State of the Art - Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat - 1986

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @IlluminationsMedia
    @IlluminationsMedia  17 років тому +29

    Illuminations, which made "State of the Art" from which this sequence comes (shot in 1986), also produced "Shooting Star" in 1990, largely because we'd met Jean-Michel on the earlier production. I regret that, largely because of rights issues, "Shooting Star" isn't currently available.

  • @repelghosts
    @repelghosts 16 років тому +88

    I met Jean 3 or 4 times the last time after the Vrej Baghoomioan Show in April 1988...One of the most generous ,intelligent,kind, soft hearted and gentle souls that I have ever met...I purchased over 40 drawings and several paintings from him...I helped him in the day,and now that time has passed,he has helped me,just by collecting his art.I feel blessed.
    Love you Jean,think of you everyday.

    • @melissaonorati2243
      @melissaonorati2243 2 роки тому +4

      Wow that's Awesome that you met him, I bet you will treasure his memories forever and ever and ever and ever!

    • @kelvinbooker3634
      @kelvinbooker3634 2 роки тому +1


    • @Lordylbc
      @Lordylbc 10 місяців тому +2

      Sell me a painting

    • @seant23
      @seant23 7 місяців тому

      I’d love to look at those

    • @nikitatucker3390
      @nikitatucker3390 2 місяці тому

      For real🧐

  • @samamar4597
    @samamar4597 3 роки тому +78

    He's so soft-spoken. Brilliant, beautiful mind and spirit which was just as sad, you can see it all in his eyes.

  • @karenumeda6491
    @karenumeda6491 9 років тому +510

    I hate what the interviewer had to say. Saying that Basquiat "defaced" Warhol's art and by portraying Basquiat as someone who simply got lucky. This is completely false but never the less, I love Basquiat with all my heart. Its nice to see him in interviews (which are hard to find), alive and speaking. His voice, the quality an texture of it; it makes me love him more.

    • @phoenixzappa7366
      @phoenixzappa7366 9 років тому +18

      Keep your underwear on

    • @genayamercado4260
      @genayamercado4260 9 років тому +1

      +Sugar Venom agrred

    • @earinsound
      @earinsound 9 років тому +14

      +Sugar Venom
      He said they defaced each other's work. 02:10

    • @phoenixzappa7366
      @phoenixzappa7366 9 років тому +3

      Sugar Venom​ Yeah but you are defacing your underwear

    • @juancpgo
      @juancpgo 8 років тому +7

      and they even mentioned “the master” (referring to warhol), I was like: “Andy was his master?? LOL, wtf was that?”

  • @Wavecattt
    @Wavecattt 10 років тому +112

    Basqiuat and Andy are legends!!!

  • @edn172
    @edn172 14 років тому +10

    Jean-Michel Basquiat was the Artist I chose to study for my GCSE art exam. Our teacher told the class to choose an Artist whose work we found interesting. But I new that wouldn't be enough to interest me. Because to me art is about the Painter and not the painting. So instead I chose an Artist who I thought was an interesting person. And as soon as I came across Basquiat I automatically knew I would be studying him. I did a self portrait in his style. Only thing I ever got an A for in my life.

  • @kreempouf
    @kreempouf 15 років тому +44

    I knew Basquiat as a friend.... He was a very wonderful, fresh young artist. Extremely creative.
    Sad to read some of the posts here.
    Do you all want to live in a lifeless, artless , Low sodium-gravy- in- a -can world???

    • @Jay-uv5xg
      @Jay-uv5xg 6 місяців тому +1

      what was he like when he wasn’t uncomfortable and on the defensive ? it seems like these interviewers were always kind of making him like that. cant find any footage of him not at least a little on edge

  • @gerardgrant3174
    @gerardgrant3174 11 років тому +28

    R.I.P. Andy Warhol and Jean Michel Basquiat!!

  • @cbwavy
    @cbwavy 8 років тому +360

    Don't like the way the narrator is subtly disrespecting Basquiat

    • @juancpgo
      @juancpgo 8 років тому +6

      i felt the same

    • @jakeaftermath7563
      @jakeaftermath7563 7 років тому +71

      The white man is always trying to subtly insult the black man.

