Can Christians Lose Their Salvation?

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @davidleebrown3956
    @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому +4

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    • @jamesbuenaventura998
      @jamesbuenaventura998 4 роки тому

      Heb 6:4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
      5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
      6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
      Heb 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
      27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
      28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому +2

      @@jamesbuenaventura998 lol. Seems like you didn't watch the video at all... based on the passages you shared, I believe we agree officer.

    • @spnola9650
      @spnola9650 3 роки тому

      @@davidleebrown3956 Your Both Wrong!

    • @spnola9650
      @spnola9650 3 роки тому


  • @rosapederson722
    @rosapederson722 Рік тому +2

    "Once saved, always saved" is so prevalent. If you disagrees, you get shocked, appalled looks. Good to hear this on a public platform. Thanks for the encouragement to speak out. God bless your work!

  • @rodgermilner7800
    @rodgermilner7800 2 роки тому +8

    Thanks a lot for this mate. This is how I have seen this topic for a while but have never been able to articulate it as well. I've never been able to agree with the people that say once you're saved that's it, when there are so many clear passages warning true believers to stand firm lest they fall
    God bless

  • @pastorjasonlohse4556
    @pastorjasonlohse4556 5 років тому +4

    Clearly one of the best teachings I’ve heard on this topic. Thanks for it, as an avid defender of the faith it’s nice to hear someone that thinks consistently with what I believe the scripture says.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому

      Jason Lohse -Thanks!

    • @spnola9650
      @spnola9650 3 роки тому

      Watch this if you want to learn truth.

  • @tearalewis7532
    @tearalewis7532 6 років тому +4

    Thank you so much for this. I grew up in a strict Church evangelical/ quiverful. And for years after I left the Church...or they "shunned us due to my parents putting us in public a tween/teen this hurt me. I never lost my faith, but I lost my way. I have since come back, but I thank God everyday that I lived to come back. I was saved as a child, and I loved the Lord (always have), but did not live the right path. My childhood Church would just have said "you were never saved", and some of the Churches here in NC were I now live is "once saved always saved. Neither ever ssat well with me. I would talk to my husband about this, and he thinks like me. (grew up much like me, but also has a Pentecostal influence as well..says he is Baptacostal lol) I could not get with the whole "endless grace, because I said a magical prayer" thing. Scripture does not agree with that.
    The parable of the 10 virgins, and the oil lamps was the first thing that made me think about this. Because when I brought it up, I would get the "it's not by works" talk to show my point as invalid.
    Sorry so long. but I have NEVER heard a Pastor say this. I was very moved, and feel I was very much led to this post.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому +2

      Thank you so much for your feedback. -not too long. And I'm familiar with the Baptacostal terminology too (since the influential Kennith Haggin was a Baptist Desponsationalist who became more Pentecostal later on... he kinda combined the two schools of thought). But thank you so much again. And just to give you something else to think about maybe: in the parable of the 10 virgins, there may be a 3rd group... The voice... I want to be the voice (not all are sleeping). -Anyhow. thanks again so much, and don't ever feel you went too long. -I can do long with sincere people.

    • @sunshinegirl1967
      @sunshinegirl1967 2 роки тому

      Hey Teara I'm in NC too and there's so much OSAS and Calvinism here that it's almost impossible to escape it. The only church I've been to recently that seems promising is one where the pulpit preacher (not pastor?) has not answered my questions about beliefs, handling discipline in the church, tolerating sin, I even asked him to share his testimony but in 3 months time he has not responded. It's a very small church. I don't feel this is the one but it might be the best I can find here in western NC.

  • @JimiSurvivor
    @JimiSurvivor 4 роки тому +3

    The little conjunction IF always precedes something we must choose to do. It stands as a witness that salvation is CONDITIONAL

  • @TomO-es5ti
    @TomO-es5ti 5 років тому +2

    You are so refreshing. I've really tried to only rely on the scriptures for truth. I completely agree with you. Salvation is not punching a ticket. Thank you for your lessons and time. God Bless you.

  • @BibleLovingLutheran
    @BibleLovingLutheran 5 років тому +2

    I think what Hebrews 6 is showing is those that are biblically instructed yet turn away. Biblical learning isn’t necessarily regeneration. Enlightenment isn’t the equivalent of Salvation.

  • @jace76ful
    @jace76ful 3 роки тому +2

    Being saved is a future. I am staying focused on striving to be saved. I strive to walk with jesus instead of waving as he passes by.

  • @IndianaJoe0321
    @IndianaJoe0321 6 місяців тому +1

    An Old Testament professor, the late Dr. Michael Heiser defined a person's responsibility to God's covenant with humanity as "believing loyalty." If you truly believe God, your motive will be a desire to remain loyal to Yahweh and His covenant. This is congruent with the book of Jacob/James.

  • @toddstevens9667
    @toddstevens9667 2 роки тому +1

    Hi there. I’ve watched a couple of your videos and really enjoyed them. I believe in eternal security of the believer, but acknowledge that it’s a very difficult question that you address. Mainly, it’s difficult because the New Testament does not give us a definitive answer. There is no verse that says something like, “Once you have been saved, born again, made a new creature in Christ, and indwelled by the Holy Spirit, you are eternally secure in the love of the Father and can never lose that salvation.” And, conversely, there is no verse that says, “Once you have been saved, born again, made a new creature in Christ, and indwelled by the Holy Spirit, you can choose to undo all that work by the triune God and lose that salvation.” Nor are there passages that say Billy Bob was eternally saved by faith in Christ, lost that faith, but was still eternally secure in the hands of a loving Jesus.” But, conversely, there are no passages that say Mary Lou was eternally saved by faith in Christ, but then made choices that caused her to lose that eternal salvation.” So the Bible simply does not answer the question unambiguously. We have to put verses together in ways that make sense to us.
    I think you’re right to go straight to Hebrews with this issue. At heart, Hebrews is about convincing a group of Jewish Christians not to abandon Christ in favor of Mosaic Judaism. All the talk about the superiority of Jesus is an effort to persuade them that Christ is better than what they left behind. But there definitely seems to be the idea one can leave Jesus and return to the rites, rituals, and sacrifices of Judaism.
    So Hebrews 6:4-6 is the place to start. It’s the most common proof text for those who believe you can lose your salvation. Let me point out what it does NOT say. It does not say, “For it is impossible for those who were saved, born again, created as a new creature in Christ Jesus, and indwelled by the Holy Spirit, if they should fall away, to renew them again unto repentance … .” And the author certainly does know the word “salvation” because he uses it in verse 9. Instead, he uses terms like “enlightened, and tasted of the heavenly gift, and made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come.” Nowhere else in the NT are these phrases used, so there’s a great deal of ambiguity about what they actually mean. They certainly aren’t used in reference to salvation elsewhere in the NT. The author has no problem using the word “salvation” in verse 9. He could have used it in this list so that there was no ambiguity as to his meaning, if that is what he meant.
    But a couple things stand out: 1) He doesn’t use “saved” in the list in verses 5 or 6, so I would suggest he doesn’t mean those who are saved. 2) This pentecostal notion that one can sin and lose one’s salvation (drawn from Hebrews 10:26), then repent later and get saved again (in a seemingly endless loop) is exploded by this passage. If you believe it is talking about losing salvation here, it clearly says that it is impossible to renew them again unto repentance. You stay lost forever with no chance to repent. 3) Verse 9 is important. It says, “But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation … .” I think here the author is drawing a distinction between the things listed in verses 4-5 and the things that accompany salvation. In other words, that list of things that accompany those who may fall away are different from those things that accompany salvation. And the contrast is made clear in verses 7-8. 4) There is no example here in this passage of anyone ever having done this. He doesn’t say, for example, “Don’t be like Billy Bob over here who actually did this. Now that he’s abandoned Christ for Mosaic Judaism, he’s lost his salvation and he’s eternally lost.” It doesn’t say that anyone has ever actually done whatever it is he’s talking about. And it certainly doesn’t say that anyone has ever actually lost their salvation.
    Hebrews 10 is my favorite chapter in the Bible. And it’s interesting that it has become the proof text for those who believe you can lose your salvation since so much of the early parts of the chapter are written to give the believer eternal security (see verses 10-22 to see how Christ’s sacrifice takes away our sins and makes us perfect forever). The key verses for your argument are verses 26-31. A couple things: 1) Often this verse is used by pentecostals to suggest that any willful sin causes you to lose your salvation, but they also teach that you can repent and get re-saved. 2) Nowhere in this entire passage does the author use the term “saved.” People who think this passage refers to losing salvation assume that the phrase “after that we have received the knowledge of the truth” means “saved.” But, once again, the author uses the term “salvation.” If he had meant that, it’s odd he wouldn’t have said it.
    I think Hebrews 6 and 10 are talking about one particular sin, not just any sin that we choose to do willingly. I think it’s a reference to a Jewish person who knows that Jesus is the Christ, and knows that He is the fulfillment of all the promises of the OT, and has seen the power of the Holy Spirit in the lives and ministries of others, and understands that Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, but chooses to return to Mosaic Judaism anyway. Maybe they do this because of the harassment of their family, or maybe just a desire for the persecution to stop (see verses 32-37 for an example). Specifically, I think 26-29 is the specific sin of returning to the Mosaic sacrifices, instead of trusting in the sacrifice of Jesus (see verses 1-14). It’s clear that rejecting Jesus’ sacrifice and returning to the Mosaic sacrificial system would be described by verse 29.
    A few more points 1) Once again, there is no suggestion that anyone has ever actually done this. It’s a warning, not a rebuke. 2) This sin isn’t possible to commit today. A Jew today does not have the option to return to the Mosaic sacrificial system. The Temple was destroyed in 70 AD and all OT sacrifices ceased. If a Jew knows who the Christ is, understands that Jesus is the fulfillment of all the OT prophecies, has seen the work of the Holy Spirit, knows that Jesus is the only acceptable sacrifice of sin, but rejects Him, he’s simply not a Christian. He doesn’t have the opportunity to pick the Mosaic sacrifice over the Christ’s sacrifice anymore. So I don’t think this particular sin is even possible to commit now. 3) Nowhere does it say that someone was eternally saved, born again, made a new creature in Christ, indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and then lost their salvation. It says that they knew who Jesus was, and knew that He was the only acceptable sacrifice for sin, but chose to forsake him anyway. It doesn’t say that this hypothetical Jew was saved, and it doesn’t say that this sin was ever actually committed by anyone this letter was addressed to.
    Anyway, thanks for reading this long response. I really have been enjoying your videos. Thanks and God bless.

