FINALLY!! Someone else who appreciates the ability to lay down. I abuse the hell out of the move where you roll forward, then throw yourself further and spin around
@dayvonlouis5187 thing is, a lot of what lends to its obscurity, expecially in reference to its release year- is backlash from RE5 leading to a low faith narrative within the playerbase and a number of other titles using unique/evoled concepts- take for example the rise of fortnite etc at the time
Always loved the game but until late 2014 or so I didn't realize the smartphone thing was purely a GUI theme for Leon's campaign. Then I saw Archon, wow. What a wizard I don't think I will ever get to his level but I do want to be able to do 150 combos with last stand that sounds pretty fun.
Thanks! Though now that I go back and look at my gameplay here it looks really sloppy compared to how I play now. A lot of time spent standing and waiting for counters or lining up headshots.
Its 2023 and I am watching now I got A and S ranks on all mercenaries in RE5 and my next quest is the same for RE6. I just sorta started mercs on re6 a few months ago...I'm stil getting familiar with it....playing story mode for fun vs playing mercs seriously is a whole different experience
@@jackjax7921No. It doesn't. I played RE4R before I played RE4 OG, and even then I had a fine time with the controls. If you think RE4 OG has garbage controls, then you just have a major skill issue. You probably think the fixed camera angles tank controls are garbage too lmao. Always funny seeing people call stuff garbage just because they're awful at it themselves.
+KrieGor27 Thanks! I think this was the best Mercs match I ever had. And I'm very happy that it was the one I used for the demo video! I've put a lot of effort and time into refining my fighting style!
Me and a friend just picked this up during the recent capcom sale and we've been having a blast! I appreciate your video showing just how much depth and nuance there is to the combat in this game. It's really helped me address a lot of frustrations I've had while playing such as figuring out how to do certain movements, the criteria for setting up a follow-up/finisher, and just overall making the gameplay feel much more stylish and fluid. Thank you!
Great to hear! That means the world to me! That's part of what these videos are here for. Trying to do my best to get more people into an underappreciated Capcom game!
Man, your playstyle is very entertaining! Makes me want to play this again right now! People who said RE6 has ugly control should look into this video, you exhibit the dodge moves very well to shows that. I really hate when reviewers or someone saying something like "the laying down control is stupid, it doesn't gives you any practical advantage, if any, it puts you in vulnerable position".... Geez, they are the one who are stupid actually, I mean, come on, off course you have to move around while laying low, not laying still! Common sense.
Well most of the "reviews" of RE6 are very poorly formed (and I've read a LOT, both from the pro reviewers and fans). I'd go over them in detail, but this is about the mechanics. But yes. Controls are the best I've ever seen in a shooter. I try to do what I can to play at my very best! : D I may one day put up a video on how to, and how not to approach situations someday. But I'm glad you and others enjoyed this video!
+vXArchonXv Yeah, I can understand that this game is not scary like people expected to be, as this game is heavily action-packed. But saying so far like "this game is the WORST RE EVER" or "this game is SHIT"... GEEZ. So they prefer Chris, Leon and others to move tank-ishly like an idiot? And prefer unrealistic camera view? Hahaha stupid fanboys. Anyway yes, I enjoyed very much this video man, keep up the good work! :D
Tom Jordan I do feel that the nostalgic types that hate on the game had an negative effect on the people who picked the game up and played it casually. The game has a learning curve that you're not going to pick up that well in the first playthrough. Usually hone your skills in Mercs and then come back and play the Agent Hunt areas on No Hope (shit gets crazy when you have two good agent hunters chasing you down). Capcom also made some PR announcements that they really should not have, which damned the game further. : (
Not true. When laying down, there are advantages. Most enemies (not counting crawling zombies) have longer animations for attacking a down player. You have quicker access to your dodge since all you need to do is do a single input, instead of a combination. Most importantly, aside from Jake's stance charge, and taking cover, it's the only way to make your stamina regenerate quickly.
I haven't finished the video yet but so far this looks stupidly cool and fun to play!! I recently bought re6 for me and my friends to play and I plan on practicing these techniques for when I play so thank you so much for this video bro you did a hella good job!!! 👍
Wow... I've never seen RE6 gameplay look so fun. I really enjoyed every minute of the demonstration video. Thank you for the tips and entertainment! :D
Thanks! The demo video is quite dated, so this may pique your interest.
damn that reload animation canceling is so sick, reminds me about the old counter strike quick reload trick for switching between sniper rifle and knife.
Now that I think about it, I'm a bit reminded of cancelling the reload animation in the first Halo with a well-timed melee or weapons switch. It's doable in H2, (at least the weapon switching) but a lot harder. Really wish Halo 2 PC weren't dead, was so much fun to play when you smoothed out some of the technical problems the port had.
Despite the bad reviews, my friend and I are doing our first ever playthrough of RE6, so I'm glad I came across your video. I want to learn some of this stuff as I play through the campaign. I think Capcom should return to this style of shooter (maybe for another IP) and perfect it. Even when I played the demo, I saw a lot of potential here. It's unfortunate that the game's reputation tanked like it did. Anyway, I'm enjoying your video.
My friends and I have been saying they should have gone this route for Dino Crisis 4. If they don't do that, then they should make a Mercenaries Reunion styled game that is a collection of various enemies, characters and setting from the RE franchise (of course with 6's mechanics as its mainstay). Umbrella Corps could have been that game, but Capcom really screwed up. It plays nothing like 6 (plays more like a typical Western shooter) and has almost nothing for content. I liked the idea of having a self-insert, customizable character that was a trained badass/BOW exterminator, but that's about the only concept they did right in it. I'd also take out the PvP aspect since RE6 mechanics aren't balanced or designed at all for that style of play. Agent Hunt is, however, great if severely unpolished.
@@vXArchonXv A Dino Crisis in this style would be amazing. They could really go crazy with it. But I also wouldn't mind a straight up Mercenaries game. They only did that once and it was on the 3DS I believe. I've been wanting Capcom to do a more Raid or Mercenary based game that's stand alone from the mainline games.
It's crazy how an 8 year old zombie game still has better movement and combat options than any actual shooter today. If only games would start experimenting from the last 15 years of wasd to walk, c to crouch, right click to aim, and left click to shoot.
That's not entirely true. We have amazing movement systems like in Warframe and Splinter Cell: Blacklist, but RE6 is definitely top tier alongside them.
@@UnrealAxel27 Titanfall is more basic, but still has some nice gameplay for a FPS competitive shooter. However nothing will top Dying Light in that category (not even Breakdown). Dying Light is just an amazing and underrated game.
@@vXArchonXv wooooow i watched that twitch video and just.... Wow..... I pretty much considered the knife useless lol its crazy how much i have to learn still ALL THESE YEARS later lol
I will never forgive Capcom for not giving this game an actual proper set of tutorials. If they only had taken the time to do that, I'm sure this game would be seen under a much better light today.
Maybe so, maybe no. Once the combat system was explained, people started complaining about the level design for some reason. Like they knew they were wrong, but wanted to save face with more nonsense. Oh well.
Excellent overview of the more, intricate tech of the game. On the campaign modes in general, Res6 is a punishing game (notably on No Hope, above normal mode, and with no skills equipped). The amount of invincibility frames you get in this game are fewer. Thankfully, the Mercenaries mode is THE best place to learn enemy attack animations and their weaknesses.
It was interesting to put together, that's for sure! While as far as I know on NH the game doesn't reduce I-Frames, though certain enemies hit a lot harder (one bullet from an LMG J'avo takes half a bar of health). And yeah, going through the game the first time in campaign on Veteran is usually your best bet as a primer for getting a feel for the game. After that it's on to Mercenaries to understand how to exploit enemy weaknesses and behaviors, and then back to campaign on NH with Agent Hunt on. (While good for some quick fun, mercenaries can't hold a candle to the situations that can arise from having two skilled hunters try to kill you. It really feels like a fast paced game of Chess.) After that you'll usually be jumping between the AH areas in campaign and mercenaries with Last Stand equipped. I do prefer the way No Hope has everything setup compared to mercenaries though. Enemies shrug off most damage short of sniper headshots, explosives and power weapons. Stamina regenerates slower and the ammo drops get noticeably scarcer, which means you'd better know how enemies react and how to manage stamina and melee attacks properly. I feel mercenaries doesn't enforce the need to use the mechanics nearly as well as campaign in NH does. Either way both modes are the most fun I've ever had with an TPS in as long a time as I can remember.
vXArchonXv Notable differences on No Hope: Enemies are much more aggressive and take much more punishment. All J'avo non-chrysalis mutations are near impossible to stop with basic weapons and the frequency in which they mutate has increased. J'avo are less "mindless" and will use whatever weapon they posses and will maximum efficiency (J'avo with TMPs will shot at a distance, J'avo with melee weapons will try to swarm players). Enemies spend much less time taunt or being immobile. Obviously, no skills can be equipped, which means No Hope difficulty can't be cheesed through with the broken infinite ammo, def/firearms lvl 3 etc. All Herb drops have been replaced by money drops. Ammo drops are uncommon. Enemies are notably harder to basic melee stun, takedown stun and coop de grace stun. They're also harder to interrupt when they're attacking Enemies are stupidly accurate with guns. Enemy attacks are nothing short of lethal. Enemy grabs take 3/6th of your health or more (Rasklapanje's grab takes away 3 pips of health). Most Complete Mutations (the resulting creature from an opening Chrysalis) put you in dying status should their attacks connect against the player. Your health regeneration is much slower. When you die and restart at a checkpoint you'll only have 1/6th of your health. The most dangerous creatures are: Zombies with guns/armor/dynamite, Boodshots, Simmons, Haos, J'avo (J'avo are easily the hardest common enemies in the game), Gnezdo's, Strelats and Napad. The J'avo that obtain the Glava-Smech (pinsir head), Glava-Begunats (beserker head), Ruka-Srp (sickle arm), Ruka-Bedem (riot shield arm), Noga-Trchanje (insect legs), Noga-Let (leg flight), Noga-Skakanje (leg hoppers), Noga-Oklop (leg armor and increased mobility) and Telo-Krljusht (body armor) mutations upon being damaged.