    • @toombs6287
      @toombs6287 6 років тому +4

      WAVEDUP that’s called jealousy

    • @iconoclastvituperations9587
      @iconoclastvituperations9587 6 років тому +1

      but he was scribbling all over the bosses paintings

    • @melvina628
      @melvina628 5 років тому

      Charlie Rose did the same thing in his interview of Schnabel and Bowie about Basquiat.

  • @samrindge8042
    @samrindge8042 4 роки тому +15

    Jean-Michel Basquiat would've turned 60 on December 22. R.I.P. JMB (December 22, 1960 - August 12, 1988)

  • @ghostmoistfingerzghostfing2203
    @ghostmoistfingerzghostfing2203 10 років тому +365

    If they did a movie kid cudi can play him

    • @roryalexanderm
      @roryalexanderm 10 років тому +65

      A Basquiat movie was already made in 1996.

    • @SHONTII.X
      @SHONTII.X 10 років тому +26

      I agree 100% & they can always make a new one

    • @Notebookchic2
      @Notebookchic2 10 років тому +2

      I absolutely agree!

    • @minac238
      @minac238 9 років тому +8

      Ghost Moist Fingerz Ghost fingerz they did a movie its great

    • @nicejob6601
      @nicejob6601 9 років тому +4

      Yeah but what if kid cudi is a bad actor

  • @slife224
    @slife224 12 років тому +7

    He was so young but yet so creative and so gifted, coming from nothing using his thoughts and experiences to creat amazing art

  • @bluesbrrd
    @bluesbrrd 14 років тому +17

    Such a powerful collaboration - it's difficult to conceive of any two artists being able to complement and elaborate on each other's work like this -
    like you said - the shaman & the wizard!

  • @Mycrazylittlehead
    @Mycrazylittlehead 8 років тому +35

    thankfully basquiat surpassed to be another one of andys factory superstar

    • @victoriabaker4400
      @victoriabaker4400 4 роки тому +1

      Warhol did not create Basquiat, that's a myth. He was self-made before he ever became friends with Warhol.

  • @TaraZatara
    @TaraZatara 12 років тому +9

    I love Andy Warhol. He's a good guy. Even his work looks like it has been done by nice people.

  • @dangray
    @dangray 9 років тому +68

    All art is loved or hated because someone else told you to feel that way.

    • @kevinamundsen6983
      @kevinamundsen6983 5 років тому

      Couldn't agree more.

    • @xenoneo
      @xenoneo 5 років тому

      I tell myself both of these artists are unskilled and juvenile in their technique.
      Just copy paste or doodle on stuff and it's worth a ton.
      Modern art makes me sad, and I guess if it's meant to provoke an emotion, that would be it.
      I guess this is what art has come to after photos came into existence.
      To each their own I guess; seems like they found a good hustle.

    • @pygmy_leopard
      @pygmy_leopard 4 роки тому +2

      unless you know art history, then you don't need someone to tell you how to feel.

    • @melisandre1784
      @melisandre1784 3 роки тому

      When I'm walking through an art gallery or museum and see something random out of the corner of my eye that strikes my soul and I'm drawn to it like a magnet, it's my body telling me that and no one else. That overwhelming bodily sensation you get when you see something that just resonates so intensely for some reason you can't explain. That doesn't come from anyone else. You can know what is popular while still knowing what ~you~ like.

    • @blastofo
      @blastofo 8 місяців тому

      There's a lot more taste making going on with modern art. Thats why I love the old masters. Even if you didn't know them at all, their work had intrinsic skill, talent, and beauty. Lots of people don't consider a Rothco or Pollock painting to be any good. But nobody could look at a Diego Velasquez painting and deny its greatness.

  • @maxwilson4748
    @maxwilson4748 14 років тому +4

    He was an insightful contemporary artist that really earned significant attention and deservedly still does today. Art and commerce is always a very sexy and dangerous combination that had in many ways resulted in his death. He will be missed. In the 90's came the turning point in NYC. With money, real estate values, and status as important as it became here , much of the character and characters of the city had vanished. Here's to the future. Hope.

  • @chudgeon
    @chudgeon 4 роки тому +4

    When I see this clip it makes me realize how well done the movie was.

