Re: Time walking reward. I'd rather have token that I can use as currency for a vendor that sells the possible item drops. So no more 4 cloaks in a row.
So you can get what you want and never touch TW again for the season? That's the whole reason WHY they don't give tokens, it would decrease participation. BUT I do agree with that the stuff should be warbound.
There is also another bug with TW dungeons that I haven't seen mentioned where if you skip any of the bosses you don't get Great Vault credit. For example, In Dire Maul West you can just skip the tree boss and Imol'thar and go straight to the prince. This gives credit for the TW weekly quest but not for the Vault. Dire Maul East is the same in that when you jump down at the left of the entrance and skip Lethendris it functions the same way. You get both of these dungeons and you end up with 3/4 for your second vault slot even though you got 5 done for the quest. Not really worried about the vet gear but the tokens are nice on alts for getting crests.
"where if you skip any of the bosses you don't get Great Vault credit. " Is it really a bug if you aren't completing the dungeon. Maybe it's a feature.
right? i have multiple character who only got 1-3 heroic dungeons spots on my vault this week simply cause all the skips and people who just want the XP from the main boss
I am absolutely in favor of introducing a token that can be used to buy raidloot/ m+loot. It should be selectable at the end of a week as an alternative to rng loot from the weekly vault. So if you choose the token for three or five weeks (depending on which item you want), you can then buy the wanted item. This makes it possible to really equip your char with the calculated BiS gear as a compromise to eternally pointless farming without lowering the value of an item!
Not a big optimizer; I play for fun and cosmetics. But there are raid sets I like and want to complete. Getting 4 or 5 pieces of the right tier is easy. But then, you find yourself grinding delves, waiting for that one last piece of loot to drop, and that is just a massive ballache when it drags on for weeks. A bit less randomness would make me way more invested in the game.
Over all I think I'd prefer to have the item shown and then possibly just do 1 timewalking for the timewalking bonus badges, if the item was crap. Maybe there could be a middle ground to the "show the timewalking item", where if you have say either 3+ max level chars or above a certain ilvl on the character, it shows the item reward, since it's obviously a higher chance to get disappointed, the better geared you are in general.
All those Buffs are for Dps and nothing for Tanks, yet again. And their isn't even any buffs for healers and then people complain why there are no tank/heals! They actually nerfed one of the abilities of Mistweaver and more recently they nerfed Paladin tanks! They also reduced Paladin heals with their Hammer and Anvil reduce 33%! The increase to Protection warrior is also minimal increase. They have also nerfed Vengeance Dh tanks! The bug in question, abut 30 to 40% of my 12 characters who did a timewalking dungeon this week and last week didn't receive the item for your first tmewalking dungeon of the week that awards free timewarmped badges!
I know I got 5k plunder but don’t remember getting any rewards in my box yet. I checked all my toons. Bought almost every new item and just did a round today for another 1500 plunder addition but no mail.
The great thing about seeing the timewalking reward was you could change it by changing your loot specialization and relogging, so it was a way to manipulate the quest to get an upgrade every time.
All the fury warrior buffs are very welcome as our boss dmg is dreadful, but I would think Execute would also get some buffs to help that. We hardly use execute now because of it's poor dmg.
Execute is a dead button for mountain thane fury, you only press it when you have nothing else. these buffs are also needet because of a soft rework that no one asked for and we are worse of because of it. hopefully this will change, same for prot. and the old problems still remain like bringing no utility or odyns fury being a dead talent and a lot of bugs. surely blizz will fix that in time for s2 ... but atleast the class tree is better now and 10% stamina is also nice.
It's not clear whether it would be better to see the piece of loot for the Timewalking quest or just a random box. For a single individual, sure, it's a boon to see what you'll get, because then you can just not run it if it's not a piece you want. The problem is when the entire population can see their loot--participation will plummet as all the people who don't want their piece don't queue. That means queue times will explode for those who do want to run the dungeons, whether for their piece of loot, or for xp, or whatever. If only *I* could see my loot, of course that would be better. But it's not clear my experience would be benefited overall if everyone could. If I liked what I saw and wanted to run 5 of them, but it was a one hour queue time for each dungeon, that would be worse. I just don't know exactly how queue times would change.
