On a tendance à croire que quand on est acteur, on est forcément à l'aise et extraverti dans la vraie vie. En réalité, c'est archi faux ! On voit bien que c'est une personne timide. Arrêtez un peu de juger les gens comme si ils étaient désagréables.
Adeline Raffy Et il y a toujours des gens qui n'ont aucune objectivité et aucun sens critique, c'est pas parce que je critique certains points que je ne les aime pas ou que je viens rager...
True Of Lie Je suis malheureusement (ouais, j'aurais préféré ne jamais la regarder) tombée sur une autre interview de la même chaîne (avec Adèle) avec l'actrice Chloe Moretz, honnêtement, non, c'est pas mieux. C'est pire! Pour tout te dire, c'est monté au cran "malaise" tellement on ressentait de l'incompréhension dans le regard des acteurs. Certes, ce ne sont pas des pros, certes, elles sont jeunes, mais franchement y a quand même des limites. Je connais des personnes qui n'ont jamais fait ça de leur vie et qui sont de leur âge et même ces jeunes sont beaucoup plus professionnel que ce qu'on peut voir ici! M'enfin bon, je sais pas pourquoi je dis ça, tu vas vouloir défendre à tout pris leur honneur! (oui oui; j'ai vu ton autre commentaire sur l'autre vidéo, aucune objectivité pour le coup, vraiment. allez tu dois être assez jeune, on te pardonne!)
Je suis en retard mais je suis 100% d'accord... je fais la traduction en anglais dans un comment ci dessous, c'est à dire, faut je les entends plusiers fois les questions qui se répétent de façon: "quoi que ce soit'' + "t'as le plus marqué".... Elles ont essayée mais quelqu'un d'autre aurait dû ecrires les questions :(
J'ai ri....A la question " T'as commencé comment ?" Lea seydoux dit : "J'avais une copine qui m'a présentée des acteurs" ... Ha La pote c'est ton père ? Bon ok il faut laisser les petits français rêver, et faire croire que Madame tout le monde peut devenir actrice. Elle a oublié de précisé qu'elle était la petite fille de Jérôme Seydoux , 39ème fortune de France ( 1,2 milliards d’euros) et propriétaire de Pathé. Son grand oncle est Nicolas Seydoux, PDG de Gaumont. Autre grand oncle : Michel Seydoux, président du club de foot de Lille et producteur de cinéma ( Cyrano de Bergerac). Le père de Léa Seydoux, Henri Seydoux, il est le PDG de Parrot, leader mondial des périphériques sans fil pour téléphones mobiles. On commence donc pas tous au même niveau dans la course à la réussite.
+Tiffany Ea grave, très bien dis, à l'entendre madame tout le monde peut se lancer comme ça dans sa carrière d'actrice, à tourner dans des films qui ont des budgets comme Spectre de plusieurs centaines de millions d'euros, c'est très difficile en partant de " rien " de se faire connaitre, d'avoir sa place dans ce milieu
8 років тому+6
+Tiffany Ea je suis assez d'accord et puis personnellement, même si des gens disent qu'elle est humble, je la trouve assez plate comme actrice, même là dans cette interview ... elle a raison de ne pas se survaloriser mais bon, sa voix et sa personne ne sont pas très ... originales, elle ne ressort pas du tableau pour moi ... après chacun son avis :)
+Tiffany Ea Vous êtes pessimistes.. C'est vrai, elle a commencé avec quelques "niveaux" de plus. Mais quand on veux on peut. La réussite et le talent, on ne naît pas avec, et ça ne s'achète pas, ça se travaille. Ca vient avec le temps. N'importe qui peut y arriver, il faut juste s'en donner les moyens et y croire et se lancer. ;)
Ah tu trouves qu'elle a du talent... Un rôle dans un film connu, oui ça s'achète. On est pas chez les bisounours. Mais je n'empêche personne de faire ce qu'il veut ! Si les gens veulent faire acteurs tant mieux pour eux, qu'ils le fassent.