  • @lioncub2621
    @lioncub2621 11 років тому +173

    This is racist, why is Basquiat automatically Andys inferior and a "streetsmart rebel". They made things together that makes them by definition EQUAL.. God this is annoying

    • @URKillingme100
      @URKillingme100 11 років тому +7

      Watch the movie "Basquiat" (1996), it's full of that kind of observation. Because he was young and black, many did not take him seriously. But then again, he grew up in a middle class family, his dad was an accountant, and he was a drug addict. Andy was a bully, but a well established artist by the time JMB came on the scene. So of course he would be considered inferior to Andy's insistance.

    • @lioncub2621
      @lioncub2621 11 років тому

      That is very interesting. I will thank you!!

    • @ronsimmons9402
      @ronsimmons9402 9 років тому +3

      Radiant child gives a better insight

    • @killahertz
      @killahertz 7 років тому +1

      Lioncub Jean Michelle was Warhols superior in every sense of being.

    • @oscarkorlowsky4938
      @oscarkorlowsky4938 7 років тому

      Andy was a very shy boy, and basquiat was a rebel, his neo popart style came from the graffiti world of the New York Streets

  • @maxwilson4748
    @maxwilson4748 13 років тому +6

    Basquiat. What a great talent! NY misses you!

  • @MrKajithecat
    @MrKajithecat 6 років тому +4

    1:21 Slippery People by The Staple Singers playing in the background.

    • @victoriabaker4400
      @victoriabaker4400 4 роки тому

      Talking Heads

    • @samrindge8042
      @samrindge8042 4 роки тому +4

      @@victoriabaker4400 The Staple Singers covered the song, which is the version playing in this video.

  • @pmarcelle6159
    @pmarcelle6159 6 років тому +7

    Know how it feels to be caught up in the drugs and alcohol. Clean and sober 19 years this past June. Basquiat was born in 1960 the same year I was born. Feels like I lost a brother. Would have truly been something if he were alive today.😟

  • @zerkriozcps3454
    @zerkriozcps3454 7 років тому +5

    Not all the Warhol's crowd gave Basquiat fame... let's all remember Mr. Rene Ricard, Ms. Annina Nosei & Mr. Bruno Bischofberger as well. And thanks to Julian Schnabel, that gave us a somewhat look at Basquiat life & paintings. I remain a fan. Godspeed & Peace to all.

  • @repelghosts
    @repelghosts 16 років тому +1

    I stayed with Paul Andy's bro ,at his private farm in the section of Smock,PA..Paul,Andy's oler brother and his wife Madeline were absolutely wonderful to me.Paul gave me 2 of his paintings for 'Absolut Vodka', with his trademark 'chicken foot stamps', and a Campbell's 'Pepper Pot', painting on paper,which I am offering for sale next month.
    Best to all Warhol fans and do not forger Jean Michel.still have a few of his drawings kicking around somewhere.

  • @user-zp9ko6ps4d
    @user-zp9ko6ps4d 5 років тому

    Andy and Jean were inspirational. TWOMADCYA was blessed to have met Andy. Sorry to have missed Jean

  • @juancpgo
    @juancpgo 8 років тому +37

    When an artist becomes an icon, I wonder how much of what he does is genuine and how much is just to make a lotta dough. It feels like money ruins art, because the goal of the art becomes money. So, the simple fact that art sells is bad. But also, how else could an artist make money? Maybe it's just what it is: a challenge.

    • @vincaso
      @vincaso 8 років тому +1

      Catch 22

    • @GnarMarv2
      @GnarMarv2 8 років тому +1

      Check out Alec Monopolys work. That's exactly how i feel not just about him but about every artist who does that. I think they all sell out at one point or another.

    • @mickymickymike4105
      @mickymickymike4105 8 років тому +3

      Well, you gotta eat. But I totally understand with what you're saying. Once money is involved, I'm talking about 100's of thousands, millions...deadlines to get art, books, movies, etc to be put out makes it less genuine.