The randomness of the drops in the time walking and dungeon weekly quests is why I don't even bother to do them on any of my chars after the first few weeks of a new season due to being disappointed in getting some random downgrade or a item I already have. I only do 1 time walking dungeon once a week on each char just for the quest for the 200 badges (500 first time).
I would live to see that style of looting where we get to see what we would get before we actually waste our time! TW ques are brutal for dps and are often broken so knowing what the reward is before we run them would help us greatly in our decision to suffer in ques or not.
I run an alt army so knowing what the reward would be before wasting hours in dungeon queues would be awesome. Would love to see this change. That being said, I doubt Bliz would do this because their whole model is built around keeping us in game and the almighty RNG is their main tool to accomplish this. They aren't even willing to give DPS a decent queue timer so they can know upfront how much time they will be wasting. It's been years and they haven't addressed that huge flaw so I doubt they will do anything to make our lives easier.
So many times, when getting rewards, they are 'repeat' items that most of the time are worthless. As per say, " hey look I got another one-handed weapon I don't even use ", etc., etc.
Knowing what I get from a loot box would be an amazing time saver. I would still probably do the things but I could prioritize them based on what I want first, what I get from my vault, and what charges I have for catalyst. I hate that my hunter constantly gets cloaks from boxes and her vault is ALWAYS bad from the start of DF. I'm not sure I have ever gotten anything good from it. My mage never gets boots and her vault is just a close repeat of the same stuff each week. Blizz randomizer needs fixing big time.
Potential news tip: for some reason, I seem to be able to buy unlimited Restored Coffer Keys from the vendor (1000 undercoin) instead of being limited to 3/week/accountwide. Time Walking Rewards: I know all players would prefer to know beforehand. But then Blizzard will see maybe 25% of the normal participation. However, my gatherer/Evoker was shown a 619 staff that seemed like a great upgrade, so I may still be curious enough to do the runs to see if it's still in the loot box or if that changed. I think for people with many alts, this would be a great change as they would probably do the timewalking on one or two characters and those might be some of their less played characters, which I think would be a good thing. Personally, I don't like Siren Isle free epics and I don't generally like the timewalking weekly quests. No real challenge (especially when you end up with a level 11 tank for whatever reason) and I would rather be doing something more interesting. However, the potential reward is just too great to skip. I hate when I do stuff I dislike when the reward is too good to ignore. Legion Timewalking was the worst for me (I do not like Legion dungeons). First subscription month in WW ends for me tomorrow. I'll probably come back a bit to check the driving and new delves (I like delves), but then go away again for a year or two. WoW is too time-consuming for me (and I don't know how to regulate it other than not playing at all).
easy fix! if i am a tank or healer, seeing multiple choices as incentives would help persuade me to play those roles. classes that can fulfill both would see 2 choices, and the choices would change based on the role they play. obviously dps would get one choice. you can /y anything and it would be heard by a dps spec.
It'd be nice if you could have at least a little agency on what the box contains. Like being able to choose between a box with random armor piece, one with a random weapon, or random trinket, ect. You're still not guaranteed to get what you want, but it'd help curb the RNG.
I had the same pair of boots/level on my alt last week and this week. Very frustrating. Thank you for the info always appreciate your videos and information.
I think it would be nice if they showed you the gear item, and have you the option to get crests instead of the gear. As a frost DK, it’s nice to see some love, too!
I think instead of a random box reward for TW dungeons we should be able to pick from a list of like 3 or maybe 5 random items. Still random but gives us a little control when trying to get that one last piece we need.
I can't imagine anyone not wanting to know the TW reward. I've pretty much stopped bothering after getting so many pieces that are either repeats or wands or useless off-hands.
I just wish the heroic-tier rewards from TW weekly were scaled up from the TW loot pool itself rather than pulled from raid. Like I don't care if that gives a 0.1% chance of some bis trinket or something just make loot more interesting im sick of everything giving the same loot.
Idk how making such an informative only post leads to 7 downvotes. But thank you for your videos they're always super helpful. Especially now that retails has so many things that you need to keep up on.
