand. But withholding from _actual members of the church?_ That's just straight up secrecy.
The details aren't even discussed in the temple preparatory classes. I was horrified to learn blood oaths were made only a decade before I went to the temple.
There are no secrets in true Christian churches. Think about that.
Joseph Smith said that he was told that all churches were abominations…
So he started the most abominable church of all…
I remember the very first time my husband and I were alone after being sealed....we closed the car door to drive home and literally said "what the f*ck was that" in unison. Haha! It's the only thing that brings me joy, when I look back on that day.
I remember when I was like 6 i was sobbing in church because I was told if I was naughty I would be separated from my family. I’m now disconnected from them because I was kicked out for comming out at a lesbian. The damage the church does is horrible
That is awful, I'm so sorry about the way you have been treated. 💕😢
I’m so sorry this happened to you. You didn’t deserve it. You are profoundly loved and perfect exactly as you are. I hope you’re living your best life and that you’re happy. ♥️
I'm proud of you for standing up to your family and coming out Lesbian. Love is love. And you are free. You are devine and God created the way you are. You are special and your soul are beautiful the way you are.
A "bishop" condemning a couple to poverty demonstrates just how materialistic the church focus is. Hard to listen to this knowing how predatory and tragic this is!
The tithing story enraged me, tithing is enraging and even more knowing that this rich church demands it from people in need . Ugh.
Reminds me of the Roman Catholicism my parents and older sisters grew up with in former Yugoslavia. Spiritual privilege to the rich, punishment and contempt for the poor.
I never paid tithing - refused to pay - but I confused my discernment with rebellion, so I spent a life time feeling shame and guilt, regardless. Now that I understand it was all a con...I am finally free.
That's about right.
Equally astonishing (IMO) is the LDS doctrine that the members CANNOT live with God unless the DO PAY their 10%+ share.
Imagine THAT?!?!
What kind of an ass***e god would demand such a thing?---PAYING MONEY to get into heaven?? (What a SCAM!!)
@@daveyjones9930 catholics and I dare say some other extreme Christian denominations, have made money a snare for others. It’s contemptuous, unbiblical and brings a bad name to God which is an extremely serious violation in the Bible.
To many Mormons, just being around an exMo feels like an attack.
"I don't ever do any research on it"
Lex: "Yeah, WE KNOW!"
--Perfect lololol
All of these stories are so sad, heartbreaking even. The tithing question to be worthy in the temple didn't even exist until around 1950.
Can I just tell you that being a mom of 4 is enough of a task, but the fact that you are kind enough to do what you do for exmos just brings me to tears. You are so wonderful and beautiful inside and out for how you put yourself out there so honestly and respectfully. Please know you are so loved and valued and I am so thankful for you.
I stayed in for 23 years exhausting myself trying to convert my husband, trying to keep my children in the church as they became adults, & being afraid of the world around me. Since leaving I've never felt more free!
My experience is similar. I no longer have the husband but my girls and I have left the church and life is so much happier fir us all. The guilt of not being the perfect mormon wife and not being sealed to my husband were crippling at times. That's not receiving "a fullness of joy".
The Bishop roulette is insane and a BIG problem. It hurts so many people.
It definitely is real, when I was a young teenager, my bishop asked so many inappropriate questions. He was such a disgusting piece of garbage, if I see him again I would definitely beat his ass. God might be all loving and forgiving, but I am not god.
Yeah, i had a bishop who kept fathering children outside his marriage. Everyone knew about it because it was the worst kept secret ever. But became bishop he did in spite of his serial cheating. To say nothing about the bishopric as well...
Really, endowed people don’t want to talk about it to others because it is all so silly and embarrassing and no one really wants to admit it
Silly and embarrassing? You seem to have been endowed to make this remark. If so, we’re you embarrassed and found it silly? Just asking.
also should note that your apparent "true name" is not a unique name to you, every person gets the same "true name" based on which date they received that apparent "blessing" in specific regards to being either male or female (as the church defines it)
@@jimbomanzano5743 yes, very uncomfortable for years, then had lots of questions I could never find answers to, and woke up to the reality of how I had been pulled into something that was all made up, that is humiliating to me now
Mostly my story, too....tho I was never embarrassed or humiliated by my temple experience.
The embarrassment and humiliation came later when I finally realized how easily I had been flummoxed by the whole of Mormonism.
I had a Mormon kid come to my house, several years ago, and wanted my wife and I to convert. I sat him down, gave him a glass of lemonade, and got out a pad of paper and a pencil. My wife and I made $168k that year. $1,400.00 per month. House payment, two cars, taxes, insurance of all forms, college for our daughter, and a LOT of other bills. Cable, electric, gas, telephones, etc. I showed him what 10% PRE-TAX income would do to our lives. Essentially, $1,400.00 per month LESS into our nest egg. Ummm...NO. When I got done, he thanked me, and didn't try to push the issue. I suggested a trailer park for his next victims.