    • @notnhmj9836
      @notnhmj9836 8 років тому


    • @juancpgo
      @juancpgo 8 років тому +1

      Jazzmahen Irsan that says it all

  • @randomlight2336
    @randomlight2336 9 років тому +45

    Basquait was an "outsider" brought in to the established art world,which is a fickle, and cut throat world at the best of times. His autism was definitely a driving force,for sure. Warhol was a 'bridge' for a lot of "outsiders" but you gotta bare in mind, those who entered,had to be made aware that it was just that,a factory! Check out Duchamp and the Dadaists it might go some way to "educating" you in the many layers (no pun intended) of art mediums and practices within different cultures. Pablo Picasso with his "cubism" or check out DeKooning. This is why I love art personally,it raises questions and gives answers,but you got to dig deep sometimes.

  • @AB-ts6dn
    @AB-ts6dn 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for uploading this
    Loved the jazz song in the beginning

  • @LPJack02
    @LPJack02 3 місяці тому

    RIP Andy Warhol (August 6, 1928 - February 22, 1987), aged 58
    RIP Jean-Michel Basquiat (December 22, 1960 - August 12, 1988), aged 27
    You both will be remembered as legends

  • @user-cn8br6vh9q
    @user-cn8br6vh9q 4 роки тому +2

    I just bought 2 shirts featuring the crowned dinosaur i love him. Rest in peace🤴

  • @JonBibire
    @JonBibire 15 років тому +2

    They are real artists for the legacy they left behind. They mark the art history, you can find them in any famous museum around the world. The world made them famous without asking you if they deserve it or not. I like their art or not, they are still artist. Anyway, I will check your creations to see what are U up with. For the rest of us, the art is so different and wonderful. Is nice to feel it ! Colors, music, love and peace for everybody !

  • @geek.hard.
    @geek.hard. 4 роки тому +9

    I still have no idea why so many people hate this man.

    • @Rainbowsun1
      @Rainbowsun1 2 роки тому +11

      To be young gifted and black

    • @West-Telecom
      @West-Telecom 2 роки тому

      @@Rainbowsun1 Really ??? He is in this list just because of his colour and that idiotic blm.

  • @lovepower4899
    @lovepower4899 4 роки тому +4

    He's amazing.I cant believe I've never heard of him :(

  • @kamalsutra
    @kamalsutra 15 років тому +1

    One of the originators of Typography.
    Thats what makes him GREAT.
    Plus he was always high on something just like Warhol.
    That was how they can always make sense of the work they produced.

  • @claureic
    @claureic 14 років тому

    0.52...Basquiat painting...What a treat! Thanks for posting this.

  • @TERRANOVAofficial
    @TERRANOVAofficial 3 роки тому +6

    at the time it was warhol chasing basquiat- no disrespect intended. nothing wrong in chasing basquiat - his energy everything about him ... i always thought jimi hendrix was the shortest way of describing what it felt like watching him walk , work , talk -his genius which i was lucky enough to witness a few times. 83/4

  • @markprice2225
    @markprice2225 2 роки тому +1

    I Hobnob with the Hobnobbers. Classic! Warhol is my dream piece for my collection. I may do my own custom like homage to Warhol like Basquiat did, only I want it to look like a Warhol

  • @baratheda777
    @baratheda777 2 роки тому +1

    I'm not knowledgeable about art ar all - but I love Basquiat. His paintings really make me feel something. Idk what it is but I get lost looking at them. Deeply

  • @joelgershon
    @joelgershon 15 років тому +2

    Wow, a lot of haters and ignoramuses out there.
    This captures the moment perfectly. The tensions between Basquiat and everyone else, including the gallery owner, Warhol and the fotogs through subtle and not so subtle gestures tells you a lot about the 80s f'ed up art world and how Basquiat was getting boxed in and pushed to sell his soul.
    Anyway, even if you don't like, or are repulsed by the art, this can be appreciated as a historical reference.

  • @XDevotedxProtectorX
    @XDevotedxProtectorX 16 років тому +7

    Andy looks so pale and fragile in his final years. :( But he was still so young.
    ..I wish he were still around but his legacy continues. (: Whenever we see a soup can or a coca cola or even a multi colored marilyn monroe painting there can only be one genius who comes to mind.