I'm not sure if enemies become more aggressive on NH. Zombies definitely take more to setup from bullets though. You need to hit them at least twice in the arm or head for a frontal setup. Pretty much all enemy attacks take off 2 bars, minimum. You definitely never want to get stuck in a corner with a vomiting Strelats. That's pretty much instant death. And when you die, you restart with whatever health you had when you passed through the last checkpoint. Be it full or 1 bar. Health and stamina regen are much shorter, I can confirm that as well. I'll go over more with this comment later.
vXArchonXv Complete Mutations such as Napads, Mesets and Gnezdos have the power to put players in dying status from any hit or take off 3 bars. All enemies take much more punishment before dying. All bosses deal 5 bars of damage minimum or put players in dying status. Raslapanje's grab take 3 bars minimum and if you have 3 bars or less it leads to the death cutscene. Any J'avo's bodily mutation is taking away 3 bar or more if hit. About 4-6 stray bullets from enemy fire is taking 1 bar away with automatics. Sniper bullets remove 2 bars. Enemy explosives strip away 3 bar or more. In-game counter QTEs have a 10-20 frame window to execute and QTEs require more button mashing. Being stunlocked or grabbed is the last thing you want to happen because you're totally vulnerable to other enemy attacks when preoccupied with a current one.
The mechanics are really good. I just feel when people defend RE6, mechanical depths is the only thing that's being mentioned. I just went through the entire campaign again (this time on Switch), and boy oh boy there is a lot of unpolished bullshit in this game. Did anyone really enjoy collecting mcguffins during a snow storm? How about the never-ending car chase, the awful snowmobile escape or the motorbike sequence (where you will die if you go fast)? Or the never ending slog through the catacombs with Leon? Tldr: RE6 isn't just The Mercenaries.
@@ingobauer6144 Those are very small areas of the game. The largest is Jake's chapter 2 which indeed has some horrible segments. The only part of the catacombs that is a slog would be the very, very end after Helena and Leon push the boulder and have the subsequent escape sequence/Brzak fight. The only area of the snow mobile area that is genuinely awful is the very end where the glaciers rise up due to camera and hit detection problems. The motorcycle segment does not require you to go fast. The game will not fail you for taking your time with it. And I agree that Chris' Humvee segment goes on a little too long. The majority of the time you're in firefights or just fights in general (Leon's chapter 1 has around 200 enemies in it alone) I'd honestly say 20% of the game is bad and 80% is good. Thankfully the bad isn't all together and rather sprinkled around to its credit so that it doesn't grind the player down. Think of them as occasional bumps in the road from potholes that should or needed to be filled, as opposed to simply slamming into a wall and ending your journey right there. There is also the amount of content, the intersections, the well-done over-the-top presentation and the way the game interestingly breadcrumbs little of each campaign among each other to leave you interested in what happened when X character's campaign diverged from Y's. Agent Hunt is another thing that really helps make the campaign worth replaying and can really put your skills to the test in ways Mercenaries simply cannot. The game does epic in a way that a lot of games tend to fail at such as its predecessor did. And let's not pretend other games in the franchise didn't have their fair share of horrible segments. RE4 had some absolutely infuriating segments revolving around protecting Ashley (the crank room segment comes to mind as well as the wrecking ball). The horrible Del Lago fight with the wonky boat controls. Navigating the hedge maze in Salazar's castle. Having to chase a cultist Ganado in a loop simply to get an item for a door. Pretty much every QTE in the game was awful (6 at least kept them easy and more as a way of balancing the cinematic aspect of the game with interactions. Whereas in 4's case they were set up simply for cheap deaths every time due to their strict timing and randomized inputs), and honestly the entirety of the castle segment dragged on needlessly with a bunch of item fetch quests in awkwardly scattered about. The awful segment with you in the mining cart and the gotcha' QTE at the end that makes you have to repeat the whole section if you fail it. RE5 had the marshlands segment and the light laser puzzle rooms. The El Gigante fight and the car chase segment before that were also quite awful. The second Uroboros fight was a bullet sponge that dragged on for way too long. Most of the game itself wasn't well designed at its very core because the enemy numbers did not mesh well with the Survival Horror control scheme which is something RE4 did well. I'm not even going to get started on the disjointed mess that was RE8, or the content vacuum that is RE7. Monster Hunter, another beloved franchise has loads of awful design and pacing decisions that make some of the ones in RE6 look brilliant by comparison, but oddly gets a free pass. I begin to more and more realize that people really just hated RE going into full-blown action rather than for it being a "bad" game. 7 and 8's receptions kind of further cemented that. The first of which had less content and replayability than Anthem, and the latter which was a conceptual mess/creatively bankrupt with no real identity and rather just another above average horror game at best. I wouldn't by any means say it's a perfect game, but it does what it's supposed to do quite well as an action game which is what counts. The campaign is best described as a roller coaster ride with high points and low points, but definitely with far more high ones than low. If I had to give one true strike against the game it would be the occasional magnetic cameras during combat. I will never, ever defend doing something like that in the middle of a fight. Though I can give it some slack because there are parallels with terrible cameras in games like the first Ninja Gaiden and Metal Gear Rising. An action game needs a reliable camera for the player to coordinate properly and I've had many cheap hits put on me in all three games simply because of the camera being unreliable. But the devs when designing all three, for whatever reason, thought they were acceptable design choices even when their systems could have definitely used more thought and refinement. You need to use nuance when looking over a game's pros and cons rather than an outright black and white approach that seems to be the norm within much of today's game reviews. That's how I usually look at the design aspects of certain games by comparing them to their equivalents in others, I guess the TL;DR of this one is that RE6 is a bit unpolished or rough in certain areas, but when everything is all put together it's a great, but flawed action game.
I do love how the RE6 devs basically just aped some of the best aspects from Vanquish's combat lol. I'm not criticizing it, it's awesome and makes sense considering who made Vanquish, but it's just funny how much better RE6 felt to me after having some experience with Vanquish.
I found something the other day which I think is really cool and I’m not sure if anyone else knows about it but from what I can see nobody has at least talked about it, if you hold the sprint button and go forwards and then quickly hold back, your character will start walking backwards with the camera zoomed out. It’s probably not that useful but i have a few hundred hours in the game and I never knew about it so I’m just putting it out there. Great Video by the way, it was extremely useful to learn the different aspects of the gameplay when I was starting out.
Yep! It's strange that they even have it in there as an animation, but kind of cool too. They really did think of everything when it came to player movement in 6.
Even though I knew these I still watched man I love re6 alot.... 4 and 6th are my favorite....loved your video...I think we have played before too....this game have an amazing replay value
6 doesn't have the nice upgrade system that 4 and 5 did, nor the Raid mode that the Rev games did, but the sheer depth of the combat combined with the amount of content to play more than makes up for it. 2 and 6 are definitely my favorites!
Great vid. I'm currently playing RE6 but have not yet tried the other game modes. I checked your channel and saw you have other RE6 vids so I subscribed!
Dude big props to you for even putting this video out! You don’t know how much it helps us watching this cool moves you could pull off👍🏽👍🏽just fantastic to watch✨✨also i hope you’re 2021 is doing much better 🥰have a good one bro 😎
@@ygvivid9914 In all fairness this isn't even close to being a massively popular channel/video. Even so I don't have many videos uploaded so keeping track of things is fairly simple for me.
Tbh I found this greatly made video for combat mechanic animations and the satisfaction I mean this is one of the biggest reason why I love RE6 ik this game doesn't feel the horror it supposed to be. for me I despite horror games but what makes me play and love them is the combat mechanics for example I wanna feel the satisfaction of me kicking or punching the shit out of something like a monster who jumpscared me like this part 9:55, bro sent 3 mutated mfs flying with one ridiculously powerful kick I can also say the same thing like dead space original or remake. I got jumpscared multiple times but what I did instead of most people was giving em these knuckle sandwiches even if they don't do much dmg the vibration blood and and knock backs was good enough for me to enjoy
I would love to learn to actually play this game.I always liked it,but with this kinda effort put into combat i now realise that its probably the best re game
Im 8 years late, but DAMN ur good!!!! Ur so accurate with that slide!!! I try to do it mid combo like that and i either end up doing a front roll or missing their legs completely 😂
Try to quickly aim before setting up for the slide. It helps to make sure your character is going to go straight in the direction you're pointing the camera. Also. Thanks!
Something more akin to Scholar of the First Sin would work. The framework of the game is relatively sound, it just has a few areas that need polish. Would love to see a mode that adds in more enemies as well for campaign.
You know what’s really irritating? That the game’s tutorial insists on wasting your time with stupid QTEs instead of spending time teaching you about the elaborate combat system. Hell, it even shows you the stupid method of combining herbs instead of RB+[action button]
Yeah, though somewhat in its defense the manual herb combination is probably more useful and efficient than the auto one. Simply because you can do it while performing melee actions. Hell, you can even do it while running towards a locked on enemy with Jake. Capcom doesn't have a very good track record when it comes to helpful, concise tutorials for their games I've noticed.
I've been playing this game again because I saw your vid. I wish I got that god tier moves too. So far I've been struggling to recap all the controls 🤣
Cool gameplay dude, But I have some questions. What keybinds on controller you using for attack and aim button? I find my triggers don't react quick enough. Also is there any secret options im missing? I can never aim at there heads fast enough but maybe I just need get good XD. Awesome work though dude and keep slaying them infected. And people said this RE6 is bad the action is moreish.
I'm using default bindings. So on the 360/Xbox 1 controller it would be left and right triggers. L1 and R1 for PS3/4. Unless there's something wrong with your controller you may just need to practice it. One thing I do for counters that I know are coming is to keep my finger on the very tip of the trigger. Doesn't seem like much, but it helps make the timing a bit more accurate for me. And can do! I still try to play the game on a regular basis.
@@vXArchonXv Thanks for the reply, I think in truthfully is because over the years I got more used to the sensitivity of mouse. But some of my gameplay has improved after the video will keep trying to master it on mouse and controller, I have plenty of timeXD. Love my RE games but was late getting this as there was alot hatred, Yet I'm loving the action in 6. Thanks for help and you deserve my sub, keep em coming.
re6 is probably the most advanced shooter I've played. funnily enough it's in a franchise of survival horror games. and your gameplay is the best I've ever seen
@@vXArchonXv I actually haven't played Warframe so I've got no say on that. anyways i have a little question if you don't mind, how do you instantly headshot an enemy right after you dodge backwards like in 12:57 ? Is it just luck or is there some skill to it cuz I definitely saw you did it multiple times
@@constantine9439 You should definitely check Warframe out if you like shooters with a lot of depth and some light RPG elements. Here's a video that goes into detail about all the movement options in it. To answer your question I'll just copy and paste a response to the same thing I was asked by someone else: It is possible to nail an enemy in the head while dodging backwards if you time it right. Think of it like a rhythm game where you have to time your press at just the right time to score a Perfect. If memory serves, I usually fire just as my character starts to fall after jumping backwards. That's generally the time you're most likely to be lined up with the head.