0:36 Adèle: Hello, I'm gonna start this interview by giving you this apple. Léa: Okay, that's nice. A: Okay so it's started. I make videos on youtube, and you, how did you start? L: How I started as an actor? A: Yep L: Uh, it's a funny story, in fact I wasn't necessarily drawn to this kind of work, and I had a friend who uh, it was, I was in second, or first, who wanted to work in film, and who introduced me to some actors, and I met those actors, and I said to myself, I found that their lives were cool, that they were free, that they were their own, in a sense, their own.. master. And that life... inspired me, so I wanted to become an actor to be free. Salomé: So me too I make videos on the internet, my name is Salome and so I also wish to become an actor. And you, who is already an actor, I'd like to know what your dreams are now? L: Uhhh.....What are my dreams.. S: Since you've already, in a way, achieved your dreams I imagine. L: I don't know if I'm in a dream, I believe I'm more in...pleasure. I think that now today, I'm trying to find pleasure and joy, and..... and what makes me dream, it's... art. Art makes me dream. 2:00 A: Ok, so uh was James Bond -- because well, you play as the new James Bond girl -- was it a part of your ambitions? Was it incredible, uh, for you? L: I never thought that one day I would be a James Bond girl, and it came a bit randomly, but when I was offered it, it was beyond my hopes, even beyond my dreams. I... it's true that everything that happens in my life.. in my professional life, in my actor life, everything that's happened... I see it a bit like a gift, every time something.. like something extraordinary, which I could have never thought of. A: The first person who you talked to when you learned you were going to be playing in James Bond, who was it? L: Euh.. I think it must be maybe my father, that I told him or.... yes. Yes, I believe so. A: So, which James Bond Girl inspired you the most in your role? L: I really liked -- well, it's true that I don't know all the James Bond movies, and all those with Sean Connery and all that I don't know that much about, because it's not... my generation? So, it's more those with Daniel Craig and those I really -- the one that I really liked it's Casino Royale, that was his first James Bond... and there was Eva Green, who I really love as an actor, and I think the role really suited her.. And it's the James Bond girl role that marked me the most. 3:37 A: Okay, and while shooting, which actors did you have the most affinity towards? L: Shooting this one? [ _Spectre_ ] A: Yes, this one. L: Uh, well with Daniel Craig, because all of my scenes are with him and everything, so we had a good time. S: Ok, and can you do us a Top 3 directors with whom you want to work with, or work with again? L: I loved working with Sam Mendes, so the James Bond Spectre director... but I've never really said the director with whom I'd like to work because for me it's like, I have the impression I'm a little bit superstitious... like I take everything, everything that's happened to me, a bit like... a gift... for example I'd never imagine a day when, even to have a tiny role with Tarantino, or even Woody Allen, even if they are tiny roles -- Meeting these filmmakers and being on their stage and everything, it's something I had never imagined, so I don't like telling myself "ah, take this director or this director", like that, like when I meet them, I'm.. I'm.. S: You take it like that. L: Yea I take it as it comes. S: Ok. So even to yourself you don't tell yourself...? L: Non. ...... Ok Well yes, sometimes...for example I would have loved to make a film with Nicolas [ _Rey?_ ] or... *laughs*, I dunno... 15 years ago. 4:50 S: Are there actors who you'd like to act with? L: Yea there are many actors who are very good and I admire a lot, but again it's kind of the same thing [ _as with directors_ ], I don't like to project myself too much and say "this actor there" and all that because it's true that sometimes when I meet them for real on set, sometimes I can be a bit intimidated, or.... Before, I was looking more into what the actors were doing, or I googled them, things like that *laughs*... And so now I stopped that, I prefer to meet them in real life and have... having a real relationship with them instead. S: What was the best encounter you've had since, well, since you've became an actor? L: The best encounter? S: The one that affected you the most. L: I uh... I've had a lot of encounters that really affected me, cinema is special, it's a particular life... there's always these micro.... "micro-lives" in fact, the... the.. experiences like those that...are different every time, and are connected... so there are people like that who I have met, and that I love -- actors, filmmakers, and there are people who stay in my life, for example my agent with whom I work, and who is someone with whom I built my way. I mean, it's the person -- but at the same time that's not really in the 'artistic' path, it's a rather strong human encounter..... S & A: ..... L: But well, people... if you want me to say people that I met -- there are people who I love, for example Woody Allen, he's someone... it was quite remarkable meeting. Euhhhh... In a way, now, James Bond was a, it was a very great experience. I really liked... the director... working with Daniel Craig and everything was really... was awesome. I dunno, I like.....Oscar Isaac!......... [ _Léa doesn't seem to know what to answer here. I think she thinks that the girls want her just to list actors, so when she talked about her agent maybe she felt like she needed to say someone who they actually knew lol.. So she starts listing off everyone she can think of, it's classic spray and pray... Anyways, I'm done for now, might come back to this later_ ]
This clip pushes me to learn French.. to understand french interviews of our belle Lea Seydoux.. Thanks to Lea, I am sure I can learn French very fast.. by seeing Lea's French-speaking movies and interviews again and again. For now, I have to predict what she is talking through her tone and smile, which looks so genuine and humble. Je t'aime Lea.
Perso je l'aime bien Léa, je la trouve pas ennuyante mais juste très poser. Faut arrêter, c'est pas parce qu'elle est riche de base qu'elle mérite cette haine quoi x) mon dieu jalousie quand tu nous prend
+Neko Hatsue C''est les changements de caméra, l'interview est filmée par plusieurs caméras mais se ne sont pas les mêmes donc les couleurs ne sont pas réglées de la même manière d'une caméra à l'autre, voila à+
J'adore Léa Seydoux, si ce possible que je devienne actrice ni un ni deux j'accepte, sa m'inspire la façon donc elle est venue actrice, et l'art ce quelque chose que j'aime aussi depuis tout petite je l'adore parce que ont ce ressemble 70%♥️
Oui je suis d'accord mais cette vidéo a été visionné de nombreuses fois donc elle a une repercution sur ce qu'elle laisse paraitre sur ceux qui ont vus cette video..