5xTW for random chest, then a option to change that item for a new random chest if u do 5 more. That way u keep TW up and running and well geared players can swap item if they keep running it. In the en it is a "free" item and I dont get why people complain about a 610+ even tho it is weong slot/stats 😅 its the same RNG as in a raid
8:30 that would be awesome to see exactly what you would be getting. Would be such a time saver, So tired of running these things only to get the same item over and over, or a downgrade, side-grade at best. Would also be great if blizz would fix the weekly chest as well to at the very least not give something you already have. Back in DF i got the exact same item on my DH 3 weeks in a row which was already equipped. This xpac, my shammy has now got the same trinket 4 weeks in a row. A trinket that is useless to me.
aff warlock and spriest changes where? Hello? Blizzard, if you're done changing shamans 10-th time in this expansion, do check affliction and shadow priest.
Timewalking is such a pain in the...neck...because after a certain gear level you start getting more and more gear you already have, or worse gear. I've gotten enough capes to open a WoW haberdashery. Never a good trinket. Since the queues are getting excruciatingly long that's a heck of a long investment for usually inferior loot. I'd like to know what I'd be getting.
The time walking item is absolutely stupid, as a Fury warrior who uses two twohanded weapons I got a single-handed weapon (the same weapon) several weeks in a row...Thanks, IIon for not respecting my time, putting a ticket in is useless because the "GMs" now are trash. They need to show us what we can get instead of this RNG shit they love so much....I don't have as much time as I used to and making me do 5 times walking when I don't have to is insulting after the whole speech of respecting our time yet they bring this kind of crap to the game...
@divios1 I get it but I shouldn't have to, they can code it where it knows your spec...If I'm Teo handed fury warrior, why on earth would I get 1 hander? It's just lazy and poor coding.
Everyone would rather see the item. They purposely don't show it you so you will do the content regardless. Think of all the times you've gotten a reward where you wouldn't have done the quest if you knew what would drop from the box in advance. That's a lot of people doing less content. Also, it's not random. I don't know what they do but I've gotten the same item drop from 3-5 things in a row multiple times. With all the available items in this game, the odds of that happening even once are very low and its happened many times and I've seen it happen to a lot of other people. The truth is that there is no random number generator (its impossible to make- think about it) but there are ones that do a much better job than blizz. If they fixed that it would be a huge announcement. Even if they just made it so the reward wouldn't repeat, it would be a colossal quality of life change.
arnt all thease buffs an nerfs for the next patch NOT out now????? im confused.... like all those dh changes are ment for the mini reword next patch they make no sence right u keep saying "this has been nerfed/buffed this week"....... when in reality no it hasnt because non of thease are released an correct me if im wrong but i dont think u mention this is the ptr at any point
being able to see the reward you get from the timewalking quest, or any weekly really, is way better. its so frustrating since it can easily take an hour+ to do them depending or roll and skill. for people who don't get to play daily it really ruins the fun when queing and running through dungeons or running through delves only to get some gear you vendor for a small chunk of gold/disenchant. another solution is to give currency and let us buy it. i know blizz LOVES the gambling addiction of slot machine mechanics. but they really gotta just give us freedom of choice.
next patch im going nakes before every box then log out change spec and lof out again and then take the loot to get true rrandom loot as i have had 30 trinkets this shit patch if they would display it i would likely not even bother. and kinds pissed they ripped me off with me having bought all mounts they now show for half the price. i could ahve saved thousants...
Timewalking hasn't been "fun" for a long time if you're just hitting that random grp wasting my time w/ppl who go out of their way to be rude or obnoxious(like trolling the dungeons wasting time)for something unknown to be rewarded has long since evaporated...I would love to know what it is I'm investing my time in to, to receive at the end of the requirement.
REMOVE RNG from the game, give various selection instead. Complete 5 Time-walking Dungeons and receive ONE of the follow SIX items. THAT is a far superior model than the TRASH garbage junk toxic nonsense they currently have.
The game is to heavy on the RNG so that the timewalking gear being preference targeted would be better. Rather have currency and buy what i want. Specialy since the gear isnt usualy hc level so the gear is maybe usefull. But it always sucks to gear a new character with a bunch of greens and maybe have 1-2 epic items such as boots and wrist. Only to get boots again in the rng chest. So my time spent queing for 10-20 min as dps 5 times in a row is completly wasted. So blizz can change this to be a view able thing. Or currency thing.