I don't know. Innate talent is definitely needed, but practice was also required. So maybe. Maybe not? I've improved a lot myself, even when compared to the stuff in this video.
More guide!! Nice! I sub Additional tip for zombie fast kill: If it is a civilian or normal Zombie without protection on its body just go and shoot it on arm to make them spin around to stun them and go on the zombie to do the attack animation and more tip is when you are struggling on the Pink strong that whatever it's name is you just go a little bit far on it then aim and when it jumps just counter it for one hit and on the other zombie just do what he did and last is the firefighter zombie, I rather shoot it on the arm to make the zombie spin and shot its back to explode the tank on its back. I dont know what to do with the fat one so... Whatsoever. Shriek or the one with loud shout... Well you know what to do... 😊😊😊 And for the Javo, just go and copy his style because it's goddamn perfect!
Heavily unlikely. I like that they're going with a darker and more atmospheric feel with REmake 4, but I doubt we'll see anything as intricate as RE6 in terms of gameplay.
I do know of one video by Allen Xiong showing off a lot of them. Unless you're asking the best way to approach certain types of counters, rather than the different kinds of counters themselves. I'd be happy to answer any of your questions on that topic!
Man good thing i bought this from my switch i actually praticing this moves that you did and im actually kinda feel like in the movie of resident evil vendetta which chris and leon.....well im still far from it the only thing i can do is the fast reload, dodging to recover stamina, timing attacks to attack other enmies while they are stun and the remote bomb slide thing... But the only thing i need to know is when you shoot the javo in the head backward dodge yet you still hit to the head how do you do it tho? Im still confused from it in 12:55 quick shot and then successful hit another in the head with the back dodge. How??
It's really just timing, I didn't hit him in the head though, my guess is that the initial quickshot hit him in the arm and then I shot him there again as I jumped back. It is possible to nail an enemy in the head while dodging backwards if you time it right. Think of it like a rhythm game where you have to time your press at just the right time to score a Perfect.
Would you ever be up for explaining the unique weapons/style of the playable characters? An informative video of Jake's hand-to-hand ability would be very cool and helpful!
It's funny that you should ask that! I've been recently thinking about doing detailed guides on how to use certain weapons and how to approach certain enemies. Who knows? : D
Guts Stronhart I've been doing what I can! The more people are informed about the combat system, the better! I've seen people that despised this game do a 180 once they took the time to learn it.
Unlikely since there are videos for that already out there. In fact it's easy enough to type out here. Reticule: More visible, always on-screen with weapons like Piers' mutated arm. Larger spread. Laser: Less visible, doesn't show up when aiming with weapons like Piers' mutated arm. Tighter spread. I'd personally pick laser for the tighter spread alone since the game is more about precision shooting, rather than spray and pray.
@@vXArchonXv yeah but actually seeing you go through with the examples and explanation in general is better than reading 😭😭😭 com'on, your a boss! You can do it. I will be making tutorial videos myself with in-depth explanations, but at the moment I'm doing weapon testing on re2 remake with zombie behavior ect. Then work backwards from there. I've been extremely lazy with my channel....
Oddly despite the hate it seems to have a relatively sizable following. I'm still learning stuff about it, found out recently that you transition can into a 180 slide when hopping over small gaps like the train car ceilings in Rail Yard.
Tips on stamina management? I tried (first time mercs) these concepts on mercs map 1 leon. The game is very forgiving compared to no hope mode but I found myself spamming quickshot takedown and quickly losing all my stamina. I ended up stalling for stamina or running away which is very time inefficient.
It kind of goes hand in hand with dodging and laying prone while aiming. Pacing your shots can also help since your stamina recover stops while prone whenever you're firing. Another good idea is to waste your stamina completely, or down to 1 bar, when you've also lost a bar of health and have a tablet. All you need to do is take one tablet and it will restore your stamina completely. Really only use quickshots on enemies that you cannot get a reliable headshot or proper stun on, or are in positions that would take longer to manually aim (behind or to the side). Power weapons with fast quickshots like the handcannons are also great for getting almost guaranteed kills in Mercs or lower campaign difficulties. If you do play No Hope, keep in mind that stamina regen is roughly halved compared to Mercs and other difficulties. You can also equip Natural Healing in mercs to slightly speed up your stamina regen if you're really having trouble. Taunting in Mercs will also restore stamina rapidly. Mixing up your regular melees with counters is also great as they deal tons of damage with no usage of stamina. There are also a few melee attacks that do not consume stamina at all. Kicking dogs, grappling Strelatses (lizards), shoving dynamite in a zombie's mouth or pulling the pin on its grenade. Bosses also have some unique animations that take no stamina to perform.. Never spam quickshots unless it's Jake's hand to hand or Helena's Hydra. Quickshots are meant mainly as setups or stuns, not kills. Leon's Twinshooters are pretty much worthless for comboing except to launch exploders in Mercs. Also try to never quickshot with slow weapons like shotguns, sniper rifles, or Piers' AMR unless you're sure you can wait out the animation. If you're about to lose a combo and don't really have time to turn and aim at an enemy behind or to the side of you, equip a power weapon and quickshot. Even a shotgun or rifle will usually do the trick if needed. There's also a strange bug that occurs when you reload while sliding. If you start reloading before you hit the ground, it will keep the slide from using any stamina. Hope that helps! If you want something more in-depth, you can always check out my stream at I usually stream around 11 PM.
I wish I could play mercenaries on Re6 like that- I dominated four and five but six I have always struggled just getting a B😞 It’s frustrating I think probably because the Maps is so incredibly large is difficult to compensate for. Maybe I’ll give it a shot since I got the remaster but otherwise very impressive
Every map has a "central" area where you can stay and have enemies consistently come to you. Mining the Depths has the center area with the raised platform in the middle. Rail Yard has the area of the train tracks by the ladder (usually go upstairs and continue at 80 combo because of the rockets that spawn, and the snipers later). Just be careful about how you using crowd control weapons like grenades and remote bombs because if you kill everything at once, the new spawns won't get to you in time before the combo runs out.
Not as far as I've seen. Maybe slight damage reduction at most. I usually just pre-empt them. They both spawn at 60 kills. One on a cargo container near stairs leading to the lower deck, and the other near little com station (the same type that Piers has to disable in Chris' 5-5). The one by the cargo box will either climb up a ledge onto the box itself, or run through the adjacent box above it. Either way it will almost always stop and fire at the player from atop the cargo box. The one by the com station will generally ignore the player and instead make its way onto the top of the com station via a predetermined path. I suggest keeping an eye on the one on the cargo box first since it almost always gets in position before the one by the com station.
@@vXArchonXv thx for the tip, appreciated that Yeah with some good practice handgun shots would do the job since with the shotgun is really hard to get the distance closed
It really depends on how far away you are. If you're standing a little past where the stairs are in the area that the J'avo on the cargo box is, you can probably just "snipe" him with the shotgun. It has some deceptively long range in this game.
Haven't really been keeping up on Resident Evil since finishing 8. The chainsaw parry is pretty crazy. If they lift the overall combat system from 6 for the REmake of 4 I'll buy it day one. Otherwise I'll probably pass.
@@vXArchonXv lol 😂😂 But I knew revelations 2 mechanics would fit the Re 4 Remake. It almost have the same isolated feeling. Its hilarious that they are praising the parry system but they hate Re 6 for too much action. Hypocrites asf.😂😂
@@vXArchonXv Dude watch the gameplay they literally add the parry in Re 6. Re 4 fanboys on FB group are hypocrites when I said they suddenly praised Re 4 for having parries but complain with Re 6 having too many QTEs when its only Leons campaign that overused the QTE but they also said Leons campaign is the best.WTF? 😂😂
Yep. I love the irony of people generally liking Leon's campaign the most when it's the one with the majority of the game's QTEs in it. I've come to rather dislike the hypocrisy that is present in the RE community.
Somewhat. The real tricky part is putting all the mechanics together in a way that is fluid and pleasing to watch. I suppose the phrase "Simple to learn. Hard to master." is appropriate here.
I think they come with the next-gen and PC ports of the game. The seventh gen consoles (Xbox 360 and PS3) require you to purchase them off their respective stores. Assuming they're still running for those consoles.
Camera Speed - 6 Aiming - 5 Default Camera Field of View - 15 Field of View When Aiming - 0 Position When Aiming - 0 Keep in mind this is on Controller.
I got the original ps3 version and my brother never downloaded the extra stages. I started playing recently and i suck 😅. This video is inspiring me. Is there a way to get the rest of the merc stages downloaded from somewhere?
@@vXArchonXv my brother forgot the account pw and all that. I never messed with that so I wouldn't know. I just imagine by now it could be downloaded somehow.
Y Zhang It's a bit tricky to get the hang of first until you learn just where you/the camera needs to be before the context prompt goes away. What I like to do to avoid the context is to also kind of move to the side of my target while looking to their right or left (whichever direction I just moved in). The game will then auto target the melee for you. If you need live help at all, I'd be more than happy to help you the next time I stream on Twitch!
Last Stand, since it makes Mercenaries more challenging by causing me to take 3x the normal amount of damage and boosting my own damage output to 150%.
Quickshot is performed simply by pressing the Aim and Fire keys both at the same time. There should be a control scheme image and description you can find with Google, or you could find it in Misfortune's Ultimate RE6 Guide (link in video description).