Adèle: Hello, I'm gonna start this interview by giving you this apple. Léa: Okay, that's nice. A: Okay so it's started. I make videos on youtube, and you, how did you start? L: How I started as an actor? A: Yep L: Uh, it's a funny story, in fact I wasn't necessarily drawn to this kind of work, and I had a friend who uh, it was, I was in second, or first, who wanted to work in film, and who introduced me to some actors, and I met those actors, and I said to myself, I found that their lives were cool, that they were free, that they were their own, in a sense, their own.. master. And that life... inspired me, so I wanted to become an actor to be free. Salomé: So me too I make videos on the internet, my name is Salome and so I also wish to become an actor. And you, who is already an actor, I'd like to know what your dreams are now? L: Uhhh.....What are my dreams.. S: Since you've already, in a way, achieved your dreams I imagine. L: I don't know if I'm in a dream, I believe I'm more in...pleasure. I think that now today, I'm trying to find pleasure and joy, and..... and what makes me dream, it's... art. Art makes me dream. A: Ok, so uh was James Bond -- because well, you play as the new James Bond girl -- was it a part of your ambitions? Was it incredible, uh, for you? L: I never thought that one day I would be a James Bond girl, and it came a bit randomly, but when I was offered it, it was beyond my hopes, even beyond my dreams. I... it's true that everything that happens in my life.. in my professional life, in my actor life, everything that's happened... I see it a bit like a gift, every time something.. like something extraordinary, which I could have never thought of. A: The first person who you talked to when you learned you were going to be playing in James Bond, who was it? L: Euh.. I think it must be maybe my father, that I told him or.... yes. Yes, I believe so. A: So, which James Bond Girl inspired you the most in your role? L: I really liked -- well, it's true that I don't know all the James Bond movies, and all those with Sean Connery and all that I don't know that much about, because it's not... my generation? So, it's more those with Daniel Craig and those I really -- the one that I really liked it's Casino Royale, that was his first James Bond... and there was Eva Green, who I really love as an actor, and I think the role really suited her.. And it's the James Bond girl role that marked me the most. A: Okay, and while shooting, which actors did you have the most affinity towards? L: Shooting this one? [ Spectre ] A: Yes, this one. L: Uh, well with Daniel Craig, because all of my scenes are with him and everything, so we had a good time. S: Ok, and can you do us a Top 3 directors with whom you want to work with, or work with again? L: I loved working with Sam Mendes, so the James Bond Spectre director... but I've never really said the director with whom I'd like to work because for me it's like, I have the impression I'm a little bit superstitious... like I take everything, everything that's happened to me, a bit like... a gift... for example I'd never imagine a day when, even to have a tiny role with Tarantino, or even Woody Allen, even if they are tiny roles -- Meeting these filmmakers and being on their stage and everything, it's something I had never imagined, so I don't like telling myself "ah, take this director or this director", like that, like when I meet them, I'm.. I'm.. S: You take it like that. L: Yea I take it as it comes. S: Ok. So even to yourself you don't tell yourself...? L: Non. ...... Ok Well yes, sometimes...for example I would have loved to make a film with Nicolas [ Rey? ] or... *laughs*, I dunno... 15 years ago. S: Are there actors who you'd like to act with? L: Yea there are many actors who are very good and I admire a lot, but again it's kind of the same thing [ as with directors ], I don't like to project myself too much and say "this actor there" and all that because it's true that sometimes when I meet them for real on set, sometimes I can be a bit intimidated, or.... Before, I was looking more into what the actors were doing, or I googled them, things like that *laughs*... And so now I stopped that, I prefer to meet them in real life and have... having a real relationship with them instead. S: What was the best encounter you've had since, well, since you've became an actor? L: The best encounter? S: The one that affected you the most. L: I uh... I've had a lot of encounters that really affected me, cinema is special, it's a particular life... there's always these micro.... "micro-lives" in fact, the... the.. experiences like those that...are different every time, and are connected... so there are people like that who I have met, and that I love -- actors, filmmakers, and there are people who stay in my life, for example my agent with whom I work, and who is someone with whom I built my way. I mean, it's the person -- but at the same time that's not really in the 'artistic' path, it's a rather strong human encounter..... S & A: ..... L: But well, people... if you want me to say people that I met -- there are people who I love, for example Woody Allen, he's someone... it was quite remarkable meeting. Euhhhh... In a way, now, James Bond was a, it was a very great experience. I really liked... the director... working with Daniel Craig and everything was really... was awesome. I dunno, I like.....Oscar Isaac!......... [ Léa doesn't seem to know what to answer here. I think she thinks that the girls want her just to list actors, so when she talked about her agent maybe she felt like she needed to say someone who they actually knew lol.. So she starts listing off everyone she can think of, it's classic spray and pray... Anyways, I'm done for now, might come back to this later ]
C'était plus que gênant, c'était désagréable. C'est une interview, pourquoi toujours vouloir embellir la chose. Je parle de Seydoux. On la sent fausse, c'est d'ailleurs pour ça que j'adhère pas du tout à son jeu. Ça manque cruellement de vérité. Vous savez pourquoi elle ne peux pas entrer dans le jeu des "questions à 6 secondes" donc répondre rapidement parce que ça demande de l’honnêteté , de la franchise et de la spontanéité. Léa Seydoux, manque d'âme et de vie !