I think you should basically get to CHOOSE what item you get from the weekly quest BUT you have to put 5x the effort having to do more dungeons and possibly other content. So like do 15 dungeons, do 10 WQs, kill 10 rares all in 1 quest
Yeah that makes be believe that random box isn't so random. The pieces are clearly chosen by the system before you even accept the quest. F blizz for giving me shit cloaks back to back when I turn in these weekly quests.
the cyclic nerf/buff paradigm is just a tool to keep people preoccupied from thinking too hard about the myriad malfunctions, bad graphics/ bad artwork, and absolutely foolish storylines in the game. if you're nerfed this time, you'll likely be buffed next time... unless you're suggesting that after 20 years they're still incapable of balancing the classes and specs, and this is some sort of permanent juggling act by a one-armed man with head trauma? they're playing us...and it gets old, yes...but we all love the game, so we suffer their transparent abuses.
Seeing GOOD reward before I get it: YES! I'm now motivated to get it! Seeing BAD reward before I get it: ABSOLUTLY YES!!! I now know not to do the quest and focus on something else! PLSSSSS do this for vault too. Random is just a carrot on a stick to keep people playing, but if we'd know what we were getting, we'd still be playing, just different, we wouldn't stop just because loot is bad, we'd find different ways to get better loot and not be disappointed after ALL NINE slots in the vault are BAD.
Re: Time walking reward. I'd rather have token that I can use as currency for a vendor that sells the possible item drops. So no more 4 cloaks in a row.
I think the loot should be at least Warbound so at least useful drops could be used on other toons
@@gaborkerekes5203 A warband token :)
So you can get what you want and never touch TW again for the season? That's the whole reason WHY they don't give tokens, it would decrease participation. BUT I do agree with that the stuff should be warbound.
@@xdelisiusxur take is GARBOOOO, it would be less turd 80s and more turbo 10-70s
Currency worked well in expansions of the past. Would be great to bring that back.
There is also another bug with TW dungeons that I haven't seen mentioned where if you skip any of the bosses you don't get Great Vault credit. For example, In Dire Maul West you can just skip the tree boss and Imol'thar and go straight to the prince. This gives credit for the TW weekly quest but not for the Vault. Dire Maul East is the same in that when you jump down at the left of the entrance and skip Lethendris it functions the same way. You get both of these dungeons and you end up with 3/4 for your second vault slot even though you got 5 done for the quest. Not really worried about the vet gear but the tokens are nice on alts for getting crests.
This exact thing has made me play all my alts as tanks so I make sure I get credit
"where if you skip any of the bosses you don't get Great Vault credit. "
Is it really a bug if you aren't completing the dungeon. Maybe it's a feature.
@@MilkshakeGuruTTV I guess it's less a bug and more an inconsistancy.
right? i have multiple character who only got 1-3 heroic dungeons spots on my vault this week simply cause all the skips and people who just want the XP from the main boss
I am absolutely in favor of introducing a token that can be used to buy raidloot/ m+loot.
It should be selectable at the end of a week as an alternative to rng loot from the weekly vault. So if you choose the token for three or five weeks (depending on which item you want), you can then buy the wanted item.
This makes it possible to really equip your char with the calculated BiS gear as a compromise to eternally pointless farming without lowering the value of an item!
I like this idea a lot! 😊
I agree 100% should be like Dragon flight end of expansion if you played it, Bronze Bullion tokens and buy gear from vendor
Not a big optimizer; I play for fun and cosmetics. But there are raid sets I like and want to complete. Getting 4 or 5 pieces of the right tier is easy. But then, you find yourself grinding delves, waiting for that one last piece of loot to drop, and that is just a massive ballache when it drags on for weeks. A bit less randomness would make me way more invested in the game.
Dragonflight at the end had the right idea of giving players a curio and allowing players to decide what to get
Over all I think I'd prefer to have the item shown and then possibly just do 1 timewalking for the timewalking bonus badges, if the item was crap.
Maybe there could be a middle ground to the "show the timewalking item", where if you have say either 3+ max level chars or above a certain ilvl on the character, it shows the item reward, since it's obviously a higher chance to get disappointed, the better geared you are in general.
All those Buffs are for Dps and nothing for Tanks, yet again. And their isn't even any buffs for healers and then people complain why there are no tank/heals! They actually nerfed one of the abilities of Mistweaver and more recently they nerfed Paladin tanks! They also reduced Paladin heals with their Hammer and Anvil reduce 33%! The increase to Protection warrior is also minimal increase. They have also nerfed Vengeance Dh tanks! The bug in question, abut 30 to 40% of my 12 characters who did a timewalking dungeon this week and last week didn't receive the item for your first tmewalking dungeon of the week that awards free timewarmped badges!