I'll copy-paste what I posted on my Twitter. Probably more concise than trying to rewrite it from memory here. - Really love the darker, more atmospheric and horror look. It's what I had always wanted from the original. - Melee feels very smooth when transitioning from running at an enemy. - I like that enemies are more aggressive to compensate for Leon's own increased mobility. - Movement feels a bit slippery (Think the original Halo) at times. - Not a huge fan of how generous the parry windows are on the knife. Feels like something you'd find in a budget game. - Aiming feels a bit wobbly, but that may simply be my settings. - No doge to save anymore. : ( - Knife seems less viable as a weapon to complement melee due to durability and seemingly smaller hit box. - Death animations range from "Meh" (No decapitations from chainsaw death) to brutal (Leon getting his eyes gouged out by a Ganado when he takes fatal damage during a grapple) - Cinematography is very well done. - Combat isn't RE6-tier (Not that I was expecting it), but it's certainly a nice evolution of the original 4's. Once I get used to how the controls handle I get the feeling the game is going to feel very smooth. Especially in Mercenaries. My overall impression is rather positive and I'm really looking forward to seeing how Capcom incorporates the updated aspects into the old encounters and enemy types. I'm hoping new enemies will also be added in.
@@vXArchonXv Cant wait too. At least they made Re 4 AUTHENTIC and CONGRUENT with Leon moving like an agent. But bro you have to admit, the kicking and knife sound is so satisfying. Re 6 has great melees but the problem is it sounds arecadey? You know what I mean? It doesnt have crunchy sounds. Nut we will get our Re 6 remake its not too far off. 😂😂
Not a problem! I'd have to, however, ask exactly how you see them use it to give you an explanation. It's good for setting up stuns or hitting an enemy a second time for a heavy stun. Good way to slide past or under enemy attacks and break time bonuses. One of the most obscure but useful things is to quickly set a Remote Bomb on the ground without having to do risky standing animation for it. I'd honestly suggest never using the standing animation for the Remote Bomb. Way too many recovery frames.
@@vXArchonXv dude. Thank you so much. Your first gues was right. Looking back it is def due to hit stuns. Your response is greatly appreciated. I'm a huge resi fan and overlooked this game due to negative reviews. Went back a month ago and boy was a wrong. Such a gem of a game. Thanks again
Me and my friend are gonna do re6 full story on professional, so I'm here looking at tips to reduce the chances of our asses getting handed to us. THX!❤✊
@@Enzed_ Sure! I can list them off. Controls Aiming Reticule - Classic Dominant Hand - Manual Reload - Manual ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera Y-Axis - Inverse X-Axis - Default Speed - 6 Aiming Y-Axis - Inverse X-Axis - Default Speed - 5 Other Aiming Direction - Camera Dash Camera Reset - Centered Default Camera Field of View - 15 Filed of View When Aiming - 0 Position When Aiming - 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Settings Hud Position - Set Right Icon Display - On Auto Action Button (Automatically Performs Cinematic QTEs) - On ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Display Brightness - 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@Enzed_ Precision. I've tried it with aiming FoV at 15 and it was harder to make precise shots because the lack of zooming made my target "smaller" so I couldn't land headshots as well.
If you mean when I quickshot with a pistol and then switch to a headshot-capable weapon, then no. I simply use the quickshot to assist in lining up the subsequent headshot since it always moves the camera/aim to the general direction of the target, which is much faster than manually aiming. Very good trick to learn since standing and aiming in this game for any lengthy period of time is a good way to get killed. Think of the flow of gameplay in a similar way to DOOM 2016: If you stop moving. You die.
@@vXArchonXv So you're just a pro at aiming at their heads instantly? 'cause i don't know if some things you pull off in here are legit or not, you just dodge and then the reticle is at their heads, no movement required, tf is that?
I generally use my dodges to line up my headshots, but no, it's not like REmake 3 where aiming after a perfect dodge automatically locks onto the head. One thing that I have noticed about quickshots that may help, is that it always leaves your reticule centered on the target's body. So you can assume that your laser sight will always be in the middle of the enemy when you go to aim. Going off that, it's a simple matter to know how far up you'll have to aim for a head shot. You'll have to adjust appropriately when QSing an enemy in the back, and at that point it's generally better to follow up with a slide for a hard stun instead of wasting your time running around to their front. I would like to point out that the trick mentioned above is much more effective on J'avo. QSing them almost always causes an animation where they slump and their head goes roughly level to the center of their body. Which means you're practically setup for a headshot the moment you aim. That's the reason it looks like it's locking onto their heads. You can try this on zombies too, but it doesn't work as well because of how "loose" their stun animation is compared to J'avo.
@@vXArchonXv How do these connect so perfectly? 4:59 , 5:38 , 5:55 , 6:59 , 8:49 , 13:35 , 13:42 , 14:14 , 18:32 I can't find an explanation for that, it does seems like your dodges are aiming directly at their heads, but most of the other headshots were just you being good at aiming.
Ah, right, those, I just have the timing down for them. I've gotten a good idea of the relative timing and/or positioning needed during a dodge to line up a headshot. You can also see it here with the Semi-Auto Rifle You can't do it with weapons like the Crossbow, Bolt-Action Sniper, or Piers' AMR because they have a completely unpredictable aiming pattern until you come to a certain point in the slide animation,
There really isn't anything like it mechanically and how they all fit together. There are games with similar approaches to combat where the game requires the player to get up close and personal to quickly dispatch them. Vanquish, Warhammer 40k Space Marine. The closest I've played in terms of the range of movement and options allowed in a shooter are Dying Light, Warframe, and Splinter Cell: Blacklist.
@@vXArchonXv My dream game for a Resident Evil game is combination of Re 6 and Last of Us 2 melee attacks of knife and brutalness. How about Gears of War they say they have comparison with Re 6
@@jackjax7921 I've never played either of The Last of Us games. And comparing GoW with RE6 makes even less sense than comparing GoW with Vanquish. When someone calls 6 a GoW clone that's already a red flag that they have no idea what they're talking about.
Going to come back to this. Space Marine 2 is the closest game I've played so far that nails the feeling I get playing RE6. It doesn't have the depth 6 does, but it is a terrific shooter/melee hybrid.
I think you need to get at least a B-Rank (Maybe A?) on The Catacombs. Starting with Mining the Depths, earning a certain rank will unlock the next level and so on.
What 2000 years of playing re6 looks like
It can certainly get pretty crazy.
this is how I imagine the agent canonically fights now
Jajajaja your right bro
FINALLY!! Someone else who appreciates the ability to lay down. I abuse the hell out of the move where you roll forward, then throw yourself further and spin around
10 years later we're realising we all slept on an 11/10 game, superb stuff man, this is the way!
I wouldn’t say 11/10 but it’s pretty damn high and a fun party game my cousin and I love playing this game to see who can get the highest score
@dayvonlouis5187 thing is, a lot of what lends to its obscurity, expecially in reference to its release year- is backlash from RE5 leading to a low faith narrative within the playerbase and a number of other titles using unique/evoled concepts- take for example the rise of fortnite etc at the time
Always loved the game but until late 2014 or so I didn't realize the smartphone thing was purely a GUI theme for Leon's campaign. Then I saw Archon, wow. What a wizard I don't think I will ever get to his level but I do want to be able to do 150 combos with last stand that sounds pretty fun.
thats you bro
You stfu this game was amazing suck a dick bitch@@JohnSmith-wt5zw
Its 2021 and im watching this video at LEAST once a week trying to get as good as this guy was 8 years ago 😭 dude is god level!!!!
Thanks! Though now that I go back and look at my gameplay here it looks really sloppy compared to how I play now. A lot of time spent standing and waiting for counters or lining up headshots.
Its 2023 and I am watching now
I got A and S ranks on all mercenaries in RE5 and my next quest is the same for RE6. I just sorta started mercs on re6 a few months ago...I'm stil getting familiar with it....playing story mode for fun vs playing mercs seriously is a whole different experience
A must-have feature in RE6 Remake is a guide to combat mechanics.
Re 6 has a very well made and intricate combat system, I would argue that it does action better than a lot of other games.
Too bad people didnt bother learning it but praises Re 4 with its simplistic combat with garbage controls.
@@jackjax7921 controls aren't garbage, you got to learn them like anything else and its just as fluid. Just watch skilled dudes playing mercenaries.
absolutely, and that's why i loved re6
@@asddsdsssd Play Re 4 Remake. Re 4 OG is garbage controls.
@@jackjax7921No. It doesn't. I played RE4R before I played RE4 OG, and even then I had a fine time with the controls. If you think RE4 OG has garbage controls, then you just have a major skill issue. You probably think the fixed camera angles tank controls are garbage too lmao. Always funny seeing people call stuff garbage just because they're awful at it themselves.
I had no idea the controls were so intricate in this game. You opened my eyes to a totally different playstyle. This is god tier playing :0
150-hit combo solo and no damage taken on Requiem for war! You're a boss! On top of that, your gamestyle is very unique and entertaining to watch!
+KrieGor27 Thanks! I think this was the best Mercs match I ever had. And I'm very happy that it was the one I used for the demo video! I've put a lot of effort and time into refining my fighting style!
KrierGor27 6:58
not really unique if you don't notice the AI also does this so I think this is the way the devs wanted this to be played
Me and a friend just picked this up during the recent capcom sale and we've been having a blast! I appreciate your video showing just how much depth and nuance there is to the combat in this game. It's really helped me address a lot of frustrations I've had while playing such as figuring out how to do certain movements, the criteria for setting up a follow-up/finisher, and just overall making the gameplay feel much more stylish and fluid. Thank you!
Great to hear! That means the world to me! That's part of what these videos are here for. Trying to do my best to get more people into an underappreciated Capcom game!
Man, your playstyle is very entertaining! Makes me want to play this again right now!
People who said RE6 has ugly control should look into this video, you exhibit the dodge moves very well to shows that.
I really hate when reviewers or someone saying something like "the laying down control is stupid, it doesn't gives you any practical advantage, if any, it puts you in vulnerable position".... Geez, they are the one who are stupid actually, I mean, come on, off course you have to move around while laying low, not laying still! Common sense.
Well most of the "reviews" of RE6 are very poorly formed (and I've read a LOT, both from the pro reviewers and fans). I'd go over them in detail, but this is about the mechanics. But yes. Controls are the best I've ever seen in a shooter. I try to do what I can to play at my very best! : D
I may one day put up a video on how to, and how not to approach situations someday. But I'm glad you and others enjoyed this video!
+vXArchonXv Yeah, I can understand that this game is not scary like people expected to be, as this game is heavily action-packed. But saying so far like "this game is the WORST RE EVER" or "this game is SHIT"... GEEZ.
So they prefer Chris, Leon and others to move tank-ishly like an idiot? And prefer unrealistic camera view?
Hahaha stupid fanboys.