I really appreciate your videos. My shelf has been broken for years and I left the end of my sophomore Year of highschool (I'm a Sophomore in college now) and finding your channel this year has been really validating for me.
I've heard bishops tell people to pay their tithing in those situations, then the church will help out with bills or food and other items from the bishops storehouse. That bishop was a dick.
I was in a similar situation when I was an active participant. I just chose not to pay tithing. I didn't love going to the temple anyway, so it also gave me an excuse to ditch Temple night.
From what I've heard and personal experience, they're really not helping people much anymore.
It all depends upon whether the Bishop is a modern-day Pharisee or a follower/disciple of Jesus.
“Temple Night” - sounds like an interesting title of a horror flick in the genre of ‘Halloween’ or “Friday The 13th”
Of course I imagine it would be set in Provo…
The church teaches that Jesus is full of love for all. If that Jesus could see the church holding people's salvation hostage over a few hundred dollars (especially when they have $100billion+) he would be disgusted imo.
A year ago when an earthquake knocked Moroni's trumpet off of the top of the Salt Lake Temple, it was suggested that was Jesus showing his disgust of Mormonism. They might be on to something there.
@@mylesmarkson1686 I think the profit saw that as an opportunity to tell the good hearted ward folks that it needs to be a bigger, better trumpet, more ornate (specticle) piece-so ante up and to increase your sacrificial giving so it would be more pleasing (ie costly).
@@savannahsmiles1797 Yes, we need bigger temples with bigger Moronis with bigger trumpets. We gotta show this God how much we love him by how much we're willing to spend!
@@mylesmarkson1686 when I heard of the trumpet falling, it was confirmation that I made the right choice to gtfo
@@cherylstokes636 The GTFO movement. I like the sound of that Cheryl!
I feel so bad now whenever going to the LDS sub-reddits. Very few faith-promoting posts, most are about problems people are having that in hindsight are completely ridiculous and should never be an issue. I'm glad my eyes have been opened but I wish so bad we could help others see outside of their little box.
I have been a Mormon for 8 years but I am thinking of leaving the faith. My husband wants to stay but I am thinking of leaving the faith. People have been so mean to me. I am blind and have been told that I most have never been close to god because of me being disabled. Also most people don’t want to be Sean with me that are in the faith.
I’m so sorry for your negative experiences! I really hope that whatever you decide to do, things are better in the future ♥️
Controversy and criticism
Main article: Critical appraisal of the Book of Abraham
In the late 19th century, French Egyptologist Théodule Devéria was one of the first to offer a scholarly critique of Joseph Smith's translation.
Since its publication in 1842, the Book of Abraham has been a source of controversy. Non-Mormon Egyptologists, beginning in the late 19th century,[74] have disagreed with Joseph Smith's explanations of the facsimiles. They have also asserted that damaged portions of the papyri have been reconstructed incorrectly. In 1912, a letter about the Book of Abraham was published by Arthur Cruttenden Mace, Assistant Curator in the Department of Egyptian Art in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. He wrote:
I return herewith, under separate cover, the 'Pearl of Great Price.' The 'Book of Abraham,' it is hardly necessary to say, is a pure fabrication. Cuts 1 and 3 are inaccurate copies of well known scenes on funeral papyri, and cut 2 is a copy of one of the magical discs which in the late Egyptian period were placed under the heads of mummies. There were about forty of these latter known in museums and they are all very similar in character. Joseph Smith's interpretation of these cuts is a farrago of nonsense from beginning to end. Egyptian characters can now be read almost as easily as Greek, and five minutes' study in an Egyptian gallery of any museum should be enough to convince any educated man of the clumsiness of the imposture.[103]
The controversy intensified in the late 1960s when portions of the Joseph Smith Papyri were located. The translation of the papyri by both Mormon and non-Mormon Egyptologists does not match the text of the Book of Abraham as purportedly translated by Joseph Smith.
Now if the Book of Abraham, what the LDS considers "inspired LDS canon" is considered a fraud, then it is safe to say there are other 'inspired LDS canons" that are frauds. Get out of there before hell consumes you.
If your husband wants to stay in a place that is causing you discomfort, he cares more about them then you. Time to get out of both the cult, and your marraige.
Angel, let me give you some advice from a evangelical Christian's perspective. 1st, you don't say whether you would be leaving for another church or not. I can understand the turmoil you going through spiritually, I left the Catholic church because of the fallacies in it and found the risen Christ through the Bible, not some extra-canonical book(s). But I digress.
Now understand, those of us who are believers outside the LDS consider LDS members non-Christians for many reasons but I will spare the preaching aspect of it. So read this as if you are a "believer" and your husband is a "non-believer."
