Tim Tebow Continues to Make History

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • CSTV joined Tim and the Tebow family for the Heisman hoopla. For more college sports coverage, log on to www.cstv.com/videos.


  • @givemeabreakpleaze
    @givemeabreakpleaze 14 років тому

    He is a very talented young man with what seems like a loving family. Love him or hate him, praise him or bag him, one thing you can not deny, he has some real good looking sisters!!!

  • @Chanelchannels
    @Chanelchannels 13 років тому

    the baby just steals the show

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 I never called them "mere" men ur adding stuff, I never said anything bad about them. The fact that you still used bro shows you don't care how other ppl feel & ur disrespectful. You've judge me even though i keep telling you otherwise. I said i was accepting to someone else b4 you. Everyone can listen, but my point was you hear only what suits you. Also that's a well known quote its not my fault you dont get it. You refuse to change & will always think this way, so just have @ it

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 You've pushed me 2 the point where i don't care what you think, & I keep trying to tell you i'm accepting. You've thought i was racist w/ the kettle quote.( though i'm black) You've called me a sheep over my beliefs & you keep going & going so i'm done. I've told you about the BRO thing & you still did it(just to spite me ).So I don't care & i wish you a happy life cause if you won't listen to ppl & hear what they are telling you then your doomed to continue in this life cycle.

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 Yeah i'm judging you now, This entire disscusion we've had. I keep telling you that i'm accepting. If you choose not to believe me then that's you deal, but I know who i am. Thoughout this whole thing I learned that you don't listen & don't care who ppl really are. So you're just as judgemental as you think i am cause I keep telling you who i am. And you have it in your mind that i'm this other person & you won't listen to reason, THEREFORE YOU JUDGE TOO

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 Dude honestly i'm so sick of this, So here's how this is gonna end. I'm a accepting Baptist, who has no probelms with anyone, Your (I guess) an accepting Atheist or Agnostic so lets just end this @ that. I'm on this page cause i love what Tim does on the field & for what he stands for off the field ,a good moral man. I love who i am & you have no idea what it took for me to get here. Where i'm happy with myself, so just leave me alone. I'll be the bigger person

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 Again i'll say that I have FRIENDS FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE, I put that in caps cause you keep overlooking that. and the REASON I BECAME A NURSE WAS CAUSE OF THE BIBLE, CAUSE EVERYONE DESERVES LIFE & REDEMPTION. Do you get that. The reason i made that link was to show you how the bible made me a better person, I'm not judging i'm sick of you assuming that i dont love every1, you think that, not me. Just because i don't agree, doesn't mean i JUDGE, it means I HAVE A MIND OF MY OWN

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 When did i say that i judge anyone, you must have really missunderstood what i said, My main points are as a black female i have no right to judge anyone, And the reason i became a Nurse was cause of the Bible. Read my statements again but slower next time & maybe you'll comprehend. And those leaders where human LOOK IT UP.Also i never put myself down, if anything i'm beating the odds. Your the one who brought money into this, i love helping ppl, not putting then down. Do You?

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 and also i'm not one of the sheep, ur doing the same thing that other dude did, grouping us all together which was my beef whit him, You non-belivers sit back and judge us. Like i said i looked @ a lot of religions and found that this is what i love. I don't discriminate, seeing as i can't beacuse i'm a black women & we're the group that has less jobs, get married less and all around have this negative connotation attach to us of being loud and over aggressive

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 Accepts Jesus was not an average man if you read the Bible, he turned water into wine, walked on water, and heal the sick, no offense to Islam or Buddhism but if my memory serves me that were not known for there other worldy powers. And like i said i have freinds from every walk of life therefor your Statement about "one side issue doesn't count for me given my original statement that i wrote to someone who wasn't you, but you just had to jump in and make youself know

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 Me saying the Its called the Bible doesn't mean i don't accpet others, it means that since he's on this page he should maybe start there, And yeah that's me getting sick of ppl posting Shit that they don't no anything about.to ppl they don't know. See you assume like deeter13 that just because i'm christain i color everyone else with the same brush, then your just as bad a ppl who group every black person as a thug or a baby mama

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 Also he wrote we don't know God on a page featuring Tim Tebow who is a Baptist like me so obviously he was talking about that instead of something like buddhism, or Islam which was started by men. And as for you calling every person bro really? So if you walk up to a girl you like are you gonna call her BRO, no i don't think you will take the stupidity somewhere else. Your just mad cause i called you out on properly addresing someone

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 ... continued from previous
    5th. Next Ttme you try to use your..." You'll truly never know God BS" use it on someone else who hasn't studied alot of religions & found that i love what christainity stands for & have no bias against anyone. Did you read that in my post, that i have friends from every walk of life? Take ur nonsensical ramblings to someone else of lower intelligence whom you think you can influence. Because its not me.