I know I got 5k plunder but don’t remember getting any rewards in my box yet. I checked all my toons. Bought almost every new item and just did a round today for another 1500 plunder addition but no mail.
The great thing about seeing the timewalking reward was you could change it by changing your loot specialization and relogging, so it was a way to manipulate the quest to get an upgrade every time.
Flawed loot RNG distribution system in my WoW game? Can't be! Tale old as WoW - 5 items dropped from boss, but only 2 items dropped ;)
All the fury warrior buffs are very welcome as our boss dmg is dreadful, but I would think Execute would also get some buffs to help that. We hardly use execute now because of it's poor dmg.
Execute is a dead button for mountain thane fury, you only press it when you have nothing else. these buffs are also needet because of a soft rework that no one asked for and we are worse of because of it. hopefully this will change, same for prot. and the old problems still remain like bringing no utility or odyns fury being a dead talent and a lot of bugs. surely blizz will fix that in time for s2 ... but atleast the class tree is better now and 10% stamina is also nice.
It's not clear whether it would be better to see the piece of loot for the Timewalking quest or just a random box. For a single individual, sure, it's a boon to see what you'll get, because then you can just not run it if it's not a piece you want. The problem is when the entire population can see their loot--participation will plummet as all the people who don't want their piece don't queue. That means queue times will explode for those who do want to run the dungeons, whether for their piece of loot, or for xp, or whatever.
If only *I* could see my loot, of course that would be better. But it's not clear my experience would be benefited overall if everyone could. If I liked what I saw and wanted to run 5 of them, but it was a one hour queue time for each dungeon, that would be worse. I just don't know exactly how queue times would change.
But how would the queue times be affected by that? Having half as much dps/tanks/heals shouldn't affect queue times at all.
The randomness of the drops in the time walking and dungeon weekly quests is why I don't even bother to do them on any of my chars after the first few weeks of a new season due to being disappointed in getting some random downgrade or a item I already have. I only do 1 time walking dungeon once a week on each char just for the quest for the 200 badges (500 first time).
I would live to see that style of looting where we get to see what we would get before we actually waste our time! TW ques are brutal for dps and are often broken so knowing what the reward is before we run them would help us greatly in our decision to suffer in ques or not.
LET US SEE THE TIMEWALKING ITEM….if we can save time, it’s always a bonus. If the item level is still random that would be fine.
wdym item level random? The item level is always as it drops in the raid. It's never been random, each item has a fixed ilvl that drops.
If Blizzard pre-showed the actual loot before the Timewalking event, that would reduce dungeon play by 80%+ and increase queue times by 5x+.
but if they allowed you to reroll them by loging off or changed based on the day then they wouldn't it would just leave more happy people
This was exactly what I said. Its better that its random and we don't know.
@ Blizzard wouldn’t in a billion years ever do that.
@@JazzyGaming I'd rather have tokens to trade for gear at a vendor
@JazzyGaming I can't imagine caring this little about your time. You should either see the reward or get a token to buy your desired item with.
I run an alt army so knowing what the reward would be before wasting hours in dungeon queues would be awesome. Would love to see this change.
That being said, I doubt Bliz would do this because their whole model is built around keeping us in game and the almighty RNG is their main tool to accomplish this. They aren't even willing to give DPS a decent queue timer so they can know upfront how much time they will be wasting. It's been years and they haven't addressed that huge flaw so I doubt they will do anything to make our lives easier.
So many times, when getting rewards, they are 'repeat' items that most of the time are worthless. As per say, " hey look I got another one-handed weapon I don't even use ", etc., etc.
as per say ey
@@ChristofferWerness as per say ey? you don't say? etcetera and so forth.
Knowing what I get from a loot box would be an amazing time saver. I would still probably do the things but I could prioritize them based on what I want first, what I get from my vault, and what charges I have for catalyst. I hate that my hunter constantly gets cloaks from boxes and her vault is ALWAYS bad from the start of DF. I'm not sure I have ever gotten anything good from it. My mage never gets boots and her vault is just a close repeat of the same stuff each week. Blizz randomizer needs fixing big time.
