LIVESTRONG Challenge Cancer Video

  • Опубліковано 14 бер 2009
  • If you had the chance, what would you say to cancer? Have a candid look at what a group of LIVESTRONG Challenge participants of all ages and all walks of life had to say to cancer, if given the chance. Without a script, we knew anything could happen; and it did. All of our participants have real cancer connections, making their fight with cancer both real and emotional. Join the fight.


  • @kfilice
    @kfilice 15 років тому

    Great video my Mom had breast cancer was cancer free for 13 years and now at age 68 was diagnosed with bone cancer she is a very strong woman and I love her so much she deserves better so yeah GAME ON CANCER!!!

  • @JamesSmith-sg1ty
    @JamesSmith-sg1ty 11 років тому

    Really Its a very inspiring video for all of those who are suffering from cancer. This video will inspire those people to fight with cancer. I'm so happy to look this video.

  • @Smiile7
    @Smiile7 14 років тому

    this is so touching! you guys are so so strong! I don't have cancer I lost a family member with it ! But you are such great people! BE STRONG!! Pleas just be strong! You all can do this!

  • @screaming71datsun510
    @screaming71datsun510 11 років тому

    Miss Geoffrion your are a fighter!!!!!!! We are in your corner you do not let that desiese get keep kicking it in the HEAD!!!!!! You let it know its been a fight!!!!and that is not going dancing tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @msorangee
    @msorangee 13 років тому

    Live strong & keep fighting. My heart is out to the world.

  • @zukigirllol
    @zukigirllol 12 років тому

    i have fullllll respect for every cancer patient.

  • @Bernurban
    @Bernurban 13 років тому

    I love this! It's inspiring and sad at the same time.

  • @VirginiaGeoffrionms
    @VirginiaGeoffrionms 12 років тому

    Kayla, these people have gone through cancer just as you have. I have been through breast cancer myself at the age of 47. I will be a 3 year survivor on the 23rd of November. All of the people on this video are all in your corner, just as they are in mine. We have all been through this, and I don't think it was any easier for them than it was for you. We need to all pull together to eliminate this disease.

  • @livestrongarmy
    @livestrongarmy  15 років тому

    Many of the people in this video are employees and volunteers at the LAF. They are some seriously amazing people.

  • @cpmower
    @cpmower 15 років тому

    This video seriously brings tears to my eyes. I am coming up on the 1 year "anniversary" of my diagnosis last month. I despise cancer like that hangnail, it festers, and causes pain, and you just want to pull it out, and throw it away. Cancer may be able to take SOME of us, but it can't take us all. One of my favorite bands is Decyfer Down. There is a song called Fight Like This, one of the lyrics says, "You've never seen a fight like this before." That is what cancer has to fear from us.

  • @screaming71datsun510
    @screaming71datsun510 11 років тому

    You Guys are Awesome!!!!!!! In 1994 The LOVE OF MY LIFE FOUGHT CANCER AND SHE BEAT THE SH#@$%IT OUT OF IT......That... it did not go dancing that NIGHT!!!!! She's only 4'11" But she punches like a Heavy Weight....

  • @KileleFoundationKenya
    @KileleFoundationKenya 13 років тому

    You are teaching us a lot Kilele Foundation Kenya

  • @Justgoandenjoy
    @Justgoandenjoy 13 років тому

    hope is the strongest motivation.... There is alway hope....

  • @connierc1
    @connierc1 13 років тому

    ok, I can "get" this video. But after 10 years of fighting, it's really hard to keep "putting on a good face," smiling when I hurt so much, laughing as if I really mean it, getting out of bed (which I don't want to DO anymore). I'm glad so many of you have the strength that I just don't have anymore. I've tried for a long time, but, dang, it's hard to keep going. Cancer RUINED my life. With luck, it won't ruin yours. BLESSED BE...PEACE...

  • @ohsirhc
    @ohsirhc 15 років тому

    Beautifully moving.

  • @popacap21
    @popacap21 14 років тому

    man it kills me to see a little child get cancer they dont deserve it hell nobody does
    to everyone that has fought cancer it inspires me to support livestrong
    to everyone who is still in the battle i will alwasy support you keep kicking its ass

  • @felixthefoxMEXICO
    @felixthefoxMEXICO 15 років тому

    believe in this everyday.

  • @BowCaster238
    @BowCaster238 15 років тому

    truly awesome!

