Thank you, good comparison. I have the Sage 5 in CF/G-10 but generally carry something small in my coin pocket unless I expect to need the Sage. I recently decided to go with the DF2 in PD#1 instead of the Chaparral due to several of the things you noted, including the relatively small size difference between the Sage and the Chap.
The Chaparral in Raffir Noble was my first real Spyderco after years of the Tenacious. I absolutely love everything about it, but I agree in that I love my Sage 5 CF even more. I do carry them both almost every day. However my next Spyderco purchase will definitely be the Dragonfly in K390, and I anticipate loving that one just as much as the other two. I wonder if it will end up replacing the Chaparral as my fifth pocket carry…
The Raffir Noble is a beautiful's not meant to be the most practical, but it's like little else out there. If you love the Sage and the Chapparal, I think you'll really love the Dragonfly...even if it replaces the Chap day to day, that beautiful little Chapparal will still have a place in your collection!
Thank you, good comparison. I have the Sage 5 in CF/G-10 but generally carry something small in my coin pocket unless I expect to need the Sage. I recently decided to go with the DF2 in PD#1 instead of the Chaparral due to several of the things you noted, including the relatively small size difference between the Sage and the Chap.
Chaparral lightweight is the best all around pocket knife (pocket knife) on the planet.
The Sage is bigger than I want to carry for EDC. The Chapparel and Dragonfly 2 are just right for my EDC needs.
The Chaparral in Raffir Noble was my first real Spyderco after years of the Tenacious. I absolutely love everything about it, but I agree in that I love my Sage 5 CF even more. I do carry them both almost every day. However my next Spyderco purchase will definitely be the Dragonfly in K390, and I anticipate loving that one just as much as the other two. I wonder if it will end up replacing the Chaparral as my fifth pocket carry…
The Raffir Noble is a beautiful's not meant to be the most practical, but it's like little else out there. If you love the Sage and the Chapparal, I think you'll really love the Dragonfly...even if it replaces the Chap day to day, that beautiful little Chapparal will still have a place in your collection!
I always have my dragonfly in my coin pocket of my pants! It is by far the best small knife you can carry.
Dragonfly is my favorite small knife, followed by the Dirac, Prism, Biblio.
It’s hard to beat. I had a Biblio a little while back, really enjoyed that one, too!