  • @BibliasParaTodaLaVida
    @BibliasParaTodaLaVida 3 роки тому +1

    I’ve never seen it that way. Thank you for the clarification.

  • @seawynd99
    @seawynd99 6 років тому +9

    Thanks, your opinions are intriguing. Anyone that feels that 'salvation is just having my ticket punched' definitely has alot to worry about.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому +1

      joseph faulkner yes. -thank you. I agree.

    • @ChathuraImbulagoda
      @ChathuraImbulagoda 5 років тому +2

      Salvation come from having the Holy Spirit with in. If you have the Holy Spirit then the Bible says that it seals us to the day if redemption.
      Once saved always saved

    • @JimiSurvivor
      @JimiSurvivor 4 роки тому +2

      The scripture never says "seals are unbreakable" That is an assumption drawn from modern language and practice. All through the Bible seals are broken (or rather opened). With regard to sealed documents whether they be a writ of inheritance or a certificate of adoption the promises written on the document could not be fulfilled until the DAY the seal was broken. If the seal was found to have ALREADY broken when that day came all promises would be rendered null and void

    • @ChathuraImbulagoda
      @ChathuraImbulagoda 4 роки тому +2

      @@JimiSurvivor scripture says we are sealed untill the day of redemption. And that we are in Christ's hands who is also is in the father's hand and that no one can pluck us out.
      I'm X3 eternally secure

    • @JimiSurvivor
      @JimiSurvivor 4 роки тому +1

      1. You are mistaking the English definition of something being SEALED with the definition and uses of seals as they were understood in by Paul's readers. One modern definition of seals is something that adheres one object to another. However, in the Bible, seals were marks of authenticity impressed with the insignia of someone in authority. It was like a signature that authenticated a document.
      2. At the same time. seals did not bind two things together like an "sealant" or adhesive. This is a modern Western definition. In the Bible seals were made of fragile materials like wax or clay so that signs of tampering could be detected on the day the contents of the document were revealed.
      3. Every seal in the Bible was MEANT to be broken at a particular time. If it was opened before then, the whatever promise had been guaranteed would be declared null and void.
      4. Because seals COULD be broken it was necessary for the bearer of the sealed document to treat it with care ("fear and trembling"). The Holy Spirit's relationship with us is not immutable. We can grieve Him, quench Him and rebel against Him and outrage Him. Israel kept on sinning and hardening their hearts against the Holy Spirit and, as a result, they were eventually barred from entering their inheritance.
      5. The scripture says we are sealed FOR the Day of Redemption because THAT is WHEN the seal is meant to be opened and the promise fulfilled. The word FOR is eis The word "UNTIL" is "ews" They are not quite the same thing. Just because a present is FOR Christmas does no mean we cannot break the seal and open it beforehand.
      …27 My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. 28I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them out of My hand
      (John 28:27-28)
      For one it should be clear that this is talking about sheep who are listening to Jesus and following after Him which includes an active relationship of faith and obedience.
      Also the word SNATCH is harpazo which is defined as " to seize, carry off by force"
      Sheep do not get lost because the Devil SEIZES them BY FORCE and steals them away. If they depart from the Shepherd's protection they do so because they are "drawn away of their own lusts" or because are not sober and watchful.
      Was the prodigal son forcibly kidnapped whisked away and sold into slavery on a pig farm? No he willingly left because of his own rebellion. The Bible says:
      6 We all like sheep have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all
      (Isaiah 53:6).
      WHO made the sheep go away? THEY did. Each one of them chose to turn to THEIR OWN way.

  • @DadsBoyz
    @DadsBoyz 6 років тому +3

    David Pawson preaches a wonderful sermon called “once saved, always saved?” Love the teaching David, keep preaching!!

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому

      -Thanks, I'll look it up.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому +1

      ok, now what's cool is I just found the sermon on a replay from FCF 😍. -thanks again

    • @DadsBoyz
      @DadsBoyz 6 років тому

      That some Evan b Evans stuff right there! Wow! What’s FCF brother?

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому +2

      😂😂😂 -you've been around 😂😂 -Forerunner Christian Fellowship (IHOPKC)

  • @judgehenry4157
    @judgehenry4157 Рік тому

    This is an awesome way to explain the topic. Thank you. 😊

  • @ChathuraImbulagoda
    @ChathuraImbulagoda 4 роки тому +1

    Dispensational teaching explains all this.
    In the dispensation of Grace you can't loose/ walk away from your salvation but after the dispensation of Grace and the rapture, you can loose/ walk away from salvation

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому +1

      I used to believe in Dispensationalism. After reading though the Bible, I find it no where in the theme of Scripture. I can only see the beautiful unity of the whole Bible. This is why our risen Lord taught about Himself from the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets at the end of Luke. There is much to say about Melchizedek concerning these things... Remember Psalm 119:160 which says that the entirety of God's word is truth.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому

      Bless you Brother, and thanks for all the comments.

    • @ChathuraImbulagoda
      @ChathuraImbulagoda 4 роки тому

      @@davidleebrown3956 not a problem. Thank YOU so much for answering all my questions. I feel like I'm bothering you. I wish there was a better way to do this.

    • @lina-zz9kk
      @lina-zz9kk 4 роки тому +1

      You are spot on Chathura, To think the bible is just one homogeneous lump all about us is not only very self centered but also a very immature way to look at the bible. The bible is an incredibly complex book written in a heavenly language and it is impossible to understand if one does not see the progressive revelation and changes in dispensations from beginning to the end.

    • @lina-zz9kk
      @lina-zz9kk 4 роки тому +1

      @@davidleebrown3956 All bible believers are dispensational and accept the progressive revelation of it in one way or another, they cannot be otherwise. Take diets for example. Adam and Eve were Vegetarian. Noah was allowed to eat whatever he could catch. Paul says that to forbid the eating of certain foods is evil. So progressively what God says is right in one part of the bible is evil in another all edicts of God but under certain dispensations.

  • @18elleinad
    @18elleinad 3 роки тому +1

    People don't lose their salvation they either walk away from it or just throw it away...or become lukewarm...right? So because of their actions they lost salvation.

  • @artistocracy
    @artistocracy 4 роки тому +1

    I thoroughly enjoyed this today, David. You've covered it all with clarity and love in Christ Jesus.

  • @dlynch4474
    @dlynch4474 6 років тому +1

    David I love your love for Christ and I love you. I've watched a few of your videos and I just grabbed a couple of your recordings to listen to tonight. I see you also have a beautiful family. God bless you all on your journey.
    Peace & Love from Boston,
    Thank you Denis

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому

      Thanks so much Denis, great to meet you!

    • @spnola9650
      @spnola9650 3 роки тому

      Watch this to learn the truth

  • @AnderCoServices
    @AnderCoServices 4 роки тому

    This is so good and true! Hopefully this pierces some hard hearts. Keep up the good work. Laying out the truth but so gently and tenderly. God bless you brother.

  • @rodmitchell8576
    @rodmitchell8576 4 роки тому +1

    David, I wish there could be a fusion of the best lively reformed Christian tradition and the old holiness (Leanord Ravenhill) type experience. That would really set the world on fire!

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому +1

      You know I used to think the same thing so I tried that for a few years - called it Armalvanism - it didn't stick for a few reasons.

  • @DadsBoyz
    @DadsBoyz 6 років тому +1

    Amen brother, what comes to mind is forfeit, anyone could forfeit their salvation. If you forfeit something, you give it up willingly, especially so that you can achieve something else.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому

      That's another great descriptive word as well, thanks!

    • @seawynd99
      @seawynd99 6 років тому

      Ok,imho,one who would 'forfeit' his or her salvation,obviously never had it in the first can never forfeit that which they never had in the first place...their 'forfeiture' proves they were never saved from their sins and,like all false professors,their works inevitably bear witness of their true relationship with God..the true child of God can NEVER turn back...the love of Christ protects them,even from themselves:)...alleluia!! Pastor Chuck Smith used to teach...'you can't lose your relationship with Jesus but you CAN leave it.'