Anyway yes, I enjoyed very much this video man, keep up the good work! :D
Tom Jordan I do feel that the nostalgic types that hate on the game had an negative effect on the people who picked the game up and played it casually. The game has a learning curve that you're not going to pick up that well in the first playthrough. Usually hone your skills in Mercs and then come back and play the Agent Hunt areas on No Hope (shit gets crazy when you have two good agent hunters chasing you down).
Capcom also made some PR announcements that they really should not have, which damned the game further. : (
Not true. When laying down, there are advantages. Most enemies (not counting crawling zombies) have longer animations for attacking a down player. You have quicker access to your dodge since all you need to do is do a single input, instead of a combination. Most importantly, aside from Jake's stance charge, and taking cover, it's the only way to make your stamina regenerate quickly.
Tom Jordan i like the game, however making the sprint button the same as the other action movements(climbing ladder etc) was a fucking dumb decision
I haven't finished the video yet but so far this looks stupidly cool and fun to play!! I recently bought re6 for me and my friends to play and I plan on practicing these techniques for when I play so thank you so much for this video bro you did a hella good job!!! 👍
Wow... I've never seen RE6 gameplay look so fun. I really enjoyed every minute of the demonstration video. Thank you for the tips and entertainment! :D
Thanks! The demo video is quite dated, so this may pique your interest.
damn that reload animation canceling is so sick, reminds me about the old counter strike quick reload trick for switching between sniper rifle and knife.
Now that I think about it, I'm a bit reminded of cancelling the reload animation in the first Halo with a well-timed melee or weapons switch. It's doable in H2, (at least the weapon switching) but a lot harder. Really wish Halo 2 PC weren't dead, was so much fun to play when you smoothed out some of the technical problems the port had.
Despite the bad reviews, my friend and I are doing our first ever playthrough of RE6, so I'm glad I came across your video. I want to learn some of this stuff as I play through the campaign. I think Capcom should return to this style of shooter (maybe for another IP) and perfect it. Even when I played the demo, I saw a lot of potential here. It's unfortunate that the game's reputation tanked like it did. Anyway, I'm enjoying your video.
My friends and I have been saying they should have gone this route for Dino Crisis 4. If they don't do that, then they should make a Mercenaries Reunion styled game that is a collection of various enemies, characters and setting from the RE franchise (of course with 6's mechanics as its mainstay).
Umbrella Corps could have been that game, but Capcom really screwed up. It plays nothing like 6 (plays more like a typical Western shooter) and has almost nothing for content. I liked the idea of having a self-insert, customizable character that was a trained badass/BOW exterminator, but that's about the only concept they did right in it. I'd also take out the PvP aspect since RE6 mechanics aren't balanced or designed at all for that style of play. Agent Hunt is, however, great if severely unpolished.
@@vXArchonXv A Dino Crisis in this style would be amazing. They could really go crazy with it. But I also wouldn't mind a straight up Mercenaries game. They only did that once and it was on the 3DS I believe. I've been wanting Capcom to do a more Raid or Mercenary based game that's stand alone from the mainline games.
It's crazy how an 8 year old zombie game still has better movement and combat options than any actual shooter today. If only games would start experimenting from the last 15 years of wasd to walk, c to crouch, right click to aim, and left click to shoot.
That's not entirely true. We have amazing movement systems like in Warframe and Splinter Cell: Blacklist, but RE6 is definitely top tier alongside them.
Don't forget about Titanfall
@@UnrealAxel27 Titanfall is more basic, but still has some nice gameplay for a FPS competitive shooter. However nothing will top Dying Light in that category (not even Breakdown). Dying Light is just an amazing and underrated game.
I’m still playing this game on pc and switch. Mercenaries was the ultimate mode!
Same here! It's definitely one of the best things about RE6!
Wow, your gameplay is amazing. So fluid and stylish.
Thanks! Now that I look at this video, I realize how much I've improved when comparing it to my more recent gameplay.
@@vXArchonXv wooooow i watched that twitch video and just.... Wow..... I pretty much considered the knife useless lol its crazy how much i have to learn still ALL THESE YEARS later lol
I will never forgive Capcom for not giving this game an actual proper set of tutorials. If they only had taken the time to do that, I'm sure this game would be seen under a much better light today.
Maybe so, maybe no. Once the combat system was explained, people started complaining about the level design for some reason. Like they knew they were wrong, but wanted to save face with more nonsense. Oh well.
Controls are hard but you sound like a scrub
@@WVY.iscold No need to insult. : /
Excellent overview of the more, intricate tech of the game. On the campaign modes in general, Res6 is a punishing game (notably on No Hope, above normal mode, and with no skills equipped). The amount of invincibility frames you get in this game are fewer. Thankfully, the Mercenaries mode is THE best place to learn enemy attack animations and their weaknesses.
It was interesting to put together, that's for sure! While as far as I know on NH the game doesn't reduce I-Frames, though certain enemies hit a lot harder (one bullet from an LMG J'avo takes half a bar of health). And yeah, going through the game the first time in campaign on Veteran is usually your best bet as a primer for getting a feel for the game. After that it's on to Mercenaries to understand how to exploit enemy weaknesses and behaviors, and then back to campaign on NH with Agent Hunt on. (While good for some quick fun, mercenaries can't hold a candle to the situations that can arise from having two skilled hunters try to kill you. It really feels like a fast paced game of Chess.) After that you'll usually be jumping between the AH areas in campaign and mercenaries with Last Stand equipped.
I do prefer the way No Hope has everything setup compared to mercenaries though. Enemies shrug off most damage short of sniper headshots, explosives and power weapons. Stamina regenerates slower and the ammo drops get noticeably scarcer, which means you'd better know how enemies react and how to manage stamina and melee attacks properly. I feel mercenaries doesn't enforce the need to use the mechanics nearly as well as campaign in NH does. Either way both modes are the most fun I've ever had with an TPS in as long a time as I can remember.
vXArchonXv Notable differences on No Hope:
Enemies are much more aggressive and take much more punishment.
All J'avo non-chrysalis mutations are near impossible to stop with basic weapons and the frequency in which they mutate has increased. J'avo are less "mindless" and will use whatever weapon they posses and will maximum efficiency (J'avo with TMPs will shot at a distance, J'avo with melee weapons will try to swarm players).
Enemies spend much less time taunt or being immobile.
Obviously, no skills can be equipped, which means No Hope difficulty can't be cheesed through with the broken infinite ammo, def/firearms lvl 3 etc.
All Herb drops have been replaced by money drops. Ammo drops are uncommon.
Enemies are notably harder to basic melee stun, takedown stun and coop de grace stun. They're also harder to interrupt when they're attacking
Enemies are stupidly accurate with guns.
Enemy attacks are nothing short of lethal.
Enemy grabs take 3/6th of your health or more (Rasklapanje's grab takes away 3 pips of health).
Most Complete Mutations (the resulting creature from an opening Chrysalis) put you in dying status should their attacks connect against the player.
Your health regeneration is much slower.
When you die and restart at a checkpoint you'll only have 1/6th of your health.
The most dangerous creatures are:
Zombies with guns/armor/dynamite, Boodshots, Simmons, Haos, J'avo (J'avo are easily the hardest common enemies in the game), Gnezdo's, Strelats and Napad. The J'avo that obtain the Glava-Smech (pinsir head), Glava-Begunats (beserker head), Ruka-Srp (sickle arm), Ruka-Bedem (riot shield arm), Noga-Trchanje (insect legs), Noga-Let (leg flight), Noga-Skakanje (leg hoppers), Noga-Oklop (leg armor and increased mobility) and Telo-Krljusht (body armor) mutations upon being damaged.
I'm not sure if enemies become more aggressive on NH.
Zombies definitely take more to setup from bullets though. You need to hit them at least twice in the arm or head for a frontal setup.
Pretty much all enemy attacks take off 2 bars, minimum. You definitely never want to get stuck in a corner with a vomiting Strelats. That's pretty much instant death.
And when you die, you restart with whatever health you had when you passed through the last checkpoint. Be it full or 1 bar.
Health and stamina regen are much shorter, I can confirm that as well.
I'll go over more with this comment later.
vXArchonXv Complete Mutations such as Napads, Mesets and Gnezdos have the power to put players in dying status from any hit or take off 3 bars. All enemies take much more punishment before dying.
All bosses deal 5 bars of damage minimum or put players in dying status. Raslapanje's grab take 3 bars minimum and if you have 3 bars or less it leads to the death cutscene.
Any J'avo's bodily mutation is taking away 3 bar or more if hit. About 4-6 stray bullets from enemy fire is taking 1 bar away with automatics. Sniper bullets remove 2 bars. Enemy explosives strip away 3 bar or more.
In-game counter QTEs have a 10-20 frame window to execute and QTEs require more button mashing.
Being stunlocked or grabbed is the last thing you want to happen because you're totally vulnerable to other enemy attacks when preoccupied with a current one.
Also to anyone who hasn't figured it out yet, you regain stamina faster while lying on the ground (also for charging stance as jake)
Very cool. I was thinking about buying the game and this video convinced me.
Glad to hear it! It has a learning curve, but also some of the most satisfying gameplay you'll ever find in a TPS.
People hate this game but honestly i find it very fun, the gameplay mechanics are really good.
The mechanics are really good. I just feel when people defend RE6, mechanical depths is the only thing that's being mentioned. I just went through the entire campaign again (this time on Switch), and boy oh boy there is a lot of unpolished bullshit in this game. Did anyone really enjoy collecting mcguffins during a snow storm? How about the never-ending car chase, the awful snowmobile escape or the motorbike sequence (where you will die if you go fast)? Or the never ending slog through the catacombs with Leon?
Tldr: RE6 isn't just The Mercenaries.
@@ingobauer6144 Those are very small areas of the game. The largest is Jake's chapter 2 which indeed has some horrible segments. The only part of the catacombs that is a slog would be the very, very end after Helena and Leon push the boulder and have the subsequent escape sequence/Brzak fight.
The only area of the snow mobile area that is genuinely awful is the very end where the glaciers rise up due to camera and hit detection problems.
The motorcycle segment does not require you to go fast. The game will not fail you for taking your time with it.
And I agree that Chris' Humvee segment goes on a little too long.
The majority of the time you're in firefights or just fights in general (Leon's chapter 1 has around 200 enemies in it alone) I'd honestly say 20% of the game is bad and 80% is good. Thankfully the bad isn't all together and rather sprinkled around to its credit so that it doesn't grind the player down. Think of them as occasional bumps in the road from potholes that should or needed to be filled, as opposed to simply slamming into a wall and ending your journey right there.