  • @ipi223
    @ipi223 14 років тому +4

    what a relationship...
    two genius met

  • @liamkeane4214
    @liamkeane4214 Рік тому

    love that they're listening to the staples cover of "slippery people" by the talking heads. So 80s

  • @jzubrodikal98
    @jzubrodikal98 6 років тому +2

    Basquiat's work is a prime example of, you don't have to be perfect in order to be a good artist, it's the thought within each creation that makes all the difference. Basquiat's creativity showed that even the most unusual ideas & subjects can be the most interesting. And that's saying a heck of a lot.

  • @bestfrogs247
    @bestfrogs247 11 років тому

    Thank you for posting the video!

  • @yamba
    @yamba 17 років тому +14

    ah i love basquiat.
    his paintings are exciting
    and my was he handsome ^^

  • @artgallery7376
    @artgallery7376 5 років тому +2

    I love these two

    • @hlhihlhi7204
      @hlhihlhi7204 5 років тому

      i bet you only recently heard of them

  • @StylesLee
    @StylesLee 7 років тому +1

    He's One Artist That Stand's out from the Crowd. He's so Unique & Godly Gifted with his Mind & Hands Incredible.
    Colours just Takes em & ideas are from Another Planet!

  • @heidifalzon2490
    @heidifalzon2490 8 років тому +36

    He's adorable

  • @martiansubculture
    @martiansubculture 8 років тому +65

    anyone else reminded of jimi hendrix at the start?

    • @capricosm8086
      @capricosm8086 7 років тому +3

      Yes , very much like Hendrix talking .

    • @Capricosm
      @Capricosm 7 років тому +1

      Martian Subculture . Yes I was thinking the same. Jean-Michel has similar demeanour and way of talking as Jimi.

    • @Chinyjackson89
      @Chinyjackson89 6 років тому

      Yup jimi in art form

    • @chidede
      @chidede 6 років тому +1

      both 27 club

    • @rondaswindell7130
      @rondaswindell7130 6 років тому

      Martian Subculture no

  • @hansolodolo92
    @hansolodolo92 11 років тому +4

    My idol RIP to this legend

  • @adoncapone
    @adoncapone 16 років тому

    wow..thanks so much for posting this...amazing!!!

  • @emekannaedozie8386
    @emekannaedozie8386 10 років тому +23

    i hate what they were saying about basquiat i hate it soo much

  • @sft8693
    @sft8693 10 місяців тому

    Basques it and Andy = here to stay.
    Hi Montreal. Andy’s back home ❤

  • @u.s.n.retired1995
    @u.s.n.retired1995 7 років тому +53

    "A sacrificial child." "Wild child," this was ugly. The narrator is horrible. This is nasty and unessary. Mr. Jean-Michel was young, gorgeous and smart!

    • @Tassie85
      @Tassie85 6 років тому +2

      And to suggest that Warhol needed Basquiat to boost his own career made me ill. Both artists were amazing both alone and together. Awful narration.

    • @victoriabaker4400
      @victoriabaker4400 4 роки тому +1

      @@Tassie85 Yes, their friendship was genuine but the critics of the day painted it as something wrong and suspect. In fact, Basquiat's friendship with Warhol caused him grief from the critics of the day and it upset B greatly.

  • @melvina628
    @melvina628 5 років тому +5

    Basquiat is so talented. I wish he had survived the art machine.

  • @topherisme
    @topherisme 11 років тому +1

    a year before i was born

  • @josterrasse9769
    @josterrasse9769 4 роки тому

    So peaceful to watch

  • @bearbry9485
    @bearbry9485 12 років тому

    thanks so much for sharing that brother.

  • @eldonwalters9643
    @eldonwalters9643 7 років тому

    Thank you world

  • @catbox
    @catbox 15 років тому

    Thanks for posting!

  • @FreshRosies
    @FreshRosies 11 років тому

    Just watch the Basquiat movie in class today!