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому

      Thanks for the reply. Any comments on the Hebrews 10 thoughts in my video?

    • @DadsBoyz
      @DadsBoyz 6 років тому

      SA Tabernacle - all the “IF’s” and how all the warnings where the writers say “WE” sure tips the “scales” in favor of a born again person in danger of failing to meet the conditions required to obtain the inheritance. Something else that comes to mind is how Jesus was always warning his own disciples of hell. Also, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” Hebrews 2:3
      Shalom brothers!

    • @sunshinegirl1967
      @sunshinegirl1967 2 роки тому

      @@seawynd99 Question for thought: can you ever quit working at Walmart if you never started working there?

  • @charliesleeseman4643
    @charliesleeseman4643 3 роки тому +1

    I don't know if God gave me this revelation or it came to mind. Because I got saved in 2001 and since went back-and-forth To the point where I was confused whether God still love me and if I'm saved. But then it came to my mind and my heart that God knows the end from the beginning before I got saved God knew my entire life he knew that I would be born again and filled with the holy ghost and he also knew that I would make all the mistakes I've made in my life. He knew before I got saved before the foundation of the Earth that I would be saved and he also knew that after I got saved I would do all the wicked things I did but yet he still saved me. And I'm 40 years old now got saved when I was 21 and I experienced so much love and joy and peace from God through Jesus Christ and to God these last 19 years is just the blink of the eye and his love for me is identicle now than it was 19 years ago. All that love and joy and peace I experienced God still has for me. He knew my entire life and from beginning and still save me.

    • @silveriorebelo8045
      @silveriorebelo8045 3 роки тому

      sorrty, but you need to REMAIN in God's love in order to be saved - you are not saved first, and then you try to fit that description - because God's love, as revealed in Christ Jesus, is vivifying insofar it is welcome by the believer

  • @Ka_Go
    @Ka_Go 6 років тому +1

    Love it! I wrote this in a teaching once, "Once saved always saved is like jumping off a ship only to land on the ship; its lunacy... I don't understand how one can surrender and give their life to God and yet continue to live a selfish life and think they're eternally okay." We quote the devil when we say we're okay.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому

      exactly, thanks for sharing!

    • @lina-zz9kk
      @lina-zz9kk 4 роки тому +1

      You have to endure to the end? thats works my friend . You think you are intrinsically any less selfish now than you were before you got saved?

    • @spnola9650
      @spnola9650 3 роки тому

      Wow you need to learn truth. Watch this

  • @Rawkabilly57
    @Rawkabilly57 Рік тому

    Can you point me in the direction of where James white said he's not sure he is one of the elect? I would really like to know because I think calvinism may have "perseverance of the saints" but how do you know you're elect?

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  Рік тому

      It was a podcast he did a while back. I'm not sure which episode but it was around 2015-16.

  • @michaelmaris7
    @michaelmaris7 Рік тому +1

    Totally when I hear somebody say I almost lost my salvation I tell them you can't lose it like it's a dog running around in the yard that gets away from you You can leave your salvation but you can't lose it😂

  • @sunshinegirl1967
    @sunshinegirl1967 2 роки тому +1

    Hi again! I'm here rewatching because I'd recommended this video for someone. And I have one question about something you said toward the end about Hebrews 6. You said something when you were reading those 5 qualifications in verses 4-6, that it was God's mercy that He hasn't let the church progress past infancy over the past 2000 years. Did you mean that no one since the time Hebrews was written meets all 5 criteria particularly "the powers of the age to come"? I missed what you were saying.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  Рік тому +1

      I didn’t mean “no one,” but these individuals - or corporate groups - who do experience all these things have been the exception. I look at these as a hole group-set with regard to my statement in the video. As individual gifts, I believe many have experienced enlightening, tasted the heavenly gift, have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and tasted of the word-all these in varying degrees according to a person’s pursuit. The powers of the ages to come is something I believe very few have touched-which is a result of maturity and personal fellowship in the preceding gifts with God. I think God is careful - in His wisdom to - not let just anyone experience the ‘powers of the age to come ‘unless there is a deep fellowship with Him… Paul said twice that he was, “Entrusted with the gospel.” That is a massive statement we haven’t unpacked much in the Church. We like the forgiving merciful Jesus that treats everyone as equals. There is truth to those things, but staying there is shallow. Those who make a mutual covenant with God, press into know Him, live a holy life, and keep themselves in love do in-fact get treated different. Those who seize on the benefits of the cross, while remaining at a distance will not be known as a friend is known-will not be trusted or treated as a friend. Just as a history of loving fellowship establishes trust and intimacy between people, it’s no different with the person of God. We can build intimacy, trust, and knowledge…if we want. This is why the late Leonard Ravenhill said, “We all have as much of God as we are satisfied with.” So again, I wouldn’t say, “no one” but few have found it in practical fullness. Many claim some sort of mystical fullness of these things, but their lives don’t come close to reflecting it-much like the 300-pound “healing evangelist” who has so many health issues because he can’t control his own eating, but sometimes people get healed in his meetings. Is he tasting a degree of somethings? -Sure, but the fullness of all? -No. In conclusion on this point, these few who have tasted the fullness are the people like Paul, or John in Scripture. They tasted these things like few have, and were among the 1st to do so. If they fell away (God forbid!), it’d be impossible to “renew them again to repentance”-not because God wouldn’t want them back! It’s that to taste the quality of fellowship they did, and fall-away, their conscience would be so hard that they themselves would become their own hinderance-like Lucifer. The end of Revelation proves this point in that we see a dark-seared conscience cannot be rehabilitated no matter what God does. This is why God is careful to let a certain kind of person into the true practical fullness…And it is up to us how we grow with Him, from the multitudes, to the followers, to the disciples, to the 12, to the 3, to the 1. We can get a close as we want. We all have equal access, but what we do with that access will define the quality of relationship in reality.
      As far as the Church for 2,000 years being kept by God in infancy, I believe that has been our own doing. I would’t hold God as the one responsible. Albeit, He sees our squabbling, immaturity, and lack-luster commitments and does withhold revelation, authority, and power when we don’t have the capacity to receive it, understand it, and walk in it with love and righteous judgement. There are groups who are more mature than others, but the list in vs. 1 & 2 is astonishing to read and realize the deep denominational chasms over these elementary principles. However, I do believe the victorious-end-time Church will come into a unity over these things and a full corporate expression of the gifts in vs. 4-6. So, to reframe the words in your question, It’s God’s mercy that he hasn’t let an immature Church corporately walk (or us as individuals) in the fullness of vs 4-6, because of our - self-inflicted - blurry vision and application of the elementary principles of vs. 1-2. He’s protecting our conscience so that our heart can remain tender before Him at least in some degree. Like in your own story, your conscience was soft enough to begin to come back to Him, and He delights in that! I know you had sweet meaningful times with Him in your early walk and you were no doubt growing in Him before you walked away, but I think it’s safe to say you weren’t at the depth the 2 Witnesses are at in the book of Revelation… Because of that, your heart could still respond to God’s call for you to return home and be renewed to repentance.
      Hope that makes sense. Blessings.

    • @sunshinegirl1967
      @sunshinegirl1967 Рік тому

      Thank you for your in depth answer. I don't even know where to start. I always thought ever since I was 8 years old that God hated me and rejected me. It continues to rear its ugly head. But I'm beginning to see what lies I've swallowed that have reinforced this old belief. Those have hardened my heart. But now I'm starting to see daylight again In the darkness that held me so long. You said in your book that demons pose as angels of light to start relationships with us that we mistake for being God when it's really not. You said this very deception has been a graveyard for many. And it almost has been for me. I'm still struggling. When I first began reading the Bible in 1980 the words jumped off the pages at me. It's painful to read now knowing how close i once was and how far away I am now from Him. I have to force my self to read. At least I listen to the NT on CD in my car every single day to and from work or anywhere. But it's not the same and it's depressing. I honestly don't know where to start as far as pursuing a relationship with God again. How do I do that when reading and listening to the Bible is not enough? I do pray but I think that is inadequate too (on my end). I'm afraid I'll be led astray again too.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  Рік тому +1

      @@sunshinegirl1967 Yay! -to that you’re starting to see the daylight-That makes me so happy to hear! Given my previous comment, I don’t think it’s impossible to renew you again to repentance-especially given that you want to come back and are making practical life changes to return. I believe you’re already on the journey. You’re soft enough to return. I don’t believe that your current struggle has to do with how God feels. He’s delighted to see you on your way home…And like the prodigal returning, the Father is running out to meet you. I think the struggle has more to do with your conscience being purified to be tender towards Him again-which is your natural state; however, it is a process to renew the mind with the water of the word (Hebrews 10:22).
      Because of where you’re at. I’d suggest reading the Bible as a law book. I mean a few things by that. 1st, a law book takes the emotion out of it. This is important since it’s not producing good emotions for you at the moment. Reading it as a law book, takes the emotion out of it - at least at the beginning - and brings us into the realm of matter-of-fact-objectivity. I honestly feel like that’s what you need at the present moment. 2nd, as you read it as an objective reader, if you accept it as true, just simply obey what is tells you as a book of law, and test the results. Then use your knowledge of it as law to filter and test everything you hear and feel. 3rd, consider the Bible as a book of law in regard to the heart (personality, operation, expression, and word) of the Law-Giver…”Out of the heart, the mouth speaks…” Just as we study the law of gravity to understand the law of lift…Or, other laws of physics… Study the Bible as a book of Law to understand the law of nature, and of Nature's God-in how He designed everything, how He sees, feels, and acts in a variety of scenarios throughout history. I think this objective approach to the Bible will be helpful and fill you with grace.
      As you do the above, I’d recommend your prayer life revolve around honest small-talk with Holy Spirit. No reason to be too “religious” or pretentious. Just talk to Him like you’d talk to yourself. I believe if you do these things, you will develop a close intimacy over time and the Bible will become your intimate conversation piece and make your heart tender and free. Psalm 19:7-8