There is also the amount of content, the intersections, the well-done over-the-top presentation and the way the game interestingly breadcrumbs little of each campaign among each other to leave you interested in what happened when X character's campaign diverged from Y's. Agent Hunt is another thing that really helps make the campaign worth replaying and can really put your skills to the test in ways Mercenaries simply cannot.
The game does epic in a way that a lot of games tend to fail at such as its predecessor did.
And let's not pretend other games in the franchise didn't have their fair share of horrible segments. RE4 had some absolutely infuriating segments revolving around protecting Ashley (the crank room segment comes to mind as well as the wrecking ball). The horrible Del Lago fight with the wonky boat controls. Navigating the hedge maze in Salazar's castle. Having to chase a cultist Ganado in a loop simply to get an item for a door.
Pretty much every QTE in the game was awful (6 at least kept them easy and more as a way of balancing the cinematic aspect of the game with interactions. Whereas in 4's case they were set up simply for cheap deaths every time due to their strict timing and randomized inputs), and honestly the entirety of the castle segment dragged on needlessly with a bunch of item fetch quests in awkwardly scattered about. The awful segment with you in the mining cart and the gotcha' QTE at the end that makes you have to repeat the whole section if you fail it.
RE5 had the marshlands segment and the light laser puzzle rooms. The El Gigante fight and the car chase segment before that were also quite awful. The second Uroboros fight was a bullet sponge that dragged on for way too long. Most of the game itself wasn't well designed at its very core because the enemy numbers did not mesh well with the Survival Horror control scheme which is something RE4 did well.
I'm not even going to get started on the disjointed mess that was RE8, or the content vacuum that is RE7.
Monster Hunter, another beloved franchise has loads of awful design and pacing decisions that make some of the ones in RE6 look brilliant by comparison, but oddly gets a free pass. I begin to more and more realize that people really just hated RE going into full-blown action rather than for it being a "bad" game. 7 and 8's receptions kind of further cemented that. The first of which had less content and replayability than Anthem, and the latter which was a conceptual mess/creatively bankrupt with no real identity and rather just another above average horror game at best.
I wouldn't by any means say it's a perfect game, but it does what it's supposed to do quite well as an action game which is what counts. The campaign is best described as a roller coaster ride with high points and low points, but definitely with far more high ones than low.
If I had to give one true strike against the game it would be the occasional magnetic cameras during combat. I will never, ever defend doing something like that in the middle of a fight. Though I can give it some slack because there are parallels with terrible cameras in games like the first Ninja Gaiden and Metal Gear Rising. An action game needs a reliable camera for the player to coordinate properly and I've had many cheap hits put on me in all three games simply because of the camera being unreliable. But the devs when designing all three, for whatever reason, thought they were acceptable design choices even when their systems could have definitely used more thought and refinement. You need to use nuance when looking over a game's pros and cons rather than an outright black and white approach that seems to be the norm within much of today's game reviews. That's how I usually look at the design aspects of certain games by comparing them to their equivalents in others,
I guess the TL;DR of this one is that RE6 is a bit unpolished or rough in certain areas, but when everything is all put together it's a great, but flawed action game.
I’m glad RE decided to help us not feel so weak and hopeless. You actually play a strong character fighting back not just trying to survive.
Awesome guide and gameplay mate.
+Semih Gunay Thanks! I've been working non-stop to improve as I play more!
I do love how the RE6 devs basically just aped some of the best aspects from Vanquish's combat lol. I'm not criticizing it, it's awesome and makes sense considering who made Vanquish, but it's just funny how much better RE6 felt to me after having some experience with Vanquish.
12 years later and dude you're a lot better than me
Been a long 12 years of dedication to the game! : D
I found something the other day which I think is really cool and I’m not sure if anyone else knows about it but from what I can see nobody has at least talked about it, if you hold the sprint button and go forwards and then quickly hold back, your character will start walking backwards with the camera zoomed out. It’s probably not that useful but i have a few hundred hours in the game and I never knew about it so I’m just putting it out there. Great Video by the way, it was extremely useful to learn the different aspects of the gameplay when I was starting out.
Yep! It's strange that they even have it in there as an animation, but kind of cool too. They really did think of everything when it came to player movement in 6.
Even though I knew these I still watched man I love re6 alot....
4 and 6th are my favorite....loved your video...I think we have played before too....this game have an amazing replay value
6 doesn't have the nice upgrade system that 4 and 5 did, nor the Raid mode that the Rev games did, but the sheer depth of the combat combined with the amount of content to play more than makes up for it. 2 and 6 are definitely my favorites!
Am coming back to the game with a friend, and am having a blast, i hope to find people to play the other game modes.
Beautiful video, man I wish so much people played this game more.
There's still a fair amount on PC (Mostly Campaign) Averages around 300 to 400 regular players.
@@vXArchonXv yeah I get to play with a few sometimes, but like Predator and such
Great vid. I'm currently playing RE6 but have not yet tried the other game modes.
I checked your channel and saw you have other RE6 vids so I subscribed!
Dude big props to you for even putting this video out! You don’t know how much it helps us watching this cool moves you could pull off👍🏽👍🏽just fantastic to watch✨✨also i hope you’re 2021 is doing much better 🥰have a good one bro 😎
Thanks, and same to you! Hope your 2021 is going well!
Holy shit the combat in this game is so good
-what anyone would say after watching this video
I've gotten that reaction from both people that loved and people that hated the game.
@@vXArchonXv 5 years after this video came out and you still liked his comment and liked it your a goat
@@ygvivid9914 In all fairness this isn't even close to being a massively popular channel/video. Even so I don't have many videos uploaded so keeping track of things is fairly simple for me.
@@vXArchonXv oh ok
Evidence that bo6's omni movement existed 12 years ago
Tbh I found this greatly made video for combat mechanic animations and the satisfaction I mean this is one of the biggest reason why I love RE6 ik this game doesn't feel the horror it supposed to be. for me I despite horror games but what makes me play and love them is the combat mechanics for example I wanna feel the satisfaction of me kicking or punching the shit out of something like a monster who jumpscared me like this part 9:55, bro sent 3 mutated mfs flying with one ridiculously powerful kick I can also say the same thing like dead space original or remake. I got jumpscared multiple times but what I did instead of most people was giving em these knuckle sandwiches even if they don't do much dmg the vibration blood and and knock backs was good enough for me to enjoy
I've come across a hidden jem! Thanks mate
I would love to learn to actually play this game.I always liked it,but with this kinda effort put into combat i now realise that its probably the best re game
Thx a lot, i was looking for a video like this !
Exactly the reason I made it! Glad you found it useful! : D
This is why RE6 is my favourite. The combat is so fucking cool. Not that I know any of it but I am still firing up this game once in a while
Im 8 years late, but DAMN ur good!!!! Ur so accurate with that slide!!! I try to do it mid combo like that and i either end up doing a front roll or missing their legs completely 😂
Try to quickly aim before setting up for the slide. It helps to make sure your character is going to go straight in the direction you're pointing the camera. Also. Thanks!
@@vXArchonXv you the man bro... Ill try it that out. Thanks yo
Hot take, this is way more fun than RE2
Just imagining "when doom players play resident evil 6" while the music "the only thing they fear is you" plays in the background.
We need a RE6 remaster that addresses all its issues other than being obviously an action game like the helicopter fight etc.
Something more akin to Scholar of the First Sin would work. The framework of the game is relatively sound, it just has a few areas that need polish. Would love to see a mode that adds in more enemies as well for campaign.
wanna play campaign with someone
You know what’s really irritating? That the game’s tutorial insists on wasting your time with stupid QTEs instead of spending time teaching you about the elaborate combat system.
Hell, it even shows you the stupid method of combining herbs instead of RB+[action button]
Yeah, though somewhat in its defense the manual herb combination is probably more useful and efficient than the auto one. Simply because you can do it while performing melee actions. Hell, you can even do it while running towards a locked on enemy with Jake.
Capcom doesn't have a very good track record when it comes to helpful, concise tutorials for their games I've noticed.
This game is extremely underrated
One of the most! : D
Damn this is amazing 🤩!!! You rock! I love RE 6
that was like watching john wick!
This was a satisfying one to pull off.
Matthew Scherer hhahaha
thank you for sharing this knowledge
I've been playing this game again because I saw your vid. I wish I got that god tier moves too.
So far I've been struggling to recap all the controls 🤣
I really wish half this stuff was explained in the actual game. I just started yesterday and didn't even know you could lay down
Probably one of the biggest faults of the game by default (Monster Hunter had the same problem). The Prologue teaches you almost nothing of value.
The prelude in this game just taught you the bare basics. The amount of qtes in that section also probably turned quite a few people off to this game
This nigga went crazy bruh 😭
i always stick around natural healing, but i forgot laying down also helps.. i only tend to do it in the campaign when i run out of stamina xd
Taking cover also achieves the same effect.
this is so cool !
Thanks! Trying to do what I can to improve the game's image and maybe get Capcom to reuse the combat system for a spinoff or something!
Cool gameplay dude, But I have some questions. What keybinds on controller you using for attack and aim button? I find my triggers don't react quick enough. Also is there any secret options im missing? I can never aim at there heads fast enough but maybe I just need get good XD. Awesome work though dude and keep slaying them infected. And people said this RE6 is bad the action is moreish.
I'm using default bindings. So on the 360/Xbox 1 controller it would be left and right triggers. L1 and R1 for PS3/4. Unless there's something wrong with your controller you may just need to practice it.
One thing I do for counters that I know are coming is to keep my finger on the very tip of the trigger. Doesn't seem like much, but it helps make the timing a bit more accurate for me.
And can do! I still try to play the game on a regular basis.
@@vXArchonXv Thanks for the reply, I think in truthfully is because over the years I got more used to the sensitivity of mouse. But some of my gameplay has improved after the video will keep trying to master it on mouse and controller, I have plenty of timeXD. Love my RE games but was late getting this as there was alot hatred, Yet I'm loving the action in 6. Thanks for help and you deserve my sub, keep em coming.
re6 is probably the most advanced shooter I've played. funnily enough it's in a franchise of survival horror games. and your gameplay is the best I've ever seen
It's up there for sure! Topped only by Warframe. And thanks for the compliment, I've tried my best to improve my gameplay over the years.