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    1st. off i'm a girl, when answering someone on youtube if ur not sure of their sex let's be smart & use a non descriptive intro,
    2nd. ur responding to a post that is 3 months old, that i was directing @ someone else,
    3rd.. Did i diss anyone's religion?.... no I didn't..
    4th. If you believe in every religion @ the same time it will be a contadiction because different beliefs stem from different agenda's...

  • @mullensax55
    @mullensax55 15 років тому

    Tim Tebow should have never won the heisman. The trophy is awarded to "the most outstanding player in college football." darren mcfadden, colt brennan, and chase daniels were FAR better than tebow that year. plus, his team went 9-3 that year, so what the hell? tebow is the most overrated player in ncaa history.

  • @scott7d
    @scott7d 15 років тому

    I am not a Tebow hater, but you can't assume he will be God in the NFL. How many great college players, including Heisman winners, stale-mate in the NFL? JaMacus Russell, Vince Young, Troy Smith.......Just a few "great" college players not doing squat. Tebow won't get away with his stunts in the NFL, he will be up for a rude awakening.

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 And to end this let it be known that i'm a Nurse, I choose to save lifes no matter whom they are and what they do. There way of living means nothing to me cause everyone deserves a life and redemption. And the reason i choose that path was because of the Bible.

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @gumpydoood are u crazy no one on earh knows one thing about God, umm yeah we do its called the bible. @deeter131 and i'm an excepting christian i have friends who are atheis repubilcan democrates and of dfferent colors so dont make it seem like all of us are like that plzz

  • @BraveNoble
    @BraveNoble 17 років тому

    Tim Tebow is my favorite college player. Congrats! I am happy for him, for he deserves to be a Heisman Trophy winner. He is a great example of leadership to all of the young white boys in America. Tim is awesome and he will be a great role model for America's youth. Godspeed Tim.

  • @6400az
    @6400az 13 років тому

    The only thing wrong with Tebow is that he does'nt have police record, has'nt beaten anyone up. Has'nt assaulted , murdered or raped anyone.Has'nt been busted for drugs use etc.. I guess with a resume like that he'll be the odd man out in today's NFL.

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 I said I guess because i didn't know if your atheiset or agnostic. there's a differance and i've noticed that they appreciate if they get the distinction right. Do you have to fight everything. My God (pardon the pun) let it Go

  • @mullensax55
    @mullensax55 15 років тому

    ok dan lefevour had 21 passing touchdowns and 19 rushing touchdowns while playing with far superior players. mcfadden had 1830 yards. tebow had 895 with a long of 25 yards, which shows the kind of tds he had. and nobody gives a shit if he was a sophomore.

  • @JKM070
    @JKM070 14 років тому

    @TIDE256 > > The Gators will cry over that beat down, for years to come ... :) Between Auburn and Florida, who knows who is crying the worse ... Roll Tide Roll ! Glad we could help them realize, they are not all that ... :)

  • @gtaj03
    @gtaj03 14 років тому

    you know wuts funny how many people criticize him but at the end of the day he has an amazing family hes a great guy and hes gonna be getting a lot of damn money i feel sorry for haters sometimes

  • @Sikapossu75
    @Sikapossu75 17 років тому

    He looks as solid and strong minded as perhaps Mark Messier. He's gonna be something big if he keeps his mind on the game and let's all the negative sides of the fame pass him by.
    God speed Tebow!

  • @Flame10696
    @Flame10696 15 років тому

    If you noticed texas only won by 1POINT against
    the 22nd ranked team and 4 TURNOVERS and bama won the NUMBER 1 TEAM by a margin of 19 POINTS WITH NO TURNOVERS OR 4TH DOWNS

  • @Pfsif
    @Pfsif 14 років тому

    OMG How many Tebows did mom and dad pop out? about 20? I guess they were heros in the church with that many kids!

  • @lordvoldemort578
    @lordvoldemort578 13 років тому

    @1navigator33 Jigs? You got a racist FootballFan??? This is what the beautiful game of football has come too?

  • @ThatsWhatSheSaidRS
    @ThatsWhatSheSaidRS 16 років тому

    I just have to say to all the haters. Tim Tebow would crush your team's QB in whatever fight you put him in.