    • @sunshinegirl1967
      @sunshinegirl1967 Рік тому

      @@davidleebrown3956 this was from .r
      This was from 5 days ago??? I didn't get notified!!! Just now reading it. Oh man it's not your fault it's just how youtube doesn't notify like they used to. Ugh! Anyway since a couple days ago I went to a Christmas Eve candlelight service with my sister. Every scripture jumped off the projector and into my heart and I started crying. Just like when I first started reading the Bible 43 years ago (as of January 3). Then we took communion, something I'd never done at a Christmas Eve service. I went up to receive the elements and as soon as the deacon handed me the bread and says this is His body broken for you I started crying again. Same with the wine, I could hardly bear to hear the words "this is Hus blood shed for you" without breaking down. Somehow I made it back to my seat still crying and laid my head on the pew in front of me and just bawled my eyes out. I didn't even care who saw me or what they thought was wrong with me. It broke my heart to hear the words "this is His body...His blood...for you." I figure this means God forgives me (I'm a little bit spiritually retarded I know) and that Jesus takes me back? So now what do I do? Just read the Bible? I honestly don't know what is the next step?

    • @sunshinegirl1967
      @sunshinegirl1967 Рік тому

      I can't reply like I normally can. UA-cam has gotten updated I guess. I saw your answer before I fully read your reply because I wanted to answer you and it's late. I'll read the rest of your reply after I send this but wanted you to know i got your message from 5 days ago just now.

  • @trekministries4327
    @trekministries4327 5 років тому

    Hey, I really appreciate the way you present these issues and go straight to the word and not your opinion. This is a topic I am currently working through in scripture.
    I was just in San Antonio this last week and unfortunately I didn't get a chance to swing by. My parents live in San Antonio so next time I'm down there I would love to come to see the house of prayer!

  • @76unclefester
    @76unclefester 5 років тому +1

    I thank God for not having to earn salvation by works no one could afford it . It's righteousness that I have faith in not mine .

  • @pappywinky4749
    @pappywinky4749 2 роки тому

    this is an issue I've beens struglging with for a long time. All the arguments leave me unable to take a stance. The reformed arminian position is the one that's the scariest. The fact you can lose your salvation and never regain it. What of those who left the church and their relationship with God for a time because they were so badly hurt by the body of Christ they are unable to go back. Divided between knowing that they have to go back, craving God, but at the same time, too angry, in pain or afraid to return. I know what people say, if you really trust in God you'll just get over it, but that's easier said than done.

  • @BibleLovingLutheran
    @BibleLovingLutheran 5 років тому

    It’s all building to this point later on...
    “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: “For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.”
    ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:35-39‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    ...Do not cast away your confidence...
    For if you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: ...
    ““For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.””
    ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:37-38‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    And importantly...
    “But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.”
    ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:39‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    Rest assured God promises He won’t let us go. He’s good on His Word always...
    ““God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”
    ‭‭Numbers‬ ‭23:19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

  • @nancyrussell2349
    @nancyrussell2349 6 років тому

    David, you are such a blessing to me. The Lord really uses you in such a wonderful way. You make me think and you explain things in a way that I can understand. I agree with you about the salvation issue completely. We can choose to walk away
    but who would want to after knowing the Lord. Thank you and please continue to teach as the Holy Spirit leads you.

  • @aeiplanner
    @aeiplanner 3 роки тому +1

    The example of Esau in Hebrews should terrify every Calvinist. E.g. Esau forfeited his birthright. He didn't "loose" it.

  • @ChathuraImbulagoda
    @ChathuraImbulagoda 4 роки тому

    @ 11:30
    If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.
    2 Timothy 2:13

  • @beckywitthegoesbeforeme3661
    @beckywitthegoesbeforeme3661 5 років тому

    What about true born again Christians that fall into grave sin. Adultery, drinking And such, but conviction is there. You repent. Did you walk away and forfeit your salvation or do you have to get saved again ?

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому +2

      The picture I presented in the video, and that I believe is closer to the biblical backdrop of this question is that: it's more about the on-going relationship with the Person of God that purifies us. The ones who maintain that relationship to the end, or have it at the end, are those who will be saved (future tense).

  • @johnswisher1420
    @johnswisher1420 5 років тому

    David, as always I loved your video. Well thought out responses and the logic behind them. Keep up the great work. Two suggestions: 1) Maybe do an in-depth series on this as obviously you have much more to contribute; 2) Do a series on how to create an grow a personal relationship with Christ for the layperson.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому

      Hey John! -Thank you so much. -and these are great ideas!

  • @fullfrontalgrace
    @fullfrontalgrace 3 роки тому

    Greetings in Christ Jesus David... you're exactly correct. The Lord had put this very thing on my heart and I've been in spiritual struggle with OSAS groups in trying to bring them to this very truth. Thank you for these two scriptures, I'm certain there are more, I'll search them out. At the end you veer off about loving the Lord with all your heart... yes true but, Christ was/is the only One capable of that... As Peter put it, you put to great a yoke (a command) that no one could bare (truly fulfill) but Christ. We achieve it by our relationship with Him as bride, intimately joined, one body. Christ has done it all because we couldn't, we rest in that relationship in His finished, and as His finished masterpiece. With love in Christ Jesus, TJBreen

  • @shanepursley8526
    @shanepursley8526 4 роки тому +1

    Excellent teaching!

  • @SSOAPride0935
    @SSOAPride0935 6 років тому

    God bless you brother and your ministry. Love what you are doing for the Lord and I just want you to know how much you have blessed me personally through these videos. You are truly seeking wisdom and I look up to you as a younger brother in the Lord. Please pray for me Brother David.

  • @ejavenger
    @ejavenger 6 років тому +1

    Awesome message and God bless and have a great day

  • @mauricebrown9641
    @mauricebrown9641 5 років тому

    Shabbat Shalom. You knocked another one out of the ball park.

  • @TheBibleSays
    @TheBibleSays 5 років тому +1

    *Can A Christian Lose Their Salvation?* Here is Jesus' answer:
    "But and if that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken;
    The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers." (Luke 12:45,46)

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому

      Amen. -yet the biblical answer encompasses the full scope of scripture as a whole, which I'm sure you know. Not sure if you watched the video but I feel like we're agreed.

  • @theswankone8724
    @theswankone8724 3 роки тому

    Can you come back? Because that’s were I am. I’m so ashamed. Please pray for me

  • @adammeade2300
    @adammeade2300 5 років тому +1

    Excellent insights, brother! I think you’re right. The past is water under the bridge and tomorrow is a shadow. TODAY is the day of salvation! What translation were you reading from? I’m fairly new to a genuine study of the scriptures and have been using the NLT One-Year bible just to get through the lion’s share of the Bible, but I also use the ESV and NKJV for deeper meditation and study. Thinking about getting a Quentel NASB and making that my home-base for study and memory, though.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому +1

      Adam Meade -thank you so much for the encouragement. I 1st fell in love with Jesus in the NLT. So I don’t want to dog it, but I do use the NASB as my main now. The one in this video is the NASB I preach from. I read a lot of translations and word studies; I find the NASB to be the best summation to this point. I do read the KJV, NJKV, ESV very frequently too so I should give them an honorable mention.

    • @adammeade2300
      @adammeade2300 5 років тому

      SA Tabernacle Man, I just came to your channel for a Bible review, but thought I’d check out your theology and I’m so glad I did. Been binging on your talks for a couple days now. Are you gonna do any more of these “contradictions” videos? If so, I’d like to hear your thoughts on the sort of paradoxical easy-hardness of salvation. Christ tells us His yoke is easy and His burden is light...but He also tells us to make every effort, for many will seek to enter and will be unable. I have some thoughts on this, but you see much deeper than I do. I’m in the midst of battle, my man...and the enemy has some strongholds in me. I spend time in the word, and I talk to God all day. There’s not a single moment when I’m not aware of Him, but my heart must be rotten. Sometimes I begin to grasp at true freedom, and it’s the sun coming out from behind the clouds. Then the storms eventually come and wear down my resolve and I surrender to temptation. I know I’m abusing grace and I know I deserve whatever I get. All I can do, go back to the foot of the cross and plead for mercy. I ask Him to till the soil and make it more fertile...and maybe He is...but more slowly than I’d hope. Where else can I go, though. He has the words of eternal life. Anyhow, sorry to dump on you, but yeah, if you’re looking for a topic, I’d like to hear you riff on the aforementioned...