nn mais lea sais pa parler...nn et en plus c pa tres fin d dire qe cetait par azar pcq y a dautres (comme moi xD)qi veulent vrm ca et elle elle sen fous un peu
sa m'a mise mal à l'aise je sait pas pourquoi en fait je la trouve vide léa et j'ai l'immersion que Salomé et Adèle sont ennuyés..:/ sa m'ennuient... c'est mon avis :)
mon dieu, Léa est tellement belle
Vous etes plus belles
grave 😳😳
On a tendance à croire que quand on est acteur, on est forcément à l'aise et extraverti dans la vraie vie. En réalité, c'est archi faux ! On voit bien que c'est une personne timide. Arrêtez un peu de juger les gens comme si ils étaient désagréables.
Moi aussi j'ai kiffé Daniel Craig, lol.
A tien salut Églantine 😂💕❤️
Coucou Églantine ♥ J'adore tes vidéos ♥
+Adèle ta chérie d'amour je suis juste une grosse fan est ce que tu compte faire un meet up a montreuil
+Adèle ta chérie d'amour ou t'as acheté ton t-shirt :) je l'adooore
+Adèle ta chérie d'amour Daniel Craig c'est la base
Quand tu te refugies dans les commentaires parce que le malaise est trop présent
" Question suivante : Alors Léa, c'est doux ou c'est pas doux ? "
C'est tout pour moi
le jeune âge des intervieweuses aurait pu amener quelque chose de différent mais les questions restent assez bateaux... :-/
+Romain B Et surtout, ça sonne FAUX!
+Romain B halala faut toujours des gens comme vous pour voir le negatif c'est dingue, la critique facile
Adeline Raffy Et il y a toujours des gens qui n'ont aucune objectivité et aucun sens critique, c'est pas parce que je critique certains points que je ne les aime pas ou que je viens rager...
True Of Lie Je suis malheureusement (ouais, j'aurais préféré ne jamais la regarder) tombée sur une autre interview de la même chaîne (avec Adèle) avec l'actrice Chloe Moretz, honnêtement, non, c'est pas mieux. C'est pire! Pour tout te dire, c'est monté au cran "malaise" tellement on ressentait de l'incompréhension dans le regard des acteurs. Certes, ce ne sont pas des pros, certes, elles sont jeunes, mais franchement y a quand même des limites. Je connais des personnes qui n'ont jamais fait ça de leur vie et qui sont de leur âge et même ces jeunes sont beaucoup plus professionnel que ce qu'on peut voir ici!
M'enfin bon, je sais pas pourquoi je dis ça, tu vas vouloir défendre à tout pris leur honneur! (oui oui; j'ai vu ton autre commentaire sur l'autre vidéo, aucune objectivité pour le coup, vraiment. allez tu dois être assez jeune, on te pardonne!)
Je suis en retard mais je suis 100% d'accord... je fais la traduction en anglais dans un comment ci dessous, c'est à dire, faut je les entends plusiers fois les questions qui se répétent de façon: "quoi que ce soit'' + "t'as le plus marqué".... Elles ont essayée mais quelqu'un d'autre aurait dû ecrires les questions :(
J'ai ri....A la question " T'as commencé comment ?" Lea seydoux dit : "J'avais une copine qui m'a présentée des acteurs" ... Ha La pote c'est ton père ?
Bon ok il faut laisser les petits français rêver, et faire croire que Madame tout le monde peut devenir actrice.
Elle a oublié de précisé qu'elle était la petite fille de Jérôme Seydoux , 39ème fortune de France ( 1,2 milliards d’euros) et propriétaire de Pathé. Son grand oncle est Nicolas Seydoux, PDG de Gaumont. Autre grand oncle : Michel Seydoux, président du club de foot de Lille et producteur de cinéma ( Cyrano de Bergerac).
Le père de Léa Seydoux, Henri Seydoux, il est le PDG de Parrot, leader mondial des périphériques sans fil pour téléphones mobiles.
On commence donc pas tous au même niveau dans la course à la réussite.
+Tiffany Ea grave, très bien dis, à l'entendre madame tout le monde peut se lancer comme ça dans sa carrière d'actrice, à tourner dans des films qui ont des budgets comme Spectre de plusieurs centaines de millions d'euros, c'est très difficile en partant de " rien " de se faire connaitre, d'avoir sa place dans ce milieu
+Tiffany Ea je suis assez d'accord et puis personnellement, même si des gens disent qu'elle est humble, je la trouve assez plate comme actrice, même là dans cette interview ... elle a raison de ne pas se survaloriser mais bon, sa voix et sa personne ne sont pas très ... originales, elle ne ressort pas du tableau pour moi ... après chacun son avis :)
+Tiffany Ea Vous êtes pessimistes.. C'est vrai, elle a commencé avec quelques "niveaux" de plus. Mais quand on veux on peut. La réussite et le talent, on ne naît pas avec, et ça ne s'achète pas, ça se travaille. Ca vient avec le temps. N'importe qui peut y arriver, il faut juste s'en donner les moyens et y croire et se lancer. ;)
Ah tu trouves qu'elle a du talent...