Aging Casually is right to say to bolt from the LDS church ASAP. However, scripture says this about married couples.
1 Corinthians 7
10 But to the married I give instructions, not I, but the Lord, that the wife is not to leave her husband 11 (but if she does leave, she must remain unmarried, or else be reconciled to her husband), and that the husband is not to divorce his wife.
12 But to the rest I say, not the Lord, that if any brother has an unbelieving wife, and she consents to live with him, he must not divorce her. 13 And if any woman has an unbelieving husband, and he consents to live with her, she must not divorce her husband. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy. 15 Yet if the unbelieving one is leaving, let him leave; the brother or the sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God has called us in peace. 16 For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?
I don't need to elaborate on it, it speaks for itself. Let me say this, if he becomes physically abusive or an extremely verbal abuser (which could lead to physical abuse), leave but do not be the one who initiates a divorce. HE is the unbeliever according to scripture. God Bless, Little Girl.
@@arianae6706 Feeling are subjective, Ariana. Many a bad decision is made on "feelings." Please read my advice to her and tell me what you may agree or disagree with. Remember, I'm coming from a, to put it in a vernacular way, "religious" perspective because she didn't say she dismisses any or all religious views of her life. I do agree100% with your 1st sentence (as written) in your post. though.
I once tried to speak to a Mormon friend of mind about a mostly neutral TV documentary about the church and all he could do was rant about how it was nothing but lies. I think that maybe he didn't even watch it.
it is encouraged by the ProFits-not to view anything NOT sanctioned & approved by the "prophets", for obvious reasons.
Out of Topic: Lex, your eye makeup is GOURGEUS!
I think it would be so funny if you did a video reacting to The Book of Mormon musical soundtrack. I love your content!❤️
I was just wondering the other day if she’d seen the show, and if she’d posted her thoughts. :)
@@AVspectre I just LOVE that play! Seen it more than once. I've never been Mormon but lived in Utah for 11 years and worked and played softball with Mormons so I get all the jokes and nuances.
Thank you for this Lexie! Thank you for being a positive uplifting influence. The story that you've read about the couple struggling to pay tithing and their heartless unempathetic bishop is one of the many reasons I find the lds church so revolting and morally abhorrent. They're being taken advantage of and they wouldn't recognize it! It's morally infuriating, but then ultimately the power to rid themselves of such unnecessary burden and spiritual and financial extortion lies completely with themselves.
The second to last one at 12:20 is literally "I love the teachings of the church, but the teachings of the church make me so sad". It is heartbreaking that sometimes people are so indoctrinated that they cannot take a simple step back and realize that what they are saying.
Always perks me up when I see a new ExMo Lex video in my feed. Thanks for the content and for keeping it real!
First off it's really nice to get notifications for every video you put out. Click that 🔔 people 😁
On the video, I got emotional hearing the story of the family that couldn't afford anything cause of tithing. It reminded me of my family's story growing up.
GIRL, I got a BofM ad before this video. Get that coin 🙌😂
Love you, Lex! I love your videos! I get so excited when I see that you’ve uploaded another one.
This might be a stupid question but, how does the bishop know how much a family brings in? Maybe stretch the truth about what you make? Better yet, tell them to take a hike and run like hell from this crazy cult.
Non-Mormon here.... I had a co-worker that had to submit her tax return to the bishop to determine her tithing amount to get her temple recommend!
@@arianae6706 Oops... My comment was meant for "Red Devil Raspberry" when she asked how the bishop would know how much a family brings in.
@stephen miller that isn't true, at all.
@@acetrades1524 Wrong. It “can” be required. It’s not normal and no not everyone has to do so, but some bishops will ask and if you refuse you will likely be told that you are not showing enough faith, and are not worthy of temple work or taking the sacrament. You may also be the target of oddly specific “testimonies” during a future service that will all but name you as a non-payer of tithing.
@@josephpenderson613 if its not normal, and not everyone has to do so, then we agree, its not required. So your statement isn't true, at all. Its not required.
My first time being in a temple and having to pay for a meal at the cafeteria…Then also paying for clothes…I was thinking why is there money in the temple??…
Not to mention the lock on the lockers.....
I listen to your videos as I drive and feel very thankful that you've stepped up and out to let the world know.
Thank you for empowering others to do the same.
Me and my gran have had a few visits from mormons. They had the gall to pray with my gran without masks during a pandemic!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My aunt let complete strangers come to our front door
Ooh a new video. Pretty top makes you cheerful and summery. Hope you and your husband and kids have a fun summer.👍👋
"Mental gymnastics" wow that hit different!! Love the videos, keep up the good work. Peace ☮️
My husband and I are having doubts about the Morman faith. We have both been hurt by members of the faith. We are starting to look into the past of the faith and also where we see our selves in the future. I am so glad I have him in my life. He is doing his best to support me in everything I want to do and decide to do.