  • @michaelB015
    @michaelB015 12 років тому

    Makes me want to run and donate money for the cure for cancer!

  • @zombebait3379
    @zombebait3379 9 років тому

    This video still gives me chills.

  • @mzfiesty
    @mzfiesty 14 років тому

    Very uplifting.

  • @josebaires
    @josebaires 15 років тому

    this video is really excelent!!!!!

  • @cherishedades
    @cherishedades 15 років тому

    very inspirational...very...

  • @ladams2901
    @ladams2901 11 років тому

    This gave me shivers like the whole way through

  • @OvidiuTrif
    @OvidiuTrif 15 років тому

    Man you are right. It's interesting to see how some people never learn.

  • @evitux652
    @evitux652 14 років тому

    Hey, everyone who's comenting here.. let's gather up and make a video and tell how much we hate cancer... we are here today, now and we all don't know what's gonna happen to us!!!! we don't know if we will get cancer or not... Be strong and fight for it, like these people DO!!!!!!!

  • @stayfly123
    @stayfly123 15 років тому

    amazing and inspiring

  • @akaustin13
    @akaustin13 12 років тому

    This video is very inspiring. I just lost my grwndma to cancer and a really close friene to this horriblw thing!!! Cancer is the worst thin that has ever happened to me and my family!!!! One day i swear im gpingnto find a cure so no one has to sufder. -tori rochefort

  • @mhadler
    @mhadler 15 років тому

    You may have shaken me to the core a week ago, but you will not take me without a fight! I don't want to say "give me your best shot", but I am up for the challenge and will not back down. I will defeat you!

  • @araMannA
    @araMannA 15 років тому

    The "marketing" of Livestrongs pays the bills of the studies for the cure

  • @castorviolet
    @castorviolet 15 років тому

    be strong!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @maapli92
    @maapli92 15 років тому

    game on cancer! I am up for the challenge

  • @Mjpadua0714
    @Mjpadua0714 15 років тому

    yea we gotta enjoy life

  • @Wickiam
    @Wickiam 15 років тому

    very powerful

  • @CharmCityAdam
    @CharmCityAdam 15 років тому


  • @strawbro8822
    @strawbro8822 13 років тому

    Chills man.

  • @monos70
    @monos70 14 років тому

    Socratiz is right, I'm being very surprised at the reasons why Cancer happens and what CAN be done to erase it. You bet a lot of MD's would be out of their jobs.

  • @hanooy86
    @hanooy86 15 років тому

    live strong!!! wish i can help :'(

  • @christracy99
    @christracy99 14 років тому

    I lost my little sis to cancer on 3-5-7 after a 4 year fight. Shed be 23 today and I miss her so much every day.
    I wrote a song for her also called Smiling Down (b4 I came across Pillars version) and my band just released a video for it. You can check it out on my page =)
    Alice Araiza Sep 23rd, 1986 March 5th, 2007 R.I.P

  • @lisapy1132
    @lisapy1132 15 років тому

    cancer is attacking my 25 year old cousin right now, I hope to see him survive this and kick cancer's ass. Someday soon I hope to see the cure for cancer being found. Its a horrible and disgusting disease which is hurting too many now. god bless all those who fought and sadly lost but also those who are fighting and winning, together we are stronger and can beat it.

  • @jakeditz50
    @jakeditz50 15 років тому

    the thing that bugs me is that if there was no treatment for lymphoma when i got it, i wouldn't be alive right now what iv experienced in life is that cancer or not, you need to take in every minute of life that you can, theres plenty of time to be dead... i just did the seattle to portland (200miles) and iv been living with type 1 diabetes my whole life seeing this video reminds me how sweet life is

  • @OperFans
    @OperFans 14 років тому

    Your as imature as me, keep on reacting on me :)
    love it, lol,

  • @watchdoggibson
    @watchdoggibson 15 років тому

    cancer ! you took a woman ,a wife ,a mother,a grand mother, a life long freind of my father,a mother of my sister of 48 years,a mother of me of 44 years,a grand mother of 8 years . the torment you put any one through is the worst agany that a person can go through . You ripped out my heart when you took my mom why couldnt you take me instead of her.She did not deserve to die that way.

  • @KaylaxEmm
    @KaylaxEmm 13 років тому

    @brittbritt98b Aww.