  • @JKM070
    @JKM070 14 років тому

    @lurchipoo > > We Laughed as well, all the way to the National Championship Game and still Laughing ...

  • @brasticus
    @brasticus 15 років тому

    This just illustrates how comics aren't based in reality. Even Superman has to get dressed with help!

  • @stb1979
    @stb1979 12 років тому

    All the brothers and sisters look alike (well especially the brothers) but they even talk alike :)

  • @nipa2011
    @nipa2011 15 років тому

    every rookie gets a good hard smacking on sometime in their first season, just a welcoming treat.

  • @wcastle9110
    @wcastle9110 14 років тому

    im sorry how many years did you play in the NFL and how many times did you win the heisman?

  • @mrblujet
    @mrblujet 15 років тому

    The Gators won the national championship as a result of a combination of their defense and Tebow.

  • @hunterjumper91
    @hunterjumper91 16 років тому

    omg his brother looks just like him!!! hse such a cutie, and a great qb!!! GO GATORS!!!!!

  • @candie8301972
    @candie8301972 12 років тому

    This is nothing. You guys should see him do surgery and with the kids in the orphanage.

  • @AndrewDunnesq
    @AndrewDunnesq 15 років тому

    Kentucky really changed his situation. You have to worry about his safety in the NFL.

  • @mikaylab_
    @mikaylab_ 12 років тому

    the sisters are pretty, but the brothers (except for tim obviously)...not so much.

  • @ryan803
    @ryan803 14 років тому

    dear lord all the brothers look the same, i mean yea their brothers but wow dude

  • @abercrombiegirly5
    @abercrombiegirly5 14 років тому

    how do you know thatt his gff iss a softtball player ?

  • @Hordetuff
    @Hordetuff 15 років тому

    Bye Bye timmy! The Horns will do what your the gaytors can't........... WIN!

  • @robertk2007
    @robertk2007 16 років тому

    its crap that tebow gets the heisman hype when its all the speed guys around him like demps and harvin that deserve it and will be in the NFL. if Tebow wasnt a pretty white christian boy who says all the right things he wouldnt get this hype. look at a lot of the other QB's in college history who have pumped up stats. how come chris leak didnt get any heisman hype, he did more with less than tebow does now. tebow is over rated, simple

  • @robertk2007
    @robertk2007 15 років тому

    their defense if you count special teams, put up quite a few. also their defense gave their offense a short field. look at the points against UGA. all set up by defense. had FL scored 40 or more points against AL or OK you could say their offense was great. but championships are always won with a great defense. because FL is returing all the D, probably win another BCS

  • @lilltigger7
    @lilltigger7 14 років тому

    @arviagent13 your religious. OMG "Pot Calling The Kettle Black", much?

  • @sabrescupin06
    @sabrescupin06 15 років тому

    He won't even make it to the NFL, so you don't have to worry about it.

  • @AliBoulalaSTP
    @AliBoulalaSTP 13 років тому

    how can anyone say that this kid wasnt a 1st rounder... XD he´ll go down in nfl history as one of the best to ever play the game... mark my words. whats wrong with you haters? jelous or what?

  • @sonofsarek
    @sonofsarek 15 років тому

    Heisman trophy winner to burger king floor sweeper. I can't wait.

  • @frdrcksncn
    @frdrcksncn 14 років тому

    they're a good looking family. Godly, good looking family. haha

  • @tclaxer3
    @tclaxer3 15 років тому

    he had 20 rushing td's and 20 passing td's + he was a sophmore

  • @NateSine89
    @NateSine89 13 років тому

    Tim Tebow is the best! Check out my video of his whole life leading up to the draft. (Tim Tebow path to the Draft by NateSine89)

  • @FannyFarkles69s
    @FannyFarkles69s 14 років тому

    "why cant you be more like your brother" "not that again"

  • @LovingWhoIReallyAm
    @LovingWhoIReallyAm 16 років тому

    they probably mean use him as an example and do his work.

  • @CelesteClaverie1789
    @CelesteClaverie1789 14 років тому

    @Sandals62 wow ... you're right! thats funny. lol

  • @robertk2007
    @robertk2007 15 років тому

    ur wrong because tebow was better in 07 than 08 but their defense was bad. their defense won the BCS.

  • @TheSasha555
    @TheSasha555 12 років тому


  • @asufootballgirl
    @asufootballgirl 16 років тому

    holy shit he's brother looks just like him damn!