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому +1

      @@adammeade2300 thank you so much! Great video idea. And be encouraged to always continue to get up when you get knocked down.

    • @adammeade2300
      @adammeade2300 5 років тому

      SA Tabernacle Thank you, mon ami.

  • @KingdomFaithOutdoors
    @KingdomFaithOutdoors 6 років тому +1

    very good topic brother, We are must examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. I don't believe in Once Saved Always Saved.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому

      wow, I remember you told me earlier you were in seminary so I'm actually surprised. what seminary are you in?

    • @KingdomFaithOutdoors
      @KingdomFaithOutdoors 6 років тому

      SA Tabernacle Christian Leaders Institute. Org. This is a online seminary that I go to.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому

      awesome, thanks!

  • @BibleLovingLutheran
    @BibleLovingLutheran 5 років тому +1

    Well agree to disagree. I’ll feel secure under His wings. 🤗

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому

      I do too. Thanks so much for all the engagement.

    • @JimiSurvivor
      @JimiSurvivor 4 роки тому

      There are many reasons to be secure. The Spirit testifies that we are His children and we can always walk in the light and be always cleansed of sin if we admit those sins to Him.

    • @IndianaJoe0321
      @IndianaJoe0321 6 місяців тому

      Secure, ​@@JimiSurvivor, IF one chooses to obey, abide, and keep Jesus' commands. Scripture is clear as to what happens to somebody who freely chooses to stop following, abiding, obeying, etc.

  • @BibleLovingLutheran
    @BibleLovingLutheran 5 років тому

    I don’t think it refers to Salvation by works but rather the believer’s part in response to obedience in being sanctified in Philippians 2:12

  • @TheKahu78
    @TheKahu78 5 років тому

    This is very good. Keep up the good work

  • @cdavid6437
    @cdavid6437 6 років тому

    Very interesting approuch.
    Thank you for this video.

  • @laynigood2734
    @laynigood2734 6 років тому +1

    Great explanation! I agree 100%. These theological “parties” divide us from truly becoming one. I’m more on the charismatic side but I don’t let everything within this belief system tell me what to think or believe. I have a personal relationship with Christ and am filled with The Holy Spirit. I truly believe that The Holy Spirit is our teacher, interpreter, helper, and guide. If you ever have a question in scripture ask and you will receive. The Holy Spirit is so faithful and loving. If you have years and years of theological education but never let The Spirit lead you in knowing His Nature it’s all for nothing. People need to let their pride go on both sides. Jesus doesn’t want to return for a divisive Bride. One true moment with The Holy Spirit can do more for you than ten years in seminary. He is the ultimate teacher, helper, friend, and loves us enough to do so.

  • @valeriehoward5344
    @valeriehoward5344 4 роки тому

    You have helped me clear up some thoughts that have snaked their way into my mind. I have always believed that the only way you can lose your salvation is if you reject Him. Satan was trying his hardest to make me believe that I had lost my salvation. I never once said to Jesus I rejected Him. I have just got of the path that I know He wants me to take. Bless you and your ministry.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому

      Wow, I'm so glad. Thank you for sharing!

    • @marytitus2874
      @marytitus2874 Рік тому

      I very much believe in Him and have rejected Him cause I want to die because everyone I've met is terrible, I don't want to be down here and I believe a relationship is too much work and I'm exhausted.
      I've even felt how much He loves me by dying for me and im just like "oh thank you so much, can I die now".
      I can't force myself to want to be alive even with the possibility of eternal punishment and nothing interests me.
      Now what.

  • @kristineshepardson649
    @kristineshepardson649 6 років тому

    Thanks for the conversation

  • @silveriorebelo8045
    @silveriorebelo8045 3 роки тому

    relationship relationship - or the way to manipulate Scripture in order to be able to repeat the protestant dogmas... and bypass what Scripture plainly says in the opposite sense - being a protestant is a curse: you will be always convinced to belivge something that keeps you going around full of pride, convinced you are the last authority for discerning God's revelation

  • @SRQ.Veteran
    @SRQ.Veteran 5 років тому

    We’re bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. We’re a part of his hand. Nothing can separate us

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому +1

      That logic does not follow. People who are joined in marriage get divorced all the time. -and this is the highest picture God gave the church to reveal how we relate to Him. -did you watch to the end?

  • @greenmittens
    @greenmittens 6 років тому

    Thank you so much for this.

  • @yivasravens297
    @yivasravens297 6 років тому

    It is the mark of an intelligent mind to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Aristotle.
    Interesting video Dave x

  • @BibleLovingLutheran
    @BibleLovingLutheran 5 років тому

    I think most Calvinists would argee that once regenerated we have a choice. If you walk away you were never justified. Once justified you would not desire to walk away. It’s like the parable of the seed sown. Some seeds fall by the wayside and aren’t in it heart full and lovingly. They’re simply walking through the actions. Much like someone in church that goes up and accepts Christ because they’re friend went.

  • @OrthodoxJourney359
    @OrthodoxJourney359 6 років тому

    I have a video on Hebrews 10, once I find it I'll post a link. I think you will find it interesting and actually very clear. Great video brother, blessings 😀

  • @gambiit.8130
    @gambiit.8130 5 років тому +1

    Thank you how I see it is IF saved always saved

  • @silveriorebelo8045
    @silveriorebelo8045 3 роки тому

    sorry, but there are no Scripture passages supporting the always saved thing - what Scripture says is that, IF you remain faithful to Christ and God's will you will be saved - and that's more than enough assurance for being invited to put our hope in God's grace through Christ

  • @karenwasson8252
    @karenwasson8252 6 років тому

    Thank you. Good presentation.

  • @hunteradams3425
    @hunteradams3425 6 років тому +1

    Nearly all Southern Baptists believe once saved always saved as well. This doctrine is the main reason I left the Assembly of God Church a decade ago. I definitely appreciate where you’re coming from though. This is not the same message the pastor at that AoG church preached. It seems like good middle ground. Something to think on...

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому

      Thanks Hunter! I don't like the way I've heard it articulated in AG & Holiness circles either.

    • @joej1170
      @joej1170 2 роки тому +1

      Assembly of God does not believe once saved always saved. Been in AOG my whole life and have studied their statements of faith and their papers on their website and eternal security is not there.

  • @theswankone8724
    @theswankone8724 3 роки тому

    Thank you 🙏🏻 helpful

  • @dh1335
    @dh1335 10 місяців тому

    Yes, you can lose your inheritance of eternal life. If you die in your sins..

  • @lukecpo
    @lukecpo Рік тому

    How r u doing sir. ? Jesus cares for us always.

  • @JimiSurvivor
    @JimiSurvivor 4 роки тому

    I think you are playing needless word games. The word LOSE in the Greek New Testament (zémioó) means "lose or forfeit"
    24 For whoever wants to save his life [his soul] will lose it, but whoever loses his life [his soul] for My sake will save it. 25 What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet LOSES or FORFEITS his very self? 26 If anyone is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.…
    (Luke 9:24-25)
    It is perfectly correct to say that a man who has committed adultery has BROKEN his marriage covenant and, barring repair and restoration has LOST it.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому

      JimiSurvivor -correct, but words do matter.

    • @JimiSurvivor
      @JimiSurvivor 4 роки тому

      If it helps your cause use those terms. You cannot take an absolute stand on how the sin of apostasy should be expressed in modern terminology
      That being said I agree with you.

  • @BibleLovingLutheran
    @BibleLovingLutheran 5 років тому

    For if we sin willfully... so we’d both agree that if someone is continuing in sin they may not have been regenerated in the first place. They weren’t rooted in the faith. They didn’t “till the ground” like you said. Jesus says, “ Go and sin no more... It’s saying if you made a profession of Faith in Christ and were a false convert and knew your heart wasn’t in it but still act like you are, Kenneth Copeland comes to mind right now, he’s.... trampled the Son of God underfoot. Apostasy... the brink of saving faith and then turn away. Some know something’s wrong but the money is too good. Many examples could be used here...

  • @brotherarn
    @brotherarn 5 років тому

    In a divorce people do walk away however in the Bible it says that God will never leave you nor forsake you. Therefore you can walk away from God but God will not walk away from you. you are in a married relationship. you in a covenant relationship with God. God will not break his Covenant with you under any circumstances. You may walk away from him but the divorce will not go through because he will not sign the divorce decree.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому +1

      Arnold Roman -Like any good spouse who won’t let the other go without fighting for restoration God doesn’t let us go without a fight. But the bible does say in a few spots He will forsake at a point. I bring up a couple spots in the video.

    • @brotherarn
      @brotherarn 4 роки тому +1

      @@davidleebrown3956 I just think you're the coolest.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому

      @@brotherarn -you're at least 39% cooler than me.