How do you have almost 12k tendies???
Potential news tip: for some reason, I seem to be able to buy unlimited Restored Coffer Keys from the vendor (1000 undercoin) instead of being limited to 3/week/accountwide.
Time Walking Rewards: I know all players would prefer to know beforehand. But then Blizzard will see maybe 25% of the normal participation. However, my gatherer/Evoker was shown a 619 staff that seemed like a great upgrade, so I may still be curious enough to do the runs to see if it's still in the loot box or if that changed. I think for people with many alts, this would be a great change as they would probably do the timewalking on one or two characters and those might be some of their less played characters, which I think would be a good thing.
Personally, I don't like Siren Isle free epics and I don't generally like the timewalking weekly quests. No real challenge (especially when you end up with a level 11 tank for whatever reason) and I would rather be doing something more interesting. However, the potential reward is just too great to skip. I hate when I do stuff I dislike when the reward is too good to ignore. Legion Timewalking was the worst for me (I do not like Legion dungeons). First subscription month in WW ends for me tomorrow. I'll probably come back a bit to check the driving and new delves (I like delves), but then go away again for a year or two. WoW is too time-consuming for me (and I don't know how to regulate it other than not playing at all).
Restored coffer keys are resetting in s2, don't stock up on them
easy fix!
if i am a tank or healer, seeing multiple choices as incentives would help persuade me to play those roles.
classes that can fulfill both would see 2 choices, and the choices would change based on the role they play.
obviously dps would get one choice. you can /y anything and it would be heard by a dps spec.
It'd be nice if you could have at least a little agency on what the box contains. Like being able to choose between a box with random armor piece, one with a random weapon, or random trinket, ect.
You're still not guaranteed to get what you want, but it'd help curb the RNG.
I had the same pair of boots/level on my alt last week and this week. Very frustrating. Thank you for the info always appreciate your videos and information.
Adding a feature the players love by mistake then immediately removing it is so quintessentially Blizzard lol
I think it would be nice if they showed you the gear item, and have you the option to get crests instead of the gear. As a frost DK, it’s nice to see some love, too!
Demonhunter changes are enough to bring a tear to my fucking eye
I think instead of a random box reward for TW dungeons we should be able to pick from a list of like 3 or maybe 5 random items. Still random but gives us a little control when trying to get that one last piece we need.
A new meta achieve for collecting whatever number of mounts needs to be added. So ill care about acquiring more mounts
Hmm. Earned far more than 5k plunder and no loot box.
I can't imagine anyone not wanting to know the TW reward. I've pretty much stopped bothering after getting so many pieces that are either repeats or wands or useless off-hands.
I would love to see the reward before hand. I would also love a possible way to re-roll that quest reward item before I complete it.
I just wish the heroic-tier rewards from TW weekly were scaled up from the TW loot pool itself rather than pulled from raid. Like I don't care if that gives a 0.1% chance of some bis trinket or something just make loot more interesting im sick of everything giving the same loot.
direct, specific, valuable, and funny as awlays great work.
Idk how making such an informative only post leads to 7 downvotes. But thank you for your videos they're always super helpful. Especially now that retails has so many things that you need to keep up on.
I like how we went an entire season just to put fury warrior back where it was before they nerfed the crap out of it.
5xTW for random chest, then a option to change that item for a new random chest if u do 5 more.
That way u keep TW up and running and well geared players can swap item if they keep running it.
In the en it is a "free" item and I dont get why people complain about a 610+ even tho it is weong slot/stats 😅 its the same RNG as in a raid
8:30 that would be awesome to see exactly what you would be getting. Would be such a time saver, So tired of running these things only to get the same item over and over, or a downgrade, side-grade at best. Would also be great if blizz would fix the weekly chest as well to at the very least not give something you already have. Back in DF i got the exact same item on my DH 3 weeks in a row which was already equipped. This xpac, my shammy has now got the same trinket 4 weeks in a row. A trinket that is useless to me.
aff warlock and spriest changes where? Hello? Blizzard, if you're done changing shamans 10-th time in this expansion, do check affliction and shadow priest.
as an altoholic I would love to see the reward from the 5 dungeons. I could get to the needed item for the needing character 1st
Timewalking is such a pain in the...neck...because after a certain gear level you start getting more and more gear you already have, or worse gear. I've gotten enough capes to open a WoW haberdashery. Never a good trinket. Since the queues are getting excruciatingly long that's a heck of a long investment for usually inferior loot. I'd like to know what I'd be getting.