Your the best! Thanks 🙏🏼
I don’t understand why Mormons must be “sealed” to remain together in the “Celestial Kingdom” when they are already family or married. That’s the real con, isn’t it? To get the money and keep people obedient…
One of my Mormon relatives is a bishop who had a family come to him, saying they couldn’t both pay their tithe and make payments on their home. My wealthy bishop relative offered to “help.” NOT to loan them money to pay the tithe, oh no! Instead he took advantage of them by buying their house at a non-competitive, off-the-market price. The family thought they’d still have a claim to the home after the sale, because he was their bishop. They didn’t. And the bishop made a profit.
You are a lovely, kind person Lexi. Thank you for helping people awaken. ✌🏼❤️
You are doing a GREAT JOB! Thx
Okay I'm sorry but I kind of have a problem with taking money that they need, giving it to the church and then living off of the government instead with the WIC program. I don't have any problem with people using the WIC program when they need it but I kind of have a problem with the WIC program being used so that money can be given to the church instead. I mean they wouldn't need to be on the WIC program if they weren't giving money to the church so they're taking WIC money away from other people just so that the church can have money. Again I don't blame the couple I blame the church but I really really have a problem with this idea
it is a vicious cycle in the more Mormon areas.
Giving your money to the church is dumb. But Americans really need to get over their aversion to social welfare. In Scandinavia social welfare is UNIVERSAL irregardless of income. And they have the best outcomes.
@@blackalien6873 I don't have a problem with them receiving money when they need it but they don't need it because they don't need to give 10% to the church instead. They need to keep that 10% for themselves and not use government assistance so that there's money for other people that actually need the government assistance. The church is literally taking away government assistance from those that need it.
@@UlexiteTVStoneLexite 😂😂😂😂 how is the non confirmed Covid side effects going 😂😂😂
. This and other recent posts have shown such a good and useful place to go after the dismay and frustration posts that follow leaving the church. Thee seems to be a needed and important stage I have seen you and others go through immediately after the profound hardship of departure. But once the eighteen or twenty months of venting have run their course there arises a question of, "Where to take this You Tube effort next?" it's a hard question demanding searching creativity and determination. I am delighted with where you have steered to, hope others can draw upon its ideas and look forward to continuing to watch your posts.
my bishop literally makes fun of me and picks on me because of my race, blames everyones mistakes on me, and i recently got banned from going to girls camp because another girls mess. he blames it all on me and it hurts me so much, the whole CHURCH makes rumors about me and spreads them like its nothing, im treated horribly with racism and i cant fit in no matter how hard i try, j always get left out and made fun by everyone because of the bishop. Anyone have any advice ?? :( i cant go on anymore with losing friends because the bishop is literally manipulating my friends' parents into thinking i am a horrible person. i was so excited to go to girls camp, im devastated:(
If you have to pay your way into heaven is it really a heaven worth being in?
Why would a pay wall lower it's worth?
Could be worth it.
Islam, with their promised 72 virgins, maybe---unless they were virgins who were virgins because they were scary looking beasts!
@@daveyjones9930 Islam does not seem to be worth it either.
@@ThomasJDavis You should not have pay for eternal bliss it make the whole point of religion pointless if you have to pay to get into Heaven.
72 virgins or not the other costs associated with an Islamic heaven would be a lot heavier than the 10% for entry into the Mormon heaven. Neither one sounds enticing...
The heaven I would like is one where there is no mention of ANY religion!
I just want to hug them! That bishop is such a jerk. Isn’t that what the bishops storehouse is for???
beautiful testimony, sincere, born again into reality.
You are developing into a pretty amazing therapist. 😂🤩
It is very frustrating that the second story about not getting help from the bishop happens. I was the Finance Clerk in a Singles ward in Utah and my bishop had me writing checks for a female in our ward for her phone bill, her car payment, her cable, her internet, rent, everything. This happened every month for a couple years, and she would always show up in new clothes all the time, and would even brag about shopping sprees that she had went on. At one point the bishop even paid to re-roof her parents entire house replacing plywood and fixing some trusts even, and they weren't even in our ward but their ward refused to help them. I remember reading in the handbook of instructions that money was only supposed to go to help pay for essential things like housing and food.
I always found it very frustrating, and hated every time I would print off the checks and mail them to all these companies. Then you have this poor couple that is trying to literally just make ends meet and is going into debt because the bishop wont help them is ridiculous.
The bishop-roulette game is so strong in TSCC.
sorry for the long rant.
P.S. i have never been happier than I am now after leaving TSCC. so much freedom and I can be myself.
You are an excellent speaker and you are very correct in what you say about the church.
Oh that 2nd story broke my heart. 🥺
The temple scares members away,because there's no explanations about it.