    • @brotherarn
      @brotherarn 4 роки тому

      @@davidleebrown3956 🤓

  • @johnpearce3714
    @johnpearce3714 5 років тому


  • @JimiSurvivor
    @JimiSurvivor 4 роки тому

    When people come of age, spiritually speaking they TEND to think that the teachings they are exposed to, the type of services they participate in from week to week are the standard of what is normal and orthodox and all that lies outside that perimeter of familiarity is abnormal dangerous; heretical even. This is a natural human phenomenon. As children we live in a state of ignorant unawareness of the things that existed before us. Our little neighborhood is taken to be the center of the world.
    It is this way with the what we have been taught about Christ too. We see the origin of what we believe and practice as stretching back to the Apostles; even to Jesus Himself. However, only a small amount of study will reveal that there was a period of time after the Apostles and before Augustine's theology dominated the West (and the Reformers) when ALL orthodox teachers, preachers and writers were unanimous at least with regard to certain doctrines. From the First Century until the Fifth all rejected determinism and embraced libertarian free will. While believing salvation could not be earned they also believed we held it by continuing on in faith and obedience.
    What is more, they universally rejected what we call unconditional eternal security considering it to be a Gnostic indeed it was. Now the Baptists along with many others believe it has always been so. In fact, it is usually considered a CARDINAL doctrine of the faith which can be used to measure the orthodoxy of all other views. However, I do not remember any creed, confession or early apologetic work defending the doctrine of Unconditional Eternal Security although many Christian writers refute it.

  • @JimiSurvivor
    @JimiSurvivor 4 роки тому +1

    26 If we DELIBERATELY go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, NO FURTHER SACRIFICE for sins remains,
    (Hebrews 10:26)
    The Greek adverb translated "deliberately" is hekousiós (ἑκουσίως). It means: willingly, of one's own accord, spontaneously. Thayer's Lexicon adds: "tacitly opposed to sins committed UNCONSCIOUSLY, and from IGNORANCE or from WEAKNESS" When it comes to living righteously such a person is NOT TRYING. By contrast, he is heartily and willfully committing himself to sinning.
    The word "go on sinning" is a PRESENT TENSE PARTICIPLE which indicates that this person’s attitude of "willful sin" is HABITUAL, ONGOING and UNREMITTING. It is a way of life, a LIFESTYLE. There is a difference between committing sins and living in sin as a way of life.

    • @lina-zz9kk
      @lina-zz9kk 4 роки тому

      If you dont rightly divide the word and ascribe Hebrews to Gentiles then you could use that scripture. However the title of the book is a bit of a give away.

    • @JimiSurvivor
      @JimiSurvivor 4 роки тому

      "If you dont rightly divide the word and ascribe Hebrews to Gentiles then you could use that scripture."
      Are you saying the Church was/is still partitioned into TWO SECTIONS, Jews and Gentiles, each of which has a SEPARATE plan of salvation?
      If this is how you "rightly divide the word" then how do you account for these scriptures:
      13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. 14 For He Himself is our peace, who has made the TWO [groups: Jews and Gentiles] ONE and has TORN DOWN THE DIVIDING WALL of hostility 15 by abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and decrees. He did this to create in Himself ONE NEW MAN out of the TWO, thus making peace
      (Ephesians 2:13-14)
      27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither JEW NOR GREEK, slave nor free, male nor female, for YOU ARE ALL ONE in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise
      (Galatians 3:27-28)
      16 I am not ashamed of THE GOSPEL, because it is the power of God for SALVATION to EVERYONE who believes, first to the JEW, then to the GREEK. (Romans 1:16)
      You cannot read the title of a book or letter and, from that alone decide whether a certain class or race of people should be able to read it. This is simplistic. The fact is the Book of Hebrews was widely read by Gentile as well as Jewish believers by the end of the First Century.

    • @lina-zz9kk
      @lina-zz9kk 4 роки тому

      @@JimiSurvivor I am saying that Pauls Gospel of Grace is open to both gentiles and Jews and that the hebrew epistles and Hebrews itself relate to Israel in the tribulation. I dont agree that the church the body of Christ goes into the tribulation.

    • @JimiSurvivor
      @JimiSurvivor 4 роки тому

      Where in the Book of Hebrews does it say it was written for a group of people who would live in the distant future during the reign of Antichrist? I do not read anything like this in the Book. You have inserted this narrative into the text then acted as if it were part of the text. I also never read that opinion in any of the early Church fathers. Thus your thesis lacks both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL evidence.
      My point which was that Jewish and Gentile believers are ONE people who experience the SAME salvation through the same gospel IS in the Bible. If there is no difference you cannot say part of the teaching applies to one group and not to the other which was what you were saying.

  • @SRQ.Veteran
    @SRQ.Veteran 5 років тому

    To continue in something is a work. Your sealed onto salvation by his grace

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому +1

      Thanks for for your thoughts. -however, scripture clearly says we are predestined for good works, that we should walk in them, and that grace makes us a people zealous for good works. It is my joy to have God's law written on my heart: this is the new Covenant. The popular modern definitions of "works" these days are absolute utter nonsense and have no basis in scripture.

    • @SRQ.Veteran
      @SRQ.Veteran 5 років тому +2

      SA Tabernacle With David Lee Brown predestined for good works and we should walk in them. Doesn’t mean we will. Since we have free will we are able to quench the Spirit 1Thes 5:19, and grieve the Spirit Eph 4:30 He is able to keep us in the faith even if we forget 2 Pet 1:9. Works are for a debt Rom 4:4-5. Nothing can separate us Rom 8:38-39. It’s eternal salvation. If you could lose it, it wouldn’t be eternal

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому

      I addressed these ideas in the video, I know it's long and I talk fast, but did you watch it and understand it before you commented? These are just silly arguments to me that dismiss so many other passages. I don't have time to engage unless you'll meet me at Hebrews 10 as I stated in the video. Bless you.

  • @davidschulz5334
    @davidschulz5334 5 років тому +2

    Satan lost his salvation

    • @lina-zz9kk
      @lina-zz9kk 4 роки тому +1

      He was not a human being

  • @lina-zz9kk
    @lina-zz9kk 4 роки тому

    So God was not being literal when he said that once you are saved "nothing can separate you from the love of God"? He was being allegorical or he was just fooling with us?

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому

      Thanks for the question, I answered that in the video.

    • @lina-zz9kk
      @lina-zz9kk 4 роки тому

      @@davidleebrown3956 ok i will try to go through it again. In the meantime whats the short answer please?

  • @brettwalker9546
    @brettwalker9546 5 років тому

    Awesome video. Leaning so much. Need more teaches like yourself to teach from the heart of the gospel.
    Ottawa Canada. 😊
    Quick question? how do you know if your being called by God.
    Anyway thank you for uploading

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому +1

      Thanks Brett! and so I can answer your question, what do you mean by called? -some people mean different thing by it.

    • @brettwalker9546
      @brettwalker9546 5 років тому

      @@davidleebrown3956 pastoral care. Chaplaincy. i work in the medical field palliative care and Alzheimer's. Since I've was young between the ages of ( 7-10) I always wanting to help people. I would carried a little pocket new testament with me everywhere I went reading it to other and for myself because I thought if it brought me comfort and joy it would bring other it too snd tell them how much God loves them that he came down to be with us. And teach us the about himself from his own mouth. But like everyone else you start getting older and the world starts influencing you more the Jesus does. But my love of Gods and the feeling of his presents has never leaves me thought good or bad. The idea of pastoral care has always been with me but I always wrestle with these ideas telling myself I'm not smart enough or I really the wrong person for the job but never the less it keeps coming back to me and something inside keeps pushing me and I keep on fighting with it. I feel like if I am called to something why would I be fighting it.
      Anyway I'll stop there because I feel like I'm rambling a little bit
      Thank you for replying to me it very much appreciated.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому +1

      Thats awesome. Keep moving in that direction and see what The Lord does. Always remember the main calling is to Love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Then from the overflow of the 1st commandment we find our callings of what we do. And whether big or small our security is in the secret place with The Lord. -I'd say keep loving others well as you are doing, keep teaching in all the moments you get, and trust the Lord that He has a plan.

  • @raygetoutdoors6151
    @raygetoutdoors6151 6 років тому

    This is a sticky subject for sure Pastor David. In my thinking I would rather err on the side "you can walk away from faith in Christ and become not saved. There are easy, 20 verses that make this stance. I would think a Christian would want to think this way rather than .... Hey, I got saved when I was 7 but later in life I became a drug dealer and now know that if I should die I will be with Lord forever. Only God really knows if this person will go to heaven, but why lean to this way, I don't get it. We need to have the reverent fear of God. Anyway, that is the way I believe and I am glad I do. Ray, Oklahoma

  • @teachingtetelestai
    @teachingtetelestai 6 років тому +3

    Once your saved, your always saved unless you harden your heart and reject Christ's atoning sacrifice by walking away from Jesus.
    Living in sin can harden a Christians heart and bring them to a point of abandoning the faith.
    But if a Christian has faith in Christ and trusts Him and does not deny Christ then He will always be saved.
    The book of Hebrews makes it very clear that Christ's sacrifice was done one time to make Gods forgiveness of the sin nature forever (Hebrews 10). But if someone willingly walks away from Christ's sacrifice then there is no more forgiveness and He will have to pay his wage for sin.❤

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому +1

      exactly. thanks!

    • @seawynd99
      @seawynd99 6 років тому +1

      They have no 'sin-bearer'. They never 'lost' their salvation...they never had it,imho. The writer of Hebrews states in 10:39."But we are NOT of them who draw back unto perdition,but of them that BELIEVE to the saving of the soul."This verse clearly promises 'eternal security' to those who are truly born-again.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому

      -a great observation. Thanks Joseph.