The time walking item is absolutely stupid, as a Fury warrior who uses two twohanded weapons I got a single-handed weapon (the same weapon) several weeks in a row...Thanks, IIon for not respecting my time, putting a ticket in is useless because the "GMs" now are trash. They need to show us what we can get instead of this RNG shit they love so much....I don't have as much time as I used to and making me do 5 times walking when I don't have to is insulting after the whole speech of respecting our time yet they bring this kind of crap to the game...
Set your loot specialization to arms and you will only get 2 H weapons
@divios1 I get it but I shouldn't have to, they can code it where it knows your spec...If I'm Teo handed fury warrior, why on earth would I get 1 hander? It's just lazy and poor coding.
@@ShadowKingRecks They could, but it’s not like it’s a huge deal for us to do either. Takes 2 sec to change.
@@divios1 Ok bud just go along with everything they do and never fight back just lay down and take it that will help for sure.
Holy warrior brain
i love this channel, as a kinda "new" player to wow. Liked!
Everyone would rather see the item. They purposely don't show it you so you will do the content regardless. Think of all the times you've gotten a reward where you wouldn't have done the quest if you knew what would drop from the box in advance. That's a lot of people doing less content. Also, it's not random. I don't know what they do but I've gotten the same item drop from 3-5 things in a row multiple times. With all the available items in this game, the odds of that happening even once are very low and its happened many times and I've seen it happen to a lot of other people. The truth is that there is no random number generator (its impossible to make- think about it) but there are ones that do a much better job than blizz. If they fixed that it would be a huge announcement. Even if they just made it so the reward wouldn't repeat, it would be a colossal quality of life change.
Im one of those 4 Cloaks in a row on 3 characters...
12 lovely Royal emblems of Nerub-ar
Totally unrelated but I just realized I had the last turbulent timeways buff and they stack. Yes you heard right 🤣
I think knowing what you'll get will make people want to completely skip it, giving us less queing if they don't want the item.
I’m a new player - is TimeWalking always active? It feels like it has been for awhile … covering different expansions and what not -
I've got Ovi'nax ring 4 times with my ret pally as a tw reward
nothing for warlocks
I'm not surprised, not even the slightest.
I guess he is on vacation with the evoker guy...
Really hoping the tier sets are super good for them to make up for it.
Yall get the best looking teir sets you will be fine lol.
Good, they're performing really well in PTR
wow balance realy needed those buffs? they are top dps all around for single target and aoe already!
Ahh the plunderstorm reward. Or how I see it:
"Please someone play our thing"
better to see it as you can swap the spec for diffrent award
arnt all thease buffs an nerfs for the next patch NOT out now????? im confused.... like all those dh changes are ment for the mini reword next patch they make no sence right u keep saying "this has been nerfed/buffed this week"....... when in reality no it hasnt because non of thease are released an correct me if im wrong but i dont think u mention this is the ptr at any point
Even better, give us a token from the time walking quest that allows us to buy the heroic item we want
Finally, good DK buffs, I can be even more top damage.. Was expecting Ret nerfs though.
Pretty sure everyone knows those dk buffs are getting nerfed before the update even drops
You should be able to see the item from q !
When does this hit live servers?
Nothing on resto druid ??
I would love to be able to see the item Im going to get rather than random
being able to see the reward you get from the timewalking quest, or any weekly really, is way better. its so frustrating since it can easily take an hour+ to do them depending or roll and skill. for people who don't get to play daily it really ruins the fun when queing and running through dungeons or running through delves only to get some gear you vendor for a small chunk of gold/disenchant. another solution is to give currency and let us buy it. i know blizz LOVES the gambling addiction of slot machine mechanics. but they really gotta just give us freedom of choice.
Thanks for the video
those class buffs are ptr right?
next patch im going nakes before every box then log out change spec and lof out again and then take the loot to get true rrandom loot as i have had 30 trinkets this shit patch if they would display it i would likely not even bother.
and kinds pissed they ripped me off with me having bought all mounts they now show for half the price. i could ahve saved thousants...
i bought the plunderstorm mount for 5k and some petes and didnt get the hc chest
Didn't they already revert those warrior buffs?