Not me getting a mormon missionary ad right before this- 💀
Actual conversation I had
Dad talking to us: Sometimes I hear the Holy Ghost as an actual voice!
Me, a schizophrenic: Dad that’s not a good thing
Dad: Stop shaming me for my beliefs!
5:00 this is so awful, this is spiritual extortion/blackmail.
14:43 yay my name is there. Thank you for your videos.
Great video. The Mormon church should be ashamed for exploiting its members.
Wow. Don't you remember how in the New Testament the Savior led his apostles and other "worthy' disciples through the temple to learn Masonic-like signs and phrases necessary for their exaltation, and then wearing special necessary underwear with Masonic-like markings on them? Huh. Maybe, could it possibly be that it's because IT NEVER HAPPENED? Gee, if it were that important, wouldn't it be discussed in the BIBLE? (Interestingly enough, it's never mentioned in the Book of Mormon, either). Maybe the 99.99% of the world's population are just not in-the-know about all these things, huh? Poor devils.
OK, I honestly don’t know what temple ceremonies look like in 2021. I went through the temple for the first time, Salt Lake temple, waaaaay back in 1964. I last went through the temple in London, 1973.
In 1964, the ceremony was a lengthy three hour process, with human actors (all very old, non professional actors), In 1973, the process was much shorter, with a film and a shorter ceremony.
Both times the ceremony ended up in a very white, very quiet, very sterile room. A celestial room.
Quietness, whiteness, and non-contemporariness were the significant factors both times. The intent, I presume, was that the celestial kingdom would be a place to strive towards. To live forever in a blindingly white, blindingly quiet, blindingly bland environment would be the ultimate goal.
In 1975, I realized that I no longer desired to live forever, FOREVER, EtErNaL, in an existence where colours no longer existed, wheres sounds no longer hramonized, where people no longer differentiated, where I could no longer think for myself.
The mormon temple ceremony strives, promises, a permanent place of boredom.
If you’re still a TBM, and still going to the temple, ask yourself one simple question. Could I maintain sanity living in a celestial kingdom for every single day for the rest of eternity? When you get to the celestial room, Is this all there is?
Lol no it was your video! 😂🤣😂🤣
Lol good job
After I left my jack Mormon dad told me that the branch pres didn't like him 'double dipping' by going to food pantries and soup kitchen at other churches. He disabled and social security doesn't give enough to live off of. One of the last straws for me was our new bishop demanding his bank statement before giving help and still didn't give food.
That is absolutely a b******* concept. The all-powerful being of the universe has to have you pay a human invention so that you can get into heaven. This idea and concept just gets weaker and weaker every time.
Hello Lexi,
I understand, relate & appreciate a lot of what you share. That’s said I think it’s easy to get into a sphere w/lots of ppl who agree w/a certain way of thinking, (similar to the LDS or other church environments) and come to poor or inaccurate conclusions. UA-cam Comment section isn’t a good place for dialogue either. For example the catch phrase. “ There’s nothing you’re not worthy of”. Striving to be a critical thinker I find it a strange phrase/motto. I do understand the context and where you’re coming from. I don’t think that leadership in the church are the only ones who can be hypocritical, too controlling of the narrative or arrive at in accurate/false conclusions.
That's a cult like mentality
re: the tithe payer. I would tell them to shame the bishop privately for his behavior, and if that doesn't work, shame him for his behavior publically. Tell him that if he doesn't help in some way, either by helping you find the money in your budget, helping your husband get a better paying job, or simply helping out with your food budget, that your only possible conclusion will be that he is not a follower of Jesus Christ but a veritable wolf in the fold or Judas who only pretends to follow Jesus. I would remind him that "even as ye have done this unto the least of these, ye have done it unto me." Let him know that you will not sustain him, but oppose him as a false disciple and false follower of Christ for refusing and shirking his responsibility to help. Tell him that you will be praying that God either humbles him and softens his heart or removes him one way or another from his position and replaces him with someone who takes his calling as shepherd to feed the lambs and sheep of Jesus' flock seriously.
30 years ago, I was a graduate student and my wife was a beginning teacher. We had 1 child. We barely had enough to eat. Although the church had $ 3 billion, we had to pay 10% to remain "worthy". Today, the church has $ 100 billion from those gullible enough to stay " worthy".
Oh my God I can’t believe that the Utah Bishop wouldn’t even offer her bishop storehouse assistance be in the situation myself I always got offered that and actually got told that if needed that we didn’t need to pay tithing this is one of the reasons why I can’t stand the life ties and how bishops are trained lol they’re not trained they get to do whatever they want and claim of those there a relation I happen to get lucky to get a good bishop multiple get Bishop‘s actually that helped pay for some bills and said I didn’t need to pay tithing if I couldn’t I would’ve been on the streets multiple times at the church and helped me I can’t believe in Utah of all places that I can’t even do that this is very repugnant! I’m so glad I’m leaving this church. Or should I say Cult.