Un rôle dans un film connu, oui ça s'achète. On est pas chez les bisounours.
Mais je n'empêche personne de faire ce qu'il veut ! Si les gens veulent faire acteurs tant mieux pour eux, qu'ils le fassent.
En vrai les gens derrière me stressent :S
Adèle: Hello, I'm gonna start this interview by giving you this apple.
Léa: Okay, that's nice.
A: Okay so it's started. I make videos on youtube, and you, how did you start?
L: How I started as an actor?
A: Yep
L: Uh, it's a funny story, in fact I wasn't necessarily drawn to this kind of work, and I had a friend who uh, it was, I was in second, or first, who wanted to work in film, and who introduced me to some actors, and I met those actors, and I said to myself, I found that their lives were cool, that they were free, that they were their own, in a sense, their own.. master. And that life... inspired me, so I wanted to become an actor to be free.
Salomé: So me too I make videos on the internet, my name is Salome and so I also wish to become an actor. And you, who is already an actor, I'd like to know what your dreams are now?
L: Uhhh.....What are my dreams..
S: Since you've already, in a way, achieved your dreams I imagine.
L: I don't know if I'm in a dream, I believe I'm more in...pleasure. I think that now today, I'm trying to find pleasure and joy, and..... and what makes me dream, it's... art. Art makes me dream.
A: Ok, so uh was James Bond -- because well, you play as the new James Bond girl -- was it a part of your ambitions? Was it incredible, uh, for you?
L: I never thought that one day I would be a James Bond girl, and it came a bit randomly, but when I was offered it, it was beyond my hopes, even beyond my dreams. I... it's true that everything that happens in my life.. in my professional life, in my actor life, everything that's happened... I see it a bit like a gift, every time something.. like something extraordinary, which I could have never thought of.
A: The first person who you talked to when you learned you were going to be playing in James Bond, who was it?
L: Euh.. I think it must be maybe my father, that I told him or.... yes. Yes, I believe so.
A: So, which James Bond Girl inspired you the most in your role?
L: I really liked -- well, it's true that I don't know all the James Bond movies, and all those with Sean Connery and all that I don't know that much about, because it's not... my generation? So, it's more those with Daniel Craig and those I really -- the one that I really liked it's Casino Royale, that was his first James Bond... and there was Eva Green, who I really love as an actor, and I think the role really suited her.. And it's the James Bond girl role that marked me the most.
A: Okay, and while shooting, which actors did you have the most affinity towards?
L: Shooting this one? [ _Spectre_ ]
A: Yes, this one.
L: Uh, well with Daniel Craig, because all of my scenes are with him and everything, so we had a good time.
S: Ok, and can you do us a Top 3 directors with whom you want to work with, or work with again?
L: I loved working with Sam Mendes, so the James Bond Spectre director... but I've never really said the director with whom I'd like to work because for me it's like, I have the impression I'm a little bit superstitious... like I take everything, everything that's happened to me, a bit like... a gift... for example I'd never imagine a day when, even to have a tiny role with Tarantino, or even Woody Allen, even if they are tiny roles -- Meeting these filmmakers and being on their stage and everything, it's something I had never imagined, so I don't like telling myself "ah, take this director or this director", like that, like when I meet them, I'm.. I'm..
S: You take it like that.
L: Yea I take it as it comes.
S: Ok. So even to yourself you don't tell yourself...?
L: Non. ...... Ok Well yes, sometimes...for example I would have loved to make a film with Nicolas [ _Rey?_ ] or... *laughs*, I dunno... 15 years ago.
S: Are there actors who you'd like to act with?
L: Yea there are many actors who are very good and I admire a lot, but again it's kind of the same thing [ _as with directors_ ], I don't like to project myself too much and say "this actor there" and all that because it's true that sometimes when I meet them for real on set, sometimes I can be a bit intimidated, or.... Before, I was looking more into what the actors were doing, or I googled them, things like that *laughs*... And so now I stopped that, I prefer to meet them in real life and have... having a real relationship with them instead.
S: What was the best encounter you've had since, well, since you've became an actor?
L: The best encounter?
S: The one that affected you the most.
L: I uh... I've had a lot of encounters that really affected me, cinema is special, it's a particular life... there's always these micro.... "micro-lives" in fact, the... the.. experiences like those that...are different every time, and are connected... so there are people like that who I have met, and that I love -- actors, filmmakers, and there are people who stay in my life, for example my agent with whom I work, and who is someone with whom I built my way. I mean, it's the person -- but at the same time that's not really in the 'artistic' path, it's a rather strong human encounter.....
S & A: .....