    • @fredeskridge22
      @fredeskridge22 6 років тому +1

      God Is Love sorry sir you’re completely wrong. Once saved always saved. Period nothing added. The End. Sealed mean sealed. Bought means bought. Lot vexed his righteous soul. The most miserable man in the world is a saved man living in sin. The prodigal. Etc...

    • @AdamVine
      @AdamVine 5 років тому +1

      Fred Eskridge ahhh, the prodigal son came back, he repented. If you don’t abide in Christ, you are cast into the fire and burned. Jn 15:6. Were the salt of the earth, but if the salt lost its flavor (obviously no longer living unto Christ), Jesus said we’re good for nothing but to be cast out...ahhh, that’d be cast out into darkness...Matt 5:13. There are sooooo many parables and verses that specifically address this issue. I find it amazing that people can actually read the Bible, think they can live a life like the world loves and be welcomed into heaven by Jesus just because they said some words. Really? Although we’re saved by faith by grace and not if our works, it’s our works that prove our faith, otherwise, as James said, it’s dead. Jesus said in Revelation if we even have lukewarm faith, he will spit us out. The Bible says to STRIVE to enter into heaven...that you should’ve counted says to WORK OUT your SALVATION with fear and trembling. Seriously? Jesus said it would be better to cut your hand off and enter into heaven with one hand if it sins than to go to hell with both...He said you must deny yourself, otherwise your not worthy of being his. The whole Bible is replete with countless examples one must live a holy life and repent from their sins if they sin. Heck, this was Jesus first sermon once he was baptized. OSAS is nothing more than a man made religious tradition created by Satan himself designed to mislead supposed Christians into a believing they can live a life of sin and think they’re saved when they’re not and going to Hell. Nonsense....Jesus is Savior AND Lord! Lord over our lives...He said IF you love me, you will follow my commandments. This wasn’t a suggestion...Do not be one who willingly practices sin will be saved. REPENT and follow Jesus. Do what He says...abide in him, deny yourself, pick up your cross daily, live a holy and righteous life...and we will be saved. Amen!

  • @Airel17
    @Airel17 4 роки тому

    I believe if you ask Jesus to come into you and you say the sinners prayer and accept him as your Lord and Savior your saved if you get baptized in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Sprit and profess publicly that he is your Lord and Savior then he becomes your Lord and Savior, your Father and just like I’m a father to my children once your Born again as a Christian he will never for sake you just as I would never forsake my children. Because as fathers we love our children and want a relationship with them. Does your children have to keep professing their love to you in order for you to keep loving them? No they are your children and you love them unconditionally. It’s all about love, and doing your best to live as Jesus Christ did we all fall short but when we mess up we repent for our sins and Jesus has paid the price and it’s his grace and love that forgiveness is given we owe everything to him and his grace we then turn away from that sin. God never goes back on his word he is the Father that some never had always loving us and understanding us. It’s about what’s in the child’s heart. And I always want to be child like in my heart and love and accept Jesus Christ as my Father, my Lord and my Savior. I’m sorry I went on for so long but that’s just my thoughts. We need to spend more time loving one another and having fellowship than fighting about who’s this or that. I don’t belong to a church and that’s mainly because I feel criticized by my brethren. And my God is everywhere not just in a building it would be nice to have that fellowship with a church but there’s not many around where I live and I can’t get around too good because of illness right now, but church is where I’m at, when in the word with my family. I enjoy your videos and I’ve subscribed just found you in the last couple of days. May God bless you and your families church. Keep up the good work 👍.

  • @joshuataylor81
    @joshuataylor81 4 роки тому

    Bravo! And amen brother!

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому


    • @joshuataylor81
      @joshuataylor81 4 роки тому

      I, like you am nothing other than a seeker of the truth brother! Everyone must hear the truth so that they can be completely informed about the decisions they make. How can anyone make the right choice if they haven't heard the entire matter?
      It's like a judge in court deciding what the outcome of a case should or should not be. Many innocent people have been falsely imprisoned by this very thing here on earth. It is no different about our choice of heaven or hell. None have been made perfect as of yet, we all still fall short of His glory!
      Far too many have been ill or misinformed for far too long! We must keep our hands clean as it is so well stated in Ezekiel and the Song of Solomon to the watchmen! We must do something about it now and perpetually! That is why I am so appreciative of brothers like you, that for their hearts sake tell the full Gospel.
      Thank you brother David! I love you and will continually keep you in my prayers for His will and kingdom to be established in those hearts that He grants repentance to by hearing His story through you. Godspeed in all that you do in His will. May He make your steps true and remain unstained, protected by the Gospel of peace and love! To God be all the glory and honor!

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому +1

      @@joshuataylor81 -Thanks for the encouragement!

    • @joshuataylor81
      @joshuataylor81 4 роки тому

      Just a fellow slave of Christ being led by the Holy Spirit. We all need to be here for one another always. His love compels us to obey His commands.
      Just hearing that it brought you the intent of my heart is an amazing blessing for me! That has given me great comfort and encouragement as well! Just to witness other image bearers is a miracle in this depraved world. It is such a refreshment to my soul, and the light it shines on the hope and joy of Christ in my personal walk is absolutely amazing, and I pray that it does the same for others. I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to God besides working out my sanctification with His strength and trustworthiness.

  • @ChathuraImbulagoda
    @ChathuraImbulagoda 4 роки тому

    You said at the end of Romans 8 doesn't say you can walk away?
    "Not any other creature" includes yourself. Once you believe your sealed by the holy spirit till the day if redemption.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому +1

      -emphasis on "other." That'd be compelling if it weren't for the rest of the Bible.

    • @ChathuraImbulagoda
      @ChathuraImbulagoda 4 роки тому

      @@davidleebrown3956 again I believe you can loose your salvation outside of the dispensation of Grace.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому +1

      @@ChathuraImbulagoda - David and Manasseh (among others, like those in Hebrews 11) are all proof that Grace has always been available. Though we know more about it now.

    • @ChathuraImbulagoda
      @ChathuraImbulagoda 4 роки тому

      @@davidleebrown3956 thanks for all your replies. I appreciate it.
      By the way thanks to you, you convinced me to go with Schuyler for my Bible of choice I now have a psc and a wide margin Canterbury in dark green and slate goat skin respectively. Maybe I'll promise to make a video response if you promise to make a video on your falling away from dispensationalism 😝

  • @johnhb4
    @johnhb4 3 роки тому

    Compelling reasoning from Scripture!

  • @richardgay7990
    @richardgay7990 3 роки тому

    Ephesians 1: 13-14 and 4:30.

  • @randym.7238
    @randym.7238 2 роки тому

    In a word, No.

  • @SRQ.Veteran
    @SRQ.Veteran 5 років тому

    Every Christian has willfully sinned since being saved and aren’t looking at fiery indignation 2 Thes 1:5-10 and no adversaries are devoured at the judgment seat of Christ. Verse 30 states who this passage is intended for. His People the Jews. It is the book of Hebrews written to Jewish believers who were tempted to abandon Christ and go back to the old religious system. The apostle of the gentiles is Paul where he ascribes doctrine for us not that we can’t learn from all of it including the Old Testament which was specifically to the Jews and not the church. So basically don’t form a whole doctrine on one passage. Compare spiritual with spiritual.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому +1

      I'm a true Jew in Christ, therefore the whole book including Hebrews is to me.

    • @AdamVine
      @AdamVine 5 років тому

      SA Tabernacle With David Lee Brown Amen! Rom 2:28,29, Gal 3:16; 28,29 Phil 3:3, Eph 2:11-19 👍📖👊

  • @ChathuraImbulagoda
    @ChathuraImbulagoda 4 роки тому

    If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;
    Colossians 1:23
    Notice the importance of rightly dividing and dispensationalism. If you continue in PAULS gospel where HE is made a minister.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому

      Paul did not teach a different Gospel than the other Apostles, Jesus, John the Baptist, the Prophets, David, or Moses. It's all united. Paul's defenses in Acts would be a good way to understand Paul's own thesis of his theology. For starters, Acts 24:14-16 & 26:16-23

    • @ChathuraImbulagoda
      @ChathuraImbulagoda 4 роки тому

      It literally states at least 2 gospels.
      But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter;
      Galatians 2:7 KJV
      I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
      Galatians 1:6 KJV

    • @ChathuraImbulagoda
      @ChathuraImbulagoda 4 роки тому

      Also when in the world did Moses or David preach the death, burial and resurrection.
      Even when Christ told the deciples they understood not and it was his from them. Notice however how Pauline epistles repeatedly tell you that he has received a mystery hid in God.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому

      @@ChathuraImbulagoda - not 2 gospels, but 2 mission fields for the 1 true Gospel (1 Peter 1:10-11).

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому

      @@ChathuraImbulagoda To the 2nd reply, The Gospels themselves constantly point to the Old Testament Scriptures. You may be familiar with the phrase, "that is may be fulfilled." Also see Luke 24:27... and I answered the second part on another comment you left.

  • @SRQ.Veteran
    @SRQ.Veteran 5 років тому

    There is a sin onto death. If you can walk away how is the sin onto death possible

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому

      what do you think the sin unto death actually is?