  • @idstyled
    @idstyled 13 років тому +1

    Happy Birthday Andy!!!!! Hope you are enjoying the view up there. :)

  • @ybot1983
    @ybot1983 15 років тому

    who are you a descent of a austro hungarian emperor who hasnt appreciated art since the baroque period, you sound really well balanced and open to new ideas

  • @terrywestbrook-lienert2296
    @terrywestbrook-lienert2296 10 років тому +34

    A tale of two geniuses

    • @philburgernellbuggedcommen3450
      @philburgernellbuggedcommen3450 6 років тому +1

      ahahahahahahahahaaa. So that makes you one along with millions of other people ... for scribbles worthy of the fridge and done by tons of doodlers all over the planet sketching scribbled faces in their sketch books; the abundance of kids that draw anime pictures are more talented than him. The Tale of Two Utterly Pretentious Ponces one of which so stupid to fittingly go from middle-class to anarchistic poverty to riches... and then drug overdose... Geniussssss!!!! This is after being launched more so via opportune luck and connections among the circle jerk clique of other medicocre conceptual contrivers. Within their narcisissim of so desperately wanting to be "the artist" they actually seem to come across like self-absorbed pieces of shit from a lot of what I read.
      "I don’t listen to what art critics say. I don’t know anybody who needs a critic to find out what art is"... because not everything is art. Yet he's contradicting himself because the artist is the biggest critic, doing the same thing and dictating what is or isn't art just because they churn out garbage. Agreed that one doesn't need to listen to critics... doesn't mean that one still isn't shit and the reason being is that they think whatever they do is art and shouldn't face criticism because they can't take it; more a mentality of - I don't care to listen to how subjectively shite I am compared with objectivity: whether or not one prefers Sid Vicious guitaring to Jimmy Hendrix, undoubtedly Hendrix is a better guitarist. In this aspect, Warhol and Jean were just utterly vapid.

  • @Alex-mq9ui
    @Alex-mq9ui Рік тому

    Does anyone know the name of the song playing in the background from 0:44 - 1:22?

  • @jhoan_roa
    @jhoan_roa 5 років тому

    Jean-Michel Basquiat and Jhoan Roa are my favorite artists!

  • @TheLillianYoung
    @TheLillianYoung 2 роки тому +3

    This narration is exactly the racist language that plagued Jean-Michele. Also, his desire to stand spoke volumes. So much in that exchange.

  • @watzuphomie
    @watzuphomie 16 років тому

    he is one of my favorite artist

  • @Anointed-q5e
    @Anointed-q5e 11 місяців тому +1

    The Background Music Is So 80s🤣

  • @righteousemusic
    @righteousemusic 14 років тому

    Me thinking of Basquiat again.

  • @dreww011
    @dreww011 14 років тому

    The song is called "Slippery People" by the Talking Heads

  • @TobiahBrease
    @TobiahBrease 12 років тому

    The artist can communicate whichever emotion or message he or she wants to through the colors used in a painting the various tones and hues the brush strokes the concept the composition art is a puzzle you put the right pieces together you not only get a masterpiece but you get a message that message can be have hope, have faith, spread love, smile, or it can be make war, be vengeful we don't just represent something bigger we've been touched by something bigger we're apart of that something

  • @twistidsinner7869
    @twistidsinner7869 5 років тому

    I love this art period

  • @elowsky
    @elowsky 15 років тому +1

    very bloody good. There's an interview with him about his role in Phoebe Hoban's biography of JMB called A Quick Killing In Art that's really interesting.

    • @victoriabaker4400
      @victoriabaker4400 4 роки тому

      That biography isn't very good, I wouldn't rely on it too much.

  • @TobiahBrease
    @TobiahBrease 12 років тому

    Thank you your words are inspirational

  • @Tauheedah
    @Tauheedah 11 років тому +1

    Jean-Michel is freaking awesome he has became one of my biggest inspirations

  • @thedudefatjay
    @thedudefatjay 12 років тому

    Basquiat has such a calm voice. He is the black Bob Ross, when it comes to the voice.

  • @Dave11115
    @Dave11115 14 років тому

    The artist Basquiat had something to say with his life .His work is worth million's and worth every penny.

  • @repelghosts
    @repelghosts 15 років тому

    No Gemma I still have a few of dear Jean's drawings and a little canvas work.
    The two painted drums are truy unnique indeed.
    email me before the magic day!

  • @dunn808
    @dunn808 15 років тому

    @AristYdes the world ceases to amaze me...