  • @amazin303
    @amazin303 14 років тому

    1:51 wow you go kid!!:)

  • @cuiviewen
    @cuiviewen 15 років тому

    If saying something like this would've made my mom feel better, should there be any point to it?

  • @sunnyjo44
    @sunnyjo44 15 років тому

    if "everything that happens to us is because of our own past activities" How do you explain a three year old little girl with Leukemia???

  • @KaylaxEmm
    @KaylaxEmm 13 років тому

    @BrundukasLT i live in Florida.

  • @Queenie4666
    @Queenie4666 15 років тому

    Every woman in my family on both side has had breast cancer except for my mom and me- so my chances are pretty damn high. i learned how to do a breast exam when i was 13 (i developed pretty early) and i think it is probably one of the most important thing's a woman learns how to do. the only reason no one in my family has died of breast cancer is because they caught it early on themselves.

  • @Haladhara1
    @Haladhara1 15 років тому

    The problem with this age is that no one has any actual knowledge of the self. People actually think they are the body, they think that when their body dies that they die. This is not the fact. One passes from one body to the next. All our bodily relationships with our parents, sisters, nations, is all illusory and temporary. Every little thing that happens to us is because of our own past activities; accept it as purification. Each and every one of us is eternal..............

  • @rudxai
    @rudxai 15 років тому

    Lol, Their personal doctor is their best hope/god they have right now. No matter what they say in the video.

  • @bmpstv
    @bmpstv 15 років тому

    I think it's a great video.. I kind feel depressed now though. : /

  • @emmazang7891
    @emmazang7891 8 років тому

    One of those guys is my grandpa

  • @livestrongarmy
    @livestrongarmy  15 років тому

    Those that are in need of cancer support for yourself or a loved one, please contact the LIVESTRONG SurvivorCare Program at 866.673.7205. We are here to help.

  • @hamlet123456789
    @hamlet123456789 15 років тому

    i am scared...

  • @RaphaelwithaPH
    @RaphaelwithaPH 12 років тому

    I'm gonna avenge my aunts, cancer, both of them...

  • @KaylaxEmm
    @KaylaxEmm 14 років тому

    @hatboatgoat man up? are you saying man up, like i should? or like the other people should?

  • @araMannA
    @araMannA 15 років тому

    You're so mean!..
    I do believe people will find the cure to the cancer!.. Otherwise, pray you won't get sick of it!

  • @brittbritt98b
    @brittbritt98b 13 років тому

    @KaylaxEmm kayla i am so srry about your battel woth cancer i was watching some of ur vidieos i love ur horse it shows even tthough u have cancer it is not stoping u from doing what u love i dont know you but i want to tell u i love you u are the most amazing cancer suvivor i have ever watched on youtube i will think of you when i do my livestrong walk-a-thon at my school on november 17th good luck and i hope you fell better plz add me so i can keep in touch with u
    lots of love

  • @charmedbythedarkarts
    @charmedbythedarkarts 15 років тому

    they're suppose to act as if it was a person standing in front of them.

  • @boothstreetboy
    @boothstreetboy 15 років тому

    People's lives are being taken.
    I would give my life to find a cure.

  • @KaylaxEmm
    @KaylaxEmm 14 років тому

    @meftus @meftus I'm sorry, I wasnt being clear. I wasnt implying my comment to be towards the video. I meant some of the people commenting, and saying impolite things, about adolescent's and children with cancer. Like @socratiz . Im sorry to have confused you.

  • @advorscak
    @advorscak 13 років тому

    You slowly torchered and killed my parents when I neede them most.

  • @MrDauwtje
    @MrDauwtje 13 років тому

    How dear you 10 non likers same on you !!!!!!!

  • @KaylaxEmm
    @KaylaxEmm 14 років тому

    I have Cancer, im 13 and i think some of the commenters are being really immature. You wouldnt be saying shit like that if you had to go through chemo, if you had to get so many operations, if you had to be in so much pain, if you had to grow up so fast, if you had to fight so hard just to LIVE. When you have to go through hell and back... Then you can talk. Kay? thanksbye(:

  • @almostthefirst
    @almostthefirst 11 років тому


  • @faruh123
    @faruh123 15 років тому

    i think the worst part in cancer, is to know when your going to die.

  • @D3ft0ne
    @D3ft0ne 15 років тому

    Its up to you when you are going to die... no one will decide for you, but most people will believe what they are told.