I had a bishop who yelled at me for such a long time because I wasn’t going to church every Sunday. I have a few disabilities and that was the reason but he yelled and caused a seizure. My late husband was angry at him. That was the day I left. I never looked back.
Hey @exmolex can I buy you some acoustic panels for your new recording room? Sound quality is kind of a thing for me and I’d love to help you out.
Your videos are amazing! Mormonism is a cult! Thank you for helping people see the light! (Your hair looks beautiful btw) 😀✌🏻
I wish Mormons could truly accept Jesus and realize salvation is not theirs to earn. Jesus earned it. He offers it as a gift. Works will follow naturally as that gift is received. That Peace is beyond description.
Hey thanks for the effort you put into these videos. These videos are eye opening to many mormons. If it was not became of you I could never knew true mormonisim and mormons.
The way that you talk about exmo folks wearing temple clothing in goofy ways kinda reminds me of exposure therapy. For people that have religiously oriented OCD, the exposure therapist will have them handle religious objects in a "sacrilegious" way to force them through the panic cycle so that they realize that they're not going to face harm (or whatever their compulsions tell them) as a result of not treating these objects with reverence. The same kind of idea seems to applying here- that these objects are just objects and handling them as such gives power to the handler instead of the fear.
If the second one is true that’s really sad to hear. I can’t imagine going into to debt to pay tithes only to get no support from the people in my church.
Lex when talking about how sacred/secret the church wants to keep many things. You should mention the massive vault the church has more secure than Fort Knox, New York Federal Reserve vault. And many gold depositories in our nation. They say its family history records, but why is it so well guarded with motion and even temperature sensors.
This made me think of what I can only describe as a "sub-thought" or "near-thought" that I think I had when I was LDS. By this I mean something you almost think of directly and solidly but it disappears again, like a fish nearing but never breaking the surface. The near-thought was, what is the point of paying tithing and then being helped with fast offerings? If I pay $100 of tithing and get $100 of food at the storehouse, that's like being unfaithful with more steps. That intuition, that perhaps wordless recognition of oddity that never blooms into full thought, could ironically be called a "still, small voice" everybody should listen to. You all might like the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, which discusses use of intuition.
What is most heartbreaking to me is to hear of people who, once they discover they've been following a false prophet, instead of returning back to the Word of God, run in the complete opposite direction ... usually all the way to atheism. God is not to blame for the deceptions of Joseph Smith, the LDS organization, or any other false prophet on Earth. Quite the opposite, He warns us repeatedly against following them in the first place.
As someone who has studied their way out of a cult and now is agnostic/atheist I can tell you it is really tough to start down the path of questioning something you so fully believe, find out it is totally made up, and then just remain a good regular? Christian. Belief in God/Christianity takes incredible faith. You have no real proof or evidence to back it up. Once your cult faith has been ripped away and you see things for what they really are, you are skeptical of EVERYTHING and have to have questions answered and proof before believing in something. The majority of people who leave cults lose their faith in all religions because they are all made up of unprovable stories and myths that ask us to set aside our rational, questioning brain and just operate on emotion and faith. We who have escaped the crazy religions don't want to be asked to do that any longer and thus avoid religion entirely. I tried going to other Christian churches after leaving the cult but it felt like an out of body experience to watch all of those people letting their emotions take over after singing for a long time, hearing an emotional message, and then more singing. I just watched and couldn't wait to get out of there. Maybe Christians should work harder to pull people away from cults if they care so much so that they land in another pew when they realize they are in a cult instead of running from all religion. Other Christians don't seem to care about the millions of people who are in the cults or about how they are growing in South America and Africa. Cults thrive on pulling other Christians into their ranks, it validates their message, maybe other Christians should follow their example and work to show people the true faith... But be ready to prove that such a thing exists!
Also, what is the God you follow to blame for? He is not to blame for the false religions or the millions trapped in them. He is not to blame for natural disasters or starving kids or any of the pain and suffering humans experience. But if you can afford a new house or car you are "blessed"? So he cares enough to bless you but doesn't give a crap about a kid dying of malnutrition? Strange! If you believe in God then this whole planet is the Truman Show and we are all just one big experiment that he knew was going to go horribly wrong when he started it but the suffering of billions couldn't stop him from making this planet an example for the rest of the universe? Super uncool!
@@akgirl1830 Proof? I refer you to Romans 1:20 "... men are without excuse." Rom 1:25 ... "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped the created rather than the Creator." Stop following people, with their conjured up stories, & fabricated rules. Follow instead (and only) the Word of God.