@@vXArchonXv I actually haven't played Warframe so I've got no say on that. anyways i have a little question if you don't mind, how do you instantly headshot an enemy right after you dodge backwards like in 12:57 ? Is it just luck or is there some skill to it cuz I definitely saw you did it multiple times
@@constantine9439 You should definitely check Warframe out if you like shooters with a lot of depth and some light RPG elements. Here's a video that goes into detail about all the movement options in it.
To answer your question I'll just copy and paste a response to the same thing I was asked by someone else: It is possible to nail an enemy in the head while dodging backwards if you time it right. Think of it like a rhythm game where you have to time your press at just the right time to score a Perfect. If memory serves, I usually fire just as my character starts to fall after jumping backwards. That's generally the time you're most likely to be lined up with the head.
@@vXArchonXv ohhh i get it, so you just shoot right when it lines up. Alright thanks dude, and I'll check out Warframe
This game is by far the closest to what a John wick game would be like
More or less. Vendetta channeled the game itself brilliantly in some of the fight scenes. Especially the hallway one with Leon and Chris.
@@vXArchonXv yup, still miss the franchise!
Holy! RE6 do not deserve it's initial treatment
Excellent gameplay.
;~; It pains me to know that I'll never have this kind of coordination.
I don't know. Innate talent is definitely needed, but practice was also required. So maybe. Maybe not?
I've improved a lot myself, even when compared to the stuff in this video.
DarthDragon007 yahh
I mean, gotta practice and try to say you can't do it
if some random kids is ask you about "hey, what if john wick were in resident evil? " imma show them this video
Or this! : D
More guide!! Nice! I sub
Additional tip for zombie fast kill: If it is a civilian or normal Zombie without protection on its body just go and shoot it on arm to make them spin around to stun them and go on the zombie to do the attack animation and more tip is when you are struggling on the Pink strong that whatever it's name is you just go a little bit far on it then aim and when it jumps just counter it for one hit and on the other zombie just do what he did and last is the firefighter zombie, I rather shoot it on the arm to make the zombie spin and shot its back to explode the tank on its back. I dont know what to do with the fat one so... Whatsoever. Shriek or the one with loud shout... Well you know what to do... 😊😊😊
And for the Javo, just go and copy his style because it's goddamn perfect!
I have high hope Re 4 remake playing this way.
Heavily unlikely. I like that they're going with a darker and more atmospheric feel with REmake 4, but I doubt we'll see anything as intricate as RE6 in terms of gameplay.
@@vXArchonXv I think it will play like Relevations 2.
Leon slowly increases his speed.
I mean Ethan increases his speed in Village.
does all this moves work on the Nintendo switch version of the game?
15:04 - J'avo: "Ctrl C"
That was insane, but I'm looking for explanation regarding how advanced countering works. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I do know of one video by Allen Xiong showing off a lot of them.
Unless you're asking the best way to approach certain types of counters, rather than the different kinds of counters themselves. I'd be happy to answer any of your questions on that topic!
Man good thing i bought this from my switch i actually praticing this moves that you did and im actually kinda feel like in the movie of resident evil vendetta which chris and leon.....well im still far from it the only thing i can do is the fast reload, dodging to recover stamina, timing attacks to attack other enmies while they are stun and the remote bomb slide thing... But the only thing i need to know is when you shoot the javo in the head backward dodge yet you still hit to the head how do you do it tho? Im still confused from it in 12:55 quick shot and then successful hit another in the head with the back dodge. How??
It's really just timing, I didn't hit him in the head though, my guess is that the initial quickshot hit him in the arm and then I shot him there again as I jumped back. It is possible to nail an enemy in the head while dodging backwards if you time it right. Think of it like a rhythm game where you have to time your press at just the right time to score a Perfect.
Oh yeah i actually made a mistake that you hit them in the head hahaha thanks for the tip.
Would you ever be up for explaining the unique weapons/style of the playable characters? An informative video of Jake's hand-to-hand ability would be very cool and helpful!
It's funny that you should ask that! I've been recently thinking about doing detailed guides on how to use certain weapons and how to approach certain enemies. Who knows? : D
+vXArchonXv Fantastic, man! Love your work. I wish more people appreciated this game as much as you do.
Guts Stronhart I've been doing what I can! The more people are informed about the combat system, the better! I've seen people that despised this game do a 180 once they took the time to learn it.
A late reply, but here's the guide!
Guts Stronhart yh i like jake too
Nice video, btw do you also use counter attack?
Absolutely! They're one of the most useful abilities you have when you use them right!
vXArchonXv Yes. I do counter too. Thanks for sharing. Like others say, you playing style is entertaining.
Thanks! I try to make the game look as crazy and over-the-top as I can when I play.
I wanna be this good at this game..
Maybe some day! Won't know until you try!
Still hard for me even after beating the game for almost 20 times😞
Can you make an in-depth video on reticle vs laser, pros and cons of each? Thx
Unlikely since there are videos for that already out there. In fact it's easy enough to type out here.
Reticule: More visible, always on-screen with weapons like Piers' mutated arm. Larger spread.
Laser: Less visible, doesn't show up when aiming with weapons like Piers' mutated arm. Tighter spread.
I'd personally pick laser for the tighter spread alone since the game is more about precision shooting, rather than spray and pray.
@@vXArchonXv yeah but actually seeing you go through with the examples and explanation in general is better than reading 😭😭😭 com'on, your a boss! You can do it. I will be making tutorial videos myself with in-depth explanations, but at the moment I'm doing weapon testing on re2 remake with zombie behavior ect. Then work backwards from there. I've been extremely lazy with my channel....
It's cool how people still play this game and find new shit all the time.
Oddly despite the hate it seems to have a relatively sizable following. I'm still learning stuff about it, found out recently that you transition can into a 180 slide when hopping over small gaps like the train car ceilings in Rail Yard.
@@vXArchonXv Nice what do you play on?
PC, mainly. I have it on PS3 and Switch but never play it on those.
@@vXArchonXv Ah ok
Tips on stamina management? I tried (first time mercs) these concepts on mercs map 1 leon. The game is very forgiving compared to no hope mode but I found myself spamming quickshot takedown and quickly losing all my stamina. I ended up stalling for stamina or running away which is very time inefficient.
It kind of goes hand in hand with dodging and laying prone while aiming. Pacing your shots can also help since your stamina recover stops while prone whenever you're firing. Another good idea is to waste your stamina completely, or down to 1 bar, when you've also lost a bar of health and have a tablet. All you need to do is take one tablet and it will restore your stamina completely. Really only use quickshots on enemies that you cannot get a reliable headshot or proper stun on, or are in positions that would take longer to manually aim (behind or to the side). Power weapons with fast quickshots like the handcannons are also great for getting almost guaranteed kills in Mercs or lower campaign difficulties. If you do play No Hope, keep in mind that stamina regen is roughly halved compared to Mercs and other difficulties. You can also equip Natural Healing in mercs to slightly speed up your stamina regen if you're really having trouble. Taunting in Mercs will also restore stamina rapidly. Mixing up your regular melees with counters is also great as they deal tons of damage with no usage of stamina. There are also a few melee attacks that do not consume stamina at all. Kicking dogs, grappling Strelatses (lizards), shoving dynamite in a zombie's mouth or pulling the pin on its grenade. Bosses also have some unique animations that take no stamina to perform..
Never spam quickshots unless it's Jake's hand to hand or Helena's Hydra. Quickshots are meant mainly as setups or stuns, not kills. Leon's Twinshooters are pretty much worthless for comboing except to launch exploders in Mercs. Also try to never quickshot with slow weapons like shotguns, sniper rifles, or Piers' AMR unless you're sure you can wait out the animation. If you're about to lose a combo and don't really have time to turn and aim at an enemy behind or to the side of you, equip a power weapon and quickshot. Even a shotgun or rifle will usually do the trick if needed.
There's also a strange bug that occurs when you reload while sliding. If you start reloading before you hit the ground, it will keep the slide from using any stamina. Hope that helps! If you want something more in-depth, you can always check out my stream at I usually stream around 11 PM.
I wish I could play mercenaries on Re6 like that- I dominated four and five but six I have always struggled just getting a B😞
It’s frustrating I think probably because the Maps is so incredibly large is difficult to compensate for. Maybe I’ll give it a shot since I got the remaster but otherwise very impressive
Every map has a "central" area where you can stay and have enemies consistently come to you. Mining the Depths has the center area with the raised platform in the middle. Rail Yard has the area of the train tracks by the ladder (usually go upstairs and continue at 80 combo because of the rockets that spawn, and the snipers later).
Just be careful about how you using crowd control weapons like grenades and remote bombs because if you kill everything at once, the new spawns won't get to you in time before the combo runs out.
after all this time it still looks like a giraffe getting head.
It's supposed to be something emerging from a chrysalis, but yeah. Definitely can't unsee it.
@@vXArchonXv something definitely is emerging.
Does any of these dodge animations has any invulnerability frames against rocket launcher explosions cuz I'm really struggling with Leon on the Ship
Not as far as I've seen. Maybe slight damage reduction at most. I usually just pre-empt them. They both spawn at 60 kills. One on a cargo container near stairs leading to the lower deck, and the other near little com station (the same type that Piers has to disable in Chris' 5-5).
The one by the cargo box will either climb up a ledge onto the box itself, or run through the adjacent box above it. Either way it will almost always stop and fire at the player from atop the cargo box.
The one by the com station will generally ignore the player and instead make its way onto the top of the com station via a predetermined path. I suggest keeping an eye on the one on the cargo box first since it almost always gets in position before the one by the com station.
@@vXArchonXv thx for the tip, appreciated that
Yeah with some good practice handgun shots would do the job since with the shotgun is really hard to get the distance closed
It really depends on how far away you are. If you're standing a little past where the stairs are in the area that the J'avo on the cargo box is, you can probably just "snipe" him with the shotgun. It has some deceptively long range in this game.
Seen the gameplay of Re 4 remake? Any thoughts?
The parry and melee moves are so Re 6.😂😂
The crouching is revelations 2.
Haven't really been keeping up on Resident Evil since finishing 8. The chainsaw parry is pretty crazy. If they lift the overall combat system from 6 for the REmake of 4 I'll buy it day one. Otherwise I'll probably pass.