L: But well, people... if you want me to say people that I met -- there are people who I love, for example Woody Allen, he's someone... it was quite remarkable meeting. Euhhhh... In a way, now, James Bond was a, it was a very great experience. I really liked... the director... working with Daniel Craig and everything was really... was awesome. I dunno, I like.....Oscar Isaac!.........
[ _Léa doesn't seem to know what to answer here. I think she thinks that the girls want her just to list actors, so when she talked about her agent maybe she felt like she needed to say someone who they actually knew lol.. So she starts listing off everyone she can think of, it's classic spray and pray... Anyways, I'm done for now, might come back to this later_ ]
Je suis la seule à me sentir mal à l'aise quand Léa parle ?
non, je croyais à une blague au début de l'interview...
NAMLAZ mdrrr
Marguerite Dfnt C'est gênant 😂😂
Non non, justement je cherchais quelqu'un comme moi x)
This clip pushes me to learn French.. to understand french interviews of our belle Lea Seydoux.. Thanks to Lea, I am sure I can learn French very fast.. by seeing Lea's French-speaking movies and interviews again and again. For now, I have to predict what she is talking through her tone and smile, which looks so genuine and humble. Je t'aime Lea.
+Hey Lectron (きゃり) ta réponse😂😂😂😪
I really like your motivation, has she said; French is hard but has Shia would say: JUST DO IT! (If you don't get this reference i'm killing myself)
+Hey Lectron (きゃり) oui mdrr😂😂
+Jung Hye Ryoung 안녕 ;)
Prénom coréen ;)
Perso je l'aime bien Léa, je la trouve pas ennuyante mais juste très poser. Faut arrêter, c'est pas parce qu'elle est riche de base qu'elle mérite cette haine quoi x) mon dieu jalousie quand tu nous prend
j'aime bien son côté un peu timide
Adèle t'avais une tête trop chou quand t'écoutais Lea Seydou 😂💕
j'adore ce "je vais commencer l'interview par te donner cette pomme '' XD j'avoue elle et trop ma à l'aise
Le pull de Salomé devient orange ca m'a perturber
Pareille 😦😦 c'est trop bizarre 😱
&la chemise d'adèle devient un pull aussi
+Neko Hatsue FAUVE.
tu connais les bases *-*
+Neko Hatsue C''est les changements de caméra, l'interview est filmée par plusieurs caméras mais se ne sont pas les mêmes donc les couleurs ne sont pas réglées de la même manière d'une caméra à l'autre, voila à+
Bravo les filles !!!
Ouaiis elles étaient superbes au top !!!;)
tg plagieur
+Math Podcast quand on plagie on ferme sa gueule
+Twixstudios6 mdrrr
Tu prend cher la arette de faire voir que t'es la , va dans une cave , change de tête , de nom , de vie .....
Bon il est rouge ou orange son pull à Salomé ?
Lucas Propeck Cette question est très très compliqué
"Comment j'ai commencé à être actrice?"
tout le monde sait qu'elle a fait l'école de la vie enfin !
J'ai tellement esperé qu'elle nous sorte eva green 😍 Léa Seydoux est trop chou. Super interview 💜💜💜
Adèle ta coupé tes cheveux mais t'est toujours aussi belle 💖
Pourquoi le pull de salomé passe du rouge au orange et vice versa? Quelqu'un peut-il m'éclairer? Merci
+Meed. Ce n'est pas la même caméra et donc pas le même capteur, pas d’étalonnage de colorimétrie.
+thinkerview En vous remerciant.
Toujours un plaisir ;)
franchement c'est une des meilleures vidéos que j'ai vu bravo Églantine mdr et Salomé pour votre interview ps je kiff lea Seidoux💖💖
Comment se fait-t-il qu'il n'y ai que 160 et quelque abonne ? Léa ,Adèle, slalome mérite plus !!!
C'est passé dans le petit journal 👍🏽
J'adore Léa Seydoux, si ce possible que je devienne actrice ni un ni deux j'accepte, sa m'inspire la façon donc elle est venue actrice, et l'art ce quelque chose que j'aime aussi depuis tout petite je l'adore parce que ont ce ressemble 70%♥️
léa ne sait pas parler... bcp moins impressionnante que dans le James Bond..
+Tom Roselli qui "il" ?
Oui je suis d'accord mais cette vidéo a été visionné de nombreuses fois donc elle a une repercution sur ce qu'elle laisse paraitre sur ceux qui ont vus cette video..
Ça veut rien dire ce que tu dis mon pote
Adèle: Hello, I'm gonna start this interview by giving you this apple.
Léa: Okay, that's nice.
A: Okay so it's started. I make videos on youtube, and you, how did you start?
L: How I started as an actor?
A: Yep
L: Uh, it's a funny story, in fact I wasn't necessarily drawn to this kind of work, and I had a friend who uh, it was, I was in second, or first, who wanted to work in film, and who introduced me to some actors, and I met those actors, and I said to myself, I found that their lives were cool, that they were free, that they were their own, in a sense, their own.. master. And that life... inspired me, so I wanted to become an actor to be free.