Didn't the warrior buffs get reverted?
Timewalking hasn't been "fun" for a long time if you're just hitting that random grp wasting my time w/ppl who go out of their way to be rude or obnoxious(like trolling the dungeons wasting time)for something unknown to be rewarded has long since evaporated...I would love to know what it is I'm investing my time in to, to receive at the end of the requirement.
Why are they buffing frost dk like it wasn't meta for the entirety of s1?
still no mail i already play and collect 5000
REMOVE RNG from the game, give various selection instead. Complete 5 Time-walking Dungeons and receive ONE of the follow SIX items. THAT is a far superior model than the TRASH garbage junk toxic nonsense they currently have.
now they are just throwing the rewards at you in Plunderstorm and its only the second attempt.
The game is to heavy on the RNG so that the timewalking gear being preference targeted would be better. Rather have currency and buy what i want. Specialy since the gear isnt usualy hc level so the gear is maybe usefull. But it always sucks to gear a new character with a bunch of greens and maybe have 1-2 epic items such as boots and wrist. Only to get boots again in the rng chest. So my time spent queing for 10-20 min as dps 5 times in a row is completly wasted. So blizz can change this to be a view able thing. Or currency thing.
why are they not doing anything for warlocks..
Wow.. Fire Mages are pretty middle of the pack right now, and they get nerfs??
100% would rather see what item I am getting. I hate all this rng crap
So, as pertains to plunderstorm, I only have to check 60 alts to see if I received the loot box? Sure, np 🙄
id rather see the item then waste my time or give me a currency that allows me to choose my item
Can somebody with max level mage help me woth going to those new trade post wendors please?
No, don't display the item. Like it would kill participation in timewalking and anything that drives player from doing an event is bad.
I think you should basically get to CHOOSE what item you get from the weekly quest BUT you have to put 5x the effort having to do more dungeons and possibly other content. So like do 15 dungeons, do 10 WQs, kill 10 rares all in 1 quest
thats so stupid good that you dont work fro blizz lol
@@changes11111 maybe, but meanwhile we are all going to be getting 4 capes in a row like Kelani said in the video :D
@ it was always random i also got like 3 rings with my alts in the row..
Why nerf Dk’s to then nerf so late in season. Actually stupidity
Yeah that makes be believe that random box isn't so random. The pieces are clearly chosen by the system before you even accept the quest. F blizz for giving me shit cloaks back to back when I turn in these weekly quests.
Och look no affliction warlock fixes nore buffs, Shocker
Love your vids!
you can get 626 gear from timewalking????
yes its the highest itemlvl you get from the hc raid
Yes!!! I have many alts and a few each week get 626 and others got less.
how u have 12k trader tenders is most interenting thing in this video
Another typical blizzard update... Ignore classes that are not meta
Randomised loot is an antiquated system that has no real benefit. Give me a currency so I can select the item I want.
i just stoped doing timewalking all together its boreing
Rogue gets shafted once again
Are the discount vendors in Dornogal only? As in, only people who have paid for the expansion can access them?
I’m bored of dungeons cant blizzard just post us epics in the mail, for doing nothing.
the cyclic nerf/buff paradigm is just a tool to keep people preoccupied
from thinking too hard about the myriad malfunctions, bad graphics/
bad artwork, and absolutely foolish storylines in the game.
if you're nerfed this time, you'll likely be buffed next time...
unless you're suggesting that after 20 years they're still incapable
of balancing the classes and specs,
and this is some sort of permanent juggling act by a one-armed man
with head trauma?
they're playing us...and it gets old, yes...but we all love the game, so
we suffer their transparent abuses.
DH Buffs arnt shit 😭😭😭😭😭
Those arms visuals suck... what a wasted opportunity
Nerved mage.... Cheers
retail is a mess
Seeing GOOD reward before I get it: YES! I'm now motivated to get it!
Seeing BAD reward before I get it: ABSOLUTLY YES!!! I now know not to do the quest and focus on something else!
PLSSSSS do this for vault too. Random is just a carrot on a stick to keep people playing, but if we'd know what we were getting, we'd still be playing, just different, we wouldn't stop just because loot is bad, we'd find different ways to get better loot and not be disappointed after ALL NINE slots in the vault are BAD.