@@vXArchonXv lol 😂😂
But I knew revelations 2 mechanics would fit the Re 4 Remake. It almost have the same isolated feeling.
Its hilarious that they are praising the parry system but they hate Re 6 for too much action. Hypocrites asf.😂😂
So it seems the producer for REmake 4 also produced 6. I'll definitely be keeping a closer eye on anything related to REmake 4 now.
@@vXArchonXv Dude watch the gameplay they literally add the parry in Re 6. Re 4 fanboys on FB group are hypocrites when I said they suddenly praised Re 4 for having parries but complain with Re 6 having too many QTEs when its only Leons campaign that overused the QTE but they also said Leons campaign is the best.WTF? 😂😂
Yep. I love the irony of people generally liking Leon's campaign the most when it's the one with the majority of the game's QTEs in it. I've come to rather dislike the hypocrisy that is present in the RE community.
amazing !!!
You are quite skilled
Somewhat. The real tricky part is putting all the mechanics together in a way that is fluid and pleasing to watch. I suppose the phrase "Simple to learn. Hard to master." is appropriate here.
@@vXArchonXv I was playing on no hope with a friend and we are no where near that.
My brother never downloaded these extra mercenaries stages. Is there a way to dl them from somewhere in the web?😢
I think they come with the next-gen and PC ports of the game. The seventh gen consoles (Xbox 360 and PS3) require you to purchase them off their respective stores. Assuming they're still running for those consoles.
Can you please give me your camera settings? i mean the field of view and camera movement speed settings.
Camera Speed - 6
Aiming - 5
Default Camera Field of View - 15
Field of View When Aiming - 0
Position When Aiming - 0
Keep in mind this is on Controller.
RE6 Mercenaries. AKA “Resident Evil: For Glory”
Or "John Wick Edition".
I got the original ps3 version and my brother never downloaded the extra stages. I started playing recently and i suck 😅. This video is inspiring me. Is there a way to get the rest of the merc stages downloaded from somewhere?
Probably as DLC from the PSN. I think all the next-gen (and PC) versions of the game come with the maps already on the disk.
@@vXArchonXv my brother forgot the account pw and all that. I never messed with that so I wouldn't know. I just imagine by now it could be downloaded somehow.
question, how are you turning to make the context prompt go away after 1st stun. I'm turning camera but prompt does not go away
Y Zhang It's a bit tricky to get the hang of first until you learn just where you/the camera needs to be before the context prompt goes away. What I like to do to avoid the context is to also kind of move to the side of my target while looking to their right or left (whichever direction I just moved in). The game will then auto target the melee for you. If you need live help at all, I'd be more than happy to help you the next time I stream on Twitch!
Resident evil 6 is underrated
What skill settings do you usually use? Why?
Last Stand, since it makes Mercenaries more challenging by causing me to take 3x the normal amount of damage and boosting my own damage output to 150%.
Only real Chads use Agent
nice, man
How did you do that quick shot plz giide me show me the controls
Quickshot is performed simply by pressing the Aim and Fire keys both at the same time. There should be a control scheme image and description you can find with Google, or you could find it in Misfortune's Ultimate RE6 Guide (link in video description).
Thanks mate
thank you
Thoughts on the Re 4 demo?
I'll copy-paste what I posted on my Twitter. Probably more concise than trying to rewrite it from memory here.
- Really love the darker, more atmospheric and horror look. It's what I had always wanted from the original.
- Melee feels very smooth when transitioning from running at an enemy.
- I like that enemies are more aggressive to compensate for Leon's own increased mobility.
- Movement feels a bit slippery (Think the original Halo) at times.
- Not a huge fan of how generous the parry windows are on the knife. Feels like something you'd find in a budget game.
- Aiming feels a bit wobbly, but that may simply be my settings.
- No doge to save anymore. : (
- Knife seems less viable as a weapon to complement melee due to durability and seemingly smaller hit box.
- Death animations range from "Meh" (No decapitations from chainsaw death) to brutal (Leon getting his eyes gouged out by a Ganado when he takes fatal damage during a grapple)
- Cinematography is very well done.
- Combat isn't RE6-tier (Not that I was expecting it), but it's certainly a nice evolution of the original 4's.
Once I get used to how the controls handle I get the feeling the game is going to feel very smooth. Especially in Mercenaries.
My overall impression is rather positive and I'm really looking forward to seeing how Capcom incorporates the updated aspects into the old encounters and enemy types. I'm hoping new enemies will also be added in.
@@vXArchonXv Cant wait too. At least they made Re 4 AUTHENTIC and CONGRUENT with Leon moving like an agent.
But bro you have to admit, the kicking and knife sound is so satisfying. Re 6 has great melees but the problem is it sounds arecadey? You know what I mean? It doesnt have crunchy sounds. Nut we will get our Re 6 remake its not too far off. 😂😂
Super RE Fighter Turbo. 😂
Hey. Sorry I'm years late to the party. Can I ask why in mercenaries I'm constantly seeing people use the slide mechanic ? Sorry for being a noob.
Not a problem! I'd have to, however, ask exactly how you see them use it to give you an explanation. It's good for setting up stuns or hitting an enemy a second time for a heavy stun. Good way to slide past or under enemy attacks and break time bonuses.
One of the most obscure but useful things is to quickly set a Remote Bomb on the ground without having to do risky standing animation for it. I'd honestly suggest never using the standing animation for the Remote Bomb. Way too many recovery frames.
@@vXArchonXv dude. Thank you so much. Your first gues was right. Looking back it is def due to hit stuns. Your response is greatly appreciated.
I'm a huge resi fan and overlooked this game due to negative reviews. Went back a month ago and boy was a wrong. Such a gem of a game. Thanks again
Me and my friend are gonna do re6 full story on professional, so I'm here looking at tips to reduce the chances of our asses getting handed to us. THX!❤✊
Once you do Professional, I'd suggest you try No Hope next with Agent Hunt on. It's a real game changer and a nice challenge!
Do you play on PC or console? What settings do you use?
I play on PC mainly. I have it for PS3 and Switch as well. What do you mean by settings? Like my camera sensitivity etc.?
@@vXArchonXv yeah camera sensitivity, fov, brightness. What settings do you recommend to change?
@@Enzed_ Sure! I can list them off.
Aiming Reticule - Classic
Dominant Hand - Manual
Reload - Manual
Y-Axis - Inverse
X-Axis - Default
Speed - 6
Y-Axis - Inverse
X-Axis - Default
Speed - 5
Aiming Direction - Camera
Dash Camera Reset - Centered
Default Camera Field of View - 15
Filed of View When Aiming - 0
Position When Aiming - 0
Game Settings
Hud Position - Set Right
Icon Display - On
Auto Action Button (Automatically Performs Cinematic QTEs) - On
Brightness - 30
@@vXArchonXv Wow thanks a lot. Do you have a reason why you don't put all the fov options to 15?
@@Enzed_ Precision. I've tried it with aiming FoV at 15 and it was harder to make precise shots because the lack of zooming made my target "smaller" so I couldn't land headshots as well.
Wait a second, you can autolock at their heads while rolling/quick shotting?
If you mean when I quickshot with a pistol and then switch to a headshot-capable weapon, then no. I simply use the quickshot to assist in lining up the subsequent headshot since it always moves the camera/aim to the general direction of the target, which is much faster than manually aiming. Very good trick to learn since standing and aiming in this game for any lengthy period of time is a good way to get killed. Think of the flow of gameplay in a similar way to DOOM 2016: If you stop moving. You die.
@@vXArchonXv So you're just a pro at aiming at their heads instantly? 'cause i don't know if some things you pull off in here are legit or not, you just dodge and then the reticle is at their heads, no movement required, tf is that?
I generally use my dodges to line up my headshots, but no, it's not like REmake 3 where aiming after a perfect dodge automatically locks onto the head. One thing that I have noticed about quickshots that may help, is that it always leaves your reticule centered on the target's body. So you can assume that your laser sight will always be in the middle of the enemy when you go to aim. Going off that, it's a simple matter to know how far up you'll have to aim for a head shot. You'll have to adjust appropriately when QSing an enemy in the back, and at that point it's generally better to follow up with a slide for a hard stun instead of wasting your time running around to their front.
I would like to point out that the trick mentioned above is much more effective on J'avo. QSing them almost always causes an animation where they slump and their head goes roughly level to the center of their body. Which means you're practically setup for a headshot the moment you aim. That's the reason it looks like it's locking onto their heads. You can try this on zombies too, but it doesn't work as well because of how "loose" their stun animation is compared to J'avo.
@@vXArchonXv How do these connect so perfectly?
4:59 , 5:38 , 5:55 , 6:59 , 8:49 , 13:35 , 13:42 , 14:14 , 18:32
I can't find an explanation for that, it does seems like your dodges are aiming directly at their heads, but most of the other headshots were just you being good at aiming.
Ah, right, those, I just have the timing down for them. I've gotten a good idea of the relative timing and/or positioning needed during a dodge to line up a headshot. You can also see it here with the Semi-Auto Rifle You can't do it with weapons like the Crossbow, Bolt-Action Sniper, or Piers' AMR because they have a completely unpredictable aiming pattern until you come to a certain point in the slide animation,
Can you recommend games that has this mechanics like RE 6?
There really isn't anything like it mechanically and how they all fit together. There are games with similar approaches to combat where the game requires the player to get up close and personal to quickly dispatch them. Vanquish, Warhammer 40k Space Marine.
The closest I've played in terms of the range of movement and options allowed in a shooter are Dying Light, Warframe, and Splinter Cell: Blacklist.
My dream game for a Resident Evil game is combination of Re 6 and Last of Us 2 melee attacks of knife and brutalness.
How about Gears of War they say they have comparison with Re 6
@@jackjax7921 I've never played either of The Last of Us games. And comparing GoW with RE6 makes even less sense than comparing GoW with Vanquish. When someone calls 6 a GoW clone that's already a red flag that they have no idea what they're talking about.
@@vXArchonXvAlmost all Re 4 fanboys who are biased says that.
Going to come back to this. Space Marine 2 is the closest game I've played so far that nails the feeling I get playing RE6. It doesn't have the depth 6 does, but it is a terrific shooter/melee hybrid.
How to unlock stage??? pls tell me 🥺
I think you need to get at least a B-Rank (Maybe A?) on The Catacombs. Starting with Mining the Depths, earning a certain rank will unlock the next level and so on.
@@vXArchonXv thank you!