I had the good fortune to have been asked by this talented company to build the mask for Quasimodo. I agree--George is indeed amazing! And always working, in fact! I'm currently reworking a Quasimodo mask for another show George is singing and acting in right now- (he's not playing Qusimodo this time, and it's a different adaptation) Come see it if you're in Chicago!
I like how Esmeralda's costume in this looks just like the Disney one. Purple skirt, while blouse, one earring, curly black hair. The best part is that this was written before Disney's came out. Hah.
Some of the greatest plays Never make it to Broadway.
Absolutely outstanding voice from mike
This Chicago cast was FABULOUS! The voices were amazing, congrats all!
I saw this at the Bailiwick with my family. All of us were blown away. WHY isn't this on Broadway!?
Is it just a dream or my heart stopped from this lovely music?
Absolutely beautiful thus would be great if it was on Broadway now or turned into a film xxx
The song is both unbelievably tear-jerking. The way how the protagonists sing makes you want to hug them.
Came overf rom UK just to see the show. Awesome. Love more vids like this
I had the good fortune to have been asked by this talented company to build the mask for Quasimodo. I agree--George is indeed amazing! And always working, in fact! I'm currently reworking a Quasimodo mask for another show George is singing and acting in right now- (he's not playing Qusimodo this time, and it's a different adaptation) Come see it if you're in Chicago!
I like how Esmeralda's costume in this looks just like the Disney one. Purple skirt, while blouse, one earring, curly black hair. The best part is that this was written before Disney's came out. Hah.
I am in the same boat!
Perfect!! UallL!! I Amazing!
I still tear up when I hear this song.
Is there a full production of the show to buy on DVD or to watch on UA-cam
Any chance there is a full DVD of the show for sale somewhere?
Anybody know if this will be playing anywhere again?
Kinda give the Disney version a run for it's money. But I like both.
Superior to any Disney version. This music is exquisite! AMAZING