I'm sorry but your logic is unsound to me. I bless my own children daily with all manner of goodness and well being. Because I love them & care about them. But because of their choices, their actions, or the actions & choices placed upon them by others, those blessings are often lost, destroyed, or forfeited. Am I to be blame for the latter simply because I provide the former? I'm sorry, I can not make sense of your argument.
@@csc6110 would you have created those children knowing they were going to live painful lives destined for eternal hellfires? Or would you have said I love them and will not make them knowing that is how they will die?
The post about going without, just so that tithing can be paid, is heartbreaking. The Church is putting a price on being close to God, entering the Temple and having a marriage sealed. That's pure greed.
It's ridiculous how scared people are of "anti-mormon stuff." My coworkers are all mormon and it's kinda hilarious how tense they get when I talk about cool tattoos or cute gay couples. Those are the kinds of awkward silences that I almost enjoy. XD
The church should be helping this family with food from the food storage pantry. I am so angry that this bishop has no compassion for this family. This may get them out of the church, but in a way they will always feel like there should have been a way they could have gotten sealed. Jesus did not teach any of the temple ceremonies.
I have never been Mormon but my family was big into FreeMasonry. I was in both Job’s Daughters and Rainbow. I have been to many Masonic and Eastern Star installations and such. From what I have seen, the Temple clothing didn’t seem THAT weird to me. But I guess I recognized my Job’s Daughters’ robes and my grandpa’s Masonic apron!
So sad when the woman said “We can’t afford to be LDS”. They were trying so hard and paid 5%. instead of 10%. The bishop still said no, that’s not good enough. Even worse is the fact that they couldn’t get any help from the church. These stories make me mad.
If the tithing situation doesn't make that poor woman wake up, nothing will. The amazing things about mormons is the fact they label "factually true documented church history" as "anti-mormon". They don't realize that this is an admission that they are a cult. Another thought-provoking post, although I agree, it is so sad for that poor family.
I’m a member of the Church outside of the States. Honestly the Church sounds more cultish in the states. However even though you have left the church you make it seem like those that are still in it are helpless and lost, that they are under some sort of control. While topics may no longer be sacred to you it is still sacred to many active members, so you can still be respectful of it even though you no longer follow it. And before any body comes for me I wasn’t raised in the church either, I converted in my adult years. The church has been a blessing for many people while being a source of unhappiness for others. I would say for those wanting to leave it’s okay, but don’t trash talk it and drag it’s name through the gutter. Share your experience but at least be respectful.
I am not directing this to you but just in general.
This is why I don’t view Mormonism as a Christian church bc denying a family entry to the temple because they can’t afford tithing would not be a Christian thing to do
Never mind they deny EVERY aspect of Apostolic and historical Christian doctrine of the church? Not being facetious but you still have a lot to learn about Christian doctrine, Am. It's out there, buddy, search for it.
@@davidhall2197 I should have said one of the reasons, to be sure. I wasn’t looking to write an essay in a YT comment chain
@@amde8554 OK, good to know. To me, the tithing part of their church is one small heresies, per se.
They must love Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" lol
You could write a thick book on horrible things Christians would do. You could call it the bible.
It's amazing how similar all Christian churches are (some worse than others). Half of my family is Mormon and the other Southern Baptist. I'm am hated by both halves because I saw the light in their lies. Promises of a golden future but only after you give so much that you yourself are completely of material and self. Many nights I've come to tears watching family members fall time after time for their religious beliefs.
How does the church even know you are really paying 10% of your income? I am not a member but from what I read, it is more of an honor system thing. If you say you are paying 10% then they just accept it and won't pry.
When I was in the church the branch president said there was no need to seek government help because the church had their own welfare system..So I went to his office for financial 🆘 help. I think it was for rent or something. I was paying my full tithe at the time. I worked in a grocery store deli. I was told that I wasn't worthy for help because my tithe wasn't up to par with other church members!
One shouldn’t have to pay to go to church. 💔😥
The story about the tithing is so awful!
but one of MANY that exist
Hi, I left a comment on the video from a year ago when you went back to church to visit. This is a bit of a follow up. I recommended an actual bible theologian in that comment, and now I’m going to recommend another youtube channel called “Cold Case Christianity” it’s a very entertaining, informative channel that backs up it’s conclusions about God and the Bible with fact, reason and critical thinking.
As Mormons we got screwed when it came to learning about the God of the Bible. The words were given new meanings, and the lens we were given to look at God and the Bible through was made of fictional writings and a clear understanding from the Articles of Faith, that if the Bible didn’t agree with Mormon teaching (what ever version was being taught at the moment) then it was “translated incorrectly. Am I proselytizing here? Yes, yes I am, I remember how hard it was to stop using the things I was taught as a Mormon to judge EVERYTHING by. If I can give someone else another angle to see out of the fish bowl, that’s a thrill.
It's tough reading posts from Mormon groups . The amount of misery and suffering on display is truly sad.