  • @OperFans
    @OperFans 14 років тому

    Bad boy Bad boy, what ya gonna do?
    what ya gonna do when Cancer comes for you?!?

  • @mybluebelly
    @mybluebelly 11 років тому

    Oops i did it again...(live wrong)

  • @gwhizkids
    @gwhizkids 13 років тому

    Good video and idea; gosh, would it be good to do something like this to the terrorists in the Middle-East. Good things would not be said.

  • @Nobleguitarist001
    @Nobleguitarist001 15 років тому

    Yea... I think the most ppl smoke and they get cancer because of that. Now, for that, I'm not sorry. It's they're fault. But the other ppl who gets cancer because of the smog and other things that is not they're fault, I'm really sorry for them. And yea, game on cancer.

  • @ChrisMoodie91
    @ChrisMoodie91 13 років тому

    just yesterday i beat up the common cold.

  • @OperFans
    @OperFans 13 років тому

    Haters, you're all HATERS!

  • @gwhizkids
    @gwhizkids 13 років тому

    Cancer sucks on so many levels....It took my grandma...Anyway, check out my new vlog/political video which features this wonderful cause, and if you don't know what this is all about, I hope it'll explain it a little more.

  • @omgnuub
    @omgnuub 15 років тому

    haha funniest shit ever.

  • @Haladhara1
    @Haladhara1 15 років тому

    No actually I am right. You can't see what the person did in their previous life to deserve it. It doesn't really matter anyway, we all are going to die either today or tommorow. We may be 5 years old or 95 years old, death is going to be painful either way.

  • @MrCallyone
    @MrCallyone 14 років тому

    i would say so many mean things to cancer its not even funny and i have lost many family members to it

  • @OperFans
    @OperFans 14 років тому

    Hello, My name is Cancer.
    Why do all of you hate me?
    I'm a pretty nice guy if you get to know me..

  • @ZiaddaiZ
    @ZiaddaiZ 15 років тому

    hey my name isnt cancer, why are you saying these unpolite things to me?

  • @Nobleguitarist001
    @Nobleguitarist001 15 років тому

    Sorry for bad english. :P

  • @jackuy12345
    @jackuy12345 15 років тому

    damn i hate cancer

  • @dezkit
    @dezkit 15 років тому

    Cancer blows.

  • @faruh123
    @faruh123 15 років тому

    What? lol sorry but i dont quite understand the point you are trying to make.

  • @araMannA
    @araMannA 15 років тому

    Cancer is not real?..
    then how all those people died?... They just lied on a bed and wished for it?

  • @DanielHarcha
    @DanielHarcha 15 років тому

    wow! for some reason some intelligent individual with no heart didn't rate this 5 stars!

  • @Wrim
    @Wrim 15 років тому

    Uhm... no.

    @AJKRESGE 15 років тому

    lol do they think cancer is a person?

  • @Haladhara1
    @Haladhara1 15 років тому

    You are wrong my brother

  • @araMannA
    @araMannA 15 років тому

    That's funny?

  • @mmTk2009
    @mmTk2009 15 років тому

    These people are losers.? Wrong! These people are winners. Cancer isn;t real? What planet are you from?LIVE STRONG> GAME ON

  • @CharmCityAdam
    @CharmCityAdam 15 років тому

    why is this focusing on hating cancer rather than finding a cure and being proud and beautiful while fighting to live? This ploy just conjures rage and makes everyone seem helpless.
    And no, I'm not grandmother died a horrible death from Pancreatic Cancer and I've seen many people very close to me struggle through it. I just don't agree about this marketing stunt for Livestrong.

  • @cpmower
    @cpmower 15 років тому

    You are totally wrong. No one deserves cancer. No 3 year old, or 30 year old. What you are saying is completely wrong.

  • @annaloudon
    @annaloudon 12 років тому

    Your taking my husband shame on you.

  • @nixterization
    @nixterization 13 років тому

    something about this video sickens me. it gets to me when people try to treat cancer like it is some person they can address. I guess it is cathartic for some but i just do not get. I had cancer, 13 plus surgeries, chemo and radiation and many good friends die from different forms. I just don't get the mentality. you banding together and acting like a bad ass in front of a camera accomplishes nothing for research. all it does is make you "feel" as if you are sticking it to cancer.