  • @tippy8433
    @tippy8433 14 років тому


  • @theDrumkilla
    @theDrumkilla 15 років тому

    Haha...you left it out there, it was too easy.

  • @mangmans
    @mangmans 13 років тому

    @AtTheDriveBy I was thinking the same thing!!

  • @chrisr291
    @chrisr291 17 років тому

    bbboooooo!!!!!!!! What happened to MCfadden?

  • @AtTheDriveBy
    @AtTheDriveBy 14 років тому

    @Workin0nit i was thinking the same thing!!

  • @JKM070
    @JKM070 14 років тому

    We are the Champions ... Roll Tide Roll ...

  • @tesolonaki
    @tesolonaki 15 років тому

    Tim is hot!!! hehehehe

  • @wcastle9110
    @wcastle9110 14 років тому

    to bad he still has one more championship

  • @potbellypublix
    @potbellypublix 15 років тому

    he is the Al Bundy of College Football...

  • @MrRayBnz
    @MrRayBnz 14 років тому

    A great guy from a wonderful big family.

  • @lataviajonas
    @lataviajonas 14 років тому

    is that his neice or something at the begenning of the vid she looks like his sister

  • @Workin0nit
    @Workin0nit 13 років тому

    @FPCvarsity14 idk man, its a close call

  • @MrSnackization
    @MrSnackization 13 років тому

    He made a book i recomend getting it.

  • @theDrumkilla
    @theDrumkilla 15 років тому

    You must have called that line a lot.

  • @robertk2007
    @robertk2007 15 років тому

    the reason the gators won the BCS was cause of their defense, not Tebow.

  • @nerdynicky
    @nerdynicky 15 років тому

    i think that tebow is hot (:

  • @dwid1984
    @dwid1984 14 років тому

    Tebow top 10 HALFBACK in the 2010 draft!

  • @TannerZOnline
    @TannerZOnline 15 років тому

    Tebow isn't going to the NFL

  • @knlfe-emoji
    @knlfe-emoji 12 років тому

    @Workin0nit And married xD

  • @sneakysnakeh4xor
    @sneakysnakeh4xor 15 років тому

    No, hes gonna be tight end

  • @TheSonjaxfactor
    @TheSonjaxfactor 14 років тому

    @secfootballnerds LMFAO!!

  • @juniornac1
    @juniornac1 15 років тому

    You an FSU fan or sumtin?

  • @robertk2007
    @robertk2007 16 років тому

    what does that mean? may the lord use him in the NFL?

  • @SgaChristianboy
    @SgaChristianboy 14 років тому

    to many tebwos! lol

  • @atm8705
    @atm8705 15 років тому

    Dennis Dixon was better.

  • @xoxstinerxox
    @xoxstinerxox 15 років тому

    ahh hes so damn fine! (:

  • @JKM070
    @JKM070 14 років тому

    @DjEnTiTy101 > > Dude a Win is a Win ... We beat the Gators down! The knock out was Colt McCoy. Either way, we win ... Roll Tide Roll ...

  • @atm8705
    @atm8705 15 років тому

    Virgin! Virgin! Virgin!

  • @thediscipleshop
    @thediscipleshop 17 років тому

    Percy Harvin...2008!

  • @JKM070
    @JKM070 14 років тому

    @wcastle9110 > > ?

  • @lordvoldemort578
    @lordvoldemort578 12 років тому

    @MrMacSkillet YEH

  • @EWGFus3r
    @EWGFus3r 14 років тому

    pretty big family

  • @robertk2007
    @robertk2007 15 років тому

    chris leak won a natl championship

  • @lordvoldemort578
    @lordvoldemort578 13 років тому

    @Workin0nit lmao

  • @0susanthao0
    @0susanthao0 15 років тому

    he is so hot!!!!

  • @JUiCyG715
    @JUiCyG715 15 років тому

    GO GATORS!!!!!!

  • @JUiCyG715
    @JUiCyG715 15 років тому

    GO GATORS!!!!!

  • @Hannoi
    @Hannoi 15 років тому

    so true robert

  • @Workin0nit
    @Workin0nit 14 років тому +1

    his sisters are hot.. but the blonde one kinda looks like tim so idkk

  • @mrblujet
    @mrblujet 15 років тому

    Whats wrong with that ???

  • @finalman25
    @finalman25 15 років тому

    which one?

  • @mackeson71
    @mackeson71 15 років тому

    You got your wish!!

  • @fireite605
    @fireite605 15 років тому

    Ah little Timmy...