    • @SRQ.Veteran
      @SRQ.Veteran 5 років тому

      SA Tabernacle With David Lee Brown Scripture doesn’t mention what that sin is however in 1 John it states there is and the Corinthians were living very carnal lives where Paul states that many were sick and some died due to their sins. They were saved, they were in the body of Christ and Paul warned that he would throw down if he had to come there a third time. They were living like the world but Saved none the less. Kept by his promise and sealed unto the day of redemption. Salvation is an event, living the Christian life is an event until the judgment seat of Christ where we may suffer loss or get rewards. Justified, Sanctified, redeemed. Praise God. God bless

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому

      Meet me at Hebrews 10 per the video. I don't have a lot of time to engage. I've been through these arguments before and they are very insufficient to change my mind.

  • @user-dd3tt1ov4i
    @user-dd3tt1ov4i 6 років тому

    Excellent video,like always.
    I disagree with Protestants' teachings becouse I'm Catholic, but I like your videos becouse you are very open minded about Bible and has very original own thoughts about what Scripture is talking about.
    As a Catholic,I don't know if I'm saved for etenity or not,but even though I don't regret my living in faith in Jesus becouse in this point of living I've have hope in eternal life becouse of my faith and without the faith in Jesus I haven't got anything:not his love,not hope,not the truth about life and etrnity....nothing at all.
    So even if there is a chance for me to go to the hell, in my opinion it's far way better to believe in God becouse of the hope in eternity life but every kind of an atheism is already hell here on the earth.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому +1

      Thank you so much for your comment. I hope we can dialogue more. I actually owe my life to a Catholic Priest, even though I am not Catholic myself at the moment. -I do have many Catholic friends and read a lot of the old mystics.

  • @spootakesthehill5634
    @spootakesthehill5634 2 роки тому

    I’ll answer this question once and for all, No!!!

  • @charliesleeseman4643
    @charliesleeseman4643 3 роки тому

    So my last comment makes me to think that those people who know the truth and reject Jesus will receive worse punishment than those who don't know the truth. So I was thinking why would God save me and him reveal to me the truth and fill me with the spirit for me to just end up going to h*** anyway which would cause me to have more punishment than those who don't know. That just cruel. But I was thinking God knows the end from the beginning and knew I would sin after I got saved but yet he still save me. And that love he loved me with when he revealed Jesus Christ to me was just a blink of the eye ago and his love is the same always.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  3 роки тому

      I think the relationship context brings this turmoil to rest.

  • @jamesbuenaventura998
    @jamesbuenaventura998 4 роки тому

    NO NO WAY. Jesus’s words. He said in Mathew 7:19 "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." It is very clear here that even though you are Cristian but you are sinning and not following the commandment you will be cut down. Same as Jesus said in the book of life that he can blot out those who are rebellious against Him. Like in the story of the prodigal son that even the son is with the father if the son chooses to disobey he can still go because of choice. Jesus also said In Mathew 7:23, “And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness". That's why it is impossible that once saved is always saved because God Himself has said it that even a believer will be denied. Also in Mathew 7:21, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter." Jesus also said clearly here that, "Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand (Mathew 7:24). Clearly, Jesus said that a true follower must act not only believe (Believe means with obedience) that he is saved otherwise he will be cut off or be judge. Now for me, the best way is I rather believe in words of sinless Jesus rather than a corrupted doctrine of sinful men saying once saved is always saved. That is not what Jesus teaching and not God's words and character because it is compromising doctrine. In Mat 13:41-42 Jesus said again clearly, "The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
    This is a Warning for those who spreading false doctrine from satan. Why? because Jesus again said this words “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea and gathering fish of every kind; and when it was filled, they drew it up on the beach; and they sat down and gathered the good fish into containers, but the bad they threw away. For me, the evil doctrine should be cast out from inside the church before it will burn all who believe in that kind of doctrine

  • @Kacecool518
    @Kacecool518 4 роки тому

    I wanna hear your thoughts about women leaders! Please make the videoooo

  • @twiceborn_by_grace
    @twiceborn_by_grace 6 років тому

    Someone actually told me that Revelation shouldn’t be in the Bible because it’s too confusing. I was blown away.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому +1

      My friend from Belgium was told that too so I showed him Rev 1:3, and after 2 days he was going around talking about Jesus the Alpha & Omega -he was so excited. -Really cool story actually.

    • @twiceborn_by_grace
      @twiceborn_by_grace 6 років тому

      SA Tabernacle this guy that told me this was a pastor previously. That’s not really something a pastor should say. Just my opinion.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому +1

      Nate Rivera -I completely agree. -very irresponsible IMO.

  • @davidcrane6593
    @davidcrane6593 6 років тому

    there are PLENTY of scriptures on both sides of the calvinist argument.....

  • @BibleLovingLutheran
    @BibleLovingLutheran 5 років тому

    Yeah they use the points in a hyper Calvinist way. I adhere to Tulip but in my relationship with Jesus alone being first. I think they get too much into tradition and scholar end of it that they forget to walk with Jesus. Much like a Pharisee. I’ve been there. But realized quickly I needed to get out of the scholar books of man and get in the word of God more.

  • @beckywitthegoesbeforeme3661
    @beckywitthegoesbeforeme3661 5 років тому

    They wanted to go back to the law. They were rejecting Jesus. Judicial system.

    • @silveriorebelo8045
      @silveriorebelo8045 3 роки тому

      ooooh - so, according to you, recognizing God's will about you and the imperative need to submit to Him in obedience is falling into a 'judicial system'??? - you are not even a believer if you are convinced of such nonsense...

  • @looloosupertramp415
    @looloosupertramp415 5 років тому


  • @spootakesthehill5634
    @spootakesthehill5634 5 років тому

    So where in Hebrews does it say you can lose your salvation? It mentions repentance but doesn’t mention you losing salvation. Maybe you should stick to bible reviews and keep away from theology being a novice that you are

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  5 років тому +1

      Hebrews 10. I talk about that near the end. And thanks for the advice, you seem like a nice person full of the fruit of the Spirit and mighty in the scriptures...

  • @teachingtetelestai
    @teachingtetelestai 6 років тому

    Hey David ☺
    I just wanted to point out that any man thinking that he may be a false convert is ignorantly or accidentally not keeping a Biblical view of knowing you're saved. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit testifies to us that we are sons of God. So in a very kind way I might suggest that if a man doesn't know whether he's saved or not maybe that man really isn't saved because a saved man should have the Holy Spirit telling that man that he does belong to God and that he is a son or daughter of God. What might your thoughts be on that?
    And then in reference to the paasage of Hebrews chapter 10 verse 26, the most important part of that passage is when it says regarded as unclean the blood of Christ, that is showing that whatever person that's talking about saved or unsaved (I personally believe it's talking about a born again Christian) but that person is regarding as Christ's blood is unclean meaning they are saying that Christ's blood can't forgive them of sin anymore and that would leave that person with no more faith for salvation because salvation cannot be found in any other.

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  6 років тому +1

      Yes, I love your 1st comment and wish I would have had time and thought to at least briefly mention it. I agree in the old time 'doctrine of the inner witness' ... it's so important!
      -and then the word you brought up "regarded" is really great and worth reflection. I will think about it more, but at the moment I cannot think how it would change "blood," and "sanctified" as I mentioned. -but even so, thank you so much for helping me think -I will continue, so if you have any other helps, please let me know.

  • @luckekjv9516
    @luckekjv9516 4 роки тому

    Whattttt??? What about Romans 4:5

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому +1

      A beautiful verse that the rest of the Bible helps us understand. -What about it?

    • @luckekjv9516
      @luckekjv9516 4 роки тому

      Do you believe salvation is by faith not of works?

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому

      @@luckekjv9516 -of course. But to make sure this principle is a just weight: -do you believe faith without works is no faith at all? -or would you also believe with Luther that "the epistle of James is an epistle of straw" and should not be in the Bible? Even so, Paul's own thesis of his doctrine is an effective enough safeguard on how to interpret his writing in Acts 26:20: he preached everywhere that men should repent, turn to God, and perform deeds appropriate to repentance. This is why he said things like: "awaken to righteousness and stop sinning, for some of you have no knowledge of God and I speak this to your shame" (1 Corinthians 15:34).
      The wisdom of Paul is hard to understand, and the untaught and unstable distort him (as they do with the rest of Scripture to their own destruction). You therefore, be on guard that you're not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness, but grown in the grace and knowledge of Jesus (2 Peter 3:15-18).
      So to Romans 4:5, I say amen, there is nothing I could do to pay my debt and access the Holy Place on my own. I'm qualified by the Blood of Jesus to engage a relationship with the Father through Christ. Now, I dare not squander my access to God and pretend it is "grace."

    • @davidleebrown3956
      @davidleebrown3956  4 роки тому +1

      Erik G -sorry it the tone of that reads red. I do not mean it red, just good things to consider I think. Bless you, and I’m delighted to continue.

    • @luckekjv9516
      @luckekjv9516 4 роки тому

      @@davidleebrown3956 No i dont think james should be removed from the bible. I also believe that some can have faith but not be doing the work's like going to church reading there bible ect... That they are living a worldly life and that GOD will punish them for there sinful life Hebrews 12: 6-9. I believe once saved always saved

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

    your message....