Salomé: So me too I make videos on the internet, my name is Salome and so I also wish to become an actor. And you, who is already an actor, I'd like to know what your dreams are now?
L: Uhhh.....What are my dreams..
S: Since you've already, in a way, achieved your dreams I imagine.
L: I don't know if I'm in a dream, I believe I'm more in...pleasure. I think that now today, I'm trying to find pleasure and joy, and..... and what makes me dream, it's... art. Art makes me dream.
A: Ok, so uh was James Bond -- because well, you play as the new James Bond girl -- was it a part of your ambitions? Was it incredible, uh, for you?
L: I never thought that one day I would be a James Bond girl, and it came a bit randomly, but when I was offered it, it was beyond my hopes, even beyond my dreams. I... it's true that everything that happens in my life.. in my professional life, in my actor life, everything that's happened... I see it a bit like a gift, every time something.. like something extraordinary, which I could have never thought of.
A: The first person who you talked to when you learned you were going to be playing in James Bond, who was it?
L: Euh.. I think it must be maybe my father, that I told him or.... yes. Yes, I believe so.
A: So, which James Bond Girl inspired you the most in your role?
L: I really liked -- well, it's true that I don't know all the James Bond movies, and all those with Sean Connery and all that I don't know that much about, because it's not... my generation? So, it's more those with Daniel Craig and those I really -- the one that I really liked it's Casino Royale, that was his first James Bond... and there was Eva Green, who I really love as an actor, and I think the role really suited her.. And it's the James Bond girl role that marked me the most.
A: Okay, and while shooting, which actors did you have the most affinity towards?
L: Shooting this one? [ Spectre ]
A: Yes, this one.
L: Uh, well with Daniel Craig, because all of my scenes are with him and everything, so we had a good time.
S: Ok, and can you do us a Top 3 directors with whom you want to work with, or work with again?
L: I loved working with Sam Mendes, so the James Bond Spectre director... but I've never really said the director with whom I'd like to work because for me it's like, I have the impression I'm a little bit superstitious... like I take everything, everything that's happened to me, a bit like... a gift... for example I'd never imagine a day when, even to have a tiny role with Tarantino, or even Woody Allen, even if they are tiny roles -- Meeting these filmmakers and being on their stage and everything, it's something I had never imagined, so I don't like telling myself "ah, take this director or this director", like that, like when I meet them, I'm.. I'm..
S: You take it like that.
L: Yea I take it as it comes.
S: Ok. So even to yourself you don't tell yourself...?
L: Non. ...... Ok Well yes, sometimes...for example I would have loved to make a film with Nicolas [ Rey? ] or... *laughs*, I dunno... 15 years ago.
S: Are there actors who you'd like to act with?
L: Yea there are many actors who are very good and I admire a lot, but again it's kind of the same thing [ as with directors ], I don't like to project myself too much and say "this actor there" and all that because it's true that sometimes when I meet them for real on set, sometimes I can be a bit intimidated, or.... Before, I was looking more into what the actors were doing, or I googled them, things like that *laughs*... And so now I stopped that, I prefer to meet them in real life and have... having a real relationship with them instead.
S: What was the best encounter you've had since, well, since you've became an actor?
L: The best encounter?
S: The one that affected you the most.
L: I uh... I've had a lot of encounters that really affected me, cinema is special, it's a particular life... there's always these micro.... "micro-lives" in fact, the... the.. experiences like those that...are different every time, and are connected... so there are people like that who I have met, and that I love -- actors, filmmakers, and there are people who stay in my life, for example my agent with whom I work, and who is someone with whom I built my way. I mean, it's the person -- but at the same time that's not really in the 'artistic' path, it's a rather strong human encounter.....
S & A: .....
L: But well, people... if you want me to say people that I met -- there are people who I love, for example Woody Allen, he's someone... it was quite remarkable meeting. Euhhhh... In a way, now, James Bond was a, it was a very great experience. I really liked... the director... working with Daniel Craig and everything was really... was awesome. I dunno, I like.....Oscar Isaac!.........
[ Léa doesn't seem to know what to answer here. I think she thinks that the girls want her just to list actors, so when she talked about her agent maybe she felt like she needed to say someone who they actually knew lol.. So she starts listing off everyone she can think of, it's classic spray and pray... Anyways, I'm done for now, might come back to this later ]
C'était plus que gênant, c'était désagréable. C'est une interview, pourquoi toujours vouloir embellir la chose. Je parle de Seydoux. On la sent fausse, c'est d'ailleurs pour ça que j'adhère pas du tout à son jeu. Ça manque cruellement de vérité. Vous savez pourquoi elle ne peux pas entrer dans le jeu des "questions à 6 secondes" donc répondre rapidement parce que ça demande de l’honnêteté , de la franchise et de la spontanéité. Léa Seydoux, manque d'âme et de vie !
Putain la haine c'est ouf 😱
Génial !