The rally sick thing about that woman on WIC is that the prophet would tell her to have more kids.
There is a family I know, they have now had 5 kids...ALL on the spectrum, and the parents are not able to cope with them, so they medicate them to try to deal with them. She is now probably 500lbs, and she is gonna pop out another in hopes of a normal child so they can worthy of the celestial blah, blah, blah. Boys that are becoming violent, so they will be but in the system and others will have to deal with these kids that are literally OUT of CONTROL. She doesn't work outside the home, neither does he, as the kids are up all the time screaming, kicking, banging, as they can't communicate well. In a 2 bedroom apt. The bishop told them NOT to come to the ward, but keep trying for that "blessed" child.
That lady posting about tithing: I hear someone asking for permission to leave, to be told it's okay to give up. That's totally okay. I've been there for different reasons, more than once. It's a money struggle but it's more so a faith crisis. There is no surgically removing tithing from that church. She's struggling to find a way to belong in a place that does the opposite of what Jesus advocated: she's being hated and punished for being poor. Does she really think god's only going to bless her for chapping her baby's privates and living like a bum while her husband works like a dog? There's no room left for faith, let alone a better understanding of oneself or meaningful relationships or ministry. The church is one of the top wealthiest privately held companies on the planet. It's one of the richest organizations to ever have existed, including world governments. But they have the nerve to look at this family and say "well, looks like you're not being good enough to afford to belong here." My advice: move to a different community, literally. Get physically away from your need to be in the church. There are places in Utah and you can live and work outside the church without being treated like a plague victim. Moving is expensive but if you can be in a more secular area, with bosses outside the mormo-mafia then your husband can probably get a better job with your current church status anyway.
The Rameumptom Prayer comes to mind in situations like the one you posted. Where is the Empathy for those who cannot pay to play. Fear is the mind killer. The Church creates a fear to exploit the fearful, and making vain promises for obedience. The church is a master of exploitation. Who is the God of exploitation? Ensign Peak investments is a huge problem for the church, especially in circumstances like this one. It is so disingenuous when Members rationalize the pain away as God's way of showing Love.
Legit asking. How does the mormon bishop know if i’m paying exactly 10% of my paycheck? do they submit A W2?? like what. how do they know how much you make. A 20 year old working at a gas station doesn’t make the same as architect or astrophysicists. How does the bishop know? Do you have to pay with a check or how does it get tithed with the church knowing exactly how much you gave? Some people tithe cash but God knows how much cash I put in the plate
I've been through this before. With these meetings/interviews, the Bishop will more than likely ask how much you make per hour and how often you get paid. That would give a pretty good idea on what that 10% would look like per paycheck. And it is very clear that the church does NOT care if you are struggling with everything else in your life. If you can't pay half of your bills, who cares just as long as you pay that 10% and make time to go to the temple.
It's the honor code. 10% of net or 10% of gross paying on gifts or perdium is between you and God.
3.15 - was that a shout-out to Tanner?
The T r i t e A w a r d of the Day.
Going insane every Sunday because you have so few things you can do for entertainment and I found my temple clothes "unflattering."
Tithing does not need to be part of the temple recommend. This from an ex-Mormon
Tithing is the reason for the temple recommed. lol. What the hell is the church going to do with only 130 billion and members who think that can be saved without paying heavens gate keepers. there can never be enough cash.
My sister, who converted to the LDS faith in high school...for a boy (her future husband, who I freely admit is one of the best men I've ever known). Throughout her life, she struggled with two types of trauma. The first was child sexual abuse (not related to the LDS Church). The second was _never_ feeling like she was worthy of God's love (regularly reinforced _by_ the LDS Church). I'm not an expert in psychosomatic illness, but I can't help thinking the cancer that killed her, at the age of 48, was _promoted_ by her constant sense of self-loathing.
Exactly how can you believe in a God that requires you to hand over a man-made thing? How can you believe in a god that says that your access to heaven is dependent on a non-existent man-made thing such as money?
To parody a wise man,
What does God need with money?
A starship: The USS Nauvoo.
Hell yeah bro!
Tithings in the bible its str8 biblical and the word tithe means tenth. Now u may not like father in heaven thats fine ur entitled to ur choice and one day u will have to choose.
@@kennethd.9436 The expanse is an awesome show
@@six1nyne no dude your God does not exist. Why in the world would I throw away my money to an imaginary man in the sky??? I know you're convinced that you're God exists but he doesn't and you're literally throwing away your money. Either way you try to spend it this is the dumbest logic ever because again what does God need with money. If you want to be incompetent go right ahead.
No I am not going to give away my money to an imaginary man in the sky that doesn't exist. It's my money and I'm going to use it how I want to so you can shove off. And no I'm not going to have to face anything one day because your imaginary friend does not exist not sure how many times I have to say this your imaginary friend does not exist