  • @kbelmar
    @kbelmar 6 років тому +4

    "Daily life is sort of documented and put out there" damn imagine if he was around today

  • @JP1234Productions
    @JP1234Productions 13 років тому

    Heres the name of the Andy Warhol factory member that is not credited. SUPERDUDE
    Superdude is still alive and playing music at nearly 70. He is the person standing right behind Andy in the photo on sonicbids.
    It would be nice for him to get some recognition.
    UA-cam channel: jp1234productions
    sonicbids url: Superdude

  • @butolina
    @butolina 15 років тому

    Rest in peace, your art will be inspiracion for long years

  • @wolfhh2198
    @wolfhh2198 10 років тому +5

    Andy Warhol opened doors for the Art of the century

    • @MrGaryo78
      @MrGaryo78 10 років тому +4

      He also opened his shitpipe for his lovers peckers

    • @AvelUnderWill
      @AvelUnderWill 10 років тому +2

      MrGaryo78 And?

    • @AvelUnderWill
      @AvelUnderWill 10 років тому +4

      And I hope they don't let you out of your cage too often.

    • @wolfhh2198
      @wolfhh2198 10 років тому

      Ariele Betterton MrGaryo78

    • @rampageclover9788
      @rampageclover9788 9 років тому

      +wolfhh21 The door then slammed in his face when Warhol died...

  • @JonBibire
    @JonBibire 15 років тому

    5 stars , for this video about 2 artists , real artists.

  • @petey8887
    @petey8887 11 років тому +1

    That's Tseng Kwong Chi photographing them.

  • @Creatorofmovement
    @Creatorofmovement 2 роки тому

    this made me happy

  • @soccerlu08
    @soccerlu08 16 років тому +1

    this guy had natural talent

  • @lemonbatz
    @lemonbatz 4 роки тому

    Talking Heads’ Slippery People playing in the background!!!! Yesss

    • @samrindge8042
      @samrindge8042 4 роки тому +1

      The version they're listening to is by the Staple Singers.

  • @danikino
    @danikino 17 років тому

    ooh, and i love "slippery people" in the background music

  • @MaghoxFr
    @MaghoxFr 15 років тому


  • @brotherandre
    @brotherandre 14 років тому

    Greetings romainvai, the track is "Slippery People" by The Staple Singers.
    The Talking Heads have a version of it on their "Speaking In Tongues" album.
    I only mention this fact so that you do not get the two recordings confused.
    Peace & Progress

  • @productetc
    @productetc 16 років тому +1

    Who helped who is almost irrelevant. It's a sidenote at best. Their initial introduction seems the most prominent, but neither of them needed each other- they both would of kept working hard regardless. They both probably gained cred with niche audiences by working together. It's also understood they weren't just colleagues, but very good friends. What matters is the work they produced together was fresh. That's it- unless your a gossipite or Valerie Solonas. And yes, I just made that word up.

  • @repelghosts
    @repelghosts 13 років тому

    Dee purchased one 'S', and I still have that small Warhol, hand-drawn Campbell's Soup can sketch I purchased directly from Warhol's elder brother, Paul when I visited his farm in PA.
    If you want that you may have it for me or phone me !

  • @maxwilson4748
    @maxwilson4748 14 років тому

    Wonderful vid!

  • @kinglandfor2798
    @kinglandfor2798 6 років тому +1

    Lol whats that funky pop art sounding song there playing in backround lolll towards end

  • @maxwilson4748
    @maxwilson4748 12 років тому +1

    He clearly had talent. His paintings are selling for millions even today. There is a reason for that. Envy is an awful thing better reserved for the weak. If you understand history you would understand. It's in his work.

  • @ericarchuleta541
    @ericarchuleta541 4 роки тому

    "SAMO" one of the original tag names he first used before he was famous well he was street famous cool artist paved the way for all the street artists turned idk professional today Bansky Kaws along with a lot of others.....909er

  • @TheRainemt
    @TheRainemt 8 років тому

    3:18 whats the name of the artwork in the background?

    • @Peaceland0093
      @Peaceland0093 8 років тому

      Crocodile , 1984 by Warhol and Basquiat.

  • @elusivejahnell
    @elusivejahnell 14 років тому

    Could someone confirm whether or not the kid in Gil Scott Heron's video for 'The Bottle' is a young Basquiat? I've found no mention of it anywhere but it looks so much look him! I've done a bit of research and he would have been just the right age for the boy too in 1972 when the video was made- in New York too! Kid comes in at 27 seconds!