Roxaaaaaane ! I love you 🙈❤️
RoxaneTV Ooh Roxane je ne m'attendais pas à te voir dans les commentaires ! 😘
la chance!!vous avez rencontrer Lea Seydoux!!!!:)
Je peux avoir le lien de la chaîne de Salomé car impossible de trouver la chaîne
cool cette interview, bravo pour une première
Daniel Radcliffe ? Pourquoi on parle de Dan ?
eske c vré kele a le pelage doux stp repondez sur msn
C'est grâce à toute sa famille que miss Seydoux est actrice!
Ce malaise :/
Pourquoi ?
Pourquoi ?
+Missj'critique C'est mal préparé les questions sont mauvaises pas pertinentes. J'ai même pas tenue jusqu'à la fin.
+agreatidiot ouais pareille mdrrr
Léa Seydoux haaaaan la chance que vous avez de l'avoir rencontrée...:3 cette actrice est magique..
Daniel Radcliff et tout ?
aie aie aie..........tant de beaux films.. qui pourrait etre meilleurs....
t'as acheté où ton pull adèle?
La musique de salut c'est cool en début x)
Elle est belle Adele
Elle a l'air super sympa
Quelqu'un sait quelle paire de baskets porte Salomé ?
ça me stresse de fou le "vous pouvez m'appeler Eglantine" pcq je m'appelle comme ça mdrrr sinon super vidéo trop chouette
heu...comment elles ont fait pour faire venir léa??
Adèle elle ressemble un peut à Emilia Clarke dans le film "avant toi" je trouve
work faster KHALEESI
work faster NN je trouve pas moi
Pk un coup salomé genre son haut était jaune et en changeant d'angle il devient rouge
Bravo églantine 😍 et Salomé 😍
Arrête de parlementer et réponds aux questions ?
Génial 😍
N'est-ce pas la fille qui joue dans les vidéos de Norman ?
99miyah Si. Adele, une youtubeuse
Wizz Bug merci :)
heureusement qu'elle a dit que sa James Bond girl préférée c'était Vesper Lynd sinon j'aurais pas compris
pq a 5:37 le pull de salome est orange??!! on m'explique?
Adèle Guérineau ça change de caméra et de luminosité du coup. 😊
Salomé m'a gêné avec la tête qu'elle faisait en écoutant Léa
Elle est ennuyante Léa
+Lena Washere mdrr
Oui xD
Moi j la trouve super sympa et naturelle
Elle est très charmante et belle 😻
j'aime tellement les cheveux d'Adele! ! #HORSSUJET 😂😂😂
j'ai vu 007 Spectre! C'est une Tuerie!👌❤
Une autre video !!!
c'est la luminosité !
what are they saying?
Léa est magnifiquee
Elle a dit: techniciens, coiffeurs, maquilleurs...
Qui regarde en 2017 😝
Pourquoi est-ce qu'elle répète toujours les questions ??! x')
tg ?
Pourquoi tant de haine ?
126 ème abonné 😀
i would die of excitement if i saw her in person
pourquoi ya Popigames😂
C'est très le malaise.
(franchement elle est ennuyante Lea "euuuuuuuuuuuuh")
Bref elle donne pas envie de l'écouter... ça viendra avec le temps
English sub please!
Apprend le français mdrr
+Anna Discrète grave a chaque fois c'est nous qui guallere a chercher des vostfr (sous titre francais )
+Yami “THEfandekpop” Ach Ben elle a demander les sous titre en fait ...ton commentaire n'a aucun sens
c bien maintenant je vais pas galérer sur UA-cam♥♥
Léa je suis dingue de toi 💯💯😻😻❤❤
Pour être libre traduction pour être riche
on se fait chier au debut non?
moi aussi jvx devenir actrice mais je suis un peu disons.poche😂😂😂
Technique de machine, ça ne pose pas de problème à moi, mais la coiffure et la maquillage, faut que je les apprenne ;-)
Wesh le pull de salome il change de couleur x)
Églantine et salomé❤️
Le malaise
Trop bien!!!!
nn mais lea sais pa parler...nn et en plus c pa tres fin d dire qe cetait par azar pcq y a dautres (comme moi xD)qi veulent vrm ca et elle elle sen fous un peu
oue c'est relou
Ne dis pas de quelqu'un qu'il ne sait pas parler si toi tu ne sais même pas écrire... 😂
+Emms 0702 haha je parle pas avec toi et je dis mon avis mais si tu as besoin d'attention tu peux toujours continuer à parler
Paula Vazquez ok
sa m'a mise mal à l'aise je sait pas pourquoi en fait je la trouve vide léa et j'ai l'immersion que Salomé et Adèle sont ennuyés..:/ sa m'ennuient...
c'est mon avis :)
Je m'appelle Fragile, mais je ne suis pas si fragile
3000eme abo !!!!
tes cheveux💜💜💜
wow j'adore 😍😍
léa, plus stressée que les jeunes filles qui l'interviewrent
C est trop bien
génial !
trop belle lea
rip vine
attends dans quel James bond
Frederic Foisy c'est spectre
Nina Lep merci
Frederic Foisy Dr
Bonne nuit
woooo le malaise
Au tooop les filles 💕
Salut c'est cool !!